The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, May 19, 1870, Image 2

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    T HE P O 3 T .
Onrenlnmn nn year . . 900,00
One half column, on ye.r. 4't.lMI
itne-fonrih column, one year, l.'
On iitr tloliae.) on iiirerlien 7
Every additional insertion 60
I'rorpe.iotial and llu,ie-s card, of
n il more than fir lines, fier year. 6.00
Auditor, Executor. Administrator
and Assignee Nolloe. 2,10
Kililorial no'ire. per lin li
All t lTerii.ruK'Ols for a shorter perina
than one year are pnvulfe at the liui
they are ordered, and if not paid Ihe per.
sou ordering them will be held responsible
tor the tiiuiicv.
TMehd every Thurso1 Evening by
CB0T8t A BK5FER, rroprlrtor.
Tartna of Pubecrlption,
wlibie Mt wiomhs, or f 2.60 If not paid
within tht jrar. No paper discontinued
niil all arrearage arc paid unless at
lb option of Ibo publisher.
9ubcription oiitide of the county IN AnVANCK.
aW Person lining and using paper
iblresed to other becnm iiheerihr,
ad are liabla for Ibo price of tbo paper
VOL. 8.
NO. t
Middlcburg, Pa.,
Offer bit professional services to lb pub
lic. Collection and all oiber professional
business to bio cure will receive
prompt attention. fjan 8, '07 if
SelinHgrove Pit.,
Offer bi professional eervir to lb pub
lio. All buaineea tnlruated to lii re
will b promptly attended lo.
Jan. 17, 'CTtf
Fivcbtirff Yu.,
Offer bi Professional service lo Hie pub
lie. All buiinei entrusted to bi car
will b promptly altanded to.
Jan 17, MTU
Lcwinliitrg Pu.,
Offer bi professional service lo lb pub
lic. Collection and all other rrofcsinn
I buine vutrusted lo bi car will re
ceiv prompt aitentioo.
Lewilt:rp IV
Offer hi Professional ervic to the pah
He. Collection and all nlher profession
11 buslnes entrusted to bi care will rr
ceir prompt attention. Jaa. 3, 'U7tl
Lvwinburg IV.
Offer hi professional ervica to ilf
public Colleciino and all other pr -feseloanl
bueiiie nlriild 10 their cere
will reoelveprooipf attention. Jan. 3. '0tf
Suliitiiri'itve Tit.,
Offer hi professional service to the pub
.to. Collecilun and all other prufcsiutinl
purines eutrusie I lo his cure will re
coieo prompt attention. Office two door
aorth of the Krysione, Hotel. Jan fi, '07
Sclinsgrove Il
Offer bi Prnfe!onl e-vice to the
public. All busine entrusted to hi
ear will be promptly attended in. Col
lection mad in all pan of ih State.
Ho can apo.ik lb Engl'rh and German
languag fluently. Otlioe between llall'l
and lb Port ofhco.
JMlddlebtirg Snyder County rctin'u.
Oflic few door Wed of the I'. O. on
Vain rlreet. Consultation in English
nd German language. 8rp.'u7if
Lew ibtirg Pu.,
Offer bi professional se'vleeeln the ptih
lio. All biiaines entru.tcd to bl care
will be proDiptly attended lo.
' Jen. ft. '0711
Persona In nerd of a good and durable
Sowing Machine can be accommodated ai
reasonsbl price by calling on on Bak
V'lL Fauit, Agent, Selinsgrov.
fJan. 24. '8t
Middlcburg Pa.,
Offer hU professional ervice lo th ell
lin of Middleourg and vicinity.
March 21. '67
Selinsgrove Puna.
Tepo Twp., Soydcr Co. T
V Jaokaoj Township, Snyder Co. Pa..
WillWtendNo all bu.lne nlruld to
hit car atM on lh most reasonable
trm.. 1 . ., March 2, tlBtf
cDlrevlle, fnjdcr Co., In
OffiVrtti1 profoif 1ob1 rvlce lo the
publlo. 0 88tf
171. W. 8CIIWAN, M. D.,
. SURGEON rnvsiciAN,
Port Trevorton Pa.
Offer hi profeaslonal service to the
ciliien of Ibi plaea and vicinity, lie
peak German and Englieh.
April 10, X8
Ijl A. BOYER, Jr.
Froeburg Bnyder Co. Pa.,
Moat respectfully offer bi aorvioe lo
lb public at Vendue Cryer and Auction.
r. ilavlng bad largo experienoa, I
feel eootdeat. thai I u reaJer perteol
tllrtioB to my mpluye.
Jan. 0, '071
OSc In Court Dium, 8ept.l6, 'U7lf
No. 322 N. THIRL) S
ii. II. MANDERBACH raor'a.
. J. C. Kit IS, CUrk
K. 418 It 410 Korth Third Hired.
.... Philadelphia.
uruof naal.K RflOaT SELLERS.
fitalioorra, Ulaitk book JJuoulaeturc
nd dealer In Wrapping, liaung . cnr.
tal aid Wall per Paper Bag fee 0
ie, M North Third itreel altera Rac
J No. 2-.7. North 8rd St..
(between Rac and Vine) rhiladelphia.
K. 1. t l M.tlI0. rron r.
M. M. FWARIl, fnpennienilrnt. fti.33
WILLIAM n. I.' (NO, I'rnprielnr.
Thla well known hotel, torated in the
town of Cent rrvllle. ha been thoroughly
repaired and refilled, and I in lb best con
dition In accommodate the traveling public.
tverr eirort will L to promot the
comforl of guests. A share of public pat
ronage is aulioited. ApriUV- illtf
J. I. STAI1LM ti KEK, Proprietor.
listing taken charge of thia old end well
established stand, Ih proprietor proposes
o drvo'e all his attention to the providing
of hi Table And Oar anil the acconimuiln-
ion of Imt h nmn and beasl. He solicit a
liberal slime of the public pnlroniigr.
January t J, to,u ly
ENOCH SMITH, 1'roprielor.
This new hold la now prepared tor the
aocommodntion of guesls and will afforil
first rate rnlrrlaiiiinrnl to prraon visiting
Ereemnnt. Every eTtrl will b mail lo
promot lb comfort of traveler, slopping
ai Ihia bnu.e Choice liquor at Ih liar,
and lb Table supplied with Ih best the
market afford. An ample table in con
nection with the bouae. Aprilu'7fttf
r tut lii n. JBonAvan.t, Julia oaaiiAtu.
(Succesao a In Seiberling k 7.oellin.)
Nos. 402 & 404 North Third St.
t!.:iij PIlILXDELPliIA.
ucraasna to rarrrnAa a rnaw,
o- 21 Xorlh Fnurlh street,
Original Package Constantly on Hand.
Represented by TIIKH S RWINKKOHIt.
Market Bl. Mi.dllch.irg 1'a
HAVING looaled in ibi place I woul l
reHpeclfully inform th clliiena cf
.MiUdtcbu-gand vicinitvlhat I am prepare'!
to repair CLOCKS AND WATCHES chesp
and expeditiously. The patronage of be
puldio i respectfully solicited.
n. tiH,i.t.i.i.u.
Middlcburg. Sot. 21, IfiO'.t.
Minufaeturer of mil dealer In all kine of
FLOORING, etc., Khamokln Dam, Pnyder
County, J. AUorder promptly filled.
Walnut. Cherry, War, and Linn Lumber
rantlautly o hand. 7 -ny
rpHE DAY .
Is published every morning (eirept Sun
day), at the office, N. W. corner Sixth and
Cheatnul alieete, Philadc'ithia.
Trio One Cent per Copy.
Served by Ih onrriera in any part of the
city, and in the adjacent cities and towu.
for SIX CENTS PEU WEEK, payable lo
the carrier.
Price for mailing. TIIIRTV-FI VE CENTS
per nionih, or i'OUU DOLLARS per au-
amd ciAtia m - -
Country Produce amf Domeitic
Fruit, ,
A'o. 22 Sooth Wateb Street,
iniLADELPniA. .
RrraaaHoa. Jaooh B. Rlegel fc Co.,
843 Market street ; I.ippeneott k Trotter.
21 N. Water street ; Hood, Honhright k Co.
VJ9 Market Street ; Ex.UoT.Jamea I'ollock,
80 south till dreet; John Weill 808 Walnut
alreet; Harri & Graham, 827 Arch itreet.
Manufacturer of and dealer In
Would respect fully Inform lb lila of
Seliusgrove and vicinity, mat be uianuiao
lure to orJer and keep, oonsiautiy on hand
Furniture of every Doaoriptton,
at th very lowest prloe. He repcl fully
invite aa tiatninailon or
BvayA special invitation I extended to
newly married folk to call and oe ny nock
before I urobaalua elMwnere,
Sellnsgrove, April 6. l87(Mf
Funcv store.
Oppoail Shlndel it Saioetord'l Drug Store,
Miuaieourg, re.
I lake Ibi method of Informing the olll
lena of Ibi place end vicinity, that I bav
Jum returned from Philadelphia with
large aupply of
Mllllqerr and Fanfy (Joodi, ..
consisting of HAT8.DOKNKT8,FLOWF.R8,
KllillONS, o.,ae and am eooetantl re
ceiving new goods and new tyla, , I'lraa
five me call before purobaaing elaewhrre.
rill positively aril a cheap a any Milli
ner in 111 r djoining countie.
WidJIebnrg, April 870.-8m '
X Lii laewraae CMspaaf waaU a aaeabar
of oo4 Aaaau 1 elan, good Uwra4 tar
FllulMinj au vleialir, also a (leearal Aaaal for
th Uarmaa eoaullM ol Faansylvaale. iddraM
The Old Man'a Will.
Old Olver Pmlih in hi thread bar ull.
Hear lb Ill-bred urchin, laugh and boot,
"There goea th miser, f.nor and ol I.
Starring and crimping to heap tp gold."
Put the old man thinks, wiih a quiet smile.
'Let here Idle scotler wait while.
Till time, which slfis the wheal from cl alT.
May iliow lhal the poor h cause to laugh,
The old man goe lo Ihe promise sure,
'Whnfei!lhe hungry an I clothe, the poor.
To the very least nf tlie n all. shu'.l e
He bath dun ii also unto M ''
Th year roll by and Ih will I. read.
And blessings dearend nn the giver's head
For many a farmer of wealth and skill
Owe hi start in life lo the old man' will.
It bear Ih oriihanrd children' err.
And the blushing maiden model sigh.
And il soothf the poor man's dying tied.
For it give, lo his .lsrving children hr id ;
And il claim .1 share ot the perfect bllsa
Which crown Ihe lover ecstatic kit,
For il forui.liesgiild fur gulden hand
Wbich bind them together In heart and
"God help lb widow ! so poor nn I old,"
And lio dura front the miser's hour.lcd gold,
For Hi perfect lore lo llie ul I mm gave
llolb thtwish togive nnd the power lo save
Ye tnrdid slaves lo Die shining pelf,
W bo love the gold for it own poor self.
Who know thai the cih you live so wi-11
1. driKging you down In th dipih of hrl,
If bow lo lv il you'd like lo kcow,
Vel take II with you when you go,
To th bank which seven fold interest pay.
Whrr no thieve can teal, and no rii.t
So that ru in lak wing, and upward Ay,
And the ratuel goes tti rough ihe needle
Gocluiho Ih poor aad tho hungry fill,
And follow Ihe text of the Hid Mun i Will '.
Many Ihe thoughts liny bring
Tbi sunny luck of hnir.
This severed loik. mid this little ring.
My oviu low used to ir.
They cut tht, shining curl
From my lost darling s head :
They took this hoop nl gold an I pcnrl
Fi'otu Ihe titigir of tlio Jj 1 1.
Doan In Ihe old churcl.ynrd
Tbey laid my maiden sxuet
With a utwibl cro.a her head lo guard,
And a roac-trr at her feci.
Hut though she's alcrping there,
I n not ol' all herd!
Although she's p,on the il"ar and f.iir,
Si ill 1 bav omiiiing U tt,
She's gone from my embrace,
Vel treasures three have I
The goldrn ring, and Ihe wiving trs,
And a sweet, werl uiem try.
In ai low words n poMhle I wihli
lo lay licfore tho nalion what ahare,
howxoovor Hiuttll, I have litid in thiH
mutter this tnnltiT which hu so ex
crcievd the pulilic mind, eiiL'ondtred
m much ill-li't'link', uiul so tilled the
ncwsiaicra of both couliiteota with
distuned statements cxlravigiui
The origin of this dUtlcsful thinj
was this and I usHert hi re thnt every
lai t 10 tl.o loll iwin.' rename cuu U'
amply proved by the olneml recorJit 1 weul awuy.
of tho Ueiieral (iovetnineiit. nted now. 1
John WiInuo Mackenzie, ol Hotter-1 th
dam, Cheiuunir ('ounly. New
doi-rated, coutracted with the (ieneral u
Ciovcroutetit, en or before tlu 10: li 1 1
iluy of October. 1SDI, to lurnu-b to,
Oeneral Slierman the en in totul of
thirty barrel of beef. Very well.
Heatnrlcil tiller Sherman with the
beef, but when ho pit to Washington
Sherman had con to . Manama. ; ao
he took the be el and followed him
there, but arriv. "I too late : he lollowo 1
li i ui to N'aihville, and from Naahvilla
to Cbattiaouoa to Atlanta but be
nevercould overtake, him. At Atlaaia
he took a fresh atari und followed him
clour throtmb hi mulch to the sea
He arrivod too late auin by a few 1
days, but iieariiia! that Slieruiau wax
aoino; 011 1 iu thu ('uukcr City excursiou
10 the Holy Land, ho took ahipnini'
for liuirat, t-ali-u 'a'inir to head oil the
other vesael. ben he arrived in Je
rusalem with hie beef, he leurued thut
Sherman had not tailed in the Qua
ker City, but had goue to the I'luina
to fight the ludiatia. Ho returned to
America aod started for tbo Kooky
Mount iu. At. -r eibleeo days of
arduoua travel 00 the I'laina. and wheo
ho bad (tot within lour wile ol Sher
man' headquarter, be wis tuiua
liawkcd and eculped, and th loJitius
:ot tho beef. 'J bey got all of it but
oue barrel, Sherman' army captur
ed that, and so, oven iu death, the
bold ' uavaftior partly fu'dillad bis
eontract. Iu hit will, which he bad
kept like a jouruul, bo betiueathed the
ooutract to bia nun Uartholomew V.
Itartholuniew U. mud cut the follow-
iaj bill aud then died :
Tut Unitid Stats
mi vitH John Wilaon Mackenzie,
ol New Jersey, ducenava. Lr.
To tblny barrel of butt' for General
Sherman, a $101). f 3.0JO
To lrevolliur ipcnuea und trana-
porutlun, u.wo
Total, I17.0U0
I... lloa'tirayt.
Hodicdtbcn: but be left tbo coo-
tract to Wm. J. Martin, who tried to
uullect it, but died before be got through
lie left it to Darker J. Alloa, aod he
tried 10 oolleot it a I no. 11a did not
survive, llarkor J. Alton loft it to
Aoaon G. Kogera, who atlompuid to
aolltet It, ana got along aa tar a in
Ninth Aadltor' office. , when Death,
be great Leveller, came all uoauoimou
ed, and loreloati on ,' lo. He
left tbe bill, to 1 raiaiiv 01 nt in
n. .-.iil Va.M.n.s ItnnbttlA Si U
duya, anj inatlit tho besl lime on Ti'f
uid, rmuitii? within one ut' teaching the
Tvrolttti Auditor. lo hi will hgiv
(lie coutriict bill to his) undo, bj tho
nima of 0-be-jiv-fiil Johnson, It
wu too utitivrniinin; for Joyful. Hi.
Iat worda were : " Weep not lor me
I am WilliiiK to g." And aohe ffn.
p lor soul, even ponple inhoriivd the
O'inlrici after i hit. Hu. tliry all dial.
So it oanio int. my band el last, ll
foil to mil tlirotlnh a rotative by tho
name of Huulmd Uotlil.'luMtt llulc
h.inl, nf lu'liun. He h id t prti'lu
against mo for lung titno ; lm in hi
!at niwtncntu ho sent l r rue, attd f 't
uave me t'vcrjrih'uiir, and wccpitijt gtvr
Aih the t'i'ef cunt fuel.
Thti ends tho history of it op tu j
the time I euecee le I to tliu prop-1
erty. I will now cnlenvor tied ui-i
wit ntrtiipfht Udore tliu nation in every .
tliiuit thut cont tiriia my eh ire in the
matt'T. I took thia b. el C'ltitrjct, aod !
the bill l'ir iuileii and ii'an.ioi'iiioii.
to the l'lcsiiltMit ul' the United States.
He mid
" Weil, air what cuu I dufof you?'
( atiid
" Sifo: on or about tho loth day of
Octohcr. IS it, John WiI-mmi M n kei.xie.
of lUitterdam, t'heniiinit County, New
Jersey, doceaioiJ, euiitraitcJ Willi the!
(ienel ul Uoveitiuietit to lurti.h U lien
orm Sherman tbo mi in total of thirty
buri't'h of boef '
lie eti' p"il me there, nod diHiiii.."rd
mo Iruin bin preiwnce kindly but
lirmily. Tho ouit day I called uu toe
Scen-tury ol Stato. Ho mi l
Will. Mr?"
I niii I : " Vour K v . I IILIiiu-h :
Uu or about the l'lili ily of Oeiulier,
lS'il.Johu WlUotl M.lukell.te, ol 1 i t -let'ilillil,
Clieluiin Coun'y , New Jer.ey,
Jccejsed, conlrtii'U'd wil'.i the (rm rl
(iovoi timelit to l'iirnih tu ticncral
lu iiii;in the tuu totul ot thirty bar
rels if beef"
"'llint will do, sir that will d ;
I his nflieo bus n.itliiu,; lo do Willi coif
tfiH'tH for beef,"
I wjs bowed out. I tliou:ht the
inaiter all over, and liu.illy, tho I ll..w
inif day, I viHitel tin1 Seereinr of the
Navy, who amd. " Speak tjuickly, ir;j
do ifit keep mo waiini-'." I sail
' Vkii r li'iyil H glinea: tin o: i
iibout tho 10th day ol October, l'il,!
I.lohii Vi: in M:tc'k''iir. i', nf K tter.lani. j
I t'iieunnijr (.'ounty, Now Jersey, de-I
itrii-ed. fituraeti? I With the (ieu. ral
Miiivcrt.meiit t lu hi-li to tii lieiiil
I Sliernt in the mini lu'.al id thirty bar
. rels id bei I"
! Well, it w.H far . I ('O lid p't
j Ho had inn lunar to do With bent" om
itt'ai.t.', lor lioiietnl Sherinun either. I
' be ''a ii to it wjs ii e.:ri"in kind nf
a ti iveriiuielit. It loonked Nmnewhat
as if they wauled to g.'t nut if (yin
lor that beef. The tollu-v.n day I
went to tho Scvieury ut tho lutermr.
1 tut til
' Vour ImiHiriul Ilihn'HB tin or
about iLc 1 Ol Is duy'of October
" That is siiltlcieut. i-ir I havo hear I
of yuu bufoio. lio luko your iul.t
iiidiH heel cotitraet out ol lhme-t:ib
Iho Iiiteriur 1). liartm 1:1
lu nothitii; whatever to do with euh-
Htntenco for tho atniV.
li it I wa exuapcr
aid 1 would haunt
Willi army eolill'aeia lur beef. I tnor-
0d upon ibo Coiuudssioner ol tho Cat
ant Ollice. 1 nui I
" Your august Kxcclleiiey. On or
abnit "
" l'crdiiion J have you uni Aire with
your incendiary beef cotitraet, at lual ?
ii- 1 . .1 . -. a ...:.L i..,c l
ll U IIHVO HUinilirf IO III w 11 11 uniri tun
iruct lor the army, toy dear air
'O, that ia very well Mil mif
laxly iiufl not to pay for that bert. It
baa (rot to be paid now, too, or I'll eon
fliCale tbi old Patent Olfice, tul every
Ihiufr in it."
Itut. mi' dear air '
" it don t make eny ditnereoee, atr. j
Tb Tateul UQice ia liable lor thali
beef, 1 re. con ; aud liable or nt liable,
the l'atcut Oflico ha got to pay for
Never mind tho doUila. It ended
in a uVbU Tho I'ateat Offtno won.
Hut 1 found a mcihioi: out to mv d
vautaife. 1 wai told that ihe Treas
ury Depart itieut was the proper place
lor me to to. 1 wont there. I wait
ed two hour, and a hall, and then 1
wa admitted to the First Lord ot the
Treasury. I id
' Mot noble, urave unJ revorenn
iiriiur: Ou or about tu turn oav 01
October, 18G1, John Wili-n Mao.
keo "
' That ia auflleiciit, air. I nave
board of you. lio to the l'trtt Audi
tor of the Troumiy "
I did ao. He eeot nie to the Second
Auditor. The SecooJ AuJitor eoui
tuo to tbo Third and tbe Third cent
ui to lb Firab Comptroller of the
Com beef Division. Tbi beao to
look liko business He examined hit
booka and all bi loose paper, but
tumid 110 minute of tbe beef outitrael.
1 went to tb Seeoud Comptroller id
the Curu-bovf Diviaiou. Ho examin
ed hi book and hia looae papera.nt
wi:b no auooo. 1 waa euoourjvd
During that week I got aa far aa the
Sixth Comptroller in that division ;
lb next week I j&ot through the
Claim DooarttUi'ut 1 the third werlt I
begua aod eompleUd the Mielald Can
tract D"partueot ami goi a lootnota
in tht Dead Keokonio Irerarloient.
There aa oulv one cUea Jell lor it to.
1 1 laid aieg to lb) CoutmbatODsr of
0 Id. nnd r.oila. Tu t Ito cletk, nlher
he wa ant ihcr liiniu'll'. Thfrr
wire slxtrcn U'wniil'til youtiis la lie in
tho roon, wi-itittit in book, and thrr
wcrii aeron well farorol youn!' uli'tk
sb iwini I hem ho. 'I hu yu'itu wdiii
en atnilod up over thoir t.houl'lcrs. nnd
tln'cli-rki amili'd bit'k to thent, end
nil went merry n tuarriage hull.
1 wo tir three clftk that w.m reading
tliu ttesi.papora look el nt mt rilhi'f
hnt'd, hut wont on rcu'lin'. and liu'm ly
sil I tuivlliinii ll iwerer I had hoon
used to thU kind f nhiriiy Itoni
l oiirlh AotHf tit- t.lerk" nil Ihroiith j OJice were lutein .u-il' h--t t'liiii'
my eventful eiver, Imm thu very l;i jus il w -ul I ho il it w-re yreit pri
I entered the ollici' of the Corn-Heel ' vale niereunt le institution 7',,- ;iti.
Idi'vau cle tr nil I pa.Heit nut ul llie
la-t i ne in ihe Ileal Ueekwiiiijr. I'ivi
siuti. 1 had Ifot ao aeiniiil!l)c I by
dim time tint I i.oul I stand on one
loot from tbo! motuciit I rittrred nn
"Hi till a clerk spoke tu me, without
changing mere than two, or maybe
three times.
So I atoul there till I had rlnn 'cd
full ' uilVierent titnea.
Then I eaid to.
one id the elerka w hu w;i. reading
' I lliitroiM Vagrant, where U the '
tirnc Turk?'' j
" Wht 'lo yun mean. ir ? whom tlo
you uu an r It yon mean too L luel
of Ihe II ireau. he is out.''
" Will be the birew to-day V
The yiiumr man irlite l upu me
awhile, nnd then wont, on reading hie
paper, lint I knew the wiy of lb ie
elerka. I knew I waa mile, if beg"!
thtotuh boloro unother New Voik mail '
arrive!. He mily bad two inre pa !
pete left
Al'er awhile ho lini-lird
llieiu. it 11 1 then yawned, an 1 unkvd me
what 1 wanted
' Iten iwtie I and b iu'ircd Inioeeiie :
()u or about "
"You are the beef con' rait mnn me your pipiri.''
Hn I n k them. n l for l 'nff time
he novated h u odd an I ends. I'm.
ally hu I 'Utid lliH NiTlh We-I I'tt-'ije.
as 1 reinl 'd 11 ho found (he I m.'-
U-t record nl thut heel contrai l he
l.iiiil tho nek up in h ch ao nnnv t
my uneesior lia lnp ii bet'oto they
ever it'll to it. I waa deeply moved.
And u,t l.rejoieetd fori have a tr-;
vived. I Kaid.wilh eitiotioO, ' I i ne ,
it llie. 'J lie (jove mini lit will t" t k-,
lie aave l inn link, and raid
Utile w.s aon.olhint; Vet to be doueniiatl, einrkbn wrh its veii-!il 'e i
" WI.era i.Jol.n W.lsui Maek 1
?'' Hiil he.
When iii I bo die ?
Ho didn't die at all he wis hill-
" How?"
" T.iiiiilhilked."
' Wlio t iinaliawked hiui?''
"Why, UU Indian of cuu I'm). Yo'I
didu'l aiippeee it wntt H ipcrintei,
lent ol u Smnluy st hool. did you .'"
'No. An Indian, w.rf it?"
" Tlie aauio ''
" N nne of the Ii lian ?
" Ills name ! 1 liou'l
name. '
" M i h iv t h'a nun .
tho touiuhi A kin done '.' '
" 1 don't kin.w."
Who siw
" Y
then I
ut were u ot present yourell, (
' h i h yoa can a.v by my half. I
va n bee ill '' j
" Then how do yoi know that Mae-
emtio ia dead
' Hccue hu certainly diel at that
tine, and I b ive every n-;noii to b'-
i ve ho hai been dead ever aiuce.
i- ! 010 he hm. in fact.''
" We inu-t have proo:' Have you
it the Iudiun ? '
' Ol courie not."
" Well, y 01 mu-it get Lim Have
yo'l u'ot tho tomahawk t"
" I oovcr thoulit of euc'l a tiling.'
"You mu-t t t'u toiuaha k. Ymi
must t'l'ed'.ce the lu lian nd the lorn
nhmik. If Mackenzie' d. atli cao li i " y u '.vnulJu't huv.i me tell ley jar nijht. and f em I bl'useh l.n.r on a.
proven by theae, you cm then g' be- ' oul I mother a lie, won' i you V 1 pine b -neh in a lrlu., n I dun iparf.
lot the iu app linted to au-1 The i ki,j '.ivernor waa in, Iteil 'or , ojeDt. It.-ii-i i bim-elf up oa h. el
dit t liim. with aonortliiv of uttin j , a iiMiiit'Dl, und the ihirJulu. p i-s ii, ,w h- lo ked at ound. ul t lhiseys
you bill underajch iiralw.iy that your(irj-n tho sulib arl into tl.o ivn nn ' re.'ed on a nun t:tin by a tove, aod
eiili'li'eo miy po.sii.iy in te.-e.v.'
the money and enjoy it. l'ut th it
lino ileal II mual to proven. now- ". I u 1- 1:1 r I li ink, fuv tier . the ,
ever, I may is well led you that the .taint bie-a an J the Virgin p you
I !,i.n,niiiiii,l will Oil v- t ll ,1 t r. II ....... I ..i ...... I I '. C I . .' . '
w. , . "... .. - - .-.--
portaiiou and those traveltu eip-nn-a
of the lamented ll m y
posaibly pay for tho barrel of bevi
that Sherman diera captured, tl
yon can get a relief bill through Cou- Intwer, but, hail liu.L'u:, and L.u. ,yeurh iy h re to 1111.1 natooiy
gre uiakinif an upTipriaiiou lor nud at the iVl.on'a iiopud.-tico, iuiJ, "It'a a lie:
Ihut purpoi? i hut it will nol pav for' 1 is own realities, le 1 c ruivd. li ! " No matter we tK-ul.t yeor cr
the twenty nine biirnla the Itidiuns showed l.ia k'U.'t t ihe d or u 1 1 t I . ea., any l.i. frui y. ur vlit'e. w ho
ate." him, a- 1'. was ho l,r 10, br,bil a rubt to ovil it, I ita a!i the)
" Tb 'n there N only a htm lrd d I- ha I better be Biakin ' traek 1:1 that lii,i I ahe cou! 1 vr ae out of v
Ian due me. and Mil isn't certain .
Alter all Markenjue'e travel in Kti-I
rope, Asi i America wit h tht Ik el ; J
alter nil his trulls itnl tril'Ulati 'tisau I
trati.piii t.tion ; aflpr tlie slaughter ol
all thoo liiooeent thit tried to collect
ibat bid! Young mm, why tl'dn't
'bo First Comptroller of tho Com Heel
IHnsioo teil n.e ihi?''
" He didn't kow anything about
the ecnuininea of your claim."
Whv dido't the Si'cond tell me?
Why didn't the Third r Why d'di.t
all those division aod departmental
toll me f '
"None of them knew. YVe do
ihitij,' by routine aud found oul what
you , wauted to know. It ia the boat
way. It ia the only way. It ia very
renulur, aad very Lw, bat il ia very
'Ya, eortain death. It bat beoa
to the moat of our tril . 1 be.: in to
feel that I, too, am called. Youog
man, yuu lov tho bright creature yon
der w lib Ibo genii blue eye and tb
steel pen behind her ear I tee it
ia your eoft glaueeei you wis, to mar
ry tier puijou are poor, iiere, now
out your baud her ia tb boof eon.
tract j !, takt ber aod be happy!
Heaven LlfM you, iny i hililti ti !'
This ia all I know admit the prrai
Iti-cf ci)tifr:ift, thnt Ihib cr.'it'iil an
much talk in the cotiiiniiiiiiy. Tin-cl-tk
t sr I.oti) I Lcqiieatheil it died
I know nothing turihrr nhout tho eun
l raft or any imp roniiectcd with it
I on'y know that if a lives long
tioitiih, he van trato ihin thr iiijli
iho ('in iiniliii ution (Idico if Washing
t in, lit) I (in J out, after iniicli lul,.ir and
rnulile and d.l.iy. t,ut which hi
on Id bin e Pom i m.t m 1 he tirt ila
, it' the liuiitiein of iti. t.'ireuniloriitHin
ill lll MlMJ.
fiovertlur Snyder, the (i.tvelll.r o:
'he Keyatoiie .Sin e, was Kittino; ;.,m
I'ortahly in his parlor nt Si lin.r' ie
ma ruiHi :itni,ie. Hie care nl Mule si!
in.' IL'htlv on liii hreat. f. r ho hid
jul left the 'Imiii'i-t .Lie, utid tell at
pcaee with nil the world, when a ktiiM-k
wna htarl nl ihe I'miit door, unit
I'u'riek O'lluunivaii was ii-hored
into the ,rcctn.c til tho p oi-u.'itiired
govern. it.
tiiv'mr Snvder, I f 11 r 1,0.1 1." Mini
I'.i' wiib an attempt ut ari ile.111!
bow. '
' S 1 I hid calleil : pny be nested, an I I
la'l 1110 what I eati dn lor yo.i to day.' I
I'll eat a b. k ar.'Utid the roo 11,
ub'ied h a ktiuea in ho out down on
'he edjo nt the ebair, mil niter a few
'iiuuieut s lie.ia.iu h.' be 'in io tins .
"VVa'al, cuv'ner, it's abo'it n', eir
js'tiec I eamo till tbi' i i iiitv. a-nl l'v-
l ei n a In 111 up llnoe 011 otiiiu'
j Creek, and I thai 'hi it was nloutt
jtiuia 1 wu. iin home till the icil t
, oountry, to aee my po ir on! tuithor.
' ' So I Ides bi-r ! bel'or- she di.-, an I ml
.ny mild friend- there ; nn 1 I tint uht.
a I heitil people talkio' u j;ti u'- dvii
'S.iv'ner Snyder, uu I what 11 great
.'i.v'uer he Has. tiiat W..11M im, nml
, tny r -p -it- itll him '' lb ie I ' . 1
look a re.i, and bejati a. a n
ri 1 j
"o 1 ii te g un It I'liiiu lelf,. utid
.""! loih' n'- it i lo g afn.l, U'i 1
then III p t 1 Yurk.'aud .'o ti'm ir t
a lul . a 1 I 'Mil till uuM Ire u 1. iiti!
hi re he I .0 Ii a 1
lo ! lit the si b-
ileea'iter-. when I ee tuv Dili I nt tln-r
Bil l lii my oil. 1 IMen i li teil tie-in
I li'HV 1 t .1 I d oil tilt) Ii il'inT (if J'lli
, .y'.vany, and h be iv.i mijhry o ito
I aod -,nt me a u''a-s "I brauda to Inula :
I Ins huner's Ir a'lh "
j Tl. c ;oviriiir to .k the bin', an i
li!lfl U tc'a-s, 1'at iml'tie l
s.Hin, say in,.', (
'.Hir cool h 'ltl'h. civ'uer, atid
li'iir Lie till ye, tan i ail oar kith am
uin':" ' 1
lo n Cat a.-ain, an I nfter an
seiin 11 f k il l ol lb '
governor, he rn3g and tioke : 1
' Ua'a', I Vp j I ino-.: bo uiovin .'
I'm o ti'iroin hero to I'hiu leiiy, .11 1 .
( ll " a IU s'.ep lo u lifoot, sni ir on I
there 1 II j.i l,, N.w Yuk. on I lie 11
, 1 II t aboard a no p I 1 .mid Iielmd
.and there 1'i! t. li ul mv null liieel.. In r I ealio J en 1 he ji e it 1 iui Qei ;
ol l'm- Iv.iu v. ant he eiiv, me .
g!a. s ot btau iy 1 1 di t..k h b mui '
loa! b.'"
'J he.; vemof wasca'i-h!. mil poured
cut tlie e mi 1 i.l.i.a wou li I no I
.tlie other end ol 'Pal's t iicur, and li
.went thrmi.-h tho rigmarole ajain eod
, im wi .h .v- "'as-i a I iiratni v
, "Ah!'1 end tho u"vitiu r. "but you
have 11 d ha I .'.nr. ' '' "
1 I 'at was ul: cut up a 1 1 cit down bv
.tin. nucxpeaed oWi-r He piisli-i
hi. fi .g. ns ihtnu.h hi ha r. dr -rped
. bit lower juv. anl looked like a de. pU
noun led jiiiilcmaii' ns he w ns. A
hippy th mlit hit h tn, anl. brlght-min
up. he eiid,
oos itii 01 ite- dry iri-tnuau, alio uuu
anl t hu. In ga i : j
ui. fi'..- "u mil,; luc auu Jl.euv "I j
j neh In an ly as thia, your hen ir ! And (
' now I'li be noin' to l'hi a ielly, mid ,
it'a a long way there afo-.t, a-i 1 tin u ''
j The j...nri. r e. ul 1 siud it n
direction will mil unv n ot- deley.
Tu arsuiat: ibj ii'V of a trie ii. -
j ind by mice, the Jn.e y,rm-r 1
eata, to lake several email teu-ir 1 1
ihe tree, cut 1 '0.J ru.'U.b to riaeb over ; '' To Jr.- rc w i'.l aoar ln'Mf
;h epco wbr ti e bai k bad bi u .1 .'' was the r.-.olu e aawer.
,'uwed otT, and iiiacit ib'iu under tb. " NYa'l. 1 k a In -a, c.u'l y. u ' UJ
baik b th brkw and a'juie tho virdleii huv $ mt'iij fn ifr.Mr Ixf trf ytt
p. ace Insert euUieiriii i.uuibir ol
these tor the sap to ascvud, bio I ou.-
side ol them (iieie of elm baik or eieu
an ld p usa nl oil. ln(b. ill in a aliui
time th wsunl will entirely heal oeet
anj lb.) tree will cxxiiiuu 10 .row.
A LirrLK girl at Kiemra gt her
eveaiiitf praver rnowu bl anxed the
ixbcrertatnir Sh kuevled d. w u and
gave ral to her reeling aa fo.kiAt:
Now I lay a doa Ie :ep,
Ym aiv d.rlim dauklr,
1 rajr ik Lurd ai mu! 10 leaps
but ilea 1 git acatlb water.
Ou the day tollowiag the receipt ol
the new ot tho Kichmoud diaaascr. a
harp thief at Leaiagtoit, Ky ., wbile
en bit trial, gave w ord tbat ihe cou n
house waa tailing, and, during thcvn-
luaioo, toad good bi recap.
ev hut H aloiilHll 'lliltika.
Thnt is wiitmn nut in .f.ilict with
it few emphatic idea nn the toica
which niiuule tho hifomiia of a poriimi
uf her ari, utid she Inlki in wav :
' 1 juit tlott t tcli'Ve iu these new
woineii notiotis I Imve raided sir
hn)a foiir ul' thrill v.ite now. uitd iln
itheri will ts)ti he nld eiiniiuh. 'J'hen
I wilj have six vtr.. .Now these irinul.
lui-iiwili wuiiien who havu fiHilvd
ll.eir lime a.Miv, un I never TaiioJ a
; '"('''' ""', come ar .'tti l and want
i-rij n iiiihii 10 vote (nr lietsell. I
d 'O't believe in cut h nenesenae. I
have tni-ed 11. y mi b vs. anl I nro ' -
114 to have every mie voto fur nio.
lh..c women who Keturiii around
tlie 1: lit. try in.iei'i nf raiili buy a,
ll IVI! ,l bu-uneHK t I Vote a JVBV.
And when I hey any tint they re j'ltt'
a. fjiMil 11. I mil, alii have 'a rijlil !
Vole for ll: iiM-'K!.. if th ' byc1 in
b iy to do co lor theni. il 1.. not true,
" l'" .v liru Htnarl n. 4 am. w hy did
''"'' u"1 r '"' 1 'l'"' b"Va t. voto lor
; them .' I tell yn.i I to n d iuleti I tu
''-' I'lo'.-tle I mit of tny x votes by any
" "' M,M"f tei'liin t d'.s. I ui m
f 'be o. Id ivn i!d eome t) pretty
pi", in a iiiil.ty -h' rt lime, il the
'women a'l I -mk lo '"i.ti'' an.u d
' 1 n r oil wiinmiii'i rit',ht, iiit-liMd bf
rai.-i 11; b ) t "
11 ' m-" si-
" I Iti.t'rvoN I cml In't drive il trad
with yoj t' d ty. riar," e n 1 a -viii
"oiiie" r-peciinrii of a Yatilio pedh-r,
a be s-tJ ! at tho door of 11 m.rcbiui
in I."i
"I rei kou Vo l Cilcilatc ahull ri.'hl.
I r y m cant t," km iho fiicirin
'W.i!!, I k'iie..y 111 tuedu't yet ImUV
"leu it it. N .w In rc'i a ki-iooiuo
n. tttr.'pa worth t-o d llns und
a ttaT: ymt may havu 'em lor two
do. I in "
"I te! you I 'ti'l win', any of vour
tap-. i ou i.t-v' a., vied be 'Au'
a 'n..' '
"V:i!:. n..w. hinli here, a , 1:,re, I'll
bet y 'i fi e d Har ih itifwm tnuko
mo a:i 1 ft r f-r tin in ere eirojis, we'll
..a ie a I'a I y t
' 1' ll-'. replied the niTi h tnt, pla
eitti t '' m itiev in the li ui I. of a lv
an b r. Tl. Y tiikce d noMte l a I ke
''Now." Hill lie iu"reliatit. -I'll
-'No yon a locivuii - (sixi.eiiee) for tho
"I'liv'ie V'i't'u !" .ai l the Yankee,
a-i li -ll 1 ly pK kited the s'akev
' Hu , ' a id lie altera I tile r-tbc
t on, jo i wi'.ii i'e.t u:ipn nt hone.'T,
I ul a j ke'- it joke; no 1 "it
yO t d"ll t atl'l ll.em elrnprt, I'.l ITad
1'be uietch.itit' cmn'CiDce bright
one! 'Yn;i are n o sj hi I s chop, af.ef
all, .-.i.l be "Hero are your atrop.
;'ivt me iho in tf y."
There it 1..' ni tl.o Yankee, as
lie leri ii-el t be .-tr.-., atil pa?ed
. ver 'h- p, in
' A U d-i 4 tr.ido ; and now you
are :!. ii,iae, tho next tune y "U
tiale with that 1 re npeno you'll do
I tile better to buy lax ir-s:n p-.
Anl aw.iy walned th.1 pel Iter with
wit!, ,i. tt'0,' an I hi, amid
ttie -U ji ; i.l t h l.i 1 h in j; 1 roivj.
A iio li -toty i liild in an l'-torti
ji.per th treatment el a drunken
Ii i-bm 1 tiy h: a'nia'.de .poj. Alter
' fi ll.' v..ri 1 1 v u TiuienM to cu'e hia
1 .r n k nesa. -ho ut !ai b tl.oui!it hei-
' .e;i j ' i ti t plan of tinging a ' re
torin I drunk irl ' of her h i-ban I.
, Sl.e en.'i.'el a w tt. -htiufi. tor a slip.
Ire 1 re war I. . to c v " 1'bHaoder "
t t e watehho iso, w h, c yet 0 a at-'ta
1 d to. n-ihility. an I to iti"i hit
i " wlieu'be reiMVeri i.
' In consequence to this arran.'i-nfot,
I l,e w.i walid up a'o'Ut eleven v'clc'
-iiu ki ir u t iar
Wh.Me ir' i-ked r!i:imder.
" In a tneJical college," tail til-J
ig ir-sin, .fci-r.
" har a t n ij .here 7 '
" ll nut to U- ct l '.'
" Cut ui,; how i'1'uici that ?"
" Wl.y. y u died ye.-tcrday, wbilo
vmi were Ui unk. nnd we have brought
1 li'yon'rv cot dead il is no fault ol'li
j loot o s a i l tbey ti cat jou up deal
or e tv '
1 ' You .ll 10 it, h?" ei the o!J
Jbe last pech aat ..-tied tb walro
m iu that the inaQ waa a b v ls caae ;
aj I aa hi reward cv to-at
upm bia aucvvaviut treatuui t the
pa'i-nt, he u n t a Utile cbaj od
t ibe rvu!t; a witb ao icvu Ie baa
dii be turn Med tie iri-vtO'Bial'Io tb-
brmt eat of tb teh-U 'U.
A preuaii'tu-u tucb booatcJ lo)
Henry Ward U-ecber that fee could
preach balf an b uroa any unia tbe
ll.ble "Supps you try thia uae,"
said the wittr cltrvtuaa : "Aad lb
opened b aioatb, and apak.1
Tbe youug ma a baa not tiH beeu
beard front.
I Thi larret av lua tw tor (jroeaeaj
ia thia eoon'ry go to I'.ab, and tbg
lmUet u Uattaa
)'biuc)iuia a.
Uuai Ue)9, No. Ul Seat Mb at, I'alla4laia.
otoia, who l&eted four weeka and twa