The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, May 19, 1870, Image 1

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lHtbll1td every Thursday Evening by
CftOfSK A BE5FER. Proprietor.
Tortus of Subscription,
wilhia sis wotirka, or f 2.60 If tint paid
Within the year. No paper discontinued
Btil all are aragv r paid dales at
lb option of lb publisher.
Subscriptions outHide ol'lbo county IN APVANCK.
t&" Irsnn lifllnjr. and using paper
addressed I other beeotn subscribers,
tod are liable for in prlc of too paper
Middleburp, Pa.,
Offer hi professional services lo tbt pub
lic. Collections and ail other professional
business entrusted lo bio earo will receive
prompt attention. Jao 8, '07 if
Selinsgrove Ph.,
Offer bis professional service to tbo pub
lic. All businee entrueted lo bis are
will bo prompt It attended lo.
Jsn. IT, 'CTtf
J. w
Frccbliro Ytt.,
Offers bis rrofessionsl service lo the pub
tie. All business entrueted lo bis care
will bo promptly attended lo.
Jsn 17,'liTtl
21. VtN UEZKr
l.cwishtirg Pu.,
Offers Lis professional service to ths pub
lic. Collevtitins and all other rrofeion
al business entrusted lo bis csro will re
ceive prompt attention.
Lcwisln'.rp; IV
Offers his Professional service lo the pub
lie. Collect ion and all other profession
II business entrusted to bis car will j-c
oeiva prouipl attention. Je. 8, 'Uitf
Lewinburjr Tu..
Offer bis professional services lo tie
oublio. Collections and all other pr -
feselonsl buiues entrusted lo their esre
wilt receive prompt attention, f Jan. 3, 'OTtf
tii'linMirrnvc Ta.,
Offers his professional services to the pub
ito. Collections and all other professions!
business entrusted lo bis enre will re
eeivo prompt attention. Office two doors
north of I be Keystone, Hotel. Jan 5, '07
Solinsgrove Ph
Offers hi Professional se-viees lo Ihe
public. All business entrusted lo his
oars will b promptly attended to. Col
lections made in all part of the Plate.
Ho can spe-ik the Kngt'eb and German
languaga fluently. Oftieo between llall'i
and lb I'oil ofhee.
LN. MY KliS,
Hlddlebiirg Bnyilcr County rptin'u.
Office a few door West of Ibe I O. on
Vain street. Consultation in English
and German lsngunges. Sep. tiTif
T C. Rl.'CHEK.
Iicwixbttr Pa.,
Offer bis professions! se'vloeeio the pun
lio. All business eniru.ici i i
will be promptly attended to.
bis care
a"VlinVKIl k it K1.R
Persons In need of a good and dursltle
8ewiog Machine can be accommouaieu ai
reasonable pricss by calling on on 8a
Vl Facbt, Agent, fcSeliusgrov.
Jan. 24. lift
Middlcuurg !'.,
Offer hi. professional erv!ie lo lb c!l
liens of Middleourg and vicinity.
March 21. 67
Selinsgrove renn.
TeoD Twp., 6ojdcr Co. T
'. Jftokaoj Township, Snyder Co. Ta.
Will atteniNo all business entrusled lo
hi ear
SM OD in most runeounuir
March 12. tiStf
kit. J. F. JCANAWEL,
physician andsvkoeon.
Itiitrtlle, cnjsicr ., its.
OflsVl W professional rvics lo lb
publiO. O-BBII
171 W. SCHWAN.M. I.,
?e 8VU0E0N rnyeiciAN,
Fort Trevorfm r.
Offer hi professional rvioe to lb
citiiens of this plao and Vfloinity. He
.peak. a.ran.o4 English. iua
Ff oeburg Snyder Co. Ta.,
Mot Mspesifully offer hi serviocs lo
lb publio at Vendu Cryor and Auolion
osr. Having bid larg experieooo, I
feat eonffdeat ibat 1 u reader perleol
atisfsttion lo my oaapioy.
Jan. 0, '071
Offioe In Court Uuse, dept. 16, liar
No. 322 N. THIRDS'
tl. U. MANDERBACH Pbop'b.
J. C. KIPK, Clerk
Ko. 418 18 forth Third Blreei.
. . l'biladelphla.
SUtioorra, Blank book Maoulacture
mA dMbn In WraoDiaf. Vlaatiog, Cur.
mi and Wall papw Paper Bags Oon-
. Neh Third roat abv Rao
I UHIUi' .
' u
li No. 227. North 8rd St..
(between Race and Vine) Philadelphia.
k. v. i u.MMiU!i, rrop r.
M. M. PWARM, tiperintendrnl. fti.33
WILLIAM n. l.itNtl, Proprietor.
This well known hotel, located In lite
lowo of Contrevllle. ha been thoroughly
repaired and refitted, and Is In lb best con
dition In arcnmmodaleth traveling ptiMio.
bverr effort will l mail lo promot the
comfort of guests. A sunre or public pst-
ronago I solicited. Apriltt-'TUlf
J. 1. STAIILN LI KKR, TroprlrUr.
Havlrg taken charge of thiaolil and well
established stand, Ihe proprietor proposes
o devo'e all bis attention to lb providing
of bia Table and IW and the accommoda
tion of loib man and beast. He solicits a
liberal share of Ihe public pntronage.
January r.i, m.u ly
liiREEMONT 1 1 OT EI,.
ENOCH 8.MITII, Proprieur.
TLIs new lintel Is now prepared lor Ihe
accommodation of guests and will afford
first rate entertainment lo persons visiting
. . . f ir . ! , a t . l .
rrecmonv. r.vvrj eiiLri win oe wmi. m
promote Ihe comfort of trsvelers slopping
at this house Choice liquors at tbo liar,
and the Table supplied with the bcsl the
market afford. An ample tinhle in eon
nrotlon with Ihe bouss. AprilU'TOtf J BGHAYBII.L, inns OISUAIU.
(Succerso a In Sriberling A Zoellin.)
Nob. 402 & 404 North Third St.
o. 21 North Fourth Mreil,
Original I'ackagrs I'onstantly on llnnd.
Represented lr THKli S RW1MKPOHII.
UASn. CltA.KI.I.O.
Market 81. Middlcburg IV
nAVINO loomed in ibis place I would
respectfully Inform Ihe ciliscna nf
MiUdlebu-s and vicinilv that I am prepared
to repair CLOCKS AND WATCH KS cheap
and rsprditioui-ly. The patronago of 'he
Liil.lio t rrrpectluiiy sonciien.
Middlcburg. Sot. 21, 1H0'..
Manufacturer of and dealers in all kine of
FLOOIUNU. etc, tihamokin Usui, Pnyder
County. 1't. AUorder promptly filled.
Ilrtaiif. Chnry, I'oflar, and Linn l.iimhtr
eonilunttji en hand. 7 20y
rpHE DAY .
Is published every morning (eicept Sun
day), at Ibe ofiV. N. W. corner Bulb and
Chestnut stteels, riiilade'plii.
Trio One Cent per Copy.
Served by the carriers in any part of Ihe
city, and in the adjacent oities and towus.
for SIX CENTS l'tlt WEEK, payable lo
the carriere.
l'rlce for mailing. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS
per mouth, or rOLU DOLLARS per au
Country Produce awl Pomettic
Fruit, .SW, dV.,
Ko. 22 Soutii Water Street,
RirsssNCBs. Jaanh R. Rlegrt & Co.,
838 Market street t I.ipneneott & Trotter.
21 N. Water alreet ; Howl, Monhright Co.
hi') Market Street j Ex. One. Janes Pollock,
80 south till si reel; John Weisl 808 Walnut
street) Harris & Graham, 8U7 Arch street
Manufacturer of and dealer la
Would respectfully Inform Iks oltlsens of
8rlinsgrov and violnity, Ibat ha manufso-
lure lo orJer and steps oonstantij on nanu
Furniture of every Jlosonption,
at lb very lowest prie. II respeolfully
invite an eisminatlon or - '
1,111 HUES, snnui, utisinn, o.
BVrA Decial tevitatioo ta eilended In
newly married folk to oall an J too my slock
be for urobaslug elsewhere.
i.r. t nsucn.
8elinsgrov. April 6. 1870 -If
Fancy Store,
Oppoalt Phlndel II Bwluelurd's Drug Bloro,
Middlcburg, I'a.
I lake this mslbod of Informing the cl It
tens of this place and vicinity, thai I bav
Just returned from Philadelphia with
large supply of
Hlllloery and Fsnry wOod .,
eonslstlog of HAT8.DOK.NKT8.FLOWER8.
klUHUNS. ka..t.. and am eoostantly re-
colvlng nw good and new tiylea. I'leas
five m a eall nerore puronssing iswner.
will pislllvsly sell as cheap aa any Mitlt
nsr in Ihia r adioining counties.
yiddleborg, April 2H'. Ig'O.-am "
LlrIssiirsoeCoenivats a stlr
of ood Aissu i auu, a boo4 Uoaeral Aasat fur
Pliulrara suu vlsUiiy, sum a Usaeral Aasot fur
lh Oarmtt eoaallM ol Pennsylvania. Address
Uuai Oatee, No. IM HoaU Mk kit, falbuUlphto.
j. 8.
The Old Han's Will.
Old Olver Pmlth in his thread hare suit.
lleaes the Ill-bred urchins laugh and boot,
"There goes Ihe miser, f.nnr and ol I,
Starving and crimping to heap t'p gold."
I'ul the old man thinks, wiib a quiet smile.
Let bese Idle scoffers wail while.
Till llms, which sift ths wheal from cl atf,
May show thai the poor hfta cause In laugh,
Tli old man goes to lh promise sure,
Who feed l he hungry an lelothe" the poor.
To lh very least i f Ihem all, shit'l c
II hath don it also unto Ms.''
The years roll by ami lh will Is read.
And blessings dpaeend on the giver's nead
Por many a farmer of wealth and skill
Owes bis slnrt in life lo lh old man' will.
It heirs the orphaned children's try,
And (tie hlushing maiden's modest sigh.
And It so.ilhi-s the poor men's dying bed,
Kur it gives to hts .slsrving children bee id i
And il claims ls share ot the perfect bliss
Which crowns the lover e eosialio kits,
Kor it furnishes gold for golden bund
Which binds them together in heart and
"God help the widow ! so poor and old,"
And lie dors from the miser's hour led gold.
For His per foot love to Hie ol I gave
llolb I he wish to give and the power to sav
Vo sordid slaves to the shining pelf.
Who love Ihe gold for its own poor self.
Who know i but lite cislt you five so well
Is dr it-giti you down In Ihe depths of lie,
ir bow to leave il youM like in ktow,
Yet Iske II with yon when you go,
To ihe bank which seven fold interest pays,
nuere no thieves can steal, ami no rust
flo that ruins lak wings and upward fir.
inil Hie camel goes Hi rough the needle s
Oocluihe Ihe poor aad the hungry fill.
And follow tbo text of Ihe Old .Mun s n ill :
Mnny the thoughts they bring
This sunny luck of hiir.
This severed lock, ond this little ring.
My owu low used lo wear.
Tliey cut this shining curl
1'lom my lost darling s head;
They look this hoop of gold and prarl
From Ihe lingers of ths do.i.l.
lon in Ibe old churchyard
They laid my maiden sweet
With a uiaibl cross her heed lo guard,
An 1 a rosc-tre at her feci.
But Ibongh she' sleeping there,
l i'i not of all bereft
Alihiiugh she's (.one the di-ar aud fair,
Still 1 have something li ft,
She's gone from my embrace,
Vet treasures Hire have I
The golden ring, aud Ihe waving (rws,
A 'id a sweet, sweil incin.iry.
In at low words) n posible I wish
lo lay hetore tlio tuition wbut entire,
howsoever Htuull, I have li ltd iu lliit
mutter this mutter which has so ex
crt-iecd lite puldie mind, ent'emh red
MO much ill-leelinir, end so Oiled the
newstiaiiei'M of both coutiiieole with
disponed eutumeole at.d cztravia-iut
The origin of this diMtre."rul tliiitL'
was this and I Hnert hero tlmt every
I act io the Inllowin remunc can be
uiui'ly proved by tbo olfioiul records
d tho Ijeticral (iovcrnment.
John WiIhou Mackenzie, ol Rotter
dam, Cliemun County. New Jersey,
deceased, contracted with the (ieiicral
(.iovcruiiiLMit, on or before tlu lOib
tluy of October. lSlil, lo furnihb to
General rihertnan ihe sum totul of
thirty larrols of beef. Very well.
Ileclnrled oiler Shel tiiali with the
beef, but when ho pot to Washington
Sherman bad jtoua lo ManUMtas ; a
he look the bee I and followed him
thote, but arrived too lute ; he Mluwe I
liiut to Nashville, and from Nushvile
to Chuiiaooui;a to Atlanta but he
never could overtake bim. At Atlaota
he took a frerb atari und followed him
clour through hie murch to the sea
He arrived loo Into anuin by a few
days, but henriti that Sherman wan
doinj' oiu in the (Juuker City exenrsioo
to the Holy Laud, bo took ghippinx
for Ruirul, calcn'a'itiif to head ol) the
I'tber voiel. W boo he arrived in Je
rusalem with hie beef, he leurued that
Shertnao had not sailed in the Qua
ker City, but had gone to the I'luine
to light the Indiana. Ho returned lo
America aod started fur tbo Rocky
Mount io. ALr eUhiauo days ol
arduous travel oo the Plains, and when
he bad i:oi within tour wile ol Sher
man's headquarters, be was toma
hawked aud eculped, and the Io Joins
liot the beef. 'J boy got all ol it but
one barrel. Sherroau's uraiy c)tur
ed that, and so. even in death, the
bold ' navaiatur rarity fulfil ted bis
contract, lu his will, whtoh he bad
keDt like a iourual. ho bequeathed the
contract to bia eon Bartholomew V.
Uurtholuniew W. uiude out the follow
ie bill aud tbeo died :
Tub UnitiD Stats
Jitmt ifi'tA Jolm Wilson Maokeozte,
of New Jersey, deeett.-a. lr
To thirty barrols of bucf for
Khorinao. a iuu. ta.uju
Tu travelliuaTeiDooses and trans
norutlon, i n.uoo
- , rr r.
' Total, tlT.OUO
Ree'U ry't.
Ilo died then; but be left the cou
trnci to Wm. J. Martin, who tried to
collect il, but died before be Kotthrouuu
lie left it to Darker J. Alleo, aad he
tried to collect it also. He did not
survive. Rarker J. Alien loft It to
Anson G. Rogers, who attempted to
nolUet it. sad got alone; as lar a the
Niatb Auditor's office. , when Destb,
ibe yreBt Leveller. earns all uoaummou
4, aad foreloeeJ os ..him also, lie
left the bill, to a i relative of bis in
-;.... Vmimahs. Ifnnbtna- htf
VUtHWUIIWW,. . wwQ-.w..vw --J- - J
otoie, who lasted four weeks and two
SNYDER CO. PA., MAY 11), 1870.
day, anl tnsd tho test time on ref
old, c'oujlni? within one ot' learhmg the
TwhIiiIi Auditor. In his will he pivt
t'j coutruot bi'.l to lii-s undo, by tho
ttmt of O-he-Joy-ful Johnson. It
Wis too Uhtlorniioinr lor Joyful. II is
Ut words wora : " Wep not lor mo
I mil w.lluitf lo g." And so he w.
tjorsout. Seven poople inhotiiml iho
emtnet nflcrthit. Hu. thry all died.
So it oanio iuLt uiy hinds at lot. li
foil to me throtuh a ruhlive by tho
name of Hubbird Uoilil-'liotn llub
biinl, nf lodiatii. Ho hid a produe
ainst mo for long time ; but in hi
Sat nwinents ho aent for m, and for-
uuve in t'verythittit. and weeping give
Wlio tli lu'ef cutiUact.
Thii on ls the history of II up to
the time I upcrelivl to tho pi op
en y. I will now cnlcitvor t ieel ui
noil atrtuKlit More the osliuti in every
tliiutf lliul coni'tirim my ebire in the
tnit t--r. I took thin b l contfjet, ml
I hill lor tuiifii)(o mid ti'iinspi'iiiiioti.
to the !' cdiilout of tho I'nitod Slalua.
lie S.i.l
" Well, ir what con I Jnfur you?'
t attiJ
" Mru: on or hoiit the lOtlt tlay of
Octulivr, lS it.Jiiliti WiUin M.n kMiixio.
tl ItDttcnliun, t'lioniiinn Oiuniy, New'V. dore;t!t(), cmitrai tod Willi tin.'
tiiMti't'ul Uuvetnuirut in lursi-ih m Geo
erai Sherumii tbo an in total of thirty
bnt rcle of beef
lie li'p"d me there, on I diHiuis.sed
mo Irom his prortoiice Viu.lly but
lirmily. Tho ooit tiny I c tiled ou toe
Secreiury ol Stole. Ho aii l
Well. ii r
I Hiii I : " Your Royal 1 1 i jIiih-h-s :
Oil or about tlio 1 tl dy of lle'olier.
John WiU.iu M.ict., ot U t
lerdiim, Clieiuimy County, New Jersey,
deceased, cottlraclid Willi tbo (ieiieral
(tovotntnrnt to lnruih to lieucral
Mieitiian the euut toiul ot thirty bar
j rel ol' beef"
"TliHt Will do, sir lb:it will do;
this odiee bus nothing lo do with cou-
truetH lor beef."
I was bowed nut. I thought the
matter ull over, ami Uuully, tho I'tllow.
itii ilay, I vuntol tlio Secretary of the
Navy, who amd. " Sju ak UicUly, air ;
do not keep lue waimw." 1 sni I
" Vmi r Royal llijf lmca : On nt
about the lOih day ol October, 11,
Jolm Wils m Miickcux e, of R atci'dum.
I'lii iiiuii County, Now Jersey. de
ceiiscd, contr.ieii! I with tho (ieiieral
tiiivcri.ment lo lU'liMi to (ieueiel
Stu rm ill the until lu'.ul id ihirly h:ir
rel.H of l-ci I"
Well, it w:s os far as I could get
lie had inn limit to do With heal' con
ti'ait! for lieiieial Sbcruiun cither. I
be;itti to think it was a citrimls kind of
a Government. It loooked Homewlint
us if they wauted to get out if piyin
lor that beef. The follow mij day I
went to the Secretary of ihe lutermr.
I Hit it!
' Vour IniHirials Ilit'linB1 Oo or
about llo lOib day of October
" That in siilllcieut. sir 1 bavo hear I
of you before. Co luke your inl'u
lioim hetd colltr.ict out ol I liiet e-tub
Ihiueiit. Tho lutorior Depaniii it
has liotbitij; wbat ?VtT to do with eab
Hirttcuco for the at my."
I weul aauy. R it I was exasper
ated now. 1 Mini 1 would haunt
th-v hail road rond
ti njiig!,! and S,ld.
A llouglil and ,suid
won sriiiv eoiilraets for beef. I tnov
ed upon tbo Commissioner ol tho 1'al
cut Office. 1 said
" Your august Excellency. On or
abnii "
" lVrdition ! have you ("t ie-e with
your incendiary buel eonlract, at lust ?
We bav nothing to do with boef eon
IracU lor the army, tuy dear sir."
' O, that is very well but some-
lioily bus got to pay for that beet. 1 1
liaa potto oe pain now, ion, or i u iim-n-.Cule
this old I'atent Office, sud every
thiuff ia it."
Rut, my dear sir ' 4
' It don't make any diffiereoee, sir.
The I'aleul Office is liable for that
beef. I reeon : aud liable or nut liable,
the l'atotil Office has got to pay for
Never mind tho details. It endod
ia a Gbt. Tho Patent Ofliou won.
but 1 found something out lo my J-
vautsife. 1 was lold luat ine treas
ury Department wus the proper place
lor mo to uii. 1 went there. 1 wan
ed two hours sud a halt, and then 1
was admitted lo the Kim Lord ot the
Treasury. I said
" Most noble, grave end reverend
siguor: Ou vr about ibe 10th day ol
October, ldGl, John Wilsm Mau-
keo " , .
' That ia sufficient, sir. I hpve
bosi .lofjou. Uo to the l'irst Audi
tor of ibe Treusury "
1 did so. He eeot Die to the Second
Auditor. The Second Aoliior sunt
rue to ibe Third and the Third sent
me to Ibe First Comptroller of lh
Com boef Division. Tbi begao to
look like business He examined his
books sod all his .loose papers, but
louud uo minute of the beef oontrsul.
1 went to the Seeond Comptroller id
the Coru-hovf Division. He examin
ed bis books and his loose paper,, Jbnt
with no suoeea. 1 was euoouraaed
DuriDir that week I sot as tar aa the
Sixth Comptroller ia that division ;
the next week I got throunh the
Claims Uopurlotput ; the third week 1
begao and oonipleled the Mislaid Con
tracts Department and rl lootbold
ia the Dead Keokoniox Dopartmeot
Thara was onlv ona nlace lelt for it 00W
I laid siege to the CoinuabsiODcr of
Olds nnJ l.ole. Tu the clerk, Mlher
he wns not there liiniu'll'. There
WtTO el teen th'atltil'lll Jroiltl la lies in
tho roo n, writiitjt in books, and I here
wori neoii woll fuvorol yntinis olotks
sbovrini ihcm ho. Tho yo'itirf wom
en stnilod up over their shoulders, nnd
iln' florki etnilod back t ihom, and
till went murrr s a inarrlaite hell.
Two or three cletks tlmt were readinir
the tiepepore looked nt tno fsllu r
lim tl, hut went on rcuditii:. and ihi'hi ly
isrii I llowrrer I h:i'l horn
iiimI to lliis kind f nhi-.-rity Irom
Fourth'Btit-Cli-rka nil ihrnuifli
my event I'ul career, l'rm Mil very dnt
I entered the Hlici' t)f lite Corn-Heel
liii'eau cleir till I paied out of llie
lift file in Ihe le;il Uocki'tiiti); Pivi
siitl. 1 hsd got so aet(iitiilnicd I'V
t bin time tint 1 isoitlJ stntnl on otic
Imil Irom tin? motiirtit 1 entered no
ofli 'e till a clerk spoke to me, witliottt
iliHninp; nu re tliun two, or iiiHvlie
three times
So t stool there till I lis I rlmno'l
four (lifiicrctit timcit. Then I fuid to
une n the clorks) lm wj redin.-
" IlliistroiH Vniiraiit, where in I he
tirsml Turk?''
' Wbit do yon mean, sir? whom do
von mean T II Veil mean tlio Cliiel
i(' the it iri su. he is nut
" Will be visit ibe birom to-day '
The ynunir man irlared upnti me
awhile, and then wuit on rradiiii( Ins
paper. Hut I knew the ways of those
clerks. 1 knew I Was utile, II' he gut
through before another New Votk mail
arrived. He only had t we in 're pa
llets h it. Afer awhile bo tini-lird
llietti. nil I llinn yawned, and unked ui
wliut 1 wanted
' Itvnowiie I and honored Imtieei'e ;
llu or uhout "
" Vou are the beef contract man
(Jive me your pipers.''
Ho tu k them, and for t lonjt time
lie ruiivicoed Ins odd-s an I ends. I'm-
ally he f iutid I be North West I'as.nje
ai I rcirird'-d it bo found the I mJ-
Ut record id I lull beef contrail he,
louud the rock upon wh eh so tinny ol j
i u v aneestors had HpUi bet'oru tlm
ever K l lo it.
I was deeply moved.
And ynt I.rejoieed for I have a tt-1 .'ood H'.ep it. is lo i nfnd, an I j ' l'.'Ui .'" replied the tnercb mt, pla
vived. I said, with iMiioli.iQ, " lie i then III g to New York 'nud -'o alioar I , 'Hi.' tin' in on-v in the ban Is of a ly-
it me. Tho Gnveriiiiieiit will si tti- j
Ho waved lim back, and raid
there was on.elhii)( yet to
" Wl.cra isjol.n Wilsiti
tie ?" add he.
' Head.''
be done j
' When did he die ? '
' Ho didn't die at ull lie wis Kill
ed.'' " How?"
" Tomahawked."
' Who tomahawked him?''
'Why, an Indian of eotiree. Yon
didn't suppose it was a superinten
dent of a f'utiiluy fC'hool, did you '"
"No. An Indian, wus il !"'
" The same ''
" N line of the Indian ? '
"Hishaiiio! 1 don't know hie
" li ivii his nam . Wliosiw
the totiiiib iM kuijr done V'
" I don't know."
" You weie not present yourself,
" Wliii b you can s.'e hv my hair. 1
u.vas aheeiit ''
" Then bow do you know that Mac
etiziu is dead !"'
' Kecu-n bo certainly died at that
ime, sud I have every reason to h
eve that ho has been dead ever since.
I-now be has. in fact.'
" We in u -t have proofs. Have you
V t the Indian I'
" til eourso DOt.'
' Well, you must cot bim Have
yo'i irot tho tomahawk ?''
" never thought ol sucu a tinntr. '
" Vou mu-it k' I tlio toiualiawk. Vu
must plod. i co the ludian and (bo torn
aaswk. If Msckctuiu's death can ho
proveo by these, you cm then no be
fore the Cotllini-tid 10 app linled to au
dit claims. With s mn sii of 'uttin,'
you bill undiTSueh Headway that your
. a : i I . . -.1,1.. I . ........ : .. .
ctili'lien may pos-iiny ioo in ici-i-iv.-j
the money and enjoy it. I'ul tint I
lino's death must be proven. How
ever, I may as well tell you that ihe
Government will never pay that trait;:
oortsiioo and thoee Iravt-hiu expenses
of tho la me nted .Mackenzie It moy
possibly pay fr Iho barrel of bevi
Ibat Sherman's soldier captured, if
you can get a relief bill through Con
gress making su uppropriation lor
that purpose ; but it will not pay I'it
the twenty niue barrels the liidiuns
"Then there it only a hundred dol
lars due me. and that isn t certain :
Alter till Mnckcnae'a travels in Ku
rope, Asia Ainerict with that beef;
alter nil hi trials ami triouiuii uibuiio
transportstion ; sfter the i.luiiu;htcr ol
all those innocents tbil tried tu collect
i but bill t Yout'ir mm, why didn't
bo First Comptroller of the Coru Reef
Division tell me this
" He didn't know inythln about
the iienuinenes of vour claim."
YY hv didu t the Setond tell me J
Why didn't the Third f Why didiIt
all inose aivisioDS auu uepsriiiiewvs
loll me P
"None of them knew. We do
things by routine slid louud out what
you , wauted to know. It is the host
way. It is the only wsy. It ia very
regular, aad very slow, but it is very
certain. "
" Ys, eortain death. It has been
to the most of our irihe. I beiu to
feel ibat I. too, am called. Youmt
muo, you love the bright oreature yon
der with tho gentle blue eyes sod the
steel pens behind ber ear I see It
in your soil glnoo you wish to mar
ry uer -out you are poor, iiere, uoii
out vour bsud bere ia the beef con
tract j go, take ber aod be happy I
Ileuven tletn y.iii, my i liiMti n !''
This ia all I know aloiut the p;rea'
heef conlr.ict, tlmt It nit rfentctl an
itiurh tnlk in ihe cotiitniitiiiy. 'I Ik
el'-lk to wlioti) I Le(iteallicil il died
I knew mulling lui'tlirr nhtiut Iheeon
tractor nny one connected with it
I only know tlmt il'a mini lives lonp
"tioiiuli, he can li'sro a tiling tlirmli
l ho Ciretiinloeution Mliee of W's-hini:-loti,
it nil find out, alter iniieli Ixlmr ami
'Muliie end del.iy, tlmt wliieh In
eoilld httve found nlit on the (if! flux
it' l li a liimiiiorvt of tlio t.'trcLinilix'iilioii
OTire were as indent m-dy My-trimtt
as tl w ull Lit il it w-re ore-it
vule tiu reuiit le ittstitiitioii 7',
'". I'll-,
til Olll Slvl).
(ioverlliif Snyder, the (!orciii.r
the Keystone .Sta'e, m.A niltitt? e.iin
I'ortaliiy in his utrlor at Srlinsrne
hi.s r il nil aho.le, the cares of etule ei!
tiiU lightly on hi breast, fur be bid
j'l-t tell the iliiitiei-t ihle, and f.-lt at
peace with all the world, when a kii.H-l
was h i.irl nt the IVoiit door, mill
I'u'riek D'lliinneati was u-hoied
into the prcen. e of tho j: io j-uatured
iv'tur Snyder, I nilp.oso." snid
Put Miih an a:teuiil ai an ilc.uii
'Si I am called : pny be mated,. I
le t me what I fun do lor yo.t lo day.'
IM eat a be k around the roo n,
i ub'iod h s kuees a ho sal dow u on
the edjo id the chair, an I alter a lew
nioiiicul's hcnituiiuu be besn io line
wi-e : !
"Wa'al, fitv'nor, ii's aliout si yenr
S'tieo I eaiiie till this e mtiiry. a id I've)
l et n a li in' up thett on l.v iiMiiiii I
('leek, ond I thui 'hl it w:i almiit '
tiuio I was g mi home till th
mil l
eoiinirv, to Kee tnv po roul l ui itbei'.,a
tSolldess ber! bcloro she ilies. iin I nil
ny oui i friends there ; and I thiM.-ht. j
ills lieaiil pei'plo talkiu a K'vul
led !
, . iv nur Snydor, mi I what a trivtit
Ji. uer lie was. that I wmild tail nud
pay toy r '-p-et-i till him '' U i e I'.it
took a ret, and bcmi a.aiu : "An l
no I II ne o; .Hi ( ( rinliidelfv. utnl a.
a ulnp. a id iil till ould lio .ni l, atit :
here he took a lotiir lo '! at I he si h-'
Imsi I, eturkhiij' with its w.-ll-lille l '
deea-iter-. when I ,eo mvoilllni tln-r.
and lII my ould li iends, ' toil tlnon j
how I faded on the liov'uer of I'm I
sylvany, and bow ho wis inijlity o ilo
ami me a u'u-s nt brauds to drink
his houer's health "
The covi-ruor took tint hint, utnl I
lillel a xhiA, m bi ill 1'ut emptied pk1
soon, saying,
" Vmi r unit I
h.'ul h. iruv'iicr, ntnl
mi; ht'e till ye, and all your ktlh and
Down sat Put a.-aiu, and iiftec
.s.vciiti' u f.-w kuid iuiUiries ot
governor, he roic ami epoke :
'Ws'al, 1 Vposc I inti-st bo uioiin'.
I'm oinii' Irmn huro to Phiiadelly, mil
it's a h iii step lo no afoot, and Irmi
there I II pi till New York, mid lli-n
I II ah. Mid a nliip to ould Ireland,
and there I'll ull a I my null liiii'nls
lull In ro I called eu Ihe gieatliuv'nei
of I'iti-y Iv.niy, sa l be ave me tirt
ttlasses ul li dtiuk b a b uioi'
'fhe'.veriiof wuscau'lil. uiiJ poured
nut Ihe M C itl I iJ 't. wiiieh tieil
the other end of I'ul's t niile, und In
went thrniijli the rimamlo SL'iiiu end
tilsf Wi'.li ( ililS-t'rio lil'antlv
"Ah!" end tlio lioverimr.
have u t bad firee i;Iism' ''
tut you
Put Was all cut up and cut down by
tins unexpected answer Ho pushed
his fiogi ri) ihrou.'li bis hti.r. ilr .ppe.1
bis lower jiw, and looked like s ducplt
n ouiided "j iuf Ic inan'' ns he win. A
h tppy thought hit him, uu l,brihleuiu
up, ho siid,
"Rut v iu wouldn't havo me tell my
ould mother a lie, would you ?"
The governor wus on Ited for
a til niniuL, und tlit inird (.'lass pa
. Iro'ii iho Htiieb ur l into the louinu
' I 1 1 . I I i . I
ho. nn n the dry Irishman, who diauk
auk thus hepi'i ;
"A th iu-Mtif thanks, iiv'm-r! Ibe
ssint liio-s stid the Virgin kape you.
und give y..u loti lifo and plenty ol
such hiiin ly as this, your honor ! Ami
now I'll be coin' to Phi ulellv, und
it's a long way there ufo d, and tin n "
Tho Lnveriier cull slsud it no
Inilier, hut, hall
l iubiui;. and Lull
mad at thu ii llow's impudence, mi I
i is own readiness to t u coaxed, h
showed Ids L'U.'t ti Iho d .of. and (old
bim, us il was ho far to Phiiadelly, be
bad better bo making tracks in that
direction without uny more duluy.
To KEstoHK ib) life of a tree in
jured by mice, the .Mu'oe F'trimr su
ests, to lake several small twuigs id
the tree, eul l io enough to reach over
ihe spuco wbers Uu bat k bad hem
squawed off, and insert ibem under the both below and above iho yirdlcil
place. Inserts aullieieiit iiumbcr ol
lbeo for tho sat) to axceud. bio I out
side ot them a piece of elm batk or een
uu slid piuji'o of uili-lntb. Su I in a shopt
uiue tn woun I will entirely heal uwt.
and tbo tree will vuminue io grow.
A Lini.i; girl at Klruira got ber
ereniiiK prayer antuewbat mixed Ihe
other evcutnuT ohe kueelod down and
gave vpol to her feeling svs follows:
Now lay oe down lo deep,
Vs niy darling dauxkler,
I prsy tb Lord Biy soul lo keep,
iiul don't go near lbs water. .
Oa the dsy lullowing the reeciut ot
the news ol tho Richmond disaster, s
sharp thief at Lexington, Ky., while
on hit trial, gave word that thooourt
bouse waa falling, and, durlug tbe con-
lusioo, road good uincK'spe.
line half column, ona yesr.
tlne ftoirth cidumn, one year,
line sittsre (III lines) one inrertien
Every additions! insertion
rrnfeasionnl and llusise cards of
not more than five lines, tier veer,
Auditor, Fieeutor, Administrator
and Assignee Xollees
Editorial notices per line
All a lverttsemenis for a shorter perina
than one yenr are pnynlffe at Ihe lim
they are ordered, and if not psid Hi per
sou iirdoring them will be held responsible
tor I lie limner.
M hat tt Hoiiimii 'l lilnka.
There is a winiinn out in Jolict with
it lew en phaiie ulcus uti the topes
which flitilate the biennis if a burtioti
of her sei, und she talks in this way :
' 1 just tion t t'clrve iu these new
women notions I have raised six
boys four ul'thein vote now, ami tho
others will H'Hili be eld enouub. Then
1 wiU luive six votes. Now these cmul-loi-uoi
b n women who Imvo r.Mlvl
their tl Bwny, und never TaisoJ a
iti(le boy, come annul and want
every w uiiaii to vole lor lieiself. I
ih'D't believe in niieh unnrsonse. I
nave tiiMeii n.y h inys, an 1 l am "
' 'U4 to have every one vote for tin.
j I h.'se women who pi I, i ttirin nround
,lhe (.in, try in.tei l of railing boy M,
jliivo u,i huMiiees I i vote a yway.
And vihen they soy tint they are jus'.
1 as jro.i.i a . uin, H) i have "a ricdit (.
, Vote for thi insi'lves, if tb V bi0 lio
Imin to do n lor tlieui. it is not true.
If they are. as nm.'trl as I am. why did
thcy hot r.iise s iiiis ln.ya to vote for
'thetii ,' I tell y.i.i .In n ,l iutetl l to
i lie elteatel nut of my X Votes by any
' U 'li iii l-li.r nothing I dks. I jui nt
tiiil Ihe no. Id would conic lo a pretty
'pa, in a tiiiliiy -h'Tl time, if tint
, ttotncii till l ink to "'ti' timu d ho
lurm.' on wimniit:'-. rit-.lils, iuhtead cf
rai.-ni-' ti;is "
"I I eoullu't drive trndo
with yo j to tl iy, Njuaro.'' sii I a "iu
ooine" speeimen of a Yankee pedler,
as lm i-tu "I Mt t'.iu door of a merchant,
in St. I..) lis.
'1 rei kon you calculate ah ml ru'il.
fr you cant t," w;i.i the sneering
'Wall, I t'uess you tieedu'l 'l IiiiOV
'leoil it. .'..w lure's a itiooimt
ri worib l.vo tbdliis utnl
ha I ;
ymi may have 'i-tn lor two
I tell 'u I 'l"ti I want any of vour
nps n.i you in .y as ue.l he gomj
aii'ti.; "
now, lool; Jii-re, aouare, I'll
heiym K.'u if dlars if you tuuko
mo au id) r l-.f tin tu 'eiu eltoiis, we'll
liuue a trad yet
4 uu h-r. ' The V ihkee deposited a I. ke
"Now." mi l ihe merchant. "I'll
-'- '" a piciyuiio (aixpeuee) for tbo
strops '
" I'lie're ynr r'u !" i i I the Yankee,
let (.J :- t ly p ieketed ibe M'ukei
iui, sou lie utters I tlio r.-llce.
I'.oii, ami with t'teit itjipiin nt honesty,
"I raleiil .to a j.kc's a joke; nud if
ou ilou't a un't them KlropH, I'd trade
The incich. mi's eiuute.ioce bright
ened. 'You are not so hid a chap, after
Oneeolumn one year
mi-jau, eatu no. "Here are your strops
jfive me iho iteuiey."
j "There it i.-.''.ii l the Yatikeo, ns
lie leeetvnd Ihe i-lri.jis and passed
over the sixpensc.
"A tr ule is a trado ; mi l now you
tire aid-- uua'c, tbo next tiuio ynU
trale with that ere eixpoiiNO you'll do
a I ttie better Ihiin lu buy iaxor-stmp.
And away walked tho peddler with
wit?i his Htrops und bis wuer, amid
the i-ho'i(s nl tie1 la iu'tnii croivd.
A iiooii .story is lold in tin I's-tern
per nl tin ttvatmeiit ol a drunken
liu-bind by his unliable
i r HI.' vi.ri l is I'xporimetits lo ruro his
dr ink tiess. nIii ut lat bethought hei
sell ol'au itln-r plan of iiiii'iiii a ' rc
lotiii- l druiiliarl'' of ber bu-hund.
SLfl cn,'i.'el a witehmau. Cora Blip
luted reward, . to ci' ry " Philander"
to tiio watehliiiuso, whi'c yet ia a ntsta
nl' ms -iisihility. uti I to " jri'jhU'n him
it I't'r" wheu be recovered.
In c lUiseijiienee to this arrangement,
he was walid up about eleven 'clock
ai niejit. Hin I I'.itiinl Liiu-i ll lying on u
pine h 'nch in a lr n).'.- mi I dun apart,
ucnt. Itai-i'iL' hini-ell' up nu his cl
iiow. ho loiked lU'ouiid, until his cys
rested on a mau sitting by a stove, and
'ineki'ig u i Lar.
White am 1 ?' ssked I'lidander,
" In s medical college," sail tlu
What a tiling there ?'
" (J iing io be ff iip."
' Cut mi! how fumes that?"
' Why, you died yeetcrday, tshilo
' on were di unk, ond we have brought
your body h re to make a 'oatouiy ."
" ii a ii lie ; i ant i uca i
" No matter we buughl yoor csr
eass, uny boA', from your wife, who
had a rUbt to sell it, for its ull tbo
uood alio could ever male out ol you.
If yon re not dead il is no fuull ol the
ioctoi s. a'id t Ley i cut you up deal
or it .'ft1.''
" Vou will o it, h?" asked the old
To be euro w will aou1 tmetv?"
.infee.' was the re-olu'e aaewer.
" Wall, look s here cm t you Ut us
haw snifthi'iij ti rii. before ya
Ibe lust speech sati.-ued the watch
mau that the uiao was a b.ipeli'ss case;
aud tt bis reward was cooi ng, nt
upon hia sueceWul treatment of tho
patient, he was d1 a litlla rbugrined
at the result ; so, wiib oo gemle hau
dlin be tumbled the irietotniablo iu
ebnute out of (be wslch-house.
A presumptuous simh boasted to
Henry Ward R-echer that bo could
preach half an hour oo any textia tbo
lliblo. "tfuppse yoa try thla oue,"
said lha witty clcrgyuma : "And the
t opened nis mouth and spake.'
Tbo youog ruao baa not sioie besu
beard from.
Till lurgest shoes tnade for womeo
iu this country go to Utah, and tbo
tmalleet to Utvioa.