X. 1 JLi 1 VO .1 MintiLtmKa., MAT 1. in. (KOI fK RKSFF.il, Prm rli tor. ATi'imi St"BT. An old fellow who nrvrr jielilt'd the) palm to on; ono rettling a knotty yarn. put to li'n tuirppB at hrartnff ft traveler ata'r that or co hi) M a brii k lion-o placed upon ruunora and drnwn op a dill t a inure favnral.lo loodio-v, K mo half niile di-tanf. O. Indue.'' eni I the nM man. 1 once a,w a two-n'ory p-tnn limine, rlowti fnht, drawn liv oxen thm milcf," A ilcfti! ilrnro rmued". Theol mm tviili fitly Ind the wnrt end of it. nd taie it. (intlirrinr; i encrglp. ho l it oif a highlit el' pijr t l y w.v of (mining tin p f r tlif.iii.-l t; "lint rlniwcd I he alone limine," uul I lie o) 1 lilnn. ejecting a (iiiititi;v pf t 'I'ni-id juice toward ibe liro pluce ; " Tut ili.il wn't tho worn I of rim Job nr'cr they'll dono Ihnt, they witt luck m. ilr.iw rd the cellar '' Tla MiatiL'i r pave i i. I'ONT MlST TIIK PATCH Pi n't It ahamed. ny In I. il yt u Lave n afch on your clliow. It pi-(.k. well ol yui indnstrim mother. Fni our part, w e would raihcr nee a tinon panic m. your jutlct, than tu henr hip pridnm or viilnr word e'.enr i' y'tr lijii No :o il Iiovh will ahnn you liccnu-o yon cannot dree n well your eiinpnn i i n p ; mid if bad hoya h tu I i nir s laugh l your arpi'iinuicf, fay iwthinp, my lull. I) ut walk n. We know ninny a fit-1 1 mil: who wus once a poor a ymi. There i our tir xl dour neithlior in i.ir;ifn'ur new eiio if tmr weiiltliioM im n l.o told ii", u i-li it time since, tl.nt vlii n a (hil l ho n:n trial tu re lieve the pol.l J Dt.i!' ei fitmi hii nrv't. lor'n table, lie uno I, my boy, nud il yuu nip p or y on will Ic rennet toil prcnt dml nioio thun if you veto the o:i of a rich num. and were) addicted to Lj iJ hal i's Ol.'ir llnni h E.'::t m.um t't'rSi m p. At on er t i . 1 1 - i n i-1 i ril'iuiiH tiicptin r 1'1' fr tho ui jrrm'B in li'oiml rounty. Tci. irfif, week, when tho morncr'n tench w.i crowded with i Mtetil--:r utii(i- in tigntiy, oi c dl'llinn n u.i lle diiniiji'l of c'cliiiitino J r piTti.ni. I rnti to her fret, crui) : " t.lory, IliilfLijuh 1 J .or' of rle t-iti.l. I 1'vo i-oi rcli-ic ii ! I, r" ifil t i,;i;i r h:i J the ttitin of u Juno hu rl c'd lly riht to Hi hi en I" Hit t Mlr.isiuMit wo- ( hcrlieJ nt thnt jut i-ri;i e I y it nmuer i f liict fintor v ! tnl i'il hrr head anil hronnlit the ne e :nttV tl i-.nhts Inn-It fi-om tho i leui t" tho frill (li lly : ' Von fowl ! nij;:rr,wbiil do ymi me:m ! Il yo:i li.nl u Juno hiifi'a winn. dnu'i vi 'i knuw u " dpecki r'd i;ollle y "ii 'ivt? yen .'i t li.ili' n Hit c I"' Tin ro i" a mini in tho t iiMiily rf drr Kiys. l'h l Ida. who h:m twenty two iliihiicn living. I Im family mi' -y-l jrintiplly on fi-h nn nCxei. They huvc novet hud a plate niT a enp t:tid Kiiici r in their hoiise. In iii u i I uts tli .y ie cntudH i u I hhei'a. '1 he) ln!p thi lDM'Ivrs tu tllil C.H'l.'d (i.-h or oyti rs loiin i tommoti h.r.-e di.-!i. Hiid ejrli mi niher of 'ho luinily u-e-Ii'b or her own jni k-kuifi) lop (hut pur- o.-e. 'J hone oitiele of did arettprvmi l) fur n trend, which the' tiin'.e ihem filves, und tin n I hi y eut)uine the p'u'.' a well n tho tiioil im it In thi-i wn tho wii-hinj nl'dii-hes is wholly uhviatei! 'I he (Miiily i. re nil hi tilthy und arc uuire lohn.-t tl nt ita.'i'I'iil. A youn;j jdy n ct in f mpariy n youii).' (.'euilciiinn w ho cvh'eo'ly i' an t-M't'llctit (piiiiiMi of hinielf. Iu r.iiiT (iuvciut on ho intiiidueeil the nil'jcct of mail lumny, nnd exp-iti'iii (I ut It nirtlt n pi ll the kind of wife ho ex pected lo marry, thut K if ever lie b!khi!J tako tho deeiniro Btcp. The Iioi.gp-J lutly must ho wealthy, hemni ful, ticccuij linl cd. Biiiinhlo, rto etc. liti'fiii r quietly nuilod until he had ended, and then completely eon fniinded hi in hy o-liii'' in tho co.li-t p. KKihlt) luiiniier, " And pray, nir. what Itovo yon to ofTer in return for all thin?' Tho yiuiiitf man giaumnr--J, leddcred a little, und walked aw.iy A family iii I'loiida ht tin It little l.i y, nod they ndvertised tor him in the daily paper. That vury oftcrmu n nn nlligatur cmulud up out of tho SWRIlip ut.U tliod ui thu Irolit duel bli p In his (tuuiai'Ii wua found a hnmiful nl red hair, coino lone hu'ti:,f. a filyf ciley, a ba.iBH hurrtleil pinto!, .Sunday M'liool took, fend a ruir of fhet k pants 'i he nJvi lUiMiiClit ciid it ut . I. iidt ho 1 1.0 editor ni)i. ll'tid t o Uo tor uny u:iiotur t.iiit li i eoiiiiimted a crime to ilify tha t ower of a pica. The iditor rays he will fetch thi ni riht ui out ol tho hottcm tf tho 1'uc.lic t ceuii if it is cu rt-mry. Ksow yo tho iii intor a hour o! t( a. e .' Knnw yo on hour mure Iriiuuh with joy i Ii ii ri ever f It ly tho Maid of drucce, win ii kned ry i ci ui au ormiH ho' .' 'J u tttt wIkd ucwa id ruleinn lu'U', hU eidamiiS all with bud-lic-s bl, uor yet when brother prioter tplole tho ifllisini) of hia Llunt'woin (in il. lintU, lis wheu tboalUer 1 .ii f. or clad iu tain, or had or vopnr, ' 1 ve cou.o to pay you lor my pappr. Took I'bkacii An Indian who hod been converUd and couiincmed preuchiii'', upon Loiiiatked how uuiili he was paid, lephud, ' 1 illy ctulu I'er tueh etiui.u. That' mighty por puy," aid hit friend. V en, "said tho Iujian, Moalin hi lead tLouKutiully, " but nimbly pour frtach.'1 A aorvaot living in ibe country w directed to got tho mail. Ah or her return her mjttrcaa iuqnired: " Did you y;et tb nittii?' She ar. twe red : ' Faith, iuuiu, I did Del j fur you forgot to tell me w hether It was Indian nail or coro mail (bat you wanted'" Well, Alick, bow'g yont Lrotber Ike getting alooK?" "Ob, Crt-tat; lie's got a good itt) to tbt world married a widow OHAIH.M KLkeKHKR. CUABI.ka CAWLBT. VLLDJllENf IIOlfK. So. HI Kit Vnrkrl Slrrd, lHILAPELPlllA. KLKCKNKU A rAWLKV, inopnrosii. rt.Cltf It rnw M 00 Pit Dny. TAMliS K lAVIS IIOTKI,, fit.i.i.v-ortovK, n.NYiiKii !o., P. llf.SKV A. HOMO, Pronrloo.r ThU writ known II u hiint hnn ra 1'l d hf Ihp prMMil froproiMor, ntTir tx .ll.'iii urenii'mnilxilona In ih irif inir -'omnmiiit jr. f 'Iniifi liuurB and t'ifir nt ike IUr. ntil ili Tt1 mipplitl iih I lie l'i'l Ilie ninrk-l Bff ir l". A gnoj Ha'Oe. I. tkIciI tiy mrtfiil lij-ilcr, in nnneilin Willi III biiilK. ApiilKVTtf IixjK A'lKNIS WANTF.O FiK J M III (id I. At TKIl MI II.-4 OF V. T. IUUNUaM W'riilen tY llirnmlf. In on Inree Oi'Ihto Volume iipnity M-0 Pi'e1 rimed In i.Oif i H'l'l (j.'i i, mn, fit IIthI Fn'il pec DnniTi ne- li einlrnci Krrly Vi-urt Cecllcriinn nf M. Life. MT- cliniii. .hininrr, Hinl;rr. I.prinrrr, ami Slmnuiti. No honk pnnlishd fo ftff 'ppln tile lo all clii'''. Kvery nns wtntu it Aiprnln ntrrngf frntii Ut 0 lull n b crilirr ni k. He otl'ir xlri inilneciin nl-. III-ii-iinlod Cuiiilug'.ic nn I Irrnm lo Agenl rem free. J It. It).' it It & CI ) , lul J.M.tr'. il ur t lor J, Cnn. IK'OT MIOE M AM'KAt'TOV. 4lttti)a up lo llmo I The iinilfmljinfd rppeel fully nnnonnr in I lie ciiW.'ii- of Middlehurj nn,l iciiiiijr, ibrtl he will rnnilnni) n iimniiliic'luri) MKN ,t fTiXtA. KM' nnd FIXE UO'iTS. Wnrren and l.ilii-n' MTuF., And in xla.rt rr.'ruliiig in lii- line, in hf liili'fl ntylp Mid nl t.iw piicr". V nrk nuidi' in ordrr nl ilic li"iui m.iicc. (jn in m n cull before g oing rUe.itiere. 1IIK AM fCIIWEMC ArrrTTiNKKu The undi-rhiiinrd nl-o etl r bin erlcrf lo Ibe piililie n. Vi n lin1 Oyer nnd Auriinn iiT. Ilixi'i; It it J it liitjie i pi rioncu, I tiel .'onK li'iil 1 1. m 1 ciin pive ulicl nnli-luc lion lo nil tvhn I'uij lnv me. Oii tne it liinl. HKiA.M M'lHU.NU. MidilivbiirF. Vn. J:m 'J, i bif Qo.-i.r.AVi; HALL iioti i.. i'i:ri:iz ii:ct r, refiner. West Heaver Tw'p , Fry Jet- Co., I'a. TKT. Xnliee Ibnl I I n pnnkum d 'of crate I! nil lint. I, i It re I nm n.wnjtpre piirnl lo nrprtinmoil'iU. llrorirro, anngrr-, wild Tniri'lrTn. I tbnil be libcrnl In my rlmr-pre and cn di-iivnr li use everybudy well win fnor me wiili bin eii-tom II ymi ntu imi Biiio liid, no ehigcj. (Jivo i.iu.icull. April. "t.Tif. C. KHY .1 CO., AM com miss :ox xli; en. x rs. 522 MARKET GT-, lictwei'n Fiflli nnd ."ijlli, 7,Uy lilll.AIiKI.l'ill A. 7KTI1W liflMiIXn.5!. ii and xkw nuc;:s WACrX.iia.LKl: .1 SON', hrrehv rrnpectfiilly inform llirir fririij nn I lln public jri iiiT.i'.'y li.nt llicy hate opi'nr 1 & STOUK iu lUuir NEW EUILDINQ on 111 fpnt no b.nj eeeupted by Dr. Jnnl WnjoMitidler nn I lip 1 -le cf (Jiio lipre i!h. nm Ii ivo nnd v. Ml itlwnys kei'p it large a lad will dirrlivl ntnoi'lmelil ul' .si:aoxai:i.k coods. In ilie l.o.litB' I'ppnrlintiil will be found full Uih of l'Ol'MXH. r.KIl.I.lANT-!. Vli'TOI.'IA I.AWX3, li(;ri;i:iALi'At'As, SWISS MI'I.L, CA Mill; I ('.-, ri;i NTS, J.U'ONKTS. HKLAXE3. Siripoii tuiil Checked Xiiiitucks, A. A 1.1-0 A Uveal Variety off l.ndies' lrivt TriuiniiuuH, Ln,v-t fstyle Hoop Skirts. Trench CoreM, Tall tyle IliilnmrnlB, Ladies' I'mlircl Ins, rornsol.H uti I Sun Shmlc4, J w.n in t I'lililionit, l.iici tf, Kul". fiiiiun Kmhroiili ri, Linen ond l'Bjcr Cnlhu-8, Ac, tic, Ac. A Sri. EKDWASSOll TMEXTof ,. r.oois&isiioKs I or I.aditii, Mixeira and ( l.iKln n. In end Iphi variety, of nil iic, atylea and prioea, solioicd for lb; Fall and M inter trade. A full and complete etoolt nf CLOTHS I'LAIX AND FAXCV CASSIMEH KS.COl TOXA I'LS, JEANS, Ac Ac COAL OF ALL KINDS ! Creeeiice, Qui'enmnre, llai junro, Willow- ware IVdnrware, (jlnro. &0. All nf wliicli having been nowyAt eery loir .for CASH will be told al very email profile. Our motto ii (Juick mln ui.J tmall projilt. We nlen pay the blghcet market price for nil kinde nf grain. WHEAT, II VE. COUN, OATS and FEED. We are prepared altii lo elnr gonda. al a -nmii rnaige ami lonoa general Louituiealou ami Forwarding bnaiucie. We bone that the nublio generally will Ivo lie a tall ,a w believe il ia lo their mlerenl In do m before pnri'be-'iig elae' wbrro. (Jitt u a trial. W. V. WAOKNSt LLEK, M. L. YVAGXN.HF.LLF.lt May 9,'C7. tf CAMUKL FA I ST, 'Ifi'fSiJjnt Tn 1 or, llaa juet received en entire new elnck ot I I.OTIIS, CArlfilMFUFU 4 VFSilNUH. all of a eupeiior quality which be la pro pared lo make tip iu ibe benl elyle and on ebcri notice. He nlto keeps liiown and VUiilo French Yoke Liuen t-hirl. and a gen eral aoriuieul of Keullvuieaa' Furuiebini (Jood, all of which lie oiler lo tbt public at very reanonaoi price. t an at piy place on I'm Dlrrel, between Eckbert'e vomer ami lis bride. Ktdioa- drove, Pa. June e, 10081 r. JAUNSWOUTII & LOWLH, W boleial dealer la Cedar, Wood anil Willow War. Cordage, Droome, i.ookiog uiauee, . 23, Norta Tbird Bireet, FkilnJ.lpbU. J II. WALTrlrt, IMroltTEIl AND unALr.a 1 CHINA, GLASS, AND QUKEXSWARE, 7.2ly IMIII.Alif.I.PIIIA. Walki t'c 5J:u iB!ian tiKAt.lrR tl BUY OOBS, GROCERIES. II AlipWATE, Qt i'ni;xswnB, vKDARWAP.B Sic. .e. .Ip. ifc. Ac i:iur.t ii. i t im. r.TIio IIIOIir.ST mnrlfot PPXES pnid for nil Unke of (.'outili jr Tro luce nail ni:li;u fitri r. I AI'.tiK AUKIVAL OF ii:w GOODS J. W. JDKEESE'S STORE, N. W. Corner Market Sintr, Middlvburg. The inrk embraces in part llli.ek Silk, AI!-W'inl Ve l.aineti, ( otaiif Moiinoi, I'lplillfl, lleppt, Ac, Ac Mn-liliB, IVuMe-widih Sheelin;;, 1 M iliinj.-". 'i'al dp l'inlT, Osiiiihiirjr, Jlxttil Tiekini;, Checks, Suirt iii;;!, (iii;iliamf, Jaeiinel, u fu 'I n.'xorimetit nf C:iiic"f, I'li.nnciH. Henry twilled, Sliiilim;, l'danki'tn, I'alliioia'f, J liii-ry, Uloicit. Ac, Ac. CLOTHS AND CASSIMT.RKS Int'rain and Linen Ciirpcts Wii' li ii, Linen eultoii Cnrpet Chiin. nr.AUY mmi: ci.orniso. l-'lnnp, Talio and fc'tair tl.l CIciIm EJntw iuu Caps, HOOTS AN J) SHOES. Hardware, (.iuootiswnrc. China winv. (ihi i-wiiie, Wood and Wiiiow wore, Ciillny, Oil Window Shade, . Looking G!aae.i Ac. Ac, Ac. ' TOUACCO AND CIUAI'S. SALT FISHI The l.i'ii'l niaikel lie pni 1 f.-.r nil kli"' of iniiiitry priidiicc and dried frni'ii Conti.li ni r.l renilci inir pel fi'i l nn!l.f tc lion bni.li in ri(; ii d In prirr- nil I rjiti.lilt "f I riopecifu lly Invite all In Riv ma it cu'.l ltfi.ic j i.rilni-iiu: i l eulni n. J. w . k:mi:. hMli I inp. Jartifry 7, lM :y jrpiiE ami:i;icax family ! pn -nenied to ibe public n ll.e nmsl S!ni de, I inii'lle, nnd ('nn'piet nnd Cheap Kn!i tin;: !Illdlille ever ilivpntcd. IMilCE, OXLYS). Tlii- iiiitcliitm will nn enlier bncktrnrd or I'm u in d with eijiinl I'.i.-iliiy mukct Ib-i -am Kliieli us by Land, but far mjjeiii r in ivirv ri'sd'1!'!. Will Uit IW.OOO S'.itel.cu iii ono mni:ti, .tid do i ctl'ict work, leaving rrcry knot nn l!.e ins;.lo of lit,, w irk. Il i"t i t a p iii of Mi i-kingi (any rite) in li- limn ha'f an linnr li w .U knil close or r i en. nhin ur r;bbi-. win!;, with any kind of c mrm nr .me wnnirn ynrn, or cotton, nilk or linro. Il will knil nt nekliige w!li liniil.b lirM nnd toe. dr.er.i. hnnna, a.ickii. sniuking enp". on nlortii, pur-ca, iiiull'a. fringe. nrbmi, niibin", unilerplevren, millenn, ukai'inj; eup I. imp wickn, moiu, curd, tt ti.lt iiiru..linw h jn-keia. endle blankele. hpyina. wri iiers, 4inpcndeiM. tldiea, liprln, lulled work, and in fuel mi l eihl'.i'at vaiieiy of nrliclt't in every day use, na well at fur ornament, from a Ij tiu ir dujr can he inade by any one w i.U lb American Kniiling .Machine, kniliing nocking. 40 wliile czpeii npernioia pan even make more knitting faeey work, which al'.vny com uiiuaiide a ready pale, A rcmon cm read ily kuil from twelve lo fifteen pairs of locking pe uny, tne pmlit nn wliieli will be not ivii) iliau lony coma per pair. FARMERS can nell their won. at only forty to fifty eonta per pound ; but by gelling'llie wool mado into yarn at n email eipt-ne, and kniliing il into noikrf, two or three dollar per pound may be realiied. IJu receipt of we wilt lorwand a nincliine a oniereJ. We wlnb lo prnciir active agent In ev ery teetion of the t ailed State ft Canada, lo whom I Li 0 mini liberal iudiiocoietil will be offered. Ad li en American Knltiln; Machine Co., Febl74J liueion. Mii..,or N. Loitia, Mo. AMATEUR Cnltlvntos-'a Guide, Full THE Floirer and A'Vcn-u Garden. 24' h edition nf ibi popular work which baa 11. c wiib eo much favor iu ibe past, it now realty. It bue been r-rillen and improved, primed wltli new lype. and on line papur, illu rated wiib 'a boaviiful Lithograph, and many olber tine engraving tram nnone. It coulain full denoriplious iud Ibe eiilliir of over looo Ii adii.g vari eties of Mower and Vegetable ; also des criptive lial of the linveltirs of ibe present eaon ' lo whioli ia added a eolleolion of H0 cboloe French Hybrid (iladlnlu. This wjrk we and eonliJeni, will couipai fa vorably with any similar on. 'row Levi JJarllrl', Warntr, A. . ol have received a copy of your euperhly gillen up Auialenr Cultivator' Uuide, I ihiuk It lar ahead of anylblnj of tb kind ever before is und from ibe Auicrioao pre." fen I lo any addrens upon recelrt of 75 criil for paper oover and 6'J cent for iicfully bound In elmb, WAtlllil'RN ft CO.. 8 Hoe TO. MASS. 1)1 LE3, A Miaeinnary, who bad sulTored 'i'i year wiib Pile,.wu cured, and will lend lb receipt froe. Kkv. Fdbl'tU 1UX, Jeiscy City, N. J. Feb8-w, . , ILL T1IK PEAMON OF PAIN. Wol eotl' Pain Palm reutovte rain in- eisuily. aatl aeai old L'lcers. Woleoll'e Anmbllalo; sure Calairb. BroBebitle and Cold la tb teaJ. Bold by all I)rolt. HALT' Wat hotter PC5NB TOW!MIIP, Mijin P. ANDHEW SHADE, Proprictir. AppmptArtttlnrt fnM unit fhtrpt p(Mlrln. Tkt tiMnK vl Ut lrjvtlln palill bMlltlttd GrovcrV Unhrr's' FIR3T PREMIUM FAMIL.Y Sewing Mncliincs, m;oadv x new voiix. 130 CHESTNUT ST. riIII.AtELrill A roixTs or excellence. Beauty and l'.Utllcly of Si itch. Perfection nnd 8impllcily of Machinery. fning bnih threads dircclljr from lb poo.s. Nn ftiteninft of ieann by hand and no wane of tlircnd. Wide rane of application without chinee of nljiibliiii'iit. The tram rrlin. tin branty and firmoen. tflcr wahliinjt and ironing. Ilpnidrn doing alt kinds ef wotk done by by ntlicr Sowing MncbinPM. Ilii Muebinp 'pimii Ilie 111(141 beamiful nn permanent r.mliroidcry and ormiinciilnl work. je.The tliplipet Preintumn al nil Ilie fnlri nnd exUibliiuna of lbs l ulled rilntca nml llnrnpe, have bprn ntrnrded the tirntrer fi linker 8wiii laclnni-, nnd 'bo wrnrk by llieni, licrcrer exliibiled In conipvliiin. frTbe ery hijliet p rire. THE Cl!C),a. OF TI1L I.IKilON OF llnNdH. wnn eon fi-rrd nn ibe ri'prpftpiilntito of (! orrr & I'.ik.r hewiiit n.m bincn. nl I l.o rupix-iiinn I'liivcrti'le, I'nri.t. li-O. Ibui nlie-iiii(! ibeir ifn-ai inipcrhirity orcr ill ollici Hew Ind M n I'd inc. For Silo by SAMI EI. FAt'fT. Sclinv Rrove, I'a. April 2 . 'Oil. 159 EADIXtJ IlAILliOAD. Suiiiiiicr Arra'ij.ciiR'bt, Muiidtiv April 18, 1870. Cieal Trunk Line fio'it Ilie North and Nonli witji f.ir I'Lil i l.-lp' i i. New York, lietiliiifT. I'ott-tiile, T i in it i ' i it . A-bbiud. Sbiiinuiiiii. Lebanon. AHintown. F.a-lon, ICplirala. Litis, Innrri-ter, Columbia, o. Trains leave lliri,'iurg fur New York, ny folloivn ; nl .Vii.'i, M. In n. m. ll.'i) loom, and U.tW p. in., c inneciing Willi eiiniliir I r lint on Ilia I lie l'enn-vlvr nia llnilrnad. nnd arriving nl New York al IJ. 1.) mom. I. Ill it,.'li, and 10,1111 p. in., re-peelively. !i epmg ii.ru iHTotnp my ilie ' il i a tu. and I'J.'.M Iiooii li tin'. wi:l. n il .'Inline. I'etiitiiing ; LiaveNcw Ym'k ul H.OOn m. l'J.t'Vl Noon, and n,th) p in. I'liilridi'lpbta ai I'i a in and :l..'lu p ni ; Mep:ng e.ira nc 'inpatiy the IVJ'.l a in, an I '.H i p tu Ir iiu lioiu Sew Yolk, wiilioul eloiiio. Leave linn iil.ur I for I'.i' i 1 n r. Potl-vilh-T.iMin''i-i, Miner-viilc, A-htnn I. Mininnklu. I'inegriive, Allenlnwn nnd Pint l b Ipliia, at "i. 10 a ni, il.t -" und 4 1') p m, rini inj at Lebanon Mid priori) nl way elnti m ; tin 1,10 p in train coiiiiac'tn tor I'hi 'idelpbin. I'oi I . il io and I 'oluoi l.i t only. For 1'ott t iiU, .S lut) Ikill lla veil tin t Anl nru, v i S-!i uj-! It 1 11 and fcOi"iiivdi.niii.i Kiiilroud. l.i ne lliirri.liuig nl It, I'I p in Way paaeiii-r Ir iin le.ni-i M.il'idtdphin a ..-In a ni, ciinne'.-iiii;- Willi aitiiiiitr iniiti mi la I renioi. It ii 1. 1 li t. riiiteiti).' IV. ii. i. e. id1 ti nl '.. :i Ti in. 1 1 ping, at ni einl intc I.eaiM I'oti-i til - nt ", i'i no I '.I. 'Ill a in inoi J. i'i p m. : Hern Inn at '.i. a m : Mm- ii, ..:. in nt 'i.tu nnd 10,4') it. in.; A-lilund ai i.'''i a in, and I'.', "'.'. j m ; 'i'imi.iii al S.;!; i in, nn. I -.'.'il p iu f ir l'LilaiLlphia and Sew York. Leave 1'iiil-ville. via Srlniylkill and Pit iiui'linitna P. li nl H.Ijn in tor lliirrisburg. nn. I 1 1, IM a in for I'in. trove und Tremom. Iti'iiilinjr Accninmnilal ion trii.i: l.tiivn I'otiia i'lo al i,4 a in. pame Heading at 7,:i'i a in, arriving al I'hihidolphU nt lu..'. tin. l'.rt iirnin;.'. leave 1 li.uile 'liit a' ".1 j p in, pa-niinr li.-adini( at b,l)l p ni. arriving al Potinv.lle al H, I'I p in. Intt.iown Aec.iiim.obiiio'i Train I.pavei-i'oto-iowit nl fi.it a ii. r.liiruing leaven I'lulkd. Iphia al I. ml p in. Ci.liiiubia Lnilro-i-l 'I rniiin leave P.en-'iitg it 7.1" a nt. und t " , I "i p in tor i inula, Litiz, Lme:ii.ier, Cnliinil.i.i. (it , I'erkioiiii ii La'trnnd Tinln leave Peri oturn Jimciion al tl.n'l a in, 3.0') .. :lii p in; reiiirnlng leave 8i liwenksville at 8, Oj a ni. I'J, !. Noon, nnd d.l.i p in, eoniieoiiiig willi hi in i 1 1 r train nn Heading Kai'rnad. C'oli br lokd ile It'iilroad tr-iini loave Poll town nt !), lit a in, nn I tl.'J I p ni, reliirniug leave Mouul l'linnniit at 7,00 and 11,'J . am, couiieriing wiib aiinilnr trniu on Heading r lilio.id. f-lieaivr Valley r.ndrnnd trains leave !ra,.pr ,i g.ao n in, and S.lA and 0.0 p 111, return, nt. leavn D.iwuinglown at 11.20 a in, 12. 4 j noon and 6. 15 p 111, connecting Willi eiuiiiar Irnim on Iteaiiing railroad. tin tcttiidaya 1 Lenve New York al 6,0(1 p m. Pl.iladehibifi H.dil'a m un 1 ",13 i, in. ilie KC" a ni train rttiming only lit Heading; leavu i'oltnvillo 8,(it) a in; llai rinburg a ni and 4.10 p ni. ntid Heading at 7.14 a m. Bud li'.H'i p in for Hart inloirg. at 7.2 1 a m for New Vot k, nud al 'J, IJ a m and -1,"3 p ui for Philadelphia. ' Coininiiialiun, Mileage, Hea-or.. fiebnol and ezauraion liokcls, to and from all poiul al reduced rales. ' H.'RK'i'e checked through &0 ponndt allowiil each pannenger. U. A.N1COLI.S. Omrrnl Siij'triuttuJtiil. Beadinn. April IH, IC70. . Fornc'a IPrcss. ISIS CEEAT ClliKU SEWSrArtRI Git the Ut'xt uutl i'hcupint XeiejMiwr la Me (Jjuutrj. tiieTiiess Is a f rsi-cl is doiible-theul eight page paper, conlaiuing 43 oolumns, puhliabed every morning, (iioepi Sunday..) TERMS: DAILY JMIESS S8.00 per annnmi J2.00 for six innuibsi l.0U for three month. THI-IVEF.KLY rilESS $1.00 per an niiuit t'l W Ut nix menibs) $1.00 for three tnnnlii. THE WEEKLY rRESS, Th mot valu able Weekly Ntwnpaper In 'the World. Ii eoulain Heine nf interest 10 all. HEAD THE TEHMS 1 On copy one ytar f 2 Five eopie : ' ' 9 Ten conies, and one copy to the getter up of club, J5 Twenty eopie. and on copy to tb gellnr-up of club 27 Fifty eopie. and oueeopy to the getter up of elub j Ten eopie, lo en addrni, and on enpy lo Ibe geiler uu ol (be club )1 Twenty oople. to oa otlilrrtt, and on copy lo lb gejlcr up of the, elub . . 25 Fifty eopie, o ea uUdrtu, and one copy to lb getter up of Ibe elub 60 Oue hundred eopie. tt one , nd , one eopy of Ibe Trl-weekly l'rM 1 ' the getier up of ibe elub . , 100 All aritri ikould it tdJruui la JOHM W. FOBKET, yT taji'Mf""1 " OHOCU & DUOTUElt Would retpectlnily nnnnn;e lo Ik ptpl nf Snyder County nnd tb public, g nerally, that Ihey have Jnl seenred, and will enmlnnlly keep on hand and for ale, a very extensive aseorlmenl ef in their rninmmllni- New Bnm oppneilf lb Hank, rtelinngrov Pa. ' THEY WILL SELL AT RE DCCED FMUCHSI Their extensive elnck ennll of a well tnlectp't Bnorlineil of FALL WlNTt'lt (!ll(Hi!4. Tley have CLtlTIIS. CAS.M MEHS. plain an I Taney. Knlinrti. Jean. Tweed, Mitnlin. Drilling. Flannel. Check, io. Alia nn elegant aortineiil LADIES' DUirS GOODS! Silk. Iionilinsinc. Alpacas. Ulnck nnd fiiney Vclainn. Lnwnn, (tln-rlinnta, 11 Inrjrp variety of fine White OooiIh, LADIES' FA't MON'AHLE COAT.-t, Hoop, .kir!(i Khnwla. Ac, Ac. Il E A D Y M A t I CLOT 1 1 1 NO. Coif a. voHtH. I'oTitn). Shirts Ac A vnriclv ol NOTIONS & 1I0SIEUY. I'ollar Linen ond ropcDrecrs'I rim niinpit. Iiuttons Curst. Ztvprtyis rotr.inin nud eplit. Moravian and Shetland Wool Ac. Ac. iqSlKSAIiTAIS'DinOX, STEEL. STOVES, FOflKS, PIIOVLLS, PPADES, HA KI'S. CLASS, NAII.8. PAINTS. Ilanlwnra (Jnppnwnro, f!lna.ware. Cudnrware, Widow-wnre Crockery, VL ASTER. Whito A Illup. Alan, a large quant lly of different kind at HATS A CA1 S. FOOTS A SHOES, efevtry etjle, vnrlrly and rjiiklily. Also, all kind of CARPETS. &C. C'rorrrfca of nil kind. freh from ii I'liitadelphiA and New Y'ork Market. They keep cnmtiiully on band a large -oj piy 01 WHITE LEAD A Fit PAINTS. t vi it nonli n m il ri ice. icccivo.l il're.i front the inaii.ifacturea and cntineiiiently inn "i n ' in very lowest prices. Also all kinds of OILS. WHALE. ' ' IJIIOWX 'LT'DTil C A T r XO, SCHSTITUTE nnd LIXSEEP OIL. 'or Painllni. To Hie Inller Ihey call pur. ilceulnr nlteutinn a Il I piiual lo Liu-ee l il for e il ire, I painting, and cost but on. half the price. II'pl t K pi ices paid for Country Produce and All EiiinlNofftraii. J7xr0iv( tlieni a tri.d heforo go inje clscwhrrp. sciionr a nnoTHEii. Thee nrealo the ng-nia for C El? Ell's PVTI'ST I'l.Y IM'.ta LATINtl (lt!P .VEPAIt Tl!i ('LEASEE AND P. fiF.f The InU nl Improved ami monl ci'vl inli'd , v a in T hr a h he y in the world, .tu.i tho Machine Fa.'tner mieleen n don"-nttcr for year. 1 till 'lira-h from t ) I,) -10 H:iicli pe. li ii it", el at. id re.i' fornmikel. TI.ey wll no thee mjliine upor ib .il ni. rtlsrt ai rane l as reprenonl.i l. April IS. 'fi--l. I. T. SIIIMiKL, M, O. rill I.U DWIB-tt'OBIi j EAD THIS. Jlalnde AND S-.ttncfortl. Iiiunoisrs" and Chemists, OllVr I'nr nln Wuoir-Aia AN It HXTAK., DHUG:-, .MI'.UICINKS, PAINTS and CHEMICALS. Em bracing . , PCREZIXC FAIXT Green. Pine. Yellow. Hed and Ulack : Paint ground in I.inei'd Oil, Dei tar irnuh Fplril Turpentine, Cuiinl. Coaulinnd White DRYING JAPAX. KNOTTING. Hluduw Llr.ss, rutty, Hue Oil Alcctol. SrAKtu, Isntoo, Ybbmilmoi, Paivt aud VARNISH I1HU8IIE.S. .If ii nnnf Ptmale Tiwct and -Snpparttr J fclllllS. . ! . . Coneenlraicd Lye, Kin Fponge SPICKS, COIIN FTAKCHi HIP.DKLED . I'luwrr and Oan. n Se d, Tjwblih the nllenMnnof dealer la palled. a w e will fell al I he very lowest Ca-h Priets in quantities lo suit piucha er. W't'ta. "itan mi hvad and offtr for P.ve WhoUnale and Hcteil, ill the lead ing Pali ut Medidnet. Al-o. NOTIONS, CONFFI TIONEUIES. TOBACCO & SE0AH8. Middleltirg, tiiiydcr Co. Pa. MbicIi 21, 1W7. PHILADA, Si IlEADIt. Q E. Ii. Through r.onl lo :be Susquehanna I nliIE Ehnniokin ilrevorlrn Railroad X being completed, a tbroegh route it opened between Ilern'ion (nn the 8110,11 h'inna Liver) and Pbiladvlpbii. Truius will run a follnw t K AST W AUD. No. 1 rssenge, leaves Trevorlnn ft 10 a ui.; rdianiukiii 6 il a m, aiivet at Phil adelphia at 1 00 p in.' No. X Passenger leave Ilerndnn nt 0 31 t in. 1 Trevonnn 10 07 a m,i Khnniokiii 0 6-i a m,i arrive al Phlla at ll 45 p m No. 6 mixed, leave llcrndon al (I 40 Trevorlon Vi m.j Skutrokin I'i 87 p tu.; arrives at Poltsvills at C 16 p nt. WE8TWAUD. No, 2, Passenger. Leave Pblladolphia 8 16 a iu 1 tibamokin 4 'JO p m Trevorloa 4 80 p ia arrive al llorndoa at 6 29 p ai. No. H, mixed. Leave Aablaad al 7 80 a m ; rihainokln V VI a m ; arrive at Tr Tonoo 10 'Jl a ni 1 lltrndon I'i 20 p m. No. 10, mixed, Leaves Ashland al H 00 pro; Bban.okin 4 64 p ui arrive at Trevorlon at 6 80 p nt. Paasetiger trains No. 1 and 8 make Connection at Heading fur Alleaiowp.New York, Lebanon, Hairltburg, Columbia and Lanair. ' paengvr arriving In Fbqrankln vl N C K W, Bboiil 10 a iu, can sonuool witk No 8 Pasrager, at 10 C4 a n, for Phila delphia aad iutirrosdlal point s. Thone arriving on the N C H W Patsooger Irals 1 I'i 10 soon, can eonneol wlih Mo. 5, wblcb leaves 8 bamokln at 12 87 for Ash Und, Uaaaoey City, Tiroo e"4 Po"- s (i RAY DILI. & Cn.. JT Wnni.ra.M.a PaAiBB in WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Oil Cloth, Window Shade. Itro-im. Mm. Prn-het Cnlton Laps, Ortin Hags, Fly Net. Uurkti. Twine. Wick. e. No Slit North Third Slreed, Philadelphia. Feb. 7. '07 ' nimoit op YorjTn. A GENTLEMAN who uffered foryrap fiont Servmi Debility. PrenialiiT Decay and all lb" effxpl of youthful indinoretlnn will, fop the nk of "ulTeilnj humanity, tend fre 10 all who need il. lb reeelpt nd direeilnnt for making Hie simple remedy by which he was cured. SiiiL r or Wishing lo profti. by the advert Iter' experience, ran do so by idr""lng. In pelect confidence. JOHN D. O'lPKN. No. 42 Cedar uree. New York L EWisF.uno vvooitEr rAt7onir! The stibfcr'iber. thankful for Hie liberal patronage bestowed on hi enlnbli-bmeni nt l.ntirilion, beg leave In Inform hit friend and the puplio generally, 'hat l,e ha had bin null at Lewinhurg filled up in the bci possible manner, wub lb Latut ImjiruveJ Machinery mad In Ihe country. anA with Ibe adenn Inge of Steam Fewer, which can he relied nn nl nil lime, lie feels safe In paying that hi eilnldinhmeni i not surpassed by any in lb Mule. Having engnged a act of good Workmen he 1 now prepared f.r manufacturing all kiude of WOOLEN GOODS ICC II A3 CLOTllS. CASSIMEHE.'. SATINETT3. TWEEDS. JEANS. FLANNELS, LLANKI.TS.CAIULTS, YAlt.Nd, to. In iht Irtt mannrr and at tahiccJ prieft. An excellent nnsnrlmenl nf (Itedsot nil linn on Land, for pale or exchange for V. no. UI ILI, ( .i;Ul.U dona oil short notice. fcirtLRMS CASH.-e&t MAP.K IIAIFrENNY. Lewi-burg, I'nlon Co., Pa., Deo. 4,tiSy FALL AS I) VlXTt:il j:amoxs! A f US. M. A. 1 INDEIl ha lurt arrived liJL froi- I'aii) Nnd I.onil ,n wiib the la ft de-Ign pcrannally pelectcd from Ihe ilie ppeiiicnl novcliiep; alno Hie mott ele .lint Triinlng In be 0 secured in Parin Lacea , iildion-, velvet, ltridal Veil, Flower, Fine Jiwelery, and Tnniid Puper l'niieint, Dre-s and Cloak Making Fxclunlve ngenl for Mr. M. Woik't celebrated pynlem for rmtirg ladie Iron-en, jn'ce. I aniium, fie. N. W. corner ef Llevenlli and Chenlnu' -'t., Philadelphia. 7,'uilmil riiiladeli hia. Vug .", imiy QOME THIS WAY I npr.AT n.vn r iivs t EW GOOJ 5 AT THE CHEAP STOIJE OF vf. v. ia itiii- nr, fcLLlNS'JKO.NE Pa. Would respeplfully announce la tin pennle of nviier Ctml ihti t, l.,M l.M. received from tho eastern niarkrt and ba- for tale n large and well selrcled mock el "iew Uoo'la, winch lie otter Hi nuloninb U'gly lew prioc. His stock embrauesth1 very brrl FALL mid WINTER COODS He ha Cloib Casslmer. Dr Skin .lean fatlnele . Ipaecas, I.unlrc Delains Popllu I'linl. Muslin Dri linn SIihwU 'C'anibric C'nliooea. French hixnoc, EnglUh Mitiiioe HEADY MADE CL0TH1KG fall kind'. II AHDWaIIE, II ATS and CAPS, liHaM'ERIKH ALL PAPElt, , Giro me a call. CLT.ENSWARE, HOOTH SHOES CAHPETINO. Bill IK KIMHNCS. No charges mado for llltnecliliff n.in.la. Louulry produo ta ken in exchange for good way il, 1000 y il. lll.GIIAWOUT, limes :ist & Chemist, REAYEHTOX, Snyder Cn , Pa Connlnnlly kenps on hand, and for sale all kinds nf Drug. Patent Medicine, Paints, Oil. Ola, and Notions. Price 10 suit tbt) time. Autr.CStf piIARLLS II. .MILLElt, AKCBITECT tOSTRACTOTl & EIIIDER. Woluut, Street, Sttlitiayrovc, Pe. Is at nil limes prepared to furnish Prnfi. Plan sod ripeoifinalioiis fir all kinds ol Uiiihlings, al lb lowed populd rale Bite) on short not lea. Ho I also prepared to contract for pulling up buildins either by furnishing an ins material or oiosrwis. May 11, 'OS ly JJKAVKUTOWN STOVE STORK AND' Tinware Manururtor-r. J. P. SHIRK Would retpeoifully iuform lb villtens of Snyder eoiinly that be keeps constantly op band a large assortment ot OFFICK. .PAKLOHnnd COOKING. BTOVES Of the latest elyles and most improved palorns, among which are tb celebrated Empire Gas liurner, ibe Busquehanaa L'aok, lo., wbiek be la si 11 in g al prioes Ibal uUfy ecBipalliioa. lie Bute tnaaufae lure aud keep a bad a general eeeort aieat of Blot Trimmings, Yiawar Jie. tipecial alieniioa rJd to Ipetilloe 4 fi.., I . WHO I.E.! ALE ! t'i'i 1 i'J North Cd Street -ftt';wi III .infill Ayor's Oathartio Pill v, Tor sol the rar-04e vt t tla.) Uedieliie, Pwrbap n arto mp. elne is to lrrHip1ljr nt. anirrtl liT overt loaiy a nntltartia, nor wru. ever any before ew wniverwnt. le alnttvd Into nte. In rVery vonncry ami aiwou . all eliin-ee, aa Iht miM lull inrionl petrgntiva M'lll. The tvlone reii. cfovCf 'fiw Iiablo'aml fr mmw Tc V -SllyrSrr."" t""1 remedy than oaf tried It, knnw thai II cured thtrmt Uonowho h ivw not, know Hint II cum lliotr nelgtilrar anil IViemU, and all know Uial what II ilne once II doe nlwarn Hint It never full tlironali any fault or nexi tof nt enmpo-llloit. we nav moa-iumv tipHi ui..n sanrlt of ecrtiilefilo nf their remarkable ouree of tit) foltowlnt enmolaintn, but nrb cure are known la every nctshlHwhooU, anil w nocl not ptiblltlt Ui.an. Ailaill In all o ami nmilitlont In all cliinaUM) emit lining nelthcp enlomel op any deleter! HM.Inig, lhe my lie taken Willi nafoty by anybody. Tneir puaar enatlna' pro-erve-. Ilint ever frenh and makes Ihein pIcn.Kiit lo lake, while lieine purely vetmuble) no harm can arl-e from Uiclr tto In any unnulitr. Thcr nKrato tiy Iholr pi.werPul Influinios on ino Intel n'al vl-rora to purify tlw bloml anil tllmutnt" i into he.ilUir a-li n reinovn thooli-tnietiontof tho tloinarli. bnwoln, llv, annl ntlier nra-aDa or Uio iimiv, notorlng llieir Irregular aotinn lo honltii. and liv eiirreetlng, wherever llu'y exll, oeli tlvraugw mctiln nt are the ami nrldn of illnea-e. M nolle illrMlont are given In Uie wrapper nn Ihe Imv, f .r llin follnwlug coinplaioln, whieii Ui J'll raiillr enrol For IsnitrMl or twr1l;Pltnta tlitlett, teat. I.tmarattr nnd l.wea m pttllii ihey shoulil Im taken uinilernuily lo tlltnulale Ura slons Bi'h ami pvntore it lieallliy tone ami action. Kor l.tvtr 4'ontplwlwt tool lit varlnut nvmp Inn., Iitltaws II hf. ttlek lltnisilut'Biw, Jliinn.lirt or errpi Stlckaet. illlioua X'nltc ami lilllwita aevrt, Uiey elunthl Ini )u ilietim.ly taken for enrheA-e.loeorri'et ttw illncanetl artinn nr remove Uin oti-lmrtirm which cauno Iu Kor r-emtery n. Oltsrrhcrtt, but ono mild dn.e I- tfenerullv rea'i'PA't. lor Hkrtmiii.i, tsat-t. Orarvl. rn1plt litilnw mt mw lleiar, lni la h Atrff, aswrli anil l.nlita, Uiey ehniiM Ini coiilinitunnly taken, an rntih'ol,,l') ehanT the dl-eane.1 aviloa of Ilia yntem. WiUt etlvh cbango those ootnplalnt tll-npiear. For DrmretT and 1rewlral )wpltlaii thev phouhl be taken In largo ami I'miuoul ilones to' ro-tllt'-e Ihe cIToel nf a ilmntln purTC. Kor MnppreiMlnsi n lanrn ilon shonM he U Bea at it prn.lm-ct tlio tle.-lreil eD'ci-l by nyinnathr. At a tUnMrr fill, take ono nr two fills (c pro rmae iliim-tion an'l relleTP the stomach. An ooen-inn.il ilono ntimulatrt the ptnmarit and iHiwelt Intn healthy artinn. rontnre the apnetlte, anil Invigorate Ilia sytiem. llenee it I nPen ail rant.ieou when, no serious ilemneantenl sxl-t. One who felt lolernhly well, nrtmt Bml that tikas of thrne I'Ulm make lilm reel ileenely better, from their rlcauiuK ami renovauug effect on Ibe diges tive apparatu. VR. J. C. A TEH CO., JVwef teat ChtmUU, LOWELL. MASS., V. 8. A. p a iMnA. d r gBiisrsrrsB UNION HOUSE. GAP.MAN A KAIISTETTEtl, Vropritltrt, MlHDLERCr.O.Snydcr Co.,Pj. The prnp-lelor respectfully announce 10 their friend and ibo ptihlio generally Hint ihey have rented the Fryer tavern stnnd, w hich b.ts been refilled and replen ished in olylc. and ia a desirable plaos for piraiigcra an I other lo atop. Their lah'.e in at all limes spread willi the luxiirlra mil siihalaniials of tho season. Their chniiiber are large In promote Ibo eonifort of their giieala. Their bar la tupplied willi chuico li'jiior. No pailis spared by Ihe proprietor in render entire aaliafao lioik lo all who favor them with llieir patronage, 7-2!tf OKlLli.UtiTS iTsanexccll- hmohliii; Tobiuio I td Yiigi- nia ; wherever introduce I It is universally admired, ll in put up ill liandnome niu.n lin hag, in which orders for Mceisohauut pipe are daily packed. l.'im.T.A'tn'R I cla.ied by all Yucht Club 8 ".Chins Tolliicco all ; 'I i Hindu ot itie cliiiieeat leaf grown ; ll ia anil iter vo t- in il I'llcci. nn.llie Niootine hav been extract di it leaves no disagreeable taste nfter smoking; il Is very mild, light i't color and weight, hence une pound u i I l int as long as 8 of ordinary tobacco, lit4 thin I run J wo alno pack orders every dsy for I'rn quality Meerschaum Pipe. Try 11 and cniivinun yniirmdves ii ia ail II claims to bo, "1'IIE FINEST OF ALL." LOIULLARD S I Thia brand of Fin ( Mi'VpH p v i"'"1 cui'wi"i ,i,hto- LvlJil 1 U li 1 I co bus no ecj ial or (ilPWltl TobAcCO. si.reriur anywhere. M m without doubt i ho best chewing to bacco iu the country. I.oniLLARti'S have nnw been la QT I T ? aw .r.l use in lb. r31 U X' JU IJ LiiMcd KUte ovr liiiyeras, and still acknowledged " ihe best " wberexer used. 4t If your storekeeper dor nol have then article fir tale, ask hi in logel I lieu; Ibey ere sold by renppclnble jubher almost every where. Circular of price forwarded on application. . 1 . LOilll.LAUD. DiO. New York. ?????????? TO THE WOniilNQ CLAS3.-W.ar. prrparcd lo famish ah olasses with conf slant employment at home, lb wbolo lh time o for tb spare moment. Hue lues new. light and proftialdo Person of eiihrr sex easily earn from fiflo. to 't per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting llieir whole linio lot ho busineta Hoy and glrli can tarn nearly a inucli as men. Thnt all who see - Ihl nolle iiiny send Ibeir address, nnd lest th bu inea, we make Ibis unparrplled often To such a nr not well atined, w will send nn dollar lo pay fur lb troub'o of writing. Full panibulars, a valuahl (ample, whinb will do lo commence work on, and a copy of Tkb Prorta'a Litbrabt CojirAJtioB one of ibe largest and best fann'y pewnjapir published all sent froe by mail, 'ruder if you waul per ui neiii profitable work, address L". !. ALLEN & CO., A ii -tint a Main. IXcJ A WORD TO CONSUMPTIVES. - Cuing a short and prnellonl I real in oa the nalurc Cannes, nod symptom of Tul Hilary Consunipilou, Droochi lis, nud Alt -tlttna ; aud their prevention, troatiyoni, nuu citrw ny inuniaiion. eeni tiv melt Free o. ArtilreM tl. NAN IR MMEL, ' ' 10 West Founeemb 8l ,N. Y. ' ll ' TTENTION Hurrah for the new' good jits, ; eelvd-by t . , ; At Hummel' old Stand, (two mllss abti Bellnigrovo) which Wi selpeied wll freat ear, and alll be cold al low prk', I ineludss, , , i , , , NO'flONtl. . DRY GOODS. ' CiHOt'EHlES, ' 1IAUDW ARK. " ' QUEENHWARE ' . UOOOtind WIL,I.OV WARE, Salt, Ploslsr, Oil, Coal, Nail, . QlatMusGw 1 respeot fully invito the publlo I eon . and examine my good bnfore, buylug elsewhere, illevlug it lit be to Jeurfo teresl. ..... I also pay lb highest prlesa for all Itlode of , ' "' ad all klnda of Country i-raduc. I aia also well prwidx wit in,-."iig for Usui supp.r Jireakfr-t s-'J- -lag, for people wk e ' e f a Iraoe. I alw-e I it. -a I Arr4Tr .1