The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, May 12, 1870, Image 2
THE POST. MAT 12, It!, Committee Mr-t'lliia;. Th Hepul.lican Hiandin Cunoolllf of BiijJir County It requcalnl la irrrl al Ih I'nurl llitfein Midilvhurf , on 'ttirstluj' H t IT, tHIO, A full nlten.laiic In r.'rtpntd m httalnr aa of linporinnn will l imhanctal. Tli following ar lb Dumta uf l!i Com Battle! H(teer TV. I t. Conrad, Jnaeph ft. l'lah. Weat Hutu-1 J. M't.-rn. J.,.r,h M..nbck t'entr 'etr Jacob II. Httrliuuu. 'l.apmrto .1 H. Hull, Frank Wailec. franklin Julin H'lger. John Helta, .tarkanr. John H. Heaver, H llr-M. lttdlrbnrg-.l. V. Miltutel, Jac.h Anrand. ellddlecreek-tl. A. nimtli, .1.-1 llllger. elnroe John Ymin. Jeej-h H"uu. Penna Levi Row. .lamee pewlir.g. I'erry Wllllsm Harding, eaao lieiin. rrrj M Mielleribergor, J..-. Arlroraat fel.nagrov II. M H')tr, . y. !.ere-u. l nl. n1. .), ( ll.-g-tr. John .1 K oil r tBrblhgtnn-lla. J. II. Adain, U. U.iloyr. 11; urJtr uf jno. y. snivuix. t. B. MoTtK, Sifrrtnrif, Our ftrnutorlul IINtrlit. Tltu folli-wing, from the Clumerrs I ur I'epoaitnry, rlnws ut jut Imw I l.e matter atuult in regard lo the etintorial qupstioo in thi diMriet : 'Tho fouilcrntli l!tt'!a t. composed f Ly comio o;, I'uinu uml Snyder, though it was icprcncnti'il hy Lock, lJciuocril, U l!i ulil)i'un. a 11 J only tin I iiiinaf mi nt will clccl a Ileinoi rat this luil. Tbo election uf .n-t your gave Iho lirpuMicio 1 ally a majority of 151 viiIph. TI10. lil'lcefith AmrudftiPlit will ad 1 sup, hut to IhiH majority. The Patriot culln thi di-tikl debata Llu pound. It any be, hut tbo aeUht ul' 1 l.o arK'Hui'iit it very much viih tli Kcpubliuun si le. li s Jit) publican if hut clct toil il mu-t be lor Clher reasons limn 1I10 llH'1 id'vntc, f ur tin re i.s a clear lit publii uti lunjur ity in 1 ho lii-tricl. litre 1 In n in one , of lbs districts wheicin a ltcpuHiciiti Senator cuii be guiiii'il." Il ii time ill tf tlietritt i-hulilj lo represent-il in t he iTtiitto hy u Ki pul licali, Mill il ia a shati.o that it loo iiol been l.cctof ire. Wo have a ili'.in vvuikin uuijoii'y in tl.i) ili.Mi'n t i f at leu . t 4L 0 vuli , wl.ii li vt' ran 1 osy 1 11I1I it' we (mm inutJ a jjoi-i! 111.111. ThcrtTni'o let u put in Humiliation the rll.t iP8iiii 1. 1111 ill whom tin jcq'lo liuvc ci'tfJi lit.: uuil our wmJ lor it, the Si'nal.r IVuiii l.yiuti.inx Uuioo u lid SiyJt'r, will tiut In a Dotu-crut. 33(rurliiuil Aiitttrl. The McFni'litnl lri:il, which liiut fillfil the N'i'W York ;i tis fur u 1 time, was hinulit. t in clonu ou Tm:.--duy. A tier riiirin' Uiuj fi.t.uli iu tiro tboir vir lu t the wi' ul JcliL- eratimi, the jury rcn'lciv.l a vordivi in tlm-e : "Wo lin.l liuuiW MvKurluml lint tuiiiy " 'Ilia in au Unri'iuli tit'il Hitiuitlul. Nulhiii'.' wn Mlitl ithout iimaiuty, llnmuh lliilt HiU' cJ to ho tin1 .uim or J'lv'o on which hi coiniHfl iu-lii lu cii n r Mi' Fin 1 .11 1. The venlii't hu 4 viituully lliul Mi 1'ai lanil ooinmitlol Hit flilllii nuiuHl ihi' luw it'u'iy y killing Kit ln'riNmi, Ul tho iHiio of ihia I'liau Wi 1 1. lie bail all uloiijf liulo tliiiiht. It is purl of tho unwritten law ut I hi liimi uoy 1111111 who tuuipvra with (he ilu ul another must luku (lie cntiM'iiiii'ija', be iht'V liut lli.'V uuy, UU'J liu Aiu.t h ail jury hint yvt hern CuinJ t ( iii tiou ill') ri-ht of uu O'itra i'J Im.ii.inil to iuHict u.iy jJu.ilLiuK'ut lie m.iy dt'etu fit. A Now York tt'!pj;rni rnya th' curt ro' 111 prt'iicLti'il mi oliiiiHt ni'tirril):tlili' aernu while the jury wa mi', livery bo'ly wa lalkiu,; csL'oi'diiily iij hi-IH'i-lihuf, und the IjJU'M wore iutln fncuil It the litiniot li;;iiutiut). An X'cca-ii nul t-tir in tho comt loom m'ai- " OfraKiotinl'' writer ffmn WanhioK eiii tf ih IMiilmli l',hi I'rrug uri'lor IhI" of M iy 9'h, u (dIIowb: Tho men wli" vhininr mol i:iint the internal tiinca aro those whoiUm or inimt (or the rvlucliou of laton on .'on lti luh'i.a. They ili nuo l tin iinioval if the incmne tai.nftho aiiirky tax, and of I ho tux iii fnreiirii iron nw I tho nroditclii int of f jrt i n hi -Imililer tml nffhuiiirK. fur iho iiirmve of ttriet untitle the lure ipn inon.'poly of ihe tnrtyiiiit trittlo by am wliii li Krcw up nl'ter the rohi'l coraiir H ul driven nur vesoln fmni Ihe oernn l"hcy oppnse (i.ivt'rnini'nt Btil to Anifr it n Hcaiii'-r for tbo purpoH of "U ol anting Hi ilinli mail teasels 011 I tic Alliimio an. I the I'ueilln. 'i h know ihut. tho Hiit'crat 01 tliuir y U d. lutvo the wjv lor icpiiiliation, ami t" drstroy tho whole cy-Uli) of diveriliuJ 11 iluntrie. 'J hi' (toaitioii ol tin' friemU of home labor mnl uf lint pullk' foiih if to rcJiicj d.imesiie or inturul taxif I'' hi loin lovVtat prill ticublo limit, ami to collect tho revenue clioilly by u tnrifT 011 I11 xuriff ami on all fri.'U irlioli d or pi'i'ductiona tliut PuinJ in cotnpt f ition with our turn bihor. A 1111 ihiiatriiiion of iho ffTo'-l of fret; T:itlt, il ia pttimntcd that the himU finpliivoJ in cotton mntiufaetorii" iilono in tiii-4 ciiiiitry amount lo H1J8 00) pcti4ilol. TbcaO lllJIMlfuetorioil inriU'litiit iho cotiMiniptinii by tho om phy?ca an I the tnntt riuN utcJ, ab-urb unnu il'v about fifty million of dollar.' wurih of (ifi'icult urul ro.Juuii, U-aiJca 0110 hiiinlr.-d nml twelve inilliuni and a hull' of dolhira' worth of ruvr coiton used by tho uiill-t. Firo trulo wonl.l deprivo Ibuio two IniuilreJ thoiisini l moil, women, and vhil li-en of their prcnotit cuiployiui'tit, nn I doptive tho iaiiiiera ol'lhu atviiily doimin l of tlit'ko rt'otk-pii.'ple for iirieuliural prinluctrt. W'u ahould be tlt'pt'iidi'iit on Ur at l!ri lain for ivcry'Iiiu hut f.noi produce. Tli us wc aio to i'ionii:t.' w.tli tho Oil World iu Hiipplyinj tho Oil W01II1I1 nialid lor ila ihii l atlipio ! 'J'he ,S'l Lmiia i:nu:mt, frec-tiulo piper w lino t'iliiir i iiow in 1'uropi', mi l i ihiTel'.irv Wi ll infoi'iuv.l aluut. win! he tuilfti. Miya "Tho American tanner l.uj no al milie ov.'i' hia l.n' cijrii coiiipetil'ir. The trans Ailili'i : hc ll-(luW'T li;ii H d.'ciiK'd alv.11. tii(0 over Ainei icill pr.nlui'i't iu iho lu"l tlutho run jel him 1 at. tw.'lvc to tifitt u cct;t per day, w h.le wc ui;it pay 5J ami $J 51 ! 1 1 Ij?G I hero w ji a kIioii crop in Ivirnpc, uml Kuchiiid paid ua Sl'l, 7?(,ll'l lor 12,. HI 411 huhh. lH id' w heat. In lC'J liurnpe liad an average prop, and lvm laud pay u.i only S12 AJ.ti-',3 for oTj.til'.O j ) hu heis. Hero wo treble iho export, fur double ihe money. S ip p i", ill-tea. I 1 f 1111 uvira-e ipip, liu rope l.a I eti ye l a very lui'i;ecMp: Hi.' pi ice wuM hvo hi. on t H Inwer. WliuL uio u lo do, then, to make inoney ? Yo 11 111 A' or, develop our mini a improve our r-poweta, 111 imuimo iho South lo pnduoo cotton, 9- i'ar, uu l liee lu a yit uier extent, l uvin tho grail. -raiiiiiir to the N..nh Uul uil 1 Ui ia only to be done by proli eiiuir our own labor. It in e-ti-timalC'l 1I1.1I t'je reduction ul tlie tai iff ndvociled by I bo Irei-lra lcia m pi iron in IViuoty Katii.i uloae will ilnow thirty Ih'iUiainl peoiilo nut id' a liill.', while It wid hl'ili- no relief to but tho ISnti.ih ima uunu l'ae'llel. i't rlinprt the H.-publieati frce lrn lpta in ("i.tgnhs nrv prepaio l to try the PXperlinent of niiotlier Doui lerut ie u.-uiiiil-ti'.ttion. It ho, they rm have it by rejecting the hounl uhieo ol l'ro 1 lent t.t'aiil in hi. I uiiiiual tiienMio. 111. 1 iil'Seeielnry ItnutAt'tl in hi print ed rrporta uml daily eoiiveisati Mia. l'i oii)lvuniil call he In Id lo Do party which de'.iherat'y alauijliier-t herpoil itl lustriea and 'uru-t her pooplo out if work. It i vei v true that the uiitini. in nrcornllon offtoldterft' Omtn The (ollowlnir order h is been In-ul frun the lieadipiartera of the Grand Army of tbo Republic at wnah inn ton : WAanisoTo. April 31. 1S70. Oei nertl Order, No. 8. I. Tho annual ceienmnioa of ' Meui'iral Pty,' which haa bica Utility stubli'died by D iliooal ehoiiv and coment, will take plnee on Moinliiy.ilie :!0tb day of May.,- J I. All depai'luirnta. tliMrict, po-ta and coniradet of the Grand Army ol tho KepiiMifl wberenr diatieriu'il throuuhout the lund, will unite In auch manner, and with auch core nionion, fur the proper ohterranoe ol the day ua may b beat aulted It) ea'.h respective locality ', und all Drittmil'lona. enuiniiiniliea und p. whog.' grateful aid, ayiujiithy ami prayer Ht.t.iini'd ua tlir.uhont the dark day a of the ua lien'a poril, uml thnp, hoe loyal, pa triotio bearla beut ia unl-(in with out owu, 1:11 1 who hatro horptofore, or 111 iiy liereafier. J in with ua iulboobaervaiiL'e of the nntiooul memoial day, aro hereby enrdlaily invited loimito. and are cum eatly ri'pieated to lead tboir aid ami .iMtiataneo iu atrew'n tho puro p:ir l.indaol epriiiLt. tint coino wiih votive uoiuoriea uf loeo an I prayer, o'er the tnoiiiida that 111 a 1 k tho country' niter and told in teat oteruul our martyred dead. Tli 1 a ia the third public observance of n day which baa become marked and national for thia aacre.l oecneion. Many aro now miaaio from our ranks who wm with ua boforo Tnno, with bnay finder, eountathe hour for all. In the midat of life we aro ia death," und one by one our vetorana ui'u iiiutcrfd out" to joio the grand army ou hirli. Let tbiateavh uathat wo ahoul I fo livo that w hen we too are one, it cau le Huid : llo wan a vnizuii, a g. hlii rainl comrade ''without I oar and wit'.iout redroueli.'' 111. It ia tleiirahle that tho m'm rial bi-rvieea may be proaorved, and de p .rUiietil uml )-t couiinalidora will forward dlrt ct to the a.ljui iul general at national hea hpiurleia a record ol 'it h looecetliai iianiav occur in each h caiily Should iho mine up ear in tho presH, or by pamphlet, u duplicate cr eilid copy il rctpiealol. Hy orifT ofJohuA. l.oao, cjIii-luauJoriu-cIiicf. V.V. T. tVl.LINS, AdjUiinl Gcuerul. naamvm- CA ADDA TICS' CARDS. NOTICK lartereby si"i that the Aral npfltinl or amnil nKrbrltr;, Aa. nof tlynilrumk Hflinl,..f 11. H..r..nuh.if Mrllariiv, will prmniml tu tl.a t'l.tnt win annatltia ana alliotane at tht lo'irt In.ut In WHI foe at th nnln primary laotlna. "t'Ulir un Mnn.laf Mniti l-r. hn all aarf an ai'i rrnlrlna lU(ht an4 h. nif rtf rauiia nwrtd taa altan.l It itiy Honk pro. AFROClATP JUfHlB JToa fnartTha antartloa nfaaixllitataa In b ritant wahnnld ablaut .iia. Wwt knneal. In talliant, iwl reUattla man aa eamttriataa. JTiir tli ffnn of A'fMNtfl Jailf. nuvi.rallr, w ahnnl.l hav mn of Integrity, anvnJ Jailaamfnt nml h'inat iniTlrttnna. In lb pnraiin nr H. I. Haenannpan, s rltiaanof Haavor. wa hara ih qualXlM nmMnwl aad It la wit plnaaar that wa racmmtnit Mm aa a lur th orno nt Aaaorlat tl hna nlwaya tiavn an atlv HapoMlnan.anil now w rwquaat that tha llrpnliltcariaiifthlaa.iantyfl.raa art of Jtmura hv nnmlnatlng ant alacitna nlm tolltla lmWirtant ofllc. C'lTliaaa or TUa llaavaaa fniToaa IVwt: Ptrmlt aa, thronah ynnr anl nmaa, to rprnirmaa.t Hun. A.J. Ml.:.llw.rlh fi.r r nnmlnaO.'O aa II haa aarvad th ".l .f Kn?. It tummy In Hint ea. pacl'y, fur on mm, lih flilallty to Ilia ii.a, rranlt to tilmarlr anrt honor to tl.a pnaitinn. Ma ha ilernranail htit-aalfaaa faUhnit an'l Yltlflrnl offl', aa an aflal.lo an4 at.artit.ina ant''tnNn. a a "ani1 an.l nuraly ort.-itHl'.i ItapaLUcan Ila haa puiitrihata'l taraaly to tha annoaa ul nur party of whlrh ha haa lrn a lira lnrK mamltar and juctly narliaa r alalinn. Mint Krrratioiir. ATOTK'K r.f Invent-rv i f vi X 1 nmlanl. .'run Nnilr lahfra'ii To taa Vora nartarnaa Ooratr 1 Maine aollclta.1 l y a aaialr of aiy Irian. la, I harrhy ol farmyair aa a namlidat lur Aaanvlal .Imlv at fliaaurnlna primary alafiloa of tha party ftbonl 1 I ro-ala tha niitnlnatlnn ami ba BlMW l. I plntjia mvMlf l lairfwui Ilia tiutlaa ul Ihaottlca with ll.lallty. Ilanar D. Mitcbill. FK.NAKHt. F.niToaa P.iht. Kapnblleananf tndarrointy, In a fow wnt-ka yu will li ralla.l In nalmt alan.lani naarara, from your ntonUr, for Ihaan- (irnachlne rampalan, anil a raiiniman.l to ymtr arnralii aonl.lartnn, (aVr. Wa II. Hiaama aa a aultahla rarann to rapraannt rhl Hanaturlal lilalrlet la Ilia Nanata t.f l'nnylvanla. I i.l llarri.l.i'a parly faaliy, Inlncrlty, aMIIiy aid Umax will nut aitmlt of a quaitlua nfiliiul.ti and haiuatly inarlla tha ni.tnlMll..n. II mil eara fully Kuard anil th Iniercoa of hla fon atlluanry, and tnak at a ranraaantailre of whom aa may jiially ha pri.u I. W aranlura ih aur- that ha will aaarrarry i..rt In a. Irani vary ipular and laanlhl pmiaot wliK-lt all) antiinc lb Intrrnl of th liai'UHLirAaa o FaaaaLia. ASSKM ltl.YM.1N. KniToa Poar W Uk ploaaara In rapnm man.UiiK to Ilia parly or Knydsr rntiitly, t'APT. Wiixiaa H. Haaniait, aaaaull a hi pran tu r.'praiant aa In jnlalattir nf Hannrylranl. Klrwl with tha teal ol tli patriot, hla pur Idaaaof iiil rlabta ami liial jn'tlr. ha waa amnna Ih nrrt to mtar hla lift a wllllna aorirf on hla ouunt ry'a altar In tli lata airuaal p. r national in. r.'aaam TryiiMilllrtiiin to tnak a hk Heprraantrttlve, It w.iul I nnlv ba a marllad trll.ulc to bl anrvlr and harulapon. lui't lo Buminata hlin by an orarwlialuilnif ma. Jorlty, our can.ll.lnt for I.ealaUtiv lii.nnrf, t apt. Mnir, tnlnantly qiiallna.l ..r ami jurily daurvlne ol tb pul.llii tmat ..r whlrh w ruiumDd hlta. IIitix or bt:avt:a. KniTtiaa Poar 1 t n.nii'l In viar tat lti that you haa raral rc.init.".Wi f..r not alii -r...n lo- i.m.n-a to In ntla.l at tha clr.'lli.a net I Hll. Ilrllairiii4 11 to l tomir intrraat aa a party in nominal thabaai nion lur ih rirtv ufllfca, I wiinlil pieant Invin syitii. I. , aa a auttalit m.D lo rf.r.ent tna 4ple ormr eoun'y in tha I.eaUtatura. ilr. xinlrh la a yi.niipt man nt mora than ordinary aMItlyi tr. April), 170. J.t'H(it'.K. I'r.itliooiilary. wja aaa 'u.ia.iuajiu ji rlow! A?rpta ranrantnir Pffll: arm reli vl vn L'll'lire n l 4VTtfl.vtt t- w . that lb Inventory of lla.Wa II, i.i.. I '""' ' of A. Ilatnar, lat of th bornUitnol,-iina. I T,, m" ramarkaM Vooti atrot- pin ri.v, fleeaa.t, ! Inn a eomptat nti..iir o tli powa i Th Inventory af Vary urt, wld .w nf railnaa or "Min.'' 1 .t.ina 01. r O. .Vn 1 1. 1., f ae-t. lat-o Ir.nVIn, to. n.i,i,..H.-d -hnwlnf p all el lone f mm ila r. wb.i wwh iniwi nun inn t lari m tu orOiiM. . "' " ' "inrrp pwo v nnar. !onrl of Miyder en.inty, and will lie prvurmcd to aid Court en Monday, tl.a vi ily ., n,Ry next. J. Lkie.M, t lerk ti, 1;. i'-eU ii: Vo't A frert'em?nt. Vt.Mll Hooa -taenia aell tmper week. Pr(.. 11 XJ It a. Ad'lraaa 1.. HTanma, IUiU.r.l,t;t Jj.) A I AYt-11 now aril 'lea for Aenl y bamplea tie. II II Ml AW, Allrod, At. SM.KS.MK.N'. S I lor Aral rlaaa t'tiHriM and atandy ntptnyirut. II V IIUU K, 31 Arub atreal, Piillilrl.iil, l'a. anyii.t.a TKrotmnrat arnm.t t'alra rlans eduenlra Vlnla'arai 1 a terta null atn.lai.tat heln Alllrllat S9. Aptilf til A A Lit aaaoila, Maadvllle, l'a. M' pl itltttw linw STnAffUKt-Tha Marrta.1 l.adlea prlvat t'n ipnl..n eontntna llm do Kent free atatnu. Addi"a Maa. H. .Ma ran a a, llaoutar, l'a. WF. Wlt.t, PAY AOKNT.4 a aataiy of ier week or allow a larua ni.tiiiniarl' n to at'll our new li.venili.tia. Aildrwa J. W. 1 U1MK a I.H., Maraliatl, Michigan. NOTICK 18 II E HE BY (JIVKX to lb Metnhera and Htoek-linlilera, and oibera Intprpated dial the He Hneprove 8a inn and ItuiKlini Association, ihtnuifb ila I'rcalilrnl and heerriary, hat preenle l lloir pet il ion to Hie I nun nf lon.nipn I'leaa of f njili-r coiiiil y, at O'rb, Term, l7''.prn j inn ai.l Court to allow aaid Aaocinlinn lo alter and amen. I It CnnellliitioB. That aaid application la tiled in Hi I'roilionota ry'i (iillo ami will I. preectiied for enn firnialion nt May Term neat, unleaa rati- cliall li iliown 10 Hie contrary on or before the Orel day of nexl Term, J. I T.Ut lSt;, Pruthnnnlary. April 21, 1f7 . I .(ih r V.H H M ( T I CK Sot h e h lierel.y alvan. to all eom'ernrwl, that th follnwltia named ha. ettial ll.air no nounta In tli Itoalatar'a titU.- at M il.ilebnrtc, !4nyilar I 'ounty, and .hat th aaid ae.-ounla will Ihi preacntwl lor eunannatlnn and aUowan. at Hi tirptinna' I'oun to b held at .Mtoilloi iirx. lur In county uf lndr, nn th Iochtii Moaovr ol MAY iimi, bvma lb nail day of eal.i u otli, via t I. Tha amount nf Mlrhael K. tlrnuaa and Ktoua, a,dinliilirat'iia of tha aatat of Al.r.iham llnnia, tin i.f .1 a.'kon tp derd. 3 1'ha aecouiit of llaitlian N'elmtnand .lr mlah Mllntiell, tdiu'ra. ol Ih eautta of ltkal Neunan. latvof Middleereek twp t1e.evre.. a. Tt. Unal ai-a-otint of I'lijah Waanar and W llllain W eHnar, Adm're of tt. aalai ol John Winner, lain of Penna t'lenahlo, dceaeil 4. Thetliial ar.i'ouiitot A. .1. M.MIt!i.warth, A. K. Mi.lilleewart' , Abner Mlildlaaaarih and John H. ranOtli, aectltora of tha tat ul Moo Nr. Xlddloawnrih, tat of MtMVr tap tle,vd. a. Tl.a aoeoitnl of Jieobt lerhart.tluar.llan of th Minor ehll. Iran ol Peter, dereaaa.1. a. I It aetuunt ol John Al. Aluyer and t-.lUa R. Mwar.a, Trnaia appointed bf Hi nphana' I 1 " Court nf Miydar potinty, lo aell th real eaiatsi.rj t)!a TI'flM INI'Y, FAn;t ATKIM tilt silt I, Ja.nb .Mld.lieawarth iteraa.. alter proceeUlcga I t'll AltMlMtl. 4.K) paaeat eb.ih. I'hta wnn to Partition la th firphana' Court, ilertnl liuk haa full Irnuriintluna to enable Hie 7. 'I li aovuiintof tlaora J. ttchofti.Ouardlaa ' retder to faaeinat v'ther aei, r any anluial. at nf Allre.1 Walter, and Cbrlatlan Walter, Minor I will. Meanierlatn, aiplrltitaUam, and htmdreda ehll.lrt-B of laao Walter anil Lurlnda Waller, T other etirtona eaperlmente. It eao lar t.italne. liMafMl. 1 hy aendtna a.ldrvaa, wltti 10 cci.ta poatnice, tn a. The raennd and flnal aoennntnr Hero l. trel I T. V. K.VANN A, Co., No, 41 auulu tlabth of the eatute of Jaoob lire .u, lat atroat, Ptiltadlplita. ofjackann townalup, ttva.t. I iniHud aeeounl .of Andrew qTAR urANni.m PaNNPIt. A larK, 40 Romla, ..ti of th a, utor of th ol . f ,ulnn , i,ttt,i7 . amue I H"Tr . lata of IVnna lap itevsaaa.1 ,t t.k. iJliea, Poelry, Wli. Ilionof, uanuln 1.1 Iha iiiial awouiiio J"'; Adm'r I , a,,,,,,.,,,. aen.lMa kind), an.) tli 11 e . oftliealatul Mkhael H-lior lat Pauna lap , , .wmdiina. Il.iml.,., Ac. 1 mlv 7.'. onr. Oiyeit.iH. 1 a ynir. an.l a auta-rb enaravltiir "Kranuellnn " 11 ll.aeeouiit, Jr.. Adm'r ,.,,a r,.,,, ,., cllP;,lw, M',n' . of Hi eata a .lamb P. Wiakelman, Ul of I'.nna , ,, a , u wh , . mMt ,wok9 tea, milium. i re 11 rvtiw. 7. re..t t Adilreaa' DANNLIi," Ulna. y AMTPli, A'lr'.VTal-ai Watch free atren 1 r aratla toarery Ilea man who will rt our Avcnl. rtoalneaa Unlit an.l h. moral. t..t pKy .10 per day. A i.iran 11. Mumui kiaiiur a to, Vlltal, urir, Pa. I. a. Ilea nf ihe N.I ul.o..altl..n Steel K.n. a-rtTlnea. It pl.l la lea. f or rlrenlara. ad.lreaa I .H. l i DLlMiiao Co., N. V., Cluoluuall and t.'hicaito. U'MlK All KM TH WAXrKI).-" I m hit H'.n.e." SM:SMF.X in a ravit.if haalneaa a), Kaa!iDV,4U Chcalnut street, PlilladelphU. li Hie nccountoi n tniei innnii ann i-.irin.i i Si-aj-ulnum T'tietnHuL, Ailtii.nlfaifj.tortiot thi-ii.f VV'Ulioni ! .iim v it U- 1 .4 . a. ........ 1.. .1 1 1 13. 'I tie niMiunt'f eJ'ihii Smith, Alin(nUtrritir f tli t-f tn t nl tjifg .nhjUU, tat vt Mount 1. 1 ii KCt nuut of l.rnifimti HrnutTtt. Atlm ('inn tf armiiitMilit anii.n. nf ll.A lttl will Htiit tftUii em tir A lira! m itruusi, 1bi r J-tck..o I Invanlor- who wlh to tit.9 out t ttt;r Pftfcnt l.twunluji. .liM-cif., ! a.r H'1r-rl to i. ttn r wit It .Ml NN i ., nil- 10, 1 lie iif4'ouni i rinnry n. ivn";v iin'i ,tn- " nw -'i-hii iu n tii"rn'i.n, w n iiiirn itnt-o ir PATENTS ataun.'li Hel ilMIc in; haa reen th pirtv j ehael llonei-ao, A.lmn.lii.iloia ..I il.e ra.atu uf ented cliiliiia belore tho I'atoat UI'lo f..r over Tlie Indian I'ollir ( Mnudu. aott : : i. . 1 .11 1 . 1 : 1 . . .1 . . tho door drew immediate attention 01 it.e 11. o.cana u. t -Mjif, 1 li .... .h ......! .la.!,..! .... ,.,.lo lu ll'.O llit.Ieici hut they ore toreltle UiicK Mffaiii an l Wuil. li. n tho jury did return, and maiebod xlow ly into tho court rm tu nd into their teat, tho tuoet bieniil"B eeitenoiil pievailed, a ri dpiiutiuti of tho uuditoia could uo eaaily lieu r J J.iery rye lr. enough, or onht lo be, lo pre vent the Micetm of iiioii4iirc.a which, while reducing tho tevciiu. u, nl.-o rt - luco the udviiU'i' of tho laliorin.r miilii'114. Our lleiiuhlican friemln aheuhl recollect that five trade, or the fastened upon the jurora. uul M..-1'ar- M,l'r'"",!' " "'P" J.op.iNicat.a laud liiiiiaeir L'uxe.l up. 11 tliem inictii- " ; . V ly, 11a if tryinn lo fathom Uo culm-i.".'8 j11 -N-' Jera. y. Ohio New rk ue-a ol their fiaaea to ieal'a h: fute The juryuicn tt,k their pcata und then the clcik culled the nuiuea of each mcnilM r, nnJ the b retnun wu eaded npou fur their viidiet. He are, and hi 10 cnino the inotiicut ol interne anxiety. To tho u - tit I ijuc.4 lioo, the foreman tcplio ), We (In I Daniel MeFatlaud iml f'uily.' The jury wcto then 'pulled. The scene which enued butltee dencriplion Tho roaebed nil h tt height that it w te impOMhle lo s.tppren-i tho IK.ii.t nlld J cot U t'lnoiiona id fix Wei ka TLcy wcro civrli vent In the lilubl tlcntonsti aiiia loiinii. r. Mcrai'htnd a.i imniodiutcly aarrouuded by a number of frioude, atl baud ish uk ;( wurni and eai in at waa diviJod Lot ween hi in and hit counsel. McKur'and waa diachuri;cd from eua tody by Kecol d lluekctt, an I pimard Ul ol the court l oom into I ho Mr. et 11 1'iea uiiiu, and followeJ by a luust id jeoplo. Kioui. Htfetofore, in ail criminal Cnrtua which have bteu aelMed by th. purlieu, the coal a l.uvo been paid out id' the county trcuauiy. hy thia rule a great deal of money wag aunuuHy cpotit. Urrcvllcr, however, a new and vcrv primer rulo w ill be applied the last leiaifuluto bavin;; a-ed tb' following Lill : Btc. 1. 'lhat Ihe luwa rclatini' t. payment of coat a hi criminal cuser nhull not bo an cnoalrued ua to compel tha payiueot of ca-tn by tho county wbure 1 bo caae bua been acttled or ar raucd by the parties, aud tho panic to the 1'at.e, tho proaccutor and riefend ant or defuudaota aball bo bahlo for the payment of tha eoata in all audi casea. An old mutt named Acker, auod aetotily vight your, real liua; ia Krie, became enamored of buxom widow aged forty-five, and elpod with bcroo Tucaday, leafing bit wito ngri aeveu ty to ihtfl for berrelf. Tha elopan and Cotinectleul ; lose the Hpubll euiia lVuubylvatiia iuovii.,L'v. ami emascillutea the 1,1 in the We-t. . body uaka for extreme protection. The lay lor ihal Uca ia iftioe ; hut the parly that write lice IntiK' on Ila bun- neta. or hiippoM'ri that ihe e.i':ao of Am.'iicaii lubur lau be uudu aubservi- cot to tho lonir bourn and eh.itt wanea I J.'iii'i, cauuH hold this Govern u.tnt. I.ct the n.'pulilieari In Ciniir-paa iiiok to it 11 ia lo late Many .1 . . . . . 01 in.'ir wiifii no u are not, liapp iy. fiiujbt by tho milieu of th.. free trail er. G'n ti hom k, the uldo ehairtumt til iho Way nml Meana in the II minp; doliu blit'i'inito, tho clcnrhiud of the (''iuance Cumtiillloo ill ill" Spiiii, with kcllcy ol reunaylvuuia, Maynnrtl of lenne-nee. Iliiiifliaui t.f Oln.i. Mc 'arihy ol New York, Hlo-r or Midii ,'aii, iu tb" oiitt. and Cuuioron nf Peun- fttJvHiiiu, Drake of Miatiouri. M irrill id cruiont, and illiama of Oieon ill the other, aro tint roudv to acrilii e tbo practical tcti'tita tifiiir pu-i t.'i unipha for ihe take ol almdoivy plaua 11'on. Them la a c'a betwoer, the proi'laiuieil protcoilotiUta and the pp .. olaimed free traders meo who waul I yield mui li hel'oro I hey would v'eld the Itep'ihlicun party men Sum ner, M.-rnin Nye, Ptewuri, Thayor, iloi.ry ileou, l.uonihtl II a m It it . ('al l Schuix, Lewis of Viriiinia, and the whole body of the Southern Re puhlipitna lo bnlh bouaea, wh have Iimi lately "'t out of the roUd!l in to phtco tbeniaelvea in the hund of it lender. H'll tbo Kepubliran partv i reapt'iiaihlo, aud it inunt bear Ila re aptinaibility lo tuia aa iu other (jrout eri'l. There i a troitht, honest war nut of the peril Lot tbo prewent tariff tan. I, wltu certain practical additions to the free list ihe removal of the tax on the tea and coffer, the deerraao ol tha lint of incomes taxed, and lb lo ereaa of tbs tax op spirits. That in a peoerai Sonne would be at once a rt- It ia a rctniirkihlo and sii;.'cHiive lad (l.itt iu tipt lit o Hed river I run hies die Indian of that roioo. w ho aio (put... aa War lik" and ' ravuie" aa ihoae on our aide ol the lino, warmly aytiipa Mi.ed with the liomiuioti ovcriimein and thr.'tt'eiie I to make war uu the IS id retie!. Why ia il that tho Cana dian uovernnicnt and the Knliahitiuii eoutrollit'o; or l lire.-cntiu it have won the confllence and Irico l-liip id' the aavaifea, wliiio nur ovcrnincnt ami it Ili-'CIIH lire ol'jeeig id Idiun diatrual .111 1 hatred ? While we duily read ol whilea plu nle red and murdered by tho ludiuiia s.uth 'd'lhitioh Auierici, pencil pr. viila between tho Canadian vvliitex aud tha r.aduieil btyontt our Jburdi'i'. The rltiiodi'ei', toa'fi tii(a and other evitleuee uf Imiiiti enmity in tltu territ..riea of Ihe I'nitol Slatea within the lunt ten years would make a horrible book of mammoth diuieiiaiima. while lndiau utrueitioa in llriiiah Amcrlea, d trinj tho aarno period, have hvi'ii uliuoat if nut tiiite unknown. TIih coat of our Indian policy, iuclud inpr uiililiuy cxpediiictia itaiunl tli ' Iniliaiia, has bcru unim-im.', while tin Ctiiadiiiiia mitoaiio their Indk 11 at fairs With compai Alivt ly trillitiif rx peiiHe. Our uutb aiilea otilit lo Ink.' Iostiou4 uf our norlhero iieiglib r in the art of t ontridiliK the fivico red fueii of tho forest. Kvttluutly, the Uitia dian Indian qdicy ia far wint r and belief than that of nur 'overumont. and tho laet retleeta very unfuvuruhly upon our country aod penplo. 1'Ue S mho idea 01 tho cxleul ol tho West eru 1 g,' (rude may bo formed from rea liu a paragraph in Iho Toledo Blade, stating thai roecuily there ui ru'til iu 4 it ul city lu a freight train on tho Uuilroal, sevou curloade oft'Ua. Thoro was in each cur 125 barrcly, or b5 barrels in all. Allow ing 1-0 dozen circa in each barrel, there were 1,20,000 et-ga ou Imurd thul tia'.ti. an 1 welt, and beret.. lore baa neyer a-ke.l ant-1 An.licw Ml.-k. lute ul mt Leaver tw o. do' .. wllhlii Lir p iwer to beatow. Iltliepel . 1 lie Hvconut ol Henry I,. Knepj,, Adm'r piil.llcao partynf Say.iere.iuuty placeMr Mmlth lof Hie eiat ..f J it. I'ly.Wl uf W .-t Ilea or In noiain4ilun, ti will repreaent their lniereta at II irrlanurK with h-.n r and fldellte. Let ua nominate the beat men preaeutd for our clioba' aud ytotury will atrrb Uhq uur banner. CaaTua. I'ltOTIKlXUTAttY. To Mr 1'aiaana: I hereby announce myaelf aa a eandblat tor r nomination lor tit nltl.'i nf prut honntary, and rea.Mtully t.-ll.-ll tl.e autlr. Haa of th Kt.-pill.Uran yutera uf v)der aounty al tb eouilug primary alc-llon. Jrni:riR Caiit'aa. rrfilSTK It AMI ItECf ) IU) K It . Kt.iTtota I' the wur.whena. 1 Itera were line ted to protect our humua end iroar.l tl.e national l hBr, w .o.l to nur n..l,la volunteer. , , innahlp. dr-o. a'-ed townalill.. det-eaae.l 17. Tlie a out uf Kmatotel Sctioclt, Trutee app .lnte.1 by the t .riili ma' t 'mirt uf ndi'r t'.i to aell the reitl estate t.f .l.-toi A. Mnlta, ilec'.l., alter proceeding Ig I'attlll-.n lu lUe U.pUuba' Court. Ih. Tha tlnal aeerioit nf Henry Kalir, tlitar dlun 1 f r lan Seei,rlit and Marah a. e-llrlat now Nernn A. Mruup, inlour Lbildren ol John Srcbrlat, ileceaae.l. IV. Tl.a aero. nit of John Molin, A.lmlniairtitor 01 itie e-tat 01 I elvr, 1 tie 01 catilre to p i. Th acanunt of William Snook, A lmlnla tratorul llinealnteof fJltalath HaaattiKar, la'e ul lto:ivr towu-liip ileiaoa.n,l Ul Ti.e thir l itc.-i. nut of l.anlcl Winner, P.n cuturoi tbee-ta.eot .I..I111 r. Maul, lata ut t.nup Twenty eilta. fllelf Allirrk-an and lliroi,e:in 'r-nt Aaency la the niuat eatrn-tr .In tie world. Ihaitiea le a thin any u' rell-.tla avni-y. A povptili-te.-i.t;ilnlijfultlliaiil,-ltou tj invrn.ora ia ani uraiia. MINN k 0 u7 1'Ark Itow, New York 0 NK Tub llowAttu iNVE.aituArtoN The inveatjoaiion of the 1 hur.'i'a a jaiuat Major Uein ral O O. Howard, uf the t'lveduieil's llureaii. is dlagiiiy; ahmu at a tedious rate and rvory day the Hvideucea heeoitii' t router that For n mi 11 Wibi'I ia on n reuu'ar wild-itooav c1ki0. itiieaes are examined anil cr. r-8 examined in every poasihle way. on every point hearing iu tha leat on (Jon. Howaril'M otllcial unJ unoflicial acta, and the m-wt coinpleto ami dr. tailed ti-Hiimoiiy fuila to show any thnie uufavoruhlo to llint irentlrmau Tlmno who are intimately ttctpiitiitted wiiti General llowunl auorn the idea f his beiu Ion ml guilty on a kioifh imo of tb- charges, while the public generally, with tha knowle.lue of hia atorliu tntou'i'iiy as au nllienr ami a Chrintain freatleuiau, treat iho matter in very much tbo en me way. Nkw Sthy by Mr. IIkmry Wood. Tint Satcuoay Kvxmnh I'osrol rbiUdelphia. bavloa; purcbuaod the advance ehetita of Mrs. Wood's now atory, "BliSSY KANE," will com mence the in tho paper ut May 21et. Those who have read " Kust Lyone," ami the more reornt 'lieorgo I'auterbury's Will," neeii not 10 be assured of Mrs. Wood's abil ity to write a uplendld story. We un- derntBtid that " Dessy itaos'' fully maiutaina Mr. Wood's reputation rut a writer of uleat power and intoret I'll a Tost, apart from it storiea, ia one of tho re family papers now publi'-h-d. Prioe f i.ftU a year., Addroas II I'eteraoo & Co., 319 Walust atrret Philadelphia, J'a. Suiuido DUtnbom ut aratla. Wa will furnish Tub Satubday Kvtvimi I'ost, and our paper, to aov addres for on year, t tbs low auui of "llo. hota, and wa -III aee tU -t jnu are'r-.l for abotild tou b wounded Aa a thin our proinlo.a h ive been rcneirlicrcd an.l many wouuiici m.ioiera are now nol'liac utn.-ea ut truat an.l honor. Uidieylua that our elttrena ere ever wllllna: to honor ihoae who Imperilled their Uvea lur u, we would urie the numlnatlon uf .Iak Al Vt-Ztanr. a ililren ol y nr town, fur tha olrlra of lleiflalcr and Kecorder, at tli naulna pi linary election. Mr. Vanandtaerved faltt.fiilly In our army nearly four yeara, and In that time waa 'i eevnrely woilti.ted aa l.i unnt him Ii.r hard iininiial labor. 'I he re to re we II. Ink that ha ab-.ul.l Im nr.tiilnete.1 an.l el.-ted It elected we ar Mtlalled that lie will b an eltl clenlotBcer. Pkaaa. ". VniTntia : Permit me, a nhir-rlher, to auioract ihroitvb the ctuuina ut ynur paiair, Ihe inline of M H. "cliurk. ol Mlil.llcl.urir. ( lr tnorly of Monro tonnahip) aa a ai.liui.lo nn I worthy enndldat fur re r..mlnil- n f..r lieji.i.r and Keoorder of IMa eou.ity. He haa floret lOln.ell eltl 'tent, ln.iiotrl .ua nn. ....II pin. .No one who haa ha t oi-eaat.-n 1.. enter the otnee can bear wttti-a to th eontrnry. An ex cillent tiennmaii, a ood a.'"..iintaiit, a a.. nr. I Hei.iil..-eu neaervlng of tu.-oeat. Let ua r aauiluat lilta llaavaa. tH.Tnicr AT Ttlll VEY. MKaaita. KniTottai Allnt? ma to ir npon the Koiml.tloaiia or uu' eouoay the propriety of re nuiiilnatlna It. T Parks, I.) . f.r th nine ol titatrlct Attorney. .Mr. Para' hrlof ,in. lat canaar hia t.r-.van htm to tm au eftl"lent and an ol.lUlii'i i.ltl-ar, an.l can re no '.. renaon why hn ahoul. I not he re e ecfe.1 At the breaking out 1.1 th rviH.lon, " H:irney " waa amona the Ural to reapond 0. the e-ill lor eolunteera erved 10a country lalihlully na a a.. Idler nearly four years. In Dial llm reoeiv. aunndi Irons which I. a will never fully reciter, and now wa think thai 11 would Is. but a email return for tli rt. In lo a ow an hamiral atidanein oent oltlcer tu r eivot lilia. U..u llctvtt. rntTOR Post:-Helta. tna that a political party haa a Kuaranty f..r aucceaa and pretilif , only, when mea of al-.tlty, ai.und Integrity. ier aevertna eneray. ami a. Ia.r hat.lta, who cannot bring illahuDor oia.ti ihriuelta, nor reproach up in. their ronatltuenta, are at.lecte.1 for ataiulard benrera. aod knowing that I, N. linn., K-n.. praeu.lnent'y imaacaace then nuallilea. and all the reriulaite nualtacKllone I toll Hon. eat an.l fjltl.ful dlachartfeol the dulleanf lilatrlct Attorney, w like pleaaure III recoiotuondlng to th voter, of Knyder entity n..ii.lot'ou for that office, and feel confident If elected, that It will main a worthy and eftlclent utu.'or. C'aarua. roM.Misti(i.Ni:it. TitiaRiNO that our tnwnihlpla ntltlerl tna rnnnnlaaloner 1 1, la tall, allow hi tn preeant tha name of Aiua J. Praiira 10 the Kepubliein en ter, i.f ..ur cunt y In connection with Unit nine. Itlr Klaheahaa nlwava been an atlvand Iteptildlt-an and haa never heretofore aaked lor anylhliiK In tha laiwar of th party to laiaiow W think It would be hut aline luatlc to pier hi 10 tn nomination at tha nailing prl.11.ry len Hon. Mould h l Dolnlnale.1 and elected, we will hav aa boueal aud suupaient 1 utnuila alnuer Pk. Taa ofllca of t to.ntv f ..mmlaalonee la naa nt the tnort imNirtanl oineej tn tl.a tax.pavera ot a eounty, an I m nil Una ahunl.l hav men of no. ii.i.iHit-u noneatv on. 1 tntakTrlty. In nor.nect.n with many Keti'initcsn. allow ma to tt. elaluiaoi i'Apraia Philip Kiaaav.ol lleuver. no nn-iiiijairtant umne. tie ia a mtnnr auund judement, an.l rail, and If nominated aud electe.1, will otak a (altUlul uillcer. I'ttklUI, KniTONu Poar plena that .luaa Riihoi, ol peona tap., will he a oandl.let lor County t'oiumiaalnnnr, aul.)ent to Ih diodalouof th rfepuullcau voiera at th enaulmr primary fiction ,Mr. Hoinlii ia well .i.nitlail n mi Die nln.-e;la k.mhI auund Hepubiiean, and will, II leutad, uiuka a guud orrWr. J bTKid-yoit. r.moaa Post: Plea ananunea In vnnr na. per the uame of A. K., i:a., aa aaulta'.l ie. oh tu nn in omoaoi ta.uoiy surveyor. Mr ant naa practK-e.1 aurreyina in thia o .unty a number of yeara, I puuuiu il In biialne.., end mo lereie la charge 1 will not i iy an) thing aa to hla moral aa he la 1.. well knows tur.,uHi.oiit tne eounty, 11 nooiiaatsd and eo. 11 L aill iak a lalllnul uttl r. A Voraaor Wui llaavaa. Fna. Pnari Pleae anuniinc tbrouah your CHilioun that Uaaia. Waiai- a. l ecti towiiahlp, will be a eandlilaie for County ana tetor, aui.jeet to tbadoclaluo ol th nei ublieuu rotera al th naulug primary ale. Ion. Air. Weirlck la aa ex(irlueaj surveyor aud I well qualified for lb po tlou. t'aAkaLia. AL'IUTOH. Eoitob PoaTi-Il. Having thai it la th right pulley to retain giud ueu la otilo, I would pro po that aa r aoutlnat Haai.t. lot.ra.aaai a tor tha otBoa ut ctiuute audit,. Hm ta ...... .a wpubliiaa,a ;guwd aocutuicadt, aud ab-.uld be jAcaeua. NEW , ADVERTISEMENT. jpENNSYLV . D. nOFFMAN, Fropriotor. COKSER 01 bBCOND AND LOCUBT 6T3. UAUBlSrtlBO, VENN' A. ' tCVaerv Beilbri aiaaiian Inatissi . funtffMUffalU Will MMiMlH. 1U buUMhu taMU VWiy (TMIiiaKI, lt'2 l tiBtu'.. tint til InvM Tronn. A'hnltitfttr'ttor 01 1 lie entail ul i uti.artn t,. iruu.'.Ulooi I'utiy t"iwniip, Ut'i-fi-ifct. at. I Urn tstvotini nf Atirftham tltrlrkt Mtnon rich ttti't tn-fail a Kwintc. Aiii' lialMt ri t'.rM ut thfritum of .letftih Uliurlclt, lttt ut eViitl'lUvrewh tUWIitlll, tteiat., U. nei'ul Kit it flnnl crx'tutt nf ,T. t'W Smith, Adminl-lr-Nt'ir tit i-ttntti iI llury .M Miytlr Uio uf Nullm-Krovaj. il (. nfi. Tli tt?-'Hiit l tiniol K Ihi1;. r nml John KlltiK)or, Otmnllum !' tti Wiur '.iiltrnn l John I' Ufnitfir Ut if enn iowtieliii, .."!. V.t. 'I tr iiooiint l Kltr a (titnti-an, Admitit trtttrU of iu tpinta l WltlUm U,ruiun, 1 11 ul Furry luntili. i)r.t J. s 11. si-HUCIC. tvlttr. MMJIoburtc, Aprlt X), lsto.- flli I 1ST Ol' VKN'MKUS .f Fur JIJ arid liumeatlc Merchan-li In tli t'tuony ul ai W r.rlalo uf I'eust lvunln,!ur.lbu year liTu ll'tal 1! OVf. ftaaa, Itclfrlcti S llrower W. il. buillb , J! t,r. le.irire It. Haaanplug Juae'.h s. I'laU , . nry llott-er It. it. Htmilniibliab sluaea.SiMH-lit J. P. Milrk Walter h llsrl-.uan , Jacob Aurund a. i.u ( 'hiifj limn John M. till. , II. Al. Freed I.. Ao'lera-n .(! a-a-. J V. it t o John .-a he-.ver Ita.rlann H'ouae Ph. lie Henler , Jol.u Mumer if A. I r'l-i.mitr lieurge lilller Ji .nl trtelf Jac.h A Hinlllt Samuel II Yteier Hand Mvlavr M.JI burj, Jacob V Tireea Samuel Wltlaninyvr Willi mi H. Itesvur Daniel P e-hilldel aSeln.lord t'ath'irlne Ht-wer U. Allrad bcliuob .ionr-i-. John HofTman sclno-h a llr.dher J F. Ilottrnatalu U. o. Clark... P rry. (HtaytkUituU C25. Tlla! fOLHOM IMPROVED TaeUle Viej llollae I'aaila Kaelaa MaolalU. Tk aauat Fleet Uaia Lub,a, e Hi" ! o.. a - t, -e 1 a - t'harlea Hover M.lllion It lllllle Millhlaa Melon; William llout John ehnell Murkl a 1 .Uarkle k lrautiuautntora) J ' till 1. Fdmonil Y'.-'l I.unlel J. II .gar 1 rank ln liiK-k ti 'liKtU ill other ( !'U I lletfel S. Mci'iilli.onu....'. , Knluhta k Thttrahy F. WiiliAin e.ctiwwn HutJinait a llroihur Waiaer liuudure .... n'jtou O. It F. H, Mnyor lieru 4 llruau , lb.) era. itiaaier Ile.uhhel a, Nun 1. K C. F. Meyer Aaron aiovr Jaoob Mlilrk lianial tOauUarl Srfi Toff. Mol'artr. Moyer, k Scbnur W .gnuauiler and Autt Sotuicii a ttrotber .laeob tvelat lib aland a II. tar W illiain F Kealey k Miller HubeeOi k kaller . I. II Multb Klatner k Hon laUlndel and vVagaaialUr H. hwlnulord H. L. U-ieu Norton tllorer J. H, Hurkhnrt Sauiuul Fouat rlalein k Malnlngtr Jobu I'uuldroB XI Ilea Welael Klin in.'iu l0,IKJ K.'al lu Ul i. uu 10 UU lu.ou lu.OU T.ou T.IKJ t.uo T.tal , LOO I.Oil t.lMJ ' t," T.uu I UO IIFRFltY CKnTirYlhHthly la a correol ll.t of m.i.ii tta.iar lu ..ruienan.t Uouieati Nercheu.liaelu enydr Duuoiy.aiibject lu a I.lceaae tb year lTu. and nutlce taher. by given that an Apiaal will be held at tb Cvuianaalonere. Iilll.-e, lu lb llor uubul Middle burg, on W tDNE-lJAY, tbelnMh day of AIAY ueu. bulwac.i lb hunra at u'el.wk A. it , awl a o'clock P. M., at which tint aod plea all who ar UitfU4 oiay atlsod II thev think proper. J. H HAhTW.V.-sV Merntil Appralaar. .Vi ....Id 11 ....u .... ia li u ....14 13 14 U 11 14 13 ....IS ....13 14 ....14 ....:4 ....14 ....13 ....14 ....13 ....1J ....II ....14 ....14 14 ....13 ....13 ....14 ....14 ....14 ....14 ....II ....14 ....14 ....14 ....II ....14 ....14 ....14 ....14 ....II ....14 ....14 ....14 ....14 ....13 14 14 14 14 Ueenen lu.Uc. in 00 l-.,iai 1,S li.l-0 ;,IK' in.ou T.ue 1J r.. 1JM T,i in 0.1 lu lie T-tal 7 IHI Too l.tu ln.OJ 7.00 7,uu 10 Ou lu.iai lu.o-j 7,0 . 7,uu lu.iw 11,00 tiw 7,00 T,0u T 00 7,00 1, 0 7 0.. 7.U0 7 OJ 7,o0 7 00 Ta 7 ed MILLION ACKL'S t.F Choice Iowa f:.iii.s For ante, at 4a per acre anil upwar.ta, lot caah. nr on e'-illt, l.y Iho low 1 Hsllma l Lan 1 10. Hail, nlteady l.nllt t'ir.'ugh the lend., and "li all al.lea of Ibein. tlrear liotn.-ciue'ila to acttlara. enn lur titr ire retnp'oct. It glvra prl is tornia, lHMtl.nt telle a boat... ul.l coll. e weal. wht it wllln.aii givca ;d tna end rlee.itlui.a of Is dir. luieut rtee of r.-ady houaea, tvbtcli the l unipany at n..m : .u to 44.100 .eady to ei up. .nape aei.t 11 ntat,i, a. 1,1,,... Vi. W. W ALKl;H,a l.e Picahl.nt. 4 cdur liapiua, low a. A MODEL HCUSF. Ilulng a cripple. I hare made lo.uae -t:.nt.lng n apcnii. I a.u-'y. Una b illt la.i eaa..n haa prured a tnoitel ol r-.eveiili-ncc. laaiov. nml ecoiiotnv iH-aerli.tOe circuUre ol I'l.iua, Views, eln., with arn.r.ti .tii.irni.itl.-n of y-tluo lo all, a.-i.t Ire. a,onre.a twon at a 11 p or aerlpt IT t'onvuiilent ) tli.o. .1. I iit.iir, Arohltact, VVaterbury.Verniunt eft. l1H,l.4VlH,.eT. ,o llxniiKiiH OF Atl KS'TS make from 4 lo 10 per day, lu in (tiling uur 1'ir.aT Kx- r-aain tt.M. w.ria( v .iiil.lru.l. l and lu evory mnoly lor wludluu; Yarn, Mika, W orated. Nit. Wli.da liillal;t.. aUolll, and weiuhJ loaa tl.lin on pouiiU. Agents Wiinud. Fr lurma w aildru.a 11. I.. &UUI K K t I t).. Abiun, N. Y. li' V'on fij if' (Vs. J, it:, i-ii.i in ci'.t. uu. 111 1 J weokly t At nt .iyrhrr, llitfoiir 1'i'eut llar M I I Whl-.u r i 'lotfitri . .lltlMaJ. UUPIIIUM tHiriMtitltaat l-'ur full til r tl.'ii UrtttiJrO0 VllataVUU V iUI .llLLr. K..i;i.a-I,..u.. UJ i-jV Paris v milihi ami tinsll'ht A Work deacrlptlv of th myaterlea. Virtue, Yieua, spl'-ndora mui t'rouea of the t o a ul Peria. It cnntalna IN) hue of noted places. Idle and Cecil. In Parla. Ag.-nta wauled A.I lie.-a, N ATiuaAk 1'ui.LiauiAU t u , I'biiititelploa F. 4w HAXO-UDOlv wOl- lUJSIJANDKY AnRara WANI'F.D POK T11K M A ooliiulele guide fur Fa.uiora. vounj- and old. by lb ce.vliruled mid aaecea-lul ItruitT 'Oil, K. WAK1.M1, Jr.ol llg.lcn t-itriii. 1 h I trge erlc.nia and renogulird nbility of th Author nuarai.leea a work ol eiei ling uioilt. Among the ..lj..H treated aro liuylng and l-aaiiig a Farm,, u..r. ve.l linplo. ineuia, Judirloiia l eriilling. Sub olling.liraoi. lug, Koiatlou ul t.'ropa, llitiier Mitko.g, t hee- Ka-toriea, Itroedli.g and eato of live alouk. their dlaaeaea und reuiedlee, kn , k., alili tunny utafiui I iblea tnai pagea licit Willi lualruc lion all. I eui-le-lohed wli). loo eplnted engravluga. I'eru.a llberul, Circular lie, nu'vitt n Auaacv AT OM't. A. II. Ilt nUAltU, Publlahr,4uOC'hetnnt tt. I bllutlclphla. 4 W 1 YTI'll Trlle ind WP IV lj'il e Agent. t".r the Helowar Life l.ituritll.'VI'u.. f-.r ail narta of and N ler.oy. ItotHrnn. e re-iulr. d. Ad-lreaa, inaueh t'tn.-a ohLAWAI.K .MC I I AL lie K 1S. CO. N. W.iior.lth aodtheanut Ma., t'bila. AoTaVavvlUx; ESBAGBsI!7 Natural I3istorv. 7,uo 1 (ltvtng a elotr and lnlenxvly tutcreatlng an 'uunl 1 ol the luHnlt variety ol k'Hula uu l uualca ol llle, lot iieany every known ,m.-ea uf !, blrda, T.OO . fi-hua, lii'ecia, replllee inolluaoa and aninialculie l.ou ol the glob. 1- rum tb lamutta lnidou f. ur. t.uu: ruluiiie edition, anii Uruu a.l.ULioua Iron, the tuoat celebrated nature Hat. of theage. t'liinpleta In one lur,e hanilroin voii.tneof luj- page., rleh Iv illua. rated ana luoa apirlted ugiavlbK'- Paica uuu'ii tt. ui.ld aaeie, to aeir sua Nboul.l outaeil, llv to on, any book tit the Held. Tern.a lb Ithvlal. lull par llt'Ulaia aunt tree, A'ldreaa, A. II. Ililbl.ard. I'ub.,4ua CLMtuuiM., PhlUd.t. April 31, 4 or lo.uo lu.VU 10,o0 ld.-a. lu OU t.ta) 7,ou 70I 7.0U 10,Jtl WM. J1AKDINO, Kaq., JuantK ur tiik peace COaNVJiVANUEK, Fretooot, nnvder Couotv. i'eno. ('ulUotloni of all kloda aiadeal the aliorieal uullu and ou Ilia wioel reaaunakl Caoveyaaciai In all ) braucbea en.e tliiloual eieeuiatl, Ihekds, ' aluaTOAuai, Not, aa4 blank of all klud eouMaaiiy os liaad. I'rtkiiia at a tllataae liavlua olaiBtaforeellee.icn wittlatla jurlatH " luk ' ' - e 4 Hook .iiu'aiTs y an ica tu Soli Ten Years in Wall Street. Frououno.i.1 th lent .1 .clllng bo..k ent. line Agent report IU r.l -r. In 4 day., it l.ielu.leaall that la myalerloua and Intereatlng lu lite he ua of aiuicululiua, 11 year.' jiarieiii.e nf the auihort Porlritlta aud Live, ot Van.lerldlt. loaw. Flak. Oouldand ni.tnyuthera. I Lie. I with Ureal In. lueeoienlatoagenta I ccn-l lorulreular tu Wurtblnatou, Uuaii k Uo., liartfurd, t'oita. rpilB HAD I.N'-IIANI) MUTUAL 1. I.tta Inau'ane Company want a Dutolier nfgonil Agauui aleo, a go-id lleneral Aaant lor Plitcburg aao. vlelntiy, alao a lleneral Agent fur ihe (lenn in enua'lea uf Pennaylvanla. addrta. itouie tililoe, no. 113 Houtb Ilk Ml. Pltlladelpbla. aell aa minor. -per a tot a' at.iematle da, ei.i...irael a. eSlelal eorrnptinn imllt enee. leitiunea and aire r-nliln. II lain-l.-al w.,rk, invelnah: 10 ever, c.ntainle hi niL-ca, . ur .n-lce-.. menl t'-eie- t-re. Over iOooocopleaal,.! ngenta wante.1. t ntamnr laeika 1 drc.a W. Hint, piil.llalier, rhllid l,.- u .atun, niaaa., t ni- ago, 111. or cm. Im I OINPS W A N T Ft - 4PK) to 4.HI0 p, 1 i t le.gymen, School Tea'-hera. .aini l ..i en ami i.auio nanted to tnrei. tor Hook "OlTP. FATIIKIl'S noi'sr 't'lif l iMirlltn rrJ rr ntxiKL .tt.tnin, author of thai "Night Sce-.ea " 'I hla m iaiei In th . I langn ige almwa na untold riches and i-l Ih llieit Hon e, with Ila lllre.iuln. I r-iugina o-r.ia, ttavirig ptima. Holiln tieauiui now, a.acre-1 aioioititina, nivcra, .oi.-iiry m'eana, -rumiering t. . log heavene. ,nl ysat unlrera with i-eo.uain r world., and rea.- e-tch the 1 nwritten Wnr.1. tf.iee tin. om ite engrnvlnga and atiaou bimtlng etrcnlar. In ahl.-h la a full H.-acriiei... tetaal csminemintiona l.y tt-ef.reaa.mii) I .-.,. .r...,aa..ra, in 11. e atruneat k. j ease. lglor, Molunly k Co., Iti ui.a.ieii'iq, r m. msit: nifiii: conn J. any colored tin ir nr heard to , iieni lilnos or l.r own. It conmlna n Any cno cut use il. due aettl Iiy l. A Mrcaa MA(,",0 ft Ml II I j PpringficlJ, Foa Familv t'.a, tirrrh, rhrtp. Knit everything. Aot-ni Wanirl cillar nni emiplo aln.'kmg rttr l-;. M1NKI.K.V KMTriMI M ACHINE' Me., or 170 liroadway, N. Y. 1'iJ TH V MtitlHE 4 CO S OVAL 8TM OKAVINtiS III Hi . N.Tl I'ody can aril tliem. fhesn. fell ( l.ati.laiitiicly. Send for niv Clrcu II HI. AT t'ltAMK ff.R A ; to raM -r monlh. W want a ei.l agent In eret y eonnry In uu oonihilealon or aal-irv tn fntr W'orld Kriaiaued Patent v I 1 'lot lie. Line. 1 a II In-t 11 bun.' ir you want pro.-tubl and i.l- ..lovinenr. aildaa K. S, lll.ta! t .t.ii'ctuitl 7a Williain M..fse'.t 10 DeatWu Mreet, Ihkago. A LIFE IH. UT VB TH I MYSTERIES CF KGR&.J Hy J. 11. HA It. F, td'tor nf the v r-trrer. tll-.l.Mr an r . I't It K of 11' it i ; r li I r i s, t i; k l hi .M i:s t, 1 1 With a lull at-d ant!in'l0 hlatorv i.f A M Y and the Mormon Sect, fruta Itr I'.e ; p'un. nice. f1 I I T'P I i Yf Old and Inferior- 1 1 1 1 I I ( I il the .Vormuna are ciliated. -ne that eieh .-otiiuIps rj i- tliiga. and 4.KI t.agea. A 111-. NTH V. vend for C Ir-otlare an.l lea our ferrna di a.'rO.tlon t.f ti e work A.t.l-eaa M PI ll.lIll.a CII , I'hlUdelpbla, I'. Afier ni'ieh rtudy etui acietlflc Invc t-i the iiuullllca . f :a Well. hat ci.'e.terid l.v tirouer ioii.l..i oiher article, lu the f .rm of a Tut let. I".-nil ptilne.iiiirrf ili-eaaea. Trt l I' Ft HI; ; ,.r nil .ll-e.o-e. t the I: Kiii Y Kl.'fl IX, StlUH TlllltMl t. ii i it p. i in-1 ii Kiu.t.AS rii m a.c or IHlAltM- x KSs : nlto a nice for kldny itin-ulllea. I'ltice S.'. i.f.T rv ma. t. uinn te.'eh.t .1 .it. iff tt K.t;i.t.ii). lurntt i., v. April 7,-lwJ tjla Agent fir Hi I t.e DfiOK AflKNTfi V A Nihil TO - T21 T BOA IiS It Iiicmi V the lliatnrira, Mai,rj .tecrel Ioiii.-i of W nil piircet. Lite nt n .Men, ilieapreulitiiuB in li Ve., n oineii .v'eci.lai.o a, ami u!l ovpiii, powerful, nplcniliil, tnyti erecting, tvickeil. mii'uiu?, wroi .'. in III locus uf apceulvion. W fan lerl.ili. Ir'w, llculd. Fieke. uiany inhere, lingr.niui of no1. Lite unit elnpa, ,vu.' ree. 'ji-n. I fur ciie'diira tu W.m UtPTia - t'u.. ruMiaimra, 111 A- u iriioru, coiiii. m i. to ;osj Mk't ivs. i lially my lUuglner waa ro-i hcillli hy aiinplc iiiciina, wi i tlie piH'liciiLra will be ecu fie. h. lit -sai.ow, liiu.'liiii, 1) Lnnj ItHinl. marJi riilliij 13 XO UUMJUO I J. I'.y kending win. ajo, noi.'ut, oolur of etna ytiu mil receive, hy r el ion mail. picture of ynur fuiure Luahant -villi lumu and ilale of tr.ueriupe W. fUS, i'. 0. Xu. il, f'uliour: lark. mrj riONSL'.MI'TION', lillON'r s-r Aethma, an 1 ('utn-rh cme.l I-. tion, A'jliolla Inloilitiir Kluidia t'Pliieily llo.t tiporulus mi ihel uinas- the ititicrolc, win oil are throwil aviiiea he d, an.l a 0 iro ia cllcuir il tiiciit l.y lt-iier or in penon csu be at (J. VAN IIL'M.MKL. M. t., lrl Vd Si. Dr. GREAT XlDICIL LISIC I WALKfcliVSI CALIFC VIaKGAIS bitt iS Mouirni n too.ouo pp:iim - . ve-tr ie.tiu.ony tu tboir W uu- , uernu i ur.illv HI eon. wmr aiiu VU.LX i it al n :i y a3 W 4.' 3 eg- t IV.:'- i a -'.AV-'V-! A OK N'S WAMKI) IOII TH K PHYHIOAI. LIFE OK WOMAN. Twaery pirru inoi e tao auw aaauv. BY UHl, H. NAPHFY.S. .VI. 11. TU uiuat icuiarki.ble aueeeaa ur lb day. Ia eeim.g with ni.praoe.lei. ted repldlly. It cuntiilna what (very Mau aud Human eugUt to know.and few do. It will aav muck aufloi li.g. Aa Ih only reiiulabl wor. ia.n tlie alugle and married Ilia, II la naru'dty ieooiiinieu.le.1 by I'rol w mi . ut a. llam uood, Pracl. atark llupklni, Kay. Henry Ward lieeeher, llr llu-hnell, lira H II Uleaaon, M l) , Prof H. N. Kaaiaiao, aio. Hi' lug eagerly fur. the Agent' Work I . Sand ttauip lur paaibltlal l , ro . UF.O. MACLKAV. Puhllah.r, 710 aotnauu. Mreet, Pltlla , Pa, t! mreet, ixiaiea, Ma, Apt1i-4w Uuu btiaal, Kia Vuik. IWAtt CUUED of Paafaa-a and Cata.rl. l.y a altapU 1'smeJy and will fen, I i tj THEY A TIF. NOT A VILE VOll KKiaih., Mad Of Pour Hum. Whl-kav. Proof K iii.ii. .u i.i,uoia, douiuivJ apieed and to pieuaii Hi mate, oalled " loll lea.' ter.," " Ke.lorura," ke.. that loud the 1 lo diuiikeueae and ruin, but ai a tru.l mad lioui 111 lutllve llootaand HurJ forma, liee Iroiu all 4lcoli.ile c-ttmul-.l a re the f i U I- A T I, l.t M l I" V H 1 1 I KK I olVINtl 1'lllSt lpl.t, a perlecl II and luvlgotalur ul lie r-t.lem. earn I tolaoDoua matter, and luu 'I eallhy voliil.l.un. No nerei.n eautl liitlera aecuidiug tu duelluua, and it J UU V.l. I tnw will beglven to ao Incurable caar I it. uuttt-a are nut ite.truytMi by iu.iim ui uinnr inu'ina, anu id vital urgaa yuud lite uoiul of roualr. lur in ila m ma on y and i'hronle Via and iluui. l)ta.eitt-it. or lndigeatlon. I l-aii.luei.t, and liileimltlonl let arc. 1 1 lb lll.eal, Liter, khiiieya, and Hlvl I loueialiuve been timet auccevaful .1 B'ta. nr eaueed hv Itlaled Hlu.l. t.,1 rally pruduued by daraiguuicut of tb. I taigana. I lean. tb Ylllalad nioad whenev. It. luipitrilira buratlug Ikn.ugh lb ak tie., f.ruptiunaor Soiea t leua it w bid ubafrumeil aud aluagiah tn Ibeealna . a beu It la foul, aud your lealiuga Bill wlieu. kp lU blood pal aud lb I Ibe.valrui will lullow. I PIN. TAPK. and other WttMUft. ll Hie ay.teui uf au many tUuaaada, ai al aarin-jrii aiiiu ieuiore.1. - a In llllliuu., Itciuliteiii, and Inform I vera.tueae Ulnar, bare no e-al. For I iimi. reau earetuiiy in viruuiar uotli. in luted lu lour leuguagae J ujau. renek atid hnanlrh J. M ALKtB, Prouil Hat L l.tlllilSiritSl t it If. II. MCHIrT Alll tk CO., DrtJetiiaf, ut nrt.i AifHutg. tsmn luuiiawi la J :utwiann - , 1 aa on. ee-c"ryaa-aT) e '- I