The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, May 12, 1870, Image 1

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t of I
llrsd every Thursday Evening by
rss a nrmn. rrornnon.
iTerma cf fobsoriptioD,
POl-LAIt FEK ANNCM. rsrshle
mn en moms, or sz.on tr not i .1
Isin ihe year. Ko paper ilisr'ntiiitied
til all arrearage re paid unless HI
hcplirn bfll.t publisher.
,-riptions outtode of the count)
Pcreons lifting and tialns mm)
Lsrd lo other tec. in subscriber,
r news mr the price of the piiper
aiikm:v at law,
Mid'lU hurir, I'll.,
M professional service lo h rub-
flle'tlon snd nil other professional
t entrusted In hit cur will rccic
l.l attention. (Jan s. Tif
in uwaiai
VOL. 8.
(MP -Vr
12, 1870.
NO. 11.
Soliu.-gr.e.e l'u..
hi professional rerviee to ih iul
;ll business entrusted lo Lu cm
promptly attended In.
Jan. IT. 'I'lll
I'm-bur;i IV.
In ecivicetn it..- p-tb-All
business entrusted lo hi eurr
r promptly attKt.dcd la.
Jn 17. ;tn
Lewislutrg IV,
it If professional service lo the pub.
Collection atnl hU t.iLcr 1 roT f-ifti-.incss
entrusted lo Ilia cure will re-
ipronpi alien'iou.
10. F. MILLET!,
Lewioidirg r.
ft hl Professional service lo ll.epul
Collection and nil other prrfriin-
aie entrusted lo bis circ Kill rf
'prompt attention. Jan. 3, 'U't
i. linn.
Lowisburg rii..
II professional services 10 lln
CnlU'Ciioh. ml all nilirr n-
I nnl liiiailirn rnli imlcd In ll.cir en re
Iccrlvrproniplatlrniion.f Jan. il, 'iiTtl
.SelilHiMMvo Vi..
hi prnfwlonnl pricf io ilif pub-
li'nllrciiona unit all oilur prorfKioiiiil
Ift cnlruaicil lo ul mirr will r
prompt tlrntliiii. OHici" Iwo loor
I af Hit KcjkIodp Holfl. J a it A, 07
Sflinrovo Va
hi rrnftnlonal evlro lo llir
All biiitir riilru-inl to Mi-
I r ill ho prompily aliemlnil lo. C 1
i nrnde III nil p.ii-ln or Hi Smlp.
ii rppnk llie K.npl'Vli n l 0'iniin
ijffl Hiirntly. Ollico fcelwt en lliill'c
in- Vojit nflir.
J No 'JJ7. North .1r. St .
(beiwcrn nr n I Vino) I'liiln.lnlpliin.
II. !'. I MMINflH. I'ropT,
M. M. fiWAr.1l. FiirmtiioMUni. n.3
t-tl.t.lf lt AKI.KS lit'ltllt.M, llv'HKil,'
J KIT Kim TI.HTAMICNTAllY iipon th
i rli nrC'liHilf lliiitlica, ilcj'il.,
r ihr!p of I'rimi. SnjdiT Coitnir.
I..lintini( hern smiti'd la ibr nn.loiigne.l
all prramia iluli hint t.i ihp .mil ihi- nr.' m mnlir firniciit. an. I ll,or h
itig ilrn; .nil Bfnlnl t lie mint to prra-ai
hnn ri. limit ilr'.nv to
Jl'IIN K ilt titlr. 1 ..
Stnrcli H. IKT".
HASH. fcKtmLO.
Mm In. t SI. Mi.l Hrbnri Ta
A INQ tor itoj in llii plm-r I w,.uli
rorciMiiiiir inlurm lli cllioii ot
AlnnUcbiiy n,l ricitiiiy 1 1ml lam prepare I
tiii: iiKitir io uttowL..
Will om ono aiilr the qucttion, why
N" phil.ipMo owl,
lo all ilial writ of linmin rltlit.
Ila. nunnl thr Hiplit lo lirowl?
Tin- rlgl.l ef rach. in hi own wy,
To rliow lii (J -poiii. nt
I 'nuinrnl n-t Inho-nnt" ttru
An J iiiito " s If cvblenl."
Why, rrn the rr yon pal or kick,
li ho iLot n't lil r II quite,
Mny prowl : ami ihriV tin Jrcatil ilog
Itm wouM fiiKlnin h). rl(lii.
An I rnre I lie rljdii a J n enj
The niriim sl tii'.n may claim,
Il'librr y I n-iyililnR
M.iie il uu an i iii 1 1 y immc.
Wh'n th'nj; ilon't tiil, n'.nl one om'l flnJ
A r.i-oii ilml I pat,
And can ilo pit lung bnl to prowl.
Why nlionMn't ho dn l!:t
Ati'l if one' lot I linr.l lo brnr.
K-n llirnliph Ilia own dcfcoi.
o Kairt LOt AND H'ATl'IIL.'i cheap j OlowHiit nny k.-rp nin.pirltf lip,
anl r.r.litinH'l v. The patrnnago of ibe
pui'lio I ri-fprctluil)' vulu'lieil.
v . l..Ll.l.(J.
Miilillibiirir. Nor. l.ii0. j n on a t r i i.t.. jiiiin ukhiiahii
V. 7.0UAAS X CO ,
(SucerkO lo Seilierllng 4 Zoellin.)
Ko. 402 & 401 North ThirJ St.
lli'lmrjj Hnyilur Cnuntj Pcnn'r.
a few dcor Wrl of llie P. O. on
atrcet. CunKtiltalion in Knp'il.
Irrmun liinniiiRcn. fop.'l.Til
t. I5i'cm:n,
J.owi.-liiirtr Vn.,
lii ptnfreatonnl re'vioifto llie pub.
All liiixinch rntriuiC'i lo lii cure
I.t promptly nil ended In.
Jnn. 3. T.Ti!
l-on in need of it pond and ilunhlc
ip Mncliine can be nccommoiUli'd ut
ii.ihle iriee by oillinir an on Sam-
i'Ai'DT, Agent, bvliu.grore.
Jan. '.'I. Iifi
q i:oss .1 i;s:oii!1-:ks,
.Mniiiirucliirert tif and dca'.era in all kine of
I'll i- tim!u-:k. i.umiu'i:.
I'AI.INU. SI!IN(1I.;S. I.ATir,
FLOOItlMI. etc . S-'lintmkin Dum. Hnvdcr
i t.uiy l a. All or.lrrt f ii.tnj tly f.ilc l
ll'..'mr. Chrrri. 'oj'Ur, and l.inn l.unltr
"iNt.itri. on h mj. 7 "ny
glKblA.ND & liOY lilt, ' '
WlioU sale and Ilriail Dcalert In
iiAiirnvAui:, cutlery,
l'u .i c h in al era' MulcrUlu, C'juo Finding, to.
ficlinmve, r. P-ltf
And rave bit hell rerprct I
Who tcti'iwf wlnl prninp rnvr 'llie 'ale?
ti' iin'-i h irnil tin' hat Toil ;
l!itl rlnne the alre and fm d llie fire.
And ce boiv iblng are rent I
Ay. Id A'iivi ic.iin rcppil
T ie n red rigiii In prowl !
Fur il Hie mipht pnml no morn
Then ninijjliiway K inio would howl.
tr w
VnlliiiuMphuni on llie U I !!.
IIon.(' L YaM.'iiiL'ii'litiili i Ice! iirinv I " fri'if it.i.-Iit tlo.
M piililifhed eery morning (except Sim
diiy), nl the ollice. N. W. voruvr Sixth and
I liemiuil Klreel. l'hilde'plii.
Trico Oua Cont per Copy.
."Served by the carrier in nny part of llie
city, and in th adjnoi'til cilit-a and lowti.
i-r I t.'ENTi I'Kll WEEK, piyablo lo
llie eirricr.
Trice for maitinp TH'.ItTY-r IVE CENTS
per moiiih, or lOUtl I'OLI.AUS per an-
. .i. Y.siiixnKr.
Middl. bur P.,
ri hi. nrofoHilonat irrrlre lo the fit
h of Xiddle.iurg and vicinity.
L Sliircn zi. C7
Seliimgrorc Venn
Teoa Twp., Fnjder Co. I's
n. WAOXER, Knq.,
lieUoij Township, Snyder Co. Pn.,
Itllend lo all bnilne entrusted to
Icara and on lua mnt rrnnnnntite
March 12. "OSif
i!t. J. F. KANAWEL,
ntictlllc, fntr v., ta
rt liii profetilonal terrier lo the
;o. Uiiru
Port Trevorton Ttt.
Ir bin professional errios to the
l-n of I b Is place and tioinily. 11
fcki (Jtrman and knglirh.
I April 10, OH
A. BO YE R, Jr.
Fieotiirir Snyder Co. Pu.,
K rerpeelfully vttr bu servicea lo
publia aa Vendue Cryar uud Auolloa-
llaving had large exptrleiioe, l
eonfldeut' that I eaa render parteol
ifaciioa to my tmployae.
.jan. ii, uti
T. PARK 8,
llice la Court if jute, Sept. 15, 'u7lf
ILEWlSJlfiEMEjrS soys
322 N.THIROS rniLADELPniA. . . '
J. C. Nll'K, Clark
418 4 416 Kortb ThirJ Street.
vloBn, L "k l"ok ."aauUcturea
I4e"eln - ',1 ' Ir, Cur.
The First Edition rff Otto Hundred and
Twenty Tlir.ii.und c"l loa of Vli k'n III114-
IrnioU CitaloetiP of Srcd and Floral
blilllf. i piililm.icd and rc.idy lo ecud out.
Il i 1 Icvnnilv Printed on rtnu tinlr.1 nntier
with about lititl flue wood Kngraeinpa or
Flower mid Vegefnblei, and beautiful
colored pint coiiintinp if aeren rarieliua
C 1 IiIok Uriiuiinoudii, matting a fine
It ia the nioal beauiiful, ia well no llie
moal enairiiclive Flortrl Uul.l mihliahrd.
giving plain and Ihurouvli direction for
t'ultnrc of TlowcM auJ VcsolnblM.
. The Floral Quids fa putdiehed for Ih
iM-neiii 01 my cuatnmer. to whom it le tent
rree without npilicniinn. but will be for
ward, d to all who apply by uinil, for Tan
I KKT, Which! not half the eot. Addrcaa
Bochsitcr, N. Y.
J No. 41fl North Third Slresl,
JOHN CLYMEU, I'fojirulor.
Jonuury 13, lS?U-if
A IISOLCTE DIVOIIC1C8 legally ohtnlned
2Y In New York Indian. Illinois und
other Htntca, for persona from any Stale or
Country, legal everywhere) dcaertlon,
drunkeiine. ron-aupporl, etc., auHioienl
came; no publicity ; no charge until di
vorce nbiulned. Advioa free Huainota
relnhlirhed fifteen year.
Addres. M- I10U8R. Ally.
Ko. 78 Nast 81. , N. Y, City
J. A. ST1IILX L! KEIt, Troprittor.
Harlng taken charge of iht old and wall
etiabliehcd (land, the proprietor proneeea
0 devote all hi ailenlion to the providing
of bis Table and Bar and the accommoda
tion of both man and beset. ' He aolicita
liberal liate of the public pslrouage.
January J3, 1K70 y
i:.OCH SMITH, Proprietor.
This new hotel I row prepared lor the
noeoniinodaiion ut gueal and will afloid
Art rale ealerlainmeni lo persons vimiing
Freeuiout. Every lO'crt will be made to
promote lbs comfort of travelers Flopping
si this houe Choice liquors st the llnr,
and the Table supplied with the beil Ih
market affords. An ample stable la eon
neclion with Ih hoase. , Aprilti'7Uif
l;l 1 1. it. 1 1111 t liti'lMlnri! ililil liHtmy ol
tho llib!o. UN lecture it mi t!otinii(
pro In. lion and irivi n rout ...ti.-.luoii m.
Wo M-lccl II I. W lUlAAaL'K.
"N'tthitiir i i the wit. lln riwis .
litoriil.tuo, 111 poetry or Ik'tiun, foitlil
0 'lb 1 tho tuil nl tint incidents id III
1 rl .-Iti jr f.tll ,.l i-xitiiilo I'cutil y nnd
inn f. itl, mi l il.ii o'i.v.Jk.'M. s i tu Hjionk,
of llit; .I. vo nnd tlio niiilniw. Ttie
pi't-loi itv til Ahrsliiiiu tun Lit oxhibt-
to I a doliii.'til ill p;i-. i mih vory on
jiu.-ito in tlm mn'ivj !' Cain 'J here
wa-i u Hlrilo Get ween llto liorJtitiou ol
tins? two ptlriurclH. Ahnilitin, rich
111 futtlo, Hint g'dd, him oilvor, i
'!rosn(l lii.-t p.ior nn l 3'outici' Liumticti
ill the 8niiplu c!ii(iiritcetd' p;riMt liuurl:
lift I lie iv lie iin Htrilo, 1 pray lltoo,
botwoon mc mid llitt", 1111 1 I our co 11 my
li rdinon, l..r wo uro liii tliioti
tho whole I Hi I I. dor thou? It thou
will luko llto loll luitiil, 1 Ii 011 I will ((1)
1 lie i L-lit, or if ihou wilt dopurt lo tiio
1 i0'M linn. I, Mini I will pi to tha loll '
The piirtiii. ufHcft'ir ami Alidi'o
nii'du, 111 tl.o hhali Look of ilie llm I,
hi nlwnys Loon c m-i.croil in Ih
liii;liost dojri. ulfoctin. Yet ito.'Ul.l
n'til Lo ri.iiuii'd Unit il appealed tntiri
ilriti('ly 1.1 the ryinputliiort tliun liio
rt c.'l'.l id' llie expulsion of lla,';ir and
her 8'tiroriitj in llm v. il lornois,'4i h,.n
tho 'w.itor w:ts ftiiout in tho Loll 10, und
mIio r:iHt tlin vliild iitnlur ono ol tho
nil a. ntnl went uti I rat hor down
over i; linst him, a K ind way o.T. in i.
wcro.ii Low Uui, nf hho Mii l. Let mo
lint 800 III ) d. utli ol tho ;!ii . And
sho rat over n'-aiit him uud tilled ui
Iter voioo and wont. Tho eiinpto hut
jftuio uppcnN Btron.'or tu tho loidiiis
of every mother than tlio moat dvjnilio J
opie vet no.
I ho moi y of U'Zi;i!i n worthy of
inn iio.-i iinwcrt) 01 v piu nuI I r.ilc iittlso.
ittt I tlio Diirrativo of tho li iul Ruth
nil I uolilo licr.diui ol' E-Uhur uro not
to ho t'ortioiicn.
"Tho ei:ti,rtiiliiin!r of ilu threo men
pitsgili Iht) tout ol nil, hi pur
clinse id tho etive of !iiohn.uh, in the
tit'll of Ephroii, lor 11 buryinn; plueo.
ura narrations lull ol intoiOJt und
"A n record of the feeblo bcin
uin fj( niitiy of ilie tirtd and seionceg.
and of their paJui'l proprcm ut.d
ik'volopinent, the liiblo was worthy of
out uttontiou and Hlu ly. Ala.) llio
brriiiiiiii of ariculiiiru. PusturJiro
und nrietilitiro were chronicled horo
kSo tho rocnrJ of the Cml viuiuo and
the first driiiilicnoss, and its tanking
"Hero woro rcrnrdod nls t tlu bo-
Kinniit of jtcoKt'iiphy, (ship building
till 1 lint lr-tilinn,uii ol I lie niatitiriielure
of brag ntnl iron : tho bidlorv ami
proL'roiisj of trudo. anil ci ntuierce und
tiroliilcttiiro. A know U do of I ha art
and et loiicca, otfd tho oil of war in
found to he contained iu tho 11. bio.
f Iu tho IhMo wo liivo a cli 1 iniclu ol
tho earlieiit nvHtem of l'OVi riniient.
legislation and jnlisni uJolloo. JJure
te liurnt'd how proporty iu bond xsa
Ctf t Mcfjuuvd. Hoar wo read ol thu
tiist puridiuto of real CKtute. Hero was
the lavv ol tiihcrituuoo and bvqneat.
TI.e art of healing aN'o luund inontion
iu this bunk, and it aUo omiiuiuod the
origin of two of the wont remarkable
social aod pnliiical luatitulioug ever
uHlublihhi'd Man hue uud the Sab
bath both ordained ut tho cicatiou,
but 1L0 Sabbalb fii'it."
ma nil TWAiJt'ia MAsnnrir.rR.
Ho ci'ti lied a froj on .lay nnd
t'nik him li'iit. nnd nitl li- ril'elited
tu rdtlRKio him ; and so ho donn n.oh
iit(t f..r throo month but nit in bi
rwekyird nud losro I ho frox Imw t.i
iuini. And yt'i bet ho did learn him
tun. Ho'd irive him a littje puiiidi Lo
'dud. nnd the next niinalo, vott'd
ihnt I'm whirhnn; in the nlr l:kn a
L'tt jhntit r a him turn n unituiKo?
in. I tn.iybo n, if h" ('it n roo.I
slmt. nnd enitut Xjwn fl it-lon'o i mid
ill riilit lileo a rat. Ha cot him tip
in iIh nutter of ont.'liiur Hi.., nnd
kept It i sit in prietieo kh cotistant that
ho'd nail n fly every time ai far a ho
I'ould ee him.
Smiley Hind tint nil the fro wanted
wtta ediioatinn, an I he roiiU da 111. l
anyihiitL', and 1 bolieva bin) Why
I've nrn him sot Iianlol WVbatur
d iwii h-ro on l!ni flour lUniel Veb
ter wa tiio ntinii of the .i and
siiifT out: " Ilim I);m' fiio.'' nnd
piicker'n yott c 111IJ wink liu'tl prin
up nnd shake a fly olPn tho counter
there nnd ft. p dawn on tho flvr naaJn
n silitl a n L' lh of nniil, and fill in
Horitcliin tho si.lo of bin bond with
hla hind f). it n-t indlflor.Mit u if he
hadn't IP) id.'e) ho d l no tin v inor'n
1 on never aeoil a
Ir e so m'st nn I straii;btl'iir'tir. n
lie w fnr all he mm so filled. And
when it cittie ton Mjiiitru jiitnptnir'tin
h dead b vil, tin eonld iietoxer morel
ground atoipi stfuddlo llian nuv ani
111 al of bill breed you ever see. Juniji
II):' on n tleu I l -vtl m hi strnt.y
yni tit.di'rtund. and when it emio l.
that Smiioy nnuld unto up money to
him a lout; as he had n ted. Smiley
was iifin-i rmiH proud ol his IVo. nnd
well ha hiL'lit be, fir fellul'il that Lad
traveled ntnl bin crery where all Miid
that he laid over every Iron; that they
Well Fmiloy kept tho hrnt in n lit
'lo Intll.'i.. box and he lit ' I to fcli h it
down town soineiiiiie, tiuil luy Jor a
hot. Once n filler 1 Mrtnirer in
eatnp. be v:i caiuj ucro.-n him wilb
hi li .. ao'Lv'iiy :
' Wh tl ntiji'.it it bo you've gut ia the
box ?"
And Smiley, tt irter indifhVrenl like :
" It alight he a or it miht
he n tnn :ry iy lu ; but it hain't it's
only ju-t a I'm:.'."
And tho Miiit' took it nnd looked nl
if, and turned it around
vvuy und t'.ut.. nud ?av
ll'111-i.i ';. V,
.,'(10 I fnr V
' Well," Suid-y sny, cany nnd e.-ue-los,
" lie's 'ood etimili lor ono ihinjr,
I alp'ii'il iuduo ho fan outjunin nnv
iroff in Cula vorai cuintv.
Tlio feller too!; ih 1 box nn l tin'
another Ion.' und purl ioular InnU. and
five it bael; to Suiiley an 1 isay vory
Kdihortitelv :
" Well, I don't boo 00 point nbotit
Tlio 'lanrrle.
rr.itn the dny. of Sir Wnlter II tl -iuh,
nn enlerpriao that hrfenn with almottt
tinlhine; tin brnn rnisdl lo the point
in tho Wo.-lern rmrld. and Tor nijen and H'M'I''"? l,0()i, 000,01)0 of eigar
iroi Imfiirn lot wii burn, in the Orion 'tt wr annum,
inl and barbarian rrtlmtn of the Earth. IhnTcvrr w itwr wnn with ro
llm nnrietic funtiM of lohieeo hare K"r,l ' Iht in In. in t a id eeotn mica'
been iiul il'O 1 in by millions) of the h'f
m.n fani'lr. Tho 110 of tobare.i l
ineo'itc' ii'dy, Hutoii if the most deplo
raid. vice into whielj mnn eon fall.
l c.i'iM'if utea nn Imp irtant a'iple.if
iii' iildcli 01. ti trtieii!nr!y In our own
eioiutry, nnd is ipioled. cm lo and min
ulacttuvd, alike, nmonii our moMt
Viluable eo'iiltl i liti.'H Lit tlo by little,
in tint Inpso of time, thf hit en
eroai ti" I upon the tue of lh pip'vv.d
may tilrini ite'y i" it. In tfp
I vil co. 10! rios, the in turn, In a I
fu'int I ib'o nval in the r.fie.r. th'it
b'lieate, i:race(n little envelope, which I I " inventioii and npeeiei of relined
in Spiiti nn I hoe old eoloiiio not j '""l '- '1 he namo dntonvoi ies in iy. to
lisd lined even by l!)0 I pn tl'i l fnl.'er '''"rmw. be applied to far Intiier pn
ol the fair. ! P"o. ,V. .-nt'iltl,-,, 01 r.
S 1 rapi tly hai tho cinumtion iff -. i.. ,. i,m
eti?-irett inoreased. wi hin the list I I lii UJIw; srt ue.
I pln.ihaf I'limy InrL-eestni linhmenN. j , m,iSf npp-tllin atid tbrillinL' ,rrne
itn-.dn'ii'n h.'avyout-.y ofeipitillniveiwij witnee4.l at tl.o Illinois ILiipitiV
been Muriel lor their ex'dusivo inirni (fop i!,u Insane, a lew week-" :v;t. An
faeiuro. A an oviatplc of thit new . iu- ino Womnn in Koine w:iy I menped
and iutt rostini,' xidc-bmtich id indti-, from the iipirfnents) in which eha hid
try, wo may, without further partiett-j been cmdined, rushed up th-tliirw.iv.
I.irixinr. inetitiou a very curioii and looped upon the roof, nn I da-hod n:ilx
et lobrate l eonoerii now active nt lln- to the en I of tho buildm. wan her
vain, lis frnnaat'tioii imini naneti
iit'.ni ih t main !). t of perfect fair
do.ilinn; in in it. -rial, treatment, prices,
etc. I'Hira l,)t honesty, Is n sound
i tii word in tho old CnMilinn touu'tio.
Ualn.n involved in this epplicilimi
of hii;h resource to the mipply of
mere pas.iin.' Indnlotiec, an j wo nil
miuthat tho dobiit.) would tie a fair
, me, wo e.nitiot withhold tho rcllee
tinu that nirikcs n when ri f 00
M illiti ' a mattirn l!ie m niutn -liirn ol
.1 ci-irrtti ilovelop such iaiportant in
tollectiiul nnd iniiiiotriiil renourcen
I'nis) pro riet. isi eni of tho remark iiilc ' fwtuae iu the huNinose. and hi Jienni
toatitre.i ol our time, showing how tlie
Miomtesit, wantsi aro entivcrted ijn.
'eat fnr.-CH, and t!.e h'Uiilie-t object
m tde sip. servient to tint advance of
Oneeebtma nn yr . . f oo.fn .
One-half eolumn, one year. Xo.uO
Dne-fourth enlnmn, one year, 13.(f
One nr (IU lines) en Imertlea ft
Every nddlllnnal Insertion '0
Professional and erd of
not more than five line, per year. ,fKI
Audilnr. Rseonlnr, Adininisiriitor
and Assignee Notice 2,60
Editorial notices per lins .
All advertiemeal for ahorter period
than one yeir are payable at lb lime
ihey are or.l-red, nnd if not paid llie per
son ordering tbsin will be held responsible
lor the money.
Kt.ATii I'r.sjiim Twenty rrnrn.
nio, nil tho slate fMiet used woro
itmniilAouied in German r. She then
iipphed Ainer ca with this cnintnndi
ty In I'iiO, tbero was a younit tnut
Ii ion in Vi'est Rntlnnd, Vt., eiuhieett
yearn of a.-1, "hd I'm Innately ilineuy
i d I n suiiiilv of a.'one lor nik:ni a
llret-ehiKj article of elute hoin iU. H.i
Iicl'hii by ii hitllitiK nut the pencil an I
selling them lo nchtw I c-bibilen. J!o-
mi; Letter article thun that fur onto
io the st iro. he found a ready mIc for
all he con'. I whiltl.) out. Ma brcatno
p p. ! (l n, ,ie ,Ilut ii,rro wnt a
s.'ll over Ihd c of the roof and
d.'o; pod to a c ii niot ; 01110 hIk nreiubt
feet tielnw. Up in lh:H cornii-e, a fonl
widtt, and Himiit scvotily-liv j leet nb.ire
the I'rottiid llm wild tuaiit io w ill.'.nl
Tint concern to whieh we now ro'er ! hnl; and fort h ..r a final t r of nn hour
win esiah.ish.'d about tvvelvo yi nr M.-i, ruh t the mof ntid pu I n
11 on Mender cnp.tal, no. I Mai now 1 r,,, to her n i l tried to or,uido her
reached noch an extent of resource-; to la.-.teu it nh oit her ho Iv. but in vain
and clVicieuey that it t'lro cut Vner Uj.,w, bods wore Lrnti-ht nnd plic.- l
mil! ion of ei'reroits per i".y. It eii.-if t.r.nk l!u fall nhould'slie Inp from'
p!ovn .'WO bands biside, and '2 'J-'O out , her peril-nti p Hllioti Alter riu:iinin -side
of the ronl 1 .! concern, ari l iimon.' I on the cornieo lilloen iiiitiulcn. seem"
them are .V) liltlo orphan r.pprettl ieos.
what's be
burly (i,.laii;;er,i.lni kviiuj
oil, and boi ling by this enrnieo until
her feet t-ilehe 0 e;in nt the fil'tti hi. 11
orilldmo uli,, I.. I ,r.. tl.n "l ' "
, fl ' ' " '
u-ntnl..rliil I., r.diili. li.l,t ...I Ilir
....... 1II.IWIM,
icmiy upon 1110 t up
uts oten r aizi 'i. jni.s j tarry
siute petn il sto iu win niltmtvd in 11
l.iip-e i.iviiio four miles north of Caut
let ip. Vt.. near lb unseen L"l;e. Th"
Ian I on uh ih it I situated was for
na'eatSlOO. He pint based it, nsd
beeati eperaiion.i by suwin.f out ti n
pemd'.i nud whitillna them rotttxl.
Tlit! tiusiiitss. o itiaUin them jrrjw Im -mersoly
on Ms hand., so lint ii was
iuipo-atblo 1 1 keep a clean order book.
Machinery was invented t facilitate)
tha process, which las: reached Horn.?,
thin;? like perfection, nnd enormously
lIUToiiRea tho production of pencils.
At present, tiio (parry an I n.ilU aro
owned by a joint M el Cjinpmy.
They aro value I ut flWO.00.1,. From
liitv t cno) hundred Ihousa'id l encil
are Mi 00 I out daily, nnd tipw aul of a
hundred bands arc employe I iu tho
ipiarry nnd in (he mill.
" Wiif.N I i You Smavk' 'In ono
"f the towns of Arkansas, a nt in had
been iliinkiiig until a lu'o hour lit
n rlif. When ho Mart "I for homo,
h st men wore in bed, ind ( be hou-c
wero nil shut and dark. Tho ll.pior
he had taken Wis too iu n il for him,
ind bo did not know whore to go.
Ilu at lu:t M angered into an empty
vvngin nhe l, innl fell upon tho ".round".
Fnr a loii' lime ho lay tuicotisrioim in
ilru'ikeo idecp, and would havo
the irrniuiil
-ion ( . r the anovp on
1110-t ot tlic-K po.iplo uro t liu.c-e
They all wenr n Min t of rniform, cotl
sisting of n bl in '0 or saek, u pair ol'
tripo paiiialootis. nnd a cap on which
aro tho murks of ibeir position in tie; unoti llto cuti which wis -lihowed the night to bo vc"V rnld) Im I
works, froni tho foreman down I the J toot 'v ido and four lei t ..m. Thet'e. i "' 1 "'h-T.s less inscusiblo than
latent apprentice, 1111 nil uro gradtitilly at that fearful 11:1 1 th.!y hci-ht. xhc -I ',',1IM'I'' ',0" 'ound him This shod
instritcicd, sten by stop, iu every pro- jMtood gusin-' ub ut for a (ptarioc'of nn ' Wl, 11 ,av"1'0 rendezvous of tho hose,
?okii most recently known to science. hour. Then hhe se'z-d firmly th i rope ru-h"(l nut when tho nrw comer
assisted by the InUnt iinprovemetita iu lowered to lur tind loiipcd into the iiif. :u riv''1'. but anon returtiod to their
machinery. Tl,,. H'.rottg urum above uradiinlly low-l'),'J ''l0 "''' kindness, nnd with
Tho tobacco used in tho ILi' n i ! ned her. and when oho was nlmut ' ,r"u',, hospitaliiy. I hoy gave t heir
t.ictory eoiuos eliietiy trom tun smiili ; thirty loot Irmn tho grouinl she relixe 1 1 U,I e l c"",P!",on mo iupiuio ot tlio bod,
plniituiions in tho western part ol
Cuba. When brought in. the liil
proce-s is 1,1 place ii on a Move-table,
set in million by machinery. 'Ibis,
nibs away till tho t-and nnd other for
eign b'.die.s from tl.o lc;il, twelve ok i i f t a I
workni"ii siauding on "it bor side of the 1
talk) to snatch uwny all bui leaves or j
atenii ft-oiii 1 he nuiw), as it travels a I oil'
by tlio pressure of I h.i uiechauism. It J
is next thrown upon n h io ventillilor.
which witiuows oirtbo dust, nud uftor
tint it is sproii I iu thin Ityeis on out -! -.
1 . , .. . . .1. . . ..1 I
i-iiii L' mri s. w l.ti lou Lri iiirui M ill '
can hive full play upon it. an I (by il
bly. It it then
lu r hold and foil iiiion the beds bolnst.
and, 11KI1U14I1 Mutinod, was taken up
Kccly "Milllcr,
Lumlicr Dealers
Boon, Door Boxes, Windows, Shaltm
Window Boxes, Blinds, Bush, BUIr
rtxinjs, Bud Islllnci, Brack .
rts. HoHldUfsC Floorlnr, .
Chl&zloa, Lath, sto, 4so.
' Orders aadieUed and tiled with prompt
td C -tik. 1 '.esse c'J sad esaia-
A Good ScuooLMAsruR. What a
we'd sBOorted uuiou id qualities Is re
ipiireOocoiisliiuto s good anhouhnue
'er ! A good Mchoobiia-siut' onht to
be a niao who kuuws uiuch uiorothau
ho Is called upon lo tcBch, that he muy
touch with iuteiligeouesnd taste ; who
bays s noble and elevated miad, that
ho luuy prcsurve that diyiiliy of uiiud
and deportment without which he will
nover obluiu the rvspeut and cunQdeuee
of laiuillvs; who possetine a rare iui
luro of gentleness codflruioefs s uisu
not iioorut ef bis rights, but thlukiuw
much liiore of bis duties j nhowibg to
all a good example, aod serving lo all
as a couocelWr 1 not iiivvn to ebsnire
bis eoudilioo, cut satisfied with bis
situstiou . bouMUso il gives him the
power of doing good; and wbo ba
mude'up lis nnud 10 livo nnd die lo
tho soHirir ff irlmrv Iii.l.i.f.linn
r . , IS thS l"-6 Of CM
Dill lit Vuiiiib'm Mimiiiur.
Tb'.s) puhla'alion W.ll of lint old
sjIiooI which prcdtclcd tho wea'b'r;
and those pied. c ions, says the .V. 1".
O'mtu fee, ' woro, of tourno as ol'iou
wt'diig us true "
Ihivid Young's Almnnic, ycurnllcr
year, had 11 crcut nopularitv in ew
ers.-v, wheio the weatlter l.roiihet liv-
0 I uud died. It s roporicd of him that
thotoo .lilr Il ia tab.,., insiiln I . . ""rll,i origin, siiuiiucr uay no waa
.hit frog that's any bctlo.-'n any other and tlrot ne 1 into h'tu-o caskn, where it r,A '",r'trlllll,1k -uroush n country
fl OZ." is Htiidee. .d t,. ititotmo Lvdraulie I r"!lJ ''' WW '"'"l"-"'.
Maybe 3-.n1 .lo-ri." Smiley said, jsure, after which it is conveyed by uu ' 7' r"'" ,u 't'1,l,l""1
Mnvbe von tin lerstau 1 Ir.t.'s. not ..1 i ;i.i .r..... ...1 1 ask.L-d 1 iiim if this was the road lo
' ? - 1 iimmi',-.u iniii t 1 itiu lil"llill Villi IjVIB
maybe you d.m't iiudcrsiaa I 'em ; i by means ol a series ofH-trow, benouth u"l'nMl0W"-
tnavno you am l tuny uu uni.teiir. ns 11 ,ugn lly-x heel sot with nhirpbli les,
were. Anyways, I vo got my opin- that chop il to pieces. Then it is
ion, nnd I'll h-t forty dollar that he a'uin ventilated, winnowed, mil uh.
can outjuinp uny frog Iu Caluvcras
And the feller Mu.liol a niiii'tlo or
two, and then siys klurler hal lil)
" Well, I'm only n 8'rang.M' here, and
I ain't got no fi oj, but if I hud a fr-),;
IM bet yuu
And then Smiley siyn, "That's nl i
r'tilit, that's all right. If you'll hld
my box a minute. I'll 20 nnd tret yutt n
frog;" nn l so tho fellnr tm.k tho box
and put up Ins forty dollar nlong with
S unity's and "at tlo an to wait.
80 ho nnt thoi o a goo-1 while, think
nt to hisself, and Ink tho frog out
and pried open his mouth and took a
teaspoon nnd filled him full of quail
shot filled him pretty near to the
chin, and set him oa tlio floor. Sin!,
ley ho went out to tho swamp and
slopped around in lb? null for it hint;
time, finally ho ketched a frog and
fetched him In and guvs him to the
feller, nnd says :
" Now, if yon aro ready, art him
alongside of I'an'l with his foreimw
just even with DauTs. nnd I'll give
the word I' 1 hen ho says, one two
three j imp' and him and the fel
ler touched up the frogs from behind,
and tho new frog hopped off lively,
but Dun'l gave s beavo, hoisted up
his ah'i'ilJcr so like a Frenchman,
but it waa uo 11 so ; ho couldn't budu ;
ho was planted as solid a an snril.
nod bo couldn't no more stir than if
he wus anchored out, Smilny wus s
good deal surprised, nnd disgusted, ton,
hut he didn't have no idea what the
nutter Was, of course,
Tho teller lo. k tbo money and start
ed away, and whr.n ho was going out
of the door, he sorter Jerked his thumb
over bis shoulder this way at lan
icl, and enys Snin, very di liberals,
" Well. 1 don't see no other points
about ihnt frog that's any better'n any
other frog."
Smiley stood scratching; Ills bead
aod looking down on Dsn'l for a long
time, and at last. boays 1 I do won
dor what In lbs nation that frog throw
ed off for ; I ' wonder if there sln't
something the matter with him J he
appears to leolc mighty baggy some
how;'', snd he ketched Dsn'l by (be
nape of the neck nnd lifted hint up.
and says. Why blame my cat If be
don't war flee pounds," and turned
him upside down, and be botched nut
a double handful of shot and then be
sees bow it was, and he was the njid-
(Isat man I lie set the frog down
s-i too s-f tBs rtllsr. but bo icor
jeeted to the notion of ti liner cutting
apparatus, until it is reduced to the
d.'hii cd t-'imity, after wh'eh it is spread
out ill tlio lower floor ef the building,
and besprinkled with an nrouiatie
liquid, the eoinp o-iti di ol which is
a S'.ierct of tho m uiiilactuio China
men 11 lono uro empl ved nt (lii l i.-t
stage, because their iguoruiiee is re
garded ns u guarantee that the secret
will not bo betrayed.
Tho tobacco being once more par
tially dried, now 101 pi ires only its paper
envelopes For lLco tho liinleriul
comes from Spain, nud tho Il iviiicse
cigareiio inuker imports i),,U00 bales
ol it per annum. Tha paper is passod
benea'b u press, which slumps it imlel
iblv, sad ia then hiibmiltcl to ineidiiin
icul sissors, which clip olT huudicds of
wrapper at a Uroke.
Tno fuiui process cousiits of tho
foldinu sad pucking, and lhes.o tiro
'iitrusted to hundreds of hands, some
puruoiiieuily cinployoJ, somo working
in their owu rooms uuteido, some :u-
matosof I'iiarilable instilutiou.s, und
oven of the prisons. In cue saloon u
visitor saw three hundred convicts,
bluvk and while, bnrd at work rolling
tho cigarettes delicately between their
Every workman pets a certain quan
tity of tobacco end wrappers, and
must deliver a round of 5.Ut0 cigar
ettes from it, with perhupes 50 over, Is allowed to keep for bisown
ut-o. . For this amount of work ho gut
Irotn the overseer u III -tal cheek, en
titling him to the payment ef one
dollar, at sight, on presentation to the
cashier or foreman. Everything, of
course, .is smelly comptroller oIiJ
chucked, with all ibe aid of scientific
arrnngemeut and apparatus.
Tbero is sotuo smoking tobacco for
pipes, pressed sod put up in
the sums cottcero, but to no extent
comparable with the cigarettes. Tbo
articles onoo packed are adorned wilb
all sorts of trilded and colorod oaper
aod fancy uevires, the conoern keeping
its own litbogrupiuo snd printing ap
puratus for that purpose. To sncU
perfection, lodeod,- have the proprie
tors canicd this subiidnry brsnuh ol
their operations, that tlfo local Gov
srnment has more than ouoe requested
them to execute ill bank bills. -Im
conclusion, we miy mention thai
the gas lighting and water supply,, as
wen as ti e drainage, Tentiistla, eto .ol
those fuotorlcs, have boon earrVd to
J rmrfoetion, end that by tbo steady sp-
soiue Iy litis oil either hide of him, and
"tilers answering the nnmo its u quilt.
Their warni'h jircveim d him from
l.i-iog injure I by the exposure. To
ward iiioi'iiing bo awoke. F'n.ling
himself comfnrtaMo an I in blissful Ig
tinrnnceol his whereabouts, hesuppns
ed himself oij.ying the uccnnimnda
1 0 s of it tavern, in company with
oilier peiitlciniQ Ilo reached out
his hand cinching hold of the bristles
"fa ho,, exclaimed : " Why, mietcr,
when did vi-u idiave Inst?"
Yes." eai l tho lariiicr
at work near the fence in tho Held,
" but yon must hurry or you will get
Wot jtieUet." ll.ivid ell'.V 00 s'lJtllS ol
ruin, nnd being wise us tl.o wi uther 1
jogged 0:1 without fitir. Soon a suui-i
I uier cloud darkened tlioskv. and down1
i cuillrf a Htliivvoe i.f l-.'iin udiiidl Olililo the
iiihiiauao man seal for shelter. Hero'
I was somothino for biro to Icain. Tin I
I show er ovor, ho romountud uud ri I r Du
el li s steps to tho prophulio lui mer.
r Hiding bun, thus spake 1'aVi.l:
"My frioiil, I hive Odiiibiek to
n'k ynu for your nigu of rain. I am
iu the weather liao myself, and will
'ivc you u dollar if you will explain
to ma tho secret, Jor 1 am ttttre you
must know more about it thuii 1 do."
" Give uu the dollar,'' raid tho far
tiler ; on I, taking il. ho piocedod.
" Well, 'you see, ull about hero we
take David Youtiii'suliuanae.uud when
ever ho says ' look out now for rain,'
wo know iisg.iin.fto bo fair;' und
when bo say ' lair,' wo know it will
rain afore night."
Davi'e Youiij bit his horse with the
switch an 1 rode away, a ladder but not
a wiser man.
Dtt-NT Know Which Gitir. to
Makuv. In a v jingo up in tho edge
ol Michigan lives a family compere i iu
pari of three bouncing flue giis, or
young ladies, A young man also re
sides in tlio villigo, und bus been pay
iug intention to tho young ladies, w-
cocurling them lo sinning and spelling
schools, taking thorn sleigh-riding, to
balls, etc., and was qui to a favorite
with them ; thoro being some uneer 1
tamty on the part of the young Indies
und some doubt on bis part, as to
whose hands lie should fall Into.
Mutters went along thus nn'H a few
days since, when one of the girls
'.bought, perhaps wisely, that it was
tituo the question was dcQniirly set
tled. Sh proccodod lo the ofUco of ti
magistrate, caused a warrant to bo is
sued for tbo young man, and placed
in the hands of constnblo, requesting
the otUoer when bo served the writ to
sdviss the youngster to marry the
girl st whoso Instance the warrant was
issued, nod thus stop the suit for
breach of promise. ' The uQloer did a
requested, and when ha thus advised
the defendant, the lattr asked, "Which
ol the girls Is isf"' This question be
ing settled, he wockly mbu-iiod-bU
neck to the yoke, and tbe mooted
quontloo as to which of the throe
would secure tbe prize wsi settled
"What is lbs eaueof that
ringing ?" loquired William.
" 1 liilox,'; tAiii 4oin, thtt 83tn
One of tho most hop-lul sign of re
turning rea-toti in the South i the dis.
position quito gennorslly ni tnifcHtcd
t.i rnooiiruiro the estahlishmetit of inan
uf.ietures of that section. In tle'timo
gone by tbo people of tbo lilove Stn'.es
wero wont to voto nlmnst solidly nguint
a tariff. As if slavory itself were not
it Huffieicnt bar to their crowlh in pop
ulation and woulth, they pnr-und a
ruin urn depletory system of ngiietil
lure to tho utmost utter exclusion vf
oibcr industry, un I dopendel
on loreign cotintries for all monufse-
tur d articles. Thry e;.ei hivoleeu
opened by the war und it re.'uls. R-c-ognixin
n id in In-try es tin
great secret of the prosperity cnjoyeil
by tho old States, tho ablest ol tiio
Southern paper inre n iw teeming with
articles nrjuing the remarkable advan
lages to bo found in their rospo.itive
rojions fnr iiiatiul'aotui'iug entorprises.
They do not with equal unanimity, ad
voeute p'nto'etioii ; b it tbo one is in
dispciiKiblo t ' tbe other, and expert
etiC') will sunn tench them that if they
would invite capital snd fo tor minu
fuot urea they must stand by tbo 1 arid'.
We remember that, some years sgo,
the old In dependence bell in the stee
ple of the hall in Philadelphia, bning
cracked, it bueWfoUtidor, who Was i tflJ
ployed lo rrpuir the damuge, abstract
ed a few ounce ef the precious nietul
and eruverleil into tiny bells I r cliurms
and tippcuduiic to watebcbain, nnd
meager was tlio unmana that unv
price oould be ebluncd fir I hem. It
wub so gooj a speeulutioll that other
tunnalauiurer took tbo bint, and ere
long nils ol'liltlo bells purporting to bo-
fr. tn the Simon Pure bi ll th t proclaim
ed ' Liberty throughout the land and
10 all tho people thereof," wero ia the
murk vt uudo'itaiuod ready sale. And
it would now bo impossible f.rtho pos
sessor of these precious relics to d.-Ur-
tiiiuo which is the genuine or w Men
the sp' ; nor, to any sensiblo mail
would it make any dill'ercnoe, their
intriosio Vttlae bciug precisely tbe
Shoo, Fly. A New London Sal-
balb school teautierssid to a little boy
recently t
bupp'ise some bad, wicked boy
wore to slop youou jour way to church,
uud ak yuu to go to some bad place
w.tb ro in, what would you say T '
" hat would 1 sayf repeated Ibe
wag; 1 would say, shoo, fly, don't
boddcr mo; I'm bound for S uud ay
An injurs husband in Dsytoit,
Ohio, eauuhhis wif just 00 (be point
(d,lcq)ios-;wrth.S handsome man. Ho
look torrtkU Sogoc by locking lip
all Or good cloibf-ij and then tolling
-.. .