The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, May 05, 1870, Image 2
THE POST... UnLcimM) ....t.......uitAT, ino. A HKXIEI, Proprlrtnn. t'oniiulttee airrllng. The llepul.lican (-landing Committee of Snyder Couniy I requested lo meet l the I oiin House in MidJIeburg, an Tueidnj ni.y ii. ihio. A full attendance la requested si business uf lajpcnanc will be transacted. Tin following art I li trnnti of the Coin wiiiieet Heaver Tr. I. f). Cnrrad, Joseph R. 1'lrh. Asl llearar J J. Mallarn. Jfwph Munbeoh t'entre Peter llartman. Jacob It. Harluiea. i hlpinaa J. II. 1111. Frank Wall, franklin John Milger, John Hon. Jnrkaaan Jokn ft. Heaver, ft. (ernes. Ml 'rl-.-hurar-J. V. tahln'tel. Jack A u rand. Mid llv.rvcs-O. A. asehovh, Joel llltHr. V ..Di" J-.ha Young, Jwt'h lut. I'Mins t'h-trlct Mil or, Jauire Pawling, 1'erry WIMUm Harding, ease lUlm. rl Perry M. hheltotiberger. Jo-. Arhnareet r-ellararoie H. fjoyor, A. if . rrh.-ek. I nl..n-.l.fl P. It.,gr, John J. Kelly War hlbgton-MaJ. J. H. Adam, D. U. iloyar. 1J order of J.NO. V. 6I1INDEL, I. B. Morrs, frrrtlarv. Tlie lilt liiuond lulnntit), A iliuatllul iiiliiinity dy wl.irli rill, alt ersuB were instantly killed, ami More t bn two lninil rrl wounded, n fcumbiT otalioui iigvr since died, otr purred in Itiitl-UKiiiJ, V., n Wt-dnes-lsy of jt wk. l b following; edi loiiiil Hriiele we Inks from llie Itn-huiund l!)uitv of lust Thursday : Yesterilny oiTinreil t lie pveitc-i ojljinjev i lnil eter nlHicttd this ci i ive lie turning i. f I lie ilieutie in 181 1. It wart iH'1'AsiuiivJ by tlio lading of tin Hour uf lie oil .Senate elinmlinr. in I lie rnpitnl, uliich is now used, fur the c-- snug ol the supremo court ol atiticale in this in(f. Eleven o'cIim k was tl.e hour for tlio rin lii'K tl tho emu . nnd it Ik-inn nn ;. rr.rooii lint then would ho sotmutieeil t'.p dcclsii'n njon the (mention t-f tin- ton! rut inutility of tlio "iinllinir m-l." vij knntvn sa thj ('luilionti Kllys.-ii vire which has i xiiled h linn h in iT''t ia 1 1 1 i cninmun ly, UrpM i.uiiibcr ol cilm-iiR aisoii lil.'d in tin1 j!iil!vry and ipco iti front of tin IvupIi I f'ui'p Iio tmar iippuiiitcd. The vi-iglil ol ruvli a pncli. (I iiium whi tu t-1 1 l fur the ini-rlicily rui-lcil ii mriiitf nna yci more luulty julli-rv, v liirli wjh iiii-imi'Ic 1 fn.ui tlioujiur J'i his ill n nmat il. li'cint nmnn.T. J h. ti .ilvvy lii I foil lot ward, tliti fl.M rvi'.'l l ir m-tanlly nn l t;oiiit( dnwn with it, niriyiu Hi? fucked iindy of nun t tl.ti Knor of th Ilo'io of IVI.'knte. liiily twi-o'y tcot Ltdow. AafoHiMnl mi l l iinl ii tliin wiik. tlio lieuvy ceulinu ainl I ho IiiiiIm r which KtipporU'd il rifccn!cd nlin wild tho iuom aront'y iijuicumii ma mortniity. riityn were killi d outrijrlit, nn I oihor unit J.; Irnni injui'it'g rerrived. l!:id tho catahtropln occnrrJ ton nnnuici curl er, ro'slblr hull ih nirm lor of Iho hoUBi) uf iltdrratea would liufo Icon killed by tbe fulling ol tin iiidb upon t hun, for a caucus of tin- rcat nijynty of the body Imd ad journed probaldy not ten niinute t'fiiire thd orcurrm re ; or had the hour of the meeting of '.ho eoun beeu twolre lustead of eleven o clock, n like (k-Htructiun of life would have tukon place, (or il) lo.dlaturo would then buve loeo in teHiin. Tlio K-rno ennnot be do ribed, nor can it be iiprei'iatcd l y Hume who did not witnen it The iduhi of human be- tngn that fell were no mixed up with t lie bi-nvy timbers and rublii-h thn thi-jr bad to bo dim-njingod with preui l.ibor. 'J he iicht of tho tlcad ant wotmded aa ihey were lowly let down Ironi lie IIoiihp of Pelegntes (the door of which wa blocked up by the ruing -i waa lieanreuilinr. ho covered with dul and blood were tbry I hit it wn diun u't to rcro.'cue them. The treat boly of fpi-plo ouisido gwayt-d wit I J ncxii-t'" and priel. JMuny liundredx wiitctied engeriy lor and relit tirp who wero known to have been in the court room, and eaeh bodv f lint ajipeurud io the liiuid of the indefut inutile men who worked for the relief of ttioac buried with the ruins wus vcanned with the cloaetit scrutiny by a thiunod cy Thin calamity hn filled the c'ttr with tlooin, imd bowed tho public spirit to unit t roviiientiul uiKpenautioa winch It in not for us to etiticise, but wbicl it iii nur duty to turn to our own good l-y the pruelti-e or the public and pri vntp virtuca whieh affliction tciuhea nil intclli-'i-nt und wiso cotnmuuItieN The dinastcr has iwcpt tlirnuijli nil 01 tno community Anno e.'Cana 0 "ine rfonr bot and mot disti'u C'lished citizont huvo PiUlied In it. I.euiHlatois, luwycr, citiwim. state ami ni'di iphl iilSi-oiii, a jouriinlht and pti vice tili.i u.s. aro nil iiumberid in tl.e !t ofdeud und wounded. Hirlin.oii t i ihicl mouiiiei'; but ncur'y evi-ry htciuiti oi iiio flute buret lit tlio ini mcdiute results of tho cnlamlty, while we know thut tlio people id the entire common wealth will It id ibo afllivlioo oe their own. The Imtlau Trouble. Ciikvknnk, Muy 2. A private lot tor Irora rort laraune, dutod April aujg the Iodiaua attacked Jioo Mill' rattlo herd ou tlx) t'linirwnter, und Kbughtered several cattle. Two mru w ho were with the herd are miinir Lnre iiuniLor af men are dully ar ming iroui mo caal tojnio llie IJig lloru Afsociation. Over a hundred turned out to day and paraded the nrrtit. it,e cxpfdiiioo will atun Way ltr. (.'nicAno, May 2. A peraon who arrived at Monx, City yesterday from Kort SuUy. reports that the Cheyeone nccney has been taken posseaidun ol by loditos, nod that io attempting to lumi mey were ordered back uy the aavats, who tired over Iboir heads; that Major Kondalland comrades are riouera, und that ibe Indiana bd killed a 'Urge nuinborcf cattle, the rarpsset of whieh are seen elon the river banks and on the eaod bars. sj'ijluj un-nsg And stilt the u-mk! cork (toes en ! The Secretary ol the Treasury report, for this ruooilie reduetioo in tho pub lic debt of nearly twelve uiilliuus of dollar, being at the rto of almost a luoJrtd and fifty millions a year I Joibify should mora atreautheu the A INtlltlcal fatiu. We tuke from ll'irpr't We k'y of Iks aoth the following; views i-l c oer al pi'liti"!". 1 bey are culm, impartial and diHcriiuiuutinK t II pnrt'Cg where wholly arbitrary orgnnisaiiona, or If they wre formed mereU to accomplish certain results. thry would disappear wben thwe re sill wore attained. If the llppubii f:m pnrty bnd tieen only s union for ho overthrow of the e'een-lpncy of Vuvrrv In the nntiniin policy, tlie ii l 'pti.m of the l'Mtoenth Amendment would re the Bignal of la uiso.tilin But a tho Dem-'Ctatio nuty. wlib h for a generation wan merely a trnaplr try I j perpetuate and exten t -mvcry 4iirrivp the ri'in'-tlou ol slavery, dees the Republican party. Total do cut de not einl tlio one, nor iui- lute victory the other. 1 hey each continue a repre-nt&'ives and oran of a errtnin ffpneml tendeuey in out rx-titiritl di-vcl piiK-nf. A hourly faith in tho great piiticipKa ol populur uov oinuicol. a iiPtier.iiu liiipinility t ward liew views nnd conitant pro- rew, a p-actical perception ol the loao relatioa uctweon morula ami lditiei, a deep convii.lion ol the vital neceKity ol int'dligeooo to a trno re p ibiio, will golierallv leatl a man l act with tho Uenublicun party, and ihej'olipy ol that party up o any pec illo qucMtioi that may anna willnulur ally be determined by tbo uuio char aoleriMlic. t'pon "itch Imnicdiute top'c nf pub ic diruwion a the tuneful ununciul policy nod tin- tariff, neither d the rent nnrtii-s i hiinnotiou within its own rank. I hero nre tarur peoio rata and Iree-traile Uepublieuiis : and neither pnrty. as n party, U directly e HipinUe I to protect I -ii or to five trade. Mennwhi'e, the Htomrial iihuk urea ofll'e Secretary of tlio Treasury are -reer-lv ruieiHcu uy mr.ny ue- . ... ii iiublican, while tho Democrats hnv II I o ll I po' 'C) - II I') llli-ItlCOIIkitiluilt IT) tlmt tlio Ki-pu'di'-in-'i'UOHcd the heavy taxttion, a-ul tha' tnxc ought to be reduced. I'pon tho forcik'ti po'ic tl.oi'i' ih tho ante ila .'rpeinent upon 11 miIp. Tlio .fdmini"triion. d in itio C'iban troubles, has t;iitlilii!!v rn-I'ot-ped Ihn linvgnf llS. while Admin intration SSemitor und join mi's huvc . irt-mlly t'oodumned its p ition, a-id lc Hi' eritic j'niroiils liHve sustained its action. I'pnn the AMamn qiii--lion little has been recently ii I. The Ilepublii-an nte, however (icnur.ilt united upon tho truth ol'tlio aia einont iinido in I'arli.imcnt of Mr. (! irdcn in May, 18G4, that Englund c.irrio l on wur lio n h- r shores with tho United Suites, violn'cd international liw, and tbigrntly dregar bd her neutral du ties. The Democrats will tuko htib ittfher groutid upon tho same side, if nevpM'iry t'H-onciliitfl the " Irish vote" in the Presidential election. lut in the political lull of which we speak there is no d ubt of n very iien oral profound eoufldeneo ill tho haic iiy nnd integrity of l bo Administration. Il hut ns littlo respect for the celebrat ed constituency of H'inc'iiiil'O ss any l tiiiiiitraton thill we can recill. Il the tt. Domingo crotchet were nut ol tbo nnd u low appointments hud been different, tb' re could b noihin. left but praie for the gi-npiul enndurt of affairs. It is a quiet, st-ady. work ing Administration, which ia precisely what the ciignncy fallowing ibe wur demands. In view of wh it tlio Dem ocratic ptrty otl'i-rcd at tho eleefimi. he ucnoru' situation of the country i sucliaa to occasion tho sincerest sii luetion and ponyrntuUtion. Tho Un ion is about be in if fully restored, and wiih its restori'inn p-litieal distinc tions of class have ceased. If the pary to whieh this inostim ablo coosmnnution is duo is as wise iif it in powerful, iu power will indefi nitely endure. Tbe Oneida Orphans. The Secretary of the Navy lias a I dressed the foHowing lettor to Mrs. l-'ruuioni io response to a communica tion from that lady, announcing t bill the manairrra of the Union Homo and School for Soldiers' and Sui'ors' Or plums will take charge of and educate iho children of those who were logluu the Oocidu : WAsittNorort, Miy 2. 1 J70. Mv Dear Madam : I hve received your letter inclosing tho announce incut thai the iiiuiuigerg of the Union Home lor S-1 l;cr' and Sailors' 0 phaus, New York, are prepared to take churgo of and educalo the children wh have been left fatherless by tho lalul collision ol tho ltrilifh nt-nm"r lioiuliay with the United Slates ehip Oueida ,n the Jiuy of Veddo. 1 beg that yu nin uliow mo to ox press to you and your ui-suuiute, fur ui) sell' uud for tlio whole nitvul service, tho bih uppreciatiou that will lo Kit lor this act ul eueroua chirity. Tlio fsio of the officer and moo ol the Ouoida end the circuuisUtieea un der which it was met wore suoh u apieal for sympathy to every heart, sud piescnts to tin world anniinpl. uf courage and discipliuo of which the moo aud women of our co n ry ina well bo roud To provide for the orphans of thwe who died go suddeiilv yel so bravely ia an act worthy ol your no I) It) charity an act nobio in Imoli and which will have an effect for good beyuod tho present. There is no stronger sorrow tbsn tb.l which comes with tho thought uf thov who are left unprovided bcuiod : and death, whatever form it Ukes, will be met with loss regret, it not with in--re courage, by every sailor as lie tealizor tbal ibo bearu ol ms country womou are open sud warm towards them. lo the name or the ctnurra and men of ibo nsvy 1 ibuok tbo nuuagorg sod uivoibers of your lostilutioo, aud aaaurr ru o sgratolul reinombraoco ol y-'U (ioduess by ihoui snd their children. aud ol tbe higher' rtwaid wbicb will oowe lo y--u with the eooaoiousaeM ol giving Jy to so many hearts. Very rsspectruiiy, UsogjOK M ItoBBsoir, Secrvtnry of Navy. Samuel Mjera, for thirty years pub- righting la Cuba. The war in Cuba still continue, with varying success on either sido It is dillk-iill to get at the trao state f affairs in I hi island. One day we have the Spaniards claiming that the revolution is morally if n t actually subdued, Ibe robel armies disbanded, and their leaders escaping out of the eonntry ; and next day we hear, from t;uban source, mat mo revolution is stronger than ever, the the Spaniards hnv linen ilnfenled end driven back at overv point, ond will soon bo compell- I io auAnuon ino contest, f ve snir pact both stories hVJ a basis of t rule. ino inourocunnary nisiratcia or vuua ipa moiinfainliina fvred with fill est, dostitate ol god roads, and ex ore Uogty itiiueut r r r-'gur military operations Tbe only war is s dosal t-iry, guorrilln style of Ushting, in which tbe insurgent bug always s great sdviin'age over the regular sol dier. Tbo insurgents mnv bo ilrivon from their rknip, only to gather some where el-o ( tho Spaniards may be re pulsed, only lo fall back upon iboir nvn linoa u-hnn ilia nnnrlv-a med and ill-disciplined insurgent can not follow tlmm mud ri-ir,Arii fi,r a raliewal of the .... r r attack. This sort of warfare may go on tor years. " Jtlllllla Service' It mny he of interest to many of onr renters to learn trial previous io ad journment tho Legislature passed nn act relating to the militia organization -f the Statu and miliiiu tsi. Tho bill nrmii Ics ts fidlnu a 'kich and every person not now, or who shall not hereafter become a mem b r of some military organiniinn,ahall pay to the collector of taxp in the civ, eo intv, bxreuh or township In which tie may reside, the sum el' fifty cents a Inn illy, the payment of which sum slml. exptniit hnn Iroui lialiilitv to ncr f rra military service except undor irders to prevent or repel invaioii, nr t siipptess iiisurreptioti. tumn't or rot j the proceeds to be applied 'osus tuiniiw viiluuteer mililarv nrirnniati'in' un I in anv cciintv where there shall he n volunteer mlTary organisations the in -ney repriced into tlio Itriga to Mud. :is nr.nesiii I. shull bo naid bv th- co inty treasurer d said ennnty at llie cl'iN of e.ich year to the School Hoard of the sevpral school districts in said county, in proportion to the number of laxab'o iiilijliiuints in said uistiict, to lie U-ed lor school purposes. Iriinslvunl.i Stale Nuudar htliool lontenlloa. The annual Convention for the year 1ST I), will bo bo d at I(nrriburit. I'ueeduy, Wodnosdiy mil Thursdiy. Juno 11, 15 uud 10. (jcome 11. Stu art. lv , ia expected to pres'de. Ivi' li Sunday School in tho St-itn is invited to send two or more delegates. Castors of Churches. Superintendents uf Sunbiy Sellouts, and promiueot Suii'ljy Schisil w.-ikcrs from ull pang if the .Stuto aro invited to attend au-i pir'icipmo. Our Sunday School brethren from other Sutes aro cordially wrleouind It is requested that the liniues o' thoso who eip 'ct to attend shall be sent to Itov. Thos. II. Uobiuson, or John M Sayford. Secretary, on or be faro tbo first day of June, ns it wil.i. BE NECKSSARV for tlldhO who W mid avail themselves of n reduction ol luro on tho nilrou Is, '.o pi-ncure ox eursion tickets bol'oro leuvinj their lioines fur llarristimg. Tlio commit leo of urrsngomeuts will secure orders for 'ickcts for all who notify them iu time to do so and forward ibein. 1'laceg of entertainment will be pro vided for ull who give due uolice o' Iboir cumin. T. II. RoniN8N, Ch it'rm in. J M. SAYFOKU, S't rtUtry. Geh. O. O. ltowARD i furtuoate in his ca'uminutnrs. years suo. it wa Andrew Johns in whomaliirno l him in lung aud frequent veto messages on tiio Kreedmen's Dueau bill. Af'ter ward. it wss tJou. Uordan Oratiiror who went spying nmoiiK the subordin ates that he might Hud mutter on whieh to around indefinite and general ubiise of the Chief of the Bureau, which it will b.1 remembered wsa snhge picntlv delivered in a long report, which read vety much like the effort of an urn -le ir t-orrespon lont of n fourth clas newspap-r. Now it is Peroaodo Woud who impeaches ibo honesty of his ad ministration uf llie affairs o tho Freed men. If iho witness who are lo an lain tlii'se charifpa have no better standing with tha publiu thun tha ac cuscrs. tho prosecution will prove con temptible persecution. Hut there i little doubt ihat tho result of the case, which Mima ono has aptly termed " MacUwrvlvillo vorst lljveli-ck," will be tho complete vindication ol Oon. Howard f N. Y. Tribuue. Tub Dan villi Asylum the h.-t-V.'yeueer say tbtt wirk waa Com uietioed on the Asylum on tbe 14th. It save furthur: In company with the Superintendent, we paid aviso to the locality the early part of the week. We found overythltiK prepared to cnminc nee operations ; thousands of perches uf atone, and millions of brick uro lying srouod looso." preparatory to doing piled up in tbe proper shape and form in the new building. Work moo have been aogagod all winter in dressing the linlols, sills, et., out of s beautiful red stone brought front Yurie Co. The foundation no I oidlur wall built last year don't appear to have Irioo atfeated in tbe least by the frost during the wiuter months, but look -touueh. solid and enduring. It is In tended to rno the walls up during I bit season of auffictoct height for the roof, which will necessitate the etnplot uieiit of a very lurge umber of me chooioe and Lborurs. A well hit' been sank on the premises, in tho rear ol tbe asylum, to the depth ol stjtty flve feat, wbiob yields ae uolimited supply of pure spring water. 4100. OUO hag been appropriated by the legislature to coottoue the work tbii year, a very large uoj of money, waicfc oitrtriDtitod li c..h,.o,Tw CANDIDATES' OARDS." Fns. PnsTi Tke enhntloa at asndMatM to lie vatM foe 4 Ida antalna brliaarv -aaetlnn. kl urelf an ael rsqalrlpa taoagkt d4 h'nis-ty of j Cirpnasi wasknniil r-t aoaa tral hat, In IlIgMil, aad ralliuta m-n M eanlllat. tha elSisi 4 AmmIsii iixla. -nceaUf, sra thnaltl hr aiaa ol Inlegrlt-. anand iait-onuat inq nn-i ooarieioav. ia ino panoa m n. .. KArDBaarsM. aalitiaa af II ror, waluira thoso ansliuos oaililn4 aag It Is wlta ptooaara tkst wa rtnesiinoad klai aa a oafidMate Inr tho nffl-o ft Asnx-Ulo Jailao. Ho boa alojava bxoa aa atl Hepokllesa, aiM ao a roquo-l tkat tho HMiollMknair this eonaty So aa at of JoRtloo kv aamloatlog aad oleetlna klm to this Impurtaai offlea. Cirisasa or run Haavsaa. ortins, ti r-eommrnil Hon. X. J. M l.ld'wosrth Sir ro nnmlestk-n as A-snelata Jnflasi. tlo 1m Borr-a lh aonpla of Snvilor onanl- lo that ea- pii-iTT. mr ono i-rm, wita nosiiir ut rno poopio, troallt In hlmMlfanit hnanr to tha poslllnn. Ho ks itomsaneil hlintolf as a fullhoil ami trflolcnt olflror, aa aa atToklo and eoarioona srontlrmsn. as a fcuno and rural ortnodoa Hopulallnan. Ilo ksi e-intnhiitofl laea-ly f tho sneoM ol onr port- ol which ho has l-s-ti a lira-long ataaikar sou juitljr laoriu a ra-alo-tlon. isst Karcai.icaaa. To Two Vnrras us Narnaa florstr i Ralna fillelto,! ht a numlssr nt ra trl-oo. I korobs of lor tnyaoii os a conutaiifo Htr A""noioio .innao althac'imlna rtmar-olotloa nl tha Hepnhllrita party sihhat.l 1 rai-Hva tho nomlnstion and bo olents.l. I 1-lr.lfO mirsolf to yorluria tho dallol ol mi uiunf wiui ntioiliy, Itaaav D. MiTcaaLL. PK.NATOR. FniTfiasPosT. RspoMlesnsnf smTitsreofn'T. In a lesr woeks yoa will Im oslloit apia to potoiit stan-lsH koarors. froni ronr aumhor. tho au- prfMctilns esmpsfan, and wa roeowimon-l to -our rarorsMo eonsl-lrrtlon, t.itL. W at. t. HsanuLD as a snttaiilo porsnn t-i ropressnt Ihtt Hsnat-irlai HUIrlct la tha hsnslo of Ponns-Wonia. fol Hsrr-iM's pan tesli-, Intsarliy, ai-llliy and ninoss will not atmli of a noetloa irf ilonhtt and lis justly merits iho aioaliiollon. Its will care fully ansnl and prnmnto tho Intorovls of his m stltusncy, and moka usa rsnresontatlvoof whom wo insy lustly bo nruod. Wo vonturo tha aur- an-o Ihsl ha will oxeri-lse orory ottort to a-lvanee avery papular and loalkla pmlact wulok a III ooasaca too luieroai di ino ps-ipio. HarnaLicAaa or fnintus. ABMULVMAN. Kihtors Post Wa tsks nlesKira In roenm tneu-tlna to tho Republican party of Kny.lsr county, t'srT. Williasj rt. Hsanisa, as a suit ants Mircon to r prevent tit In l.tfUIluro ol Pennylrsnla. Klrod with thsa-alurtlispairlnt. a is puro iosos oi equal nants and 0iusi juriiro, ho was aniona tho nrsl to otlsr his lifo a wllllna Ki-rin-o on his euuntry's altar in lhalala ftrual for nalli-nsl llto. Pomo-aslna ovory fU.IMic ti-n t-i msko a tfond Ropre-enUitlva, It would only ua a tnenteu triuio t-i nis sorvii-o ana asroio oon-du-i tonammsto hltn hy an oTorwhsliulna ma jority, t'ur en il l its ror ini-iaoro annrs i-Apt. tlar-lliiH, l emlnsntly iiusllttrd lor and iiIIt ilesorvlna of tho putilln t-usi tor wtile h wo raouoinioiiU klin. t;iTiasaa or liBAVaM. FniTiias Post r 1 noticed In ynnr lst Issne tnm you avo sorerAi roe-imrnoutistinns tor uu Atits nrions lo- oOVes In os Itlloil al the olscllor. nt (-all. tieliovina It to bo to our Inters! aa a pirty lo nnmlnslo tho host men lor tlio reS-etlvo otnco. I woiil'l ic-onl Iks noma nl Imvik ssith Ol .as a sultaioa person tn reprosent tha itoaple ol-ur eo-iB'y in ths l.ctfllaturo. Mr. MnliUIr a yunna nan of mora ihsn ordinary abllltvt a staunch Kei u'-linant hsa srrol Iho psrty lona an-i wen, nu nerotororo nas noror aaa'i any lltlnu; within their powar t-i lioslnw. llthatto put-iican psrtyot nav-iorei-uniy piaca Mr. smith In n-minstlon, ho will ropro-nl tliotr Intotat at Harrlsnurir with kon ir and AdelliT. Uot us nominate tho u-pt man prosout-d for our okolc( anJ Tlotory will porch upon our banner. CsaTaa. rtROISTI'.R AND KKCORDER. Fnivnas PnsTt Tlurlna tho war.whon snldlars were nesilfwt to proteot our komos and auard tho nstlnnsl honor, wossll to nur uobla -olunteara 'Hlo, boss, and wa will sea tkt you aro provMed fur ahn-ihl you I -a wounded n As aasnar-il thlna our promises kasa keen romamboro'l and many wounded soldlera aro now koldtna olllcos of truat and honor. Ileliarlna tkst nur eltltsns are oror wllllna to honor laoaa who tuipertllod thalr llros for u. wa would urao tba aotaloatloa i.f Jamss M iZiit. a eitiisn or vur town. for Iha oKIro of Koalstor and Kocnrilor. at tha anrulnir poniary al-ctl-m Mr. ansndt sorvo-t fhlthlnliy In our anny nnarly fnur yoars, an-lln Ihat time was so sosoroly wounlel as tn unfit hlia for hard manual Nhnr. Therefora wo Ihlnk that ho should bo nominated and olarted If aleela-l wa aro aatltnad that ha will I an afO clentvlBcar. raaaa. MaaaKs. FniTORS Permit ma, a suhsArlhar, to suaaTt Ihrouah tha eolumns or ymr paper, the name nt H H. hohtiek, of Mld'Hshura. (ror merly of Monroe townhlpl as a suitable and worthy oan-tldaio for ro-noinlnatlon for Koalster and Heoorder ur thla eountv. Ha lias proved hlmaalf eipAblo. sltl'-lont. Industrious and obll ana. No one who kas had oeeaslon to aator tko oino san Ijoar wltnof to tho eontrary. An as pedant pennman. a good aooantant, a a-iund Roiitibtlusn doaarvlng of auocasa. us ra ooniluaia blm liaayas. UHTHH-T ATrOrtVET. Msasas. Koitorsi Allow me to urge upon tha H--iiMlcans ol oiir count- tba propriety of re-nomlnatlng II. T. Pabks, t'aa f ,r t-ia ornce ol District Attorney. Mr Parks' brier oIK-ial earaar kA proven blm to be an afflclent an-1 an nhllulns olllcer, and aa can sea Bo good reason why he should not lie re e ecle-l. At tha breaking out nf the reiwlllon. " Harney " was among the first to reapond In the call lor volunteers ereed hit country faithfully at a soldier nearly four years. In that tlma received wounds from which he will never fully recover, and now wa think that It wnnld be but a a-nali vetnra for Iha vratl lode wa nwa aa honorable Soldier and aa enVUent oftleer to ra elect hire. Old Uaavaa. COMMISSION Kit. Taismtsja that our township la entitled to a ftommlastoner this fall, allow ma to present the name of Anas J. Kiaasu to the RepnhllcAn en ters of our a-iQotf In connection with that office. Mr. Plabev has always been an activeand sealoua Hepubllean and baa never heretofore aked for antblng In the n-'er of the party to hcitow We think tt wonld be but tlmple tuatlce to plsea klta In nomination at Iha ensuing primary elae tlnn. Should be i-a nomlnateal -nd elected, we will have aa honest aud eoia patent 1 am m It loner. Psaaa. Tna office nf County Commissioner la one nf tba most Important nliloes to tbe tax-pevars n a eountv. and tn nil II wo ihonld have men nfnn douhicai boneaty and Integrity. In connection with many Kepublloana. allow ma lo preont tke claims of tlASTAia PHtLir Ktaaav, or Heaver, for this Imnortanl nftlee. He Is a man of aioand Judgement, hinet and reliable, and If nominated and ties leu, will make a laiibinl uinner. I: bask Li a. FniToaa Poar. Plea-a annnanca that Jobs nniiio.ul Pennt twp., will Iw a can-lblata for County Cnmmbwlnner, subject tn tba decision nf toe nepuottsan voters at the ensuing Primary Plitln. Mr. Komlg It well quallUcd lo Ull Ibe otneet Is a auoat eoon-1 Fepablloaa, and wi-l. If alecteat, make a good offioer. J. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SVM W :!i "8AisK IwTlViuV'of a certain Wrltnf Vend. Fx .Issued out of Ibe Court of tiommon Pleas of Snyder t 'ntiulv, and lo uia directed, will I exiiosed to pnbtlo sale at the 1 ourt House, lu the Uorougk of allddleburg, suydtr County. Pa., oa MoikIbv, May 83. 1170. All o'clock, P. M , a certain Tract or Land lluate In West Heaver township, county and ttate aforesaid, bouioli-d and datcrltaid as tnilowt no the east by land ol Daniel lUranoay, north by public rad leading from Adamaburg to lw tit.-wn. West t-y laud of Iteuben -mltb. and south by land ol Jtvepb Peters, containing nne. kail f an aora. mora ur let, wherama are erected a g-iud V UAMK lloHNEan.1 rT I an IlKHl.'K. Helsed, taken tnlo exeru'tlon. and lu ta told as Uta puiieriy of Kosvsi i. Kuthbocs JOHN. H. Wlll.F, Mierllf. Sberin ' OfBoa, UMaieburK. April fei, tlinnn WANTF.D an active men. In Je ire ea,-k County la the Klaus, to ravel and lake orders by temple for TLA, COF t'KK and r-pll Ks. -to tunable men we will give a salary ot AtsMloSI.euu a I ear, above travel lug and other espouses, aad a reasonable aoaa uiUsloa nn sales. linmaduu applications are aollcltaal from proper parlies. Kelerancoa etobauged. Apply to, gr addreaa Immeallately. J. aVACKERftOO. t Continental Mills." M4 IJowary, Naw York. N EW M1LLIXKKY , Fancy Store. Oppoaite Rblmtel a Bwiuelurd'a Drug Store. Uiddleburg, Pa. 1 lake Ibis tnalbod ol Infornilng Iha olli tana of Ibis plsea and vicinity, that I have lutt returned from Philadelphia with a large auppl of . Millinery and Fancy Goods, oonilelln' of II ATS, B0F N ETS, t'LOWRftS. KIUH0N8, ate,, te snd an constantly re rsivisg naw ftooda sad saw aijl.-a. - I'leate five ne a sail before purcbaaiaf alee where, will posiiivel- eeU aa vkeap aa say Milli ner ia this ev adjoiaing aonuilee. WAKV A. HALTEUAN. Middleburg, April 2. IB79.-n S' ELL 4 BUUOtfOUU, Wkalaaale aWlara In BRAiiDm. i::r NOTICK I hereby given that the Saat aeonant or siotnaet rterabsrllnai Aa slgnee of (tundruta It RsKhard. nf tha H-ron-b of ollsBroTa, will noprooantod to tna tjoart ror onn Srmatlon aa4 atlowanea at tko t'otin flnusa In Middlonara ea Monday May IS law. whan all psraoas Into raited oaa atUad If they think pra se, i. tiKiM'fr artl to, im. k Prothoaoury. NOTICE IS HEUKBY GIVEN tt! - Ike Members and 8toek-hnlilers, and others Interested that tba Mellns-rora Sa vlng and Uulhling Association, tbtou-h Its President snl Keereiary, nave preaental their petition tn the Court nf Common Pteaa of Hn-der eonniy, at Keb. Terra, ts70.bray Ing fald Court lo allow said Association to alter snd amend In Constitution. That aid applieatien la tiled 14 ids Pretkonota ey s (iltlca anJ wi'l bs present eil for eon flrmst Ine at May Term neat, enlesa -eawae sball be shown la the eontrtry on or lit tore tha first day of next Term, i. I KUI'SE, l'rotuonotary. April l, 187C. UKOISTEKS NOTICK NntlPsis bereb srlsan. to all concerned, that tba following samel parsons fce-e tattled their onunls In tha Kanlitar'a OrB.-o at Midilbtbarir, Mnyder I louniy, and ihat tha ld ae-oonts win be wresonta-t for esmnrinatlon and alluwanca at tha 1 phan' t'onrt to sa ksld al SI biillei-ura. ler ine eounty 01 rnyiiar, on tna rnniTn snmu nl MAX saat, kwlBg tha S3d day of said raoBth, via 1 1. Tba acennnt of Michael K. Rroaaa and Ahraham Krouso. 4dtnlnUtrsloro of the estate uf Abraham liruuse, laia il jacaann ip neo u. a 1 no acennat m ho anon laaiwiaw an r mlak Mitetisll, sdm'rs. ol tba estate of -lcbael Nelman. latoof MMdl-srsok twp deceased. S. Tba nnal aennunt of I'.llisk Wagner and William V. aansr. Adro'rs. of tha e-tate of Job a W.gnar, lata of Pennt toanahlu, dorasMo. a. tnannai awssm oi a. pimi-ii wra, A. K. Ml-ldleswart-. Abnsr Mlddleswartb and John n. Hrnlth, Kiaentnrt of tha ostaU ol Hob Nor lalhlilliMwarLh. latoof Hoaeop two. deo'd. k. The aecnnnt nf JaonbOorhart, ttuardlan nf tha Minor rhlldrsn nf Polar Hianaar, ueeou. a. 1 ho account ol John M. Moysr and tllas R. Kwaris. Truaioa appolntet hy tha inphaBe' Court uf snt-lcr eounly. tn soli Iha real estate of Jacob Mlddleswartk deceased aflor proceetllugt la Partition In tha OrpksnA' t'onrt. I. 1 he ao.-aiuntnl tloorara J. .Ncnocn.'ttisrnian nf Altroil Walter, and t'litlntlan Wsllsr, silmir children of Itaaa Waller aad I.uolnda Waller, docosveal. I. Tha second snd final account o( stem lttiel Admlnlslralor of Ilia atato nf Jaoob Broun, lata of Jackson township, decessod. Tkeseooad aad Anal acoount of Andrew Romltf, one of the f icotori of Iha astau til Mamuel Ikiyer, lata nf Pannt twp deceased. lo. The nnal account ul Jaoob Fohor, Adra'r ol the estate ol Mlcbasl i'liher Lite Penna twp decoara-l. II. 1 ha aeenunt nf John non-1rntn,.Tr., Adm'r ol tha estate Jacob P. Wlokslinan, Uta uf I'ennl lo - itsh p deceased li Thaao-outitofrianlel Anrand and K.trlna f 'tianat. A-linliilrt rators ol lbs aitnteof Wllllain K. I uaiik'I, lute of Mcaver tuwurblu, de--oaod 13. 1 he aC'-ountol J -lin Mnllh. A.linln ilrslor fihssntalaol tio-i-aa oaltn, lata uf Monrua towabl, deceased. 14. 1 no account of rtenjamln Pronso, Adm'r Cum testamento anneso, at tba last wilt and tasiainaut ol Abrabaul Uruute, lata of Jackson ti-wnrtitp. dereaol. Ik. Tho acoount of Henry R. Kn-r-p and Mi chael Hoaetsoa. Adtninlntrators of Ilia eststouf An-lrew Sdlck, laiaol Wait neaver top. ilc'.l. in The aucount of Henry It. Knepp, tdin'r of theeatatet-f Jana Dry, lata of tl Ileavar towuahlp. decoasot. I. The aoimnnt of Einsnnel 8rboeh, Trnrlea apicdntoil by tho In-phani' t-ourt of e-nyder t o lo mil tho roal estalo uf J-'lio A. r-mlta, Uou'u., alter prooasdinKS Is Partition Id the Orphans' Court. la. Tba Anal acoount of Henry Ftiher, Onsr. dlan of Plana securll and Karak A. NacbrUt bow raarah A. Htroup, miBor Cbildraa ul Jwbu Secbrtrt, deoeased. Iu. Tl.a account of John Mobn, Administrator of 1 ha estate ol Paler atuba, lata of Cauwe twp deceased m. The aeenant of William Stnook, Admlnls. trator ail the estate of Kllialiath Hasslnaer, Uia of Honvar lownahip. deoeareal 21 Tha third amount of Daniel Winner, Eio eutorof ibeetate ol John I'. Olabl, lata of Citap mn nwnhli, deceased ii Theaoruaiitol HaeldTmnp, Administrator ol lbs estate of Catharine E. Troup, Isle ol Perry towiinhlp, dei-eaiaed. !U. I he account of Abraham I)letrlck, Simon Uletrlchsnd Amanita Kwlna, Adinlnlatrat-irs of Iheosiataor Jaeob L-letrlch, laleul allddlaoraoa tuwnshlp, dsoa-aa-l. U Tbe sem-nd and Snat acennnt of 3. Romrt Smith, Administrator ol tho estate ol Horary Al. Snyder lata of Hellnrirrove, decaed. 'iS. Tba aoeonntnl alllual Kllnalar and John Kllnsler, Ouardlins of loa k'lner tHOIdren ul John P. Kratiur Ule of Penns township, de-al. M. The acoount of tlisa A Uartasn, Admlnls tratrla or the estate of William Uariuau, Uta ol Perry township, deceased. s. II. Ki'Hl'CK, Register. Mldilleburg, April Su, 1S70. I 1ST OF VEXUEItS ol 1 J and Domestic Merchandise In f l-'ireigli e In Ibe touniy Jur.tbe year ls;o t;ls. License ill,si ....U 10.00 ,...1J I-'.IHI .... IS l'l.tsl u ii,au .....13 1 I,M .....IS 10,00 ....14 7.0U ...It H.M ....II 12. U 1,00 13 10.0U ....II lots- .....IS lO.ISI U T.isi II Too ....14 Tvu ....14 1,UU ....IS 10.00 ....14 l.uo ....14 T,OJ ....IS loon ....13 . 10U0 10.00 ...14 T.uo ....14 T.uo 14 r.oo ....1) 1U.U0 1000 ....It T.0U ....14 T.uo ....14 f.oo ....14 - Too ....It T,uu ....14 T.-O .....14 Tou ....14 T.uo ....14 Tun ....14 T,0 ....14 TOO ....14 T.00 ....14 T.uo ....14 T,ou - ....14 TOO .....14 TOO ....14 T.IW ....II 10.OU ....11 10,00 .....IS 10,00 ....IS 10,0.1 ....! 10,00 ...14 T.uu ,..,.14 7,0.1 .....14 7,oo ,....14 7.UU IS 10.00 10 . - to.on 10 10,00 ' 10 ' SO.OU IS lieu I'J U,St - IS 10 00 IS . . 10 00 IS " 10,00 i IS . 10,00 . 13 10, Ul ' 14 .00 - 14 . . t.oe 14 t.00 14 TOO 14 T.00 14 ' T.UO 1 -i Ma. 14 ,.. T.00 14 1 T,oo IIV Jitavrr. Helfrich ft llronsr W. H. bnillb barer. Oeorga H. Vsseenptug Joerpb M. Club eory Hourer H. I. Itaudeubusb-, Motes Spt-cbt J. P. Shirk " Crulrt. Walter ft Hartman Jaoob Aurand la Hon John M. Bine It. M Freed a. Andersen All 'A soil. J. M. Daubarman ft Co.. John 4 Itc ivcr Harrison H'OUse I'h I lie Dsn for John Maurer it A. hrieamjar Uaurga Miller SH-ld ' vrcek Jacob A Smith Kamuol H k'ajdar. David Melter J. b uV, jaeob w. urease 8amuel Wllleninyer.. William It. Heaver Daniel T. Hboadt sblndel fcSwIueford I'alhiinne H-wer U. AUred ttaibook Joft 0, John lloffraan hehoch ft Hroiher J.F. lioliuniielu D.oJ. Clark I'rry. Charles Hoyer Minima ft e-cknee ,. Maihlaa Hchnee William Ooul John c-chnee Markle k Tr-iatinan(Mtlll... Markla ft Trouluiao (--sluia). l i lint. Fjimood Tost Daniel J. H gsr Franklin Duct Sobueb ft Jirulher Lninn Hetral ft Mcl'ullcoab Klilubtsfc Iburtby . WIIIIaiu Sebwaa Ilotfiaan ftHrai-har.. , Wltuier ft Dundura... limhing'im. (. at r. 17. mayor Mens ft Brown Iloyerft Massler De-ohhel ft am D. ft V. F. Aloyar Aaron Mover Jaeob Murk Daulel KUeabart aSWt'11- trove, Mefiarty, Moyer, ft gehaare Wagonsuller and 60a SchHib ft Drainer Jee-b WeUl Hlotand ft Hover William P. Faikbert Keeley ft Miller ... RobarAi ft Keller .. I. H.tiailih K Inner ft Hob hlndel and Waganaallar H.eawmelovd R. L. B-.e.t Norton tl lover ' 4 . . .. J. el. HurkliAil . : Samuel Foal SAlem ft taiotalacar . Joka Couldroa UlleeWelael ' I IM) Hr.RinY CCRTIPT Ihat tke above t a eorreot Un of HMull Data Mart In Furehta aad Douieslla alerehlmllreln Snyderl'ounty.tubeet tai a luleauea fr tke year laru, a nt not Ice It bare- by glvaa ibat an Ap e-al will be at Iha ttuuiaiteloaere' lilSie,la Ika Bor uakuf Mlaldla- uurg, sa v y , ma a nay or max nest, between the boor ol a o'clock A. M.. and a o'clock P M , al whieh lime aad plana all wku are laiaKOalAal star Itea.l If iliey tkluk propar. J. H. HAATMAkT, : M are sa Ills Appraiser. WM. 11 A It DINO. Esq., ' JUBTICB Of THE PT ACE ft . OONVKYANlibB, Fremont, flnyder County, tVene. CuUeeHoarersll lileda ssade st Ibe honest a I lea oaJ ea tha aieel reaauaabla Irrma, Coavejajtelsf la all Us brssohee ax ire dUlotijf e -lei, f t oataac s, -! T 1 , I ' r- JJANSELL 4. CHEW, : acccaaaoaa to OAVrrwas ft eaasr, CB.OCBZ1UT AIC9 " OLsV-atWaULB, Ko tt Tortb Fourih street, PHILADELPHIA. a Original Packages Constantly en Hand. Repree-nUil by THEO'SJ BWISTErOBD." ALUaBLB FAIIjI-" 1'ubllc Sale. The anderslgnec! Trustee, appointed by tha Or- Vbans- ti.orl uf Mayder Uonnty to sell the Real tateof Jaook Kctricb. r..lata of ktld llecrosk t-iwnahlp. decesaed. will sell, on MIINIIA V, the NlflfHil-i nf MAY, lato, al lon-ct ek, A. M , at Pabllo Kale, on iha pram keoa, all tuat esrlola aneAiuaae and TRACT OF LAND sltaata In Jllddleereak township, Snyder a anty. Pa . bounde-l and alei-erllaid aa follows: tin tbe North 17 Isnd of Henry M. Harmon. West by land of Warren Frdley, s-oth by lead of J.ook Aurann.eno rdA-t uy Meary noyr. eanuiniaa Ilk ACHfc ASJO al VKkCHM. aad allowance of ah per eeut. for mail Se w nprnm are ervtea a rotmi i i i tia r n ' 'ra r., l,ts HAKN.and all ne s-ari iial-Holldlnaa There It soma eery f d timber oa part nf tiil lan-a oon an oaieneo ia in a Rooa aiata 01 autti ration and highly productive. Terms made known on day of sale by .. JOHN H. WULt', Truitae. Mlddlsburg, April a, 170. Aral's TllK Polsjow lwPRnvr.n f ss Twemy-KIrs Imllar Kamily Hawing ..lacn na a no enoApest r irai class Aiaeninam Ibe Mart at. Aiikst waxtkd is araST Tow a Lllieral eommlaelona allowed. Kor terms aa.l circular, sd lreas, A. ft. Hawii.tob, Oon. Agent, ru. luw tnaniai oi., ruaia., ra. l-7. atn YEXTaS WANTED In every Connty Is tha t'nlterl States, ta Caa- vase ir suoecriuars lur iaa IXDCS Tl I A L PRO TEC TOR. The largest, handsomest and best paper pub IDhe-l In the Mate. Very llbernl commissions Jald. A live men can make from rive to twenty ol ere per day cpeelmcn cobles sent free Ad.lre.s Pt'HI.I-HKIt IMH STKIAI, PRO. TKOlUk, l.!S Huuto tlgbtU Htrect. rkhlladcl pui. i-prii 14.-SW lhiwhyA L'1'1. Advrlimwenii. Minn tt tak:;!! t-." srsn. Vvar a ar -raa-rir lew, ura pay Wanes nald weekly to Agents evervwhero. aall ing our Patent .silver Mould White wire Clothes i.iuvs. Mueiiiess partnaoenl. rorrnll porticu Lara addraia Uiaaau Win aiiixe, I'hiladrliibla - otey t-as Paris at- Sunlight and GnKliffht A Work doaerlptlve of tha mysteries, Virtues tbe city of Parlt. It contain". ISO Ana engravlogs of noted placet Lite aud scenes In Parlt. Agents wanted. Ad d r AAA. N.aTiaa-.Aa.Pl!iai.iaiaia(iaa'u. II 1-1, ,1.1 a Fa, iw Act'tits CanrasHlns; BOOks sent free for KKCKETa OF IXTEttNAL Bk'VtME. The most remarkable book ever puUlibed. be ing a complete espoiure of tbe powerful conltd eralluaa ur "ftlluta" nrevlnar un our (tovarnnient -huwliiK up all cliques from the lowest to the highest, cabinet olllcers end t'onnreiatraen as well as mtiioraiperaturs'systeinalledeirredutlont conspiracies, oniclal eorrnptlon. Infla eiise, truniiKe and wire pulling. A (earless, lliito'l. ,,1 wurk, Invaluable to every cil ten i eniiia'nliig MO pages, be a prominent Oovern uent Doioa'tiva. liver 'JO.ouo ooiiiaia already ta-ld. Auciaa wanted. I'antasalng books free. Ad droa W. Film, publisher, Philadelphia. Pa , Uotton, Mass., t'hlcauo, 111, or Cluajinuati, O. 4 Jz'sX HAND BOOK ' ! T,rrkVOFHlJlSlUNURY A complete guide for Farmers, ouug and old, by the celebrated Author and auouaolul farmar, OM1 K WaNI.NO, Jr. of Ugden Farm. Tl.e large experience and recognised ability of tbe Author anerableet a work ol sterling merit. Among il,- t.bjecti treated are During anal larasli.g a Fatm, Hulldlnga, linpruved Imple mrii i, Jtidlolout Fertilising, riub tolling, Drain ing, notation ul Crops, Duller Mitklng, tihseae Factorlea, llrasding t od eaia of live stock, their dlifratesand reinodles, Jae ,ft., with ueny useiul Tables eo-) psgrt rich with liu-tructloa an I ew. baOobed with loo tpirlled eaaravlngt. Terms liberal, ClrouUr frea. bkvUaaAa Auaair at osea. A. II. It I'D BARD. Publisher, 400 Chestnut at. Philadelphia. 4 VV A TMTWI i ..Traveling and Local II A It I Til eA gents for-the Delaware Life Insuranra l!o for ail parttof Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Kereranoe renulr-d. Adilrese, Hranch tlfn.-e l.ELA WAHK MCrt'AI. 1.1 FK l.NS. CO. N. W. our. Oth aodcheanut bU.,Pblla- Aoaja'w?aTaD BIIVGLE Y'S at urn 1 History. Olvlng a elear and Intensely Inleraitlna ae.ount uf the inflnlte variety of habile and modes id life, ol nearly avery kuuwa etieolet of boaste, birds, ttshes, linwctt, repuloa mollusc aad animaloulw of tbe Rlolw. Irom Iha famous Lsiadon four, volume edition, with Urge eddltlnna I rum tbe mostcetebratednMiuralUteof thoega. Complete Ib one larya kandsume volume.! lojj pagee. rich ly lllutirutad alih luuo spirited snravluKS PBIt'B DOWg TO OOID BAMIS, TO Bl'IT THB '. F-hould outsail, Sva lo on, Any book in IkeSeld. Terms the most liberal. Full par ticulate aant free. A. Id r am, a. U. Hubiaard. Pub.. 400 Cbestnut Hi., Pbilada. April tl, 4w Book Agent Ttranted lo Sell Ten Years in Wall Street- Pninoanond Ilia fast-at selling bonk eat. One Agent raiKirtt 70 -rd-rs In k days. It Includes all tbst is inysterhius and Interesting In tbe focaeof stiectiiattoa, la yonre eiportence if tba author Portraits and Lives ol Vsnderblll, Drew, F'rk. Oould aad in auy others. Flllo.1 wltk lllutratlona. (Irani Indm emuuls toagenu I- Hand lor circulars 10 Wurtblogtua, Hutlla ft Oo., Hartford, IAan 4 OS NTH WANTFH a)luO to ajj-je per Month. Clergymen, Mchnol Teai-hera, Miiart Young Men aad Ladles wauled lo eaavaaa fur tha Naw Uuuk our FATnKira iioitsr'OR The I'nvsrlffen Word. By Dtstai. lUe' it, author of Ilia popular "Nlgbl Kianea ' I hls Waaler In ibuugbt and langitga shows at untold riches and beauties la Iha litest Hoa-a, wltk Its Uloomlng Sowere. singing birds. Waving pa I raa, Kulllng nl-iuita tlenllliik bow, Hacred Moulila'ns, llellgltiful tllvere, Mlubty ocahbs, Tanderlng yoloes. His sing heavens, and vsi nnlverre with couutleaa beings In millions f worlds, anal reade lo us In each the I nwrltteu Word. Rue tinted paper, ot nate engravings snd stiirb binding, hend lor circular. In wklab It a full description and unl velsal cumtnen-lail-nt by the press, uiliilsiert and eolteae profenrs, In tba etra-ugest iHieelble lata vujire Zeigler, MoCurtly ft Uia, IS South bUth St Phlladelpla, P. rpiIK If AND IX-ll AND MUTUAL JL Llie Insuraaea Coaniatay wants e eamlatr of gotad Agentt alto, a aood Oeoeral Agent for Pltukarg anai vicinity, also a tieaeral Aireat Ar the Oerinaa couatlet of Pennsylvaula. Address Home Offlce, Ko. 113 South 4lh 8t. Philadelphia. AO K NTS WANTED KOU THK PHYHIOAL LIFE OP WOMAN, ft istr iptb THoesAan jrw bhapx, HV OKI. H. NAPHLYS, al.D. Tb wott remarkkbla liicetss of the day. It selling wltk anpreoedemed rapidity, llauntalns wkal ayery Mao aud Women might la know, en lew do. It will aavo mnck tullerlng. At the only raiautabl w.-rs ax-a Ibe tingle sad married Ilia, It It earn-ally reeuuinieeded by Prof. Ullll -m A. Hammond, Presi. Mark Hopkins, Dev. Heary Ward tJaweher, Dr Haakaaell, Mr R H Oleaeoa M.D., prol H. N. Kssluisn, eu. Being eagerly fur, the Ageal t wurk la easy. Bead. ata. lor pavaiipblel ate., 'a UK. MACLEAW, labll.her, - Tl Hansuca KWeet, Phlla , Pa. SSekoad Street, htoetua. Must, AprtS w) . at Maaeae Hlreet, New York. I WAS CUKF.D or iHtafM aad Catarrh by a aitnple Itemed and will read Iha receipt free. ' Mrs. M. C. LCQOtCTT, iw Utibokea, N. J " rrJ C' "1 will ekaa-a 'i I I lea -- Foe raw-lie tag, . mmfa eAre, eWa-AaV, Knlia avrr-ltlrr. Axnts Wtataat. tlr nlar and anmplj atrckiag I-RtH. A4aVte JliSKLFY KNlTTINfJ M ACHlNtC. Isalft. lie., or,t;C4roe.deray, Ms I. .(r-D.IT-atta tRT MOORE ft CO B OVAL tWMt Wf. un.-taus lla-MsHt . w. r. at,,.. hody esn sell thm. Cheat.. Rett NaT. rsV snaao-aeij, eeag for saw Circular. ' w - ORKAT t'HAMl-K nw ArswarOei t ' !' v-w par montn. we w a ame agent la every enou wa want to an alar a a g-o agent In erarr enouly la tha M. I 1 on aommlsalua or salary loietrndwae at la tha 17. H. eWorld Renowned rateut White Wire t'l-rtkas l.inee i w 111 last a handreyt yeare, U yoa waat proatakle and pleaaawt aaa. ployment. Ao.l-e-t R. et. BtJ.HH ft CU eawrwre. T William St Maw Vn-b. of IS Dearborn Street, Chicago, (April a, 4w life nm MYSTERIES OF MORUOu'lSU ' Rr .7. H. n tnt.Wi r.tiina -r n. a.ta v Reporter. ItS'.I.N'rt an I IPnarArruria -a. w .air ?'iTKW'"r" K",P,'F.S aad C'RI M KM, i a. w V.t eaory Ol ruilTUa A S Y ond the Mormon OaaoC from Ita -l-l- a. tke pre-enl lime. CAUTION Hi V L.'" ESS - enisled. See that each eontatnt S3 Ana enere. vlngs. and 4M pagee. AOr.NTS WANTED. Wend war LTrralara end Me our terms and a full description of the work Address .NATIONAL rtBLisill-o CO., Phlltdelpkia, Pa ( Aprt,tw CiRBoiio Tablets, After reach rlady aad aeletlga levettlratloa aa 'al'f. 1 qusllilee ofCaaaoLio Aoid, Dr. elsenveeed by prninr combination with other articles In tbe form of a Tablet, a epeelBe t'.'-t.'LW I'VH ''""see. These 1 ablets are M ft CI Kh for al dlaeasaenf tha RKwPIRA. TOflY flHUANs, riiiHK TltHUAT COtli. t B P t.I HTH s!n I A , A NTH M A tt A Ya H! r w.j , " 7!. """a eaoeaasrui remedV for Kidney difficulties. Pgira s caara raa r Kidney dlfllrulttet. Paira S caara raa J'?;!,?! "'kPn recelit nf price, ky i.ltv o K LI. !.(. it fllffiat' WewoVg. pri! T.-4w J rule Agent fur tba Uhltag sum. JI'IIN April ; BOOK AOK.HT "WAI-TED TO a ELL TEX VEAH IX WALLSTKEET ' It inaludea Ibe llialoriaa, Myslariee, srnt truiuire oi nan b i reel. Lira Bkatebes of its Mrs, Ibe speculailoi.e in QiilJ.Stooks ctO.. Women SneoulAlnra an. I .11 ik.i I. great, poweifiil. splvatllil, mytterioua. In- v.vr.M.H. -n-av.j, amatmg, wraiohea, els., Inlhefociu of ipeouUtlnn. Port rain of Vanderbill. Drew. Omil.l, Flake, Jr., end man- others. Eogravln-s of noted place, Life end Boenea, (ao. CanTasaing Books free. Send ler eiroulars to Wc-sTai-oro. lt stis 4 Co.., 143 Asylum 8l., llnrtforj, Conn. mar24-tw TO CO.VSl'MPTIVES. Providao tially rajr datigliier was restored to health by simple means, without medieine. Tbe cart ioulars will be aent frte. RscssH E. IfexsLow, Siootoo Bireel, DiookWig. Long Island. rosr24-4w TH19 IS NO IIUMBUQI . . . , , WX sanding 35 cent a, with age, height, eolor ef eras snd bsir, you will receive, by retura nail, a eorreot picture of your future husband or wife, with name and data of o.arriara. Address W. FOX, P. O. Jio. 24, Ful.onvill.. Naw 'orlt- aisr24c4wr fJONSUM I'TIOX, WK0XCUIT1M, Aathma. anrl Catavrh -aa A k- t-i..i. . -- . . .uuw - liOII. ASholla Inl.aliaas n.,1.11. .a.. i " -ft t.i-a wm aaaw wniy remedy Ihat operatoa on lhal onga-diesoleee Hie tubercles, which are thrown olT. Ibe cavities ueai. ana s cure leelteoted. Treat mem ny loiter or in persou oan be Irsd enl aC n I'lU lll-mo-l . . - .T j , ' . U; It SIN 141 "a. .a, i, in TEK MiW AKTICLE OF FOOd. Fur ttceiityjiif emit jvou con luv your DrwjgUt or Grocer a parlay of Sia Mutu Farlne, manuactwtJ from pure Irkh isg or Carrageen, ii ftuii will make thUen quarte of Btumo Mange, ami a ike quantify of Putt- Hug, VuJanh, Crtanu, CharlAtte Ummi, dc-, d-c. It u ly far the heiwttt, hiaUh'utt and most deUciuum food in the tctrU. Band Sea Xos Farlne Co . 62 Pask Placb, N.T. awAwa aBxawAWAwa s Plnntallon Hitters s. T.-iteo-zi This wondrrful Te-elatle resloratlva Is l lis rkcet-anclior of lbs feeble and debill taled. As a ion lo snd cordial for Ibe aged and languid' it aas no equal among stost acbic, As a remedy for lb nervous weak- t neaa to which women are especially sub- ' jeof, It Is superseding evary other stlmue lent. In all cllinatce, tropical, temperate or frigid, it octi aa a spci6e la svery spa niel of dftorder which undermines the bed- ' ily strength snd breaks down lbs snl mat ' spirits. For sale by all druggists. slO-oat TDK CCE1T HED1C.U OISCOTKRT! Or. WaIaKEB'S CALIFORNIA V1AEGAR IHTTERS alOKKTHAN rkfl fVM PmkinWH swa liMr iMUmunr io r Wta Vj UT II I T A D aa ASM LU I -i 7-1 Sk ill . la 1 -4 ex mm , F3 . V . .- a. 1 a' w n 1)5 it Pi! v - r av-tk; THET ARE NOT A TILS FANCT DRIMK, as Wade of Poar Ram. Whisker. Proai'siulrrta.agg i -- 5aS - Heiuaa l.ltiuora, duelor-at autcad a eat iaeetmed lo please Ibe latta, ealied "Tonics," ptl eis." - Reatorers.o ft., tkal laag tb tippler s ' to drankenasa aaa rata, ant are a true eawilela,, , niede Irum tba balive Mnoisaud Harutef Call- ' loruls, rree train all Atooholle stimulants. Thar ' a re the O U K A T H U M ID PD R I Fl t B and LI V fc i OlVlNtk PRINC1P1.K, a psrlect Reuoeater , and lavlgoeataar at Ik hysleia, earrytug of all Kisoiiuus matter, aad taaturing Ike MoaS t a, althy eondiilon No pet-sun can take Ikeea Ultaers aocuidlng to dltatiilona, sad remtla lust, t gloo will k given lose I Bearable eata, provldeay Ibe bonus are not destruysd by mlaaraf pvUooe or other men as, aad the vital ergaas waatad be. fond Ike uoinl uf reiaalr. or lalainmstory aad aVhronl Rkeamatlem and Ooul. Dysinpsya. or InduceeUaan. UilUvatsk , Maaelilsat. anal ioier-aUleat Favart, Dlseaset tbe lll.Kl,l.le, Kblaeyt, tad HiaataMr, taeaa Hitlers kae boas eaoel eueeaesfuL fiaoh Dae. . eases areoeaead by Vitiated baouaL whk la pea- I eraliy praaduued by deraugemaalof tke lgaawve Organs. - t leaiisa tha Yltlatad Blood wkoweeer yoa Sast ' Its Impurities karat lug Ihroaeh I eala la Plea. plea, kruptlous or Korea a eleuea It a aea faaa Stag It obalrueted and tlagleh la t voiaa i l , . whaa It I foul, aud your hnxiaga will I a yog, whan. Keep iha M.kmI pars ana Ika heatUt e -.. tke tytleai will folksw. PIN, VAPk. aad other WOK MB, Iwkleaf hk tka t) st aaa a.1 eo e-aay inantaaila, are t-esaaf Ug alwtroyatd nog r-a-eved. . , la llliiloaaa, k alttsnl, aad Inte--"eek aVs 1 yrt,lk-w a btve a eatel. -lo-me. Iban rood ear-ally Ik elrualar --ft. . e aia, pr'ateal la l'-ar IcagwAiv , ' a -a, Fraa4e- u . j - - S s-ttaija,., trttt m w i 1