The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, May 05, 1870, Image 1
a county pnner suys a mi'e U PIllV" r, tbi ce years old ul John Alt. Creek. Elk ritnl. arm burned I last week. Tlieuintb r had lell 3 Iti I he houi'e alont.and gone lill. whar her huHbam! wttal id after filtern minute ahaene 8 OHO fc ATK.1 OS1 ADVKBTIBIira. low o ! wh bushtli TOU 9fmftUnif Ivtalri, by Ontetlta eat ytar Oat half eoluiua, eat ytar, Ont-fonrth eolumn. tat rear. so.oo . ' ' Dm ef Babeorlptlon, Ib.O 7 On tquart (10 llata) ant lartrlita Ketry additional laariiea Profetwitaal aad Buaiaatt tarda of aol mere than tv liaet, per ytar. Auditor, Eiecutnr, Adminitlratar aad Aairne Nniieet Editorial notleta per lint T9 srOIXAU P ANNUM, PayaMa bwibiw mi mim, r x.eo ir ae pam . Wltbia Ik ytar. KspaBtvdlaeewtiaatd . , sanltl all imtri art paid sal eta el t.M u aetata tr lae paMisat. flejboeriptions ontaldo of the county lft All advtniaemeals for tkorlee aeHoa FBTABLI IH APVAKOl." than one year ara parable al Iba lima Fanoaa llfliag (ad atiag paper they art nrdvred, as-i if aol paid Iht per tB or-lerinc thtoi will bt held rtiptntibl for Ibt Boner. aaerettts la ier oaeoaa lubecrlbtre, VOL. 8. MIDDLEBtrilG. SNYDER CO. PA., MAY 5, 1870 NO. 10 as see llanl for laa prl of lit paper TMC POOT. n l5 S ttA. fit J r. CRONMILLEK, ATTUHMKT AT LAW, . Middlebarw. Pa Offers at prtlettlenal Mnien la lb pub lit. Collection and all nher profeesloaal katlataa tatrneted la bis aara will receive press aiiaaUoa. fJaa S, '67tf AC. SIMPSON, ATTORN KT AT LAW. Selinsgrov Pa., Offara kit proftealoaet strvlot la I ha pub li. All baaiatta entroaied la bit tare will ka raaatl attended la. (Jan. 17, '67U JW. KNIGHT, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. Fracburg Fa., Over his riwrtteianal terviet lo the pub lie. AU baitar entrurted to bia cart will b crooiDtlT atitadtd to. Jaa 17. C7tl WM. VN GEZRR, ATTOBKKr AT LAW. Lcwisburg Pa., Offara bit pronations! terviet la ika pun. lit. Collection! aad all atbtr Froft.-aioa I bottom tnlrailrd la bit eara till rt- atlrt prompt attention. GEO. F. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, T.rwlabnrrr Pa Offere kit ProftstloBsl ttrviee la the put 11 rVllMllnna ftml all Alhar nrnr..lntt. 1 batlatia entrusted to bit cur will ref celTt Drooipt alttolloa. Jan. 8, 'Wit J M, LINN, t ATTORNET AT LAW. Lewlwburg Ta., Offerl bit profeealonsl service lo t lie pablit. Collections and all other pro- feeaionel business tatrutttd lo ibeir eare trill reeeiv prompt atteation. f Jan. 8, '67tf CUARLES IIOWER, ATTORNET AT LAW, Sclinsgruv Ta., Offer bit profettional tervlcti to ibt pub to. Colloolioat and all other profttf ional niiaatt antruittd la hit cart will re etivt prompt alltatloa. Office two doorr ortk of lk KailuDt UottL Jan 6, "07 SAMUEL ALLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solinsgrove Pa Offer kit ProfeasloBal terrioeo lo the public AU butinett entrusted lo hie ara will ka promptly attended lo. Cul leoiloat made in til pari of tbt fltal. Haaaa apeak tbt Engltah and Oerinaa laatnaga fluently. Otfiet between Hall'i and tb Poet offict. T , N. MYERS, 1TT0RKEI COCMELOa IT U W Mlddtcburg Snyder County Ponn'u. OSoa a few doort Weal of Ibt P. O. on Main ttrctl. Cuatultatioa in Enclinb and German langus. 6op.'U7il C. BUC1IER, e ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lowlsburg Ta., Offer! kit profetslontlseiviceeieibe pub. lit. AU butinett enlrutled lo bit care will be promptly atleuded In. Jsn. S. 'C7if HOVER A IIAKF.ll XX SEWING MACniNE. Ptrttaa in need of a good and durable Sewing Machine tan bt accommodated at reasonable prieet by tailing on on 8am tt Favst. Agent, Btlinigrovt. ' s f Jus), it. '68i R. J.Y. SHIN DEL, BURGEON ANU PHYSICIAN, Middlcburg Pa., Offert kla. professional tervic lo the' oil iteaa af Biddleourg and vicinity. Marob 21. '07 F. VAN BUfcKlKK. BUROICiL MECHANICAL' DENTIST SalinBgrova Tcnn. JU8TICE OF TflE PEACE, Ten Twp., Snyder Cn. T II. WAOXKU, Eaq., e : JC8T1CB OF THE PEACE, Jacksod Township, Snyder Co. Pa., Will attend la all butintta eatraitid to bia aara and aa Iba most reaaonaUle lermi. March 12. 'titttf R. J. F. KANAWEL, PHYSICIAN AKDBVRCEON, Cemirctllle, fK)Tr , r OITera kit profeealaaal tanrloa la the public -88lf 171 W. 8CIIWAN, M. P., e BDBOEON fc PHYSICIAN. Port Trorton Pa. Offer kla profeafioaal aanloea I lha iliatna af Ibia Uaa aad tielnliy. lit,U.b.i(riji(iiie8 FaTbOYER, Jr. AUCTIONEER, Frctburg BnydtrCo, Pa., Moat rte pet I fully affert kla aartiaea la Ika fttblia aa Veadua Crytr aad Aaotioa . Having kad a larga aiperieaoe, I feel aoaftdeat that I eaa readar pertacl aailafaMiaa la aaiDloreea. Jaa. 9. '7lf BT. PARKS, e ATTORNEY AT LAW DISTRICT ATTOBNT, M1DDLEBURO, BNYDEtt COUNTY, Pa Offltt la Court Utut, 8pl.l6. '67tf ,L)VJH BS1H S SONS TC3ACC07AREH0USE N. 322 N. THIRL) S' ,UJ PKILACXLPBIA. T -JiXT EOCSS. 1 I U. U. UAJSC-aBACII rioP'R. j o. NIBS. rUrii d't a 4t Vartk Third Hlraal. SELECT POETRY. ..... t raotaa cabt. A wrelebed fare It aur Ufa at btti. A we ariaett under Iba en a i I am alek af tba part I bare ta pity, Aad I would Ibtl II were done. I would that all Iba tmllet and ttgtit Of It ailoile aeeaea eould aad i That wa could tea tbt turlain fait On Iba laat poor act, my friend I Tlln. faded hair, a beard of enow, A thoughtful, furrowed brow I Aod l bit it all Ibt world tan tot Witt It looki upon yon now. And I, II almotl make at troile, 'Tit eouuitrftii to true, To tea how lime bath gol mt up For Ibt pari 1 hart to do. Tit itrange thai wt can keep In mind, Tbouib all tali leilioui play. Tba way wa aetdi mutl tot and look, And iba worue mat wa tbouid toy. Aud I marrtl if tba young and gay lielitet aa tad aoJ old t If tbey think our pultet elow and calm, A ad our letiing! atau ana coia i But I cannot hide my.elf from you, Be the ttmblaott a er to sood I For under It all and tkrougb it all You would know Iba womanhood. And you cannot make mt doubt yourlrutb, For all tou at ranee dipffulaei For tbaioul ! drawn thro' your lender eoice And iba bearl tnrougb iba loiug eyvi. And I lee, where other eyei behold Thin, wbilened lockt fall down. A gnd-likt bead, that proudly wear 111 curlt like a royal erowa. And I tea tbt imitt of lb lender lip, 'Neath Ita manly friact of jet. That ont my heart, when I ktd a hearl, And tba! fcolda aad kaepa It ytu Ah I bow lb all wa aot thlt wrttohej part TiU It wtary, weary el oil t For our uuli ara young, wa ara loetrt yet, ror all our abamt and ibowa l Let ue go and lay our atatki aiid la that cool and green retreat. Taat it toflly curtained from Ibt world V Ibt uuiaica fair and tweet. And far away from Ibia weary lift. In tbt light or Lovt a wbile Ibrown, Wt eball ear, at laat. at wt art teen. And know aa wt we known 1, the siiscu's sTonr;; " liy ibo grace of Go), I am wbut 1 am. 1 wat virn iu L.undun uml re ujeubemothiiit but pruverty Ulkmi criuitt aud abat'bito warn. Tbo bouse- bcr 1 lived a ere all ia various etu- iu ut' filth aud decay. Wbetbur tbt Id blear rrtd liiao who kicked and ootuuiuoduJ rue waa my (at lie r, 1 uev er kuew. Wbt-tber iLt woman who aoutulioi fvd uud uften beat ino my inullier, I eunnot my. AU I now la, tbat 1 bud a lUlBUI'uliltf lil'au lit of it, goiu around alter victuuli. koockioK euiallor boya duwu lo cut ib CMtiUiiU ul tbeir brokoa Ouakeio, auO uuiiug lur in ibo nutter. 1 aunpuee 1 waa rather a good look ing boy ; tbey call nta uood loukiug uow lur ao old djbo. 1 kouw 1 wa wart, comparing toy tall itb cbildrou aa 1 ao a Ibein. Ul cuuiae 1 wad like tba reet of nty clasH, 1 eould right a little, aweur a lit tie, steal a lillle, aud e it a good deal, that ia, when I got tbo chance, w bii b waa auldoui. 1 wa ignorant I dlJu I know one lette. Irom auotber, aud didn't want to. What did 1 care about educatioo I, who never iw a buuk Irota on year eod to auotber 1 Aod love, gratitude, h pe, 1 eould ol eourao uodei-aiaod aeitber. Noboiy loved ine, iheicloie I loved Dubudy. Nobody had ever made nte gratolul bad ever held out buiie ta me. . Huiue traoge luipuW waa givoo me one day. I waked up, upraQg from my bundle ot straw aud iovoluotartly tbo words eaino IV-un uiy lip. " 1 am goiug to do sumeibiog to duy." What thai aomethtD was I bad out ibe ro utoU'St idea, but I nut on my apuliale for clothes, and aalliod out in my vtu- abond way, whUtliOjj, eariog fur D"- body. It was abont noon and I bad not tattled a wuutht'ulof food. 1 waabuo gry, and akulktd about grocery sbupa, bupiug i euuiu got an opuortuimy to take aoiueibiog that would stay aiy appetite, till! telt in tbe bauiur for begging rasaiog round '.be coruer of a pubho street, I saw a gooteel- luoking man atendiiffat tbe burae'e beud, gaaiog altout bin somewhat perplexed. M Boy," be cried, won't yt.o lake eare of my hone fur half an Tiuurr ' Yea, air," said T. I think It waa tb first time tbat I ever put on tSe "air." . there's a attar be exoialmed. ' I've got enaid.rable fruit here aud you mutt guard It welL ' Here a a eonpi ol peaibt tor you juai tunu hero quietly nobody II diiturb you." ue went away, aua i stoua rur a while till lwattind. Tbo, tblnlta I, "Til get a hatful oftbeiruit and rue." But for the flrtt time 1 felt ait laatiaot of shame at the saggestioe. He trusted mo be aw I iui meaa lookieg fellow, looj but hetruat ed me aad 1 wobt ubuae his ktnd as'." , . 8oaelbing like tbis ressoalug ran in mv bead, aud I aquatud dowa ou the oarb ktone, fvelieg the laiuoruooe of sn hoaorable (runt at 1 had atver lell such t thing before, rresautij tatae, of aty fellows same tbtag aat) vld we. I toli Uens lo r U- feerHf1 t tlr-rt,a r they began a rutnpua. They rcaohvd over the enrt. I atmik thrni, and us ed rat h effarti t hat they alt earn pell melt opin m, an I wo f g'tt till the blud citmo but I van itlM)ed them. JiikI then out came tbe proprietor. " n but s Ino Dialler r any ho "Oh, nothing; only t bad to 6gbt luryour surr here, aaid i. " You did ub T Yott'vo got a black eye for u.r " Xo matter, ' ty I. M I menn I them boys shouldu't alcal a pratb and lhe diiln'L nnilhvr.'' u Well, you've good pluck hor'ia crown lur you.' My eyes stood out. " A wholo cruwn," aaya I. " Ye ; do what you plent with it but I'd advise you to by a pair ol DOOS. ' Thaok yo-i,' av I, with a bent ioir heart. " It pays to be good, dou't itf" He smiled a curious mile, asked mo several q-ioHtioon, aad ended by laitiog mo Home who nun. Home I I tbt'Uiihl I was Id heaven albeit, I had seldom beard of such a plure. My heart bent heavily every time i ante J to put my loot up.iu tuose rich cnrpcU. Tho mirrors wore a wa a . m something dow to nio. Ihe nuit day inure cauie a mm lo see ue. 1 wa wui-bod clean aud bail on a good suit ot clothes. ays he, " YouoitMer, I am goiOK to where you livo, and proh- aoiy l sduii uisice a bargain with yuut people. I want a boy, jul such bold. clt-V'-r boy as you are. and il you oenavo ytturxeii, 1 you tLui you eball have as pleuaaot bono a you desire. " ell that Wis eood. I bardlv aurea to sp -an or oreaine, lur rear oi j . . " . . . bieuking lha al.usion. J novi r waa eO happy as I wus thai day. 'J'hcy gave me light taaka to do ; I wished they wero wore important. From that day t was treated as one or the huusehold. 1'ho inun was a widower, and bud n children; coufcqneuily, I became to mm aa.a son lleeuuca'ed me huu- omely, aud wbuii I was iweuiy-une do oieu, sua lull me throe tuousuuJ po'iuils. Well. I considered nuself a rich man. I ulouted over my wealth ; it bocame is an idol tu ma. How to in-'reae it wa now my first de-ire 1 eoutulted coinpotent men, aud urnler their coun sel I put my money out ut iuicrcat. Jotight stvK'ka and mortaes. 1 row wealthier, my business (my benclaeiur bad stocked me a fanc shop) proeperod, and I w.ti iu a tuts way, 1 thought lo marry Lucy Mau oitig. iSweet Lucy Manning tbo most urtle, winning nuiilen in all the wor d lo me. I loved her deeply, dearly. 6he was lluo-eyetl, aubutu haired, her dispisiliou was thitt of an aQjiul, aod 1 had plighted tuy vows to her. Uuo night t wss Iuvitod4o the house ol a prosperous uiorvhuoi. and there I met a s ren iu the person of bis uit-cu. b'sck-eyed girl whoao churms and uuo.-e lorlune were equally splendid. .Site wss an heiress in her own right- site wm beautiful and auoomphkbed. Heavens, wiiut a voirv wm pure, clear, sweet, ravishing I I was burmed uud alio was plewju with me. Alas, I met her too often I In her ori-sence I f.Tirot u.v uuntlo Luiiv : he uiaguulneii, thrullel me. It was u triumph to fuel that so ueautitul.giited, uud wealthy a wumtn lot el me m, wh had beeti biouuht up iu Ibe purlieus of a oily, who had kt'owa uutbiug but lorrupiion aod misery the flrsl yesrs of my life. Gradually i broke off my Intimacy with Lucy. 1 received do tokea from h r, he was too proud. But her cheek xro i ale, bor eye languid, aud though I seldom met her I knew lo my boart tbat b was suffering, aud branded mvself a villain. At lst she knew with certainty thai waa to marry Miae Hvllair. She sent ma a letter, a touching letter, not oue Word of upbraiding, not ono regret Oil, what a noble soul I wounded I But she could calmly wish wo joy, ibojgb tbo effort mud ber heart bleed. I kouw it did. I tried, bowevor. to forgot her. I could aot. Even at my niui;uiQoont wedding, when my bride a'.ood before me, radiaut in rich fabrics aod glitter ing diamonds, tbe white fuce of poor Liuey elided lo Dotweeo, aou maao my tbron guiltily. uti, tow ricb I grew, ver atier i a"d J to my told My miserly di- pisitiun began lo uaoiteat lisell soon ttor say marriaso. i carried my goiu first to banks, and then to my owu private sales. 1 put soma ml on my who I im very ireoerouslr sb made ber wbols (onuae over ti ue, aud bejian lo grumble at ui pontes, i made oar liviug so frugal that tbe remonstrated, aud Dually ran up largo bills whoa ami where she iduaaed. Awinst this I pro it ltd, and w bad opoa quarrels wore than ouee. My cloture grew soauoy i ucruld aot afford to buy new ones al tnuuuh the interest of my Instalment was mora than 1 eould spend for ra- lioaal living, rtoally I grew aiaastis Bed with evervlhiBtf but my money 1 aegteeied my wile aad grew earrles tT bar society Several gollmB raqio ' to my house, among tbeu a would-be author aad celebrity. He earn. 1 tbouehi. tou often for my good aer&aaBod I ordortd mj wifv to dis eomiiiae) his rotepauy. 8 be refuc. aud I looked her B iu her rooai. Hew alts oanaed to rat herself Iree I never t wj I ill t ev'r-.wte I re I bad just m. nixed to lako on a iispe for a nxmeot to retd out It- btliilhVt details, when tho door bieuel and io came my wifo dresod br itchliily.a if just irotn an ereinn concert, lollowod by that moutachtd telehrity. "Qrtod evening, my dear," rbo said in the coldest way ima-int.jlo. aod placed a cbsir for her friend. "Stop 1" I cried, my jealousy arouseU "ihat mau sit- not down in my bouae," -j iui man a ueonemnn and my Trim 1 1 sit there if you plouio I" said my wu, uriniy. My pBShia wss excited then n il aovor wet bofore, end I collerel tho scoundri'l. II wss my match ; but my wifo pat a dirk knife that she drew fiom t cuno in bis htod, and ho stabhed mo. I fainted and rememhered iiulh ing niorj till I found mysell on bed in uiy own chjiniher, wutcbed over by my Housekeeper. "Wh'-ro acg they f I capped. "Uone '' was alt she said. It occurred to me then liko a flash nf likhlniug, that someb'xly was nrnr me at the tuno I was wounded ; (but my keys were about my perxno. and that I bad been rubbed, perhaps, of all my available property. The tb'Uifht threw me into sn itronv offesr. I ordered my clothes to he brought to mo. J be key wers I here Taking ooo of tht m out, I told Mi s. Ilalo, my housekeeper, lo uo to hiv sufe and briog me the pspora that were there. She returned, her fUco white wilh terror, to say tbre was nothiiix lliore all the little doors were ( pen "Kol.hcdl robhedl" I yelled, wiib imprecations, and again my sense d in serted 010. Brain fiver enttuol : for weeks I lv deptived of reason, literally Ireudinu t no vergo ol the grave. Oue uiornmu I whs conscious only ol a sinkius. deadly feeling as I feebly opened my eyes. Wss it an angel I "saw staodins beside me, bur soil eyes full of pity, looking down upon me with the wort comuiisverntiDg gentleuvus ? For u uiomeiit I tbi'Uyht J niihl be In besven; hut do, I reasoned with myself. 1 loved money too well. My treusuro was ah of the earth, earthly Anain I opened my dt:n eyes, lha vision seemod wa vering now, but oh, did it not wear the beauty of sweet Lucy Msniiiiiu f A quiet, uuuitcrablo peace took possession ui my enure being. 1 torol weultb. iieulth, everything. My past lite evmed blotted out and 1 wus Hain lunoceat, uutouched hy Ibe prr10-' hand ol avurieu true, loving aod luved sna hucy Manning was my idol. Dul 1 lec-overed hlowly, aud at last. ss my strength r turucJ, I minted her. As suou as sbu saw I could bo lell with safety she had Iu 1 1 me and oh. lbs blank the dreadful Hank 1 wandered around my rooms, now so JoNolalo, and saw the many evidences ut my miserly buniis I know not why, but towards niv wile my feelings seemed to have under tiouo u revulsiuu. I tear I bated ber. She bad nearly boguured me, had de ceived me and shattered my health, and destroyed all my hopes. diooths passed betore 1 was shlo to estimate tbe damage that hud been dooo me. hvery meaua thst could be put lurth were used fur lb d.scovery of my money but all in vain. Une Dlght 1 sat by lha fire, a cheer iest, disappointed and lonely mao. I had been ihiukiug thoughts that only bunted my brain, but did nolputily my heart. "It I had only married sweot Lucy,'' I said again and tgaio, an mis baa not oeeu bo. ' My housekeeper came in with a letter an unusuully large itackaire it was. aud as it buro a foreign postmark, 1 peooa it witn irtmbiing hand. Wbat was thut 1 A rustling, crumpled bank note I Another and auotber came fonb, until there laid upou my kuues twenty bilb of the largest deuomiusliun A few trembliog lines scuompanisd ihem. Mr Husband : I am dvinir I Mv dis.-sse there is no need ia telling you. forgive me and accept tbo enclosed assomncli lowaid totitution. it is out much over half of wbat we look from lbs sale. Tba real is I kaow out where. I am detorted. Farewell loreverl"' An iey chill thrillod mo. It setmed at it berepecttal pressure waa near me. I shuddered ss I rolled the bills to gether, and threw them across tbe ruuoi. " Lie there, eore of my soul I" 1 cried. "Lie there Id' I have eooiurtd myself I ay, if lb victory is but till you are rotten ! ' 1 shut tbe door op and sealed it.aod for six month 1 1 toiled hero e penuiless iubo, nil 1 partially redeemed myarlt. liy mjosglug eauttuasly l plaeed my business oo a suooosUI looting, aud began life agate a new man. it tool many a year io wear on my old habits of pan.iuwBy.bui every tffutt gave we nW aad agreeable pleasure. Ucaottme Luey Manning beoani dear er to ue than she had ever beea ia tb flush of yoath. I eatreaud her for- givouess, humbled myself to a coulee aioo, tested mysolf ia all ways, and woviaoed br at last that I waa as worthy now aa oaoe 1 seemed lo be. Uu tbe day of my weddiugl opeaed the sealed door, Tb bauk-oou lay where I bad luog thorn. 1 took them au with ibe pride of a conquer, aad pUoiug ibew ia Lucy's haadaeseUiwed, "Tbey r ao loagot my mssUr aae them ss you wilt. Jow 1 am a waa I redeemed from the thraldom of eoveto usees. I have turte blooming cbildr?n..Luey la tn aayel of tNodaeel aad 1 write wjsvit 1 did t tki t-'"!-tt fy Ue A liedgjr lat CallCHlMtlWBl. Tb rarity of lia-m niou$ mental development is pulpible lo all who take any pains to examine the char- a.'leisol those whu surround him. Here and there one ia coi'S)icuoily above the rest in capacity and ir looked upon with admiration, but should such conpirutus mind bo nii alited, It would be found that lis su periority lay in tho uuturul develop ment aod culture of a lew orguus. whilu in other rexpeuts it did not raise abovo mediocrity. Now aud then we meet with instances ( unique develop meat so extraordinary thut they amount alinoi-t io Insulin v. There have been ineo wh'i have abowo great aitisiie ability, but io everything ulso were lb vuriesl dunces. Some of the Cfu tios uf the Alps surprise u by iheir meehuuicul dexterity, but they are so lucking iu lutellect thut lu render their uietbauical skill ol service luey requir direction aud gui l.ince. r.vetybody io Aiuenva, or at leant in the Uuitod MsU'8, lias heard uf UliuJ lorn, ibe woliJeilul musieiuu, wlwr laleut seems lolie in tho great aelivity of luue, v bilo iu oilier respects be is raid lo be but lillle removud trout lbs idiot. An uuinuo development iu the di rection ol ta culstiou hue lately be on ahuuuoccd 10 Us, wliieh is Well Wurtli a place iu thes col uu, lis. Our uulhor ily is the bu Louis A'UO(icun, which thus sliudes to It : ' At or near Warreosburg, Johnson county, iu this felate, resides a poor widow woiiiau, w ho has a son, KeuOeu field, a mure hoy, uiilutoird, slid rueiuiugly uluii'St lueupshl of literary vullltre, who yet mo-1 te- murkuble powers ol uieutul tuleuluiiolt As evidence of ibis, among nuiiy other eviduuues that luiijht be cited, a geu tleiuau ol &l. ituuis, who hud heard ol his possi sing this laculty, scut him the following ligures, vit: 115,115,145,- llo, ukiug biui to euusre this number mentally, thst is, multiply thu imiutier hy itself, aud send him the result, wub thu 1 1 mo taken to prelurm it, scarcely helieviiig, however, notwiihstuodiug ht cNtisoidinury acuuuuU routed oi him, thut ha could bo capable ot thu tuk Iu Ibis, however, be wis mis ttkun, as were utbeis to whom the proposition bsd beeo name J. A letter its beea received by t'e geutetiuun named, from u hiubly rehpeclublo uud reliuldu ciiizviis il Wurreiisburg, who slates ibat in io three miuutea time (he boy Field tucntsllr uud arursbly pro nou need the result, si,o ,1 1 J, loJ,- IUj,117,U71,"-o. ur io wriiteu worus, twenty-one sextnllious, sixty-seven uictiiltous, une huoJieJ aim uity-uiue trillions, ono h uud red uud sixty three billious, ou buudred and seeeuteeii inillions, seveiity-ooo thousand uud twenty-five. " 1 lioiiittT uu b exhibitmni oi mental power of caleulution as tho ono exhib ited in tbe above tro not altogether unheard ul', tbey are nevertheless rare. Io this instance it will appear all the more marvelous when it is GUleiAhat ibis boy, Reuben i'ield, is almost en 1 1 rely uneducutcd ludeed, the letter referred abovo tays I'ield mainljius it is of oo use for buys lo tro to school, as he cau'l leaio anything, and never could.' Iu fact, oxccpt'iu this matter uf calculation, in which be is a marvel. he ia said to bo very ignorant to other matters,' luxy, uuooutb. disposed to wander from plaee to place, aud, worst I all. perhaps, Is very loua ot drink. Yet the letter stale ' he can reiHtat the eighty-seventh liue in multiplica tion backward aud forwards, and does many marvelous things io calculating mentally.' Let those who think ibe solution required in th proposition g'vrn above can not be difficult une, because rendered ny au illiterate and uncultivated boy, cull lu mind itut this solution, by the u.usl forms uf multi plication, requires lie use ol Ul (Lures, 141 multiplications, 23 sddi- lous, and 15 combinations of iigures, sad that ibis, by tbe ordineiy pro- see- ol multiplication, t h per termed aod retsiued ia the niiud until the process is completed. When they realize h 1.4. or attempt tbo Solution uolt, tbey will very likely como lo bo conclu'iou that ueuben I'ield oj a prodegy in menial calculations." Had DOnc Enough. A Itovolu- tionary soldier was running for Coo- giesa, aod bis opponent was a joupg wan wbo bad never beeo to the war, aud it was tbe custom of tbe old Ustu lutionsry to tell ol ibe hardships be had endured. 8aid he "Fellow citixens i I hav fonitbt and bled for my coon try. 1 bolped to whip the British and the Indians. 1 have slept oo tbe Held of battU, with no otter covering than the eanopy of Ucaueo. 1 have walkej over tbe lrexa grouud till every lootstep wss marked wita blood" Just about this time one of the soe reigns, who had boooute greatly ia leiesled la bis tale of sufferiugswi Iked up ia treat or the eaker, wiped the tear from bis sytt with lheitrluity of his oust tsilaad iatsrrapted him wilbf "Did yo ssy yot had fvut tb Brit- ah sod the leging r 'ya.Bir.M ''Did you ny too slept oa the greaad wbile servioc your ooaatry, without ay nr r J "1 dld-r" ''Did you tar year feet eovcrod the groaad yea walked over with Must) ' ' "1 did." aaid the anker, ejaltw-rly. Well, lk-p sati iV sevsje!, as The AMt-rletiBi flag. At a ttiwim of the llHtorlcnl So- eiety of I'enuty Ivania, ht-l I la I'bita delphu, Win. J. Ctoby Eiq , renda paper on " l nt nrl Star tpnuled U m tier mule io America, and who luade it :'' lis discovered, in tracing th hi tory of this national emblem, that tbe lit st lustioces whea th star and siripes were at the sou ot Fori ."schuyler. August lith. 1777, and up on an oeeasion jiini auoul one year prior to that lime, th brig N'ancv war hurteieJ by the coiitinenul Congret to procure militury sloros in IheWe-l indie, diii'iu the latter nsrt 1775 While at I'urto Hico, in Julyol iK ensuing year. I lie in formal ion canu tbat the colonies bid declared (hen iu-iependeuev, and with this infornis- tion csuio the descr!ptiua of tbe (lug thst bud beeo accepted as tho nation, al banner. A Vnutiir tuno. Cunt ... . . . mounts .vieuaeuville, sol to work lo make on and tueceliiiy aceoiu- Plixlied il. Iho U.imT was unfur cd and salute I with thirteen gum. When Iho brig Naoey wes up-n her return voyujje s!io was beminud in l-y lirnUh veel oT Cupe May. U.-r officeri. succeeded in removing all tb tuutii lious lo l he shore, aud when the latl bout put olf, a young man in it, John lUnuock. juiii(.ed into Iho e, swam IO the vessel, rsu Up tho Mirou Is ol the must, aud s,-euriu liic A g, hrou, h it triuuijdijiilly tu ihv i-h ire, through a hut bra Irom the British luen-ol- war. ' Th (list Amerieao flag, however, st-cordinrf lo the deni-n an I approval of Countess, was uud by .Mrs fllila belli U-ss. Three ol her daughter still live In our vicinity to couth ui this fact fouuding their belief, nol upon what they w, lor it waa made in any years be I or o they wero bora, but upou what tbeir mother bad ofteu told them. A oiec of this lady, Mi's. Murgaret Dcgs, ared uin.ty -years, uow lives in Uermsntuwu, and is con versant wiib tbo laot. Tbe fuel ia not geuerslly ku-iwu that to i'hiludol plna Dot only Lvlungs the honor ol flinging the find star spangled buDuer lo lb breitc, but to a 1'biladelpbis lady belongs the bouor of baviug mad it " Ibe bouso in which it wss male still stands No 3a'J Arch Street (ibe old oumbur S)) the lust ul an old row. It ia related that when Congress bud decided upon the de'iiro t'oluuel George Host and Ueueral Washiogt n viiitcd Mrs. Huh and tulcd her lo muke ir. She tai-l, '1 dou t know whether I can, bal I'll iry, aud directly suggested to the gen tleuieu that thu desiun was wrong, in that tbe atari were aix-coruered, aud not fivu-cornend a they should tie. I bis was correct, she made Ibe fla Congress accepted it, aud for ball a di-leu yours this lady tarnished tbe Uoveromeut wiib all its national flag,, having, of oour.-e. s lare ss istanee. Thia lady was also the wife of Clay pole, oue ot tbe liuesl deceadaDU uf Cromwell." About JOUIMISIlBOI. Harper's oips pleaaanily about j'ournals and journa'iU a follows; Tbe Tribune property is estimated to be wonb a million dollata, which includes I woor three hundred thousand dollars of real eslat It is tho imen tiou to tube down the present builiinu wilbin a year ot two, aud erect in its place superb edifiee that will contain every convenience aud appliance known to modern newspaper office. The profits of ibo paper ia I8GU wore 1163. 00 , which is IW0 on each share. There are one hundred hare in the company, uf which Mr. Sinclair, the pu.bli.ber, owns tho largest amount, or iweuty-on ; Mr. Greeley, twelve; th estatJ of Mr. Stephen Clark, its late money editor, fourteen ; lr. J. C. Ayer, th Lowell me die-in mau. six teen ; the lute Ikichirdson estate, five ; lluysrd Taylor, fiv ; T. X. lorrnuii of i he rompsing departmeul. livo ; Mr. Il-iukie, who has just mar nod Mrs. Cullman, two; Oliver John son, of th ImU'penlint, one; Mr. Cleveland, brother in law nl'Mr Gree ley, one; two other of the printer, on each ; Mr. Paiallor, th London corresponded, two j .Solon Kobinsnn two ; ,Slumon A. Cheney, thre ; Jobu H-iuper, two; aud IS. V. Camp two. Mr. Greeley now receive $10. OOJ a year salary, and Mr. Siuclair. ibe publisher, au equal su u, while tbe pay of Mr. lU-iJ, the ins i iin editor, is fo.COJbutwitlprob- ly be iucreasod to tH.SOO Tbo principal wrib-rs on tbe VTorlJ are nnderstooJ to b Mr. Marble to proprietor, Mr. CbamberUiu. Mr lierlburt, Mr. Evans, Mr. Sobaylor. Mr. Stilsoo, Mr. Wheeler. M. liuket. Mr. Calkins. Mr. Ford, ami several other. Tb mansging editor Is Mr. D. U. Croly, a very capable and exf perieeced wan. Among th e writer are Mr. Dae, chief. Mr. lisrtletlt. Mr. II. li Sunioii, Mr. Hitchcock, Mr. Weymaa, Mr. liowmuB, IJr.Cowtuck, Mr Kaos. Ur. Wood, and especially tbat lively gentleman, Mr. Am J. Cummiu-yi, tae tssnajriag tdur. la tba 1 4 n. now under tba cen tral aisBagaeot and eoatroj of Mr. Utorg Joaea, one of tbo largst pro- orietO't, are Mr. Sh ppard, auanager, Mr. Uaeot). Mr. U J, Jeaaiaa. Mr. S. M. Cbamberlaia, 1st of tbe Buffalo UummvrcmL Nr. U. W. Ksymoad. Mr. 8tolair. The Israel, foe aea time ender lbs general eharae of Nr. T. D. Pet- Cigars by MwctelMcry. Tbt tiiinhlo fWer and lb det ter ms baud hav hitherto been held ine nly tools io wrap and khape tobacco eaves into the Orthodox form of the Uar. Hut i-i-t as it was found that flo-rers were oot the mo-t economical Manipulator id the sewing needle, to a it now dawning upon the fabrioa'or t ehoii-e llavatitiB th it human digit may bo profitably superseeded by me nanism for bunching,' biuding, nl " wrapping' the ciifsrs. Kiuh- ceo doll r. a thomand i a big f rice o par lor mere labor: and we are old thai tbat is about thu cost of msk- ng prime u g tra, t suy nothing of tho ax upon tho nia-t- r mauuraeturer in- (licled hy his hands, who raih s-uok me eight or ten of tbo Le-t weeds er diem io wonder mnchinerv hould b ih iiiulit of ! It is rather urpri-ini( its uid was not invoked long go ; but its tuno ha come, end a eicar machine cmpanv has startiid with a flouti-h in New York. Ibe uipleiiient tbey tmuulaclure has been educed 10 its prrsent stste of com- nietneu and iiructiealiilitv bv the oinbined agency ol seven simplyly- ng pateots. Jta eintiul parts ate w.i pun s of parrallud rollers, at rane- d ono pair ever tho other, and with heir surfaces hollowed to a coni avitr correspoudimr to tho nullic ! th gar to l-e formed. 'l!ieo r-lhvs are t ro'utirg b a lulu wb elo-m. d.'iven by a treadle like a sewin-r ms chine ; and when a bunch of tohac o e f is placed between them it is raj idly turned aod pressed into tho prop er spin-He form. Aslrip ol flu strong tetl is then gummed alon ono edge arid inserted at one end of the machine; :his is instantly coiled round the ship ed muss of leaves ao l twisted to tt point, and the cigar is 6nibcd. A girl, ufler proper trainioe. can that inra-iut fifteen hundred cigars a diy. Accordion to lo lbs above qu .ted c st for hun-l-muking. there ouht to be a saviuit of somethinx like tbreo shillings ou a hundred. Tbi is good news for mokers, at all events. Tub KnTiiciiiLDs Ilounco or ITai r a Million Doi.lkiis An employee of the ltothsi bilds, of Taris, bsa just r-bhed these bsnkers of a very large amount letsils of the ease, though not complete, are est i i 1 sufliciet-tly t-lear. It is stated that a careful scrutiny cf the accounts and books of the bullion depi trment has shown a defl .it ex-i-eediog 2,oOO.UOt)f., or jClUO.COd. The perpetrator of the robbery is Charles' Tsssiu, a man forty-nine years of as, ol Germno birth, but resident in i'runce lie is sui I to have leen n great lorer of ruuaic sod ol besr. H was tb I'retident of the Liederkraoze n musical association, and s partner in s brewery. His position at Hotbs child' was thst ol' oiioaa-er of the bullion department, and in that capac ity it was bis duty to purchase inisota of tbe precious motals which were of fered for sale. The discovery of his frauds wss ae dentally malo in eonsenuonoe of bin delay in forwardiast a bu'k of 10 JO Kitiliib sovereitfu, for which a cus tomer bsd paid 25,000 f. Upon h's I si lure to reappear at tbo bank, bis till and chests were searched, aod it was discovered I bit neither the 1,000 snvere'mns oor tbe 25,000 francs were there. . Tho police wco immediately inlorined. an! tbey succeeded ia ar testinx Tust-ius. wbo is pa-tiaily par. sty ted at lb bouso of a relative. A search was also mad at bis residence, and a sum of about '.'O.OuO francs wa foun t, as als-i some correspondence, which proved Ibnt tb prisoner bsd I en eoncereed with a Prussian pbsi eiaa ia U-mrse ipeeulalion which bsd not been profits ble. Tb Frussiau doctor has also teen arrested oo a charg ol complicity in tbe frauds committed by Tau-sius, uod both pri. onets awuitrd judicial examination when Ibe mail lelt. A W.a o.i SNAUk Mr. Ira Wie. tor, of Foater, iutormea us that there is a well oa hi "Bucklio farm.' which bs not been used for ety vrart. and which bat been filled up wub flat a'oue lor over forty years, miking a sort uf harbor for snakes ia tbe winter aeas-xi. About' oae year aax. Th-mt a C. llolloway.tltveu year of a, kiiknl twenty black naks as tb-'y emerged ttom lb wuli. Altiveiher they mea sured aiaely-aix feet. Ob the Olh and Slat of last aiotth, be killed aioe other anukes and two a-idera, aad on the 1st of April. Mr. Wiw) assisted lb lad la rvmeviag seme of the oloaa irom tho well, taking p about tbreo ft of it. BolU together killed oo thai day twenty-one snake. Laat Friday they removed two feet mure el ibe stoees, and slaughtered Itiy two-ad-ditioaal suskes. They eaieulat tbey tbe life out f about 379 lael vf baavk aoaks during tbeir iuvMtaiosj lata tbe eid wll, aad ihey will auk a srcJh for aiore. - Juraite w. VcHnJeitr. A hamorou yousul wA Was drir- wg boraw, a which was ia the babul of atoppiug at evtry heuee oa ik eit aiUe. rrog a country uwr wer ere cull c ted tOtkr aoaa deaet counlryaBa, tbt a he lcp4, ia m of tbe youa aian, est applied hi whip with all bis Salens to tints the, viseioaa horse en ; tWa oa tkst porch cemoieasjtdi a hoartt Uawh : aud some iaaire) U h wee id tell, that hawse. - r, aaii thai re ka, Utl twa " v , a !- r f sea at i ' I