THE TOST. vipptEcrnn. a ma 2. isto. J OWN AND CO UN TRY. Vijt candidal' card in aooiber col li. ri ''. topic reaobetM regularlv - v try wtek. i'IIrian's Menagari will he nn eihl bi ll In Belinsg rov on the (lib or May. Vs. Jonn8. IIstsinArii. of New Tlerlln . been appointed Hrputy Revenue Col :itr for t'nlon county. m run Fl Snsquehana Clesls of lb Re nd church meets In MMiou, Friday, i ID. 1 1 Saturday evening tb string Ba nd out srrinauing and nil who heard I be ie say tbey wr delighted with il. llssar 0. iShaiti linn undertaken lb of building a sbo factory in Lewis- I tnn II. Hartna, of Ctntervlt Iiaa li appointed Deputy Revenue Collector iuis county. A beiier appointment J not bave neon made. iyu llnds of lluilding Material furnish Inn iliort nolle at low price, by Moycr aflinwes. at tbe Keystone fleam Saw arid fining -V 1 1 1 . Pclinsgrore. 'tiSTaai wili find ! beat pant, oils jr. &e., cheaper llian lb cheapest, al land A Dover's Hardware Store. Cull isc for yourselves. EfTus. contract for the erection of Ibe Odd oi Hall at Selinsgrov has teen irde J te J lion M. Krci ler f lb.t place, greed to do tbe Job for $l,(KKt, allow tb association SiuV) for tbe old build- I' er.K en the railroad waa commenced on vlay, near this place. We see il stale be Tmrt that a letting will he held for roslruolion of a railroad bridge at Kon- r. r.vcryibinjr looks favoraltlo uow ilie early completion of tbe rnovai.. To-day Vim. F. r.ckberl. is ing liis a. ore. in Selinsgrovo. to tbe :a lately occupied by Messrs. II. & 8 S. oh, where be will be pleased to see lii oU customers, ns well aa new ones. bo him a call al Lis new placo of bust- H IHoomsburg liepuhlicnn ruldislics ist whleb waa passed by tho last leuls- ! m.rt authorising lie Hlonsburg Iron I pany to lesse large additional Iron lands also permlning said company to( ciiuo viiiw.iivu io me men or lb Jlccrsek Railroad Company. V' learn that a fir broke out in Pun v list Mumisy night and that property iiniing In aiu to about f il.tiou waa j rojred. Nine building were consumed ug them ex-Sheriff an tike's hotel, residinecs, and seTertl stores. We It not learned particulars. rot ri.a of overgrown boys In Ibis pul themselves outside ol it auantitv I jlitiug whisker last SnlurJ.iy cveninjt luen inrj nsrj lo rnlie a muss with a If of young men from the country i a timely Inierfercnc of some ol our Moving ciilicm pul a slop lo the r.e I. il Sun lay aflerncoa lielween i' and four o'oiojk, Ibo kitchen roof ol i Smith's reniilciice, in Ibis lioroitgli, discovered lo be on fir,). Th nliirm civen before li e fire Irid mnda muoii ly, anil it wits soon clis. kelaid ex Ir'li.iied. Tbe d iinage douo was slight. 'OTiiar. The 8 ab'.e of Mrs. R irer. k miles wed of town, was burned I.) ihei Mid on Ksiurdiiy It was set on fir by II boy. Bur. Ltrri K L'onroHAi. for Miy co'not in t num. Ii-esh rs ibe tlowirs an I hriirlit Hie spring time full of good things to: chi'd en snrt for all lore e itljicn. pal improvements are proud:! in I lie Hs'ly e'tarming Mugatlno. tine dullnr a c-eivell & Miller, -tnc ig , 111. f m Tits Lames. Tho ladies of Ibis nnd vicinity will bo pleased lo learn ' a Bn class, Millinery and I am y Store breu ipoK'd in ibis place by Misa 7 Ilallnnun, Slid keeps constantly on 1 1 a large and well-selooted neaor:in ?it lists, lionnels. Flowers, Itibbons. c, be latest and must lasbiouabl slylcs. h she will sell ns cheap nr goods of ism ilctcription can bo bought else-ri-e. Give Lcra tall and cxitiuiiie sly las prices. us President of ibe Snyder county cultural 8ojlety has issued a call lo members of the sooiely, and lu all oth interested in its welfare, lo uieel in Court House in ibis place, on Paturd ty U day of May next, at 1 o'clocki 1. M , ib purpose of tsking into consideration propriety of holding an Agricultural -ihs coming full, and for sucb oilier roses as may be deemed expedient for idvaceincnt of lb aouieiy. We bop re a full turn-out of all friends of the dy on that day. cruBE Yov Fabms. In 8li0 nn Aot f psssed by Ibo Legislature, nnd tip- uri by lb Uoveroor, requiring all per il owning unpatented lands in fcinydar my, to proour palenla for lb same I pay lb indubisduess on them due tbe bruouwtslib before lb 1st of June.lBiU. ery ess wbcro Ibis is nrgleoied, suit he insiiluud, and lb lands sold by lb monweallb for lb purchase mcnoy and 'nt fees due lb Btats, lb sal lo lake s at Ilarrlsburg, on lb 1st dsy of Juue, his being lb taw, ery person owning Is in Ibis county should examin tb isl docket in lb Recorder s oSioa, al Court House, anil at one secure a int, if tbey bsve not on already. Ily ug io no so, tuey win irrevocably loose r lands, and in many eases ike result many yeara bard labor. Farnitra and 11 owpen, examin ibis matter inimedi- 5 rtw days ago w look two orphan Jrcn of Jess' liilgtr, a soldier from kirevill who was ' ai during lb war, iLsgoldiers' Ortli riool al Mo Alls tvllle, Juniata county, uod while there bad a bd opportunity lo witness tb kings of lh school. To say that w Ie pleased wlih lb admirable ryatem wiiicn verylbliig la conducted at Ibis nans noma would u nut a toeuis si- 'Ion of our feelings we wer delighted. pupil are not only taught all lb us braucbt of a good English education, tbsy leatn bow lo woik. and religious Iruelloa la not negleoted. Tb leacbers well duated, coiirtsous, aad kiud i and orphan uudsr I heir charge ar Irsaled i aa much - kiudness and car a ar menibsrs of their awn families. Wblls b eobool w saw our young frleuda, tuerand Uaria Moyar, orphan children -anil Moytr, formerly of Ibi plao. is eblldrsn wer adiolilsd to tb school ui four yar sgo and w wsr told thai j ar aaiong n brtablssl bunlls. uiouowiugar io names or ltbrs offeersi IVIuoipal, Jaooh H. ttmiib i ard, J.ob Smith i Matron, Mr. Kat mdl Veaisstr. Miss Multi D. Areyi Mlani Matron, Misa Mary Anderson. kchsralkd. L. Mania. Unrv Albert. SVrl-M rim. Sit AM-l- V.T..- SSI.. VTii. C. DrsrAH, of Lewlsbtirg, Il urged b y a Correspondent of the Chrtmitlf, In be- ont candidal for Stale Senator, al Ibe e tming Republican primary election. Mr. D nncan Is one of Union county's best elll tc ns and a Tery popular man. - Tlif wlicnt crop In vsriom pari of tho Weal looks Very promising tin der the present genial weather. They mate three. Ynnkec clocks c? cry minute to lirislol, Connecticut j and the amallor the clock the Dorccr tlto"tick.'' An I'npl'eh Collier iVpt n ken of powder under hit bod, and the other rtfty went niter tome, stnokint A pipe. When ho vent out ho took the toof along with him. Henry A. Wise turned up in the .Supremo Court In tbe Iliclimood May oralty imbroglio, ami in order to pet n hcai inir ho hnl to take nn enth to upport the United Stales Govern ment. A Chipeso citfnr maker at Sao Frnncio has eone t tho inautie njs Itiru tryinit to keep tho run of tho in ternal revenue tlecinioos roardiojf ci uar Hlattips. Tho trial of McFarUtld for killing Kicliardnoo Ulu prturc'in New York city. I'ublio sinipntliy fsvots McFsr land, and he wilLdoubtli'KS bo nc'jiiit oil, tliouh cnrluin'y guil'y of deliber ate murder. Ths nienncat thief in tho wjrld hits nerlod hU title to that pritni ncneo by brcitkinir open llif tomb of tho late floors) l'esboly nt Snlcm, Msa., and otenlinfr tho silver npp'.ir tennnces trout t lie C 'lbn. llo has boeo arrested. The pri-ioneis in the Lock Haven n'jnil made an olte.npt t brenk out Inst , B'ld wero trj inir to perfornle tho wnll.'ia w -,n the jailor, Laving nriaoo M 4 I J 0 clock, discovered what ra goinij "I ,,,! ,,,,, p !M OH, linU IllVCd tlieill. :, . . oik ' 1 ilC rreaeilt S.-'asmn Of (lie New!: Vnrlt I eiriatntiint Ullin fiiat 1 1 m o iI,a 1 orK l.rglainturo M IIIO IIISl .lino t llf- , Deiti'icmcy hnrc hnd Control of tllllt it. .i iii i o fur sevorft! yenrs ; nnd bil l work an enouh ha boon time by it to mutn :!.', , i , ,., , i ' it nrnttv Miro tb'll It will bo H'Vcrnl vein's liefure tho DiMiiOcno v uilllio In Ilnnlil e A Slrnniro anil ponf rtnDtib a m'j- dory liaa been perpetrated in TitusviMc, Mr. I).' lt ,:i.,.. ,.ril,, endowed" - j , t with a rich ami luxurnntf growth of lisitr. About eijrlit o'clock, nn evening or two since, fbo Iny dowo io the room for a n.ip, throwing her luir loose on tho pillow. While she u!ept anno pcrmn canto tlnotih the iillico entered bur room, out her hair otrt'lwo to her head and fh-d with the iitolen tronstire. Tho Pot-tor offers n litrije tewnrd for tbe detection and on vicliun of ilia perpetrator of this out race. Work was resumed week before 'Ht in tbe Avondale mine, renderi'd liimo'.is by tho licnrt-rentlini; ealaniity of which It, wan tlio Heeno last Stp trnibor. A new brnker Iihh been t-reeted. an ojioui n driven tlirougli he iK'ijbborinu ' I'nion Mine," sotiie six li itidicd nnd hixly feet iitnnt. ind an nir shal'i Iioh bevu sunk from tin tho itintith ol the hhil't. Jlesiilea there mens lies uf jircci.u'ion. involving nn expenditure off 7.0il ), hucompnny Iibk ulMitiited fan vont i'n'inn, inst.'iid of ibo forinsr iiit'thod, by I'mntire. lKrn or 1tf.z I.isnis, April Ifi. Tbe ivulm mail stetiiifi from' Kiii.Icni'iriit iirrive 1 nt this port to-day. brin,'itipr dcliiiU of the ("rminnfion of Iho war in I'-iniirnn y. On tho first day of Mnrch ft llrazil bin (leneral nitacketl un4 carried tho po.-ilin of I.opoz, who was killrd. together wiih Irs son, Col Ii'ipt z. T. Stiiieh' z. Vice lVcidcut ol tho Ilepnlilir-. (ieneral t'ont nos, nnd leveral other bhnlliciuUof I'aratiny. Tho mother, brothcra, and four hil'ltvn, and Mis Lynch nud iiiiiny nlflccr were nmdn prisoner. A large qtiantityof anna mid ninunilion were iiIaO captured. At Ilia latest advices o trealy (if peace wilt boioj prepared with the l'rovisinnnl (lovcrnnient of 1'iirng'iay. wliicli had coovokod the CobRliiulional Assembly fur tltat pur pose. A di-water occurred in mid-ocean on tb ISih inst. Tho chip Thomas Freeman, ( 'nptuin Charles Oon, which had left New Oi-lottns thirteen dayx hefrre, wna struck by a thunderbolt, whi'jli made a ludo ubout two feet square on tho port sido of tho voscl. Jiiioit After ths shock, which prostrat ed nil nn board, tho veHiel was found to ha on fire, but tho Qames were con trolled uolil tho next morning, when lira brijr Omega, of Sydney, C. )I. Captain Kerr, from Cinufuegog, waa kinnlled, nnd, promptly responding, took olTtlio riliip'a eompuny, ineludinn two Indies the wife nud daughter of the captain nil of whom were brout in safety to liohton, arriving thuro on Friday. Tbe Thomas Frcemnn when but seen wot enveloped io flame nud must hnve burnt to the water a edo. 1 ho terror o( that oiuht at aea, on board ol a burning venue), ran be more readily imaged than UeseritieJ. Tho Luocnatcr Erp cti of Ibo lOlli ays : A stroke or lightning performed a lingular movement on the furm of a Mr. beitsi, near Mount Joy, in Ran dolph township, nn IttHt Sunday after noon. A JViiss. KancU, a visitor lo the place, was in company with aovrral other porsooa, standing near a pump. when a current ot electricity utruck the handle of tho pump around which the yarty was congregated, the fluid passing down lbs baudle and along her loft arm, over her breast, and along both her lugs duwn to Iho ground The sleeve of bur tiroes wis silt open and also a piece or her tin si over her left biest lake o pul as niooly ni ii ii bad been done with sharp instru meat. A pitch of Ibe skin of bor lofl breast was also lifted out. The girl wis thrown Into astsio of insensibility by the shock, from which, however, sl.s recovered iu a few hours, and nt inal accounts un serious approhensioua were fell from tbe consequences or her lu juries. Trial Term, 1870. f.llia Iloih ts. teb k nrelfae. earns vs. John Lenta. C. 8. Hnehon ol V. II. flelst ts. Jaeoti Wleit. C-al k, lllanrtiaril Wm.U. HerroM. same tl.dfo WlMt. am s. i . Iteadrkks, O. M. Orora a. Inaae Oroaa. ram vs. fame ants s. Howes, Ttnrni a. Mojer. same t. same. John MeAllaney inolM. W. MeAllanef r.A. r). fnmmlnaa. Ittan tiantierman ts.$ f, Walter, llt.llsr Al Hummel ts. rams. Jaeiib Krel.lm, t John hhotif. J. it. M Hhladle, 1 real., Mils, lontltnt VS. fc. P. Hnhrhak. .T. k .1. Hmlth rs. A. n. fnmmlnK. Jannh Mliinli a, 8arab Mlnhla:, his wire, ts. Iptah Lohr. Sam r. "amitrt Roml k ,tonih Haines. am Ta. Alam r-peclil a eaiouel Weliel. Mil t. Jnha Try. rhlllp ftwlnrtmil a. .teremtah nTiler. John M. Itoltman . t enitnaii'l .ones, llanlel Matter . Catharine Matter. Jury l.lit-.tlay T rm, 1MO. ORANO JI-ROUSi t Oeorse rontlm, l.tmrer, VaMnitnn. S Jntm I'etlinr, ,lr., I'armer, Weft llAvr. I Jnhn H. Ii-Uer, Na.l.ller, Perr. 4 r.llea J. kilter, I'armer Monroe. a I ranrli A H")r. ,1 ,, Wsahtniitun a Mmml II Hartinan, rarm.r, Munrt. 7 Jaoiih MimMv, jr. t minor, t nl.m. 5 I hrl.Han Under, lariner, .MM.ilroreek t J"hn .H. Ilrairor, llerrhanl. .lai-t.Hin 10 Taul II. Knepp. I'armer, Writ Ureter. 11 I'eur Muni, l.i-.rrr, I nl-n. li lianlel Alter, t armor, Vet llraver, 1.1 Tatvr Itoliirl, I'annrr, Hoator. 14 Jamea J. illl.-hrll, Inrirrr, IrMiUln. I Hmrf Aiiranil. Hr ., aiming. 15 Samuel 1. Nellera. I.alnrer, Wml Hearer. IT Juinra 1.. I.luyl, sheniakr. ellnparure. la .li.lin I'ry, I armor, ollnKroe. 1 Wellat) llnlmpa, :ii,itiaiie, Krllaia-rnre. Jo J.iai-ph . W rlnrr, iarienter. Meat 1'erry 'Jl Hlxh U'nmlrull, I'armar, I'mii". VI Wlln.n Hallil. n. I.dnrer. I'orrjf. 'it hHinuel srimll l.utie, t iilMh. SI Jo0'U llouil, Varinnr, Montue. petit Jriiima. I Willi m Snnlor, WhoelrliiM, ttoarrr. 3 I.n Kerrtetter, Sr. I armor, I liafiiiiin. a .li'remlah II Smith. I'lu-lorrr .M l.,l.euuri. 4 .l.inatlian Oolnett, t anner, Terry A liiarlia I.imIc ' rotiln. 5 1 iKmiai l aue " ii..i.inan. t llonrr it.T.l .n ' W o-il'erry. Haolel .larrelt " I'onn" Jao.,b ll.,lrnoer. ' I'ranltlln. lu Wm. M. Holiiitiioh, WlioolwrlKUt, ilearer. II Mnmn Lnllor. I.almrnr. .laokauu. I li Samuol W. Wall. I'aivrhanvor, WanhlnKton i' Jacob iiu.'.or, i.ain.n-r, i' ZXtWW onna. llouiion (Iroonh....! I enir's. ' " y;rlT.rem.rVu i'"7. l.eol. Anil. lnnlror, .Vlit.lle-reek. .l"hn H. Walter, I'anrar. I'enna. inel Uinr. lannor. n Bearer. -Iiiiiii-. hellor, l.atmrer, lloaver. I'rinr II,, inure. I'cter It illy, ,1 r , I'BTiiier, .M,tire. ,iri, nnri,n, tare. tor. Sellii.iirov. teifae Kulm. licntlciiian. I'enna. .lacuh l.iini;icre, l.tilM,ter. I nhoi i.m.n. i i..VoAVik. scii!,." e. ', ''"V".," ''",''"""'' fiin'icf"ve. -'' li umi, 3iiilfr, I ?tim. ;wl Itrl. I'. Iturroujlis. I'annor. Vol Porrv !U llonry lloinniai, Mioeiuakor, Vlilillncrcek. 3i I'plor Trexlor, larmor, Itnnr..n. as WIHUn II Miyiler. lannor, I'ratiklln. I'mniiuol lloulr. l.nlNiror. Vl'a-hlliKlnn. :,a Havl.1 sny.tor. I'ainier, t nl.m. .i t alvln I.. I'l'lior, t'anoor, M ulillecrrek. .'i Mnea Traiii, l armor, IMry. ill '.'"".""n If-teni'u.h, atorcl.snt. Heaver. ,nw r. noirTionh.rh, Farmer, I'erry. wiiiumi tmtir, tiork.i hs,.iu.o. " ",ii, r, Miiy , r :tr"irr, ? I MTfl, j ' .laoli ailniilum, MerchaM. IVrry. ie .Isetiti It. MnMln. lli'onialiflr. I'orrr 47 l..ri.lO'Knr, l'armerNU i ferry. 4S Nallian liuuJoia, Merrbant, t nl.iii. I IIILADKI.IMIIV MAIIKKT.'. The Whrut market i.a without ehanire worthy of CHpeciul note. Sales I f j ,l.;i(it) IhihIioIm Indiana red nt 8I.'J'('' 1.23. and semn l'on nyl vntita do nt 1 2r,(i? Hyo innv be quolod nt il.03 for Wesiern. I'nrti is very quiet mil prioea bardlv o firm. SiiIok ol 1 (it 5. UOfl IiiikIicIh yelliiw at 1 lif.f 1.13 all nit and in cars, chiefly iho lit former rate. lata nre nioro netivo. S.iles rd' 10,0(10 bushels Wentern at COe, nnd some 1'ennMylvnuia nt (Jlfn li.'ic. WIDDLKIiriKJ MAT. KMT. Potatoes 511 Hotter l.ard liniia allow It) liried Apples Frl t'berriea Rcla 1'ches unp'd IScU Kla need i!titt j Snip ti Itecrwax Kit I'lieirlrs seeded " Huckleberries L'O Ulackberrie l-.' S i: I.I N? U KO V K M A It K KT. t'orreeicd weekly. Wheal So 1 (I (l) I Onions Ti Wheal '.' tti I iliilur .'I - fun Ml V.fts '.'(I III hl .Snap 0 o III thus d'l I, aid It', t-'laxccrd '2 till 1 1 a 11) riuiothys.'ed II III) Shoulder l' Clovcriced !' O'l Side ):; DIEO frrrif'HT.- In lleavsrtnwn, en the 20 luilsiil. Mrs. 1 'atliarlae hiwelii, as-d s'i )ears. MN Ylir.K.-lu (i'aiiklyiKiiin.ili.,in theS4lh In! taut, lulaut UauKbter ol 4'hsiles auyiler, sksU 4 inouins. T ICHXSK XOTlt'K Xulico is M.J herehf Riven that feter 1'ronp, frnssiirare Hall. H. n. Ilniiiluiiliiisn, tieaver prlngs, Henry llmisar, ' " Mores Siieeht, fleavartown, (IsnrKS A, riuilth, ' Lewis Kina. Mliiillalmrs, ilarman k Kor.iuttor, Atlddleliurg. I. aals Aiolit. Mhhlleoreck. UltaO. Weaver, Centravllls. -Inhn N. Heater, JacSsoa. (liHirtia Lynns, Muuro. J. tt'. Ilniimisilne, " Narah Kaene, " II. H. 1 lark. .1. K. Walmr, StellniKrovs. Henry A. Hull. " Anilrew Misile, Tsnns, K. Mover, WaulUKtm. Andrew Kniich, " lianlel Klaanbart, " Feter Weller, Daniel Mullluer, Vnloa. JraSayers, ' Kerillnsnil Xones, t.'hnpmsn. Matbla hclinee, Ferry. hksti-rasts. tsaas Fe, lleveriown. .lere I'roure, Nullustirore. tleoriie Hnsiarman, Waihtnrtcn. Have n Iri their Wlltlnns l-r llreni with His I lark nl the tour ul Uaarler Sasnonsot Pear of Hnyiler ennnty, and tltat the saute will he pr santeil to salt! Court lor spprovslnn Monday Ih mi nay ui nmy neat. J . Lflicjr., April w, istv. viaiann. etlAKLCS KLKCKNKK. CIIAHLKS CAWLKV. YLLKGIIESV HOUSE. Kos. 6li Si Sii Mnrkt I Street, (.loon AiyAA.) rillLA HE LP 111 A. KLKCKXEll & CAWLKV, i-soraisToss. 0,51lf Terms ?n uv rer unj. w AMUNUTUN UULbK. MihlUburj, Snyder County, Pa. LEWJS KIXO, riioi-RiETort, rersons stoppings! this lions will And excellent accommodations, for Aan and Uea.t. JKVI ItKLLElt, Manufacturer of and dealer la FURNITURE, Would reaped fully Inform tbe ellitsn of 8rlinsgrov and viciuily, Ibal ba nisnufao lurss 10 order and keeps eonsianlly on baud CHAIHS OF ALL KINDS, AND Furniture of every Description, al tl very lowest prle. II respsotfully iovilvs an sianiination of BEPHTEAUH, Bt'REAVH.TADI.KS, SO AS LIlL'NUKS, HTASUi, UHAittS, .. kafA special iuviiatioo is rileoded lo newly married folks lo call and ie mj slock uctor 1 urouasiiig isewure. LEVI BEUEa. Bellnsgrove, April 6, lb70-lf (1 AtTlON. Ilaln(t purobaard the fol J lowing named articles at Sheriff's Pals and loaned lbs same to Jamb II. I.etnlg during ny plranirr, the public areheri by cautioned mil In InirrtVie nor in anywiae meddle wlih lb same:f(n Kink, one (Yoking Siore, ibre lledafeads and heding, one Ptand. on caak of llrandy, Plelgb, on bay Mare, one Iron Kettle. Iwo Chairs, on rbeal, mi I'ureau. on Clrindtone. a lot of Corn Fodder, one fow. cue t'nw, four Pt erp. F Kit 1)1 NAN I) ZONT.P. 1'iiion Inwnililp, Itrcemlirr H, lPfi'.i. 1 uf. imTnt iiorT : J MlEKMDXT, HN VIIKR ff I'A. KKHCil UMITlf, Froprlelor. This new hotel la now prepare I tor Ibe acionimulaiiin of gueals and will nlTord flrat rote entertainment to persons visiting Freemont. Keery rtfi.rl will he mmle lo promote the comfort of Iraeelers sinpping al lliia b"U Choice liquors at Ibe Uar. and the Tabl supplied with the heal tbe market alTorda. An ample atnMe In con nection with the limine. Aprilli'Tinf y.MU.V l'LANlXU! RKMN'.HUnt)Vi:,fNYII.R I'll., PA. Kcdv Milller, SiUinlier Drillers ami tiAxi racTi niH or Doors, Door Boxes, Window a, Sliultrn window Doxe. Clltttla, Saslt, Ktalr l'lxliis.,'llitnd Rnllln, Rrnt k. eta. Mnuldlncti, I'loorln-r, SCRCI.l. H A WINtl fc I'A BIN l:T TI'RNt NO. bhiDglos, Lath, &o., &o. Orders solicited nnd Tilled with prompl- ncs.s nnd despat di. l'let call and exam-1 ine our slock before pur-ha,ing elsewhere. I ti-;;sif NEW I MUSIC STORK: IN SKUNStiKOYK. QCirii sales ami sji.ut rcoriTs : I We arc still iu gclinsgt ovc and rrpiire.t lo furuiolj ' ; ri.i.. on, illeloiU'oiis ; At'cordeons ! Violins &?., Vc. I And all kinds of Musical Instruments Vlli: A I' Kit Til AS ATA', .' ; We warrant nil cur Instruments f.u-livei years. 1'iiinos, (iignn., Mcl.idcona and' Aceordcona corivelly tuned and repaired. Kfore open eviry WliliNKSDAV and MATl'HItAV. Inslriicl ion given on ibe' I'ihiio, Mi-lodcon. Violin nud Accordcon. ' t reasnnaldo rules. (iiv us a call. We cuaranlee satisfac tion. HA I. KM MKIMMillll. November 17, IMtiHif A V lllsl L. W II IIM.I.Itr. J S STOI lillluN l!;T & MTDl'UIITllN, t fM'ltALCOMMlSSlOX MEKllllNTS, ami i KAi.rrs is Country V'lihirr awl lomt:ti Fruit, S'-nln, if-r , A'o. 22 SotTti Watkk SrttEi.T, lUILADELPIIIA. . nsiMilNt rs.-Jacob It. Kiejrel ,S Co.. , t!!d Market street ! I.ippencoll ,t Troltir. I S. Water slreel : II ood, lloiihricht V I'u. VJ!l Market Street ; Kx.tinv.Jitme, 'nlwk, .'111 snulh tnl streel; .lohn W rist HUM Walinil street; llui 1 is ,t (jrahain, liJT Arch streel, fchrti'.iif IM'OUnlTION IN TIIK ' I'Ktin.i:s Jill' It N A I..' Ilitw Teachers, Slu leuls, Itelired t'lergy inrit, Euergel'a Men and l.adira can make J-T'i to .lpir 1110111I1 dining the Spring ntid Siiiuiiier. A copy free. rVnd niiine and address lo people s Journal. I'll iladclpcia, 'a. VtlTICi: IS lli;Hl.i:V t.lVli.S Unit wel ll have piiiehnsed Ibe follntting potsntial I properly, sold by virtue of tt iil nf Fieri I I items, iseiiol mil of Iho I ourl ot (.'oinninn I'lcna uf Snyder county, as the property ol lloswcll llotbrock, lu wit: line L'oukiny Stove. I I'batr, I Stand, 1 Table. I Set el chair", 1 clock, 1 .nuking lilitss. 1 c.nnei clipboard, I Hfdstend and Hel ling, I Sul- Key, '.' ions liny, I Saddle, llriille, tie., I Sel ul' Harness, I.oilli;e. Wood chesl, I crib, I n bei-lbarruw, I .Surrel Mare: nnd basing left the same in bis possession, the public is bci el t cam lone I not lu meddle or inter lere witL the same. Jtisr.l'li H. ll.Sil. JAC0UKK.MKItLI.SU. January, 27, 18i'J. KYSTOXK IIOTKI.. ,Seligrove, S'Kjd r County, Pa. THE undersigned beg leav to inform Ibe public lhal Ihey have purchased and will keep, io good style, Ibe above well known sud popular house. will always be slocked wilb the best and choicest liquors I but can be procured in lb I'liiladelpbla nnd llarrisburg markets. Til 1:1 It I Will alwaya be supplied with Ibe best delicacies aud most substantial loud tbul tb market will afford. TIlKlIt staiuj: Will always be attended by careful and trustworthy hostlers wbo will see justice don 10 any horse entrusted lo their rare. gfctff Having large, airy aud well furnish ed rooms, good servants, wilb lb untiring efforts of Ibe proprietors lo pleas I heir guests, ibey bop lo meet wilb a lurgesbare uf public pntruitage. mnyltJ-U7,ir K. D. 5 J. F. WALTER. toux laiH)i:xsLaui:k. j BUGGY MAKER, bELINSQROVE, ENTUEB CO., FA. Having porcbsied lb well known stand in Kelins'rove, formerly owned bv I'bilip Bleoser, 1 am prepared 10 accommodate all wbo may desire auyibing In my liue, nnd warrant satisfaction iu all case. I keep eonrlanlly on band, and ant prepared lo msnuisciur at in snoriest nonce, UL tiUlfcS. SULKIES, 8LE1GIIS.&C. Ueiut esuerienced in tb business, 1 flat tar myself Ibal I am full prepared 10 nieel lb wants of Bty customers. Tb bauds employed ar among Ih bed mechanics in lb county, and ibeir work will not fail lo giv nuivsrsal satisfaction. fkaV8peclal attention paid 10 repairing in all its braucbes.tua rinoa oa Msrkel si' eat. a few doors south of lb ueriuau Kelormed tburcb. JOHN LAUUEMJLACER. Sclinsgrov, April 7, '70-1 f moMiiffAsi Quxoxr 0ALS3 smau f&orxxs. hii.uum ii. iii'irr.n rteaperirully announoe to the ritiiena of .Mildpliiirg and vicinity that be l now ready lo supply them with lb largest and mol complel slm-k of .S77.7.V7 ,t .sumr.'CK conns erer brouitlit in Ibis place, nt greatly re- looei' irirea rboaprr than the cheapest, lie iiifiles attention lo bis Urge stock of MI'SMNS, CAt lCiil'.r MILalNllf, .AWfl, KH.K9, IlKIi;iJr, MNKNS, ISoofs niul Allocs, II 1 AMI CAVX. ii:.iiv-M auk ci.trniiMi. rillirtTS. and cTirjtbitig UMially ki pt In a a wi-ll rrittil.ncd atore. tiive me a rail and be coninceJ Hint this the plnee lo I nv gooda. I t'llI'M'lt V I'tli.til i:t ,..t.... I e... i- .. - v, r..u.ii,. si nr. ii. cr Muldlrhiirg, Mny. S'i;. 1AUl.r. IIMTIil.. j No. n, rib : td Si . I hila.lcl.1.i:t (l.eiwcm ltace and Vino) it. li. t .il.illMi.i, I'ropr. MM. .tt IU!, sU pnnu-iidciii. i.:;. Ni:w 1'IU.M -ANIi- sv.v: cooii! r. S. rcft t.l.Ofdii It. O. lll.TZIII.. IZSTZSL fc McCULLOUOIZ, (sft'fr.sstuts Tt jottM 1 1 t.i z i: t. ) I'KAl.t CS IN Al.t. KIM'S o- 31 DIM 5 AE)ISj:i HiillK..T I ASU IT.K K I'Atlt I tip, FLOUli, (MAIN, It .Ml- i:n.l Tir.s-, Ac , ,te CHAPMAN KNYHKIt rur.NTV, I'liNSSYI.V AM A. Mare) u mii:i st.ti:s J5 O SI S lHiruirr, sui.i a r,xciiAN(;i:ii I rS Mi 'ST l.ll'.KIlAI. Ti:UM.S. ii O ff, C) n .", 7, 7 7 V UJ ' 1. 1" J IJ LM-. f 1 I lltll.ll IIuOn. 03iiH)ii C :isIkmI. I'At'IITC ItAIL KOAI IIONDS lliiiiglil nnd Snld. STOCKS Itmn;lit ntid ,k'ol I OX COMMISSION ONLY. Aepoiinls receive 1 ami in'erest nlitt'ol 011 daily balance, subject lo check, al sijjhl. I)eUa enk IWuihvv, 40 Koiifli TMnl Mrrct, IMIILAI'CLrillA. March 17. s; i y j"jrriMTi7LTAis7 Manufactures of A Wbolesnle lieitler in (tilt, Miilingm;), Maliiul 11 ml itiiNtnootl LOOKING GLASS ricttiro ft Phrtoirephtf Frntnos, os. 'Jiifl mill : An li SI ml, rhih.dclphia I'a, Trsnies Repaired in the best manner Also, I'.igilding in all its branches. 7, 'J4 mniT 1'i:o(M..m.tiox. AlTbereaa lb linn. 8. H Words l'rel 11 ileul Judge nf Ibe Judicial llisiriel compnaed nf the roiinliea of Snyder, t'liion anil .11 1 ill in anil A. Iv. .iliillesvvnrib nud OecTg l". Mover, Kitns Assncinlc .ludifes in and for Snyder cnuniy have issued their 'receipt bearing ditto llie the '.'Mb day of 'ebrunjry, IH70. audio Uic ilirectcd fur ibe holding nf an Orphans court, a ci.nrl or I oiniunn 1 leas, oi.urt uf Oyer and Ter miner and (ienernl court nf Ciiarier 8es- sioits f Ihe reac nl M iddleburg, for ibe county ol Mnyilrr, on Hie 4tb Monday, (be ing Ibe lUd day of May, Ji;tj.) nnd com inue on week. Notice il therefore lierebv alven lo ll.r Coroner, Justice of tbe I'eace sud Consi.t bles in an for ibe county nf Snyder, to ap pear in ibeir proper person iib their rolls reeords, inquisitions, rianiinaiions and 0 her rcineinbriinces In do Ihuso Ibiiuis which ot Ibeir offices and in Ibeir bchall pertain lo be dune and witnesses and per sons prosecuting In behalf of Ihe Common wealth sgniust any person or persons are ie Quired to b then and I here attending and not departing without hav at lltcir peril. Justices ur requested tn be punol uul in Ibeir altendunc at lb appointed ttitio arreeauiv 10 nones. Ulveii under my band and real at lb Stienu s oltic In Mlddleburg, lb 2iU day nr March, A. P., on thousand eigel bund and seveuly. JUMX S. WOLP, Bberiff. C. S. SWIXKFOIU'. with . JO.SEPIl S. EHilili. MANUKACTLUta Ut" WHOLES ilX UKAIKR IX CLOTHING CLOTHS. C1SSI1KIS k iKSTINOS. 43 nokth 8rtl iTRKEr. l'lilludelpLla. Mnr.liood t Haw I.oat. How ItcMorcil Jusl piipllahril, a new e III ion n' I'r. CulTerwrll's Ctlebraled K- ssy on thi rad.ral cure. ( witlumi medicine) rf Hpernialorrh ora, or Srininal Weakness, Involuntary l,osc, impntoncT. Mental and phtical Ineapariiy, lmp-di-monta lo marriage, ele. t ol.o. Cun.iinip lion t'.pilrp.y and Kits, in. lured by elf in diilgem nr retinal exirnviiritiice. I'ritt, tn n Smltii A.'ai -th-pf, fir itrnln. The celebrated author In litis admlrali!? ea'ay clearly denionalralra fmm a Ibirly years ..uprerul priictlre, that I lie alarm -ii ST coiicqnonoe of sell ahiti may lie rud cully cured wiibnul Ihd il tti crmia li.e nl inirrtinl mediRne nr llie appltr.ition of the ktiilo : piiititing not a mode of cin e nt ott'- imple, ri-rtiiln niul elloiMMa!, by moans i f which etiry entTeri-r, no in-iiter uliiii hi 'ondition nuiy be, may rurc biins'.-ll i lu-np ly pritn'elj' and tailii-iilly Ibis l.i-rlnri rhool I I e in l!ie Imii l. o' every j'.oith mi l e, rv man in ilu-lmd. S til nn l. r i-nl. in a pliiu i i.n !. (..., I,, my nddri", p iiiii.. nn receipt of .i 'out" or lw. 1 1 iainp.. Ain. I r. fill vet ell's " M u ringe tluiile," price - ' cents tdduss l!.e ulili-l.i r '. has. j. c, s. c... I.'T l owcty, N. V., . t llt'l :,;. AN I l'.li-.Ui..N i'.S. 75 TO i?C VT Tl TJONTJT, KvnywlHic, int I.- mil It tune, in imtu luff l ht I (tfl!liltm !iiiirnt.1 I nn imti Oima ;!'.'. mi i, v M:viMi .vi a ciii 1: j This Machine will ii:i.'h. hem. Ictl, luck j C' rd. bin I. I i i and i nil. fa.. I, i in j ni'i-t nieti..r iiioiinpr. r-RICr: ONLY STB l ull W'arrar.t 'd tar l ire Vcara Wo Will i.ii v,1 l,.r iinv ni'icliin tlmi i "ill re a M .i jT.r, ln oc l-.-.i it' i f .it . oi l'ir ehili s,. mi 1 1 . .i t . . i t i n tl.r LI.ASTIf 1.(1! K S'i I ICII t'terv s.'c n I rtiic'i rui lo .t i . nt, I ml''; he chilli r:.ini,. l. iillc l a urt ei l.Mni loariiijf i'. V.e isy Ai-nts In.f. ;,', l.. ?J''0 .rr in.'inli mid i-i-iios, or a cnni mis i. .it Ih.iii wlij. li mi-o tl.a' n n unit inn he mi. I.-. ' i li i 1 1., ''illslmrtf. Pa. j HoHoti, .Mars., or M . bonis, M... CM'TlnV llewnre of all .e-iis n-liinj Machines nn Ice the ninu n unc as u.n. unless tbey cm ahuw a I ei i il: - He i.t Aj-cliry finite I hy li. We h'iil n. I I, .11 cur-cit es ii .'.cii-.l'le f r mr!h!.-,a Mn chines S. t I ly ether I lilies. Mil l "li i'l i"ci nle all niti 1 1 1. i Hcl'ing nr inin Machines mi l li- liiii iihoic in the lull ewi.i of the lair, mil.".. Mich M iehiiie. hcic i.Ii. mined friii i ni I mir Av-iiiis, 1 . , n i I c ill" 'd 1 1 1 nil by , I I i s uhn e.ijiy cur ii. veiii.'cnienis nn. -i rn 1 :i 1 1 aii I nih-i w.jrili-le-s Mft jhities ut a less rii e. Keb :i l,T. . i:.ii.i: i; 1 1 1;;., 1 ' 111! No Hi Third Sn-.-t! rHiiiAt.iiLririA. Ji'liN I I.VMI.I!, I'r. i .r. Jauuaiy I I, l-T'i tl' i r nivtu.fKs i.T ti'v I'.I.IIIIC I il III S iik n .mm 'l. liillliii tltl'l inthcr Sillies, f.ii- .t - ii n - 1 1, .in iiny Mat,, . rnitiitry, li;'il ev,i In'i i ; , ui.n, I ilriiulii unci., rmi nnppnit, ,t.i, arll-.-icni I cause; nn piil.lieily : no eh trg.- inn, I .li I veii e i liltiiiicil. Advice lu-iiii I olul lishc.l hlicci! yea s. 1 Addie-. M- Htll SK. Ai'v. No. "H Nas-jii Si., S. V, ( iiy ! lvv I.K IIOTKI.. M'ii'ii.i:i;fi:c, r.. j. a, STIHIAM Mil!, I'riii rittt r. llnvii.g lot. 111 cl.iiri'e i f tl i i ld nn, I eel 1 Id isl; sluliil. the pli I'll tn- -(.-o ileVnlc nil hi' lit ten I ii n In the i , i.l. iij of his Table slid loir ami the n -emntiin I t lien i-l l ot h iikiii iiimI In ii't He sol , its 11 j lihci nl liisl'e nl the I lililic palrolii.i r .tani.a.y l:i. I'O-- ly - - I I i:r UK 11 a i.t, !. .( .'ii r .i'c, S.iiilr Co.. I' nn Keeps lonetniilly mi b 111 1 n lniiro sud well iii i'Ik a" "ii 1111 "HI nf Tin, Mieel iii u ware, Sinves, ,.c . e. He la Ajiciii inr llie fnllnit iiijr nameil nrliclcs. 'Tin: moi;.in(j (ii.or.v.- l.itilefuM' ' I'litetit liuprii'el ll.t'C 1" tti'i i r t coal, stove:. Iii thi pattern nf Tim MmiviMi llinnv, '.event! new nhd i rt . ,. 1-1 11 11 1 f'e itures hate ' l.l'i'n t IllliililiC'l, Ithiill cttii on' v I't' Seen In ' be il-tmil C'l. T'liis lietv slnve i. Ilflde en- 1 i rely 1 f ca-l ii n't. pn hi led a In I e uii i , -hi, ! lull can he luinle niih sheet. in, 11 i.) , 1 secli'in when pteferud l y Ihe piireli i-, r. j lis ni iiiiiui lital lini h is ilrnpcry, niiil.iiii; it it hatid-oiiio piece of liiitiiltire, I'm- iiiniern jlhiiit nlty sli'Ve hciel il'iu-e 111 id,-. -. in- jternul ci'iislriielinn, lliuur!i rt il l ii: j suiiie of Ihe flintier pai'et ns ol The Muriini (ilory is iiuio iiineieiii, inaiiirg 11 umtc'le. titd fur les. ilitlietili in I, repaired. I he castings in id the highest nr.lcr, l,i',l eiiiiiHnj Ibe h licit u ihi,;s inudo in lhi country. Atnnng ll'c niiiiiy aiivan t.M.i s iu the use of ihe Murtilug tlli.ry arc llie I'., Unit in : i, I oil t i It ll 'Itrl 1 ll I II 1 11 jr. 2, t..'11'ilily ot li e ileal. ii. Vt'lttil ilioit llil'uii-li ! 1 r. sieve. I, Anli llusl Stove, fi, No Kcupe of (ins. ii. Kcotiouiy of I'uol. ' THE I-Al' LEY fIli:AlV' Aiili-I'uxt Air 'Jii'it Col , S'or, tfi'A Lrltutlrd Fir-Jl,,.e fur ll'liu, HI' Ctittl, J'llicllltd May lillli, 1 S,". We I nke pleasure in ollerin mir enstn mers slid the Si uve Trade, 11 New tiil I'lnsn ' Klitllnp, and vto.lld Call p,irt,eut'ir ti'tr'ilwH In i' mtiny utlrui-lu't on, iu'u.iZi.'i' ia.ei r : IHttttt. This Stove bus been riirefully lrlcd fur several months, and the remits kavcpi-iivpii 1 iu biuhly suiisraotory. eveuil nf inn I uldesi and must upriienced stove dealers predict for it a sal far beyond ou.-uhililvl lu surlily this seiisoti. A'iiintf front lin-ilourl, giviiii full uso of lite brui'ib. An ad'i'ioiul iliilc in tit 0 i rn, so ni rnngetl as lo give inure loom In llie upper nni ol ibe oven; a grinl couvetiienee much needed 7A con is Hem ly as mf ut Ihe top us alihe bearlb liue.vtbiuU nol oulv iucioascs 1I.0 sue. but will be recob-itle4 as ; rcui oiliantatjr in liukini. IiOTVS I'LOTIIKS WASIIKII. Tb brrl, cbenpeat, nnd most populur Washing Machine ever invented. Il is easy toopcrate, silling or standing; lakes bin In lie room; Injures noguriiienis ; liuisbes ils work trout lu two lu four Min nies; Is durable and convenient; aud Ibe only Washing Machine kuuwn ibal is liksd lb heller lue luuger 11 is used. THE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES VULUF.H. Tkt "OttKA r PAXIL V ICOXOMIZKR. Tb term of our I's'enl call our Machine a 'Wringer," Year of siperiehcs pros it also 10 ba a most sxisLtsM Wssusa. W ben w reduce every iuveution for wash inti clolbes lo a priucipls Ibey all nuiouul 10 Ibal of pressiug and eqiioeiing, and forolug lu water throug'i iheitt, thus re moving lb dirt. Most Washing Machiues do it by rubbing. Tb luiveiaol Wrtuger oes il by pressing. K.latsof C!IAKt,ts II roll KM, neeaie.' j" KTTKftS Tt'.STAMF.NTARV unn iha 1 J eslste of Charlee lluphea, dej d.. lal of lb lewnhip nf I'enna. Hnvder Coiinly, I'a., bating been granted In the undersigned all person indebted di the said e.late ar re.iiesied lo make faymi nt, and Ihoe hav ing dem mds arsinsi ih earn to present I ho 01 without delay In .ItlllN K. ill illlKS. ) ,. WII.I.IWI IM llllll.-t. j '-"'cnloia. Mnrcli v, I t7i. wisri. .iiim;i.i,o. 1767 ,( CLOCK MAKflW, Mitkcl Ht. Mid llchurj Pa. INtl lnoitleil in Ihia llaco would eclfiille ititniin lh e:licn ,,f Mnhllehii - no I virini' v lhai I am rrci.aro I in vpair ri.m-M AMI WtTi'llCs) e'i,.ip inn r,ir.,inii,ir, liio pall. .1110 of the i"n no is rcp.-utin:! snl-eiie 1. , w. t;i: m:m.i) Mi I. lienor;. S ,v. '.M. Jm'.'.i. i r-iki.i ia. J fli;imi!ii i , j.eis i.t.itinn ,, I v. Z';:i,m fi fo. i (f ire- in s tn S. i' K "..le'lie.l 'Va.ii.i..;.m.i: rf t.r.f.s , iiiMi;n;i .n :. '.') , 401 North Tl.lril St. rillMUF.M'iiIA. M.uiur.iciuiers nf nn 1 il, a!, i s in !; i. .nr- , f i;iu. 'ini I'M.lN'i. n:i !'.!:. !M! !.r.Mi;!;i:. ;.!, I. A I M. i.i'i 1 1 1 iii. fn I n. li ) Mv l.!.. I. n.t'i 1 1 i.i. IMI. 1 1 . in. ,:r ir. 1 hit.t .'V iiiam imvi: v.h.,:,..,:. ,,-i li !;f''.v.i;;:, l '.IO l',CI ' 'lll'l ..i'.i S. lin ;:i ii ail ! it ill ( i TI.KUV In; jiif il i i ii'i: roil i.-. w r.i. i.i I'm sc n .' mil d .1 I I;n.-vi Tr i in 1 --ii v ' I lie 1 1 u ; i s'mi I 'll- 'I '.ily II. I i"..i-. ; ASIA I IS II! I. ilA'. I Ui.M' r ii vim I'M! I II I ri'.'S I JiVlil Mn lay I' inI l ine !.: i ' K II I i-.i.'i i!y in l i I. me itec :v tin 1 via tt ,r ilie -:.,ir -s I'r.iiii ll lll'l-lillt;- A"i .I!l!ll nl ili.1' t'inciini hi ; x )- . m linn i, S ,tit lit-. 11 I'lpl-es. I .-1 iv r : I'ini'intiMi cxpie-e;.-e t M I I'iitlmr I'a.-rie C r -- l: I'll d ,i'v I " 1 1 1 1.' il mn liiii, p,., I m I ' I" I J'l a r:' I I.i a i-i 7 I '1 in 1 1 v '1 ill 11 11:11 i .1 11 .-on ls : I'.-i 1.1: ( lilie l' ll li.le Nut. i . I i;;tx 1 i u , ; "T a i.i,, ; Huff nine ' re . I!- in l.l.'Mui l.l'i I. J'l Vll.liiyAIl. 1 1 ' I l.'-'i p HI I.I" (.J ' " fi 1 '1 a m J I ". p 1,1 N.l-'.i AcT M ill 11 n i ,11. I 111 I.'IIP am Til if i; 11. I'.'ifl iln i:jnesj T1...11 M i l I '11 in ' I'nrilie !i 1 in p in It I II' I p hi I M t ANSA !t. II. 1 ni 1, , 11 iri 1,-1. j Aece.nn I'liieinnii lixprc'S III. III !.!.!! 1. A Si 1 M (ii . A p"-riier nn , t,.,;,, ives lh l p. Ill , l.i l an m nl:. y .1 ,!,, -. ui Inr I'lii 'rre, Aul.uiu I I ,.il- ;ii sir a 1 ::!: t.a!t. in i"l;s-'iii; Tn FLKCK & CO., WHOLESALE ic.Nir.iTiir,: i:s ami ruunim;. N". i'iiii! Tiniin sr , I'MII.AI'Ki.I-lllA. full nr.- I'l lll'N l I Ml I :l III nf I'nlirccllnl.ei'V. :e W, ,1 1. .. .-'ir..j,s, l 9 en b in I. Hi ill' i: is -:i;i;:iV i,ivi; a la:., tho iii"''"l -'li I Ins 1 'i-i !i , , I ..1 , . .e 1. 111 1 M . Inr V line received, the l.ll.nvin '"i'"'in il t'rii'"ity. t.i ii : -t me t' Stoic. '1 T.i!, It", 'l .''l,!i. I M,,nl. f, I '.,.,; . Ie ads it'l l lied lilljr, II I 'll 111 I K il.v -1 hair. I 1. a I nf II ,y, I ni'I ,,.,, I, Hnieuu I li nt Kciile. I I'. .vi. I t l ,, li ; 1 h.ui,. letl the in lh.. p,,..e.i.,'t n tin. f:n. Sim, .ii e.'liin 111. a l per- .ns re hric'.y . :i:i'i'n "I i,..t 1.1 tiili-rlvi e tii.I,, I'liase the s.viu. r put .... i HH. L b. 1, r ; rHIZ DAY I- 1 nl lishc 1 . very nmi i,l 1 r ' " 'nt Situ ''') '. "' "!!i--c. N. W. .' 'i n, r Suib nn I Clival mil niecis, I i.,i.t,,-' 1,1.,. 1 rrico Ono Cont per Cory. ; "Served by 1 lie carrier... iu nity p.itnl ilia 1 . 'ty, 1111 I in ihe u Ij.iecni eines 1111 I ,ivv n. f,rsi 1 I'."! is v,i;i;;i. pty,t,iu ,., j tin' c tri'ier.i. I'i ice Inriniiilinir TIP I1TV-flVC CCNTS ;er iiiotiih, or lol li ii',L.ill.-l per nu. I num. VICK'S r i.t 1 itAL (.l iiii; ini; isti-, The rir.t I. A Onn Hundred an.) ':"' '''' """J C"ies.. Uflt'H lllus- Inili il I ,i(:iIiwiip of s,.p;is ::i bltldp. i pul, lulled 1111 1 r - t ly 10 sen I nm. Il I. i li gatiily 1 rinle.l en tine lintel paper. .lt nlioiil i'lil line ,k, l.ifaviiijra nf I Inters 1111,1 Vi e. t .1,1... ...! - I. let colored i.lni e,.i....ii.. ..c .-;...:. . 0 Thhu Ilriiiiiui.iit Iii. 111 t'xin a fine JJOUOUET OP PTfOVPaJ """U! 1 JLiOA.i.3. " """" '"aunlul. as m II aa tb, 1 "'"V S"'"ietive Mural I.11..I publish,.!. living plain uul thorough dii-vciiuii tof t Hltiirp of ?im-iTJ nu;l" it's. The Flnrnl Guide is published for lbs hcni'lil tif my ciisloiiirrs, lo u bo'il il is scut free willmoi -.1 i.... 1.,.. .--.u t.. j wmil. d 10 all bo apply' l.y mail, for Ts Wusr, wbicbis 1101 half the cost. Add.cis JAMliS Vil li, Hoi beater, X. V. DISSOLUTION Hi" IVXIITNKKSIUIV The subscribers have ihiaday by nm ittal consent dissolved ibe Co-partnership heretofore eiisting between I hem in lb Lumber llusiues. in .s'elinsgrov I'a A. I persons indebitd to lb firm of Moyev iiowes nitrns win seine th sum wits, ih nw tiriu of Moyer & Itowes wbo still couliuu lb business, and all persoue hav ing claims against us will band I hem iu for sclileuieul lo Muycr & Howes. '. a. m ivr.ri r.iin:itT l. uowr.8 1 0. IH. UX3. SelinsgroT Nov. Si lStiJ. A I 1?P Agents wants, I Lsdir iV. atJUJj X sud tleuileiiieit for t'.cie spar utoiusuia A Sawing msehtiie, a Uold Watoh, a Hi hie.' moary aud ot bor goo Is given as premium. How. When, Where. What, and all other particulars, r'ru. Ai dless C. L. VauAllen, Ijl llio't lwayt Jt.y t rmr.trta I I w I 1 re-r
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