The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, April 28, 1870, Image 2

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ntinti.r.iitro aprii. ts,i"o
(liOI SK A KKmt. I'rniiflrtnr.
C'niiimlltre Mri-tln.
The itepublirtn Flunking Committee of
Knyder County l rrtues.ed to meet a. llir
I'nurl lleu.r in Mi l llrburg, on Tllt'lllil)'
?liS II. ts.o.
A full attendance l requested a htulnca
i,f Itnpi rinnre will he Irsnsarled.
1 lie following are the names of (h Cum
mitee :
t;eaier-tir. t. I. CwMi .loreph at. tfi,
We.t tevet I .7 MUffn. .?. tpt Mntlliei-k
enfe-Peter Hartman, .lcvh II It a rltliHO.
li i tesn-J. II IUII, Frank W aMace.
I ritiklm .l"lin Inivpr. Jol.n Kent,
.liuhf J.din !. 111-. li-, H Oro...
Mi mi. t,iir-.l. Y. MilmM. J.n.l. Aurtnd.
iHI'Mlecteek-ll. A., Joel IliVer.
.'Iitirue .t..,n V. uni, J' -.h i"u.
;vt, t,. r..lee .Vli'er, June. nr.
rr Willi i.n lis-.tlna-. aaac Helm.
I' l I'rrrj M. M.pilmiwrker, J.i. Arlsojaat
SMrnr. vr-11. s ..)nr. A. 7. ptrlineti.
I lili.t. .1 icon P I! -liar, John J hrlly.
Wal,tl,Kt.,n-.Mai J. II. Ad.uu, l. H. Moyer.
li ul lir of
1'. II. Mutrv, (7,ii. mjn.
Wi; mil o 1 1 li t ion to ih.' nb'p st'crli
I'l'iir Pcpresriitntiic, Hoti. John 1!
VmV.i r, wl i'li will be found on Hip
fiist pnjrr t.f iIi'k paper. Mr. lVk r
vt II ni.ilirtaiij.s llio grrnt inlcTes's
l tin eniiiitry, ns will be seen bv the stainl lie 1 1 us titkon on llio tnrilT
! .S'i'-ll
Mlll.N the 1
i tut I (.cr in
i 'in. in itii.iiiiin, mev
HriiMtJ n. n IrpiM y lii ni (lie 1'eiiio-
. ..... I .1 . . e 1 1 T mift i. r. n-
i.r ski.ddo.o. o. To this:
iiiiimiiii i tip : ; r -v;nn ,oi '""ii
I In It-'uMi( to. ti'liMihihttntion 1m
).;.iJ i !1 i l.c debt 57,0'i'J.OOO, nod Impes
i ic il itll out bdoro the 1st oft
.'iiininiy, 171.
Mr. Mavnauo, i. I 'J'eiuit pp
1iit i
lit" ilf ilti to on
1 1... t o I ;n i i "
the lurid bill. Momlny.
ti.etin tt ty r.n,P(l.()0 lfl oncp ,oIJ
tip ll.o'tl Very point- lime nf Inv wiihdrawnl from tbe Scnsle
. .1 1.- : .. r. ...... .1.. ri . i .I,..,..,.., . . . .
iim hi -i ii" 'mj. j t.(i iiairriiiii
n poiti l.iiu an ftillows : " Mr. Maynord
nid ho wiii one of tltn ('iiiiiiniitcc ol
Ways Mid Mrtins wlio did not fjivortbe
i . ,. , ,
Itat-tia.ii ill tbe duty en in ' in, it n,m
fll. C- II 1 . 1.1
r. . . Ho a Iw.m.e.l tlie prot. clion
id lie An.n trim mnmiliictui-rrsof run
f nl,- lieiim, llintnrily, uliimultl v
, t,d till I l,t- t ol Iho ntllsu," - ,,1
! 'li, A r!!ry that v.ctild s ml lliem
:.!iiii:i l I. r 1 1,, ii irun a" lint liio pu'iev
tint w.iiiid ill iiir.ti-1 v thciipt ii iron.'''
Nt, l.ili;: I t till bo tiller tliilo t i i i 4 It
i - iily I v I il.-i'lv and prcsisieiitlr ns-
,0,,,,,,; protective Utiiifis
. j-w.t 'ii-. v i.i i.i.ii iltc ll.tuvtr'UlUin
H'J ll.l,Vrl!n.
Tim Si.m: Sknati: The terms ol
tin- li)!.i 'ingSrliaturs eapired v. ith t l.c
in'ji xii till crit nf the I.e'il-iluri' :
''.Hris l nvis i.f Pcrkri; Kit'djll. ol
N.'hiilkill ; IoliiiL-oti n.i.l Mclntirc.
i.' lie .1 tiiblo tit e ric-t coniportl of
liUir, IVn're. Humiliation, Mtflln,
.' iniiaU tin, I IYny ; Nagle, of I'hila
ilctpliia; Itiiiwn of Lehigh unl Nor
1 'i.iin; ton ; In-i k, of Lycoming. 1'iiion,
lit ri.viii'r : i.iintv rn i-t'iontiii.
.1 ,vi vtlt:r ; J.otity,
Il.l ...l .. 1 .a.
....... F . . ' -se "
. , . i I', , f ' SV
.... an 1 I.ioo .e. of Jlelawa e, Ci.estcr.
nt.1 Monti.. i ...ery, the Jislrul benif;
nr i V . i, " . '
V.t:':r.i:,,,J!hn,,,,vr,Crr,I uVI8 -
, , 'J ",l r"T'iurpo.-ed. snrl. words were iif.t til s- '" piecions metal.
s tin.l l,,,w.,.n,,. lieru-iirats; the,, , , Jvn-ylva.,h, Senator. ,1,, I Nor. sir, arc the inlets 0riVnn
KM III c lit pill I.e. in. , , ... i ir.,, ,, i' .vlvanii nt vari-iuce with th ikd uf the
A 1'av.ih uii.s
t NTll.sT J 1.0 i
.ill. .,..11 p . i
inotithl. re not ol I ho bcareau of sta-
tis:ies, now in press, show that fori
tl... ..... .I....C.I
i.iv a.a-'k rv( llJlltil3 Ul I !.' 1J I I III I
i vhi u hi tiiv "ni i;i vui nn'i
rNcri tna: ui our :sp rts vy amy
i .... ,:it .t !
, .'V i , ' T 'U.
pc. idol the s las. Ii.cul veai; . when ll.u
excess was 53,i.l,S, 'J l.o peat
". ' "" ' '" i
M,r . iMtiii... u.e proe tt ,,scal
T. I'i'VVf ,. y ' ').' " thiHineident Mr. lUvis appears to
rttvointul for ty ll.o Itict tha d..nng!lK) , . . ' " f , .
i ho
nii uttii'iMiti tie calan.ler year ,
the iiii.i'il.-i largely Drotlomillatetl.
vliiietlieexiuits rapidly rallied during
llic lii.-t seven moiitbs of tho fiscal
year, und thus icduccil llio proportion
Tiie pi'liiriis t.f out foreign tfado for
4 I. 1. I t 1 - .1
l..Ut nn cnccss of cspm lsol 8d,f,Jo,3 l
Isiikeii, ibo Nonhcru lomocr.tcv
ure to l o pitiotl. Tbey were 1 1 no to (
iho Ninth ilui'ing lite war. no.y the
So.ith turns against litem. Tho n'uro.
its usual, iniiki's the tro.ible. Ilea l llie
following from llm A'igusta (licoria) count ics id tint western jud einl district
('if,tH,i,.nit:t. tif a teeeiil date !f Pennsylvania, an I uf sonio impor
" l.urgo fragments of the so called innre to the citizens iheivnf, was inlro-
I 'eiutH l icy CI tlie .urtl.oin Mntcs
- , ,,'
Mow a prcat teiulccy to w enr the ol-!
t l .thrs of Lad.eal.Mn Wtary of ;
.it..tii.f for pKLPlplo lltey evince a
l.y pur. meal .loetris to aband.-n ll,c high
ground of tho white nnn's party by
rceUing to out-i a lieul the Jiinljculs on
the uegio question. This is tlio su
preme of folly, lo the lirst place they
he!l I Loir souls in vuin. They will get
nn negro votes to epeuk ol'j ttu 1 fecoitil
ly, tl.ry mako it iinpossibli) for din
gusteil llepublieana to becomo Demo
crats. If nieti sre to ehoot-o between
two moiirrl pa. ties, they will adhere
to a bold and rucccHsfol faction ruther
I bun desei t to a pusillaniiipiufly weak
one. When l)eiii joracy sbsll become
:-. t.e(.'.nd edition of Hadicalism, no man
wl o once edruiic-l il need mora over
iu devolution.''
.lubllrtt ol t'olwrctl olers.
Oo Tuesday last the grand event
which for weeks und months the colored
people of Philadelphia love been pre
paring oo a scale of uoparcllod splen
dor, transpired. It was the celebration
of the ureal achievements of emanci
pation nml enfranchisement the act.
which have wade tho last decade his
toric. Editorially rpoaking ot the
ureal event, '-Tho Day " any a t
"Tna demonstration made by the
colored people of thia city yet.tcr.lny
was very creditable to them. It was
well arranged and ruoiisged, and the
conduct of ell participating in it was
highly commendable. Ksceptlng a few
musicians, tha procession, which was
ery large, waa composed entirely of
citiiena or African descent. Tbe ban
ocrs, flags, nod devices, dress asd
deeorationa.weregeoeiallf appropriate.
",yH!.".ryjJ'not'" mails a very ererj
j risces.with their freight of lnor '"solid"
'men anion); our colored people pre
'seated lilgb'y respectable spprsrsnce.
"I ho eclel. ration ot (ho liltccnth
amendment in Phliodt'lphU was t do
cided S'ici-ess, marred by no dimrJor
or vio'ence, except elicit demon,
trntion of rowdyism by spectators nt
iie p'lini on ihc route ol lite proeesiihin,
which rcsiilled in nothiriff r-crious
n,e conduct nl'tlio colored people wis
tpiiet and dignili-d throughout. They
nindc tio disorderly or boisterous don
tinttstioiis oT delight, nor did thpy
I ifplny ny mottoes or devices calctila
oil to olTpnd on v class or our citizens
Nothing like drunkenness was hcii
anion litem during ibe whole day. II
I lip dcuirnnor if I bo colored nidi on
litis nrcjMuii rf the celebration of t Loir
m cession to fall citizenship ig s cirrcct
in.llP.ltl in Of tlltlr tuturo Courso ll i
t it ixoiij., it will not bo their fault if!
nir toting ira.M to diwd.-r. It;; tl,0ir
lii'liivmr yeatcrdny llio 1 11 ;n ich to'
ward convincing the rn.isi fk t C:i 1
tlmt thpy aro worthy ;,f feho l.iuh privi
JUH cntif.,1,.,1 upon tli-itn. oml
tbnt lltey vill cicrt ino it in an ordurlv
iind Uitclligpnl niaiiner.''
A Mpniory,
Mr. JcflVMoo I 'twin hm wi itton n
: letter to n jj iod 1'hilndulpbii Iom i tiow poin the roundn of the prc.
, iimi uf mo K.nctnent ol ctlalllr i:uni
tout iii the Somite would one day be
I OM'llltlnil 111 Po iiri'il In nil AV'.i rn.
... i. v :z , . .
- "' M.i ...biM it ,.o,
lo the tnemory of the ex nbul
J,il(orT .
but to put ou record n little matter of j
l . : . . n . .
Mkni-iiis, Tenn. Msreh 2.1. 1S70.
Mr tin in fin ! Yours tif tlie 'JmI in.innl
renclied lirr iliirina; my sbsence, wliioli will
,r.iinin iita optnj in this rrrij. frnsior
Ifameron mi no such sislemeiil as quoted i
, , nts ie no remarks lo me nl the I
oilier limn the expression of bis wilie
fur me. Ilis rp'tntions with nio hud been
ittiilortiilv llin.e of per.nnel kiuiiies, and I
llStre eilll'Cted liilii n ilutv In liim.i.lf anil
... ...... I. ...I i. : "i , ,
- in iiu'u. iu u. njr linking mum-eui'u reinnriis
i,., i,ern h,,ni.,l iV. .h. .
. .. . ' 1 ... u,4i.iin 11.1 1111.-11 bi.niui is li' III..
Men l,,.l ,. ti.-n renrbed the dtyree nf! mun,t or,nl river nnJ on tho (Jull
stulnhcmion vn-i.-h esued tho nlilissl ' , , ,,, ,., ,,, .,, ,lfl,
I "f 'rom 'he I'liiuii to In- c tile I " re -1 ' . . . . two of the 1
!.'r,"0":,:rB,., "'","i-V.r""""'"'.'. -. ''""I 1 i" , e '' "Tl I
lre-1 prm-iioel l.niriiiif. wu Mr. nU. i.f
New ll,,i,e. .bt be en.eeie I ... ..11
.on to con. a Lack.
Yerv l-e.t,e-lf,iltv a.i.1 lenlv v
.isrii'.tniiK ihti.
In 1 nliotit two weeks hiT re Mr.
s left Washington to j,.in Lit ,.'.
rotors it. the .South, Senator Cam ;
met Mis iavisoti Pennsylvania, i
110. In reply lo her oiu'viioi) s
low 1 1 at
nvcniia. In reply
to w hy lie dttl n"t enmp nn
i .I elf ''t
tlie .Senator mi. I, ' l.v tlmn not Jcfl
uskme.' - Well. ak ytdi lo cmne j tinincd who first biought lo Ijpl.t. . HH p:BVid u.,a . irthejr cm-lwV.Vti;;":!;2:-1,rS"7M wifr. k.
nnd brc.iKfst with us tn-mnrro-v 111 -irn " ""J measures ofscicnuo and ex-1 posed in a sweet sleep Tbev nrc I eut..r..t the e.tata or John k.miM, ism ui 1 h.p
At whit hour?"
' I will bo there.''
" Nine '
At the time mentioned Senator (;am-l',r
p.nn 1. 1 ii..i.,.,h.-. n.,.l fl..,.l
, ....u .im .
I 1. 1 .. . t. ... . i,
i'ii'iimum me ronvci aiion natiiraiiv i
turned upon tha then attitude of the!
WaiiIIi I In ft u a,.. na - ........ I . . . . t
I1 ""'II' I'H'IO "". !" II milt I. III! I-
"P"-'" ' W'-ion views, nnd
,irMfl.ncil th ifil Pftu? lo (lJ ,v(l..t
HlJ ,,,,, lR, , , . . .
Iwo - 'cd in Ihc Stales AVM of Mmnii
"l IMxiot.-- tin... As m,y well b,
'a, .linn i.-imI.! I.. l.-..,..l.i I...I. .
ii.. , I ,t.., i... i.. . .. ... .
in j hi'.ii, iii.'i iii in aii .ui . i"..iveti
,i... i,',i... i
't .....i i... 1. ,', ..'. ..'
"'" v ei-l.v. III! l-l'l
I IV.l. l.llt I I. ! ll a ... .. I 1
f 'tiitnl $fftffH aSV.'frTY .'M
l.niMJ (ll irimal ait tnii J . 1 i .
b'lin tin. ri. lurtn'ij t3
Senator Cameron, and siid thai the
Xorl,. not the South, would suffer
frm , colnil.f -,.. .
l.iti.stclf wou'd
s party to burn
, n.c .,, y - , -.,
.,,., u'u. en ..
w.t-te. i a. v uiv IIIMnioiiUI 1 I'll lTa
v.inia was attempted by thereto' I nrmy.
one 1 1 the gencrald receive I or let's to
destroy, if possible, tho prnpeity of
Simon Cameron nnd Thn I. Stevens.
They burnt Ibat of the latter, nnd
icmeroHV. when I ley turned up
their t-nt lis
'J'bis is a plain, straight elory
'iimcron fnllillcd bis li.opbeey better
thun )avis his threat. '.-.,
TlIK f.illnwin.r bill relntiti,. topnrtnin
,UCe,J into tho llouso of l.'enrosenta-1
" ' i'',w.,.in-
lives, nt Washingto,,. on lbs, I'.'ih Inst..
hy Hon. Wm. II. Armstronu, and wssl
read twice, referred to the Cmtitittee
on tho .lu lieiury, und ordered to be
printed :
lis il etvk t? I hi the &V.m on
Vohs" li'ii-wn'tttiitit nf llie t' nihil
.SVofe uf .lili' iVd ii. Vontjrrut iDKi.'m-
'(, Tlmt nil process, iii nil prosceu
lions, and all juliviul proc(olings al
Ihw or equity, which shall hereafter
nridP, unl in which the defendant or
defendant sh.ll reside in any of tho
fo'liwing counties of the western dis
trict of Pennsylvania, viz : Wyoming,
t'ttion, Northumberland, Montour,
Columbia, Sullivan, Uradfor.l, Tioga,
Lycoming, Snyder, Centre, Clearneld.
Cliniou, Cameron nnd Potter, shall be
issued from and returnnhlo lo the
courts of inid district, to be lioMeti at
Wilhameport, nnd together with nil
suits, prosoeutions, or business hereto
fore bo.'un, ponding nnd undetermined
arising from any of the said counties,
shall be heard and tried t hero only;
unless with consent of parties, tbe oourt
shall direct the same to be heard or
tried at tho euurts to be boldea at
Pittsburg or Krio, in said district.
Tribute lo I'cuusylvHnla.
Io opening his powerful spoech on
the tariff, delivered a short lima since
in ibe National House of Representa
tives, Judge Kelly paid the following
beautiful fibula to Pennsylvania i
Mx. .Puairman : I presume that
gentlciueo who have lietenod to tbe
eouiwo of this dttbata expect Die to
apoiigiie for navmg been
bra in
Penosylvaola and ndkoaring lo my
oativa Biab. From what Lai been
tbeiwpn ng Union, when It consisted
olilo community, and the, in her ror
pirtt eapneity, m an object of odium.
S t, I mi pr.nid of (loir old I'cnu
ylnnin, my mitio Sinle. She vv
tlio fir-t to dtpt llio Federnl Conoli
tuiiuti. and whs In lict the kcy-8(t5no
t'f the l'cdernl mch, h titling loclbr
lay preomincotly tlio rppienlalivc
Stnto of the Uni)n. Vuu cannot
trikff hrr 'i ibat Iter ien shall
lo Med with out those of either PtntPH
ft-clinff It, to I feeling it vitally. She
Inn ni c it Ion, or Mij$:r. or lici) Golds;
but apart from llioip ebo is Idontificd
with ovory interM reproiciitcd on
tliin floor.
ijpnlloiupii Troiii tlio roclcy con4 of
ew hngiin l and tlie gpotlcmiti who
nro bore Jrom the n'ro tortile end
b"Hjitr,'.,io (hnicsof the 1'nclflo, onpeci-
II i V ton Dinlliiiinn tint lumnti
inll.. n,,l,l .!.. nf I' innml
, that thoir khip-ynrd. arc
j,i0. Hprf, al8 ! aro nlso idlo. al-
t bin if h t hoy nro the yards in which
were built tlio liirirct woolen B'lin
the (jovernnirnt ever put afloat, and
tlio lui'ijfHt failing ironclad it ever
owned. She ha Iter coinmurcs and
cympiitbities with young Sio Fran
cieo and our great commercial me-
I : V v,...l. u l. . r '
irupon, niio was iur
long years tho lea-ling port of entry
in the country. Hho still maintains
a respectable di.'ect comnierco and im
ports, very larg'dy ihrougli New York,
lor the same rcaiou thnl London does
iliron-h Liverpoul and l'uris through
Are you interested In tho produt-
tmn ot latirioH, wiietticr ot silk, wool,
Hjx, or cotton ? If so her interests
ii t n.. ...: . . r i
aro lui'iiiii'iuij w un jnurn, iur une rui-
jiloys os intuiy spidles and looms n
any .ew i-.ngianu nolo, nod their,
I produt'lioiiM are as various and valua
ble. Are yrur interests in the com
merce, up.m the bikes? Then go with
mo to too L'eauliiiil city ot i.neaal
behold how 1 'e n nsyl vim in sympathics
all your intcrcxts there. Ar.-
i.. it;... I .:,i.
""""" iii.i niiiiiu nil ,
'.,.! lil.. Ml., I ....I t
u im i"ii .i . in; mi-oii'in uiiu nr. -1
l.,.- r... .1...1 ' ; .1-L
tho bantm of lirr Mn'inLiins. 11ml f. r i
. ....... : , 7.
U-ng dcta lev l,ereii'eiiiisingiiid in -
dus'.no'is p-'iiplj have been plufUinj'
r...... 1 i.iii . 1 .:, ... .... 1
""in in 1 inn-, uiiiiiiiiiuu-. t.- .in no
irom Iter lulls Uitiininoui c .ul an I
lloiitio;: it down that H'rcoin l ast the .
""alio;: it tlown that H'rcoin past t tic
foat-licl Is ..f Ohio, Koiitucky, Indiana,
Mts-oiirl, and other coal bear-
States, to meet that of Kngland in
'ho tunrttet of New Dtlcutis uml try tij
drive it tlteirt.
tieiitlei.icn Irom the,
ip'H regions, w ncre were the nitiicr!s tliev lay side by stile to-nioht. are !
perience, the vnst
resources ill Kol 1 ,
iand silver beuriiig quart, ol tho Paeilici
' ' "f.V went 10 yo i irom t lie
P.tal. Ifull. mill Ztoe lllllH'S (it . ..lilt. ll.
. .... . . . . .
,, t .... 1. H I.. ..I t A ... 1
.ti-iu uni nun iu.n m-u
" ik the td.alt, run too drift, Inutile
1.1 , . a...
I 1 1 0 f 1 fi f II 1 1 I" II L. 1 1 Af I ltd It If If W L
a s , area "t ... si
experience acquire! in her mine, tint
Inot.'.-bt out (be wealth of Cililor.ii.i
nnuwl ns .nni.p.nlly as we were l.'.-l.t
elultllion I to l.elieve
lop coultl convert bu,o
tint Alltidin's
articles into i n r!'i,ii ll n e.i I Ktnt.iu f l!,,r,,e.i I:a
K.,,,,,..,,,1 ;..,.. i (,.. 11.,-,., ,.i
i-v.-i... .......... ...v , ,, .
i ,..,. ,t ii,,.!...,:,.. ..i,i.
e ot
gcntli'iii'Mi from t!io Wesl
to initlio iiiattilici'.'iit find era nl
for the of construct ing rail
road in difTi rent dircclions iicim..s the
Irep'es but luxurous fcrti'c pnriiries
Pennsylvii.iii was first among III.'
great agricultural Slates. Anllo-luy
our prod 'lets of the field, llio garden.
I1"15 orchard, ami tno tuary ctitiiiiu
va.uo oi nny oilier Mute. Ueii
lU'ineii from Ohio, not withstnndinj
tho statement of the gcntlcnicn from
Iowa, Mr. Allison. tliul you alone
manulacttire Seoteh pig iron nnd suf
fer from its importation, ns you oh ip-
have the bluelt band oro, from which
it is made, is It not tnio thnt vhcn,l,I'u',i "''' asowtofli ar.
PennaylvniiM doinan lsa tarifTtliat will
protect tho wagoj of h'r laborerj in
tho mine, quarry, a':d furnace, she
does but defend the interests nnd rights
of your laborers und those of the every
other iron-benriog Slate in the Uuion.
(l"tnlfiiten from Virginia, Maryland
and North Carolina, Peunsylvania is
donoiinccd Iweauso she pl.'udd for a
duty ot. coil that will eimb'o you to
develop vuur liianillccnl li lc-waler
coa!-Seltfs in competition with Nova
feotia. 1 he cool of your tidi-water
li.d !s of Pioinmlvotti . u hii l. ,lononrl
in-un .ii i-u!iyi. anil, nilivi. lll'p
m railroa-is for trasportatitPi. Oo
banks of the James the Dan. nt
seoro of other nnvigoble rivers,
eoul-bods lo within n lew hundred
Co the
nnd a
I red feel
of which tho vossols which are to car
ry die precious fuel away tuny come,
and lltey lie nearer to the nnrkets ol
New England thsn those of j our col
onial rivals nt Novn Scotia ; and when
you were not here nnd Virginia end
North Carolina were voiceless on this
Door, I pleaded with the Thirty
Ninth Congress fur tha duty of SI 25
per ton iu order that "Virginia an I
North Carolina, soon to bo recon
structed, should bo able to produce
fuel for Now England betur and cheap
er than Nova Scotia does and that ii
liould be carried ia New England
built vessels, so that the thousands ol
people employe! in producing and
transporting it should constitute a mar
ket fur the grain of tho western farm
er and Ibo productions of American
workshops. I might, Mr. Chanman,
extend the illustration of the idcotity
of the Interests of Pennsylvania with
those of the pcoplo ofevory other
Stnto, but will not detain tbe commit
tee lonor oo that subject. Ia leaving
it I however reiterate my assertion
that you eannot strike a blow at hnr
industries without the people of at
least bilf a seoro of other States feel
ing it as koenly as she will. Sho asks
oo boon from Coogren. Her people,
whether they depend for subsistence
upon their daily toil, or have been so
fortunate as lo have Inherited or ac
Quired eaDitat. to scolc no anecisl nriv-
Lieges from the Government. They
demand that wo ahall legislate for the
promotion of the eqoal wel faro of all.
shot savw mat luer uiuv euniw luff
' . . ii a , .1. i i. i .i...
Horrible Alar tier.
HAiriMoie, April 21. Tlio entire
city waa prcally culled to nfiht by
mo report i n( nvo norriuio m orders
ba 1 been perpetrated by a mother who
hud cut the throats of four of her
children and her owo mother. The
report proved true, the fact belo'r as
followi i About lour o'clock this after
noon, Mm. Cutharino Marsh, wlii with
her bur children lived with her
pirents, Mr. nnd Mr. Duryor, at No
l9 Canal street, a few squires (r!m
llp'.lair Market committed the terrible
butcheries. flr?l killing her children. and
ibcn assaulting her mother, Mr.
Tlie mother of Mr. MjmJi, la her
antc-inorteio ctamtnalioQ to-night,
slatctl that about 4 I'. M.. Iicrsriraod
daughter, Catharine- Marsh, and three
ChildroD of Citharine, being the only
persons in the l.ouso at tho time,
Catharine asked her if bo hod ten
cent, ami on her answering No,"
lamarine snu nho iial ten cents, nnd
put on her bonnet and left the house.
Slio went a few doors nnd borrowed n
buleher-koike, ami theneo proceeded
- h' i.Li c .l.i v ... ' ...
in i-miiL'v oviium, o. i.j, nqi cailiog
out her son James, nirrd ciht
. . . "
cui ins voroai irom car to car, nearly
severing I lie head from bis body. A
little Isiy named liurnett cutne out ot
the school-room with J imps and wit
liessed tho murder. Callnriiio then
rushed at the boy Domett, but he es
caped her. Theneo she returned to
her homo, und went into the bick yard,
snowier son, William, aged
veurs. Was sarin, .in,. I,; liril,.
sister. Maiy Jane, bv'mj at u!av near
... . i . , I J
ey. eno 8ICZ 'U William, cut h s
tliront, causing iostnnt death, nnd then
tlie diiugliter, ucarlv cutting off horl
Tbi'n the Went in the I'OUwe
llm itunai r I.
and cut llio thioat of her youngest
child, lleorue, nged nbout 2 vests and
five months, tho heal beinij utmost
sovpivu iroiii the bot v. S in nnxL
!a4iiult.,d her mother, aucd iilmui lift p.
e , ,, '
i,iur jcnr, a very lecoio womin, cut-
T. :..-! -.1 . " ...
ittiu tier ill roai so severe IV llmL HllO I'jn.
... ... WBl"'y uiaisuo tao-
IJ 111, .Ul 1 l.v
Mrs. Marsh, the tnurlcrom is about
, ,. ' ', V. ' ,a"oul
27 years, was I orn in County Kerry.
lJ?h' Lw0 i1'0 ,;","'d
t'ti'il Kiiniai ntmt fi.itiaM :. at'.. :
to William Marsh, a bur her, who left
her about eighteen months since tol
..-V ' l,,,B v,lJ
lunl employment elsewhere, anil is now
ssid to live in New York eiiv l I...
i .. 1 . . .
111.11 cmpioymeni eisuwliere, anl is now
.ssid to live, in New York cilv Tha
reputation nnd I'lnrjctcrofMri. Marsh
is said to have b -et. very good, nnd
?ho wis'y temporarily
insane when committing tho murders
llio fae.-s of the nuiitlorvd children.
dressed neatly ill tho snmo cl itlics tl.ev
were killed.
l i .. i. tlio mother,
who is confined at tho Kisiei n District
n., .. .... .11- . ...
II """"l n.l muiltlU Ul IIU KM
i . i t
n-.riuie ueen
c a mud a n:s' a Anns.
KniTuna P.iay Snyder emnty,
In a lew et-t you will l-a I'.llle.l upoi to lek-. t
.t.nd.rd ha.irer, from your .ti.inlior, fur tht ap
pro.elilnx esmpilKn, and t reeuoimend lo your
f e.inri.leritlin, I'm.. Wm . Hentioi n
n a .ml. I, la to repraent tula Senatorial
M.iri.'i in me r.en.10 n reun.ylvniila. I ul.
llerr.,l' party lealty, Inteitrliy, ability nnd
IHne-i will nut ailmltul a i.ietlou ufdutil.ti and
he luvtly merit, tha n.itulnatl .n. Ha will cara
rully an. id and promote tha Int. real, nf hit enn
rtliutni y, and make u.a rei.rt.entitilieul ah nii
we ni.y j.i-tly I., promt, w'o venture tho ..ur.
aueo ilMt ha will eierel.e every elturt to n.lvanee
every pupulnr and lea.lblo .ri,aet wLkh will
anhanca tho Intere.t ul tha wople.
Hrri in ii am or FaASKtaa.
I'.uiTons Post Wa take ptea.ure In reernn
iiieodliia tu tha Ilapubllean party nl ny.ler
e.uinty, I'.rr. Wtl t.tlcv H Hahi.iso, a. s .tilt
able sirin to r pre.ent in In l.eiil.lainre of
Penn.vlr.nla Klred wlih theie.tlul it,, pitrlut,
hit pure Idea, or equal right, and eipinl iii.tlee,
ha wa. aiiimin the llrrt tuuller hi. lilt willing
aorllleo en hi. count r ' niter In the lain .Iruuula
I. ir national lira. I'n..e.lnt: every nuallii,
1 1 make a n l liepre.entatlvo, It would nnl ba
a merited trti.uto to Ida aervli-a and herulo enn-dui-t
to numluata htm by nn oierwheln-InK ma.
jurlty. our ean lldate I .r liit..tlve hunurs,
I'apt. Hnrdlnv, Is eminently nullified Iur nnd
lu.ity tleerrlni( uf tha puhllo fu.t Iur whl.di wa
racoioiucnd l.lto. t' or Hsavhh,
. . UUU..I.1II-. iiiui tfiiM. I'eim. twp., will lie a enn.ll.tata for
i ouiiiy t i.iiou....n.r, to the dtel.ainn of
I Eleetlun. Mr. Rmnls li well nualtlied to III! the
.... i.ri.uiui.'.n riiipii a. in. ... I ntf riin.rv
.V. ne.,
iruoii auuno iiepuuncuD, ana ni l, ll
aiOtfkft WASTE!, an aetlee mm. In
rwaiuita eaeh County In tha State., to
ravel and tske nrdert by .ample fur TEA, COF
FEK and NPIt.'KS. lu autlsbla men wa will
Ira a salary ol us) lo 41,000 a yetr, ahuve I ravol-Ins-
and other aspenioi, and a raaaunabla.coui
luis.lun nn aalaa.
ItnutalUla apn'li-alinna ara anllelted from
ruper ptr.le.. Kateraneoi aichangal. Apply
au.irt'i iinmtiitauiy.
J. I'ACKF.R at t'O.
1 Continental MI1t."
Kit Howar)', New York.
raney Store.
Opp isl.e eSbinIel & tjwinelord'a lrug 81 ore,
Middlcburg, l'u.
1 lake this method of Informing the chi
tons of this plact and vicinity. Ibat I have
Jitai returned from Philadelphia with a
lare supply uf
Illllncrr nnd Fanrj Goc.'s,
eonaisilng of IIAT8. Boy NETS, FLOW EH 8,
UlliltONS, lie,, 4e,. nnd am eonslantly re
reiving new poods and new styles, planes
five me a call before purcbe.iug elsewhere,
will po.lilvely sell aa cheap as auy Milli
ner In this or adjoining counties.
Mtddleburg, April 28. 1870.-8ro
Tbe uiembers of tbe Snyder County Ag
ricultural Society, and all others feeling an
interest in in wolfare, sre requeued lo
meat hi the Court House, at Midd'eburg.
Usturday ibe Uib day of May nest, at 1
o'olock, P. M for lbs purpose of taking
Into consideration the propriety of holding
an Agricultural Fair Ibe coming Fall, and
for lucb other purposes as may de deemed
expedient for Ibe advancement, of Ibe 80
C eiy. A general aliendsnea is ronuasled.
T. liOWER, President.
April 22, 1870.
NOTICK of Inventory of widows
under tha tano Law. Notice ta hereby alvan
that the Inventory ul llarbara llaaaluutr, widow
of U. A. llat.lnii.r, lata or tha iMUouauot' Saliua
sruva, deuaased,
Tua luvaniury of Mary Kgaart, widow of
Mathlai iksserl, lata of FrankUu lown.bli,dee'd
Court of tsnyUor tounty, .od will ba preaauied ui
aald Oourioa Monday, iha sad day of Sta mil
J.CKOUSfc. Ulork O. ii.
soccaasoos to cirraia it cuaw,
Do- 11 Horth Foarth Htrccta
NOTICK is hereby Riven that the
ftnsl sppnint or sVmnM nemlwrllnt. As
rlvnri of (lonrtrum k ot lb Hornnnh or
P-llrnT, will h nwnil lo iha I'nort fur run
firntntlo and at th Court Mnnn In
Mlil'lldlqirs: on Munilajr Slav M 170, hn all
iwrsooi Intaraitad can all.oH If the IMnk pro
par. . J.CKtil'nK,
April , ls?e. v I'rolhoootary.
the Mrmbers and Stock-bolders, anil
others In. era. led Ibat lite Pelin.ptrote Pa
ving sad lluildinft Assoclaiioo, tbiough its
I'resident nnd hreretary, bsta presents I
their ppli.lnn to the t'enrl of Common fleas
of Hnydrr county, si I'eb. Term, f70.pray.
Ing s.iiil Conn lo allow said Association lo
alter and amend lis C'ons.ilti.itia. That
aid applies! Ion Is (lied In Ibe l'rollinnois
ry's Oilice and will be preteuled for eon
Arms.inn at May Term lien, uoless eni.e
shall be slmwn lo tbe contrary on or before
ibe firet day of next Term,
3. CUOfSE, rrolhonolnry.
April 21, 1S7C
UTilST! Klf.S N'OTTcK Notice in
hereby fdrtm, In all nncrnMt thil thf
fulluwlnit nint?l rroni hnv pettltl thrlf mc
fiiiil In Ih Krflntrt OtJi" at M rlillflh.irir.
Snyilfr iiinly, ml thl th Ml1 eetintn will
1 T?n!Hl f-r ?iiflrmf Ion unrl nllnwatre at
th OrphAntt' Court to I held nt MMttltt.nrir, fnr
in futitiiy oi rnjrtier, on inj rornrn miiiiat
n MAY nvat. bliig ttit SVkl day of lftld invnth,
vlr. i
I. Tit fttrnunt of Mltmul K. Hma n!
Atinliin krouv, Admlnl-tmtor of tti tt
of Altmlifttn llrnti-, lute if Jnrl(nn tp dto'it,
9 Th snrount nf Ifpuben Ntlmn and Jtn 1
mUli Mttrbell, Adm'M. ul th Mtat of !
Nftliimn. Hi of MIMl9rreli 1p dettd.
5. Th ttnl Heron nt of Kliixh Wmner nnd
WHllftin Wnr, Adtn'm. of lh Mnto l Juhn
Wgnrr, Into of I'rniin town-hlu, dtfid.
4. Th final account nt A, J. Mltl-lif-wartli.
A. K. Mlddtpflwart", Aimer Mtddlwarth nnd
Joha H. Hmlih, Kxeeutnrt nf th !( ol Hod
tier. Mtddlfwrih, l:it o Maarartvrp. dve'd.
ft. The accftnnl of ,l-irMIrhrt,Oiiardlan of
the Vlnot eh II .Iran of Peter, decvaewl.
6. 1 he acrtnint ol John M. Mojrer end Khan
H. Hwartt, Trtinte anjrlntel bf the (ipnant'
Court nl Httyder (Nitiniir, tn nell the real eutete of
.laob Mldtlleiwarih ilm-ent-l. efter provec lltn"
In Partition In the Orphan' I'ourt.
7. The account ol Oenrire ,f, hchocli.Ouerdian
nf Alfred Walter, and lirl-tln Waltar. .Minor
rhlldran of luae Walter end Laclnda Welter,
A The twand and Anal acmnnt nf Hem !,e.:lr1
Admlnlnlrator of the estate of Jacob llrean, lete
oi .iB'k n nwnui, iieeeif)ei.
V. The Mtoond end fin I ecentint nf Andrew
'RmlK,nna of tha .if iha ertnta ol
I Hamuel Ihiyer, latanl Penn twiideces.e.1
lo. The Itnal aeeuunt of .laeoti I'l.har. Adin'r
' ilia e.lmtn u. lllrhi.l 1'l.liar lain .' lull
I deeeA.e I.
II. Tha aeeonnt nf John Otindrnm, Jr., Adm'r
nf tha e.tata Jaenti P. W.nkalman, lata ul I'tnna
towu.htp deeea.ed.
13. The no. unl nf tl.nlel and t'lvlna
T'nanK.t, Adtnliil'tr.tor. ol thae.tntav. Wllllmn
K. I'nanvt, Inlanf Iteaver limn.tilp, dereaeed.
13. The neei.untol .l.ihn StnlUt, A.lntlni.lrator
nf ihee.ta.e id tle'iiaa allth, lata of Monroe
townihlp, daeea.ed.
14. The nei-iiiiiit of tlenjamln llrntt.a, Adm'r.
Cum. te.tstnentn annetn, of ttia last will and
te.tsineiit nt Abraham llroti'O, lata uf Jaukaun
tnwn.lilp, deeea.ed.
l.t. Tha aeeuunt of Henry K. Kn'pp and Mi
chael lluwer.ov, Ailuiliili.trnliir.ot tna t.lattuf
Andrew M.ek. late nf Wet Heaver twp. itr',1.
in. 1 lie neonunt 01 iieory n. ivnepii, A.iin-r
The aeoonnt of
I jana lir, uta 01 n ivi i.eavar
Kmanunl Sehtwh. Tru.taa
spp-.lnte.l dy Ilia ori.han.' t'nurt of Miytler ( o
In .rll ttia real e.tate td .lhn A. Smith, dee'd.,
alter ,r jccoOlliK. i Partltlun in tht O.phana'
Is. Tha finsl aeennnt ot Henry Vlnhcr. (lour,
rtlan fr Kl.ns heenrr. nnd 8arah A. hat-hri.t
now Snralt A. Mruup, minor Children ol Juhn
Sechrl.t, deceaaed.
lu. Tha aeeuunt of John Mnhn, Adminl.trntnr
of the atata ol Peter Aluha, lite uf Centra tap
'31. The aeenntit nr W illiam nnonk. Ailtnlnl.
rnt,.rui me e.tate of Ktiiih ltaitiKtr, Uta
r" TlTaniZurti i... l.'.ldTronn.,
',;'.,:,".,.,,: ' '
il. The aeeuunt of Abraham I'lelrlek. Pimm
i.ieinrii aii.i .1.....,,. r.wom, n o.'rKi'.i ui
lliee.intoiif .l..'..h lilclrioh, lata ol Midillacretk
low n.iiiprne..'ae i.
S4. The t and f.nsl aeeonnt nf .1. lto?n.
Sinllti. .. Iha e.tata nl Henry 11.
Snyder 1st. of sltlinrure. dt'ei-n.r.l.
H-'i. Tha oeei.iinini hnniaol Kllnlornnd Juhn
KllliKler, I lilardlmn ul tha Miner Dill. Iron ul
Juhn P. Kralier 1 .to nf Penn. townihlp. deed.
tt, 1 he aeeuunt ul Ellra A tlartuen, A.lililnlt
trairU id the e.tete ul W illiaiu linriitan, Into of
Parry town. hip. da.-eaee,t.
is. II. si'UUCK, RcKl.lar.
Mildtthurs. April 'i, li;u.
1ST ()!' VKNDKUS of Foreign
and liutne.tte Marehitndl.e In tha (Vuntv
ol Suyder, State id l ei, ", Iur Iha year le.ti
H'.W lt,vi'.r.
Cls... I.leep.a
lli'Urh-h I. llrnwer
.. IJ
,. IJ
,. II
I lew. It. Vaaaenptiitf
Jusepu . I'
Penry lloiicr
II I,. Kuiulenhuih
Mn.e. SiHi.'lit
J. P. tshlrk
Waller Is llnrlman
Joel) Aiirand t. ri..u
J.din M. Rlne
It. M. Freed
E. ADderajo
.ovA ;M.
J. St. I)nimin k t'o
Johns lieaver
Harrl.-ii. Hruti.e
I .,1X1
lit 1
lu w
lu ou
7 00
7 00
lo 111
7 0,1
7 uo
7. Ml
I inn. ri.uivr. . , , ,. . . ,
I John Msnrer
Phille iienltir..
ll A. Erlenmyar
Oeome llUlai...
.Isenh A. Smith
Samuel II. V odor
Jaenb W. Hree'e
N.innel Wlltetimyer
William ll Heaver
Hsnlel T. Khoada
Milii.lel k rinlnalurd
tlathsriiia Huwar
O. Allrsd MsUuob
John Hnffman ,
hehoeh k Hrntiier II lull
J.F. H.ilt.u.lelu
U.S. Clark ,
(tharlae llnyer II 7.00
Minium . isohnee 14 T.oO
M.tlil n S, hunt 14 T, 0
William lloul 14 7.00
John Kchnee U T.uo
H.rkla,Tr..utiuan(MIII) 14 7 00
Markla k (Mtors) It 7,u0
F.dninnd Yu.t 14 7 001
li.ulel J ,,Kitr 14 7.on
Fraukllu Hues 14 7.00
bchueb at, UruUicr.... 14 7 ,1x1
I'll Wit It Mersnllenah II - 7 00
hnlulit. k Thnrti.y 14 7.00
F. William hehwnn 14 7 .00
Hottuian av Hroiher IS lo.oo
Winner at Uund .ra U 10,00
O. k T. C. Moyor IS 10,00
M.rl. It Hruwn u lo.ou
lluyar at 11. 1. I.r is 10,00
Heiehhel St Moo 14 7,00
I), k V. F. Sluyar 14 7.00
At run Mover 14 7 on
.laoub Shirk 14 7.00
Daulsl El.euhart u 10,00
MeCarty, Moyer, k lichnura 10 to nn
Wanaiiaellar and Son 10 Sti.oo
Hehueh h Itrothtr lu Su.oo
Jacob Waiat IJ I'
HI. . tan, I k Hover n u.tu
William V. Eekbert 13 lo.oo
Kealey k Millar IJ lo.oo
Rubaoh fc Keller 1 10,011
I. II. Mmlih ia 10,00
Kl.tner k Hon ia 10,00
shindal and Wagcnielltr 14 7,u0
K.hwlDtfurd 14 1,00
R. L. Huwea 14 t.uo
Norton u lover 11 7,00
J. 8. Hurkhart 14 T.uo
Samuel Fou.t 14 j,uu
Halttn k Slvluloger ll 1,00
Juhn ttouldroa 14 7,00
Ullet Weiitl 14 t,uo
I DO HF.RCUY CERTIFY that tht above It
a eorrant ll.t of KaUII IMalara la Fortlicn and
Hometlte Merehandlieln Snyder Couu.y.tuhiaot
to a Lli'tu.t Iur Iha year I too, and autlra la hara
bv alvaa that an Apuaal will ba held at Iha
Coiniulttloner.1 Otlli',io Iha llur uahor Middle
burn, on W EIllS EallAY, the Sttb day uf MAY
nan, between the hour, of s o'clock A. M , aud
S o'uluek P. St., at which time and pl.ea all who
ara Initialled may attend If they think proper.
Meroeotlle Appralttr.
Vreraoot, Bnyder County, Peno.
Colleotlona of all kluda made at Ibeabortetl
ao.ioa and on tba moat reaaooable terms,
Conveyaoolog in all ila braaebas espe
dliiuualy eieou'ed. Usana. kloaTOAOas,
novas, ana Msnksof old kinds
Wholesale Pealcra In
dins Whiskeys &
January ii, 1879-lf
Pjibllc Sale.
The n'lerlnnM appolntH lijr Hie Or
fh.n.' j..rl . f Nnyrtar c.ynly to red Iha Ileal
K.UU of J "! Irtrl-n. sr., lata ol Mlil.ll.-rrek
tnwn.hlp, ieeam.. will .all, nn MttN HAY, Iha
NIMTHit-ynlMAV, lM, at lUnVl rk, A. M ,
at Puhllo Hula, on tha prsmixa, all that eartala
mastusga anil
fltnate In MMdlarreak townihlp. Soriter eonlf,
Ta , Iwitin'lfid anil fta.prtticri as fnUnw.:On Ilia
North Or lunit of ll.nrr M lla.m.n. Wax r
tanil of Warren Friliey. pottth hy Inni of .teoo
Aarand, and ta.t by IWnrjr loijrar, eontalalna
and allowanra nf sts per eent. fur m.'! le.,
tilieraon are arreta.l a hikm! kTiiNR IIIU'NI,,
I.ihI IIAHM.and all ne-twary (nil llulMlna.
1 tiara I. ..una vry n.d tlmbr on part nf IM.
land and tha balanec I. In a ifuod itala of caltl
T.tlon and htirhly pmdiietl.a.
Tarmi nada knuwn nn day nr .ale br
.t'lH V n. WOLF, Xruttaa.
Ml.ldlet.tirs, April S, lro.
Sheriff's Sales.
Hy rtrtue nf pertain writ, ef Vend Kl.. Iwued
oat tif ttia (Nmrt nf tt.immon I'lc.ti. Knyderco.,
and to ma dlraeted, will lis expnMd In ptitilie tala
nn tha, In Mlitdleereek tnn.hli, hny
dar enoulT, !., i.n H1HA Y, AI'HII. tnentv
ninth, im;ii, at lu oVIiH-k, A. St., tha I mil
lilad ol a cert. In TRAt'T UK I.AM)
Ituata In Sllddleereek tnwn.hlp, eounty and
Mate afora.ntd. knumted a. Inllio., lo wit i Ou
tha KM hy In ml nl Kit is Keek, Nurth ly land o
Henry Mlr.uh. . l.y Inndnfl hrl.tlan Waltar
euntalnlna 1 14 1 K I Y M-.V KN ACHES, more
or In... r-vlre.1, tnken Into exaeatlnn, and to ha
uio a. tna pniieriy ot H.cnan u. Wai.tss,
a i, Nil. tin the eatna Lay. nn tha
'l.-On tlieeatnada. nn tin nr.iali. at'
ONEo chKk.l'.M .acerimn TNaOToI I.A.N It
Ittiata In Wa.hlnmiin Tonn.tilp, Msta am.
. loaa : IteirlnDtnk at a n.t North two daraa
.a.l thirteen anil and una half pc-rche. tna .totia
theneo alnna tha Putdla Koad North .lily iwo
ilaitree. ae.t twe.ilv-twn nnd a hall rehp In a 1 thenea aln.iK laador Aloamler and Win
I llerlieh eiiutit lo ilnutee. wait tl.iru nt iareh
; e. In a pu.t 1 thenea l.y U111I of I inn lei and Juna
linn Ilriinin North tlulity tu ileKree. aa.t
twenty and one hall i-en-he. lo Iha nf ba
ltnnli,r,c.,iil.lnln ah.ut Til K EK AtKKs. alt
cleired. he lie, I Ukrn Into exacu.lun, and to ha
aul.l a. tha pr..isrtyol UnutiiR Itot'eH.
I Al.Mi -lln MONDAY, MAY 2d, at I n'clnek.
. P. M , t.n the premise., a eertnln THAOt'OF
I I. A Ml, nuiifite In Wa.t Ileal er town. hlp.ciiunty
'andtstata at, .relet, I. Imunded and da.i-rllwd aa
f,.nw, 10 Kit : on the ci.t l.y land of Daniel
llarumny, north hy Pillule H,..l lesdlne; Img
I Adam. burn In l.ewlptnwn, we.t l y land ul Hcu
, hen Mn.lh, and i., ,11th hy land of .l.i.ei.h Pelera.
ruuniT,. an.i iie.criliao aa (ol.
cnntalntnu l.nlfuf and Aere, mora or le.a,
whore m are rreeted a riooli KRA.M E llttlMt'
n,l -.'I' Jk tl I . !' an.l an l.t.-.' ..I...I . L
and jT A II I.E. and an IIIKK. eelre.l t.k.n
: Into exei'iiiiun and lo ba auld aa Ilia iiruusrtr o
hOSWELL. Hill H mti'K.
1 JOHN s. WOt.V. Hherllf.
M.rrlrt'a Olhct, Middlahura;, April T, lo;o.
vaa'ee I waniy. 1 1 v. It. .liar r sillily Newlna;
Maehtne. Thaeheat Klral iTaes Alaehlna lo
tha .Market. Aokhv w iTn is svanv sows,
l.ltieral cumml..luns elhiwed. Iur terma and
rircular, ail Ire.., A. S. Kami, run, Oen. Airent,
Nu. i'JU t'lio.tnut M., Phil., Pa. V7. Sin
In every t'minty In the t'nlted State!, to Can
v.aa I it .ubii'ribvrt Iur the
IXD I ' T li I A L I'll 0 TF.C TOIL
The la'ire.t, l,ndomet and bett psr pith
It-he. I m tho Mule. Very lltwral e .iiiiiiImI'.ii.
pnl.l. A.-tlve men ean tmka Irnm five tu twenty
il'il are per day Siieeltnon euple. .ent tree.
TDOTOU, I Suutu Eighth Mtreet, I'hliiu.l.l
phi... (April M.-.w
1' n. I.1I.1U, i ruprietor.
well known hoi el. located in the
low n of li'iiiri-villo. hue been I li nr e up li ly
rep tired nnd ri fiiie, I, nti.l is in Ibe beet cm
diiiuti lu uci.tiiinuil, tie tltn Irnveling pulilio.
Kvery ellort w,:i be linulo to prouioli llie
cointi.r. of gnosis. A skare of ptiltlio pal is ti.Iteiied. ApriltU'Tlltf
rtEI.IN-UHOVr-. 8NYHKK t;o., Pa.
HEMtV A. H0LKJ. 1'roprielor.
T'llt well known lions baying been re
ft l l by the present proproiclor, oilers es
crlleiit sccouinto.laliniis 10 ill 11 trnve in
cntiiniimiiy. Clioice l:tiois mid Cigars nl
the, und llie Tnbln snpplit'd aril h the
be"! llie ettilkcl ntl'.o Is. A gnud etnldt',
ailuiti'd by careful bottlers, in ctotiiecil.iii
Willi ll.e April fi.'Ttltf
j Ihiullj it (Vs. AtlV- I'WIHt'll'il.
Ur T''lrii -Travallmr slid I.-wul
J i I Tila AK'iit I, r (ha Delaware
l.lle liirurmiee t'u f ir ail part.uf
nnd New .ler.ey. Iteleranre remtlred. Ad.lre..
I llraneh ortl.'e liEI.AWAhF, M111A1. I. H E
, l.S.S. t'O. N. W'.eur.Vlh amltheMiut Ma., Phlla.
AnicKT Wastku
' O U
in 1 miii 1 n a a a at n
illvlna a eletr and Intend)' Intere'tlnnr ae.nunt
ol the innnlle variety ot habit, and iii.hIu. ul life,
ul neatly evory knuwn .tieelea ul beasts, bird.,
fish, I10e.1t., reptile, anil aiilmaleul.e
ul the Khitw. Frum the luuiutia Lnodun L.ttr.
vulutiia edlllun. with I. rue Innii tha
ttiu.t celebrated uaturallsuof llttave. t.'uutplete
In otielnrtia hitiiilsuine vulunieul loa'JpaaeH, rleh
ly llluttra.ed with loud spirited enravliim
Prick down to 00111 uauih, tu efiT thk
us. eve. rihonld out.ll, flva to one, any bonk
In tha Said. Terms the tuu-l lllwral. lull par-tli-ular.
.ent free. A.l.lru.a, A. II. Hubbard.
Pub.,4u0 Che.tnul St , Plillads. April 'Jl, 4
Hook Age 11 Is Wnuled Iii Sell
Ten Years in
Wall Street.
Prononneod the faat'tt tetllna book out. One
A lien l reiHirti n,rdra In Sdaya. It liteludatall
Hint I. my.terloua nnd Intending la tha fueu.uf
.pai'tilallun, 11 yeirt1 e.jierlenet nf the author 1
P.. and I.lvat nt Vanderhilt. Drew, Fi.k,
(lunltl and manv nth.r. fr'HInil wllh lllui p.l l.m.
Oraat Indueement. toaajenu I tteiid lor circulars
to wuouinaion, I'utim a uo,, iiart.uru, cuno.
AOFNM WANTEII 100to Oie Month.
Cleriiyman, hiehool Taauhera, tmart Y'uuns
in and Ladles wauled to eaavatt Iur the New
Tlio I'nMrlltrn Word.
Tly U.sisL Mu n, author of tha popular
I Dvatiea " una ina.iar in moment nno
l-n. .k.,. ... nnl.,1.1 plih.. ...,l lu....ll . In
the Orest Huu.a, with IU ltloiinln Bower.,
.n..l. , . , . . . tl' . .. , ..aim. Ilnllln- .ln,l.
Heitillul buw, Kaortd iiu.lllMi', lel'"htful
Hlvert, Jllnlity octant, Tuiidtrlna vuluta, Hit
lng heaveua, and vatt itiilverit with tounlleia
balnua In mllliunaef wurldt, and reads to ut In
each tha I'nwrltttn Word. It uae tinted patsir,
ornate eonravlnm and tuiarb bln.llnir. Hand fur
circular. In whleh it a full deacrlptlun and unl-
eollena pra'eeaurt. In the ttrunaert puaelble lan-
-'.". wu,m.n.ii.iiu. wy ina pre.., miniaiare anu
K- V; Mocurdy k Co., lo bout
boutb SUlh
, uiiaueitim, ri.
L l.lrt Inauranea Company wanlt a number
nr unnd Aaanta alto, a aood Uanaral Aatnl fur
HHUhura ami vicinity, alao a U.iitral Asen. fur
theOertnaa eoaa.lea or Pann.ylvnnla. Addreat
Hume OUlca, No. lis South sta 81, Phlladalphla.
ttrmtr viptn thoi'and sow rsauv.
, MY GEO. It. NAPHKYS, M. 1).
Tba noil ratotrk.bla tuecata nl tha day. It
aallltiKwiih uoprevailontad rapidity, lteuutalnt
what eyary Man and Wuuian ouajht to know, and
law do. It will tare tnnch tuHtrlnar. At tha unit
reputable w,.rs upon the tlusle and married Ills,
It It trn..t reouianiande.1 by Pruf. Willi. in A.
Hamniund, Pratt. Slark, Kev. Henry
Ward Haachar, Hr.Hu.hnSII, Mrt.R. II. rilta.un,
M. !., Prof 11. N. tailmaa, ale. Htluaaa.riy
for. the AKtul't work U ta.y. Baud stamp fur
paiaphiot iu., to '
- UEO. MACLEAN, Pa hi I. her,
II banaoui (Street, Phlla , Pa,
. " . . S School Strati, Motion. Mass.
AprtOsw) WKaataa btraat, New York. ,
IWAS.CUKED of Vaafjiesa and Calarrb
by a simple Remedy and will send lb
receipt fret). , lira, M. 0. LKOOISTT,
., . . lioboken, N, J
TIIE MAGIC COlrin wilt ehsnge
any eolorad balr or beard to a perma
neot bleak or brewa. ll eaa.ainaBopai.eai.
rwr- 1
Foa FsxilT ftr, n'trlr, ft rep, rrlmljr.
Knits everylWipg, Aftnm wanted. Cir
cular s ml .un t ie sti-rltltig f PKK. AtMre'S
Ma., or 170 llroadway, N. t. Feh.lT-rim
TllT WDOnK A roTOVAl7TF.Er.F.:
(5RAVIM.S 111 81 ,N. V. An
body ran sell them. Chenp. fell fast. I'sy
bs ntlsnmrly. flend for pew Clirnlnr. y
.uanui.eiurer., 7a William Ct.,
la Iiearhnrn Straat, Chlrano.
New York, ft
(April. 4
Ty .t. II. rtATiT.F, tdltnr f the all I..K
Reimrter. IlKINtl an KXHfMKnrTHKIR NK
r K y. r K IT KK. I KH K M i N I F.H and t I M FH,
With a full and anthen'lP hl.tnry nf Ptit.YO
AMY and tha Mmaivn ISaot, from tls orlnlo to
tha pte.cnt tlmp.
I 1 IITUW fid and Inferior works nn
V r U I 1 1 111 tha Mnrwinn. are nalnf elr
enl.ted. Hea that eaeh enntalm S3 flna enr.
Tln. and 4jo pniie. AtlENTH WANTED,
satt'l fur 1 Irrnl.n nnd nor tenet an. I a fall
le.erljitlun nftti work Aitdre.i NATIONAL
I'l'IILIMUNU to., Phil idelphla, Pa ( Apr,4w
WuiH C
AOarmaeh aludy and seletine tnre.ttyi.tlon SI
to ttia remedial qualities of Caanortr Arip, fir.
Wall. ha. fl.euversd tiy prniirciml,lnallrin wlik
nther arilele. In the fiirtn uf a Tablet, a epaeina
fie alt ntinnnary dl.ea.e.. Thaea 'I atdet. ara m
si RE( THE rnr alt dl-eate. . f tha IIEPIHA-
i mi imhh'., wtss issiisr, im.n,
I c,,u' 1 J11 K Vi YMX A.AMTH M A.OATAII Hit,
fur Ktttney dlineultle.. Pnif-a as rasva ess
.. - ... n.-,..- . . . hi., m auv-r mi ... icuitii.
Hot. Must itv mail noon reeelpt of nrlra. be
.li ill M q K El. I. t. 2-iiiin it.. Nw York.
April !,- rule Aaant for tha thltad hUlae.
ti:. Vl.Al.S IX
It tjo'tttles the lli.inries, Myalerlvs, and
Secret Doings of Wall Street, Liro Skeiclioa
nf III Men, theepeculslioiis in Gold. Stocks
.(p.. Women Spec.ilslurt, and all that la
great, powerful, splendid, mysterious, in
tereeting, wicked, stnsting, wretched, eta.,
in lite focus of .peculation. Vorlraits of
Vniiilerlolt. Iir?w. (loul.l 1' Jr . an. I
many others. Kuzravines of noted plsces.
, . . . . ...
i. tie nnn r-cenes, He. lonvaasing Hooks
free. Sent! for circulars lo Wobtiiisotos,
IM stis & Co.. l'ublisbcrs, 118 Asylum 81.,
Ilnrtfurd, Conn. mar. 1-4 r
TO ;0M1II ;S. rrovidan
tlally my dsughter was restored to
lienlih by .imple mentis, n ilbout medicine.
The particulars will be aenl frco. Ksrnss
V. IltKHow, Bioclon Street, Il.ooklyiu,
Long lelond. i msri.-1-lw
rnms is Noiiu.Miiio i :
X Hy sendinp 3) cents,
with nge, beight, color of eyes nn I bsir,
you ss ill receive, hy return mail, a current
pifiine of your fuluro oe wife,
w ith mine and dole of n.siTinpe. Ad-lre-a
W. FOX, P.O. .No. '.'4, Fiilioiiill. New
Voile. tiiar'JI-dvr
rVjXSl M lTION li I50NC 1 1 PITS,
AKtbnis. nn 1 t'slu'rli curetl t-y iiha'a'
tion. A'jhotts liibnling Flui lis llio only
ri'niedy Ibul ppvrates on the) ungs-iliiaolves
bu Inhere e.. uh e , .en ihrn.. n- .1..
!eviile. i.l ....I . .u.. i. .nn....i t' ..
iiienl by letter or in pcr.ou ci.n be bad onlv
ory VAX Hl'MME... M. P., Id Weat 1-liii
St. N.Y. mm
Iur tici'ntt'fce nuts you can ttu
of your D. ujrj'tt or (Jrwxr a jvirf.ajr
of ib'ia .V"S 1'ariiif, maniijwturr I
from pure Irish Mum vr Vurraijcen,
irliii l, Kill nui.e H'jl en quartt of lifanr.
Minjc, ami a i'L-i quanti'ij of I'u l
llinji, CmiarU, i'lcann, L'harbUf
Hum , .Co., tf'c It U ly fur Hit
ihe.i:iLt, l.mHhiift unifjnwtt dcVi u
J'uo'l in tlie u-ffll,
Kami Sea llom Varlne ( o .
5i Path IVvcs, N . V.
riaistatiort IliUcis.
8. T.-1860-X
This woi.'tlerltil vt geltiblr re-torslhe is
the eht'cl-snchor of iha fceblo Slid tlibili
Inied. As a ton ie aud cordiul for the nged
and languid' il nsa noeitial among stom
achics, Asa remedy .for ibe nervous weak
ness lo ubieli women ara especially tub
Jecl, It la ttipt-rerdlng every other stimit.
lent. In all climates, iropioal, temperate
nr fiigid, il acts na a specific iu every spe
cies of disorder which uuderoilocs the bod
ily strength aud bronks down Iha animal
spirits. For sale by all druggists. M'J-tim
wnr. i nan ow,ww rr.nnons PE. -1
3 Dear luallliionv lu their Won. 5 S a r
.I..UC- km .... . -
O.rlul Curative Klteeta.
1 T S a
1 1 r
5 3
j " S
1 &
rAHll VH1SH,
Made of Poor Hum, Whltkey, Proof Spirit., tad
tu iilaaea Iha ta.te. called Tunlm linil.
........ ....w.v, uuuiunni, enirwi nun awaaiaue
art," Hailurert." ko., that lead Ilia tl.Jtr ou
to drunkane.a aud ruin, but are a true modlotue,
made front (ha native Roota aud Herb, el fall
fur lil, free Irom all Alouhollc HtlmulanU. They
erolheOREAT Ul.Odli 1'UHIFIbll and L1FK
Utyi.Nit PH1NC1PLK, a Itrlorl Rnuovator
and luvlKoralor ol the hyatetn, carrying- of all
Kdtt.nuua mailer, and rueturlug the bluod tna
Mlthy ennilltlun. No partus ean lake tba.
itinera according to dlratlluiu, asd rautalp lung
luo will beglirea loan lueurtbleetat. provltfed
tha buntt ara not destroyed by mineral pol.uua
or other meant, and the vital orsaa watltd be
yond of
Fur Hioawmaiury and Cbrenle Rbeamatltm
and Ouui, ly.peieya, ur Indluoatlun, lllllluu.,
rieinliteut, and lutorinltiaiil Faiera, f.Uaaaea a
Iha Uluod, I.Ivor, kldnuyt, and 11 ladder, those
Hlttart bava beeu inutt tuccaMlul. hueh lilt
aa.aa ararauted hy Vitiated blued, which It nt. pruduoed by derangawautol' iha lilguillv
Hi luiiurltle. burtOu tkmuiih tbe akin la Plai-
ivan. tna iiiaiau niwiw wuenever you nnu
plot, Eruption. ur Huiat i eltnre Itwhoo yuu I
i yuu nnii
11 olistruultd and .tUHStih In thevelnti elania It
ben It la foul, and yuur reallege will tall yon
when. Keep the blood pure aud tba health ti
the .yttata will (uIhiw.
PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, litrklag In
Hit ayiltm ufao many ttuiutaudt, ara alleotually
Swtrnyed aud riuioml.
la lllllluu., Ramlttant, and Intermittent Ta.
vera.thato Hlttart have aa e-inal. For lull dlrao.
. . ...ui.y , itw air.iiiav anium aaon
bullla, printed In four lansaauaa usil.a. Utf -
maa, Fiauvk aad " if
OS (Juaitaeree Ml , M. Y.
. R. H. VeUONALH fc CO ,
DraeileU. ami gaaaral Agaots, Has rraaotaea
. , ,, .... n,u., ..UV...V., -
m u
sSSrXv Ell?
a tl W . V'Ktv .3.-9