The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, April 07, 1870, Image 5

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    THE P0J3T.
MtDULEtfVKri APRIL. i,m.
"t'iioi MriTiiic ff,r, rrnpririnr.
TIj litipnrlnllon ttnil l'4ucn
llon vl I'urroiN.
Ofen parrots nre lrintlit h tailor,
fr it. Sn:li Anuricn. nn 1 M it fr""
81J Sift eni li Nono i f them ran
n"i,k hen intro'luccl into niatkrt
The? yinv pai-ml urn I mucin from
Al'ri'-n. The s-ilUs )! th'-m r.t f rom
$10 lo 12c h. nn.i llio tti-nt -n nt
from in ?1 S fmli. Cutkatims
t-titne under the bend )t fumy birds.
'Hi' vfo l r"'iu!i 'mm Autrnl'a and
mil tulip tl. iilcm ilM'i-iiil ?l
Country IYmIuc ant Dome. lie
trv'l, .Wi., ir-.,
So. 21 Sen tii Watch Strbet,
ttrrras:ii'r. .tucoh H. Hieget ft Co..
P,;W M irkcl street; l.lppcnrotl & Trolicr.
J I N W nler street ( Hood, Unnbriglit A Co.
,V:'.l Market Street ; Ex. II. it .lumen Pollock.
Ill pout li till nrrrl; .'vim Wcil Walnut
street; Harris 4 Graham, "27 Arch Mrrfl.
No. 221, North Cid 8t ,
i between Raca anil Vine) Philadelphia
K. l. CUM MINUS, Prop r.
M. M. SWABR. Hupeniitendenu rt.:i3
("1 A I' T ION . Having purchased Hit fol
J lowing named anicleaal Sheriff 'l Sale
and loaned lln same In Jacob II. Lelnig
luriiifC my pleasure. Hit piiblie are hereby
riiuiioiio.l nut lo interfere nor In anywise
meddle with the Minn-tint Wink, on
Cooking Slove, three Bedsteads and heding.
line Stand, one cask of Br.m ly. I Hloi je n.
one bay Mare, on Iron Kcitla. two Chairs.
..lie clu'-i. one Bureau, one Tirindatone.
lot of Com Fod ler. one Paw. one Cow, four
I'mon township, lieccmher H, lsii'1. A Missionary, who kail suffered
. 22 year with Pilen, l turtd, ao4
will tend Hi receipt free.
Kit. FOSTlU MX, Jersey Vity, H. ".
Feb 8-4w.
eott't Pain Piint remotei pain In
.inily, tind heU old Ulcert. Wolooll
AnnibiUmr cure Catarrh, Uronchitl and
Cold In the head. Koid bjr all Drnggine,
nrd s Cbailiam 8qure, N. V. 4
Unnhonilt How lol.
.hl! I iiii1lheil,
How Krulnrrd
a new c liit'in ol
'Mic I.i1l't Ihtii llii'll) f'T Wlilll' i tl TCy Ur. CnWerweirt Celel rnied V.
t tpiin P-'.i. a ' mi
tlnn nlloin rrift-s varMnir
. .a I
1 1 ST'i mi-It ii "i'.i;n! M I'tmny aii'i
iilmi'iip". l'liriiijiii t n'o 1 1 u in I in
.i.i.lli Atnriicn. Africa nii'l Atitrnliu
Siul'ii J K't tut' liiii'il'f'lit nf tln-iit in
i sl :n lor tllllillt!il t( liltfii. liny
nil llii iii to ll.i- iliuli't at lir.m fid
i l, l tn (. l tl''" ll' tilei" fell lln tll
tit I'liii-" nii'L'ina f;rtn $ fiO lo fit'
Mnkil i? nnl off I r. lii'l t fn tn Hit-
a on lb I rmlie! cine, f without
mrj cine) of Hi'rrnmiiirrlineii, or Seitiinul
MrnVnere, lutoluntury l.iife, impotrnry.
Menial anJ pbifiol Imapiciiy, ImpJili
mrnlK lo man tnfc elc. ! lo. Cnniiiiip
ii. hi I ,ilf . ii l Mti. induced ly i-eir in
ilultfeiiio tit texu'tl niriiiniince.
' fnrr, t n ?rtr.l A.'.f.. t, nt nn'.
! Tlir crlehrii' d aiilhur in liii adiuiral'le
ienniy clearly demonstrate ff""1 Ihiny
veate eucrext'Ml I r u iioe. ih it the al'irm-
I mil iiiiii'e nuiy lie run
and ski: tui:
Jit"l teceiti'd in Mingroe oy
lh- i is nnt respectfully Infurmed
that e cominue ihc nieivanlile liueinraa at
nl.l .tti o.l of Me-nrs .Sfhoch.W aireneller
H Co.. and invite I lie alieniimi of the imlilia eiei.nieiiiock of r. U' jhm
reoeired and ullei c.l ul a mere noininul
Written by Himself. In one lar(tt Octano
Viilmne nearly MX) Pncta Printed In
KriRlisli and German. 31 Elegant Full page
EngrnTinga It emhracea Furly ear
liecollecilotia of hi I'.u-iy Life. a Mer
chant, Manager, Hunker. Lecturer, and
showman. No took piihliahed io accepta
ble to nil clasiea. Erery one w inn It .
Ajtenia aera(te from fal to lmi etihscrihere
a wei k. ne otter rilra lii'liieeuieiil'. til
ii-trnled Caliilngue and terma to Agent
rent free. J. U. Ht It It k CO.,
Publishers. Ilartlurd, Cuiin.
Bel'n Jiftnte " " " ? 15
UunauMe a4. k Hrrlat aollatt " oo
AM'n formalilnf Mtlitair retami la April tl It
niviaio i.riHArsm rr.
NarTeror. V lewert. Ao , e errleea Ul 1
niTH T TT'IB!r.Y' , TP.
B. T. Parks, lilllof lr iwa us e
Kspalri In ufllce Jj?iia .
mt aT aif .
Fab.Tarm Orantt Jarura ItO T
Petit Jurors trtl W
Court fryer
1I.M..AVM Mil
Oe. O. Kmltli lor U meals fgfjarore
bt onlsr ot "r
LUDIMII I Jl.l.l " '
May Term Oranil Jurors
pel II Jurors
t'ourl 'rysr
1 liiaTs
CuniUble Rtturat
Sep. Term Oranil Jurors
I'eiit Jurors
t ourt trsr
Cunriaiil' return!
nt at
H.II 79
17 bit
ne a
411 W
-Ml tl
A-tntrsl in Jaaaary I. teat
. . . , - i.r.lrr No lot nf I ana T.
W.M j-nyasreatoroarsof laer sn4 tsaa to.M
A'W lahl nalordononlar -owfofai I
.7.1" rJalnoa .rt... of f 'W IMI
htnry Muiwr on O'rtar o seaot i9
D.BMlrlh on unlsr . '
V HwlnsloH lo it . no
J.'M w eorlck Ho t4oflo
Jol.nl4rr dii ei no
Mlcbsel i-chwn a earlons orrtett
H. Krnllh oa onlsr No. si ol lat-t
Abrsiiam Mer ,. k,.1'"
Jsenb Main naeren Ihrat arilatt
Keary A. mlin n lwo or.lers
J i t'ii'inl order No ol tset
Jselilr ."n tin.laorl toeouoty
- Int. ret ! J maary ls isTil
V as. Itatuss for ItiMrtSl
I tl
li. u
eonMOMWiaiTtl osra.
Tbtfomrnonwealih ts Iht following per
sona, f.r wb chihtcouuiy paid tvi, to ail
l..l.k ttrnhsrt 4 6 t'i
-m M
witlitiol driits. rnr
How mali-
iii ten hours
Circulars, ad liess
.... .... mm ..I a. ll uliii.M nuiv l.e rml l
Siinlc-n Mli'fs ill liu'iitlia Pi' .llinr ! rally cnud wiihmit the dineeroua u-enfj'n8 i,r v ,i(; i.U Ml.l'.ll i.
1,1,.! .Il.ty, M tl CM id' fr.lll f.) f.O t-1 Intel mil medieilie or llic a ( diculioli r Ihe l Alii:! 'lit r.ESW.HE.
$: !,. Mil Irclcnt lllt.-.iliot. U'-- l"" '''VriVl Vn,r inso'l CEUAIIW Alii:. Mlll-IN.-. SALT. FISH,
.. . ' ii il 1 "ii.t e, eei-iuiii and cftri-tuiil, l,y means ol v . ..,,v viit-;,
:,.,,1;..L.. t1.,t. .HOVn.roM.u.L.s.r J -li ,,,,.,, V,, rj .,trl.r.T. i. matter his 'Ll ,' V
i: in 5s1 I '?!. At two Jinr old tlicy i ,.,in n, iy be. may cure utmsell cheap- 1 ,u" '
Hur u.'ire stoek of floods has been selected , .U B, Viuegar Works. Cromwell Con
with the irealet care emiirai-iiin rxerj-
. ..... . .. i t...
uni i Hutu Mil ifipi.i. nt mi ni iv i,i-ivire v aim raiiit-iiuv
.i l ft-n t.. I'nt.i: 'I his Li-i-t ore should I. In I lie hands of .
.' . i
I'.ve or l. Vrni ti"0 iii; riivi llirtti. ;
n client.
Itt il ii tU".iM-'a
lluir v:i!uo in jiri'i'i'i-
er.-rj- yoiiih and every uian in I lie l-u.o
uit under teal, in a plain eneli-e, to
rrieiiii ol six
A'i. lr. Ciil-
i ceuis.
i:itro)-aii Mitiiifa-liir ol
lit IM a.
A Viontin jiiuriinl pivi-s lln tli-l-ii"
f f tl l-ryii'ar ja'flll f III tliiifuilniit'll
riiiiiiic I nt ti if in e. wi'tip'ti. jewelry
lnvriici" ntl'l nmii'l fit. whirli. tin i 111
inny a'l-iies, pisip.uu, oil
ci nis. or two post sinm s.
I reraell s ' Marriage liuide,
I A bliess the publi-lier.
j l HA.". J. C, KLINE i Co..
I i:T lioaery. N. V.. '. O. it''-
pi ice .
Please pire us tt call before pureh.i-in I
elsvwheie. We l ike in showing
our gooi.s, as ae arc culiliilenl llt il at ale
M-Uii.f cheaper Ihau ll-ey cm be
piiri'liaed i Im del e.
il.e hiiiet iii.ukei piieea paid fur pro
duce and all kinds of iiaiii.
P.. a; ?: . M lldCll.
r-'.'linscrove, .lime Tlii, liTif
a.itcrnai lie venue.
The Whifkey lling. (Inl.l Hiiitr. and I'rnw
back Fraii'la. lbvuliting systeinHio rob
l..r .f the I'll1, lie Treasure. Oiir-ltiifed
le re.lalious. t on-pir-ieira nml I on , muh. so foei
Ihe (iorernmenl IMlicinl 1 iirpiUHle, inal-, tlllttm s. haetik. plantina trees
leasaiiee. Tvrannv and Coiriiplion. Tlie 1 II inns-r. repairma I k at Uisrs
most MarHint:. I'a'.oinaiinir.lnMriieiiTe ami -; M"J ' '." kionliim wo d
... i, i. . - . ... i-.. i. . i :..!... : J I'" "" "r '
nnporiani f oa jei piniiisnen. v ouininuii. , j, ,i,n o. m .utier, l pneni i-uniri
autlieuiii! facts, in-lu-i iinible evi, -nee. i .1 w.liree
leo. Term Orand .Inrors ll 13
Petti Jurors . 7 M
t-i.utt i rjer l o
1 iwtsves 81
t'unsuii'les' returni w ta
671 la
Hiram Schwenk for etcanlna Conrt lluusa u u
.laek Il.ia-rrsux, haiilllin fiJ los e al I 00
Jolm minK " " J ""
i-.A fc J li .ien.ler " " "
lril H-limsil " SaoJ " Ii l
.l.iliu II. Walter " '""i "
I ,-. !seto.eli " lf " t
! kerl A lleillir, ehslr for I .-nrt erier lu wl
lllll-ll IS i-iw ll.,..ri.i ........... . -.
ti :ulrs "I rlmirs sn.l wlmlow l.lllols C II wliiel.iM. repii-K eliulis, bllliils,
.n , aii.1 seven ollt -e slum 19 34
AMirlylit fswloei.ini, briek and flslnif
waler course in t'l h-oise lot, Ac. St Hi
II. I'. H-iyer, trees ur saint lot 17 wo
t. I.. ituihmat'Oi. le-slos; trees Ol
A. .1. I'sters, ireigl.t Ac. on liockets,
st, -I ,i .nips A '.
brmitit. iiui-kets. brushes, Ao V2 Aft
t. s.t...k. i.,r latnir. cleanii'tf Mrs.
s '
3 uO
f.r Aier.-liaiiiii'.s ae.
i-n,n-U. I .reusl l-1
. . .! . ... i - ii s s
sworn lesuuiuiijr, ij.opie.c in ...e eBlk.r .. lsos-fc
I ft
4 DO
4 tsl
i :
1 M
II 4i
w "s
w.'i 41
John W. Orwlg
Joseph Eysier
I). T. Bhoads
.1 II Itauhenaltln
Jacob llower
S. Qrose and Ed. Slelningcr
John Walker
Itobert Scblotman
lleliy I'owerso
Levi' Fisher
li.lni For . N r.eutt
Mavid Mvfltn
lieuben nook
Jetfeison ".'.oWer'Ot
tieoi ite & Aaruu W iesl
Oilier tirove
A. J. Kes,r
"niiiurl Kicbl t
Lewis Kmg
Itichar I S idcrt
Min.nn Shatter .
Susan Hoycr
.1 li ti Sprtcli
l.ainey. Meek. el. at.
Win il.iuimel & Win. Mutfr
Win. M AMi-oii
Frederick Cliuhb
tr.ah llenold
8 75
H ii'.i
41 4-1
4i 41
ui ad
3 1 r.
1 40
a ta
2 tin
2 SO
i ;,i
4 :.
77 is
u 17
IT hi
r. a
I in
4 ml
s ;
& ii
ti r.s
1 l'i
1 1 Jo
,,rm the eilltr
iSiniie that I its preparas.
.Ki AND WATCHES tbtap,
,ii-lv. Tbt palronagt of the
put lit t. f.-tpeotfully aoPeited.
is . uiin.,
Mld lleburj. Not. 21. IffiU. ,
lo re
or he iintKisv on en that tin-
iiiidi-rsipiied hns put elia-eil ot r-itm n
litnati. f',r V lll.e reeeiv. .1. lb" t.i.l , iep
lioitii'. Will UlirV trt HI in Hit! lUlirii hi pi.rn.nal pM erly. In wit.- "ne i "ainvt
fi'niiV Allinnil'l i-.l!i'l'l.ila it ii'lli .-lore. 'J'.rs. 1 Sink. 4 Slioii". ft lied-
V..i. I -le ids nml IU-'l .tinif. '' I lian. I iioi-hinp;
-I Iniir. I b-a l oi nay
tint in (.'iilniriii'. I nn-, !nii ls. ell
tcf. mm i. tin r tiii-. mero hp- i-iiii:i- , ( lr n ,;,.,,. , i n...-k : ntnl having
lirlil lli.ililllai tc fit's fur tlm r-iii!li tuiit ,., ,i,, .... I,. ,1... i,..,.s-ioti of the sii-l
of t l.i'M' nrl ii'!f. i It'l '" il'ir II I'i-ll' Siumii .e. Iiman. n I p.-i.ons
ii'iinl i r, ti'-t i-l i 1 tin v'11
I. ul ii'm if nt"i il-rii'o in I i' 'I In'
nre hen-bv
MIliDLEtll rtii. l'A.
J. A. MUiLNKI kt.R, rropritUr.
rtviafstojiKKs orru (
Alirahsm l-yer. Ule f- oiur,
1 .l.i.eph W'enneh,
J.itin .1. M.llli-rn do
lsae s. I.oniist-re, ilo
A J. I'.-lers, elerk to ibl
4iU 1-0
4IU 00
to isl
I'M 00
i-aiitu'lii- I ti"l l" inlille
i-ha-e t lie Mii.e.
Wmnl fur tl v Ui'Oiflit IDs- is run- i
lu'.ly ihiM ii m.'i -:n vt i!. tin w ' rtii
lii. '.in in tilii''v prmltiifil I'V piint t'iro
I lii run ris and si. ii 1 1 nut It lira riil l i ll
v. il Ii (.Hii'-l ti jn r. till tfl. Iinxvl find;
II rirli t!;il'k fi li r Hil'li tl. Mil
tin n dust tl.P'wn into 'If isiitikrli party,
l-'ii'ijiii'iitly tt .fiitiiiic pi' t o i t ol'l I'm
niiiiiv i- taken ilivi.'.i ii into tntmy j uris,
ntnl mrli put ti'iitli' tin1 riii;n l:itii'ti I'"'
Ml urt I'.rial Ii prii'liUli'-ll id li t' l.('t'.
'I l.c t Hi -ft. i f iiiii:-f, ifi fAiiP'ly tin
H'li i'. m il fur all in I ii li nt' lir ora.
Ill" 1 unit nrvr i- tit i;o- il ii tlii1 L-ftiuiii'-
I iv 1 1 . tli'-u. tl.i-ii'V l! 1'iii-c I tint out'
f as)
(i.'iin -I'd Mis Cit'l
nli, inr put
J. r. I l.SII.
Fib. I. I"'-
i. i :'.: ( I'.ai-t.
Ik Mi I'l'ssi i! TO
t(iM:nioF.i;s ami fiiiitukks.
.Ml. :,:. NilUTIl TlllliD :U'.,
I ill Is. lU-.I.l'll 1 A.
A fii'l ii-S'.rtini ul of Cotifecili nerr,
I i nits. I ire W otks, . jriii r,
1 ly Ac. ill" li s on hand.
The Midi i signed re-peclfiilly annnnnres
to Hie eit'' lis ol Mi l lieburg and vieiiiH.
i ml Ii-- v. ill ill nine t " in ii li ul ml
I MEN S STiitiA.
I KIP and FINE f.ilnTS. j
' W ..tut n u li t Chili-en's SIH 'I'..". I
And in !ivl i ve rj iliitij; in his line, in ihe
: InU'sl style i.tnl ai'luw prices. Work mild.' I
1 to ot. lei- ul ihe tliorn-l unlive, liivc hint n ;
'.cull bit 'ic going vlse-'hei-e. I
tllllAM St 1IWI.NK.
I. W I'm " si- lamps c
P. Swini-t.ird table shelving .c
In vault
shin-re m Swlneionl, Mil for paper
Ins. Pens Mti'l m. Ones tot uuiwO
siol I'oiirt It u
S. Wiit"iitner, lor llrooins, llurk
el, -stall. .nitry A
.tae- o Auraini, I. M Postsm Ae
A.J. len lur llui LcjU ,suii;i
rRi'THnaoTAnv's iirrn a
V. tl, llottnes, alol olketr, 1 rel4l.t
on lloi-kets M I
j. i r.oise. l-r.iiiry. tees fce for is-it
at, I part of Isoo . . M
V. w. .oliwsn. Matlonerv. Ii k. Ao a 4
Miln-I e is lio-l,ir.l. Miitliib.-r). 117 uj
S W Ii tei.tnyer, llr is. ilo l.auip, 3 :
J V. lree-e, Mltiitrii-s for nt'l.-a t 77
j. f'roiix. I'm' b y Hint Ins bill lur
f eci lor ImjII In I'li'l f 1
17 tit
li e l
tl 74
4 I.U
ism 73
KiSiill.W V. MALI. lloTKIi
let a lis. " au3 ti
t' Tfl I I-i'gisltitors, Farmers, nicehatiics. mer.
HOI I'. 1 1. Ichitiits. every ciliien and laJpaier. are sit -
ireelly iniensied in Ihe siriiitigi-ins.nriiliees
! iiiarliinaiions uti I rritiies of viri-npl poliii
, . ..... . . .1 . . . ii . . i ..
icrtns. I, lien iiisuiiers, inii'i iiiiinoieis ........ i,.i tsi
' . .. . - ... it. i.rsiw. "
I .li awloiek lin gers olio cr-my nnitelaciin r. t n,,, .u.nii, Maimtieiy, Ho'tsge Ac, 4J
l aving ItiKen marge oi tins eiu nnu sen , i'ui,iwie, in nlie alliiiciivp voiiiine, anoin ; l'r. t . vv. isrnwsn, fimi'i'i
Cupl -uard. I lliin-ati eslablishi d Hand, the proprietor propese i -,,, B,.i. f,;,., p .es. wilh spitili-d Jllna-
o ite vote in i iii on . in . " . " e tt ttt tons i rice low in sun i ne i uin-s..?.i,i.i..
i f his Table .mil Pur and the Bicniiiini"! a- . tol I by subscription only. Send f ir Cir
lion ol l i.ih it. mi tit. 'I I" it -l. lie soliviis a ! (,.lP BI1, MlPci terms. Wm. FLINT.
I, I. ,1.1 shine ol Ihe J nl.lic patronage. j Publisher, Philadelphia. I'a. 4
Jaiiiiniv Ir7n ly
.. 1- - ANATEUP
A. liOiiT A Mini: MAMKM'TllV.!-.... ...4 . , i..l,l
'mm - . . t mm !. .h bsjh-.
AIM Msl tl l tllllO J VHllil"!""
nm tiik
Flmrrr nml Kitilun An.
o 1 1 li eilition of this popular ork which
has n, el iih so much l'..v ,r in the pasl, is
ii, iw mil)', li In" hem re-wniten and
iniproved. printed Willi new type, and on
line paper, illus rated with a bciniiltil
l.ii houriiiili.ulid mttiiv oilier l:tie eiiuv ivini:-
from iini'iie. Il roinuiiis lull di sciipiinns I , iiltu
,, . cul.uro of ovei- I.....I lea,..g ' v, i-1 ".7 Pr"t K'
elies of rlowers ati.l V egelabli-s ; nlsoilc- i.,ekets .e. t S 17
...... lit. Ii.t nl ll.e Ilovellles of I hi. Iile.elil S. If. eLU-a l-r lliin-ls f t ti rs nm-e
season ' lo which IS tl'l, ll'il IX Colli l-lloll nT
Jim choi'-e I'reiich Hybrid tilulioliis. Thin
i k, w e ici I cotili.ii in. will votupart lu
voiably wilh uny similar one.
rots I. in luiritfli, notier, .
in jei;.TS.
V- II. Wagner for iiniiesi e.n
ilea, I Innl) of Abr Hiaus, vf
Jack-on lowiiship f 17 30
S. A. WeiK-1. for lii'iilest nn
dead bioiy of Noah Aigler of lowtishiu 1.1 If
4 70
:. Vt TV liiiril !
pi:n:it i not i. v rr,-
r f Ik nr u. Iirin Kiniu'W lit.t iidi iiiK-ni j vcst llcavt-r Tw'p., S':iKr C., 1'.'.
in yeiiM. IS r i!a':lit' r I.y 'ti i . n
Mt'iilliilii; la-, W Ii 1 1 'Vftl n LiiO'l Irnlie. I Tn;r Noiice thai I have piiri'lin-u'd Co
lllid W l.o liti-w V 1 11 ti'iw lo at i-IH' igiave Hail lion I. where I mn a. ways pie
tiji. l.x.lia innl nrraiiignl ii jin ki t. f iled loaeciuino'liitc 1. oei s, Su ang.-rs.
il tl,,: yi,... liuiiiU nil.! Iii.-.i vv, rv j ';; tb. eral In tuy rhnrpea and en
nil 'n I'linii In the inl'lst td tin- tun , ,,,,,,,, , hf evei.vb.ol.v well who favn-
t ii.'Ju-il i.i iYavi-n In see Imw , ,is rit-l.nii. II "U are Hal satis-
the widow I'afril. 'Ill 'aa n ' 1 ti no charge, liiwj nn cii',l.
t.l ,e....iv...l .1 eol.e of ii,iii hoIisi'IiIv l.eial.i. II. if .1 seotl lloasr to L'slkin
gatten up A.nnteur C. l'tv iloV . tit.ide 'l i yu jumt. to l W " "
iliink il tar alicnJ of 'Hivi nn oi 111" kiti-l z: 00
' i. ..i. ..It .....I ti.oo tl.A l innii.i .ti I n.sL Ait.i L.triMt ir 1rl.ftnpri Jkt
pirr utrii'iv m s wist mv .miuiv nt i a-a-i . - -- -
; press,
j Suit to any address upon reeeijt of '.'-'i
ceuis fur paper cover nnd .Vl ceuis lor
iiusicl'ully bound in il nh.
WASHiU'P.N ft CO..
; Hie Hosl'iN. MAS..
nml I.idia April
... 1....1 ' -
T M l-U.-'l
I'lllbki t l'i llif lli' l l illn lit.
w:i mil i f ti 1 1 piiti.-iii r S
l,o vi,ii!tl j;", ini'l lituiliy gut u;
' I Hi. ii ni-nn." -iii'l tni'tlirr Cull,
lint tlrnk id t'.'it)-.' I'idiTi' Ira."'
Wi'M. I tntln-r tliink I w i'l rn-t. n
t tit fnlk" will tot I'Xpi-i't llic Iminu li ti
t.l urn r iturk "
U'liat did lie t: y I.ytl'n!'' oskcil
tlu wiilnw.
I.vilia I ti'l n t i'.'i'iy nnt?r.
"II.' s:i a lie will in t. tn tiny. nintliei'
(l lii fi.'.ka oxpt'i-l him liOtne ln-1'ol-i-it
ilurk. Wliy lmw vi-ty tlvnf ynu
itn ni'.ilicr."
'(Vwi'll. sniio tiny ili-m-on. w""i
ynit ?" K.iid Mother Cull, if she hIiow
nl tin' ili'iiri.n mil.
' Stunt t yii I, tlitit," iai.1 the i l'l d.-fl
rnn Innling: nli'liir lmiiie. ''Slc'll
liml htrwnv ilirmiuli, I'll warrani." I
J'lfiN .i y IN WiniK. A Ynnkoo
Vfinv hi' trust i? tn find t ho caMi'ft nnd
slt-ntost wiiv if itiiii'fT a jnli, na tho ful
lw laijs nmu-iuir story slinwa :
A fspniiiiin Ynnkep nt l.itisnn. Cf .
who wintod input n waterpipe llirfuijh
n ilrn:n ao-(fal fiit liohnv tlio BiirfBcp
itliOHt difptinir iii tlio ilrnin. tietl n
ftrinj to o oiu'a Ice. thrust I or into
otic nf tho drain, nml civini n tr
rifio "Vrnt!"tV Mine fjii'i-kty ap
peiirod at tlif other oinl. Tho pipe
was ilrnwti tl rmipli llie tlrain hy means
of the line an'! at in expense of ten
dollars saved Ly tho ofterntion.
A Mi'thnilist prencher who waa nn
Ins way tn ft cntnp-iiirpt itiir. hnpprnod
lo that lie Innl Irlt Ins born at
In inc. nml n Unit in cci-ttiiiily very
tiacful in calling tho Inmhs i,f hi flock.
hv sicpppil nt it t in nliop tin his way, for
tlio purpose or piircli-issinir ntio.
'Vill tlita make a huul noise?" ho
n-knl. actt-clin' one tL:it appeared to
suit l.iin,
Oh, yet a hell of a noise I'' mi l
tho tinker, producing a piece of paper
U roll it up.
' V ell, ni I wfti t it to liiotr at
ratiipineeiing, 1 curat) it id not the tort
I was looking for."
as j .
r.iiY x ro.,
it ( !. i:sa 1. 1: anocuns
CO.V.VISSHi.X .l'.7.,f7.-I.Y7S,
I'iweni Filth and SiVu,
7.lly lilll.M'l l.l lll .
VI'.W 111 1 1.1 M Mi
11 am M'.w r kicks:
The uti'l.-rsigni-d also ill. is Ins services
lo ihe public as Yctnliip Oyer mid Auction'
ier. Ilaxi'ig had a I nge expel ieiive. I t.-el
.-..ntidviil lliat lean give vt Is ct salisl.ic
.ton In ail w ho clnt lov ttie. lin e me a Irial.
Middleburp. Pa. Jan -, 't-fif
J S. Ill T.KI1AKT,
$t l.'njrve, Sny'l r Co., 1'fnna.
Keeps constantly on hand a large and
well m ide iissnitmi'iil of Tin, Siieeinruii
ware. Stoves, Ac. Ac.
He is Aeui for Ike following named
" TIIK MOKNINli lil.dUY."
l.itllefield's 1'utt'Ut Improved Bust I'.iirtiing
COAL- STOVE. I . . . . , . (
In .hi. pattern nf Tn JlmmM! t.,orv. J l.oillS. CASMMKI'.l'.S A VKS I IN.iS,
several new nnd in ponanl features have ' " ' " '''I ' "'"- ipialny which he Is pie-
I ecu i-uibodieil, which call only be seen lo r-""' "' "'" "r .-. r . ...
. . i. I -n.ia i..t. in... I.. .....I short notice, lie nN'i keeps lo-own nil I
f.UYli''VS suit tr. Uht
i.n I '.. I
S. Wifetiinyer, MatstUtAc fordetk
in ..ill. a
!3 dl
snrnirr's nt-rii-K rues kc.
tianlel Hnl, i i.r, Mfti'l. b I is of fits ti w,t
1 05
i ;
1 No. (til North Third Street,
JOHN I 1.1 MEll, l'rrielor.
January I I. -7U-tf
iVMl'KIi l'A l sr,
Merciinnt Ts.ilor,
in ami b-es as l'urtiki-y 1'.
H'isr,lliik i ti-. I. 1 t1,l ij s ;l W
" ir.ii.h'iprl -li ' il t"
" " J-.s. l,rtoJer '1 " I isl
" .In,,. inker 13 "
Sttinttionlpg Jurats lo . Msy leitn .j m
.io it, i " t " a.. ij
ltosniitig l'rls .i,er-l.. kinu 31 ilnjs 1 ' o
llliler iliova 4.-1 " 'ii W
" " A. .1. Keyser t " A.I 1.0
" t. tLuhli 47 " ii . M
Veessn.l f.n-ksKe !
uitiiu.,itinii Jurors to liee. Term w
lloat llua' I'rl-oliers f ee-A l.oek.ilt 7 10
V. t'hul'll SI ,;,)S 4.' oo
" " .. V. W slier .i " 11 oo
jiiscri x.tNrn s.
0. S. lloyer, Espeiips of Sny
iter county Teai-hert lnni
tuio in Dec- 1'iM S 7 88
J C I'.iichir. E-ip, lijt-il scr
vii es in ihe case nl Silins,
gl ove hank against the Com-iiii-sioiiers
for lniuncii,"!
to rclrnin tliini Iron col
lecting l it on Hank Stock 30
8. Weiricli. Esip. legal service
iu stinie cae 1
A, J. Peters, making F.x'rix
Slnlemriit lo P.oird of Iter
enue I'uiiiinif si iners at liar
risl.urg .3
John Yonn. for Sunup lo
Colleclui's lion I 1
A. C. Sii son, Esq.. for legal
fetvic-.'s in Kami Hridga
case nnd also ill going lo
llarribnrg ill relerciica to
Male laxi l of County 47
I!. T. Pinks, eipetisesin giiiiijt
10 Lewistoiv iii re'erence t i
Iheco'.leeii II of co-Is of
Snv, ler Count v in casj of
11 t'lIlT VS P l 'lt. it t.' ill.p. 4i C'l
H. T. Pnrl.s. expenses, Ac. in
g nii to Mil!!. ii-oii in col
lion of co-n iu cise of
llriiok r vs. 'ennn. Hai-roa I
Coaipanv. and other cses ;i'f 5J
tJoo.C. W cker. as-c-stnelii No
"J-i of I.) coming county Mu
tual Insurance Company 15
Walter App. Jury fees in ihres
cased paid by Jiniial t to. 13
l o LI
Sl I.liTil JO
miin sail annuir. viawa.
At, n K Out ami oihar., It .s, 411. 1
Hri,l. . Vitus. tts-Jti
r ix scat !.
t nosrliirt oii-l oihets t,.r f.i scalps 7S 7
JVII. l.M'KS.-l.
tt A S. S. s-ho. li. l oiil In IS..7-HA9 f IS :i
Waif tiieller A S"in " ' 40
Mrs s. liolilebdi r, cleaning Jail lot
an, 1 1"1'
,. A M ,..r. ler, hauling Coal for Jail
li,s A is'. , , 16 M
Jolm lla-seiinsrir, nauiing 1 man
-4M la
I'M ' -i, vt'te liptr-t'C' be iidmire.l. I Ins new stove is iiia.le en-1 " " ; ' " . "' . I 1 1, ,t,l ti tn ISO
AM' M'- I KKKS--(ir,.lv,,fc,ll.,i,,Jll,sotiile,l,.slobean-.ihln. P''''''''''''''' " ll' a.
Ii. ...... . i,Ui,l wiib sheel iroti 111. ti i crul as-oiiinetil ol gi-iiileiiieiis I tn 111. 11111- ; (, tiruiuier " 9 " 4 it
,,, , r. w(l herol.v' ,- e, , , ref..rre I v the I' 11 1 chaser ! "'""' " itie" ' ,u0 V't'd't' '. Hree.s l-r palllna-; lies. Ao
Af.INSl.II r 1' ' '-. Iierol.x .,.,, when pie e ret by the pun lias. r. , ' , 1 tiisvi-l ll-iu-'U reculrs nt Jail 1st
risiectliillv iittoin. llnir friends an 1 the , .,, t.t.iii. lil-.l Mush is drapery, making il " ""l ',, ....',. . 1 ... . .la..-.ii Wles " e..:. b.r Jail 4 no
.u.t c.w ,..0-u( fr..u,e. ,r ,r,. ! ; ;;v', ; o::v z. t t W'r Mntt 1 w
i'l'liUE in their than any slove hereiolme made. Its in- i l;-k''N ' IU-1 '" 1 '- ' jni it is,.? M
. c'nst ruction, though resembling ' J-i'ie 4. iM.H-if. ;;',',';, f..r llr I..m,... ko a m
W ageiis.'ller on I he Isle of IJiie where they
ouie of I he I, inner patterns i l The Mm ning j
iiilurv i m""1' uiuereiit. milking it moic
X Jl'l I. N A I,,
. . I !.!.. ttis.l I'tia 1 ! illtl,fll!l 111 tin ri'linii'.iil
on the spot so long oecnpjed by Hr. Jncol. : u,0 hiahi'sl order, fullv I I'dned CU-, gy men. Encigei -fi Yo
will scU-cie l ass irlmeiit of
IN THE lTiil-I.E'S
How Tetii'hcis, Students.
li g Men
and Ladies can make f. to il-jlliir
tin. ul h during Ihe Spring and Suunnir. A
lice. Si-lo I I line ami n blress lo
now have and will always keep H luigc uu-l , ' i
t ......... i h.. in i nv sliv VT inr, l.t tin. n. . Cul-y
f',l Moiiiing vii.iiy arc the follow itig : j I"'"!'1'' " Ju"r""1- l'uiliidolpcin. I'a
I, Coi.iinunus liuruiiig. .. yiuilny ol Ihe
I Ileal. v ciillnitloii Ihroiigh ihe slove.
In the I.iiliia' Iirpartmcut will be found; , Ami-llust Smve. &, No Lsciine of liaa.
a lull ini'l oi
1 Iiih i.'i l!iii""'l 1 "r't "I 3 I..1
: !.... Vhuuian hauling 47cu!L ( usl 4
171 tJH
I .tt-BV nmsrVHKiai.Rs
, nrv fvmmlrsitiners lor tlisir ser.
' vb-e Imluotoa Clerk t 7.1 00
in ivr.ii iMit.rtiviiKiT school ii,-t hii-t.
I tl Intel Welrlek Mirvrynr t.iisj
: K v l llr.wartli, c iuiuiloli ner 4 so
ll oii v I'lsh 'lo 4 ;
l'A Mill! ICS,
I'll I NTS.
o, Eoouoiity of Fuel.
m.iiti'-Iul A Tiilit I'tiuki'ny .S'oiv,
tf(l -..''' Il'li'if l-rr-lmX
I fur Wiiixl or Coal.
j rat'eiiird May lUlb, Wi.
A We take pleasure In offering our cusio
" tners and ihe Slove Trade, a Now first-Class
I flat -iot. and would cull iirtiruliir nitration
Striped tltnl I'llCl Ueil Nlilltlll-Li, Sii: tu many uttrurtu t uml vuluttl.te imj-rurr
ALSO . I i"i'-
rt1.r,lt Vfiisli'vtfv t9 ThisStovchaa been carefully tested for
Vtlllll HlllllJ ' I several mouths, nnd the results have nroved
l.lidieH' lire's Tritlilliinga, l.utest style 1 ,n highly sniisl'neiory, that several ol our
Hoop Skirts, French loisl'tri, Lull oldest ami most expel lenced stove dealers
vlvlti llillniurula, Millies' LllHiri'l
fin, 1'iiriiHnl tltl'l Sun Phalli's,
llullllct Kit'llOltH, l.ucm, Kui'-
predici for it a sale fur beyond our ability
lo sui'i'lv this season.
.S.'iufiriy front Jirt-doar$, giving full use of
the lieaii u.
Ah miifioHii mliJr in the oi-m, so arranged
as lo give luure room in the upper part ol
ihe oven; a gieat convenience uiucu ueedeil
Tiit ovrn it Heal ly as trioV ol tht top as
l...ur.l. I'..,. .. I., .-I. .... I ..! ......
I IITIIt' I'Si .iilinir ..,. . ...v. u.vh w, . j isvu.rcr
A SPL KXlll AbbOh 1 Mt.. J ; ,iie i,e, but will be recoguiied at t yisot
fliiigH Kiiihroiilers, Lima
uml l'n cr I ollurs,
Ac, &'.,&.'.
is 5?" 'HiiW&i
r i sj
. LV. ...
7,f SIM7S ss
3aaB 5- ai.a-,
uV m mi
s CI l. a-,T:4- 3
-' "!i --Ti mil I
z s
Two eli-ln citrr.eri 3 00
? a - W ' S. H. Sehueb, Court asd t!eo. I'r.ica.
. 1'rixt'l, " "
-i i H AlM'.-iIoyer ' "
S5r do Apsls, Kecs A tx ti
m,"t H
3 F. Welrlek, pub ftrcetpts sn.l Kg jj
r ' 71 j do do Court A fclio prues 6i
1 ("rouse, rirlntlrtlug. pir contract
s II si-liii-k ('ler ) " "
Lombard A (lilt, "ntirt A Klecton
proe's by order or hsi Itf tin
Ileeilpti. LxpcDillt's A Apals 0
'. 00
svvliFI! roT'VTY. S S ;
W e tae MitiseritHirs, I'otmnlsslarers In snd tor
tlie eolility nleres it'l, l.o eerlily, that tho I ,re
Kiting sliiti-tnent of Ihe beeelpis slid tX-lntl
I in. e nt ths si.1,1 eotititv fir II e veir Istii is trite
j and rorr, et ss staled lo the test ot our knoab
I i.tue slid Is'i el.
i ,lven itti-ler one bands st our ofT.eo In the
rourltioii-o. st Viddlot'Urg this 4iU 'lay ol Jan-
o..rv. A. If. Is70
Jio RfH Wks rii-u
J. .1. A! AT TKBS
IsA.' s. I.i.sini-nu
Attest: Coiiiinl.tluiiers.
A. J. l'KTi"(s, Clerk.
utiiAsinnHs Acrarxr
Jiiet.h Ciirss Treasurer, in ttceuiiul with
Siivlei- ouniy
l (i'.'.i' 'A.
I'o ntnnnnl nf Taxes ouislan ling
for si'. and prev ions years f 122 fid
I'o inii'i of laxes as". forlst'il 7dlJ7U
I' .-h received of Milllin Co.. co-ta
in c i-e of liiitli-rvs. I Vnti-y Ivu
nia II. II. Coinpany
l'iih receiveil of Juniata Co.. costs
in case i f Hooks vs. Pmnsy W i
lli i II It. Company
Cash receive I of Cd Pnxioti taxes
eMeri .1
of Sundry person fjr
luxes riiiei-c I Ale,
' of D Itangler lU-'lcmn.
lioii money
W'tnti'f Arrani.vuieut, Moiitlaj
Deo il, 13 39.
Oreal TrunV Line from tht North anJ
Nnrih west for Philadelphia, New York,
Heading, Poilsville. T-tmio,u. Ashland,
Shatnokin. Lvbiiiton, Allentown, Eastoo,
f'.br,iia. I.iiii. Lancaster. I'olumbltl ,te.
' .. . .. r . V . V . U m
Trains leave lirris uiig tor .sew ,. n.
follows i m 5..t.'i, Mn I. in. 12 ll noon,
and a. OA p. m.. c ni'iecnng with similar
trains on Ihe the Fcnnsylvrnia, Kailroad,
and arriving at New Yotk at IJ.I5 noon,
:l.4'i"..1't. and ln.nn r- re-peotively.
Sl .'ping car accompany ih ' '.Vj a rn. an I
l.iii, ,"ti trains, will. mil change.
Feluinitig : Leave New York al 0.00a tn,
12 tai Noon, and ft.ihl p in. Phila lelphiii at
.I1 a m and :'.. p m s Aleepitig; ears ac
ompaiiy the '.'.'"I a m. and ft.lfl p in iraiit
Iroin Sew York, wit hunt change.
Leave ll-n ri. burg Tor Iteadnu. PoltsTllle
r,iinn.,ini. Mineriville. Ashland. Sliamokin.
Pun grove. Ailcntoon and Pliiladclphia, nt
H. lil a in, L'.o'i and I ID p in, slopping st
Lebanon and principal way stations! (lie
I. In p in tram connecting lur Philadelphia,
Potts' ille and Colutnbin only. For Pol Is
vi'.le. Schuylkill II ivctt an! Auburn, via
Schuylkill and Su'ti.diann tliilroad,
Leave Harris), tug nt il.fil p m
Way )inreiig'"r Iraiu leaves VhilidelphiiX
m, r -t'.i .. . . Mil.... witti similar train
1 !oti Evt Penna. Lailroid. reluming from
Uead-ng al i'..:;.1 p ni. slopping at ail siationt
l.e ive Poiisville at 3. in and '.,- a in and
2.1 p. m.: Hern. Ion nt I'.dJ ! f'1"
Itiiokiti at 'j.l't and In.l'ln in.; Ah'nnd al
I 7. nl a m. an l ia.ip in.: Timaqili nt H.3;
'am. and 2,i) p ul for Philadelphia and
New 1 oik.
Leave l'.ittsville. via Schuylkill and rus
itiehiinun II U nl S.I-1 a m for llarrisbnrg,
and I A in for I inegrove an l Trentonl.
Ilendin Acciiiiiino'Utinii Irai.i! Leavet
Poiisville nt ft.ll n m. pss Headhunt
7,i'.'lii ni. ni rivir.l al P hil id.-lphl i al U,2
a in. Ui-lurti-ng. leaves I'hiladp'phia at
4.4.1 p m. passing Itcadini at 7.4J p m,
airtVing at I'olisvilli) nl I'.il-l p ni.
I nil si own Train Leaeea
I'litiston n ul li.l'i a lit. rciuruin loaves
Pbil idelphin at -Lmi p in.
Columbia Itailr-iad Tiains leave Heading
at 7.15 a tn. and H.l'i p m for I pniuta,
I. -.lit. Lanca-ter. Cultinilua. A'.
l eikionieit Hailroad Tiains leave TerVI
.linen Junciion at t'.n'l a ni, H.D'I K ".:1" P mt
returtii'tg leave Si-hwcnksville at 8. 0 j a in,
I".'. I". Somi. an I I.M p ni. connccilng with
similar Iriins on Ilea ling I'ailriad.
Cilebriokd ile It lilro id trains (.cave Polls
town ol 'i.l') a m. an I ti.'J'l p ni, rciurnltig
leave Mouiil Pleasant at 7.0'J nnd ll.2i
am. connecting with similar trains on
ilea. ling railro i I.
(Tirsier Valley P. t'lrna 1 trains lean
P.t-id.-porl at v.-itt a in. and 2.1 fi and 5.02
p ni, r.'tuririix. leave II "vningiown nl'.l
i in, 12. l.t not n and fi, IS p in, c itine.-linjc
villi itn.lnr li-a;n on Heading; rnlrnid.
j tin Sou 1 ivs : L. ivi' New Vm k nl o.lH)
i p nt. Phil-i iV.phi S.'i'i a m and il.M p .
'ilie S.n 1 a m train running only I" Ite i liiiii
l-.-nve I' .iisvilK' ".nil a in: II m-i-burg ft.:j j a
I hi and 4. In ti in. and Heading al 7.11 a in.
in 1 p iii fir ll n i i-l.iirg, at 7.21 a in
I..I- New 1 oi k. nut ill ,i na J 4..J p III
IV, I- Philadelphia.
Comminution. Mileage, Seaor., School
m l pvi-in-sioti lic'.lcis, to nnd trom all pointa
at reduced rales.
II igg ige cheeked through 100 puuutlt
illowtd each pacscuger.
f.Vi-. rtl $itirrinttnJtnt.
I'.-adinB. liecemb. r 27. 1m. II.
(iit Ihe il oifl I'lisoftmt i't!niHtj'r
Id the C'iKiilr.
For Ladies, Missies and Children, iu end
less variety, of all sites, styles and prices,
elect t, I fur iho Full nud Winter trade.
A full nnd complete Hock of
lawyer tt Samo Mniiip. in ad- CLOTHS 1'LAIN ANI FANCY
I A? SI M KH KS.l'OT'l (l.Vl'..S,
dressing a jury n ci-ntty told them id
the filiet 1 l"0 wlinso father divide!
h's 1'iopi-rty among hit two situs nml
tln n unit), (io, wuik to day in my
vineyard. One otthim said, I pi,
tut didn't; tho other refused, and
ufierwa'd wetil." The I. road grin on
the fact of t ho Court ami jury con
vinced the advocate that quoting Sdp
turo was not hi forte.
A wiiinaii'i rtbta advocate insists
that divorced women have a right to
vote under the Fifteenth Amendment
which proviilca tluit the sutTrngo sliull
not be denied or abridged on arcounl
of race, color or "jneviou condition
of (servitude."
" Look here, cnjitinir." t-aid an old
Hubkr Democrat addreattiog a color
ed brother the other day, " 1 know
you ore a Democrat." " Golly I oo,
luittur ; (f darkty tan rtad.
To core rorot : hold you font be the
. atore until Uio corn oots.ahJ to be
.1 KAN'S, Sit., A".
Groceries, C'tieeni-ware, Hardware, Willow
ware, Cedarware, (Jlaswsre, io.
All of which having been eomyM cry
lor CASJl will be sold at very small profits.
Our motto it Juitk inlet uni miall frnjit:
Wt also pay tht highest market prices
for all kinds of grain.
Wt art prepared also lo store goods, al t
mail charge anil to do a geuerul Commission
and Forwarding busiuesa.
Wt hope tliul lbs public generally will
ivt ut a call at wt believe il it to Ihair
interest to do to hefurt purchasing elst
where. Give ut a Irial.
May 0,'C7, tf
Wholettlt dealers In
Ctdar, Wood and Willow Ware. Cordtgt,
Brooms, Looking -Ultrite, le. I olaitnt for eo
, -A'.-l. S.VS Utmmp IISll.iUkU PTt ' VV "H
iiuYuN'uys i a io.iny.
Tht best, cheapest, and most popular
V ashing Machine ever Invented.
It Is easy looperale, silling or standing:
lakes bui lillle room ; Injures nogartuetiit :
huishrs lit work from Hi two to four Min
utes; is durnblo and convenient; nnd the
only Washing Machine known ihut it liked
the heller tht lutijcr it it used,
The terms of our Patent cull our Machine
"W ringer." Yeart of experience prove
it also to ht A must txvxi.Lr.M Wasuka.
When wt reduet tvery luvenlioii foi wish
ing clothes to principle they all amount
in that of pressing and siueexing, aud
forcing tht water through them, thus re
moving Iht dirl. Most Washing Mnohiues
do il by rubbing, iht L'uiversul Wrlugvr
doet It by pressing.
il. 11AUD1NU, Enq.,
juaricE or the peace
Freuinnt, Rnyder County, I'eoo. ,
Collectiont of all kinds made at Ibt shortest
uoilct aud on Ibt most ressonktle terms,
Couveyaucing In all lit brancbet tape
diliously exeouied. Uxtoe, MoaTUAoat,
Not is, and blaoktof all kindt toaiiantly
on baud, Pertont al a ditlanct having
claimi for eolleeiloa within bit lurltdiclioi,
, SISWB S-fliiS.jw.,S. 1
m. -Vrnm mm m. -ft m.
Lis"" it Vtht JteS?
fIliSt.1S5ilSi.RS4 a
5- m S! t m 14 tt 9
-$3 SStsSr:s!3S2
s.r -a
P S?5
S E.E mm.
i s :
ta si e !
Vi ei
:. -t i
22 81
S22.ini (ti
Balance due Troas-urer Jun 1, '70 7S1 M
522,1177 7H
Unlnnce due Treasurer on Deeds
of unsealed Lauds slated below
s BmS . ; 2
9 vat )'
Lollsotors' Nauiei, Year,
sonu iteaensi.
Abratisui Waantr,
II. A. itollg.
Jseub It. Can lit.
J. W, EuMuUsuer
B a
5 K
A od I tors' pay tat (hair sirs-teas
lot 61
il IS
8ui vl
a 67
too 00
ti. AUtuiau, Audluug tuauiy oOoat . a oo
sriiad BLBOTIOS. bsld tssarw ts. iou
Psyol tlaetiun (imears, lusladlsf
mileage of Uslura Jailgss tltt tf
Pay of i.ouiut.iss, adtsnuuii and
arvlng aoitott n to
at 00
AtsaasoBt' at.
For ttreleet la uisklog altaraiioat At
-131 I
14T Tt
arlfuwtttariaBitjur S AlU. SA
4 00
anin nxMAnsa rain.
(sac A Jsenb .Moir, U's.liltiKluU Ip 1)
llenrr Ksesler " " SO
J Hsn.lrUti.rilaiiyler'shars.'il'nr'ttp 174
PhlHe H it tils li. I'enns inwiistiip t.M
UN A J.J Koysr, Ws.hlllsloU tp 41
Issae A Jseob Morr " " 4.
Usniamlo Vlslier, I'enni " fi
Ssti I Hshe, " " U
Jaoob flflisr, " " 4H
.10 oo
bastkws raaiTtaTtABT.
PsM for snpp.rt ol t oiirkl John Sslton
and Jueob Bower to SO
rf, Mi.rer, bull, lira ti t.rl.iss across Ms.
tionlnnironssr Letter's 'tort SVJ 00
W App, plan A susvrti!tendliigiame 17 wo
Nath Muyar. (or stonework st new
SeMnsgrnre brblire, r eontract IJ75 00
M. Moysr, for estra llr IW oO
,lo rl.rst..i,if V oo
ih rulntliiif same bridge s oo
W. A.II'tl.siirirstruetura " ' 1770 OU
W'.K. I'nmnit!. Islsir, hsullna, ma
terial, Ao. lor repalilna bridges lo
Ussier township 00 01
II I. Kaiidenbush..lilngles.nalli.boardsft 3
I K. t'lsli.lor shins Its. mils. Ao MM
Peter Hulls:, reparlng brblics, abnra
Hells. nr.. ve, app's. K'nts-. ill's,
tsellnstfrnve and Hums', Inoln.llng
lunilssr, hauling, aarpentsr work, (IT
Mover, Hums, A Uowss, plauk sad
bos tor is roe, 214 II
Wsnrlch a ston, blseksmlthlng, Iron
as. tor Hums' brblua 84 SO
i). W. Wsnriek.liiisir.Aest same bridge 14
N.Moysrjisw pleral Krsli'vl " i4
I'arey A Sehnura, and others, for
lur lumber, nsll,spik,stons. hsul-
Inv. bins, oissnn stork, lalsir Ae. at
l.onif'i liurns'.H tuilngsrs tint
Kants's brblges a,1t tl
P.ll-dlif. fllllna at MMdlsb'a brl.lre g to
N. M-')', wkiuaashlua atw brldgt
at Letter's A)
B. I.. Haudsnhush, nells, paint, oil At
for rep's al brblse near A,lsin'l, 1 el
Jseob .l irrsl lur nillngat Ssllusgrort
and l.nDK't brblgss ( M
Isaaa t'nsanast. uiasnnwnrk 37 It
Jos s. t'lsh.rep'na brblse nsar Joha
Uraid's In Hasvar township IK It
W.N K tester, labor at tirblift Bear
sinoak's In llsavsr township 11
H.l,.rtaiidsnliusb, shlnbltiaud Ball!
for same brl.lus TO
Henry Meetitley. labor at isms 17 Ul
Wm SlsrWlsy, hauling Ae st saaia I 01)
Pred Holla and otbsrs, uisterlal and
labor for reu'na bridge al Waltels
la Mlibllaereak twusblp Stt Ik
Alir m HsrsT. tllttnal In wtngwalls at
brbltrtat slslsar's Mill tb 00
J.M.IUsh.fni BistsrUl.ssrpsolsr work
Asat bridge la iisassr ioaaihlp at tt
iiit at
us Bsrusnsn.
.Ins Dnwersoa, poor tsi, t ranklla tp l,At
lsaaa Heaver, school Ul, " " I Ml
W l Hosiiui tl,Tf
H Huliar, laxrafttBdad, HellBSaraee 4,sa
J G Itrsyblll" '" West Parry l.ll
tsaai Dltfaahaek.rtdsaipsloB avoaay 14,10
Total amounl ofordett
issued in l"fi '
lipdiieled orders No, 1
and 518 re-issued
Actual ain't of ordeii
307 17
(l 1 li.
$22.'.':) 4d
ir..l'..ll in)
Ordeis outstanding of 1 S1 -9 2.82D 12
Orders of 1 Bfift nnd previous yean
paid by Treasurer 2.230 61
By sash paid la Slate Treasurer,
on Slate lax of 8iiS 103 6
Ay amount due Treasurer at last
Settlement l.CtiO 27
By Commissioni allowed collect
ors of 1 HI P50 02
By rtnn-rntinnt ". "of60 171 Ud
By am i of laiet outstanding " ' 8,1-tI l'i
Jo " ' of ltitf
and previnut yean 409 2 ?
By Exotiorailona allowed collee-
Inn of Iti'lH & previous years 127 43
By Treasurers Commissions on
(IT) 457 ild at 8 per cent. 403 72
By mistake io addition of ordert
of IB'j'J G 18
$22,877 78
By purchast mnney on H ueedi
for unsealed Lands told Junt
II & 10, IH",H, to various per
sons Heed transferred to J.
K- Hughes tht new Treasurer, fid Cb
Total I22.U3S 43
COl'gTT ri-SD.
To outstanding ordert of 1W,), f2.620 12
and previous years 2,(177 81
To ain't due Treasurer Jun 1 '70 812,48
Is i t'.rsi el i-s d I'l'.le- l ed eight pas
paper, containing 4 co unit's, published
every mol u.njr. (exiepl San, lays.)
DULY Pities -?llliipernnniim: ?10
for rix in. ,111 lis; $.ntl for three iin nlha.
TIll-WEEKLY PP. ESS ?I.U per an-
until ; f.'i' l tor six ti.eiillis ; 1 1 .00 for
liireo niotiilis.
THE WI'.EKLY I'ltESS. The most villi
able Wet aly NeA'p iper in tho Vi orM. It
contains items of inieresl to all.
11 85 : One cof y ono year $2
t ive col lea
Ten rupics, mi l ono copy to Ihe getter
up ol club.
Twenty copies, and ono copy to the
grtler-up of club
Filly copii'.i. nnd one ropy lo the getter
up ot club
feu pies, fo one aililrrnr. ami ont
copy to ilia geiirr uu nl the club
Twenty copies, to one adtlrrti. and ont
copy to liie getter up of ihe club
Kiliy copies, lo one mUrrtm, nnd one
cony to Ihe getter no of the club
Our hundred copies, lo our a lilrrm, and
one copy ol the Tri weekly I rest lo
Ihe seller up of Hie club
Alt iidtn thouiJ lir a.ilrrttr.l ta
'Editor at.d Proprietor.
B.W.cor. 7ih and Chest nut Sis., 1'bila. I'a.
80.S IO 4)
By outstanding taaet of
18HU $3.181 10
By outstanding laiea of
1308 It previous yean 43 22
8.010 41
County In debt Jan. 1. 1870 2.4oo CO
Wa, Hit u1rsl-iisil, Auditors of anydae
Count v. IH esrttlv, Ihsl ws kava carefully ax-
anilnlned and Audits ihe lorsnolng seoount of
Ibe (JoBimlsslonars Slid 1 raasurer of Miyiler
County aeeordlng lo law, and thai wt do Bud
ii, situs trua tail correct at stated.
la testimony whereof wt base hereunto sat our
bauds, al we i ouiou'siuusrs tiu-, ia stmuia-
burg, lutslkdaiot Jssusry A- f. Ikfo.
lusist liisrsstica
Hssay Br.srsa
CSrovcr & Halter's
Sewing Mncliincs,
Beauty and Elatliety of 8tilch.
Perfection and Simplioiiy of Machinery,
Using bolli thrtadt directly from Ibt
No fattening nf ttama by band and oo
wasia of (bread.
Wldt raugt of application without cbanjt
of adjusiuiuut.
The tram retains lit beauty and firm nasi
after washing and ironing.
Besidet doing all kinds nf work done by
by otktr Hewing Mauhinei, these Machinal
rxeeuit Ibt must beautiful uu permanent
Embroidery and ornatueuial work.
tUfJuThe Highest Premiums at all Ibt falre
aud exhibitions of Iht United titalet ami
Europe, have been awarded (be G rover &
ttuker tstwiug Maohiues, aud 'ht work,
by Ibvin, whtrtttr exhibited In ootnpetioa,
(QrTlie very highest priie.TUE CB0S3
fered on the represcufative of Ureter A
Baker Bowing machines, al ibe exposition
L'niveraelle, Paris. 1807, Ihut alittiingj
lueir great tuperiority over all oihet Mews
Ing Maohlnts.
o si -i- s.- ansjsspt waitoss a.l