The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, April 07, 1870, Image 2

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    THE P O B T .
riti:oyALVii:nTi8iiTai . '
JlaDta If rj TkiirH Krenlnf by
mIH A BKmft, Proprietor.
I Tor km of Babscriptlon, AKKflM. Payahle
Iikm ft nn.nili. or lil.Ctl If nor paid
iikin lb year. Nor aptrriispciiiitiueil
,ntll til atrearape art (aid unless Hi
Le option of Ikt plihliaher.
Ueripiioim outside of t h county
I HirAllt.1. If AfVANCK.
3T ftnini lining ami using paper
(rated to other become nihscribers,
art liablt for Ihf Jirlco of lie paper
MiddIobnrg Pa.,
rt hla protealonal service to the pub-
lulle'.non aim an oilier professional
neel entrusted to hia cur will receive
tipl attention. Jan 3, 'tiiif
SSelinsgrove Pa.,
r bla professional ecrvlc lo tha pub-
All nua.neal rtilriiairit lo In care
la promptly atleudvd tn.
fJan. IT. Tll
Freeluirg Ph.,
krt bia Prnfraiilonal eervlceto I lir pub-
All miaoiea entrusted to bia care
1 b promptly aliendrd lo.
Jan If, 'inir
I Ph..
Lrt bia prnfraaional arrrirt to t pun.
I t.ulitcuot. ani nil niner i ruic-Mon-bniineas
entrusted lo bia cure will re-
ra prompt attention.
Leo. f. mi li. ek,
i Lowisl,urg Tn.
ert hla Troffniiinrnl atrtlce to the uli
rolteetlona nnil all other nrofcrsinn.
R.uimiese animated 1st bia care will ref
I? prowpl attention. Juu. 1!, ''J"i
M. LIN' -.
IjHwilitu'tf Ph..
k-r liia professional acrvtcea to tnc
He. Collection and. all other pio-
slonal business entrusted lo their cure
I reeeitepruiiipiiteniiiiii..lui. 3, 'b"if
Srlinsgr.ive Pa
in bia profcsaiorml service to the pub
Culled ions anil all other professional
lues eniruste I lo bia care will re
re prompt attention. Office two doors
b of tha hcysa.itie imiei. (.-'at. o, u.
Solin-grnve Pa
Ira hia Professional lervier to the
lie. All business rn!ruie. In In-
.... .1 I. I
wnl tj protiili'ijr niicniir'i in.
uina tniJe hi ll part oftlie S;ate.
can ape.k me rnprrn ami ueriiinn
IK" ttui'l't'v. Dtlioa liuvren ti ll, a
I tha 1'ojI ctlice.
V AllfRM'V k r.0rSE!0R 4TL.UV
Jdlilmrg Snytli-r d'tiniy lVnn'ii.
ce a rew ilnora nrai oi ine r. .
.. .1 I I.. L'....KUI.
ill alrcel. i iiiieiiniiiiuii in i'K"r"
i Oeriimn lnti)t'ti'K- ,""
Low iliirt; Pa.,
ra bia lT.ri'':ni!iil vin t .to tlie J ill'
All liiiKitiea run iuti-1 lo bia I'Urr
1 h. i.iuii i t! v ntleuiU'il t".
I t 4
l nil. i
KOYEU k It A K I. It
i;vin(; maciiim:.
I nt n hlld lltir'ildf i
!., he acroiiiniod ite'l al
j.nualile prieea by r illitig u on San-
r AiaT, AgetH, fl'llllroTC
.Un. 24. 'f,i
II. .1. Y. SlllXM'.L.
Miildli tuir' Ph..
era bin profretdnnnl arrviee lo the c'.l
ill 01 JliJilleurg iiiiu iiiii'i'i-
r i I. -M 'I'.T
St'linsirriivo Ponn.
OllX K. HUUHKS, Ks,.,
Tcdo Twp., Fnder Co. Ta
' U. YVAOXKU, E-q..
jrsTirp. op the PEACE.
llacksoj Townlii,SDjliTt'o. Pn..
11 attend lo alt buaineat enlrualed lo
eart tnd on Ibt mo.t rtaaonatiie
m. 1.1
imp jurcii l. wen
Lntrcvlllr, rjcr Co., I
fart bit profcutloottl ievvicrl lo tbe
h v. sen wan, m. r..
Port Trenrtin Fa.
era bia profeaalonul tcrrloea to the
itena of tbia plant and tloiulty. Uf
tnka Oerman nd Enslifb. - .
npru 14,.
Freeburif SnvilcrCo. Pa.,
iat reaped fully oBert bia aerricea lo
. llaring had largt experience. I
lent that I ean render perlel
i.faciion lo tuy tmployaea. i
li an. umi
JOffioe In Court II mat, Sepl.lS, '67if
Lo. 322 N. THIRD St
ill. II. MANDER.BACI1 Trop b.
j. u. Mr is, tier
41S k 416 North TblrJ Hireet.
Stoor, Bltnk book Maoulacturo
4 detlert la Wrtpping, Blatlg. I or-
VOL. 8.
iiiiii. '.
Like tha Aral flnkraof anow,
On anma cl.'uJ rrarbing bill
While the taller helow
la hliiMnminit "till.
Though the ailvery sheen
'Mill Hit rarrn lneka play,
Plill the heart may bt green
W hile ike Icmplcl are gray.
Like tha tearra that we Aral
In the fmlMl drr nee.
With the green liitrraprrcl
Of Hie atill frul i fill tree i
Though we gray baira among
The tiiirk tn-aaea lic-liol l.
Yet the heart may ha young
When the brad haa grown oKl.
Likt (lie Aral atarry glaima
tin the brow of 'lie niiht.
While the Wratern aky I. ram.
Willi iiaairong mellow light i
Thmigli the ringlet mar ebnw
Hera and there a w hite thread
Yrt I he heart tuny atill glow
I'ndcruontb a giay bend.
Though the froata of long yra
The life cnrretila enfold,
'Till the thin form appear,
Aa linm-ivc a.i 1 cold,
a the long fruien uiglit
Al the p tie. atill the bead
Never J el wna ao whiia
That i lie henrt waa quite dead.
t hITmo il IK iC"
f lie it in n aplinl -bottomed chair
lly the oo;y kitchen tire;
Htiiooihe ia nut-brown hair,
And .simple In r niliio.
S'le iiuina a quiiint old rhyme
To the bby ni her aide :
And her huay hand keep lime,
Aa with a inniron a pride.
She aewa and pmchra and il irna.
And nmkea old gnrmriita o'er ;
And aoria her culm e l ynrna.
To cat pet her cult'igo
The muiiiie clock atrike five;
From r-climd the children come;
Like Hie ill oning of a bite,
la the ketlle'a cherry hum.
Ench enger moutli wi ll t. .1,
Awhile they eport and jent
Then mroking e iub curly hca I,
Hie aenda them lo lln ir n-v ;
And ehe ilarna mid p:itehe and aewa,
And ninkea old giirmenia new:
And men and heels, nnd heelannd lore.
And cobble, the buby'a aline.
Until Corporal.
I( was my viit Xinth i-lnrp I
h:id I u n up my ti In nl e ami cilli'icl on
tin? prittice of my prufi-ssiuH iu Now
In tie cily of Xpw York I bid n
v.-ry dour f riciul, my old ilium ami
u i.-HUi, (ii'ot'o l)itkJi'i ; and aa -vaiii'
niily person I knew in the great
ill' trojiulm, nl cuuivu 1 lout llotiiiu in
0 kin;; liitu up.
'J Invo 3'rarH bad jin'ed kIiico nnr bat
incoiiiig but ton could Primely bnvt-ii".iluc-(I
a churns more tiniikod than
lul l la' i'ii I'lncc in t ho ap ouiauco auJ
int.tiiK'r !' my t'licad.
Our iii'Kt tfi'onin.' otid friendly in
iiiii ii'i over, I lulifiJ, yt-t fdili're, to tbe cause ol my friend's ineltiti-
1 h 'ly. 1 fi ll euro of U'iiiij mado l lie
lili lont uf the ffcret in duo lime,
provided uu tuotivcof dolicaey pn nibted
U filicoaliiii'lit.
That eviniiijr, in my room ut the
lii'U'1, (eoro;e toll me hit tory. lie
hud 1' ru.ed au attuchmcut for a younj:
ludy. liore gnii'i'8 of mind und pcfio n
he portiuved with oil tho fervor ol' a
lover'a elixmence. 8hu had returued
hia uRVi'tiiiu. but hot f iilo r hud oppod
biii suit, liuvitir set hia heuit uti the
ttmrriae uf hU duughter to a nephew
of bis
Thit Dopliew wos a younir physieian,
of (rofligatu chaiaeter, my friend as
ureJ tue but that may Intro been
pujudico who bud lung but uoue-co.-kfully
woooJ Liit cuttaio, lu whom
bia protit ra vruro as repuoaut u lo her
lutherthoy were acceptable.
Some months aiueo, Mr. ParonH,the
yuur lady't lather, hud uuo auuib on
bu.siueeit, uicoUipuuied by bia nephew.
At Xew Oi lean be bad been Be i zed
by au'lden iiliiOMt. which terminated
latally iu three days.
Uu the duy preieJinp bia death be
had exeeuled a will, (which had aihcc
hrei) proven by tho depositions of die
aiteHiiii; witneeaes,) eontaining a pol
enta l eipieMt thut h duughter, to whom
ho lull the whole ul hm CHtute, nhould
ucecpl the lluod of hla nephew iu tnui-
l ltige. coulilel wilb u pfoviMinu that iu
cae tbe latter otlVred, uud bo rclUi-'eU,
within u epecilied tituo, lo ruler iuto
the prupoMfd union, iha entire estate
divided to the daughter, nbould bo tor-
Iclicd to tint nephew.
To nucnlicu her fori una to her bcart'a
choice would tint have coot Julia Pur
auua a niotnenl'a boaitatiuu ; uud noth
ing could buve more delighted (Jeorge
lii'kon, than so fair an opportuuity
uf allowing bow ruperior hia devotion
waa to bit Cotibi lelaliona of peraoiiul
advantage. JJut Iter lalber'a dy iug; re
ipecl, lu Julia' eyei, waav rut red. ll
hud surprised and itunoi d ber, fur in
ber mauy coufereticea uo Iherubjoci be
had never gone beyond ibo moat kiuu
remvuatratico, uud bad infer ven
hiuted ut coercion-
Youug pursoui bad not tho magna
Dimity to lurcgo bi ungenerous uJtrun
tugo lla niiijht have been content
with hia cousiu'a furtuna aloue, but
hia right to tbut depeoded on A'aofier
and her rojeuiiou ul uu alliuuca whicb
sba felt iu couaelauea bouud lo accept.
Tbe brief aeaaoa of grace, when she
bad been compelled to bay even with
tear, bad already mtwt paaaed, and a
few more days would witntf tha con
deuoitiuQ of two Uvea to bopoleie
hereaHcr hit tlcvrbiped, I felt a peculiar
interest, 1 pretailed up in him to nc
citnf any tiii) to a plocp of atniiciiietit
ti which I had previously procured
When we renehi'd tho Ihealrr, ihe
perfnfmatice had rlrrady bciriiii ; but
iva anct'Fi'ded in GnditiK Reals which
Ciitnninnilcil a fair view both of the
singe and tho nudienco.
In ti few moment Ucoro touched
niypltiow, '
'Obaervo the gentleman nearly oppn
site, In the front of the pir'ieit.',-e it I
next tho column, b-aniiii his arm on
Ilia Cane," brt wbiappreil.
I liKiUeil in tho dirri'tinn indicated,
nnd a.iw a fiioa whoo at l iking rcHiMti
hlutire t'iotii'1 had ."en In-foro cuitaod
me tn atatt wi h aurpriae.
"Wlitt ia It f I naked.
' Klilriil'.'o Purains.'' wm the reply.
"The nephew of whom you apoke V
"The aauie," my fl'hnd nuawrod.
"I).ea he rra-iuble hia unele?" I wi
on l hp tinint of iiKpiiring, but jii-ttlien
the stranger diew tho glovo from hi
ri:'ht hand, nn l I raw 'lint the fir-t
joint of thi mi Kill- linger waa wanting,
a eir-'iiiiiHtaneo w hich, lor BiilTieieut
ivaoii, nlin'ilM'il my attention.
"I'o you know tho exact dute of Mr
Parson's di nl h '!" I asked, when wo b.i l
regaitii-d tho tr-.-ct ut the close of the
' Yea." said (ienrjfo ' it was the
23 I of loceiiiher. His dan , 'liter re
ceived it te'egrutii from her cousin nti
ti u ri i n lC til" fact the same duy. Hut
why d'i you iuk ?''
" I li.tvea reison wliieh nt:iy or may
not prove a good one," 1 teiurtied J
and mating thai I bud business en
.ai'itietit lor the whole of the next
hiy, 1 patted with lit V fiieti'l. T"iui
ing to liicft li i in on (lie billow ing cvvu
X. Jtt afieruooti fo'ind mo ut tile
ofiii't' of lr. Parson.
I I. pHfs.itis. 1 pi punie y" wpre
the w
nr -ni I
rds with which I aeetiistid the
men 1 hud eeeu ill tho t heatie. ,
" Yes. sir."
" You may nn remember tne. Ioe-
tor. but I
behevo we have met bo-
" I beif nardon.sir. for not rerolleet-
fng the occasion."
Yon were in Xew Orleans last Win
ter, Were you not V
" I was, ' he answered wilii aoino rui
" I'm the getitlenian on whom you ;
culleil to itralt a Will.'
lie turned pnlo and made no reply.
" I saw u ternr. I of lint will ill III
Surrogates office this morning," I re
sumed, " and I ''
Yon speak ol my uiul't will,1' he
luiistly interrupted
And yet'' I continued, "you said
it wns yours when you applied lo have
it written, inn represented your oU
us desirous ol' executing such a tlo'.'ii
iiietit ire pa rat or v to embarking on n
perilous voyage. The paper was
according lo your instructions, leaving
the date to be filled lit the t 'nno ol j
Mgning. i our locks were trn i then,
an d you crtiiinlv '"".'' d old enough
to huvo a lliairiagi'.il.le daughter, but
your disguise was not periect, uud I
pointed to the uiu'iila'pd frhger.
'What.O you menu?" ho shouted
in a defiant torn), fpiinging to hi feet
'Simply that your uncles signature
to thut paper ia u forg r',' I answered
rising und confronting him. He died
on the 'icnit' thi ft I uf I'eeoiuhor. Yum
own telegram to that e licet ia iu exist
race. It Was on the twenty fourth the
duy before (.'haist m is, that you called
,n me :o prepare the paper now on re
cord mh bis will. Thu inference is
plain; you undertook to manufacture
this spurious testcment afhr your
uncle's death and wishing to elcthe
your villainy in leugul form, you pro
curd! from uie the required draft.
You, or somo one at you iu-tigation.
simulated ibe signature of your uncle.
The witnesses, who havoiioce perjur
el themselves iu their deposition,
were procured in some way beat known
lo yout-Bolf '
' Enough, aii !' b ejaculated. 'You
have shown yourself in possession uf
secret the custody ol which way prove
I nut nut unprepared for you throat,'
I replied. In tlie first place. I did
ml come hero unarmed ; in the next
I hove prepurcd a full written state
ment of the facts to which I have al
luded, with information, besides, t,f my
pieseni visit to yourself. Tbia paper
will bo delivered to the friend lo whom
it ia directed, unless within an hour 1
reclaim it Irotn the messenger, wb
bus teen instructed fur thut lougik of
time to retain it.'
Ilia I'ao grew Jiyld. Hi frame
quivered with mingled fenr and rage
,nid birtyu,h'uuicd like thut oa4gJio,Wardeu felt reassured, and aaM
wild beasi al buy. Tnseiy :
ivi.,.1 :. ........ .....jil k......l,J7fo V.n
ed in a voice bourse with aurprestcd
'To keep your secret while you
live, oo out coudiliun.'
Name it.'
Thut you writo instant) to Julia
I'aranOS, renouncing all p'eteiition to
ber I. uud, aud abolutoly witbdiawiug
your propnsal of marriage '
After a moment' pause, he quietly
aeuted himself at hla desk tod haiatily
penned u brief note, which be fcubmit
ed to my Inspection ; it waa quite sat
isfactory.' ' Ho ao good aa to teal and address
it,' I auid. 11 Jid o.
I will at'tt that it i delivered,' I re
marked, tuking it up and bowing roy
aelf out,
Wbeo I met Goorga Diokaoa that
oreulug. bia old colliege look had eum
back. He bad treat neiM lo tall me
a h:ippy pvcn'ng wo threo ppctit to
grlher, nnd what a ' hnppy marriage
followed anon alUf.
Kldridge Tarson. I h.ivo jngt lcnrt.
p'l, joined out of t no 4 'uluin expedi
tion, and it a A killed in an encoun'er
with t lio Spaniard.
A Itr-mnrksihtc ''rliotier
In 1S0I-J thero lived in Mnnrep
cnunty, Mi.a., a phtnlrr nained NVmi
ley. He waa a l.all-lireed, at leat
there wn a foul deal id Cherokee In
dian in him. lie pwnod nliout L'llil
alavp4, und hud all the worat hi!it.a of
the uld l i mo planter drinking, gunili
ling and horie-rieuii. Theo pi'ruil
atHi'iiitel foriul bin vt'.a o..'eii:titi i:i
ilio pi dit ui'iri being nrin toed hy Ul)
nverei-r. lie htnl kite aole virtuo of
Indian veneration for the snciediieai
of bia woid. 1 lo would not execute
a note lor any p.ii cliaie whatever, and
held all men in sovereign contempt who
violu'el their ihlged word. He bid
no eiinipunetioii in k.lling n in in in
what, ho di'iMtiu 1 a j it n i irrel ; but
hia ivnr I wat hia lioml. 'I hia waa his
well-known ch'trai ter, and be could
have gut credit for on his
word ri.sier than other men conhl
hive got hundred). At tho time wo
-peak f be lul l killed rever.,1 pefs,,,,,
: .. ...i.i:... i H.i.l i.m m.. I....L-.'
in gambling ouu' iel-, mi l be wns hmk
ci! upon as u nut) nt to 1)9 crossed
except a', the tisk of life.
O ie ni jilt, while phiytn.' cirds in
Columbus, n tpiarrel arose about tlie
game. Mil opponent was n known
desperado, nnd he (gave tlie lie tn Won.
ley's stat .'incnt about tho gatiw. How
ies flahed out Htinu't ineou-ly both
were alightly wounded, w hen a lucky
blow laid Wis ley 'ri oppotii nt upon tic
ll'tr. Xext tn nniug VVo dey w is ar
rested because ho did Hot cure that
it should he nthcrtvii-e. Wool.-y hid
cai rird bis killing so fur that tlie judge
felt bound locoinuct him, in order to
Tit ....! .. .11. ..!.... ll'.. ...:. I.
ivoid iinnutution ol hciugalVeeten eilh
cr In (ear of Lis ilestiern loi-ni oi
Iwboulth. Accordingly to jail went
Wooli'V. Tho inilor was a weak iii iii
weak in courage und weak to resist
the ilillueiiea ol ll doitee ir. After
bear-ng his confinement lor a day or
two, Win ley sent for the jai'r.
'See here, Jim." mid he, "you
know tne ; you know I never break my
word. X'tw. I want go out und have
I coeial game with tho hoys.
You can
J i 1 lev
tne tho key, uud wh.'t) it
els bed t me 1 w ill come, biek
sell in, anil ll win no an rigtu.
Th s ut T.ingeuieiit wis enforced by
material eoiisidorati'iua ; and night af
ter night Wa-.h y used hj come o it
und enjoy hi., nocturnal liberty. The
C"Uit silting soon, be got tho case put
off. ami giving loiil in tho sum ol f-1 U-
III 10. was released
At the next teriiio! Court, Wnoley
was tinor trial : the jury returned a
verdict nf guilty, Ihe judges sentenced
him to one year in tlie penitentiary at
.lacks,, n. The papers were duly ma le
uu', nnd the Slierill prop. wed to start
with bun lur JacKa iu, nui ouicy (le
"You know, SlierifT,' said he, "that
tho county it poor can't afford the
trip and st I'll just let my boy C.esir
drive mo down lo Jueksuii, nnd save
all the expense, tint the papers ?"
Tho Slier, IT produced tlient, and. ere
bo was nwure, Wnoley se;zed tlient
and put them in bis pocket.
"All rigjit," said he, " 1 shall be oil
to-morrow morning."
The isbetill knew he hud a desperate
man t deal with, but when he re
flected tbut Wooley never broke his
word, uud bad, besides, uver tl10l,OOII
worth of property be could not move,
ho nindo a virtue of necessity, and loll
things to tuke their Hun
' True to his word, Wooley left for
Juck'on. ami in time arrived. Putting
up tit the Mansion House, ho sullied
out. visited ull tho gambling bells with
which thut towu abounded, and tb'
next morning drove up to tho petti
tentiury. Kiitcring the ward room,
he inquired :
"Where shall I find the Warden ?"
"I am tbe man," said Col. Ihcksou
"Well, l'vo brought you a prisoner "
'Where ia he T' inquired ibe War
den "Hero : I ntn tho man," nnd Wooley
handed over the Slierill ' mittimus.
The Warden wns ainaicd. Had he
a lunatic to deal with, cr bad the man
killed tbe Sheriff, and then tame. to the
prison to dely him ? He could not loll ;
but ba determined quickly to keep
tho man. since bo nfj'. rcd himself.
"Now," mid Wooley, "lot us pn
through this plaoo and go how it
looks." rod through they went. As
they returned to the guard-room
YVoejVy bad talked so pleisautiy huh
Xow. Mr. Wooley, what brain li ol
th buaiuoM do you thiuk you would
like heal T
'To tell ynu tho truth. Colonol,"
said Wooley, " I never did a day's
work iu my lilo, auu l (tou t nun i u
dko any of your t uased trade. I'll
tell you bow wo rao ill it I'll dork
lor yu, just for the natna of tho thing,
und we'll live jollity together till the
year' up.''
Tbe Warden aaw he had a character
to deal witu,asd conoludod that a mao
who would uu Into prison of hi own
accord would not run away, and uo
quioseed. Wooley ttaid bia year oc-
cordiogl ; noniltiul elerK or oompatiioii
by day and a gambler in Jaekooo by
Dia-ht. He kttit tho ward-moui aup-
pliod viltb JJavaoa. and a sly nook lo
iba ofiioo alwarn oootaiaod ibo beat of
liquor. li year op, bo loft onre
groltiri but iwirretted. for at kart ho
gf iDttl
A l-nal" l.lle-Tho Irrptrlrta.
lite ttiiln of Voulh.
(Krom tha CprlngnaM Itrpulillraii )
Xeatlcd in ofl nftho ninncroii.4 pie
ttirexpte valleys of l!et kihire is an nil
I'aahione.l village of true New Ivigl.inil
type, with its single and shailed street.
iiiet almost, to ntilinea, a ch irelt ir
two with aeiitlrr d ceini'teiiea, now
nnd then a si re, seiittered faitn-linuai a
the inevitiihli' p wt olliee, hotel tin t
hridire ; to wbielt lit hut n few pu'ili
buildings em be a l ie I
Tber,. w,.r
however, a town bon-e an I a bank
tbe filing. In Ibis aecludeil place
Junius oe tirst saw the lilil in nlneit
the year H'S, and in giving him inn
letniiv hia mot her gme her life To
tbe lather this was most severo. Th'1
hnv. Iiowe'ver, Kitrvived his inillnr.
ittd ns ,i irre-.r up the while of the
Intromit iitT'etioti of tlie remaining pa
rent wer lavislied upon tha child
I I'no pi-.cil.nnd the y 1 1 1 1 1 1 n found
at Hcho I. a
bright, rpiick, at live, and
Intel. tgont irip
l.verv attention wui
bestowed upon his rdnca'ion. At
fourteen he wtts elerk in thn hank of
the village, of which bis father wn
eashiet. Ho was Intind to be well fitted
lor audi responsible plaee, pirtieu
tnrly ns he wis exceedingly rapid and
()f (, y jtl Br)(,
eorreet in bis cub nlaii 'iis. Alter lour
were cnlled t i enter n biink ng house
in ti larger mid more thriving town, in
ll.eoipaeitv respectively of cashier and
lelb.P ll.'.r,. I.,l. cni'iiiood ullollt tt.-e
years, nnd bo h could have staid tniitiv
years tnun Willi prolil to I lii'tiiM'Ivr
nn I s itis!ii"lii)ti to a!l c nicemcd, had
it not been that the young loan was
ulnliitioiis of going into business lur
himself iu the city. The lulher w as
h th to have him go, but Ul't-r reiieatcl
s ilieimrlons. nnd having an eppurtu.
nitv to form a partt.ership with :m old
andtritstel banker liicud, tl O two
went into the banking business m New
y k ,Jcr tho n itnc uud Hrin uf Hurt,
1. '
!ee Si Co.
All prospered, nnd after a year or
t wo of success I he two senior partners,
who had gone into tho urr.iiigi inoi.t
more to secure the firm establishment
of l bo younger men, ber upon it Mire
and safe foundation than Inr any other
teas ni, wsthilrew, and tho whole htti
ness fell into tbe hands of thu juni -r
partner. I!u incs.s continued pro.spet
oih. He bought and s 'Id millions al
tho brokers' board. Tbe mute he h:.,
to buy and Hell tho mine easy jt kh til
ed lor bin, to do tlie business cntiiito I
to him. Very rapid, utiieei.untah'y
aeeiirato in till bis transactions, the
I president ol the bmr l of lookers ontv
said nl lit'ti that theie wits not, one ul
I lto great number id the members ol
tile boar 1 w h coiimI cpial him. lie
,., ...'.ii,,..?,. i ,i.. ' ,. ,t,ii..r.ii,. i .ir, ...
- , ' -1 . , i. ,,,.''"'""''""''". ,o',,V ,,,; ( ,.j
ihe ug atta' he, tho Iraeli.uial parts ol
I . ,.,. .. . it . f '
r 1 '"' 1 ; : -
ilo be reuly. an alivav bo tin I;
,, ,. ,,
" Ll- ' "' "'
it n ir ii:m or. Ilnu il-iv n Hten-j-
. . ,,. , ,
T.ii.te renoi er w is seerel V cinoloM' I ,
i - i -
i ni- : i i -
in i ccorii uu ins ii tins leiioiis,
,,,! i, 1
ami lie-
lore the rei r could w.ito thru, out
i. i , . ,
yiitin' I lee bad is nueouuts correctly
. .i . .i . i . i
......lA ,,. lit tn Ilia ikatiinttaliiiii'lit i.t
all who were iu the secret
"lo . .
Ho grew rich, and alas, ns ho grew
rich, feckless. Wealth 1, d to w ine,
w ine to women, and fast horses audi
gambling followed In fact, to cx I
press il rather inelegantly, tlio )oung
man went it with a rush lur a time.
Indeed, he seemed delcriiiini'd tu see
Inw niui;li and how foolishly ho cui,J
spend, lu a diive to the Central Park :
ho ba been know n lo spend fj.'b.l. j
Ho wool I get the best train ulld order;
the driver l allow none to puss If ft
' o'1''
Ilo would slop at tne til'isl fashioiiuble
saloon', on the route and indulg e in n , j,,, ',ij .,' ,.(U.k,
the most costly wines. Money wan, ih.-r. wee l.d was seen ahead
cas, y made moro w:ivilif u( , u , ,
And he scene I to it woul I al-
waysbeso. Hut thero is just where w . T 1 1 j , t 1W tl.vt r nl:114 r,n.' in.(
h. w. niiataken l ew met, .,ro u b, iJr , iik ,
o stand distpti-ion .. thrown passengers, engineer and cms
nero luuii aie i mr any h ii.oi umr,
and Dee could uot iudulgo
without atructiug, biuiH-lf us well us bis
Depositors beennto upiciou,
friends warned, util many withdrew
their deposits and securities, while
others, either ignorant of bis course
or si ill having faith in him, permitted
theirs lo remain. IS it, too late, tiny
found their conliileneo hai been bo
truyed. Not satisfied with u-iog bis
own money, or that not being sutlleieni
for 1 1 i s deinauds, ha drew from the
immense gum with which bo had been
entrusted, perhaps honestly believing
ul first that ba wouU be able to re
place them wben noeded, until lio lul l
un through In a year a uiimon una a
half of dollars, ltut tho terrible mo
mentum he had forced upon bimsell
could not bo overcome. .Mjre and
more rapidly he went down, until all
hope of retrieving' tha loase be bud
entailed upon bis frieuda waa use lis.
Hia lather, liiroseil wealthy, eu
le avorcd to atom tbo flood, throwing
in bia whole foi tm.e, but tbo curreui
waa loo powerful, and it waa awtpl
sway forever. Unrelenting creditiow
pressed their claim tne young man,
knowing that it wua oaei to try aud
sattsfay thetu toav4 arrest and im
prison men t, fled lb onuutry, tod now
MBtna a fugativo iu a foreign land.
The father, mortally grieved.; at the
course of hi ton had taken, and bu
(tliated that b could uot rcsiurw th
loose bit IVlood ba-i eoffared, t w
beuaiue ioaano, and Sually eld in
inaaue aayluw. and wet tarried I.
kind frieod in tha vltUge oeroottry ,b
the aide ef httr.V ?J brr I
' ft 1
f tinsiiliipllic Cltlldicii.
As u item-nil thing, tm lim b rare
ia ti:k 'ti nl hiolreti who have cou 'ha
and rol'K Mother-, in tin ir ntuo-u
to protect tln ir i b.ldrpti au' iinsl riM!.
coiiline tl. mi too niiich within ilonr'
a! owing ctiiy ,i ,ev( t1(. ;r
.vh"ti tin wriiihcv is fine. iu,i in
only alter Inucli Ltim 'ifie ir, 0f
boily. 1 liis is p.iriioJni IV the rnse
u Lu ll there ia tiny ri'uMin lo aiistieet
...I ...... I .. .1: . . ....
iiii'criniai uisenn-a in ll,o i- n ,
IC Cllllit If
" ,,;,r" :,1l'' have tl.i. eoil.tV .li,
inlwu" l'r"' i'te I Ir on cold, by having
",l,r ""'iei tirawcrs nnd u tt I ' r li ti I .
! Wlt'' a" i'tra thu kne.s of (l.uiiiel ulimn
mo chest ; i its limbs are eiien-el in' o" e u.f. r's ol u liutne. hi friend', re
warm, woolen Mockms, ttjit k ulioi- I lat h . ii loving u ife, ho he hulled
inn ruin cr oversliocs in wi t wmthcr
" ' .m-rsaocs in wi t Wi nthct',
it Is hy inr the best plan to nllow Hu n,
to run out door m nil sorh ir,,,i' r.
t'oiis iinptive cllnldn ii iiced ,nr puii -
air, ami lots 1 1 it. h can nnlv le
lull out ilo irs. i,, i in;,!!,.,. wt.,,
Vw ,',"'l"l"1' 1 ' tbe we.-uh.-r is. the ,,ir
' " ""'"v-onio tnnn iiiut
u liliin Hie liviii.f .-iiiiiii.
i'. one to tin, child if it is plop,. rly e!ad
i s lungs will lilWjivs leel lu tt.-r, uud
piifoi'in tlnr I iiiiction Loitir, in the
atoim. than in the illy venti'ate.l b,,,,.,.
Consitinptive children .,. u 1, hV(.
niushii, h'ongc.I itatiy, u Water of ueli
. a tempi mture us t.ot it produce si,,,, k
-ii.i.ii,...-. oi. i i.. ...
, r 'i'i"css- Hie lufly shouM
' irougbly due I mid bn-kly ruh' . ,J
11 '""',' A ilnl .,' ,.,
H'-'llk, mast 1 0 f I T til 1 1 1 1 O I ll,o,s. 1,.-
' t,'",', r " r "i-bed pmato.s
.-. 1 1 . ,.- i i i . ...
with iii.u tiii.l cats bnad. slionl.l I,..
slr.etly observed Pi, s, ,,,1, ,
pastry must Hot be iilom,. . ,,, .r,.
or griivy ol ai.y s.ut. htiould beoi,!,.,,.
I he sin, 1 1 at ailieiis of loul ai'. nlln-
gi titer the host.
Tbe child rdjiiui-l s'crp in a largo
iipatluiei.t and al-ne. 'J ho Mi,.,).,",
sh oild be down three im les tit tin-
i .i.ii i
l" IIIIU III'- 111 11 SO ioc.'llf'l ii, ,f i
"' J"1'1 the sleeper to dt nights .,1 uir
II - ,
The underclothing s!,..u f,e i, ,.,
at night and a (lin k, ciiiiou llanm l
night shitt. ti tieirug to the fi-ct. l,o,i
bo worn. In the moiiiing t,o fpnt,.
jug above leletre l to shouM be gin",, wami rontn. dhc,
have tbe i Ir.ld don tin; tl.ini , and n
loinp in the ojieu uir, beloro break
fast. .Never am I a consumptive I t j
uir in the crowded soli
room wtd j i t y snd havoc wnl,
lungs, iluipl y a teuuhiT ut In. mo
, r
it Ibis cannot , , r, j ,. , al .r
liter must net as toucher for the
hour or two that (he child eh mil be
cnblitied t i Mil ly, daily.
If the chil l is lhiii',,,1,1 j tiny, ask
your lunjly physician t , piv.oi i c,,J.
liver nil uu, I iron, lur it. A l.ivnnte
i.irii.oi'i j.i (,,.,.. ... ..ll ....
.:....'.,.,, . ' ,
Js'' ''lid. till V. ill's ill, I, a
it.i ning tl. v,.ig
1 .. , , i
ul"'Vl " ''' tbe eh. Id live ii'it
i oofs ns i. Ii
s lis inu -ll us .i,.h:i; .jive I loon
warm elotliing nnd who c,,,n' t,
. . 7 . ' I1
warm clothing und w hole,, no. t, , i n
,. ii, i
" ' i n- inai v, iv inanv
.- , . , -,, . ,
.,i,,l i. .1
' ".'"V . . " """ ""''
w "In l,li, ii, that nt hoi wise Wioi d
1 . , ,. . , , . '
" "1 uu 1 al ly grave, under t i . n.d ul
r '" i.i',, i.
uu wis'- euro ol n f.iii.l
Mother. Tn-
Ill-Kill ( OIKllK
A wcl!-'iinw n gi til li' of this city.
p',sseiioef nn ill,' I'aeilie Kxpn-ss train,
rennsylvania !!ailioa,l, ciiniig wi si i t,
SaHinliiy list , hands us tec following
interesting item :
This Saiiin! ,y nioitiiag ( Mifeli C, ,.
about twenty miiiutes pa-t 11 (fclncls,
one and ii halt miles wcl of A'toonn
as the Pne i fie Kxpre-s going west was
i,... .1 .
. .,. j . ., , , , ,
naiiiolLiatfulivrce..rJis Willi.. r,.!.L.. (
not leu year ..Id) had seen Ibo lall i l,t'a,u '" " yoii.ifg Tci 1 itoiy iu our
und Imsiened (o aigual tho 111.1, roach-' ow" c'JU'-lr-'' 1 ,uly the w, ilo n.ovt ;
iug train. : but we Mt-pect tma move is in u direc-
"While 'this net of forethought and : li '? " I'l 'J' H'" ndv .eutes f wcin .,,'
htliuaiiilv in one ao young and 11.0110 j nghis i.l hiiuly envy, hut tho meal
tan. bre.i de-erves o-lt.'t ial public ret-l1"'' "'c "i" "'" ltV' u'"1 "' w"mun l,u
ord, and w.U ever bo u so live uf satis-j ll,u, V"1", tJ Uov.rnor
fact 10.. in bis after life, yet wo have "a 1 ,K ''" "l ,,r """" I'l'MI-
no doubt ho will receive from tho rail
road company a more substantial rec
ognition, us bo would have done from
tlio passengcra bud they known at the
time of hi ptovideut 'interfoiTueo
Mr. Thomas Watt, tbo conductor ,,
the train, wus highly elated uud grat
ified ul this worthy specimen of Penn
sylvania's youthful benevolent lore
l bought. AU liuwir to thn muuntain
by Wiliie I'uhbi
Tbi Company cannot do lesa than
proviTo lor die oJucuiioi. ihi b,y,'
and give him a start iu life 'ittbury
1 wah iu Invo once, with a fat girl,
says Dou I'ia't, alio waa very fleshy
jJ'io waa euorniou. Hut tho curse
of uiy true luvo camo to grief. I wus
silting with ber io tho dim twilight
out tveniug. I wua aoutinieuul : I
suid many eoft things t I embraced
part ol her. She seeuiod distant She
Irequautly turned her lovely bead from
1110. o At last 1 thought 1 board tbe
murmur of voice nn tbe other aide.
i ur and walked around, aud theiy
I found aseabtr lelkiw euurting her
im tkiA ImITl flmilr. A bh. t.iJiisiwMj
vfUralJtd br for ber treat hory
--nuf from me anotner MWf .artvtia kf
' 1 -1 t 1 sjotieeit, at if iitr-siiio- ' ! JH.-
v. t . twoiuverwi .t' ' s
Oneeolomn one year . . f40,M
Ont-hairpDluma, nat year, . 10.00
Ont-ftaiih eotumn, ont year, -One
tquar (in linea) one Inrariioa 78
Kfery additional lnertloa (9
Proreasional ami Huaiaeet tarda nf .
KM more Than Bra Hoaa, par year. 1,00
Auditor, Kieculor, Adminiairalor
and Aaaigne Notleea
Editorial notleea per lint J J
All advertisement fur a shorter perbst -than
one year are payable al the lima
tber are ordered, ami If nut nut,! ik. nnp.
on orderint them will bi bild rasponaihl
or me mourr.
aa ! i i mmisaraaaa
A ullioriiln HoiiiHiii-e.
It Would ai't'tn I'fiun I bo (iv(nont o -eiilienef
of r tnurkal.le im i lents, that
there is tioihinj nl'im iuiiiriibublii tn,
'ii re, j ) tgeing Irotn tb fdlowmg won.
detlul, slriuiire ami biitdly eiedit.hKi
-toty. l.i li entDM to our ear a ft v
lays aince : In i),e e rin nfl"i9.
When th- gold fever wns ut its bioinaf
I o.-slio st ite ol i x il.'tiici't iu Cliti't
uia. tfeif l.ved in in ."sin'c ofVii
ginia. on tbe h tiks of the Yol k l : t,
.1 lew miles below Yurktowti, n gen-
jiltleuiiin of culture, whose patents wuio
' luo'lefuie c,rotiu,siuine. Ilwas
luring the g.,i c .-.tetni nl thut b- lilt
'" H"' Hilar lull !1 Veiir fcitiee,
tin- nhar hut n vnir t-itiee. mi l an
mhi n.ol a id two months)
no I too't up his bmeiy journey t i
' - eek h:s fortune in the w i!d. di-tnnt
H iM. ever Mil li-vond
ever lit) I bevninl th.' J.oi kV
I ' iilitil lis. V ,( to t,, ,i ijjlil nnd trf,M
011 J.tiii sinks d iwn 1 1 fet imiil tho
blur- Waves olll.e trnnd I'licitio.
Alter years nl n i1, drudgi-ry, and
j reverses uf lot tutus in the n.i'iVs, ,o
i eatliD to I
; business,
' l loved
.n l'tul:i i-po and cngrjred in
lie lieing sure, sstul, aoori
nn itnti ct'-e fortune. Hi
wife fa I die I. iluiing n tm-) I'pid, tni' while en n viit. t ,
s tne ri l it during the yellow f.-vce
sens, it) at New ( )i I, mis, s ut iLcsiitiei
lime did u httio gill of uiiothi r fuini
Iv. i I the niie iiHtiie und age as l,j.
little daiiL'hti r. lie iiti d il.e State
lint could lit,. I no flip to his ,1,', ciisi'd
mlo's sisti-r; ho thong!.!, iixMi'nl'v,
that sl.e to . Iiu I tli.,1. Do leluMH'd
to t!n (ii.l.lcti State, nn I I ine und tb'
wtiir'ing , xei'i in. ut n bu-n. .s, M,..,
beiled bis S'lrruw. lit, I eMaee I. li -pou'itly.
ail teciilheii in of l is nil
bo'i.eiin the bunks ,. the p'atid Y"k.
Shortly Otter the C'11 lelioll ol I li l
Piieilie llailroud there aitived at ..!,
1' r ise.i a pi'i.tlen.uti. b'.s w ife an I n
beaiiiilitl, well e., . and giueilul
young lady, j i t bl ioming int., nui-l-
etil 'I, upp.rantly nnd renl'y u'i
iiad renl'y o'.oil t.
t-lgh'.ei'it s.iu.ini-r. It v. us by (Inuic)
Ihe young lady nnd n-ed tvi i,,Wer met
ami to nn et was to 1 ,ve. 'I hrv Wera
duly nnr: led. alter a sl,oi t ciuu,ti-
t it liie ccr, in o,y eel. Iiiale I
ith gloat e.'la'. nn, I er.utini. no little
ll, liter iu the lahioiiul,!e and wutllby
cre'es i-l thn' city. 'I lie fact that bot'l.
arln s bote the sumo hili tia nn: exe le I
C i c-oiin,cnt or inijicrv, ns jl lis nno
iluio-t ij'ii'i, us comaioti as tliat if
.sii iini.r ii.nwil. . lew Weeks alter
ihe tun 1 1 in ge, us the I, Oslo ml unit wile
tiii'uriilly iinpiircd into each other's
I ii't y nn I milcce Ictils. and ,-n'
gradually becoming belter uciju aiiiied
vnli ciicli tin deimueiuent
e line they were fall, or and daugh
ter. Wo
"MAN S I.I..IU IN ' till v Mm.
s'llu.eti. nl'b, ugl, tisiiu'ly I '"gar-led as
b liitnl the lion's in th tee i.'til i,:i n"
woman's rights, s(.(.iis t. ,.ive i,,!;,,,,
a st, p iu advance. 'I nrce w-.tnori hivo
liocn n i,l, d to tl,,- I,,, p ;rr ;,,
ot. slant inoj'l -;. Tloic u, once n
w onaii. Iielilah. in il.e lia-t.
u lii served the Lr.,'s id lit I'biiis
lines iu I in- -aoie Ciijue.l v X'o doubt
llo ie have bei a inanv lliioll.-,y I I), .
I il.s ,.in e tint ilny. IS, it woiinii
,;e'e, l r.'es in I ' uisiaiil inople are olfi.
ia, y ii i-ogn.. 'd. t i opetaie agninsl
Ih 'ii imn sex. 'J If IJey's coiinui-r i,,n
gives tlx in pnsjij,,,. 'Pney iniiiglo
uitii H,,ineii wiihoul I'ctinying their
, lli.ial t hai.'ictt r. ami tin bo nsu cf in
can I us r, velatioiis to tlio confusion
ol the uiiloiHiiliiites wlftii they betray
into cotivi tiiiiioii. In this wiiy a mur
deied was l eci titly delected' A fe
u. ill u W itliccS refusing to leslily Wits
show iiitou room where sevcui mb-r
I women were seated.
' A woman detective wn among them
' ""u-" u ""! -ooi, manage l to nb-
laio thu ii.formuli..,, which the ti.ulo
,iM ,!s , ,.),( ,lut extract Ir uu the r,-
luctaut ',i.,d. .Nw bee i. tho
; light .f women to serve ot. the police
-lt.lly aivurK-J . by the Turk, ami
some nai III uu vailce ol tlio til.pniut-
1,1 ul a W '"Hia lis Justice of ibe
eged to j 'iu the ib toclivo force.
fleneral l'i, a onion U;ed to till ait
meaning liillu linlutii glory. He was
once, while stationed at a frontier post,
iuiio surruunaod by threatening bands
of Cheyeniitts. Ilo wi.-hoi Very tinu'li
lo negotiate a treaty with the thiols.
b 1 1 try were to atusphiojs O.'hoail 0
to theiiiselves iu bis pu cr. At,
last be st'cceeded in Cupttning a young -
Indian or rtik, whom he held as n 1 10.
tage. One day thu captive, sulleul
stulking about tho fori, tHituo iij.on u
soldier who lor want of belter amuse
ment, was play iug with a child's jump
ing jack. The noble savage wua tram
fixed wilb wonder aud admiration.. '
Ilo wan-bed the antic oftbe u Ho tig
ure lu Inalhtcas aileuce for soiun Uiio-
utra, then turned and ran like nno -past
tho aentiiiola, -leaped all Ihe ob '' ,
slruotioua, und escaped from the fprb." '
lo ao incredible ih n t time, bowwor,
ba returned, boadmg a deputation of
ehiel, who, aftt-r spciiditig mi b"tir of '
ao ic wrapt c 'Utcnip!l'..u uf tbe jump
ing Jack, bald t o!nnu 0, uneil. tod,
oeotiaied tbe !tnd treaty, atipulav
tiug aa tbo luost )iunirut oonifttlop'
ttat tUf aUrrtUOU lltt I sb'"
inlatwoya fetuutt) at the f'