THE POST. iHebed mry Thursday Evening by ;MtSB A BKSFER, Proprietors. Tor ma of Subscription, DATES 07 ABVkRTlSlNa; Oneeotnma one year On half column, on rear. 16.00 75 Ona-fotirth enlums, on year. One tquar (10 tinea) one Intartiaa Every additional Insert io rrofeasional and lluai.e.t card nf not more rhan flee lines, per year, Vfl DOLLARH TElt ANNfJM, Payable 9 II arTikia ' niiintli. or f x. 60 Ir tint paid Kit kin (lie year. Koran r di.pontiiiuetl nill rf are taid utile at it optica oft be publisher. so o i or, r.ieeuinr, Almioirlor and Ansigne Notleet J.80 Ediinrlal noitce per line J J All advertisement fr shorter than one year are payable at the time ihey are ordered, nnd if not paid the per son orderint ihem will be btld rc.punsibl for the iiinney. Ibacriptions outside of the county fllTAItl.J. IN APVANCK. tsr Person lift in and ulnj paper idreeeetl " oiner become iilrrilprK, VOL. 8. MIDDLEBUKG, SNYDER CO. PA., APItIL 7. 1870. Id sr lisbl Tor the prlco of ihe paper ill 0 4 fit NO.5. iish O'l P. CKOXMIM.KH, AT1UKM.V AT LAW, Mi, I, II.. I, nr.. l. I .-. ....... i pert hi prote.lonl service In I lie pub L t'olle'-.tiona ntiil allolhee rrnf.itnil l.lnut entrusted to hit ear will reeeiTe loupt attention. jsn a, C. SIM I VOX, ti ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Selinsirrove Pn., ITtrf hi professional service to t lie pub- All nuainest entruaieit lo bit c ri ll It promptly alteudcd in. I Jan. I.. W. KXIUHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Free burg Pn., !Trt Id Professional ervlceto the pub- v. All rinriisieii 10 me care II be promptly attended to. Jan 17, MTif I ATTORNEY AT LAW. I.i'u l.lninr Ph.. 14-. npnftB.lAfiat aprvir tn flip toih. c. Culled ion and nil oilier Profe-sion-baiinc entrusted to Ui cure will re rift prom pi .titration. -1EO. F. MILI.F.H. UT ATTORNEY AT LAW, , Lewisloirg Tn. .deft bis Professional service to iheul f. Collections iintl nil nlhcr profession- I businee entrusted to Lis care will ref ii prompt alieniion. Juu. i, 'Jit Y M. LIS. If. ATTORNEY AT LAW. I.ewidiurg Pn., fers bl professional service lo the while. Collection and. nil oilier pvo Irwlonul linsincs entrusted lo iheiv cure nil reoeite prompt sltcniiuii. Jan. S, ")7if h HAUL I IS JIOUT.i:. J ATTORNEY AT LAW. Soliitsgrove Pn.. ffer lii profcsionil service in ibo pub- c t 'tilled ions unit Kit proics-minii ,iines eniruie I lo lii "'ie will re- fife prompt ntlomion. Olfiee two ilim jnb of the uejsiniie ttoiei. jin o, ui bMUi:L ALL KM AN". ATTOHNEY AT LAW. Si'lhi-irrnve Pa pfr hia rrofeanlonil ferii-e lo llip lnl.lip. All 1hiiiiph rntrit'teil to m will .r.iimiile nltpiiile I In. Col- Uiiiihf roiJe in "11 pnrin oftli S:i. ten upPik '" Mipi'fn nn OPruiMii .fl"ii:il" Hilt' I"'-. Otlioe t't'lwreii 11 .ill" Lai III I'nsl oflice. X. MYF.KS. J AllfKMY i f.CCNSEI OR iT IVS lhlk-hvg SnytliT Ci'inity IVim'n. !(!; of tlif 1'. . on klr.'ui airce!. t'linvnltiiliuii 111 Miplifli I Germnn lnn(tiimi it. r. '" r c. uirciiKit. I. ATTOKNEY AT LAW. .i iliitri' Pn-, 'ITrrs liix t .r.fci:onitl umpio iIip pnl. All lilKiliPK PIHIIUll-l 10 llU CBI'f kill lie iioii tlly niir-i.iU.1 in. VIKOYEIl & J S KW Xii MAI U 1 a I.. r.nnni Iii nepil nf a coml Kil l iliinl lr ewip Muchiiie enn he acciniimoil'iiP'1 i nnalilt' price 'y r illing on on Sam :tk t'AlT, Agelil, Selili.-grnve. D H. .1. V.HIIINI'KI.. SLUUEON AN1 rilYSJflAS, MiiMlrliurr Pu. KrTert bin prnfi'.clnnal tervife lo the cil itent of MiUUleiurg niiU vieiiiny. r ... I. t i.m F. VAX PUSKUiK. SIRCICAL li M1X1AN1CAL TENTIfT St'l'msj;r'iTo Tonn. JOIIX K. HL'UHKS, Ks.., JUSTICE OF THE TEACE, Pcno Twp., Fnjtlcr Co. T YU. WAOXKR, KH .. Jl'STlfE OF THE 1'EATR. Jtcksoj TowiiKhip, Soydi-rC'o. Pa., Will altena to all bnaln entrimleil to kit ear and on lb moat rnoniM term, March I-. tin DU. J. F. KANAWEL, piiv'kkiav ANDHUr.OF.ON. Ontreitllr. frjcr ., I Offer btl prufcloDal icrvlce o I be puhlio. 0H,f Fw. SCI1 WAN, M. P.. . BUKUEOS & I'HYMCtAN. l'ort TreviirliHt Ta. Offer bia profeaalonul terice to the riiinen of ibi place nd ieinlij. e tpeokt German and tngimi. - 1 AjTll M w FA. POYKPi, Jr. . AUCTIONEER. Fieebnrir Sn Viler Co. Pu., u..i ..rvifiillv nflpra hia aervlcel to tbt puhlio a Vendue Oyer and Auction eer. Daring bad a larg experience, I feel confident that I ran render perfect taiUfuction to my employee. . , ,. , .n. ui 1 1 BI, PAKKS. . ATTOKNEY AT LAW A D18T1UCT ATTORN V, MIDDLEDUnO. SNYDEU COUNTY. T Office In Court Him. Sept. 10, '67tr LEWJSJiM'AWS SOMT TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRD Si 6,83 PHILADELPHIA. M ERCUANT HOUSE. a U. MANDERDACII Prop'r. .1 r Kll'K Pl.rk K. 41S kM North Third Bireet. t uiiauciiuiai9 VIILLERHKLDKK WHOLE8AL& BOOK SELLERS, Btitlooer, Blank book iUouUeturo ad dealer la wrapping, flawing. ur -l.J V-" Hm4 f5- POETRY. Like Ilie fir. I flnkpa of mow, On tome cl.uJ renoliing la ill While III allpy lelor . h1ii.niiiiiiC .Iill. Thoii!h the silvery aheen 'Mill Hi ren lurk play, Plill Ilie henrl nmy hi green While Iba templet are gray. Like the teufpa ihiit we fir.l In the fitilpil lire, .of. With the green lineriperil Of the mill fruitful tree ; Thnii:h we gray hair among The Jiirk irpa.en livhnhl. Yet the hprt may he young When the brad hat grown oil. Liko the flr.l Harry pleim On ihe hrow or he liiihl, While thfl Weatprn .ky heaina Willi III el rung mellow IikIiI j TIioiikIi ihe riniflein mv how Here nml there it while ihrenj ; Yel Ihe henrl nmy ulill glow 1'nJiincinh ngiay benl. Thnuyli the frome nf long yr The life cnrretili enfol.l, 'Till the ihin form appear., A. impta-ive 3'l colJt A ihe long fruien night At ihe pile, mill the beaj S'ever yel wna on while That hp henrl waa o,lie ipJ. UT Jt LIA M. TUATIH, Flip .iia in a aplint bottomed chair l!y ihe enry kitchen tire; Smoi.iliv i her nm-lTown Luir, And simple her iiitire. 8'ip Iiiiiii. a qiinint old rhyme To Ihe biihy ni her id ! And Iht luivy hand, keep lime, A wiih n inniron pii.le. She few am) puichea and dirna. And make oM giirmruia o'er j And aorl her coluied ynrn. To carpel her cminga The tniimlo clock mrike. live; From nchuol ihe children come ; Like Ihe di onin of hire, I ihe ketllr' cheery hum. Eiu-li eager niouin wi ll IV Awhile thpy epurt ainl jp.t Then inrnking e tch curly lira I, She vnd Ihem to lin ir rct : And kIip daina and p;iioh; and new.. And imikea old Ritrnienm new: Ami oe. and heel, nnd hrpl. nnd lore. And cobble the' olioe. Liltte Corporal. A HOLD hlllOkE 10 U A WIFE. BY J I HUH CLARK. It wu my firs! viit Xoilh ince I :i J l lit on up my tilmtle ami I'liU'iol on iliu prai'tice of my pruft'saiuu iu Now Oi IcilllH. In Mie city of Xow York I bid a v.-ty dour tn.'iiil, my did fhuin ainl c a-Hiiiuti1, (irotvo Uickmn ; am ug lir tin' mily per.-on I know In the grout ni' troiinliH, ni couiri) 1 lout 110 liiliJ ill o kin liiui up. '1 lireo years liad pnlrj nfoco our littt mt'i'11114 liut ten could .ornrctily biivi- pi.diic tl a t'liuiiL'e imrc itiuikod than Imd luli'ii pltici' iu tlieapi vuruueoaud inMiiHT f my Irioud. lur tirt (fiveiin.' ami friendly in (iiirli-M over, 1 IntijioiJ, yet forli'ire, to imk i be cause ol in v friend's melun-ch-'ly. 1 f ll I'ure nf boiiiii nunlo t lie I'i'iifi'loiit uf tlie Kccrel in due time, provided uu motive of delicacy pr mptcd U cuiieeuliiielit. Tluit evening, in my room ut the liole', (ieoi'jjo ti l I me hi Mory. He hud ru.ed uu Btiucbmeut for a younjr iiidy. vtluve griivt'8 id mind and piT.H'ti lie purlraed with oil tho fervor of u lover' eloquence. IS ho bad returued bit. uCVcliou, but hot fiilo r had opposed his suit, having net hi heurt on the inuiriu-e uf bis daughter to a nephew f bU This nephew was a young pliyci' ian, uf irofliualo cbuiaeler, my friend as sured me hut that may bavu bveu prejudice who bud luny but uuuc-eo.-afully wooed Lin cousin, tu whom hi prollrrs wero asrepuoaut tt to her luibertboy were acceptable. ( Some months niuco, Mr. Puron,tlitt y'Uug Udy'a lather, had e.otio auuih on busiueH, uccouipuuied by bin nephew. At New Oileuu be bad been bo i zed by audden illiioi-s. which tertutimled lutully in three days. Uu the duy pretending bin death bo had execuled a will, (which bad since been proven by ibo depositions of the. aitesiini; wiineekes,) containing a Kol riiia retpicNt i hut b: daughter. to whom ho lull t lie whole ol uia emaie, abould accept tho band of bia nephew iu liiui- nuue. coupled with u pro vision that in eu-e tbe luUer otlVred, uud tho rc!ud, wiibio u ppicilied niuo. lo enter luto the propoMd union, the entire astute divined to the daughter, abuuld bo lor liiiiod to tllD uepbew. do aucribco her fortune to her heart a choico would not have cost Julia Pur sou a niuinvnl' beaitutiou ; tiud noth ing vould have more delighted Ueoruo litkson, than so fair an opportunity of allowing bow cupei-ior hi devotion waa to U II oolibi telallon of pel'foliul advantage, liut ber lather' dy iu(j re 4it, iu Julia' eyes, wuoveucred. It hud surprised and itunord ber, for in ber oiauy conference oo tbvsubjoei be had never Ku"e beyond ibo mot kiud retueiislraiico, and bad never awn liiuted ut coercion Young pvraoni bad not the magna nimity to lurcgo bi ungenerous advao tugo He miyht have Leon cooteui with his toiihiu' fortun alone, but hi right to tbat depeoded on AsoHor sod her rojeolioo ol uu alliance which sba felt iu eouicieure bound lo accept. Th brief aeasoa of grava, when she bad been compelled to beg even wiih tears, bad already most pel, and a few mora days would witness th coo deiuoiiioo of two lives lo hopeless KltW, SELECT hereafter bit developed, I felt a peculiar interest, 1 prevailed up in him to nc C'Uiipany iiia to a plnro of auiiicuicnt tt which I had previously procured ticket. When ws renehi'tl tho theatre, the per forma net) had rlready brgun ; hut we succeeded in finding scats which cnmmnnilcil a fair view both of the staue end the audience In n few inonicot (leorjjc touched my elbow. '()bervo the gentleman nearly oppo site, in the front ol the) purq'H'itive.ited next the clnmn. leaning bis arm on bis cine," hrt whi.ppreil. I lnoked In (be direction indicated, mid saw a fuue) whoso striking rcscm hliinre tt oiii I had S 'eu hi foro caused tue trt siait wi h surprise. "Who is It f I nsUeil. 'Kldridtfo Parsons.'' w is the reply. "The nephew of whom you spoke V "The ssme," my frLml ans.vrred. "P.ies he n st'iiihle his uindit?" I on the Doiut of iiitptiriiipf, but ju-t then tbe straiiifer dtew tho j;lore from hi ri,'ht band, and I taw 'b:t tho first joint of the middle tinker was wanting, a cir"iiiiiNtaneo wbioh, for suITieitut rcfisnn, nh.urbed my attention. -Io V"ii know tho exact date nf Mr. Parson' death t" I n-kc I, vt hen wo li.i I regained tho etrvel ut the closo of the perl'i'rniance. " Yes." said (ienrao ' it wns the 21 1 t Peceint'er. His ilatiliter re ceived a toVirram Irom Iht i ousiu aii tiounein t, Is fact the same day, liut why do you us'.i ?" I h.ivea reisou which tiny or mny not prove a L'ood one," I tciunu'd ; and Htatin.' tiinl I hud Im-incM en '.uijcmciits (or the whole of the next day, t parted with in V liieinl. promis ing to meet ti i iii on the hdlou iu.-cvcu X. st nl'ii'ruoon fiviiid mo at the office of lr. Parson. I r. Psi'sotis. I pre-uine ' wore tho word." with Winch I occnlKtl I lie : genlleincn 1 had seeu ut the theatie. " Yes. sir." " You may it"' remember me. pot-' tor, but I lelievo wo have met he- fore." " I bee; pardon, sir. for not rerolleet- fni the occasion." You were in New Orleans last Win ter, were you not V " I was, ' ho answered witii sonic rut harrassinetit,. " I'm the gentlouian on whom you called to ilia It a will.'' Ho turned pnlo and made no reply. " I sjw a iccord oft hit will in th Surroi:aies ofTieo this morning," I re sumed, " and I '' You speak ol my wirlr't will,'' he hai-tly interrupted. And yet'" 1 continued, " you sii.l it was yours when yon applied lo have it written. You represented your-oH as desirous of executing such tl tlo-u-iin-nt preparatory tu on s perilous voyage. The paper was drn.rn according to your instructions, leaving tho date to bo filled ut tho time ol signing. Your locks wero ;tay then, and you crtamly 'kid old enough ; to buvo a marriiigrablo daughter, but your disguise was not i.orl'ect,' uud I pointed to the uiu'tilu'cd ffliger. ' What, O you menu?'' he shouted iu a delimit tone, spiinging to bis feel 'Simply that your uncle s signature to that paper is nforg rf,' I nnswore-1 rising and confronting him. He died on the Urciil'i iVuf Pocomhor. Youi own telegram to that ell'ect is iu exist coee. It Was on the twenty mirth tbe day bforo Cbaist m is. that you railed on me :o prepare the paper now on re cord ss bis will. Tho inference i plain; you undertook to manufacture this spurious tcstcment afur your uncle's death and wishing lo clothe your villainy iu leagal form, you pro cured from mo tho required draft. You, or somo one st you iu-tigation. simulated the signature ol your uncle. The witnesses, who havo since perjur oJ themselves In their depositions. were procured in some way beat known to yourself ' ' Knou.-h, sn : u ejaculated. ' ) ou have shown yourself in possession of a secret tho custody ol which way prove danucroos.' ' I uin not unprepared for you threat,' I repliod. In the first place, I did not come hero unarmed ; in the next I have prepurcd tt full written state ment of tho facts to which I have al luded, with information, besides, of my piesent visit to yourself. This paper will bo delivered to tbe Iricnd lo whom it is directed, unless within sn hour I reclaim il Irom the messenger, wbo baa been instructed for that length ot time to retain it.' ' Ilia liioe gr -w Jtyid. His frame quivered with mingled fear and rage mid binya-glenuiod bko that oL.Ao Wardou toll reassured, and aa'nt ...oi. -sp siu ,mI . w.iii ueo-i ni uuj , raia i ll'..... - - - f UUV ! J "U. 'U. p'-" -i .rv.uiim.. od in a voice busrse w4tb aur pressed passion. 1 To keep your secret while you live, oo ou coudilion.' 'Name it.' That you writo instantly to Julia ParaoOB, renouncing all pretentions to ber buud, aud sbsolutcly witbdiawing your proposal of marriage ' After a moment's pnu, he quietly seated himself st hi desk sod liaiatily penned u brief oote, which h aubmit etl to my Inspection j it waa quit sat isfactory.' lie so good at to seal aod address it,' I auid. II did so. 1 will as'a that il i delivered,' I re marked, takiog it up aod bowing my self out. When I net George Diokeon (bat ovcolng. bia old colliege look had oonje back. Ha bad great newt to tall tue a happy rvcn'iig we thrco spent to vrrtlier, nnd w hat a bnppy mnrrluito lolUiwed soon nller. Kldridue I'orsnns. I have just lean. ed, joined out of t no Cuban expedi tions, and wait killed in an e ncoiin'er with tho Spatiinr Is. A Itoimtrkitblc I'rlsonrr- lit 1S01-2 there lived in Monroe county. Mi., a phinti r liamnd Woi ley. He was n, st h ast there was a foul deal d Cherokee In dian in him. Ho owned nlimit L'iHI slaves, and had all ttie worst hildu ol the old lime) planter drinking, fca.iil). Una and linrsc-ricin. 1'hoo persiiit ateriritel lortul bis solo oi'eirt item, the planl'ltioil hein.' matimc I hv tin overeer. lie had Oie sole virltm ol Indum veneration for the sacredness of his woid. Ho would not execute a note tr any p.irehasu whatever, and held all men in sovereign contempt who violated their plodded word, lie hid no compunction in kdlitu n man in what ho d.'oino I a j 1st q i irrel ; hut his worl was his hon. I. 'I his was his we'l-kiiown character, and bo could have got credit lor thousand cm his word c:.sicr than other men could hive irot hundreds. At thu time wo -peak of he bad killed several person. in i; unbliii oiiu'iel-, nn I he wns look ed ui hi a nun not to h? crossed except ', the risk of life. tlioiii-lit, while phtyin; oirds in C'duiiihiis, a quarrel arose uboiit the k'unc. Hit oppoiicnl was n known desperado, ntid ho nave tho lie) to Woo ley's statement about tho i;anw. How ies flahed out sitiiu'tano"Ul,V both wore slightly wounded, when a lucky ldi)W laid Woi ley's oppoio nt upon ill.' llur. Next m 'itntw Wo dey w is ar rested bee.ui-o ho did not cure thai it should lie otbciwie. Wmdey hid carried his killing f, i far tbat lliej'l l-c ',.t bound to coniuet bitn, in order lo :i void lintiulutioii of beiii'alVeclcri eith- ur by fear of Lis lepcrn loi-m ol Iwlioallb. Accord. nty to jail went Woolt-y. Tbe jailor wis a weak inin wak in courage and weak to resist the 1 1 1 1! in-n - ol u Alter liear'ng bis confinement for a d y or two, Wmdey sent for the j iil -r. "See here, .liui." said ho, "you know no- ; you know I never break III) worl. Now. I want uo out and have a social gone wiih ibo boys. You can j'lst l.-nve me tho key, and when it gels bed t too I will come, luck my sell' in, nnd it will bo all right. Th' arrangement was enforced by material con-idor.ili-'in ; nnd night al ter night Wo . ley used hi ooii.e and enjoy Ills nocturnal liberty. The e out pitting soon, he got tho ease put of. nnd giving bail in tho sum ot SID -UiU). was releiis.'il. At the next tcriiio! Court, Wooley; tho jury returned a verdict of guilty, the judges sentenced him to one ye-ir in the penitentiary at Jack-on. The paper-wero duly male on, nnd the Sherilf propose I lo start wit b him lor Jacks-m, but Wooley do- murrcd. "You know, Sheriff,'' said he, "that tho county m poor can't afford the trip and s I'll just let my boy Ca-sir drive mo down lo Jacksuii, and save all the expense. (Jul the papers ?" The Sher.ff produced them, and. ere ho was aware, Wooley se;zud them mi l put llnni in bis pocket. "All rigjit." said he, 1 shall be oil to-morrow morning." Tho Slier ill' knew ho hi I a desperate nun t deal with, but when bo re flected that Wooley never broko his word, uud had, besides, over ?101',00U worth of property he could not move, ho made a virtue of necessity, and left things to lake their turn ' True to his word, Wooley h-lt for Jack-on. and in time arrived. Putting up ut tho Mansion House, ho sullied out. visited all the gambling lu lls with which that towu abounded, uud tho next morning drove up tn tho pent temiury. Kutei-iiig tho waul room, he inquired : Where shall I find lbs Warden" "I urn the man," said Col. Dickson "Well, 1'vo brought you a prisoner " 'Where is he T' inquired Iho War den "Here : I nin tho mnn," nnd Wooley handed over Ibo Sheriff's mittimus. Tho Warden was ainan-d. Had he tt lunatic to deal with, or had the man killed Ihe Sheritf, slid then came, to the prison todely him f He could not tell; lull ba determined quickly lo keep tho man. since ho offered himself. "Xuw," said Wooley, "let us go through tins place und so bow ii looks." nnd through they went. As they returned to Ihe guard-riHm YVooJcy had talked so pteasautiy mat v "Xow, Mr. Wooley, what branch ol the- buitiee do you tbiok you would like heat V " To tell you the truth, Oolonol," said Wooley, " I uover did a day's work in my lite, aud I don't in inn in ik any of your cussed trades. I'll tell you how we can fix it I'll clerk lor yu. just for the name of tho thing, and we'll live jollity together till the year's up.' ' Tbe Wardea aaw he had a character to deal withheld concluded that a ma who would an into prison of hi own accord would not run iway, and )o qiiioseed. Wooley staid bia year ac cordingly ; nominal olerk r eou.pai.iou by day and a gambler in Jackson by niarht. He kept tho ward-room sup plied with llavaoas, and a sly nook lo ibo otlioo always eontaieed the best ol liquors. His year op, he left onro- grettir i but revrattod. for at heart be i r ii.4Ou4l 4 "I'wsl" l.lfv The Irrrf rlf tit. tile llilln of south. IKrnm tli sprlnnn.l.l tteputillran ) Xestled in oui' of iho nnmcron.s pii- tiirepie valieys of lici'khir is no ol I I'ssbioncd villnite ol tinc N. w K..l-!..i.,I type, with its eiuale and shad.-l street, ..! ... 1....1: . .. . i i. ... two with scntioMl cemeteries, now and then a Sf re. scattered farm-lions, s the ineviti.1)!.' I.t ollice. hotel ,m bride;; to which lit but n lew Jll'.li. - buildings can be ft Lie I. 'I herc wore, . . . however, a town hous0 and s l imk in f lie villnif. In this se.,ei place liltiius Ih e first saw the li:;ht in iilmut I ,,ip v,,u. ts !. jn vt-IUj, ,in ,.,.' lernity his mot her cave her life. T the lather this was most severe. Tin hov. bowtver, survived his m it her. 11 " "' ltr lla' l't'', I'1"" ' ""' tln-tn "'ly n.ol a ilnuul.ter ot two months and us he grow up the while of the!1', tu" outdoor in U fru ,,,(',.,. I and loo's up his lonely journey hi love and iilTection of the remaining' pa- 1 ''""'"ipiivo ilhiMn n tieed ,nr pute J "eek his fortune in the wild, .li-tant rent cr lavished upon tha child , air, and lots cf il 'I'h can only I e 1 Wot. over mil bcyotnl the Koikv Time passed, and the youth was found ,.'"'""- '" tnaiier what . M. n. while the Ltight nnd irold- at school, s bright, ipiielc, active, nnd !" ,,,nhlfti i f tho weather is, the niri''li "-un sinks d .wn to re-t aniid tho ititellifent txii.'.l. Kverv al tention was I is W"V' m ' ,'"!e-oti,e than lliulj'duo waves ollhe iimnd I'lo-ifie. bestowed upon his rilma'ion. At fourteen he was elcrtt iu tho bank nt' tho vitiligo, of which bis lather wn cashier. Ho was tmind to be well fitted l,n aoeb a rpxliotisil do idiftoe. rirliioi j artv , W.1H ,.s, rapid nnd '.,. :., i.ij .,..!, .,i.,,:,,j ' i). ,,.... j yrar nf ,,v ,,ere.'bolh Tithcr and .on wore cnlleil 1 1 enter a hunk ng house in tl larger nnd more thriving town, in thecipacilv re-pcet ivelv of cashier and teller, llero both remained shout the nnd bo h could have staid nv years, years toon wit li prolit to I liotnsclve nn I sils!'a"tioii to nil ouie-rued, ba-l it not been that the young man was It, li! . i.nii j.t' iriiitkL. iolii liil-ioP-d l.t. himself in tho eilv. Tho lather was b th to have him U'o, but afl-r r.-neatcd -' "'r ",u , , s .liciinrlons, nnd having an epportu-1 I be child shom 1 k ecp in u .,,-ge nitv to form n with an old I'paitinei.t and al-ne. The wii.,,a, anllrustel banker it i. nl, tho two 1""M ''down thee s !lt , . went into iho banking business in New '"P nnd tin' b d so located lis not to York undertlicniuicai.d firm uf Hun,!; ."'J"1'1 Hie sl.epi-r to diaughts ., .,r Pee .V Co. : 1 be linden oitniiig s!i.,u f,c i.-iuovcd .,. iii nt night ntid a ihuk. eniioii flaiiio-l Al pros'iered, nnd after s year or : .i," .-, , .. . ., ,- ' .' . ' . lilglit slillt. tt noil llg to the It et. s oiii 1 two nt sin cess ihe two Minor partners. ,. l .. ., """ , , , . .i ,no worn. Iu the tiiiuiiiiig the si,..u -. who li il 1 if,, no into t no nrrall-'i lllol.t . , . . . . ' " "" e ... . ' iimri" ci secure ui'- in in csinunsiiiiiein oi iiij younger meui'ier upon a sun- and safe foundation 1 1: tin lor any other reus-ui. Withdrew, and the whole btini ness fell iutn the hands of tho juni -r partner, liu ines.s cont.nueit prospei ous. Ho bought and s ld millions at' tho brokers' board. The mure he lo.d to buy and sell tho mme easy it seem-, el lor 1 1 in) to do the business eiitiu-tel lo him. Very rapid, un leci untali'v accurals in all his transactions, the president ot the lnar-1 of looker one.-1 said of hi oi that thcio win not one ol thu great number ot the member ot the hour I w h i coiiM equal him. lie would buy t'.rio'' of numerous j arlics, -iu lapi I sueces-ioii, t the price, often, being atta- he.l the fractional pans ot a cent ; but Irs accounts were the fn-t , to be rea-lv. an I nU'.ivs. ba the lim-i cot reel, nn I that, too, without the aid nf pen or paper. Olio day II sten-i-gr ipic'repoi tei1 w is necrelly employed to record nil bis tiansietioiis, and be- ' lore the repoilcr could wiiic them out I youn X l,,,u '"' l bis acvouuls correctly 1 made up, i: really to tbe ustouibhuitut ol : all who were iu' the secret j Ho grew rich, ond alas, as ho prow rich, reckless. Wealth bd tu wine,! nine to women, nod fast horse and! gambling followed In fact, to ex I press il rather inelegantly, tho young man went it with a rush lor a time. Indeed, ho seemed determined tu see Inw mush and how foolishly ho c nil j spend. Iu a diivo lo Hie (.' nlral Park bo has been known lo spend f 5-'h, 110 Willi ll gel in nest ,ea... ..... i lli.t ilfiiitf t ill iiw tililnt 111 I ill si -4 liMM . . i i 1 .as.' a I . , w " " I no would pattheioostrisbioiuidei saloons on the route uud in-luig') in the iiioel eoslly wim-s. Money was .,u.ilu Mini ..,.., ensile v l ... ti .1., 1 1 y -i - Ami no scciue I to iiiuiii ii wouii ui ways be so, lti.tll.era is lust where h waa mistaken l-'cw men aro al l lo stand disituttiiiu of '.bo eh. nuclei' hero imlieatod for any length of tune, and Pee could ut indulgo therein without athjuting kimnlfua well us his busiuess. Depositors became suspicious, friends warned, an I many withdrew l heir deposits Hud securities, while oibers, either ignorant or bis course1 tain bred de-erves especial public rec-i or still Inning faith in him, prruiiMtd lord, and w.ll ever be a s.iir.e uf sat theirs to remain. IJ it, loo late, tiny found their coulideuce hai been bo irayed. Xot satisfied with using bis own money, or that not being sutlieient l r bis demands, he drew from the immense aunts with which lie bud been entrusted, perhaps honestly believing at first that he would be able to re- placo ihem when needed, until lie lul l run throuub in a year a million und s half uf dollars, liut iho terrible mo mentum he bad forced upon bimsell could not be overcome. Mure and more rapidly he went down, until all hope of retrieving tha losses be hud entailed upon bis friends was usckss. His lather, Inrosell wealthy, eu- leavored to stem th flood, throwing in bis whole f .rtui.e, but tbo current wss too powerful, aod it was awept sway forever. Unrelenting creditors pressed their claims ; tbe young mais knowing that it waa utl to try sod sstisfay tlieiu to f4 arrest and im Drisotiuient. fled lb couotry, and aow Mama a famtive io a foreign land. The father, mortally tirieveoX, at the course of bis son bad tskeo. aod ou- iaf Dated that b could not restursy tt losses bis I'rlead ba-l aafTared, t n became ioasoe, aad Anally died iu inaauo atyluw. a9l was barrieU I tZur treachery hi .Iway roaaia ll tb. f V ' , . .V f T .WUr,,:, "waling f.pui me aum her lovi-r i-r aids of herwW tiJ in brr I ' - j Bt Hlf m,iu oi a,iu, C'icV'TiX it ''- - 'WljOif0rar ' , kind the aids sf her oiisuiiiititc ( lilltln ii. As a general lliinir, t m lii'ti h ran is Ink. mi ol thildreii who have coughs androids. Mother., in I loir nn x Ur In protect tlicir i hildi en against 'eo..,' ! eoi.liue ll.rui too much within iloo j '"' i"c" "iny to si'tk the nit -v li" e tin wiutlicr is fiae, nnd linn ,l!,.'!r V'V1"1' ''""''''"'i of iln i "' " . 1 ' partie-ilnrlV tli rn-e t eti mere Is any reason tn Misncet t..l...a....T..a. .1. : .1 ' 1 ' o-"''i in n.e eliil.l , i " ,':'r" ' tsken in have tl.o caildVskii l " i''""i': . ir on cum, i,y nmm.. i wear flannel drawers nnd under-liii I . i w"" a" etrmhi knr.-s fl.iiincl ubmii the ehcsl ; it its liii.b.s are encn-ed in Warm, woolen Mocking-, thick shoe and riibl er overshoes in wd w. nil oiioi wn- in ,-oom. .d inii in ran .liter years ni ii.u, tirmlgi ry, nml i "' to tho child if it is pinpcrly clad , revcr-es of foi tuiu in the ii.incs. ho rs hints will alwavs feel ln tf. r, mi l came to Son I'lalu i -ro and cnji'ed in pel form ther llinetion Lclttr, ill Ihejhusiiic. lie hein sueei ssful, soefl niot m. than in the illy venti'ated bon-e amie l tin inui ce-e f, rtutie. His Consumptive i-leldrni Sliould h.ive h, loVed wife I. a I die I. Olll iie' ilm. iiiuPkii. spoiiiu naiiy. in W.itcr of tioh a tempi liiture us i.ot tt produce shock .li... , i , . or ciiii.inesv in,, ho Iv should he th irmibly diiel mid briskly ruh'.iii willi a eoaise towel. ,!,,.( ( ,,, s'.cak, roast lo e t r tun r I h i i l,,, i, ' V" T wi!' l '"' ""i-bed pmato. with nun anil coats I.e. ,t, 1. "to mi ,j he strictly observed Pn-. patry tnu-t not ho allow c I. or (inin- ol an v soi , -.lino.; (iik s nn I No gre 'Iso I he enroll. .' "tnl-st alliens ul loot II!'.' Illli,- nig anove reieirc I to shoiil p, j( Jt.-a t , y giv. i, I hen Waim tin, in. . huve the child don the iVi u t , , J . a,,, romp in thu opcu air, before l, ' lost. Never sen! s consumptive child t ) ........ .1 .1. . ., . . . -ciiwoi. i in-air iu u.e ci'o-.Vileil sell .1 w . i . . . ,. iwi-ipi.ii sail iiavic wnli H- lungs, lliiq-l y a teimhcr ut ii-une, i r il mis cauiiot he nil . i-'li; I. lot her I mother must net as teacher ..r the hour or two that the child shuilj l o coiiliucd t-i slu ly, daily. Il the child is thin "nnd j tiny. nk your la uily physician to pi-e-ei i lo eoj. liver ml nnd iron, t"r ii. A l.iVtuiie formula of oms j- to a Id two minces Ui tllC lull I I, 'in I ,';,, I,, outl'-e ot pure cut In er oil. (Itihjs wo give a child, t.-n year. oi.. u ten. spooiiliil in,, i nlng and -veiling toil above u i, let (In. eh. hi live mil d s lis liiti'-h as pns.ihle give thoin warm clothing nnd wholes.. inc. pi , in loud, and wo h-I.evc lliat v.rv many liitiooii. s w ill grow to i.s-fti in, i, i an' i Wotnniihooil, tllat olliei wise woMol li'i'l an early grave, under tic- l.i'.il I nl u n wis-care id u fjiid iiiuther. Tin Ih'tuurj, llci ole t tnnl u I. A wel!-lniH ) gt nt Ion, an of this c-ty. p'lS.eiiger on the I'acili,- Mxpres. train, Pennsylvania dailioad, e wuing wi st i n Siituniay lit, haiois us I be follow in iiitercsliug item : This Saniidiy motning fMan-h IV... about twent V iinniites ii-t ',1 irelocl; no an i a nan nuies west ol A toonn. , . ,.,,,,. KsjlI.p., j,, . . TV' t Wil rilllllMlllif H I'lHl'll - '" - ... i. -'v' "-I the tuber, a wee lad was seen ahead mi- no . iiii. iinoeioi.nj locks on ,W;lvin bis bat and loosing lo liitl.. "" ".""" ' as s. ..ppeu ......j ..I. .i-i 'IM... . i witbiu a lew tcet nf a mass id' rock mil idirt upon the truck sufficient to have thrown passengers, ciuineer and cuts over tho proi-ipieo. The lad (whose' iiiiiiio I giall'uliy record is Willie I'uliko. i not ten vears old i h ot seen 1 1 1 uud hastened lo aigual iho nppi oach- in-' train. While Ibis act of forethought nnd1!"? . the i,dv .c-tes .d wenian's buuiatiilv in one so young and u.outi ,' "!' :" "'V1 '"'K '' l'"r' . !"' ho lmcsI- taction in bis lifter tile, yet wo have no doubt liu will receive Irom the rail road company a more substantial rec ognition, u bo would have don IVoui tho passengers hud thev known nt tin I tino ol Ins ptovidout iiiterfieiice Mr. Thomas Watt, iba conductor id tho train, was highly elated and grat ilied tit this worthy specimen of Peni.- sylvauiil's youthful benevolent lore- (nought. AH hnivir lit Mti mountain buy Willie t'uhiit 1 bo Company cannot do less than proviTo for the education of this bey.' aud give bim a start iu life Pitlburj Lominritni I was iii love once, with a fut stirl. says Pou I'ia't. she waa very fleshy 9'ie was euoruious. Kul tl.o course of my true love cmo lo grief. I was -iilio who ber to the dim twilight ou evenius. I was aoutiiuooUl ; 1 suid uiany soft thing t 1 euibrseed part ol her. She sceuiud distant She fn-queutly turned ber lovely bead from mo. Al last 1 thousht I board tbv murmur of voices oo ibo other aide. 1 arose sad walked around, sod tbare I found aaoibsf fellow ourling er to ibo lalt OsnK. A was Ind'j-qua, A t ulllornlii ItoiiitiiK e. It would serin from the lrcinent oi eurienee of ronarkiil.le im i dents, that there is iioihin n' mi improbable m.- tnre, ju 'geinj Irom t'U(. f.dlowmif won. dctlul, htnine and baldly ctediUhlo toty. wbn b en tint to our s ft.w lay. Hi'ico : In t?,esrin td'119. When th- gold fever w its nt Ps hii'lu's) I ossiblc t ol k X' il-iia.-ft in Calitoi- tl ere l.vt-d III the fi.'Mo tifYii rfiliia. on the li tiki ot the Yol k i n I, i few miles below Y"rktwti, n get. tleuian id eolturc, who..- patents weio in tuoileniie e.riiioistiiiice. It was lurin.' the udd ee.t, ni( nt that ho lilt ho o lid T's o a boiiie. hn Inetid '. re lative, n loving wife, who bo ha-! led to the nliar but a v. nr since, ntid an . . . . . i vaiiing epoli into, wlnleeii nti-il tt st -Uii r I at - vo- during tbe yellow f.-ier season at New (.litmus, as nt iT.c satin t i nl did u I t tie pi 1 1 of another f aun - Iv. id the siinc tinoie Mid age as bi little iliiifhtiT. lie i-ited i.t Stales but could lin, I no fll to ,. ,. c use I wile's sist.-r; ho thought, ns'u'.-il v, thai she In.' Int. I ili-il. He letUMK'l to h" lii'l lcll State, nn I t ino in, tie? liii'ling exci'i tn nt oflm- n. .s. mi -ii he ilcd bis Horrows. tin I ol'a.-ed. ii -l ita-itlv, all lecolhetini nl' ,s oil I. oo. e on the bunks (, t!,,. p'atid Yo'k. Shortly utter the cotaj leiion of iht IVotlie llaiiroad there ai lived nt Sviti I'r iuei-c i a pioitJemiui. b s w ile and a beautitul, well e lii'-ntid. tin ) pinccful yoniig lady, j i-t blooming into in ii.! otihooil. iipp.rantly niol renPy about cih'.eeii S'lu.nieri. It v.-as by (banc) the oii ng holy nn I n'C'l widower met a . . I to un et w is to I iVi. ' hey wet duly tn-ir: led. ndi-r a short ac.piaiii- t no-.-, till' t-et i III oiy bei lg ecb dilate I uith great ceint. mill or. at in;, no litllo il l' 1 r iii tin- lushicniil.V nn wiiilthv is o I ha' eilv. Tiie fuel that both . al iu s lion- tliesaiin- stn i inn.- exe te I n e oiiiiient or iiojU-rv, ilni"-t o'li e as c.itntn lis ji was tun. n ss i hat if . a. 1 1 II or lii'owu. A lew Weeks alter the li'.tn i iage, us the liiisbiud ami wife na'ui'ullv enquired int each other's ra-t histoiy m'i I niitecp li iiis. uud wt r, gradually becoming belter ticqu iinied vuili eaeli other, tin il. iioueiut-nt c iino tiny were lather uud daugh ter. Woman's ili,.n i in 'I t at v-Mu. s-ilii.eii. alM.'Ugh iisua'ly legar led n Is I.ilol the tunes in I h . ice i.-n t i .ii nf w.'tn in s rig!. is, s,., ,,,M i,, ,.IVl, ,;,, a step iu advance. 'I orcc -m-ii h ivo heciiiild. il to tin' '. ',, hi, i ;,f j. el'.s'.lllt inoj l '. Tl.t If , once n ; woman, in. I Pi in il.e lln-t. u hi scried iho l,.r,,'s ol tie Philis tines in Ihe sin,(. Xo ilmiht then' have been li.lliiV Uliolll-iyl 1). . I ihs s:n e th it duy. Jiut , .so wi n "ie'eelivcs in r.iiistaiilinoplc are olfi - y ii eogii.. 'd. t-i opetaio against Ih-'irowii sex. 'J h - Uey's comuiis-ioii gives t hi iii position. Tney mingle itli u, -no n without I'ctinying their , . l!i. i.ii charai ti r. siol link.' nso cl iii ' can I us ri vclati. lis to tho conl'usioii lol the iinb'riuiiates whom they betray into convi nation. In this way a imir 'deicl was recently ili-tecled A lo i a, ule w itness refusing lo testily was , show into a room where seicia'l tub-r ! w. nicii were scaled. A woman detect've wa anion them 1 "l."U''"".U'1' ""J.0"1' mniugei lo ob i.iio me ii.ioi'iuaiion wiiicn i, iiiuiu "liiei ils could not exiruet Irun the n luctant wiincts. Now hcio i tlio light k-f women to servo on the polico aetiinlly iitvortcd , ly tl.o Turk, and somew hat iu advance of tho nppoioi-uii-iit of a Woiiiitn as Justice of tho Penco in Wyoming; 'l'erriioiv it. our "" " -'uu,-try- 'r,,.uy . ilo innvm ; I u"' w' '"-pect ton move is in u direc- .'" "'c''!" "'' 1 , u!'! " w"",t-'n ha is-i10. ,'lo1."l1' l' Pre-il.-iit, Uov-ruor ' 'r. r"v ' 'ntiiuiy privu- ecd lo j 'in th di Icctivu force. General l'l. u-oi.ioo u.ed to t II all aiiiMsing little India i s:ory. Ho was once, wlnlo stationed u' a fi or. tier post, quite surrounded by tLrentennig bands of Clnyeiiiiu. He wished Very much lo negotiate a treaty Willi tiei chi Is, U 1 1 .ry were tu auspi, Iojs o ' l.osii o to placo tbcniselves iu Iiis puw er. Al, last be succeeded In Ooptui in.' a young I ml iu it or ruk, whom be held us a lies lage. One clay tin caXive, sulleuly stalking sboul tho fort, eume upon u. soldier who lor want of better amuse ment, wasplayiug with a child's jump- ' ing jack. Tho noble savag was trans-' died with wonder aud aduiiruliou.- ue watcoea tue oi;ne litllo tig. , lire iu Ireathles sileue lor some uiio--uica. llieo turned aad ro like one u.d past tho aentii.els, -It a pad sll the ols ., -truetious, und escaped from Ik fprL.'' la aa incredible shul timn, Lowyrer, b returned, boadiug a deputation or vhirtt, who, allvr spcndiiu an b'-ur vt i so io wrspt C"Otcniplrlon oflb juuip ..... I.AU hdlil .ttldlKK Anhll A -. .1 "I- J - -" - w- ..ill, 0 S oegotistod tb 'Virvd treaty, ttipola-' ling aa too roost impstunt cumK,ilo" last Ihe ssirvsilou llnl i " r' far
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers