AT. K. IAt Aisfn r?nnttft un to h bflt he Will njirn a select school puw on iwotnuj, April inn, ntiaua clsren ' weeks. Tuitloo M OO upward, according to Ibc l.c tauglil. , nPAfT A, Fnyder county milllis nuettcd tn meet In the armort Minriay moriilr(f it 9 o'clock, ful- ,if pod, tor tl.o turpnre or hcinp: t at the funeral set I Ice of MM Un Gorc K. Dower, doo'd. . order ot the Op'.aln. .Dims. Vtdutiteors .lio enlisted tn July 221. 1P61. sod Wfrt bor ic dimliargcd after serving oor or ueira ol such dieesM) will Ivt pecuniary benefit by calliag ftoo at Ibe office of Wm. Morer, jru ra. triUL service In behalf of the itdliinnan. Grorira K. Ilnwer held io i ho Lutlicma Church s rlsr at 10) o'clock A. M .next iih. j ho funeral rrrnmn will be red by ilio Rot. 0. J. Drcosiuucr, wit-burtf, a fuiiuer cluseiiisto f Icresscd. Ilelalircs and friend rdially Invited to lo present. i) Fellow Ki.r.cTtov. The pcrui- ;il elect ion of Selinsprovo Lodite, 07, 1. O. U. V.. held Saturday mr, resulted in the choice of th ntr officers : NoMo (irind, Jo- Albert i W. O., F. M. Stuck; jrer JO'Cpli V conch ; Secretary Miller. 1 ho proportion to lu ild Hull wns carried by an almost tnous vote in favor of building:. r.prs Ieath John Lcbkiclier Berlin, was found dc.iej, on onntain near that j lure, on the out. Karly io the moraine ol dsv he left the bouo, with hi' and sled, fur the purpose oriinu'- od. At be did not return who; teJ, the himily bceumo tinony. itie of his conn went to soo wh it rutg. and (bund him lyina on k, in tho nor, dead. II in 4 years, C nnntha md (1 days. peals. Tho Cooimiifinnrrs true that they will meet in their ol- this place, on Monday tho lltli f April, 1S70, to hear nppeuU for r, est neaver, Centre, l-rntikliti. on, Middlrcreck end Midillrbtiru, icsdsy, April 1'Jth. fr'Chnpnino ngton, Terry, eaf rerry, I nion, no, l'snna and Selinsi;rove. The mlfioner. wlil hI.o at tho fame eit ss a Irnard of enrollment iew the rolls ol the Assessors fur sry purposes, wlieu end where all on mt crested may attcud if they proper. s 8. K L. r.Aii.soAO Tbe Ilnardjf "rsofihe Hiinhury and I.ewisiown ad met at ringrnTe on TiiihIst ffmeula were malo to ifpnre bonds rket i nnd I'ol. Simyisnn slarird to lelplna die next day to secure fund pleie Hie road. Ii is underKtcod ilial on the rnad will be commenced iu a 9.MiJdltLurf Potl. nipiU.r jc like the above appears l once a month in the eiuuhury, grove or Middloburir newspapers; f hat it amounts to, ia hard to toll, io it is, tbo "few daya" pass away and over scam, and still Uo ised "work on the road1' remains et "commenced !" The people the line, as well as at both ends, the road built. They are ready their part, il the reaxonablo a- roo of aucccH cao beeiven them. his fulsoDicneas of pioniines.witli. esults, is doin more harm thai? L t us bvo le-8 talk and mure say we. Ltwitioxti Jh mocrot. mi tho Pcmtjcrat is ritrht. W'v had talk enough ; what we want i5 now ia work. LOAEIXO KXPKNSI VE ? TIlO J of young uien who are irrailu- in the school of loufcrisni seems Io steadily increasing. How the tares live, liuw dress, bow they iiio to Drive public opinion nnd g luce uusuffuscd witbt blush of lie, are very difficult questions to er. i et they do all, and anchor lire Ives so brinly on tbeir accustom ar.lnu places, day after day, niuht niitht mil uootb after moota, not the liirh tninirs from the eves -stared ludies, nor tho thuodcrinus delisted men, eao suffico to move to other tod moie anchorniro lodt. The pale of putlie otdoioc a heavily against them, and not- standing the rocky leoVci of dis e arc just under them, (bey do- fy ride out the storm, and grow e liutelul and ucly by reason ot r prolonged existence. We often der if Uie professional loafer ever ctt that it would coat bun much to be a respectable, industrious A first class loafer folio s his essiooat the expense of days, weeks the, years. His entire time must evoied to it. It eoeta him frieoda, It Ix . vi-or, comfort, honor, diunlty reepect, tod Dnally all reirret and tioerauoD wneo aeu. e-o says an iange, and to we. And that it not Idlencsa leads to vice, inituorral and crime, ami finally to tho pea tiarr or the gallows. It would be ad red told better II every idle boy Later were eogtged in some useful pa lion evon tnoujin it te do per tbao a bod carrier or street render. It night save them from penitentiary or gallows. Let those have idle boys put tbeni to some ut ocoupatioo. ' ut Tkhnolooist. The seeond bor of this Journal bas reached us Is luliy tit to the promise be d J oy me nrst. It contalus vary full pse eneravinir, oa tiated frltdl A. . s O'.hcr article of . her ft to render llifanuro- , both (o the practical ouo jt general reader. Amonjtst them may tie mentioned The Manu facture of I'orcelaio, Unocal Improve ments n Distilntlon, Street Hallways, Ocean Line of Telegraph, The Tarix System ol Drainage, Influeneo of Oc eupationon IUeltb,Tha History of the Lucifer Match, IsometncaJ Froicctloa, Tho Seieneo of I.ittlo thing, Ac, Ac. Those who desiro to examine a copy of tlita journal should eend tirenli eont to tho lodusturat rntlication Corupany, 179 Droadway New York. Kditation a t..l he ratrona of the public hooltnupht by Kmanuel Kreb In Weat Beaver twp., were entertain, ed on Inel Wedneadny evening in Moj. er' ahool liouao, Thoexercisea wcie opened by the naming of the ex-l'rea-idenia of the U. 8. and ex (Jovernorn of Ft., by the pnpila, which they enn do wiih a r"ct refreahiog affect. Af ter which the achool wns examined by Kml. Krela. who conducted the exer ri.e io A most lntrrcxtinir manner, jjivinij lewona and illustrations in the nrtif pcDinnnrhip, In prmunar, in read on and ia mental atithmatic. Tbr rending by the pupils was excellent, and the innoy dillirult (mental) prob lems which were eolved with case and rapidity by the f npils, allowed that lliry lind made good use of their time, und that they had been taught by a live and indiiatrioua teacher. Ogo di rector, three eaeherand a Inrpe audl eoeo were present. Several able nd dresea at the close were delivered by Mrssis. Oenrcc Lauihei l, Knil. KrebV and T. A. Wo:ncr. May tho teaehei meet with anercss in all his nndertuk inj:. Mr. Krtbs' echoul clofcd on last Thursday. V. A T. March 2Sth 170. FrisH ItAHtitN SlEt.M. -flhiodle 5; Saiueford have just received afresh uppliy of iardco Seeds frtm Lan dreihs cclrbrited ISeed NVh:ircbouc, t I'hilndelphia. Tin. tic feeds ore the produce of ground near 1'hilndel hia, (uiii thcrefi'TO auitrtl to our ciiuiute,) under tho iniincdiate su ,wt vision of Mr. I'avid Lundrath, tlic seui'ir purtruer ntid chii therefore be wnninteil tn prove to bo prceisly a? rcpre-ietited. Call at the urw Htorc in Middlcbui;r. St. Mnvrii Si. ISuwks continue to do an eMi'iiMve. biiHiocfs ut their mill In Se- linsL'i'ova. They buvo conHtontly on hand a laro Block of finiidied doora. nih, blinds, siding, flooring, Ac., ic I'hey have n large Muck of eeujoned bile and yellow pine mid hemlock hoarda, and a lariio qunnt i'v of Xo. 1. and 8 f liinglca all of which they sell tbeep ar, can be bought t!ewhcro. (tive them a trlil. WaenscllerA 8on, rorwnnlingand Comniision nierchants.dciilurs ingrain, coal, fish, plaster, merchandise Ao , . Atend a (ifiioral invitation to the pub 'ic to pivo them a trial, nnd warrant entiro s.itif:iction. They have just re- eived a hirce stock of frc-h irroceries from Fhiltt. which ratinot bo aupr- ecrfed in quality and cheapness, j test brown suiiar at 12 cts and beat white at l'ic. IIIILALiKLI'II I A MAUKKT8. Finr.Anr.i.pntA, Mar. 20.-In wheat tl ere is n lull supply, in excess of the lemand, but pricen exhibit no materi al t'hnnife. 2,0')H huhuU lUd aold at SI b(u 2"), nod some inlYrrior at al ID. lute ia worth CI 30041 40. Uye is steady ut about 91c. 'I hero is piite an uctive inquiry for (Juts and ho sales loo! up about 2..)('0 bushels Sin to and Western at 5o(t 50c. , und 1 ,.riU0 buslioU Delaware, litilit at 5!. Coro is dull, nnd prices are about 1 cent 'ower. 4,0IMI bushels lellcw fold at meOPc. There is an activo call for Cloverseod and holders ate firm. 400 bushels sold at C8 12 l,(?lS 25 for cood and 8S 371 for choice. Timbthv is firm ; small sales at $5 f2'(iG 2.). ac cording to quality. Flaxceed ia in sonio demand for crushing, hut ia rather scarce; sales at 82 252 25. MIDDLKIinifl MAKKET. Potaioea 50 Lard 1 j .allow 10 Clierriea 9 eta Flaxseed f2O0 lleeswai 40 iluokluberrits HO liuittr 80 tggs Zi liried Apples Beta r'cbesuup'd 18 ci Soap lu ( berries seeded 21 Ulaekberrift i SELINSGUOVE MARKET. Corrected weekly. Whest No 1 f 1 no I Onions 75 Wheat I' 2 Ui I Duller ll'J Cora ttO V.f0 2U Rye bll Hoap 6(o01 ,ii t 8 Lard 1 1 Flaioerd 2 00 Ham 20 Tiiuothyaeed 8 00 Hboulder l' Cloterteed C 60 bid Id MARRIED. 8MlTII-eilAFFtll.-Oo lbs 2sth Inst. L'rlnh fmiih of this place, and Miss Mary A. rJbatler cT Washington tp. DIED. GLOVER. In Relinsgroveon the 24th Inst, Franklin Vincent, son of Norton and Oloter, aged 1 year, !2 uios. and UUdava. EGUKHT. In Fraukliu township, on lb Zid Inst., siaiblaa Lygert, agea about 40 years. THl'KMlY. In Tort Tretorton 00 the 20th Inst., Thomas lienlon, aon of Wm. H. and Carolina Tburaby, aged '3 years Drno a' and il days. CNABLta (Lscassa., LLEOHENY UOUBE Xs. 811 4 811 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA KLECKNER & CAW LEY, rsorsiaross. l,61tf irrnis n uw rcr uay. 0. 8. KWINEEOUD. WITH . J08UPI1 S. DELL. MANUFACTUHKR OF WnOlKSAM DEALER LY CLOTIIIIVG, CLSTBl, CUSIIKBI ft IKST SOI. 43 n.'Bth Hrd BTaaiT, l'hiladalphia. TVJOT1CE 19 HEnkBV ' OIVKN thai we XI hat purchased ikt fallowing personal property, sold by vlrlne of a writ of Fieri Faeias. Issned oul of the Court of Com man Mess of Knyder sounty, ss Ike property of Koewtll Koihroek,. to wlti t'nekinf Slot. 1 Cbsir, 1 Htsnd, Tshle, 1 Pet of chsirt, I clock, 1 Looking (llss, 1 corner eupboard, I llcdsltad and f.e.lrfinc, f Hut key, 2 Tons Hay, 1 Baddta, Ilrldle. 4c, I (ct of Harness, 2 Lounges, 1 Wood ehrsl. 1 crib, I Wheelbarrow, Horrel Msre and bating toft the tarns to bis possession, the public la bereht cautioned not to meddle or interfere with the same. JOSF.NI . Ct.PlT. JACOU KtMtKld.NO. Jaonary, 27, 1H79. r sniLi.ia, aasArait.t, otts oisuasu. J F. '.OVAAAS k CO., (Sucoettors to Seiberling Jt Knetlin,) WAOLF.SALE DEALF.KS & IMroKTEttS DRUGS MEDICINES. Nos. 402 it 404 North Third St. Muj PHILADELPHIA. QUOSS A IfUOTHEF.S, Mnnufacliirors of and dealer! in all kinea ?Pt niU. TIMHER. Lt'MF.ER. F.M.lXtl, Sill MM, KS, LATH. Fl.ddlilNO, etc., Kbsmokhi Datn, Pnvdcr Cotitily. l a. All orders promptly 6'dcd. W.ilnnl, C'rrry. l'.;fnr, nsd l.inn t.umltr tnnttamlii vn hand. 7 -Oy 1M'0KX(TIOX IN TIlV l,i:l,I.K,8 Jill UN Al ' llnw Teaebrra, Miidrnl. Ilctired t'lcrftj me n. tncrgct'o Voi n Men otid Ladies can nmke 7. to $K)0 pvr niunlh iltiritig Ibe Fpiitig and Kiiniinrr. A copy free, t-'end mime nnd sldresa to peuplc'a Juiirnal, l'lillndflpria, l'a. . lrTANI k HoVElt, Wholcsiilu and lletail Dealers In HARDWARE, ITTLEKV, CoacUoiakcri' Materials, S bee I indiopj, Jo. Sclinsgrotc, Vs. S-ltf QtlUK FDR Tr.AVnLF.RS. I'nscn(rer Trains leste the Marrlslmrg rnilrond l. jois lUily as fullun : I K.NNYI.VAMA CI NTHAI. HAtI.RlAt. riiil'id'a Kxpress eacvpt .Motidiiy i!. Ill a m Fail l.lhe t.snrnstrr Ir-tln (elaMl Joy) ' I'licida i;spies frain ' llnrnatim Accommoilntion 1 Cineitinnli KiprcNS llnin daily SomUcrn K.ii ri's H.I)') " l.'.IHp tn 1(1. 1 1 " 11,00 " wrstwAnn. Clnclnnili eiprcs except Monday 1 2. Jc p m I'iit-l'iir).' Kiprcs 1 'J1 it tn I'scitie Ksprvsf trnin dnily -t.l.'i a tn Fiiiilirniii n train etcet't Monday 7. I " ....... . w i. 1 1 .. F.1-1 l.iue ' 4 brie Fiisl line " " 4,20 N'OltTIIKRN CENTRAL KAII.HO.Mi NoKTIIWAKD. r.uffiiloe Fpros lr.iin 2,;0 a nt Niplit AcTuiuuipdntion ll.o.'ipm Mnil iruio 1.10 Fanl bins t::o " SdlTSWASP. nulTnlo Kxpresa Train fi.l.'t m Mail train p tn PaeiHo Kip l'J IIA p m I 1 ors ihn risii g Acccomoilatlon 4. .111 p ui Cinvinnli Kxpress 0. Ij " st lll VI.KII.I. AND PtSQIT.IIANNA R. II. A pasxetiper nnd mail train leaves ibe Lebanon Vnlli v depot daily, ut .'l.'SH p. ut., fur i'inegrte, Aiiliuiu and t'ollsville. T-ASniSGTU.N 1101'SB. MltlJhbiirj, Snyder O'ltuf'j, Pit. LEWIS KINO, Puni'itiriroR. IVrybDS slopping st this lloue will find c Xi'clU'til nccuiuuiudaiioos, for Mnn and Heast. 7-li-tf CELL Si SCHONOIML Wholesale Dealers In UUANDIES, WINES, fains AVUMcrys c, WOMKLSDOKK, UKKKS CO., l'a. Jabimry lil, l,"7ll-lf D VI1 WILLIAM, Manufactures of k Wholesale Dealer in till', Mahogany, Walnut and Rosewood LOOKING GLASS Picture & Photosraphlo Framos, Nos, ZIO and iVl Art b btreet, I'biUilelpbia l'a. Frames Repaired in I he best manner. Also, Reglldihg in all its branches. 7,'JJ rpHE DAY Is published ttery morilog (except 8un ilay), at the office. N. W. corner bulb and t'bcsinut alt eels, Philadelphia. trice One Cent per Copy. Served by lbs oarriera iu any part of the oily, anl in ibe aiijneent clilea ami towns, for SIX CENTS 1'tU WEEK, payable, to the carriers. I'rics for mailing. TI1IRTY-FIVF. CENTS per uioulh, or FUt'll DOLLARS per an num. V,CKVS FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1870. The First Edilloo uf One Hundred and Twenty Thousand copies of Villi's lllua I rated Catalogue or bred a and Floral tiUlde, ia piitilished and reaily to send out it is elegantly printed ou ana tinted paper. lib about "ilKi fiue wood f.nevatinis of F'lowera and Vegefablet. and a beautiful colored plate -consisting of setcn tarielies 01 ruiox urummonuii, makings nns BOUQUET OF PULOXK8. It is tba most beautiful, ss well as Ibe most snairuclits Floral Uuid. published, giving plaia and thorough direeiions for tba Culture of flowers and Trsctablrs. The Floral Quids is puhll.bed for the tienent or my customers, to whom it Is sent tree wiiuout apollcallon. but will ba for warata to all wbo apply by mail, for tss Cssts, wbicbis nol half ibe cost. Addreai JAMES V1CK. Rochester, N. T "TV I880LCT10N OF PARTNERSHIP. XJ The aubsoriber sate tats day av nil lual content dlsaulted tbc Co-parlnerebip heretofore existing betweea tbeia ia lbs Lumber liusmcss. ia aellDsrrotc I s A persoua indebted 10 lbs arm of Uoyer liowss a Bursa will stills lbs aamt wnb lbs ntw 6rm of Moytr k llowst wbo ill couliDUtlba businett, sad all persoat hat inc elaima agaiutl at will band Uieau la for teilleaiaat to aloytr liowet. v. a. Ntiicn .llOUEKT L. UOWE8 1. V. UUKNH. Belinsgrevs No. 3 I860. A GIFT isr& waattd Ladies Oeatlevta for I 'air spare moinsuis. A Htwiag siaebise, a Oold waiob, a liible, asoaty aad oiatr gsvda givta as premium. How, Wken. Wbar, What, ami all otbtr partlculara, , Ad dreas C. L. VsaAllsa, 171 ltroadway, N t riRAYBILL A Co., : Jf WaoLssi.a TiSAttas ts WOOD AND WILLOW WARE OH Cloths, Window Shades, llroVms. Mms. iruiies uotloD I.apa, urnln Pngs, Fly Neia. Huckeis, Twines. Wicks, A.o. No SI) Nnnh Third IttreeJ, I'bUsdelphls, Feb. T. '07 JT IF. WALTER, IMruRTUl AS1 UKALKR IN CHINA, GLASS, ANI gt'EEXSWARE, M K. M Sfrert, bet wren tint t l.Tlne .rjj rillLAUKI.rillA. J AF.GE ARRIVAL OK NEW GOODS AT J. W. DKKESE'S STORE, X. W. Corner Market Square, MiddUburg. The stock embraces in part IlrctSg Goods, lihtck !ilks, All-wmd lo 1. nines, Cuba !;, Morinns. Foplins, Repp, Av, Ac Muslins, IWdo-widih SboPtiiii's. lM illihgs. Table Diaper, Osnshtirjr, Extra Tickings, (.'hocks, Shirt ings, (i inliiiini, J.iciinct, u lull iHi-nnuiciit of Ciilicn, riiiiniils, Heavy twilled, Sliii'tiii";, liiuiiki't.s, Itnlmrimls. Hosiery, (Moves. Ai'., c. CLOTHS AND C'ASSI MERES Itiruin und Linen Carpels. Wonli'o, Liuon cotton Cnrpet Cliaiii. n'.wv mapi: cLormsn. FliMir, Tablo and glair Oil Clot ha. Hats nnd C'nps, DOOTS AND SHOES. Hardware, ('teeiiswure. Chiua ware, tilui swure, Wood nnd Willow ware, ('uth-rv, Oil Wimluw Shade., Ldcklnv; i:insrs Sit'.. Ac, ,Vc. TOUACCO AND CRiAPS. 1 S A L T FISH! ! The Weliest markot price paid for nil I kinds of eoumry proilnec and dried IViii's. (I'tinilent ol reieterini; perfect snfnc- (tion b..ih in regtrd to nhd iiisl slitt j Iimu.,n. 1 ripcuiiii iij invtie nil to git nie s can octre purchasing elt here. J. W. liKKKSK. I I'llrburir. Janusry 7, lM'.t'y J. COOKE WIIOI.ItLK liEAt.ER CLOCKS ! U'.l North 3d t'lreet. Vbilodclpbiit. Aug , ii;0y J. T. eillNl.ttt., m. u. JJ-KAD THIS. t'llll.lP BWISSIUSO Shlnde AND Sw tnrford. DllKililnTS AM CllKMITS, Offer for title WllOt.KSAl.S AND I'STAII., DRUGS, MEDICINES, I'AIMS and tlll..Mli;.U., Euibraoinft PC I5K XI.M PAI.M Green, Illtie. Yellow. Kcl sud lllack ; aims grouml iu l.inserd Oil, llenar Vavnivb Spirila Turpentine, (orsl. CuhcIisii.I While PRYING JAPAN, KNOTTING. w Indow (ilass, Putty, Tine Oil Alrtdiol. Stascii, Isiiioo, VxBMit.i.ios, I'AisTand VARNISH JlHl'tiHES, Malt osrf Ft malt Truittt and -SmworHr jt Siufls Concenlrated Lye, Fins Ppongea, SPICES, CORN KTARCH & HIRDHEED t'luwr and Harden Serd, Ts wtlcli the atleuMonof dealera la called, at w s will sell si Ibe very lowest Curb Prices in quauliliea to auit purcha sers. Wesli't kiep on hand and offer for salt Wholeaitlo and llulnil. all Ibc lead- I nc Patent Meilii'ines. Also, NOTIONS, CONFWTIONKRIFS. TOUACI l hKUAKM. Middlcburg, 8uyder Co. Pa. March 21, 1W.7. FniLADA. ft HEADING K. B. Through Routs to t'be Sutquehanna ! milF. Bhamokln A Irevortoa Railroad X being cotnpleled, a tbrorch route is pencil between llernuon (on Hit Pinipie- banns tuvor) ana ruuaoeipuii. iraina will run at follows 1 EASTWARD. No. 1 Patients, leaves Trevorlon 5 10 a ai.i Sbamokin 6 40 a m,j arivea at Phil adelphia at 1 00 p m. no. a rasaenger icavea nernuon at v ou a si. 1 Trcvorioa 10 ui a ai,: pusioomo 10 66 a v.: arrivea at Pblla at 8 46 p at. No. b mi ted. Isaves Herodoa si V tu Trsvorloo i m,t Bhssiokio 12 17 p u arrives at Potlsville st S 16 at. WEBIHAKU. Ns. 3. Psssencer. Leaves rkiUdtlphla 8 16 a at 1 thatuokio 4 'HI p ta; Trevortoa 4 80 n aa 1 arrives at llsrndoa al a x6 p si No. H, aaissd, Leaves Ashland al f 0 a t Bhamokia V 8'.) a as 1 arrives at Tre- noB 10 J7 a at 1 Ileradoa 12 W p as Mo. 10. mimed, Leaves Aablaad al s w p an t rban.okia 169 p at 1 arrivea at Trevorlan at 6 80 St. PasscDser traiaa Nos. 1 sad S wake soaneeilou al Reading for Alleaiowa.Ksw York. Lebanon. lUrrltbarf, loioaaia sad La n caster. Paseeeaiers arriving ia Bkanokla sis KCHW, abovl 10a ai.raa tonnsct with Na I rassesier. at 10 66 a at, for rblla delpbia aad luterentdlate poiaia. Tbsss arriving a Iks N C K W Psasesger train at 12 10 boob, eaa eenaeet wltk No. 6, vkiek leaves Ibasittkia al 12 17 for Aea- laad, Mahaaoy Illy, Tastsqua sad rolls- villa, w.n. omnia, Aug S, 'sal., Cresssaa. y. J. II. 1 1 1 isa C1IO0H & BROTHER Would respeelfnlly annnunie to (he people or rinjiler i ennty and ihepnlilie, fl neratly, rtiat thrt bate Just secured, and will constantly keep on hand and for sale, a very extenslvt assortment of in their Commodious New Room orroaltt the Hank, Kclinsgrbte l'a. Til BY WILL SELL AT HE M'C'El) PKK'E!I Tbeie exlensitc stock consists of a well selecle-t assortment of FA 1.1, ft W INTI Ii (IiMlliH. They hate CLOTHS. CASH- MKIIS. plain and fancy, Alineii', .Irsiis, Twee. Is, Muslins, lirilliins. Flantirls. ('becks, ic. Also an elcisut asuorimeni of LADIES' DRE7S HOODS ! Silks'. ILinilmyne. Alpacas. lihiek anil funey Dtdsitia, Lawns, tlinphains, a Inrpo variety of fine Whito (Jooil. LAIHF.S' FISAIONAIH.E COATS, flui, skirts MiowU. Ac, Ae. It E A DY M Alt E I'M )T 1 1 1 X ( I Conts. vi'sts, Pants. Shirts Ac. A variety n! KOTIOKS &II0SIEKY. Cullnrs I, Int n nntl Phj 0 Dr srnTriin niiii(rs. liiitions Ctrte. XtHplivis eoiiuiinii ami hiilit. .MoniVKiu and Shetlund Wool Ac. Ac. nSIIaSAlTfATsDlliOxX, stf.i'.l. 8T0VKS, rcr.Ks. SHOVELS, SPADES, HAKES. GLASS, NAILS. PAINTS, Hardware O'leeusware, (1 lusstvnre. C'ediirwiire, Willow-Hare Crockery. I'LASTLH. White A p.lue. lo. a largequintitv of liir.-rctit kimUci II ATS A; CAPS, LWi'SA SllOKS. ol,ery style, variety and ijuslily. Also, all kin. Is of CARPETS. &C. C.roS'rrlt-s of all kind, frevb from the I'lnlailrlpbia and Nrw oi k Mitrki'ts. They kcrp ci'iislanily ou ban I a Istgv supply of WHITE LEAD AI H PAINTS, every (Uiiity and lice, rceeivnl direct from 1I11' iiiiiuut'iicturis an.l ciltc(iiriilly can sell ai the very 1 .iv cl ptivva. Alsu nil kinds of OILS. WHALE. liilOWN L! T.KICATINO. SLRSTITITi: ami LINSEED OIL. fr Painlinp. To I ho Liner Ihey c ill par- tict'iilttr nticiiiiu an il is iiih1 to l.iii.ti, oil f ir cidore I p liming, sil l cila lull ulic half the price. Ilijrhes piiccs juiil fur Country Pruilllec 11 in I All If iiuls of (.rain. sj"flivp theni a trinl liefuro iriir elsewhere. SCHOC1I A EUOTPEIL Tlioy nranlo tie njH'M fur GEISEII'S PATENT FLY LEG I LATINO GRAIN .vEPARAToll CLEANER ANl HAt.GEU. The 1 1 1 1-1-1 Improved uud mini ci'lclTutcd in ibc world. Jusi the Mu'ddne 1'uiiin r liiivebeen perking nl'ier for yrnra. Ii willlblHhll fnm -'I lo 10 Itifbela per liotir. rli-ani'd residy funnnikHi. Tbey will e1l ihec tn bines upon ll.tu tucr ittWarruned as teprcsriiir.l. Ajril Is, 't,7-ly "V)TU ' N',,it-e is hereby pivon thai, H on mid after October 1-t lw I Hill clo-e llooks and Mo llesi. bllil I'lllv rill It' loiiiii credit biii - ..It !'ir l ii-h i-r Pi'i- lin-e. All th ekliowine nieinsi ites in di-hied en niv Ho. .Us will pli-nso luki Nuiice llnil 1 lit? sniiie M11-1 l-e Paid or settled bv Note between lhi dale and Jiuiiisry'lst 1ST0. AH accounts ant set. tied bv Ibul time ill be placed in proper haiids' fur cnllei 1 ion. All gooJs w II be sold for I'uidi prices. 11. L rtAll'EMU'SM Heaver Springs Snyder I'o. Ph., .i., aso nv.vrf.7i i'ASHW.& ins. M A. I'.JMiF.ll bas jnt arrived Ill from Puris au.l Loudon iih the In 'si ileains pers'itiiilly elecicl Iroiu the the greiitesl Uovellies; also tuc uiosi l ie- gain 1 1 linings 11) i e e securt o' Laeea ; Mbbi.ns, Velvets. Itridiil Veils, Flowers. Fine Ji'vrelery, and Triuied Paper Pailein. llress nud Cloak M nking Fsclusive agent for Mrs. M. Work's ci-lebrnied rvietu for ciutina Indies' dreses, ic'nii-s, basques, itc. N, W. corner of LisMUtb auU I lieslnul Sit., Pbiladelpbia. I,.iiiu EWISUfKO i wooLzxr rAcxoavi The subscriber, thankful for the liberal ralronnse bestowed on bis esiahliubmvnt at Lnurellou, begs leave, to inioim nit friends nnd Ibe puplio generally, Uiut he bas hud his mill at Lewisburg biled up iu the beat possible Biauuer, with lbs Latrt Jmjirovr'l JrwAnery made in the country, an lih Ibe advao tsget of Oieatu Power, which can be relied on al all limes. He feelt tare In saying that hie establishment it not surpassed by anv in lbs Slate. Hasina- ensnaed astt of'good Workmen be ia cow prepared for usaufavl uring all kinds of WOOLEN GOODS sum At CLOTHS. CAS8IMF.RES. SATIN ilia, TWF-FPB, JI:AS, ILANNtUS, ULAN K KTS.C'A Kl'ilS, TAKNd, 4s. h tU sest westsjee an4 al reoWt? rteet. s Aa aevtlent atsortmeat ef Oroda al all times oa band, for sals ar etcbaogs for Wool. ROLL CAHDINQ 4oas oa tkort aotiee. aajrTERMS CASH -sal MARK IIAbrPENNT. Lewisburg, I'aloa s., Pa., lcs. 4,8y SBBOB9 OT YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who sufsrsd lor years freia Nervous Debility, Preaialura Decay, aad all Iks sffesls ofyouiblul indisareiioa ill, foe Iks saks af saffvriag kuatajaiiy, asnd Ires is all wba .asad II, ika rasalpi asd Otresiioaa fur stskiag lb aiaipls reaitd b wktak ks aras eured. SuStr ra viskiagts proki ky Iks. advtn iter' t ipartsaaa. ssa ds SO bv aadrasisiag. ia ptlesl soaldaaiea. JUUB B. UUDkN, Ma, 41 Ctdar sirsat, Nest Hark S IJlslv wholosaloldud rctiV caQcnt.p olinsgrovo, I?o JACKAWANNA PLOO.MSBCRO RR. On and after Monday No. ROik, IKbS, Passenger Trains will run nt follows I BOl'TIiWAKU A M. Leavt Scranloa f,25 Pilision t;ti't Kifigtc,n n.'jn Hitprrt S.MS Dsnvill 9.04 Arr. tt North d. !'.('! P M. AM, P M, 4.10 10. VI I fl.U 4,4" 1.18 n.Vr 11,110 7,00 7.47 .'JO V.OA Nl'RTIIWAItll. A M. P M. Leave North'd 7. in 4.4 Danville 7,4ft A.'JI Rupert S.IS JM Kiugxnn lo.f.7 S.40 l'iiilon 1l.'j;i V.I il Alt, PM. a..v, s.n.i . a.i:: 1 ;.' a.4i Arr. t hrrnnimi IJ.n, !'.!.' Trains lenviiiit .Scrtnton at A 2o A. M. and I 10 f. m!, eniinei t atNor tliiiinlierlunil with trains on P. A E It. IL for IIiinMnirj'. Haltimnro. iViiMhiiiirt!i,Williiin'frt, Lot k Ha ven, 1'ittrliU'K und lli-'.West. Trains striving at Sernnlwii nt tO A. M., connect with trains) arriving it New York nt 4 Li r. M., l'hilj lel phiit at t't.J" 1'. M , and Un ut Ecml ut 1.."il p. v. Trains arriving at Scranton il S.4'. i'. M.. with lircnt lictid ami West I. T. I'lll'M) Snp t. lORIlitRD'H ri.anoj.iH- bniuhiiig Tohat t o t-d n pi nil : win-lev, r introduce I it is universslly i'liiiiri'1. It is pnl up in hnii' mu lin I sps, in wl.U h I'lJ. ts ri.r'.Mt'tiscliHUiii Pipes aro ilaily ptckol. LoUM.t.Allli s Van-lit (i:iJ Nnioklni Tobuero I clied by nil -lill Ctl !! 11 1 it n the liiiel nt all : 'I in m:iil- of Ibi''leiicesi uri'ivn j il i null tn-r v. us in its 1 flirts, ns lbs Nie. .tins hi beeo exiriici.Ml : il lenvps tin liii):ri'esl.le taste after smokin: it is verv nulil.liebi in color and wri-hl, brnrc one pound ill l:i-t n ln)t as : i.f nr.liiisi y i"l iri-. 1 1. 1 this I roml ar nl.o ywV i.i'i, r p ty lav for first iii!,!ity Mi -rivliaiiiii I'lpps. 'Iiy il mid c.invinm V'torii.Hi' 11 is a'l it ! clitima to bo. ! Ill: KINK.-T OK AI L i.onu.T.Ai:u'H I This t'rifi'l cf Fins I I ut rlicn mj I.. Iiv co li:l. llo f ii' hi ( bl tv liltl Tobuteo. -i.rvti"r anvul.i'to. i 1 1 n i'h" ut I tl.e tu'it i licnuiir tu I bucio in the ci'iiuirv. l.fillll I.AI'li S h ivo now been in yt'tierfl tr.i. in tin I llilr l ,s':.llis 1.V1I SNUFFS I In Ji l', unii Mill ln'-t " v hercvir ured. ackiiuttit'Ii'ii " the If y.iur s'i-'Tpkrrppr does n il l.ate tl.e-" ' m-iu li i tir snii,nk linn lngi t tln u: tl,i lire M'ld by rrj.rctnLle j.ilil i ts :i'iii -'t everywhere, ('irciilar ot prices luauatdrd , ui U pliiuliou. j P. l.t'lill.l.AI'.Ii. j Ic. 2-"in .N.w ,.,'k. XllIt'l'K li:iriltlllEt as M ssi aai t-t Al l US IN I H"fcllr tfJiUIIIi GROCERIES. II AltDW A i:i:. (ICLNSWAnt!, I- See. Xc. ,(n. c Evi iii:ii.ti: i4. Sm. t) TI lllilllT iniirhet IT.rl pntd nil kii U of fotinuy P10 lucu imd I'ltl 1.1. FK l it. i 5 11. JlLiJMAWUlT, lhiis::iM CtutJiist, HI'.AVIIIirON, Snyder CV . Ta Ci'tiiiniiily ke;is i.u hand, and for alt all kinds of l'rurs, Plllelil M.-'ll. lu I'aillls, IliN. tililns, UU.l Notions. l'l i. ep lo suit I lie titiu-s. Ai.g.iiStf IIAIil.KS II. MIM.LM5, AKI IIITKIT (OMUUTOU A tllLDLU Walout, Street, Sclin-jirnvc, l'.i. Is at a'l times prepare 1 lo furni-li liiufts. I'bitis un.l Hl'i-i-itii-iltiotis fir nil kituN of IJuililiiin, ni the luwe.-l pieiMo tutes ut:J .,, ,ri tmlice, He is also prepared tn ccntrad fir pulling up biiil liheH eiihir by liituisliin; uli the inniet inl or vibei-Aine. Slay 1 1, 't.(i ly I'riviKc T 1 1I K subseriter 1 tiers t Private Silc bit Valuable Real F "tale, alum: in IliHver l.iwn-hp. one half mile aoinhwesi !,',,, That all who see this n-ice mm lleaverlowii. o-ni ing or a FA I M , n,r M.j ,tlf T n,ur,, n, iP,t t,, i.u.. containing I. VI ACI1KS, more or le. wr lliak ,in,..lrr,. ;, 0l,., : a good two story 4 To eucb a- are not well sali.ned. we B-411 lairr 1lstllS. ? ! nd one doll -ir in pnv for tLe ln.ub'e tf tiling a wriil Kliu , nriibulii-.. n. vul',M a large HANK IIARN, snd all necesnry ',,.,,, wljil., Ul cIMm.ocr Wll,- mil buildm.'s. There is sn i veell. iii ,( , , ( 1 1 j.kPl , (-l , gH . nI Spring uearlhe huiie andslieam "t wilier f0, l.AS1,lN1,n,. uf iho liret utid runnirig through Iho farm. Apple 'r-, fm!v pub!ished-a!l n-ul cbard and a general eekci ion of chiiioc;fll(tf ,y IMHi ,e1(ler .f y.,11 want in Fruit Treea ia a brallby eocdiflon. ! ,;..., rt',tAhle umli. el E ('. The farm is all under good l. nn ahouf eighty seres of il are denied and iu 11 higli stale of culli tslioti ; Ibe balnlicv covered v. 11b ibe ben kind of timber. The bind is nal urally ftnile and niur in liineKiii and located in a healthy country neiir I" schools, chun bet ka . nud wnhincue fourih of a mile of M. C. V. R. K. For further particulars call oa or ad dress lbs tubscriber J. F. JllllLFSWAI'.Tll. HeavrriowD, SnyJcr Co , Pa. Pept. 2l,bi; V'ax X E15TO W X STO X K. S TO K V. -AND Tlawarc lllnnutticttfry. J.P.SLIIItK Would respectfully inform ike eiiitens of Snydrr eouuly that ke keeps eatiaolv oa band a large aasoriaital of OFF1CK, PARLOR, aad CtKikING STPTES Of Iks latest ttylrt and ott iaipreved fateras, among which ara Ibe se'eKraled snpira Gas Hurner, Ike bnaquehaBaa Cook, ats., which k is selling al prices thai defy sonpsiliioa. Us tba aisaufao lures sad keeps oa kaad a gsw,rl sssort meal of 8iuva Triataiinga, Tinware as. Special aiienlioa paid is fpoutisf and RvelBg, Give aie a call. i. F. SHIRK. ' BeaveHown, Cel. 21, ltb9. THKO BWlN FOKl, , WITH .' ens, iiciMiri c. istrokvssaatoaasBtla FANCT AND bTAI'H DRV GOOP No 20 Honk Third Rl. Pkiladetphla Jaa. Oa as, . 1 B. ptisraibaaas M. Rierabaatt. , ' Venibjsla. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Tot IhwiM(i of th Thr1t nnd Trtint, ' uoH m Connha. CoMal, W hooping CoujCh. Bronohltts, AUunt tvad Coniumptioa. rmtmltlr nf brf-w Ift Vfi who) hUUvnr ti mli tnp, fiMiinvtliitiir won no wkIH) nnl ftiU4r M(Mn Hit rontMrnri of ni-iitkintl, thin rf'Tiifnl riMiifMly fnr pulmonary curniiUinti. Thiiirli m crif s, itf (fir( nt nmoiipf mhi- of the ru-( of ptvn lihai rirn hi her mvf IhkImt hi Uioir um ti'ni It lm bsHiMiH' brlU'r kimn, ll tiiiilniui f hrrtvr ntit Miwr In ror Utn Vrtrtntiei it1rUitisj rf llio hinr nml llimiil, hmrt intwl U known Itjitil I'n.ipi'i'.r aruiiot thrift. Utulc ntlntil l tiiUliT fiirnn uf liMnsH rt to ymun rhiMirn, It it ill llir Mm tunr ll moot efftf timl tvuKwly Uml a lifiiivrn f'lr tnt ttfnt rimiimit(M unsj uie dtn f f lOllw BfTtw IttlhM OT tltellirn llaWld ll1i)C. n ftrsJ vtPton nrnt tn'Mcn ntiark of I'm. i( nhiut nn 11 uel in f Ttrv r.tmllr, tr mtf t M ft it svMitrtinc) nl))fi'l Io rnl mul cmivhs All lion M l iimi Mr- w til Uiii militlutf for tl-cm. Althairn wtilr-l 4'nnHmntinm U thnurlit lit fur I -It, i-li'l KM'nt numlMTs. nrnsrs: whrrc ih ilit- wiinl 0(ifls( htvt lsrn rompli v rutsy,!, ml tt.f imiipnt rruirtM to iun ltultli liv i ditrr tlio illmir nf iim l uhari mn Trmmt, tiit't th nior-t otMllliMC uf them yirlii It. U hrll Ii'. th iiK f lp rnnl'l rrm li th.-in, utnh r Uio VHorrg torni thfv nt!iti)n fliitppcar. Hintjrrm nnd S'uhlie Njrtkcra duj fnvtl pro Irtrtioi, fVoin H. Jtthmn 1 sVlwjyH nliVf(J Mi o fieri ulioll Ui(M ljr It. HroHchiti In nr.illT ruroil br trikinsT U Chrrrtf I'n-tnrnt in winnll ntt-l ftTtiiint tl-i- . r'iiirnl'y nr it Ttrtm) knoivti wn ih Itnt ullth On' rrrtitl.-fttiv of Uvin Utp, or tin mo liuu 'ur Ui publiO Uiui IU quaiiUeJ ir fullr BlUOUUBCi. Ayer's Aguo Curd, For Tevr uni Atri, Tntmifltnt Tnrrt Ch'H tror. lfinttt(.iit lo ..". Dj.hj AkT'io, IVriof-ciI or P lKi'iri Fnr, , Rnl t!frrl nil tbe ft Taction n whih tr. front lUeaiikXtuus, tnurU or uuMuutsa poisons. A ilt hftnirs Irojtli, It it w Curf V1 foo r - t'. tnnt;iniin n-iiht-r roni',( Viiniiiif, Iti-nmll $ 7,. It'', Tior fin t nlliOr tllltfv'l'tll or tiiii-mnitl- s.tiliai. o iirtiicr, it in inwii ItO'iri miv 'ittM. ih.i li'iinl.t'r ni (in (' in -r r it -s riMr In i'ic ntr;ir i itrn t. fin lilcrtiKy tirvnmt nToiiPt. ntH wi lulu tt) 11 hour u jinl!'1 in the hMnrv ff .au litc l't uic. Otir firM" I- m'Hli It"i 1v tin n " t u (fi'rn.iif t. r rviif if the ruli''nl r'uriM rfT'Ti'tl ri o.tmnlt J CAt", nti'l v. h-rc other tPim.'-- h tail L ' I nil''' hnnfi'il ni-on( ritln'r tr-itri in, or t-vn(l!?i!i ihioMirh mm-ir-tf ) m Vt""', M 1. iirs 1 tCM.'M t.v riin AtiVC f t Uf .vv. 1 ror l.irr f nmitttintn. iirl- ini; I'unt tointilitr rf Utc l.ivrr. It t fm x. rll. nt mm lv, t.iiiul..liii;f Uf l.ivrr Inlo h"il:hv O'-riviiv. kr Il ltotisj I it4ii ii th find l.ivrr I onif. Hint-, it U I an xrHi'tit rui'l. ii.i'iii tii rnioiv tn'lv n Vn-vii-. r Ik. .t. I'. A,n A (n., I'f t.if ml n i!-fi,-ai iicinirU. l.-".u!l, ij., iuri told bU lOijn.l Cic trorl l. 2'Ki K, $t.OO Vr.H tlOTTLB, r It la A I M s. tW'IOX HOUSE. OAl'.MWi KAP.STLTrnt. rr,rr:ri. MlI'I)I.n:lI.f;,''.,v.l.r(V..ra. 71 e I r. p-te'ers ri t -r 1 f 1 1 11 y snu..yni-t n llieir Ii ii ii.I" uii'l the 1 u(.!ii. eiiei i,i: tint tliev h:ie reiti'l I lie Fryer tiittrii mm I, l i 'li h'11 been reliii"'! mi I rcploa i'l.e I in ft ie, und is a ib -iriil 1e luet, fir -t aiiK'el s nliil til he) " In .' Sp. Tlieir lib' a is nt nil limes spread iiu tic luxuries mil Mili-i,itiiin!s i.f tin seu'iii. Tlieir in t.1 11 -f i i protiii le iL..- roaif "i t ot ihe r pin 1. Ihfir bur l nii j'Iird with ehnier li',ti"r. N. pnifi pnre- y 1 Ik- proprietor' lo rsinii r entire kiliMae 10 11 10 ail khu luiur ibeiu with tbeir I atr.iii-!'. 7-1'llf iOME THIS WAY I '!KP T I! A HO HN'H IN' ''iXEW (iOOJ s AT Tin: (iii:.p stokj: of w. r. 1 liiii icr. hLI.lNSUUO.M-. p. Would resprei fully announee 11 lbs I people of Snyder l tl.'l' lie li-i iu' ' ri-eeivi-d I'l-oiu tlic i-iiterti ii 'irkrii ari l hot I ii- file ti luij;'- 1111 I mil -.lii-le.l sleek ef j N"-v 'inii'l-, Inch he oilers at u-tiiiii.-b , it'irlv li" pri.'es. I!i Moik euilirucvt lb: ,Hr-' 1 I'Al.I. aul WIXTKU GOODS lie bus ('I'.tl.s .t.-lll.H I. net res Print-'. , Sh iN 1 Vi ;i7t t'n,-'iuf re, Siiiiiii-is li.'biins lis I .iu. i. tics lVe Sklus 1--IPISS, l'l'I'llllS I'u liri,;s CaliCoi. e. i'l M'l l'tifS Mi 1 1 a i , Engl READY MADE CliOTIIiNO if ml I. iri'l". HAP.IIWAISK. HATS nnd CAP.-?, (.Hot LKIKS WALL PA PL It, liive me a call, it. -recline ill. ods. Q' p.iuriw simi:.'?, f MII-rTINil. SlloK HN1J1N03. No charges n.nle fur I iilllllll ploddca Is- ken in i n hube I n' g M iy 2, los-y .13. .,,.,,,5,. i T TI!K WoUUlN,! t'I.A.S. iVeite . prep-ired U l'-..mili nl. c!u-e with t-n.f lulll lllip'-iviliellt M home, llli wholo n lil.e lin e or for the spnro tnonients. Pus- ities n. vr, liht and profitable. Pel's. ne I of t-iihcr a'S e.t.ilv ctra Iroiu iiOc U J . .-...n,. . 1 :. rl, . .1 .. 1 1 1 1. .i...,,;, ,i,.;r 1,.,,.. 1.. tb t.u.ine.s 11. , - 1 .1, i. ,.., ..,,.n .1 n. n.i.ei. AL1.ES Ik I'o , August M-iias. Dec'J A WORD TO CONSUMPTIVE. I'eing a el.urt and pinciic il Irraii.e on tbc uutur.' i-ini-i-s, uuJ syini 10ms of l'ul- ti.imy I t.futiipii ti, 1'ioia'l.i atil - lbni ; and Ibeir irteulion. Ire illut-r.t, and cure by iuhsl ii "". S m bv mit Free. Address M N A N HUMMEL, M. V., 10 Vt,( fourti-euik at , N. Y. l.'u A TTF.NTION t V. Hurrah for lbs ntw goo.l-i just re- eive 'y Joliu lltiffsuau Al lluniuiit' old Stand, (iwe miles abM Aelivlgrovej which selected will. (real care, stid will ts sold al low (rices I luelndvt, .NWTXISJ, PRY noor a. . cko rKirf. .. HARDWARE. VVEENSWAtR WOID NBISI 1 II.LUI H lUC; halt, Plaster, Oils, Coal, Nails, Clothing iVc I respectfully lavile Iks publle to eoaa and ssauiias my good, before, buy lag elsewhere, believiag h t ks la ear 10 tersst, . . J I sl pay Its highest priest for tU . kinds af CwUAI, 8EEI, sad all kiada af Csaairy Produce. I sat alas arell preeldec wtia tiablisg for Isaais sappea Resakfasl aad Ladg lag, far peopla who soats Irani a dis 1 a new. 1 always aaeoBtiuodais my sua torn art is Ihs bast af my ability. MiS ROFFMAK.- Oetober lutk 'Ttf