The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 31, 1870, Image 2

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eilPUl.EltUHO. JfARCrt t. 1870.
A BEX r Eli, Proprietor.
Jl'STiri Srrtoso il the L'ni'ed Stair
Supreme Court, Ln lieeri assigned to
the TlilrJ JuJieial district, couiiweU
of the States of l'eonylvni, New
Jorev, oti'l Iinlewnre ; no t JutiCi
llradlry will ho assigned to Fifili dis-
irift. C"tnt'riiina Geurgis, 1'luriJa, Al
abawa, Misi.- I ui, Louisiana ami
Orrtcut sreMints f iris sinking ol
He Oiu'iila. tent I y Ida nircnn an
frttrnlKiMU'J I'j oiln-r mvI ttoni tlm
vt-sstd, liiivc re.irh.rd Yosli!n?ton. .
Tbey vonljr tic telecrnplilc reports i"
tln main ami ti)nponi anwei 1 1
tnin Kjro, oftlio s case ulti
ientlv cniidcrnnstnr? to warrant a sen
truce of dent It by banging at tlie jrd
Aftra on hour's r"nu' tlie rn piiiini'lril to try l'ririce l'ierre
i;itnarii t rouunt in a venue! ot ne
n:i! t:il. 1 Ills end n rase tlint for t tie
Impcir nf I'l onc I) justice shiniM never
Itnve trtn liepnn. I noiiiim wil'
find in such I'uriia'ily hut l-:irrt tic
turos. WluTe liven tf citizen arc
licM so clionp respect fur din;t v can
t.ol fl ui Mi.
pAttr.. March 23 The rxcltonirn!
over tho neqnital cf Prince 1'ierro Ho
no parte is increasing1, onl It is lielicved
ilnt he will bo aseasDalctl should he
eno9 himself lit the thoroughfares.
The tint for dumnges auitim tlie
Prints will ho trsnslerred to a lower
Court, it ia said.
Vauh; March 2S. Tbo cnunsol for
rrinco l'erre Bjemparte contended on
Saturday that ho noted in poll defence
Kpiilyiiiito a o'lr"''"" I'JT the Prca
ident of the' Court, tho Friuce mid : ,
hMi Victor Noir, the doccaiod,
struck mo Whit I have said is the
truth. I hare spoken nothing but the
truth nil through this ntT:r.
The jury retired nnrl consulted for
one hour, when they returned to the
court room with a verdict nf nopiitai
u nil point nl the indictment.
Des tine of t oniine-rce.
The President's message oo the de
cline if American commrrce. enl!a at
lention to the report of the Home
Sub-t'oniniiltee, hirh point out the
many pruve wrongs t have prooJnc
o I tho present utiuiipry decline of out
men-hunt murine. Ho say it is o na
tional humiliation tint we arc rotnpcll
ed to Iisv S:l,lliMl,IH.IU snnnally (oxclu
live of passage nmiiey, which we should
litirc with iicr nation) ti foreipners
for wnrk which cliouM bo done by
American vccceN American built,
owned and manned. Thin I a direct
dmin on tho resources of the country
of so lunch money, r(iial to rusting it
into tlioKea o far us this natiuu'is con
cerned The I'res'Jcn! v that tho commit-
teo auhniitM two hilly, whiih ifndopted,
Pr.if.rTAnv l?utwcll ties directed
the Asi'otit Treasurer at New York
t i tell F.IMiO.t'OH of pold nnd
f :'.t"'0.n0'.i wrrih of bond", en
iiccciii.t cf the finking fund, durinir
the month t.f April, and in ndditi'm
lirri-!o tn t iik li:i-e f 2 (HID O(M) Worili
. - . . . - . .. .1 , I; . .-II ! .
d lm. M' llir wpcrial liilld. niaklliir l"y ocuevo win umninieiy reKiore
in nil ti ah f.fti;.(H0 (no nf pold und'ihe niaritiin power of tho nntinn.
poi rli.0 ol ?l,'i '(i.oini worth id hon,l I The report nhow. the netual and eom
f..r tho luoiitli of April equivalent to punitive- American tonn?e at the time
tl.r.. iiii fti.i.'OD.UUU of gJlJ into the "i m preoiesi pnwperuy, imaeiuni uc-
ti-x. U-1. U'lino unce, with tlieciiu.-e, anJ extiiti-
i( atutidtira ol nmternil nnerest to the
subject. The President recommend
the liiYortiblo cuneidcratiou of these
Greenbacks and Cold.
Bo nearly has the raluo oi greenback
nppronched to the value of ailver, says
the Uhicao Tribune, that tho nlvor
coin throughout tho country may be
aaid to be practically io circulation.
Ho soon ai the deolintnp preminm eball
brinp prrenbackt M near the cold ta-
ue, luere will h thrown into circula
tion l-'OO.O J0.U00 of pold Let us s-c
how the money snnply would then he
met. We Into at preset!', in circula
tion 57UO,00D,mU of rap" currency
Until very Irconlly its purchasing
power has not exeenled '20,0IJO,UOO
in gold. Hut let tho smill remaining
gold premium he n bated, and we ehnll
then have In circulation no les than
S9')l),00J,(Ml() in paper nnd coin, each
dollar of which in worth a dollar in
ttold. Thin will he seen to he eqnnl
ab ut to a direct ndditioo ol $'W,(tlO.
D00 to the currency of trndo. Mon
ey would theo be the plenties thin
wo should have, nod the real danger
would lie that the procot period of
Ma;nticn nnd depression would b
followed ly a ich another apssn of cx
o eivc and spccuhitive prosperity a
tollowed ihe return of pold Into circu
lation in 121. Theso now living who
-aw ihoxe lively days of the olden time
will welPremembcr tbe inflation of
eontldencc nnd cradita which was fol
lowed by the (lisastrou crash of 1824
and IKjS-j. Such epprchenaions may
sound very strangely at this time, ns
n result el contraction to irll value
but these nre the facta. For the pnt
yenr tho ncarcity of money has well
niph parnlvted every kind r luiniiicm
Throw all the gold and ailver into fir-
culition. tjivo the roontty nino bun
dred millions of dollura of eneli. with
the liied ptirchaHin power of pold
A Dangerous Acid.
Within a few day severe Ion ha
heeo sustained by. several New York
bauks br the payment of fenulne
checks of email aroooU certified as good,
altered, by tbe of eheBicaK to
loseca by tbl process er estimateJ to
amouot to at least f 100,0'JO, and tbe
Mrnatrators of the fraud an still at
lamo. So daacerous a fori'err la thii,
that our leading bankers are devisiog
meann whereby to detect If. nnd to
this end ask the co-opctation of thoir
correspondents We wero yesterday
shown, at th banking-hoiine of Dreiel
A Co.. a bottle of tbl 'ink eraser," as
it ia culled, nnd tried it Home written
matter lying on tbe counter, by merely
toiichioif it with tbs wet tper ol
ft hottl. when every trace ot toe
wr"n'i coming in contact with it van
ished in two seconds, leaving tlie pa
ttern: smooth and virgin as belore
written UDn. So much of value aa
there depetidcnt upon the inviolability
of writing ink, in will, deeds, donda.
notes, contractu, etc., I lis great danger
this liquid threatened could not in tbe
nature of tbinus long o unreminded.
if u remedy could be foun by tbe ioge
nuity of man. A remedy, it seems, ha
been found. Immediately alter the
successful removing ol of the writing
nbove mentioned, which wm in tbe
common blnek ink, a few words were
written witb other ink prepared cspe
cially to reit the notion of tbe acid
alluded to. and oo applying: it the wordt
remain as bright nnd dictinct as they
were bo line. Tmro was no damaging
effect whutover. 7iia. Ldjrr.
ABSOLUTE D1VORCK8 legally obtained
laNcwtork Indiana, Illinois and
other Btatre, fer persons from aajr Rial er
UMifllry, legal everywhere; assertion,
druskeaaees, non-aupporj, etc., saffioieni
oaiis tie snblleiiy i ne charge until di
vorev cMWnrd. Advice free Uutlnoee
tslakllaked filtefS jrears.
AtSresN, Bf llUtPK. Any.
V Ke. Kassae Pi., It. Y, Chy
btatoof UHAHLES) HtlOIIKS), DoeMMd.
I ea I ale of Charles Unities, des'd., late
of the IswnshiD of l'enns. pnyiler (Jnnnij,
Pa.,bavlB( been granted to lb nndaralgaod
alt persona Indebted to the Snld estate are
requested is aiake yayinant, sou ibos Dar
ns dnmli tae eaoM te wreeeai
ibtm without ileluT to
JOHN K. IIUUIIF.3, r..ior.
WILLIAM HVOIltS. l-iculora.
March in, imo.
raeii irieonjoe.iiaiiey muo rietMin
i. tie-true num. )i:o. t, i'ki.
taOKliHCIk HUNT, ftasinodent.
Ilr: Yea will
please litke notice (hat depnsltlon will be Ultra
ma s ttm witnesses Bro-iaceii inn iitunn-i w
.ri el tbe llbellMl In Iheeburo enlliled eeaie,
before me, 1 moms J. Sunn, 'nmmlelner sp
palntetl by Ihe sent Court for tbt t-aruxe, ea
MAI t NKAV. AI'Klt. . Itweeo the hour
of 10 o'chx-k, A. M., anil 4 u'.-loek P. M , of test
dev. at the fubllo House nf I-lite Wearer, Id
Centreline, sslil entihtjr. When and wLere rail
nay atienu u Jou iuids proper.
The 1're.siderit is reported o bavin):
te!ii-ed to st ml trior to Tennessee.
hoMiiiL' t l.nt there is tin lrurnl eround I bills
- i
lor l.vcntiee interposition. 1 but i s
M'liMt.le decision. It will be time
enough fer 'he I'rcsidctit to efid Fcl
cro: i'd crs to Tennessee when the In-
nl autlitnitie make a formal rroiiei-t
Indeed, to do so witlmtit tineh requests. I
wniiKI le n i:fijiinli:ib!e an act ol in
terli tciice iu Tennessee it would in
I'crns.v'vania ; and, vf it were done in
ne iiiKtuuce, it mijilit be requited by
pnlilitiiin-t (or partisan purposes, in
.very mule of the Union.
Tlio tleeii'ion ren-
Cuucludcs as iv-
Chicago lakes the lend as n pork
jinekintr city. The number of hog;
packed there tlurine this reason in MO,
t 00. Bitiiinat ftil UlO in Ht. I.euis and
r.sT.GS'1 iii Cincinnati, the f rmer 1'nr
kopollsof tho i niintry. Chicago "man
nlnrturcd'' thin season f'J.UOO btirrcls
td nie.-f pork and 3i,00i) of other kiuds
The total ouniber ol live and dressed
l.oj;!i received at thut point ond shif-
iied, between October 18 and March
S live mouths waal. 139.000! Chi
iaj;o now cures the best bams that
come from tho West, and excels till
ihe WiHtero cities in tbe hor biiriiifd-p-nerally,
as well ai io tbe grain nud
divorce buinets.
The action of the President, in fail
icg to comply vith Governor Sortcr'ti
rcque'tion fr troops, is thought to
incuii something more than was nt first
supposed. It bns been stated thnt
(iovernor Sinter nindo tho requisition
in order to secure from the President
a recognition of the ?tte nf Tennessee.
and his authority as chief Mngistiaic ! her,
ol the Commonwealth, in order to pre
vent any movement looking to rccon-Rliiii-'iiin
by Congress, (iovernor Cen
ter bii been summoned to appear be
1'ro the ltcconst ruction Coiuinittec ai
Washington by Gen. lfiitler. when he
will ttetily a. Io neeei-iiy of vending
troops into Tcnnei-see by tho National
(J ivernnieut. (j-verner Sontcr seems
to uodcrtund that the result will be u
total reconstruction of the State, lie
will withdraw the rcquir-ition. and tie
dire that trood order now eibts thro'
out the Ute.
explain i:jre.
A full report of the lostimony before
(lie Court ef Inquiry in the casts ol
Captain Kyre 1ms teen received, nnd it
coo linns, MibMancially, what we have
nlrcady pnlilishcd.
tiered "by the Court
lows : .
Under all these cireoinstancej it bo
comes our duty to prnnounco whether
io our opinion, Mr. Kyre wasjustified
in proceeding tn his vjyae witirint
wnitino; to ascertain whether tho Onei
da was iu need of aseiataoce.
Wo recognize the fact that ho was
placed in a position of great difficulty
and doubt, and in circumstances under
which he was called upon to decide
promptly; but we regret to have to
tecord il as our opinion bo acted
hastily nud ill-ndviscdly, in thnt, in
sleod of waiting; and endeavoring to
rentier aisiuneo to tin Oneida, he,
without having reason to believed that
his own vcfcsel was in a perilous condi
tion, proceeded en his voyage.
This conduct constitutes, in our opin
ion, a breach of tho tbirty-lbird section
of the sixty-third chapter of tbe mer
chant shipping act of 1SG2. nnd wc
therefore led callod upon to susptnJ
Mr. J'-yre'a certificate lor six culcudor
months from tli'.s date. .
I'orhaviti ' proceeded oa bis voy
age,'' alter iKrviti run down a vessel
wilb nearly two hundred buuls on
bourd, knowing, as the teatiniony tmows
'thut be hud, at, t-eriously injured
Cuptn'.n J.yre "certilieato is
proportion, to the prceent depression.
llowcvcr there are few w ho would not
risk the effect of noother speculative
period for the soke of getting things
tirmly settled" again on a gold bird.
The l'lrRon right-Letter from
( olMtiel linker-
WAsitistiiox, March 2S. Tho fol
lowing wa received to-day at army
hend'iuni lers :
!Y Ki.t.t. Montana, Mar. 23 ISO.
G'ti'Ttit J'. II W r!d i n, rummnndhig
MiWin, J.)tM1n, Inirngit
Tut New York sVunenvs: Three
month ago Harmon A. lilck. poor
nnd the rebound would bo in direct j German eruegraut, was robbed of t:S07
by the Hon. John I-eory. a gentleman
.. 1-.? I : a -
coniinaotling some poiuirai inuuenuv
Mr. Leury w a arrested, immediately
released on bail. Tbe poor German
was thrown into the diantnl Home ol
Detention, and tbere he has remained
ever since. Tho ctise was called for
trial In the Court of Gouorul Sesaionn.
lint, tho irinl was nostnoood. Mr.
Lesry rvalkrd off with hi political
Iriends, and the poor iierman was r
mnnded to tuison. Meanwhtlo h
wile r.nd children ate starving in II am
btirg. I their any city but Now i urk
I. . . I t . . I I L
In answer to your telegram received H - uuea o.uies , ere n .uur
19 It It-UOVVS ft- II v " ' 'V.i " uv...
suspended lor six calender month '."
N cvrpti were substituteil fur 'certifi
cate," the sentence would strike the
American mind aa far liiuio appropri
ate. Tin: l'ii.
The ew
Uold Mine
la Tall
on tho -I'd lost., 1 report that niter
having made every effort to get the
judgment vf tho officers of tho com
mand, I was btatislied thut the follow
ing number approximates as neatly to
the exact truth as poanblo :
Tho number killed nl the Picgon
village was 173, of whom 120 were
able-bodied men, nud 53 women and
children ; 11 women and children were
altcrwardit captured and relcused. 1
believe that every ollort was made
by the oflieers and men to protect the
non-combatants, and such women nnd
children us were killed were acciden
tally killed.
The report published in the Ka.-tern
papers is w boly nnd mnlieiounly (alee
It scciuh incredible luiU tbe luiae as
sertions of two persons, oeilber ol
whom had made any efforts to iuform
themselves iu tbo matter, should out
weigh the reports of '.hoso cunged iu
the light, ami wbo feel tbat tiiey have
nothing to palliate or conceal in their
conduct. All tbat officers ol the com
tnand osl of the authorities is a lull
uod complete investigation of the earn
paign, una less man una cannot oc
conceded them. C. L. Kakcb.
I5revot Colonel U. S. A. Major 2d
A Sutural .Mistake-
A California paper snvs :
A few days ago Hev. w. T. Lucky,
Principal of tho Stato Normal School,
aud IVeiiilintly acting a Chaplain to
tbo penitentiary at St. Quontin, was vi-
:ting at bacrutucnto, nnd interviewing
to nomo extent, perhaps, the members
ot the i.Pk'iHluturo. Jloing in tbe hen'
nte Chamber at tho opening nf the
morning seasiou, no was requested by
tbo l'resiueni to open tuo proceening
The San Iiego conespontlent of the
Sua Francisco JSulUlin writes from
the Tjuw gold fields, under dato ef
March 8:
n . r.,.. .1.:., . ,..i... i.. i .
rocks of Messrs. tiower and othei's wi,l w,"b P"!"' hl ho',,J' 'Uh
Imvo arrived in San Francisco
It H ...
hie iiouso Lonimittce on hi retgn ,.,.1,i1.,i . ,wii.. i 1118 wl" " or ine poeopio fturrounninir
AffHii Ims nntht.rizcd its chairman I ,,., .i, . ' ;,i, ,t. k..ii' inn ,. him, we cannot say in tho following
... . " V.
) andic' whether forgetting the place
., Jhe wa in or the poeopio fturroundinir
ris l t. i . . i
i.'ir. jiuBK-i io report i no iouow:iig t,ii.ul.,, ,,,,,,,,, -,.i1.,.i
joint resolution in reference to C iha tfj,, je,tia,i,)n io vcw san Diouo. nnd
- e - - -
That tbo President of the 1'oited
States be and is hereby authorized and
instructed to declnro ami maintain a
strictly ittpurtinl neutrality on the part
ol the Govvrumcut of tie United States
in tho contest cow existing between
tbe people n ml the g' vet omen t ol the
kincd' tn id" Spain.
Sit Hon 2. And hi- it furfhrr rtit'
ft, That all acts or pans of act and
ell prcviswtm of (ho Hatote approved
C'Jiu of April, lli;, entitled '-An act
io lublitiou to tbe net for the punish,
ment of certain r rimes against tho
United Slules, and to repeal tbo acts
therewith incntiotiej, ' shall bo eon
elrued to apply equally to each of Ihe
ariies in the i-ibting con list between
tbe people ot I ula and the govern
incut of S
Tiik storm on Sunday wss terrific
in New York and vicinity. The North
and Kukt rivers and the bay were lash
ed in to furious commotion, and it was
w ith tho greatest difficulty that the
ferry beats could "ply their vocation."
Bcveral vessels were torn from their
mo riug and swept adrift, and several
'cllibious occured in consequence.
1 he number of signs blown down in
tbo business portion of the chy was so
great I bat it occupied much of the time
of tbe police officers to carry them if
the station bouses. Tbe walls left
standing by tbe lata Crosby street fire
were blown down and cat travel pre
vented. A large three story brick
luildiug on I'orly-lxth street, was
blown down, crushing to ntoma s small
f iame teoouieot near it, and killing a
turn named lionjamln Donnelly, bU
w ife sad three childroo, and breuking
tbe lege of the fourth cbi!d. Several
bouses in Brooklfn were blown down
nnd many unroofed and otbrrwuto in
jured. In Williamsburg, s young la
dy was taken np by tbs wind and daah
d against a stoop and killed. On the
noaat, there is reason to tear,
J be Uems-a
it whs ix i-u'ht worth looking at to seo
the people rushing for a look at the
precious stuff. Within an hour alter
tho arrival of the ' rocks,'' every
vehicle which whs attainable ha l been
engaged by pnrties eager to locate iu
the new Kl Porodo.
The discoverers said their was nny
quantity of the came kind of country
to prospect in, plenty of le Ige, and
pleuty of grass, wood, and water in
tho vicinity. From present prospects,
tlicro senilis to be oo doubt of tho ex
istence of rich quarts mines and plenty
of paying diggings in this county,
which should no longer be classed
among tbe "cow counties." Since
tbe arrivsl of tbo quarts of Messrs
Gower and others, tho two San Die
ges are being depopulated at a rapid
rate, goods of.every description are
sent forward, and business look up
On Monday a rich epooimen was
brought to New Sao Diego, about a
footsquure, tbe value of wbieb wa
variously estimated at (rem 1 150 to
(G00. Tbia, of coarse, did not lessen
the enthutiain of the people, wbo are
really going mine mad. National
City is left without population, and if
our friend llorlon ia able to finish his
bugo hotel in Newtown, without im
porting a fresh lot of workmen, he
will be lucky. It is reported that
Chinamen are being driven from tbe
newly-discovered mines, aud also
tbst a fight had already taken pluceln
ooosequeoce, several Chinamen and
others being killed.
It Is stated thcro sre more Israe
lites In New York c'ty than in Hhe
Holy Land, or in all eJtre. There are
about 70,000 ia tbat city, and this is
probably a larger number I ban now In
habit the Scripture lands above men
tioned. Of that 70,000 there are sot
1,000 tbst can justly be called peer
wiitie the majority are neavt owners bl
real estate and also the most jtctlve
driven auhora and
7Hif.l.TrJ?i V 1 Crry thm Q "M
"Oh, Lord, we pray Thco that Thy
mercies may bo extended to these poo'r
men, who liuve been sent here Irom sll
pirts of tho Kate convictod of various
crimes and misdemeanors havo mercy
upon tnem.we beseoch Ihce.while they
are here serving out the time for which
thev wire seut ; and when they have
served und aro dismissed from these
wall may they return to their homes
better men, and in tinio may thev bo-
come useful and upright citizens and
honorable members ol Society.
Whereupon the member from Yolo
aroao nnd said : "Mr. President. I
move to strike out Yolo County. "
Tbe aeono which followed can be bet
ter imagined than described.
riteonela Penasylvanlau
Account from the rural districts
confirmed by what can be seen in our
own markets, prove tbis to be whsl
in olden times they called a pigeon
venr. In other words, tbe woods snd
fields in this snd two or three S'ljoin
log counties, are filled with millions
of the passenger pigeons. Twenty
year ago it was oo uncommon thing
t3 see great locks of these birds pass
ing over, so thick, as, liko the Persian
arrowi at Nhomopyla, to darken tho
sun ; whilo thirty years ago those great
pigeon-roosts, covering miles of forest,
with tbe birds breaking- down tbe
limbs of the trees witb tbeir crowded
weight, were well known to the farm
ers. But as our woods have been cut
down and thioed out,, and the country
settled np, the pigeons have been dis
appearing; westward, though we stil!
hear of great flocks and -roosts in
Kentucky and Indisna. Tbis year,
however, they seom to have returned
to Ds in greater force tbao al sny time
within tbe last twenty year. And
though pis-eons do not usually alight
much in this region in the spring thoy
are frequently seen tbis spring settibg
on old corn snd wheat fields, looking
Tur. Wooosockel Patriot has s tut
.le. It ssys tbere is a family io l oion
illtiL'o. consisting ol one great grana
father, two urandmothers, threo moth
ers. three widows, four children two
randchildren, one great grandchild
one aunt, ono great aunt, one mere, oue
nenhew. one mmd and two sister, anil
vet there nre but live persons .In all
i eo question is, now can iwenty-uve dc
made out live 7
ISoth branches of our Legislature
has agreed to ndjouro next Thursday
Partial returns from the election
io tbe diffeVereot parts of Tennessee
show tint tbo new constitution has
been ratified by about 40,000 majority
Mr. Jesso Mejjuck, of Millheim
was found dead in his stable oo Men
tlay morning, 14th inst. Supposed to
have died of apoplexy.
A San Francisco judge fined
starved girl 25 cents for stealing, and
then raised 820 among the spectators
for her. I bat Judge will go to beat
Tbo mills of tho HamJeo Pape
Company, at Holy oak, Massachusetts
wcro burned Sunday nigbt. J l.o Io
is (250,000: insured for (200,000.
One hundred nod fifty bonds am thrown
out of work.
Huily, the new York collector of
internal revenue, appears to be a tie
laulter to a large amount. The Un
ted States sutnorities sre very mur.
excited over the matter, but New
York tskes it as a matter of course
The burning of the Central Pacific
Railroad bridge over tlie American riv
er. California, was undoubtedly the
work of design, as tho Bfo was oWrv
ed in a number of places at the same
time. Tbe loss is estimated nt (100,
000. Several hundred workmen are
now engaged in erecting a temporary
Tho tea traflio over the Pacific
Railroad is increasing, nml destine
to bo a source of ureal revenue in the
the future. One thousand packages ol
tho tea, cargo of the ship IlenefrtclrcriS
at San rrancisco, have gone forward
to Chicago, by rnil, the remaining It)
000 packages are ordered to bo shipped
to New l urk by the consignees, A A
Low & Co.
A lato Pennvlvanian left the
bulk of his property, (3,000, to the
purpose of building hunselt a tnoou
ment, cutting off his wile with one cent
Now, the internal revenuo law never
contemplate 1 the case in which a tes
tator should leave his property for tbe
benefit of no person whatever, snd
oossertiiently their is no legacy tax on
this (5,000, though thcro is on tbe oue
A bearded girl has made bor np
pearnnce at Glade Spring depot, Wash
ington county, Va. She ia four years
old, and bus a moustache sod whiskers
the hair upon the forehead extending
to the eyebrows. ery hesvy hair
exceedingly black, extend below tho
shoulders. The child is sprightly, with
fully doveloped limbs snd well formed
body. The arms, shoulders, and back
are covered with soft, downy hair.
Statistics show that tho ratio ol
annual increase io suicide all over
the world is from 8 to 5 per ceut, while
the ratio of Increase or population I
about 1 64 por cent, a year. Tbis
suggests tbo possibily ol tbs suicide
rite ultimately exceeding the birth
rate, and resulting consequently in the
self extinction of tbs human race. Tbe
St. Louis frpubttan.grsvoly review
Tog tbe stststlcs, looks mournfully
forward to tbe time when there will
be left but one buuian being oa the tbe
planet, snd be, with a rone around hie
solitary woasand. ball jump from
barn rafter, snd leave the uofortun
) ssrTaaasewwaTss 'Sswwwtiwaisailai A iilniarai ai
Kcely & Milllcr,
Lumber Dealers
r sso MAStrsotrate
Doors, Deer Boxes, Wlnlows, Shelter
Wledow Boxes, Blinds, Sash, Malr
Fixings, Iland Railing, Crack
et Wonbllncs flooring,
Shinglos, Lath, AO., Sto.
Orders solicited snd tilled with prompt-
Ben and despatch. Please call antt em
Is 0'ir stork before purchasing risen here
j u-asir
March , 1170.
new coots:
J ;
rte (VMS the tattre Ports anS Fwh f CAl' free frnm sll aint hlte rttlmnlartf. Ttiee
arelheORF AT Kl.twif PtRTFim end l.ll'K
QlVlritf PFINt IPt.F, frtrt Ketieretor
unci sales au siali mems!
We are (jilt in Eeliosiirove and trtpareJ
to furuiiU .
Violins &cM Vc.
And sll kinds nf Musical Instruments
We wsrmnt all our Instruments for nte
years, l'isnos, tirpnns. Mrlotlrona and
Acctirtteons correctly inneii una tepairtii.
More epen erery WKI)SKNlAY and
JfATL'Hll AV. Instruct inn elTrn on the
I'iano, MeloJeon, Violin and AccorJcon,
at rensonatile rates.
(live us a enll. We aunrsntee eslisfac
linn. MAI. KM & Bl K IN INur.K.
Nnvrmber 17, IWlHif
er liiisettrf lie Ustrrr., onrrftte ft H
1 rrt'nr e re- mnon t
In Hereon cen tehe tliee
Rcttora altstidlai to dlratltoaa, aad reaiatB long
unwell. M .
Sim wtu ne else o n ineeraiHe iin eiwrt
Ihe bntiM are ant Seetrueed Se mlnerat rs-lsetie
nr nthnr niesns. sn.) Ihe ellal eranne WMteS be-
TOtnl thepn'nt or r'l'.
fnr lanemtratery snd taresle Fkeerrsltna
atirt triinl, lTMt-ps. nr indtreelhia. Hill toes.
Hretirent, inti inie'reirteni revere, i wmmm -the
IH'xxl, Liter. HMnere, en4 MleSiler. these
Mitten lisve been mnei iiirroesfnt So oh file-
ees ereesaset be Tttlstixl m-wil tilrri levee-
ereiif proaucea Df aereniioiuom ei ine vi(ut
"If."1"- . ...... ...
I iein"etne llllTm rinun wimrrrryi uni
Its Irerinrltiee orli Ikrmtek tee stn In rtre
t.lee, Miiiillnaeor "eresi elense It elir o See
(l ehslracle-1 se-t eltiealsh In theeelusi elenw It
erhen It le ton I, enS Tur fsellrir.S wtll felt jmm
when. Keop ibe blued pen ead Xhe.
the system will lIM-w.
Fl sr, T APr. anS other WORWff, rorkine (
the itrlrm of sn isstit thonssmte, are eSeetaeJIr
lettr"te. and remeeed.
In Htlllnus. Hemlileel. end laternrttterf Fe
ters.thwe Hitters hsee no einel. For roll fllree.
ttns resit eeretnlly the elrnnlnr arntinif ese
bottle, Tinteil In Mir htniiuee F.nsUib,tir
us a, i'reuck anil spinl-h
J. WALK F.R, Pmertetof .
S3 1 nmeierr ht , H. T.
R.n. MenOALI I O ,
rrrnettsts. sn.l nenerst A cents. Sen FrsneWM
snl Seeramen'u, t'sllforule, enJ 11 a at Cota
neree t , N. Y.
tit. A LERS. (.MarlO-Sm
Aelliina, n n l I'ata'rh cared hj Inlia'a
tion. A'inotts luhnllng Unl'lls tho ooy
renicil.r llinl op ers ire on llirl ung-diesoleee
Hie liinerc-trs, nliicn are lurown on. in
cal ties deal, ami a euro isrRecied. Treat
ment tv letter or In person can be la J onlv
or y Van liLMMtL. m. d., is west Mi
st. N.Y. lOaa
ic, Jtc,
Mar oh IT, ISTO-tF.
Market nates.
Coupons Cashed.
bitwhy et Vol. Adw-rtif-ment.
Iltib K AO is T S W A N T E O TO t E LL,
T12. VI3AKS I.
It includes ihe Histories, Mysteries, anil
fecret Doinifs of Wall Street. Life Kketohrs
or its Men, the speculations in llnlil.uiocks
J'C nomrn fpcculslors, ami nil I lint Is
prrai. (.owfrful. etilrmliil, mysterious, in
terestitiir, wicked, naiatinir, wrelcliod, eto.
in t lie f'jeus of siiecultion. Vortraits ot
Yaniierbill, Drjw, Unulil, Kiske, Jr., anil
mnny others. Kuerarinsa of noted places,
I.ifo ami Scncs, o. ' I'anvaesine Hooks
free. Meml for circulnrs to
Utsrix & Co.. I'utliahers, li Asylum til.,
Ilai UorJ, Conn. nisrj-t Iw
'IU ;0.Sjl MI'TIV l!si. 1'rovidco
tially my ilaiiztner was restored to
health by simple invnns, iiliout medicine.
The paiiiculuis will ho sent five. Kktutx
K. IIiksliiw, Kiocton Uii-tet, Uiooklyin
l.otig Islitnil. inarU4-4ie
rillllS Id SO IILMULO!
J. hy sendins 35 centu
nil ose, lieisht,. color uf eyes and hair.
you will rvceive, by return mail, a correct
picture or your future uusnaml or wile,
wuu miuie andilute of carriage. Aulresa
W. , u., l. U. No. Fuliuufille. New
York. mar'.' t-w
Paris by Sunlight
A Work descriptive of ihe Mysteries, Vir
tues, ices. PpieiidoTs eutl Crimes, or Uf
C'i'y of Paris.
It tells how Paris lias heroine lie Gayest
sn I moat Itr-tutil'iil t'ity In the would ; how
it Uc.iuty and Splendor are purchase! al
a fi-arffui cost of Misery ami Sufferlnp ; how
visitors nre Swindled by Professional Ad
venturers; how irliie ul ice go arm-In-nrm
in Iho llfiiuiiful City how lbs most
Fearful Crimes nro commilteil and eouceaLiw
ed ; how money is st I'ltinderc I in utelass
luxury ; and contains over 1)1) fine engra
vings of nntctt Places. Lire an l scents in
Paris. Aicnia wanted. Canvaseing Deoks
si St free. Address
Feb i-4w Philadelphia. P.
nought snd Sold.
Ilougbt and Sold
Accounts received and Interest allowed
on daily balauoe, subject to check, at sight
Delia veil V Brother,
' 40 South Third Street, j
March 17. 1970 y
Selingiov, Snyder County, Pa.
TIlH nnderslgned beg leave to inform
the public thnt I hey have purchased and
will keep, in good style, the roe well
known and nnpulsr house.
will always be atocked with the belt and
choicest liquor that can ha prooured In
the Philadelphia and llerriebtirs marketa.
Will always be supplied witb Ihe best
delicacies sad. meet aubstanllal tood that
the market will afford.
Will alwnya be attended by oiirctul and
trustworthy hostlers who will see justice
dona Io any horse entrusted to tbeir eare.
Mr Having large, airy and well furnish
ed rooms, good aertants, with Ihe untiring
effort a of lbs proprietors to please their
gueaia, they hope to meet wilb a large share
of public patronage, U. D. & J. F. WALTER.
i nuu Monro.
milK MAUIC CO.MII will chunge
JL any ndoird hair or beard 10 a permn-
iK' u I black or brown. 1t coiiinins no poison.
Any cue can use it. One sent by mail lor
tl. Addresa MAtilC CUM U CO.,
mar'J4 ;juij Sp riugtield, Mais.
Koa Family Vss, limplr, tlta). rtUubU,
Kniis everything. Agents Wanted. C'ir
culnr and raniple slocking KUKK. Address
Me., or l"0 UrjiidwAy, S. Y. Fvb.l'-ilm
I WAS Cl RI'.I'of Deafness nnd catarrh
by a simple lleiunly und will send ihe
receipt free. Mrs. M. C. LKOQKVT,
4w Hoboken, N. J
Pur tveeiityjice nuta you cut buy
uf yuur Druyijitt or Grocer a ptichajt
of Sta iluti Purine, vianujartureit
from ir Irith Mure or Vurragven
iihirh will whe tthtren quart of lllaiic
Manye, ami a like quantity of Pud-
diniji, tuniariU, Vrcum, VharMttr
Iiunr, &c., tf'c. Il is ly far ih
ehenpnt, hrallhirl and mutt deliviou
fuod in the KorlJ.
Iluad Sea Moss Farlne Co ,
tl Pak I'LAtS, N.Y.
Respeci fully annouaoes to -the eittiens ef
Middlebarg and eicluily tbat be I now
ready to supply them witb tbe largeat and
most eon plot s ek of
ever brought to tbis place, at greatly re
dnce prices cheaper thin tbe cheapest,
lie invites attention to bis large stock ef
. blLKS, UEMfcOta, MNEN8,
Boots and Shoee,
8HIRT8, and everything usually kepi la a
a well regulated atere.
(Jive me a eall and be coaviaeed Ibat
Ibis te the place te buy goolt.
.WlltUTDV DDniklulr ..i
Plantation Bitters.
8. T.-1160-X
This wonderful vrgctable restorative is
the sheet-anchor of the feeble aud debili
tated. As a tonio and cordial for ihe aged
aud languid' it uas no equal among stom
achics, As a remedy for I ha bervous weak
ness to which womeu are espsoially sub
ject, jt ia aupereding every other stimi
lent. Iu all oliuiatea, tropical, temperate
or frigid, it acts as a specifio iu every spe
cies of disorder wbicb undermines the bod
ily ttreogib aud breaka down the animal
spirits. For sale by all druggista. M9-t)m
OH K AT t'llANCEI Agents Wauled!
Ol AAA per yenr sure made by
O l Uvv Agents, male or lemala,
selling our world rcnowDcd Palt-ut
Kvcrlneiiug Mbit Wire Clothe
Lines, t'lieapsst and best clothes
ties iu ihe world : only il ele. per fort, sad
will lust a hundred yoars Address Ihe
Hudson River Wire Co., 75 Wm. bl., It, I.,
or Id Pearbotn St. Chiosgo, 111.
Feb 3-4w.
$732 IN 31 DAYS
.Vud by one Aganl, relliog Su.vsu's Tat
st Ei.astio bani'M. Over 611.000 now ia
uto. lltcopimendeil by Ilvn. Horace Gree
ley and American Agriculturietj Oue
county reserved for each Agent. C A"
I'ttuu & Co., iit I St. N., or 1 2-1
Wnhinglou St. Chicago. HI. 4w.
Kuittiiiff machine
Is preenlsd to tlie puMis ns ihe most Sim
ple, I in utile. n! Compact and Cheap Enit
ting Machine ever invented.
This machine will run either backward
or forward with ctiinl I'aoiliiv ; makes the
sains stitch ns by hand, but far superior lit
every resdeel.
ill knit 2J,nyo fatitc'ace in one
snd do perfect work, leaving every knot on
the in-ido of tbo work. It will knit pair
of stockings (sny site) in r than half sw
hour. It wtu knit close or open, plain or
ribbed work, with any kind of coano ot'
tine woolen yarn, or coiton, silk or liurn.
It will knit slocking wih double beet an I
toe, drawers, boons, sicks, sinuklug cups,
comforts, purses, inulfs, fringe, nfghans,
nubins, undrrsleevcs, tuitions, skaiingcsp
lump nicks, mots, cord, uudcrshirts.shawls
jackets, crrdlo btankcte. leggins. wrislers,
suspenders, tidies, tippeta, luflel work,
aud in fact and endless vaiiciy of articles
iu every dny use, as well as for ornament.
From ft.? to IO per day
can he made by any one with (be America
Kni(ting Machine, knitting stockings, ko..
while expert npernlora enn even make more
knitting fuecy work, which always cob
inmnnil a ready snlr, A Jerson can read
ily knit from twelve to liftcen pairs of
lockinge pedny, Ihe profit on which will
be nut less ihnu forty cents per pair.
can sell thsir woo, nt only forty to nfty
cutis per pound; but by getting Ihe wool
made into yarn at a amiill eipenae, and
kuinine il io socks, two or three dollars
per pound aisy be realised. On receipt of
fi'i we will forwasd a machine as ordered.
We wisb to procure active agents in ev
ery section of the United Slates ft Canada,
to whom lbs most lineral luuuoemeoie win
be otfered. Address
Anierli'iiu Knitting Maculae Co.,
Febl7w-lJ Uoeton. Mass., or tit. Louis, Mo,
Milium ttie tUM II
Their Pons, and ethers.
S can make uionev ranlillv.
ellibg ttie SUiM IL,l.t'HlnA'l Kll fAHM
IH' MANl'tL, etlltcu by (.o. K. Wiaisu.
I'rsoltrsl tanner ami Author, and 1st Agri
cultural KtiHliieor of N. Y . Centrul f-rk. Tbe
best book lr r'aruiers ever Issued All need II
oslore plautlbg. It is a souuil, labor saving,
money making book. Thousands have bouakt
It, asd tbousaodt mote waut It. Hflesma t-ili-liua
res or Llveagsnt wantatl. fronts larne.
A. U. UO fiUAUi), Mi Uheauiut St. rhil. 4w.
Hear testimony to their Woo-
oeriut i urative r.neeta.
!-J w. a 3
si r rife
Cjg TUrT ARKftOr A T1X.B r
6. t3 FANCY UBINK, fit
Usui rwr num. n lumi. rni ciuiiii.
Hetuie Liquors, duotorest, soloed and sweetened
CPU NT BY PBOlUldK take, la e.e.tej iXSVStiX 'SUuTe.
f 75 TO 200 J"EB MONTH,
Everywhere, mule and fomale, Io lotto-
dues ihe
Genuine Improvrd Connon Sense '
This Machln will ttito'i.bcm, fell, tuck.
4uill, cord, bind, braid and embroider ia a
most auperior manner.
Full; warranted fur Five Tears
We will pay $1000 for any maobino thai
will sew a stronger, more beautiful, er
more elastic seam than ours. It makes tbe
Every second stitch eaa be cut, sad still
ihe cloth cannot be pulled apart without
tearing il. We pay Agenla from $7J to
$200 per month and eipenses, ore com
mission rroui wblcb twice tnal amount caa
I. l.l.l. Bl'I'llMH t en .
Pittsburg, fa. Boston, Mass., or tit.
Louis, Mo.
CAUTION. Deware of all Agents selling
Maehiuea under tbe same name as ours,
unless they eaa show a Certificate of
Ageucy signed by us. We shall net bold
ourselves responsible ' for worthless Ms-
chines aold by other parties, aud shall
proseoute all port es either aelling or using
Maehiuea uoddr this name to the lull siieui
of tbe law, unless aucb Machines were ob
tained from us by our Agents. Do not be
imposed upon by parlies who eopy our ad
vertisements and circulnrs aad otfsr worth
lose Uaohloea al a teas prlo.
febH-lw. .1
UOL'BLE the froSta of the Farm, sad
bow fanuera aud their sous eaa aasb make
10O BMtr SUnla1 In Winter. 0,000
eopiea will ne Mailed free to farmers, Mead
naaieasd address le ZElULKtt, MoCUttDV
On. rfc"J'k'l1 V.