THE POST. ! tilDUI.Kliri.fl. .arch 21. ibm. (KOlftK t BR.NFER, Proprietor. J II , ... '.'P . ....J WITCHES IN THE CR&AM. Through nil th tone. long winter' tiny, Ant half Ih dreary nighl. W churned, nl yet no hull or cam The cream lojked lliin in I while. Knl morning, with our hope renewed, Tl i-k began again ; We churned nl churned litl bck and ar:n And bceJ did ache with pnin. Th cream me tip. Ihen sulking Oil, (irew thick, mid'hrn grew thin j It splashed and sptailcre.l In our eee, On clothes end uos and chin. TVe churrcl li fast, nd cl nrnrd It slow And Hired It round ind round ; Yet nil itr livclnrg weary day 111 beard Hit d l-hir s SiUllJ.' T'-e nn sank In th glomiy wc-t. The moon rot ghnt!y p.i'.e j Aiiu s .1. te i hui in d w nh courage low, And hopes al nut to full W fun in wn'ked firanny Dean, whohcaid, With (.n'i'!i-r iiina.-e, Our troubles. A she crmw 1 h'Mf.'lf, .tnd in too lire did guc. '!..rd lul' nil." el. ftiickly snM, And cnvi re l up her lure : "1. iid help us nil. f..r. as j on hvf, There's w itches iu llio place ! There's iiolies here within lliis churn. II. al have isirsisscl the cream. (.i bring the Iinr.v shoe iluil 1 u llri.g uii ihe cdmr-beam." TI.e shr e brought, en round nn I round She iwiilr.l il u it her bond : In dnve ihe witches 1 1 mil lli.t crrum,' In tok'. nn nic! she said. Thrn 10....0I il in li e t" i . liHrc l Wiih In ul it .null .li I lorn, And ilrnipr.l il nni,u the itc!ics l'liitt Lid K ii liio ilie cliuiii. dreil Hiire nn re the .! m.ihi 1 n a lunrJ lluve iiilu'iiee wnli iny ihvuic Ki i. Mire eiioii'li. the l.iii i :r cmo In tmuiv n.i.n.Un lnuc. Some ny the I c intern lure rdmnged W ith In r-e ilii'i:loiiip rid ; I'm mI. in nr n L uM Ornnuy l'cun, Mie Milv hlnilvi'9 I. ci hoiid. l;irU Mablrs. Any J'( r.oii lin Ii im lelt t riej pnit; m in inci.ii eii cm i ul r.'iiMfj Mul. Iriil Irimi tt iluiU I oiin iu:n I lie 111 IjhiZ'it tl.iy, wi.l easily cot lii te tli liciiMjii) 1 1 I'L'Init. i s'liLlu in n roprr inut i.t r 'I'liiw if Ion ollfli lUyKo.'C'l in con biifi! htaMt'H, nrul ll;e o.iiiM-fint tK,i-"' ui im k' i:iptl(-sill"2 t' It I.UIlli.lJ I'bhCI VlT. 'I lie jour In t Inl miJ' nly nut to Lin v(.rl. hliuwn Iiij- a. ii ijti.ikl n utiii.i" UriiI'i' efiif!ii'ii. tut'ilot,J, mid lu-n. 1 1 i si t mi) tiling I hat may lnt nii tn 1 1' tit. nr. nut i tin. t)c Ii ih in Mimic ilt itcc kci otiiiiioiJatd itill' to tin' new I'ircutilHtimci s uti'lcl' whit li il i." lucid Mir io llii-i nil. JSy a itiuiiini .i.n ot tliix eli u life In in dalllic.-H to Hinlilt'ti 'ImvIikIiI. t lie ts bitclue iciiuu-ly n. jiittl. 1 lie riii'mi, or Hin-ititro norvp, 1k COIiii." (lull, ami iiiolu or loss u-i li-.- ; llio Imrsc' mlit is injiir.-il : lit- Flails nnj sbios fit ol'jetts which ho sees itn- irriii'tix ; ntol many u rider who bus rreeived a dnnyciotm itj irv Ins ( thank his inuttcini.'n to tins siii.j.lcj t uuso. rni Her mail nnj vh-ihuh iihihi tn tho aniiniU, to winch it L.ts bivu til. trihatcd. lllinJnos in nlnio't cert lin In In Caused hy ii;ut tctil Ion to til" uImi ciiu tion; lut i v n hliioimss is !i'-s dan ponmii to the ri.ler than i ill n r. eel -ijlu -Imr ru'wn S'it L Jmirnaf. A S-'iii.i'iiii.n Ihm; We have fjniputlij lor I hu tliou-antl of wool les.s Uojs k'-pt in many l:;ui lies, cat iu lb-ill troiii the clue ken.., mil prowl in ubotit the country Uillitii lueji nu! duitij: ot'.ior nrsi-lmf ; mt h dog' to miiMUK-o. I'.ut the Mirplic'in doff whin rut-r'y tiuitit-.l (which i tasi'y tloncj hct'oiues u very um-IiiI nu, fciully mi slm-U laruis, W ith a little' n'.ttbiioii to ti jiniii;, .(. seems 1 1 uiultrsiiiiiil ull you say to Mm, i U t willing. Lut Jeliltln to ulu-y jour orders. Ilo can lc sent to linn,: iii the cuttle li'oin tiny p.irt ul'ihu liol.l, nr In in the fai thrs fit.-hi wit hout injur, ing thetu ; ihoy ooti leaninl lo uu tlemltilid hi wising aud to ktiuvr thit he iiiimt lc uLevctl. (uii t;u learned to kuovr ibe DQtiie if cavli ulli! in thu hum J, nii'l he ft in to hiiu in uii v one you umno. He will heard cattle or sheep ninl ronline them toti-rtiiin houmlH, iu tli i eml Ly hid funster, lie i.h u tii:.y ut hoine tlo.. uti'l wittrlilul ul out the house or luai. will Liep his rye on a Mruni r to see that l u tvu rie.s niiilitii uwuy. We won hi aJvi-e ttety Mock laritur tn procure a jrood cu?. Plus. The AmiriaiH S'ck Jmir :al says : "A tho time ot ln-r lut row ing npproftt-hes, a sow shouM le well n piuil with foo'l, especially il" she lo a y n nv; r-ow, an I ihm In r first lit ter, uiol ii I so ciii'elu!y Wiiit'lieil, in of lor to prevent h r cutiiijr tho olter l irtb, and tliux emleiitlt.-i inn a moil id Ippctito which will i nil ii co her lu lull upon her own young. A how (hut hat i in 0 Jmio tin can never ilter- warils Lu Uepeudeil uiion. Iluncr Hiirt, r irritation of u.v Unit, of.t n 10'lucen th'i uuuutural conJuct " John Onion in the suui-stive name ol and editor. W hen ho pei Is himseil and ctil iliiWII be'urlly lu hid work he brio vvjicr lu the ejt ol Lin JraJcra. A eobwi li weddiuj: was colthra'e I in Iowa 'he other dsy. .Mr. J.ftph Colh was united in niarrlje to Mi.a Kate ' Lei u remove letntutioo from t'ic jihlh of yi ulh," us ihe Iro BuiJ w hon he pluo'lgc into the Witer, ujiou lev int bo; pick up a none. A woman I r eted in Troy "struck out from the bouhlcr'' koo. klnir down tbe officer. Her sentauc wm double t and u hrilouhluU up. Tb beet baaineae oy ono fin fol- Mai.liOidl How Lent, li iw !testoril 'nei up'i'h.'t. nnewelitinn of Dr. I.ulverwell a Cvlelir.i.ed t,t y on lb i radirtl euro, ( wit hon medicine) of Fprmiorrho4, or tfemlnal Wkns, Involuntary l.naee. impotenry. Mental and pliieiral lnflptciy, Impedi ments in marriage, no. I bIso, Conaump. tirn Epilepsy nud Kill", Induced by self in dulgence nr sexual ex'ravigance. Virr, tn if .sV.irVd .'arerye. tit arnlt. Tbe celebrated mithurin tola admirable eaiay clearly demnniiiriili from ihirlj )nr fiirrrf-lul prnetlce, ill ul th nlnrni coneq'ienei?i of iiolf nlm niijr bt i'',y rurcd without Hi lUnit'roii ut of iniri nnl medieino nr III applicition of ih knife: mininif out mode of enre 01 onre "irt'ple, fermin and rfTtct'iil, y mearr of litoli rerjr iMihVrrr. m nimter liil bi . i. inl. lion may t e. nny rnrc bimf elf cbeap y pri,ely and radii-ally Ihia l.ei iure r.hnnl.1 1 in Iho honl of rir.-jr y.'iith ami rtery man Inilielnn l i-nt under pohI. in plain enfidope, lo iny ddroafl, iit i I . nn receipt nf il i-enla, nr poU lmp. Al-o, IT. ('ill- vi rwi II f " MarriaiieCniidc,'' price 2" rtim. Address the I ulili-hrr, ( J '. KI.1NT A Co.. J.'T llowery. N. V.. O. Hon 4,.'i-. T lllL. ii t ton.nto II A I.I.I KT k M ol tillTOS, IV f I.. AMI ir. M.fclH 1 Coimliy Fr-nhii'i" nnl lomctic 'VwiV, V riln, f." , AV 2- Wati ii Strekt, 1I11LADELPHIA.. Prn nr.Ni r.. .Incnh It. Iliejtvl ft Co.. :M M ukel eireel : l.ippenroti A Trom r. Jl Woler -tiMel ; Hood. Il.uil.nnlil A Co. Mm kid Slreel ; li.lin..l.iini' Tollock. f.veil: .1 nil ii Mri4i:liX Wnlniil irtel : llarrii. li OnilMiiii il-7 Arch ureel. lEeWu'.'if N'OTICi: IS Ill'It KIIY filVI.N thiil ilie iindcrnined hu pun lined of Shimon .cchiimii. for line riTcincd. the fii'.tuwiiig u r-"ii il piopi-Hy. to it : One lo kuiir S:i,ve. 2 T.ih'.e. I Sink. 4 Simula. 6 Hid .lend mid Hod lintf. I' 'hnir, I Koi'kiiir Chiir. I load uf liny. I Cupl onrd. I Hurcaii I Iron Kinle. I Cow. I Cluck ; and Imtii.R loll the "Utiie in I In" pneeiiin of the nil Siimoii Zoohinin. ml peroim lire bendy (..iiiiioni.. not l.i iulcilcre with, nor put elui'c tlie lame. i. 8. VLSI I. IVb. I, ll-TH. I.LLU (.11 A IT, J v srcci ssop. To FLKCK & CO., WHOLESAL.F (ONir.lTlO.NEUS AND IT.I ITCKHES. M). :-j:t NORTH THIRD ST., 1 IIII.AIil.l.llllA. 4, full nvsorinicnt of Cnnfcrtinnery, l'riiils. Fire Wmk Syrups, -1 fy Kc. iilwiys nu blind. QOSUKAVK II ALL IIOTKL. l'LIXIl l'HOI'l', rrvprinor, Wist Heaver Tw'p., Frjilor Co., IV TKr N iilce tlml I I'nve pnrclui"ed Cos lirnve llnll Hot. I, where I inn a.wnys pre- p ncd In iioe initnudate Urn f era, BH ngers, nn f Ti ivclfis I fh ill he lil'crnl in my cburgra and en dcHVor In use evcryh w ell who I vors ti wi;h h: cusloui. If ttre not tied, no cl.'iirgei. Ciivo men cull. Api'.l. i.Tif. E. 0. KIIY k CO., WHOLES A LE GUOV.EKS AND comxissiox yi:i:ci!A. is. MARKET ST.. j Ih lwei n Fifth an I Sixth, - . . nun u.rl i.lltl I -1 . j - ' KW IH ll.IH.MiS, 11 AN'P XY.W TRICES I; WAnr.NSK.i.i.i is k son. i..rei.v respectfully inform their friends an I the puh'te geiierully I Lut ibej buve of cntJ h STOKE in their NEW CUIL-DING nn Ihe spot so lnnir oeeupied hy Hr. Jneoh W iifenseller on Ihe Isle of tjue w liere Ihey now buve mid will iilwoye keepalnige mil AC.) selected u.)i tiiicnl uf FKASONAIILK COOPS. In the Ladies' Irpntii ent will be found it full iiu ul' SILKS. roi'Lixs. RIM I.LI A NTS, VICTORIA LAWNS, ITorHKD ALPACAS, SWISS MI LL, CAM III! ICS, Pit I NT'S, JACONKTS, DKLANKS, Stripeil ninl Chci'Ueil Nantucks, &c. Al-o A C lit" nl Va.'fcty ot I. ii. lies' in-sK 1 niiHi. inu's, l.iiiist. hiylr Hoop Skirlri. I'leneh Curseiii, Kali stvle Iiii'moruls, Lmlii's' Cinlircl fan, Piiriisols und Sun Sdmle, Ih'tHU't llil l.Ol'H, I.i.ick, Uu I' ll ill.'S Klnhroiilern, I.illtU nnd 1'nper Colhtn, Ac, Ac., &e. a an. exih assor tuext- ror I ndus. Missira ami Children, in end less variety, of nil sins, styles and prices, sclcctvtl for ill j Fall and Winter trade. A full and ruii plele slock of 'LOTUS PLAIN ANI FANCY CASSIM Kll KS COTTONA UKS, .1 KAN'S, A.v A". COAL OK ALL KINDS ! Orueeries, Qiirensw-nre, Hardware, Willow ware. Cednrware, tiluwsrc. fto. All of which hnving been bouyhl iry lnu ir CIS will be sold at very small profits, Our luotto i V"i "' "d """ yrujiit. W also pay the highest market prices for all kind of grain. W11KAT, RVK, CORN, OATS and fiKED. W art prepared also lo dor goods, al a small rhnrg nod lodo general Commission aud Forwarding business. We hope that lb puhlio generally will iv u a call a we believe ii ii to llirir interest to do so befnr purcbes'ng sis wbsr. Uiv us a Irish W. F. WA0EN8wuLF.lL. M. L. WAOENSELLEit My 9CT, If JAILNMVOKTH 4 LOWKU, WholesiU dealer la I.AOLIi HOTEL. li No 2J. Nonh SntPt , i i,t wctn Rc and Vine) I'liiladelphia. It. U. CUM. MINOS, I'mpr. M. M. 8WARH. Kuperinlcndenl. d.83 CAUTION. Ilnring purabaaed lh fol lowlnc named aniolca at Sheriff ' Pule and Inniied Ih mm to Juoop II. Lciniy durlni my plraenrc, the puhlio are berrhy eaulioned nnl to Interfer nor In unywiae meddle with the (nine: One Hink, one Conking Si ore, I lirre llrdlealf and nrdinfr. one ft and, on cak of Brandy, 1 Rleigli, one buy Mare, one Iron Kenle. no i'liair. one rltril, one I'.iirean. on Ori Intone, a Inl of Cum Eodder. nnefto. one Cow, four KLerp. KULilNAM) .( N I'mon towonhip, Uecemlier tt, IXii'J, IAIX AM) SKK TllK NEW GOODS Jimt rceied in ?elinnroe by St, c . SCIIOCII. Thi la moat reapertfully Informed ihal we continue ihe tnercanl.le hueinraa at ihe old niand of Me-iV hcbncb.Wagenaellrr . Co. .and invite the altcniinn of Ihepnlillj o our etenie Hock of Nt.W iOOlS. juat received and ottered al il mere noiiiinul lofti lur entire elock uf foods bo been (elected with the ftreateil care emhracing every tl ing In ihe Mercnnnle line j (iioh ( UHV (iuil')S. (iKiiCKKIKS, lUltliWAHK. UIUKNSWAHK. CKD.WIWAl:i:, NOT ! N rt, SALT. FISH, ri.ASll-ll. IKON, NAILS, 'AL, He. ke, ricaae give ua n cull before piirclm'ing eltlnre. W e dike pleaaur in allowing o in- good, we are coiiHJenl ibul w me elling good cheaper tbuu Ibey can he pnrchn! d li heie. The iiigliei-l imirkel prices paid for pu diice and nil kind uf grain. Ii. & S. S. SCIIOCII. Sulinagrove, June Tib. '07if Evl il.K JIUTKI,. Mii'MErtiiu!, r.. J. A. bTAULM L( kl.K, rri-rirtr. llnvirg Inken charge nf il ls old nnd well esliiblirlicd stand. Ihe i pileior pn'fes u devote all bis mMlilietl lo the piotidiug of his Talde :tid Rnr nnd (he nccuiuinodn lii. li 1. 1 I Lib linn and l.insl. He rolicils a lii.i i .,1 shine ut the ul.Uc piilrutiuKC. J.iiinary 1:1, ISTu y LOOT SHOE MAMFACTOV. .ilMll) up to lilllO ! The nn lerslgned repet fully announce? to the eiliens of Middlebnrg and vicinity. iu:it he will continue t" manufacture MEN'S ST'KIA. KIT aud FINE HOOTS. Women aud Cbilreu's SHOES, And In short even thing in his line, in Ihe l.itcst style und nl low prices. Wuik made lo order nl iheshortesl nnliceiOCiv hilu a call hvl'oie cuing vleeuhere. ill RAM SCH WEN K. ArtnToNKKU The mult rsiguvd ulo idlers his services to the pnl. lie Vendue Oyer and Auction eer. Iliiilii hud il hu ge experience. 1 leel confident ibul , I ciui give peiiect Miti"fnc lion lu all who employ uie. flive me a 1 1 ml. ill HAM SI'IIWLSK. Mi.l.llclurg, Ta. Jon 2, t-if J S. rJ'KKIIAUT, Hflinyrove, Sityil r Co., Fcnua. Keeps constantly nn blind a Inrge and well mule iisMtri ni out of Tin, Mi eel Iron wure. Stoves, Jte., p. He U Agcui for lh fallowing iiaincd nrticles. "TllK MOUNINO GLORY." I.iiilofiild s l'ttlcnt Improved l'ni-e Eurulug COAL. STOVE. In ibis pattern of Tur. XIunjiiNd fii.ntiT. several new nnd important features have been emnodied, which enn on'v he seen In he "diiiiied. This new i..e i. made en iin ly i f cast iron, so nited lo he inr tihi. but cm ie iiiioie won sueri iron upper -eei ion when preferred by Ihe purchaser, lis f.riianietithl lini"li is denpery. uuiking il ii humlsonie piece of Iiu in litre, fur more so t Ii it n any stove heretofore lino I e lis in tertml colisiruetion, thnugli resembling siiitto of the former paltei ns ol The Morning (ilory is iiiiie dilleieui, milking it nioro mid fur less ililliciilt lo be repaired. The ending are ol Ilie highest order, fully ' equaling Iho huetl curlings nmdo hi this couniry. iVmotig llio many aiiVantaiils In the use of ill Morning lilory nre ihe following: I, Coiiliniiou Huniiiig. 2, CJunlity nt ihe licit. !. Veiitinitioii lliruugli Ihe stove. 1, Anli-Hust Siove. C, No Lstiupa ol (Jus. 0, Economy of Fuel. THE BARLEY SHEAF' Antt-Inift Air 1'itit Cool ing S'ov. , with Erirnilfd Fin-Jlux for Wood or Coal. I'ltlelileJ Mny llilli, 18lj5. Vi'e tuke pleasure in offering our custo mers and ihe Slove Trade, a New Aral-Class FI:il-lop, nnd would cull firtitulir ullrtilion lu iim many atlrucln t und luluablt iiiiyroir HlfHH. This Slove ha been carefully tested for srvernl uiomhr, and the rerulls anveproved so highly (uiisfiictury, thai severuTol our oldest and most eiperieneed (love dealers predict lur it a sulu far beyond our ability in supply this season. Sluhhj tout Jitfdowi, giving full uso of the hearth. An vdilioMiif tliJr in Iht orrn. so arranged a to give mute room iu the upper purl nt I he oveu; a grem cuuveuiriioe much needed Tin vein Is nearly as niic al tkt lop as alihe heuilb line, which nut only increases me me, nui w in i, reuoguuvd a great aai'ttttluyt ttt c.aAiny, IMITV'S CLOTHES WASHER Tli best, cheapest, und niosl popular Washing Mnckin ever ii'Venled. Il is rasy looperitlu, silling or standing; lukes but little l oom ; injures uok'.trioeins ; tinishe il work from in two lu four Min nies; is durable and convenient i and the only Washing M acliine known ihut Is liked ih belter the lougor U 1 used. THE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. Tkt "till EAT tAMLY HVOSOMIZKR. Th lerim of our I'alent cull our Mnohine a W ringer." Var of eiperienct prove il also to he A most kxc;i.i M Wasiik. When we reduce every invention for wash ing clothe io principl they all amount o iliai of pressing ami stiiceiing, and forcing tb water througb I hem, thus re moving ihe dirl. Moil Washing M'lchlnes In II hy rubbing. The Universal Wringer doe It by pressing. J1AUPING. Knq., J13T1CE OF THE I'KACE k CONVE. ANt'EK. Fremont, Snyder County, l'e no. Collections of all kind mad al lb shortest nolle and on lb most reavunnbl term, Conveyauaing la all ii branches eipe dilloualy eiscuied. lKat. Uotoauii. I .T Sll HIUllS SilWSISIIIIW I1ILES. A Miaelonary, who had differed 22 yara with t'ilen, tva cured, and will avnd Ihe receipt free. ' IUt. F08TEK 1'IX, J.rtey City, N. ). Fob 8-4. KILL TUB DKAMON OK PAIS. Wol coll' rain Paint remove pain in siiiuity, and beala old Ulcer. Wolcotl Annihilnior cure Catarrh, llrorrhiti and Cold In ihe head. Pold by nit Uruggid. and IHI Chatham Square, N. Y. 4 BOOK AOKM'H WANTED FOR bTKlOOLtS TKU'MI'HS OF P. T. BAKNUM Written by Ilimaelf. In one large Octavo Volume Benrly KCO I'agts I'rinlfd in Englicb and Urrman. 8.T Elegant Full page Engrneinga. It embrace F'oriy Year Hecolleciiona of hi llu-y Life, aa Mer chant, Manager, Hanker. Lecturer, and Showman. No book puhliahed (o neoeptn hie lo all el'e. Every one winl it . Agent average from fad lo W ubiicriber week. W nlfer eiira inducemrnla. Ill unlraled Culatogii and term to Agents .eul free. J. D. IsL'KR h CO., fuuliebers, Hartford, Conn. IliVJIVH. in ten hour withoiit ilmpi. For CircuNrs, addrea L. SVGE, Vinegar JVorks. Cromwell Con neeilcul. Cw II EN I SI WANTED FOR THE KECTETS OF Intci'isni Kcvcniie EM OSINO The WhUkey liing. fluid Ring, and Druw hack Kr iud i. Iivulglng eyntrniiiiio rob bery of the I'li'dic Treasury, Orgnnitcd I'cprrdatinns, Conspiracies nnd Hiidu nn the flovertiniclil Ollicinl Tmpiiude, mil lensmice, Tl runny nnd Con up lion. The tiiwl Miiilling, Fnin'iniitiug.lnMrui'iive anil liiipnrtntit Hook et puhliflicd. Ciniiiiiiiing anihentio Incis, indispuinhte evidence, sworn Itsiiiiiony, cumplele and sccumle dct.iiN. Li ilnlor. Fnrmcrs.' meclmnics, mer, cliiims. cvny ciiiren a d iuur, nre di rerlly tineresled tn ihe Itraiiigi ni,ni'ltices iiiiicbinaiions and crime of corrupt poliii ciiti", lilieii ilisiillcrs. Hold (iitnl.lers driiwhark formers and craft v malelnetors. i I'lilili-brd in one atllitclive volnnie. al.oiti .VHI well filled pigea, with spiiiied lllit" irniii iis I rice low lo suit ibr times. $;I.IKI. Sold ly suhsei iplion only. Send furi'ir and srecinl lertr. Wm. FLINT. I'uldislirr, rinladelphia. 1'it. 4iv AMATEUR Cultivator' diuirie, FOR THE FUiircr and Kitthrn Gm'fn. 2th edition nf this popular wmk which has met with so much Invor in the past, is now ready. II lis hern re-wriilen nnd in. proved, printed with new 'Vpe. and nn t'tu' paper, illus rmed with a beiiiiiiful Liihegrnpli.nnd many other engr-ivings roin tint 'lie. Il contains full dcseriplions mid the cult lire of i.ver I'.liu leu. In. g vaii ciies uf r lowers and Vegetiihles ; also des criptive lint of the novelties of Ih prceni senson to which is ndded a collection o' 'Jlill choice Frrnch Hybrid (ihiiliulus. This woik we feel confident, will couipur fit , vornbly with nny similar one. tram l.tvi llonttti, lli ht, A. . 'I have received a copy nf ynur superbly gotten up Amnienr Cultivator's iniile. I I Link il Inr iihend of anytlilns of the kind ever before is ucd I ruin Ilia Aiuericin press." Sent lo any n. hires upon receif.1 of ? cent f if p i per cover and fi'l cent for lusicfully buiiuJ in cliuh. WASHIURN li CO.. BOSTON. MASS. Foil Family t'sr. implt, rhmp, rMoMr, Knits everything. Agenia Wanted, fir. ctilnr and s-in.jde inrking FREE. Address II1NKI.EV KNITTINU MACHINE Co.Haih. Me., or ITti i:r. dwiiy. S. V. lFeb.l7-m HALD KAGI.K IIOTKL. No. (Ill North Third Street. PniLAl'ELPIII.. JOHN CLVMER. .Tnniiiry 1-1, JS7'J -if k V.Ml'KL I'AI JSr, Merchant rfrallkas Jl illltf 1 Has just received an entire new slock nl I I Ol IIS. CASSIMEREH k VES IINOS. all of a superior quality which he is pre pared In miike up III Ihe best sty le and nn sheri notice. He nlo keeps llrowu ami U hue 1 tent h Yoke Linen Shins. und a gen eral nssortuieui of gentlemen' Furtiishiiiu Goods, all of which be oilers lu the public ul very reasonable pric-s. Cull al my place nu Fine Sirret, between Eckberi voiuvr aud IU bridge, Selins Uiuvv, l'. Jim 4, ISOHif. i- r .iifZZ. j a- c rr tej. i se 71 O tglH Sr,svi-a 53JCt. e 7 l 4setStS6csS? Its in i ? is Ei." 49 ? tj st 9 S HvscrtsSSsSS-? w sssansasatsvi .- s B-t,3 ,tT g 8 unt(9 r5? imLixQi-kaT niLLccroa. fllstrlnts. Colleotiir' Name. Year Fraukiia. bvatsr. Jubu lieaehel. 11.(14 I TOO l 61 42 1 IW VI 7 Abiakaut Waaosr. li. A. India. Jacob it. l.snl. J. W, (.Isuubauer 1.0 Iu7 ism i:hsiuian. Frsuklln. 44 22 ITSHS. Auditors' pay for Ibsle ssrrlee 40 oe at. AIIsuisb, Aadltiag county orSse u -M 00 raiu (LSCTIOK. asm tiiri la MS Fay ol tlsetioa (iMi-ms, litiudiuit ullesuaol Haturu Juilgss IW If Fay ul ubsubias, advtrtislng aad - r-3 4. 2 ? Bet'n Jnilice " ' M " 1 (utbl ad. Ii sarvlnj aotlcu ko l 00 IW Tl Mit.iTaar. In'n for aiaklna; Military retnrn In April M IT mviaio iicor vr, rvynr, Viewer. k , for nrvlee 111 N niPTWIIT ATTimWHT'll V U, K TV. ft. T. Parka, hllli of I'tee for 1 11 CO 1 90 nepairi in vino -Itl 10 rnpwT p(ai. Ftb.Ttrm Orand Jnror 11 I'ellt Joroit M Court fryer 1 Tlpattve t Cln. O. Mmltb lor U meal for Jurors Ij ordar of oart Conitatil Petorns I Stay Term-Orai1Jrrs It t'elll Jurors S. ' Court fryer l Tltves I Constable Esturos I Sep. Tnn Orand Jnmr 1 Hetlt Juror K fnurt rjsr Tlmves LvBsubiss' return Iieo. Tsrm lmrd .Tarors it I'ellt Jurors II four! fryer I Tipiava 1 Coustwldu' retnra I 61100 -6iT ai -ttt 94 : IS Hiram Mckwenk for eleanln Cnort llon Ml w rurHT Hnrea rseaeava. Jack ftowertua, haullbg "wu lus eoal I 00 John Yimn " ' " A . .1 H .Tender " ' " i 00 I. r.ei lUrl.m-n Koo 180 John Ii. Walter " la .I f. firh.n-h sh7 ' I vi Kert h Heilln, ehalr for i nort erier lu Oil Miln.ll swli rnl tor materiHl tor liNlrii of chairs arid window I llnds I 14 Pliti ewlnelont. rei-s'n r ha lis, bllnos, ke , end seen i.llic slKns 1 SI AU.rlalil Nnl' eto..!. buck and Asing wntcr eoerpei. In f I h"Ue lo, Stu. 14 7 II. C lloier, irreii (.r esine lot If 00 K I,. Muminaton, b..lri ttr t 'il A .1. I'rter", ireiulit ko. on lmckets, srd ! fns fce. I 00 S Wll'enitner, ormatern ror repairs broom-, niifkets. brunhea. ke 12 M I. Mock, lor labor, cleaning Sirs. K renter's lot 3 M John M r-mllh. SO feel Imsnls Hiram Schnrnk. nlanttriK tr-es I no I W 4 IS) 4 Ml 1 ? t SO II 46 .10 7H H. liuer. repair ns I k at doors Nin. M..)t i li.mln kltothi.K wo d I tin Nioier I J'dinli M niter, 1 patent Pump J V. Iirec'n. fir ieri' AC. II k S. s schoi li, for co il Isi T h9 WsKtuiellsr k ..n ' lsw-oti t 41 -303 11 rowwtsstnsRRs ovru'R Ahrshsm I yei. Ute Omir. M .l.i..h Wenrli-h, 4:o oo .lolili J. Msttern do 41000 1-sae si Lnnifsi-re, iiu Nl isi A J Peters, clerk tn do 400 m) II T. Kaika, Ally for do loo oo eudih. Mttiionerv. I'.i't'n ke, 4t ir. I'. W . r-rhwiiti, Msllotiery 17 SS J. W lu rose lumps (vo I'. SwineforJ lulile shelving ,l0 in Vlllllt shl'id'e ti Swlnerord, llt for parsyr liii., I mu. lines lor ultice attd I'unrt llouo S. Wttieitiiiver, lor llroouis, Uuck eti. tll.xrt k -. Jiieob 4urami, I. M postsne ke A.J. Helen lor Plus Lead pencils UC2 vjr0 II 79 r 4 t. 4.1 lall 7J raoTimnnTsnT" nrrira V. (). Holmes, and utkers, I'relKht on llocsels fto $ 4 70 J t, I r.oh'y. Fees kc for 1SDI an-l pin id I-om 22 Ot K. W. .-ehwnii, sitatlnnerv. Ink. fco M e-hlri.t e ai wineionl, stailont ry. Uf o S. U itteomter, llroonis. iiu Lsnits 8 S4 J. W lirtes.-, Mindrirs foromee I 7T J. I'rou.e. I'r.oh'y and hu bill lor 1 eus lor Isoi lu p.irl U 10 422 es BruisTen ttn arc nnnrn'a orrira. S It. M-I.ui s, stamps, irelubl ta li.iekeis ae. 2 ST S. li. Scbui-a for Itl'n.ts for Ids nitle 7 uo di hiitehiisM and (r. Is lit on docket 1 W t. wii-eiuujer, .Matsilsl kc for desk In ollu'o 1 72 13 14 sunnier- timer rrs fce. Dnnlel Kolei ler, Mieilil. b II. nf Icos (i w.t: lieinovinv .iiteob itoaer to Ltstein l eiili' ' 07 4:1 l'ee ..r notii inn Jurors to Kebru- sry letin s.v oo I.m-ksiie. Frlmners ko. SO tlu tit tl lees as I'unisey VJ lift dln prl-.iuers I. 1 isherCidays ai Ul " " Irs I h;..o I 42 21 00 " " ..loj. .rltiiier 2 " 1 00 " " .Inn. Wiiiker la " M Sunur.onlnk- to Mny lenu 3'. on tto do ' S-'t " lij ts Ilonnlinii I'rls. r er I,. Kloir nl dnjl 160 ' " lllller U ' t! Is) " " A. J Keyser 04 " M Mi " " V Cl.uOU 47 " ' 2't W Fees and t.orksue 17 M siiuinioiilnv Jurors tn Itefl. Term 8 no hoar lutf 1'rl.oners Kees k I.onkiire 7 AO " " F. dumb vo ih) 4A o " " t. F. Walter 22 ' II oo 11)2 2 nnsn sun nntnn ncss. Aaron K Out and others, lioa.l und lln.UeVlrws. 419 24 rns SCALPS. I. tlerhnrt oml others lor loi -l. 72 7 JAII. SXrhN-ls. It k si. S Sehm h. l uai In lsc;-k 1.1 so Wiiir neller k Mm " 24 40 Mrs rs H..I. tender, elesiilnii Jail ls and 1"i.u 20 09 t:. A lo. I n.ler, hsullng Coal for Jail 1iik k I still. I 40 John Mac enberv, hauling 1 lud llonnls b.r IVne 1 50 .Urs.b II. Hawlnuer " 1 load Coal I Ml .lo-eih Urunaer t " s'l j, w lirrr.s ..r pslllmti taes ks an avitl Itniit'Tt rs.sirsi rfsiii ml .Ine-.ti W lest " eosl lor Jw.; 4 00 I'RIItU smllh " WoimI 7 00 J .l.n A Msl.lne. lier. for hauling tune lr Jsll ell In sl.7 140 s. wutenntver f.r Hmoins Lamps, ke S 40 .losrpi- Hosiersnv, noe t ord ul sussl 3 is) lieu. butuan liAUlinu 47W.E Coal 4 7n Ul OS Jt-ar ooMWisiniiRna Jury Cnmndrsluners lor Ibcir ser vice In. Iii.iIi k Clerk Tn 09 USA VI-H ISO! KKSOKST (CUIIOL till HO T. Hsnlol VVrlriek nlVetor i& it) K K i.i.ilewrib, eommlsilonsr 4 40 II nrv l lsli do 4 ,Vi I wo chain carriers 2 oo M 00 sststtso. J. ( mn. prlntlntlOK, per contract lino S B si-hin k ("r ) ' " Ml I tiinluird k OI'l. i nitrt k Klecton l'n e s l.y oriler ol lierlff 4o v i Keeelpls. tinJit's k Appeals SO es oo s, H Schuch, Court ami Elec. Prues. Jerome, " " " UfcC F. Uoyer " " M do Appeals, uses k E U4 100 F. Welrick, pub Pecelpts and Kx 24 do Uo Court k Llto prues 04 90 s 00 nnsn ntvAnrs rAin. Itaaa k Jaenb ,lorr, VVstlilt.glua Ip SO Henrv Keesler to J lisonrlt lortlanuter'she'rs.M'or'e tp 171 I'hlllii iillhltlt. I'eons lownship tw lis. k.l J I oysr, Wn.hiiigion tp 411 I'ase k Jsenh iilorr 44 Pri.istnlii I Isher, I'enn " so Samuel Fishes, ' 44 Jauub luh.r, 44 710 00 RASTias rslTrTiT. Paid fnr soi .rl ul l onvlcu Julio Sexton aud Jacob Bower o 20 aainnca. S. Mnywr, bulbllr nw asros Ms. hnniuUHunssr belter's sior nub 110 W.Aup pisn k aiisvrlntend!iK sam 11 01) Nsih Mnyer. Inr stonawork at new Sellnsurure liriilire. sir contrast 127 0 N. .Muyer, lor extra labor l.'cl 00 lo rlra.liia- 24 no rn Fslnilna sam brld s 09 W..HII.SBnrstruiure " " 1771)00 W K 1 oust irsl, Isls.r, hsiillnv, ma. terlal. ke b.r repelling brlils la Hesver Inwnshlp 101 It. I. Fsnitenbiisli.ihlngles, nails. board74 al I K IMshlor sldnales, nails, ke UN I'eier Holla-, reparlna- bil.ia-es. shnv helleriiruv) At.''s, Kialrcsvllle, selln-srove aad Burns', Inoladlog lunilier. kaullnir eaiientrr work, SIT ll'.yer. Hun s, k lluwes, plaok and boards fur ssn-e. 24 11 wei.rlek a. Son. hlsekniltklog, Iroa kn tor Horns' brltlKe 84 90 O W Wsnrl.'h lsbof,fcetambrlt-e2 N . Muyer ,new pierat nrait'vi as Carey k f chsure. end others, fnr lor lumber, nalis.splke.stuiie. hsul- ln. Huts mssunsurk. lals-r ko. at Luna s HurnsMl auiluvsr's and ksnl s brliliies 131 VX T H'dlif. nl Inn at Mlddleb'ar brldK I 4U N. Mnyer, wkltsaashlii- Law brbly at Letter's I 10 H. I.. auilnbuh,nel!s, paint, nil k for rep's si brldvensar A.lin l l Jsenb Jsrret Inr nillna al bsllnrgrov and l.nna's hrhla 60 Isaa 1'neanast. wiasonwnrk 87 1 Jos rt. 1 Isb. rep'uv brhliis Bear John , tnnd's In Besver tnwnsh p ll ll VT. N Klesier. lahor al near Saook's la Hsavse lownsblp 11 6 11 1. Bamlellhusll, skiBblcs SUd Ball Lir sain brldue 1176 Henry eiiiley. Ishnr l sm 17 uO w'm Markley. hsnlli.g ke al seal I 00 Fred Boll sod ulhem, uialerlal anil Uhnr fur rsi.'u brlilge al Wslisuj In iwld.lleneeek mwushlp Ml a Abr'm Beres, flUlna In wingwalliat brl.lus.t Ulsr s Mill 2100 J.H.Iilsk.fn di rpenUr work k at brUlg la 1IMVM loslp M 6 till I BiTsaiD YAiaa faib iwto vaiAsvar asi assrsnan. ta Dwwrot, csssr ls, frepklia tp I : jssae neavsr, soaoni tas, - - in To J.Oroes on Or orders for vartens personi 47, lor ioi aoeaneeo ro ennuty in HM-lnlerert to January 1. 1n Tl 00 A krahar I yet n ora.r Nn ml of 104 T,a W H Hnydor on I orders nf laot and ia 90 30 A brliht Kwlntfortl nn order o WT of 'A 1 1.4 Peter Kratn on varlnnr enter nf 'fft It ' 72, w) Hnry Hither nn order otelof ISO l,4T C H North oa onler No. S4S d . M P. nwlnafnrd do 44 (to IT J. H. W'enrleh l KSofllW ) JohnMaurer do W do 1.0 Mlcbarl sehoch on rlons order ke.,10 II. i. KrhltlinnonlerNo. stidisn 17 Abraham lysr rin 4. ISO II. M Jaenh ntetnnrer on three order 1.70 Henry A. smith nn two nnlers fO.tT J. i r.iue nn order No 1 nf IseS) ,7 Ji-.bim,p nn iae. adrnneed to eonntr -inlerest to Jsuuarv 1st IS70 W 44 Vim. Halites lor Interest 4,tl 470,94. CoIMOVwrtT) eoT. The Commonwealth v lb following per. anna, for which lb couuly paid eosl, lo wit Mariah Rarfihsrt $ 6 00 John W. Orwig 75 Joseph F.ysier 2 42 D. T. Ithnadf 6 J 11 lUuhensttin 19 2'J Jacob Bower 44 4U S. ilrnssnnd Ed. Sleiningir 41) 48 John Walker 21 HH Robert Schloimao 8 1'6 Hetty Howrrsos 2 40 Levi Fisher S 12 John Foy A X Iteuo 3 CO Msvid Sicffin 2 tO Reuben Snnok 1 (I Jefferson l!owersni 4 84 fienrge k Aaron Wicst 77 IH Diller drove 9 17 A. J. Kevsrr 17 f I Samuel Krebb ' 42 Lewis King H I'O Richard S indera 1 10 Slir.mi SlnMer II 2 28 Susan llnvcr 4 kj Jnhn Spri'ch 2 7 Lainev. Meek. el. al. 6 42 Win Hummel k Win. Mutter 6 I.8 Win. M AMisnti I IS Frederick Chubb II '.'5 LiiaU llcrrold 5 2 -43d 71 IKqt KST. V II. Wagner for ituiiesi on tli n l uf Ahr. Hi auk, of Jnekson Itiw nrhip $17 30 S. A. W'eiiel, for Inrpiest on tlead hotly of Nonb Aiglcr of Heaver lowntbip 13 19 8C 4s Mtsirt.lAvrrr. 0 S. Rnyor, Evpruses of Suy ler county Tem-her lusti- ute in Iec- JMiiS Jr 7 88 J C llnchcr. Ertp, legal ser vices In Ihe rase nf Selins grove l.nuk agninst Ihe Cnm loinionei for Injunction o restrain them fro n cnl led ing tax on Ilnnk Stock 30 S. Weirick. Fan., levill service in snnie case 1G A, J. IViers,. niaking Extra Statement to t'.unrd of Rrv enne Comiuissioncr at Il tr rishiiru 23 John Vuiinff, for Slawp lo Culleeiurs lion I 1 A. C. Simpson, Esq , for legal services in Kami llridga ca-e srd also in going 10 lltirrishurg in relereneo 10 Sinle luxes of County 47 R. T. l'niks, expenses in going lol.ewisiow in reference 10 he colh clii n of co ts of Snyder Count v in cm if Hui ler v IV 'it. K. Coinp. 42 35 tl. T. l'niks, expenses, kc. in going to MiHIin'own in coi tion of cost in ense of Rrooks v. 'euna. Itniltoad Cnmpnny. nnd oilier esse 83 92 (Jeo.C. Wclker. nssrssmetit N'o '2i of Lycoming couuly Mu Iniil lu surniiee t'oiupauy 13 App. Jury fee 111 lire cnsci puid by JuuUlu co. 12 23-'i 1.' 5IW79JC SNYIiFR cni'N'TY. S S: We Ihe suberlbnrs, 'ummlsslnners In snd fur the counn alereinld. I n err'lly, thtt the for lining slHteiue. t uf ihe beretot and r.xoendt lures ut the siild county for V e year 1M9 u true il e irreer ss ststcti 10 tne Lust ul eair knowl e.'ire ts-l er. liven under our hands st nur ofllee In th I'uitrthou.e, si Vlddleiurg Ibis 4th day ul J411 uitrj, a. u. ts.v Jnsrrn W'KsmrB J. J. .Mattkiin Isaac .n. LnstiAr-ni-CouiwUkiuusrs Attest A.J. PxTxas, Clsrk. TBBASI'BKB'l ArCOLKT Jocfi Cross Treasurer, in nceouot will. Snyder county IHn'.l PR. To nmniin! nf Tnxes outstanding for ISi S anil previiiu year $422 3 To nm'l nf luxe ass'd for I8n9 17013 7 Cusli received nf Mifflin Co., cost in ens of Duller. I'ennsylva. 11U R. It. Company 473 81 Cash received of Juniata Co., cost in case nf Hunk vs. Pennsylva nia It. It. Company 500 Cusli received of Cut. Paxtontaie entered 6J 4 " of Sundry person for taxes enti led ke, 22 81 '. of U Rangier Ilcdemp lion uiouey f 22.(Vt" 03 flnlnuct due Troaaurrr Jan 1, '70 741 8.1 522,877 Balance due Treasurer on Teetl of unseated Lands dated below 6'1 4ifi Toinl $22,bjg 4!t ru.y tha vk. Total amount nf ordci issued in lHli'J 916 43817 Deducted order No. 1 and MS re-issued 397 17 Acinal am i of order remaining HW'4 1 Oil Ordere outstanding of rV9 2.820 12 13,220 88 Onler of 1 8fiS and rrevlou vrar paid hv Treasurer 2.23(1 Gl II Y sash raid tn State Treasurer, on Stale lax nf iHiirt 190 6 Ay amnnnt due Treasurer at laal Sel-lement 1,609 2 nyC'nntmission allowed collect or or IWUt S.".0 f,2 Ry Exnnrailon of '69 171 M lly am'l of laxe oulstonding ' 3,41 10 1I0 " ' ' of 18UU and prevlou year 459 22 Ry Lxonnralion allowed collec tors nf I8UH & previous year 127 45 lly Treasurer t'oinniietjuo on $l5 4.')7 39 al 8 per cent. 4C3 72 lly mistake in addition of order of 1800 6 48 $22,877 78 By purehas money on six I'eetl fnr unsealed Land sold June 0 & 10. 1W.S, la vsrlous per. sons Heed iransfemd lo J. K- Jlugbe lb nw Treaiurtr, 00 f.5 Total 122,938 43 CeVBYY frB. tilt. To ouldaadlng order of l(1, f 2,820 12 " ' 16C8 and previous year 2,f77 PI To am'l due Treasurer Jin 1 '70 842.48 $M4Q 41 COXTRA CR- By nulilanding taxe of l"'i o.4I l Ry nulilanding laxe of iBbe m prioji yr 4&9 Tl 8.(110 41 Cnunlv In riebl Jaw, 1. 1870 2.400 OO SWYIIFR COUNTY. .i We. the usilerslvnei4. Audllara a WavJae Cnuely. I'neerllrtf. hl we bare earefallv ex- sslnlneri end Aanlted ike lerernleir seetwnt nf th 'naslMtesrs esd Treaeatee nf Hyder Cminly aeenrstlna; twlaw, sad I kits w 4 041 Ik seat irr sen enrteel assuiew. M ASH. CBA5KL10. WATCU t CLOCK MAKER, Market St. MldJtstnrg Ha HAVING looaUd la Ibll plaes) I wooM respeo fully Inform lb eitlten of .uiddlebu-gand vicinity luai I am preprsi lo repair CLOCKS AND WATCHES bap and epeditiooly. Tb patronage of Ik puhlio II respeet fully tolleiied. vv. uns.ioii uv. Middlebnrg, Nov. 24. IBflH. UK.UliNG UAlEitUAU U inior Arninepiiienl. Monday Duo 27, 18C9. Great Trunk Lin from th North and North weal for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottaville, Tamaaua, Ashland, Shaniokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Eaaton, Ephraia, Litii, Lancaster, Columbia e. Trains leave llrrisburg for ew York, at follow t ai 5.35. 8.1" a. m. 12.20 noon, nd li.Ou p. m., e.vnneciing with eimilar irains on lb lb Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving al Ne lork at U. 15 noon, .1.41 'i..i, aud 1U.UU p. m., re-pectiveiy. Sleeping car accompany ihe 5 3Va m. and 12.2J noon train, without change. Reiiirnine i l.oav New y.irk at W.OOam, No. in, snd put. I'hila lelphia at V.lo a 111 and it.HII P tn t Sleeping rare c- ompany ibe a m, and 6.0J p m trains I loin .New york, without cbange. Leave llarrinburi for Reading, rollsvilli Taiiiaitin, Minrrsville, Ashland, Shamokln, I ilieitrove, Allentown and I hiladclphia, at ".lu a m, 2,U5 ami 4 II) p m, Mopping at Lebanoo and principal way station! Ih l.ld p in train connecting tor ruiiadoipbta, I uiistille and Columbia only, ror l olls. ville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and usiiuehnna Railroad, Leave Harris!. urg It ,4i) p m Way passenger train leave riiilaaelpblii at 7,!JU a m, connecting with similar (rain on East i'ennn. Huilroncl, reluming from tlend'iig at tl,:.t p uii skipping at all stalloni l.e.ive I'ottsvillc at 0,411 ana a m an 2.40 p. m.: Ilemdon at 9,30 rn 1 Sha mtibinat ).4n nnd 10.40 a. tfi.t Asbland at i.tlj a m, and l'2,J0p m.( Tamaqua Bt H,3i a in, and 2,W p ni for 1'Liiaucipnia ana Sew Vork. Leave l'titlsrillo. via Scbnylltltl and fin. tiehnniin R R nt 8.15 a m tor Harrieburg, nd 1 1.8.1 tn for I'itiearov anA Tremont. Reatlitic Acenmmodaiion trai.n Leave I'oitsville nt f.4il a m. passe Readiug at T.:lO a in, Arriving al Philadelphia Bt 10,2 I urn. Hemming, leave riiiiaocipuia ai I.4-1 p ni, passing Reading at 7.40 p m, arrivina nt l'miavilla al '.'.31 p m. l ollsiown Accommodation 1 rain Leave I'oiisinwn at n.t'i a m. returuiog leavei I'bilndelplila at 4.00 p m. Columbia It nil road Train leave feadlpg at 7,15 am, and ti,l" pm for Fpotaia, Lit i z. I.sncnster. Coliimbia. it. Perkinmen Rnilroad Trains leave PerVI omen .1 unci Inn nt tl.b'J a m. .1,01 A 5.30 p ru returning leave Scliwenksville at 8. Oj a m, 12. 1'. Noon, find 4.15 p 111, connecting with ii 1 ti 1 In r trains on Reading Rnllria l. ','olebr lokd.ile ltnilrnid train leave Polls- inwn ot '1,40 n m. and 0.2') p m, returning leave Mnutit Pleasant at 1, 00 and 11, 2 4 ni, connecting with similar Irnin on Reading- riiilrn ul. f'hesier Valley Railroad train leave Uridepurl nt 8,30 a ni. and 2.(15 and 5.0 p m, retnining. leave Imwningtown at 6.8H m, V2.4.r) noon and 0.1) p m, connecting wiib similar trains nn Reading railroad. On Sunday : Leave New Vork al 6,00 p 111, Philadelphia 8.00 a m and 3,15 p m. iho 8. HU 11 111 1 nun running only to Kenning; cave I'olisvillo 8,1)1) a in; Ihtrrishurg 6,85 a ii nnd 4.10 p in, nnd Reading nl 7.1) a m, md l.l.ii.') p ni fur lltirilaluirg, al 7.23 a m inr .New York, and ut 0,40 a ni aud 4,25 p ra lor I hllndf IphtA. Ciimmut.uiiiti. Mileage, Sensor.. School ml excursion tickets, to and from allpointi 11 reduced rnte. Ilaggge chccketl 'hrough; 100 pouiidv allowed eucb passenger. 0. A.NICOLI.3, (1'titrnl Stij trinlindent. Rradini. December 27. ISii'J. Forney's Fi'CsSS. TUK GBCIT RADICAL Eft SPAFEU I Git the Bint oml Clicnrtt jWutpavrr In Ilie Gouiitry. theThess I a f.isi cltss double-sheet eight par liHper, containing 48 enliinina, publiabtd overy morning, (except Sunday.) TERMS: DAILY TRESS S8.00 per annum; $2.90 lor six months; $1.UU for Ibree monih. TRI-WEEKLV PRESS $4.0;) per an num 1 2 00 for sit mcLibs; jj.( 0 for ibree mnuihs. THE WEEKLY PRESS. Th most valu 'ihle Weekly Newspaper in lb World. It eouiaius iiem nf interest In all. READ THE TERMS; On copy ou yer f 2 Five cupic 9 Ten enpies, and on copy lo tb getter up of club. Twenty copies, and on copy to tbe gelter-up of club Fifty enpies, aud on copy lo tb gelter up of club Tell enpies, lo out arlJrrtr, and on copy lo ih getter uo ol th club Twenty copies, lo out oddmi, and on copy 10 ih gellor up of the club Filly copies, lo on oddrim, and one copy to ih getter up of Ilie club One bundled copies, 70 one addrrit, tnd one copy of tbe Tri-weekly Prs lo lb geiier up or ihe club 100 All vrdtrt thoulil bt mddrttttd lo JOHN W. FORNEY, F.dilor aid Proprietor, S.VV.cor.7lh andCbestnul 8ik.,P!iW Pa. Grover& linker's FIRST 1'RE.MIUM ELASTIC STICTI1 FAMIL-Y Sewing Machines, . S9ftS 11ROAKW 4 Y NEW YORK. 13U CHESTNUT 8T. PHILADELPHIA. POINTS OF XC'XEXCE. Reanly and r , iloly of Blllek. Perfection sai"sin.plicliy of Maebleery. Using bolli thread liroily from the spool. No fastening of learn by band and 110 wast of thread. Wid rang of application without obang of adjustment). The esm retain llbuty ud firmne after washing and Ironing. Besides doing all kind nf work don by hy other Sewing Machine, lb Machine exeoul lb most beautiful aa permanent Embroidery aud ornameutal work. (A.Th Highest Premium at all lb fain and exhibition of lb l'nltd State and Europe, havt been awarded tb Orovar & Raker Uewlng Maohine. aud h work by tbm, wbrvr exhibited In eotnpetion. BrTbvry bigbe! prise, TllK CROSS or i ui, i.tuio.N or iionob. w eon- farad on ike repreMntniiv of Orover k baker Sewing aiaohlne. nt the exposition V 65 14 25 60 a.TiuM ,tL,,,L j t, " no ...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers