W1MlMMlW)n THE POST. KlDMKUUIiO. MARCH 81. I.t. idvy AM) chuxrnr.'' Vtm.io rUtta tlnouali- ut t lio conn, tf are wi ll utteniltd and iiltnnst every thing flint is offered tor halo brings n good price. Wi have ri reived tho first nnmher Oilho Unity 5! ))'", a now iispcrjui stared in llatTia'Hjrg liy lr. Jhn II O bon. lute piivnto Seeietary to Gov ernor Geary. Tim piper m ike v rj Cno ai'pearnnee in I is nlly conducted. Hit-tin od & H-yer, Hardware drnl era hnve nn cxtcnsiTe stuck of hard ware in their BN.re t Kcliu.'Krovi.. which I boy arc dclorminud to -til in )ow fignro. l'urcliers ran save lr.ni. 2') to 40 per cent, by pnrchusing Iroui HieaUud and Rover. At a tul'Iia rale hi-1 J in Bearer township a few duya ago. Inton wu sold at Tl cents rVrpimnd, while the market price is ooly l:l euU per pound. Some of our mctchanta who luve supply of bacon on Land night mike nice lulog by puuiun u up ai puunc sato. Dr. Waoe.ei.l..r. Anwfsor of tun-Dh-tiict L'ivm no, ice lliat ho will he at his office in Std throve on iho 6th fith and7ihtd Ami, 170. t hear any any appctla thai nitty Le wide from Hie action of (ho Assistant Anc-ur rc latinir to the .Annual Amcssniniit. All appfula inuHt he inudo in writing. Tub Lady's FtiiK.m The pril nuaihur ol thin popular timj.'izine come to us with tho IithIhip-m and lifo ol spring A usual it is filled with hrau Jul eufravini:a, mt'.-relin; etorie. Sid., do. I'ubdidicd by I eaoni and Potci an. 319 Wulniit street, l'liiladtdplitii. Price u yrnr, which also iuciuJc. h Inrgo steel cniiiviiij:. xTazeoseller & Son, Forwarding sod Commission iin.,rc-hiiiit,doiilors in jirain, coal, find, plaster, nidelm inline &., extend a (ronei-iil invit;Uuu to the pub lio to i:ivo tbem a trial, and warrant entire sutUfaetiwo. They havejost re ceived a large stock of lreh grecoi ice from I'hila. which cannot ho B'tpu ecdel in (piality and iheapnoes. J.ci-l brown suur at l-i els and best white at 10c. Air; l'hrenoMni(iicilm ; Tho Art nf Kmjrntin'X; Nathan C. My, Pro. Far mer's Club, with portrait; Capital a l.-borj H. S. rackttrd. with portrait The fioverntira of New York ; What mnei a yntui writer; The M.nloty "I denim i 'Ihi rwordfih, Hltiattnted ; I'myer and Pui-cniilno;y, etc. Price :t() cent. , or 83 a yenr. A, II. Well. IMibh-hor, 38! Hwa lway, New Yerk. A H n lloit.iNo or Fiait. On Ins Friday night, Mr. May, proprietor ol. the Ucnnvo llouaa Henovo mot with a Fftrioua loa, having had h bo ut 70,( 0 ) trout, jn-t lum b al, boiled todatb l hot wtpr haloj Ik en futwd thrnuch ihi'Cold water pipe Tpr dinif to th hutching ti-iuiifli! It wna iuel b an oli't ruction cot tinn into tho mam I Ipe. which lull alt opening throiiL'h which tho hot water that nupplie the houie wn forced, by the prnsure ol team ia the boiler, into the hutching trnuh. thu; hoilinn tho Gh 10 dentil T ho h as i" entiinatod ut not lex than jJ.UO I, and tbd liout can tiot he re placed thisiieaon Luck Haven i)im OcTat Ix nnrrcll tnwnrhip. Indiana coun ty, a P'Kir man hna hern lyin foraomi time at the point of death typhoid fe ver. Last week ooo of bin charitable neielibors feclinir nro tho pntient could not livo over the Hay, to ali'iw M intcrot in tho cne, h iving buoiness in Hln;rvillp. ordered a ceffin. TlieeolHn wa made, but tho the nntient alio'iitc ly I'rfiifca to gt into it whilo living, an-l thero i a crnt pr'Latiility of his geltuiK well. A'l thl g,ira to all' tlint it ia not olwiiya xafo to take more than aix per cetjt. interest in other pciv ple'a airdra. A SAP fcff.'ir oceuro 1 at firecnw iod Furnace, Mifilin couiitv, on ThuraJa last, by a little non f J. ir.'gi sd ftliout'throe years, k'lliuir bin eUu-r, u baby, only five ni"iiihnld, with hani iner Tim cbiU was lyiny in the era die, and the boy Mnu-k lior on tbo hcol with the bamnicr. no (imlit in p'ay ot vithoti' inteudim: 'o harm her, kdi'ti her iimtantly. N'aono was prcsout at tho lime. The lmlut'rial l'rotn'tr a large anil hnnd'onip oonrto weck'tr. pnldinh P'l ty William Y. I.Pidcr. in I'h'dadrl phia. A !'! name indicntes, the pa per i a vigorous Hdvoeite of prntcc lion a fact which will enura it ropuhiri'y in thia dmnionwoa'th. It U edited with ability, and devotcn ni'ich p.ife to niioroUnnemi rrnditi!;. A very cheap fnm ly paper at ('I. kTOTIt'E 13 IIKUKI1V fitVKN thnt we ! "I UAYB1LL A To.. havt pnrehaanl I lie following pmnnl (ropcriy. mlil lit virtu nf a wrif or rim rficiaa, itif1 nut rrth i eurt or I nmnion t'lie of Knydrr county, aa tbe frn.ny of llowM llmhroik, to wil i Hn onkma 8ie 1 flmlr, I Hiamt, 1 Talde, I rt r chair', ) clock, I l.onliinjt (IU, I corner piiibnnnl, I Itpdaleail ami IWvWInif, Hut- kry, V Tona liny. 1 H.1,llc, l.riOlv. Jo., I fl of llarncaa, 'j l,niiii(!r. I Wood cIiofI, I ciih, n uprlliarn vr, horrrl Murn; anil hn viiifT Irfl thp una In til poirplnn, ih puhlio ia brrl) eamioned But lo nitddlt or ialtrlert wilk aama. JOSKIMI P), lilJUI. JAt'UIl KEMKKLINO. January, 27. A Wnoi rcAia DrAi.raa ia VOODANO WILLOW WAHI! Oil t'tniliit. Window FIiuHfu. lro-,ir, 5ln, l'r"lip t'otlon tap. II rn in Fly Nn, Ilnrkrt, Twini-a. Wicl", ftc. Ni.:4 Nnrili Tliii (I Clrccd, I'liilndpli hia. Fi ll. 7. T,7 r miLLia. 4 iaiiiii L, joua uaauAan F. ZOKU.IN CO., J. (Surccaaa a to Britcrllnf A Zodlin.) wauLI-alk 1kai.i:i;s a IMl'UKTf.llt DllUGS &"ME1)ICINES. Noa. 402 it 40-1 North Third ht. aVUILADCLPiiIA. QUOS8 Si liJlOTHKUM, Manufacturers of and df alert in all kinra of mi.T. TIMHKIt. Lr.MHKU. I'AI.INC. SIIINdl.KS. LATH. FI.OOhlMl, etc., Plianiokln Dam. Pnydci t vuuty Fa. All oriliM pron.j i!y Plk-,1. Walnut, Chrrri, I'vylar, ami t.itm l.timl.rt fntistnnlln on Ann,. 7 "Joy IMflKNUMIM IN 1HK IKnlLKS 1 wUl UN AI.." lion Trnrlicra, Mudi'iiM liciirrd I'Wtf mi 11. Kncryct'c Vo Mm and Ju'lim ran make f 7' lo $i0 rr nomin iti-in ff ihf P ring an, I Mimmrr. A copy free, ht-nil nn mi; ami n,l liri( lo ,eu le Journal, Pb llndeliria, l'a. IKSTANI) &, HOYKit, Wliolraule and Helail Iicnlrra lu HAUUWAUF., CTTLKUY, I t'oachuiakera' Mittcri.iU, Flioc Findinga. d o f!,Ungrovc, T. ts-llf J II. WAIlKIt, nirollTKIl AND MULKIt IN CHINA, GLASS, AND QUKKNSWAKK. M X. 8d flrfct, bcl rrn Harp ivVli;r 211 I till AM I. I IMA Knit Tr,.tvi:i.i;us.- Movr.R & l 'ws eoniinue to do nr exletiaive biiiti'Ka at thmr mi, I in Si linsurove 'HiHybavH conlontly on bund U laro;o Stock of finidic I Ooors aKh, bliads "iding (1 riiio;, c., Sic Xliey have ti large htock i,f, M-axoi.ed white and yellow pine and hemlock boards, und'a larco iiinnliiy of No. 1, '2, and 3 obitil.-H all -t ttl.iMi they hcl cltoup ui can bo bought elsewhere Give them a trijl. Last Tuesday mernlna a young mnn Tiamed Wdi. Uriner. uhout twenty four ycniM of ni:o, employed at the bone mill of MiHer f- Snu'ih, lu tho city ol llt'tidhitf. iiKt with a honildo death by bcitm ground up in the phoaphaie mixing tub. He was eUaning th tab, wlicii the belt va dipped iff the loo!e Mi ley upon tho hlufiin.,1 atnrt- ini; the oiuehincrv and crushttiif hia b.fy in a frightful nunuer. A Fish KsT nr;iiiE. Mosra Mar riv. D'lU.'al & Co.. of Milton, having secured tbo inh ts to three poola which rover about fiilven acrca ol grouml llieV tropua to 8'Oek ihem With miI- niond, perch, pickattd an I such other varieties of fi-n us are desirable lor tbn table, and alter cullh lent lion hnn elaped for the hihuII try to obtain their growth, it U in eouiemplulion to imp ply the markets of their ueiglibmbood with fi-ih at mucli lower prieei than at present obtained. Lit ix Utah. Wo baVo received advance idieetH of a now woik. now in pres by tho National Publishing Coin pany, entitled, Lifo in Utah ; or the Mynteriea and Crimes of Momiaiilsni. Ik-inn nn exp've of I h avert 1 1 it e and ceremonies of tho Latter lay .S'uiuta. with a full and authentic history of the Mormon acer from itaoriuin t' the present time ; by .1 II Ilea lie, editor of tho Salt Lab: ll -po, t t, and I'Ub correspouilent of tho (Jwiniuiti Coin inrrciat. Tbi work promotes to be very iiitorcxting. It will be sold by eulcripiioo only. Aeonta aro wanted ill every county. Addrcaa National l'ubliahing Couipnny, Philadolphia. Comi'CTI.no IxTCRKaT -A new meth od of cnu'puting inlrrcst on any num Let of dollars at tdx per cent., - whiuh appears fimple : Multiply aoy given number of dollars by tlio number of layaM,rj;l desired ; Miernto the ritht lai "uttr and divide by sis ; tbo reMiil t'ie, luterest of audi auto for whici'i of dy ot sis percent. Tblarursiaso Miopia and ao true according to all buniueaa usa. go that every banker, broker mer chant or clerk should post it up for re ference, 'i'hure being no fucb thlnu as t fraction iu it there i scarcely any liability to error or mimuke. liy no other ailihni'iicul prueraa can the do ltd iolbruiatiun ba obtained by so few figures. I'llll.AliKl.l'III.V MAKKKTS. Pint Ai'Ki.l'ii! A, Mr. 23 -The wheat uvirket U rather more' activi, hut we notiop no ehanio in vnluo. S:i l'n li.'MO buhrdh cood nn.l prime Penn- vlvnnia and West, rn at f I '-".'C'?. 1 While ranire fr mi 81 IPfJl d", but (lu re i not niuch in the 111:11 kct. In Kye we police aulcs of l.'il l) bnalie'H S'ateat OlfVrflfio. Oat a are mo.leriito lv n t!v.'. and price into Htendy ; 2 000 hied'cl Western nod Slatechi'ii ed han la nt 5'i(ir .Vie. Corn i iu'in jood demand lit the advance nf ti'd v.'rtierdnv ; anle: of o,(M'J bunlieN yel low at Olf'i fiftV. t'I,'verred is in active r.'qost. and rather scnr.'e, w h'ch give a firm tone to the market. 2"i0 hmdiols cood an) I at 6S Oo ; 20 bu-du-N pr me nt 8 IS. nod I.'iiJ ha recleanoil at 1 3 1 Timothy ia netive nml stronger. lt'O bushels' acid at 83 fiOf.i.5 73. Minni.F.lU Htl MA11KET. Crrfficd weUI. Potatoes 40 lluiier I art 3 r.fgt SJ .allow in lricdApplra 8 rta Clicrriaa Pels T'clict unp'J lRci KlnsaeeJ $2o0 S,.op 10 Hfcpwai 4fi Chrrries seeded M lliicklfberries L'O IMiickhrrrics 'i SFLINSO ROVE MARKET. t'orrecieJ weekly. Wheal No 1 $1 110 I Onions fi NMieat " 2 Duller b no Oil HO Kris 20 Kye HI Soip 8 tool H,i, i 40 l.unl lo Klascee4 2 O'l Mam 2' Timnibyaeed 3 is) hkuulder l ' Clorcrrrr.l li 6(1 Md.i I t MARRIED In this pines, on the 2 2d Inn., hy Rcr. It. l.nrarua. Jacob 1'. Aurand and .Vim Ella C. l.on(T, hoiu ot t'enlreille, I bin enuniy. On 1 lie 2(ii li ult., by Kef. Seiple. William Markc! and .Mis Carolina Klinglrr, boib of CenlreHle. On the 13th lnt., by Rev. C. G. Krlen myer, T.doaa Landis and Miaa I'lica How. bulk nf v'n-hingion twp. On ibe ilk iual., by iter. C. G. Krlen myer, 1', M. Unrmsn snd Miss Mary Landis, boih nf this place. Peier baa inken unto himaclf a wife ac cording to lb laws and cualoina of this na tion, and we do siocorel with that bis matrimonial life may ho one plane of uiitiroken aappiue.-ism.ijr be enjoy Ibe fullerl fi nil Ion or a congenial alliaact may lliry eheriu lbs iallowed..nioiceni ben 1 hey were proaounced tntjluh. Ci f IIK VI I'm.'HCit Trnina lcare the Iliirrinlmrf rnilii'iid ilrpntK daily a" toiljaf : l't:NNVI.VAMA cknthai, haii.roak. aa-TWano. I'liilnd'n Kxprcas esct pl Mnndny Fnl Line " " l.mipfifclcr train (ti.iMl Joy) ' I'acilie l'.sj ri't fi lin ' llarrirloii'ir Act-ninninilntinn ' Ciiicimiaii Ksprcua trnin daily Souilii'iu Fxproa wrTWBll. I'incinnM! espreti xi-cpt Mn l iy l?.epni I i 1 1 ! . 1 1 r jr Kspn-na 4. 'Jo a in I'aclfic l. rra. train daily 4.11 n in rmiiraiioii train esr'pt Monday 7.-t" " Mail train except Suu liiy Fiii Line " Lrie Knt line " " N11HTII KKN I'KNTIIM. KAII.IIOAII "l Tiini. UuR'alne Lvpte" train Siifhi AcT niiiiiu !itioa M nl I ruin fast Line Snl'THWABO. llnrTalo Fipre.u Tr..in Mm) trnin I' ncitic Kip V.irk ; llnrrijb'g Acccnnindation Cincitti.ti Kspres M'llft I.KIl.t. AMI SIXJt FIIANNA R. It A pacnpcr and mail train li-atra the I II anon Vullcy drpot Uni'y. nt ",iiu p. m , lor I'm.-prte, Anlmin ami I'uIIkviIIv. 2.10 a in Koo " 12.pi p in ii.f.:, In. j 2..V1 1 . 1 "1 p hi 4.1.1 4,20 2,"T a in 1 1.S'i p in l.ln " 4.2ii ' fi.l.'i a n. 2.4.1 p n. 12 11". ti 11, 4. SO p m ! fo.1.1 I Alitih Al: 1(1 V A L VV . JNEW GOODS AT J. W. DUEESE S STORIr., N. W. Corner Maiki-t SiUare, Middlebury The tnck t-mtiraci'S in part Dress iiioods, li.iick ilka, All-wool lie l.ainea, Cobnrg, Merino4, I'eplilia, Repp, Sic, Si' Mil-lin-. IlntiMe-widili Shevliiiga. llrillinga. Table l't:ier, Osnabllig. Kxtra Tickings. Checks. Snirl itign, tiinghntit', .Iictinct, a full a-i'-oi iu.clit of ( 'a! icon, l'ltililieU, Heavy twilled, Shirting, ItlntiketH, P.iiltiiornls. Hosiery, Uli.vra. A.e., e. CLOTHS AND CASSIM 1'KCS Itiorain and Linen Curpeta. Woolen, Linen A eotfen Carpet Chiin. lil'.ADY MMi: Vl.OTUlXC. I'lnop. Table mi l Stair O.I t 'lot ha. I flits ui Cjijs, 1.00TS AND SHOKrf. llurdwarc. tneeii-v:ire. CIhim wn re. tilat.swsre. Wood nud Wilh. w wore, Cutlery, (III Window Sh:ii!e, Lot. king (i!ni'a Ao.. Ao.. ive. TOr.ACt'O ANI CKiAI'S. SALT So F I S H I The bifliept "market price paid fr r. ! I kind" of roiitilry produce and dried l'ttii'. t'l.tifidrni el reiidcrintr pel (i-ri iiiirii-. linn boih in rrpiinl lo price nlid .iiiili.v of (jo.)d. I repecll u liy itiMioa'lio i nie a call Lvfore purchainir e1-i In r... J W. um i.si: l.l llpl'iirjr. .Tnnenry 7, is.'. 'v .1. coHKi-; gCHOt'II A P.UOTHKll W.-iilo ri'prciml'T arnoun.e lo Hi.' people of Pay der t'cun'y and the piililir. f nernllv, tli ll lliry have ju! secure I, and will coral anily ke.pnn haml nnd lr sale, a trry exliurite nf.mrinn.iit f in llieirf .'nnimndiors New Itonm opposilr bs lii.nk, .Sclini.gri.ire l'a. THKV WILL KELT, AT RE DICED PltKJLSl Their extenelve alock e..n!ia nf a well cleclc'l aaaorinietit of KALI. Ac NTKII C.OOli!. Tl-y have CLOTHS. CAM M LI'S. I lam and Im y n 1 i i, ri 1 .Ini . 'Iwcrda, Mii-lln. Li ill'lii'-. Hnni. Cheike, Ac. Aim an il.(.nt a-no ni. 1.1 of LAMES' DUE'S CDilDS t Silks. Itomlmf iite.. Alpttei". liliick nod funey Didaiua. Lawns, (iinglnini a laruc V;iriet of fine White tiiioil.--. LAI'll S1 KAS i MILL coats, Hoop, ."kirts MiiiwN Ac. Ac HEADY MADKCLt till I Nt J.t'oi' veats. Pants. Shirts Ac. A variety nt KOIIOKS & I0S!i:ii. Ci.llnr I, il l p I'l d Pt j e I'll sll rim liiings. I'ut'dis t'orst". Zi-ipl.yi!. eornm.'n nnd fp'it Moiiivini me. Shetland Wool Ac. Ae. nSH,SAilANl)IlU)N, j ACRAW ANNA . il.niM.si;l i.(l I.I: h;i. en andaficr V-nd.iy . S'oli 'a-enecr Tra'.i tl ion n foilon Hit Til W All II A Le-ite Tprnpien I'iii'tin Klip. i.,n i:np.ii liimtille Arr. at .Nortli'd M.hTIIW Mill. M Leare Konl.'d T.lo lfOi,le ",! Ilnpcrl . I H Lintr'ton 0,f, li 1 li1.!' Arr.al Sciih."! I '.o"i 'I Hi ll I" li in.' Is A. V. and 4 Hi I m! tliiMl.i I bil.il v ilti I ;i. ! ,i. a m. p m.i lrr 4.IO 1.1,'M 11.12; ? t' f...'fi 4.17 p.f.'l I.!'' Mis 7.17 yf I' M. 4 I'i f.21 f,.;..i mo ... M t'.l . I '.1 ' ro'toti nt . colimvl a' If il S '"li P .1 Nor- a :: II. K. tor I : . r i lo. . Pull imo 1 'ii-lii...'..ii. i! rn1' . Lot k II en I' t'-liu g nn 1 lb" Wf.i. 'I'l -lit. s -tr i ':' ;i' fr I' tl 1 . v.. en Mi. ct e. it i 1 ii;t: t'.rrivi'- t , w Yol k lit I i'l I' M la si nt ti -'I I' M , :it .1 L.Vl p. . Truii s ni l i '.':' t t.. 1 olliicl t w.lii 1 Wct 1' T. I ti, 1 r.i.t 1 li ill. :..... I!.., i I'i. 1. i II I'll I tpKS 'El KEK A Ml I-It St il il ... .. 1 1,1 up I 11 1 I STKKL. "II0VH.S, 1. 1. A.-S. HMrdwnro Cedarwsre STdVKS. SI' Mil's, NAILS. teenwa re. KnilKS, I! V M S. l'AIMS. (illls-w life Willow w nn- Ctockcrv. I'l.ASThi:. Whit' A P.'iie mill V iipN ' Mil ! "r Ayer's Sarsaparilla, run rvninnfs tub moon, rrHttl ftc rnjis ! ilsrtfr i fi.m Mi lair InrtDV t-l Uriifli fti v niiirrrlttM!'-. lTrnriM cft' il h rofuttit.-t -il um. wlirrrt liin rjc i MMMttCfl ikut.ir. t i V. ,l 1 rtrrui1tn, ii.wv lit,t1 tnrllli -I ni.il fir 1 l'v i'. 1 -rnftilniiai fi.Ti -1(- n-'f 1, I fliKnfi Uirf M iitcii nt' T rt rianlc liy II.'- v's-nt- im runfr.fi.i' .1 n i - til thrTtrirf f linOiHr rffltriip, l r.,n Imn r. t eiirril in mti h itmI htunisf-n irt i lmo! rwivi I'.nt, of Ur riMititry.tltal Uip iiil.lii rwarr i.t i! t i k ititortne'l ol Mw miit or v r Hv(oftlii tmtnn nni of lin- ITi- ilr- t-tT'1', itll nil'' nl OUI r.'I'T. OJIt Tl, fl la iHrf il M a ( icirtt of I'ifoijf.'iiti' ni 1 1 1: 1 1 tiiii'i Lin..'. ., t lMlitc11irH;t:M k'l , Mlf 1 lit f"t I t , i , , ifiuMTt t t'.nr i i'?.i.-n,t ni it r- r . Il c ui In .riTl itti.. un lit i"!i ml l. "l . ., l lin n, iitl Mtnti 1 t nr;' I i!i O' I "i , I . i. U i - ' i In I'i ofiP or o'l.cr of tl I (?( it f 'r K , i rrt i fr.irt.i o fr nnmiir: tlir i il t', In !! I. i' . n ' - l ie Piny ! n'.l.l -nlv it t"i'c li I . I i - . r or I. iini4 loiVif -l hi lt.1" I'Vcr, tt ! v. tl i i -imii i- I v rTiit'In't" on i: . r r ( I ' 4 i t I MM i rn i mc "iri of hr lM . l ti i- ' fioii. Iiii'tf n I" it l o( tin ktrtt Mf'n 7 t i i : t-iu li, i . i ii w n H' iv f 1 1 y v tiii ! i i i ,' fti't'i .ir. I i r.'l'i ti-Iwii'il i- I- V v i . J , i'N VW -:, ::.. !,. ' 1 1 1 i.I ,.'!, li n -ih. ni'f. i. id- ii - f i ti ia ,s l , l n:i f i I: hi. .4, thnntfH i tr , ii-tw nr f I. fM Sf. 1,1., i,,,. hrtiht II. tf. I'i h rr I '; w. pen- f i , ii it 1 1 Il t 1 1 Ti 1 1 I"' I'i' it1 ij Vm'w'oh il ,i , A ti'" t.'li I I t i. t: '';; il'ttrt itn,ur, i it, llitij-ft, Nr-IMH.' , fiMl t ' .n it'll if t' ' r ii itlii li'tis. of Uic . r II 1 11 I l I tin tftl . S'ti-hi'i-t i.f I . v ifiC t V-rrurl'tt " I f i.ii-.l . , r.nivii n -hir ii;i,i- a rt-.,t. , ' ! '('rii k llii i 'i'-iiu.i'f it : i MM- - I :f - ti "it l"l at ' '.tHPM 'I V-l I f llllt ! t I' i I I f i'"ii'il,'tii aj I rn ttrrhrr i or II h t , f . 9 trrfttifH. fit t Ittti'itf tHrtt . nt ft .iil a- ti.it Vf Mtt-I l'lt.iu;ili ly i tin I I 'ill's If. I'll 1 Itlt IJ'iT.ltfUL' '1' I. V. I I. ! I 1 t t -I ' :i It's 1' i t l Hi i r Al t -it i. . I I fi it.-, mot ,ttt m 1 i.,ttt, I I , . ;'.cil;-t ...t - I I . I Off- It " ' I'i l!.o I.: is -I, i' .1 ,'.' ! il. ii hi-" I I sir-fsiff i !tf, Ol,'i mtiiH I r. ni -I 'I ti it tut i f t n ... f I! ft l . ..I,, u t II S U' tlill I i- i rn;,: -i-f. L-'1i :u I r of tt . ' t$'t'ititt ; ' I imft tfi i i. .ti' i I -i ul it 'I v .tit Vii. iii i t-r i.f mi- i f t;.r r-fi ". t II . a nn, v M f r-l nn" " I'Vllll lllj t-tll4,'U of il r."il'i"'i t fo'. inn I. It I t V 1 1 ' Ni. lnrp ('ii'int il v of .li'l .fei I v M le. vnt'itj nt. .1 .i.il.l;,. A No, nil kind of CAIU'ETS, (al'nf'4'l 1 1' of all kind. fi- -li fr-n i lit- I'lul i.ir liu and N.' l.ok Mnilri- 1 1.,-v keep cii-tiifi ly on i..n.d a ! t ..ij ply -f Vi IIITK. LLAP AKH I' A 1 NTS. ever)- ijimliij and , ti . ... rrc-iv.-d .'.ir.rt fr.'in Ih iniiii.it-u-tiir.' and i-..ti.pi-iii 1 c-in oll a' Die Tioy lowr5i ric. a. A1m. nil kthil of OILS, W MA 1.1'. U.iOWN LPP.P.:C.TIN'. .SLUSH 11 TK nnd i.iNsr.i'.ii on. i f. r IVi'Mii-ir. To llic Inner Idey c ill n -lii'.-iilnr nii'ri.i...i n- il i. c-ei'il lo Lin-..,- 1 ! oil f .r cl'-rcl p:iiiiiii?. and cois l.ni one lnllf llic l;c. I Miches' price. aid for Country I'r.nltii e ss s I AS1 KciuUvf (a rail). M. i WtxvlxX C,!.i:;al ? nioMic Tuli. m il ! a' i.l I'll on r-t i. I w I : 1 I .1t- III I' I tl. I'l -4 tl- ill.' J I ti r x ' i .. rt i : h 'i-iv nii'i I itv-N- ttlti-t -tits k t.i ; il . ! i'l co'i.- hi,. I '- 1. 1 i ti !'l' tt i lljf II .' 'I ! ! I I ' ' t s 1 " It i IiM ta a it. ( ,, .1 ' r !T-t i;ti ,' t . i , II Mm) I .'114 .1 'tf ' ' "Ia;.., I I ii-'l. i in:.-J i n.rsi.i - , t - ' cknti'Iiv ' .'"vv I Uvw hi!! Tiili.ii i r- i I i i w .. I., in 1. 1 ' i . ' I i .-r I. i II. 1 ,t. M I . j n-i'M i ' r ! - i.'.v.. t SXITFS i i. i. I- .r f r II' ill III. . f.l j,r.'. ...no. f t.i;,t..t, e . . I .1 cu t . I I I' .W.I.. . 1 1 puMcr l. vli I ml. r . r r a i: r r r Jr. 3. I" Itt lt A IO..I.nrll, Iim, frrrt: i ami .1 imliilirnt 4 iir-mltlt. (.-! ').! I.l. M:t i,t,-. is LVtKVWHClj:. AI.M N MILi'l I, ; LI .-Tl.'l II !;.;;. I t! j i I I ii . !-l' " If y :lt ti, !. 1 ... Ill .1 .1 , I'll, !-! I.-. f I - ! - ' I I V v n v I,. 1 1. n i piitnt..' I' I. ., ... H .11 l 1 I V M.I c. Ill -r;"(jive tlit'tu a triul lief.re n WulU'i'aS: iiai'iii.an U1NGTON HOfsE. Mildlb'irj, Sniih'r Conn';, ra. I.HWIS KlN'd, pRoputET.m. rcroDS smppingsl tlii lfjne will find cioclKiil sccuUiQiodaiinn-i, fur .1nn and fleael. 7-4ii-if. j v. 15. Itio; p;e here. In O KLL & SClIONOrU, Wbolenals Pealers BRANDIES, WINES, Cains AVIilKkeys aVl WdMtLSl'tiHK. UE11K8 CO , l'a. Juuuury 13, lt70-tf JAVIU WILLIAMS, Mamifuctiires of A tVholeale Iies'er in Cil IS, Mnhosaii), Walnut and Uoarwood lOOKIISia GLASS Fioture Photon raphto Frames, .Nos. 2U0 and ;!'. Arch hired, I'liiludvlpbia l'a. Frsmes Itvpairsd iu I lie Levi Vanner. Alan, llegilding in all iia brandies. I'.'ii BeTTUt THAN KVIB BMORI. The riircnnloical Journal and Packard a Monthly oouaoliduted I boo th April lilllllhrr Ofoiir eld frfVorilO for lead- log tha most Insiruetiva and aireulilt In minds of voumr and old. From Its rich eoiiteata wo aolaoted tha follow lag i Thomas II: Hhcll.e-, Mayor of 8at Fmncla ni, allh Portrait i Mental Ha. r iV- . S .1 l-s t m .ill,,M.I, i.l DIED. In liiftlinbnrg, on the otb Ins., Sarsb J., wife of Tboina (lutvlius, syeil 8Ky. Cut. and tidnvs. .tfr 0. was formerly of Se- lin.frme, Ibis enmity. In rrevnioui. Ibis county, on the . t mat,, Mum$ llnah, aed about 11 years, chaiii.ss Kucaxsp. cuaaLas cswlst LLlililllLSV llOl'SE. Koi. 611 1 Sll Market Street, lAOuV af,'((WA, ) tHILA DELPHI A KLCCKNKU ti CAWLliY, ( faoi'SinToss. I (1,61 if Terms n on rrr uay. U. S. MVl.NlSFO.tI. WITH josi:iii DELL. MANUKACTtUKIl OK ASP wiior.KfurK iR At. En r.v CLOTHING, C LOTUS. C1SSI1KRX i VETINGS 43 nohtii Urd siaiKr, PliiU.ioipliia. a t ai.au. w a a 1.1.1 sr. 4 a stocuntos IdtL, llALLItT & BTOI'OIITON, UKXCUiKOMJIlSSIO!! MKRCHAMS, aa paaiaas ia Country frxtuc ami Pomettie Vni's, .Sees-, , Ao, ii South Watkr Sthiit, miLADaiLfUIA. Rsrsssacss. Jaoob A. Rlefel It, Co. tail Marhsl strssll Llppeneot, Trotirr, 21 N. Water etreat 1 lloud, IWnlirtabl A Co 6JU Marks. Bireel, Ka.Uus.Jamea rllaok, SU souik oil si reel 1 Joka W.ist ttuH Waluui I .1-.1 jn-rl. 0'h&aa;-JArcq si reel 'JHE DAV 1. puhlialied ecry morniet (eicrpl Pun day I, al lbs uflice. N. W. corner SixtU and t'be.tnut slicels, l'bilade'pkia. f rico Ono Cent por Copy. ?ered by lbs carriers in sny part of the eltv, ami in the adjacent cities and towns, fof!l. i'K.STS I'tll Vt'LKK. payable lo tlie carriers. 1'rica for mailing. TIUUTV FIVE CEXT3 per tnonib, or I O I'll 1K)LLaK8 per an num. VICK'9 FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1870. Tbe First Edition jf tine Hundred and Twenty Thnu.aud copies of Tick's Illus trated Catalogue of Seeds and Floral IjUlde, is publi.lied and ready lu send out. II is elcgtuUy printed oa fine nnie.l paper. w li n about vial Bus wood Migra.inga or Flowers and Vecefables, and a besutiful colored plate eon.lat log nf seven varieties of l'bloi Druminoadii, Disking a fine BOUQUET OF PHLOXES. It ia lbs aioet bsauiiful, as wsll as lbs nioal snitruolivs Hoial tluid. puhliebed, giving plain sud lUurougb directions for lbs Culture of Howe ra tad Tc;rtnbles. The Florsl fluids Is puldirbed for lbs hrnrfll of luy ciisininers, lo wbom it is seni free wliboul apilicaiion. but will bs for ward, d to sll bo apple by man, ror is L'aara, wbicbls aol half Ibe eoal. Addresa JAMES Vlt'K. Hoobssisr, N. Y. WHOLE" ALU I'EALKll IS CLOCKS 1 I Kl Sonb 3d Street. riiilnddiliit. ug f, 1 .( f'y J. T. ill. Mist., M. U. I'll 1 1.1 F SWIruHn H tAD TIILS. SUInde AND Sttlncfcrtl. Cllot'II P.HOTHF.U. 1 Tbev arc ntn tl.e spent for J LISHlVS . I' 'ii.M H.V IU i.l LAllMi lili UN .1 l AKATi'li t I. LAM It AM' I'M.!;! !I Tbe laid liupruvcd slid iii..i cc'iln .iu I GriiiiThra&licr: in llic world. .Iiii.' the Mie-bine Fn.n..-r ! Iinte been .rkil K l"'r ' r J''"'- I willtl.ia.h It 11. JO I" -to Lii-I.vl I'er ln.iir. cleaned ready fur tni.rkcl. 1 hey will "ell ilie-e tufl.iiie nj.n ili-it tiier itsWsnsr.rd ss eprc.-n!cd Ajril 1h. 'f.T-ly CRCCERiCSt 11 Xl-.Vi (;,! i: i.'.v p.r. e. 1 ! .t r-. ! Ac Ac t f.'. rr.i. 11.1 r. vk. :r : w I rc ti 11 11; !i 1 st r, irit.-t rn. ; I iid t,.t n' tin I. Cuiniy I'io luce 1.' Mil Li- I f.l IT. x: DKlliiilST ANIt ClIKVITf, Offer for sale Wlint.SLS A St. ItST.tL, UnVCS, MEDICINES, l'AISTSand tllE.Ml("AL.. Etiihrseinc IM'REZINC PAINT (leeen, Illiie. Yellow. Ited and lllsck ; l'aints ground in Linee.l Oil, Iei lar Varniitb rpiriia Turpentine. Conal. Cvucbatid W bite DIJYINO JAPAN, KNOTTING, window Clats, Putty , Fine OIVAlcphol. 8tascu, Ixnioo, VtHxii ii"M. TAtsTand VA11S1S1I I1HVSIIES, Jfaf. nt t'tmalt Trmii tnj gn;.or(r jsftutrs Concentraled Lve. Fins fpenttea. I sricF.s.cons STAnnii uikd p"iti ''itfcr and t or di n .SVf, T which lbs attention of dealers is eallc.l. aa w s will sell al the verr lowcat Ca.b I'rices ia i,uauiities to suit puicks sers. Weal. kep on hand and oflVr for sals W bolssale snd Retail, all lbs lesd ingVaienl Medicine. Al. NOTIONS, COSFFCTIONFItlES. TOU At't'O A st"(l ARS. Middlcburg tuydvr Co. 1's. March SI, 1M.T. di t ; Ni ti.-e i l.erid.y piven imn. ,.u nnd after Ik-io'.er -i 1 -' ', I will f .,.,1;. nnd Si.,11 ltns cre.lit lii-i- lui-t, and only i--l 1 g i t"f ''n-b ' r I'r..- .Iiicc. All lii.-e l ni' O'jJ tlieti .. 've 111 -del.tcd nn my I'.o. k ill lea-e mk, Notice lliat the same Mu-i l.e 1 aid 01 , eellled by Note between tbi dine and , Jiiniiitry'li-t lt-70. All accinit not ! lied by tliitt lime will be pined in proper band" for eollcriion. A'.l gouda .11 tc fold fur Cash prices. li. I. HAi'lT-SriU Heivcr Spring Snyder Co. l'a., t ALL ASP WIS T Eli EAUlioSS: I US. M. A. r.ISITU I i"" rr ed I!. Ill till AH Ol T. Ill-iiSSist M'icu:iM. t I i'.M. il-: : ii wiNi':i; 1.1.1 : l!l".AVi:i;Ttl.V. S. v I. r f. . 1 C, n-tnpt'y ker ,n l"it d. nt, I t r n'l kind i.f In i.s. 1'ii'ent M.-it.-I a lit". I nl. i.i-i-., and Ni ti. i,- I" I . .1111 il, e I'll,, A i. ' V-,, . .v-.'t . ,. " ' . READY S1ADS, C -Oril.Iia . r.' MlAKLI.s IL -MlLLLi:, AK(I!ITF.(T (.(MiaiTCK i ClItBI'.R Waltut, Stroct, .liti'rcvc, P.t rou- l ri ami i.ouj n un me j IC de.ign jcr...n.ly niece 1 ireni me 4 he greatcai n.neliic; nl. ilie 111. "I el ant Triiniiig. to I e 0 eecured in I'ari. Laora A'ibbons, Velvets, ltitJil Veil-. I'lowcrn. Fine Jew.lery. and Trinted I'aper l'siirrn., lrs sud l lcak Making Eichriv sgeiii lor Mr. M Work' celebrated sy-iem for culling laiie die-.e. pcii.s. bn.,!!.'!". Xf S. W. corner of E'eiith and Clirtnut So.., I'bilaJ. IpUia. i,i:i I St a!" ti-.e 1 rerae 1 to f.irti -n I . r I'l.iti.un l S; .'. iS-'Vi -t f r '! k r l- .' I'utMin. at Ibe lt f ' " at. I oil .hen not i.-e. lie i a',, prepari. 1 m c.rr"-t j-iitiiii): tip Ion' 1 n-. nt ln-e by tiiri.i-l.... 11, 1 1 l.e ma'rii il ,,r oiberwicc. M iy 1 1, 1 II WI " vt..' ... ; 'ii:... n.n u i.l. l'Al-1 :'.. l,..e t: e a . i.-l e-i- i .. I -'. t. J M .v .1.1- - -I , 1 7 : r. 1 , it. I he Ii TP -. 1 T DISSOLL'TIOS t)F PARTNKltSIIII' Tlis aub.crihers hsve I hia day by mil tual consent dicaolved lbs Co-farinersbip liereiofois eil.iiug between litem ia the Lumbsr llu.ihess. ia .'iellna-roa l'a A l persons Indrbl.d to the ttrtu of Moyer llowss A Uiirna will aeiile Ibe same wiih lbs new firm of Moyer 4 Howes whs still eonlinws lbs huaiaraa, sail all persons hav ing elsiuia sgalnei u will baad iksai ia fcr siileiusut to Moysr 4 How.s. C. A. MOVER ROUEKT U HOWES 1 r. niKNs. Ssllnagrova Kov. S2 IHX Art T T7rp Ageais waulsd Ladiee VI 11' 1 and Usailemsafori'sir .pais moui.uis. A Mswlhg machine, a Uold Waloh, a Uihlr, aaoasy aad albsr g.wis glfsa as premium. Haw, Wbea. Where, .V'kaLJii.LalLo'her Daetleulaes. ft. Ad FHILADA. tt READING It. R. Through Route in tbe 8n,iielianna ! rpilK Kbamoktn & Irevorlen Kailn.ad X being eonipleted. a ibroegh rouie i opened between llernuon (n the Sn.ue Lanna River) and I'bilsdelpbii. Train, will run as follows t KtSrWARO. No. 1 r-aasenps. leses Trevnrlon ft IK s m.: Sb.mokm i 40 a m,; arives at l'bil adelpbi at 1 00 p m. raengrr ieaei urrnuow a. v , a m.i irevonon iu v. a ni.i ru m l 55 a m,; arrives at I'hila at 0 4o p m. No. 6 niised. leaves lleriid.ni at U 4i. Trevorion I'i m.i Sln.nu.ki a IV 87 P m.; arrives at l'oliaville al If. p m. WE8TWARU. No, J. Pamenger. Leaves riilladelphla 8 15 a in 1 Phaniokin I'Klsnt Trevcriou 4 SO p ni ; ai rives at llerndon si 5 '.!'. p in, N. H, miss I. Leaves A.blaad al T ao a wi; Sbamokin V 3'i am; arrmea al Tre vonon 10 T a m t llerudoa 1'.' :tl p m. No. 10. nilrd, Leaves Akbland al V Ot. pmi fbamokin i bi p ai ; si rues, si Trevorlea al 5 80 . t'Sr.enger iraias Nos, 1 sad S make cooneoMon si Reading for Alleatowa.Nsw Vork, Lebanon, tlarriiburg, Columbia sad Lsncaaier, raeetengere srrivlng la Shamokia via SO H W, shoil 10 a m, eaa souwevl with So S I'sasenser, al 10 55 a ai. fur I'bila- dslphia and inieriusdiais poinis. Those arriving oa Iks K I' K Pa.svnger train si ii 10 aoon, eaa eoootoi wiik No. 5, which leaves Hbaaiokia at li 87 for A.b Isad, Msbanoy Cily, Tasiapia sad I'olis etllo. . H. ui..i.-s 1 " r KWlSUl'UG 4 WOOLXXtT rACTOHV! Tbe ub"cribee, thankful for tbe liber .1 pairunage bestowed on his eab i-lin eni al Wnurelioo. l"'p. leave 10 u t.tui i n friends and Ibe puplio g-ncrally. 1l.1t be has bad his mill si Lewi.tnirg fitted up in lbs best p,i.ibU' uiauuer, nab lie I. ah it lH TO I'd ifachint rj Vl'lMXtV Mill1. IHI'. n i il-tr 1 rT.r lr i - ' liin V:t"iM-V -il ru'f. '1: 1 e I oii r lo n-l.ip. "!. .1 h . t I.. .. T- Ml II aViTICt Jf ,. C ' ' H I l" V '! I iiitiitiii- l.VJ A lit S ni. r.- . r i 4 C 'l' I I u l Ot V a bnae II iK F.AKN. and a'.i f I ut bni'd ii'.-. Tliere t I Spring tie ir the h"ti.e n 1 -'running tliroi:)tli ilif t'-.rt cbaid ui d a geiu-r-il e Fieit Tree in a be iV t v o Th fiirin I a'l i.n 1. r f eiglily acre of il are e title el' eu'inull. n ; 1 ,k;v ,ie -1 irr ti 1 I r : . 11 I a'i 1 r. in, , 1 w . A.'e I i , n ,,' c..' I n. I id,-,', al" r,l aad ti t ii 1..'. ,l.-.e i ,.i i. .i.l; n 1 . ,. ' t ! .1 ! ti made iu ibe eoiimrv. atii with the a.lvan taxes of Steam I'owee, which can he relied ; ,l .- ... ..1- i- ir.ib oil ai ail lime. II irri, ... ..-p Ibal hi- ri.t li.hment i nel urpaed by any in the State. Ilavina enifd a l of gooj Workn-en be is now itpned fur u,uulciuiit..- ail ; kiuds of i I 5 ! web Ibe bc-t km I nn, ! i 11 i ura'i v 1, n i.e ii d n I and I .caie-l i'l a Lo i'.'l'y c--i.ntry 1 -ir I ,-ti,.oW, chiir lie . nn I nl:i i,unb of a unit- of M C l'- " herfutilier p-.iiicu.ti ci,, in ra e ul.-er. I er j. f VIM i rsu ;: i :i. 1!, t eri.-w 11, S ,;er Co , 1'. l. :it K h I I A WORD TO i-OSSl'MlTlYi T l I . t l tl I ! I "I ' ' . ! Trl . ' ..r I, ..1 'I, if . : I ,r ' Mi-I oue t.a . r re e. A Lu ij N L. . I'i . ei i oorlert, n. I'..- I -. .1. t r.-i 11 S 111 l'v III VI Mil. 1 . V t . -e -n I'i I A.. 'Ct. M. -11 WOOLEN COODS Stl'U A CL0tlL. r.VSSIMFRE.s. SVTINETTS, 1 EE lis. JEANS, Kl.ANM.LS, ULANKETS.C UI ETS, VAUNi. JU In lA, Inl M. hJ sl rtJuetJ pr,cti. Aa eteellent aarinieat of Qaodsst sll time, on hs ltd. for aale or esebasge ler Wool. KOLL I'AltlUMI doiia oa short eoliee. fatjrTEKMS TASII vi m vkk halfpenny. leiburg, t'niua t o.. Pa., lce. 4,1-f.y sbboiis 6r YOUTH. A GENTLEM AN who sufered for year. flow Nervuua Kbilily. -Tenaiui !. and sll the eleole ol youthful ia JiMfren.. will, toe lbs sak of'suttrnug husuiiy. send Ire la all aha seed 11. lbs receipt aad direoiioaa for avakiag lbs simple remedy by which hs was eured. SuStr ss wt.eg 10 protk hy Iks adveeiuer'a tspsrienoe. do lit by sutlie.wi.g ls ,uWsi-"Jva-v . JUHN K tV-N. KAVLUTO U N 1UV L ri YOVX AND Tlinurc lltinuftirlorjr. al. P.SiliUK Would re.peclfully titomi ihe ntiien o Snyder county thai be kc cvutiaint!. on band a Utge a..wiimeol vt OFFICE. PAtL'tn. .a I CtiOKlNI STOVE? Of lbs latet iyls ai l m.i r..e.I paern. among which aro the c't l-ra' Licpire Oa. I'-uruer. tb SiiooeU.-.i.na I'-K.k. et . which he is ng at pri.-e-hai defy eompeiitten. I'e al-o ianut tc- urvs and krepa oa baad a genenil aawet mem of S'o.e Tn.a.in, Tiawar .le. Special aiieanon paid lo Spotting aud Uootug, Ulv me a vail. J. P. SHIRK. Beavertowa. (VI. 21. Im; nUlliO bWlNKKOKl-, 1 WITH ens. bieimui d a iMiH.aissa a sosasss is FANCY ANl sTAl'Ltl li' 0OOl No SO NiMTik Third Sl Philadelphia Joi.O-a, H lAiermbiioot, "--'- -x aas - e ' '"- V t:::T!. : t". II rit. fjrtbe sew g . ' j ti re- '.-e.tC'l t-v John lluiiinw t lliitva.e'' o I Si i d. two n.,!e a r " :: - " a e 1 w ti 1 c ' 1 . t t c 1 i i'ri.1 11 e. aud w ..i tc t'J. i a- it ' ; ..v h iii -'ii !.-. NO I'lONS. I K COOP. tiKOa L f.ll li ltl IKE. vt'i knv.v vr.n VICnt.d 4ttl.lA h tUE, Sail, 1'iae.er, I', Coal, Nal.-S ClotMns eV.c- l repectru"' i&tite the pub'ic 1.. csio and et.ui ne B.y g...il. beiore, bi.ting sUewbeiv, bv-iivvitt il I J h lo our is lere.i. I alto pay Ills btghesl prices for all kisdawf cacAi.x, si:r.i, ewdall kiada t Cotia'ry l'r. e-i.ee. I am a'au well pro idea, wuj uaMieg forivaui nupp r treikta-u aad Lodg ing, for peoi'le wbo.coiw lia a ill" 1 1. see. I slwa.ua aeumiitaai my aua ivmsea .a lbs tni t my ah.l.i.v. JI.UN U.FIM.Vf.. a 4W- - aVsthkl. Cs-Mb- . . . . .. . . 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers