The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 17, 1870, Image 2

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    4 " I:
BlIDbl.F.ClT.O, aVIP.CII 17. IBToT
t nor SB B t M t BTTrplIriio r."
Jsow StonM A Milnaukao lefe
pram that nt-.ot licr 1uay snow
storm has prevail.-J s.11 over tli North
west Hi nee Mi ndny, on I trains art?
timre or l I lo -k it 1I. The sno-v in
Mitinrs-ila is tli roe fr.t tlee;i (in U level,
and two feet deep in Wl consin, and
is eii I a-iowing. A spe;-ial ikespat.-Ii
frn Miu'iiH : -:.'.'s that tint Mtatts is
complete! iinw jiiiiJ. Simi'V is over
f hip fe.-t ilt-i'p n(i n level tbrotl. IhiiiI
tlio upper tontitr.y. mi'l railway tiavil
is lnucli impede I.
Gxne.i At., it is eil, hns
rrnn.Mol a W. st Point sppoii.t mnt tfmr h.nns lu-loro tho H.-n-fjciro
n c l'icl buy. l'r"P, d Toniii'"i'P. d. I leirn (bit ihu follnwing r.'iv.rt mi l Mi-Ci-oniii-k. f Arin-;
0;ift. :itiu " in -cs In lilt lull vi of api 'itit-.
1"if :r I'li. in. Tiles.' i f i-ii.l in Mt.irc :
now for llio Coiijrrfjsmrn who idinM J
cT.t hit ci l-hip t i w )inii. I,'-t u
Ii ivo ' "Wl'.-I tfirl Cfidilili". Willi L'olil
buir ' lor I bo brtfot ntfooii I licuten iii'k
nl' tho fit t nr., mid tho dulog ito IVo:u
XVjf'jniitti nvitiit with jront i j I j;r;n:i
iiuu.-uia'o tli 14 n f irm. l-,t.
Ti:r New Vor! .Sii", a paper nut
j;i ve ii to the prai-o of public, thus
ft'iiipii:iieiili I'l-uiiiiyivaDia'a new Sen-
a '.or
in the'
St-nati -r ?eo!t. cf T. tinv!vaniri
r . . i . . , . '.
iu n into ii. i' rev. tit iievute in tlie
"etia'e niilic limlrir I'. II .nn'thiii.'
file mid
liiui h u niitcd nii
. .i.
tbiit b lv
ireiuntie lnmiu i
ability and a th .r .u-h k nmvlc d ' men to drown, when he cml i ea-ily I D'telJr l",,tP"ue J, by a vote of C3 to 37.
I. is m! joet. Ii is r fie.-hiiig to liten have naed iheiu all; but KU'peuiledl Mr Milier, aej 77, nnd Mrs.
I i a ii.iin I r n.'s to Hie '!ieuioii him nii'y for sin months, neeording ti!"'nry ngl joinoil hauls aod
! the topic he ir a'-, l;ne I .ik'e and our he-l iu!..nnatioii at present about ! hearts for life, in .Suuiuierrpt county, r.
ii'i'ii t hieli ino; lioni un in-! day und two lb r. Is ti raeh uiiiii fl'w we. kago. Let old bavlioiori aod
ti'ivite in ipi;iiiituiM-e u.iu it boh prj' - This uppctir to he I b- estimate plaeed '' tnaids tnko coiira.-p.
tii nl and tiieoi-etieol. It i c miloi tmj I V the lir.ti-b com t upon the life of an I Tho Still ito of Ohio, by a nearly
to know uJritthat we tid l ave uiatei i-1 A iiurii an citizen. S:.x luiiiib'a hus-! utialiiinoua vote, bus r.' ie.teJ L'on
al in the ei-U'itry oi.i jl' 'hi h to uiiile peii.i ut is a Hhort pun hhin, nt ; but ! jr"., in adjutiu.' the t.rilf, to) I'av.T
fns -s'n-s limicre tuinia ern, if we bit nio-l pe p!e i i this country th nit that j arieu'tui ul iuteies'S, or at least not
ku.v where to loot 4.t i?. I- of ms hours, or le-s, wiih ' di.vm iiuiuate thoiu.
0. Ti E-i'AV tli j l'r. si i:n sent
mts-ae t- tho Senate cn-I im
pom ii -i ii i a: i i:i fro a S.-e,-. t iry Fisli in
rcp'y I i i ro-oliitwin ef th it ho ly -!.
ui:J Mates hive ra'itie.l I lie lif-
. .... '
l.'itiin amen Imeiit. i he Seoreturv:"'
fivrs lb
nam of the fulljwin-' i
Vet Vivbibi
la-u -lius -t.. s. iim n, ,(,.. ...u.
is. ma u'b Cnrlil.. I', nn-
avlViiiiit. AiKn-t-, ( Minenieut. I-of ; wlnlher mtoxieating lhU "rs. ''""I"-'"1"' I'1"1'-' tiovenmr Sicuriis'
i l.i, III i.oS. In ii:,ni. New York. New ' ive top me. Ileal purp nes iii that li --: "j'"'i,y nt ah -nt l.i.'0'. In the Sen
II iiup-liiro. N- vada. Veruioiii, V11-; n iet. nha'.l bo soi l, and the r. turn "lJ ""'r Wl" Kep'ibliean. nua
giiiiu, A'libuna,, MU-i.-ipiit. J thereof nhall 1 1 ma le at the mit .es j ''"inocrat, and na eboieo in five .lis.
Ohio. Oecia, I ma, Kansis, Minne--' -ion of Cu irt and ti el with the otl t-r 1 ll l"t- '' II use. the IJepubli
ft., Il'ioJo Is'.atll, -ebrsfka.aul Tex- record of eaid Court. .S. eiiou -, pro. 1 ''va "bout lifty intijority.
"'' vides for the ealliu, of lb sdlcleo- Tho (J ivernur of Miouesota has
In transmitting the fire.;ihu hst.!1""1- Sectiou li, provides f.-r coumin.'
ths So. retiry of Smtn do.
S'.rno to tinlicip it tu a -li in
n it as-
.re ,.
"I 1 tl
! I . I I . ,
K..-s 111 un.iiiiii 110' common or tne ,
rehrions of any t the Ye lera'
( iVernniMit. lie tirc-Pllt-. in Jll-er '
t tic) roo'iition of the Se
ite. a b't
1 1 r.itilv
. reo!u:iii 1 p ;rp otia
.h.,pr..p .,, J amenlm-tit. ... w! b ..
u.v i.usneen iran-m 'tie 1 l tt.e no ,
paivci-it ol S-.ute, with tho dite
tbiif iv r eo'ive ad j I'ior.
Vv'bat a 1 car lias 1oiip.
V.e lik ' to k -ep tho I let belo''e the
people thai t :i a Imiiii-'nr.i ill ol
l're-i lent lirant b is b
'' '""
from:-. t r.i-1-n in b noiiev. und
I'aiibinI in the perl r iiatoe of iu inau- ittli
f ed djlii-s. I l
( iiie yeir ugo this 1 ir nt uon, siysj Hold llulil.t-i ).
tbo I'i.'s'.ur.''e ef Hie d'b in-'t , 1'lTTsm KO, M ilch I . '.The belde.-l
J'i-i sideiit (i unt w is iua'tu'iirated hi i piece i f ty p rp. traled 111 thu-e
the Capitol lliiv-loiirih of Ii soil. -Mil ,rt hr a b ng HUlf was aeeoiuplis'iie.l
term has cspire I. I.. t u see ha ai U"on too.ay at ibo Furuiei's' and
b - ii.iniiiitrati'in bis d oi.-, iu I hu Mechanics' liii'nk
f.ithful execution of its groat trust! Tlirsx itteu cainx to the bank in a
It ha p iid otf plhtwi.'ht iniilious luugy. niiu . f Iheui euMvl and ud
Of d "llais of the public debt Idresnd til . Ca-iiier ii-l-nsilil v On bj-
Jt bus lir.-. jy luerei-ed the publu-
revenue, wiii-vat 'I'c.ling uev K r u- euii ver-.n v i 1 1 1 tlio man U,o otb-r
cf taxation j to i.-iueie I u;mbi .r. e J. Hud sbpj.e I
It ba- l.rg ly dc .-reused the public ' lack to the opiu sale, with acovcisl
ex;., n.l tuie. witlnct d.-ti imt-iit to 1 iiinrket ba-ket. lino tins ibey depi s
tbe Nsti.' interests n any dtjatt- iie 1 J7.UJJ, which l bey iee.Je. in
l:i nt.
It has ndp.:voJ iho valns o! our I maUo for the front do.r tngetlirr, sisil
depreeia'cdctirniicy Irom Li-to ilo,:ed out, und. jumping iuio the bugy.
bti.-in. over ono fiU ball of its iiuc drove rapidly uwiiy. Tho robtcn
gin I clow the 1 nr ol coin. J
It b is brought up the iiinrket va'ue :
f our hon ied debt Irom M.f.i ,. to y, , ,.fte ,t.,,ii,., in rU;j.
It Im-roMluetid the Ii111111. es ol the
koi i riiuiei.i U'.u 'e.. I -, 1 i inoir ll'igllieucvl. JUinpeU oul, tuklllg . ho baf
formcr condition ol rpml ted iMtikrupi- ket with them. 'Jbo third tiioie lop
py, lb verge I'lacnroal up. cie ie- idly away.
until don, hi, d this with, ut any erinl-1 'Ibe lo ra.-cul look rcfu 's In a
or 111 j 1 Led public or private d sirens,
It ba. ei.inpb t 'd tbo radical recnii-'
strm-tioii ..fall the S ui'bei u State
liov i ti inputs 011 In 1 ubiii iiu j rim - l - -
pi. -s. lina'ly und bu pi y trrmpiili.lng j c. .ij n.i. iy in armru reui.iii.ii
11 'iilu-l tUe l eJeiul uutl.ontr. !
1 1 lias restored Ihu lull Sunt! ern '
representation in Congic-s. with tarn
e.v.'.'pti. iu. wbhli uew a Wait only a
technical approval.
It has n-si.-ied iu iho final oUbHid.
nietil cf that great curiiual, underly
ing principle o which alone tree re
pul licsn iustituti. lis can tani tin-ub-ulute
equal ty nl all men citizens
of ibe republic in peraoiiul and po
litical rights.
it enters upon tbo second year, en
joying the iucrea-ed coub' lence i f the
Auieriesn pei-p'e and the i-ubanccd re-
ei t ol the l milled World.
'i ho protiieuis ol a year ago are be
come certainties tlay tad proiui-e 01
tb begiiioiug aro seen to bo already
Let (Le luture bo judged by ibe
Tbi Curt ol l'enosylva-
nl. tbroukb tb LbielJu-tiee. deliver-
M a4QpDioohist Satordav lual-ai the
t'nptuln Kyrr The Unrl.Ia. K.rc' tesiliiouy mulc t
him appear ionoctnt ; but it appouis
tli-it tlir Americans in Yokuhatn.i ci n
aider it-. m u:l;.f ol buse. cowardis and
Ihimt inhumanity. .Mr. Crowning
shield and Mus'tr Yates t t Ii stat
that tlirco putt were lire J by the Onei
da, which were beard at Yokohama,
oifihtei n mile Ji-tnnt, but tihicli Kyrc
lie did not hrac And ti.e .V 1.
7r6nn rorrvsprindent pay that "iho
teaid ol'ilio K'linluiy, mi arrivnl ai
V. k 'himn. wont to the Iiitt'rnatiutiai
I loud, and thnt n-rrted thai the Oi
iVin had hf'n run info, un I a hntf cut
.ii A-T to the votsr't e!ge m Vint h'
ill 7 s th' nit ii CtilryttiJ some firr
. "M on d i-It tthd t'tat ht wins' t'ton
hat t ijffu imrn "
'1 lie "iime correspondent writinji
uniji r date ut l ib. 1, in Jiopliicripi
Sinc thin n. m nl ft an.i
"-I let'.nuony mi aUucci Ulore tb-
Court :
Lieut. Clitn -n-. ofll. H. M aliip
t)i-vfin fW'irtl I'l'di llm rin.l nf
t,,ml.iy I went on lo;ir J for our iociei
mid, and In i-nri f-ition villi t'nii.
1 ft I VI' . til ft VI
ir.inii "iM-itv r.yie ne amn. I nave
to-iiiiflit cut tlie li)i quarlor o(T it
d d Vaiiki-P frintc, ami I served licr
hlo'iily well rifciht, tiir I nu t lirr as 1
cii inn up runtiiti out with her bvlm
a-dtar huard. Kither the doctor, in
tho pivsrnre nf the Ciiptain, nr Cpt.
V.Ti ill lllij M-pi'IH0 of Iho doctof.
said her side were h.-i badly stove that
at the drilled pa-t us, oue could ace
' into tb'i nlli.riT' Cibin.''
Such u-I.( Iron, n HrltUh ..ffi;
tyro, il it' bo eruhansioi wouldT
i.ji-i-. uun u n no trui. limiiting
tie u mi it piini-lnnriit K,r Ihiii
J he Court IVimi Kyre irudt V of bav
- - .i .... i i i . . . . .
us anowe i u u in irea un I llurieen
n r,Teur...U.. u.a wouli Have
been more upono, nato.
lcn.ii-iuut.. I,.iu Loglsla-
I II I v.
Theri1. a bill before the LegM lure
pro.hj.u lor .;,res..iou ol the wishes
.! . i .. . . i- . i . . H .
"lc r'"1'"1 me poiu on me oues-
tlOU ol se,,
a ' il Ii' dliil.- lui'iorsaHu
evir'ire. The lir-t iue:iou nrovblv
that en the petition to the Court ol
UU'.rter Sf.i..i.s nf !? I' .... 1 1. ii...
v iters of any disirict, l'i Co in si, nil
or ler a oiat. lie taken o-i ih.. ,,..-4.
! .ii I returning the Vote. Section 4
i.i...i'i 1.. 1 1. . ...I...-. . L . ! . ! '
ii" "mi nunc iuu luajoruv i
1 .: - ... .. 1. ... . ., ,
- ' I-
. .- j 1, -
thoicol lmll cea-e in that .1 .tel.-i -v
d t for the unexpired time of tli -0
booing a license Klections can be I
nu.i .nereon tvery it.ree y, tt-s e,'.
i.ou o, capi.uas mai uu hmm section ;
' t sa 11 I A I ... 1 1 t... I. ..I I ... :.. .1.. I . J
,-v,,Un,y e.ily Section 6. lixe.t,e ,
- mi vi .cu m 01 tne law a 1 1 lor- ,
bibs tb site of Inpior by t'10 whol.-ile '
listri ts w here its sale as a ln'Vraa
. . r ..1 : j 1 1
.1 - ',' ,.s'"1-. u 1'"c"1
cabons. and the;. M. or g,aal p.c-aes I
-i-. ii.iii i,u'.. ills', uenups iiiioxiinl-
. fA. 11.1. .vi..
bo al
S ,"1"'M iu i'U aii', 001 ler, uronj
1 j 1 . ... ' . ,
bu.-r, l.u'.ir heor, bitlurs in who a or
ta.t. nl wines ..lover. ..thee -I....
A..S.I ...I r. .
sin.Si While ihi ulli.iil was
ab-tiaetiu. Iroili the eale. Tin v ib.inilio invested with all iho ri, hia.,t eiii
I .L'11. llii...ft-..l...l ' ii.t! .!..(.. ...... .1 ...
" v. .iiiiii.ui.iv.i .i.vr .nev
b it, ami p-.suit was made hy lb
ii-r. 1 he men, Boding they were pur.
i.iicu. move uie uorae 10 ti.s utiuos
speed. T.vo of ibe men. b.-coiiiiiu
frame boiiie, wheie they were soou die.
c .veicd und dislodged Tory wer
tukeu tu nil slJeiiuutis ollice and 11
charge iniide ugainsl thorn lor r-ibbory
Their ouui .s sis Wui. Mct'u ly ami
i' rauK .! Tan. 1 lie Uaskel comuiuin,,
the moin-v was louoil iu tl.a.r noss.a
A bearing was hud at which tb-
pri-ouers were lllciititlud as the t'so
men it b 1 were iu ibe bank, and iu de
luull ol 8.UU,0'JJ bud inch, were colli
uil'led to jail I t Mai. V wjiraul h..
also been i-aiu-d lor the arru.t of t ti
thirl uiuu, b ne name is Tho.. M.
The 1'fciuiiTAt. MiHOKHius. B .li
ner und Vail li'i'l Ol-urg, Hi lu-'U aei.
leoced to death fur the murder of tin
I'cightal family, in Huntington county
were eaecu.ed uu ibo U(li lust. They
sere boib uug otf at ibo eaiuo tnu.-.
u Jlo.ieiib. rg lead cuufessiou in
(f.-rmau, denying llrtt ho hud a com
plicity 111 iho ulfair. Ltolnic-r cbveke.i
and couliadieted bill).
They trug-led tearfully, one eleveo
ibe other lifteeu iniuuU', uud both
lied id strangulalioii,
A few days ago, Ib.bner knocked
the Shsritf down with bis iron and
.uemnied iu.Ws,-fc whiei MinUii
Our Indian I'ollcr lllUslrnl4
Th X.-w York 7Vi,.i in ar. aril,
.1. I... t.i: ..-.. L
eiv oil .uu iiiuinn question, vy nay til
;iiiitrjtiir our Indian no. icy. aa tint
.about te Jour 1!30, a while trader
jtitiir Cnuiieil BuilTs. findim; hl.nsol.
cheated In a fur ti-ude hv nonio I'n.v
neen, lulled bire with the (Inibei.
of a maa who had died wi.tb the null
pox, drove it into their villain, and
went on his way rcj lieing. Two or
threo uionihs afterward, Col. Dough
eriy, (the laniotii Indian absent fori
many yours beyound the Mii-lppl,)
wilb Ins troop, tinted th villain fur
the purpose il making the annual itl
tlfiiicut. For mdos alonif the prairie
t'-aitered huilian b jnes were bleaohin
io the hot AiiK'i-t rfun : as ha t n na
il' nrer, the bodies, nwelled un putri-
Cy in?, id' the more ie
I'.uod. untully ot t fie
lecent victim were
edce of tbo pnil
or water ci Ufin', where Iho poor wrotch
sa had crept in tbe:r a'ony of ibiit
In the vil ai.i iuolf there was the el
I oei id (ieith. Out of thirty villages
viei ed by Dougherty that fiiiuiner,
only tw h i I eenped. Namrally.
nia-niiTo of the whites fdlowed th.'
oesl winter; mid uitain. ol course, tbi
a suereeded by it still mure bloody
slaughter of iho Indiana by the Gov.
crnnien' trpi. Tlio feipiencc i iuev
itable. and hat gimo oo hince the be
ginning. Wyoiiiiu 'J'errilerr decide thai
women may serve as jurors.
Tidy ono nietnbsA of tho present
tVmiifs were o!Jijr of the L'uiou
army in the war t supprts rebellion
"Hujj Me Tiht'' i th namo of
tho new jacket for ladies. It i in
T t
. .""!'.
ith the ' Kiss Me
In the Mi'sourl LpL'inlature. tie
'tititii;iori:il anindnieot exieu liuj
the sulTri-e to iho wotneii was liidefl.
A vvi,loiv ; lv yli)- ,
, , , ... . ,. ... .
r -- ' av. s- IHO Ktvtty n
tllsafl II ..r lill.ri.wi. I ..j m..A
!,,. s -n-i :.. tthb h.i;i .... h.., . '..i
hu-buiid ui iu a fir.-1 class grocery.
I-rem. nt m pii-lniiir I bo w irk on
tlio Memphis and Kl I'nso railroad,
between little lloek und Wnilo liver,
rig Tou-ly since bis rturn from Fr iiiee.
and is said to have secured Kutlieirnl
means in his mission abroad to com
plete the road ir. T.-Xas.
The Litest returns from Now
vetoed the l'em ile Sulfrao bill, ra-.-od
,''Vth Legist .turo of that "mo
1 1. . 1 .1. 1 1
i" hhuiiii inm u miiiiiiii.s me oiiesl 00
1... .1 .... . . 1 .
"... v ... I'UMI .III"
el's, a '.Id Hint It is not called for l.v
publi . tcntiuietif.
Tbo West Virdiiia Lewi-biior..
h ,s p;,. I tt bill reiiioviiii the I. caliun
,,f the ciiiMtu' Irotu U'h.idiiiir to
111 1 . n
,he I, hi I.-.sHnure that williLmhi:'
111 Wheciiu.'. TIcMiovernor mid be.Js
r il. slute Department will leave iur
(J, arlenou in 11 few weeks.
Tlw new press of tho London
rIIlie4t i(lvl.uU,lV a Mr.
. ' . : .
,,,.!,., ....... I.. ... ,. 1 , . : . i
I .....mow.i v.'j.i 17s I'". 1 1 our
,. I. ... .,i i i . - i
ou U'ltli sides. 1 he p. 1 per is ued lust
... , . f, : . uJul
V TO.",r" ,r .".,,,u .. -trips-o,
, tince niouaaul Hire. hun-lreJ yards 111
h ngib It is rodod upon a cybu lcr
und iiiL.ii.loiio I by aiioiher ryliudrr
1'ue pics ui.-u'-uics ouly IvUIlecu loot
ly live.
t.'eneral Sheri Inn's report states
ihat during the la-t eLlit yeiirr
piT'eos liave lieco murUcrcd by I he
iu.lians within the limiis of his pre-
pre-ent dep itliiieut, und liuiny were
leil'tuHv loiturcd and 111 u ilaled. lie
.d-ls lluil iho problem tu bo solved is,
Who si, nil 1,11 kulud tbs vvhi'es or
the luliulis." It dors II 01 lilatU-r
much vi Inch li 'twill parties are cipuby
av ae.
I he um'e citizens of Zanesville,
j Ohio, petilioiied that Womcu ma
' .... ; 1 ...1 ..:,i. . .1 .1 . ... . .
pieiiaiiip. ana alg. with all us. duties
iiiiiiely that they le bald to nu i
tary. jury, aud road fluty ; liability for
ineir owu aui ll.eir lib.uls' ilebls;
aui inai 11 u V'omui. irluso or ncu-
led t pi ovido for th support of licr
iiu-inum ami launly, 11 .livoito shall be
ifra ited, MWardiUi:' uliin 111 v to the hus.
At a divorce triul before 'Judge
Satllpl.l iu M untie. I rid., list week, the
principals iu the suit, iu relating how
l-iving they used to ! tot-ciher when
lir.t mai 1 ied, became so ufl'-cted over
iho recollections of lb. ir losi bsppiuew
that they coiuiueuevd cryiug ; the
Judge followed suit, the audieuer
jo ni d in, and bandkerchicls were in
general deiuau I. J udg Sample, wheu
they had ull got ihrouuh crying, sugi
nested to the liilnhtud ail wit ibe pro
orieiy of Irving lolive buppy ingeiber
en. uioro. Alter consult itcui Ibey
cone ud J 10 Iry il again, aud the case
was thus ended.
Mrs. U. E. M'Kay of Maauchu--eits,
me uioralized Cougres-the otb.-i
day, ri-iU'Uiiiis'.iug sgaiimt the right
of sulf.uge b.-iug grsuted to woiueu.
-sbe behoves that a large portion nl
bcr set do uol want the ballot lor tho
1 'llo-iug re lions; ll is out side of their
prop.-r gpbure, sad wonuD have al
ready enough to do wnh iUl mixing iu
polities, aud Uuivorsiil wound suffrage
would imperil the safely of the Re
public, an inununse increase of llie uu
iuUdligeul uud iucouipeteut volo. Ml.
M'Kay cou idera the oolored women
of ibe .Vouih lar mora icnorunt an I
mbruli'd ihau ih uieo. and thai it
woull t dangorous t-j give them tb -
I'J - "r",nDnli:.'' h J'. '&',; 'rlilltlZLL.
v.n. Womankind id gm i al aha re
A s nsiionl prom her la Iowa1
conducts .Sunday service io a billiard-i
ailrwftn ni.nin,i nk.irnk n il I. !,... .1 1
a.iloon, opening church with beer all
r un.J, ami closing with a treat for
the e.-owd. II draws largo audi
cncel. '
Pucllo, the oommMiding oflippr ol
the Saaiieb fores, with whom (pnprl
J or Ion was eagsgo-i in the Inst buiile
Iu Cuba, ie a full-blooded negro, born
ans) raised io St, Domingo. II now
holds the blgh eommission of major
general in the Spsnisli army, aod is
the third rawking oni.tcr nn duty in
Cuba. Iu appesranpe he Is n strong
muscular uiso, six feet high, broad
shouldered, and coal-black. General
I'm llo's stalTIs pomp.ised entirely of
whi'e offl.-ers. repre-iiting 10 1110 of the
proudest blood of Spain.
Tho Coocord Statesman relsies
ibat a VOlinif Iniv from the eoiinlrc
rocently engaged as a sales woman
with a di-ygood firm in Ibat city
Th-ogh new at the business she skhi
becamo proficient. Like tho other
employers, she bad the privilege of buy
ing ai cost prices any goods Mie wn.teJ
for her uwd u-e. She was an eitcn
ivo purchaser, from time 10 time, nn
this basis; and nt the pud of two months
gave up her position. Very soon nT
ter she was married, as was also her
sister ai tbs same time; and it turned
out that she ha I cniercd upon the
clerk-hip merely to enjoy the peripii
sile of buying at cost prices the liberal
supply of dry goomls so my-terioiisly
neeesiiiry 00 sueli occasions. Her em
ployer is not anxious to eng. go any!
mot young holy clerks Irom the conn
B. O. HETZtL. P. S. McCt,l,I.Ot Oil
il kcii AM)isi;:
Ac, &.C,
JIaroli IT lT.J-tr.
II O V I) s
. c; o ii i
Bought & SqM
.MarUrt Hales.
Coujious Caslied.
Bought and Sold.
Uougbt and Sold
Aei-ntinls received and Interest allowed
on daily balance, luhjeci Io check, at sight.
Holla von & Orot her,
40 South Third Street,
Mi-ch J. s;ix y
T W.tsJI-t'KKOof llesfno.s and Cantrrh
1 by a aloiplo Itvinedy sml vr.ll arnd ibe
receipt fiea. Mrs. M. ('. I.KtlOtTT.
Ilohok.D. N. J
Paris hy Sunlight
A Work deteriiiliv uf Ihs Mysteries, 'lr
i net. Vices. ISulebUors and Crimes, of lite
t i jr or l-sri..
Il lells huw Paris hsi become the Oayesi
and moat Pe.iullliil City in llie world I how
us llesuij and Hplendor ar purcbs.ed ai
s ressfuioosi or .Misery and Sutferin t bow
fiaiiors are fwindleil hjr I'rutessional Ad
tenlurers: bow Vinu aud Vic go arm-in-arm
in lb UfMUiifulriij i bow lb most
Fearful (.Mines r euruoiiiied and conceal-i-d
i bow money is riiioiidere. in usrleat
luxury t and e.mia.nt ornr loll Abo engr.
siugt of noletl I'laora. Uf and Hone in
I'sris. atgems wanted. Canvassing Hooks
sent free. Address
national ri'iir.isinxa "0.
PeblMw IhMsdelphls Pi.
OltKAT CHANCE! Asenis Wsoied !
(1()AArr yssr sure tnsUs hy
OlVVU Ageins, rusle or letiisU,
tliugour aorltl-reaowatti Paianl
Kssrlsaiing Hull Wir Cloibea
l.lnee, t'bespest and heal cloibea
! M An AWST M ttt'ST, ty ) In the Cnnrl of Cnl
Masoasst M ttrtJT. 1 In ttiel-onrli-rom
nr n-xi irii-nn .1 no.iianr) in. n i'irs i n hit
t ft!--.!-.. nn in , i o. .-ii j, iia i . w IlL .-l r, Htfixnxtei.t,
Yon will i
Im lnkn '
plssse tsks antke His' Srnnalll'in- will Is. Inkn
mmt 4ivsr ilnsi irK( una etumine.l i.n
part el ILS In lb hI-its rnminl c.iif.
vinrm m, . noMAs j ?,. n.lio-l.ner Si
pnln'M i.j Hi asM l-onri tlis- , ari s. i.n
f STV hl . A I'RIl.t. I.T l lin llir h..urn
.0 lUo-sei-k. A H . n. 4 v' V. M . ol -b- I
dsy, at Ihs FuNIr II. u.t nf . IU Wssrer, In
CentrsTllle, psld entinty. When and wl.srs fva
oisr atltod If yoa llilnk pTir.
Msreh S, 1IT4. commlMloncr.
Tni sbwutiiie or rooiir"
For tventyfvt cwtg yu can luy
nf ymtr Vruj'jift ot Groctr a jmckaf
of &'ra if 'in J'arin', manuja-ture'l
hum purr Irnh Mori or Curratjren
irhivh will mu.e tUlren qunrit of UUim
Many, oin'.i Vkf quantity of 1'wt
ilhtrjf, Cutart, I'rtamt, Charhlirt
IluiHr, d c, (-. It is ly fur tin
he-itt, ZimiWii'mI and niont (W W' in.
food in the . I.
Kami Sin Moss Farlne (o ,
bl I'ass I'laci, N. V.
riaiitatlon EUtters.
a. x.-ieeo-x.
This wonderful Vigelable roinrmite is
th sliei-l-ancbor of I In feeble and dcbili
isled. As a lonio aod oodiul for I lie
and languid' il nas do equal among elotn
sclilcs, Asa remedy for the bersuus weak
ness to which woiueu are espscinlly sub
ject, il is supceeding ettry oilier siimii.
lent. In all cliinntes, irepiesi, leuipernie
r frigid, il act as a specific iu every spe
cie of disorder which undermines llie bo I
ilr and hresks dnwn tlis aniiiist
plriis. Fur sal by all ilrupgisis. M'.'-fini
I.' V PXtllJC! T,"lr ,n". sml elh.r.,
I 1 1 1 1 ill I i 1 1 C em msk mnnpi rselilh.
wllli.g Hit SI-.W iLMMiAICU I'a M -
I H' M .t.l
lilr.l l.y (I .... K. Wakiso
Prai-lln.! I'srni-r tm.1.1 Anili.i-. ...i t... A.'.ri
I runursl f'.tiHlnei-r 1.1 V . 1 mtrsl -rk. I lis
j Ih-i lnmk ..r I'liriiu-rs evsr lne. 4 II nrc.l II .lsnili,K It In s ' iin.l. I rsvins.
' . . A h
II. .11 resoy I.lvssic-ioii wanie.t. l'rolu Isr.s
A. II. Ill Illl.Vtll'. 4UJ I'bCllliul Si. Hill. 4w
illlRl. I II IN lufOnit l'l lnw
i..r Iromi.-ny In I hr'r Wen. ; 5
unr-un . uiritr r neon.
a a
W II i K l t.V
sv .1
KA.MV t'Kl.H, . "
Mei ln f nr Kmn, Whl-kr?. -f.f -iplrU. ntnl
ltvlit'O lalutiii, Uoo'.nifil ilri'il nti'l tiiiiri.
in iiifit-o tut iiiuip, rui it'll " I 'ini."," I'.-eft
Ui '." " I Prs." ie.
, ttittt lft iu i.n
tt Iniuk'M.r-i mtu ruin, hut it re i rum ti.t'tl.'lnt
mile In.m Iti itMtiv) liuiitw mul Heriw.( I'nll
fortiM. ii I nun all V .., ..,. itmiUna t:K, I' It Is) Mill IU H1KIKK unit I. It- K
iHVIN'r PHIN ITLK, it .?r.H-t Kti.v.u..r
ml InvU-imlor nl ttue iin, etrryiut f all
Lift.nMii m itlrr, mi.l rttritiK tli tl I In a
Fi'Hhy CHvMii-Mi. N jMr'n :nn Ink the-
II. tins cvonliiaK t ) it.ruci.uii, dini rvuistln ut
4Hxi will titivt-n t"iin ln"iirflb'r . .it.1
II. 0 1- 11 mi uol ilc-tr- ycil lv inli.rnl l-un-..r
litt er me iti. mii-I ttm U;il or in WitMnl !
t 1 lie tiiiit nl r't .lr.
fritr nn imiimi.h hii! ht-nl. Mionm-itlftn.
n-l Umiii, I i j -. )-y m . i.r I nlina: l lnf lll'lt- in
lifititt tent, nint liitoMniitfiit ttffevtt, i-a-n ui
lit Bin nl. Liter, Kl.lti.y. hl.i.t.'of,
Hitlerhve K'i'ii umai -nH'crwutiil Sn.'h I Ma
c;ir tirnt'tt-r l by itiatfil i-m. r , t-i i iceti
(rally prmluct'U hy -lt.r.u.neiiint .f tit lhKtatlvt
Or-i iu.
1 ItMii'C the Vlilntcl It'.oixl t enrvrr j u dii.I
;t liit.iirHi-i t ur-itu)f thr uuh ll.o kin In I I'll
).-, 1 iuitii.ii ur inii 1 rlti.u 11 w In-n u Ii ml
it ttli-ti uvtr-l mill iiuii'fti in il.t eiii ; clomp .1
whni it la lout, mi.l y..ur k-clu h H1 I1' )''
wlifii. Kveii iio I I i uiu ui.a iha htjuisMi ul
lli - t -in will tttil.iW.
k'l.N, I API-., atul utlier WdHMS, lurklns In
tha astmn nl u.Mtiy lUniiKsiinlf, r tilflu.Uy
.U-f tiy'i iwkI rtihiitfl.
Id HiHu.iti. iCeinliunt, nnl Iiitriultlt-nt l o
verv.Pieco HHlirp h i no t t-ml. fror hilt ilttn
tt"ii rni I'ttftuliy ib rlri-uiar artninil rt-'li
isi.tur. itiiitrl In ( ur lnnKuattf l-.ilt(.ii, litjr
nun, r iuuch aiiJ i ? 1-li
J. WALKKH, rrnnrlrtnr,
I 'i 1 Himnrri.' M . i. Y.
Ti.H. MrliOV.v Ll h (I),
hruttptlti. niil Kiirnl s4t'iiii, San Frrin-'Uro
unit .ucrniiit-biu, t'uliluf uu, and V. A W l om
uin ! , N. V JiY ALL 1KVU01TS AM)
DLaLLKS. lAUr lCKiia
Fs .
a! -
I '-3 3'
. is ar-
" S 2
55 S.
3 '
I 1
? 2 .
t, 1-TI
IS if
SIUHSttSf i.iiiSti-s
C " -t
2 7 -
. I M
S, ;
1 -1
' K s
S -i S - - T 1: 5 J
as - -4 .a a. S
e am
nsLisgeasT roLLstToas,
Ulalrl'-la. I'nllsetora1 Vsniss. Ysar.
rranaua. bi lieaerts.
Heavsr. Wtgntr.
1 ha lima a. 11. A. Hulls-.
Jaeub II. I.anle.
t'ranklla. J. W, tlssubautr
t& $ t a
I'M 10s M
ti'. SI
44 n
Auilltnrs' pay for Ikslr ssrslees
Sat) OS
a. Allsuiau, AaUlllux Suunly ollleei I 00
Si 00
seaisa slsctios, SLn a asm is, .
Psy el l lsi'llna Mtltir., Ineladlus
iallssf Hssara Jaits-s till IT
Pay of . unsubias, advuiulBM saS
siriua boiIisn IS OS
, a. a Lys
L c V r v- s V- r r se - a
Pi' " a. is :
CuL.lablr. sd. . rtlng b.-IIcm ko 0i
niM-snr. 1
.isats ltr its sirs l.'.i y ri nrn in ilp-ll II 17
n p-iis ef .1 ai- m as i e.
Mmey-r. V lsrs. Ai-, In. iprtiers lie OS
b srn.i 1- -!ti'Hsi t's e-.ks, Itr.
P. T .rs.kt. Mil. ut lis. Iur isoa III id
ftei!ilr Iu vttles liM
110 SO
rorsT steasiss.
It'tb. Ttro-prnt il 17(1 ST
I p.h .i.o'.fi m.i in
( . i.n rvtr 1. im
(leo. O. Smith lor 11 aveals tor Jarort
by order vf mtrt 1 14
Conn. 1 It Kstsrni II M
414 00
May Ttrtn Ornml Jnrori aim st
I -III Jiio.rl HO 75
Court rf ISM
Tlxlsrs Kit
Conmsbis I eturnl It.74
HT 1
Sep. Tarm-tlrsnit Jnrorl 11T.1S
i'rtii Jurors tui TI
I'ntirl l ryar I'M
TI-.STr ism
' Cunpisuiet' rsturni tv. '
K S4
Dee. Term flrsnd .Turon lis la
rein Jur-irt Ito trl
( i-nrt . iyr lb mi
Tli-.tatea is ii
CounA.-lti' rsturni is
6TS is
lllrani SeLwsnk for elesnlns Cnnrt llvu.s Iu uv
mi sr Hocss ..vpkssis.
.Isrk hsullLg I OS rusl I PS
John Venn ' I w
1 '.A A J ll .irn.ler " " ' 104
Il.ri m.n " no ij
John II Waller " bel " I si
J. 1 . srhiwli ' 31..T " lei
Krl h litills. r.slr for . i nrl erier lu tti
: flei!.lrs Iu vttles
Milmtrl H .wii.Mtril ..r tnniei-lsl n-r
tt-pslrt l i lint nl ln.l.,w I llmll I II
I'l l .-.inslmil. t-i s s ''I si 1,1.110.11,
k , sn.l upven Ifti s .Ismii 19 SI
A I in l In nsI.h.imI, lei. k ami Kilns:
wntsr in I'l h.-.. l.e, .4. S4 ST
It. . -. l.o sr. iree f.-r psmt lo IT uu
K. I.. HuSlliiuton. biliiK ir-cs t U
A. .1. I'cib", ireighi Ito. un lmcksts,
am! .1 .mi Jki.
t W it,'iir matr'tnl mr rralri
tr.iiim. Ii.ieket. a ti
L Min k, ler labur, tinning Mrs.
Krem-r. Int 8 to
.T.-i.n vi. smllh. sn f.o Imnnls J ug
lllrsm -eli-rnk .Un.i n ir. rt 1 It)
II rrlr na I k s 4 si
-a in. Mntrr -i les.ln ktMlma; 4 4 M
J I n Miopi I - i 7J
J..lm (1 m -tiller, 1 pntrnl Piimp I Iu
.1 W Hn-o-e. I-r .vinri hsii.n se. 1144
II S. s. seiim-h. turc-isl is. 7 .s Sg 74
W.KtB'SiUr a .sn " lw- vi 41
rnsiiiFsiosKas u.rica
Altrsltsm (it, lals l uiur. fv'fcj M
M -l li Win
1 '"I." 1 M il
ll'"" - I"
nrich. 4tu w
111-rii do 4.U w
nteirre. da Ui i.a
A .1 IVtpr. i'rrk in it 1 4.41 ihi
'H T. ('ink. Attv l.,p iimin
, ' -ti'lili. Msii.mrrv. r.etsus AO, I lj
: Dr. 1'. W. -eliasn. Mmlutisry 1; .
' I. W- Din-.e lumi s ,ve li sj
Swmefuid UMe rh.-l.inn Jko
III vniil J J61)
ill Trlllil
SIM- it e A swlnefor.t. till f..r rspr
Ink, ivn.ariil Mn.iirlpa or oUK-s
stel I 'nun llnil.fti
S. W htt.ittiiir, f..r Ilrooin. Dock.
el. X .
Jm'.-li . ur ine, V. M ro.l.irs So
A.J. I'eiera lor I lot l.uiU iu:l a
II ;a
4 1 a
-uie tj
rnoTllooTAllv'ii nvrn i.
W. O. II. . III. r'. soil i. Ik. ri, Ircui.l
n l...-kl. d- J 4 7j
J I ro.if.., I r. iii'y. I'sej hu f r ISM
sri i p in ..f l.ta 32 4
V W. lt,'rr. li,k. So Oil
Mioel r swiuio..!. Mail.. ii. ry. ti; us
s vv i.iii, uiver, l(t. .iiii', it. i l,uip, a fi
J v li- ., M.n.lri. . I .r wtfl a TT
.1 Cn.Ufe. I'r.i-li y ami till blit tir
lets iur lici In tj 10
tt pms r. It A S l ohi-kr's oesu a.
1 II. Tle.i. k, M.U IL, Iitrljjl.t tu
I U 'ki-t-; K.t t 3 ST
S. Ii. s l.-r III n il f .r MaofR -s 7 w
I" r.uiieti at,. I Ir. 1. hi
ea li-s-kat 1
S. iv loenuiysr, Mateilsl fee fer dtsk
IB ullles 1 ;l
13 1
sna rr's; sir It".
Hariri II,. I, t. r, M.e.lll. L II. vt lass t
Knn .v im Jm-iib llu-sr tJ Crlt-iD
Wit :
I'ct.i.n.u ry I 17 4)
Tea- l.-r n..ieins Jurori to
sry I erin 3 no
L-i.'kair liar.ieij Prl nrsri ftp. in
tin mImI . rial l'iirti'aiy 1'i ,-5
II . a eiiif j ri-msra I, l-l.trs.1ila. 11 io
" " Irs . I ..- l 44 '41 1-3
" ' .!. tirliiKr a " I 00
" " Jno. V 13 . e u)
Sum-ruiitng Junoa 1.1 .May lenu S 10
no ilu " -n SJ 00
lluar.llnn Prla, ni-r I,. Kli g .11 itsjs IS 0
" " lilllsr Hr.oe 4.v si 60
" " A. J Ksyasr M " al 10
. " " V. 1 l.utli 4T " ti M
I ... anl I.n.-k'iis 1; in
uuoii.-iiii-n Jumra in iei- Term ill mi
U..r .los l'rl.-..n.a tvs- 3i Luek ir T w
" " 1 . I'hui b im l it a 4j no
" 11 L I . IV slier U II ui
rt'-an a-si. sriiiok riaws.
Aarrn K (ll'i stel uiiisra, Ku.tJ au.l
tlrel.aV lews. 'V8 'iS
roi se.M.I-s.
j (ie.rhrt oml ... !.. i. r i.-s seat-,., 11
Js.l. alSts.-.i.s,
II fc S. S Soli... h. I 'ml lu 1T-I,a9 I 1.1 31
Write nsellerS Son 'il 4.1
Sirs -- H-'l elsanlns Jail liill
ae.l l-.J 30 00
1' A l"l 1. lar, hsullng foal fur Js!l
. l.i. 11 la
J. lot rn'-erk-, tiaultiiK 1 l,,aj
Il.i-ir.l .r IVii.-o 1 10 . ilii"Ht-r " 1 1, a ! Ceal Ito
.le.rph " 3 " " 4 J
,1. v lirti-.i. h-r iisIIIdsi Is.-.s feo j
a.i-l hn.t.'ii " r-i'iilr- at 1 s;
I. tp .Ii W leal " r..kl ..r .Isll 4 VI
I'l.lliji sniliU " w.uiI ' ' Too
J1I..1 A .siililneeksr, fir tiaullng
a.'Mis I.r Jsll - ell In lki.7 IM
WlitPtiin-iar f- r I.sntpa. ae 3 4'i
.Lis .' H'.a.'l... 1'I.S 4 i-l'l nl sio.nI S OiJ
Usu. aLuuisii baullns 471011 i'sul 4 Til
Ill 01
Jury -oniipri.iiiiiera Iur Itit-ir asr.
T l. e Im lu .li a 1 it-rk T,i 00
Hi li ml Wiln.k su'sry..r 3 ii
A K. .v'lllt--.wnrltt, euiuuilislGner 4 Ij
II. oirv l ull do 4 .i
1 wo cUaln carriers 3 w)
it 00
.T f'rntt.e. nrln-lntliiM. ur cuntrict
His H Tliu.-k I'lsr '
i.iouiiarii s. inn. nurt a. KloetuB
fr-c a l.y hetlll s o
Kecsl. is. tisnilit'i It Ais)sls so
M. H fiehaeh, Court os.l Rise. PriwT
J. I'reu.s, " " "
UU' l'..loyer ' " J
a Arsli Recta Kx isS
T. Wetrlek, yah lleeelitt anil T.t IIS
Uu .lu Court k l-lso irtca tu
- l 00
loan DAWAnra rain.
T'sar k .!. b .tlurr, Ws.bli.Kioo Ip so
Msnrv Keener so
.1 lleu.ltli iiirlls'ialsr-ahs'ra.M'iir'slp 171
l-hlllii lilll.lMt. Pseiia iuwiiliii iij
ti N It J J l-iiysr, Waakiuslon IB 4a
laiat It Jiiihiii si,,rr - n
! Ilnijlnlil I'l.lisr, Pabr.l "
I Ssluuel I'ialisa,
Jacubl uber, ' "
710 00
fslit for tui firi ul . uovlela Jutiu Aaston
stifl Jscub Ikiwsr 10 30
1 N. Vuyer, l.till'llnv nrsr i.rlitus aerora STs-
IuiiiIiiuuu iiritr a anirs au 00
K 31 I1!'- I'1 ain-oiiurn'iitiftf varnv II uo
i si;iilh Miiver, ..r atuuswi.rk at nsw
r'''riive l.rMKS. I cuulracl 'STI 00
H N. M..)iir, ler una no no
3. I ilu rl.rii i"i( u no
5" .1 Ho Piluil. it asms briiltie as uu
"J 51 W. A.lell.snira"oi-lur " " 1770 UO
" ... . . ... ... .... . . . - . .
j W K I rili K-i. lais.r, nauiins, net
l-rlsl. e.0 I." ri 1:111 Ihu bi uluee In
Ili-iVftir luwnliii SO 01
t) I. iainl.'iibiiaii..Iiliiil,nalls bosrtl-711 31
.1 s i iih.i..r aiiiiitiv., n.iiK. 1.0 14 ai
I'slrr llehtf, re.4tlus brl' Ki'a.
h-llsaai-.os, Ai.'a. Ktaire a. il.s, arul ttirn'. ta.c-t.l.l .aisfr
l.l.nlHar. tistlllli. islMnlt-r Wurk, 3IT
M )sr. Hurt a, a. lluwes, flauk anil Iur s n., 334 It
Woi.rli'li il"kmllblng, Iren
ki- i..r Hurna-briiltrs 84 34
O VM.w tiirli''ir.A.pslaiimskrlitssiia
N plersi Krsit'sl M
I'srey k etthtittre, sn-l t.itiars. for
nr Io in l-r. nni',.lkii,t..i t Imul
Ins. Inue. Iiisa.ntirk. lata r kf. st
Luns't llurnaMi euiliissr's wiitl
Kami a lirlassa 832 M
P II..IIK. HI leu at Mlilillsb's brMa IM
ti. M..y-r, whluwsaliles l-s bil.lg
st l.rlier's I M
II. I,, tiaiiilantitili.nrlle, paint, nil a
Iur .ei's a. Iirlilsnnsar Ailaiiia' $1
Jae.iii.1 r.fl Im lillli.a si Ni longrovs
ami lime's luiiissa s so
lsao I manual. u.aa..nw..rk 3; 11
Jus S. I lab.r-i'ns'S near John
.iimt'a In llsivsr manali 11 lai 1,1
W. N klnli r. lalair si near
Hnouk's In llesver loanslilp n
0.1., ttnublteauO Balls asms brl.tKS II 70
' Henry M- tky. Isnnr si .sin 17-0
13' vv'm .ilarkisy. haulms' fee al sums
1'ra.l HullftC and 01 liar a. a.alsrlsl saS
1 Islvir lor rar'na brlils st Waisslt
I In Ml'l.llsrrrrk luWbablll S4i Hi
A hi in H.Ks, tUHi. In wibgwsllssl
nrius t Jla.aar a nun j 00
J H.I l.h.lo matsrlal.eariwnisr work
kc at brlits Is Bsaver ius uablp
ssraasBTAta ramiaTOTaaAtvav
asu aaresoso
Jvt nutssrsni, pr lax, Irsnklla Ip I,
laaaa Ksasrr, toktatl Us, " " I on
w .-.lliiwaraua T4.ll
JM Jli'Mei.l rmutaftiiu,
ftt sa,aMa r a aw aiwM.-w 1 1 m at
Ti Urofi on 1s . trie rt fo- art. n fn .ka )
.' ' f. r llr-cn a. san.e1 li. e-aely la
Iniertet ! Jsi.usts 1 lso
Alesh. 11. I yrr or er.l.y Ni. ui.Mi m
V I i-roVr en en!sr i f lt. ,r4 Iwl .,
A 't- let f t e't. ti . 1 nt'sr r ' ',U7 ' I f lu
l fr .l n i I in eii'i-a t f T kta TI..S
I i.ry I'ttla-rnr orrlrr r 14 01 I MAT
r. H N.rih .s uriler No US So
f. 1:0 44S Si
II v.'en-l-h St tassflsr
Jnl.t. M'.i,r-r do M h
k:tel.sel - rhft. b on rs.kins mSis .
II - Smith in onr fs II l IMS
brs' ant f.yer fl.i eat Usrs
Jarnb Meininrse m Ihrasi oeitss
Henry A. Blllh B twn orSwrs
J.i'n neon order Vu leflseS ,
J.Or lillp.-.a nn Ait-re, lionral Si, Maala
Intsre.l (" Janosry lit ISTJ SS,44
Wm. Haloes lor Iblersst S.H
reatiniiwtAiTn costs.
Tbl CotTiBionwcaltb ti Ih fullowln; prt
nne, for wliioh lb ouuly paid cost, la wil .-
Msriab Dnruhsrt $ 6 00
John W. Orwig a 76
.Inarph Tysier . 3 4i
b. T. UhnsOt nr-
I II lisnl.rl.alsin H f
Jscob Uower 44 tl
S. Urnvssnd Ed. Sicluliiger stile)
.Inlm Wnlker 21 6;
Hubert e lilniimn a isS
Ilciiy l'o'vcrtcx J 4.1
l.i ti Fisher ft I g
lehll Fe.V N RtuB 1 Atl
Msvid S-ulTiii 2 i'sU
Iti-iilim Snot.k let
leff.-teon 3uerot 4 t
lieurge it Asr.iu "Aistt "7 18
liiller (irov V 1"
A. J. Kevaer 17 M
y iin.n l Kielit i II H
Lewis Ktnt H tM)
llivlnird H.nJoM 1 o
Sin.on Minller Hi tt Hover 4 (j l
Jelin Sprich 't ".
I.amey. Meek. el. al. 6 41
Win llnuimii i Wui. Muusf (161
iu. M AMitnn 1 15
Krnlrri. k Cbuhb ll -.'4
ti'ittb lien-eld i b'J
138 71
V- II. Wagner for in ;ueti on
ibs'l hod) uf At.r. lliaui, ot
Js.kson low nahip $17 30
i. . W.-ijel, f..r Inquest 00
.Trail htidv of NusU Ais'icr of
beascr towu-liip 13 18
IC it
Il S Boyer. Ktprnrs uf Sny
der county Tea.'Letl Inlti
iino in t're l.iuM 7H
J I.' F.ielier. F.oj , le(tl tor
vi. es iu I lip rse of Selius-j-r.iv-
letuk aniuai llie t.'oiu
mi rtieiiers fur liijimc'l in
in re. M ain I hem fro u col
lulling las on Hank iotk 80
S. WeirieU. Kt ., legal larva-
iu .sine ease li
l. J. I't-ipis, making Extra
ftaleiin-Lt Io 1 ond uf lte CuiumUaiuuers al liar
ristoirg C"
J.i'.n Y.ung. Siamp to
I'.ilUciors n n I " 1
. 1' KiuiJ S.'n, K.arj.. for rt
tervics in Kami Bri Igs
CA'-e nn 1 atait In (ruing 10
Hurrialiorg i 1 fi-'eieiic la
Sia'e las. s nl t'o.iiity 47
15. T. l . k. espensi in (.utig
In L.-wisi.v.v in referi-n:o 10
the t'.'llicli on of co t cf
Snyder County in cini of
il.iiler s I'a- 11. K. Coup 42 85
il. T 1'iuks, eiiini-s. So. in
pning tn Miiiiin'own In cob
ii"B of c.i.u in c-ise of
brooks . Vnua. Ilailroal
Couipniiy. and tiitic-r esses ii 9i
lit-o.C. li elker. ssi-estueni N'o
'J'i of Lyi iiiei eeuiily Ma
itial lusi.riitti-e t'on.pany 15
ll alter A pp. Jury fees 111 .Lis
caaei paid uy Juuiala cu. 11
2.15 Ii
We ttm auii..rltisi'a, ( 'uttitnlaflonert In tad fur
llie e.. .ml. iilt.r.ii.. I u (arlli, tliHi the r .rs
.uois .l .l. ii a t ol ll.s Krrrl.ia ami Ksnrol.
lo-e- ui Ilia,- f ir t-.s Tsar Ivw la true
1. it crri-et aa t iisil 10 the beat of tiur Snuwl.
e.lut st.'l b.-l s(.
trivati uu.ler h-iril. nt nur ofn-e In lb
t'eiirlli-.u.e. at VWJIo .u.s 1I1U 4lU Uayof Jaa
uary, A. ti. l:j
Jo am Wssstca
J. J. Matths
IbAAO N. LusUAI'Sa C'oiniaiaaUBsra.
A.J. Pa-rest, rte-k.
issv.i'SKit Accersr
Janb llrots T.esaurer, 1,1 account with,
Sny.b-r CJiinly
ll".'.i UR.
I n amount nf Tnses must m ling
for 1st, Hani previnus yrsra fl228)
To siu'l nf insea s.'i for lHi;J 17013 7'J
I'uali le.-.ivrd uf MilHin Co.. coals
id cne nf lon'n-r ... I't-Dkeyiva-nia
It'll. Cutnpiny 47$ 81
Citsh received of Jtuiialn Co., cells
ill i' a 1,.. nf I'eiek. vs. l'tuiii Ira
ni i It. It. Ceni)nny 5(,o
Cuali receive. 1 uf t'el Pajloa taxes
euie.i-.l 6J 43
' " of Sundry person for
taxe . ntrrcd ite. J2 81
' of l It un j ler lUdemp.
liou money 11 P5
Ualiini' due Treasurer Jan 1, '70 7b' 83
Fs'nnce due Treasurer on Peed
ti n . nied bsuis alalid below 6 ' O-l
To nl ,M8 4.
Toisl nniouni nf or iel t
i.aned in lt'li: f IC 438 17
lle.hii'led orders No,
mi l filK re-ifaued 307 17
Actual ain't of orders .
n ireiininir lii.'MI 0.1
Orders ouiisnding of ISi'J 2.8JJ i
13.220 60
Orders of lSiiR nnd previous years
mid ,y Treaoirer 2,230 61
Py .-ss'i piid l htsie Treasurer,
on S am lux of 9iiS 190 SI
Ay 1111 o inl due Trt-ssurir st last
r-'i'i'lenient 1.CC0 27
'y Cnniniisainiis allowed Cj IccI-
'nra of 1M' RIO 2
Hy Enn rm inns ' " of 03 171 H3
ty ani'i of isx'sniilsisnding ' 8,181 14
.b of .lis
and previnus years
fly Finniir'ilio is nltnwed enllee.
Inrs nf IH IS ,j previona years
I'y Tress. irrrs Cuniniiasl.iiis on
tlo 457 IW nl !1 per cent.
Py n.iaiuke in sddillon of orders
4VJ 2 i
127 45
403 73
877 78
5y purlmse money on six Pe-ds
fur i.n-e.iiad bands sel l J :n
9 4 I". Ih 10 surintis per
sons lieed Irnnsferr-d Ja J.
K- lliigliet th new Treasurer,
63 f 5
f 22.03a 41
eorTT rrsp.
To outstanding orders of 1"-M, f 2,820 1 J
' " ' lblW
snd prevlou year 2,177 I I
To am i dus Treasurer Jan 1 '70 812,48
10 ll
ro.vritA cu-
Py nuisiinding tales of
18'iO (3,481 U
Py nulslsndlng tsies of
IBI S & prevluitt yesis 4oU
11.010 41
Coonly In dehl Jan. I. (870
2.100 OO
1 '., tb uilsralsnsrt, AuSttott t Snvdsr
Coaiily, Im earlllT. Ihl we ha. a earsrupy es.
sniinines and Aniilteii 'as lores-tas aeeoant nf
Iha I'liiunil.aliinsri slot 1 rsaanrsr ar ISiiyilsr
I'.iunty weeiirtllna la law. and Ibat w so 0a4
taw asms ire aan a.. nasi sssisia.
I la Isatlmiiiiy tvhsrsuf wa bass harssalfttsS ear
1 .ause Jaia MWMiftfpficU