THE POST. ailM'I ERCRU. JfVRCll. 10, 1S70. illtMSK V IJK KI.Rr"prop"rlcinrr LOOK AT HOME. PhouM you feel Inclined lo oetnttre Fault yen may In others view, A'k ycur own ti f . e'er yoii venture, If I bit has no failings too. I,t not friendly vows ho hriken; Iwi'her sirive ft friend lu g on : H my a wort in anger spoken Flllds ill paSSAgll back SgllS. I'i nil. then, l-i p'easurs, TnMe wbh hiolht-r fame, Guard il as val'iol irr nnr, Caere 1 as ycur un g "ul mm. I.o n il form "il ulonn Mindly, Hll-'llieS lu Inutile tends : Tin "H- of n Uxni we Hi night unkindly dfi become mir wsrme-l friends. Sudden Ilium hitter oitlieilalr. In II, e V..i- I Ti'liaii rebellion, Colonel Frank, nil it it n inngi went Dnr t tie v l!.ij,'o of Ch.iuibii, t .iu! inuny jii iMHi-it.-, one of wl.niii, a Hcn.-ulip. aued 51. wii miiilucti J Li fmu i lip authorities I utiliT"i i-rrtaiu ii.ti rroKBiioi n The i Iihi ;.! which 1 1 N tn ! 'k tpp-ar- iti) -e uiuli rwciil nro n r led ly Sur- p on J!. jir l'niny. Tin1 j,i lnuiicr lot the l'u-t I itue, -ei ii. el to realize the duller ft hi" i-ittlutiiiti, w 1 f i lie found liiniM If hi r ppod. ntnl on tdiiiidfij Kith HoIJirr.. Ilo trc iii I to-J v iolebtly, let ror and being deputed on h ...... ii . i n uc'i"i.f '!.iifw a io mm, no up- U ul-r-ni itcly t-lupil.vd vy four. ", under iur i'Vf." continued tic tiitiiiii.r, Mr. Fi'iny, "und in ti c space 1 1' emi t lull hh liour, Ins hair, v. Ik Ii Me l.;i'i s'iii to to of I rtlliiint b!;.rk, It catnc irr-iy on every put of hi In-ill. 'J he mtjii'iiI win i lud! ol' t Ii 0 jii i.-oiu r i ru il nut 'lie is luruir ; jjriiy.' nnd railed our al- teilli"II I'I I bin rilllllur phi ll'IIIICIIflll o! whirh I 1 1; U", Willi lii:-.ny other ii- H-.ll, was elitlblu l- observe) ll.l- COIli- jtli liou tl.r -u.;li nil it.- phat-os. Tli.wt MN'i l'.Y,l!ii.T ' Mal'o, there ':ilii).' I ' Mti 1 n liroUn-r Ji'iiiitinu to a ('.IT t IL i 11 I l' n C:irul fKU'Ll-t Int. It flit. l:e ( iitml, "vilmt tloyoii eluruo Iur a. ' " 'J'hreo ceutc pprruilo ami boarded," emJ tin- i ii' I mi. " Wul. I fUi tw I'.l pnfnri!,-e eap'injr, eeii'ir nti I uui kiuiler f in out, Wjllii'i; ku f ir." Aieordii! he pot on t onnkjunt tlie H'ewnrt vrus riiiuinit .'ordinu-r. .'oi'iilli'ti ilrnv tin ft the table, t.t iluwo. ti ii J l.i'im i! - tin !')!- Iii nr ttiu "fix iiif." to the u:trr ennpteraatiuD of the 1'i.plnin. until he Iml tltnue l the tithli ol nil i hut i i-.'itnl.le. when hi? got up liucl woiii on drrk, lUliuK Lin toot Ii Very uoiitlol'lul-lr. "II'.'W Iur ik .,, r iM;ng, froru here to wl.eie I j;ot on b. uid V " N fully t nc iiin! nodi La!f miks,' aiij I he rupir.iii. " I.-'l'usci-,' M:d JoDiitlian, " that 'iu! I bejimt f 'iiruii 1 h hull ei-nU ; I. i t l evc-r iniiid. euptin-.' I wou't le atiuill , lit-re's llvo c-.-iitH. which )iiy my faro to he re. I Kue.-s I'll c aslioro now ; I'm kinder retcd oout." Gl.Yl'FHINK AMI IT Vt Colli parulively but ft ic-.v yeur have elp vd ei tn o flyi eriuo u uh thrown uwnv a n waste produeu J t - tn noup nnd iuo t'ui:d:e-wot lei. Now it i-t one ol tl.e lun-t uscl'ul pvt. duets Tubs nml j a l.s eatmut'd willi il wiil : ...-i:.k li d' dry up. Leullu.-r ueitiier i,i :t keep liii'i t u I il piiabli'. It i u.-i 1 Iur iMiacling the pcrlnii.e ol t'nwets ; tu jTiS'Tve iiuiliiul sul Mntice from Ure.iv. uud lu tice il va'uo I'm 'prcj-erviiin" purnoM-s. It n etnpl-'V ed iu jiluii inacy. dyeing, lii-ewin-r, I -iiuor-iuukitio;, wiin lii i'piii;, aud lor a vuft variety of other urpiie". Wiih nitric ui-id it l. rni.H nilro Iveerine. uud me of the luu;t powertal ei'u d.wh Lu'.wii. rn. We d.i tint know whether ny tody has or Imi not printed th eiury whicli rclutei b iw a cetiain 'tmia: Lald-hea led gentleman, while in l'.iri one day, went lo tho Zmdivieal Gar den. The w heather was wiiiui, und he lay down on a ht-nch. I'lc-cnilv Lo fed utiles ', aud he was aroused Ly u straugo licliuK of wiiruilh oa the he. id. Au Inlutunted ostrich had conic aloiig, and. iiufclukiti' his eutirc ly bald head lor sn e, bu'-k-d down with a rojoiuto (leteiuiinutiuii to liati h it, or tit tin-to fur ever. Out friend Yelled fur ho'p until keeper euine and Li tlmt di-nppointi'd aud ungiatcfal oaliieh away lu ii cage. In (iranl Kaidii, Michigan tboi is U Ncwfuur.iPaud d K thnt is iu the lutil of picking up the daily papers tu oou n delivered by tho carrier boy und curryiui; it direct to his master. The other day the carrier failed, couie reasnu or oilier, to leave the paper as licual, tod the laithlul dod, utter biuell 111 atound fur it uutil saiit-ficd that it bud oot coaie, started otl on the jump, und, Kumg about two blocks, louud a iici-h'jur's paper on tbo btep ol bin L une ; be immediately toA it tit his uio'.ilh aud carried It to bis tuanter. Onr of tho plivHiciuna of Hurling to n, Vt., driving into tovvu ou e'oetiou luoruing, Wat met by a frieud who hail ed him with tbe (jui-htiou; "llttve you voted f" Not yet," replied tb doctor 5 "but I have beon out nil uigbt after vols ; 1 pot him aul't too." "When will be vote?" "Ob, bout twealy.oue yoiri from uow." A corroBpondent of Western pa per lirving described the Ohio 11 t sick ly stream, tho editor uppt-udi-d the remark, "Thai's to 1 It ! confiued to its bed." From tbe account we read of tbo damages done by tbe iuuudu ticn of tbe N ilo, we should tbiuk the Egyptians wish that river bgd been to nuwell to rUe. " You tr aboomtkerf said tnas Utrate, lbs otber day, addressing tbe man at tbe bar. " aes, sir," was tbo reply, " a borne shoemukcr." Tbi loteet lnreotion 1 a borse-sboe that su Jbi takea oil sod pat oa tt pleasure, aiVBBUIV, 1 Kar.hoortj flow tost, Row Bf stored Jiial pupH'hnl, ft nw cdiltnn nf IT. I'nWrrwrll I'clrnni'.ed F.- in Ihi mdirnl cur. (vtiinotil tni-dieinf) -f Pfr rmitrrhnr , or Hrminul WVn. lnolnnlrf !nnp, Impnirnrr, Mrntut nd pli'ieil tnmpuriiy, Iinpj-H-mrtii in mfirrintK, rte. : 'iki. Conminip tinn pl1py n l Kim. InHucr-l hy nc'.f iu lii I tr i-1-- orffximl utrmrlznncc. Vtr i n Xtolt't Fnrtop, tlx firntn. Thr rrlrhrttri mithiir In I'nU n-lmirnMo ry rlmrly rtc:tionlrn'o fmm ft lliii-iy jrir iicctffiil pmdic. llinl lli ftl.irm rif cinqurtiri of lilf nli niiy lie ritd rrtl'y ciiri-il illinnt !h Hinrnin ui of inlrmftl mcliqino or the nppllcili in of (lie knifo) pointing out motto ofcur n once imp!, rerlaln nnd rlTcctunl, hj tneani of biro Ttry nilTfrer, n mutler hnt bin rnmlllion mny bt, mny mrc hiaiieU cheap ly pnTd'ety ml railicnlly. Tliis I.erlur hnnl I ha In the liand of cTry youth and every man in llie lunj ienl itmli-r i-l. in ft plain rnvrlopr. to any a l lrc", p,iipii l. on rrci-ipt nf nix oi-nl". or ln pout iiianip. Aln. Ir. fill-Trrn-H'i " Mrri-i(rn (," prico U-'icrnm. Ail-lreft llie, C. KMNKiiCn.. i:: noreiy, s. y., . o. r. i,y-i, A T RIrL, w ii iiai.i.iit. i a ami uiitim 11ALLIKT & ST0rUI!T0S, OENERAUOlllflSSlO MKP.CHIM.', asn l lAitn ii Country Pfithf' anJ Iomr'lic Fruit. S'lilg, ' , iVo. 2.' Sorni Watjii SmEr.r, IHILADKLPUIA. nrrmrxcM. .1 icoh P.. I'.lrrl 'o.. ..... t .ihi set Finn i i.iiiri-nniTi imiii, tt V U i Mrj,Pi ,,r, lix.Hi.T l iim l'"ll'rk. .Ill uniiih I'.l I 'rni-l: Ji.liii Woit Walnut slieclj 1 1 .i 1 1 i 4 (imli.un, An Ii iri,i. IVbr"-'if "VoTiri: !.- iinu r-Y otvr; the i. iiiid-rigtird ha ptircl n-1 of fiumn Zoi-linmn. fur Tnlue rei-circl. tin- f,i!n lrr peMotml i n-perly. In nil: I ine Civ Vipp Hlot. 'i T:il.le-. 1 Sltik. 4 It II.-. 1- lernlK an-1 l!i-i llti(f, !t I'hniin, I Hi.i-kini I'linlr, 1 lifl-l of II iy. I ii (In vi .1, r.uri-iii I Ir-m Ketilv. I I'mv, I .. k ; mil li'irlig l-'ft lie "am in ill-pi-ei in of II, iH Simon Zi-olimtrf. nil ,i-roii nro hir-liy raniiniir.l nui In inicrfiro wilb, Dor par cIihic llie lame. j. e. rr.-n. Feb. I. 1 570. -MKK CI! ATT, f-Tcrr'ort to FLECK & CO., oFn(TJoKK8 ANDrnani:r.cns. HO. Noltil! Tl' M' l'llILAIiKLriHA. A full aorlmenl of Cnrfeoiionery, Fruit. I'ire Vurk. Ivriif. My ke. nlnay on haul. QOSURAVE HALL IIOTKL. ii:ti:r i Roi r, rtVHr, West Heaver Tw'p , .cnvder Co., I'a. Tikii Notice that I hnva purchased Tos. Itrave Hull Hotel, whore I am niwnye pre pare, I m accommodate trovers, ftrangers, nnd Traveler. 1 ehiill lie liberal in my rhtirjc and en denvor lo line evcrj Lulu well who fi.vor. me wiih his runotn. Ii you arn not satis fied, no charges. Ciivv Inc ft Cull. April, 't'7if. 1.1inMKR's II n.I'Klt SHOWS II'IW To ' I'Ol'llI.E il.e I'i., (its nf the Farm, ami how I'm incrs ntiil their son cm cm-h tnake aIOO moiill) in Winter. 1 i . . copies w ill lie ii. iilr l free to l irn t-i . S.-n l inline an l ii Idle.-, to .IlIO I II II, Mcl'l IU Co. i-.i!a..'lp!,iii. Pa. 4 AN H NT.'.V I'RKT:?: WAr.KNSrLI.rK & SON. hereby respectfully inform ilu ir friends an l 1 1, -public generally llat Ibey Luvc opened i STORE iu tUeir NEW BUILDING i n the spot so lung occupied by I'r. Jncol W agecsel'.vr oil the 1 ile of yue where the uow bnvc mid w ill uln ars kei p ft large uii-1 well feUuicl uj;oi i.iient ol' SEASON AW.E GOOl'S. In iLe I.s.iiis' LW'purtn.ei.t will te found ii full ui' SILKS. I'DI'LINS, IIUILLIAN'IS. VICTOlMA LAWNS, 1'U.rUED AIJ'.U'AS, SWISS Ml'i.L, CA MI! I! ICS, I'KINTS, JACONETS, DELAXKS, Striped nnd Chei keil N;.tituelis, ic-. A U-0 A:Crea. VarJe.y of Ltidies' lln-es 'i'riuiiiiings, i.uu-nl style Hoop Skirts, French Cur.-ets, l'!uil tyle l!a!iiiiruls Lndies' I'mbrel ias, rarasiils and Suu Shades, liullllet lillibollS, I.Ul'l'H. llul- lliiia Liubroidcrs, Lima uud I'aper Collars, Ac, iVe., &(.'. .i sn. exdid assou tmi:xt,j l.()()i'H&SH()KS Tor Ladies, Mimit-s aud linblieii, in end les variety, of all silts, styles and prices, selected fur Ilia Fall and Wiuter trade. A full and complete slock of CLOTHS I'LAlX AXI FAXCV CASSIM i:u i:s,co'ituxales, JEA.NS, &e. COAl. OF ALL KIN US ! Groceries, Uuei-usware, Hardware, Willow- ware, Cedarware. tilnsswarc. &c. All of which having been luujhl viry tut or CASH will be sold at very small piofus. Out uiotlo is (Juiek iiiltt enU imall yrchli. We also pay the highest mallet prices fur all kiu-ls of grain. WHEAT, HVE, CO UN, OATS and SEED. We are prepared also lo store goods, nt a small charge aud lo do a gouvrul t'uuiuiissioii aud Forwarding business. We hope thul the puhlio generally will ive us call a ws believe ii is lo Hieii Interest lo do so before purcbts'ng else where. (Jive us trial. W. F. WAGEN8LLLKR, M. L. WAUE.SiELLER May ,'C7. If IAUNSWOUTU & LOWER, Wholesale dealers In Cedar, Wood and Willow Wars. Cordage, Erooios. Looking Ulassss, Jo, 2S3, North Third Btrcet, PbllaJsiphla. W.C.-J13HWCT. lAprljTlfl CClowri ... wash, i; it as mo, WATCH A CLOCK MAKER, Market r?l. MidilK-btirg Pa. r.VVINQ looalod In I bit plic I would II rrrpeait'ully inform I bo oiliieoj if .M;ilillilivi-g anl Ticinliy tht I nm prepared to repair Cl.nUKi ANU WATi'IIF.9 eliep ami r?prditicnly. Tlin paironaga of the puliiio tl roepeoliully eoliciteil W. (iRANELI.O. Mid lletnirjf. Not, 21, lff'O. g3i:I)Li HAILUOAD Winter Arrnogciiiciit, Moniliiy Dec 27, 18'jf. (treat Trttnli Line from (ha North and North wel for I'hilud.-1phin, New York, neiiline, l'ottiHe, Tatnaqua, Athtnnd, Shatnokin. Lebanon, Alleninwn. Karlon, Ephrnin. t.if is. Lancnier. Colnmliiii Ac, Tmiinli-no llrriohurir. for New York, at fiillotmt al &.;&, H.IU a. m. I'-'.'iO nm,n, mi J U.llj p. in., c mneciinft wi'h eimilnr trnlim on tlio the I'ennpvW nil Itailroad, n ti -I arritinn al New Yrk t 12.1.1 nin, .1. 4M,.'i), nt. l p. in., re-peciively. I'ping cars acrnmpnny Iho 5 il.'t a m. aud i nuon I r.u in. wnboitl climifte. I'miming: Leave New York at fl.fOa m. I J. mi Noon. mil. ViMI pin. 1'liila, ltl hiii al x.l a in and :!."l p m j f-'lerpinu rara ac ini '-my ihe '.'.i n n m. nn I o.O-l p m irnlno fn m New York, without rhntiirc I.cive if iirri luirir for llei'lniif, l'nttvi!le Ttuiiiiiiu, Mltirri-ville, A -Ii ! tn I. Sh un, .kin. riiii-provc. Allt'tiiown ntid l'hila-U'.pIra, al H, i) n in. -.H i an I 1 I'i p in. atnpping nl I. -han.'-n and principal way etti'i -n : Ihr I. In p in tr tin ronnrciiiirt fur l'bilii'Mplil-l. I'i HsmIIc ami Culiiinhiii utily. For l'ott sillc, 'i-tniylkill lliiven nmi Aiihnrn, via ."clinyikill and Sii",iirlrinti.l l'.iiilrual, Leave ll.ini-l.iiru al II, M p tn Way .ii-i np-r irnin ti-tvt-i Philadelphia a'. 7. a in, ci-hticc'itig nilli vitniiur irnin on l' i-l IV mm. Iliulro.i I, rrMuning from iU I'Tiiir at ti.;'.i p in. Hot ping 1' n'i etuiioti- IcHVtj I'm I r-v il In nl 'i. In nnd '.'.'I'I n in mi 1 'J.-i'i p. in.: Ilcitiiloii nl M..M a in: Sl,u iiiokin nt 'j. I" Htol In. I'I a tu.: A-h'iin l ai ",'' a m. an I rj. 't'ip tn.: T im iipia at h.S a tn. and g.W f tn f-f l'liLi-J-''iiU and Ni'W Yoil:. S.i nvo l'ottvillo. via Pchnylkill and n. iUi-hniina It II nt f.15 in tor ll'irri-huref. tut I l.:i l a m lor 1'inrcrove n Tri-moiii. Ili ii-ltn; Aei-nniniodntion Inti.i: Leaver littTt!ls nl 1. I'i ft m paea I'.ca ling nl rivmit at l'hili'l-lpliiii nl I'M' ' 7,:'il a in, nriivinir at 1' hilnl-lpli a in. I'l l in ninir, Icavi i rhil.iile'phia at l.t'i p in, itinonir Iti-n-ling nt 7,1') p m, i i ivilitf nl l'oli'Vil'e nt U.:i-I p in. I uttmin AciiiiiiimoIiii itiii Train Leave. I'oii.iown m t',."i n m, reluming leave I'l.ilii le! !,i.i nt 1.IH) p in ('oliiio! ! i llnilr i i-l Traina leave lloa-linn :it T.l.'i ii.i, mi, I 'i.l'i pin fur I ptiiala. I. lil. I.iiifn!,., ('. loril in. . I'i rkiiitncn Huilri.ii-I I r.iira li avn 1'i-rVi-i tncii .liin. ii, n nt ''i a m, S.ivt s ." .'in j, m; n n itiiiii; leave Sihwetik-villf nt !, t'j n tn, I.'. I'. Noon, nnd 4.1"i p l;i, e-mtii-eliiig ilh hiiinhir Irittia on i'.eii-tir Itnili'in'l. Coli'hrioK'hile'i'l tr iiu leave Poll-' lown ot ''.I'I a in. nn I ti,'.' I p iii, rcliii tiine h ave Mount I'l. n.t.tnt 7.00 sim! 11. am. i-oiinetttn wiiu similar triina ou Reading Milroad. iinii-y unMroai ir.iins ic-ive 1 I '" ' '", " "'. "' " "- p in. re.iitiii.ig. !,..., .,mn,,wn at il.::u a m, l-. l.i nc. n ami .'i.l i p in, contieciitig " r ti, u ,'i.,, On Siindit : l.avo New York nt ! p ni, I'lnl uli'li liia ri.nn a in and -Ll'i p m, me ,r n m train running only I J Ites'lin;; leave I'ut'kville H.diln m; ll irrisltiitg o..'i a in and 4.1li p in, mid Rt-adiug nt ".I'i u in. I'l.'i-'i p in for Hun iburg, al 7.'J I in for New York, nu I at i'i ft m nui 4,-5 p m lor Philadelphia. I 'uui lu li I a i urn, Milencc, Senor. School an I excuiMon tickets, lo and from ullpuiiits al reduced rate". lla.'irnjre cln-eked through j 100 poutni .llowid each pui-.-enger. i. A. NH OLLH, f!t nrw! S'l'trtitUndt nt. Rcftl'nz, l'eo mi" r v7. 1-'I iioriiev'fcj THi: (.KtlT UALKAL MUSrtTEU I dti the mi. 1 7,1 7,'. nmi ( 'iiofi t A'cu'tii ti" r In tltf (,'f'ihtri. Tiiu Tress I a f rtit-ol i-s d ml b heel e;ght-page piiper. C' lilaiti ng IS co'iuon-i, piibltthcd ev,ry Uloiuiiv. (ei'.-pl dindus.) TERMS: TA1LY PRESS -5 M)i per annum; $2.00 f',r six iii'.niU.; ad. till for three uiotiths. TUl-rt EEKLY PRESS. J-I.n.l per an ion. : JoO fur bin uii'Utu.; H.iO fi r Itiree nioinhs. HIE MEEKLY PRESS. The n.o-l vulu. aide W eckly Newspaper in IheVut'.d. Ii cuiituii.s ill-inn i.l' iiiiei-el to all. P.EAii TilE TEEMS; One cof y one year ? 'i Eivo Col ies li J'eti copies, and ono copy to the getter up of club. Twenty copies, nnd one copy lo the )eltur-llp of club Filly copies, and one copy lo the getter up of club Ten enpii-s, to cue i,7ri-..., and oue copy lo 'he geiter up nl llie club Twenty copies, to oiii- mtitirn. and one copy lo iLs geiler up of lbs club Fitly copies, to one u.Mr.s, and ol e copy lo tl.e getltr up of Iho club One Luii'tied topic, to fit iiJJrinf. and one copy ot the tri-weekly Fieri) lo ll.a geiter up of Iho club IS 27 .5 111 100 Alt unlifi tKuUl't lit Uttimiil to John w. Forney. F.d'ilur aid Proprietor, S. w .cor. 7ih and i bejiuui tits., I'n.U Pa. Uvowr V ISaik?r's FJ IliT IllEMll'M ECLASTIC STitTIl FAMILY Sewing Maeliijic !5 P.KOADWtY NEW YORK. T30 CUESTNIT ST. PIIILAI'ELPHIA. l'OINTS OF EXCELLENCE, Foamy aud I'.lastlcly of 8iilcb. Perfeciiuu and timpllciiy of Machinery. I sing tot li ihieads directly from lbs spools. No fastening of scams by band and no waste of thread. Wide rang of application wilbout change of adjustment. Tbe seam retains Its beauty and Brmnei-a afler washing aud ironing. Resides doing all kinds nf work done by by other Sowing Machines, ibeae Machine's saccule ihe must beautiful un periuauenl Embroidery aud oruuuivuiul wurk, fteJUThe Highest Premiums al all tbe fairr aud exbihliioua of ihe L'niied Ktatcs anS Europe, base been awaided tbe lirover & Raker Bewiug Machines, aud tha work by theiu, whertver exhibited in competiun. lafiTThs very highest rrlso.TUE CROSS OV 111E LEU ION OF HONOR, was con fered oa lbs repreaeuiaiiss of Growr & llsker Hswlnl machines, at the esnosiiion l oiversells, Parla. Iu7, thus ailesllng their great superiority over all olhtr ew. Ing a acuines. Four Bala by lAlfTEL.FAl'ST. 6.1ias W . itsivtis, o.-.i. .v. gTOve, a a. pru .v, e j. HOTtL, J ro. (bilen Race and Vino) Philadelphia K. D. tCMMINdS.Trop r. M. M. 6WARR, Hnperinlendcnl. n.33 C1 A UTIOX. Having miroha-el Iho fit I lowing nutned artiolesftt Plierllf a ale and loaned tbo earns. to Jaonb U. Leinif -lurinaT my pleai-nre, iho puhlio are hereby oamioncd mil I-) Interfere nor In anywine tne'ldle with the same: )nt Sink, one Conking flove, I lire riellrft'lf nd hefling, one Sland, on cak nf Itramly. 1 H11?h. one hay Marv, on Iron KoMe, Iwo Chairs. n rhr.t, c n Iturrau. otia Orindstone, ft lol of Curn Fodder, one Pow. one Cn, four Sl.eep. FLT.HINANU ZONES. I'nion lownslilp, December 8, W). QALL AND SliK THE NEW GOODS Just received In Pilinsgrovo by II. ti SJsCIIOCII. Tim pnlhio is moM respeci fully InformeJ lhal we continue tha tuereaiitile hiisini'S al the old eland of Mosrs tchcli,Wiigenrllrr i Co., anil invito the attrniion of thepubli.i ,o our exieneise slock or M. (H H'l'S. jui rrceiveil and oUereilftl ft mere ooniinnl profit (lor enlira elOi k of t-ioJs has been seleeleil nub Ihe greale'l cure embracing every tl ing in ihu Mercaniile lino; such is Ml Y tiliO'iS. liUtM tK -F.H, M tltliWAUE. JL KKN.'W A UK, CEUAKnAltK, MU'ln.Nrt. HALT, FlH, l'LAsTEIt. lltoN, NAILS', COAL, oic. 4c. I'lra-e give us ft call before purcha)'lng eNvwhere. We Ink pleasur In lioiiii our good, as we arc cuul'nienl I lint ws nit aelling gondii cheaper til .in iK-y cuu b piin-liai-e'l iIm wIhi. The higlict market prices paid for pto dues an I u',1 hind.i of grain. 1!. V S. SCIIOC1I. li-rni'gT)vr, Jum 7tb, 'ti7if QllOttf Si UiiUi IlEIl.S. Mauufucturcrs of and deulvrs lu all kines i .r.iu. Ti.Mnr.n. lu.mi;ki:. P.M.lNr., .sihnju;s, I.ATir, Ft.llllUIVll. etc.. Sliiifiitikin bum. Sni.!p I County Pa. AU orders proiopily tilled I ll'ii;iul, Clirrry, J't.j.lar, and Linn l.umltr r.inilri'ify on i,;i,. 7 -y I'.OUT .4 MIOi: M ANIFACToY. Alitu) up lu ISmo ! Tbo undersigned ri-pc;fully nnnonnee to the eiiirena of Mid lieburg and viciniiy, I but he will ronliniic t" inuuulacturo MEN S UToa . KIP and FINK r,loT3. Women nnd t bilren s MIOEP, And In shorl eve riiliitig in his line, in llie Inlet s')le i.ud Hi low price. Work made lo order al I he kliorteHf notice, liivo him a cull belorc uolrii idi-e here. II IK A I SCUWKNK. ' AlCTH)NKKIt. The al-o oilers ,a eervicei- 'to Iho public as Vui.liieCryer and Auelioii , cer ,'uxil ,, ,,ir ,.xpfri,.U(.e, i f,.t i .,,. , ,,,, . .. , ,.. lio.'i lu nil who employ n.a,. Il;v mo n liiul. HIRAM Si llWLNK. Middleburg, Va. ' Jan '.', 'oif I S. EL'llKlIAUT, J s Svliti'jrove, Suythr Co , Pcniia. Keeps constantly on hand largo nn.l well mad arsoriuicui of Tiu, SI.eel irui. ware, Kluvvx, Jic, c. He is Ageai fur ihe following uameil ailielea. " THE MOKXIXO GLOUV." l.itt'.ifii'lJ e Talenl Improsed Date Eurning COAL. STOVE. In this pa'lern of Tit MuRMnii (.i.ukv. Keveiiil ie nnd important tcniurc huvi been emt oilied, which can oli'y be seen ti be admired. This eew stove is iiiaiie i n I inly of cusl iron, so lilted as to lie air ti hi. but can bo niiido wiih sheel-iiun ii p i et-liva when preteireil by the mreliaer. lis oi Iiiii.-Ii is ilrupery. niukiiig it a Iniiid.-onio pteco of furniture, far nioiete uny stove tieieiutotn in.i'ls. lis in leimil e-iniruelioti, though re-cinlilm,. Ktuiie of Il.e lornier nl'erus ol The Moiling lilory is iiiilo dillereiit. inuking ll inoi, iliira'lile. mid far less dillii nil lo be r. paired, l bs ens' ittis are ol ihsbigbvhi or.l. i. ful :j eiiiatitig Iho blie.t ca.-tuis in a do iu lliie couiitiy. Ainuiig ihc many AnvsxTAisi s In il.eusi of the Moining (ilury tire the following. I. I'ultiniuoiis Ruining. 2, liialiiy ol ll.i tlenl. -I, Yeiiiiiniioii ihrouli tbe stive. I, Anil l'ubl Siuve. 6, No Escupv ot Out o, Ecouuiuy of Fuel. THE PAULEY SHEAF." Anti-Vu4 Air- Ti'iht li'okui-j H'uti , with Ljcti-H'ffd Fin-Jlux fur II 000? o' ( oa. l'uieiued May loth, We Hike plrusure in ofiertiig cur custu. titers and the Slovo Trade, a New lirsl-C'lusr Flal lop, uud w ould CM i-uru-Hlvr attention to i.'s lauiii itttructae oiij vulualile imprun hlftllM. This Siove baa been carefully tested fm several niuullii, and ibe refills have prove I o highly suiislaciory, thai several ot nui obU-Kl mi l niusl experienced siove deiilerc pieUiel lor It a sale Iur beyond our uhilil) lo supply this seaton. AVtuuiy front tic Joori, giving full use ol ihe bent ill. .liMKAii'ioflu iuV in the ot tn, so arranged as to give inure room in tbe upper pari ol tho oveu; ft great convenience uiueli nri-ded Tin ut-iN is nearly n u iie uf!A top a. ut t lie hearl'i liuo.whi h uol ouly iucrou.e. ibe sue, out win be recoguiacd a e grtui nUiontojt in Amy, DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHEU. The best, cheapest, and most popular Ws.-biug Muchiue ever invented. Il is easy loonvrate, silling or staudioe; lukes bul lu lie loom; injures nogarmrnts ; nuislies Its work iro.n tu two to lour .Min utes; is durablo and convenient: aud the ouly Washing M acbliir kuown Ibat is liked iho better lUe lunger il la used. THE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WiUUKU. fA "liKlAT JAM 111 WOXOXIZEK. -The terms of our Patent cull our Machine Wringer." Years ef experience prove it also to be A most xxeeLLXM Wasuks W hen we redaceovery invention lui wash ine olutuea lo a iirmoiiiis ibey mi auiouui lo that of pressiug aud situeciiug, auu iorciug lbs water turuuga Ibeui, llius re muviug lUe (liri. Most Wasblug AUebiuo. do il by robbing, 'ibe Luivorsal Wriugrt does it by pressiug. WH. HARDING, Eq., JUSTICE OF 'i'Uai PEACE & CON tVANCtR, Fremnct, Snyder Couuty, i'euu, Colloclioua of all kiudsu.udeal ibe shortest notice aud oa the uiot reasonable terms. Conveyancing la nil Us braucbes expo dlliously executed. Lltsiis. Wobtuaoss. Noras, aud blauks of all kiuds eouslanily ! ou hand. Persons ale Uisianoo having alaima for eolleoiion wi'hiu bis iurisdimiou need only address bluj by mail to in.ur. a as a i . m . . . larsBpv, ovina. luui irsusavur, issay JUarly, Moyer &Scbnurc( NKA RTIIE CANAL BRIDOK, SELINSGROVE, Would resiisot fully announee to the people of Snyder county lhal they hats Just received from the eastern marke te and have constantly on hand an l lor sal e one of iho largest end best selected ft a noilinenis of jc w Stbrc G oods, which th'y offer al prices much below those of last year. Their si nek enl r. es the very best Fall and Winter Ooods, to which ihey invite attention. They have (Lords, CuKHtnirrcs, Futinctls. Tweeds. Vcntine;s, Tickinir, Irillinj?, Sliii tings, F'.uhu'Ik, I'hecka. Ac. Lntl ics h'vvs (a oods. Silks, Lawns, 'erino, I)cLuii.ti, Gii'ichuiiis.Mil'ingi's, Linen, Mucins, Alpacas, CaL icocs, Mobairee, l'oplius, A.O. At so, Shawls.Clonk, Maniillns, Opera Flinnels, Hoop Skirts, Lace. Ribbons, Collars. Kdiiings, Ilrnids, Yeils, Hoe'. Cloves, Trimmings, Han Ikerchicfs, Combs, Neck ties, l'iru5hc. iic. UKAliY-MAPE CLOT II I XU of all kinds, and including a latge assort, msui of COATS. PANTS. VESTS, IHt W ERS. BIIIRTS. OVER KlATS. MEN'S SHAWLS, I NDER SHIRTS, IIATSiCAPS. They also bare large stock of HSoofs tfc Allocs for Ladies and GeulUuien's wear. GROCERIES. Coffee, Sugar, Mulase, Srup, Tens, Pepper. Cloves. Citmauiju, A'.li-pico, llnuis, Soap, Fish, Herring, Starch, Cheese, Cracker. Salt. TOHACCO & CIGAKS. Hardware, (.iii'onsware, Chi u a ware, Cedcrware, Giao-warc, Cn iki-ry, Curpi-ts, oil;, taints, nails, plaster. aud all kinds of STONE COAL. RAILROAD TIES. We now buy Rail Road Tics and pay 4Hcctiis, in trade, for t hein. They mum be 8 feci in length and 7 inches in thickness, having two painllel laces of eight inches: lo be inadeul While Oak, I hetinul or Rock Oak and pealed. They receive country produce in ex change for goods and thev nlwnvs PAY THE HIGHEST 'PRICES FOR All Kinds of Cirnin. I'i nt nit tr tLc j -lace.rigl.l at lie Cnnol llildfe. Ju. 11. O'J-y KEYS'! O.NE HOTEL! SrlinH'jrov, Snjlr Coittmi'j, J'enna. THE undersigned hog leave to inform ihe public lhal Ibey have purchased and i!I keep, in gooil stvlo, the above wen iiiuwn sud pnpulnr house. TE3i:S!w 15 All till always be sturked with ihe ticst nd hoicesl litiiiois (hat can lie procured in 'he Philadelphia uu 1 llarrisbiirg uiaikelr T II E I R T A U L i: , Will alwns bo supiliel with the best ielieacie- and most stilo-iatitial toud that i ho market will Milord. iVill tin a s lio iiiten.leil bv careful Mini iruitwurlhy hontlers wbt. will see justice lime to any hore eiiirn-te l lo their care. L-y Paving 1-irgc, nirv nnd well fur ainlied rowiiM, good servants, with tho uu iring etf'irts of the proorii-iors In please heir guests, (hoy hopelo meet villi a large 'Hire (.1 publu patronage. . inyl;-ii7.if It. H. A. J. F. W ALTER. AND Small Grouts H aa just relumed frm with a large stock i om Philadelphia Fall und Win- go stock o: 'or gauds which he oilers diicel prices cheaper bought elsewhere. Cull at gieaily re li h is cuu re and txuudne niv slock of MLSLIVS. CAidt'i'ls. Vtl.AlNSf. LAW S, -1NENS, EEKLGES, SILKS, ISiiOTH and SHOES, HATS and CAl'S, KEAlA'-MAUK CL0TI1XG, SHIRTS, Slo nnd everything generally kept in a well .locked store Give us a call and be convinced that this Is the place to buy your goods. ot'l'NTllY I'UoDl'CE taken in exchange Iur goods. Will. IJl-taii-r Middleburg, May, 8i7. QOMETIIIS. WAY J CREAT BARGAIN'S IM NEW GOO 5 AT THE CHEAP STORE OF u. v. i i hiii it r, btLINSijliO.SE Pa. Would respeelfully anoouncs lo the people of Snyder County that he has jusl received from theraalern markets and has f'ir sale ft largo aud well selected stork ef Nw fjouds, w hicli lie oners at astonttb ipgly lew prljss. Ills slock euibracea tbr very beil FALL end YlTEU GOODS He haa Clothe Caaaluiers, Pes Pklus Jeans ratiucts Alpaccas, Lustres lielniua l'oplius Prints, Muslins lri. lings Shawls 'Cambrics Calicoes. French Miritwe, English Mnxuoe BEADY MADE CwOTHiWO fail kinds. HARDWARE, HATS ftndCAP8, UKOCERIES W ALL PAPER, QCEEN6WARE, llOOTej A RI10E8. CARPETING. BIIOK FIUINGS, Givs ma a call. No charges mads for Inspeoling Goods. Country produce ta ksa la sxehaags for good. Vi M - ftW S S aJTlJIj 4 a oai s""" ffHMMfr TO THE VfpRKINfi CT.AS5l.--Weare- prepared In furnish al. classes with ennf slant tniplovm-nl nl horn, the whole o the lime or for tha spar moment. Pus loess new, light and proflta'do. Persons of either art easily earn from fie. lo $'i per evening, and a proportion si sum by ili-voting thtir whole time lol lis business Itoj a and girts can sirn nearly as niuob aa men, install who sen Una nnlioa msy send Iheir a-ldresa, and test the bus iness, we make thin nnparrelle-l otfoi i To such as ars not well sa'isne I, we will -end ono dollar to pay fur Ihe trouble of writing. Full partitiulars, s valuable sample, which will do to onmmenrto Work on, and copy of Tss Pioi-LS'a Litsrist t'oHPANiua onaoflht largest and host family newspapers published all sen, froa by mail, rader if yon want per. uisncnt profitable work, address E. C ALLEN & ('tl, August Malno. L)cc2 To Consiiniptivcs. THE Advertiser, havlnir been restorsd lo health In a few weeks, by ft very sim ple remedy, after having suffered sever al years wiih a severe lung affection, and Hal tlrea l disease. I nnsuiiii'tion is ant ius to make known to his fellow-suffer ers the niesns nf cure . To ail whodesiro will send copy of II e prescript ioiiised (free of ciinrge), Willi me uiieelioiis rur preptr'r.g and uing the same, which Ibey will Iind a si MS Cl eg ton C'issi xi'Tlos, Asth ma. Ilronchitis., eel The ol.jeot nf ihe advertiser in sending the Viecriplion Is in iieiiein tbe atllicted, atn spread Inror nia'ioti w hicli he con. eives to bo invalii. able ; and he hones every sufT.-ier will trv his irme ly. as it will cost ibeui nolhitie. nn I mny prov a blessing. Paring winning ike J . csct iplioD, W il, please address I'.kv. HWRl) A. WIUON. Williamsburg. Kingi County I. m York TTF.NTIO.N ; "V Hurrah fjrlho ccw euols just re ceived by John fluff ntmi l llunimels' old Stni.d, (Iwo miles ahive Sclinsifiovc) which was selected with great care, uud will he aold at low prices It includes. NOTIONS. LRY GOOD. GROt ERIE.'. HARDWARE. OCEI.NSWARE Is OOll isnil illl.l.OH wAftE. Salt, Plaster, Oils, Coil, Naili, QiQ tiling 1 reiprctfiilly invile the public lo come aud examine my goods before, lua Ing elsewhere, believing it to be to jour in terest. 1 also pay tie highest prices for al'. kiuds of and all kinds of Ci uniry Produce. I am also well provi.lei with t-tal lin. tor I cum- rupp r break fa.-t and Ludg ing. tor people who come I mm a dis i nce. 1 always iiccoui modal o my eus lobivis .o the best ot niy abiliiv. JOliN UUTMAN.- October 10:h C7tr AEIV !CE SALES AND SS1LL Klin We arc still in Selinfgrovs and prepared lo furnih Fianos, ilelodcoass At'cor!eos5s. ViolilaSe And all kind" of Musicnl Iistrumenls CHEAP Fit Til AX FVEU! We warrant all our Instruments fur fivr vet rs Pianos, Organs. Melo-leons and Acordcons correctly tuned and repaired itoeopeit every WLliNFSIl.VY an! ".' TCRHAY. Iii-iini-'ion given on Ihe I' an , Melodeon, A lolia and As oruioii it re moiuibl,) rites. Gieus a call. We guarantee salisf-ie lion. SALEM & STEIN INGElt Noe-nber 17, lS'ihif flATESOF FAKE OX THE STAGE UOITE RET WEEN STirruxa' a ssuzcscxlovs Through Fare. (2 Mitlliu lo Oakland. " M'Alitlersville, White Hall. I ' " Haldcoiau'S Hlore, 1 lticbfteld. 1 , Selingrovs to Kanlt, Froeburg, " F'remoni, 1 1 Rich field 1 II. F. CROl U. October 15, lfCS. if Proprietor. C. S.SWIXEFORD. WITH MAM'FACTL'KEIt Of WJlOI.KSit.K lKAf.ER f.Y CLOT II IN G riOTUS, CiSSlMlBS & VE-TIXGS-13 NollTII lird tlllEEr I'liiluuelt.liiu. J II. WALTER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CHINA, GLASS, AXD Ql'EENSWARE, 231 X. 3d Street, between Race & Vine 7,'Jly I'UILAUKLPUIA. A WOBD TO CONSUMPTIVES. Being abort and practical treatise on the nature onuses, aud symptoms of Pul ffiiary Ceo-umpiion. lironehi lis. aud As (lima and iheir prevention, treaimeni, and euro bv inhalation. Sent by mail Free. Address Q. NAN HUMMEL, M. 10 Weal Fourteenth Ul., N. Y. 12m AVillNIH Til A TOIiS KG TICE NOTICE Is hereby given that Loiters of Administration on lbs ssiale of William Usrinaui, dee d.. Ibis of Perry township Hnyuer oonnlv. Pa., have beeu grauled is lbs undersigned. All persona knowing themselves indebted lo said est a is, are rei)u,-stsd to make Ixmediaia payiuaul i and those having claims against the earn; will 1'iaseul Ibeiu properly authenticates for SKtilemeut. ELIZA A. CARMAN. JARtlE ARRIVAL OF 8 NEW GOODS AT J. W. J3UEESE STOE, N. W. Corner Market Square, Middlst Tbe slncli embraocs In pari ninck siiis, All-wvel l)o Laiurs, Coburgs, . Merino?, l'opline, Kepps, As., Mttaiina. Pnult.e-widih Shcetitl I'rillinjra, Table Diaper, Omnibu1 Ettra Tifklngs, Chciks, Shir, ings, Uinghnnia, Jaeonct, ul tu! n.'aorfliient ol Calicne, l'liiiuii'ls, Heavy twilled. Shirting, Hlunkcts, Iialtnoraln, Hosiery. Gluve. ito.f etc. CLOTHS AXD CASSlMEIlji Ingrain and Linen Carpets. tv oolen. incn o. cotton Carpet Chain. ni: a n y .ma ni: cl o this Fluor, Tablo aud Stair Oil Clu: Hats mid Cups 1J00TS AKI) SHOE Hardware, litieir.sware. Chinsl ware, Ola -swaru, ) ood aod Willow ware, Cutlery, Oil Wiuiluw Shade, Looking GVaca ic, &c , fie. TOIJACCO AXD CIOATS. 3ALT &. F I S hi The liiir.rst market price raid for kinds of country produce and dried fro. Cctifiileni of renilcrtn perfect s.ii' I lion both in regard to prices add ouh' ofguls. I repeclt'u lly invite all lo cl n:e ft call before u relis.-mg rltewhei, J. W. DREESE Iddleinrg. Jimttsry 7, IStil'y J. COOKl riiEadctphia. nig 13i'.3y SELlNSGROVF P IsiiBsilici Denier ami MAM.r irTt ana or Boots Doer llaxcs. Wltidons. SI ntter l niiiiiow Loirs, lillnds, hash, nulr tixiui. ii.'iiiu KatiincH.itraiK-tts- iluuldlnss, Floorlag, JTtrLL HiVI.C flD CABLET UTHUl EIiiDs!o3, Itdth, &o., to. (Of Orders solicited and filled v' 1'roiiinttiess and destai-h. Ploa.i. .-. md extimius n.y stuck before purchshir iewuere. u-ofir t. v., m. o. ruam awi.MiiosJ JEAD THIS. Silado AND SsYlnvlortl DtiiGtisTS axd Chemists, Oifor for sa'e WltlllSIVIR A)il Rxtail, 0RUG3, ME1IJ1NES, PAINTS and CHEMICALS Embracing ri'REZIXC FAINT Greon, Blue, Yellow. Red nnd Eliici I'siuls ground iu Linseed Oil, li,i iur Varnish Spirits Turpentine, Coual, Coach and W htto PRYING JAPAN. KXOTTIXO window tlam. Putty, Pine CHAIfdiol Stabcu, Ismno, YsnitiLLioN, Paint an A'ARNISII ERVSIIES, .Vufe anit Ft malt Truutt and Snj'portttil j a tlulla Coecentralcd lye. Fins Pponges. sncEP.cor.x etarch4 bird seed FI'iwt and isarJm Herds, Ta which the aiien'ionof dealers! called, as we will sell al Ihe very lowem Cttu Prices in quantities to suit puioba sers. Wtsls-i k .'n on hind nnd offer for sale W holesale and Retail, all tho load ing Patent Medicines. Also. N O T10N3, CON FEl'TION F R I ES. TOUACI O 4 SUGARS Middleburg, Euyder Co. Pa ysrt-li SI, lbb?. pnitADA. & READING IL 11. Through Routs lo the Susijuchanna ! ni'lE Phamoktn & Irevoiton Rsilrond X being enuiplried, a tbrorgh route ia opened between llernion (nu Ibe Susqus. bsnn River) and Philadelphia. Trains will run as follows i r EASTWARD. No. 1 Tassenge, leaves Trevor! , 10 a m.; Shamokin 6 40 a m,i arive, al Phil adelphia at 1 (K) p m. No. 8 Passenger lesvssf ij , 1 at 0 80 am: Trevortna 10 0-a j Hhaiuokin 10 6.i a ni,-, arrivea al Phils at A So p m. Nn. 6 mixed, Istves Hernd m at l 40 Tr vorlon 12 m.i Hhamokin 12 37 pm.; arr ves at roti'vill at tl 10 p m. WESrWAUU. No. 2. Passenger Leaves Philidalpbla 8 15 in t Ebauiokl i 4 ' 0 p m i Trevorton 4 SO p m I arrivea a' Ht rndon al 6 'ii p ni. No. H, miisl. Leaves Ashland al 7 HI) a m ; Shamokin 9 31 a in ; arrives at Trs vorton HI 07 ft m I llsrndon 12 'M p m. No. 10. mixed, Leaves Ashland al 3 00 pin; Sban.okin 4 63 p u arrives at Trevorinn si 6 80 p m. Passenger trains Noe. 1 and 3 make conneo'ion at Reading for Alleo'owo.Naw York, Lebanon, llairiiburg, Columbia and Lanoas'er. Paassengera arriving In Pbamokln via NCR W, abort 10 ft tu, ran soniiaal with So 8 Passenger, al 10 65 a m, for Phila delphia and Intermedials points. Those arriving on the N C R W Passeneer train at I'i 10 noon, ran eni.neet with No. A, which leaves Bhsmokin al 12 87 for Ail., land, Mahnnnv CHy, Tamaqua and Potl. Tl) s. w. it. im fvyfyfr DEALER ;'te?f" -LOCKS t VJl. HO Noi th Sd Etr.. pabli CI! TW( . " i tt lul P a I ii and J. Offe lie. busi proi Off lie. will OfT. lie. wii; ou lie al 1 Sel