The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 10, 1870, Image 2

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H.IMiI.EtU'Crt. JTARf'ft 10. 170.
(i:otsg BEMEK, Proprietors.
If r oMKa) our painful iluty t an
ncnttoe the unexpected and i r.'niatur.
Ji-ntli of Midshipman, George Krcmcr
llower, 'tn ef thorns llowor, l.-q., ol
(hi place. Unfortunately, our fri-n J
lrnr.-e was on hoard the ill-fct-il
Oneida,' which was lost on the I'ii
c'fic Oci all, JOino five miles olT the
const il J.ipin, OD tliO 2.'illi of Jan
U-ity, lnt.
'1 lii tact of the disaster ns ta
ken fn in nso bite f ro-s ilie patch's tire
briefly is follow : 'I h I'niled Stat.-.
( .ivttt ' Oi e ih. ' li'it (ki-iiiiinn on
Tan. homeward Imun I. I ho steutnei
which was one ol'iho Asiatic I
ro;i 1 1 l licr nncl.oiag.t about 5 o'clock
1". M. While th o flier ra were t din
nt 7 1'. M.. I liu look-out iiino shoti'et
' Stentunr lights ulieiid.'niid I midship
liiiiil gave tho orj. r 'port helm !'
Kvcythiiig eeome I quiet fin bourd tlir
ln-i slimmer mi I tins h"l to tho he
llif that shi I) ik t not il-rrve.l the
( );m J ii, although her lights m ere buru
iuj bright.
Tin' Sii'tmr which privod t bo
t:ie' II imhiiy" ol th IVninu'iir and
Oi if ii nl line, cniiic right on and struck
the Onf i lit on I lie s'arbnad. abaft,
the punuvniy, kh -ul hull' way between
th" main nii'l inirzon rigging. A It !
wns rut, thr"ll.'h whirh the whole in
toti.rof tho rhip was visiihle. '1 In
bimiicle wheel aiiJ rudder wore cur
lied ii iy. mi l two 1 1 io ii h: un.liii' nt
theuhcl wto in-lit:illv killf l Tl.o
J'.i'ini'i'y 1i I tmt ftop after cri-hine
I'iroiuli the tdioi httlimi.'h tin" guns
ot I Ik" hitler, which hapjicticd In ho
-( 1 c-l , whore n'ni"st iiilantiy tired to
ntt'iiot her u t t-n t i n an-l bring her
l urk, Order where uiven to lowet
tli tm it, hut only una lit'o hout w
nvnil.ihlo, tin- ultiora having li"on rrush
rl Tho lil'f h":it ivai manncil hv
r. .Sil lirU, tho l i lUswum, iml rif
toon of the crt'vr. Five (run wi-ro fir
e l. b'li. hof u-e tin nix'li couM do (Ji--cliiit'ril
t ho ( i f'Jlik within Ion
tiiiuiitO'i tiltor ii w.i r-truok. N"in'
of th'iic Hiivo l fiiw a nian or lion r l n
v.jiot? on h iiir l tlm II itnlmy Tln'.v
report lint wh-'ii it liooiinii! evuloni
thut llii'io Wrti Ui) linpo ot Hiivini: tho I
(hip tho oll'i -cm atbereil arounJ cui-l
tain Willimns Ho was luar J to mv !
it the ihip went down he duU g i
with lu-r The lil'o ho:it w;i olili'od tu
h ave the nitikin ship to uvoi-l toin
8-vanipcl. Al'tor pmlinij ahout fir
aw hilt!, the ere iv ol tin lilo bout hoc
f ii iioiiooI tho orow llj:ilini', nt mio
ol' t lie ltiil who wont down. unwillinU
'Ut thoir bout'ii hea t Ift'iil vrl, nh- ilt
iiio liuK'h distant. On lninliiir the
rutivci trvu'o I ihi'in kiintly auj i.l-l iir
i il the ui-siriunce ot H uni lo. nn, tli- i
t'ltr'vl to v:i!k t'i Y-koiitii:i. wiih h
tiny ivui-IipiI lit dnyli.'ht tho rn-X'
innriiin. 'I he Iiniiil'iiv vn iiiiuii'ili'
H'fly or-loii'd to tho hoi ne of tho week
un'l miivopilo I in Having tliirty-ninr
li.oii. wlinhid nut into tho rn:tor
v. Iiioli 11 uloil when tho xl.lji wont
il'iivn Si!vritl othi-r voi-iols, iifiu with
Minister l l"li.' on Imaul, jiroi-oodoil
t j the aootio of the dUa-tor dirin th
J:iv, hut hi mure livr were rnved.
The .lapanoso i-nvril'iioiit out hoa't
and apparatui to heirch llir tlm wivok.
tin 1 1 if iiecii.i-.ury, to buoy th .po(.
'J'iie pasnonp'M on tho 1'irnbnv
wore )'iiie Hiirpriiod when tliy Iip: r-1
of the oalamiiy, hut iloclnre t hoy noil It
er hoard Miy ivijuost Ir-nii tho Onoida
tm'ny hy tiiotn nor ininuto (run fired.
A nival fourt-inart'al hai boon de.
tirindi I hy the r plain of the IS oiuhny.
The ollii'or and men id the Onoiiiu
l.uiuhorel 175. only 5(5 nl whom, in-cl'l-linir
lf- .SuIIom nnl tivj ju il r
ollicor.. survive J the disn-tcr. Anion:
the nli'!OI-H IjI ; wo iKiik'o ihu liniKi nt
'Ji'Miii'iinn Jhiwvr anJ lour of hi
cl i8niuto..
At the recommendation of If. in V.'i'l
iatu II. Miller, Midbip.min Ilmver
e n'orod tlia I'nited Stutes Naval Aead
einy Sept. 'Jtitb 1'M, (tr!diiutod Juno
1'ith 1 . Ho win then ordered to join
I Ii j Aia'io Su:nlron under roiiimand
of Roar A I in i Kowati. In h'i
nioe to order united from Now York
Wot. tiiii io in tlio " .lu-ki' vin
A spoil wall j thence, to Sun Fni'ioUon
tu hb'p I on-titutniii ; thence, to lokit
Imnui and Sliuiu'liii.
TliMu.-b iotriniio merit Gootvo K
Jliwer h:id alivn-ly ntluinod the p m
lion of Miiishipumn and win on hi-
w.iv h-uiie lor the purpoo of proinotinn
ii KuUii. At the tiino ol l'Udoith
ho had Dot quite reached the Hire of 22
Middliipman liower cintio noarlonH
InLf llii lifn on it previona ocotiHinn
b -dnji etoiionod on the I'ispatiiqiio"
Bubseiueiilly ca t lie " Doluwuro
I tie llitrp ot tuo Miuaoron, lie Wax
tratidl'ored to the " Idaho" which not
rut lor tho I'nited State on Sept
',20th IS'!'.), and wiim caught in a tvpb
n.-io nem ly wrecked nn I in
pat liai'li to port. il ador jury mast, up
onwhhli occuii'iii ho hoinir at tin
I i mo on duty ua dock .cumo notr ho-
illu' swept ovorhnuril.
The Nation has Inst nno of her trift
talented youth one whoso b-avorv
t iletit and hiKh moral ehiraeter wojld
h ivo p'u -e I him hiuh on the rolo nl
j'llu-tri-jiiii men. ilia aoll'-tacrifleo l-a
iu-l.rinod and Bnuotifiod bis uieiu
oi v in tbo hearti of all who have hu
couio fumiliur with the calamity of the
Culled frrnn tbo. ipiiot walks of n
Country borne, he entered the oaval
noadoiuy fluho-l wiili the buoyancy ol
youth j tnd th assiduity with which
he prodfculcd bia rtudicfl while there.
vere but eVKienci i of the fiiergy, do-
luiity, nn l pntrioiie a8liution which
characterized hi in when a comrade
and BchooluiMe in bit earlier life
AmiJit Ilia deep aorrow, (zloom aod
Diyatery which enshroud tlm ilcith ol
0'ir friend, wo find nlace in (be di
patcbeaof MinUtcr PoI.odk, wliotayM:
' Heroic conduct of the OueidaV olfi
cer '-Tbry refuse to ao themiieUe
wbllo a man rouiuina on board.'' thui
truo to tho (lag under which heaerve-1,
truo to bit rieudi and true to
hiniKelf, be refuKtd life when purchased
t the price of bia 'Soldierly bouor.
and died with but the mnaointr sea to
sine bi reiiiiiei, tbue aiokinu vs
food pareota, I have died a worthy sua
-. iMsna "yi Maa tn wni
have I I ff n to my rnlline my conn
try, I have fallen st my pot.
Wenv htm green laurel he deserve Ihem well,
.Aad on ihero pine. the cy prer led
11 uTtflw-l which re-ie.-n tl I.
11 bird not, yt all h had.
1 11 V I.OOKOtT.
Fpccnlotinn and Iiiarli pricea have
hud th' irday the -'re'iip-inn fcuve r,r
which the tinturul result of the
Iiiomc way in which biiainca wasron
ducted during th'n period of apecnl i
'h.n has looM'Dcd its ijrip. and the nut
lo' k lit precnt. to my the lont. in
cb.'erini.'. ' With the Mca-ly decline
of (roiil.'' aaya 77ir '''. ''and more
or !es inllnon'-itiit it. beyond ipiettnn.
ciuica the gratifying inicllifriiro that
our eipnrtK dininit the lu-t fix ni itith
very innrly hnluneed the inipnrti dut
in the Hume eriod. Thin mnf ly put
tho b dance of trade in our favor, a
condition l iv onMo to financial health
and atiilnlity in viiluo'. It a'mi h ad
tiitbe infcronie llmt our vtitied indiin
try i thrivinj, in apitc ol adverse t-ii -i'Utntnnee
; and it goe to prove that
while Senator and ItopreacntativiK
hnve heel) ilevmlnif nifthndi to Cor
rect what nppi-si'4 to b' financial di--toinp-r.
tl e laws of trade hove boon
quietly operntin to restore cq ila
liriim. !o-t during thecroat conviihi n.
Thii (not "diouM bo niiido to profit the
nation by itftrin-ti'ig iti publio men.
Not many oflli'm nppp-ar to bo
nware tint aomo things inu.H'. bo loll
to th'M'pcrati in of but urn I law. The
lesion ii watchful 1'itioiice. It ii by
no nieam certain thiit the lawn nl
trade, noting in hatuiony with the ir
rcprc-itilc ontorprisi- of the Anicrn nn
p.'ople. wont I uot f itni-h it yolution
f ibe liriiiiicinl prohlcin in tin' iwt
ct tunc coniia'cnt with nafcty. It
col I has touched a lower figure within
a week th in nt miy tun ii innce mid
rtnuinior of 1 i'2, run the decline he
crcliiod to any reivnt leirilutioii 1 The
vari nn financial h'Iioiiiom put for
ward in t'onare, and tha ilicu--ion '
whien hii taken plice upon tln'tii.
clearly indicate no policy ocred upon.
Wo iiiuh: look il-ewhcre fr the'
caiii-is of tho apprcciatio'i of ctirretiov
indicated by the dccliuc iu the gol 1 i
' Prominent nmoni these ri:i,'s!
maybe e.uiKideri'd the ro u lia'inn ol j
all iiioa-iiri'i looking t-iwatd rcpudla-'
tinn m a m-'iins nl vancellin tho pn.
lie ilclil r.vcry nttempl to rally a
party around the staicl ar I of rc u Ii
lieu hio pignut!)' failed ; and Mr
MuriL'on'o fpooch in its favor has no
where mot with bitterer denunciation
than ut the Imicl.i of h adin.' journals
nt' the put ty to which ho hclonk'. Tho
clamor for nn act of national dishonor
li u hctn c lifmcd to n f. w dctructive
I ho nupiro t.i the leadership nf tho ig
I n rant mid prejudiced anions doctor,
j with un eye to lo;al polilici.l piidi i
iiient. It ii instructive to note that
the in oile of laying debts pri ticrihcl
dy thc-o petty h'adcr.i i n t t!io undo
priMilliod hy Mr. Pendleton uud olb
on f hi- Htallip. "
' Tho crcdit'in of tho nation have
not failed to observe tbo hajiii'u' ol
I uli'io "'iiii"H with u t altnly ei 1 1 i ; I
ye. There ia n.i longi r any fi-pcnsi!
relating to tho payment nf the deli!
t'ani'al, thin relieve I. ptiN offit hesi
tancy, and cinhai xi t'i coly in the work
of production. Not ho many tin
'an-li are waited in " inargin-" ty
Wall street opcl nt ors as foi inci ly. an I
tho r- l-iHo of tin so :hoii-andi liny
huvrt hoiii thing to d. i with the C 'nval
oDivne of nn iilm-i-t di-lraete I in luniy.
At tho huiiio fine wo are luvi-rdin to
iih nhoivin.' d sta'i.-tioi. ii!. payiiu
oi .r debit and jl iniethiiiu over, uud lire
I kely to kcoiw a balance duo ui by
loroc'ii eonyiiiuor, Aiuoili itidivid-
uali thin Mute nt iilTairs would lo r-
giirded n financial uruupvritv. A a
nation i nn airgrcgatioti oi individ
uals, why hliould uot thu ) hum ru'e
upply ?
' We congratulate the country upon
the frn lual approxouatiou nf values in
j"U uud pnper.boldiiij, ua wo d, that
it is the result ol ilei lawn ui trade op
orating under favorable circuiiistau
oe.' 1 tie Win nl pop; War.
St. Paul, Mmn., March f Advices
have ju't beeu received from Ft. Hur
ry iMV.ngiiecountg of the first battle in
Winnipeg. Major lloulmn and lr.
Scliulu b id tt loiee of uh"Ui oOO Ca
liudiaus and Iuliaus. They pmeeeded
to wnlrn seven mile of I'ort (lurry,
when boj occupied a church nnd stone
school houso A aoi hinuii'iu was
issued calliiitfon nil persons in rally to
i hit di'lenoe of loyally.. Itiob'a men
captured nno nf Schultz's couriers, tried
him by u ilrum-lnud onurt-muriil,umJ
.-hot him the eaine day
After ibis Major lioulton became
dineouraged, and with tlltyseven lid
lowers began a retreat to Port aye la
I'ravere, but was intercepted by KudlV
forces, and after a short eiii-avenient
the wholo Inrco was cupiurcd. and Ma
jor Itoulton was tried uod Benlenccd
tu be allot on the -21 uutimo. llicll
vent out a force of mounted men lo
I'inoy Luke lo capture . r. Schult.,
hut it is raid thai bo has made his m
eupo will) a few fullowcis. Tho Army
of Independence b is been entirely u i
uinphalit II is reported (but lioulton.
Gaudy aud another Kanuck have nil
been shot, nnd it is believed that there
will be hi. Hiily work in consequence,
as it will wuke up tho Dominion gov
ernment. America Manltacilres We
commend to the considcrutiou office
trudvrs the following remarks from the
I.oudon Timet io refervuee to Ameri
can manufactures :
"At this mom out Birmingham Is
login,; its o.'d market. A low yeaia
uo it used to supply the United
Stales largely with edged tools, hum
implements, and various unullcr ware
it dooa ao uo longer ; nor is I ha cause
to bo bought merely In the American
turilf. It is found that the iiianiil'se
tureri of America actually supersede
us uot only in lb ir own, but in I'or
eigo uia.kctisnr io our own colonies.
aod the Deruiinehuu) Chamber IW
the anguvity to discover and the cour
age to declare (list this Is owing to tbo
uperioriij ot Auoricao Roods."
Commercial and Financial.
Harper's Weekly refers to the anx
iety existing in nil parts of the I'oion
aa In tho state nf trvlo. That journal
nystbc West attnin from buying
because their fall stock remained on
helves and collection have been liifht.
Thu eueccM ol trade there turns upno
the profits of agriculture, and as they
have been very final in tho tiort fa
rored regions, purchases are made
only t supply Innnodinte and press
ing want. The South and Souih-we-t
are represented in tho market by
a to customers ; bill they nlso buy
sparingly hciiij d nibtlul aliotit the
price of ootton for tho remainder of the
season. Harper well says that tho fu
ture of trude lor (his season depends
Ist'k'ely iipnu the action of the Treasury
and of Coiinresi, and hopes that Wes
b m members will not urge inflation
as a remedy. If (hn currency shall be
tnvlo to turtcp md iu quantity with
the pre so nl price of pld. fluctuation
ill ill market price, cxieinlioir to the
wh de trade and industry of tho couu
try. will bo avoided.
The Commercial List nnd Price cur
ret. t says that in Philadelphia there
has been ft irciioral luck of animation
in ttade circles during tbo past week,
and the prospects f r the approaching
spring is not considered very encour
iiginw'. Holders of spring goods are
beginning to irrow resiiie under it, aod
values, with sumo few exceptions, are
slowly di predating. There is nil ut
ter luck o'f speculative lei ling among
buyers and traders ; whiih indicates
a general diludenee in the stability ol
Mercantile values. The unsettled eon-
lition ul' )i real uatiuual question now
peniiit'i! iii l oimre-s, tin) protiuiiility
nf a further ii.fl.ii..n of the uatimi d
tin) probability
currency, and the declining tendency
in gold, uro, oeourJitu to tbo al.jve
ll itiiS'l junrniil. the chief cause of this
r- siilt, and it is likely that huim s
will cot.tiiitio to languish until these
matters are permanently settled .
I mlcr the money bead the Chicago . repaT.
Trlbuno makes the following remarks Mrs. Nowe nib of this p'ace has hftd
te-ptctin tho condition of trndo in ! a firovcr ii liukcr machine over twelve
New Yoik : "A gentleman of this city, 'years, and it has never booo nut of
who has been speudiug some weiks iu I repair, and I know cf several ladies
New York, nnd has tuken pains to'wilhbko experience ; but I suppose
tnik carefully with merchants and
haulers there. Is impressed with the
I'ciicl that the feeling in hiiciness and
liuaiiuial circles is much less h peful
1 ban bore in C'hiciioo. There bos
been a gleut-r luring .IT in the rogii-ia
lar trade of that city iu pre portion In
capital llian Willi us. .ilercliuiits
sc. ling fewer gisids in pl'oponioU to
tlieir stocks, and ure nt much more
ni'pi'csscd with high rates nl discount
that UUIIiUra of pellous UIO goitiL' out
of regular trado to save their cipitiil
trotii being euten up with djhcoutits nt
liltecn (o ticnty-:'our j-tr ceut per
Xnr Elanipslilic Klcrflon.
Yistorday the annual election in New
Hampshire took place. So lar the re
turn! indicate u repuldicsti triumpl).
The main interest centred en tho elec
tion of tho Li'sfi.-dittiiro, on wb;ch will
devolve the duty ol'ihoosiiii a 1'iii'cd
Slates Sell tor to S'loceed Mr. (!ragin, J
who-e tt rtii of nervieu expires with thi.
Conuresfl. The po'ilical field iu New !
I laiii--hir-o thi tear has been cuiilimed
! ..iic to L toe Imeo ln.r-n fie. -sen Im
- . ' .. .,- , . 1 ...
I iH'piiiiiieitn, lioinocrauc, I til-
............. I .. I .r I !.il.. nn 'II.;.
" ". ;..
breaks tin tin) ill parv lines. 1 he
Toinperanee men riilered tho field
Willi llcv. I.oienz.l !. lliirMW.sustlieir
eandi late tor (l-.vernc.r. nnd llcory 1.
I'ierco for It'iilromi Oeiilinis-ioner.
I'l ev made a little tlurrv and ecited
soiuo foroboilitigs, unl then qu cm 1
dropped nut of the contest Many ol
the eaiiili lates they tia I iioiiiinaled lur
the le'gi.-lature nii'l other
u-!ll,.l.uiw unit ll,.. v.. In u
VOie will'-1) tuov
... .
-,i i ii i ii
cast win pmoany oo very sniull.
Then caino tho I.nhor Keloimor-.
slio lioiniutlli'd Siilliuel I'linl f. r (iov -
ernor nod (iooige lioherts lor Railroad
Cumtnis-ioniT In the beeinmug they
. . , ' . I p " , P. ,, '
proii.iM-d to stand ttl.M)t lion) both the
old parlies, but r.'ctnllv they tuiinilcal
ed a willingness to turn a bsleuin ear
to the hliindi-hmcnt of some of the
llemocrtitie lundwri.
A bttrgain was struck between the
two Stale committees, which included
it sale nf the Senatoriabip. but tho lunk
and file ot neither party heart) y rut
liod tbo unholy compact. IK'spito the
troubles and partial ilcmmaiuation
consequent on these proceedings, iho
lb publicans Inivo nuttecudeit in carry
iug the'day. The nmjority in New
llainebir is not, however, us largo or
suio us s popularly supposed.
Tbo wholo vote for (iovornor last
year was 117,71, of which Mr. Stenrna
iciteived 35.777, and Ocncral IJodel,
3J.00I a Republican umjority of u',
773. lu lsliS, when tho eledii n was
mure sburptdy eoute;slcd, and the Vote
was largi-r thtio ever before the whole
number ot votes cast was 77.047, ol
of v. huh Mr Ilarriman Lad 39,7b5.
and Mr Sinclair :i7.JtiJ ; Republican
majority, 2. 5''3. When wo study these
(Lutes, and consider ttio cotupllcad ns
of the present canvass, we may well
eongratuluto ourselves ou the issue.
I'rtsH 'Jth uitt.
Uoutvv 4-11 uud the locouie Tax.
A leading ntumber from (thin, wiih
sevjrnl ot his constituents, culled upno
secretary Routwell ou Monday nicru
iug. and expressed I Im hope that tbt
Secretary would recoin mend a reduc
tion ol taxation. That they desire. i
partii'ulut ly that tho odious income tax
hot) Id bo abolished. Tbo' SecreUr)
replied (hat he disagreed with them in
regard (o (but tax. llo was
opposed to its abolishment but even
to its reduction, believing it to be the
must just unit an I eqttiiuhlo of all the
systems of taxation. That out of for
ty millions of p'Ople tbero wero only
about two hundred and (illy tliou-ancl
a Heeled bv (bis lax. He had no ob
jection (o repealing the lux on (runs
porttion. which amounted to about
eik-ht millions, snd niLliceuso. inakiuu1
about eiifht million more, but was de
elded ly opposed to Interfering with
ilie locumo tax. A reduction ot (list
tax to three per cent, would amouut
to about dulii millions, and he hopod
Tl Coal Mrlke.
Tho daily Miners Journal of a re
cent (Into ayi t The miners hare
otdercd a suspension to take place
to-duy. Whether it will be general
or not wo cannot tell, but it Is belie
ed that nil will unite In it except
probably the oompauies in the Lack
awanna region. As but little is doing
in this region, it will not curtail the
supply much, and will not offoct the
markets, as stocks have accumulated
Tbo object of the suspension is not to
run up the price of coal, but to fix u
basis of ptiecs for 1870. It Is abso
lutely necessary that this should be
d ono now, as the spring trade will
loon open, so as not to retard business
after It dors open. Coal is at. a verv
low figure, snd wo doubt very much
if it will be higher than it now is un
der any circuniKtnnecs ; therefore con
sumers nbrnad need not lie alarmed
at this movement ai regards the price
of fuel.
Tlir microscope shows tho color of
the hair duo to a deposit nf pigment
in its suhstunc". When the bairn lands
become enfeebled, this pigment fails.
One after another the bnirs become
white, or full oat, produces baldness.
I in Mies is easy to prevent but bard
t cure. Ayrr's Iiair Vinon stops
it : even lestorrs the hair sometimes :
always restores its color. Immediate
renovation is at nnco visahte : soilness
fro-lmess and tho gloss of youth. This
great ornament should do preserved
since it can he by A Ti n's II aim, Vw
oit, which Is beautifully clean and free
from anything injurious to the hair.
Tribune, Springvill, N Y.
i .
' oi.yc. e;irsuna nocpeusc.
Messrs. (iRovtRA H.Kin:
I have had ouu of your machines in
use Kot'UiEK.N years, during wired
time 1 have woike l constantly on it,!
...! : I...- -,.. ........ i...
uioi 11. uin iiv.-i i vuhl u.-a. ir.ii iui re-
p lira, lor it bM never beeu out ol
i mere are itioiisan is wno ran say as
much as that lor your machine.
II. A. Kcene. N. II.
Last SaiurJav ni"ht, in Peoria, III.
""rf r was uiscutercu uuenipiinn
l" l,,'"'li '" li"Uo. Ho Was i-ecur-
Oie,co unci a uesperaio trui;i!io, ami imig-
cd injail. On saturdiiy be attempted
to burn hitncli' out, Hiid mi ce-ded in
selling the building n Cre. Hi was
burned to (icuih, both loi;n ha iu b en
buroed olTund bis skull consumed.
I WAS ClllbDof Peiirno nnd Catarrh
I I l-y a eiinplv lU nit-1111 1 will e c 11 . 1 Hie
I iccelpt fi t. Mr. M. V. l.KlilJKI T,
4w ltiiliol.en, N. J
L Jul ItNAh." How Teaehcrs, Soudcliu.
Ketired I'lergynu-n, llaerifei !o Vo rg Mon
mid l.adiea can lieike i7" lo Sl.'nl twr
.....nil. lb. knrinie .n I M r 1
n i
copy free. Hen. I name mid address lo
people a Journal. 1'ii liu lelpeia. I n.
Ktiitling rilacSiine
...i...i. ... .,
i l' rreeciiu-'i iu iiic piinuc ns ll.p tnosl Mm-I
. ..... .... .. . '
! !"" '. e. anu t i.inp tri una I l.e.ip Mill-
, I Machine ever invented.
wav a y-j m -.
I I 'I ! I I ! ll'. I ) , V;.
1 Jl I VJJ. Vll IJ I Cl ,,
TI chine ,v,ll run i-i.ber b.eksardiTXraVTdV
"r "oar. i nun c.tnil t.icilily ; makes Die
or luiwir l Willi citiul liicilily ; makes III -
.niie tlilcb as by Lund, hut aunet inr in
ein v ri..l.... " 1 ' '
' ... . ,,. . , .
tt 111 kbit JlMIIMj StltcllCS 111 OU0
and do perfect work, leaving every knot on
I lie of the work, ll will knit a lair
.f alocking (any sire) in lea lliau half nn
hour, tt will knit clue or open, niain or
1I.1....I u.e.i. Ll.. I ..
i i-i 1 1 it. til u'oiu U' ill, ., o u I. i ... r
. . .. .
. . ' - '
...uunvi'tviijiiiii. ur I'liiirii, bi.k ur illli-n
1( ttiu kllil ;.wkilll., v,.u a
untile heel uti.l
I(., iinir. I ns. neks. am. .king cnpi.
! coinloris, i inutfa. fringe, nl'shans.
i liuhias. ...,,ler.lee.c.,. ska.i.ig cap.
"'P "Kk. mo. cord. U,,derh.r..Hhsw ;
Jitkei. crrdle blaukel. leggin. wriaiers.
1,1,(,l,.1., , ;,,,., e,ufj .,ru,
nnd iu f.iel and endless vaiiely ufsi lielee
in every uu) use, a well as lur ornnnicnl.
I roin . lo ajilO per duy
can he made by any one wiih ilie Auirrlenn
Kniiting Machine, kmliing slocking. o .
while eiprn openilor can even make more
knitting luecy work, which nlwsy com
iniiiiind a ready rale, A ieron can read
ily knit from twelve to fifteen pair of
slocking pe- day, the profit on which will
" n01 ' "'u iry eent per pair.
can sell I hoi r woo. at only forty to fifty
cents per pound; lul hy getting ihe wool
uiadu into yarn nl a emull eipeiise. aud
kiiinin ll into socks, two or I Ii eo dollar
per pound may be realiied. On receipt of
H'i wa w ill lorward a nuickine s ordered.
We wish lo procure active agema in ev
ery sect i. in of Iho foiled Stale I'niudua,
to whom ihe most liberal iuduceuieoi will
be uttered. Addres
Amerbiiii knitting Machine Co.,
Felil7 IJ Uusiou. Mam., oral. Louis, Mo.
fPilU Mtf.IX' t'O.Mn will chnnge
A. any colored hair or beard lo a perma
nent black or brow n, ll com aim no poison
Auyoue can ua ii. One scut by mail for
l. Addrea M.VUIU COMU CO.,
Deo'W-3mJ Springfield. Maa.
flit HAT CHANCE! Agent Wanted !
per year ure uiad by
Ag eni. male or lenisle.
selling our wui Id renowned I'm em
Kverluaiing While Wire fhuhes
Llue. C'beiipeat and lest clolbe
in Ihe worm i only ot. per ro il, and
will last a hundred yeara - Address the
Hudson River Wire Co., 76 Win. til., N. Y.,
or ltl 1) irbom bl Chicago, lib
Feb 8-lw.
Paris by Sunlight
A Work deioriptiv of the Mysterl, Vlr.
iue. Vice, fpli-udor and Crime, of th
City of Paris.
ti tell how Purls ha haooni ibe Gavei
and moat Ueauiiful City In the world j bow
ila lieuuly aud Splendor are purchaMd ai
a fvluicui of Misery and Sufferioc bow
visitor are dwindled by Professional Ad
vruturers t bow Virtue aud Vie go aiin-
'n-sriu la- the litamifuU iiy i bow ibe moat
ed bow muaey is tiqaaudcrod ia uaelas
luiury and eouia.u over too nn engra
ving of noted 1'laoea, Life aud Nceue In
Pari. Agema wanlvd. Canva-smg liooki
sul free. Address
guiii'OENA in bivoRCE.
MtaAT M. tlrST.t-rJts the Court efCnm
hr noil Mem) .Ino.llifli; mnn I'lntnf unjilor
Tl. (ira Hunt. Co. No. T, ! T. '0.
lo U tOKOt HUItT, RiiKBilont,
fit ;-Yon will
ft so tsk nntla that Spo1ll'ln "III lkm
anil dlTmlttriiei produrfil anil eximlnM on
part of tho lltiollsnt In tho sIhito ontlllM iku,
MOiro mo, Thom as J. smitii, I'nmniliiflnnor ap
polntoil hy tho tnM Court fnr that iorto, on
I s 1 1 H l A V . A P H 1 1. , tSTO. hot wn tho hours
nf iu o'cinrk, A M., anil 4 .lock P. M,ifthl
daf . a( Iho Pol. 1 In IIhon of lllri Wmin, In
I onirorlllo, all onnlr. Whoa aad whoro jo
mar attend If tou think pmr-or.
March , t70. Conialsiloner.
Fur twenty-fire rrntg inu can luy
of inur l)rwjijit or G rarer a pncl-ajr
nf Sra Ifn Faring, manuJCH-tureJ
from pure Irith Mon or Carrageen
trhit h tci'l mnf.e ti'jrt'Cn qunrt of Btunc
ilanye, and a like quantify of rwl
ilngn, Cu'tarit, Creamt, Charluftre
Hiitur, (ft'., iff. ll in Lj fur the
ihcp'tt, hrahhutl and matt dcL'cinur
food in the world.
Band Sra Moss Fnrlne fo ,
bi Vak rtscs, N.Y.
E'lnntutioii Hitters.
S. T.-1860-X.
This wonderful vendible restorative is
the sheet-anchor of ilia feeble and debili
tated. At s tonic and corJinl for llie aged
and languid' it nas no equal aoioog stom
achics. As a remedy for t lie nervous weak
ness to which womrii are espseislly sub
ject, it is itipestding ever oilier stimu.
lent. In all climates, tropical, temperate
or frigid, it act as a specifio U every ape
eifs of iliicT Irr nliich undermines the bod
ity alreiigib an 1 break down lli snimnl
-firin. For sal byall drii)itisia. MO-f'.ni
V IHIIMJQ! Th",r ''0,, t""1 t,'r.
I il ll u liii k.s can mtiKe money rniaiiiy
Mlllnic tbo NKW 11.1. I s. I h AI r:i KAioil
make money rapidly
i. r. . ij , j - n n r. ll r ! -
I k.V M A.N't'Klj. edited bv Dm. K. Warinii
Practice! Farmer and Author, and late Aiirl
cuuurai r.tiMinoer 01 ,1. 1. l eniral Hark
1 be
i lci I..Mik f.
Inrmera ever lued All need It ulintii.v
It la a ..unit, tabor savina,
money making- leiok. Thouriinda hive bought
It, and ttiou.ind m-iro waul It. Plliretoh Kill-
tlon ronny I. Iv menu wanted. Proill" lare.
A. II. IllUIIAKL), 400 I heiluut Si. Phil. 4w.
vii:(;ai: kitti:
MONKTIIAN'tsio.iloo PKKSiiNM f" sH
iiesr lo-Uiii-niy to their Won- S 1
derlut curative Kllcct. 2?-i rutv 1
S -
; j jg
t. r s
1 J7
3 " 1
jj li.MV Ohl.Mi,
Vli.le of poor Hum, Wlil-key, Proof Sptrlta. nnd
heli. Ll'iilore, it-H'toieil ai'l.-ed and aitcetelicd
In plenrw I lie tiieto, cilie-l ' I'linlc.," ' Appetl-
i l.'sOoreri-.
.i . that leid the tlct .er on
.. .Iril f Ufllfel
iie'i uud ruin, bit nro h true n.c-llclne.
tnaile Irolil tho tiltlve l.eula and llerli. nl Cull
tornts. fr'ic Iroin n:l Aleoiinlti- MlintiUnt. Yhcx
arelhe(IKK.tT III.) lull l'l Hit IKK and 1.1) h
ill INt) riilM il'I.E, a pcilc'l lienuvaiir
aiid Invlirorat-tr l itm .sy-teiii, c.rryui- f all
Hitii.tmi iiMiiur, and re-it.iriiiK Iho Id od to a
ho.ltay conilllloli. -i 1lr.'ll em tiko
IC i let k aeeorditiH to dlrtuilin, and remain Iuuk
1-j will lie itivcn to nn Inborn bV ca-c, pr Med
tin- ii.-nre m u not d-..iroyi-d by mti ernl p
or other mcoo. mill the Wtil oru in wui.i-d be-
t.,r lMH ,iniH;it...y an I Chronic Mie'imullam,
jniid tl-e I'.iint nl repair.
and ) u', Hi-i ep-ya. or Indiae-ilon, lir.lioua i
I Ill-lull tent, aiiil I n lei mil tent I e vera, I ilneaaea ot inn uiiiiiaiuty an i
'llin til I. I.ner. Kiln. . and 111 lor,
1 naiere hat 1...11 noi-i miceciiil Mich hi..
1 1
i l"e ll. Iilstet ltloo.1 whenever you lln.l
Mir lui"irliiei I ur.Hug (hn ugli (he rkin In Plm
! tie., i Mi.ii..nior, clenre 11 wh.-n you llml
II oli.trueln.1 aud aliiui.-b In the vclni -, i it
1.I...1. It I. I. .til -....I v.. or l.-cl.tua Mill lull v.iu
i UrBi.ii. ....
n hen III. I. ml, ind your f-clitit w 111 tell ynu
when. Keep the Mow! put and th health ul
II.O - H1LH will loll'.w.
PIN'. I APK, and ntlior YVfiR TtS, lurking In
the a) Mem of ro many, aio ellci'luilly
durtioye.l ai.d n moved.
.tiriioyc.i hi.ii ri mnvi-.i.
lu milium, I. eminent, and Intermittent Fo.
I l m I Hurl ... ... i ! or I ll I . ...
tl nia roan carenu y the
u-ulnr arotin.l each
oolite ptinled to ..ur lunguuh'O '.ngllib, Ur
uiau, Flench aad r-ii-inleli
J. WAI.HKB, Pronrlelor.
iii ( iiimeree hi . N. Y.
; l,aW
, '.Ty"1 ? ' '
Ik.ALi.Me. i.urio-aui
r 1 - i
5Fis I
3 -.
.. Z. j.
- u
e e
i 5
fa a!
8. e...MM. .;
5 . oiS wiKSg
a --r f o ?
M t4Sk rS tja
. 8 t)
Illltrlct. Col lector' Nine. Year.
FraokllB. Jehu Deachel 18M
Besver. Abiabaui Wagner. - lts)
I bapman. II. A. Itolljr. Imt
Jaeob H. Lealg. ImM
Fraaklla. J. W. itiBur "
t T 00
104 41
4'J 1
tn n
S 47
44S ti
itbu a.
Audlter1 pay Sir lblr aorvlce
too 00
ai. Alleuaa, Audliu g eounty lUBoa I 00
irnse BLarriaa. . aiwa 1. iia.
Payor Flil.a Cdlcera, luoluding
mileage of Melurn .ludgre Slat IT
Pay of t unaiablea, advoriUIng and
rvllig uulloa 43 00
291 IT
Ajeaa' sat.
For sertrlotilB making alioratioa fcl 117
E b
car J
r X W;l2
I - ew . :j t
B -l33is.S.i!;ilA
H 5 3
1 1
tt'n Jnna-o " . - - IS
CoasuMos ail. It serving aotlta k si im
r ti
Aet'ri for siaklna Military retnfUs Is April 11 T
mvisiov orrMAFHAa ve.
Surveyor, Viewers, a , for nrvlrsa 111 M
rosTaier iTTomiT'ii sen, avc.
fl. T. fsrka. Milt of I tot fur ISO 111 0
Hepalra Id office I an
IU to
rnrsT txrasatl.
Feb. Term Orsnil Joror 1T0 IT
Petit Jerori ai tu
Cnurtl'rver l&u
Tlmtave n 21
Oeo. n. Smith lor 13 meal for Jaror
by order of 'curt j)
lontianio ifoiarno as 4
-14 eo
May Terra Oraail Jnror 1 is sT
let 1 1 Juror Santa
Court fryer 13 60
Tltevei Kit
Lonilatilo Return i;,7t
-6iT ei
Sep. Term Ornd Jomri Sjl IT .14
rem .lurnro o-ii 7.1
Court ( ryer 17 W
Tlpeiavet M 2ft
CoueUblee' return a 7
62. ot
Do. Term Hrand Juror Its la
Pent Juror 7 dl
Ci art Cryor 16 w
Tltavra XI S
Coaeiaiile' rtturnl M IS
r 1
Hiram Rchwenk for cltanlnc Conrt lloos to ou
cot-ar Snm riPRseen.
Jsek Rowerioi, hauling tow lb ooal I 00
John Young " ' " I vo
r A 1.1 lioiemter" " - 4 00
Inr.el lUrlinmn " aiOO I i)
John P. Walter " 6-') " I a.i
.1. I'. Silioeh " WW7 " S
Ker'l k llelllir. rhalr for Conrt crier lo 00
Milnilel ai .Hiiir.lrd for materlil lor
remirff of chair end window l-llnila S 14
Ti ll Fwlnerord. reea'K chel , blln.'l,
o . ami eeven offli-i sltrn it SI
Albrlahl Malneloni, l.rirk end fling
water con Me in Cl hue lot, ho. il ST
H. I". Hover, 1 re fr mm lot 17 ID
K. I.. Hultllni.-ti.n. lenlnc Ireee t tt
A. J. P(er, IreigLt fco. on Uocket,
and limie fcn. t SO
si Wft-eniitf er.-or mnterlnt for repair
broom, bucitete. liruehe. KO 32 II
I. stock, for labor, cleaning Mr.
Kremer'a lot
1 M
John ,l Smith. SO feet board
Hlrxm Schstnk. plantlra tree
II. Hulr. reiielrma I --ka at door
Mam. Moyar 2 loail kindmig wo d
J Im Moyer 1 " " "
.IchnO Nt -utter. 1 potent Pomp
.1 W. lroee. f.r e.
II k H. s. scii.M-h. f..rciel 1 7
WueB:eller fc h- a lses
9 no
1 60
4 1st
1 :
I 60
11 Ai
3V 74
W 41
rnaxiosiriK ta orrici
A brali am J- rer. late c'ooir. I'-M M
.lo-cph Wenrlch, 410 10
John J. Maltern (to 410 00
1-nnc s LunKacro, do 60 CO
A J. Peter, clerk to do 400 00
H T. Paika, Atty fur do 100 00
I lit Ii. Mallonery. Potag ko, I 44
ii l u- ..1 . w.i.i .
1 v.' ii.i. 1. ,',,. .
P. SwinctorJ talilf abetving ie
in vault
Milndte fe. Swlnefnrd. bill for paper
Ink. Penaand Sundrle for umo
and ( 'ourt l!oue
S. Wittenmyer, for llroom, Duck
t, stAtliinary ac.
J.-.b A umn. I, p, M. Pnatsa la
A.J. Peteri lur Idol l.euJ pencil
I9 60
f TS
4 CO
lel T3
rnoTnns)nTAS.r"a orvica
W. O. Holme., and oiktn, t'rl(ht
on lioeketa ho I 4 TO
J. Croiiae, Proth'y. Fee lie for 1904
and part of Una 22 04
F. W. ,-chwan, Mntlnnerv. Ink. ha 4 64
Milnd'e ei rOAlneinrd, smilnnery. 117 ut
S. it lititntnyer, llromna, do Laaip, 8 64
.1. W. Iree, sutnlrir for oPAeo S 77
J. Croiivo. Protlry. aad hi bill for
Fee lur Istti la part M 10
la t.v
ssntsTta Asn RcrnanBR' orrica.
S. II. Schui-k, Mampa, fielcht un
l-.ckeia ho. III
8. H sckuck for Bllnde forlilanOloe ; vo
do tnvaloi.ea and fr.laht
on Docket 1 el ,
8. Wlttenuiyor, Material ho for dtik
Iu ouic 1 7J
13 14
FHvnive'a nmi'K ran he.
Panlet dor, i-berlll. I. lie of Fee ti w.l :
Keiiioi Ihk Jacob llower to telein
r-eiiiuiiii -ry f 7 J
Feo lur noticing Juror to Fbru-
.y I arm 36 M
I.ockaK. Iioardlnir Prtoner ho. a bn
lio an I fee an I urnkey Villi
lloaotliig r.oner I.. I lnherefdayi ai i-l
" " IraChapi-l si fl 1-0
" " J... .-i.rliiiccr a " 1 01
" " Jno. 13 " a t.J
Siiimmonlng Juror lo Mny lerni t eo
to do " Ncpt 3j oo
llonnlltg Priioiier I.. King M it) It'a
" " Hilar lino 46 " SKI fo
" " A .1. Kecr f " 8J :.o
" " F. Chubb 7 " l 6J
Feci and I.ockaire 17 .'0
iimnii-rloi( Jurnra to Iie. Term 36 10
liuar.ifng Pri.otieri Fee. h I.'M'k iire T 61
" " F. I'l.ui.b ou ilall 4.'i 00
" " t. F. Waller Vi 11 uo
-192 2s
aoAn asp PRinoe riswa.
Asr.m K (.ill and ulbera, Kuad and
Kiel, u tern. '.S0 54
rox scai rs.
J. Oeurhort end otlieia It.r f"i lcal l TS 7
IAIL IMifcll-.lll.
II h . -S Hclnu h, L'uul lu lBO--tih9 4 ir. oS
w,.-i,.ller h Mm " 14
"rt ni,iet,dur, cleaning Jail Iui
hauling Coal fo, J.i. "
. istsi Hum. 14 40
lit Mmhi. IS
j. (, ,ic. enlrir, hauling I load
,,,r.l b.r )Vn. 1
.,.t,4:. itnr.inger " 1 load Coal t
,.,, nn;tiner " t ' "
I ... i. . .... K. III....
J. W lineal l..r paltlavt tnea ho
- avid Knu.-b " r .nr. at .i.ill
.Inch lent " Coal Inr Jell
Philip suOih ' won) ' "
J.ibn A Klnhltiecker. for hauling
1 07
4 0-1
at. -ne ..r .lull ell In 167 ) fo
s, Wlitrntnter for Hr....iu. Lamp, he 3 40'P'i Itiiwi-ranv one I nrd nt aiiuil 3 oo
ieo. thuaian hauling 4700. Cual 4 70
III 01
Jnr Cnnirr.lrili.iiera lur their ser
vice tnelu-.lng Clerk S To 00
nr .v. l tsniieKioiisT chool nn h t
Daniel Weir., k suive..r 16 ou
A K. MI'l.'le.norlh, c-iiuuililloner 4 60
llehry l lsli do 4 ''
1 wo chain carrier 3 00
I J. Crour. prlntlntltig, per contract
11 seniles o-er-i h Dili, Court fc tlecton
prnc a by older ol "herltf M)
Kaoeli.n. Fjtudll' h Appeal so
rJ-siS, R. Srhuch, Court aad Flee. Proc.
8'i J.Cruua.
l).ht'.F..Vloyer " " MS
do Anptal, Iic a Kg 34
V. Wlrlck, pub Heclpt and E ti
do Uo Court tleo pruc 41
4 CO
road naMAoea rain.
I.aae h Jacob .Uurr, Wathlngtun tp
! J llendrli ior()iigler'htrf,M'nr'tp 174
Henry Keener
7,l hJ.J Imyer, Waahlngteu In
laas h Jacnb Slorr
- . lieniaioln Fliher, I'eun '
rniun rtliemn. r em" ion u.iup
Samuel Flrhaa, ' " u
Jacob Fiahar, " ' 46
710 00
Paid for oi.iirt ol ConvUla John Hal too
and Jecub llower M 10
Jf. Moyer. building new brl.lg aero Ma-
W.App, plan h auerintcndliig aaino IT IN)
Kiln Slo)er,lur stnnewuik at new
riellnigrovo krlitge, -er cuntraet IS7I 00
N. Moyer, for eilra labor KO uo
lu rl.ra-pii.g V 00
do Pslutli g lama brlitg k uo
W.A.IIell,uperatiui!ture " " 1770 OO
W.K l ugsi grt. Isbnr, hauling, ma
terial, ha lor repairing bridge lo
liriver tnwnrblp SO 01
ILL Kaudeiibuah.ahlngtu.nalli.boardrTiSl
J si. Club. lor ebliialoa, nslla. ho 140
Peter Hollg, reparlng brlilgea, abov, Ai'P'f. hrame avllle,
elln. grove and Hurna', Inoludlug
luinlier, hauling, carpenter work, SIT
Myr, Hums, h liuwea, plank aad
boa nil for a-iu. 234 SI
Wenrlch a tin,'kimlthlLg, Iron
ho. lor Hurna' bridge 34 M
a. W. Wtirluh.lbor,hct (am brldg SO pleral Krali'vl " Saa
Carey h hchnur, and olhera, for
lur lumber, nail ,aplke,tone. haul.
In. Iiuie. uaaiioaork, labor ho. at
a Lung Huiaa',11 uiluger' and
Kat.t brlilgea tat M
P Ibdlg. SlUng al Mlddlab's brldn g AO
N. sloyar, wklwwaahlog hew brldg
at l.ellor' t M
H. L. Kaudenbuah.nell, paint, oil h
fur rep'a at brldue near Adaiua'bg 1 61
Jaoub Jarrel ler ailing at beliungruvo
aad l.oug's brbigo S M
leaao T.'iiaangat. uiaai-awork 37 14
JoaH. I'lrh.rep'ng brblge near Joha
lioiMl'a la Heaver townsh u lal 19
W. N Klerter, labor al bridge aar
Mnook' In Heaver townahlp 11 41
B L.tlaudenhuib, ehiublt auj nail
Inr aim bildga 11 TO
Henry MreMley. labor at linn IT U
V. in Maikley. hauling he at aai 4 00
Fred H"llg aud olbera, uiatarla) and
labor Inr rop'ng bridge al Wetal
In Mbldlecreck lowh.blp 141 Ik
Abr'm Herge, hlllog In wiogwalll at
bridge at kelrer' Mill U 00
J H l'l.h.foi maurlal.carpenler work
h at bridge In Uoavor low aalnu SO IS
niaBinngo iivr i.nvr a liu w
ash Hurcauati.
Jo Dnwro, pour tas, Frauklla tp 1.40
Iaaao Heaver, rcbuol tag, " '' Sua.
W It.lluweraol ' M.7T
II liutur, tag refunded, Sellnigre
J l) Urayblli " " Weal Perry 1,1
ban'l iiiefeubab,rdaiptloB uioueylo.ja
lataraat p'S aa varloo iDtaraal baatia
to J Onrt on five order for vartnaw peraco T,c)
" tor glow aoTaaeeii in ooaaij 11
Intereit 1 Jaaoary I. W V nt
Abrahlm lr k ant' No. 101 of 1 IH
W. H. Snyder on order or a7 end I) ent
Albilfht Flnfordo Mr So 5W7 of ' las
Paler Fraln a vartnuf order ef 'r? A '0 T.4
paarw HtrrrternSMorieT 1.4T
O H North cn order No. t on . 0
P. Hwlnemr! it 4'S do I T
J. ft. We-nrrcfc to tlofl 0
nl.n Wearer do SI do (U
mieharl rrkoekon kIo order k H
H H. Kmllh ir order Ko. tf 1" lar
Abraham Pver do if la ll.
Jamb rilelnlnrerea three nrdera I 7o
Hea'f A. Failth on Iwoonter to.ff
J 4'm) on order No I of ISS0 ,7)
Jaeoviflree m IM advaaced lo oatt
Inlereat to January lal 170 at 44
Wm. Halo for latret 4 tl
The Comtnonwealih Ibe followln per
on, for which lbs county paid eot. la wit
Marian I!rnhrl o isi
John W. Orwig t 7ft
Jnaeph Fjaier 3 43
I). T. Khod SO
J II Rauhensttia 13 2U
Jacob Dower 44 41
H.'3roei and Ed.'Sltlalrgtr 45 40
John Walker 29 Hi
Hoherl rJohlotman 8 M '
Hetty Poweriox 2 40
Levi Filler 8(2
John Foj ft N Reua 2 Cd
Mavid Sleffin 2 60
Reuben Snook 161
Jefferson tlowemnt 4 84
(leorg & Aaroa Wiet 77 14
Dlller drove 9 17
A. J. 17 4
Hamurl Krebb 4i
Lewi King 18 (SI
Richard 8nder 1 10
8in.on Shatter 112 2')
Stisin Pojcr 4 01)
John Pprich 2 7U
l.snier. Meek, t. al. 6 41
Wm Hummel & YVm. Munr 6 t4
Wm. M Allison 1 15
Frederick Chubb 1125
Ir ak HerroU SVi
43C 71
T- H. Warner for inquest en
dead bod) of Ahr. lliau, ef
Jackson lowniblp $17 30
9. A. Wettet. for Inqtieat en
lead bodjr nf Noah Aig!r ef
Ueaver loivnihip 1J 11
8C 11
D. S. Boyer. Kipcnae of Sny
der county Teacher lnnl
lute in Dec lb8 $ 7 89
J C llncber, Esq., legal r
tit e in Ihe rate of (Mini
grove bank against ibe Com
ml tvioncr for Injunction
In restrain I hem fro n col
loeling III on Hank Stock 8)
d. Weiiick. K s. ., legal nrvlc
iu same caio 15
A, J. l'eiers, ranking Ettra
t'tntenif ut lo Hoard of It
enne4'uiiiniiaiour at liar 2J
John Voun. fur Slsmp lo
CiUeetor Hon I 1
A. C. r-iuipson. Fan., for legal
services in Kami bridge
euro and also in going lu
ll'iri isbnrg in reference lo
riato hii.'i of County 47
ll. T. Pni k, eipnse in goiog
lo Lewisiotv ia reference lo
the collection of com of
8nyder County in cue of
Hmler va IV 11. II. Comp. ii il'j
II. T. i'niks. rtpenaes, iic. in
going lo Mitllin'own In col--
iimi of com In ease of
brook va. nn. IUilroaJ
Company, and other cues 83 0
Oeo.C. ViVlkcr. aemenl No
2'i of Lycoming county Mu-
lual In iiirance Company 15
Wal'tr App. Jury fee in ibree
cuse paid by Juniata cu. 12
JtS.bTy i0
We. the .uifcrllra, Connntantinori la and for
ttiecunt aloreaal.1. 1'0 certli'y, that tho fore-Koln-
eiateiiieni ut tho Iteoelpta and Kijiendt
tu-e, oi the aal.l eounty for the year Iseu I trua
i il c.rrcct a ruled io th boat ol uur kuowl-
O.lL'0 hd bel'l.
(iiten under 'oar hsndi st our office In tha
Courthouie, at MMdluuurg tbt 4lh day of Jao.
nary, A. il. UTu
Josarn Wbrricb
.1. .1. MaTTana .
I.aac s. LoNOAcaa
Atteit: Comoilaaluaar.
A. J. Pktsr, Clerk.
TREASI RKH'a ACCOI ST. Gros Treasurer, ... accouut with
Si.y.ler cuuuty
IMli) I)B.
Co amount of Tnxe otilalinding
for lScfand previoti year $412230
To ain't of lnea as.'d for 18U9 17U13 7J
t'nli teceived of Mifflin Co., coal a
iu cuse of llutlerv. I'eiiutylva
nia U. It. ( ompany 473 81
Cash received of Juniata Co.. eols
in ease of Hook v. l'ennaylva
nia It. It. Company 500
Cobb received of Col. raiton (axes
enleied fi
of f undry parson for
taxes emered So. "2 81
of 1) Kangler Ildmp-
lion money. 11 85
f 05
liulauce duo Tresiurer Jsa 1, '70 781 83
22,877 78
Balance due Trnurer on Deed
of unsealed Leads stated below
60 OA
Total 22,a8 ii
Total amount of ordeis
leaned in lfrflO f 16 438 1 T
Pcilueted orderJNo, 1
and 618 re named 307 17
Aelual ain't of orders
remaining ' 16.(14100
Order outstanding of 1809 2,820 12
18,220 88
Order of lPfiP and previous years
paid by Traaauror 2,230 SI
Hy )asb paid lo rti Tresiurer,
on mat las of 8(i8 100 61
Ay amount due Tresiurer al laat
r'eitlement 1,669 27
Py Commisaioni allowed collect
or of I ShO 850(12
Hy Eion-rnlioni " of '60 17193
Hy am'l of laiea oulitanding " " 8,481 11
" do " " ef 1868
nd previous years 439 2?
Dy Eiononlinii allowed enllee
lor of 18ii8 k prevloua years 127 45
Hy Treasurers Commissions on
I5 457 89 st 8 per cent. 46172
Hy mistake in addition of orders
of IHOO 6 43
$22,877 78
Dy purchase money ea all Deeds
for unaeaied Lands sold June
9 & 10. 18I.H, lo various par.
on Deed transferred lo J.
K- Hughes tbo new Treasurer,
60 C5
f 22.939 41
To oulitaadlng order of lrV19, 92,820 12
.1 II . .1 JftyS
snd previous years 2,677 81
To aw l dus Traurr Jsa 1 '70 842,48
,44) tl
CO.Vr.4 CR
Hy ntililanding last of
18U0 13,481 10
Hy niiialanding tax of
Ibbtl at previous year AM Zi
8.910 41
Cminly In debt Jan. 1, 1870
2,400 OO
We. lb underalgntd. Auditor of Snyder
County, Im certify, that we bav carefully aa
amiiiined and A aimed tbo foregoing aceouat of
the Ciiiuiuieelonera end Iraaauror of bnyder
(luuoty ourdlng to law, an that w de tad
the same true and correct alaAd.-
In ttatlmouy wtirof w bav berosntosetoar
hmda, at th Couinilslonr tiQe. IB atlddle
burg, th lath day o( Jaauarf A-1). U70.
IUbibl liisrsaaaca
Umit Biara
Mabiis L.kWJoaa,
tiikaaugkhia mW.m. )AmJ?
1 aUwia.rly ee.Mlaieaiiedeaar eWt Jl SS