BATES OF ADVKRTISINa. rtlihl every Thursday Evening by Onccotomn one year loo.eii HH.IHI 15.01 78 tflOtflrt A .EFmit. Proprietors. Terms cf Subscription, j i urn Int. I. column, one yeir, Ouo-foiirtli o'.liiuin, on year. One riinret (10 line) one i'usrliuu Every additional tn.erlinn l'rofraainnnl ami Unsi.s.j (if tint more ilian fis litis, pir ysar 6 o.OO two dollars rr.u annum, wlibir) six roonili. nrfS.CO lr tint piid 11 Uln Ik year. No paper discontinue! Mil all arresrage or raid units at Auditor, r.ii'cutor, Adiuiniati niur an. I .1 laignec Notice J,V IMilnriitl ti.iiieea per linn I", Al! advertisements fm- a hnrler psmm lli. til mi ver are payable: at il, liui llnjr are're.l. mil if n.ii Iihi.I ihej.r snii i'iiiit Ilium will bo bil.l rniiiii:i!if Ui op' Ion of lb publisher. Sulwcriptiuu outside of tho county PIIYADM IN ADVANCE. J57 Persons lifting and using paper no; 2!! VOL. 8. r iim lii.inuy. THE POST 111 fi II if aJdressed to oilier beoom titieribr, sad are liable fur lb price of lb paper T r. CnONMILLEK, J ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middlchuru, Pit.. Offer hi professional service to th pub lic. Collection an J nil oilier professional isines entrusted to bi) car will receive prouipl attention. fJan 3, "07if AC. SIMPSON, ATTORN tY AT LAW, Selinsgrove ri., Offr bit professional servic to III pub lic. All buainert entrusted to bit care wiil b promptly altvudi-d in. Jan. 17, '07ll JV. KM OUT. . AT1'J1SKY AT LAW, l'lvi'litrg Ta., Offer liU I'rofseshinsl servic lo llie pub 11. All husinrs entrusted lo bit care will be promptly attended to. Jan 17. CTtf WiL VrtN (IEZEK, ATTORN KY AT LAW, Lewiabuvg Pa., f)ffrs bl professional seme to th pub lio. Colleoiion ami all oilier Prvfersion- al business entrusted to bi car will ie- i? pmuipt addition. i'lw. r. MILLEU, V AlTORM-Y AT LAW, Lewisbtirg Va. Offer til Professions! service lo Ihepil lie. Collection and all oilier profe-simi I busines entrusted to bi car will ref miv prompt attention. Ju. a. 'I7i T M. LINN, V . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lowialntrg Va-. OJr liU prnfesslcirnl service ti llie piililio. Collections and all oilier pro s....;.. ..1 I.. rnirualrJ In ihelr cure till roeivprumpHitcniioii.Ju. 3. 7lf f 'HI.UlLr.S HOWEK. V ATTOUNr.Y AT LAW. Si'linri". Tn.. Offer hi pTofeneinnal eiicc 10 llie pub I. Collection and all oilier profeinal ueiueaa eniruiicd lo bi car will re tio prompt attention. Oltce two doore aurib of lb Keyioti Ilotl. Jan 6. '07 SAMUEL AIXKMAN' ATTORNLY AT LAW. Solin"t?rino Tn Offer bi l'rofeanlunnl erlcc to ihi public. All buinei enirueied lo hi r will b"protnpily altended 10. Col Uoilon made In all paria of lb Siale H.cia it oik lb K.ngl;h and llermnn lanruag fluenily. Ostce tetweon IUUV auj ibe Port offir. Ln. myi:i:s, niUHNEY i CCtJSEI.OR AT LJW MidiUebttrg Snyilcr Count y lVutiY. Offic a few door Weal of the 1'. O. on liaio airret. Cotitiiltatiuu iu Knpliali ud German language. fp.'07tl Jc. auciiKu. . ATTOUNLY AT LAW. LewiHlmr Tit., Offer hi profeeslnlial eloli ibe pub li. All bueinea eiitriutcd to bi can wiU b promptly attended in .Ian. 3. C. If ROVER & ltKKIl T SEWING MACHINE. rron In need nf a good and dur .hie Pawing Macbiu can be accommodated al reasonable price by calling on on Sam vl Falt, Agent, Scliuagrov. 1:. j. y. shin del. BURGEON AND I'll YSK'I A, MidJIcbur'' i'a., Oflr bit profeaaional eriee lo lb cil iten of kliJdlejurg and sUinliy. Mnrcb 21. (17 JJ F. VAN BUSKIK1C. BlitCICAl MECHAMCAL fENTIST Sfliwsrovo Tonn. JOHN K. 1IUU1IES, K-tq , JCSTICE OF THE TEACE, Tcno Twp., Snyder Co. T Y1T. WAONEH, Eiq., . JUSTICE OY THK PEACE, Jacknoj Townuhip, Snyder Co. Va., Will attend to all limine tnirusled to bit ear and on lb most reasonable Urm.' March 12. 'tiHif DR. J. F. KAN AW EL, r-UTeiClAN AND BURGEON, Ccnlrcvlllo, rn!cr Co., Ta. Offer bi prufcuional rt!oe lo Ibe publio. la8,f 171 W. SCHWAN.M. I., JJ BURGEON & PHYSICIAN, Port Treorton Fn. Offer Ll professional ertlee to th eitiun of Vlila plao and ticiuliy. He peak German and English. r April 18, '68 1 A. BOY' EH. Jr. AUCTIONEER, Fiecburg Snyder Co. Pa., Moat respectfully offer bi lereice lo lb publio Vendu Crycr and Auction- e. Having bad a large experience. 1 fl eouudeiil thai I ean rauder perfcol aliafaotlon lo my mployae. Jan. B, 'tl7lf U. ATTORNEY AT LAW k m DISTRICT ATTORNY, W1BDLEDURQ. BNYDEU COUNTY, Ta Offio In Court Bium, Hepl.15, 'C7if LEWIS JiltKMEK'S SONS' TOBACCO WAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRD Si- e,83 PHILADELPHIA. TktERCHANT HOUSE. 11. II. MANDEItUACII Trop'r. J. C. KU'E, Clerk ltd. Ill ' A 116 North Third Klrrel. Philadelphia. JILLER ELDER , . WHOLESALE HOOK SELLERS, KltUQtifm, Blank book MttDMlacturr 1 ud dealer Is Wrappiug, BlailiMc, fur. I tl and W'l panar '"e ! iq 0v SELECT POETRY. Tho Merchant of Venice. A TnAVISTtl. There lieeil In Venlea fnmcl of old fur ireet lil out in water. A crinpinir. alony bcnrll Jew, who bad an enlv ilmiirliier. Callr.1 bhylurk was Ihi Doted Jew, by rctt- m n nl Mit pate. Ilia ilnui;hler'a name waa Jof'lcd, ho lotcd her pft-mnK well, Uul wlieilier inure Iban "iiinnlnli'' 'lialinrd for u to tell. Done by there dwelt Aiiionln, a merrbinl fnme.l ami rich. Wlio iruflii'ked upon tho lea in ilino nnd "eirli ; lie hl a friend lUmmiio, with briini bui nary red." And he poony" on a sal and in noli inclined In wed. Mia 1'nrtia llie l n m-l ' name, whose did her rhnic-e In linflie. rut up brr f.nlune ond ber band iu a luri of modern rallle. To win llie prito llm-nanio wa hound lo rik hi" a". Tut when he caire In eiint th cost bin bank aceniint wm mnll Slraiirbt In Antunia be goca loraiae little tin ;" Yel be, ih.niiili rich, wia raihcr short, f ir bii "liip In. 1 Hot it'll in. Qunlb 1I10 Yenptinn. Ivl u bio mraiglit w iy unto llin .lew. Shylnek will lend upon my bond enoujli f.r me and you. Three lli.iii'and iluoati." quoili th J,.w, liuli a lnrire mm lo lend ; j You blackguard nil eonieiiinet you know, but now you Hn my Irlcn I ; Yell, I eeli llie nioiiidi for you, and tbiix ell pi II yon be bound ; Of Jour fiir tlrh. If you don't pay, you die nie elnitl one pound1" olo tho noiery'e forth liiey go, th Chris- lia 1 mid tho Jew; Thry aigu the bon l, tlio c:i oil is got, to pul llvaut 1 t li n-ii cr'i : Siraiitbt to Mi- 1'oitia s ho rob goo in , poeina array. , ! n 00 (li in r ninio. a'-ieiM aricni, tn. .a.s hi- bride awn The three month panned, tin bun U ciinii due. I ul ne'er in all tho hiln PiJ iiiifiiriunMo Antonio S'iccccJ in "trik Initile;" He did not see a fliip, though they'd shipped ninny sen : Tho wind ilinl blew bad luck to him wu a culling anrl of bn-eie. for judgment now !.!' no the Duko llie severnl panic Mun i Old Shylnek, with n pair nf elc!i and fl buii'lu'r knife in bund, DxKsunio. wi'li bi ducats, llimiyli Ihey enme a d.iy loo l tie. And Jttoniii. ibe nicriliant, nercd up to meet Ills rule. The Duko he make a pretty speech, ei- pounding well ill lnw. Declares llie l.und in foifeil, Ihocaso with. mil 1 ll iw. UnshHiiin ninkc wry faces, and calls him- aelf a lubber; Anliitilo, niajtsliO, bids hi 111 stop his di'itced tdnbber: The Jew he whet bi hulchcr-enifc to fmiuli up his grudge. When eu'ers Misircsn Tortia, disguined a a judex. Delihaaer J., she represent, while, to help along lh "lark." Ilir wuitins-niaid NortBca pcrsoniSc llie i-brk. Tlio b'srn I judge reviews tho cair, decides the Jew is right, lint hopes ihnl bu ll he merciful and take 111 enfh l eighl." -O wise young judge V old Shylock cries. a second Duni'l ihou Who ever w sin-li wiidotu 'noalh such a youthful brow? I'll not have the Christian's ducats from I hem he shall not pail , Rut as ita your decisiuu, I prefer lo take bia heart." 'Take then," the youthful judgo replies, "lak then thy cruel knife. Cut quiollv out ihy 'pound of flch, nd end Ibis cruel strife ; Hut if you shed one drop of blood, of Chris tian blond, old Jew ! lly all llie tribes of lerael I'll bet we'll put you through. No bio. d is thine, but simply ileb.nnd oul just a pound. I rather think, ni l skinflint, that Ycnltlan law yoi. found. Now cut awav. you rascal, and be lui you hit the thing, s For if you don'i, I promise you your car cass soon shall swing." Ishdnllhe law?, if dm lab o, I links I takes the money." "Oh, no you don't 1" y Mislres Judge. you're late for lhat. my honey 1 And more, for that you undertook to settle the Christian' bash,' Resides your life, the law provide that you giver up your cash. One balf shall be Auionio't Ibo merchant whom you bale. The oilier bait, Bussanlo's, the balance 1 0 lb dale. If you conclude to hang yourself, we hope lliaLyoit'll not lalier. And aa you're poor, the Stale, I'm lure, will furnish you a buller." Exit tb Jew. lb curtain fall, tb judge resume bur flounce. Lot smile on all lb rest of course, as tb fifth act uoouuceH. ('. W. 8. I'urltanJ Tranicript. THE TERRIBLE DRINK. Oh ! lh driuk, lb terrible drink. Making each Iowa and eity a. sink Of misery dire and fearful lo tell . Ol lb nuuiberlc victim sent 10 bell, bwcariug. Killing. Crime no lark, Tb lerrlbl drink make night u blaek ; Tb curse of youib aud deorepit age, Adding to tli list instead of assuag Continual drink lb druukard' jrav, Till it drags biui down lo an early gravis, Ob ! lb drink, lb borribl driuk I He lb child from lie father shrink A k stagger bom from Ibe uigbl't de bauch, Hi soul on fir from the demon's torch, liliudly. Wildly, Siuubling along, tlraied with driuk, intent ou wrong Aud cvu lb dug with a bark and bouud, Growls al lb niau aa b gropes around I TUI i ibe picture deny ii who cm, Of th dowuward slept of a lolleo una. ' One b fro from lb vie, but be fell, Nil. like lb auguli, from heaven to bail Kvll, 10 b mocked al, scoffed at, aud beat, Miugliug wiib filth In lb borribl street. 1'lvadiug, Cursing, Drsadiag Ik worst, Drinking still deeper, yet grsalar lb Ihlral Till b ioka aad fall, degraded and low. Iiicltlcnl lii Hit' I. He of CAPTAIN AMM:L tft aiiv ,V 8T0RY OK fotlT MACINTOSH AD URAUV8 Rl'N. Adotit tliirty niiKu Lutow tb prH tlt. fittr of rillKburir, anil wlicre !ut viT IIOV 'anl Ntiiinl all niH'UMit luri l-iiowu ni fm t Mclnto-li. It Imili !'J' a rcviiluliutiury enenil of thai iiiiiii". in l!n hiitiiiucr nl' 177". It wn one nl' tiu line nt fiirtn wlikh win in- l . inloJ I.) K'.mrl tin !o wli.i live. I 'inIi ! tin- Diii.i nviT, rr.'in tlio li Cjrio!i!t nl' llio'in to t lie imrtli wurl. Tliin furl Wni niic of the favnr iu n 8'irt id lim L'H'iit iinli.iii Hpy itml luililpr, Cuphkin S.uiiui'l llra'Iy. Al lliouli Lii 116 mi hi'.i.iil:li titra w i I'll inb.iri, tln'ii coiini.iiiir of a rinlo fort, uml a it-vru ur two r..ugh truntior tC'lirlluflti. I!r.i.y L it 1 r ni;(rr:itril wi'! wanl. or ritlit r h;nl 111:1 relit! tliithor in ITT"', IriMiteiiu'il in tin ili-tiiui-.ho.l Ivgluli I'i'tiii-vivatiiii. lli'.'inii'iit. ti 1 1 1 1-1 tic . coiiini.iiid nl (iou. i il llich iut llroi - .1 .1 I. .... ... -i .... :.. .1 . I ui-ii 1 in i.ii.v.iii i ui'ii, mi 110 epriti Di 1 1 in. M ititosu ri! tri'it imit ctiuu in:in l iii t o Win , Uioilh u l suit. 'c I i' I It in uu l rom.ii.K I ul r.Uitunv' un t.! 17l .S 10:1 tificr his aJvi'ti' li tho Wont. Uml v;ii hlvvctt.'.l C.lptuitl. He hinl m rvo l ut thu ei't;o of ISuainn, l"iii;lil nt Liiiij Islnml mil W'liilr I'I.'iiiik, ;oiio llirmijli thu whnlu ol' ll.r ti'r.'.l lo c u iii 1 nt 1 1 1 ol' Trot. ton mi' I I'rini'flnii, MilVoii'il ut Ynlloy I''or. 'liiniHii-hrit liiinsll ut I iiTiii.iiiiinr 1: 11111 iir:iti ty win", in i ti:irroviy 11. (Miicil ilc. 1 h ut l'aoii. Uul Ins l:it ; It'll ll 111 t tllO I'l'l'l t lo I Win fnv k 1 ivn u.i, u tUj liomior. I n-t.-t J. Ii;tt . ariv fdu.Mli.i I - Up )u thu uppi'i 1 . 1 . 1 1 i . 1 11 M. - 'lUcluit...:! bail .'..tiVnt-'il a-i.l Iu ve,ii)r. I luwo lax! re If III tin Vi'iy e:u Ii.'-t li'iyli io'I. Ilituin'i I ' .I . an will tli it iu-iiiii'livo hulroil, wl.i' li ii l'i'- .utiua in t!:o bjMsoiu of tho xvhii raco by huii.' ycais of i-onu ut mi l mr. ra.'i, n bitii'f iiiti'tiiiy w:m 1 lo I ho fiflico; jii thiit t'ir l lh 111111 Icr o! hii tiithor uml a ymi'ii r liroilu t liv I'm lu liiiii, iiuili-r trying an 1 tji lil'Io i'in uui. t'ltici's. lluviit. proiiiiai'il this tii'irli by v:iy "f iiitiM'luL'ii'in it l.rii.'i us to tin ovt'iitlui inortiiii in wh eli Hr.nly -t 'nl ff.iin bu t Mi lti'.o.ih tor l',ltlmr' 1 lo had with him liv.i if Lis t -1 1 -' jy ati.l will truincl loMowcrs. Tlu'-i aero ni t ut' ailii' l Li tho regular uriny. tti ho W !l rt, hut Wl'l't) 8''(.llli till 1 t-jiice, who bt cti Willi him mi 111:111V till expi'ildi di. Thoy wrru Thoi.ius l!c inptoii uu l lii'i'jiituiti .""i. reMli"l to follow tin north ern I'titil; of 1 ho (Hii . lii.'i ol j ;t.-d to tl.ii, upon the roiinlrt. u.i U- wi ll knew, tho w: ojs wcro luii of HaVHiti. -Itra ly l.owi't it. hii'l r so!vt"l to travel ly the ni l In liun pitli. uul having ii :uv iikuJ" u;i hiri ii.iii.J no I'uiisMi'raii.iii i'iiul'1 ilciiT L i tn from carry ini out his ctcrminatioii. lirv iiiL'tiui hail unci) implicit faith in nhility to load, llial he never once thought of (tn'itioiiinjr liin will. IJuito u 'Us.'U-muii ar.iso bi t worn I5i iui 1111J bin captain at tho mouth of Uoaver river, nhont 11 mill, nhovc the fort, an I wburo they mu-t or a tlio Ohio if they iliJu't want to euii tinuo ou the Huiilhern hiile. Uri-'c linully vaived hU objcetloiH no I I hey i roi-o I 1 ho f)hio ami wii'h habitual caution of who Ihinoii who fully understood their hurtinc. They hncl Ktartetl oui ly mnj by rapid trnvolinit they bad reachej, iro dooii came, tho lust pioce of bottom land on tho oortb side of tho river, bflow "the oarrow" Thin in where Sewiekley now slaii'lit. I'tiou this hot tout a pi oneer iiioro duriQ.' than miit others had built a cabin find opened a Kinull ripot of cleared laud-' Ho hid planted it iu ooru. and it thvo promino of u nioHt ubumlunt harvoit. But tia they approarhed tho else of the eli'itrina. just outi lo nf tho fetK-e, Urad.v diBoovoruJ "Indian ains" u he called iheiii. 1 1 m cintipuiiionrt dis covered them alun-t aa quick on lie. and at once in low tunes coiiimunicu led to each other tho necessity . of a keen watch. They nluwly trailed along tho side of llie fence toward the Imnso. whose situation they all know, until tho stood tipou the brow of tho bUilf which over looked it. A si:ht of tho most terri ble iioniTlilioo Diet their eyes. The cabin lay aniens of tmioitlderinu; ruin from which a dull bluo smoke urono in tho clear AueuHt Hiiii.hine. Thev ob served everything around it. llriuly knew it was customary for tho Indians after they had fired a g' tller s cubin if thero wiiw no itumediaie daouer to teliro to the wood close at band, and waleb the ttpprnnrh of tho fiyuily wlm uiiMht chance to bo aliAent whoa they ntailo the dimeelil. Not knowing but lhat they were even then lylnif close at band, lie loft' 1'ei'lntoii to watch ibe ruins, iy i 11 lt under cover whilst be proceeded to the northward arid Iti'ga south ward to make discoveries- Both were to leturn to Bcvinirtoa if they found i'0 IndiiiiH. If they came aoroas tho perpetrators, and I hey wcro too numerous lo bo attacked reeuhirly, Brady declared it his purpose M have mo Cro at them, and lhat should be the signal for both f bis followers to make tho bust of their way to the fort. All this rapidly transpired, and with firmly lo decide w to set Aa he stole cautiously around Ibe northern aide of the euclosuro ho heard a voice io the distance singing lie listened keenly and toon discovered Iron) it iutonaiious that it was a white man's, lis passed rapidly In the direction frmu 11 I i.i. 1 - I white intt'i. rid ui lino tiono, cumo iMowiyiiiitvn inn tmin Tlio binn Waa lint ol Alln-rl tirnv llti' Htrtlwarf, I'luvu, di-vil-iiiav ciio 8 tt . r, who hail hilill hiia lioim: ninny tniU'-i nw:iy Iruiii the fort, wlu'iol no ono tiUu wiiul.l Imvo daioJ I'J t:i!;i'!citv:ili'tt'l.'. mid ihn i !i!(.n?n. a f.uuily but h iusi-ir. Uriidy wore, ho most alwivs diil. tlio I if J -an tiuih mil h.l Wir p.iiut on Mi f n-e. Ho know Unit if In1 Mi 'Wl hiuiKoif upoii th - putli 'iruv would I, Inking liitn lo hn Ml luiliiii. . II ' llii'r.'lore Miilotv l tiruy i'ii.dlv In il'l't'llll'll Ilia I111 kin.' lilii. 1 . ll' 11 Mm Iiiiiii cnim lie Hprat. lui iVur l rr tin' HfltU'r coiiM Lit vi- tiiiii't'i prriiiiri'. drew Lift to in' a.vU mi l ."-cliiii: him I ira.--('i llilll ll 'ill! ll :.i ll' ll'"?. Ai ll.' di I ao In w Iii -1 eivd lo iii its : 1 I am CiipUiii lira ly ; for GolV .Mie be 1 1 it t " (iray, with tlio itit iuc: i vo fii'lin;: nl mi" wlm knew ihuro wii danger, ain! with 1 1, a, v'vid ptesenco of tniii'l which ehaructcriea lhoo ucipiiliiUd wiih fr 'llt'cr lift, Ci'iin'ti ut nin e lo hlWijiitle I'll 1 lioi 0 '1 id bi'-n atartl -I by the sud ih'ii mi" n ' I 1 1 1 . and spring to one s tl '. Dr.' he Ln I tune to leap forwurd Uia lv hi) linn by the hrollu. Hi loud KUoiling tliit n'eni' I lo iifou-e tiny o tn wlm waa near. Th' t'liplui'i sn.'ii mi bed ti e Ir-l.tetiud ii'iimal into i :iel. (Itay now burrid'y lu-k.'l Urady w hat thu il m;er v.i-. '1'he strong. vi.'lirolli spy IlKlii'd uwav hii fire uiiabl'i to uiiiwer him. The seil'cr already cxetcl loirs were turiicd liitn realili a. The miilily It'ilil shock iil.c an apin leaf, w hile lear-. ol' . li iii i'i ia largo dio;'i of wa'cr over liia briii' I lui'.'. Unnly iirniilted the iiii'u!. e ico fi.r a iii 'ic, nl whilst he led ihe hiir-ti itil i tln tlrckt't el'ae at i.llu. I Mid U' l l.ici. I, on be I'l'tiirn d I r.i v 'lll' to the ground and i great tl elnnl oia eoiivuLinn Wl ithcd iivi-r him. Urady n iic;! lo.icli.'J him ni l a ii I : "i'tlllll!. ' 1 1. -ay at en"e iir.ic an 1 ha 1 ipme but i few yai la uniil every trace ef cut i lion !.i 1 uppatenily vani.alie l. lie vtf i o Ion,; r liio bereaved 1.11a!. mid li'nl fa!!i el, b it he wis the s'lli'ty, Wcll iruiiu d buiiicr, whom: ear and oyc were ii'u'ely alive to every .iht i l" s il'id. l,o w.oviiir ol a leaf or ll.o ciiickii.'.' of ihe Miialle-t t jg. IK' ui siied to t.rocied tlirectly to wards llm li ni.e, but Uradv .I.T.'fl'il I . J . I" this, and I hey psaed toward ihe liv. r b.lik. As tlicy prnec) do 1 they saw fi'iuii the inoe. u-in priulauu.l tracks nf liorsi a uinu the wh re thn eaitli was mo. si that the pnty wos tpiife a numerous one. Al'lci thorough!)' exainiuiuir every cov.'f mid ;i'.Jo laec nf c nee'iliiii iit, tin y pasaod on tn the sntithwar I and er.m hick iu ti n! dircclioa t J tb- -J'ot where I! 'viugtiui hiood Moiiry. When they rcaehe l him I lie v found hat liij.'s li id not iciuriied. In a lev llliiilllea ho cam" uu l rep Tied that the trad wns large uul broad ; the Indi ans had taken no ptins lo conceal their trucks they simply had strii' k back into the country so us to avoid enuiin.' 1.. ...: i.". I : ... ...i i.. .. Ill lUliltllTh fito tnu pint-a vviioiii inn l supposed to lo lingering uiotig the river. The who'u four niw went to the cabin an. I carefully examined ihe ru in1. After u lonp- ti ti i tniiiuto search. Urady discovered that iieiu ol the in nui'cs had been euii-niiH'd. This au- iinuiiceiiieut at ouce ui-p..'li'd the ucst harrowing tears of tlray. As soon us all that eouhl be discovered bad beeu ascertained each mi of the puny pro posed some cuurac ol action, line do- ired to go to 1 ittahur.' and obtain as sistance another thought il best lo r.'liiruto Mi'lutnsli uud ei't bOilia vol uutecrs l hero. Brady listcnol patient ly to both theso proposition, but uri g quickly mil after tulking a moment apart with llrigs bo : 'Come , ' (iruy and Uiviuton ohcyel at once. nor did U gi objeot. ilrudy struck ibe trail and heirau pur.-uil in that lie niendioualy rapil manuer for which he waa so faiitiius. Ii wus evident that if the savages were overtaken it coul I only bo done by l ho ul most cx-riion 1 bey were some Icurs uhcud and truui tho number nf th' ir horses muat be nearly ull mounted. Urady felt that if they wore uoi overtakeu thut nibt pursuit would be utterly futile. It was evident that the luinl hud been south ot ti o Ohio and plundjie.l tho homes of the so tiers. They hud pounced upon the family of Gray upon thoir return. When tho nuist have been two o'clock. At least two hours had brcu consumed by the spies in niakiuu tho ueccsmry cxplorutiocssboui the bouse ero I hey approached it and iu examiniug ibo rums. Not a word was spoken upou the route by uny cue, Their leader kept steadily in advance. Occasionally he would diverce from the track, but only to lake it up a aide ir to iu advance, Tho Captain's inti mile know led ao of tb typography ol (lie couirry enabled hint io anticipate what points they would make. Thua he uiined rapidly upou them by pro- occdui' iicurly iu a straight line to wards Ihe point at which they aitucd to cross tho Beaver river. At last convinced from tho penera! direetion in which the tiuil lel, thai he could divine with absolute certainly Ihe spot where t bey would bud that stream, he abandoned it anil struck boldly acins ihe rnuntry. The aocu rey of his judgment waa vindicated d llie fact, that from an elevated rival of a lent! Imo of hills, he saw the lodi- ups, with their Tlotima just diapprj VaVn, (O il lliikliNni.) Ho coilnleil . tlicy elnwly hii'ii t In ir wny up tin? n !ccnt uti'lor tliu r "4 III tllO (li'lllllllllf ! ain. 'I'Ihto wcro thirteen wariinm. 'fiylitdf wlmiit wiT'J tiioiiutc.! nti nhor womni le i lcs (,r.iy e W;lc, "as iu the Th ' o Ida M'ptnoil foiirlu! to P'n.'i' ami HiviiiL'l iu ; nlihoti.'li Urn ly m i ll' ti ! liitn n t I lie moiiiont in y Iml " - I out nl'evht llrn ly aain pin!,.;. ; '"rwui-J with uiiflujtitu cm-ivy, imr mi in.i liilmw r. I i - i i ' t I o . lln ro i not a timti iiiiii'iv them whoivi iihim !. with t-'unj uu.l ri'id us wi,i;i-Mr l. finm ci'n i .o ;;n I ti. 1111.114. li ir.!- -hip and ocpiiaiiri'. II ray's h'i. bii'iii si'eiiicd to ilil ite twicu ils naliir il j ai.ll Hi thoairjlt of bii V. ife Itlllflili j ilrcn. Terrible w:u too voip'oati'-'i.' ho .Inst ai the mi t''t theapici rr. se.l i ihc slivaitl Ulrl be.'iiti til lis 'ell' I ih'i ..... 1... ..-1 ..1 ..i t 1 ravine, u was cvi ieui mat 1 in 111 li ana inteirled to ramp for tin) lii, hi aome ili-taice up a atii.til creek or run will' ll dclio iehui illlii ili aver river, ilioat two miles I'i'iiii lie I'lMtnni '.I fort Mi lnl"!i. and two In lo.v the ra vine. The p 'l owiii to the pen. It ular form of l lr' l vf land lying weal nf the I'leitvcr. at which I lie) el icited to encamp, win full ten l.iilc iVmii the f'ft Mere lie ie .ti a f.i wiria spring no (J. ,'ly mi l cillitiioIv Mt'l'itnii ill a ill'.' i 'tell, nil. I ao d cU .in . .'.. with il.i'l; in iim t iii it plica, ihtl there ws little il 111 :ir of diacov cry. liven they lirvJit I vl.t a tire (I'll C'lllld Hot I.J MID ol.O IiU Itt'd ) llfli The priic'c linirs of their 1 'ader, whieii w.i ild have b. eti tetotally iucx ' i it to a!i mheri wet.' paitiiiiy it not tuily iml.'rst I by l.; f,liiwer At least they 'li t ti"t le'ait ite or iptea tniii htm. When d.tfk rViu Ur.iJr .''"sh'd foiward wi.h a luaeh atipaioii een.y ua i.e inc nay Si I I'M I il l IV U'lla, It I i III'. (I I flit f I 111 - - ......w I;i i;;tns lui I j'lMt liii'Jli'.l t h i t liiro At. ) .!.-.,.! il...:. I ..-I '...:.. i I"-. i iii -.o ii. ii iii'io nt'iitai fie who-e Liiaioieo they ilituled aa much aa that of the Miiall pox, Mood ilium tlicni. Ids ('inly had been loft ll .!i i.ineo in the rear ut a cuivienciit sp j while I o ivl forward t reconnoitre I'Ihtl" t'.u v ri ::i.;::n.'d iiupatieu'ly for ' iblce llioi'lal hnlira. 'J'hi'V 'li-'.'llM d ill ll'iW tnliea I III I'Xtri'tl) ill-parity nl the j force, the propriety ol goin." to Mctu tosli f..r n-.-i.-tuDt t.. Uut ud ugleeil .I ... !)..! . 1.1.1 . i tnai it nrany orO'CiM inem toutiicK. aucceai W is certain. lloWi'Ver IMii'a- tieiit they were he ret utile. 1 ul licit 1-. , I.. , ,,1-iu in,,, , "-; iii.mi and chil.liel lay within a centre! of a I't'eaeeut f a laid by llie savages u I tl.ev slept. Their litiii.i were st ie... I nti i" the ri.'ht and ot th'ir tun-1 .ihiwks. They were i.o! iimre than tiltci n feet fi'"lu them. Ho had truwled wiibin fifty feet of them when th'1 aunt lin ol t he hoi'sea. uceasioiii'd l v the iiiiroaeh of wild bcat, had arm cd a number of ihj auva-is (rom ibeir light slumbers, an I he had been com piiiled tolieipiiet lor more llitiu un buur lor i hern to sleep auniu. He sai l bo meant to ut'si k I hem but ho must depend solely up. o th.' knife un I tomaliawk. He was to be iriu tho hluiiirh'ei on th" rijht, lii ay on the It-It mi l lieviogti.ii iu the cen tre, uud Higa should secure thu ene my's units. The dillicult utid hazzirdoiii ap- prnucli begin. J hey arrived v.'ilhiu aic.'tll, an I llie buu'lrcd vurdi q! the savu.vj, mi l then ' knew it ut a , lay iIou to creep berp'iil like into their dreadful circle. Just within ii Ui.'gs cracked a Iwi;, a hato savage, le-s asleep I bin his freibrcu. who lay within reach of llray ' toiualniwk, slow ly sat up as il startled into bis posture by tho smiiid. After roiling bis eyes ho ntraiu laid down uu l all wus still. Full tiltecn luiuiiles uitscd ere Hi.'L'a move I, then ho slow I v wont nn. Wlien be reached Ids plate, a very alow, hissing sound indicated that lie. waa ready. Urudy iu turn reiterated the snuud us a bl"iial to tlrav and Ilev-' iugt'in to U'gio. This they did in the most deliberate manner. No iicrvnus. uess was periuisaible then. They slowly felt inr lb.' heart of eiiob sav a.' a they wore to slab, then piling ed the k n i:'o. The toiuuh'iwk was not to bo used link Ihe knife proved lu cfll' lent. Not a sound broke the still lies of the uight as I hey cautiously fell and blabbed, uulesi it might he thai ono who was I'eel'Ui; would hear the stroko of the other's kui to and the gr.Mii nf the victim whom ibe other bid slain. One of t hem had not beeu kill ed nu'riifht by the stab nf limy. He sprung to hta feet, but ns ho rose lo about the war cry, tho tomnhavrk fin ished what the knife had bcuu. H' sla.'gere.l and fell heavily forward ou one who bad not yet been reached. j Hestartei up. but Urady was too auiek. his knife retichrd his houtt aud the tomahawk his brain at alinut the same instant. All were ilriin by the thioe spies, except uiie. He started lo fl e. but ritle sht by Biggs rant merrily out on the night air aud closed bs career. The women and children alarmed by the contest, fled wildly to the woods . but when all had grown still and ihev were called they returned, rernguitod amid their fright the tone ef their owe (suople. The whole party took up their march for Mclutoh at onee. About sunrise next morning tho sen tries of tho fort were surprised to aee tho cavalcade of horeVs, men women and children, approaching th fort When they reeok'O'a-ed Urady tb-y al ..n admitted hlax and ibo wbde parly Io lh relation of the eireunitaoee aflerwards, Bevinaiton claimed t) have two h'.o iniiiy. Tin) lliirlo.-iith. I5i jr'-f thi)t. Ffum lhat hniir ti tli-.i, ihi'nir i unll.vl tho lO'ly Sjiinir.-' iul tin ; "iiiuil run i eulli-il "Urn ly' Kn ' row, i'ti or tl.p limit curioii.i .i f Un- pooplj living in lim ii.:io;;,li,)t lion 1 kill.1 au'lil ofihi) c.ruutii.l tnc wliiri, oiil'.-rri'.l klp'-o iianin 1111111,11 wiiiih ill b. 1 r-'-orv.'il by trnJiiio'i fuovir 'lli n cii ImI 1, in! of ti,, in i.- t Ll'ioK fail I di In I lijl.;.i wlin li th! jrit .i; -py li tl tl.o Mivi,va. ILalioto i i 1'1'lcr i.l i ir.iu iiKi Ji :i'a, 1- in iry, i I .., let. J foii'.i aloi!. : i f i Xjili.riiti.itia mid advi oiiir .us r t.i-. llimi t!i.,t id' eitiu t Weti. or ll oi T K' liton. IU saw tiinr.' M'rvii u lli.ii. ilin'l 'il tliein. an I hii 11 uiic w.i. aa a by -word ol l. riur ainoiij lu iin, !:"il'.'i M .ulii iVjiii 1 1. : .S ja piu!i,ui ia Ij 1. ik r in. 'J'tl t'ulai' M-i. The Nf Yotk cerrespoiidiiit of th I'liiai leijihiil t'iCi icciin y relatci ihli Mi I t.iry : Thioiitfli li.c jrjiliy lh.' b mcil u.iil nlTer, tin i never Wns the l.tet more ili.-dii'a.itijy iiii sir.l'e I than iu lli. I.iio iim.-t nf ii .New YmU cuinteririi er D ie id (lie .e.-t I'lirniven ,u ib oiintry, it inil in ti.e world, sir-r.-leJ in h .i i lfiCc, w in re cviTi tiiin.' w. nl lo prove, nil i wheio hi! unre-erv -t. lly ini.l'i'Mi' l Ina y,u !i t,.u imiiij 1. 1. y br ikeu an t co.ii'iMfl t.i i,i tho ii denial. He wo a !'; ..', y. ir i. inaa! I ' k ti in hi, tb. hi .ii i.; ii ,1 .ij,. bat i! .jipate 1, I'Win, Jii.i!.u!y, lo the wn leh d lid-invas iu wlii. ii l,0 n ,a ei,i;,:nyi..l. Ho bud w,.rku I i .r any l',i., uii'l ljr tli) k v .1., uii.. ur i.i) Aie.l ,i ji 1 1 Ii.iii ing C'tliimtiV. us a .-.'iiilllr. I,,iiiel t rur.iver, uiel ii i:p In v.i.i.iu p,,, Wc.-k.-t ;u liteuiit In family. N d,r be. th.-aioa:; .,u M.,,j ,. 'tc,iL eriiiie id l.i. .i ! i., aure.v en l ity, , had I.e. n u k.nd I ither uu l I n ' I ... I . .. I . 1 I Uii till, UTI-i Hi' . IT i 111 I 1 hit I,., h..i,u. ; lu-ii!,.r lie v;i at ... Mil lllli l.'JiV lo ii i' a Uu l man, i !.,. i;.,.,,. ., C 111 l'i-''.,i,e,i ( lii" f.ti't I tia; ! .iili i !, w.,, um-ic,.' lor I tie i I a.' mi i an i it, ;.iu-t i i.e iptel hii:, 'ni. la wj- JoVi IV '.ill tiiin'lit. L.ti) i.r. a I .r hi r g lia invid i ii.i,- to i hj a." co in .t i It that i..' ie ', ; ptolita h .w Vl I rv ali.el, lor ni.e in th ir v 1 1 1 j an I Doner. I,.' l'.'i t 1. i.i i.ii I"V UL 1 ', U.I lake Ins C'lialK', s id liiim, n.-o gai;.s I al'a'.ig w.lli p .'-.-ivIe diai'.-veiy. ciuvic- tinii u-id the .St .le 1'r.soti. All. i hi, :ii'.-,.,t. in eo.i, i,..i.i' the Cl.ii f of the Sectot .Scrvii'u uii i ! uvo K li.orJiu.ile-, wo waa locol t" i to hi h ni.e a luaud, di ?j.'..t f.l, - ilit, wrcleh, and the nee'ie t.,.tt eli-u.. I nl , i,.. , i .m i.,,.,, i.,, , i us were the ollieer., I.i r.iii.i ,1 I ,..,;!. ;riei-, li'ju,:lit uli. Ut lo tin'.." suiliiuai i iiiiC'.i.-, iiii li-ini eoii-ci;:ic. !'.' nl ln.ti;e iiiirieebee tu.d leal a wu u.'lhing i.-w I' tililookol I n ; but the taiinlvs de . i ..i ,. apair i.' cc:. t :. nut euro lo uiiet the ira.:u of the af gs.-;o Iright jd Woman who nu-l tluio ut tin door. A biuul'lul d.iujhti r ut six tct'U lifted a while li dTilied fn e be 1 her lnuilier'; ullJilier of ten ahrauk uiruitial the wall ; a I ri.'ht iu telli-icul boy of sis aloud trja-dt d il. wonder, ull J u einikiig inUnt of tw.. e "lifrouleJ tbo miairablo litlur uud ll isbaiid. TLe i flk-iTs uoidi d tu t t" search the bou-e lor lie.e of bis evil deeds. Wile and Ireu were iun i l.iujr-j.rji-ticcJ ufli'-'cts. iti .'e. i no utiuaiiliv sib' s;u. k in t ' a chair, l'lii.iu ,er sliui.) Iii.tids one over tho oilier, uu l ssavitig to uu iro, she umaui'd ihe pit cry to heaven, " U, d'od ! w by can't 1 iio 7 1 Her wet lice was lived I c ueutU its tears, utid shrunk iind si, irj visibly, liknu face that is dying. Tear utter loaf till fiohi In r starin. e)es aud t'uliui il 'WIl her pallid checks lo her lap. Never cms? pultinii up b..- him I to wine them awav. tl.ev 1:, id:.. uud helpless on her knew, uud ih'e U.k '.,e tiirued on biui was titterlv br. kiu nearted. The vuuu ' daaiitee a,.!.. bed liautieally, "Oh, laiher ! lather i abut have you done'.' ' Then mruinc lo Ihe chief, " On, don't believe il, ir ; my latliar coul I ii"i do it." The lutit girlclnng to the olfjcer'a knecin child ish nit i va!)'. " Don't take my faiher Tin ! o prison, oieaae. picas u Mi u I Hi my U ii uiuler the bed, uud tiie baby crawled at it's mother' leet, whitaj. eruu iu iia I nglit utiL'i ite I The lather iis'k. d up' u tile ruiu he hud wrought, the grief ho bid Lroa ji upon Lis loved one4, and sob alter ui. luoke from iii. b s ou. 1 'ashing dowu bis uravcr, lie sai l. " In d cur-j u.e to my genius, ami 1 il never iitt it tigaiu l1' lie covered his lace, uud iu Ins tears, these who loved b-ni lush ed their cries. The pear vvlfelouul her str.-agth and voice at the pilwou sight, ami came aul put ber band gently on hi shoulder. "My poor, pour husband ! How could you ; how could you t riiu such em row and yourself such ni'sery ? It U Saturday nibl, and there is nei ther food uor tire ; they wid take you to to sway front us. an I oh ? wbei ahsll 1 do fur the children ? Who will pity nr help ua alter this T" " 1 expected sumo inouey to-i.i;bl.' and I tie lakiug trun ul ifcket a torn halt-dollar : " this i sb I have ; lake tt . and cet a little bread for them ta night.'' He put it ia her hand, but the tremb ling tinker dropped il unnoticed. " My husband in jail, my vbildn n tarvina I O U'-d ! what bat I dooe thai 1 utustsuffel an?" Hew tho chief a'errd forward You shall sot suffer; I'll see, tuadata. lhat you and joofc ojte. t. n iuaie io 'hinU you : ho ia j:u !ty, ju ilj. Let my hub.'itid,'' " Yes.'' Inn st mi' th '' tj t-r ; ' I ait) i2 i i It v ; yoi h ive th ) pie-s -a. pljie cveryiliiiii.. sti I k'c.W it, b'it I i loro ihe Aluii.'htr liii i t'n y ire inuueciit ; liny knew ipdhin i, ii.'' ' I inn jvrfieily well awn re if it," ii i.l the chief, iind n it wns t'l ii'iil to all. I hey flcpnrlt'I with the pr oner, .ciiv i ii g the ik.aokito Luiuo to ils lcari in I nnki'iiati. ll'et.r lamtd grief wai written on i vt.iin iiiV luce, il Kiii sthuip d i n thij j!ll-'.! f alnlfi nf ( .U'l'efleller'i wile, when ah,. ,,,!te. i.r illi'd en llm weeping clid Jieli ; lo reprnni-h utile ' l.u'.V hi 'ild yoi. Iiovr c.i'il I miu ' have sejii the br.v fniie.l into tnanv iovin,r hoiiiea', win-re ita l.pitd bv h a ri - e 'lit i runes brotig!it s .1 b ii woe, but never did I vtilti. -s so Inn rnwoig it '.a tiiia itd-i rablo ti.'i'aver'a dwe lin, "he k 't twiaiing her lingeri tnfeilirr, and t . if and ncu'iinr " lo in rrmv i Siin-ldV : oh, a '.b! at!i f.r tuc, u. i iiil in ii, my li u -t-Rii 1 ; ' .She wnan la ly l y eiiacali oi. l i t'l and aa, mi l thia bl,.v strii k ln-r lo loo i at tli. Shu c .u'. en lnni iti'l conceal proves !y, hut ih;i pr.-o'i i ii.i" the wnil I tun. i know, an I iln li 'tiil.le u'l'icl'an i ahil'U W ia Ie r. I i I" ut i.a In at she i,i(i.i. 'J':i,i S'at-i I'r.i'ii Mir.-iy inv.ti' t !. ti'li.r, and Ji.'.iih ihe in. oh r if t!i I'jcj aim ern - ! i : I to hi. e ll ih .t ..ibl...tli tiinriiin a nti in.b'N to the salh tin within. And the in i. r!il eye i.i.y. th" cmw. ii. a t'l.!'.'.'. and il.o : i t u I yiria. i. hit vi I h co no nl llit'.n .' fh' late cn'in iloit unr.ii tin to; o a fi ,iltt--i won. a i 'a hcurt tisaiiu ler, mil li t it l u e;..ini:ir io other vlu bavo a lui devote I hi'iniy u ji.-r.l iu ihcir d.a ,l..c uti.J run. Tl-lH. gm I im rala do not bavo their l.'i 'i iu tavci'iia niel Miloot.s ; I hey lo ii.i'j about sbnps cr I a!wa)a have u p i..f opini g i.i. tn ti t. I in u rhu'.r uti n U ..yi, Illll'J'JU'. imr ilj till vs. "I - V..U iiolll t,.eti g' mi ii'.r. ni u.uijiing Ins l gs in ii 'U'-ll I lit' is he 'ct a i-ivii;- . 1 1. swag.vri'ig til. Ill li tin IJ lUl V Uul' 11. ,111.1 : .1.1 Ie, ati.l ia si ru.,.;i' to ;i g,,,j w.irnau in vice ii v .i tue 1 lu ul ii.o-i iiere ol p aei a) ii ie i c i. i a "!il an a'.a te Ij etnolio an 1 i'ia vait.s, crack J"," ' " " "'' k'"'1 " yii u" r'' .. i.-. uinl you kiiow I ita aotlle oi ill, in i.-. I a I'l'. j.i late lor ) o l ihuu w bol r yoi;.- si-Uts. !i .t ' ul 1 '"vi! J-tu itiaio tl.vtn, wi.l iii. 1 lial a wid " aiiwn men to r..l .i li.'thili hi real li.; is'tion e xemptiiiti from their own sex. 1 1..)' lllli. k wh.. his kc 'f his hut.or aitcr al 1.I-. a li ii ov ti ttil 1" green" t l!.- I I .uia nn I tuc:iiy i itiV, .'ate let the tweet .. lo aa b ia ; an 1 tli.'V say a lhow that ws not o'.joy u tin.t e g.r or a i;ias oi'ei.-et, la ks iu thu itigtvd.eLt.! of wiiat ti ov eouat t .e a'V"jl Itll .v.. ' It ia ilia slieercat ti 'ncacuoe. ani the tn st ultnl) e la's i:y ih..t evr wl.ieiiel a yojug iinn .ut u it., n,t j,l, ei. I a Ui an " execileu'. jii'lo'' of u,eii. i.i.,; home if tb very best oiica it bia l ei n in) g-M'J totluue to know, have beeu wen ul' honor, geli eros'ty, lai'o I.c.iric.lues., saiypa'.hy, Jeep uud strung iu f.oiii'g iippiveia ttVC, puaae.'.aillg gooJ soie uud jule. incut; and they neither siu ko, chew, drink intoxicating Leverages, attend-liorsc-lacea, dc.iut iu the Witticisms ft.iocloivu o! a couutry eireu-, UJr aWear. I'lauL l looi a lor tloraes. The l iili.v.u;. iron ihe I'ineinna'l litizette, ay'.'tliij uo the sub " In regard to hurt" standinz on (are jiljnk floors htv tried it for lift ceo years, and never littered a stall vet. nor have I ever hul a hors or tiinlo to get lam by being 9 trcatel. I have at tinws left'atable fli.ra with out plauk, aul al'tervTit Ja p'at.ked ihctu for the reaaoii that th. horse do bet ter on plank floors, and the stahlca are easier cleaned Th y da not wear iu holes or ever get wot. I pot the idea Ir. tn a rper inanr year aa. which stated t L it in lln'ljti.l 1 1 think) 'hcv '"e sti iu H i ts for their stable, aa I ever lit tcr ibem.a'id they have souu lit born than any ether coutitrv. N ov if I was g'irti t baild a stable lls.r I wo J I.l ,'.t lw by f ti r inch oak aeanilin., nod lay tftem lengthways ut die stall, or the si : way tho h t s stund, and lettvo etnai. half-inch cracks between lliara. Selling them edi. way ayoi will Imo a do r fmr inches thick, aud one that will a'.w v le dry and c'l. The r'4"0 for Lying it lengthy of the h rso is. if tl should ever wer out it Will be where Mia bora stsuii ; con'tjunily, only a few piece need be taken up aod repairvJ. I would a'a-i bar the. flour two feel above gr und. if fMsa.bie, for Urrn and euiilitioo." NiTPorar m lliaroar. A youth lul applietnl for aivit'Scato t. teieh school prorD'ctl himself before tho Superintending ebol I'oramttt Ola town in Maine, aod atVr haviog aea- wered oorrertly aeveral qQestioaa in ma'hetuaiiea, be waa akjd . " lu what year did Colatubua discov er Amerie J"' Th yuuog mat paused, seraicbej hi hea l, and replied- Well, Mitra yoa'v) jrtot n sow I" " Waa It Wora or after the birth of our Saviour f coutiauard the eoaoiit tee wan. Tho youth, apeot Majt ia tbouxht, and il. raisiug hi baesj ... r v- : -