r TH Ov P O S T . ruMisktJ every Tloraday Evening by 1'MSS I LUMP.. Proprietors. -. Terms 6f Subscription, TWO l)QfXAK8 TBR ANNUM, Payable . within m montn. or r.',w ir nm paid within His yr. Mo paper diacoiiiiimnl until all arrearage are paid unlet at id option or tn puMisber. Subscriptions o.itsido of the county vnTAiue IS ADVANCE. t3r Person lifting unit using ppen Saltoaud In other beeom mibiorilirri-, and sr liulilo for tli prlco of lb paper Jr. C'KONMILl.KK, AT10RNKY AT LAW, Middleburg, Offer bl professional service lo lb pub lic. Cull I loin and fill other profraeional bueineat entrusted lo hi cur will receive prompt attention. JJnn 8, 'li'if C. SIMPSON, - AJTURNLV AT LAW, . Sclinngrnvo V:i., ffr LI professional rrrvir lo lb fnl li. All bunnm entrustca to In cavf i ,n k i. .it....i.i .. -l Jan. 17, 07ll J W. KM (JUT, ATTURMiY AT LAW. ! ret burg Pn.. Offer hi rrofeealonal service lo tlie pi r lio. All busim-a entrusted lo bi care will b promptly attended lo. Jnn 17, 'i'.TiI WM. VrtN gk.f.i. VT ATTOBNKV AT LAW, Lrwislmrg Pn., effort lilt professional act vice to the pub lio. Collection and ll other Profcnm- 1 buainee entrusted lo bia care will re eeiv prompt attention. Glo. p. mill Kit, ATTORN LY AT LAW, Lewisbtirg Pn. Offer bl Profcieionnl eetvice lo ibul lie. Collection and nil other profcramn el bevinet entrusted lo bi care will ti l eaive prompt elmuiion. Jan. , 'l"t JM. LINN. . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lewisbtirg Pu.. Offer hi rrofeionl ervic to the publio. Collection tii nil oilier prv fassloual bnainca entrusted lo ilieir rare will roeeive prompt nitroi imi. Jito. 3, '07 if CUAKLKS HOWKIt. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sclitisgrovc'Pn.. Offer hi prnfefainnal service to the n( ilo. t'ollcviio. and alt oilier .rofofiiuniil buiinea entrusted to bi cure will re tire prompt tleoiion. Office I wo dom e north of lb Kejreione llolel. Jn 5, 07 SAMCliL Al.LKMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Si'liiiHgrove Pa Offer bi rrnfei-(ilonl erlce lo llie puMid. AH biilneM eiilrmieil to bi ear will be prompiljr 8iiemlel to. Cnl leeiion nimle in 11 pari' of the H.ate. lie can apcik ibo Knpl'ili ml ilc-rmnn Wnfiiage fliienil. OQice bclwreo ll.iU'a and lb Toil ofiice. LN. MYKKS, ATTl'RNEI k COCJiSElCR 4T LAW MiJJlcburg Snyder Cutinty Prnn'a. OSic few Uoor Weal of Ibe P. O. on Main Mrect. Oiuulution in IUIk'Ii nd Oerinan Uniua!r. ep- t7tf T C. BUCIIKK. J . ATTORNEY AT LAW Lcwisliiirf; Ph., Offer bi prnffeionl aeicrio ibe pub li. All biiHinrn enirniei 'o bi care will b p-onipllT llcndcd to. Jn. 3. "07if (1 HOVER A haki:r 1 Si:VlN(J M ACII INK. Pereona In need of Rood and diii ible Pewin- Machine cn be accommodated at reasonable price by cillnip on on Sn l'L Kait, Ageut, ticlini-grore. fJan. 24. f.Pi DH. J. Y. SIIINPKIi, BVRGEON AND PIIYSICIAS, Miildlilnirt: IV, Offer hik prnfeaetonal eerticra to llie eit lieu of Vliddlejuri and viciii'HT. Marub 21. "17 J J F. VAN BUSKIKK. SVKGICAL & MECHANICAL 1'ENTIPT Ft'litiwrnVB rotin. JOHN K. IIUUIIKS, Kq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Tcon Twp., Snyder Co. T Y1I. WAONKU, KHq., e JUSTICE OP THE TEACE, Jaoksoj TownBliip.SnjilerCo. Ta., Will allefld lo all huainea cnlrualed lo hi ear and on lb moat reaaonahle term. Mareb li 'OKif It. J. P. KANAWEL, rilYtilCIAN ANDBIROEOS, Crnlrcvlllr, fnjitr Co., la Offer bit profcitlonal rtloe lo ibe public IJl V. PC1IWAN.M. IV, ' BURGEON PHYSICIAN. Port Trevortoti Tn. Offer bi profea.lonal aereloe to ibe itiien of thi pU ! vioiuity. He apeak German and Englib. April 18, '08 171 A. HOYKH, Jr. AUCTIONEER, Preelui'ii Snyder Co. Pu., Moil rcepeotfully offer hf rioe lo lb publio a Vendu Crrer and Auoilon ar. Ilaeini bad a larg xperleno, I fed oofldenl Ibat I u rtuder perfeol ilMfMnli.in ta ln ainlllovaa. Jan. . '7lf BT. PA UK 8, a ATTORNEY AT LAW k D18TRICT ATTORNY, IdlDDLEDCRG, BNYDER COUNTY, T OfBo la Court Uiu.a, flop!. 16, '7if LEWIS h HEWER'S SA'1S, TOBACCO WAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRD S1' 0,83 PHlLAUELnilA. M ERCUANT IIOUdK. 11. II. MANDKIIHACU Pop' J. C. MI'E, Clerk Ko. 411 416 North Thirl Hi reel. Philadelphia. Til ILLEH ELUEtt WHOIXSALE ROOK SELLERS, HUilunem, Ulank boo MtiauUoturo and dealer la Wrapping, Itlaiiipa, mr lain and Wall ppi Paper Ut (iea- ral Jub Prlafia VOL. 8. SELECT POETRY, now Wit I, IT BE. at t. riAT. When a few more year are orrr, And iliejr lay our weary head Low beneath llie !aiy bloaaom With Hie pale and peaceful dead; When ibo lip, which ofl hate kiaied u, hiiire, '-Ttiy will bo dun." to any, And they hide i. from Ibe annlighl And lb long of bird away. When our ppirila, freed from priam, And thrae feliering bond of :1 ly. Uprd. towatil the "many mauaion" Hpeed on tileleea wing away; Will the luted one tcno be fire u, Wnlrh on uur upwnrd il'icht? Fh-ill we roe their beckoninK lingers Prom the baitlcuient of light ? Will they mret ne l the gateway to hrn'we reach lit boiler Ian 1 ?' Mien we ir.wnblo nt ib 'ir glory H ill fiey lake na by llie hand ? Will I hey i O. fricn I beloved, IMgi im from the bin I of lime, W have nil. amoug the angela, buhgbl lur liueuiiieuls like thine ?'' f'mll we not among the inger, tWiilc'.hc miiiio final around, Rccogniie pome liiend departed .y an old, familiar tunod! Will not fiiiuilira united In theirchangcleai horn elyatan Know ench ulier, whru Ibe're gating With au atigiT perfect vieiout Will mil children gladly gather Round a father or a mother? Or a after ba-ie lo welcome home one who wna our a brother ? Will they n il in pleasant converge hp ak of earth life lit 1 1 alory Aa llir.v glide with fenl that tire not, Uovi'u the avenue of glory ? O! when lliey whose preeenc to ui teoiiu'ih needful aa the d.iy, Anwer lo ibe Coino up h.ilier" Of a voice they niuxl obey When they lo our bitter weeping ) Uftwer not with aijib or moan. But with pal band meekly folded In tbelr dreumlca rial, ateepon. It la tweet to think Ibat vr They will keep aonie mortal irnibHnoo; nd I Lai e'en among lha angel II can trace oni old rorcinblance. That luenrib name ihey can anawer V bile eternal cycle" roll And me countleaa year of heaven Make the lifetime of the loul- A WRECKED LIFE; oil, Till: EITIXT OF SLAXDEfl. Mr (Jrahatn cullJ oo Mm. Grunt nne iK'UHutitJy iu July. TLry were ItoiMiiilS, ttlid loved a lit il i)H!i. Mrs. (.irulliill) Real id liui'M'lf UUHl tile i'n'ii wiudovv, aud li'okvJ cut over tin u-r:.ut urdva to thn liulo wliit. Iiuiteu tieyciid. Wlto livi'g llicro !" U the query. "lnn'l you knuw ? Tneru i tho placo whi l u tho widow lit) son au l hci (lrtiibtflr live." -Alt! tho old and the young la.lv wl.osat iu tho west pow, last SuuJay ? ' "Yof." "Have you called?'' qucntioui'd Mr Qritlmm. 'Mo !" with cmi'basi. "Yen ; are you yoinj to neigLLor wilhtliuui?" 'I tluo'r awofiate with every odo " 'No, 1 Mippoau out tut are oui tht'HO tiion punple?" "No, 1 don't Hay they are not. I don't Ln'liwe iu lulling ill of my neigh bor. II 1 ccu't epeuk well ol'any one. 1 believe iu j tint letting tbeui uluue." -Oh! wlmt iaitr" "Oil, nothing much ; but I gucsa if you tsuw wlmt I eo daily, you wouldn't think of oiy eulliujt; ibeydou t nuiTor lor want ot company very uuicb '' "Who hat biHu tlicte f I'll never tell it," eaid Mia. Graham. Mr. Grunt shook her bead. LudieeP "I iKVur saw iiDy ladies Cbllin' there." "Gentlemen ?" 'Yea. Il'you call Stjuire Gregory a gunilcnioo. Sijuiro Gregory !'' Mr. Giuhaui lifla her Hand iu horror. NVn will jast whinper to the reader t hiit tho uia-oullno iu queatinu bore a very evil reputatiuo, having been, ut'ativoly speakino;, kitkod out ol oei ely long o. 'And you aw Mm really thoroT'V muned Mrs. Grubum. "1 it possible! Well, one canuul ii.ii.iuko their tlntiut ter ; I'm ".1ml wt've fouud Ihcui out iu sheep'a el'ilhing Mr. Grant ahella her peaa for illu tier, uud Mrs Graham rolls up her kiiiliini; wuik. "Don't bo iu a hurry, Mr Graham." "O I 1 have not boeu. lly the way, nave you put any )eui that you could aparo T Mine sou rod, aud 1 lh lo baka to morrow, if io.a.iblo.' "O, ye. tuke,a euplul unw, or tend Jwunluover for it," auhl Mr. Grant. 'Goiny up to Mr. Merrill'," aid Mr. (Jraut. "llure'a her ruagiiino that I bor rcaed litet week ; I buve boon trying lo gel John lo take It ; he like to read it a well m I do, but when he can bmrow he won't lubaerita." Mta. Merrill, u ariatooralip lady, alio lived in a "two niory brick," ureei her viaitor with a polite good mot uliiKi uud U.hei hey into ibe liiiK room. There la a euuoiy iu u uilded i-ae, who la irilliog his aonu very merrily, uud Ihrra are tloouiiuji ttuwvra iu the windows. "Will you lay or your ahuker f Mi . Mol t ill, quietly. "Ob, MUu't worth whilo I jiiet ruu In. 1 w Koiug to the fclme. and thought 1 would aall end return tnU mariaaiua." r'nuiuj hei'kvlf with her hiker, which the luJ juat removed. MIDDLHBUHG, SNYDER CO. PA., MARCH :S, 1ST0. Merrill lakes ui tl.o etubroi lery he had laid asido on cbtraoro of her via itor. "Wo ururcely feel the boat, however; we have a pood draught, nod there i a very good ihade around thobouite; " Murium," addrcHRin a luir yoitriit girl who had jiirrt. entered, "ncrfiap Mm. G'thaat would lako a glaaa of Ice water.' "Tbnnk ynu, denr; hovr cool and nlco. Hy ilto way have you culled on our new town' folk?" "Not yef. I wa Kpeaking lo Mar 'nui ikhotit calling tn-J;iy. Wlmt a wect irl Mti KryHou seem to bo j riiher ineliincholy, though ; have you cuINd yet J" "Not I."- "Why ' "I don't riit where Spiiro Greg.iry Joe.' replied Mr. Graham. "ipiiro Gregory J yornro mUlakeu surely." "Oh. I pucaa not hi t I lltlVO nid more now Ihiin I tueuttt to. Pon't let (bit influence you; hut if I hd u ditutihter like Mnriam tbrto. I d 'u't know at I hIiouI I caru that the should is'cinte with ench people." "If that's their character, of course not." replied Mr. Morrill. "I never dreamed unytbing ol that kind ; the old lady seemed so huh bred, and bar, daughter so modci-tand gentle.'' Mra. Gruhum tiike her leave witb a "now do come and apoud the ut aVi w on whon you cuo, Mrs Merrill." 'I'hu huterand her daughter sat qui etly ut their werk Mariani ii li(ioh in n drviu for heraell', ulid her dainty finger'' lly swill ly nt their work, lly and hy "I If looka up. "I never wii moro diceived id any one in mv hie before, mother. ' "Nor I." The two aew away in ti'cni'e ; Dicky -it eliirpiti unnoticed in hi bright esgc ; the flower Lieulhed out their perfume) unheeded. "I'm sorry and dinnppointed,'' con tinued Murium. I thought elm wouM lip nu h mi odJitioti to uur set; but I'm 1,'lod wo found lur out in li.ne." "Tliere's the dojr bill uow ritjjjiug," said Mr. Merrill. The persnn choriceJ to ho Mr. John I'.lmorc. tho choirater. lio is goal looking ctioiigh, and has a pleasint video, uud many bi;s of new to impart. Mr. Kltiiore mads koowu hintnsnd; it is somi thing about a chottr itiii t i'ig ttelt Tuesday evening to learn u nt iv vnluutaty for tho next Sabbath, when the new pastor I to preach bis next fermon. "Hut you cau't guess whom we arc t have iu o'-ir choir after this," con t'nued J"lni Klinute; "u new tuetiib r Mis liryon ha a lino voii-e. I junt ca'li'd tin morning aud gave lu r at invitation In join." "Mr. Kliuoroi"' "Well!" The batigbty Merrill bhoi is up now in a uiotnetit. 'If ehe aing in the choir, I don't.' "What do you uieitn ?" ".Junt whit I huvenaid. Sho buiid not to be a verv proper peroo, and if mIio sits in tbe choir on Suuday, I leavtf it "I'm sure I dnn't know wobt to do," tail tbo youtiK into. "I invited be-, and it would bo the height of rudcoe- to withdraw tbe invitation.' Mifc Merrill could not help him in thi dilema, and Mr. Kluioro left tho bou.-e in a very uncouifurtuble state of ui ti l. The next Sabbath MUs Ilryson look her scut in tbe choir, according to In vitatiou. The church was crowded when she rutered, slid, s the choir Nt-ut were up in front, alio was observ ed by tho cougregation. True to her word, Mariani Morrill arose sod loll the choir. The sensa tion occasioned by this act cuo b bet ter illumined tbao dincribed. The young lady who et next to Mosllrysoii turned ber back to her, made do oiler of her note book wheu abe rose to sing; she seetued 'to be avoided us one with tbe plague. Her fuce burned crimson, and theu grew pale as ashes. What had she done? What could bo tho uieauiugot'sll thief Mr. John hltitore had g 't hiuifell iuto a hue picklo. The young lady tueuilieiaol this choir notitied knu that they would iog no more uule.s Mi- Hrysou was removed ; and Ibis disa greeable task bo was obliged lo per form. lie wrote her a uote, stating that oircuuistauces uutorsceu by biui when be invited ber to become a member of the choir, competed biui to withdraw th" luvitatiou. It waa a very rude proecediug, but she would patdou him T Many girl would have rallied aftel the seoek, uud dotiaotly met iheinbus pitablo world ; but not so with fclleo Hiyson. Whenever abe went iuto so cioiy she was treated witb suoru aud couteuipt so at length abe reuiaiued ut boiuo sod grieved herselt aiok over it 1 ha was uue of tbo trail blisv oma that a rough wiud or uakiud frost will so ealiy destroy. Very low pcrvooe ealod ut the white oottage, but lynx-eyed neighbors no ticed that Tquire Grsory was there with p reel aud buudles, and that wae enough lor Ihsw. For had they not been evil disposed, ihey could have easily aacottaiuod what tbvae buudlew eoutaiued, which will he aeeo pres ently. Perhaps their coasoience satota thaw s lilllo wboa lr. Green told tbeui thai ibo yuug lady at lha cottage was HI with the brain feaver, eaussd by some kiud of wotry or trouble, and that no persons were leading assistance. Several vcuuterrtt. Mrs. Brysoa treated lueui ooldry, politely bui tho nigh i wheu Mis, Giaat, Mrs- Morrill -1 - . .i . , ..i I BATHS OF ADVERTISING: rfV-S. ccs for poor Ellen, tho bereaved mother .much aitily and pe.'d of foot ; Solo said, bitterly t luioti JennitiK, a Yankee, roinut kal.lv "You peoplo in this town have miit-ialout uud htrotiit ; Kdward Mur-.hall, a ilered my child. Tell me now bolero her corpse, why you did it f" Thcro wa no reply. "I heard yesterday,'' continued Mi'' old lady, "thai it wa became Sq.iire Grou'ory was seen to coll on ber. Shall I toll you what canned his viail? Had you saeerttfincJ, ere you tprend brond caet the shameful rvports llittt broke my child heart and crozo l her brain, it would have been fur better. We were po r, thnt i, in niodorate circum stances. We rented I hi house, the owner promising to lako hi pay in ewing. We neither ofti were aware if anything being rumored nutti.-t Scpire Gregory'" character, and I uul do him the ju'lico to eny that ho ha treated u wi'h more hutnnaity than you all. Il'tlii ho the mentis ol learn ing you a le-sion. my chiil will noi have died iu vain ; yet pray lo (ioJ lo I'ot'ifive you I am all ui I I nevr can Too late, now the tonguu of ulaidei has triumphed ! What a hs-ioti lhi narrative elmu d teac ii ! They placed snow drop in her hand, and looked with t 'ars into ber f.icc 'ho luctiiher of that choir and the vil lager who had shunned ht-r with con- tempi so shortly before Too late! now! tears ot repentance could lint bring her back again J They l.al mur dered Ibis fair, sweet flower, w b.'rc they should havo protected jll'roui the oruol world if not lor her own sake, lor tho sake ol a dead lather. There uro many such eases When you peu! evil of any one, and C"h ilcmti harshly, remember thi over true story; slso never fa-get that vtliiitsocver juilgiii"iit yo judge ye Ho thou pu-se I to t ho r.glil ol ro'Hio shall Im1 judged ; und what lever iiica ' .louulaiti, the In li iti liuditig it ii:l ure ye mete, it iu:l Lo lliui-urod to euli to keep him in -ight.t.ll ber. aeli you again.'' led Sid Water; an I Iij wo-iid lave MawaaMBmww g' illl' U ll'W llii'.l fultlcr lilt )t lie' Mori 'I'olil nt .tlr. Jflli-rann'S. 'water. There he liiarket a ti.'c wit- Oni; day, ulier dinner. Mr. W-L-1 ,,l",L"' l)' ,,ie ,hri liolun. Thedi-.. ster told a i'.oiy ol liiu.self which vis,""",'J he walk d between aun and sun. chiir.K'teriilio of him, an I sinuaed Mr " '' being oo u tf!ii ;ht line, und about Jefferson very much. Mr. JelTer iu i thirty iuiIim of il through w I-. .. remarked that inati not unlie j ieutly uOluilieil more cieilit lor leadiues- in eotutiii'tiJ of tht ir knowledge, au I iu ked for its amount, than they descrv id. Ilo said it had happened to him elf Mr. Webster replied that he supposed that it ha l happened to most men, aud especially t lawyer. Ilo said that, soon alter goin to Ports mouth as a young lawyer, a black smith brought him a cis under a will , he was utiiiuu to gtvo hiui a dec) led answer, and de.-ired biui to call again 'lied on Marshall's Island in the IM Hiving liulo to do be went to v.iik!Wjro Pnver. II arrived at about upon tho case, uod fouud it 11 difficult niutty year of age. He v. j a gt e-t one. He went through all the book- hunter, aud it is "aid that ho discover in bis owu little collection, that could led it rich silver miu", which rciolered give bitu any light, and then borrowed h.tn and Irstamily coru..-xi m- :i:V, i"tit ; what lie could find relating to the hut be never di-i lo-ed wh.-iv it wi iioint in u. utioo. in the lihrarlc of aud it outinue unknown t-th:s d.i Mr Jeremiah Mas iu, und of Mr. l'cy-) too K. Fivmaii, 11 cortioUj llacli-ii't-i er lawyer in PortMiioutii. Uisclieut ca::oJ lor an opinion, tut to wa una jldo to give bitu one he b.id ouly g" far enough into tho iimtter to asceriam that tbe Olaek-UlllU shequist was euli.1 trum Xe,v York to No li'i. ms ba er eonU'njtut mimm ttr or uu e,-j..,Jid my eyes f ir any 1 titer ; as. I cuory ii xse. Ho avul to U j-tou aud , , (K.i I nm 1 u-i go tit 11 g aee.i t. on -1 l -. bought Fearne'a fcsay ou these ' t,e ,', I Ku"'. i, Ul ,',V:i s in I 111 .. te i-. two subjects, aud oiber book, all together costing hiui tifty dollars. At las'., alter u tuoulb's buid work, aud making out a Very elaborate brief, be gave an opiuiou favorable to bis cu cut's claim, urgued ibo case, won IL und received a lee of tittecu dollars, ah that the amount in controversy woulc; warruut him to charge. "Years pas ed by, and the black smith aud hut caso bad almost pa-.-ed away also from bis memory. Al leugtb, being; in New York on bis way to! Wastiingtou, .Mr. Asroa iiurrtull)im!Iltfltu l.,1,t,mM f4ViT their triumph a nolo, saying tbt liu wishcU lowu., it. 0VeP tlt.ru jlrtf tJ .,y tl).r mil biui ou tt legal qaouu ol sotuo js ivt own let sioue h.T b'o.y eousequcuee. Mr. U etister gave buu 1 sj.K, ueVer goes uuv where wituout au appoioiment, aud, wheu Mr. liuirLvifroie; she uever ceuvcro w.th begau lo explain hi Caso to biui, lt aroutlt-uiau vxvept t' uuswo.- a iue aid that ho knew iu a moment ibat. it'ttou : she 1. ol necessity iiis ui i to the1 was his blackauulU's vase over sgaiu. He, however, beard Mr. lurr quietly through, ami then, with llie O.acks smith's brief lull iu hi miud, beguu to reply, lie eited a seiies of vaees bear- tug 00 tbe poiut, aud goiug Dacs, i 1 remember rigbtly, ti a leadiug oue iu the time of Charles U Mr. iiorr us-i leued to biui lor some time, aud Ibeu interrupted biui somewhat auddeuly, by asking biu whether he bad bieu cotiaultad iu tbst case bolure.. 'Ilo evideully auspected,' said Mr. Web sterthat 1 must bavo beeu counsel lo tbe other side. 1 assured biui Ibat I did Dot kuow there was such a esse or such parlies in ibe world till be ex- plamud II to me. Air. uvOster saiu thai he subsequently gave Mr. Uuir a wriiteu epiuii'U ou bis case, aud made him pay cuotigb for it to cover all b. work lor fie bmck'uiitb, aud sonic ihiug moreover tor M. . burr's SJpi tiou thai ho bad beoa of oouumI lur tbe oppowte party. IU added, "Mr. Uurr, uo UojU, thought me much more learned lawyer ttian 1 waa, aud, uudcr tho clrvumsiauceat ot ibo cu, 1 Jid uot tbiuk it worth bil 10 dua uuse him of bia good opinion of mo. fuft'i Li9 0 V. UbUf. - 1 a k Lvug Wjatk. Iu 173-. Thomas Feun oontraoted with Teedyuscuiug aud some others for title lo all the laeJ ia Pennsylvania, to be takea OB by a parallel of lalitud front suy polut as far as the beat of ihre men could walk la a day, between u nrUe aud suuaet, froos a eeruio obest uut tree, at or uer linatol, iaa noiih west tlirvetioia. t aro was taken to s. lect the woai capal le for suoh a walla 'f-ll -,-" in, Jfl" V a.v v aifc" IP m u I native of Buik county, roted hunt'-r chain carrier, &r., a larg.', bvsvy-set ainl alroiig boned Jn. The tiny waa appointed sntl lh eho:iipiot;s notilied. The J sunken i. Ici'led at what they thought the first twenty miles X the I'tirh irn road, to ce them pa. Fir-t i -iinn Ynte etep-' ping a hht a a feather, acc-nipo'iio I hy T I '.mi and alien laot on hor.'-j buck. Alter Lim, but out of night. eamo Jetiuing with u atlonL', steady1 Mep ; mi l nut fur hchili J, Ivlwurd j M.itnhall, apparently rni'le, swing-' iuj a h.itchel in his hull, uu I eating dry liicuit. I'd r.ni iu favor of Ytc 1 Mir-hill look biscuit lo mipporl hi- stomal h, and carried a ln'ole t It awing ill hi bund tiltem itely, t ha' j th neltnii in hi arm aliouM ba':iii e in his legs, a ho Wh- filly determined ; lo beat t lie other., or die in th at tempt. lie h. ml bo fir.-t .iv 1 ut in ili.'ivnding lurhini I're' k. hi d gain ed on bun. Then hs aaw Yat. s .J it-' tinging mi o ig, very tired; preseiitlyj l.c tell nil' nnd gave tiji tho wuik. Mar--li ill kep on, and before he len-hcd the Lehigh, overtook find p:i--cd Jen tiin" wa led tlu tiver at llethh heni burned on Lister and lister by where Naireth stun ils, to tho Wind Gap, T hat was a I'ura the path hi I been 1 in il ka I far them to will!, on, an I thcro wa C'llleeti.in ol people waiting to eo if any ol the three Would rev h it by "linnet. Ilo only hailed for the urviyor to give lu:u a pock 't-eotn-pas, uud startel aaiu. 'I'll re,' lcd.au runners were sent utter him to sc.! il fie walked il lair, un I Low far ho went. j'uuiaieu to t.e ir.tu ono n iti ir.-j an i leu to o;e liuti'liel aud twenty iuik" lie thus won the great priz.', which wa tire hiiudieJ p oiiiil iu m tiey, and five bun Ire 1 re of liu 1 a.iy wbee in the purclus''. James Yates who ltd the way for the first thirty miles or more was q iito Mill 1 wheu taken out ol II irtui'u reek ho lived but three day ntterward ."elontou Jennings survived by a f vears. Klward M mil ,11 hved and 1 1 ioiri lt au t.lila Iu Imji ojio. 1 ,p, ut vv.-h to utidcria.u,- Kn.l -h 'beautv, wh eh i- wore -at'- a.-terv in . Inducing. ;n,d m .-t ol 'winch wil.'wi-h j t lt j, ,..,ivs t L tt Auieri.-a:i Ikhh hke Mr. llafftiiorue, uud beginning to iiko tlieui aioog cotue a gr u; of uty lair cuntry worn .ii. ou th ir travels and they spoil il 11. 1 agtl.tl. 'I'lo'se' dear Yankee gris I leary u do not! appreciate them at home. Here they1 imire und covy tbeui lliat 1, the meu uduilre and the women euvy. t.)u ' the continent they rave about thcui. Hall'udotea Aiui't iciu belles seu I a whole Get tuuu town districted. It is, not ouly beauty uu 1 grace, but their j il, spirit au 1 audacity I ho conl - .as l degtee. An American irl, uu ih contrary, as-erts her freedoiu. go s where sbo likes, talks witb every oue she chics W ta'k with, say du to a Gtruiau ju.-t us sbo would do all homo. He is overwhelmed, tisiouish I ed, but all tbe more delighted. Hcj tells bi triends that tbe beautiful girl he waltzed with said u to him, and; told him to brtug her a glas ol water, which sets them alt cra.y to be iutro-l duced, bear her say uu lo them, and bo made water earner likewise. Next da tho whole towu is talliing about uud staring at her the wuutcu are iu a rag but the result i the coo vie. tiou that America mutt bo a great couutry, iucrcased emigraiiou, aud te coomsi lout pl'ugroaaol civiaaatiou. gVarepidd Ltthr. An Uo.Na.sT LiviNO.-A youn i U.-stoii mau who purposed siarting Business iu Now York city, oudo a pieliuno.ry visit there armed with letters of tutro- ductiou to businesd meu. Tfcese pro- seated aud tbe usual couipduu-uU naased. tbe New York uiorubai iuquir- od of young ttostou what be luteuded to. do. " t nave not vxiciiy ueetueo, replied the youug FuriUu, ' but I ex poet tv settle iuto soiuo busiuoas iu which 1 can get a liviug honestly." " A living honestly J" "Auhoueot living, " repealed the Boston is r. Young man," said t he New Yoikcr - I uougratuiate you; tnr is sot oily in tho I'uited States iu which you will meet wiik so little eompvtitiua iu your uwihod of doing business,'---- Com- owUim Why bi a pioy preacher like tbe I ill y it . Wlu.a t . leJl th ul ibi u ir j in NO. J. From The l'rei. -lrukcr ninrif on Hit iMtliilr l:ii'inlilurrN, We hnvoaocurcd the following itn portant letter for publication : lint sKof I'll I iU.-l NTATIVt ". Wash in iros. 1. t'.. l'eh. 2, Is7. Mr I'x.Mt Sin : In ths c .nfiii.n whieli bis arisen in eutnn f the pu'. lie jo'iruali about '"lini.ii' t.n.l appr -prialion an I di-h'irsetuetil. th jin-pro-sion ha been created that General Grant' AJminivration ha eXi.'iule I more money in the satuo time than it imiucdiatc predici- ir. This is total ly errolieo'ls, us the balaner h'.'it, i i, n comparison of oirp'iul fig-ire, ui!, eletiriy ital.li.h. The "prvteiil A i tuiiiisira'iou h i bren in puer tiea'lv a year, and wo e;in cotitpitrn II. at pel i 1 1 with the clein1; tivclee iiiotitii ol Presid'Mit .1 ilitistin'a ii'liniiiisrat; ui Kloit Manh 1, Hti to March 1, Ihe total receipl into tho Ticm ir WMO tt little over throe blllld'C I u.'l I it)-eig!it tniili, ri do!ir- I tiv.ii fnietioii" fir t't.e sa!o of p r-pi'tiitv Lvery (lollif of ibi- wa eX ml. d. and the p'l'.I'.o debt fir th'.' "uue peri d in creased ah i i'six million d ill it-., a appear. I'l otil the ofl'i -I nl piibln.-alion" ol tho Treasury Ib-pirni' ir, th H sh w nfg a t 'tnl ep n litui o f r the year ef Ihren hundred utid se Vclity -(our fui lion dollars . c 17 1.'"1.'0 .. The total recu'pt it, to thu Treasury f.r tbe lir-t Jtr of Presi li nt Grant's iiliiiini-tra'i'.n, es imi'ing ..r 1 1. j few rein lining dii', will aiiioint I . tl.ro, hull Ire. ti ini)..r-f mr ti,i! n d..l I irs . 'I "I) I.O'lo). Hjt ..rtii'-sin, lot i ci.-'ity Jiii.li ios li r.- bc 'ij ap;. li ed ti llie pivme i" of tli.; p'lh i.; i Ii'. L il -i I 'aving l irtlm eurre'it e.vp 'n l. lures n'G iV.T'i ii.Mif. iiii''uLug inter o-f on th.- p il 1 e il li-, t!,ive bun I r 1 and I i irt-eu in I ion d ' 1 1 r - J ;l t i n I o hi . or ..:v.ty l,ii:i..)'i li -i th in wa. capon I '1 iu tl.e ..no t m by l'r--i-dent ) lio-' in's A 1 'ii ni-'ra' ion. Tle'-e lig.ire ar t ikon fo I.:':!. al rec.ris and t'leif nce'ira 'y Canii'.' b; que ti jtu-.J. It .,'.11 ' ..V-erv.. ItS-it the; r.T.'l"ti 'ti tei'y lx in .1 on. n ) ( t) t j r ire in ion. Grit,' ' !i.-.t y irt'iin m Mr J ihn- n'sli-t ir. O.cr t.v.ntv in M i "ii d II. ir- i f thi- ia u.-- Le if Jite I to the internal n venup, w b li l. i-tei-n much me') I li'i.t.i'I.- e II ". i ; lor it w.ll bi! t.ol'' i that t,!i lar-j-; in cf '1-o itl tl'ti il'it ha I. i i d 'I' vo i tl'olll llilllill 1 and c in' ,1 01 re- es of tax.l'i 1:1, uruv of the tit-sin f 'rei, .I ,ruig a pi.'t ol'tl.,; yeir 1 -C' ' having leeu rcpea e. Ix-f'-re Pr.-. 1, i: 1 iratit earn iu o o'i e. W bet !..r r... gar J. the 1. l o h 1 i t f t- e.ty w.-h vh ::i tlio T'v 'ii 10 1. Co i.'.i o I, ..r ti." I'.' -ll 'I'V With w:.r 11 It i- expell l.'.i the n.j 'ii i ...n I' r t'.e 1 :n-i u: ,b!y I'l I '.'i-.h. ':.. :i.-'y i.i fav-ir vt ;Ik pre-on'. Ad 1. 1 -tr it. 11. lur tin- In' ure : i e ! . I. "', eon ."..len.-i; 1:1 ay I ' it-'ialg-l. 'I i.e 11 .u-e ( lie;. i'e- ti' a';;e- 1-v.g r't;-y -,.,.,:)(;) I e 1 '.V o ' . ti. i 1 ly Mr. !'l.i'. t'.. 1 le .1:. 1 up; igl.t cba rnriii . ' ti..' A; -pe ; r. ili'.ii :ii',i.tte ... to curia.! p 11 i.t.in w'n -r.-i. ' it may I d a aril 1 am e. y .'i.-e 1 1: it t r th.; ei.s'a- log e.ir ' Mry V. mf.ve.I wii. Ii . hi t a t'.n it.v . 1! r. ,.' I c eti tn :e-.it-:-i.i."'o v -' o ' ij i i'i"s :i,.,a tl.t ...t liic year w he li is a'e-u'. to c . se. Vii v tr. v. v ir-. J 1 i. I'l AM'. W i' .1 .'is:s i, K-., . A 1 a. M.' Iv-UULi Yv 111 ou lf Onoo' tw. tiling inu-l be J"iitf in this country Purcut must speu inonoy to e lu -ate I heir eluidreu. or they uia-t pay taxes Lo bo.il pm ten liiriosto pu i:.-h criuio. There i-a great mi-fako about woat is callod e l ucaiiou. Soaie suppose a learned nun s an oi!il"Utei mau No Sueti th tig rii.it man i cdicul d hLo uuj ln.n sell, aud who taava accurite eouiui 111 sense views of uiou aud ib ngs aroun l bitu. Some very learned meu are the greateet looi ui Ibe world ; t;u rea son is. that they are ut e iu'.-ati'd Uieu Learning is only tho ui.tm, uot the end; it value cousin ui giving ibe uiouu ol ucq liriog, iu the disi iphu. wbich, wlien properly managed, itgivus tho mind. Some ot' tho greatest men til the world were uot overstock' d wilo learning, lut thiir a-lious piove i tbey wcro thoroughly educated Washing ton, Fruukl'L aud lter:uau wcro o; ibis class ; au 1 s unlac, thought e. slnkiog iustauci'S may be fouud lu.a l oouutius. To be ed loated, tuau uus' .ouru to tiiiuk, na.iou. compare, und decide accurately. Ho may study toempysics till bo is grey, aud langua ges nil ho is. a waik'lig ptnvglnl. aao if bo is uolhiug moie, i uo uuoi Ucaled muu. Thoio is UO class iu the couuliy who have u larger 1 uteres; tn ibe education ot their cb.Idieu '.bau farmers ; and the subject should re ceive from tbeui tho attctiliou il do serves. Apt lut.si'io.N V frieud of ours wus coming to New Y'oik Itom A.b uy, and just oppooito biui in tbe is. sat a lady sod Uur uhilU, the Jutter a beautiful lili'.o gll wilb wvud'IUI briobt eves and a sweet, wiume fuco tho very picture, iu miniature, of hor mulher. She aitiacicd much aileuliou, aud wou Uiauy smiles auu leader gluucos, us she moved about tb teat. Au vldot'ly gcutemuu walking through Ibo car, looked iuto tho w.luti. iug tbiug'a eyes, and wa fowiualed al ouuo. Stoopiug, be loviugly palled hor cheek, aud asked ; " Won't y'U give use a kiss, pretty ouo? I like to kis liulo girls." Shu locked at hiut veiy a chl- for an lu.tuui. aud theu propom ded the rather smbai rasa ug qua cou I 'WyuldiMioii( VtiHs'-U 'w-W: On column, on year, . f 10,00 On half eolomn, ooa year, to.l'V Oaa fourth column, on year, 16.00 One n,uar flOllnea) oulnirtloa 74 - Every sddliloeial Insertion -j Profeasional and liual.ee sard of not more than five Hue, per year. t,09 Auditor, Kiacutnr, Aduiiuialralor and Aaaigne Notice 2,40 Editorial notice per lino lh All advert iaeineut for a thorter rerioai than on year are caret.! at tbe lime they ar nr. I. Ted, an i il dot paid tbe t r- aon ordering them will be held rupinlbl or in money. Inrlluiis "lust Hotk, In devising way and mean for the s ippiirt ol our North American lni ati, who ore now n charge 07011 Ui 0 notion, wo ill it nut bo n wed i t i ; -cite tbeui into tho ureteric of ivil.i ed life? Instead of t leaf, ii:' tln.-tn B pauners titid cliil Ir, 11. dolina out eui - pile, in iliil bills to support the 111 iu i ilen' s 11 ti I ! -s patioii, v. by ti'.t t. acli tl.cta '.j S' lL '.' 'Ll. V ire h ain-lr '1 .', add t an pi' w an I l-i'.t is'V. Il as i'.!i ei. 'J b "V t an also rmp. thra-b ttt.d sire tin- r grain. ln-tcal of ikitig l it a pre ar.ou sub:tan;e on w ild 11 tin: wbi'di is b entiling I. s siid l.'s ev.y year why Vj jl tia .ti tl.etu t.i grow l.iel and ti.u't'm ? a g I ub stit ute !or butlalo sc I venison. 'J en h ' hem to liia'.o gar len. plmt ir is, jinw Iru.'s. I.ct ti-" s'pi.tws f- sis Xj s.'.n. weave, and ttuk'.- a lib ;uiLicnt is ure note in harmony with civil.H I Isig". Instead of h its. t-ti's, U'el wigwam, b't tliotu I hi I luii-n. Irj short , sett !h them ou t in is, i;ivii,g rn. h I'.ilni v a leitiJr..l aers, with tooi.t t. vv rl; it au I s'cp topiaiit it : then re p.i.e the I '1 li.iti to I ve oi ibo land jivi'ti. 1 r to .!i jW that be I as otl.er -tlvstin'inl ni'an of aupp'irt. .ti ro bitu to s it m t t o I b'.1 en me rules I'll te.-u'uton I hi ws aclt;i n', arc eul -ervii t.t to. II. ill pit h . m"i il the' wiy 'f c d jca'ion, so tl.it. 1..; r. ay b.' cupullecd' tr:iD-:irtiti' I ti-ir.--.-i. When stitVn'tent y ltitc ri . let l.itti l,e..otr.e a it jcu Bti 1 V'.te. T i..- J 1.0 ti. re wou! 1 to Lo li. r.; o-ca-ioti f.r nnuitie : 1. 1 u...'e iii:.ura lit. j a f. . ir r .! i 'i .el an I cn.-i'T 's .!, I never bavo pe.ictj uo".i . bare f.:vi!: ia i 'ti. .b lily, ignorant. ti sey. .I' it. king, tobaeco-uhew. ng nnd srv li.t.g Iti lian is no let'er than a wh.t. 'r , Hack vigabond. an I l,.1 . 'i d Iu trc.i.-eltbera-ne. Ho !."'.! I be st l. '.vo k of "but n; !. ir.r I s -1 u t on i--ue a new pf.jrauitu rt-pe' t ng thu lo I. iris in i ll.eir Ii.cjag. Li.e .t, a'. J ! t th" j-r-i p tin', in it bo tia'L? 1. !-ar to tie; r-:. Is';. t:s. aul let that po'tit te, iha' th-y tun-'. .j'l!o d rva an ! l" t rl,. l. t..ir ihi or u-'. on w ill It .Li.rejr r U'.e.- A 'i- aVjaiut I -lll.:iag t l")ttli In llllll.l. Hllh i Harnt i" a ttr.; I. let Ls-.J :i ' Wsl.ing-o:is W'.rls to iu'.'t.d.r g; 1-.: gl -'. l'.migraut.s.' ' c'.u.t:.u'.i. at. s -. law u-.lul i.,;o, n,.,i..;u to t.,riio'i's irgiuta. !. : s.i iu ti.e - n-e ol uu iu. Vloji i u-a I --t uiiexpi.r.d te. ...un-es. ;- the y: ingc.. r.i-i st S: 1 a ia Ti.e I ::;')1. It e.eci 1. Ii is j ,!, all.' thi. Il: r i. "g-:.oi;si S ju. I l.o !'".:) I ;n .'. 'l;an in l .vi or M.nne-ot.i. lii.odr-1- "!' t le ar.- a h iu-i : i yr old at. 1 a ban !re i sa'gbt ' 0 n irnie r.- l wrliiu t'i hours' ii !c l y ia .way f a.-lnag'.ou. Tb sjjo.. boi U inlyu-iiii. They arj ti.e gray bi;ri ..; aa ::J t el..! 1 I ck -I a o i.ig tato 11' r.' t.i- . is a terfi. ry !.Vg . tu..:g', 1 r a -ti:- i' y 1" : g ti.,:..i , -u;.J'. uy 1 pi t.e 1 uo .' ii' ".-tt . '.'tie:;:. 1-f 'Ui ! .0' At. a.. tat ovist to t:ie -o ,r: ..; t;.e Ui...', ;l a vir'aanv a Virgin tLt-i.t'-ry. 1 .. i.l ;ot J aa'f.ji.s i.,r iikVt-r b-.cu lim w.'l by aa l'-;:...-u j I ugh. Th'' - ,,; ,,x t.ei,,., u,.',j , i;,,j -a. 'aic l:a- in ver !' il mv .u.; .. I -ii ,r-. Vt t: ..- jeji.i. .1 .- a- ue .v a.et v.rg.-i as any i.i ta..; '.Lat n-u.i bu: t.i. 0, L , 11, j ;!,c M --..--iOjo. Mog-it.-a agr . -i.ii;. r: w.i.el 11, a, j a t.e e w ir.d ol the whole ate. l'i earu-tv' a ei capacity ol p t'o.l lie tl, U- t CX'teliiS a iv otaer ou the c ut in tit. I. grow , til" s ot a. I the o.l. cis, 10 rt ! an t south, ea-t and we-t. it a.'"a s of a. 1 ti.e.r cIhl;i'.i'S an I -oils t.l a iiiu l. gv i degree, I is its - u li-rn uislrn-t, hy ibo. -co. il cuu gmw eol"Q sol l'm'U lice, I'.s t o'.i.'io ru e- l!w uia; ol ot ttic '-V. i'. 1. au i v Its!.: in its a gncu.fi.-a! ; ecaoty. Put ;u grain aud rutu cli ps Us eupaei'.es. so lai aa taiV haVe Lull ti'sii J. sbo'V what it may do uti.il- tli; r'O.w,, ol l:cc lUtiol. I'Lc U.'.u. e- tor !-;''. a l.cii it .'. asj .st n.ul.ug .l-i.l in. iu toe w:v aud ran ol tho war ;;ili.Js liiu-: In l.au'- rn, g1! .!:. 'in i)o-ii,..s; w'.o t. ::ji .; :t; outs, lO.g' i.'i.p li ; rye, ii..lo.1 ; tm k Wuvat, lui.os.j , puutoes, I, J' loo , tojucio, 1 1 b.oiv ! u puun l.-, . u.uu 1o.ijSJ.s3 I do.lafs. In 1 x cut i ( III rttoiy, iiyihia is a'.iool oui'-ba f tho 9i,.e ul Gnat Britain. T he naiural or tiiiui ril riBuuicvsol Virginia are pei I'.ciiy uiaiveious. Horace Uieciy, ou ll.aulUg 4 t 111 Ui' UlspCll.l'U lilleU-.ll the Siuie, :-.lid a tiuil ol lnouolu u lull J, contain. ag Id.U'U acr.s, buuglil ap by a NuNuo ti ouuipuuy torn lu.a ilaa wcttil.1. He -ays, Ou eas'U ol thu lutuo vuut ol uiauy crusts thai 1 have v.s.Ud, llK'I'o W.ru inlllloiia ol tons rcsuy lo be .Uovi-led up itid ourted off, .uo any sue bunk of pe- hies. Il 1 said to bo pure, MoiJIUg Imnl OJ lo T' per eeul. ul melal, ol cxcioi.it qual ity. C'ur wnoie couuiry ULgiiw-o pro vided wilbllou lor a luiLiUi.l ;-ais Horn this ploperly. aud leave cuou.li iy supply tiio whole wutid fur tbcioalur.'' Al suulhcr poiul of b; touts bo louud 4 mine whieli it oxpvCid would luio out IOJ l"o a W-tk But if poss.blO, tho dcUeas's o.' toituiiug maietial lit i.ovciiug jb lai d thai slsvirv b.ed lo exnaueai. u, uro as v ala.id -s mow oi ouai ot uou- Tub lulowiu teael ..'i at tl'.o Typograpbieul L uiuu llii qut, at Hat-riai-urg, ou b-tuiiiay eveuiug ;ul : W oiuuu A ooiums olu I o. beau ties, thai he uiut be a cool lo.rsilur wUovau uVucl ber errors. She i beautaul iu alt bnd no. hut not lho Us e U mod iu Ju.ul. iu .tswsm S"THi.N Uiut is uk . real iriisji malC'sa man .ppos s iwiieuipl.bU aui ilta uueeyoaoi i)u Voii4 M as, v -aw."lrat A. , Vh . ayevijtfi'T sW ' 'f" ..' J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers