THE POST. l'IM.1 t'HIMirl lfr.ntm.lf A . .... .v..,.,.r ti.imiAi.i .-.. i'. L..." '!!"!' Uni-rli Kali. ft .l - t C- t- . t piuiii iiisn living in ,-p;re n icy tiwnship. I..iRHffi en.. I ml., about fil'moi tiinmli nirn rnnl in'.'il litre' V "ii -nr vmei. which In' line a i-tciI-cj I in (liiim-stiriiiiiv nnd inutiiiiir ver' t;s:ii'ul. Hi l.-irm i nlliiti"'(l tiot t.n i'rciii t ho Ohio nnd Mississippi Rni. mil nrsr n station. Frier to the com pletion nf thoroinl lio we, never both ered with rats, hat shortly after its completion hi prenii"! were raided Willi nn immense tinr-iber of the mi rhicviti. little animals, enilbey Work ed nn-t destructively In hi barn end 1'fnio stuck. As the WMvet prt In In I strength they tokepeeial deligbt in ' ruttinf," and o jcce'fil wer ihey in inc destruction of the- ?or mine that mow a rut i ee'Jem 'en on the tlig far. The we-el family ban li.iw increased to Ave aud t Jiry bout ill t lie forth r dj't in the e)eighlorhO'd in rut killing mil rat bunting, beit gsi Mnitll that Ihir can finer any ordinary sized rut L' !-. Tbe i ntlenun sys le w ill.) not sell thesw weasel- for fOU n piece, ;n tbey each miv Mm ibit biiiu every twelve in out It- by destroying the tat that would otherwise wake great ili .-t'iirtii.u ol his corn, wheat barley, toil ut Iter grain. O nie of t h . ittle ( 'vi portir t, eor rrspmnlcnls vouches for tin; truth of the lull'win: At one of our neighbor's, boures wa A very bright little girl. It chanced i n po tli lit tiny bad as U'Ht a ui'ui trr, .fn iNtroiiit'd IrliMul. i.iitla Ann wnt liod hiui iluni'ly. and Cnally lUwn llri'le liiiu anj begun to draw on lirr flulo. " Whut arc you drawing, Alios f nalpil tlie clergy mao. IVc nuLiu'your picture," angwerei tLc child. So thr (fi ll tic nnn al very Htill nml flu- wurUi'it away tr.TV rarimitly fur a wliilp. Mi. ii hl,e topi"ii, rouiproiJ li t W' rk witU tin- uriiual, aid xliouk lu-r litt'o liciui " I dnii'l like it imk'i," r-li'! r-iiil "I'jiii't a ijnat J oilikf you. 1 don I I! ili'.i l ut u 'ii7 to it, tnJ call it a d.v." " l-ancy Iti- fi-i'inL'." Wbat a like I.i ei it mutt Iihvi- tern t NottTU t'AlliH.I.A AllKAtl. Tliorr a man living ia the nuniiitHitis oi North Carolina, tio iiioti; that fi.rty miles I run (li'eeiiville South I'urulinn, a:iVH the Tarhoro ('r-t'iun, who 1i:im i i'ui hoil tho extra' irditiaiy u'e of one li'in lrcJ an. I irl)-throe yi-urrt. Al tin lin e of l!ruililoiV Ui'teul In' tui'iity yenrs oKI ui: J l.ul a wife mid lliiw I'lulJtvu, A ;;o n lie w an ul tlr cn iiio inl'urum us t but t L in inun bur miiiio ilown tu us from a lortuor (irt rjiicn, limt ulwayn been in unHleriiU' ciicuiiistuiic'cii, lived upon a plnin. iMarhp, vi'.iiiililn diet; that he hn!" liirrr iliauk any li'juid but njo in wa tor, nn J l.i'U t;iir to live tiiiiny yours Imivr. JIiJ cnji)n n'il'ei't bfullli. )n)!.pf''0 ul of UKUiliO'id'n allril,uti nml wnnU to marry . lie ban rurviv t'd Ni'vi'ii wivvD, au.l huvihtt lol bi ll t olio alio it fixty youri agj, be iiow len'tm to ft el ('iile lonely. The Hi'iisKB 1'ktithn. Tbo fol lowing i "The llutve'a it in to hi' J.riviT," uh I'uUislicd by tbe Socii'iy lor tbo l'levouii in of Cruelty to Ani nifiia. Kviry iierou haviu nrythiiiv tu do with bulSfil kbould en in in it It to iiieiuory, and uit uj on tbe pntty j'cul : I'p the Lill whip me rrnt ; Jown the bill hurry mo not ; In tbo htul'lo, forgot mo uot ; til bay uud corn, tub uie tint; (M'cli'uu uuter, kiii.t uie not; With tj ouo uud brub, uelcct me not ; Of auft dry bed, irivo tun Dot J It hiik or eold, thill uio not ; WmIi tit or Tc'wh, jeik tuo ud ; And wluu jou oi e angry, mriko mc not. Ma-. Si anion in her Ji i o'ution, hits the mirk iUarly w htti hlie iays : 'ThN ho!esul aluotiu of wive'n par tun 'urs filiiniM Lo htn.j,oJ. If (John. t-itrklt-'x nnd Cole had teen c uti uoej to pa-H the rcmaindiT of tlioir daya in Sin.' Sinj, tin they bbould l ovo boon, Mcl'ailand would never have desired the yatno kind of notoriety. Suppono tbo w m to aliould decide to ahoot their bibnid' miatrt-aai 8, what a whole 4lo i-luuithlei' of inncenta wo ahould luvo! I wonder how Iodi; juliee wi .ti'il liult iu our court in their eni-e. end how hog public muitiinent would bui-tiia iui Ii action . ' IIoiscn as well us ttlu r diincHlic !iiinaU will )e beiietitej by tbo usi twice a week of a hindful of null and !i' lies mixed nnd throwu Into ooo otul ol t l.o f ediorf troiitc. It m ua. mil however he overdone. Mix tlunt by p illing in three pai la of nult to nin of Horses re I Mi this, uud will keep their hair Hhort and Cue. It will loeoent bots, cbolic, ftp. A little ground nilt.hur mixed willi Halt aud ashen, and e.iven once in two or three wctkK, U beiKlleul. As Irishman went out to tl.e Fnlle if Schuylkill one uflcrooon with hia master, who wanted a cat-fish r'oppor. anil, Itko all Iro-ltii en. lie wanted to fi-l on the brat tido ol theeiok, eothe hcfet way to do that wa to go where . the cooli wa. lie eyed corcltilly ev erytbiuu that wiiatrninit on ; mid when the cntriah g"! fkiucd, nnd put iuto ti.o nyiny-pan, lie naw I hem Hup theii t tils, no J bop around aa if they di I'nt like it. "Aii.t they dead yit t Ilm) luck to Die if ever j taw anything live o long after it win kilt." A little boy inquired at t ho Aurur ta poat office recently, if there w a letter fur Cheater Pillbbtiry, and while the eletlc wa looking Tor the letter, and tbe Utile follow, thlnklog to help blm in bl March, (aid, "He ia married r.ow, and Vpow they put .Ulster on to bU name I ' . . A f J i I riri' Okie d whether lt lnrctV.rjYII..,irilUtl',tl.aj.lrv uurf '4. Aisi.lftJ UM.Iyiw. Ht.M4 V . . w - m " On" evening hp mwoov t:i Inidirin' nlmur in llm tu n an irrever . . . cot, woitldho wit ncco-fe I him with; j J I. iv, you must ri-ini-nilrr liio word r Cl. .,,;..T,u,l ln fj( M1( kl ,.p . I your papi m dry." 'Wo von (Ion t, ' t e liuio wretch. " "I tlon't tlllKt I" rA3IIINTilN 1IOUSB. Miihlhhnrj, finytlcr C'.ici'y, Pa. . LKWIS KINO, I'ropriitor, 1Vroot lTipif at this Hom will Inii ncpllofil ctoemotl"a, far Mtu aa mi. ir-e-f Forney's Press. TTTX (l&IAT RtDK AL ICVKPAriS I Gri tkt lift nail ChrnvM AVtojMficr 1 lite (Juvntrj. the Tress 1. a Hm-fliM dniVilf nbH ti(ht-paf( I'H .r, .miiBiB(( 4tt .Dliiiunt, puhtlnh d aorninf, (ijcpt Hun t..) TERMS: DAILY rBF.SS fODpraanuai f 2.90 for ii luuuib; I.H0 fur llu. uioatb. TRI-w KtKLY lKbMS..(H) K, (n. nn I (iw fur ail ueatba ; 91. UU for lhr Bmniha. rilli Vi El.KLV l'KKKfl.-Tb tno.l lu ahlf H.i'kljr N.w.puprr ia ibe orld. It cuoiaiut itraiN of iinr.l lo all. HkAD TilK ItllUS; One out j nf year f 2 Ki. oni'ii.. M Tn npip, aat ca ccf to lie gttr op ut rluh, lii Twraiy npir. n4 on oojiy to lh ft iter-u j of rlnb 27 Kitty capit a, aad on ropy to lb. gd(r up uf tluh C'i T.n npira. to rm' oMrnt, an4 rae copy to lb idtrr ti nt lb clnh I I Tw.niy f"pi. to rar uitJrrt; and on cop; U lh dtiT up of the clnh 25 l ifiy eopim, to tint n44rnt, and on rupy lo lb irrli.r up of I he tlub (o l)n buudr.d cpie. fo nr tidihru, tod mm eupy of lli Tri-wvrkly i'rru to ikr (I'tirr up of tk. rlui ICO All vfJ'Tl ihvmil hr n4lrf4 M JIIMS W. IIIUNKV, fdilur ai J Troprifior, f.W.cor. Tth nd( bi-Htnnt Hiv, I'lilli l'a. WAR. LKANKLLO, WATCH d CLOCK M AKEW, Maik.-t n. yi.UMoira l a. IV1NO lnraled in thia place I wild renpeci fully inform tbe citirer.a of Miildli'liu.v aud vU'iuily tbat I am prepared lo repair t'l.Ui.kS ASU WATl llt.H olieni and expediliou-ly. Tbo palrgnugo of ibr pulilio i. rci-peoUulIv aoociiv l. W. (JP.ANELI.O. Middlrliurg. Not. 24, Him. CJrovcr Haker'tt nnsT i'iu:Mir.M i:ii.4TIC STICTS1 FAMILY Sewing 3LieliincH, no lutiiAHww sr.n yonx. ISO CLUlSI'M'T HT. I'HILAHrXI'IlIA. 1-oiNTs of kxc'km.i:nc:k. Pcanty and EhMicly of Slilch. 1'i rfvci ion nml Simplicity i f M-icLim rv. li-ing IuiIi (broad, itirvoily (runi ihe upon!.. No fjicniu(of eeams by band and n wane of thread. W id nuife of application without of a IjiMitiiviil. lue eeaui r.'tnini llu I e.n.ty and f!rmoe afirr waibiuv au l irunin )'i d'liiin all kind of work done by by otber Sotiu Machimw, ihe.a Muchin. i it-cute tbo iml bcatiiiful ho eruiaueiii I'.iubro. Jcry aud uruaineutal wurk. Mi.Tbc Higlieet I'r.miom at nil the fair' and t'lbibiiiona of lha t'niied 81 iie an. I lluriipc, bare been awarded tbe tirorer A Kukcr Hvwinf Machimta, aud ha work by Umin, abercrerexUibilvd In comp.tiun feTTbe rry liiulieiit priie.TIIE CROSS Ok till. I.Hllti.N OK HONOR. wa cob fercd on li e reprpeeniaiirr of t.nifrr k 11'ikvr Sewing machine, al lha eip"iii ii I'liivirif He. I'arla. IN'jT, thus atleatinf ibuir iirvHi tuperiorily orcr all oilier b.M in I Mncliinea. Four S l. by BAMCUL FAl'ST. SMin. grore, l'a. April 2n. X'J. a KLi. 4 scnoxoru, '- Whole.ala PeaVra in imANPIES.WLNES, (Jiu, Whiskeys &c ltlEI.81MiHK, IIEllklj CO , l'a. Juliuury Id, Ih70-lf JAVIK WILLIAMS, Mnniifucliirea of h Wholceale Penler in (III, .muliugaiif, Walnut and Rosewood LOOKING GLASS Picture & Pbotociraph'o i'ramea, .o. i.iu uiiu Kin ri a btreet, I'lnUdelpbia l'a. Frnmei Kcpnired iu tbe beat manner. AUo, Iteyildiug in all ila brauobea. TUI TION. Having purchased lb fol J lowiiiK named article, al Fberilf'a Snip and loaned tbo tauie le Jueb U. Leinig during niy plraeure, Ibe publio are hereby caunoueil not In interrer nor in auywltv meddle wlib Ibe .it Die: due Sink, one Looking Siove, threo lli clleit and heding, on Stand, one caek of Rrandy, Rleigb, one nay Mare, one Iron hotile, Iwo Chair. one cbv.t, ono liureau. one Urinusloue, a lol of Com Fodder, onie'ow. on Cnw. loin Sheep. FEUD1NANU ZONES. I'uiun lownnliip, December 8, lHiiU. - Manhoods Uo Lout, How Kestortsl Jual pupliibcd, a new ediiiou of Dr. Ciilverweir Celebrated Ea- aoy on ibi radical cur. Iwiiboul medicine) of Spermatorrhoea, or Seuiiual Mrakoeia, Ineolunlary Lo.ara, luipolenry. Mental and pbi.ical loaapaoity, luip:di menu lo marriage, etc t alio. Con.ump. lion Epilep.y and Fita, indued by aalf in dulgent' or aeiual cxirariganco. 'ri,-e, in Htulid t'nvtlojit, lix otnlt. Tb celebrated aulburln tiiia admirable eatay clearly deaion.traloa from a Ibiri) ytara aueceaaful praoiioe, ibnt th alarni ug conatquencea of aolf abuse may bo rad cally cured without lb d.ugeruu. u. ol internal medioiae or lb apuhoalion of th kuif. i poiuiiug out a mode of cur al one. iuipl, certain and elfeolual, by m.uu. of which ever; aufferar, no mailer what bit uondilioa may ba, may cure bim.elf cheap ly prlra'ely and radically. Tbia Leulur should It In lb banda of erery youth and vry man in th land. ul unuer seal. In a plain nvelop, to any ad'lreu, iwpaid, on io-iilof alt -1- , ,- t4 iiiiuviii II a r aim. w n RALtiar. t a UTornnron ISEL, PALLIKT & BTOfOIITON, (ENCUAKOMMISSION MF.U( HAMS, ASO taALlll) I Country t'rnilur nr7 Pomcrlir Fruit, Sf.i, if-., A'o. 22 Soi tii W'ati U Stkeet, miLADELraiA, Haraaairt.. Jc ih R. Ri.gM Co., ::': Murkft nrrrl; l.ippncoil k Troiir, Jl N. Ytairr alrrrl ; ilnod. llonhrlHl A Co. ji'V Market Sir.M l.i Uof . J.inm I'ollurk, 40 aouib Mil urerl; W.i.i 8oM Malnul treat JJarri fc Urabas, til Arcb .irotl. KrbfbUlf QALL AN1 KKK TUB NEW GOODS Jufl rcirtd ia St-liuagrufa y is. s. s, scnoLii. Ths palhi la bipM napttifully lnform.l that wa eoauaaoth aiaroaalil. buir at lb. old alaad of Maur Mehoch, waCBi.llrr t'o .aail iail lb atl.alion of tb publu . nur i.o.i ttork or NLW UiXiUS, Jiul rraaitrd and oll.r.J al a aytr. aoiuinal probi Uur oDiira Hock uf nnt bus but a al.rli-U nb Iba irrairat aara tnibraemg tvrry- ii tug in lb. Mrrvauiilt Una ; auca a OKI tidU'lS. UIUM'LHILS, HVItUVVAKK, VL'LN.-s iKK. CtbAllWAIlK, MITIUN.S, SALT, HSU, l'LA.n:K. IKON. .lAILtl, COAL, (to. A'. l'lae ria ua a call tirfora purcb4in( rUliir. Yit take plramir. iu abuwiua our (rooili, wf v eontideut tbat mt arr Hflliug irood cb.aprr lb to tbey can be plirrbaifd eNeabvi. 1 be bi(hfil uiark.l prlc.a pnhl fur pro duct aud all kiuiln of grmn. K . 8. SCIIOCH. Ktliii'roTi-, Jim. Tth, 'tiTif QliO.SS A JUJOTIIKKS, Manufacturer! of and dealers Id all kinea of MU. TIMP.KK. LU.MI5EU. I'AI.INU, SIIIMJI.KS, LATH, Kl.tMiHINU, ate., flmmokln liiim, fnydrr Couiiiy l'a. All urders promptly DllaJ. W limit, Chrrri, I'nyltir, ami I.inn l.umhrr fnttnhint'fi vn hant. 7 -y lilioT k tllOE MAM'KACTOV. Alivuyn up lolluiol Tlie.iindcreigned rcfpiclfully annnuncen In lb ciiiicn. of Middliburg and riviuiiy, ibui be will rnntinua to mauiifavlur MEN'S STOIIA, Rir and FINE ROOTS. Women and Cbilren'a SIIOKt, And. in abort erervibing In hi. lino, in tin Uifi etyl and al low price. Work made iu order al the eboricol notice. Uive him a call belure going clehrre. JIIKA.M hCUWh.NK. ai('tToni:i:u The underpinned nlao nffera Iok crricec tu ll.e public an Vendue Cryer and Auction eer. Iluxing bad a lurne eapcrivucv, I feel couCdeut ihni .1 can gife perfect niiinl'no ii. iu lo all who employ me. Uive me a Iriul. HI RAM trilWKNK. Midulelmig, Pa. Jan 2, Y.Mf I S. lU HKlIAKT, Sclinyriive, Snytlr Co , Pcnna. Keeps ronslnnlly on hnnd a large and nell ui'i le aKHoruueM of Tin, brel-irou aaie. Stoves, .1c, Ke. He'i. Aeui fur iho following mimed article.. "TIIK MOUSING GLllliV," Liillefield'i rnieul Improred I'afc Ciiruing COAL. STOVE. In tld pa'lern of Tim Mnin Oi.oay. pveral new and i n. r...rt nn I teiiiurcj have lipi'ii emriodied, which can only br t rn in I e admired. Tbii new slots is made en lirely of cast iron, so filled an In b hirlihl. hut can re mane wnu aheei-iroa upper rciion abeti preferred by lb purchaser, ha i rnamriiiul hiiisb is ill iiery, n,kinn it baudir.uie piece of furniiui e, far more au than any aluve herrloforc luud. It. iu. lernal conmruclion, though rcembling ome of Ihe furuiar palirrna of The Moruiug (llury i e,uii dillereni, making ii niore luratil. anl inr let uiliicull lu tu n pitired. I'b eaaliiigiare of Ibe biL'lieat order, hi I It riUiklmg Ibe hueiit casimg. uail iu lha O'liintry. Among Ihe many AOVANTAiiks In tbeiise of ibe Morning lilory are lb lollowing: I, I. ouuuuou. uiiruiug. tjiiuliiy ol Ibe Ileal. a, irunniiuu iiiruugu in. m,,e. , Aiili-lhisl Siove. 6, 1u baeapc of o, Lcou iuiy oi ruci. ' TIIK KAHLEY FIIRAF."' Ani-Juni Air.'liyht Cvolini Stow, with f,'.rttnilrtl Fin-ltux for Wood or Coal. l'aieuied May loib, IMS. We lake pleaaura in offering- our oumn mors aud Ibe Sluve Trade, a New fiml-Clusii Flat-lop, aud would cull particular ulltiilion lo Ut many attractive un4 valualilt imj roi e mrnli. This Stove bas been carefully teited for everal munilie, and Ibe result, have proved o highly .aiieluoiory, ihul several of our olde.t aud inmi xpurienced aiuve driilum preaioi lur ll a aal tar beyond our ability ui supply this .ru.un. A7iuy runt jirt-Uoori, giving full uso of lue iittitnu. An aUditwiial iliilr in tht oven, to arranged ua'o giv mure looui in Ihe upper pun ut ihe oveu; a graal cuuteuieuce much needed 'Jiit oven is ueurly a. u nit at (A Ten ui. alih bearib liue,whicb not only iucreurr me sue, uui win be reougmmu as grtji ijiantut in oaAirf,, DUTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. iba be.l, cheapest, and most popular na.umg Aiaeuma er tuveuieu. Il Is eaay looperale, silling orstandiug; lakes but little ruuiu ; iujure uogunueni. ; liuishr il work Iruui iu two to luur .Min utest is durable aud conveuieut; aud the ouly H a.hiug Machine known that is liked ihe holier iu lunger il i used. THE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WU1MJEU. Ut "UKF.A T t AMIL I tVOSOM IZKR. Tbe term, of our I'aient cull our Machine a " minor. icara of eioerienct prove it also is b A most sxcn-LKkl Wasuaa. n ben w redues every mveution lur wa.b iug ololbea lo a principle they all auiouui lo lhat of presaiug aud aijueviiug, aud forcing lb water through them, Ihus re uiuviug lb jlirl. Most Ws.hiug Mucbluen do il by rubbiug. Th I'uiveraal Wuugei uoe li by priug. WJ1, HARDING, Esq., JIUT1CU UF THkl PEACE 4 CU.N VtYANCtK, Fremont, Snyder County, l'euu. Culleotioii of all kiudamadeal ibeihoriest suite and on iba moat rtaaonabl terms. Couvsyanoma iu all i: braoobsa xn dilious'.y siecuted. paaos, MoaroAuas, - J .11 kl.J. .......... l t jirrma resow.nj , tst. 'in i q ia.iaii.iai mn gt M' 'Curly, Aloyer & Nt lirkilr c, NEA UT1IE CANAL BR1D0G, seisin snnovu, Would respectfully annoince to the people of Rnydor county thtl Ihey have juei. received from the cnnlern markets ml have conslnnlly on band and for ..tie me of liio larg'j.i and best eelejied as fortmenis of New Hi ore G oods, which thf offer at price much be, iw tknae of last Their slock embrace ihe very bei 'Fall and Winter tlood. to wbicb Ihey invii ationlion. They have Cl.OI'HS, Cuaaimcrea, Fatinetta, Tweeds. Veatina. Ttckinir, Drillinr;, Sliirtinia, FiannvU, Checks. A 8. Ln! ics Diuvi Gomls. Silks, Lawna, Merino, Ih-Laiiics, Uinijiani. Melanges. Liurn, MusliiiH, Aliacns, C. ii'uea, Moh.iirea, Toplins, &o. ALSO, Shawls. Drinks, Manlilln. Opera Flanneli, Honp Skin, l.ace. Ribbons, Cnllurs, Edgings. Braid. Veils, line. Glove, Trimmings, Handkerchiefs, Combs, Neck tics, lirushe, lo. READV-MADE CLOTHING of all kinds, and including a large a-sort-meul of COATS. l'ANTS. VESTS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS. OVF.R-I OATS. MEN 8 MIAW I.S, I'NIiER SHIRTS, HATS & CAPS. They also have a large at ock of ISoots 8Iioes fur Ladies and Gentlemen's wear. GROCERIES. Coffee, Sugar, Mnlaesr. Srup, Tea, l'epper. Cloves, ( innnui jn, AlUpiee.llums, Suup, Fish, Herring, Piarch, l.'hceee, Crackers, Salt. TOBACCO & CIGAUS. Iliirdwarc, tjttcenswnro, Cbinaware, Cederwaro, i!u-W!tre, Crockery, arprts, UIL..-I, iSAii.r, I'l.ASTKIl, and all kinds of STONE COAL. ItMl.llOADTIES We now buy IUi! Una I lie and pay 40ectn. in irude. I'm them. They miisi be S feel in leugih and 7 indie In Ihickne, hiivlng two parallel i. . ..!..!.. :.. . i . , t M,,-r! ,i eiiii uieiii'i; in uc mime oi nunc O.ik, Cbeeluul ur Ruck Oak undpeuled, They receive country produce In cx climiif)' for pond and liiev nlivnv DAY THE HIGHEST YlUCEU FOR All lihuls oi Cai aiti. Dm mil ir tie luce rij l.l ai the Cainil Itrnige. Jim. 1 1, 'ti'.i-y KKVSlOiNE HOTEL! Si liimjiovr, SnyJ.r County, Patna. THE underpinned lieg leave lo Inform the public ibnt they have purchased nnd wim keep, in goml style. Ihe above well- known pnpuhir house. J3B8;ai: rau will alnay be ainrked wilh Ihe liet nnd choicest liiiiors I tin I can bo procured in the Dbiludelphia and Hnrriat urg market T II E I R T A II L E , Will always be supplied with Ihe bei-l deiiciicies and most stihMuniiul tood ll.ui the markel will ntlord. will uliviiys be nlien led ly coreful and trustworthy hostlers who will see Itisliee done lo any burs entrusted to iheir care. Bsny Having lartre. airy and well fur nished rooms, good servants, with Ibe un tiring efforts of Ihe proprietors to plea theirguesls, ihey hopelo meet with a htrgr snare oi purine patronage, .imylil-lir.if R. D. Si J. F. WALTER. QIIXK SAM: AND Small ViQilU WILLI ill UC1TER TFasJual returned from .ith a huge slock of vr goods which he offers diiced prices cheaper bought elsewhere. Call Dbilndelpbia Full nnd Win ai greatly re limn - t'nu ne uud ciauiim my slock of Ml'SSLlNS, CAM Ct'ES. VKI.AINE3, LAWNS, .IN ENS, DEltEOES, SII.KS. HOOTS and SHOES, HATS tnnd OAi'S, READY-MAUE CLOTIING, SHIRTS, &o and everything generally kept In a well locked Hor (live ii a call and be convinced thai ibis ia Ibe place to buy your goods. OlTNTHY PRODUCE token in exchange fur goods. Will. Ilt'tttei Middleburg, May, 1Bi7, QOMETI1IS WAY I ORF.AT DAROAIVS IV NEW GOOJ s AT THE CHEAP STORE OF w. r. Lt Jinrit r, tfLLI.NSaitO.NE l'a. Would respectfully announce to the people of Snyder County lhat be bas lusl received from ib eastern markets and bai lor sale a largo and well selected slock ef New Uoods, wliioh h offer al asloulsb- ingly low prijes. Hi stock embraces lb very brsl FALL and WINTER GOODS 11 ba ' Cloib CaHsimer, Dc Skina Jean Satiuela Al paces. I.usl re Delslns Doplina Prints, Munlins Dm Hug Shawl 'Cambrics Calicoes. French Miriiwen, English Mnvioe READY MADE CLOTHING fall kind. HARDWARE, HATS and CATS, QCEEN8WARE. BOOTS k SHOES, UKOCtUlKS tnllU, ! W A i I l A 1 t It in ... ? P P ?'H P ? PP TO TIIF. i5nflNil f I,A.--Weare-prepared to furnish ah claes with ennf Innt emplovm 'nl at horn", th whole o the time or for the spare moments, litis- ino new. light and profitable. Person of el i her ci easily earn from "i)e. to per evi-Bini. and a proportion 1 nm liy ilevniing their whole lime lollie bnsine li v nn I girl: can ern nearly sa much as nleu. VhH all who era this notion may send Iheir address, and lest the bus incM. we m.ike ibis unparrcll'd ntf'.-i I To such as are not well saiiftel, we will ndone dollar lo pay for lb trouble of wri'lnj. Full pariihtilnrs, a valuable campln. which will do to commence work on, and a copy of Tkr Dsoi i.a I.itsbat OoMl'Ajil ix one of the largest and bel family newsjapers piil'lllied nil setn froe by mail, reader if you waul per manent profilabln work, addrcsa K. 0. A I.I.EN & CO., Augusta Mai no. Dec.' To Coiisu .si J5 lives. THE Advertiser, havini been restored ia l.enltb In A few weeks, by a ry sim ple reintdv. after having siiT.-red sever al year with a sr-v-rn lung affection, nn d bal Ores I die-ie, t onumpiin:i ! nnv. his to make knoun lo bis felliiw-suller -ers the mcins uf cure. To all wlioili-lrc il, he will send a copy of the preset iplion used (free of chsrgs), with the directinns for preparing and using the same, which Ihey will And a si hr O n roa Cossi ai'Tins, Asth ma, llrcnchitis., ect. Tl'e object of the ndverliser in sending the ''rescript inn is 10 benefit tbe nfllictrd, ant spread Infor mal ion which be ennceivea lobe invalu able i nnd he Imprs every sufferer will try bis remedy, a it will cost diem nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, Will plense address llrv. FI'WARD A. WIIPON, Williamsburg, Kings County New York ATTENTION 5 , Hurrah fur Ihe new goods just re ceived by John Iluffmnti At Hummel' old Stand, (two miles ahjve Sclinsjrrove) which wa selrcied wiih great cure, and will be sold at low prices. Il includes, notions. DRY (ionns. OKI M'EIUI.S. IIAUDU ARE. 1)1 EI.NSWAPE HflODHtltl 1II.I.4U HlKI'., Suit, Plaster, Oils, Coal, Nails, Clothing t respectfully invite ihe public In come and examine my goods before, liiuinj; elsewhere, believing it to be lo jour in terest. I also pay tlio highest prices fur all kinds of (..MIX, fcI.2:D, nnd all kind of Country l'roiliice. I mil also well J rnvidec with eiiiblin; for tenuis upp r 1'ieaklael and hi ,dg iug, fur people who come ' lr. ni a c'i tnncc. I always account. mime my cus tomers ,o Ihe beJl uf my abiliiv, JOHN HUFFMAN - October ltllll 'tiTlf Hl'irK SUES AND S3iLb fWHTi Weareslill in Pclinfgrove and jrepare.' 10 fleni"ll . Finn os, nl nil kinds of Musical lrrini.en cut: a pj:: tu as i:v;:i:.' W warrant all our liislniiui'iiis fur li v years. Pianos, Organ. Meloi'eo ,s an. Accordeon correeily tuned and n-pniied. Store open every tV I'D A I'.S mi Tl IIHAV. ln-iruclion given on llu Piano, M.loileon, Violin and Accotdeo:: it reiiioiioilite rates. tiie us a c ill. We guarantee nilisfiie lion. S.U.EM Ai STFlNINGI'.il Novembrr 17, lS'if BJA'IES OK FARE OX Till a STAGE RorTE DET'A'EEV s.zxi tlxx l EtzaKtcr.ivr Through Fare. f 2 Milllni tu Onklun I. ' M'Alielersvilln, " While Hall, 1 " Ihildi'iinu' Store, 1 ' Eichti.'ld, 1 Sclinsgrove lo Knuti, ' Freebiirg, " Frenioni, 1 ' Dicblield 1 II. F. CROCSE, October 15, 18(18. tf Proprietor. C. S.SWINEFORD. . WITH MAM KAC1 L ULU OV Asn VrilOI.ER.AI.K DEALER l.Y CLOT II IN G CLIITllS, nsSLMLdiS i VE'TI.CS (3 N'oiiTH Urd STtiEKl' 1'hiluiie.phin. J H. WALTER, IMPORTER AND .DEALER IV CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEEXSWARE, ail X. 3d Street, between Race I Vluc 7,Jly PUILADELIUIA. A WOHD TO CONSUMPTIVES. Using a short and practical Ircail.e on the uaturu eaiirea, and svn ptouis of Pul- miary Coniumniion, DruneUitis. aud As- ibiua t and iheir prevention, treatment, and cure by inhalation. Sent by mail r'ree. AdOressQ. NAN lll.MMEL, M. D., Id West Fuurieeuih St., N. Y, 12m ADMINISTRATORS A UTILE NOTICE is hereby given that Letters ol Administration on lb eaiale of William Uarniam, die'd., late of Perry lowmblp Snyder counly. Pa., have beeu gruute I le lb undersigned. All person knoning ibsuselves indebtad lo said tsist, ir ta lull i nedlsla n mant J ARGK ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT J. W. DUEESE'S K. W. Corner Markel Sipitre, Middleburg The sin?k em'.irace in part Dress iJoods, Rlnek Sills, All-wool I)o Laiiica, Coburc'i, iierinoH, l'nplins), Repps, ct'o., io. Muslin, Jfouble-widlh Sheetiiijrs, Itrillinga, Table Diaper, O.mnbiirg, Extru Ticking, Cheeks, Snirt intrs), GiliKhiilns, Jaconet, n full assortment of Calicos, FlnnnelM, Heavy twilled, Shirting, lllntiketa, Fn'.tmrala, Hosiery, ti loves. Ac.. Ae. CLOTHS AND (ASSIMERES Ingrain mid L'tien Cnrpets Wool.'n, Linen iS; cotton Carpet ( huiii. READY MADE CL0T111SC. Floor, Tublo and Ktair Oil Cloths. Hats and Caps, UOOTS AND SHOES. Hardware. (Jiieetiswnrc. China ware, Glu: sware. Wood and Willow ware, Culleiy, Oil Window Shades, Looking (J'o'Si's Ac, Ac, Ac. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. SALT &. FISH! The highest matket price paid for all kind of country produce nnd dried frtii's. Confident of rendering perfect siif ic lion both in regard to price nh I ipinlity of goods. I respctltu lly inviiealljo giv me a call before purchasing el'rwhrre. J. W. DP, ELSE. I tKI 1 f 1 ur,", Jt.nuary T, lMJ;'y 1). J. COOKE WHOl.fALr. DEALHR IN CLOCKS! I III North 3d Street, Philadelphia. Uig l sill'y U rixoiiijfiJiifii.oivii 3ELINSGROVF PA ami ham i aiti ri n or Diitirs, IJour Sloxe. M lndows, Mitttlirs Wni!ir,v Pnxts, i;:ia;i ., .Nasi., tl.ilr llxiiir.s, i.a:i:l Kailhi.s.Er.ii k Us. jioul;.ii..i, 1'lourLijr, r n i ll rewire an nni.n umr ELiufilcs, Lit'i, &o., dij. tv.-"f" Or lers solieiied nnd fil'cd w ill prim. pines an I dcpnl'-h. Dlesso c 1 in I I'x.i.oiiia my sioek btiutu , I, .)nt Isewbvre. f.-fieii J. T. SIIINIiSI., M. 11. p. BAD THIS. I' in..u i:n tw 1. I Vy-r AND :'C'r Swlnt-fcr!. Dltl'lllilsTS AN! ClIEMI-sTS, (lifer fiic sa'o W 11,11 l.stl.K AMI ltsTlll.. illl GS. Ml.. U INKS, I'AlNT-tnnd CHEMICALS. Mmbratiug ITREZINO FAINT i.'ccn. I'.'.ue, Yellow, Red and Pluck : i'uiiil gruun I ill I. useed Oil, Dennr V irn'sh tS ii-ils Tui peii'ine. t un ll. Couch nil 1 H hll" MRYING .1AFAX, KNOTTING, n Ititlow Class, rutty. I'lt e Oil Alri bol. Staiu'ii, Imhiio, VrBMiLi.toM, Daixt hiid VARNISH lilil'SIIES, Mali nml Etmalt Truittt and Bnj'porttrn ) (.lulls Concentrated, Fin l Fpnnges APICES, CORN STARCH & DIED SEED Flw r and Martini Sen!, Tlwblth Hie nllenlionof ileiilers Is called, as w e will sell al the very lowe.-l Curb Prices in quantities to suit purcha sers. Wiiln kiep 'on hanl and offer for sale Wholesale and It ol ail. all ihe lead ing l'uli ul Medicinn. Also. NO'flU.SS, CONFECTIONERIES. TOU.U'l O & SEOARS. Middleburg, Snyder Co. Pa. March 21, IHi i. PHIT.ADA. St READING It. II. Through Rout In the Susquehanna I rnilK 8hnuiokln & Irevorinn Itnilrniid X. being completed, a Ibrot gli roulo is oponed between llerniiou (on ihe Susque hanna Hirer) and Phihidt'lpblt. Traiii will run as follnw. t EASTWARD. No. 1 Passriige. leavr Trevnrlnn 5 I') a ni,; Sbamokin 6 40 a m,; arives at Phil ailulphla al 1 00 p m. No. 8 Passenger lesves Herndnn at 0 3 I a m.j Trevortnn 10 07 a in,: hhnmoai.. It) 65 a m,t arrives ai Pbila at U 45 p m No. 6 mixed, le-ives llernd n nl U 4 Trevorlon I'd m,t Slmmokin 1'2 U7 p m'.: arrive at Dullsville ai 0 15 n tu, WESTWARD. No, 2, Passenger. Leaves Philadelphia 8 16 mi Sbamokin 4 'jO p iu Trevorton 4 110 p m t arrives at llerndon al 0 2A n in. No. 8, mixej, Lravt Ashland t i Ut a ni j hhouiokin 0 8'J a m arrives at Ti -vorina 10 '.17 a m t Ilvrndou I'd 20 p ni. No. 10, mixed, Leaves Ashland al 8 CO pmi Sbamokin 4 03 p in arrive al Trevorton al C t)0 p di. Passenger Irslns No. I aud 3 make oonnection at lleuding for Alleuiuwn.New lork, .Lebnnou, Harrisburg, Columbia aud Laucaeirr. paassenger arriving in Sbamokin via Nl! R W, aboil 10 a m, can sonneel wilb No H Passeiigsr, at 10 66 a m. fur Pbila- dalnhia and inlermsdiat nolnia. Tlim arriving on Ib N C R W Pa.sengrr I ruin m V-l. ll'.'lW,';-!-;-- SKiTii'iks t SI OARMAIV, p f KRRsTRTTCIt i UNION HOUSE. OARMAN S KARSTETTU'.l. troprMort, MIDDLEBL'RG.f nydcr Co., Pa. 71ie prop-leiors rospeptfullv' annoano to their fii-n Is and Ihe pitMi Jfeoorally lhat Ihey hare renlcd the Fryer tavern sian l. v hlcli ba heen reftited and replea is ied in ivle. an I i a ile-iralde plaae for stranger m l others to step. 1 heir table i nt all lime ppren I with tlie luiorir ni l subsiantials of iho ee.tson. Their clia'iil.ers are 1-irge to promote f ho comfort if their guest. Their bar is supplied with choice liquors. Nj p'lln spared by iho proprietors In render entire satisfac tion lo all who lavor them with th!r patronage. 7-2ltf R A YD I LI. Co., 'tV WlloLr.SAI.B llEM.Kni IS) 'VOOD AND WILLOW WAttK Oil Clolbs, Window Shades, llrooms. Mull, llrnslic C.iiion Laps, drain Rigs, Fly Nets, Ituckets, Twines, Wicks, ke. No3l North Third Sireed.iPhiladelplila. Feb. 7. r,! it tin s. ki tCitvKn CIIARl.tS CAWI.kT E. A I.I.ECIIE.VY HolJ .oh. SI2 A bU XurU l filrrct, Aliure PHILADELPHIA. KLECKXER A CAW LEV, Mloir.lKTi.lII. f'j.Oltf Icrms tl 110 Perllaj. ACKA WANNA k UI.OOM.S1JIRU 11.11 On and after Monday Nov. .Wih, 1SU8, Passenger Trnins will inn asfulluws: EOITIIWAUD! A M. P M. A M. P M, 6.2'i 4.1't 10.20 ti.ld fi.'Vt 4.17 DI.6D 1.IH LcavcJSpranlon ronton Kitig-inn iltipert Danville 0.2l 6.''. ll,v!d 7,60 S.tiS 7.47 I'.nl 8,20 Arr. at Norih'd. H.:t H.11,1 NORTHWARD. A M. Leave NorlbM. 7.10 Dnnvill 7.4H It nt rr 8. IS Kingston lo, .'.7 Pin-ion 11.2.1 Aa at Scrniiioii D.'.o.t P M. 4.4 6.2.1 6..-.: 8.40 P.lo AM, PM. U.2." 2.3fV 8X5 U.4J Sl,l.' 1 '.!,'') l iuiii leaving Si r.inton ut t) -j A. m. ami 4 10 p. m!, l onnect nt Nor tliiinilietlaiiil with tt'uiuaon I'. A E. IS. R. lor Ilarri-liur. Paltimnre, lViisiiiitiiti,WiliiatiiHporl, Lock llu vcn. I'itt.-hu.-r and tbo Trains' striving tu Scianton rt lrt A. M., cotitiftt with trains arriving at New York tit 4 4") p. .m 1'bilwlei i hia nt U.O p. m , and Gleat licud ut 1,.r' p. M. TruiiiH ni'iivinr; nt Si rnntnn at 3.40 P. M , connect with Gn ut Rend and West D. T. KOl'ND Snp'l. Ayer's Cathartic Pill3, tbe purpoao of Idtxativ Perhaps no one meill elno is mi universally to quiri'it by everylssly as a eaiiiarlb.', not- was ever any before, so universal ly tnloplist into il-e, in e'vory country unilaioontf all cI.ihscs, as llu mild tint eiUticnt - pmir.itiv J'tf. Ttto itlivtous ron- .., I. fll-.l It i Iklllllt-A I'M. mScw liable ami far moro elt'eo. mS& ttfttll. tll;l' reiueilv tbun any -,v .in , ,. ,. ihiiso who liuvo trie.) it, know tbat it ritreil Uiein : tloso who liava not, know il cures tlieir nelifiiiiors ami liiemls, mi l all know that what II iloos iiiico U iloos nlivava tliat il novor l'ai,s iliruu.tili any limit or nei('w-tof its cmiipo-iitioii. We havn tlnui-iitnls uhju tbou san4 or rei llilivite of their reiiiarkalilecures ol iho lull.iwiiui iiiai'l.iliil-, but so. h euros an' knoiyu Iu every iieiifbieo'liooil, anil we mist not pulili-li tnr-iu. Ailajitcil to ull lives anil coniliUons In ull eliuiates( roul iiiiuii; ni'illii'r ciiI.miioI or tiny ilolelerl ius Urn-, ttiey may lat taken W illi safety by nnyboily. Their siienr cojiiinr proservo-. Itiein ever 1'i-esh uud makes tin-in pe.iaiit In Like, white lieinir purely vi'Kctable no harm ran arise from tlieir u-ie in nny iit:miiiy. 1'liev oisi-aio liy Iti.'ii- (miwitIuI iiilluent-o on lha bitei-n'.il visi-fi-.a to iui-iry liio blooil uml t.timiiHIo Ik Into healthy a"l ion remove tlii'ulistnirliousortli etoiii.ti-li, Itowel-, liver, anil other otnrans of tbo, re-torlutf their li-is'irnlar'aclinn lo lHaltlt, ami lv i-orns-tiiu, wherever tliey exist, such -ruiigo-uicnts ns urn the llrst orlxiii ol'ili-.e.-ise. Minute ilbv iioiis aro nen In this wrnpiier on tli" liox, I r iho r.'llnwing eoinpUiiils, which Uios i'tll r lo-illy cun': Kor ll.rsiFe.l4 or mlla-exlnn, Utls teas. I.sniunr ami I.os of Aprrtite, Uicy slioulil bu kiken moilei'-ilely lo stliiiuUiu Uio slums a'h au'l ri'itms' its healthy tone nml action. ur l.lvrr 'tintlil'iit ati't lis variou ivmp toms, litliwwa llwilvicke. stick llealiarie, JwuNilire or Ssreru MIcLmssm, Mllloua t'llr ami Rlllaa. t'rren, they lioulil bo jn dii inusly taken iori'a.-hea.s,loeorre'-t tbo illsonscil action or remove Iho obstruction w hich cause it. lor l.vseter.r or ISlwrraiuna, but uue mild do- i trcnei-allv ri'Huireil. For llba-untHtlsin. tVont, Orarel. Bwlsri tnllan of Ihe) aieisrl, uln In the, Hurls ami .ulsi., Ihey slioubt bu oniimiiously taken, as require I, to rtianve tbo iliscastil a'tion of tlie system. WlUi such cliuugu Uiomj complaint liiapM':ir. Kor atraiMiy and Irojri, MnrriiiB,. they shoubl be t.ikcu in larjro nml liciuent loi to' ro din e Ihe effect ol n itrastie pure. Kor Maitprt-Mlaw a lai r-o ihiso should he tl kea at II proilm c. the ilcxlivil ctrerl by ynm ithr. Asa iXitiirr fill, Inko ono or two fills to pro moto iliestion unit relieve the stomach. An iH'casioual iloso stimulum Umi stomach and bnncl Into hi-allhy action, ro-tor.' the aiitietile, anil liu is-oratcs the system. Hence it is oPen nil vanlaireoiis where nn scrum ileramri'inenl exists. One who fool, i.ileinlilv well, olten Ituil thai ados of Ibcse i'tllt makes hint I'eel ileciibslly bettor, from Iheir cIi'imikIhk uud rt'DovaUug cflect on Uio iligos live apparatus. iB. f. C. AVER Jt CO., Prartleat ChimUU, IOWXLL. MASS., V. . A. Ayor's Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair to Its natural Vitality and Colcr. A dressing which ia nt ouco ureeablo, lieullhy, nnd eU'ectiial lor preserviug tbo Imir. Faded or gray hair it toon rtttorcd to ilt original color with tht gtoa and tV frenhnest of youth, 2- ITiiti luiir ia thick- enod, fullius hair cheeked, and buld ncsa ollon, though uot alwa's,t',,ktud by its Nothing tau le.-td,-' ioa bair where, tha follicles are lesryedv or the (,'Iunda atrophied M decayed. Dut audi as retnaiu rate On 2.U.. "fhr usofiilnesa by this npr'ilb.ti,' lustead of fouling Iho hair with B pasty aedi nieut, it will keep it clean nml vigorous. Its occiiaioiiul uso will prevent the hnir from turning gray or fulling nil', nnd consequently prevent biildues. Free front tlioao ilulotorloua atibstnucca which make aomo preparations dimgeroiia and injurious to llm Jiuir, iho Vler can ouly bvuellt but uot harm it. If wauled merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing elao can do found an dosiinllo. Containing nuiihcr oil nor dye, It docs not aoil wlilto rambrie, and yet hiM loug ou iho lutir, giving- it u rich gluts Jubtio and a grateful pet l'uuiu. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayec & Co., w-hii For aU Modioins. 'mm