The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 24, 1870, Image 2

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;nii.n.iitf), FKi'.Rt'ARV 21, i;p.
i:M .K A llEM'nt, rreprlrtttrs.
'I he Minn i in- ( imp Aguln.
Tli" Irion Is nf Mr. .V.itr-ptc claim
Unit lie w is convicted contrary to the
i'viilitir. nnl. therefore, ct'titrnry 1o
law. .1 1 1 I iliil In- had no escape from
ill nth iinli-M 1 1 1 r inu'li tin t lie clemency
( f ibe (iovcrtt r. TliMiiuli tlio influ
cum of those friends, n lill m passed
by the l.i'gM.iturij which will I'tlill'lr
tho Pr to nl'tnin n i't henrii) of his
mm nnl a verdict in accr laoeo with
ln.ih tl c law and tlu' evidence ; nn I it
M ill atfinl the same privil In roaf
tir 1 1 all prism, similarly iMiivicteJ.
Tlie in t provides :
Tlnit in nil ctio of mnnl. rand vol
ii'itnrv innii!.nif:htcr, a writ l error
li 'in tin- Supreme t'mirl to th" Court
ttyiti.r tin1 aunt", shall lio nf rilit. nii'l
May It.- mini Hit upon tl'C oaths ol tl"'
iK I'ci.dculs or detentl mt a.- ill civil
Iii nil cnssr (if iti'inli'i' in tho tirl
l.-y'i'c removed int.) tin- Supreme
Curt nn I r t ho rovisimis of 111'" fi "-
Milieu i'l'll i act it tniw priiditii: i"
thctnid t'i'iirt. il shall i'O the !"ty ol
tliejii'l:;o ihercof tn review both the
I nv mid tint (vi lriipo, and to tit li'P
ttiin whether t lie inurpilii nt rcersn
Tor lit Post.
ti)derfotin1y Agricultural society.
1 would ( urge it poo thuso fa
vorable to t tin re-oriiniizatioti (if tlie
Agricultural Strioty, to mcot on Tues
day, the fust day of March next, in
tin- (.'nit Mouse in Middlehurg.
Since in v former communication I
examined the book fcc., of the former
Society, nml find charter granted by
the Court, nnil rcc trilcl in tho Ucgis
tcr's olllrc We hivethusevcrytbing
neeossnry tft enable iii to proceed to
tho election of oflWr anil tltu trim
ac tion of business. Tho feo of mom
her-hip is fifty cent, mi l every uieui
In r is entit'ed to vote.
I hope) that all local prpjiiilico nnd
jealousy will ho thrown ni.lo, nn I that
the e will be a central intercs', taken
in tho matter nnil thin mnko it cm
pdialiciilly a cicly for Snyder c mnty
It miililYe lilt tnir that wherever
the greatest, intercut is taken in tho
society, that tin members in that lo
cality would he entitled to thu I'nir.
I.ct there he a attendance on the
first ilnr of March, nnd 1 Iibvp no
lonhf tint the friends of tho moiety
will adopt sti'li measure as will at
oiky put il on a "tiro looting nnd in
Mirce-fl'i! 0prntion. 1'. C.
.Vi-lV'lir F.U 21. 170.
For tlio l'ol.
Co,nueitieut was claimed for the
Democracy in 1808 by 1,704 votes nml
has been lout tinco. The colored Tote
of this State will bo about 2,000, and
ibero i do manner of doubt how the
ncgrocn of Connecticut will cost their
Ohio will receive en accession of 8,
500 vote' ono'iRh to put her out of
doubt ami beyoiid mopieion.
lcloftrp ia laved by her black vot'.
After a gallant utrugle, by whio i the
nomocraiio majority Imi been cot
down to about .l.liOO, nho, now le-
peiies 4.500 rorrmt, and onrolla hor-
for tho Grst time ia the culuinai ol
. In Maryland full 31.000 now votes
will be registered under tho amend
ment. The mnjoritv i;aitis u iu 180J
wa Sl.'.WI, and in lHli: 31.2 )2. The
oppressor's heel in ofT her hore.
Twelve thousand frech votes in New
York will reduce tho criminal Vole of
the city to a point where honest men
can begin to take heart-
In Indiana we will recelvo an nihil-
lion of 1,500 votes a very acceptable
L'lHtly. with 42.000 of a new levy
in Kentucky two whole army corps
wo can befzin'to raise tho old flag again
in the claslc homo of ifiierillnlom.
Verilv tin triumph of Imnian richt
nod p' itiiliro aeeins to be the hnal
a bank- in this iilnee. I trust that vour
hiinnise in t ho premises wore correct.
ry to constitute murder in the first it Ins often surprised me that nn etl'.trt
il '.-i re thall huve e-u funii I to cvM. ,,f this kinJ vi not openly agitated
iiini if not so mved thcti to rovi fM' ; lioi'ore tbl. 1 know that iii".-t of our
ihe jiiJv'nu'tit nn IJsctiJ the taiiH' back I niobeyed men ire rather "old foyi-h1'
h r a in w trial, or to i liter rich judu'e- in their Hea nnd not of an ndveiitjr
rii i t tl.e laws (1' thin ('oinnipn- mis or speculative turn of mind, but
wealth shall rc'i'iirc. A I! wr.tti ol el- ni'verthclcs I enne! no plau-'ihle rca
Mil. Km ron : In vo'i last l-ue you triumph ol the liiion lleptiblican War h
t.le mention ofa rrl.iect to establish Party With pruJcnco nnd a consci-1 J
ri r n-'W pi'inltnn in llir Miprente i nun,
titid in e.:e of iniir.h'r it vo'untary
innii-lniiL'' tor, shall It? held rr pillar
it ti -1 of tunc to rem vo in cucb eas. s,
no 1 to niitli'Tiy.'.' atil reu'iiro the Su-
!....i:. ,rt....,i p.. il,,. f.i ...Iii tint it t
1 IlilU'l I r;iiiu '. . .
principle of ciuity and ri-litfulluem,
Tlie eternal yenr are ours.
:ilt loru.iitliiial ouoitlon.
Tho following has been issued :
Tho Constitution ot the United
State makes no neknowlffilemi'tit of
Almighty l!od. the Author of nation-.'
existence ; nor of Jem Christ, who is
lU-iitoval wflhc utlodHl
Frantic efforts are being made by
parties In the West, to Lave tho Na
tional Capital removed thither. lo re
ference to I hi matter the New York
Sun eay :
It is probable thaj the removal of
the Capital to ft. Iionin, Chlca, nr
Cioeiuoati, would at once give to eith
er of tbcio place such an impetus in
irrowth and trade, and euch nn ad
vantage over tboir neighbor, to
mako it tho greatest of our intem il
cities. No other catcro ti wn would
havo any adfantno over Washii frton
in point of accommodation for Con
jrc emeu and transient aitors.
.ludtiinjr from the police reports, either
of iho'e p a a will now compaio la
vorahle with Now York in tlio iinaiiti
tv und ttlurality of ciio c, or in other
teims, with the elemeuts which (to to
iimke up tho mob. Tho U '
iolliionces of the National Capital
woulJ rapidly bring it up to tlio Inh
est mark in this respect.
It would be well lor the country not
to lose Bicht of these consideration,
There nro enough, corrupt inllurucoi
already at work on tlio Uovcrnmcni
notwithstanding tho inaccessibility ol
Wuflhioitb n and its allowed deficiency
in hotels, I'lilm'i houses ami aristo
crat io society. Koine Controlled the
Kmpire. runs controls r uinoe. JiOti
Jun c nitro's r.tiu'Utid. Let it never
ho ui l that t bo Federal Cupital con
trols America.
Is publisheJ every mnmlnft (efrept Bim
Jay), at the office. N. W. corner 8iitl and
Cbetiniil atiectf, i'iiiiniieiinis.
Prioe One Cent per Copy.
Served ttv Ike carriers in any part of. the
elty. and in ih adjacent cllies and towns.
ror SIX CESIS l'Ml l,l,lt, payama io
the carrier.
1'rlee fur malllnff. THIItTV-FIVE CF.STP
per nioiub, or FOLK HOhLAlta per aft;
VI f
The First F.dillon uf Onn lliimlml and
Tuonly T)iniininl copies of Vlrk's lllils
trilled tnl.iliiKue or Kertls and Horul
l.llldr, is pttlilisiii'd and really to sritd mil.
Il is rlt'imtly printed on tine linti'd paper.
niihalioul m0 fine wood LtiitraviiiBs of
Fluwrr and VrgrfnMrs, nnd a hciniiifiil
colnred pint eunsisting of levcn varieties
uf i'lilut I'runiinon.lil, niakinfta fine
It is llto most beautiful, as well as lite
mint instructive Floral (iiitd published,
(tiling plain and thorough dirociioiis for
( nit ore of 'lowers and Yrgrtnblf.
The Floral Ouide is piiblislied for the
henefll of my customers, lo wlmm il is sent
free without application, but will be for-
wsnli d,in all who apply ny man, mr i ss
CltSTS, whichis not ball' die cost. Address
liofltcs'er, N. Y.
1)tLF8. A Missionary, whnhaif eiifTered
H2yenrs vt itli Files, as cored, and
will send the receipt free,
Itav. FosTEll DIX, Jirny City, N. J.
Feb 3-4 w.
colt's Pain Faint remove pain In
fisnlly, and heal old I'lccr. Woleotl's
Annibilalnr cure Catarrh, Ilroncbills and
Cold in lite head. Bold by all Druggists,
and 141 Chatham Square, N. Y. 4 l!nl..r ill' ':il luiw Ilnr lit' til ' liihl
I i i i ,i - ..: " .1 I I
WHICH In (lie lituniuin iii i;iw uui
, morals ns well as of religion.
son why they should tor one moment
hesitate to cn.lj.irk in an cnteipi'i-e ol
this kind Money invest e I in Hunk
i ii iv Ti Ktiriittons is slvi'nvs a n:w in it in
vc-'iu ti'. I have vet to s-e th' hrst . Ims iVom the be'inniutr been a matter
jT'-mc Court to lair mid determine ; hotic, n.'ht'y coinluc'eil, that of deep regret. It may havo been nn
die same w ith like ilb et ns it sucu oui Uis Ini e l in rcalizirg in era' proli's to ovrr.siunt, but it was, ami il is, t'Oin
i:s s'O k liolilers. denerally sprnkingj.m t-nor and an evil. It does not rc-invc-ttiii'iits
ol this kind nro safe the t'('t the views of the rra' majority of
1'iH't is. wlo n bitik:nu' ol'.irers are li"ti-. i h peoplo lipin these ;reat matters,
est 8td enrefal, there cm be no loss t di-hom-rs tlml. It is inconsistent
It ih'cs not tiecessirilv lollow that 'with tho character of nearly all our
if a baiikini; euteriTise be entered into. Stut" I'oiisti'.iitiiitis, nnd with nil the
tTllttiOLF.8 A TIllt'.Ml'lia OF
Written by Himself. In one lareo Octavo
Volume nearly MiO 1'ages I'rinled In
Fnglish and Uermnn. R:l Llegsnl Full psgr
Kngravines. li tmbraces Forty )er
Hecolleciions of Ms l!usy Life, as a Mer
chant, Manager, Hanker, Lecturer, nml
Mommas. No book published so accepta
ble to all elapses. Every one w mis il .
Agents aventge from f0 lo loo suhcriber
a week. We offer extra inducements. III
ti i r it t el Culalcgiie nnd terms lo Agents
sent lice. J. II. H K It k I II,
1'ublirlirrs, Ilurtionl, C'otot.
in len hours
milium drugs. fur Circulars, address
L. HAtiE, Vinegar Work. Cromwell Con
necticut, Hw
itrpNtcr'a Xtillre.
"V'OTICE is hereby glren, to all eanr
XI rd. Iltal the following lismrd pctf i
luiveii'tlled Ihcir nccetiiiis In lie H
ter' Crliee at Mldillebnrg, Ptt.vder eoiiii'.
and thai Ihesaid accounts Will ba reie
led for rnntirmailcn and allowane al ibe
Orpbnna' Court lo be held al Middletmrg.
forth county of Kii)dtr(on the fonith
Monday of Feb. next, being tba 1)1 b day
of eaid month, vit ;
The first account of Henry It. Fnyiler.
Administrator or (he I:tat of John It,
Snvder, late of Wesl Terry township, deo'd.
The account ol John Kniull, AiimluM'
Iralor di llcnii aia trim trttitmnto annnc
of (he Estate of Kidomon F.ngel, late of
Hearer lownlitp, dee d.
The second account or Jol.n A. iwnyer,
Ailtoltiistrnloror tl.t Estate ol l'lillip Mojtr,
lute ol I It it f mun lownsliip, dee'd.
The nccoiinl or Jacon f. vtsiur. a.i nin-
islrator of the F.state ef I'ano Wclltr, Into
uf Wnsbingtnn township, deo'd.
Die first account or frm Let let, Aimin-
islrator vf the brittle of .liicob llreou, Into
of .lack son Inn lisli'p, dre'd.
The nccount of John 8 Heaver, (luardun
nfJiicob Knotise, a mill f ebild of lntur'
Knonse, ' I '
The account of nilliam luges, Admttiis-
moor ot the rslnio of John S. Mark, late
of I'eriy township, ilecemed.
c. i'. cii . i, ivcisipr.
it fNsi: m rri on, it i;t in c h ins
Astliina, and Catn'rh cured l y inha's
lion. A Minus Inhnling Fltiidis the oiilv
remedy lhal operates nn Ihel ungs-dtssolves
tlie loliorclrs, liich are thrown oil, lite
Maui li. I, ... 1 n.wl m i.npn lai.SnnlAil Tr.o.t.
IXF0IUItTIO I Hlf. " ;"'' "Inieiil by Idler or in person can be bad .ilv
1 .till ltAb. Ilow Tiaelter-. isnoiints. u, tJ y . .N II I'M MEL. M. 1)., In West I lilt
Ilolireu I lergymen, r.nerget'e loonu ! si. S.y, JOm
and Ladies can make S7' lo loit per I ' ' ,' '
monih during the pprittg and Snnimer. A
copy free. Hettd name and a. hires lo
prgplc's Journal, I'll iladt-lpeia, I'll.
lifter the pasiit'c of the act.
S ir
In iiioc ratlc ticiortl.
ntsp. cell ol lion. A.
to.vnt s p. ecu ot lion, .a . i .
. ol' C.iIi!oniia, in t. najress, ou
lUcoiil ol tho leni)t'tatie
be Mitntiiid up the fearlul
U'-cuutit iu the fii'.l .win.' sentences
cry eat. did man must acknowledge
il.. ir trutltfiiliiess. Wi I 'limtiieii J their
tiers ial to every reader :
'1 he history of tho ilcntocralie par
that it must he a bank of isui A
private battkintr bouse would answer
our purpose jnt as well, at present
Tloie is no C'Oil rens tr, whv ten men
. i . . . . . i.
precedents ol our earty ntsiory. ii nas
Introduced, or furthered, views nod
measures which nro now strulin
for a baneful ascendancy in State and
k'i'lS, idiall Hot oll'y sul'ji i t the olhvlldcr
to ptT-onal ri Hponsiliilily, wltich could
rarely be invoki d by th .' Rtianjor pnss-
iiiit tlirmmli a place nml injured by
baiiga 'e Mita-hinjx rareb's-ncss. b it that
the recklessness ol thu depredador on
tlie passenger's poodn sliU'l be an of
fence puishitde by arrest and summary
coovictiou ; and not only that, but thai
anv railroad company "who employs
I ., tin, i:.ii
Ut that figure wouM J t- wiMi!,lttl it txu only lor ocular on i nn. f K'n a rnuom" c,-uou m u.. uu
iiuu ciaiMi'ii a in it .ttr u,himmi ntmsr, 'pria I. ll'll lOr IU' ' ill vii'i i unit rn- "". .
.!... . ... I . .. .1 Ffllll llU luHilMltllk u
Atiti-Haiijrace Siiiiisbiiif' bill, ns now
pissed I v Istth llotlM'S wf the I'imiii-
sylvani i l.ea'isl.iture. is. ns far ns we
, .i . ... i i t. i
KUOW, UlU H'S HKI crposill uu 1"
favor of the I ights of traveler made in
this country. Hereafter in ibis State
tlio rcij.'ii of destructive vaoi ire, who
sucks out the lile-hliiol from the ti links
of his hapless victims, is to be ended.
Tlie new net declares that the injury
of biinatro by a baiipiue master, cx-
..p.tjM iw....,! . I a ilrii-up liiti.L- mi. n nr
' . " ' r ii : . . i or forward wild eiiual facility Inakcs llit
other poi sons handling romovinK '' i .im, n, ly j,Hm, l,u, f,ir si.peiior in
lahio rare 01 inu oni'j;" "i I'.s-''1 ; ovei'V resiled
Is presented lo the public ns the most Sim
ple, 1 it i nl ' . am'. Coittpacl nod Chrtip Knil
ling Mai bine ever invented,
This machine will run lilher backward
coin 1 n"t t e t'ttin I in t tus ui inity who : national politics, such as: I nat civil
uiii;lit invest SoiH'O each, (i r even five L-overinncnt is only a social compact ;
tv . Il is a teeot J ol it cas 'U nnu oiooii .ucn navinj; tncir e:iiii.n inns ruiiceu- t i:i t tl laws are unconsiiilllio'iai, odo ,.
nt the Sj'ith. of obstruclioii nod mil-; t rated nvalit real:ze from 1") to, 2'.' per, t,t Uible must be excluded from j M,u''
i -nitv nt tho Nin th Al the South it., cent on their nvnii'V ju-t n readily ; Mt nublio schmK It is easy to sec Tiif. N'l w Jt turiAf. Pistrict The
intiii! cis hurled nruu'd legions against ns they now do iu livijaufy li per! t Imt laws for the prevention of intern-introduce 1 in coiire, by Cicncriil
.. i.i i.i ,. ......
n ll'ia I.H'll U.IU nevi u.ei v.ii
themeave in' rntceliotl and kin lues.
At 'li 'North tie.y d.MOiitiig' d cnii.-t-iii.
i.ts ittid iisi-ied dial's uuJ diprcci
uti-il ireiiit, on 1 cried out I'or p. ace
even at the price of natn oal disiueiii
l.oriucut. Tiny derided and ittui:cd'
those who honestly lnuht lor tho
muutry ; ilcy cncoura.cJ and applaud-,
cd tlio-e whoso treachery, incomp
Seme nSv laugh at the ide'i of bavin j
perence, bl.i-jihemy. impiiiity, or cruel
tv. mivbo olt'ue'e I toon t lie game
a hank in so sm.tll a pV-c- nsour ; but 'grounds. And indeed we may expect
iftlicy were fully aware of the banking , t hat law itself will bedetinet to be
biisiucss tjotie by the p;opo of Ibis en 1 1 1 ho mere advice to I ho inajoi'ity, with
of our c mnty or il they kuew the ani'l i no proper penalty but t tic disappro
of money that i nnntial'.y put i.t in- Union of tlie public.
tcKstan l the deuinml ilaiiy inn If for 'J'ho National Association which h
loins, tlicy would form a tiitferciit i lea j been foruiel for the purpose of nccut
of the matter. Hesjdos thi, if a eina'l , im sui'b an nnii'tidnient to tho Cen-
t'ake, "to crcnto the Northern Jitdi'
eiul Distri.'t of Pennsylvania." is one
in which our citizens will feel consul
oiab'c interest. It provides that the
eoiintiev of Scbtivlkill. Caibtn, Monroe.
I'ike, NVavno, Wyoming, Luzerne, 'Co
lumbia, Montour, Northunibcrliind.
1'nion, Snyder, Siiilivun, l.ycomino;,
Clinton, Cameron, F.Ik, Siis(iichanna.
I trad ford, 1 tojri, l'nttorand McKctin
t iu'V,' r faiiit'icartcoiitss precipitated j Hank or Hanking house were establish I stitnti 'n of the 1'nited States as will'ahall form a judicial district of the
uisaiter iipnu the aiimes of the Kc-jed business would increase. People romo ly this ejreat defect and indicate I'uited State to bo s'ylfd tho North
iub;c: they b nmini'd Oram, an 1 w 'uM notptto I.ewistowo, Mifflin- that wo are a Christian nation, iiivito:cra district of Pennsylvania, and the
'. . ..i i ,i . i I i.... . ...I en..- ... :r.l... ..,..,1 1 il u 4 : ...1... r. .....I. 4 r -I.l., t. r...
ihenid Mel'lehili; thev cried oul 1 burr and S linsrove if they could be it!l American citizens who favor such
a.'iiinst Slurman, and u!o.-ized Fin a;eominodated nearer home There is an atncndinetit, without dislinctiun of
Kihn Porter j tloy al u-cd tlie loyal- . 00 ood excuse why a bank -lnuM not 1 party or coed, to meet in convention
i.t nf the Niuth.'auJ found perennial thrive as well hero us at Selinsrovc ' m pittslniro- 00 Thursd iy, tlie third
in fort in the attitu le of Kentucky ;j we would have a larger scope of day of March itet. at two o'clock f.
llo'V pave lint I. in,
l'tderal Trea-ury
iai',t.;ir, or i.m
: vu
th v cobtributi-d
at ail. to fun N 'ur 1 a
re!, if of our woucdei toijicr
I'.ceii tl.ti-ei'l them win rro:e-id ill
Volioi. t' the I nioii were oppuseJ t
iiil s'r.ti'.'i Ut nica-ures to jre-erve th
I'ni .n. Those wholavotlJ lite Wjr
ivcre ct.t'iisc i to bl'jjJth i.
notinev J Line in ti
to ibe : couotrv to sut piv ttnn iney inve.
e 1.:... 1 ... ,,.1 1 1..
.4 u en if 1 'i pi 1 1 1 His ft 1 uu n'i nil ui
r"it nt'..), 1. .11 ..a 1 .- ..ill rvo.ti.ln '
William Siitosu.
President of National Association.
annointnioiit of inilires, cleiks, ,Vi. for
tho same. Courts lire to bo held in
Willianispott t present. Tctms ol
the circuit courts are In be held it!o
at Wilkchharro anil Pottsville. Tlie
bill will probably become a law, nnd
we believe the members ot the bur ecu
a'readv l.ei ti ttratiiei mcir
r v'lits tb'ouh Ma's constitutions
it is the liew atiicodinc nt w hich
'h -ir fianchisc which iii the
Cla'tu of their race.
That the new voters h"lon to lbs
It'-p ibrc.iu party and will east their
bad its fur and with o there is liitle
matter of doubt
stirrer, r.n 1 their mo-t wijely ciiculat-i-1
j mti.i!s j'a cd W'i'ko liu'.b en
:!.tir list of martyrs.
If the lli'pul.ic could have leer.
rc-crv.d without coercing the- ,S'.iuth
i; the fla.' coulllittvc triumj h-J
,t 'fh nt inviiin.' the Kicrcd njil ;
if freed m could l ave lien -surt i ; i.ronpiii 111 ny me ntio.'um umcujinent
wiih.ut cnfj-arjihisit-4 a rUve ; il the 1 Ace r Jio' to many Hatisticiun. the
Tres-ury culd havo "Ueo fillrd with 'number will be swelled een fifty
out h 'vyin;' a i:..x ; if ru)ci couiift-ave , thoi and a'tove tliis iitivuint. Many
I ret Tultod with' Ut mo. and vietu ; of tin so vutcrs have in th-. far S.iUth
. I ... I 1 1 . '.. ili.n r . i- ' rr Sir a .-a 1
oi; 1.. ni-i I I I . IT I, II ...V'. v -
Lap, would I'ru.ycratic pjii'-y Lave
n.ide 11- tis (rreal. us united, s frtc.
i.s 1 e-wirful. j. n i i. U Tioua- we lire
1 .i-jy. As it is, ti e Km ct a-y made
thiirwn r:'.r-I they canool c .cipe
I v s'-ri r! m n-p- titJU e aiid li'Ui
toii e 1 j ro'.i-tii'i tis of inuoccocc alter
ju .. u.nit. WLiicvi-r a eobvei.tiou
fsolvel tl.e war wus a failure,
i. wis a Iirujf.cra'ii.' couvctitiou ;
vherttcr Bifii C oi-j ire 1 t'l lc-i-t the
iti.f', wl crcvi r a p' .t wis laid t in
1 ct a ci'y or di-'iuy it public arkt.
e e v s a i t'.-uivi'l Mile inei uii. 1
wpia t:.ou-a:i1s ol biave, true iJcni 1
i ' I .....I' ...I r I .... I
irsis ... 3 lui 1 i.i si iu i iijiii auu ucri-
L kul d ef'rlLeg'Ol causo. I do
l.'.t 1111 uu to stiy th;.t there may Hot
tow le here and tkere io the ik-uio-i
ttnic 1 arty loysl, ftce joui-lu'. in, pa
iriu'.ic mcu li it I dj tnean to ny
thbt the any as a party is by the
acts iid lieviurutioiik of its repic-s-n
tii'ivt it. u, ly i'.s 1 uhl.sLel proceed
ings ly its tiot-Jiioaa hitlory.
i J. Ltilicd Icj ond the poh'ihiiity ol
1 -', cr tl.e iLance of mistake, i-r
tie L"e of withdrawal, i h tliu (jrcai
fin,c lhal io ticaily OiUidcrttl the
AuH-ikuu Lktiuu."
wuiiU bo a cred.t to ou." towu and lock; .1. II. Mcllvaiue, D. 1). Profess
wcu1 1 n it fjil to ump'y reward thee j nr of Political Science in Princeton
wh 1 lnoT ena;jo in it. t'ollego: llev. Levi Sott. 1. 1.
It is to le h :h'1 that ourcanitilists1 Ili.hon of the M. K. Church : O. (
..... it " ..a.
Howard, Major tieneial I . h. ai'niy
The call is concurred in ty n laive
number of eminent divines and other
li-tintiinhed (tentlciuen.
Tho Penosylvunia Hailroal will
oive excursion tickets 10 delegates in
u'tcntiiiuoa this convculioo. Tlinsu
dehirint; to avail themsulves of this
Vice rrifnl ut Hon. .! allies. Pol- crolly, in this pint nfihi) State, arc (a-
wi-l tli tilc over this anl ajitnte the
'liicy di-; matter until it i accomplished. Mote
a tyrant and us-; anon. CiTUEX
I'rom Tue Pr.
Tlie Vow situation.
'We nre coming, Frther Abraham,
Light hun lred thoastnl nitre."
These are the figures of the last, re- favor must t-ond their name toT. I
tiforoemcnt to tho ltepublicao raoVs Sieveosno No. lUJ'J Vine street, Phil
adelphia, when un order fir tn kots al
exeiir.iua rule will bo forwarded to
th ni.
Persons wishinj entortainment dur
vorablc to tho measure
The Lebanon CounW, says, that,
some of tho papers uro trying ti re
vive a dlsi'USsioil of tho ipiesibm as lo
whether Gen. Camcr-tii vol iniarily re
tired from Mr. l.iuculii s cahineut, or
whether ho did soon orlcruf Mr. Liu
coin At ibis day it matters very I.t
tie winch was thocaso. Tho view of
tho war taken by (Jen. Camurnu, and
the mean uecessury lo suppress it, wis
subsequently proven to be correct, and
his policy wiia finally adop ed ly the
administration, mtisl'
itiu' lien. Cameron's prescience io the
m utter, and proving i.i 111 to bo thu fust
statesman of tho tunes. No one now
loutits that hud his tiiiL'ttestioos been
Will knit 20,0.1(1 Ptitdics In one
and do perfect work, leaving every knot en
the io siilc of lite work. Il will knii a pnir
of stockings (any size) in Irss ihan half an
hour. It will knit close or open, plain or
ribbed work, iih any Limla of cunrie or
fine woolen yarn, or collon, silk or linen.
Il will knil stockings wi h doiibleahrrl and
toe, drawers, boons, sacks, smoking cups,
comforts, purses, 111 11 IN, fringe, nfgbans,
litibiii'.'iinderslccvcs. milieus, skailng cap'
liiinp Icks, mots, cord, undcrsbirts.sbaw Is
jackets, crrdlc blanket. Icggins, wrislers,
sns.eiiilers, tidies, tippets, tufted work,
snd iu fact and endless vniieiy of articles
in every day .use, as well a for ornament.
I10111 $3 lo 9IO ifr ly
can be made by any nne.wiiUjhe Ainerienn
Knitting Machine, knitting stockings. '&:..
w hile expert iipcrntiira cut even make more
knitting faecy work, which nlwnys coin
muinnds a ready sale, A jerson can read
ily knil from Iwclre lo fifteen pairs of
stockings f t" day, ibe profit on which will
be uot less ihau forty cents per pair.
can sell Ibelr al only lorty lo fifty
! cent per pniind ! but by gelling the wool
I undo into yarn al n small eipeuse, nnd
i kttiiiing it into socks two or line' dollars
I per pound may be rviiliicd. Ou receipt ot
we will fot-wnsd a mneliiue as onieri'J.
We wish to procure aeiive agents In ev
ery section of lite t'niled Males K Canada.
10 whom lite most liberal iinluueiii-'iils will
beutlcred. Aibitess
Amerlt'iin Kidlllii; Madiliie Co.,
Fehl?teJ lio.lon. Mass., or el. Louis, Mo.
mm: ltt.ic nn win dmng,.
1. any coluivd hair or beard lo A perma
nent black or brown. It contains uo poison
Anyone can tisi. it. One sent by mail for
1. Address M.VtilC COM CO..
DccM-HinJ Springfield. Mass.
i 11 EM'S WAMLII Kill
1 v tiik Krrr.T.s of EScveaiue.
The Wbifkey I'.ing. liold 1'iitg. nnd Irniv
back I'ruioli. ltivnlging systeiinitlc rob
bery of the 1'iiMiC Triasiuy, Orgnniied
I'epretlaiions, l onspiracies nml limits on
the Ci.ivernmcnl Ollicial Turpitude, mal
feasance, J Tyranny nnd Corruption. The
mosl Hurtling, I'Hscinatiiig.liiMriiclivenml
linporiiiiit Honk yet published. Containing
authentic fm-ts. imtistoitntilit cviib-nei..
sworn lestimony, com) lvlc und accurate 1 (Voiri, and returned by Iho HherilT of
OH I .
l.i-gislatnrs, I'nruirrs, nirclmitlcs, nier4
chains, every citizen a d ltxpa,ver,'nre di
rectly interested in the triiliigeiiif,iiriltiees
The Cnniii'onweallli of Pcnryl
AI. Vhttia, To Mary I toll Widow
(JmciiIi 1'i irieli, John A. I'clricli,
l.ytlia lUliieh. Ilit'iy lielrieh, 111a11d1 in
lei married with tleoigc twig, Ann Cnrirl
witlnw of (ieorge ll.uri it, Pinion I'etrlcb,
all of fnyder couniy. I'ft , Hnrali Wolver
tt.n widow Wolverton, Northumberland
Mitnly J'a-, Initiii l I'clt-ieh Morgan county
Hlinniat'. .Ii iniihaii beirick Limestone Iwp.
(. lnrin'i county, l'a. Am ham Dilrich Kelly
lownsliip Viiii'n c.-itnty, I'ratiklin Itetr'nh
onniity lllinoise, lininl ileeendi tt's of
lanli ttririrli Sr late of the township of
Miiblli creek Hnyder county deceasid.
(ii-eeting: 1 oil are hereby oiled to ap
pear before Ibe Judges of Iho Orphan'
I'oiirl al nn Orpltnn' Cnuit to be held a
Mid llebttrg. on the till Monday of Febru
ary A- 1'. 10 o'clock in ihe fore
noon, then nnd there lo accept or refuse l.i
lake the Utnl Lstnlc uf said Jacob Delcicli
.Ip-fiii.iI. nt t tie Mernised valnalion put
upon il by nn innuesl duly awarded by Iho
iiiacliiiintiotis an I cMini-s of corttii'l tu.Iiii
eiitiis. Illicit distillers, Ciobl Uamblers
drawlinck fnrgrrs and crafty ntalcf nctot s.
' 1 ill lished in one nllinclive volume, nbottt
; j n v. ell-titled pages, with spirited lilns
irnttoiis I'nee low to suit the limes. j-:t,0 I.
Cold by snbfciiptiiiu only. Sseinl for Cir-
letilar nnd nieetal terms. IV. FLINT.
Publisher, l'hiladclphin, l'a. 4
aid cmiittv, or show cause why the anto
should nol be sold. And hereof fail not
Witness the Hon. Samuel S. Woods. F
iiiiie, I'residenl of nnr said Court, at .ViJ
dl.lotrg iliislflhdiy nf January, A. U.
i,70. J. Clttil'isE. Clerk O. C.
.1 . l . 1 .'II
i't"'it 4 nu-.i uiuviv) i,(w aaiiiia
send their nainoi in advauco to 1'
have bei-u niucli shui toned. The conn-
, ,, ,, ' f -1 . I IIUIV Wl M lllllll PUUIlUllkU. . Ill" l-llil-
, but 0..-sti.ut. fcs p, No. 3o Liberty atrect, I , Bnull t , W,8W, , ,,rou
seas ' PitiBburir. ,;,, v;......i.i,,V f i;i
lot I.1HV 111 UlillOiM.
CmcA'io, Ft-b. 21 Jn T'jesday
l ist al lieartlstown. Ill , a mun named
Wilcox, entered the saloon of Yccli A: I
W'e fo ight for the Jitfcker. durin-' thoir Irmnorai v ah-!
I.I ick-ri.I fii'i' nti l Ibo Llat'k roter. Tbi. ... .......I... I . ,l..,,b . ...... ..I n
........ - - - - - " .priiw, vuui.4.4uiuii.u..-i w.-vi... , I I-, I
soldier hasntooi ly us aud ujw ihc'was io ibe aahjuo. and beat Lim Itadly I o porctim uu no
ci.t. r ill. 'i . t. . v....l I. i!....L. i, leaving the boy ti
lt;,lr,. v P4.l:iln avroirlnnr., ... .1 I! - l.hoUse. 1'ptlH their relum tllOy
... .w. . . i. v , U, nll- HIP lUlllAII 141 t 111.111.-1 . . . . . ,
si'icce, all unite in pronouncing ihe'atd hot iVrk dead, and Ihetl tut und ,,'t"r T iwi i e(' P'.'8 epi"""'"
African to bo a cr .t.lul race We fir,,l at Heokor. th., hall infliction uuc"",,i ".d 1,8 furoiture?enerall
und Irotu that hour victoiy ias
TllK Meu'lv'dlo Jiemticral tells a sto
ry uf a boy thirteen years old, planning
lo rob b a parents, residents of the
western portion of Crawford county
(iliKAT t'HANCE! 'K'-'i' Wanted:
01WWpcr year sure made by
V lUvV Agenis, male or leinnle,
selling our woi Id renowned Paioi.t
Everlasting White Wire Clot lira
Lines, f.'iicaocst and best clot lies
,a ihe world i only 3 els. per foil, und
will la"' a hundred years. .VI Iress tho
llinls'Oi ItiviT Wire V, "j Wm. St., N. V
or Iii lii-arbuin tt. Chicago, 111.
Feb 3-4 w.
Paris by Bunlillit
Cultivator -5ihk
I'nirrr ftnd Kitchen (inrilen.
ojih rdition of this popular work which
has met with so much favor in the past, is
now rniily. It bns hri-u ro-wriiten iiml
intiroril, priiiled with uew type, and on
hue pnpir, inns rincil with u ncniii mil
Lit hogntph.and many other tine engraving
li out inline. Il contains foil descriptions'
and Ihe culture of ovi-r loliu leinling vari
eties of I lowers nnd Vegetable ; also des
criptive list of llie nnveliir of Ibe pr'.'o lit
season' lo which is atbb d a colliclion or
o(Jt) cbniie French Hybrid llladioltn. This
work, we Mil ctuitiileitt, will compare la
volubly with any similar one.
kiwi J.cii Jiiirllrll, lii.firr, .V. .
I have received a copy of your superbly
gotten up Amateur Cultivator's Guide. I
Ihiuk it lar nhead of snylliln ol' the kind
ever betoru is-ucd fiotn the Auieiicau
Settl lo any address upon receil of l'"i
cents for paper cover, mid fi'l cents for
tiiBietully buuud iu elm It.
WAS II 1.(1' KN & CO..
.lir iiupTos, mass.
Agent wsnle l Ladies
iit.d tii nth iim-ii for l' nt
spmv louiiiMiis.- A h.-ning inacliiiic, a tml i
W licit, a li.ble, money nnd oilier gout
given ns premium. How, When, W here.
What, and nil oilier articular, t'rtt. A i
dless C. 1.. Vult.Vlleii, ITl Uluudway, N.V.
A Work descriptive of iho Mysteries, Vir
lues, Vices, Snlcudor an 1 Crime, of the
C'ily of I'aris.
l tell bow Tarisbas become the fiayest
au I most t'e.niiit'iil City in I lie world : bow
its I'.eauly and Splendor are purchased al
a feaslui cost of Misery and tiiitlcrin s how
visitors are Swindled by l'rofessioiial Ad
venturers i how Virtue and Vice go "arm-iii-arm
in Ihe llrauiiful City s bow the mosl
Fearful Crimes are commmed anil concent-
ome for a few hours, rd : how utonry i Siunndeied in useles
take euro of ihellunuryi and cnnla.n ovur 1 Ml lute engra-
I'llB I A.MILY I'SK, flMJ'le, t)ica, rrllilHt,
Knil s cverjlhing. Agents Wanted, fir
eitlnr and sample slocking FUEK. Addres
Me., or I7li llroadway, N. V. Feb. 17-dui
In the matter of Ihe estate of John Cuurl-IH-V,
On ibo petition of Courlney, I-.iecu-irix
of John Courtney, deceased, prescnlctl
lo the Orphan' Conrl of Snyder county on
the 13ih day of December. lMl'J setting
forth, among other Ihliifs, that ibo said
.lottn Coiiriney. In b,s lasl will and losla
inioit direcled lhal Iii esecBtor shuul.l
apiitiint three persons la appraise his real
eiime iu Jid llcerrek township, now Sny
der coiniiv, and divide ibo mute into ihrco
part nnd'appralse the same. o tbot any of
his children might take a piece of ral I but I
ut ibe n praiscineiil, uccording 10 law if
,i..,. n ,l..sipsd. ami also sellini! forth that
t he' Exfcutrla did appoint three men wrho,
divided and appraised said land nnd nsl.inn
n rule n the heir an I legal representatives
of said deceased lo appear by lirst day of
next Court nnd acce;tl said pieces of land
il the valuation or show cause why tin)
same should not be sold, Same d ty the
Court upon due consideration grnnltd tit
prayer of the petitioner. Therefore you
Mury Juno intermarried with Terry Hare,
Sarah Ann iniermarried with llenr) Itenfer,
llosaitna inieni.arrled with Simon Herpe,.
Joint Courtney. Cyrus Courtney, widow
nnl child of Amos Courtney, dice veil,
(ioorgo M. Coiirti ey. Ein-iia Intern. artied
witli Jiifins llotisb, Malilon Courtney .J and
Zailiaints T, Counni-y. heir and legal rep
resentatives of said John Courtney dee'd..
in nppcNrby lirsl day nf Hie nc,t. term of
i he Or linns' Coitrl of Snyd-'r County let
it : Ou Monday ihe '.'Xili d.iy of February
170, mi l accept said binds so do-inlied.
diluted in said Township of Mi Idl.creek,
ii tin. valuation, or show cause w liy lim
.ante shall not bo sold un lit the direction
ot the said John Cuitrtn ty. deceased.
Ccriitied from lha r curds of said jCourt
.1 MiddUburj; ihia 1 lib day ot December
I son.
3. CKOl'SE, Clerk O. C.
MlUULEIiino, 1A.
J. A. STAB ..SUCKER, Proprietor.
Having taken charge of this eld and well
eslablislie.d slaiid, Ihe propneior proposes
to devote all bis i.liiinioti to Ihe roviditir'
of hi Table and Itar and ihe accommoda
tion of boil uuin and beast, lie solicit a
liberal share of the public palrouage.
January )o, lb70 ly
) No. 4 HI North Third Street,
JOHN I LVMLIl, I'ruf tutor.
January Id. Wu-tf
O jti'.t ut1 an to fay tLut thuustiids have given them tho bayonet au 1 tLa urtd ugly and supposed a dangerous
Tbc murderer was aricclcd. Ou Fri
day Mr. Yeck w bul l ied, and there
was a lur'e atlieriD at Jie.irdstowo.
Just ulter dark a laro crowd, nam
benuji fully 5o(J, gathered uround the
jail. Without em ploying lore they
took the key a from thu aheriif and put
Li 111 under guard. J lie mob then en
ured the jail, sciied a prisoner, whom
tber puppoued to be the rauidercr gol
rope arouud hi neck, and then dis
covered that they had the mtoaj rnun.
In the mean atitue tho murderer,
who was iu another cell, chaiued to
thu floor, tu niade aware of ibe de
sioe of the UKtb, got possession of au
irotl bar, aud a the loader of the mob
appeared to opeu the cell door, he
w.iuod theiu that he would sell hi
lile dearly. 'I hi resolute dumeauor
pn-duced a ehaue of action, but did
uot defeat the purposu uf thu leader,
and a piatol khot throujjli tho bead l
the murdircf killed hitu. Ilia body
was lakeu out of door a and Lung by
the neck to a ire.
The tt'ataeri of iLe rcnn-)lvi.ia
Jueti'utioc for ibe I'eal aod l)i)tnb hi:
la'ed in rtiiladelphia, aonouuee that
tun i ruoiu iu the estsbii'l.tii.-iit for
'liJitii-tt (l!-u u'r let ween V) au I
LO) tars of ae, ho are citizen of
I'riiui yirsoia. This tlas of deal
w iil'b
tvt kduilcsloU
addicnet-d t'j thcSujuriutcodcut of lie
JiiKtitutiuu. Jt umyjte innitioutd that
iCuiiu ibe pr. tracUd period cfwr
liiu, the dcC' icucy iu the auuusl
fuua prvriioi ty tie Huu (or tL
auppurtsut education of licr ward
tuad xuoi by th fvlwaUrr oftur-
Jjuc if lbs fwtj the Inatitutivo
r.m' 9M--wimfm aMam aa)M
and w fuel lliut 111 ither will be
used UK-riii'l us in any .State where
ordinary iatellienea prevails We
may lose for a while ia the S'ju'.h
where c;etieratirjo of enslavement
have deadened intellect aod cjitscicuce
but ill the 1 tl 1 that will riht itclf.
Let us ic fur a moment how these
eight hundred thin sand nul more uew
voters will at.'ei-t the yeticral result.
IV-rliujis seven buidred and l.f.y tlmu
sm I of these live in thu old s'avehold
in,! Htateii, mi J, Maryland, Kentucky,
aud iJcl'-waro excepted, have already
enjoyed their nwiy-cquirc'J tfht.
iluw their vote fall in the L'uti';e is
alieudy on the rtccrJ.
I.ct us glance for a MQtucot at the
new fcituiitiou in the North and ou the
border :
What do we mrely train ly the ac
ccssion of the cdred cv'uujo ? Thc
tesults aro greater aud more eueour-
.. t - 41.
juiD luua, p'-ruupa. 1 '.Lcis iy irn
I be tilieeuth auieuduiciit sccurra to the
vlvsiiia, New
Ohio, J'eleware,
riluod. whde it aliitott iusulea
New Y oik and give u a chuuee to
tappUi with Keotuiky.
Iu l'eou)lvuia the colored vote
a ill range f iou I VM) to 15 W). This
i envub iodine.) il Hut.
New JertMty will lecviv an addition
vf tiur'y 6.009 vote- The luia.
iu.ylrm.ia. Jbu tusa 01 Ocal-, J u tilieuth auieudmei.t
. are uia.tUiu.d ty the (. wuu.ii-Ult .,,u.sit. p,ri, 'K(Jo.v
Mi fn ol rbarge, aud application j,.,.,, Connect eut, Obi
aduji-siou n be made Ly lUr,Lj Maoluuw. whde it a!
A Convkntiom ia called lo meet in
I'ltlaburg on the 3d of March, by the
.National Association rormed lor tlie
purpoae of aecormg auch aa amend-
lueot to tho L oiled tsialea (.ouatilutioa
a will euioody an acknowledgment of
Almighty Uoil a ibe author of our n-
lu.nul cuikli-'BCH 1 Jrtua ChrUt aa the
tossed an und in disorder. '1 hy uid
twj black men hud come to tho hot se
nod otlered to sell aonie medicine.
Ujiou tindini uo person at homo but
the boy, they proceeded to lie him
and robbed the house. Sumo nf tho
li-a'nrcs of tho case looked suspicion,
aud the boy, upon being cross-cxain
incd, cotifi s-eii to having planned and
executed the whole trick himself, for
the purpObe obtaining bis father's
Mtxn.'o All doult Is removed of
ihe I'ato of .Mexico. Tlio unfortunate
country is doomed to another bloody
civil war, aad even the) friends id
Jaurcx admit that the catastrophe can-
nut be avcrtcil, f ivo htatea ure now
iu oM!ii in.' urrcction, aud the Central
tjoveriuuont is powerless. Jaurex has
made ready for his depunuro for Kurone
haviry kbippi'd a fortune in bullion
there. We uiuy indued expect n reign
of anarchy in that unhappy country,
which, it kecina lo us, Is never likely lo
bctpiiet until the vtron Aolo-Amcr-icuu
ruco submit.
Till defeat of the Censu bill in the
rteuuto leavee the old luw of l&O In
force, and lha eeuaue must now be tak
en under its provisions. The commit
tee 011 iba revision of the laws have
agreed lo report that Inasmuch aa th
nomination ot beneral Walker lor bu
pcrii.leoduut of Ibe C'susu vaa made
ooutrary to exietina law. it fall. Un
villi of noted l'laci s. Life aud .Kcenvs in
I'ari. Agents waiilvd. Cnnvassiii Uook
sent free. Address
Feb3--lw Fhilndelphia l.
$75 TO 5200 TEH MONT1T,
Everywhere, male aud female, lo intro
duce the
Genuine Improved Common Sense
This Machine will stitch, bom. felt, luck,
tuill, eord, bind, braid and embroider iu a
mosl superior manner.
Fully warranted for Fire Tear
W will pay $ loot) for any ntaoliina ibal
sill sew a stronger, more beaollful, or
wore elastic eaai iknii our. Il tuake the
Every leoond stllcb can b eut, and atill
tbecloib cannot I iiullril apart
tearing il. Wa pay Agent from 7.) lo
JitO per month aud expenses, or a com
mission from which twice lhal amount can
laaiade. Addre-a bECOMIl k CO.,
I'lltsbitrg, l'a. Vottou, Muss., or lit.
Louis. Mo.
CAUTION. llewor of all Agent telling
Machines under lb sam nam aa ours,
onlesa Ibev can show a Certlticale of
Aine algned by us. W shall act hold
ourarlve respouaibl fur worthies Ma
chine Bold by othtr parilea, and (ball
prosecute all parti iiL.vr slllng or using
Mschiue unudr litis nam lo lit lull eilsnl
of lb law. liule inch Micblnc war ob
lained froia u by our Aivma. Uo not b
iuipod upoa by partiv who opy our ad
vsrilsumcui and eireulara aad ollsr wcrtb
las Uaoblur al a 1 pric.
Fb tt-4w.
(PureeMo;- to ficiticrling & Zocllln.)
Noa. 403 & 404 North Third Et.
J,y C. KHY & CO.,
llctweevi Fifih'! and. Hixlh,
IN have purchased lb following personal
properly, sold by virtue of a writ of Fieri
Farins. issued nul of I ti e Court of Coniiiion
I' Ira of Hnyder county, as Ihe properly or
llnswrll Koihrock, lo will On Cooking
Klove 1 Chair, 1 Htsnd, 1 Table, 1 8et of
chair. 1 clock. 1 Looking (lias. 1 coiniii
cupboard, lledslcad ami Holding, 1 Kill
key, '! Tons Hay, 1 Saddle, Hrldle. &e.,
Mel of llarm is, i Lounges, Wood chest.
1 crib, I Wheelbarrow, 1 Hnrrel Msrej und
having left the same In ki possession, ihe
publie I lurelij rauiioned nul lo uieddlv
or luleitete wiiu l"u sants.
January, 27, 1S7'J.
Tli kubsoiiber have Ihlsilny by Inn
lual ootnenl dissolved lb Co-purlnrrabiii
haveiofur exlsilng between I linn in lb
Lumber Uuslne. iu A'ellnrov l'a A.
peraou Indcbltd lo Ibe firm of Mayer
liowa ft llurna will (title Ihe iiitie snh
lb nw prut of Mnytr k llowea who still
eoollnua lb Uuslne, and all person, bay
log daiui agaiusl u will band ibna la for
UIiuui 10 aloysr l)ow, ' m I Tl AOI.E HOTEL
"WTl.erens Iho Hon. f. H. Wood 1'resl-
dent Judge of tho Judicial District
compose I of Ibe counties of Snyder, I'nlon
and Milllin and A. K. Midlvswarth nnd
Cicorga C. Moyer. E' Associate Juilges
in and for Snyder county have issued Ibeip
precelpl bearing date the ihe llh day of
lteccnil er, ltV.i, and lo mo directed for
ibo holding of nn Orpltans'coiirl, a court
of Coii.iiton I'lrss, Court of Oyer and Ter
miner nnd Cuinul curl f Cuartcr Ses
sions of the peace at Middleburg, for Iho
eotinlyf Snyder, on the -lib Monday . (be
ing the iisih day of febauary, 170. ) aud
eoiii itiue one week.
Notice is therefore hereby given lo tie
Coroner, Justice of the I'eaue and Consta
hlci in nnfi-r Ibe county of Snyder, to ap
pear in their proper person iih Ihcir rolls
records, iniitisiiion. examination and
o her remembrance lo do llmse things
which of ihcir offices nnd In thoir behalf
iicrtnin lo be done and witnesses and per
sons prosecuting in behalf of the Common
wealth against any person or person aro
ii'.iuir. dto be then and there attending
ami nol departing without leavo at their
peril, Jusiiec are retiicled lo be panel
list In lltvir aiienuiince ai tue apponuu
lime agreeably lo uoiies.
Civen under my baud and seal at tho
Sheriir otlice in Miildlebnrg, Ihe 2liti day
of December, A. lb, one thousand eiget
bund and sixty-nine.
JOHN S. ttOLF, Shcrlflr.
MATIO.V " "ITIieren the lion. S. P. Woods. Tresl-
dcnl Jiulgo of lha Judicial District
e imposed of Ihe cotinne 01 rnyuer, union
and Millin, nnd A. K. Middlesworlli ami
lieorgH C. Moyer. Esiir., Asooiale Judge
In aud for Snyder county, bav Issued
Ihcir precept bearing dale lit 18th day of
Deo. isiill, and lo mo direoted for ihe bidd
ing of an adjourned orphan court, a com
of Common 1' I esse and General Court- of
Quarter Session of ' Ibo 1'ene alMiddla
burg, for Ihe ronnty of Snyder, on lb !M
.Vnndsy of March next, (boing lb J ltll
day or Mnrob, 1H70.) and lo continue ou
Notice Is therefore lierehy given lo Iho
Coroner, Jtistlcra of Ihe I'eaoe and Consln
Ides In and for lit eouniy of Snyder lo
n pear in Iheir proper persona with their
rolls, record, lnitilliion, cxanilnail in
and other remembersiiooi. lo Uo ihoso
iblng of Ibelr odioe and In Ibelr behalf
prriain lo b den nd wllnsr aad per
mit proseoiiltng Inbehalf of the Common
wealth against nny person or persona ar
ret)iilrrd to be I lien and liter nllending,
aud nol departing without leave at Ihsir
peril. Jmiice are requested to b puno
lual In ibeir allentlano at lbs appoiutut
time agreeably lo nolle.
Given under in band and aenl al Iba
Fberln"inii) la Mlddloburg ib7ih day or
January, A. !., one ibotiaaud eight hun
dred aud aeveuty.
JOHN 8. WOLF, Sheriff.
- : S . .4 r . " -4ij.