PA ITS OP ADVEBTIKEINO. THE POST. fubliihed every Tbnrsrlay Evenles; by iT.GTSK A EES FER Proprietor. ToriDi cf Pofcrcrrflori, two iH)t.tArs rrn annvm, Tnyv within si inon'hs. cr$'.'.fn if nnl psbl i itl-ln the jeer. Nop aper discontinued etilll ll arrrrpcs are paid unlera at iht cr'ion of lb publisher. Subscription outside of tho tonnty pnrAni.R in advance. fff Persons liflinjr and oslne, paper Sd.lressed lo other become subscribers, nil art liable for lb price of the paper T T. cnONMK.I.KIJ. W ATTOKNF.Y AT LAW, Miditloburtr, Fn., Offers bid professional services lo the pu lie.' Collections and nil other professional Cosiness entrusted lo bit cure will receive prompt attention. fJnn 3, 'tiitf C.NSIMFKON. ' a .ITOK'.vy-' T LAW. "V.clinsgrove Fn.. (Iffer bit professions! service lo tho pub lie. All business entrusted lo bis cure will b promptly eltcndtd In. f Jan. IT, T.Tif 1 W. KM OUT, O, ATUMNEY ATI.AW, Freobtirg- Fn., Offer bin Professional service lo Ibe pub lic. All business enlriislf.1 to bi cure will be promptly attended to. Jn 17, 'Til Wil.VrtN (ll-ZF.U. ATTOllNEY AT LAW, LowMnii'i; Fu., Offer kli professional service lo the pub lic. Collection, anil all other Profc-sion-nl business entrusted lo bis euro will re oeive prompt attention. GKO. F. M1LLF.K. AHOIINEY AT LAW, Lewishiirg Fu. Offer his rrofcfslonni service lo l be l ul lie. Collections and all other prfrt Mon ad business entrusted to bid cure will rof J..n. .., Id JM. LINN'. . ATTORNEY AT LAW, L.-wisbtirg Fn.. Otter bis profession-il service lo the public. Collect lom and nil oilier pro fesslnnsl business entrusted lo ilnir r-iro will recciveprontptiitteuilon. f Jim. H, 'liiil CUAlILKS IIOWF.15. ATTOllSEY AT LAW. Sidinsgrovc Fa.. OfTerl bla professions! services to tbe pub .e. Collet-lions and nil other professional 5iisine entrusted lo hi care will re ceive prompt attention. Office two door north of ibe Keystone Hotel. Jan fi, 'li S AMU Kli ALI.KMAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Sidinsgrovc Fa Offers bis rmfcsionnl service lo tbe public. All business entrust i d In b l ear, will be promptly attended to. 'id lections ni'ide In hII parts uf tho S:nte lie can apeak tbo l'.i'pl:ib Bnd fierinst. lanftMtign fluently. Olliee between and the l'ol oflicc. LN. MYFi:S, ATT011MV k COI'SSEIOR AT tiT Middlebure; Snyiler Cutinty Pi nn'u. a few doors West of ibe 1'. 0.011 Main street. Ciiiisulimioii iu r.ti!li-l and liermnn languages. Fep.'ii7il J. UlVIIKIi. ATTOKNF.Y AT LAW, Kewifbiir l a.. Offers bis professional sevieisii the pub lie. All bu.Iness eutruitcd lo bis cure will be promptly attended to. 1 ( Inn. 3. V.Til KOVtll i IIAKKIt IT SIAYINfi MACIIINK. Person In need of a g"od and durblc Rowing Machine C'lti be ncenmmod-ited nl reasonable prices by calling ou on .am tab Fai st, Ageul, tfeliiisgrove. fJnn CI. I'Ki 1) n. J.Y.siiixpKii. Sl'RUtOS ANl IMIY?IC1AX. Middh-tiiirc Pa.. Offer blfc professlonnl services In Ihc cit izens of Middleoiirg and vicinity. Muredi 'J1. "7 J F. VAN IJU.SKlPiK. S LOGICAL & MIX'iiANICAL PENT1ST s Felinsjjrove Fenn. "JOUN K. HUG I IKS, i., JUSTICE OF THE TEACE, Tcnn Twp., Foydcr Co. Pa Y1I. W A ON Kit, Fan,., s JtTPTICE OF TIIK l'EACE, Jacksoj Townnhip, Snyder Co. Pu., Will attend to all business entrusted 10 bis eare and ou Iho umsl reasonable terms. Mnrcb 12. 'OKif U. J. F. KAN AW Kli, rilYSICIAN AND Sl'ItCEON, CentrcTlllr, fiijdcr Co., I'u Offers hie professiounl services In Ibe publio. 0-3'f F. W. SCII WAX, M. P-, et'UGEON' fc riiYsiriAX. Fort Trevurtoii I'u. n(T..r lils nrofssslonal services to the ciliten of Ibli place and viciuily lie ivcaka Uermau auu r.iiim" r April 1C, '08 III A. BOYEIt, Jr. AUCTIONEER, Freebtirir Snyder Cu. Fa., Moat respeelfully offer bis tervieea lo tbe publio a Venous I ryer anu Auction eer. Having bad a large experience, 1 feel eonfldenl Ibat I ean render perleol aailst.btloa to aiv emnlovees. Jan. 0. 'C7lf I T. FA It K 8. JUs ATTOKSKV AT LAW k PISTKICT ATTORSY, MIDDLEDURO. PNYPER COUNTY. Pa Offioe la Court IUuse, Sept.15, 'C7lf LEWIS BREMER' S SOSX TOBACCO WAREHOUSE N"o. 322 N.THIRUS'' C.83 PHILADELPHIA. TkjERCDANT HOUSE. U. II. MANDERBACII Tbop'r J. C. Nll'E, Clerk No. 418 k 410 North Third Street. " Philadelphia. JILLER t ELUEK WHOLESALE BOOK 8 ELLENS, 6tatlooer, Blank book Manulacturca djMiaJLweorjins''ssilnai-ur II s VOL. 7. SELECT f POETRY. GOD KNOWS BEST. Pome people liv. In sunshine, And rus.'S sltew lb. wayt Their lives en ti but be likened. To a pleasant summer's day. Their hearts are always happy, And free front every caro And sorrow frems unwilling To ever enter llicro. . They've Mends to love Ibem dearly, 1 And make leeir liomo so bright ; To Ml their hearts wiih sunliine, And keep their spiiila light Full of joyous pleasure. Theirs Is a bapry lot ! T'leirs Is a life of gladness, And hutiie is the ee ectest spot. How many have beard that sweet word, And lei' Ibe warm tears start. For ime there nie who never felt The love of a human bean I No home unto Ihetii is granted, No love unto Ibem Is given ; N0113. save 1I111I of the Faibfr " Our Faiber, who art In Heaven! " God never forgot bis children : The love f ir which they piue For the human lore withheld. Is given the love divine. lie sends sweet consol-ilion, lie gives ns holy re-l ; These a.llkiiotis make us stronger, ' And Ovd knows n hul is best. Tlioir.1i clouds niny gather round in, Ami hide the beii'iilul tun ; Wc II siy. ns the cln isi inn sayoth, Faiber, Tey will do ilnne.' Tlionjili aM our bnpesaie blighted, And Kjiih seems growing dim J We ll mist the blessed Jesvs, And leave it 11 II with II. in. A Frctty Maidon'd Soliloquy. Oh, dear me ! I Am ready lu cry, die: And II sometimes seems as lliougU I ttlioulu Nobody know s The liuuilicr of woe That besot such a uinideo as I. They call mo a flirt, And try 10 convert Mo into a lmteful. contemn. iMo prude; It ibry don'l mind. 1 think I hey will tind that I'll soon leueh ibem what locouc'ude. As for tbe beaux, Heaven only know me: Why they seem so determined to pcrsecu.e v hut under the sua I ever huvo To make Ibcui set to, 1 con I see. If they nsk me lo ride. Or to walk by ili.-ir "ids, Whenever I think llic're nhout lo propose, 1 miinogc the 1 liin,; Cunlriviiig In loiiig The subject at once lo a close. Till Iben if I wait It may be Ion bit For nieu are but tickle nl esl(solbey sny): I think I'll decide (lib dear! how I'm tried) lo accept one wnlioul wore Uel iy. Now John will be hero To uiubl, without fear; It will be very easy 10 just tell him yes;" I'ul bis huir is so light. And his whiskeis loo brighl He'll wait a whilo longer, 1 guess! Tilt: MAt.UJt. 'Xos-sEnsk!'' "UIi very well. It' very easy to ay non.-oii--e " "Io you moan ti say that you be lieve, all this Htull?" '1 uieuu to buy th"- every uiuhl, at certain hour, thimn three murJerer retui'u thoro and hull cotivorsj uudcr that "ibbet." "I can not iutii;ioo how a neusilile man Itko yott cau iicriously talk so.'' ''I tell you 1 ve ('(( 1 bom. JtsU" more hearsay with me; Fvo hntnl thctu. I once lauirhel ut tho idea, just as yi.u do nuw. But I heard, and I laughed no more. iu you uow at any time l ti it uight, il'yoa dare, und I I 11 i,. ..1. 1 uec any miug you 11 vumg u4u uu dovin." Done; whot'll you bet?" 'II! bet Hiy hut so uuitml your pony." ' Done. I II tiiko it." "Done It in. Here. Urowo, you'll do lo hold tho rdukon." Tho uhove conversation took place in tho "lie I Iiou Inn" at Cam leu, a little vI'iIul'O on the coast of Maine. i'lio first speaker was a flue, IVctdi-liiced broad bouldcrQd,huaia:-lookiut fellow. who under bin ruuirli clyuinu bore the uuiiiMakuhlo niiis of a (jeuilouian The other hud 1I11 air ol a eea-l.irin man. thoujli lil-t uresewun uiai 01 a tnrmor. Twu others were with bnt, both of whom had very much the amuu iippearance. pure or hix otiicra were irosent, all 01 wnoiu uiok a ueop iu-.'erci-t In tho conversation, and give a hearty assent to tho bet. , At tho bet true niauo ino nio urowo arose and proceeded to tuke charge ol' tho etukes. tlio iwo uieo wno itnu made thn bet also arodo. By tho air of the rest of the compaoy it wit et i dentthat they coosideroil that the bet was alreailv lost by me uuDouever. They were all inhabitant of the villus Tlio 000 that tioa liU'ie lite uci, was a Htrntij'er ; and local prido wae arous ed, even it there wero no other feelioji to aniuiate them. The nun who had accepted the Wi ner benitn to prepare fur hie departure. Ho took n flask of brandy only to en. countor tho auperuatursl foes whom be was supposed to eucouoter, aud Uugb iii)flv departed. "Well'aaid ono of tho spectators, after ho hud departed, bo'a gone j ibe young fuller's gone. He'll get enough of It ? "That ho will." said another. "He'll be back ai aoou a be, gets there. TheT'ea $ rltroopT bettor mao than MIDDLEHU'UG, SNYDER CO. PA., Tho flml tiino 1 licirl it I was truck dumb." "Ami t Kho'iM hnro fiillen den J if tliero hndn't Loco unollior nvin with It' n noo p ny Ih youtu follor will 1i hp tn givii tip, liny wtiy." 'Wi'll, I10 otiiiht ifwlcnovv boltnr tlun to I so t'roo with lii- liets." "I to' never Icon much iu '.liO'O parts before." 'No, of cotmei not, or ho w.ialJn't havo lie-en so froo willi liin lipts." While theso men were spooking tlm one wlii hal nuilo t lie bet, with h cmap:inin. had quietly ilepaitcd. Searee'y had thoy li ft, when a fierce Hii-t ol wind, eumini tip Iho village street, set all U10 sini nnd shnlters ereakini:, and dde I to the snperxti ttourt lei ror ol' the company at the inn. h;le tliry were eliirtiueil itivun.nis speculations a lo the remilt of hie ex- perunent, the younif ndventuter was (Tuintr en toward tho place. It vus on tho Htimmit of a wide, bleak, mid desolate ridgo terminali-d by a c'.ilV. at the base uf wh:eh the ocean nurf bent. Here, some yeaia la fore, ainur ler had been coinmitted by a R'lii nt rufli ins. They ha I been captured ami tliriin of the ling-leader h id been Lun.'ed iu ehnitiH iip'in a lolly gibbet en thu very 8mt where the crime had been committed. As tho adveuturar ticareJ tho put tho will ! blow iu K'l'ts over tlio ritlie. Thv' tno-'ti oocasiiiiial'y rdiiniuj out I'roin behind a cbnid reveiled the lie. It witi L'loomv iudeel, and nniit well nave nppnieii 11 man even of tt router nerves. The doom of the nijiht b.rnicd a back-ground, and in ( tho fore ufeun-l rosea lofty three-1 armed t'i'd'et. I'roin eaeh arm of whief ; there bunej suspended the skeleton ol 1 1 man in chains. The r i-biu wind ave to the seeno additional cleuieiit-' ol terror. As 11 drove pa-t it s-unj I the hkeletuiifl. m.i?in them vibrate 1 ... I.. 1'.. t.;,l. tt 1 i...:H 1..... 1 ,0 chain. :rnt fetters, so that they creaked , ninl rati'cd, and male a ihou-aul weirctl and yk-mly so'.iuJs lu the lone ly darkness. lioin tho ili.-tnnee I li ?re came up lecp, low, sullen miuiid, nt roinilir in tervals dyin and rising nriin, to die nvay in loiijr, low feverbcratiitiii. ll vvik tbe ocean Hurl, wbieli beat upm the 1-bore nut far away; for C'auidon whs a li.-hiui village, and the 'ibU't s'oid upon a bili cblT which over the beach. Tbe moatiinu of the witit, tho low, sullen roar of tlio B-irl. anil tho elauk of tlio ch litis, wero s 1 1 111 eimii to iospirn dread iu tho bjldot heart. The j'otni nnn, howevor, seemed mbe unulTeeted by any supetstitinu. 'errors. He quietly disiuouute I. tbinj the hotWa bn llo liver bis arm, drewil,,o barrels and hoses io re it liutu bis c oak about htm. him waited. I'm-ah nit an hour he waited pai lontly, keeping a w iry I ink nbo it bim', -ti us not to be Hiirpri-cd in th-t i;lo ni l'ho li.nht. however, was sullioii'iit to! prevent any one from e iiniiie; near uu obs -rved.-md tho watcher toll salaried a onj tu ho hid hie pistols at bis belt. Al length ho felt Conscious) nf a low moati, which was entirely different from any of Iho eoundb which he lud hitherto heard. It seemed to uriso from tho ground behind him. It wng u uiouu of pecu liar nature ami of poneiralin power. Tho watch r grasped bis pistols and turned toward iho directiou Irum which tiie Ktiiind came. Tln-n fol lowed 11 heavy sigh, lie waitol. Then cumo a deep moan A k tn i lo of copiemj't pusa.'d over tiie wa'cber's face. "Very cluin-y trickery,'' he thought, "Ifl hud tho maoagemuut of it, would aot dillerotiiiy." Suddenly thoro was a cratinir over head. Ho looked up. The ekeleterts lu chains wero descending. They were moving down elowly. As they descended they awung iu tho wind, und were knocked together and dahed against tho giilluws-trce. Still thoy were auHponded, and were not coin ing down without be in 'i lowered down The watcher stepped buck and cooly waited with a grim atullo ou hie face. Tlio skeletons came down elowly, till ut lust they touched tbe tirouud. The wulchor cooly took one of them und guv a violent pull. It fell down, dragging a rope after it, which creaked hh it ran through a pully overhuad. The watcher puled awuy at it, uud dra.'gcd down a line which was at least a hundred feet in lomith. Meantime the other skeletons kept rising and full iug. Ho caught one of Iheiu with the ante peculiar jerk, aud nulled the r-'po iu tbe same way, buudenly the other akeloton began to ascend I "No, 00, my lino fellow," muttered tho watcher, catching the chain of his leet before it got out ot reach, and pul'iug with all bia force. ll was a sudden and violent pull, and tbe skel eton yioldod. Down It tell, aloog witb tlio watcher, wtiu loll Willi It lo tho jrrouud. But to a moment be arose. ami witb au audible chuckle, bo pulled tbta rune down also Thou bo stood wailing cautiously as before. Home time now pagsod, dur ing wblob ootliluir waa aeon or beard. Ibe skeleton lay urouotl oo tlio toouih Tho wateber wuiiod. At leat a bright liuht flashed up from the ground about twenty yards in front of bou. It waa close to ibe e due of the cliff, and looked like a crev ioo. In tiie midst of the light three figures appeared, each wrapped in a Iouk wulieaiieet. Tbisapeetaole, however, Inspired no terror Id tbe watcher, who held bis pU litis watcher moved ti one side. H id denly, ns they c imn tlo;ir, they mi Ic n rifh ul him. IlofiroJ. One if llicni dropiied. lu-'tantty ho praniJ tnwnrJ thoopen iii(f from whieh they hail ein.Ted, and P'i!itii( out a boat-swuin whistle, hv; blew ihroe limes a ulirid poretratin,: hlnt. It wm quiekty d ine, and llu'0 .10 waited with hi pistil)! extended Two out of tho three figure stoo l motionless, elisc ly lh? "no wh hud I'nllen. (ir mil ol piiti catno IVuinthc tallon lik'nrc. Itut now other figure appoaecd tip on tlio scene. At tho R'tltid ul' t ti shrill whietle, ix or eiuht tiU'O nil aimed, sprang up from behind a hill- iek. were they hail Lin in concealment and rushed up tn tho two fhuren. In a moment tln-y lud urrotluJo I them and siz?d thi-tn. The wuteher then advanced towird them 'Who's this fellow?' sinid lie. atoop- inir over the wtxitid 'd mm, and intraway the sheet with which be was enveloped. "Ah. ah I my fine fellow," suul ho ; "it's you, is it ? S you've lost yur bet.'' It wis Iho man with whim lie had made the bet. Ilu gave a deep grnan Thi? wa'chcr then tore inv.iy llie sheets fritu the others. 1 1 was lirown the man that hell the nt:iko; theother was 0110 of tbe C"inpaiiy who. htt l becnat "Pinpoint down there into jour plane. So lead on,'' ai I he. 'Who are you." cried lirown snv atfely, "seising nn I shuntiu innocent persons nae a iiin wnyuian ; ' "Well, it you want to ktuw, I'm Cap tain Sincldr, a I'tiite I States Custom- h 'Uho ollieer. You were plnvful enough 1 1 bet witli m , nnl I thinh I ve " out come,'' he e Ul.'iiiued. sternly. 'Tvo suspee'e I that you were "P U'idiief here, 1 only came here )e.tenl,iv. 31 y preileecamr conl l never liuee th) cxtuti-ivc m i-'-'li"-' i nini - :,i i. iiw tl,. if iv. .... tu-! ..1. 1.... aul I thought that perlnp'o thu li. t ha t souiethin.' to do wall it ee I've caught you " llrilll'll II ! I .. Iai. 1 u..,,ii,tltln , ti.,1 I j eirso und tin etitre.ity. "Tie his hand.', lids. Tio up lo'.h of 1 hem." Tbo men obeyed. ow two ol von Ic iws Htay lmre. I lai any body mt 11 lantern ? I loo nl tlio men IninJe J 0110 to hi in. ' pious old dtinii-8 uf thu t liureli oaij he I l!e tr tiing1 :l:e next 11 i,; lit, he lost it lie limine I it, ami th u ilcseende.l j was o nieu ) oiltin man, und they had f nil, wa- unco inoro peuuile-i, an I af by 1 lie oriliuo tliroimh which tlu three ninny purrel.i aui'iii heinscivea as t i ter Mib.itiiijr luany yeari in ubj. i 1 liurea b nl cluei(;ed. whime dau 'luer he hh uld III irry ! iienii' V, a raed lovjur at a -en- Alter a Miort ilistauce, lie Poind sell ma pissa.'o way which went ' beads and ni I iood t.'hristiu'ia d'd ti dio on tho Hide of u eli,f tliat bad ! a -t iu that manner; wliiie oilurs tfave severed in twain. Tlio path 1 it us their opinion that 111 ultra Cnris slnpud steeply for a bun Ired yards or : tuns went by Hteutn. ma le ina-io with in, ami oinled iu a cavern. Hore there iiere, ull liilcil wtili coniraiiaii 1 arli ' '-" The cavern itself was jilst utl-! derueaih llie gil.hnt. D wn.s evident lhat llieaii Hin i-':;lers hud nride u-e of iho gibbet to Irubten pcojdo av3" ' irm iheir hatint-i. I , , ,1 All 1 cxaniii.ution aflerwarl Mi .wed inui 1 nesti inree men alone li .l C"ti J icled a vast Ktiiiigliog business by! ineuusof this convenient cavern. They I hud been completely entrapped by Cup-: tain Sinclair. As he said let bad sii poeted eomo trickery about the -i 1 bet. He had made the bet, ami caos-d some of his incu to follow hi 111 and oonceal Ihcuiselvas. The icsolt wue as has been described The three Miiiiguli-r I'oilud thuuisidvea anddeiily oust down from their dreamt of wealth, uud on their way lo tlio Stulo FrUou. As for t'apUiu Sinclair, bin brilliant exploit was rewarded with promotion liit- I'Vr' Wukly. How Civil. Wool Made Ilia 1 o.Iuiio, Tho evening b.-fore tho veteran (ienoral Kua Hlriikeii down with the illuesa thai closed his cvenful career. he made a moat intercstingstatenient t the editor ol tho Troy H'ii'., which conveys a practical lesson, ami Miowr how eaay it is lo become rich all -r obtiiininr tho tirst d. 'lar. if ono is pru dent and economical. "I never ma le hut SL'H.UtlO in irv life !'' suiil tbe onrral emphatically, "hut alwaya! kept that at eood interest I" On our' expresing surprie,he went on to exd .in It seems that at tho close ol tho war of 112, the Cetieral found bimsell terribly wounded, but about oven with the world,' in a pecuniary point of view. Shortly afterward tho'Jovern me nt eeot him to tho far South and Weal, on special urtision connected with military affaire, and for Ave ears ho traveled over mountains, and lliroiiL'b the almost trncklesa wilderness, and aecomplished bis diflleult mission, n bo alway dil, to the entire ftitislue- tiou of the (ioverntneiit. Ife bad not drawn a dollar from the Treasury, except for actual expanses., and at the cud of tho five year tbe flovcrnineut owed him v.u.t'tio, wuieb wus iben tiaid. Hero waa the nucleus uf liis large fortune. General Wool was then about thirty-five years of ace. lie dtea at about the age of eignty-eight. Now, lot tbo reader take Ibm J-'O.UOO. which, at compound interest, will nearly double every ten year, and in the tifty years intervening between Ibe time of ita receipt and tlio Gener al's death, he will 0 nd that it will amount to mora than tbo General's es tate, to Witt II 00,0 JO. A Justice, io robukinir ft virago who had been arruhcuod for nearly scratohing her husband's eyes out, said t "You should remember that your husband is the bead of tbe domestic nylm itntJia Uniif, barltnad)V KUMUIAKY IT. 1870. TiiUeu lu and louc l or. Kinjsttn, N. Y., h:is n icnniion. William Travis, an el 'trant y-mnx man. sweet ih a poach, natty, imtiiiy, liirh toned, nlti'.iefivo in Inct most ' deiu'd foine'" (r,'llr'ra'Iy, ha taken in Ih-'peu. pie of that pi tee to the tunc ut bltv , ih uisand dol'uri, tin I .iuj h-.-ueo with the same. William is n nice yoanp unn, about twentj-l wo years ufajik He appenreJ on tlie Kingston clid k- band Ktnc time oinee, irpreseiit'li hitn.'elf to he a nice, mural. t'hrltian ytuin-r gentle- 111.10. tin I a rn"d boy y. IK- luld a very pretty story. Once lm wj a poop hoy working in Xew York, and curried on u'1y bundle I'.ir a cool woman who-e name, be iai I, wai Mrs. le Wu!. Ho carri.'il the bundle ho nicely that Mrs. ,. Wall l ather like I him, hn l often in vited him. when a I id, to h r le'iise. In time William became a man. Mrs. lo Wall kin lly die I, and left to V ill , ery, (,r fighi with bim. Wis ptoposi i a 111 her large estates in New Yet k und iiuii wa.sthis: that his earri-ie an I I'hilii lelidii.i. Willi nn showed the horses ti e trinKct mid I use money will, ut tested by Governor llefTuini and other parties; eNo a ct rt.tiui'e Irotii the u r.ijutu wdl iH c rreet, mid that he, William. . was tho identir;il Will luentiouc J ill ' the will of Mtis. I o W11II. j Wtibtlewe I'orjed document Wil liatn ili I p'ay u;Mn the cte luliiy ul tbo churcli member! of Kington. He sail unto them that he was to come into possesion of nil this vaM eatato in a s'.tort time, and cn the strength uf this iLicuui -ut he boriiWe I iiioney ; twenty tlioism i ilollars Iroui one p-uth man nt dilleu-ni tune-, William attended S'lmlay-eboo! and lobl mieli chirinin.' slor.o-. to IIk- ehil- Ircn. Ilu wore llie st uniiinesi ne.k tics ; the swecte.-t lent m celoicd kids ; thcdaiiiliest jewelry ; the nici-t. lilil cst, (tlime-t, slu-ke-l pa'cnl lealm-r lino's j cnt-.iway-est velvet c u'.s, patt.-d lim hair in t!ie mi Idle, poured balm 1 nl, joekev cllll cinnamon e-- -en -e and all llio-e irlieli'rt lli-reon iou'ibat miht bo nttractivu 111 the even nt I . t t . . 1 ; 1 1 1 ' llie iiinuuitT.s 01 reiiioni Miomiyu ,n. , lie nude lonjr pi. 1 ver au l Mich eliujiieiil praycr.s no one ever licaiM he- f ro in Ibis net-lion. Hj drove la.-t horses. And hiii driving was like unto ! tlnit of Jehu, lor he would cau-e them I to fkiii) over the hiirfaee of 1110; ln-r- 1 ear:h with mueli velocity And t he , hun-'Some of tl 1 however, idiouk th a ban l-orati, an I dil o i.l by brevet for a lituc sweet Wiiii nu In I il ull his own way. At list cattiu tbe hour of bis departure, an I b hi out tiierc like a 1 buiuas eat 111 a ti livery linn, barkeeper! ht. He owed j biuk-sciers. I :inl llilld bill of eleven bun Ire. I, lollars, for Wiibain li v.-l suni'it iiotisK ., ... .. ui.iimi,-, iiiii, 111.11, ntiii'i-iiter. an I larcd high. Ho Wore purple and',,,,, ,.!,,., , ,,, , ,...;,, ,Vllil. ', line lllietl n-:n ... I . . . vi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nas gono Folicd i.lli -ors been looking (or hi 111, but they find hi 111 not. Ho 'put tbo atue 11U..11 1 lil'iy thousand ahead. besob s a very pleasant expo i jeueo ofu few nnni'lis with lite in.ii.l.s und matrons of Kinsinu. llioso wlu dwell 111 thut regi.iti hive discovered thul William an iniioter; dial be wus i.ot the pious young man they ihoujht he was, au I they ivi-ro a-tei-islied to thiiik that he hud dared futge tho (.iguntuie of a Ijovcruor in "J:re,ii Suite bko this, and play upuu their cre lulny as bo did. J.-fl-lo liar jewelry h uet so good as the best kind. Who niac oit i ftl Aiuei lcii f This question has been raised in Sun i'ltt icisco by the publication of a pa per uu the subject by Mr. J. Hanbiy, the I'h'iieHo interpreter of that city. Mr. Hanlnv htates that the Chinese discovered the American eonteneut 1, 40J years airo. About live hundred years a,'o Buddhist jiriest rcpuiicJ here, and carried back tho news thut they hud found lluddhist idols. and re ligious writings in this country. He euys tho Chinese called the laud Fos any, ufter a tree like the bamboo, from which tbo native made cloth nod pa per, und the fruit of which they ule. Mr, sluuluy compurea tun with the statement of tho Compiistu lores, lhat tho Aztecs fi-oiu the pulp ol u tree made paper, and used the root and fer mented spirit for looit. no relies, too, on a correspondence, between iho au thorities us to tbo absence among lb" native of other tuttal tools thuu ol copper, and of th little vuluo they pluceil ou gol.l aud silver. :lr. lluti lay alhrujs tWe is a reactuhUuce b - iweeu the religion of tbo Aztecs and Uud. i hum us well as between their manners and customs. He 4erie ihere is a similarity of feature belweiu the Chinese and the tribe of Middle and South America. He goes furl he. and gives a list of word iu the Chi- uese and American lanuunge, wiuor. exhibit a aiuiiluriij. Mr. 11 jqIuv ' ev idences, bowcrer, are not accepted as oooolualve by tbo critics. "Saut," suid a irrceu youth ia veueiablo whito hat aud . a pair of pant through which bis legs projected a halt a loot, perhaps more, "cully, be fore we go into this ruusoutu to see the oronader, 1 waut to a-k you some Uiiu.' Well, you see, thi bere. bust au isKwioe toixiit, bull quarter i piece, snd I ran't afford to spend so "HHP1! lor.ppthiQ'.ffow lf you'll hv NO. It). Trio l4MHiltlr'sj rtitr. Amour the inntitnernblo nn eil dos related id the ruin of pemona nt pluv iih'io is one v-firiD reiuim.', wineii re f' M le a Mr. Purler, nn l!njr!ihiiiun wh'i in the reijjn of (jtieen Anne n- m'ssi" ! on.1 d' the bent estati ) 111 . N n- tbuiu!ii'1.ind, tho whine of w h 'eh In U hi at bacrJ in twelve nights. According to the st ry uf ill's mad- man, lor we ran cull biin in t liifirf rl-e. heu lu lul l j ist citupleted tie1 lossol hiilrt nere at a n uiiblitii boim - in I.Dndnn, nnl was j tncecdiii:; dnwi 'tnir.s 1 1 throw bitns,'il into bis out- ri ie tu be Carrie I to his; house in town, h" resolved upon h:ivin one throw in re to try t revive bis io-e and in. mediately returned !) tin rnoui where tlio pU:y wn.s c.iinon. Nerve I t'.ir tho worst that iiii-.-li! liai'p'.'U. he insisted that the p. rson h be bad been p!:v;nir will. wtiouM cive him one ehuiie ol r-'cnt in h's pm-ki t, anl f urn i t ii ro ll h -in t u 0 limi-c. pin ehort, all be h 1 Itld'e thai ihellefl in the world r.r-ept the elotties ti:. his buek, should be valued in a linn; at a ecrtain priee, and be throw 11 ( -r is 1 a 'u .! e i-t. No persim-iniis e mid nrevail (ill liilil todeinrt I'mm bis tun. p -e. lie threw and lo-t ; tle-ti e mi iduelin the Winner to tlio dour, tn!d lm coiehm-ni that there was hi-, ' numler, mi l maivhe I fotth into lie 'dark nnl dismal streets, witln.tii house or homo, or n'.iv other ere, III - ble toe ins ol i-uvpor. Tints b.'irjarel. be retire d to in uh m ure 1 1 I'hil: in u i heap part o th town, sub-i t in; pirl'v 011 cb'anty sometimes it.-tmi; as tbem-irkir at n ; bilharl table, and oeea'luii.iliy as n 1 i- I- . ... . . . iper lira iivny in I li ui'.M'tal'le eimli'tiMi. mi l with i.n-,ed ne.44 and fiiiiiiu- .-t-iriii Into in lb. 1'aee, cxpo-od to the taunts nnl i ti-! 1 -uIim o il.o c wh on he on 'e H;:i!'Ot t-. ed, be v.i rec, i'MZ i i- nil oll 'io n i 1 who yave him ten irnin-iH t pur-lm e ..... net e-at les. expended live 111 pro- euriii.' deeenl aiiinir. I. With tli.-i.- nuorni; live be repaired to a emu-! ni"li irnnini: lieii-e. anil itn r :ise 1 tlietu to liMy. e then n-ljoti-ncl t.i iuie, of tbe higher order of buii-es, nt down .' iih f u nirr iissuelntes, and won 1 t wt ul v thousand iiouud-i. ny lodging house iu St 1 1 1-- I'll I' 111 1 11 K I lilt' It -itt. A correspondent Siiiund Vlcr mentions the following itieblcnt in u letter 10 tbo Ii.wa lluu s:eal: "My nephew -tut' d fiirmi i in li! inois, ubo'it I lie y. ar I l.l on a hroa I prairie nearly out of tsijjlit of I i:n'"-r llue.ipitil wtw a Hilbcr worint wottli S 1 -", who h an uneio i;avo b in li ill'itf il 11 lir nf li.irki.M .1,1 I n il.i..l. ; 1 1 . . ,,-1,-r b .11 i,f ll.e nn.l il.e...!.;.,.. .... machine, a c iw atnl lew firm to .Is this was th.' capital of b. th. They went en the hul l e pi.,1 puricn-rs I'w i ii:i-li can often work to better it 1 vau'.ng.i than on-', lle-i b s here wi a union of capital el'i-o.iiu S'il), which was am a Ivuntu.'C. They wire both good workers -in I good mnnig 'r. I'liirtecn years from that time the nephew nid to me, ' L'ik-Io we have been taking an account uf slock." (.thut is valilin.' latidd, utii m:i N. und tools,) "which unit). lute I to tM.'i.iWJ " This luriniiig was not bavin,' mid sell tug I. nnl, but t wus tbe value of their homestead which lli. y ha I enlarge I lo fill) acres, an I tbe value ofth-irtini. tuals, crops an I tools. Tliis th rtcen years eiiiioa o your uf l.av prices, a well as shcrt crops. Ahout half ul th & Jo aas ma !e by ll.e :( v.ii.i't value of their homestead, no I tbe oth er had' wai the genuine ' wcat of ll.e brow," and their fatted animals. A youiigT brother of that tu pbev set tied siiiufl years alter en a piece o pruirio tldjoininir the first olid i duiup' belter than the first did. A Ki'Utucky Trial. A few days iuo, iu Breckenride conuty, a r-oigh rider cine red a small town, get on u spree, and us.-aulted a citizen of the place. Toward Cieuio iho cuiniu itiiiy dctermiuud on Ins ar rest. He wus taken before u magis trate, and bis case demand ng inure legal knowledge than be possessed tho prisoner was sent to a iiianistrute iu tbo country for trial. Tbe prisoner rciiini Led, "ihey b id better hurry up. as be had no time to fool u.-nuod ; it ihey didn't look sharp, he'd get tn his horse ana leuvo." Thus adinonisue.l thu majesty of tho court wa brought into rcuuisi'.lon and the trial proceeded I be prisoner seemed t object to the whole proceeding, ami observing pistol iu the pocket of a coat banning uu the wall, tie drew il out, uud U it happened to bo the ouly weapon m court, beia a wtuiiiu'x hand. ll re quested the rnauisirate aud his oifieei to dance oa the floor, and conduct themselves in a highly ridiculous mao- uor. hen be was sailsuoj with the performance he ordered the to have l:s horse brvucht out, which be mouuted, and then made that ollieer if lbs law ahow bim n short cut to the nearest lusie road. Se'mg clear road ut of bis difficulties, ho dismissed the 'Siuiro snd galloped off. remarking that he eaptured tbe pistol ia war, sod he claimed It a his owu. ll Is ueeU less to say the rough rider disappeared Irum tke vicinity in ell haute, aud lelljoeit day the lawyer found lhat it was One eobimn, one year, f M.OO One-half column, one year. H0.00 'no-fourth column, one year," One square (10 lines) oneinrertlon 7 l.very addinonal insertion 6) Professional and lluivs csrJs of nol more than fiva lines, per ysur. f,0i) Auditor, Kicutor, Adniiiiisirdior and Assignee Notices K litiirial meiees er line H All adrertismrnts for a shorter rerio 'dsn one yeir are payable nt the lima ihey are ord'-red. ail I ij n.o p nd llie per son ordering them s ii! be hold rcspjusihle r ll.e iiisney. .ol fur Jor. 'Oh. n 1, n 1! we won't blow, N.o as we knows of. Net ou Joseph. ".Vcnf ri. A y m ti i tn it's hiinif ilmn town, without tie learnt' bis sweetheart's p'irciitM bel'ore bis cies, unteriooh to ' book'' I ho object of bis adoration t r. mis a second mI. .rv window in bio-f r's) houp, on li i t ay ni.lit la-i. sy I be l,oiiivi!'e S'ih. Tbeoid man, 1 .iriu ;l.c I u -.' ' w-nt out in bis tn.'tiL "lolbi-s. lo -km.' Ii'e the lilies: ! t, and r- i. d ,l. e (riiti.' up t!i" lid-b-r. The eld l:i nt ra I'ht hold .f ibe lent 1 I' Ibe l:idh r an I let Mim :!i'n ilr 'p It was. 1..e. (Jiilbin-j din by tbe e, b" hl'n d I iin 1. 1 b i-et und neat ly iio k bim nut of bis l.i:he, utter which he led bim int :l,p biris.! u 11 J lecture I bim u lul I iws : 1 i ok here, you eii'-rd - ne il, when ver yn i'o und l it 11 n ilcc-nt trade, lid kill in. ike cl...-ll 1 1 1 1 1 V lo pay liouse ten'., aii'r.ii-e a family, joii 1. 111 eiitiu- bete vi liout al. iib r, :ilk 111 : he livti; i1.,m- an. tu .rev my -!urf r. in' 1.1 1 till tin it Iye li tir ? ' And the (cm -mils oM ti..-in led due o'lt nl' ibe nmn( :nnl ti ll l.lta to "il." lb- yottnir bnly his Mj-n'li d l.i r tu wait Inf. Ine, ll'miy I the pr' ur 11 1: 1 1 1 1 1 ; a -lot ie. ai'e eiil'cd llpot to ilny or t i-inorroiv by a Vo'itu; iikiii wliii wants to Icon 1 tr.i-le, take him it, t tiut'-s ,1 ie. J k's tiiliiue, an 1 the ;:irl's w.i, t i ti r. Mtu:n ti n v. Whit abii.-in to !i ,t I..- in m is -i I hem! custom r ! A firm- r , nt t 1 1 . -.ii... . .1 1 . i"n-in n-', 1 1 11 1, .t my, ' ! t 1 1 t!,e keeper th 1' a n- i.rii'n.r f bi ;eii runted him i : li m m on v t e it runted expend t i the Ik 1 . t a Jv.iiitn nil I bo ere he Was beet ireu!- ha iitit lo tl it w cj I .- II-bal b 'I u. -e I very ili l y ibo nib' vt ul I d t 1 '.- In nicy 1. 11 lil r.oilj 1 r. at bim !e e i 1 H i t 'i , 1 u li ll liU le i-lib In in I a 111:1:1 b 1 i,.. .i'.,,n r. -lit. With the into i-t s.ijv t; a l.-r savs : 1 1 v , t ' 1 tbii I; I can tr- it you to vm' I kin.'. b.e,v do V tl i.kc t . le1 tie it.- i !'" We I." said the laivu r, a Ver in his eye, '-ia the tirst pl.i.-e. 1 oant a fits' ol tolly," Vihhli I. l lie--111111." . ".Now. I wiil have a nice cirvir," s i s li.e I'.n uier. It was plump' ly banded him, leisure ly lighted, an 1 tli n tliruwiiig l" aek iii a eb lir, with bis Ki-t a- liib vs I. cel. b.' cuiutiiel.ccd p a St aniaul. iiliu.' away l;ki '.Nov, !nt toy oi want tor ui ehahO ':" sayn tho -loiele, per. " M V 111 Ighl IT lllltl 1. ll ll;c li.trrll'H ul.ll 1 lilt lr llie. to buy li in a pu.' .( lo'ia. eo have ou 'Mt tbo ai l cle .' ' '1 '!.o st. !' e or -l p.- i :i Unions tor rotiUiy. H is ti ttcll knoviii fact to theowii-TS . I poultry t:. at the o.-c isi m,:i Uft. if . ni. U-, mixed an I li 1 to p.nikrv with tho.r other I .o l. is ono ol ibe best way f k. a yard ul p. nil i y in I o ilu . I it 1 1 1 ullald il has nol r.U'lvvl Ibe ul eoiioi uud Use that ils m'-rits u-ilU demand. 1 am Weil s:1:is:ied that 1 1.0 iimj ul this vegetable woiii.l prevent . lirei-Iour .hi ul' ll.e d .sea-es that a p oi'lty y;irl is t ulije t t . Nut that ;t is a c uc-a'l alu r iimcnsc ha onto cm o I a 0" d, but i kn w t'.ia: I bmo -.tired discs of itn-l severe croup by i s usj tiller. sl.iu lard remedies had '.,i!ed. I bee tin., convinced ih it if un aiticio like this would cure, tho oeeu.-ioual U-e ol it would be a preventative, uu 1 -uh I hive loan i it ti l.' not only in .roup, but in all tbi-c disca-es that poultry urc liible. t . u:il. r car. Ii-.-hiu- ill I 111 sin uiucuii lit. I .u s i; read- Iv cat if it is Mi I lino and mixed With (heir foul. li.VO it us oiicll as UiCC a Vlc' "Itellel il V.l choose t vtili do tbetu g .o l Make a trial if bs vtyi-luble, brcedetsi.f r mt.-y. Hid you will ku-jw lor a ciT,u.utv how lo up) reciiitc it. tarl t l eu r. fol.owing advice iu rcirard J lie to ti o titatm. ut ut tins dr-udfol ui.schoo ,u lake I rum 7 Vie Jhiy. li bcei;;!. wi'h la::vr uoJ loss of nr- p. t ie, lollottcd by leaver, aud soar ihrual, Lhi then the "red patches" ou lb.- checks upper. 'iVhiu lb. s t-ytnp,. loins me til-t obso. ve l, p uce tbe chil l in bul in a room wbieli is wutui -nd well veutcla'cj. Almitiis'er warui weak lemouade with a little turn ura bie dissolved io it. Cover th ab-.!o-u. on ilb vtarin dry lianoel, then tak i a ucatly lulded bed-jlu. t au l place in boiltug iiot water, wrin ' it out Iw means of dry towels, nnl plii vj it over the H.innel uu tho child'- obdotuco.- Thi must be reteat.-d until i re-pin- ttou is olo-eiy.d whi h wiil Oct ttsiilt lor some minutes, when tho paiici.t win arup iu:o a quiet Muiuler, aud with careful nuitiug i eiveJ. All of ibis can be done l e lure a ihviciin can bo fcummoueil, and will prove a greit auxiliary to Ills rourw ol treat uieul ; in ncmy eases it will enable him to aave the life ol a dear child and pre veut tbe diiorders abii-b almost aUay follows llt's dreadful complaint, when it Is uut promptly asailcd by this sim ple rcliuiiiiry buuie-treattneut. A Yaukeo ono iliy asked ills lawyer bow aa heiress might bs carried off. "You cannot do it with safety,'' said tho counsellor, '-but Fll toll you wbal y u may do. Let her Diouui a horse and bold a bridle whip; do you then mount lehiud her, tad you are safe, Ibr she ruu awar with voo.' Tha -saw.'" " "V.