THE POST. ;1MLLLTIIU, FEURUAI'.Y 01, IS7(. -An old fellow Ivinir vl-ltrd ly his pnetor, do ns'urod liim be timid not he n (f'lnl Christian titilt-sa lie took tip hi ilnily cro, whereupon ho tuck up hi wife an J bvnu lugging Iter tibiut tbc IvOUI. "lotfirr, wimt Jill r-.uii.T rrfly if (Iwncnl Cirnnt no much in clur-ili fnr jpstcrdny P at-ked ilio hrinht lit t f iIauim tor of n niinitttcriiil fiiend Intply ' I don't know tint lip did, m."-- 'Why. yr; don't you Umiw?'' Wit ninny ffiyitg, 'Grunt, wo fevctli thee.' II. An Ahi.ouv. A miller lul li lii');'lil.-(ir nrreptid Upnii llm ilinrjji" nl tcalin;; whcnl I'n. Ill hi mill, hut lip itnf MiuMc t prove ll.e elinrn'i tnr kmiii oil in (I pel dint the I'l.iiutill Mn'iiM lipnlopKn o llie nt'l'iised. ''Will.'' said lie, "I've lift I you nm n'cl for stoat, in;; my vli"t. 1 ciu'l ptuvo it, anj 1 aiu juity.fot it.'' A well-known voting lnwict ahtniti i d b divcive I'wr n pivttv nnd m-nlty tliiit. lie h, nt in i lii.l I'.irflOtO The next rfoy (lie Luly i:il!rj on hilii. nud iiiiiiiicd if he itn in carni'M iu T' l'l nil to lllT. "Pr"pi0 til J on, I iidii 111 I I didn't prnpoito lo vnu,'' ii plied the DutntiiMiod tiitonicy. ''Well, J oil a.-ked l.r my Idituiii', nnd I tliou't y u would linvo the prticc to tukc Die with it,'' the culm reply. The Lwvtr w iit- !. An n wi charcJ with IiipLwny ti In ly. In ilio coiir.'C of the t nil tl.o ri-i in r t'Kirrd cut i'trln the .1 .. I il .i I. i .. . i . : n ii. (;iiiii. tu, I III? JIIIV piuM limed liim ly tin ir virdirt not -.".'''' lk ! luilln il: (iduiI JUiivi'l.p, fimitlciiirii! it il you tiotlitar tin-luau (U'clnie liim, nil I lint lie ivuf iiiilti The lore-1 Muti miJ : ' Wo did.iny lord, nn 1 tl.nt . . '.ii- ? " V 'W",lV ""l,",t"1 '"' I ir we kimw tliu li llow lu Lu to note ii. u-i ii Inn- 1 1, at l.o i.cut tuld a word t T truth in In life.'' I'NVl'l'!! i ' 0l'.'."I V, ( - I V'.e ( i:inn lii . I ai. v v.u i i lo i'.e ; b :!'!. (,f Puitv if! if Miv 1- iiti I J Miiii v i- r i w n o : V. l.i u'. ii iui;'.uvi M. Hurl l v !ir pt' I Jul. II I'lllV, lid ell l!if : Ul il-tv .l t'elol IT. A. 1'. i or u.iil Jii'Ip IM I eft I l.l r Jeiilliill lo ( f oil i u.iiii'y l i iit i ol . I i n i, n.ii I'll . lor I tic reiiniv ol hiirdir. I nil in); lor llie eiii.ri lio n n.n i foribilbnl Into of Vnion lownvliip, tleccim I, i l.c ii i,:l,t I c iliinrccl In tii ibe I omIi ot hii-iin Aiilir.Wi.i v i f Nonli Mg lev, lute I el i iimny itiicret' ihio viihycu (ieaiyejof llr li.!iip, ilceicil, llut.t. We do llii rifnre ci'iniiiiiiol .cu, o-, ' l'iibnta II ue-itivt r, V Mow of (1. A. l.'us- v. u neie l i S. 1 ci imriiiiileil, Ilio H ' eiryer. Nit' (l rH'linfrrot. OrrenM (I. i coi(e Uniit, llii.l feiiinj; nriiie nil tiiliei I lliivet.leil lluir intcnloryMiitli ihi ON'ik l.i.ui.i-ii Mil ocuiia li:iloiir ton le s cf ll.e Oi bnu' Own of n)Jcr county, n(iir in your ri per juinn lilore n.ol ibe Mitiie will le pit-tnlcd lo I lie i or Ju.l;iH at .M i 1 . 1 U-1 u i n a I'einl ( ' mill t iMiil lor npprotul, on A'oii.lny the I 1'1-n n ibeie lo be lield lor die ' -Mb. ilny of l'tbitoiry lied. (i nut cf t-Iiilcr on Ibe 'JNli tiny of I'tl-j J- t'UOlE, t'lctk W C. JiiiiryiHXl. lo MiFtier il e ciiiioti or lilnl ! - if tbe mid Mi.rj.niit .1.'. Iliii.l. mid to ibuw ; I ll l'.NK NtlTKT.. .NotUo i ii.iIkc it i.ny you Lave, wl.y llie niid .lar- ! SJ jjiven Unit Aunt M. Hum, your iic, U..iiM nul lc,.i.,i, A. Si,.l,li,ccker. .MiJ.llcburir. (tnvcml o. viiii .1 from ll.i l.'lluls of lllllll illli u V. I iij:utul ly lo ll.e act of Am. ml Iv in nu'b I i.inn ii.dde Ul.d luvi.led. And limef full ):ol V. ilni i" Ibe Hun, S. S. W'ooiln. Eur)., Yrft li'iiii Jinbrcof i in-paid (ourl lit Mid Mel in? iLc Jiit duy if li. ri :u!,er, A. I'. ISi.'.i. (.1. t l.l'loi;, rroiboiittuiy. s XVltKII COl'STV.SSi -I The Ci i . H AL v.11ii;i, Ti. i iniiioimei'lib of lVnnerl lU'Wi-n Ltpliy, Abrami I S i cpny, .tinry ... li, .lujiu l.epley, .inn. iiiiiriniii-i ii d wiili Vuliiinu Fuller, H itkIi l.i I'lcy nil nvi.liiij! in Sny.lcr ci'iuiiy l'l'i.nv, I'm; I 1., U'.v in .I lliinuiili Inter, l u. n it il villi limine li. in i k 1 1 Ki.1! lift al 'llnee l;ivn M clii-iiii, Mum l.iplev, llaebncl l.i Ii y. l.u.a A l.c ley, ,!i.M 'b l.i lev. I i.i ii M i I'Uy. ll. i.ipe W l.i p ley, J.itintl.uii l.i iey i.iol Am. In. I cpley, ic ,i.ii(f l.l C li n !-l .lopej li cmihly Mi.'liijiuii, l'li:it.eil I lilur Ufiililif l.t Vclll lev 'lie. Ir- .l.l.j: l.l i'.i.j i.f i v Iniliiiiin, belli, lilol li'iial It f i f-ciitn I i Vt i f Jacob I.ei ley, lule ot Wirt :enMr loundiip iltceil-iJ, liiililMi: You are ben I y cited lobe Mid r inr li r.-ie the .'uilei x ol' our Ui )lnti I i ml lo le I c'. I at Middlel tug on llie 'b .Vmdny ol I ill in, ry A. I), IN.n, ui Ii) o'cli i k In ll.e ti reuooi'., I'lieii und Hi. i c In a.cepl or li'tiiM' tji I like the leiil citutc oi Jacob l.ep'y ill ccnu il, nl ibe ii . uind .. 1 . . a. I i . . ti ..I i. I.. f. .!..!.. by ibe Mici ill of i iiiJ county, or i-bow Vaiifc wl,y"lbe nli.c tluuld l.ol le iuld. And I. i I i i, f fail not. Uiiiii-tn iliu Hon. Paniuel S. W oodp, Efi. 1'ioiilcnl ol cur mid l ourl ui .V ii! Jlel.urf , II. ia llj'h Ciiv ol JiiiiiiHi v, A. l. I'-.h. J. cKotsr, cittk o. o. Tie P. niiiiaiiwcid'.li of rcniitl- cm. in, 1 n l.i ui en Niimnii i. mlmp I nl New Vaihinirii.ti, Cleu i lit Id Co In., 1 1 in iv .Niiiiiiiii i cm J.i. n i,i 1,'iiiiu'y, I. i.cnwi'iil tmiiily, liannni., Iliinlci inler liilliid will. Iniit, r.u,.i i.ildiin! ot Toledo, Id. io. Mid Jmii.liili .Vitil, ell iii,iiii in Mi.Mlc. ritk luHtipbip. huydcr enunty I'll., liiiiiil ilipiii.ilaiilK ol Miibnel. Nrin.i'ii line of the lownthip ol J.'iddltcicik, hnydirCo, il. i'i'i,.i .). liitvlinp; Yen nie l.ercl y tiled to I e nud u) I ar I cloie ll.e nl ( ur Or- jluiii' Cotnl lo le belJiTi Miil.lleli'.rfr m II. e -Hi Mi, inlay of 1'ftfi unryr A. l.,'7u, l.l 111 o'cli.ik iu Ibe k'rt.i; ib. il uiid iLeic lo nee.) I or iilio-e icvAe llm Etal V.-luie i f mid Micbncl N'.Vtftin dceeiin il, lit the 1 1 1'ioii-cl vulnuiii jh tfl upi'ti ii l y uu lu i,inil I ii ly uiiniij I y i l,c mid l mm, aud t i tu lit ii i y llejla'cill 01 lunl ci lillly, or l.i. cuiiM vlyil.c Mime tLuuld btl be n I I. An. I l.i i.ol tail Ml. VPi.e-. il e dltn. r.K. Wood, l'lesldeiii if.iur ' .idCuirtTil Mi. Mil nig,, Juil. Ony 1 1 Juiiuuiy.'.C i, l!-7'i. " V. Cl.l.l.' E. Clerk O. C, kUi'ii.vNs coriiT saii:. Py viitae'liou Aliaa Oid.r of lie Or )" LtVit nf t-nydtr couiny, tlii ecied in Ibe i.Mrtiifjjrft d, Aduilnii-iraiiii of Ibe e tale (tptYllium Ouiuiuu, lute of Prry loan ll,ir.f nyder county, Ueccaied, 'will be ei idti Pliblie t'nle, si lbs lulu IcMdclii if .ifil diccaeC, ou rlATlltliAY, n.II'.L'A.'U 6.h, lr;n, AtTO" cluck, a. m., the lolluaing tloeribed Kcl Eplute, lit j- t Ihut ceriaiu Iracl ol laud uliiiind in Pc.rv toMUpbit). l-nvdi-r ccyiiiy, l a., LouuiJtd Py lauiU of John HtLnee, W.lliaiu liovir, J. Ii. Ycigcr and otbcia, ccuiilnin 'J birly.Nine Acre tnoic cr IcM, uboul lin acre v v. lice aro clear id and iuagoodtiute of cultivation and Ib rriualndei well limbered. Iruu Ore of Ibe leal quality ii found on Ihla laud iu lurge iUuiiiie Mid two ml lie have al i rtdy been ip.ucd. The land will be old 11 logeiber or In tracn lo mil purcbaaer. Fata lo commence al 10 o'clock a. m., of aid day vhtn condition will be made knows by ' &I.1ZA A. QAUMAN. larry tvp., yan. jc,v, auiinuirlrl,'grovg fa. Apri)X0'U A . ..,.. a, a . . Mitliihburrf, Snyder Cmin'ij, Ta. LEWIS KINO, rnorntETOR, Prrnn etor-riln;! llii Hour will find rtrrllrnl accommodation, for Alan end ttcarl. 7-4fi-lf. Forney's Press. TIIK (KEAT'.AnHAL SEWSrArEll I (lit the Jlrtt crti (Imnfirrl $eirtnftr Jn the Vouhtty. the niEss In a f nt-rlis d .uble-ibeet eiglit-paeo ranir, roiiiaiiilnj i$ rnltimn, publii-hed cveiy intirniiip, (eicpl fumlay.) TERMS: DAILY IT. KSS$.lto per annum; $2 )) for six lii"nlli; f I 'm for three month. tri-i;i:ki.y rp.r.sJ. h.0' per nn- ii mil i 4'i"0 for ti luonihs; f 1.00 fur j ibrr iiinir Ii. I Till; l.UCLY I'llKSC. Tin n-l vain I ,.1,1 M upLIv In llie World. Il contains ilom of Interest lo all. l'LAl 1 lit li:r.M3; One city one year five ci' ii'i Tin ruplee. and cne cepy ,0 P't'e' up uf clul, Twni'jr ci'i'ir. und one copy to llie pi'iiir-dp of tliih I'iiiy ci pl' i". end unc copy to lie gcller up of club Ten ri pit p. to nthtrr, nfi'1 one copy lo llir ffllcr up ol Ike ( Twenty enpid". tn ntlthri, uml one cupy lo iIk cellar up of the clnh 1I lo li 60 I I'ilty copt , tv nt (f'rfr. unit one copy lo lie (idler lip of the cluti (lne lniirlrcil ci pic", tvtnr a.lifrrtt, nd one ci py ol ll.e In wieVly 1 rcM lo llie teller t:i of llie clnh ICO .1;; (.fiirj ihi ultl bt udlrntf l I" JOHN W. KlillMY, l.iliior nul I'ropriilor, K.V'.cor. Till nndl'liciiiiiul HtK, I'l'iH V. r i OlKK OF IXCUKI'OKATIO.N. Tl,e petition f ....miry Inli.hiumt, of s.i. le r c-.uniy ami members of the Zion e itifi-lir il congr hiIol of krnlr-i!le lmiiit l.een piepcnlcil hi "' I " n', ,r "V"l 1 " '"'T0- if Zioti HM'Pi'liial I.lilbeli.B M.Hrel. bt hr,,.-,ill,. Ihe Co...-. I .rio fully i iniiiiiicil me ranie inm ru.iiop ncui inc'ilnr. in iiieoni-liki iili lln Coit.-i il it -n n ol lb t'uitril Mime nor of ll.e hinte it' I'ciiii-ilviii.iit or ibe l.iv. , il inf. il it oi.. id iliiil lintiie of li e i lie ilimi be (f -I I:, ly nil veil iM'iiu I.I, n ml il Ho Mili.eienl r. i. i 1' ; 'ire hln Mil lu ibe lolilniiy llie mid . ' i ill v. ill will be In -iii poiulc I miiei'iiKy 1 1 i:.o ii ; licitlnii nl Kilmiury 'firm 7. . J. t III'I'H:, l roilii nohiiy. UIiIuh'h linriilnry Vnrtrr e"00. "V VCTlfE 13 llI.l'.rilY LIVES THAI X 1 Annie Kenier. iVhIo tf .I.liti r.eii.i-i'. I. '. ..,,,, (..-liini .i,i,' W CKrick. Sellm-prove, Nil hula, l.uuiiii'r Enoch fniiih. Fre out, (intern) W. M., t'enirevHle, " Siinin Kiini", Clni man, " ileiiiy E. Wetel. " Cli iti I'.iiiliii.n, IVf.l Itentrr " Hi ve t.led ibeii ) ciilii'ti'i lor l'.eeniiC villi the . Icrk of ibe i i uil of (Juarier rn-itiux if the Peace of (Mi) l. r coii'ity, nn l ihai 1 1, o c line ill I .' pn pi lilt-1 to tbe said i i.iiri fur npplotal i n .dunday ibe iloili day nt Ecbruuiy licit. J. I T.t'l'SE, i i.irtK j. . Jun. 12, ISTlt. fluTfit'tS Salt. I)Y viiiue of a mil of Vend. Ex. irsueil ) oul of iLc I'oiiiI of Con, in on l'lni" of Miy diT 1 1 nt I v, ni d lo me ilircclcd, lull be eipi ue l in 1'ulilii' Sale, on ll.e prt mine, on ,i;.m liPAY. i in. 12. ib7i. al 10 o'clock, A. M , ail eeriftin Lot of (iroiiiid in 1'ciiin ToMU.'-lilp, r-ny ilcr eouiiiy, l'a., iiJjuiuing p 1.1'c ruad lcinlin fiiiii Fcliiihgruvo to Ntinhiiniber ll.lid 0U ibe iUjI, 1,1 of J. II. Api on Ibe in I th, on iilley on llie wett Mid Mill Lane mi llie koulb, ttbircou in criclid a Urge 1 n n H lory MUCK C11UKCII, hciieil, taken into exeeiiiinii mill in be told an ibe properly of ibe tier Lean Hlt'ullned t un p r..(j tn i, n ol elilis(,lolo JOHN r. WuLF. Merilf. .tiheritT'a Office, Middleburg. Jau. 12, '70. VAMI. tl'.ANEII.O. WATCH il CLOCK MAKER, Market Pt. Mi ldlelnit g Pa. w v ivivn l i. ,i. . . t..An i i.i., .1, i.vj mi Nun iii iui in iv iiiiinu-i AVINO loenlcd in lli'm i lace 1 11 renpce'lully ii.lnrm ibi cilirena oil Miil,llebii-g ami vicinity I lint I am prepared io repair CI.OCIvS AMI W Ail Hi. .3 cl.wip und expi'iltiiou-ly. The paironnge of iLc puidia i le-pi.ffilully olieiiei. W. OUANT.LI.O. Middleburg. Nov. 21, lH.'.l. j5 rover & ESakor rin.ST 1T.EM1UM i:iiAJC fiTICTll ' " FAMIL-Y teyin? FaehiiTM?, B.k I'ltoAHWHY NljP YORK. ISO ,t HI'S IN IT UT. 1'llILAliLLriLlA. I'OINTS OF EXCELLENCE. Pcniity and Elaplicly ol 't-iitch. Pctfeoiloii und r-iliillcily of Muclilnrry. I ning both ibii'uJ direclly from tbc pool. jo fiiiteinng or eeama ny banil and no wnite of lliieod. W ide range of oppllcalion wliboul change of adjuimciil. The tvaiu retain It berfuty and firiiinem oiler watbiug amJ ironing. llralde doing all kind of work done by by oiher Hewing Machine, I bene MucMiic'. eiev-uie ibe iuot beauiifu) uu pcruiuncul EmbroiJcry and ernauieulul work. im.Tke Iliclo.t Preuiiun at all Ibe fain aud cibibiiiou nf the I'uiled flatea aud Europe, bv been awarded lb Urovcr & Haker bewlng Machtnca, aud tbe work by luem, wherever exhibited lu eouipeilun. EoTThe eery blahc.t prlia.THE CROSS OV T1IU LEUIOS OF HONOR, m con- fered on Ike repreculetive of Urover a Uaker Bewlnf niaehinea, al lb cipoaiiion I'nlveraella, 1'ajla. lbU7, Ibua a Holing their great uprlorlty over all oilier bow ing Machine. For Halt by BAMPL fJLVBT. Selina ATCIfft.. W II BALLIIT. ITOtonTOK ISEL, BALLIET k STOl'GHTOS, (r.ERAL tOMMlSSIOX JIERCnA5T!t AXD MAl.tail IU Comilry Produce anJ Vometic Fruitr, S'rilg, it., A'o. 22 SoitTii U'ATrn Sttieet, 1 UlLATDELriHA. nri!iir!irr. J'enh It. Itiejrel ft Co.. 38-1 Market ureel j l.lppeneoll A Trolier, N. Vptrr elrecl lloo.l. llonlirigM To. V.'tl Mmkel htreel t Kx.Uof . Jme 1'ollnck, :)i pout b (ill i reel; Jokn im Ki t Wlunl mrcet) llarrie i Utthiin, EUT Arch l reel. QALL AM) SKE Til K NEW GOODS Jnl tectWed In Seliutrore by TI.". pnlliic ! Inoiit reppect fully Informed that e continue the mercantile-1 .miner' at ihe old rtaml nf Mentr eehoch,W aftcnprllct S Co., anil invite Ibe attention of the ptitilij .o our etienoiteetork of NEW UOiil"!, Jun receited and ofirredai a mere nominal prnlit Our entire Mock of toode bi I ren neliclf 1 wiib the grraient cure ruibracirtf cvrry tl il.g in Ibe Mercantile line ; no b Dl I KY tioil'tf. tiltlM V.R1K9, II t It liW A II E. t," V ti E N S ARE. Cl'.UAIIHAJiE, MjlliiNM, HALT, H?II, 1XAMI.K, II. ON, NAILS, COAL, 4;c. Ac, 1 li'Ae gire tie a call bcfuro purchasing (l-i vln'ie, W e Inke t.lcnaurn iu ihowiii i ui toudn. an e are conlnlent ibal we aic relliiif goo.U cbeaptr tbau ibey cau be piin hn'eil eUrttbere. 1h b;beil in nr ki t prices paid for re duce and all kiud of grain. li. M. 8. SCHOCII. Helini-ffrove, June Tib, 'li'if QKO.SS ti lUiOJIIKK.-), Muuiifuoturcri of and dealers in all kinct of 15II.I. TIMIlKIt. LUMHEU. I'AI.ING, tJIIINOl.KS, LATH, n.tlllKINi), etc., Flmmokin Hum Hnydcr County I n. All or Urs prouipily filled Withnit, Vhrrrji, I'j lv.;urJf.itin l.umlcr cotittuntti o A.if.7. 7 ,ly liliOT ft HI'iK MAMFAITOY. tHlll) lip tollmo! Tbe uii'li i reppecifully nnnnun"eii in Ibe eitiieua of Mj l lli-t'ing and vicinity, I but be ill ri.niinue to uiiiuufacluic MEN M Srotl.t. K 1 1 and FINE HOOTS. Won, in uml 1 l.iliiii'n f HOES, And In pi"N ete ryibli g in hi lino, in the iuli'Kl nle Mid nl low price. Work mud.- to nub r nt ibe fboritai ni'iice. liive him n call I clY IC oiiij; clu'whiTe. lljUAM KCHWENK Arf'TlONTI'Ii. The niulerpigi i'd i.leo i (Ii r bin erice lo the public it" i endue ( lyer and Auction eer. lUsinR had n Inrpe cxper.cuce, 1 feel coijCdeiii tlnil I can glte (erica aiilNl'ac I ion lu ull Lo cm) lot me. Oivc me u irit.l. Hiit.tM M lltt l.N K. Middlebiirg, l'a. Jail 2, 'i.eif i .s. iuluni"un Hdinjrvvc, SitiJ' r Co., l'cnua. Keeps eoimtnutly on hanJ a large and Hell n ude nnoniuieiil cf liu, bbeci-irou it arc, r-loteii, ii?., o;c. He in Agcm for the fvlloiting nuuieJ crlii.'lcs. tiik jio::ni: gi.oiiv." Liu'clivld'" l'utcii. Improved Il.ifC Eitrniug COAL. STOVE. In thin pattern of Tub MnHxisn (li.niv, let era! new i.nd imporiant leilluic.i have l.ei-n cmliodird. which only be ma in be mliiiircd. This new mote iv made ra. lircly el el iron, to filed ii to If ainijihi, but can beliiude tiilh nbcet-iron uoper -eeiion ttben preferred ly tbe luichiiicr. lm iirn.imenlal tiuifb i.t drapery, making it a lini il-ioine 1'iecr it turniiurt, nuue no ilmn any move bcri K.loi e mu U. It ju. teriml cuiiM rue. ion. xuu lencmnaug l!iiiui;u luctil iueiuiuie ..c.uo. ine .viorim g Oluiy m iUUe uiuei'i'Ul, making il uiuie .1 limbic, una lur Uj aiuicull lo be repaired. Ibe i t Ibebiiibeat order, fully ctUiiliug Ibo liuiil caMiiijja n.ude in tbi couulry. Among Ibt many auvantauk In thciii-e of tbe Morning lilory me Ibe following : 1, Coiitiuuou lluriiiiig. 2, Oualiiy ol Hie lleul. ii. Vculiiuliuu IhioiigU ibe aiove. I, Anli-l'ilxt hlovc. 6, No Laeupc of (Ju. 0, Ecououiy of Fuel. ' THE 15AULEY SHEAF." Aitti-'Puot Air-Hyht CvoLfttif S:or, Kith Lslt mlvd pirr-llvx ' fur Wood or Coal. Patented May iUili, 18CS. Ve take pleasure in offering our cuio uiei and Ibe tStovn Trade, a New lii-st-dat l-'liil-lup, uu. I Would furlttulur allrhtiitn its tua ii'j uttruelivt uhJ xaluablt inj rte Tbi Ptoveha been carrfullv tcnied for neveriil mulilb, nnd tbc remilu La-ve proved o highly tuiiifuclory, ihut revcrul of our aud luusl expci icnccd Move dealer prediul lur it a aale fur beyond our ability lo cupply llii tcapuii. Sliding front tirt-tluort, giving full uso of the bciiith. .-In tJthtivnal ttiJt in ifit tvtn, o arranged a lo give more room iu the upper J art of Ibe oveu; 0 gi'eiil couveiiience Uiucli iici-dcd yi on a i Hi ul !v n i. oi the tin aa hi i be licnrlb lincwhlch uol only iucr..iit-e ibe piie, but will be recoguiied a a grui tintaiiiojt in vuhiiij. DOTY'S CLOTHES WASllEU m The bel, clirp?fl, and moi-t popular waebing MacUine ever uiveuled. Il ia e any loopcrute, tilling ol eliiiidlng; lake but liillerooiu injures uogniiiieiii ; tiuitdie il work from iu two lo four Min nie; I durable nud convenient j aud tbc only Webbing Machine kuowu that i liki J tbo belter Ibe longer il la ued. THE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES AVUIMJEU. TU "CHEAT t'AMlLY EVOXOillZElt. Tbe Ici ui of our l'utcnl cull our MacUine a "V ringor." Year of experience prove il ulao to be A Kui,T liM'ti.i.ti.i W'Atiiaa. W hen we reduce every luvention for waib iiigcloibe to a priuciplo Ibey all auioum to iLnt of prcaaiug and iucciitg, aud forcing Ihii wtwcr ibrougti llieui, tbu re moving Ibe UiH. Uull Wbiug Macblui'P do It by rubbing. The I'uiveraul Wringer doe Ii by prcn.iug. M. 11AKU1NU, Esq., Jf UTILE or THIS PEACE & CONVEYANCER, I'lcmoDt, Snyder County, l'enu. Collection of all kiudauadeal theihorieel uollce aud on lb moat reuooublt lcr,. Couveyaueitg ia all lit braucbe extia dilioualy executed. 1iiiib, Mohtuau, Not a, aud blank of all kiuda eousiaailv oa baud. I'eraona al a Uiatauo having olaitua for eolleoiion wliblo hi jurUdioiivb aced caly addreaa him by mail lo tntur Prsairt aclioa yertnareaoaiahV., f m. ya I J't nrty, Norcr ik Scbnure, KEA RTIIR CANAL BRIDQfi, BELINSGIIOVE, Would ropeetfully annoiine lo the people of Snyder county that they bar jtirt received from the tantern marketi and have constantly on hand and for aal one of Ilia largetl and beat (elf Med a oitmcntt of Neu ltorcClood.s, which tlipy otTef at rricea much below tboie of Nut year. Turir amok embrace the very hepl 'Foil ami Winter tlood, lo abicb they Invite atiention. They have I. H 118, Cat-tiinier., Fntitii'tta. Twi'eil.. VrntinH. Ticking, ltrillinp, Fliirlini:, FIoiiiioIh, Cliecka. tit. liiidief Drcs i(rils, Silka, I.nwiin, MoriiiO, lVl.nino, (Jiiiliaiiia.Mi'ltne-cn. Idtien, MumHiis, Alpin'it-i, (.'al icneit, Moliairi'H, I'oidioa, !iS. A I SO, ShaN,Cloak, Moniilln". Opera rinnnoN, Hoop Chini.. I.aeev, Itibbons, Collar, Edging, HraliN, Veil, Hoe, lilove, Trimming, Handkerchiefs, t'oniba, Ncck tle. Iirushr. Ao. KKADV-MADi: ('M)TIIING of all kiudti, and including a large arsorl men! of COATS. PANTS. VESTS. 1I1 AWERS, Ml HITS. OVEK-HIATS. MEN S S1IAWLM, H1111TS, HATS & CAPS.' Thejr a!fto bare ( laro ock of 1 Soots siloes fcr Ladiei and Gcuilcmrn'a wear, GROCERIES. Code, hugar, Myrup, Teat", l'epl'ir, Clnvtp, Cinnauiau, A'.Upiee, llauu, heap, EIpIi, Herring, f larch, Cheche, Cracker, Bull. TOBACCO & CIUA11S. Ilal'dvturr, tuccnuwaro, t'Liuuwure, C'edcnv:irt,1 (i!utisvari, C'lotl.cry, Cttrpi'ts, OILS, PAINTS, NAIIS, rLASTEK, Mid oil binds of STONE COAL. ' IIAM.KOAD TIES. We now l,nv Ki'ixl Tii and pay 40 r. tun, in H ade, fnr I beln. 'J Lot iuii-i lie H tut iu lenjib und 7 iiiche in II icilie-n, hntlng two parallel lace of eight lui'lii p; lo tic Inadeul Vibiu Oak, Cbesiniil or liock Ouk und pti.lcd. They receive country produec in cx chilli.' for gocN and tbev nlitnva PAY THE HICHLVr 'iT.lCl!3 FOR All Hinds of (Sraln. l in iii l ir lie ) lucr.ripl l at li e Canal Ei id-e. Jun. 1 1, V.i-y JvEYSlOKEHOTKL! Srliiiwow, Si'll'l' r foHi'y, Prima. THE iimlcrplgni'd beg leave l.i iiifoiui Ihe public I hnl they have piirebatird and will ki. p, in good Plyle, ilio iilmvewcil knuu n i.u l .opiilnr huiirc. T!Ei:EU 11 All will nUavi be Mucked wiib Ibe l-crt and ibuiii-i liijimrp ibat can be procured In tbe l'bi'.ad. !) bin utid Hun itl-nrg uniikciii T II i: I 11 TA1H.K, Will nl vv m ,e pupplied Willi ibe lu"! delicat-ir und inop't Kiiliplnitiial loud Ibtit the maikel will ntl.n-.l. TI IKIES STACSLl W ill alwaya be allended by cart lol Mid I irunworihy bcnllert wlio will pee jm-iice ii.i.e in a,,y noi --e cniruniea 10 uieir cine. Z3 Having larite, uirv nnl ncll Jut - nit,ltl ,.,, , .,,, Bi,u ,, Ri . ilri,w rfto, u ol Ibe proorieloti lo i lea e I heir giiesi. ibey hope lo meet with u lui ie .'.are or ) itlilie pan image. niaylii-ti7,if It. li. & J. F. WALTER. QUICK SALLS AND Small XrQiUs vii.Lii,.u ui:ive: H as jupt returned from Philadelphia . ...with a large Block of F'all and Win ter good which he offer at great I y re duced price cheaper thau cau be bought I'Uctvbcre. Cull and examine uiy toek uf Ml'SLINS. CAUfoES. HU VINES, LAWNS. I i KENS, HEUEOES, S ILK 3. HOOTS odJ fIlOES, HATS aud CAl'S, E A 1Y-M A 1 E CLOTHN G, SlUKTS.vVo and everything generully kept In a wc'.l looked vlore (jive ii a call and bo couvineed that tbU it .lie place lo buy yioir good. OCt'NThY I'ltODL'C'i; taken iu exchange lol ginU. 111, 1)1111(1 MiddMrjjrg, Mny, 18o7. QOME TIllS WAY I CiRE T 1IA11(1AINSIN NEW GOOJ AT THE CHEAP STOIiE OF w. r. r.t mi i:r, fELlNSURONE Pa. Would reapeelfiiUy announca lo Ihe people of Hnyder C'oiip'y ibat be'n received from llie canlcrn uarkeia and hap fur aale a huge and well ncleoled nock ol New Uoods, w hich he oilera nt aplonit-b-ifgly low yrljea. Hi Hock embrace tbe very birl FALL and ATINTER GOODS He baa Cloibi Caliuera, Pea fikloa Jaaua tatinl Alpaocaa, I.UPlrea lieluini I'ojdina Pilule, Munliu I'll ling Shawl 'Cauibrica Culieoea. French Mtrinoe, Euylish Mmnoe REAY MADE t LOTIIiNG fail kind. - HAUBWAltE, II ATS and CAPS, aitOCEUlES QCt'ENSWARE, 1100TH It SHOES, CAUPETINO, 6110K KIKUIN08, No cbargea niada for iVALL PAPER, Give ai a eall. lakpeotiug Uooda. Country product la- ken la exohaoga for food JU. t ...- . TO TllEWOItKISa t LVSI. Weir preiared to furnlah al. elaptea with con taut ernplovment at home, llie whole of ihe lltne or fnr the epare moment. Pn lne new. ligbl and pruAtahle. I'eraoti of ciiher aex eai1y earn from 60c. to $5 per evening, and a. prnporllonal mm by devoting Ihrlr whole lime lo the bualne llnyi and glrte can earn nnorly aa much a men. That all who Ihla notice may aend Ibeir addrrM, and tept the bus ine, we make Ihia unparrclled offct i To ruch a are not well eaiirfled. we will prnd one dollar to pay fur ihe trouble of writing. run pari louiarp, Titiuania tample, wbloh will do to commence work on, and a enpy of Ti a Pton a'a LirnlAPt CoxCAKinK on of the largest and bc family rewpjapera piiblitbcd all lent froe by mail. A'eader if ymi want per mniient profitable work, addreaa '.. C. ALLEN & CO., Auguila Maine. Hcc2 To lonsiiinptlvrs. THE AdveriNer, having been relored to health in a few weejt, by a very im p'e remedy, after having inffercj peror al year with a a-.'vere lung allectinii. and hat Ureal iMiae, Coiitiniipilon i ant ou lo in tkt ku itn 10 hit fell jw i.lir.T -cr Ihe lne . up of cure. To all wtiotl.'ir it-til end a copy of II e prcpci iplion tid (free of charge ), with Ibe .Erection for pirpir'n r and lining the tame, which lliry will tind a n er Clin ron Conh mption, A b ma, llronchiii., eel. Tie of llie advcrtipcr in ecnilitig Ibe Vie-uiiiiiioii I to bcn.f-.t tbe olllicit-d, unc eprraiT Inlnr nialtoii w hich be conceive lol e intiiln. aldci ami beliepc every ufferer will Iry hi- reiiic ly, o il willcupt ibciu.iiolhir.g. an I may prove a Mosing. Pariii vlrhiiig tin) j tipcrlptlon, V. ill pleae adilrcpn III I I'W'APl) A. Will ON. W illlaninlmrg, King-t County New York ATTI.NTly. ; , Hniriiu fur llie new good just re ceived by .John ! Stiffen xii Al Hummel' eld Sln'ud, (two n lle nlove Sclinngrove) which wo (clrcivd with grral care, and will le (old al low print. It include, , NOTIONS, Dl'.Y OOOpS, (JliOCEHIES. HAItlMV.Mir. m t I eenswaui; V)01 IMI.1 All.l.01v w 411E, bull, l'l.ip'.er, 1'ils, Coul, u i W, QJ.Q llii .ii g 1 rcppt-ctfully inilelhe pul lio lo com. and t'l'tmiiie my good 1'il'orc, I nilup elhcwbcre, believing; il to be In Jouriu tcrcit. 1 iil-o jay tbe l.igbcpt pticcs fur nil kin It. of iiiAS-, cb:s:s, und all kin 1" ol Country l'luducv. I urn a'i-0 well ) 1 1 v'nlei with t-1 n 1 .1 i li j. fi t tl'.ltll" Hipp i Eie .klnst Mi 1 l.i ing, lor pcu)iic ttho come livui it eli taiuc. 1 nlwny ui'Couiii.iuVitc my cm loiiiein in llie bc.-l ol toy al.iliiy. John m i i .man.- Octubcr l"ili 'L7lf SllW (illPi SALES A!iD mil IUUM We rc e-t ill In ScVmfgrovc and prepare lo fmn:-li Orirnna Ai'corcleoiiiv. Violins Ami all kin 1 of Mupiinl JimUuuieiiti- CltL'APKi: tuas i: eui W winrniil all our liiplniniciil for f.v ! teal . I'it.iioP, Orgi.iip. Meiuileiiu nnd ' Aocnd . uu eorrecily l.ini'J nnd tepitii-cd, Mine open every HI.U.vt.MLll Ml S VTl'RHAY. liipintciioii giieii on llie Piano, .M.'l.'deuii, Yioliu aud Accoidcou, at lea-oiiiililc rme. (iiee u. u cj!1. rt'e puarniiice rnlVf ic lion. VAI.EM o; bTElNlNOER Ni'vciuber 17, lbtisttf r B15SMSS OX TIIK HETWF.EX e Through Fare. . f 2 6t Milllin to Oakland, M'Alinemville, 7"i While Hull. 1 IK' 11 lluldi'inau'a Store. t 2-'' F.ichtleld, 1 .VI Sel'ill-LTOVe 10 Klilltt. ii l'reeliiirg, t" ' Fremoiii, 1 0'' LitbDel I 1 00 ii. r. rp.oi'si:, October 13, 1PC8. tf Proprietor. C. S.tWINEFOliU. . WITH jos;:rsi s. os:ll. MAM'IAt IlltEtl OF A!tl VII 01 EH A l.t. It FA I. EH IV CLOT HI IN J CIUIL'S, tMSS'.JII'ESi IBlMiS. 43 Ni'iiiii iirtl t-iuttu' Fliiltt'io phiu. J II. WALTF.Il, IMPORTER AND DEALER IM CHINA, GLASS, AND (JL'EENSWAUE, 211 N. 3d flrcft, brtnrcu Ilace it Vine 7,2ly llJlLALiELPlllA. A WOKD TO C0KSUMTT1VES. l'.eing a nhort nud practical lreaiie on Ibe ii u hi re ciiunp, aud vymptniu of Pill Hilary Connuinpiion, lti-oiicliiti, and A Ibiuu and their prevention, Ireaiuieul, and cur by iiibalaiinn. t-iiul by mail Free. Add no li. NAN III MMEL, M. V., 10 Weal I'ourteemb Bt., N. Y. 12tu AV3I1XJS in A TOJIS NO TICE NOTICE 1 hereby given that Letter ol Aduiiulalralion ou lb eaiut of William Uuruiain, dto'd., late of Perry towunbip Snyder county, l'a., have been granted le lb undemlgned. Alt perron knowing Ibeniselve indebltd lo id eitai. are reiiueated to uiuke ixuledial payiueul I and tbop having eluluia against tbm; will preseul Ibew properly adlbeuticatee for aelileuieut. IXIZA A fliPUAV JAUGE ARRIVAL OP NEW GOODS AT J. W. DllEESE'S STORE, K. W. Corner Market Pquare, Middleburg. Th to',k embroees in'part Cfloodsi, lllurk Silks, All-wool J)o Lninca, Cubing-!!, Jlctinoa, l'l.plina, l'.epP'i Ac, Ac. Muslins, Pnulilf-iriilth Slioctini;, lrilliiiu, 'falile libber, O.inulmip:, Extm Tickln!;, Clici k-i, Sbirt ihj,'S, tiiliirli:lli, .laronet, it lu'il iv-isoriiiinit ol' Cnlicog, l'liiiiiu li, Ilcnvy twilled, Miiiliti;r, Itlnnki-H, I'liltimiiilii, llohicry, (iloVOS. Ac, tto. CLOTHS AND CASSlMF.IiES Inuraiii nnd Liiicn Ciirpcts Woolen, Lini'ti A cotton Carpet t'liiin , P.EAPY MA PP. CUt TP IXC. Flour, Talilo nnJ Kuiir Oil CUnlii. lUnts mid Clips, UOOTS AK1) SHOES. Hiifilwuic. Oict'iit-viiii., Cliititt V. lll l', (il.lMVule, WcilJ llll.l Wil'oie wiir.-, Cutli rv, Oil Winili.w limlt'", Lm klll (JlllH0 Ati'.. &'-., c. TOHACCO SALT AND CIO A PS. So FISHl Tbe l.lfhrrt mniket piice pnil fur nil kind., of country pcnluea nnd ill ic I frni'. Cnnli lent of rendering peilei t pii.f'ic- inn bulb III reir ir.l In l,ri. i i.b.l uimlilv (if go id. 1 ic- cut I'll lly invite all lo civ nip n c:t (.eioic pnicn-ing i i-i-ti in re. J. V.. lilti.l si:. Idilleblir-r, Ji.l ltnty 7, IM.'.'y wiim:.i:.ali: IE ale it IN CLOCKS I III Not Hi 3d 1'ircet, I'l.iln lilil.ia. llg f, 1 tii'.ly t , V - T - ' V' 7 S. JCEKIiX, SELINSGROVF PA EiV.jtilicr BJcaficr AMI lllMlAl'TI I.I.H or Jloors, Duor lliivts. Vl,:tliivt. Miiilti-r-t lnil;r L'i'vt's Eilniii, Mulr I IXtlli. :;.if l:;!llll'.s,l:r;:ik. iti. Aliiuldlngt, I liii'll it., M'tCLL SAWING AND. CAHiM T UliM.NL Lhii)o;l03, LtitU, La., Ci," Order n,1ii:iei aii.l f.I'.cd vl:l pro;.: pi lie: nnd ile-pn! ?!i, l'l.-u'e ci1. m l i in. .nt-my Hui i l-i luie pui, I, ,inj .1.-.CH ..el o. b ouif I. V. HIIINIIPI., M. II. t'USLIP WI.l.l01t. IE'.Vl) Tllk AND fit Iii'?fri1. Iui ccisrs an: Chemist-i, OT"r tor m1 V.'llOI tl K Aill I'.F.l'tll., DKVGS, MEUlClNLTl'Al.NTSiin.l CHEMICALS, uiiiLrnclng PURE ZINC PAINT ilroeii, Vine, YelliiH'. Red and li ack ; I'niut ground iu I.iinecd Oil, lei lar nrni-h Kphii Tiii'peiitine, Cop il, Conch and U blto PIJYIXlc JAPAN. KNOTTING, w liitlow (.ItiNH, lullr,-rii:e Cil Alcrliol. Staucii, Immco, VrrMiLLim, Paint and VARNISH I'.ltl'SHI'.S, ,Vn mf I'tmal Trussew and Bnj'j'orttn jtl'iutl Conoenlratcd Lye, Fin I Sponge. SPICES, CORN riTARCHi: HlllDEEU i'7"'ir oiof harden Sc di, T which Ibe nllcntionof deulcr N called, n w twill tell ul ibe very low M Cuib Price in quuuiiiici to auil purcha sera. Watlu kn'p on baud and offer for sale U liuleniilt) and Roiail. ull the leud ing Patent Medicine. Aim. N O T10N S, CON H CT I ONE 111 ES. ToJIACt 0.t bEOARS. Middleburg, buydor Ca. l'a. Mcich 21, lfn7. I"" IT ADA. & IIEAD.INO 32. It. Through It out.! io die Susquehanna I riVir. Muimikla fclrevorlou llnilrnnd 1 being cmi pleicd. a Ibroi'gh mule ii upene 1 ln'iwrtn llcru.iou (on the riusipie I. ii mm Elver) nnd Fkiludi-lpbU. Tiuiiip will run a fullewa.: LAS I WARD. No. 1 Pavselige, leuve Trevurlon ft 1' a in.; adiAiunkiu 6 40 a in,; nrive al l'blt adelpbla at 1 t'O p in. No. U Passenger leave llcrndnn at 0 4 a in.; Trevoilou 10 U7 a in,; Miaiiio',.1 10 CiJ a m.i airivea ui Pbila al 0 45 p ni No. b mixed, leave Herndon ul U 4 Trcvorton 12 tn,: blinuiokiii 12 87 p lu.: arrive ul Pultsvilln al 0 15 p ui. WESTW'AKU. No. 2, Passenger. Leave Phlladelphii 8 15 a iu i Bhuniokln 4 (JU p iu i Trcvorton 4 SO p ui t arrive at llorndon al & 25 p in. No. H, mixed. Leave Athlaiid Ml 7 Ul a ui ; riliuiniikiu 0 S'J a ni i arrive at Tre- vorion 10 'J7 a in i Jlerndou 12 20 p in. No. 10. mixed. Leave! Aabbtt.d al B 00 p uiK, lakumokiu 4 03 p ui) arrive at Trevoi lou at 0 80 p ni. Faengrr train No. 1 aud 3 make oonueotiou al Heading for Alleniown.New lork, Lebation, lUrrisburg, Columbia tnd Lancaster. Paassrugri arriving iu Fbamokrn via NCR W, about 10 a ui, ran oanccl with No 8 Passenger, al 10 Li a in, for Pbila- delphia and intermedial puiui. Thou arriving on IL N U U W Pawenger train al 12,10 noon, can connect with No. 8, which leave 6haiuokin al 12 o7 for Auk- Mm r OAawte. n r ciarrarraa. UNIO.V 1T0TISR O ATlM AX k KARSTKTTSn, Prtrutjr,, MirPI.EBUrtO.Snydtr Co., Vt. The prnp-lelnrs'res'rieetfulty nnoun' to ibelr fi-irnil ami ll.e pulilio generally that Ibey bar rented Ihe Fryer tavern Hand, which hap l?n refitted and replen ished in nyle. and i a desitable plao for stranger and others to tfp. Their tails ia nl all timei spread with the lovnrle) and ulilantlnl of the reason, tb-ir ehnmher are Urge lo J remote Ihe comfort of Ibeir eursl. Tbelr l,.e U .nll.,i .with choice liquor. No pain ppred. ly ...c i i' i " lur-iii rvnurr enure sallsruo lion to all wbo favor them wlih their patronage. 7-2tlf Ct RAYEILL kCo., V W lintlSALi PgAttltl IM WOOD AND WILLOW WAIIE. Oil Cloib, Window Pbadep, Ilrotm, Mai. Ilruihet Cnllon Lap, Oraln Bag, Fly Nets, lluckcis, Twines, Wick, &0. ,NoSIV North Third Slreed, Ph iladelnhia. Feb. 7. 'Ii7 rii.thLt: KircKvi a ciiakle cawli A1 LLEUIIENY IIOl'SE Xoh. 813 si Market Slrcct, (.I6ure Fiihlh.) riULA PF.LPUIA. KLECKNEK & CAWLEY, raopairrnn. 'I,5tlf IcrnM M 00 IVrUay. J' A C K AW A N N .VTjlooKSUURa It.H On an I after M in lay No". 8'lih, 180S, I'n'.-eligcr Train w ill run n follow i SOITIIWARD V M. P M, A M PM, 0.12 1.18 7,0") I.ciVi' S' I'litpioii Kiiigtnn llllp.'l'l Iiiniville 4.10 10.20 r...ij li.2.1 t'.til 0. i:l 4,47 i,6v 6.2.V 11,30 7,4? 8,2J Arr. al Norih'd. O.O'i M'RI'IIWAKH. A M. P M. A M, T M. I. t live N.irtli'd. 7.10 4.45 l' niville 7. PI 6.2U P.iipert H.IH 6.6-1 hii.punn 1i.-'i7 8.40 MS 2.3 V liii-luii 11.21 0,10 11,25 8.C5 Air nl Sciaiiion 12,05 0,45 8,4'l Tru!n Ii'u vinvr ScMtiloti ut tt 2 a. M. nnJ 1 10 p. mI, connect ot Nor tlniinlivrlaiKl wilh trains on P. k E. II. !t. lor lliini-liui'ij, toltluioro, lValiiiiti,ii,Wi!!iinimpirt, Lock Ha ven. I'li i-liu n; nii'l t he NVet. Trniiirt Mri inj,' nt Scrauton at 10 A. cuiiurt with trains urriviny; :it New Ym k nt 4 ! j V. M., PliiladcU ll.i.i nt C.L' i v. m , and Great llcnd .it 1 ."nl V. M. Trains unit -inji .it Seranton at 3.40 p. M., t otiuiit witli Great Ecuif nnd Wort 1. T.-n0CND Cup't. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, Fvt DiscAaofl cf the Throat and Xmnga, Hitch B3 Cuusha, Culds, Whooping ' Coiiiiti, L'ronchitis, Aituma, aud Consumption. rmli.iMr iiovcr 1h'0ix In the whole liltnrTcf ruili' L.t. liu- fi tiling h mi o w Idcly nutl (todvuiily iiiii tint tHiii'U'iit-tj nt' inutikintl, an tin exce llent ii iiu-tly lor I'lihiiiminy iounilaiut. 'I'luouKtm Umii H'Htt f ',is, unit union tnuial of the rut'etuf ' men it li t ri.M'ii l.iKt'r uint hiit'er lu Oicir ttmv t'"i.,iti it li t Uvuiitn iH-ilor kituwn. lu iinlhmn rli. ii. M-u-r Mint (Miner tu rurethv variouft aOt'ctiuut oi iiifiiiii.! ami inn mi, nave inuue u kiiuwd m m in ;.Jif rti!t'ator iiKiin t them Whila ailutKcit la Inililt'.' lunii oI'fli-vHi'U uwl to young rhlMrvn, it it fit tiu1 runif thno Uio iimt fffwtual rvuicity that ran Ir kttvru to. iii 'ijiifiil rnnuiniliun, uuii Die it.tu i mu iiiTim luni: 1 tliu ami hniK Atti no i.imi itkr.iiift Mi'ltU'ii udiirktof C'rowf. tt thoiili In1 ki' ' liitii't in I'vury tamily, nmi imifitt us nil l V r-niMCtlllK'A r-lllijc-'t (O COKI mill t'Otlffll., uU ii.iiil'l I o rtii. It'll with llu antiOcte for tlicm. At'iioitu "iiiltil uitMutHttitiA ii ihoiifht In riii.u'l--. -i ill n 1 1' it uuinUra4otut whr ihe Uu id ( wtMin'.l n i;lt-t, huvo bucu coinplflt'ly cured, nmi titi I'.Hi.'nt ri.-luitMt t -ou ml lu-ulili by th I hvrrtt i'l-rtontt, K coniplcttf U tin mueiluty ovit the di-onh'i. of Ihtf 1 .111 of- aini llirout, ttiat tin- mo t oi-tin.. ic uf tlu-iii y if Iii to it. Wht'u notii nv I-.- i,k1. I it.x U thfin, umler Um Cherry A'ec tttvit tlicy mli -ilt ati-l iti-apH;jir. hitKjvr ami A'hOUo tijmaUtrt find great pro VfH'ti lioiu it. .tt-MHi ii uhvayi relieved aud wholly em . .1 by tt. i'fumhiHa Is F'nrrnlly cureil hr takinir Ui C'A' i-r-y i'rrturitt in Miiall ami frvqtuMit Uostci. bo ally aw iti viriuc knuu u that we need ivii 1 . 1 l s 1 1 1 1 iiu rtM lt:li ult uf them hero, or do intntt lit tn ihmiiu tiio uljIio Ui;it lu qualities aro llilly LIUkUtaUIL'cl. Ayer's Ague . Cure, For Fovnr and A(?iie, Tnt9rmUtant Pever, C'li'll 1-Vvt'.. ltomittont Ftver, Dumb ikS'ie, Pcriol'Oiil or Uflioxia i'ever. Ac, r.nd indeed all tho affootiona which nnw lVom luoliiriuus. marah. or tniaoiuatiO poinons. A Hi nnmr linplin. It dof Curt ami flora not fiil. I'tnit.iiniiitf miihrr A ripuir, (Quinine, ltirimiri, ' im, iior Htiv itlir iiinifnil or KMtitiiiH utiUnlnncif whuU'Vor, it' in nouie lulnrv. any falit-nt. Tl: nuniU'r and hunortinae of iti rnrwe Id thcajnirdi ti i t.4, ait liictiillv lHvnnil nci-ouut, ami wo lie lime V lihmit a piiialli') In tho history of Amic iiuillcinp. Our ridi 1 pral tiled hv tlte a kmm UNUtncnt. we tiH'rivc of lint rndi -al riiron etTcMtod In nbKtiunU) ca-"t, an t tifiv oilier reiiidtis IimiI wholly fuilotl rnn'-ilinmtt'd per-on", citlttr rf.idfnt' in, or travi'llti'K ihroiiifli min-tnntlr Im'nlitffA, will be pro tu'td by takinir the AtiHK CI KK ilailv. lor t.irer 1'Mtithiitt nrltinir ftoin loriiidltf of tin l,ivir, tt l nn exlh'tit retoedv, UumWuiif ti l.ivr intii hi-nllbv aciivitv. Tor Itilnni iJ.unhr and UrPrCompUInt. It la an rtv'lU'iit rennd prfMhicitifr mauv truly ra Di.irkrtlili curoM, m luro olhor mlii'inna hail failed I'ti naivd br lHi. l, C. Avrn A iU., I'rnrttrnl and Auihticnl 4 htLiuvU, Low nil, MaM., aud aoid mu iuuou vw wuiiii, rmcBt $1,00 rr.n bottlw. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair lo Its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which ia nt ouco iigieeulilo, Iii'iUlliy, nud effectual for proforviug ilio liuii'. Fudid or grati hair 11 toon rcttorcd . to U oritjiuul color Kith tht glott and Ml I Nf t ,.: frcshncit of youth. ' ; Ut-&$&- Thiu mir 'u ,y,k-. cnod, fulling lmir checked, nud Inlj' uuv fl.en, tliotiolt not jilvv ty. hy irA- ax. -JQihing ciiiv resit lmir where the 'ullirli-J tyed, or tho uliiuJs iitiophi .Vijcil. lint inch ft renmiu .au anved fur ..r..i - 1... .i.! . t . 1 UBciu. iiena vy tiiif r.iiu.-it.iuu, aueteua of fouliug the lmir with a party aedU nicut, it will keep it cleau nud vigorous. Its oci'iisioiiul use will prevtul the lmir from turning gray or fulling oil', hui conacqneutly prevent Luldueea. Free, frum deleterious ouhelunces . iiuiko some preparntioat (luup.ioua nud injurious to the lmir, the Yih'or cuu , ouly huuuflt but uot harm it. li' wauled . niarely for a HAIR DRESSING, ; nothing else cad Le found to deairaLIe, , Coutiiiuiug iioilhcr oil nor dve, it dou , uot aoil whito cnuihrio, nud yet lula ' ) long ou the hnir, ,'iviug it a rich fc!oy ' luatro nud it grulutul ritil'uiiio.- . Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & C;.J ' 1"iucticx ako Analytical Cut" t .. ' .,0.0