,. I--.'. ' : r - V'-f I'. J ; r 1 THE POST. JJlUDttBinO, FEBRUARY 10, 1870. TOWN AKD country. 3. XT. tms announce thit oo and after th 15th Inat. ho will con duct tiii LuMticpi! on tha cash sMem. Tn Freedom Iron nnd Steel Com jany of MifHin county Lnn appointed afi'gnces by reason cl financial ambor- A Corckrt by tlio Huucr Family was advert iod 10 I hold in this place last Saturday evening, but when llie time arrived tho part)' failed to male fcheir arpraranw. Th- Melropoliiao Police Bill, for Philadelphia, bna paased both branches of (he State LogMature, and only need? the signature of the Governor to le omo a law. A labor barn with valunblo ron- tcati, including rattle, on one "I Will iam Cameron a latin", locatou near Milton wna destroyed by fire oo Sntur- )a day evening last, fcr.prosed to Lave Leo let oo fire. Tits reason why the ronttitn"nt o! our Hnrrlalmrg UtpreHcninllvea tail to K'Ccire the usml butch of jrgilativi lleeorda, is leeaufo tlio expensive nuixnneo is abolished. It wna never worth the pontage paid on it. The premiums crabicd by tha Pc linsgrove Savinir and llnillin; Ano ciatiuo have ranged from' 31 to o9 pel' cent. Th'T went up higher. ao lar at each meeting. If all the sharrn wouM Bell at a uniform premium of 35 per cent, tho shares of the first actios wouM mature in about eight year and three months. Tim g. Some peoplo don't bflicvo in ndver tiing Ifcnuee they say "unbuly reads the pnpera. " Hut let them (.et into n bcmio, aud you will kco tnem flying around to the nevpiper i fliccs with the request. "Ph-aMt don't mention thnt little affair. it' all a liii.-tuke : 1 dun't wunt my nsmo published nil over tho countrv.'" Ex. F.JWm. Sciiwan, M 1., has Ur cated at 1'ort T revet ton, and hua til lered, wo nro iufoi med, upon an exten ded nod lucrative practice nl hi- pro fession. The iloclur underHtund-i aur gcry a.d tl.o Science of Medicine i. an intelligent uion and well recom mended by gont'emeo eminent in the Jirofca-iiiiu. Wo b;-Meik for hi in n iberal patronage, lie spcuku the l'ng t Jiaii und Gennan hing'jnges. Inoomi; Tax. For the benefit ol our leuderH, w bcitreby reu.in 1 them thnt it is made their du'y to report the nnionnt of their income from Jan 1st. 1809 toJiin. 1-t, l!?70 No muttoi whether your Incume isnbjvo dr below 8H-0U, it in your duty to repo.'t. If ii be less than t? 10(10 you Ineo no in come t ix to pay. Why n it utieiol to this matter at once and tavc iroobl. aud expeojo. The llloomsburg llitll!an cni plains thai thier ''youn men t rowd around the church dooia tugupe at ili ladies aa they lias-out. ll yoiiwi-1, to see your 'girl homo do m iu a do Cent and respectable maiiuei', but dun'i hang around ju-t to see ho does ului doscu't.' It girls had the hpuuk of n rick tadpnlo, I hey would promptly 'uiitteu'' such gutter lark, which vroulJ aoou uicnd their manners. Woiith Knowino. A poison of nn conuicvublo doscription and ileu'rcn of potency, which has been swoll-nvcd in teolinnally or by uceident, mi.y be N teudered instHDliincnusly harinle.sb by avollowing to gills of awed oil. A n individual wiio u very Mrong consiit ; tinn tdioulJ luko twice the nuai-titv. 'J his will neutralizo every foim ofvejr- ct utile ana uiiunui poiaon with whirl 'hysiciaoa aud chemisia are acquaint ed. Wintkr in KARNFsr Tho r-pring like eatlier which we enjoyed I rem tbu aiiddlo of January until a few dajs ago, induced miny p-raoos to believe that lo reality we wero to have no touch of Kinif Jack l'mst whnti ver lint Mondiy night aoow commenc'd lulling, at first tsloIy and in a timid manner, lo the course of on hour, however, it foil fast ao furiously, und ao old fashioned aoow ktorm prevailed until Tuesday evening, by which time the aoow meusurcd twenty-four inches deep on the levol. Agricultural Socurr. F.ffnrts are making to reeusoilate the oriianizii' tioo which existed a lew yours ago uoder the caption of 'The Snyder County Agricultural Socioiy," under tho supervision ot John P. Cronmiller, Esq , and we believe will result io suc cess. Our county ia well adapted to Agriculture, aud ua matters now stand, tha productions of the noil constitute the chief resource from whence, we de- Lve our capital Kucourago eniulu- lo our farming districts a a etnn- ' rt .leal tannine eduealis" :t jaiv s'-t t f cotupciiitun- . r . i in niiira 'vtl had anil tndifl'ei1 cut farm. t will elevate the Handard, dovoiop'e new and imporiant ideas, culiivalo Ibe right spirit und cootioually adopt the surest uud most jiroStable tnuthods of producing a sreat quantity and better quality from ess territory, less capital aud less la bor. Our sericulture! fairs briug to gether the best ilock, 1a at agriciiltnrul implciueota.beat hor'.icuKral products, lest everything as tbut they ay bo cootrostcd - that we may readily per ceive the difference in produoiug well bred cattle, hories, hogs, Sio, io. The subject Is well worthy I bo altoulioo ol very intelligeot farmor. We all au nit the inferiority of tha stock in Ibis county, aod Ibe want or implored ma tbioerv. Iet ua awake to a seoas of duty and with a united effort builJ 0 ao auooiatloa aeeoad boat to aono in Ibis part of the State. The efforts of Nr. Croamlllar ar hhjbly contojoada- Ao Adjourn Court will be held in this placo tho Fcenud week In March. Bipmnh AT ArmoM.--Judge Hut lor luloly rendered a decision in Cho. tor County, which is of interest to thrtre who conduct and attend auction Baton. Tho racoon trial wm as follow : A suit wna brought to recover 545 on a nolo piven m tho pnrchasa money of reiil estnt.o. A pentlemnn who had piirclinsed properly nt n pub lio stale, nnd given liifi note fir the money, learning nfterward that there A'f.'ti prraciit at tho time other bid Jets us ,ptllTori,', hn refused to Inko the property. The Judge dceiJed thnt il a party procure men w hid up proper ty, and the rcr-on who buys it in de ceived thereby, ho mount he hold In his II I, ns it is vitiates the salo and makes it void Novrx Law Pi-it. A novel suit, fur trvicca rendered, was tried before Joseph Lung, F.r-t nl Adrmhiir2, on the 'I'll inst. Tl fuels ai t as fullews: Jucub tirda, TreaHrer of Snyder co.. vsculed his office, bin term being ex pired, and having no nnploymeiit on hi furm during the wiotcr motiihs. rcquesteil Ale-Bra. t'rnuat?, lVili'iuler k Shin lei lo "act him up", in some pnyilU buHinesst, whereiipun theso goo llomi'ii "litU'd hi in npM inth.' Alma nnc and I'lilent Medicine husinee (vertiiiluge beinc !' priiieip'odrug in hia outfit) Mr tiros U';d those i al lies fne errriri-s rendered, and on the 4th nu t, T. Parks F.nq , being coi-' cenied tof plff. I'poo rpenilm the trial it win discovered that tho Ju t'uo's Pocket was Htnlcn, hut alter lUliorati) argument the Sqn'uo au'iHt!- In ted a hheel offootacnp lur a lockc t. Yitnees wero culled tnd coum-el heard upon tho one aide and the oth er. A verdict wns rendered in favor it'Pifl". fir 815 and cMs. JMendnni h.ive appealed, eho.-cn referci aand the ca.'O wilt be tried at Middluburi. Af ter verdict adjourned lo parlake of a 'big dinner,' eongi.tirg of a l"ast turkey ami an nlundiimo of oilier gnod things, tt the house of the Pbiiiitilf A laro number of witncsM'Suud pcc talors weie in lit cn l inoe. Pl'IH.tc ai.f.. Tbnradny, l'el. 2t, 'ale of live stock, fttrm iniplimeiits Mtid heu-ehold Furniture of Solomon J. Uoelox of Centre lowtiiiliip. Tuesdiiy, March 8, Live titmk. firm implements, A.C., of Jo'.iu f5. Wolf Chn ni:io township. Turaduy March 8, l.ivo atock, tiirin inph incuts household furniture Ac. of Pctei Uackeuburg, Centre t)wiiship. SLtutdny, March 12, Lire ftoik fip m in.pleim lit. Ae. of John M. Aurutid nl Mid llecreek township. Tiiisilay, Maicii 15. Live dork, I'urui iinj'it incut household fuimt'ire Ac. of Lew id Su saliiau oT Ccutri town.Hl.ip. To V. S. TAXPAVI Rrt XoTirK nt Time anh I'i.ack nm Amkhsmf.nt of In .'ome Tax, I.icknskk. Ac Tho nn ileir'i.'iiud. Assistant As.-cH-or f r the full Pivi-im, Mill llittriot of Penn'a., ctiihraeing the whole of Snrdor coi n- ty. Iisr iiy givea not ce tiuit lio win iliei t the people nt tho follottii'g times ami placn fur the purpose el rtM'.-iving the lucnmo Uclurns I'm l.S'.'ifl, und receiving applicatiuiiH f'ol I.ieens:", taxi s Oil gold Watches, Ac, for l 'TO : For West li'T.vcr t ownship, on Fri lav. Fob. lihnt the public Ionise ol l). I, Kitn Iriil uli, in Aduniabiir. I'or Heaver towntihip, on Stitur l.iy, Feb. F.Mi. ut tho puhlie house of . Mu sed Spi cht, in Uciiveitown. For IVrrv and Wear Perry town ships, on Monday, Feb. 'Jlst, ut the public houso ol Mom's, 1 a-li, iu 1 ro- moiit. For Wadiintton towpahlp, on Tucs lay, Feb. -I'd, ut the public linuse ol U.'ti V (! Moyer, in Frcclurt'. I'or Union an J OeiHii;in, Wo lnea day. Feb, 2'ld, nt tho jiuhlio hou.-o ol iru iiyrs5, in Port Trevorton. For SeliuKgrove, Mouroo, Jacka'in and Penna, Thursday and Friday, Feb. 24th and 25th. at the ollico of tlio U. S. Assessor, in Sebnsjrove. For Jliddleburg, Franklin, Miibllo- creck and Centre, Suturdav. Feb. 2, at the oiTlco of II. Ti Parka, iu MiJdle liurir. At the ofuVo of 11 T. Parks in Mld dleburg, on Monday, Tuesday, Wed- nesjiluv. Jbiirsiluy and lriday, reu oth. 'March, 1st," 2d, 31, and 4'h, fn the purpose- of receiviug such refjru na were by reason of sickneas or oth er uuavoidahlo causes omitted at the ahovo times, and for tho purpiBa of correcting the list. ftjyPurtieulur notice in hereby giv en that persona io all buiinesi reijuir log them must mnko applicatioui for Liccn-o each year, no matter h iw lout; they have bcou in buainesa, or bi sub ject to severe penalties. pti. llesidoots of'ea' h 'list riot must attend ou tho day advertised for them, unless detained by sickuo-s or other unavoidable eaiiseb. Curriuges valued at $300 aod up wards, nnd all cold aud gold-plated Watches, gold and silver plate inuat be returned to mo without further notice. All persona encase! in any kind ol briuglbusiueui, are required to make return of income to ma whillier thru have re- ceixhd blinks or not, and those failing will be asseed with 00 per cunt, pea uliv. Ths nractice of men cosnzing io businisa for which a License i requir ed without muk'Ui previous applica tion his been extensively indulged in herat'Hore in this county lo the loss und detriment of tho Uoveroroont, but must be broken up. 1 he severest pen allies oo f-H violations of the law will be iinp-mcd htreafter. Iif Liceiw cannot be tramftrrti When persona buy old business sounds new License must bo obtained. ajrThe lurgt claas of persona in this county who hava bee a engaged in Bell ing patouted Agricultural Implements, ara heroby notified '.bat berealter tbey Will ba okigtiDou at Uomincrciai uroK ais, aud asaesaed f 20 a year. HENRY BENFER, Asst. Asosor, Bib Div. I4tb Dial. Pa For Sals or Hhiit. The aubscri bcr offers his bouxo and hit situate oo Market street la thin plnon for sale or tent. Possession given April 1st, 1170. For further particulars' inquiie of tho proprietor oo tho premise. Jamk P. Smith. Mlddleburg Feb 3, lS7Mw Trial Llst-Fcbriinrj Term, ls;. 1 LTiss Hush vs J.fcb ft and Prlfui 2 same ve John 8 Lenti 3 0. 8. Iloilinn per 0 U Ooiat vs Henry Nace and J noli Wvdst 4 Craig A Hlnnchard vs Vf O llrrrotd 6 II N IJarkus assignee of Dfmlih & CO., tl Nnileun lirnrius 'A CiMig ft IlliinchsrJ vs Georfte Vit 7 astne va Jacob Hendricks at al 8 smia vs ssma 9 a mi vs Moyer, !lora & Hum 10 tsine vs same 11 (icorgs Ii.iuhrrnisn vs Jsenb Krmise 2 Kdwiird linlif v t'rstiklin ll'lger, el nl 1.1 John T llnffniigle vs Julia llrrrtnx et nl It J M' lnnioy lor life ic. vs A H C uiiiinn l"i Thnniss H Tsj-lur vs John dross. Jr lti Amos Gift mil llenlien Kirnbower, tni'tees vs Hen) Plriiiilina rt l 17 Amos tiift Binl Itpulieii llirviibowrr, Irusires vs Jul Ilrviningi-r el nl ltt ltvnn iniilornisn vs linos F Waller III lieorge llollg et nl vs ssnio Jim I lKt l'l Trrm.lSto Ouami Jrnnns, Heaver John tt. Klnnipff, Inae Anrsrid Jnenb llrt'clibill, Fl'driim llmnif, Jueob (irecnlioe, Imoo Kivbbs. Inane J Mnu. heck. Heer H'esl Jnepb Priar fentre Solomon ltnw,.rfox, AnronC Waller bnpnnn Henry M Herrattl. Frnnklin llcmy Sisiningi-r, James P.ur- Jackson Henvr Y Wnjiicr. Mi 1. 1U burg James p iiaitli Ab.inloin Snjder. MiJ Ilvcreek Dnnlel Mciscr. Monroe Jnsipli Leplpy. 1'enns Siininel F Wocxiling, Hrnry Ibu-k. I'cny Wrl- Ilniiicl Minerling, Jobn (I til u bill. S'rlinsgruve 0. W. filass. I'nieii Fimon Minifer. 1'l.TIT Jl MollS. Heaver Hniben Aigler, Itmry Smlib, Denver West John IKioits, An'ios K. Milch ell, GsViigo i rbogasl, Cviiti-e Michael Yt-isley Andrew J I'ower rn. Clinpninn Iinnlel Hohrcr, Jacob II Lciulg, lotiti C kri'itgrr, l'r i ni. 1 its V. in Mmmbseh. Iinuiel Jill- Ihiuhc. ileiii.v 11 nfiT, llenj A Lisenboiter, Jobn tt illi'liinejerv rein, Kleiinrl. J ark nn- llimiviii lirouse, Al rslism Kjer. .Iiiibllrbiirg ficoige Vmli, tt in llnssiiig.-r .Vii'.dledei k Jacob IKiiiUilmuu, Leubtu KaoiK. .Vonroi Hi nvy It Fi-her, Abel Trexler. I'ens Jobn I 1'iflii-r, Jobn 1'. Licbler, 1'iiliill (leinbri'ling, Vuleiiiine llolig. Perry Jnines 8 Furry, hainucl Troulnian. Il nrjr rtwrigeri; Scliiisgrovi II F Oregory, FJ Sclincb, Jonitilian llu ly, 11,-iiJ lii.pp, J W liniigtrr lolm t'lininiings, Milts Wouel, M I, Wagiu- eiiselb'r. I'nioii Jueob I' llogar. I.rwls llou-pr. 1' II. I. aim ), Hum in li'Nuil, Jului J Kilby. tVnshingii'U ll inii-l Liieiilinn, J.nin: linn (iriiiuii, Haiiiel 8 Iluyer Jacob Slelllin, Jr, IV I H Jiii oiN for l ib. Ailjotirncil (mill, Peaver IV J Klosp, Henry Norniaii, Lewis K llainef, Han:uel Troxo'll, Michael K ins. I'.earcr tt'eni Levi F Kniiih, Heury l rosier, ,ioses ixri-iios, ,ionn 1 .olnig. Centre Juliu lluliiagle, Ja-ob II Han- mull, U C rpangler, II Iv .Simdi rs. I liapni-ui I'lnliu It Leniit, Ferdinand .ones, J M IIoIIiiiiiii, lieorso llviuKeluiaii. F h ii k i i ii tt I,' HoHersox. Jackson Henry lojer. 8 II Ycarick, J 1 I'liiilniiii.oi, I'.ivi I Vvitel. Mid tlebuig vai on Kenningcr, .lul lli-cieek harvey (Skill ley. Monroe Jobu S Kuiiili, J Jr" 1 1 ot I en-l ci n , .lolm Coliocb, l'eims r.eiijamln ("toiler, 0 F Kaulz, Iteubell Ueluberlilig, lliinivl Hrnu-f, Ferry Kuocb Smith, Win liood, Casper llorubrrger, Joseph II vim. 1'crrv tt est .Michael Gerhart, Jobn Haas, Jobu Craig, Tobias Graybill. hilinsgrove Norlou Ulover, J ll Waters, 0 W Keller, Geo thy, John W Parks, Keiuer Fisher. I uion Adam L panglcr. ttasbiugiou James 1' Ariley, Charles Uiehl. e l'lllLADI.Ll'HIA MAI'.KKI'S. PlllLAl KLPillA, Feb. 8. Tho Wheat market ia devoid ol anytbim: thnt is new or important. 1 lio ilemaua con tinues liht, but with limited receipts and small stocks prices are well kus- tamed, tiulea ol 1,SUU bus good ami prime Western and Pennsylvania red at Cl 220t I ". live is bteady, with saies of 1,U0!) bus Western nnd Penn sylvania at ysfViflgJc. Coru The market is airoug, but there ia very lit tle domund except lor crime dry lota. which sell readily ut full prices. Sale ol .'(.u 000 bus new yellow in store and from the cars at88f( 01c, nud i.OIIU bu.v very choice houlliurn ufloal at 02o. Onliare quiet, with sules ol f,Ui)U bus j'eunsyivuuia ut olo. MIDDI.E1JUUG MARKET, Correoied weekly 1'otatoea 40 1 lluuer 2' Fggs 'ii lu icd Apples 8 cts r'ches unp'd 18 els Moap 10 Cbarrica seeded 'ii Ulackberriea 12 Lsrd allow 10 8 etn f.oo 40 ao Cherries Flniseed lleeswai Huckleberries SELixsanovE maiiket. Correeled weekly. Wheat No 1 $1 CO I Oulous 1 00 Wheal 2 IU llulter 80 Com 70 F.gs SS Itya !H) Huap 0 to UI Data 40 Lard 10 Flsieeed 2 25 Ham 22 Tiinoiliyaeed 8 00 hhoulJer 1H Cluverseatl 0 00 hide lb MARRIED. On Iba Oth ull., by Ibe Rev. L. C. Ed uiouds, lsaao tony lo Mary llaohnian. (u lua lal lusl., by me same, Andrew Holler, of llellvua Ohio, lo limilino twig of west Ueavar Iwp, ua ma sra last., by Iba same, Mlcliiol Drsesa lo tluabsiu Middleswarin. QOSGUAVE HALL HOTEL. I'ETER lnOlT, Proprutor, West Beaver Tw'p., Soyder Co., Ta Taaa Notion Ibal I have purchased Cos arava Hall Hotel, wbsre I am alwaya pro- pared lo aooonimodata Drovera, Siraogera, aaa iravelera. 1 shall ba liberal ' in my ebargea and an daavor lo use everybody wall who favors ma wiib hla oustoia. If you ara not aalia Osd, ao ebargsj. Glva aaa a call. April, 07ir. QUIliK FOU TAVF.b;K9. I'sastniter Trnlns leav ika llarrisburg railrond d-ols ilnily as follows i r.NN-Y..VAMA l-KNTUAL RAILROAD, a AKTivsat. rhllsil'a Kipress eiei pl Mnnd.iy 2.10 a m Fsil Line 6.20 " l.nnotr Irnln Ml Joy) " t.oi) " I'neifia Kpres Trnln ' 2. Opm llnrristnirx Aeennimoilsllon " fj& ' rinelniiitil r.apri'ss In. in daily 10,44 ' 3oullieru tipress il.t'i) " wasTWan. Cinrinnsll eiprtaexcepl Monility I2.? p m rbtsburg Kirrs 4 '.'' n m Fnellio Lprrs Imin dniW am ('.migration Irnin exrept Monday T.ift " Muillrsin except tunilny 'l.l.'ipui Fnl Line ' ' 4.l"i Erie Fsl Una " 4.SU " NOIlTlltHN rr.NTRM, RAILROAD. KOKTHWaO. llulTntiie Kxproas Ir ;,i 2.t0 a in Mlilit AeToiutuodiklion 1 ! . f ." ni Msil Irsio l.lii ' t ail I.ius 4,'.'0 ' sol Tnwunii. PiulTalo 1' i press Xrsin Mail I mi ii t'neilie Kp Voi k llui risb'g Acccomniliilion t'inciunti biprrsa f.,1') a m I'i p m 11' O.'i p in 4.:0 p in I ). 15 m ill VI, KM. I, AMI HI syt r.HANNA II. It. A passenger and mnil Irnin ! nvri the Lil snnn Vullcy ilppol (Ini'y, nl 0 p. in., for I'iurgrve, Aubuiu and I'oiisrilli'. BBKADIXtJ KAILUOAI). Winter Arrunciiiciit, Mondav Dec 27, 1 S'J1. Oreal Trunk Line fro n the North and Nor'b west for I bibelvlpliin. New York, Itesiling. I'olloville, Tntnsipia. A-blmi I, Shnniokin. Lebanon, Alleniown, Fnslon, F.pbrnin. Liiit, L'inenir, Coliniibia fie. Trains lento llirilimg fur New York, as follows i nl y.K. K10 a. ni. l'J.'. ) noon. mi l 'J.O.'i p. in,, connecting with similar trains onlhe the I'ennsvlvsnia Hailroad, nnd arriving nl New York nt 1J. I.'i noon, t.-IUn.'iil, nnd 10,00 p. in., re-peclively. Sleeping enrs nreouipany llie ' 3'.i tu. nnd l.V'i noon Iraius, wiil.oui clmnge. l'rlurning i Leave New Yoik in '.'.Oila m. 12.no Noon, and ..CHI p oi, l'bila lelphin nt N.l'i S m and il.illl p ni ; Hlreping cava nc onipauy Ibe U.OO n in, and fi.tl I p in irniiis I'i con New York, witln ul rbnnge, Leave llarriidmrg for Heading, IVttsville Tninniiin, Minersvillv, Ashland. iSlinniokin, I'iiirgiof e, Alleniown and 1'liilo!. Iphiu, nl ".IO n in, 2, o.i and 4 IU p in, slopping nl Lebanon nnd principal w ay stations ibr 4,10 p in train connecting (or 1'kiladelpbia, I'oiisville and Coliimbin only. For Coils ville, hrbnylkiU Haven nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill and Husiuebanna Kailroad, l.enve llarrisburg nl .1,10 p ni Wny passenger Irain leaves Philadelphia '. T.oO a in, eoniireliiig with timllnr train on l ast l enna. liailroml, leliiruitig from Itead-ng at il,"." p in, stopping nl nil slaloms l.eavo I'oiisville nl 'i.l'i ami U.IMI n ni nnd 2,4' p. iu.: Ilerudon nl '.',!! I a in; Hlia- niokin nl t,4o nnd 10, bin in.; Ashland nt 7,05 a in, and 1-,-f'p in.; Taiuaiiia nl K,:s:t a ni, and 2,'U p iu lor I'biladclpbia nnd New Yoik. Leave rotisville. via Pchuylklll and Pus-.(iii-biiima ll I! nl K,,'i m lor llarrisburg, and 1 1. oil n m fur l'iur-iove niol Ti'etin ni. Heading Aceotiiuiodiitiou traia: Leaves I'olisvillo al fi.4'1 n in, passes Heading nl ,-'A) a in, arriving nt I'bibidelpbia nl lo,2o a ni. iiclurniiig, leaves I'biladelpbia nl I. lo p ni, passing Heading nl 7,10 pin, arriving nl 1'otlsville al '.'lo p ni. 1 ultsionn Aeeniuniedniien Train I.Myn I'ollsionn nl liaVi a In, leluiliirg leaves I'lnladelpliia al 4,00 p ni. Coliinitii i Hiiilr-ia.l Trains leave Heading al 7,1 j am, und 0,11 p in for Ipniiiiu. fL.it s. Lanensler, Columbia, k . I'rikioiueti Hailroad liaitis have I'erVi- omen -luneiioti nl '.i.c'i n in, .1,1.') & fi."o p in; relurtil ig leave Sell wenksvilb- at H. O.'i a m. I-, Noon, and l.l'i ) in, e inneeiiug wiib siuiibir Iraius on Heading Hailr-iad. lolrl-riok I lie Itailrmid iraius leave l'olts- own ol '1,40 n in. nnd 0,2 I p ni, reliirniiig rave Mount I'leasant nt 7.01 at: J 11, .'" in, cotinpi-iiiig wiib siinil.r trains on Hra-llllg r.iilroi I. Client r Yalley Itailronl Iraius leave llrideporl nt X.-'M a m, and I.O'i an I . 02 p ni, reluming, leavo Uowningiown at D.:iil a in, 12.4.) noon nnd fi.l.'i p in, eonnri-iiiig vtiih similar trains on Headinz railroad (In (Sundays s Leave New link nl o.oti iu, rhtladrliihiii t,00 a m nnd .1. to p ui. ihe t. 1 1 I a ni irain niniiiug only lo Heading; leave I'olisvillo H,00 a in; llarrisburg 6, 'Hi n in aud 4,10 p ni, nnd Heading at i.l'i a to. and IO,0S p m for Hariisburg, nl 7.-1 a ni for NewA oi k, and al il, 10 a iu aud 4,2o p ui tor I'liilaUelplna. I uniiiiiil in ion. Mileage, 8eaor., heliool and excursion lickcis, lo nnd from ull points at redoeed rales. ltaggage ebecked throusu : 100 pounds allowed each passenger. U. A. Ml tH. I-?, (7snrro SupfriulinJtnt. llcadiiia. Ucceniber 27. letJ. gNVliER- COl'NTV.SS : -, The Comtnonwealih of Pennyl skal vania, To Iteuben Nciinnn residing J at New W ashington, Clea rliebl Co I'a.. Henry Nciuinn residing at Culnry, (jreenwood county, Kansas, Harriot inter- merried wiib Isaashpaul resoling at loleilo, Ohio, and Jeremiah Mitchell residing iu Middlrcreek tuwnsbip, Hnyder rouuty I'a., lineal desiendnnls of Michael Neiuoin late uf Iho Ibwuship of Jiddlecrcck, eiuydcrCo, deceased. (Ireotingt ou are hereby cited lobe aud appear before the Judges nt our Or (bans Court lo bo lieiu nl aiiuuieiiurg on the 4ib Monday of February A. Ll.,i7o, nl 10 o'clock in ihe lorcnoou. ibeu ami there lo accept or refuse to lake Ilia Heal l.slnle of snid Micbnel Neiinau deceased, al Ihe i ursised valuation put upon il by an In iieel duly awnrded by llie raid Court, aud relumed by Ibe bberill or said coiiuiy, or sboar enuae why ibe sania should Uot be sold. And uerror tail nol. Witness iba Hon. 8.8. Woods, ltiesi leul of'our said Court al MiJdlebuiaj.'vais lutu uny oi January a. v. iro. j. iiiuihl, Lirra u. v. gNVDER COUNTY, KS: t 1 Tha Commonwealth of I'ennayl- sial I vania lo Ibe tbertll of (Snyder I -v- J eouuiy unaaTiaai Whereas Margaret M. Hunt by her (next friend John Italy, did on lbs 2sl day of October, A. 1. IbUil, prefer her pelillou lo our said Judges of our eouuiy Court of Common l'leas for Iba county of clnyder, mnvinz for the causes theraiusot forthiihal sba might ba divorced from Ihe bonds of matrimony eutem' iolo wilh you Ueorge lluul. a do ibercfora eommaud you, as you wera before commanded, lha said George Hunt, ibal selling aside all other business and f louses whatsoever you be snd si pear. In your proper person before our Judaea at Middfi-burg al a Court of Common l'leaa there lo ba bald lor Iba eount) of tSuyder on lha 2Htb day of Feb ruary noil, lo answer iba peliiiou or libel Of tho said Margaret it. limit, aoJ lo show enusa if any you bava, why lha anid JVar- aaral M. Huul4 0ur wilt,, should not ba uivuroed from lha bonds of matrimony nereeably lo the aot of Assemble In such eases made and provided. And hereof fail not Wlioasa Iba lion. 8. S. Woods- F.sq., Pros ideul J udaa of our aaid Court at il iddl eburg I .... ui.. .ll- - I . k Ibu.n M IU1 u mi v e.w""i n. " nw. J. CROUBE. l'rolbooolary tba rommonsiesllh of Tenusyl-1 vania, To Itvbreea Leplcr, A brum . i SRAL Lciiler, Mnrvflpl, John'! l.eptey Annn Inlermnrrlrd lih Wlllinin roller, ti Snrnb Lrptry alt residing in HnyJer eounlj Prnnn., David l.eptey sni llannsb Inler ainrried with Oeorga lluinlg residing al Tbreo Rivera, Michigan, Mena I.eplej-, Itnebnet l.epley, Lena A Lepley, Joseph tepley. Hnniil Lepley, 0nri W Lepley, Jonnlban Lepiey ami Amelia I.rplry, r--Iding nl Colon ft. Joseph oounly Michigan, Klirnbeib llriner reiding nl '.'enlret illu, residing al Wayne onn'y lndinnn, heirs snd l gal represenlntlres of Jscob Lepley, laie of Went ilraror tnwnblp dr'crascd. (isnrr f oi You ara hereby eiied to tie sn4 ap enr liefora the Judges of one Or phan's Cnurl In be he'd nl Middlebiirf on be 4h .Voiiihijf of February A. 1). 1 0 . ni 10 o'lloi'k in the forenoon, llirn nnd lb ere lo nccepl or rfue lo Inks ibe leat tale oi Jueob Lepty deoensed, nl Ibe nppraied tnluaiion pnl upon il by nn loisl dnlj awnrded by the snid Court, nnd relumed by Ihe (Sheriff of said roiinly, or show cmise lit llie snine rbeiild liol le sold. Anil berrof fall no'. Willies 1 1 1 Hon. Paniuel S. Wools. I'sq. I'rcsl I. nl nl our snid t'ourl at Mi blb-burg. Ibis H)ib day ol Jntmarv, A. I. 170. J. ( T.llt ?i:. Clerk . ('. GK1.L t SCIlONt)! K, J V. l.olesale Pealera In imANli-IKS, WINKS, WiiMF.I.SIKHIF. I bltKS CO , 1 January l-t, If-To. if T.lxlOI t;U'M lll l.l'KIl Sllntt.-I II' J" l'Hl T.I.K llie I'rotils ofiho Farm, nnd bow dinners and llieir son rnn each itotke IOO M-r llltmtll iu Wniier. pi.i'Oo eopies will ne mailed free to farmers. n I nnniennd a.blnss to Zl 1(11.1. Ii, McCl'KLlY i Co. I'uiladcij bis, I'a. 4w Jlnnhootl : How lost, How licitornl - j- t fj ' po librd, n new edition id l'r. Culvcrwell's Cilebra.ed I'.s JsVfctV fny on lb) radical cine, (without medicine of Cperinatorrlioet,, or St ininal ' tt riUnrss, Involuntary Losses, imp' leiu) . Menial and pbi-ienl lurnpaciiy. Imp: ! no tils lo marriage, etc. I also. Coti-iimp-lion I'.pili py nnd Fits, ludiieed by self in nulgcnee i t sexual rxtravignncc. t'rttc, in a ,Sfif l!tti'!vjr , tii antt. The celebrated null. or in lais admirable es-ay t learly ileiuoiil rales from a thitiy years sneeestnl piai'tiie, I lull Ihe nlarui i g eoiiseiiienees of sell alni-e may be rad ially run d v ilhnul tlio dangerous ue of iutrinal lueilieiue or llie iipplicalioii of the knife; poiniing out n mo le t.f cure nl once siml b'. eeriain iindeib etii.il. by means of nliiek every sulKrer, no mailer whni hi eotidilion tuny be, Inny rure hinisilf cheap ly privn'ely and radically 'ibis Lecture should be in Ibe hands of every youth and every man in Ibe bind .'ml under seal, in n plain envelope, lo nny address, postpaid, ou receipt of sis cents, or two post slumps. Also, r. Cul vero ell's " Marriage tjuide," price 20cculs. Address the publishers, L HAS. J.C.KLKnSiCo.. 1J7 Ilowtry, N. V., . t. Hoi -I,Im'i. C H'TION. Having piircbard 'be fil- bmiog named niliclesal MiciiiT's I'ntc nn I loatit d Ihe samu lo Jacob 11. I.einig luring my pleasure, Ihe public are hereby cautioned noi to iutei fere nor in nnywi:e meddie wiib ibe snine : Uuo Sitik. one Cooking Htnve, three lit dsiiads and beding. one Sland, olio cask of lltaioly. 1 Sleigh, oi.e buy Mare, one Iron Initio, loChaiis. one rht si, one roll can, one llrimlstotic, a lnl of Corn l'od-ler, one hn, one Cow. lour Sheep. M.lllH.NA.Mi .ii.M,S. I uion lonn-liip, lieceniner i ioh-.i. J) AVID WILLIAM;!, Maniifaclures of ft Wholesale liealer in tilt. Miiliogiini, Miilniit iiiuf KoM'Uooil lOOKIfN'G CiL-AS I Pictiiro St Ptiotocrnphlo l-nuucs, os. 2:1(1 nr. a zv: An n .rrrl, I'luladelphia I'a. Frames lUpairel ill llie be-t manner. Also, Hegildiug in all il brnuches. ".'Jl mv EW liri ui x;sl 18 A.NI NEW PitK.'ES: WAr.ENSEI.EPK Si SON. hereby respectfully inform ibrir friends and the publio generally that ihey have opened a sjTUHIi iu their NEW EUll DING nn Ihe s)oil so long occuple.l by l'r. Jacob Wagciiscllor on Iho Isle of yue where Ihey now have mid will always keep a I urge titi-i well selected assortment of SEASOXAlll.E COOPS. In the Ladies' Pepailuicnt will be found n lull liu of S1I.KS, POPLINS. lU.'JU.lAN'IS. VH'TOl'l A l.AW.NS, 1 ltil'l(EI Al.l'Ai'AS, SWISS MP EL, I'A MP It ICS, PRINTS. JACONETS, HELANES, Stripetl uud C'liei keil Nfiialuelin, Ae, a .o ACareut Variety of l.ndies' Prcrs TrimiiiiuM, l.uiest t-iylo Hoop Skirts, l'rcni'li Corsets, Eull alvlo'Piiilmoruls, l.utliea' I'uilirtl fun, PuruHols Ulld Sun Shades, ISonuct Ribbons), Lucca, Kuf iliuga Einbroiilt m, Limn aud Paprr t'ollurs, Ac, Ao., &c. al SPL EMID ASHOll TMEXT" lMiOiSr&SHOKS For Lailits, Missies nud L'biliireu, iu end less vaiieiy. of all sites, styles and prices, sckciid lor lha Fall aod VI inter trade. A full nnd complete slock of ', CLOTHS PLAIN AND FANCY CASS 1 M E It ES.COTTOXA V Es, JEANS, Ao., Ao. COAL OP ALL KINDS ! Groceries, yueeuswaie, Hardware, Willow- ware, Ccdarware, Olassware. a.c. All of which having beeu iouy.l rrry hit for CASH will be sold ni very small protlis, Our uiulio ia tjuitk tcUi uni tuiall irujtlt. We also pay lha highest maikel prices for all am is ol grain. WHEAT, KYE, UOlt, OATS and SEED. ' Ws are crennred also to slora goods, al a small charge ana lo uo a general luoimieaiou and rorwardiuu bualnoss. W hope Ibal lha publio generally will lve ua a call as wa beliere il ia to ibeir interest lo do ao before purchamng also where. Uive us a trial. W. F. WACENSLiiLEH, 1. L. WAtiLNbtLLLIU May 807. If JAK.NSWOKT.1 & LOWEll, Wholesale dealers ia Cedar, Wood and Willow War. Cordage, Brooms, L-ooking-uiasMS, f a. . .S3, Norib Third Hiraal, I'biladelpbia, w.o.raaaswoavy. ApnjifJ o.o.towaa CCI10C1I & DROTIIEK lO Would rerneelfuily nnnounta lo Itia people of Hnyder Coiiuiy and tkapublio, nemllr. ihnl llier Imva lusl secured. and will constantly aecp on hand ami for sale, a very cxlcnsira assortment of in their Commodloca New Room opposite ihe Hank, Heliusgrove l'n. they win, pell att.h- it ci:i PRICES I Their ealensive slork eonIsls of a well selec.lr-1 sssoriinenl of FALL k tt ISTI II lionim. Tley have Cl.Ci list. CACKI Ml.ltM, plain nnd farcy, rntiuciis. Jest s. Tweed, Muslins, lulling. 1 Inmiels Checks, &o. Also au elt gnnl assoiimtni of LAMES' lP.irs COOlbS I Silks, lioiiiliur.ini's. Alpmvi-t, Pluck and Tuncy 1 'clain.-t. Lnwnn, (tingliaiiin, a lurge variety of line N'liito liood-', LAM KS' F l-XAMNAI.l.l; COAIS, lloop, .-'kil'tsl Miiittl.' A.C., tc. I1EAKY MAM'.fl.OilllNC.roats, vest.-, Piintit, Shirtsi Ae. A varirly d KOTIOXS & 1I0.S1KKY. t'olliiM Linen "and Pnpn ,Pn smTrim tilings. Putlt'iiK CVrsts. Zrephvia eellliooil imd hVl . Moravian unl Sbctlaiul Wool Ac. Ac. iiaSII,SAlTAKDIKO.N, STri'L. PTdVFst, FOIIKf. SH'iYLLS, HIVM'TS, IttKI'S. lil.ASS. NAILS, I'M MS. IlimUnro ()iH'eisvcre, (Jhicswnre. I'cdarware, Wi'lnw-wnre Croekn v. 1'i.Asri:;. wi.iu- a i;'ue. 1so. n large i i I il v of dilleienl I iu-N ol HATS A t'Al'S. lit KITS A. SlUUiS. tlevety style, variety und i,UHliiy. Also, nil kinds of rAM'KTtS. &C. fil'Orri'lca f all l.in !-, frt"-h from the I'lnln li Ipbia nnd New m k Markets. They keep constantly on hi.i.d a large stipi'ly of ttlinr. I.I AI) AFI PAINTS, every iim.Hiy and pi ! ce, reei ive.l direel from ibe in iii.itaeiiiies and eoliseoiieMlv lean sell at llie very lowest pruts , all kinds of Also OILS. W II A I.E. lilltlWN LrilRlCATLW.. m i:.-nn ti'. miti lin.i:i:d oil for Tainting. To the lailei thry c ill ir- lit l.ir ii I it-ii I k.ii a it i eipial to Lin i ed oil for colored painting, u'.el cost, bill out half the price. lligdics iriees juid for Country Proiliiee nnd All Eiim!scn.r:iii;. fliivt them a trid lief re po inir elsewhere. MCIIOC1I A P.P. OTHER, j Tbev nrs nlsn the ngeni f..r CJ I'. I S I'.ll'S : l'ULST FLY 1'il'iil LATIN" CHAIN, .s'LIKATllli I'l.LANKK AN H H Uiti LIS. I The latest Improved uud most celebrated in the world. Just Ibe Machine Fu.-n.er have been set king niter fir vein s. ll v. ill I brash liotu m -!0 I'li-hcls 1 er bmir. clt nt.ed ready for in n ki I. Tbev will sell ibe-e lu bine" upon lL;;il uii'li's Vulii.l.id an upierclile I. A ril is. y ATliTlCi Notice is bcr. I V piv.-n Ihel. i on and afit r I Vlober l-i l1 '.', I Will close 11." ks and SI. p doing ere In a-sa-a -lie-, and olilv sell good lor Cash r I'ro- Ill iliose know ililf tbeliis. lve III debted on my I'.oolis will pi. Sniiee thai iho same Must be til be Put I or dole ul.d setlle.l bv Nolo between thi- Jaiiiiary Isl 1S70. All itceoiini n-o 'i tied by I hnl lime will be placed ill proper hands for col'.n.i ion. All goods wll .be sold lor Cash prices. 11. 1. UAlliKNIirSlI' Penvrr Springs Snyder Co. I'a., r r.M.i. .s t wisrr.u i.ismoys: US. M. A, r.lMM 11 I as .lusl nrnven fruri I'aris nnd London wish ibe la-i-. . i i .... .. i... lcl deigns pelsolinry stiee.iu ii...n .... llie picn'o-t novt llies; ul-.i the Inosl t Ii giint' Tiiniings lo l e c secured in l'ai'a Lnt-es y.ibbolis, Yelvt-ls. Fiidil Yeilt, I lowei. line Jtwel.-ry, ul.d Ti lmed l'lipir I'aiierns, Hi ess and Cloali Miking Kscliiive ngent lor Mrs. M. YVorVs relebraicd system for culling ladies' dirsses, s.icii;ts, ba-.iues, c. N. W. corner t.f LivcutU und Clieslnul Sis.i l'liilielelpbia. ".U'Jm'i J EWlSELTili wsoLrTu r'CT03iir j The subscriber. Ihonkful for Ibe liberal pntrotiago bi stoned on his establishment j at Laiireliou, liegs it-nvo io niiiuiii ins friends nnd Ibe puplio peiierniiy, noil nt bas bad his mill at I.eisbuig Int. d up in ibe best possible manner, iwtk the J.atint Jiiijrvvnl Murium ry mado In Ibe eonniry, ni d ellh the ndvan luges of Biealii l'ow'er. which can be relied ou nl nil liuies. He feels sale iu Hiving Ibal hie esiablisbmenl is nol surpassiu l y any in the (iate. Ilnvmg eiignfLiu n sti r- o. e n he is now prtpi.icd for uiuiiulacluiing a'l kinds of WOOLEN GOODS fSVCII A8 CLOTHS. CAPSlMFlii:.1". K.TINI.n.w, THF.F.US. JKANS. (LAM.L, 11 LAN K KTtt.CAIt I'E'l J, YAKNit, 4i. In (As let manntr and at rcduetj fiittt. An eietdlent assorlmenl of fljnds nt all limes ou hand, for sale or eicbange for Wool. HULL CAHUIMJ Uoua on mori OOllCS. BjcirTEI'.MS CASII.-03J MAf.K HALFPENNY., Lewisburg, Union Co., Pa., Deo. ),'. ZJ3BOBS OF YOUTII. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous HebiUly, 1'renmiure leeay, and all Ibeclleoia of youthful indiseretioa ill, lor Ibe sake of nilTeriag humanity. seud tree lo all who need ii, iba receipt nnd direct ions for Disking Iba simple remtdv Lv which be was cured, ttufirr- ara wishing to profit by Iho . advert iser's aiparianoe, eaa do so by aadrewing, In nnieot confidence. JOHN 0, OUUbti. No. 41 Cedar sireei. New York r a ovaMsa. u r muiti.tim. - UNION HOUSE. .CARMAN & KARKTLTTLR, "rlori, M I l)l)LEBrntl,Snyd. r Co., Pa. Die proprietors respeetfnlly nminnnes to llieir friends and ihe pubbe- generally Ibal they have reeled Ibe Fryer tavern aland, which bas boon refilled and replen ished in style, and Is a desirable plar lor strangers nnd oilier lo slop. Their labia is nl nil times spread with Ibe bunriel snJ siibrilnntials of Ibe reason, their eliMobcrs nre 1 irge In pnmiou the com." rt eflbeir pue.is. 1 lit ir bar Is supple d wilh ehob e liiinrs. No pain spared by the pteprictors lo renJer eiiiire saiisf-ie. linn to til who faror ib:in wiib Ibelr palronage. -'Jlif H'HIIMIU)" I Is nn eaee't "1M T M I M r " en l nriiela hUivIikA of gran,... br.nkllg lol;ili'li I I'd ii.i ili ; l.eiettr inii" luee I il is nnivi r-!!y admired, ll is put up in ban. l-ome lin k !in bag", in wl.iih i id.rs l-.r Mielsch n in t'ipes me t'.aily io ki-J. t.'lt tt M''. I el-i-id l.y sll iwht C8iii; ;j;;::'f (IHOU. I"; Toha 'l'll n'l : il Is made of I he I loo i - I In, pi V- ll ; II i- l.l.ti lit-l volts in es ilU-ii. ti tin- Ni,' tine Is lo , ti , Miiii''t"l : if leuve no dii i rieal.la insie niter stoolip ; if i eiy nulii.lvl I in Co'., r nnd vttichl, ht nee one p. i ud v. i 1 l.t-t ii s 1. r c i.s i 1 1 ol ill i. i.i v 1 1 I tie i o, I il H i- I n lor I.i - nl.'l e e i,; I : Ii -t I iv i, k eid.-ls i-v-ij- 'li-y i rt Lio. ii! i i . 'I ry M-,lll' 11 is f.il it I IM -T t I ALL." Mt it I lid ei lit 11. lie t claims to be, II I l.ul.ll.l.A I'.' fi I This bintol or I I io I '1 ' YrP I ' I I t l.t i'l.ew O'g I "!,U'; - l l'jiNlllJl. j to I -is no ,,,-iul or ( hrll il S TellJK I'C. I si.reiior nnvwheie. Ii i. wi.hui ... u' I u.e lei cl.-w in, l. I novo in li e fin i.i iv. 1 1 I. 1 1 I i I'll S SNUFFS I w el'j.-, nnd st.il bi-.l" Vthci'iier u-t I, I nve Low I i i n iu PI'IO I I 1IM' III ll. t I iiiud M i'i i v r i.cl.ii..v lid -i I " iho If your si. tel.tenar ariiele I' r iiiK-.n-l. bit-i t to.l have tbeta gi I thi t.. ; il ev i..'.iis iiinio-l ale sol -l I v l . i-.-i'l nl le 1 1 1 v, i j heie. I ii culm i ! 1 i s I. lual'-U u nt I neat toll. '. l.t.I Hec. 'J-oIil lAI.M'Il. New IU Al I Its IS' CROC-ERIES. Iliu.'v.ui:, ()i i:i:N!-wAi:it, ( f.l' All WALK c. Ae. ke. tie. A.C. i:viui:-ii.m: im. rn,.Tb ll ic il i st iiouiei i'i;n:i piiol I or nil links 1 1 I oiinlty l r-ijuce l.ud I I. II. II I IU IT. S. 11. lll'lillAWOl'T, EKAYKI'.TO.V, Snv.ler Co , l'n Con-taiilly ke:ijs oti I nnd, nnd for ss'e all l.itils of I'li'i:-. 1 u t.-i; I Mcdieiue.-, I'aint, lil.'. Class, nnd N'oli ni". 1'iins o s tilt the times. Aeg,iif I'A I ST A J5!: j..crc'Iinitt Ta 5 5 OS's, l ll:le iu-t reeeil e-l an r nrire Tis.e steoel. ii fl.tlTIIS, C SSIMI III S I.-TIM.S, ill of a stip. tior n'l-ility v Ii ioli t,i.-yma prepare I in make up in t'.e ' i M -i.Va'o ..f. -herl llotii-e. 'Il .-y i.l-- I -'ep I'-r.-wti and Whi'e I tench ohe Lito u Shins, nnd a g. n.-r-il it.--..i-i iiu-nl i I ei-ii'l. tiien-' Fur-lli-hill:: !i'. I -. nil of which 1 e iliiTIJ the piildic t.l very r.n-i.n .h.e pri-.s. Call nl our la -e t.f l'it e:-i ., Li uv.-iu I'ekh ell's Col 1.1 T Ulol I lie bridge, S.l.l.S I. love, I'a. .'one I, Jm.s. ly. C 11IAELES 15. MIL I.i: IKCHITECT tflMRACTCK i KlILCKi:- Wolnut, Street, Silinsjirpve, Pa. Is nt nil limes repute 1 lo fitriiNh I'r.tfls, 1 I'litii nn I (tpecili.'.ili..ii f.-r "11 kinds of I Ituildings, nl Ihe lowelosible r.iiesiin l on t loo t tiotii-e. I e i. ul-o pi i par-d ta eoteracl f"r pulling up I inl.iii.rs i i.iu r i.y luriii.iiiiig .ui the luau iiiil or olhti aisc. May 1 1, Vi-ly T il L siil sii il er 1 11. i s ill private Fit I J l is Ynlr.nl !e Li nl l'-n.ie, s'.n.ule lis .t avi r low ii -h.ti. i -tie -l.n 11 ini'e s-o.i i. esf Ir. in I'o aveitoti ii. coii-i-: iii;Mr a I'Al'.M rt iiiniiihig lU Al.'I.l'.S, nu re or leii, a good iwo sioiy n large l' AN Ii HALS, and all ntee--niy Hit lui'.lr.'s. Thin' Is an eve.ll.i.t spring near ihe house ami lf. am ot wai. r running through the liirm, Ap!e l'r ch ild i.i d a gi lierol silti lioii ol iboico I'ruil Trees in ii lniihl.y col. dilioii. The furiu is i.ll under goo I Ii nee, about eighty aires of il are cleared nud in a high stnle td cultivation the hululice coleit I wiili il ohest kind of limber. The land ia nut i. t.i'.ly firiiie and luar lo liuiesioi,( nnd locuie l in n hiiihl y country near to schools, i-iuii-i h"s tie . nnd w ithin line fourth of a i...le of M. C Y H- K. - 1 or liittlci- j 'irticulnia cab on or ad- dl'.tS ll.C SUbsl'l ,1 i r j. I . N.i Mil i:.WAl:Tll. I'.e.tvetioiv i , (nyderCo , l a. 6epl. 2l.bi.LI IJui 1) EAVEIITOWN STOVE SroUE AND Tliiiurr "Iiiiiuluttoi j, j.r.snmK Would respectfully iufurni ibeciiiiens of snyder eouuiy ihul he keeps conjt.i.tly ou band a I in go assorluieut ol UFIlCi:. I'Ar.LOIi. nn 1 COOKING STOVES Of lha latest tlyh e nnd most iinprnve-l f atoms, nuiong wliich are the celebmled topna tins Punier, the Susqitcloiini Cook, ele., which he ia selling al prices ibal defy compi-litiou. lie also insnufae- urea and keeps ou hand a general assoil uirnt of Stove Trimmings, Tiuwara ic. e perul .niieuiloo paid io Spooling aud bootng, liiv me a call. j. i'. Minis. Seaverlown, Oct. 21, lti'ii'. aMlEO. BW-1NFF0111), WITH im BIEENBilS t CO larokTaaa a jonaaas ia rANCT AND bTAI'LE liHY GOOlt No SO North Third St. Philadelphia Joe.Gana, II. Pitnubnuia, M. Hif rnbaura, ' M Koenightlnt,' 1 I r V I I .VVIattlfWlilfV Ultra