The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 10, 1870, Image 1

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tub lilted avcry Hurtc Evening tj
CKCrEK BEm.R. rror-rlc-Icri.
Terms cf fubacrfption,
two dollars run annum. ryai.w
Ailing six momli. rr$2.f If ml pnlil
within ihe veer. No paper discontinued
until ill imrt are paid uuless l
lb option of Ibi publisher.
Subscriptions otttsiilo of tho count y
IGf I"erona 1 i ft I n ft anil nlng pnpcre
eJdreeerd lo others become euh.erilicr.
od ara llabla for the fries of I lie paper
t p. rnoxuiTi.Kif.
Mithllehurg, Ph..
"V k't professional services to -P.
--fUaions and nil ollirr
hf"f ' eutrusletl In hie cure will rsreiv
p.Jf attention. , Jnu H, 'CTif
Soliiisgi-ovo Ph.,
Offer liin p rofcsetotinl service in I lie n l -1
i 0. All business entrustr. to his carr
Will bt promptly attended In,
I .Inn. IT, 'o7lf
1 W. KXKiHT.
Fret bur: Pit.,
Offers lite rrofcssionn.1 service lo the pnti
lie. AH tmrim-sa entriitrd lo Lie ern e
will be ruin ply ntteudt-d lo.
onn n.'iiiii
m. VrtX ;i:zi-:i, '
I.ewi-lutvg Pn.,
Offers lile prcfe-Vioiinl srviel llu- pub
lie. Collecliolis olid nil ullier Prute-sion-1
business entrusted lo Lis caie will re
ceive prompt attention.
Civx. l. imillit.,
Lewislurg Pi.
Cff"rs Me Professional scivlcc lo It.ep.t
lie. Collections and ell oilier profession
al business entrusted to bis cure will re'
eeive prompt utlculicn. Jm. 8, "li
Lewi-burg Ph.,
Offers bis profession! services lo llie
publio. Oullecliiiiis nnl nil oilier pro
fessions! business entrusted l ilnir cure
will rcceiTeprompl attention. Jan. 'H7f
ii'aklks howt.k.
Solinsgrovo Pn..
Offers Ms professionnl sci viies 10 ihe puj
ilo Colleelione end all professionnl
business entrusted lo bis cure will re
ceive prompt attention. Office Iwo doors
norlh or llio Keystone Hold. Jen 6, '(
Selinsgrovo Pa
Offers bia Professions! services lo I lie
put. lie All business entrusted to Lis
care will be promptly oiieu le I lo. Col
led loos mill in nil mix of (lie 8lnte.
He can speak llie Engl'vli and German
language Uucntly. Office letvu'co Hull's
aud tbe l'o.t cirice.
PlidUloburi' Snyder t'uitiity Ponn'a.
Office a few doon.West of tbe 1'. P. on
Mutu eireei. f'.iiMilnilou 1 r....n-l.
und (ierniau laii!uappe. fiep.'Oiif
Low isl'ttr Pa..
Pffcre ble profi ssioniil eei"u-erlo tin- pub
lie. All l.iiHine-H enn u.te.1 lo bis cure
will be t rouii'ily otleitded lo.
IJeii. '07tl
(1K0 Villi & HA K Kit
Persons In need of a (nod and diivble
Hewing Mnobine can be aeeonitiuul'iled nl
reasonable prices by c-illiii(t on un !Sam
l at Favst, Ageul, elini-grove.
TJsn. 21. T.Hi
J Bl'ltCKON AM) I'll VSICI AN", r,: Pa.,
Offers btv profemlonsl services lo Ibc cil
item of Middleoiirg Mid tieinity.
u. h it. V,7
. SolitiHo-rove Pen ii.
JOHN K.'llUUlIKtf, Ksq.,
Pt-nn Twp., Snyder Co. Pa
JicIhoo Township, Snyder Co. Pn.,
Will attend lo all business entrusted to
bis care aud on tbe tnnst rensomible
tern-, March fi, 'OBtf
Ccutrclllc, H3Ir t., To
tlffera Lis professional ecivloci to tbe
I'ort Trevortoti Pa.
Offers Lie professional services to llie
riliteiie of Middleburg and vicinity. He
eiienks (ieruian and EnglUli.
' April 1G, "C8
1? A. UOYKK.Jr.
Fioeburg Snyder Co. J'a.,
Most respeelfdlly oSera bis servloea lo
llie publio as Vendue fryer and Auction
eer, .slaving bad a Urge experience, )
recl'eunfldeut I bat I ltn reudt-r perfect
kelUfaclloa to my employees.
Jan. 0, 'U7lf
OOlce in Court House, flepl.15, '07tf
No. 322 N.THIRPS'1
0,S8 VlllLADELl'HIA.
J. C. Nil E, Clerk
Ko. 418 & 1S North Tbirl Hireet.
tsitioiiera, U'ank boo ' AJauulactures
nil X ,tl-. la WM..l..t loMtnv- ,Tir.
VOL. 7.
AT Tin: IIElinCiL'.
iiv i:a!uiax rrtot-soN.
' Thoy arc l ito, May, nro thov not ?
What can have dot a'ce l theiii V
"1 lilt) S ire I till. I fancied
I heard the ti:u of Imr-'on' Im.i.U a
iiion.oiit hinoe. Hark ! 1 hour it plain
or tmw.''
'J'ho frpenla-r Mood on tho vonn lah
of a lur'o iiiaiwion in ono of tho South
ern Stuti H. Tho fiit, Louise laiiii int.
wis n tall, liuniKomo Lriinetto, with
ilnik hniui-hiii!; eyce utnl rave troHos,
Ilcr t'0Uiii Mhel was tho l.aud.s.uuor
of ibo two. Perfect yniineiiy of form
coiiiliinod with ronl ir, delioifo f.'a
lures; her pol len liuir f il'in in rio;;-
leio over lior latllilos h uidoiit, hln
presented n pieluro of ran ly
met with.
JLith tb it-l.s wore in ridim; habits, iu ono lioully 'oCl-d hutid I. nii-e
held a r.ditirC whii. w i h which hIip im
paiirlitly tupped tho loo of I hi) dainty
siippor I hill peopL-d out liuiu Lclioalh
her !iil t.
At ono iido, tii(;!ij;elitly leanln-;
4i:s'li.-l a pillar, LI.-. il.i.Ueyih lioi no
on May'n lair fin e, was llie figure ol a
)"'t'j: ican, ti'( null! ly nbout twotitv
v nr of !:('. In leuturcs, I'larouee
l.ainoat roycnihlod his M-tof L .ui-o ;
hut ui.ilo ono 1'ieo typo ol pti:e
Atiinatily I. ii. lily, lliolo Wat u hurdnoi..
thotit the mouth of I ho other that told
ol n 1 ii r dillol'elit liro.
.li ! here they come at last,'' tiled
!,uui.-(.. "Jut Amy in uloiio, what tan
havo detaiuol tnii'sl?"
As i-he Hjioli , a youii)r lady mou'tte.
iiou a prt'ty little pouy role al a rap
id pace tu tho piazzi, uud be lore Clai
on ce could rea.b her wiiU-, hho Im 1,,' from hot- i iiiflfi ami nll'reli m
itoly greeted hor two fricuds ui lh."
ran 'low n tho Mc .
' Kruest tvus uiicxpeote lly o!.Kj;cd
to fit) (o V this iiiuming,1' tho suid
iu reply lo May' eip; r impiiry ; but
will jr.uot us at tho 1 rido "
'Come, then, brolhor, let in mount
and itway," cried, gaily.
'J. Im in Lrinuiu tho horau,'1 was
ibo reply. ' Come. May,'' bo udded,
as May's pony won Lroiiht un.
Soou all were mounted, uud thru
Mary uud Clarcucu nod u! rodo off
' Cousin Mary, lot ua rido nn uud
roueh the Lridr'0 first. Lnui and
Misn Ilalrttead are deep iu hoiiio vou
tidoutiul touicreiit-o aud will eutiroely
.Mafii 1 acceded and anon Louisa and
hi-r friend were left behind. A turn
in the road soon hid thom from their
Hiht, and clucking their boriea' spocJ,
(J lure n co laid :
"Mubul, 1 have something lo say to
you ; suii.otliino; Hint will iiiUtieueo my
kvholc luturo hie. Can you uut gticisi
what it it T '
A look of Burpriao camo over tho
fair liMcner'e faoo, uud blio buid':
"ludced, Clai'i-uce, I cen tb'ulc of
uolliiiijr you could Kuy to me ul nuch
great importance."
"It in ibis,'' aud hU face flmdiod, and
hit voice wui low with emotion. '1
love you, Muy j I have lovod you deep,
ly, pufhionaluly, since 1 liret aw yuu.
Will you be my wifo V
'O Claicneo, 1 cnunot: I am at sor
ry." Aud the maiden covered hor
la co with hut- hnudn.
' 0 May .'ivu mo noma hope ; do nol
oust iiieolf without a h.nio of wiuoiiu
your love I" bo ploadeJ.
Uinreuoo, 1 tuutiot! 1 havo do
A Btrane IojU camo into Clnrunco
Lament's cyoj, but iu a uiutncul It wan
0ue and ho caid :
'O Muy, why do you thus repulae
my love f Why can you not bid me
' Never can I bo au-ht to you but a
friend, C'lurciico, aud a fi!ead 1 will
ulwnya be,"
Auin that stronnu look cmie over
Ilia face aud an evil lilit bIiouo In hii
0eH, as Lo hibsed between liia act
' Uiil, you huvo trifled with me.
You have wou the heart of a true lino,
and powyou throw it from you. Be
ware !"
'No, Clarence, I lave not trifled
with you." tho umidou'a voluu was
clear aud steaJf now, "I am betrothed
lo unoit.i.r."
MID I ) LI : 1UJ11G7SN Y 1) HU CO. P XTt
Ilo.ik up, nnJ lio iv convn tuwunl
... . !! I
i ii u in in a luiriuc pneo, n noife, riuur
nt flrt Lo llioiifilil, but nn it citnie
nearer, lie k:h tlio lnrm of mm hall
tln Idik tlio iiddlo, yut eliaitioil weo ttttr)t- you witli K'0 ' looks,
u mo uiiihwi nyintf sico j.
"O lionveiin! t lie briJiie-llio LriJifa!'
nn I Ma'j'.'l'ii Vol -o tanr ojt In a wild,
ilc.n.irlii cry. One ulanre nnil 01 ir
I cui-o nav the cttuse ot' M;y' ahirm ;
,tlio briiljio wi4 c"i' h;v-Li'I 6vny liy
llio nnsr.v wulors, unJ in im plneo a
ynwniii ubyn l'.ir tojwi.lo for iorc
I ti l.vit, u:k1 tuWiird tli llio friiJileiie.l
j.'tct'd wns cniin nt fiilitl'ul I .-ii -.
On, on, raiiie tint Imrso, p'i'ititt witli
terror mi l fctii u, till it Mood upon
llie Very brink ol' tin1 clum, end tti .'ti.
Willi U ll)i)llll'llt' Ilfi'ltilli Ml, (llO ll'ip
wj tiiLcn. At tlio Inir.Mii l.oniltilcd nn
llie Lnnk. llio inUr oiimvu t.i ilisi'ti'M(;i
liitli-oll' l'roiil hit doiitnod aleod ; I lit il
wa loi lato, nn. I with u will iry ti -
whs litiili'd into llio iibyi.
Mu'o with MHju'iise, tlio two ridorx
i-nt Mrielion duml) with lei for until
the iii'tuil that tint frii,'litoiied Moo. 1
lieiitatoa upon tlio brink nt llio hivh,
tin J thon nit both reooniioJ t ho doom-l ltrtl.-h ihein with a soft brimli, cpcci-j iin fiirreu'ey nu 1 of pi iocs h:is ou'tni
c J l i ler, MuUI Nhriehod : j ally tit n'ht. (Jj lo I trd Willi thu j tm(od without any fiita-tivpho. Tlio
'O KriiU't, Fl iuht !'' teeth il. un. Oro.itir.-o to hivo w hito j r.-notioti ha4 coino 'lv a nut nal pr.nos
Olio look nt tlio Itni li'ti'rt DL'onlzod tcolli, it is lit e Hill to lot lji.. ieeo alone. I I'l.o intelli 'oiieo ol llio i.oukIh ilUonv-
f-ICO. tllid 1'IalviK-e had reilJ her i-ceref.
. an evil, MuMcr gl vv lit up h'n,
"O (.'iarecco, fbvo him, pivo Is lit 1''
and the iiiuui 'ti lanl her Inui I upon
Irs arm, and LokcJ plea linly up iuto
his I ieo
With one nprin, CI irouoo hid readi
ed th..- e.lit t.l tho chasm, and pir-.-d
unxi.'ii-ly dof u into tho roaiini' wa-l
'. ... i.i , i
led body of Knie-t Ualstead desperate -
iers, uu i men no saw iu nan Ml nuert"
ly t-'iiiiil'ifr l i u put ol Ih brnli' that
romaitioJ iu tuo inutst ol tbu angry
nn wioiieii iie.iri pave n irriinpanut
. i . .... ... . .
l bound as ho thus roe.';:n;. -d the deadly
pi id of his rival, aa l ttii i.iu.4 to Muy,
WniMOO'I lliu'.o llitll' llV t !.
jM.iooi iter j Mtv"i, i.o n jarniy
'.label, V.ili hivo him oil OUJ Col.
ii'i'Mi. mid llll.l li
"Wlut, vhatV O Clarcuco rpeak
(j iiekly r
I'roiiiiso to b my wife."
"lei.iiuot! 1 cannot ! iMliot bT-
turo luu tllU)
k-avu bun, I coiuuiali 1
you ! '
Tionuso, utid I w il!.'
I CUIllllll."
"Tin ii ho il.ail die!'' uud be turned
lioreilv imny.
O t'laieiioo, do not leave him !
Save him, mivu him 1 I premise nuy -
thin).', only save hiiu:"
' i i s t
h'i-4 last decli-iiiii- sliuii-tli l j the time
ly nice -r.
"Ketiiouihcr your j foiuisc," t ried
t'laroiu-o as ho tnriieJ for uu instant
toward the inaideii, nu I then again
bout to his tu.-k. ' l'ut sllddellly, with
a wild try, he cast tho bridle tar from
him and sprang backward; but it was
too late, the batik oil which he stood,
-.Ircudy loosened from its ba.o by the
foaming torrent, slid forward iuto the
bi'etbit waters, burying beneath it
iho body of Clai'i'iico Lntuoiit.
Auoiher tlrielt caino fnuu tlio mui 1
en's lips tut blio did nut font. Nerved
by fear, she spraux forward uud yuzed
eagerly dowu into tho thusni, and
there she taw her lovtr in.tnful.y
situ 'jlin with tho wuvo.s. but btill
'fliuuiuj' to the bridle.
I When Otareuoo tis-cd tho Iridic
from him, it caught upou a low bush
that giow n poll tho bunk, tnd toward
this tho maiden turood with a low cry
of joy. 0 rasping it sha txt-rted her
atri-ugtb'to aid lu-r lover, uud not in
vaiu, lor soon thu stralu teased, uud iu
atiolht-r itiblutit Lrue.-l lialstoad had
cluiubered to (lie u jlid tin 111 uud stood
upou the bank before bet-.
'-Saved! saved 1" bhe inurmureJ and
then all beratreiiijili deserted her, aud
she sank to the curih.
l'ulu and weak with his exertions,
her lover lout over her aud gently
raised her proatrato form lo his bosom.
Then ubsIio slow ly opoued her eyes,
be whisriered :
' Darling May, to you I owoiny life.
Look up, dourest.''
A sweet eu.ilu was hii nuswor, aud
bunding his bead, bo Jirtsscd a kiss
upou hor pule cheek.
"Clarence, Muy, wboro are you T"
cried tbe voice of Louise at tins mo-
iiiout ; uud iu another iu-tuut llio two
girls rodo up.
' by, sjjjy, vut U tjio mutter f
Whero 18 biulhor '("' was the startled
iuijuiry of Louise us, with Biiddou
alarm, she apraug from bur borso aud
hurried lorwurd.
Soou tbe story w as told, and w ith
pale, grief laces, the little par
ty proceeded homeward.
lt w us lute iu the Jay ere tb body
of Clurcuee Luinout wsi recovered ;
aud wlieu be was laid iu the tomb nue
wept more deeply than biageutlo cous
in. Threo months after there was a quiet
wedding at tbo Ualsiead mansion, and
there is oo need to toll who were tbe
two tbat wore wade one.
Never, not even to hor buslaud, has
May told lb story el' her promise 'at
tbe bridge but burying il iu lue past,
the remembers it ouly as tbo fault of
ber uafonunate cousin.
It U tbe liigbekt duty, priviledge,
snd rUajiuro lor t-rrat aueo iaj.auuB
j iiu.i.pi.uiii i.ow, i .aieiieo riuuui ; m It Woiiel lt w lialnl uut , mi l ...
llio IrnJIo tt'oin lis l.nrse, and Villi one men, too. The Honl wn.ili t-hino out
looli al M iy, advanced until ho stood . tlirouh the i-yes Wu wore lo t
upon the bunk ol tho thasin, and the;i. j iiiL.,iit lo bo n.i'ro uuimals. Let us
I. aniii-,' far over, he Huuij thu reiu.j Imvc Inolss, uud read thiu. ni.d mm-
dowu to tho man Jia-ollyi n, uud beed the III IkuWi J!
hu i.-ra.s.ul Ihein, and tliiiig with uij furimr.
Ilotv to lie IIuHtliumr.
Most poiiple like tJ lio lianJMime.
Xuboly iloniee tlio grout power ny
peraoii may liavc wl.o lias a K'm I Tare,
i'n ui-iorc wor-i nsvu.'en hpoKi'u.
uil wo wc all inrlK ir di'vioti in won
mi I wnnion In improve tlioir cond lnuVn
piiulaaud wi.-iien, auJ till k!ud.4 ul
(Hinctii'.e, inilirliMif a plonulul an
n, .inline witli dirty liuir ml
Xow, tint every vne can lnvo Rio 1
fentmiM. 'J'liey aid ( oJ luiule
llieut; lint nl.nost niiv one cm look
vvull, opocially with o J lioalth. It
i hard tj yive rulos in a very i-liort
spili'O, hilt ill brief llii-Mi will do.
Kcop tloun wa-li lively n ol II it i
viTMlly with ,yo!d water. All t lit
Kiu wants i lotivo lo net freely, il'i l
it will tiliocuro of ilsvll". lit thou- ol uW l.oloi tuuH not Lc Jil j .'ged
; uj.
KjI regularly nn! ti:uly Th
Mtouiiii'h fan no nmro w.irk nil tlio linn',
i uiht an J day, thiu n horvo ; it uri.-t
1 liuvo reaulur work and re-.t
t.ood teolli nroa help Iulmii.I lo..U,
ny iiowder or vvusb lor llio Uct"i
ny l
sliuliM 1)0 Vrrv MlilplO. OI.IH may
whitcu th.- tcci Ii but they lake, ulf the
etiainel or In j tiro il
Sloop Iu a cool room, in l ine nit.
No ono can havo a clean hkin w ho
hreathei la 1 vir. I'ut In no ll.un a'l,
iu order to look well Waho up the
tuln 1 and soul.
When ibo mind is, the dull.
.!...t.L. I...L I..I4, itw.,',-..a
. .
1 I do imt know that Ihe brain t-Xpand.--.
sleepy I
but it hooiiis to. Think,
t'.-ni not
tniMby novels, bat bioks I. .at
I sonit lliiu ' in tin in. Talk with
p o wno kmw t- 'ir.eliini,; ; Hear l.'c
tuies nn 1 leu ill lv tlioni.
'fliis is ouo of tho
i' fleets) of i:o)il
1 I . l-.-n i0. l n A ti.MIl 1 1, , L. m nml'Lu
j an I leii us tlio re.-ult.
And il Wo!
listen, an 1 heal' iiui un.lers ail I,
mind mi.! Mini me worked.
spiritual nature is aroused, i0 liiiloh
llio let lit-. Wo havo soon a plain
luoo nally tl iril'n d ly tho loVo ol tied
and man w hioh shoiio ihrom;li it.
Let us orow hin isom'-. Mou sav llu v
1 oiin't ullord books, an I soinoiimes they
d ui I even pay for their new-paper.
III that i-as.-, it il'iei te-asn little oiij
ihoy must feel hi mean while loud-
iii(.r it. men can all ird what they
really ehoooo. If all the money spent
iu soil itulul -Llieo, iu l.'ii'iul i.ij'ii-
j L'elioc. were spent iu h .ek.s, tin'
I i i.iirnveiiieiit, w o e mid mo a e
I toll -
pin vi nie ii i, wo e iiim sio a t nanye.
. i . .
I.uikIo'i tt--"tir.
About ten o, -l.-ek every morni-i.
says .. ttmt-h detective, a tni-.-rally
clad young man, tho very picture o
siai viiiion, came iiho me i.ou-e, ouo
went up Mails. I fivijueuily was aui -
i.i'i.i'il fl I...!. I ii.ii-r.r u.w Inn. fi.iti. .
down iii.'ai n. (I aeldoin left
for fear ol bcin diseovered.) How
ever one evening 1 wiis tisktd by one
of the showmen lo mi to a Iroe un.l
I-- ------ - .....
.. i ; .i. .. i. ..i i ..i . .. .i i:.. i. i '
..-I, .11 . II HM. UL'I I il, H I.U..I U II I'll ?,,' .. . . . I. Ii
. . . 1 . , I if new toiiic.'iis to start, ntid for old
ill the lii'lohholhoud. I fou-euted. A! ... j ,.,.. i ,i :. i i i ,t
, i ,i . I :one.s to spreil I tlieu sins. Indeed llie
youti-ii.u.i dri-Hwed rather showily re-1 ,,, fir ,.,. ,
tiipicd tho tbaiij ho tang sever..!
aoiiffs in good siylo, and tpeiit his mon-i
ey freely. 1 th. ij-ht I had seen bis
I .... I ...II .......I...
irii-u ei'inii'. inn .';';i.i iu .-ei H'lv uu-1,
. ,.. ii .. , .
.. .' u n..u.i.'i .,ta-'. iv. . v.'IIj-
tlllilii.'att'd HIV tip)fohcli.sitnis to .u
coinpunioll, who laughed tit my fears.
"io you not him'.'" said ho;
-'thai ia tho fellow that ci'intsiii every
uinriiing with scarcely a rug on bis
back." 1 iuipliiod bow bo got hi
liviirp. lie said that "bo did not
know, but that ho went out tvei v
luuruiug bitiveCu (ivo ami six uVloek
aud generally leturuod about tea Villi
plenty ul blunt.''
1 isccrtt'y deleriiilutd to wutub tbo
fellow's proceeding, uud ue'ordiiig!y
arose Knly enough next and
placed myself in such u situation as t i
pret-eivo uuy one that ' might egress
from the bouse. Iu ubotil a (puurter
ol uu hour tho object of my curiosity
made bis appearance. I folio cod hiiu
to tbe uiighloibood of (Vveut (iarJou,
w hore he aul himself down ou the
digs, and alter wiping lb) siooo, coin
in. need writing wlb chalk. Several
peraoua atoppod, aud u 1 1 of tbcui threw
him tuuuoy. My curiosity was excit
ed, aud 1 proceeded with thu intention
of reading w but lie had written, lie
huug b a hcud dowu as if ashamed of
his situation, lie bad inscribed upou
the stones, '-Kind fiieuds, 1 havo beta
out all uifiht, having no luouey lo pay
for lodging;, aud have not tasttd loot
for two days." His dress, Lot lagged,
but very thin, was composed of fusuau,
well aud neatly mended. Iu fuct bis
upptaraiiuo was sacb that, if I bad
not neeu awure of tbe imposition. 1
must Lave give u , aye, uiy last peooy.
A little boy met Ida Subbjih-nclxiol
loael.or aud iuuocenily m.ked hor il'to
say ' cotl'urdaui,' was swearing. '-No,
my dour she tepliod, "what uakes
you ask tbat quest iou?"
TI s answer was;
I saw ao old vow down Ihe street
yonder, sir was nearly choked to deulb
and 1 thought ho would coff-'er daui
head off. .
Ur dear," aai J a jrtntlomao to a
ruuuft ladr tu koiu ba Ihoiwbt 19 bv
FE 13RIJA1 t Y 10,
- THK I.OCA .ilSKtP,
Wo are sr'ail to find ho iaiid nn l
r. I ab! journal utliCom
and Finn hfinl C'liri iticlo Uki
oin niirvi:i!
0it the
.hihuc bpul'ul icr of buboes lh:vt we
uml we voiMnen ll IVillnwin re-
ni:iik u' iLnt rtincr to thu ib iiislitliil
ooiniilenUiou of ilia iiuiiiorntia partirf
that H.'oni lo hare on 1 mid ajobnl
tjoltiiu up nnothcr panic.
"Up n tin whole, thoio i.s ronllj
iiiiiuli in llio I'lf teiit coiidiiioti ol' the
country to tespc:ik Htin'':liin and
t'ctilidoiiee. Paring the war, and two
yours Hiii'eoodiiitJ, we oxp.-rioiicod the
viU(.f iiiQ.ttioii in i'M wmnt I'ninis w tie n period of oxlfoni.i 'Lid J. r
to the fiiuutty. A pitniliT ooiiTitson
ol'iilfaiia pioV.iil.-il in KrvM l'ritt' II nl'
U l- llio roiiohi.siuit of li -r cunt iueiitiil
mi' I A tm-ric.iii w.n s Th'-ro, howcvi-r.
ihe Inflation attain'-. I mi oh n pitch a
to btir-t in a t lii.ou-. uiic ; ,-w.
jw.-iy IriU' of l nnk', pio-tra:t in.'
credit iinivefally, and treatiiu tit-ti -r
al biiikrnp'cy, with a mi l Ion fill ot
uitotit 1 1 1 1 v per r-iit. i i pi nes. t-rv
firUiiialolv. with mthi in! hit in i.l
joru l llio il.iu-or ol i!.o Mtuiiion, tin I
' oalil loll elm iiil e ui i .-.-.l.-.l .
ileiil spoouiation. ere lits weto eato
fully watched lin.l Iru leis w- re i-.ui-e-
pielitly t-puic 1 the I i k of fM'iy in nu
l.eary sloel.s np"ti ilcciinim: iiiaJwts.
' In view ol this Meady an I l.a'ur
::l process oficacli'ii Ii oin'iu'l tiiuti.
e arc at a lo.s to toiie.srtro of the
pounds fur il.o vi. '.no but t-etllol cou-
Vletlon, lii.W so (,' that the hunt
oini mi I ei'iiim -rciat derail ri srn.w
; im; out of the wal ini-t mi-iht or liter
! isue in ptioial p:tiii; nti-l iiL-dvetiey.
iTImre could ho no b-it.-r e." Tiinv
ajaiu-t such u eata-ttupho iIk.u th
iiuivctnit rami ,n wliii Ii now i.rcvail
Tbe Hoiiliiiiciil n( tho coniitry is rs-.,..jytun, pr -i.-s. iu r in New oil,
conservative. An r.vati-.ion of
eui rciiev "soli d ba mi imp iiiu'ar
to the
proii'e ut hii'ifj that th..-re lite
liioint ei.s of ( '.ifi;;ri..s who have
.i!u- dai iti;; to propose n.ii-Ii fi ineastnc
n i onlei p, isvi t;in lo tl uiod wliii h i!n
imt pn -ent o m evi'l iiee of sound
I ne.-s. Wall sireel rjneiil.itor.s tin I it
far more diilieiilt to lnoniete an a Ivaiioe
in ctotk tlniu n ili ciino: and then o
tho ipicstmn ol spieie pa iiieuls tlioic
j is a i a-t conver-ion of puidio i jiitiioii '
in favor of an tin ly adoption of the!
! inen-ure. There are jilaiu iudieatiou-
. f a w li'leseiiio ton. mm i ial sentiment.
, -in h us iisiial.v luei ceils pro--
, peiity iind eaiui it wiih uuy t"iiO' u ti
; in lef.ilJe.l us uio loioruniier ol
panic. '
Th'.s i li uii n journal thai l.n tn.
li.ved the' lies i f liniiiico In s.pmu: i vt
thin.t un t i, hut simply I'liruiiiolt-thtm-s
lis ho tin Is ; uml it i r,.-
i-ei-.i- t is i ir'ir a very I . or U'l'! llaile
in 1 -T , which we L't-.r-elvia Ki-o ai.oil
reosini t expect. 'J'ho erv storm
, fui(r4. i.,d,, t! p,,,,,,,;.,,,,
,r .;,t., ,.(l .;,', '. .,.
UI1,,rlle.,1 .
I...J l r, i i ,i ..... i
tiioiaonts b.'iti'; always deemed poeili-
' ,., f,vrabie Capital the,, 'e.,,e -
. ' . . . .
i, i,. .....I .,..Lj :.......
fourthii.oierca and seeks invest -
imi.l, iut.-aJ of waitin- to lo s.iin,-ht.
Alter cmpelilion has In en loduoel by
iho swceniii" uwuv i f w eal; or lank -
jrupt hou.-es, ih -ie is u holt, r vlaii. e
i ..r1,, ,,',.
. ,, , ' "
. , ' ,ip K. ,
nip; i
, c n : i
in-lead ol !ll.iiliiisiiiij-, r.s
sleadilv 1
I ir!l l I li. 1. 1 rtA'l I ..f 1. 1.'. n't. I ...ii i.-.ltl. U
leiclopmct't cf the lountry.
llio It i upon. ti. Ii i.l. I I isl hi 't'ea
in prosiii i'itv id tin.-Soiitii eiea-o u i
deiiianil ibero f.-r euficnoy that car. ... .i.. .. ...... mm, m
riosi'lf t'lesurphis volun'ie lion ll.c; u lilns ami V.iOtlns.
Xur'b and t-.pialies the ilis'ril ution I Coitll a hi-t iry of the clTti t.i of lln
solliiit its relations lo trad.' un 1 liuaiiei ! lato war U;nu douie-s io ons ol
nro more, nn I justify .-sa nl theliud l o wli lon, lu.iny such fcfi'ee
the talk about Inllatton, 'J'ho a nit h-' I in stories us tho ful .uiu.' IV iii u
era crops havo been mo.-t valuable, j
ami In vi- rcpluK-c.l tin- a utliern peoiilo :
iu mil di of their oi l position, uu 1 I he
rccovcriu of w-eal'h un.l tons of tint
section stimulate a trade t Imt ha I pre
viously been Uespucd ol. Accord-
inglv we find lint llu southern irido
of the past vrar hu.j beta tro.'itallo,
and has employe 1 a largi ntuuut of j
eapiiul aud cuterpnso bo'll houtli un I
Tho goiieral rtiilr ail inovcnicnt uf
the country has been runaikably good,
the increase in all una' tors being ou
cvidcn.'o of the soundness of our pro.s.
pent y. I hero could bo no bettor in-ve.-tnient
ot capital than in ruilwuys
for tbo development of a country, aud
this is uu expansion wliutrvcr,titl u
permanent increase of lesoureo. Dur
im; the year 18H9 tbe uuiuh.r u( new
miles id' railroad const rut-ted has i'.ir
exeeeded all previous elperieuoc, uud
tlio increase Is ia oilier respejts to',
less grutifying. 'If anything tould
warrant a greater bread tc of ti at J il
would be tbl-s, uud yet wo flod people
tluiniuoring for coutructiwu, tbo i-u'v
. i.. ........ I ; l . I ....... . t
enocr oi wiiico mnsi ue tiowa hum
nets into fewer hundt.
Tbe crops nf lSli'J were remurkully
Rood ia nil dotails, uud huvo aided
largely in Ibo forward movement oi
enterprise, Europe taking heavily ol
our surplus, white tbe Oad-utnpt ou nt
borne was tuuuh etibanitd. These
crops now cover much greater
breadth and variety of soil an climate.
Tbe handling aud inarketidi of them
l a bulnes fur better understood, aud
Mtiducied on cooiiueosurat scale
Ourjaiple Jbave Ituruad aom.tblug
m u I
ISO. 48.
t lie fliape ol other privltiol of indnntri
nl character, ctnplnviti;; tinmv ihou
mmi'Is of hnn hi Jlence at this linn
tho impiiry is nt, us it u n l lo lo
how muih xr"iti will Kiircpo want!
but howiiuiu eun we put In tl.o hhn f
of home manufacture1, leaving tie
surplus for cx.'tt ?
Lie lor all iheso eirvniituiici , the
tnisiiiei-s of ls7 ) will l o wb itever wc
mal.e it toby our own exertions
VVoeaii treato u niiiK.l fir all tlio rail
wo uic able to make, ly by b.ii'dun.
inoieutil u"ie tm.wayii, nnl fur nl
tho iron wo cm produce or import, l
eiilirinn' our iron m.miilje'.uri. s utie j
reluiuoi tlio taiiif il.niis. We eat.)
liiako ba iue.'.s by thl o. intf our i n. i- ;
( i u I i-llio bout hen trm. w i' h re
I l.o wed Lo:', nn d lii.i , by ii i in ii I at mj ,
i tho pr.'KH.-s 1. 1 ll, at neli' ti. We van.
, employ much cn; iu ro li.iilliiij llo i
iui.ioI' iho war. mil impiuvin . t Is - ,
' Hilile places t.f eni itrv. Ifw.
Miavo loo n.u :i at Ii in i foil
active no it ;il puy Well in nii;iliiij'
the S.mih with Imikiii lei-.ii.o. a ii. i
' w hi -h it in so deli.-ieiit, in i-oos.-ipi .nee '
.f iiu rnv ie.s nl tin,. if. t i H ah- el tho North ran ho re
jdu.eJ lo any extent wo thiuu' it tioi.
neiise t) believe. On tl,o conu-iiy wi
buvo uj t-orl uf di-tiht tint it will' be:
- mat If -real, r, aud lh'.-o vill bnuilit
l y it hlii i, re Weil nw. ike t" th.' fiel
i an. I in .iio a io'piat s propnralioi loth it
cud. we .avc list bolhliu but wb-.l
i was natural and unavoidable. Po.-pl :
.have liiMippo ired il.iui h...-inesi V I.J ,
I Willie u le'.eil to it. Tl.ete ttill I e I
in. no I oi.ia'.i.iu who on. -lit t havi
''if- I..t 1 1. IV will J.-0 iu UU-.' t loo.
' A' 7l ,- ': 'iu. I
All (Wilts
tillioct-uf ,
I Wo c ipy tho l'. .win
Cineinnau' ( 'hh;h n .'il :
ft' III
AVInIo th.' n tal 1 1 t!.c i j.vttiH n. mi!'
of Tal'ilV ht-ir.s vs. lloiiileek nil!
Ui ntuc v. a siuiiioar trataoiiou wis
; ui.clnsi-d I".'.' I ho evi le'irc, w hieh ei'e
utel imt u liitlo Ml.'p.iso nnl liriT's
liici.t in llio emit loom. Th? r.c.w.d
ant called u witue-.s ly I ho Lieu ol
Isaac Yt lo.n l"f llio ti ij 'so ol im
i.eaeh II.' I hu U-'.iin jmv i.f a imhi. ,
iiaaicJ W. Iheiil on tin-I'iu. uiis. O i
cro-.s t Mimiiiat.v-ii tl.o l.'lloivin was
All .niiy Are ynu mi l (liotttt oti
oud Iti ui's ' Wiule-- Vis, sir.
Altorm-v l'i I y.m never havo urn
ipinrrel or' t'illii u'ty '! Wilue.- No
v, o iu vir till.
i All.iiuov I'ii von let tike tie-
I oint's vit'o a Way t'nou hiiu .ul run
. nv.nv Willi loo : ini'l di I hi n l ln.n
j a .l.r.;.'.i!t wall Iiim that .' W.t
'!!.- I itiwr t jvk his Wife t;w:iy fioi.i
' l.i.n.
I Attoiiuy Mil nut '.ii mil a mm
I named Uosaey lak hi w ile away '(
Wiiot .-, lli.s ilo witt m ay with
ih nu I ti' isiuy. but wo did in.' lak
b'-r i' way ii'.iia Ot-entt. X bore was uu a! ul! i.loiit it ; il v.' a.s all s:.t-
isliclory. 1 traded him a b .ric for hi. -
wile but I'miud I'.i.t I hud lotu iui -
posoj on null lotuined to him
and it v?as all liht 'll.ero was to.
l'l"""vl '' a'l?,,' ttbgul U-
t.......i- 11..,.' ..... ...
1 rue--now wo.o joa nuj u-e.i
1 u-';',"- , , , , , , ,.
I .V "-' '"" r"r
1 ,'u' ,iL' I'11 "' ""' Lv-idos two thh -
f"1 u,u u "" ' v" 1 'r,"1"L'J " r to
him. 1 do U"t mouu 1 1 u t he cheated
mo iu tho Irak', br tho
tl llll -I If til II
was ru lair; tun no luiposeo on me
l ..... .. .1 ... r.i..i :.. il-ii
ho mil the b. st of the bargain. 1 InJ
no use for the two iLilditu t.ud ll
'1 be b stimony was given llu
in.i.-t to 'lit..-.-, and ia a m inner i. h iii
i in. ilo ilo 1 tint tl.o wi.n. s teg.ided
' llio li'aa . ici jii u- eat rely hyi'.i jia.o
an I proper
t'iiioiiin iti paper, Wou!Jtbo
fouti 1 1
Mrs. Faiidre, t!u poor ins in woman
who baa been stun ling iu the cut.lrc
of tho street, on the corner of Loup-
worth uu l I'luni
veais, wailing; aiid
reels, for M'vei-ui
wiit hliij for i.f
return of Icr husi'tind, wW i wn
till. I
tt the bittlo of loityshur.', hu- rc-
ce nlly became lonviiioe.j tint tn -ro is
a hilth fence stmloi.' hetwem InT'cli
1111 1 hiishniid, that hides him from hoi 1
sight, and to overoomo the ol.staolu she
In.. i.riii.iuvi s kiim 1.1:;. wb t h .. be
lias attached to hor vaisl I V a sinnl
cord, uud a 'believer bhe is at bor post,
she places the box upon the gro.iml
uud htuu.s upjn it, feelin.; that ll.i
will so increase her bight, that the tau
look over the fence nud bee the pre
cious ono lor whom bhe has walitd.s"
long in vaiu. - We understand thut jut
as soon n tuo cold. Mortny ilavs 01
wiiit'.r come, tLU uidortuusto tieaturs
will bo beat out lo Longviow, where
she can leoeivo Ibo treatment which
ber unfortunate t-Jiiditiou demands.
dyiug 1 1 i.l. man was u-ked ly
his e inl'i'.sor il he was ready to re
nouueo the dovil and all Lis workja.
"Oh, yer bouor,'' said l'at, "doo't ask
me that ; I'm aing to u new rouutry,
aoJ don't vraut to make niyself cue
uiiei !''
The Bachelor's Lament When I
remember all the girl's I've met to
gether, 1 foel like a rooster ia the Fall
exposed to every weather I I foci lis
one who treads alone some lui ayarJ
; ii e lie in e lanelii !.
One column, one jrrar.
One half column, one yer.
HO till
Oue-fourth colunm, one jrcar,
One fipinre (ID lines) on In.vrtioa 7
fcrcry n.lililional insertion C
I'rolvuional and llusisejcs cards of
nol more Ibnn five lines, p.T year. 6,00
Auditor, llaccul'ir, Adiuinianator
and Assignee Notices C.f.O
EJiiurial n. oiros per line .
All ndverlisenu-nls for a shorter perioit
il an one -r sr are si tbAlxs
Ibey are ordered, and n liol p n l Die p-r-son
ordering ibctu will be bel l resj.ui.sible
or lbs niyuvy.
Tlimk flod for liinle elnl Ir.-n
hell our skies art- citd and pesy,
fltey so-nl A MitiHliiitd ill our i,v..i'.s,
And ehanii our v.ues uiisS.
I ultiioM think llie nnclrs.
AV In' I tut lil'e't gar. lens fi'r,
I H il.ovn ilic inrri, l l.luni.niii
Ti.i.1 I leum IO..UU 1 us hem'.
II fcsms a tu-eaili of lu'ive-i
. Team I many n ci idle Iks,
And .... ly bill.-
I 'i . ;."- a Itlt siii). IVitin tl't- 1. i t
IU a i lim 1 1 out.
Any out wi'h n sprinrof lI'.iImI'l
water at liiseitiitii.ini t in s oi ' i tl.o
I. IX ir o bro.ilt Ireiit tip in hi , .l.-l.l-l
I itdo l0iy (in -I l.itl ; l.'I'sX Ol Olll.
;!i the iai. We hi-.n I of u m-ii.
"I;.l l,s laoiier wh i, l!ii. so. is I, -
-.!. ' I'! '.v ,,rt'n V i' i
'li.'-i.' d. iiei.iis li-h, Mill til-.' Ii in.
' r- 1 p 'titids oi' at tii'y e a .-, p i
pound, lis ,jua I w a.s m . !, ,,,.(
to !;ul i'ii y two vea a.; i a an o .
p 110 ol ( ;., d l iars nu I en t ..' u;
n I I eighth of an,' oi' Lit, 1
fol y i xpc. t' 1 1 tripe- iIk pr i !
as .it.
.11 i
n t
leiived fi" un roat'io t ih,) li.'i
mid llio l ixiryof ca'iiu t1 ' in, and
takin.' a lii'.Jo pi'.ic ic il t.'o'l.ii s and
cents vivvtr tin til-til-.'. WO eau 11).
: t'oiicvive how atl eighth of aa .n- o nl'
land cm ho mil It- t" y eld a- mu.-'i
el ar pr.iiil uu 1 r any tpeciei . ca.ii
V.U'.yll. I ..iio:i I'.ohis Hi, wh I is known to b'.l
ijri. a'ttn il I' -i l -rs as u pr.ioi ie.ii i.. i.i
; '. l..-e oj inietis are w -1-1 h s-- 1 1 1 -t i.i
I has lei u am uij I ho li-li l.r. l.-rs i
i Xow Lii-rianl this Mi-inner, and savi
that the only il.fii lilies he t.tis.o
'in tho waV of pi-ii'uluri- l.eoo oin a
pt.'tilalil ' b.ain h of lu-al t o iu In,' n
tl.o il.llieiilty for pi-ovi'liti't bir ih.- hMi
I s lifieieiit ipiinti'y f uniuial t , d.
Wo lie utiiiimi nihil I'imiii iu st
hous.'hil s- w nil ft, tl ,,nf nay t.i
, wa:d I'.irui-hi.ig a s-ipply. L t tin
V i .-.' I il if l o 1 1 1 1 V UU J lltliliul' s..Uj!i-
:erj .n- - the lalile uud f u- mirket lo
pa-.s d ihrjiih an orliuajy s ui-..r.'.i
.ri.ider oi- ctuter, and they will fuii.-
sli unijilo fond f.r many moit- t.oit
tlian would Kullis-eth) h .too detll .a I.
'1 !, 1 rl 0, J'.il l;t.
I ('l.l.AMMI l.'oATl'ul.l.Mts.Mrs C.
j Montri.t'o, M l., wr.te : "For cleanin
ii'ii-.t collars and all woolen i;ools 1 ro :
oti.iuoii.l llie S,i;ij.-:ice Haik i (Ju 'lt
i 1 s- ;y. ..., ,. i h tan be pro.-.uvd
l.u the lira-,' sluips. J'roak a i. o
a Ii. at two in 'l,c. m 'i.i re hit i s a ill lit s,
'and potir it a hall' pint of Loilm:-
water j Jet if ., land an hour or t,i,
! then spoii'.-o Iho i". Ilif Well With tl.o
. h'jtior ; a seei'inl t pui.o'ug wi:h dear
j water will ce.u'i il iret I. ' Hoih wa-h-io
' u ti. I riii-in,' water shouel bo u
jwanii us fir llanntl. Wo have Lv us-
1 inn thi .
I nk wa.-'o-d h'aok and I !uj
' Luijiiess tlo'.ha i.u .-eessfiil! v and Ii n o
i leaaod hair t lo! h haii s. w iiioh had
been so'kd l.y ciitact w ith lie hoi.d.''
1 There are several Vei-etaliles wliii ll
'uio in uso ia tho dilfirent countries as
: -ii'i-iifii. s I t sup. The natives on
'.ho XurthwiM to.i .t use a bom ro. l :
llio .tl.-x c ma uo ono or iiiom vo.'e-
I. it ..
, i. us soap, nn l tlie one rclerred i.i
,-v Mi- 1 , "'J up-irco bar.
oti. I 'Ved I y the C'hiliuus.
; All luuko a lather w-.lli Water and etrv j
to itiuovo uioiiso wuli out in.ury lo the
iu ;iie. j ne . 'ii'.-iiie tail, na- net n
I to some extent in toot Ii washes
and in pr. p i rat ons lr clt-iiiuuj
-.. . . ,. . . c
ii.i.i ...Hi r n .i in i.
fislt ,
.1. .li pii puiatiolis had la en
111...I0 f.
ril we I In..' j , S'. Josrtili.
11 iw er-, lau u .t.s, uttire.
Clio- Ub I l.l.liist '
i s a,! hid i e u t o-
l' o d L. oiy th 11,' w as un-angi."!,
t-xeepl i-li- highly iuij oilaiit nutter,
to w.t. In litiuiVs eons-iit. Tiii-ulll.-.
dy ti.tercS her daughter's rcoui uul
discovt i..-.i tl.o latter iu lri att'ie,
di- ired to knew w lure she was go.iig.
U ung sai 1 llio iuiio.cnt daiu-t'l, in
au-piiao, ' why. g.mi t.i hu unirr ed '. '
1 o 00 iin.-i i.-'i j was tlK st irt'ii.,'
r.-jori' let-; "alio toll you Iha'. y u
m g:.i itol uiat-ne.-f Now my yuu 1.'
mi s, 1 havo yeon vru'eliiug your a. -lions
f.r some titue. uul have maJo u;
my m!a I, ttn I lean assure you, 1.0
w d ling g ua oS in th'a house "to lll.-ht
without my ei' icnt, so yon in iy jtsl
us We: ,lay oil all tb'S.' line lhingOt
have on.'' There wero eai'no-t eulroat.
iel and pr it ers aud toirsshd pio.ijsv-
' " ,;" "' wu 1 "e 'rd0in '':"'
well ui ei.cit, 1 ul was demised witi a
eun iiiu luiin-.or an i, me uowers
wcio returned, tho b'lmpuet coanu-i-
uiaiidi'il, and the gut-ts sent uwuy.
'Jobu Smith, tome up with your
lesion. What does g-l-a- s spell ?'
'Well, 1 know ouco but d.irued if
I don't f,.rg. t now." "Fshaw I slut's
111 your luother's wiulow auslu-s?"
"1 lu re is so many things that blowi I
if 1 t-uo iciucniher tboin all. Lot n.o
see thci els the boss' blanket in lua
place, brother Job's but ia another,
sister 1'atioiiee' bouuut ia auntber,
and i!ad I old Ireeebes io tbo bole tbat
Zeb aud I nude yesterday;'' "Take a
mil out Jouuy ; you uuy go aud play
lor a while?."
Tbe editor who kisied a fair dam1
svl, aajiug. ' p'eaao ext hango," is be
lieved to Lave exceed id tho ''liberty
of tbe pres.."
'-Mike, nal U It youself that ess)
t-e telling ine how l bey make ivs
1-1010 '-Truth I caoj doat '
bake thetu la cold ovens, to
What H ' -
"y-neaia- f IHI.WJSVS- S Ml ml ' nn.