8 She jStmcsctt) .Btoomfidi, JJtj. A Race Tor a Wife. Tbo Adrian, Michigan Timet tclU tho following : Tlio actors In this little domes tic drama were Rensseluor Hills, a wealthy farmor, living about a mile west of the vil lage of Clifton, hla daughter,' Ida Mills, Alonzo Mills, bis son, and Sanmol Lazaleer, who has for tho past three years beon Miss Ida's affianced. It seems that the father of the girl objected to Lazalcor as a son-in-law, which seemed to make tVieyoungorpeo pie more determined than over. The pre liminaries which ledtotho episode occurred during the first of tbo week. They had expected to bo married about tbo 17th of last month, but tbo old genllo mau bad got an inkling of what wns going on and thwarted their designs. It is ru mored that on Thursday Lazalccr wont to the bouse of Mr. Mills for the purpose of accompanying the daughter to Toledo, they proposing to have tho marriage ceremony performed on the route. Hut Mills stopped this proceeding, and tho daughter remained at homo. Tho following day, Friday, tho daughter repaired to tho residence of a neighbor, Oeorgo Wilson, and sent word to her lover whore she could be found. Lnzalocr received tbo word about 8 o'- . clock in tho afternoon, and was soon on band with a team, and a few moments later, in company with his soon-to-be bride, was taking a circuitous routo to the village, i to avoid passing tho bouso of the parental Mills, which was situated on the direct road to the village. Whilo driving leisurely along, judge of their surprise when sudeuly a horse and buggy dashed by containing tbo father and brother. Young Mills sprang to tho ground and attempted to seize Lazelecr's team by the bits. , Taking in tbo situation at a glance, Lazalcor turned his team suddenly round, and before the Mills could get under way tho object of their anxiety was out of sight. This was near Franklin Centre, tho young couple having perambulated tho town of Franklin hero and thoro before this, until they had already driven twclvo or fifteen miles. Tho pursued party were headed for tbo village of Clinton, and now began tbo most exciting portion of tho race. The Messrs. Mills entered tho race in earnest. Lazalcer's team was a young and spirited one, while tho other was scarcely lues so. Before starting out Lazaleer bad made arrangements with Dr. Alvord to be mar ried at his house, provided lie was fortunate enough to get possession of the young lady. The intention of the fleeing couplo was to gain time and roach Dr. Alvord's resi denso in season to' have tho marriage per formed before their pursuers camo up. To circumvent this was the old man's aim. The news of the chase had reached the village soou after it began, and Dr. Alvord, thinking that time might bo precious, had , procured- the services of tho Methodist minister, Rev. Mr. Frareo, who was await ing the result of the race at the doctor's , residence. . At Ave minutes before 5 Laza leer drove up. The young couple sprang from the buggy and rushed into the house. The required time was gained, but none to spare, for they was closo at hand, but be fore tbey could get out of tho buggy the , nuptial knot was tied. , By this time u crowd had collected about . the bouse, but it wa oon locked aud Blears. Mills refused admittance. After ' trying every door, aud using somo extrava gant language, tbey assured themselves that the marrago ceremony had actually been performed by an interview with the minister. They then went away. The appearance of the young couple as the cere- , mouy was being performed is said to have been extremely singular and, under tho cir cumstances, rather ludicrous. So short was tho timo that uo prepara tions could be made. Tbey were dressed in common clothes and literally covered with mud, the result of their drive. The parties are all well connected, uU outsiders cannot see why Mr. Mills should object so tttreuuously to the match. Tho affair, as it terminated, caused considerable excite ment. What the ultimate result will be, whether a disinheritance or a reconciliation, has not yet transpired. Renuti'kuhle Casts of Poisoning. A Dayton special to the Cincinnati Ga te tie, says : An intelligent gentleman from Middlutown relates a most remarkable case "of disease, which has just transpired there. Dr. Carson was called to visit a young lady, a Miss Levison, whom lie pronounced ill with scarlet fever.' While administering medicine to tbo patient, she vomited slightly, some of the matter getting on one of bis hands, on which was a scratch through the skin. The sore at once be came inflamed, and began to swell, and bo came very painful. Indeed, it got so bad that the doctor was ill, and is confined to his bed. His case was deemed critical. Miss Levison grew worse in the mean time ond'died. Her mother,' who assisted at her bedside, and who also got some vomit on her hand at tho same time as Dr. Carson did, was also take ill in tho same maimer, and died from tho effects, as it is believed. These are very singular cases aud should be investigated. W Frederick llcsser, Coroner of Nor thumberland county, was murdered at Coal Hun mines, near Shamokiu, Friday night. There is great excitement, aud the citizens have organized a committee to Investigate. It K A D i IMMENSE "REDUCTION At the Wholesale" fend Retail i .V. V .... .7J ...... . n vmBEBBsszsF- S. HAMILTON & CO., 77 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. OUR MOTTO IS AND HAS BEEN QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS ! , .. Our business hi exclusively PIANOS and ORGANS, which enables us to give our whole timo and attention to this exclusive trado. Thus where other Dealers soli from five to ten instruments per week, our sales very often exceed thoso numbers in a single day, so that we can better afford to sell at 10 per cent, profit on cost, than they can at 20 and 25 per cent. .' . Every Instrument we sell is as good as an agent for us, as they invariably introduce us favorably to all who sco them. We have sold and in use 2,000' OF THESE 014.CJ -TVS in and about Pittsburgh alono. Thoy are not some new Organ, tho growth of a few months, but are old reliable makes, that are constantly adding every meritorious im provement. The really Grand Simmons & dough's Combination Organs have been i manufactured for Twenty-five years, while the Celobrated Taylor & Farley Celestes. Organs have beou manufactured over Twenty years. And now for tho purpose of intro ducing them moro thoroughly throughout mano new ana very Heavy contracts lor large numbers oi tlieni, which we propose tosei on thoir merits, and without the assistance of AGENTS OR MIDDLE JI'EN, givin; tho purchaser the benefit of commissions and wholesale discounts, we aro thus enable! to offer theso Organs at tho following prices, at which wo shall sell for a short timo Cabinet Cases, Double Reed, 4 ii ii 5 0 4 0 Full Resonant Cases, i i q '8 8-8 sot RoedsO ' " 8 Vox " Those Organs are all Solid Walnut, Paneling and Carving all of Solid yalnut. Neither saw-dust mouldings nor cheap brass trinkets aro used on these instrfinents, everything is of the very best, nro all fully warranted for five years. THE BRADBURY & DECKER PIANOS WILL BE SOLD AT SAME The above aro strictly cash pricos, but if dosirod by tho purchaser, oithf quarterly or semi-annual payments will be taken, at an advance of 10 per cont. per au'um on the above prices. Persons ordering by letter can depend on the most carefil selection being made. If tbo cash price be sent with the order, the instrument wil be shipped by freight, if not accompanied with the cash, the Organ will be shipped by Express, C. O. D. If time be dosired, wo rcquiro notes with good security, or at Jast good ref erences. Address for Catalogue, and ; S. HAMILTON & c 8 62 rX II E SDN Weekly and Daily for 1875. The mpproacb of the Prraldentlal election Hvm unu funl IniiHjrUiu'e t the event aud duvuloitiimutJi of ln?6. Wo Hhatleudtuavurtu Uuacribo thbiu luily. fulth fully, Hiul leiirleiwly. Tff K WKKKLY hl)N hai now Attained a elrrulatinn of over Buvttiity th'iUHaud ctntUm. lm reaUra are f ound inevtry HUU and XurrlUiry, and it tmality in wll kuowutottitt public. Wh Htm II nut only endeavor to Loop It fully up to the old tttaudurd but to Uuprovu and add to Itrt vttrii'ty and owtir. THK WKKKLY HUN will continue to he a thoroufrb nnwHpaper. All the nuwa of the day will to found in it. condi'iiHed wtmii unimportunt, at full length whmi i r moiimut, mid always we truvt, iu a cluar, luttmwtitv antl liifti uctivti inamuT, I t la our iimi tx nmke the WKKKLY RUN the bert funifly uWHaier In the world. It will be full of euUr-tainiui- and appropriate rruditur niatU-r of every Hurt, but will print unthiiiK to ofli'iid tho motd atTUpuloiia and dflifatw tante. It will a I way a contain the niort iu t rofcfm Un tm and ri!iuauca of tho day, uarefully elected and hrl) nriuUd. "i'he AKrfciiltiirariifUaii-tuiPnt la a prominent feature JntiiH WKKKLY r-il!N. mid ibt artiHea will alwaya be found fruHh and uneful to tint farmer. The uuiiiImt of ini'ii lnh-iH'ii(lt'iit In potitlrV lalnrnaH liiK. and the WKKKLY HUN la th-ir paiwr mtHH;illy. It uhIoiiw-h to uo party, aud o'u no dictation, con tciidiiitf for principle, and for the election of the U;t lutu, It pximmmih the corniptiufi that dfnKrae the country aud threatputt the ovi rthmw of repuhiiuuu lu MtitutioitR. It huH no fi-arof knavca, and atn-ka uu fa vora iroin their nnpiorU rf . . The niarkt'ta of evm-y kind and Uie anhitiua arc ularly reported in it coluintift, , The nrfoe of the W KKKLY HUN in One Dollar a year for a HhuMtof eight pawa, aud nity-Hix ruluiuiiH. Aa this barely payx the cxjm naea of iaper and prlntiiur.wu are not able to make any dlacoiitit or allow any pn inl um Ut frieuda whr inuy utako ajwdal etioru to eitend ita circulation. Under the unw law, which reijuirttapu) -inent of pnMtape in advance, on dollar a year, wuh twenty cutM the cont of injaid poataire adddtMj, ia the rate of auhacripttoii. It In not necexut y to mt up a club In order uhavUie WKKKLY HUN at thia rat-. Anyone who anuda one dollur and twenty cenU wiii get the paper, poat-paid, for a year. We have no travel inn nut-ul. TIIK WKKKLY HUN.- Kijfht iatrMi. flftr-flhr colutnna. Only a year, poatage jipaid. No discount from thtrt rule. THK DAILY HUN. Alarie four-inure newspaper of twenty-) ht eotutnua. Imlly rlreuiation over -All the tiewa for '2 cent. Ntifmeriplion, put t age prepaid 66 cent a month, or D").ru a year. To cluha of 10 or over, a discount of jo er cent. Addruaa, "THE SUN," New York City. December 1. lJ4.-Ut N TOTICK. 1 hereby nlve notlco that the rollow N Ilia article were purchased by me and ur w left with John M. Ilerr, Jr.. of Carroll twp., :: 2 horses, 1 cow, 2 spring caives, 2 linns. 1 tn iiuriMf wiiuoii, sprniK wiikcu. 1 narrow, I plow and tackle, 1 shovel plow, hay rake. 2 sets of har ness. I set front harness, 1 set simile harness, lot of forks, hull cum lu the shock, half of U acres flf WlltMlt. Ill tli.l Ll'.ilr,,,! i.,t ,.r i,., I., t JOJIN HJiUlt. November 3, 174." -10 TO 1)0 INVESTED I! WAI.I. R'l Rhhf ollen lends to fortune. New Kysleni Mo liability. Our new pamphlet, cut itlrd "The Art of Speculating" sent free. J.HIikllnn & Co. Hankers and block ltrokers. liox IMS. 72 Jtroad wny, N. V. btucks boui;litaiid aeld on iniMlr rate margin. li 13la I 71AM. STVI.EH OF IMtlNTaln7drrie7T)n Good Just opened by F. MORTIMER. T H t - i TO SUIT. THE TIMES! Piano and Organ Emporium of rJZ-i i 11 ! . all the country towns of thoBtato,.we have r . btop Organs, Regular Price, $145.00 155.00 105.00 105.00 175.00 1HK.00 215.00 275.00 at $ 8D0 flCUO 0(00 rt.OO 10.00 Humana. 11 (85.00 Viola " 275.00 at OO.OO RATES OF DISCOUNT. 1 state where you read thinotice. 77 Fifth Avenue, Pit'sburgh, Pai GlIEAPEIt AND (KTTKK THAN EVER. To all former siilidTlberii to THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE whose imes have not been on its books since Jmniarjl, 1H73, Hie naier. If ordered now, will be sent uilll January 1, lHTtl (thirteen months), postage )ld. for $2; or, In Clubs, at I lie yearly Oliili rule. J'crsons not faml lar with Tub Wekki.y Tiuiu NFir former subscrlliers who may lie uncertain hImiu IU present standing and mer its, are Invited toiuke it a short time on trial. Any one may ontr it between now and the 1st of February next, fir nne. two. or three months lit die rule if "1 KNUKN 1'S FKR MONTH; and this afler the 1st of Jinuiiry, postage paid. In future, NO EXTRA CHARGE will be made for adili essliiKlawrH to each mnmlier of a club and post inasltf s who desire it, will receive pack ages with each paper addressed tolls owner at the lowest prlff practically a reduction of Thirty Cents a year I'oni the previous lowest club rates. After .Ian, I 1 875. the l'oslaire on alledllions of THE TRIIH'NK will be paid liy olllce Without Charge to (h( subscriber, this Wekki.y Thihcnu thus beconim to subscrlliers THK CHEAl'EST. as lb lias lom lieen Hie best, paper published. , Amnits uiiiU-d in every town. ; Addiess for spcciuii'ii copies, posters, aud rates of commission, THE TRIBUNE, NKW VOU1C. Mi8 4t Wit-J AIMI'ISTtATtltS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Kkveu.that letters of Adllliiiisl ration on the oil mo oi Harali Hair. . lulo ut Carroll I tiWllsliill. l'errv county. 1'a.. deceased, have ixteii ifiaiiicu io uie siinscriiKirs, resiiiuiK ui Mier inaiisdale. Ail m'wius (udebu-d toHaid elnlc are ieiiiesie(i io itiaKi iiiiiuiMiiaie payiueiii, unu i(io!e huviiiK claims, will present I hem duly authentica ted for sell lenient. DAVID 11 A I It, A. M. Fl.ECK. 1 lieii-inlHT 1, lH7t lt Adinliilsliators. 17'STHAV. Came Io the premise of tliesub J Hcriberin Kavllle twp., a few week since, a while sow Willi four pigs. Said sow will welub about lno pounds, and has the right ear partly torn oil. The owner is reipicted to prove prop erly, pay costs uikI take her unuy omhc will be dlstioheu of according to law. NAMt'ELK. MNAIU). December 0, IH74. "Of.ACK AI.I'ACCAS The Cheapest and IWst 1 line of Alpnccas at pikes from 'J5 cents to II.tKlpcr yard, will be found at F. MORTIMER' 8 7 OTS OF NEW tiOODS conslstlufsof Winter J J Hklrts of various Hlvles, l)res Ooods, Hal. moral Hose, Olnghams, whirling Kltipes. Ac, &e. Just received by F. MORTIMER. , Have Ym Tried JUUUI EBA ?; Weak Aerrontpr Pcbilatcdl, At you sdl.aitguld tlif iny exertion Tcoulfes more dl kit ploijl than U fee) capable of mak- '"fherr try ' .TTJRCnF.l the woiidorftiPTonic and Invlgorator, whlcfict so beiienclallynnthe secretive organs as tiirpart vigor to all the vi tal forces. I It Is no alcoholle sfpetlzer. which tlrrmlatos for a short time, onlj'" let the sufferer fall to a lower dmith of nilsef, hut It Ik a vegetable tonic acting directly on tfliver and spleen. It regulates the ltfels, quiets Ilia nerves, and gives such a healthone to f h? wllol system 10 soon make the lifdid feel like a new person. Its operation Is i violent, but Is characterlz ed by uieat Kcnltii'ss: the patient experiences no sudden cliangeJio marked results, but grad ually his troubles; ; "Fold tlir tents, like the Arabs, ' ' i And sllcly steal away." I This Is no newnd untried discovery, buthaa leen lmi used f til wonderful remedial results, and is piiinoiinoU by the highest medical million. Hies, "the mill powerful tonic and alterative known." Ask youtiriigpiKiior ii. rorsaieny . 50d4w Philadelphia, Fa. I COMMlilON PAID BOOK AGENTS. ! On ne.w nndmost popular books by one of the largest suhv'ipHon linns In tliecountry. ft books lol SoceuTrl uuokb ittr vi.au. cvu. nil iiuiiiiiuk. Henri fnreiliilarsand sec. Address 1'. O. Hox 529 Hartfo. Conn. 60U4W Short pfatponement Day Pixod Full , J JiST GRAND GLt'T CONCEIIX. Montrflier Female Humane Association I AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. MARCH 29th, ,1875 I LIST OF GIFTS. lOrand Cash Gift $100,000 Grand Cash Gift 6O.IHI0 Grand Cash Gilt 2.VKK) li Cash Gifts, llo.uoo each 100,000 7 lash urns, fi.oou each 7o,iK) D Cash Gifts, i.ikio ensn 00,000 floo e;ieh 50,000 100 each loo.tKK) fit) each 60,0(10 20 each 400,000 10 Cash Gifts, 1,CK) Cash Gilts, 1,(1(1 Cash GUIs. 20,1)0 Cash Gifts, 22178 Cash Gifts amounting to $1,000.00 KVMBCR OF TICKETS, 100,090. ;' TRICE OF TICKETS. VhoJc Tickets t20.00 t .lives ju.uu (diiirters 6.00 Siphlhs or each Coupon 2.50 4 Tickets for looo The Montoelier Female tfmnanft Association. chartered by the Lctrlsliiture of Vlrcinlasiud (lie Circuit Court of Gl ance Co.. Bionoses bv a Grand (iift Concert to establish and endow a " Home for the Old, Iullrin, and Destitute Luetics OI Virgin In," at Montpclior, the former residence of Presi dent James JUdisou. Govebnoh's Office, Richmond, July 3, 1874. Itntiordsine pleasure to say that I am well ac quainted with a large majority of the olllcers of the Montpeller Female Humane Association, wlro reside in the vicinity of my home, audi attest their Intelligence end their worth and high reputa tion as gentlemen, as well as the public conltdence, iulliienceand substantial menus liberally repre sented among them. J AMKH L. K KMPEM, Gov. Virginia Alexanduia, Va., Julys, 1874. loom menu them as gents or honor ami tnteerlty. aud lolly untitled m the coiinumce of the public K. W. IICGIIKS, U. 8, Judge Kast'uDls. of Va. Further references by permission : Hi9 excel lency Gilbert C. Walker, Kx-Governor of Va. : Hon. Robt. Withers, I,leut.-Gov. of Va. and U. 8. Henator elect ; Senators and Members of Congress from Va. Remittances for tickets may be made bv ex press prepaid, post-olhce money-order on Wash ington, U. C, or by registered letter. For full particulars, testimonials, &c, send for Circular, Address, ' Hon. J AMES BAUltOUH, 1'nr.s'T M. F. H. A., Alkxandria. Va. Reliable agents wanted everywhere. 4'.Kl 4w THE BEST 1)1 ALOfSUK BOOK. To be sent post-paid for Twenty Cents. Address Rev. W. H. KINGSBURY. Tarry town. M , 4lJ 4w. w HAT I Know about Agents, or how to clear jiiru ro t-w per moniii selling imoiuos, Bier eoscoplc Views, Maps, and charts. Apply at once iu u. A. uur.n.ni, uoncoru, n. u., tviw. ARFNTQ 44I.OOO lloxes Chng Chailft sold I last month. Enable any one to polish shirts, collars and cuffs equal to new. Costs only one cent to do a large ironing, and pre. aerves the linen, necessary as soap and sells at night. Men, Women,. Hoys and Girls furnished wltb steady employment, particulars free. An elegant cliromo given with each box for 35 et. Ciiamu CiiiNa Manuf. Co. 7 West Ht., Boston 49 4w 300 PIANOS AND ORGANS New aud Hecond ilalid. of Flrst-Clusx Mnlcer. will be sold at Lower Trice for cash, or an In stallment, or for rent. In City or County, during these Hard Times aud the Holidays, by Horace Waters 6i Hon, 41 llroadway, than ever before oiiereu in isew vera. Agents wanteu to sea wa ters' New Heals Piano, and Concerto llrrmi. Illustrated Catalogue Mailed. Great Inducements io me l raue. a largo uiscouni to Teachers, Min sters, Churches, Lodges, Mcliools, etc, 49 4w. CONSTANT EM l'LOYM ENT At home. Male Ky or Female, HO a week warranted. No capi tal required, particulars aud valuable sample sent Free. Address with a cent return stamp, C. ItOISS, Williamsburg, N. V. . 49d4t Maryland Eye and Ear Institute," (id tf. Charlet Street, Mainmort, Mil. ' 1 GEORtfE RF.CL1NO, M. 1).. Late Prof, of Eye auu tar surgery in ine nasninguin university, (Surgeon In Charge. The largo and handsome residence of the late Charles Carroll has been titled up with all the Im provements adopted by the latest hcboolsitif Europe, or the stieclal treatment of this class of uiseases. Apply uy letter u OliORtiE 1IEUMNG. M. D., tikltw burgeon In Charge. FOR" COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, . UBK .. i ' ' Wklls' Cakbomo Tablets !( l'UT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TftlED AND SURE KEMEDY 1 -Sold by all Druggists. ' 49d4w If UAHKHt'FTCY, Eastern District of I'eimsylvaiiia, HS. A T New lllooinlleld. the lHlh clavof November. A. D.. 1H74. The unilurslulied hereby elves notice o( his uuiKilntnient as Assignee of Wllllum N. Taylor and Joseph S, Hinders, Hading as " Win. N. Taylor i Co.," of Millerstown, lu llie county of Ferry, and Slate of 1'enm.ylviiiila. within said District, who liavo lieen adjudged llankrupls on Petition of their Creditor by Hie District Court ui suiii riistrict. piriMiv it n irnt im Auui.....,A Nov. 24, 1B74.3W' ' tMlllcrslown.'l'a. LIVE AGENTS WANTED To sell DR. CHASE'S ItKOU'ESi Ott. IN FORMA 'HON tlllt EVEItVUODV, iu every County in the United Stales and Canada. Enlarged by the 1'ubllsher to Ut page. 11 eontulns over 2,000 lioiiselioid recipes, und 1 suited to all clnsse and conditions of society. A wonderful book and a household necessity. It sells ut sight. Greatest inducement ever ollered to book agent. Sample copies sent by mall, post paid, for t-L Exclusive Uu rltoiyglven, Agents more than double their iiioiu'V. Addles. Dr. Ciiask's bleam I'rintiug House, Ann A i bur, Mich." 47 Ut (AI ex ill ALL KINDS of Prlntlna neatlv PRINTING ecuteu ui uie iii.(KiiimtLi) Mua"tSTXAii Jua Urrm. RAILROADS. PHILADELPHIA AHJ READING R. R. winter' Arrangement; MoiHlay, I)c. llHi, 1874. TRAINS LEAVE IIARRISBURG AtFOLLOWS anWo p mrk' " 8-20, 810 a' m' an' " P- amraWM).!1?111"1: 6' 8,1 V'48 a' 'n-2-00 For Heading at 4,20, 8.10,- 9.45 a. m. 2.0, ba and 7.4U p. m. ' u For I'oltsvllle.at 5.20, (t,10a. m. and S.Mn.'tn and via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Braueh at 2.4(1 p. m. . or Allentown, at 6.20, 8.10 a. m. 2.00 and S.50 and 7.4U p. in. The 6.20,8.10 a. m. 2.00 p.m. and 7.40 p. m. train nave through cars for New York. The . 8.10 a. ni. and 2.u0 p. m. trains hava through cars for Philadelphia. SUNDAYS : For New York, at 5.20 a. m. For Allentown nnd Way Stations at 6.20 a. m. For Reading, I'lilladelphia aud Way Stations at 1.45n. m. TRAINS FOR IIARRISBURG, LEAVE AS FOL. LOWS ! Leave- New York, at 9.00 a. m. 12,40,6.30 and 7.4;")p. 111. Leave Philadelphia, at 9.15 a. m. 3.40 and 7.15 p. m. Leave Reading, at 4.30, 7.40, 11.20 a. m. 1.50,6.15 aud lo.4! p. m. Leave l'ottsvillo, at S.M, 9.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. in. and via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch at 8.0" a. in. Leave Allentown, at 2.30, 6,50, 8.50 a. m., 12.25. 4.30 antl fl.io p. m. The 2.30 a. in. train from Allentown and tha 4.30 a. iu. train from Reading Uo not run on Mon days. SUNDAYS : Leave New York, at 6.30 p. m. Leave I'lilladelphia, at 7.15 p. m. I-eave Reading, at 4.30, 7.40a. m. and 10.45 p. m. Leave Allentown, 2.80 a. in. and 9.10 p. in. "Via Morris and Essex Rail Road. JOHN E. WOOTTEN, , , General Superintendent. Pennsylvania It. 11. Time Table. J . NEWPORT STATION. : On and after Monday, Nov. 16th, 1874, Pas senger trains will run as follows: ' EAST. Mall, 7.29 p. m., dally except Sunday Harrlsbiirg Accom 10.40 a. m., daily " Sunday Atlantic Express, 10.01 p. m., Hag, daily. WEST. Pacific Express. 5.15 a. m. ((lag) dally. Wayl'ass. 9.10 a. m., daily. Mail 2..' p. m. daily exccptSunday. Mixed 6.50 p.m., dally except Sundav. Pittsburgh Express, 12.17A. M., (Flag) dally, ex cept Sunday. Trains are now run by Philadelphia time, which Is 10 minutes faster than Altoona time, and 4 min utes slower than New York time. J.J. BARCLAY, Agent. DUNCANNON STATION. Oh and after Monday, Nov. 26, 1874, trains will leave Duucaunon, as follows : EASTWARD. llarls'burg Accom 11.11a.m., daly exceptSundav. Mail 8.01 1. M " ' " WESTWARD. Pacific Express 4.48 a. in., (flag) daily. Way Passenger, 8.38 a.m.. dally Mall, 2.04 P. M (IllliV'.Vccnt Mixed, 0.C8 p. M., dally except Sunday. v, rviiu Agent. Stage Llue Between Newport aud Ken ticrmantown. STACKS leave New (lermantown dally at four H Jlo"k a. m. Ijinrtlsbiirgat 7. 30 a. in. Oreen park at 8 a. m. New Bioomiieirf at 9K a. m. Arriving at Newnort toconnenL .nii Cominodntlontraln East. Returningleave Newport on the arrival of the HailTralutrom Philadelphia, nt2.3u:i). m. ij. iiiue. jfroprteior. AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER I $15, FOR $5.50! An Elegant and Valuable Book, Price ' 15 A Splendid Steel Engraving.- " $6 A'rthur's Illustrated " ' . Home Magazine, tX50 a year And THE BLOOMFIELD TOIEft, All Sent for $5.50 f We give a list of the 15 books from which a se lection can be made. This otter Is bona fide In every respect. Each of the book named below is a 85 book and so cata logued by the publishers. All are beautifully printed, elegantly bound, and In every thing a represented. The pictures, one of which la Included In this offer, are of the size, quality and artistic excel lence of engravings that sell lu Uie stores forf aud upwards. We make this truly Extraordinary Offer in or der to extend largely the circulation of our paier, and get It Into every intelligent and cultivated family in our neighborhood. 1. Cyclopedia of English Poetry. Royal Octave, full gilt, gilt edges, steel plates. Price 85.00 2. Sltakspeare's Complete Work. Hoyal octavo, full gilt, gilt edges, steel plates. Price 85.00. 3. Cyclopedia of the best Thoughts of Charles Dickens. Royal octavo. Illuminated cover. Price 15.00 4. AZOF'S FABLES. Imperial octavo, full gilt, splendidly Illustrated. London edition. Price 85 5. Vicar of Wakefield and lioldsmith's Poems. Imperial octavo, full gilt, lutt engravings, Lon dou edition, Price iu.w. 6. The Works of JosephuB. Royal octavo, full gilt, gilt edges, numerous engravings. Price, 16.00. 7. The Poetical Works of Rogers, Campbell, Montgomery. Lamb and Klrke White. In one volume. Royal octavo, full gilt, gilt edges, steel plates. Price ii' -00. 8. The Poetical Works of Milton, Young, Cray, Reattie and Collins. In one volume. Royal ictavo, full gilt, gilt edges.steel plates, Price'85. Biacauiay'a History oi i-.ngiana. complete. Five volume In one; the most convenient edi tion ever published. One large Royal Octavo volume oi nearly i.iwi pages, ciegantiy uouun In the best nmrocuo oloth, full gilt sides aud edges, with portrait, l'rice 80.00. The flue steel engravings from which i, selec tion cau be made, are the following : 1. "The Interrupted Render," ' 2. " Tbo Lion in Lova.V ' 8. "Bed-Time." ; 1 4. "The Wreath of Immortelles." 5. " Peace be Unto this llouee.' 0. "Thw Christian Graces." , 7. " The Angel of Peace." Wo repeat our otter. For8r.50we will send the BitOoHi'im-uTiKp for one year. Arthur's Illitstraled Home Magazine for one year. A UEAMIFUL ?5 BOOK, aud au - Elegant $3 Steel Engraving. 5 We need hardly sav, that "ARTHUR'S ILLUS TRATED M AGA.INK," published 111 il'liilailel phia at 60 a year,' aud included III this otter, now takes rank Willi Die leading and most influ ential miiga.lnes of tbeduv. Ill more thorough ly Identified with tlio people in their home aud social llie limn any periodical lu the country. November 3, 1874. N OTITIC All person knowing thunselve Indebted to the undersigned on booX account ur otherwise, will mve costs by paying the auie, between this und llie 1st of January, i H i ft, as after that ttnie, the accounts will be placed In the hands' of proper onicer for Collection. WM.FR, Llveipuol, December 1. 187441 I