6 fyt fJloontfitlb mts. Tuesday, December 29, 1874. FAEM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS W(i invite rommnntratlniiN from nil pernmia whnsre ititfrnMtd tu iiiAtler ruiurly buloutfiuif tottiisUe- About Kj-'gn. A curious point of inquiry among KoolosUtH lias been, fur h lonir time, how many eggs there are in the ovary of a lion. To determine thin, a German naturalist A ' aliort time since instituted some careful In vestigations, the result of which showed ' the ovary of a hen to contain about 000 embryo eggs. He also ascertained that acme twenty of these are matured the fust year, abont 120 during the second year, lilfi during the third, 114 during the fourth, and during the fifuli, sixth, seventh, and eighth years the number decreases by twenty annually ; it consequently following that, after tlio fourth, or at most the fifth yoar, hens are no longer profitable as layers, it may lie in exceptionable Instances. Home interesting experiments wore also made a aliort time since in Germany to determine the comparative feoundity of ducks and hens that is, from which of the two the linger number of eggs could be obtain ed in the mime time. For this purpose three hens and three ducks were selected, hatched in Februaiy and nourished with suitable food. The following autumn the difck had laid 225 eggs, while the lion laid none. In the next February the laying season bewail again with the ducks and con tinued uninterruptedly till August. " They showed no inclination to set, but became very thin, although they afterwards fatted up somewhat. The total number of eggs laid by tliu liens amounted to 258, or 80 engs each, and 301), or 1"! each for the vtuve rather longer tliau llioso of the ducks vein rather umaller than those of the bens, yet they proved to be decidedly superior in nutritive material, so that the superiority in productiveness was decidedly with the duck. In regard to tho means or possi bility of deciding the sex of eggs much d iffcrence of opinion exists. M. Genin In a communication to the French academy of sciences, on this subject states that be is now able, after having investigated tho matter carefully for seveial years to state that all eggs containing the germ of males have wrinkles on their smaller ends, while female cpgs are smooth at the extremities- Shall We Feed W heat 1 Fifty years ago there lived along the Mo hawk River a ulass of men who were fa mous for their line and valuable horses. Wlioat in those days bore but a small price compared with the price of these times, but so were corn and oats very low ; and these ineiiofthe Mohawk country were in tho habit of feeding wheat when they wished to put their favoiile horses into the best possible condition. They formed a correot estimate of itsvaluefroni actual experience. There is oiio caution, peihaps, proper ; the wheat should be coarsely ground or soaked for a sutllcieut time in water to so soften tho kernels as to bring them within the rouch of the digestive powers of the ani mals' stomach. If something of this kind is not done, it will be found that a consid erable portion of the grain will pass through the animals undigested. If the newspaper reports are true as to the magnitude of this year's wheat crop, economy will require that in many cases it should enter largely into the food of animals in those seetions where the corn crop has proved to bo very 'Kl't. Large Cheese. . An Ohio paper announces that a monster cheese is to be made in that State for exhibition at the Philadelphia Centennial. Jt is to weigh fourteen tons, and will meas ure tblrteeu feet In diameter and eleven foot in thickness. It will be mad in May, 1870. It is becoming the custom in various localities abroad to cut up a . large cbeeo for the ChMstmas market, and in England the advent of big cheeses from this country is looked for , with ..interest. ; The Ionian "atoamer which left New York a fortnight ago took out a number weighing from j00 to U0Q ptmuds each, one weighing Over , 1, 800 pounds, and one weighing 2,200 pounds. The make and cure : are said to be perfect. The ait of making these large cheeses ap pears to bu well understood in this country. To Cure Ingrowing Toe Kails. 1'utasmall piece of tallow in a spoon, ht it until It becomes very hot, and pour on the granulations. The effect Is magical, l'aiu and tenderness is relieved at once, xml in a few days granulations are al) gone, i lie diseased parts dry and destitute of all feeling, the edge of the mill exposed so as to admit of Ming pared away without any inconvenience. . . ' To Measure a Cora Crib. If you wsntto get the number of bushels , n'iq the crib of corn upon the Mie length breadth, and thick- " , , Me of the crib together and i ind yon have the number of . , . -d com it contains. ' ' buckwheat cake griddle . .i , to make the cakes coma Dr. .1. Walkers nlitoniiii Vm esur Hitlers are a purely VoRotablo prpparntion, made chiefly from tho native herbs found on the lower ranpes of the Sier ra Nevada mountains of California, the inedicinnl properties of which are extract ed therefrom without tho use of Alcohol. Th'.! qnestiojn is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the un paralleled success of Vinegar Ritttchs?" Our answer is, that they remove the causo of disease, and tho patient recovers his health. Thoy are the great blood purifier and a life-giving prin ciple, a perfect Renovator and In vifjorator of tho system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been com pounded possessing tho remarkable qual ities of Vinkqak Bitters in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They tire a pjentle Purgative as well ns a Tonic, reliev ing Congestion or Inflammation of tho Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Dis eases. If men will enjoy Rood health, let !iiem use Vineoau. Bitteks as a medicine, and avoid the use of nlcoholie stiniulnnts in every form. , . . No Person ran take these Hitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, mm vital orpins wtistecl beyond repair. I. in Id ill I liniisands proclaim vera- oak ISittebs tho inofct wonderful Invigor ni it that ever sustained the sinking system. Iltlious, Ifcniitteiit. nnd Inter- Itlitll'llt Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our trreat rivers thronch- out tho United Stntes, es)eeiiilly those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri. Illinois. Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorniio, Jlrii.os, llio (irnnde, Fearl, Ala bama, Mobile, Savannah, Itonnoke, James, and mnuy others, .with their vast tribu taries, throughout our entire eouutry dur ing the hummer mid Autumn, nnd remark ably so during seasons of unusunl heat nn& dryness, are invariably accompanied by ex tensive derangements of the sttomach and liver, nnd other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, oxcrting a powerful iufl'ience upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathar tic for the purpose equal toDn.J. Walk mi's t iMiAii XtiTTEiis, as they will Bpeedily re move the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the iver, and generally restoring the healthy unctions of tho digestive organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head lulie.Pain in the Shoulders, Couchs,TiKb.t- iit-bs of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Kructa tious of tho Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys,, and a hun dred other painful symptoms, ore the off springs of Dyspepsia. One bottlo will prove a better guarantee ol it merits tnun a lengthy advertisement Serotiila, or Jungs Kvil, white Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial A floe -tious, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as iu ull other constitutional Diseases, Walkeb's Vinegab Brrriais have shown their great caratire powers in the most obstinate and intractable coses IW IniliiiniiiAiorv n n 1 1 .Chronic P Itiieiiinalisill, Oout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bhwldur, these Bitters have no equal. Suoti Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. , ,. . .Median !vul Diseases. persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advnjicu in life, are sub ject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against .this, take u .Uoae, of ,Vau(ku' YiNKu.ui m m ho oociuummliY.; , i ' For Mil H IHseiises, fcrnptions, letter, Kidt lllie:ini, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustule., BoiU, Carbuncles, llingworms, Bciild Head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, JUnuiora sod Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally, dug up and carried out of the oysU'in iu a short, tjuio by the use of these Bitters. f , . i . i Tin, Tape, and other Worms, lurk ing in thesysUim of so many thousands, ore efloetuully dustroyed and ivmovcd. . . No system of medicine, no . vetniiiugoa, no anlhelininitics, will free the system from worms bite these Bitters. Ftr Fcinalo1 Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or thu turn of life, these Touio Bitters display. sq decided ao influence that improvement is noon perceptible, Jaundice. In all oases 4 jaundioe, rest aasui-ed that your liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and iavor its removal . For this purpose use Vlmuiab Birruns. i . . , i : t'lennse the VltUted Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Ilia pies, Eruptions, or Sores; oloanso it ben you And it ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whea it is (oul ; your feelings will tall you when. ' Keep the Wood pure, and the health of the system will follow. .. . i ' h. if. McDonald . ce 1 UrtitftftftU Mid annl Aganfai, Ss Fmnotwvi. Oallfar lum. mua our. wu&HMttoB auo uuariwa ma, mw but j Sulil r !! Drasrvtote sia4 IMwie' i December 9, 1T4-1 m , , ' ; ' , ' AiASHIMERKft The Uneirt assortment of OasM V J more that au tie sees in Uie couuty. Is now Philadelphia Advertisements. WRICHT & SIDDALL, Who 1 e sale Druggists AND DKALKRB1N ' ' . I u,teiit VIeclieiiies lOG MAltKKT NTJllUTT, rhlluflelphla, Pa. A. FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING CONNECTED WITH TUB BUSINESS, OF THE BEST QUALITY AND AT VEBY LOW 1MIICKS. ti. No charge made for racking Boxes, and Qoodsdellvered at Depots FKEE o( Cartage. 8 8t John Lucas & Co., Sole ana TUE ONJLV MAN UKACTUKEKb or TUS , IMPERIAL FRENCH, AMD PURE SWISS GREEN, . Also, Pure White Lead and Color MAN UFA CTURERS, Nod, 141 and 143 North Fourth nt Philadelphia. iAVID V. ELDER A CO., Successors to MILLER & ELDER, Booksellers and Stationers, BLANK BOOK. MANUFACTURERS And Dealers Iu WINDOW CURTAINS ANU wai.l;i'ai'er. No. 4H0 Market Htreet, 31 FUILADELl'HIA.FA. SOWER, POTTS & CO., BookMellers dc Ntatlonern, ' " ' ' And Dealers in ' ' CURTAIN ' AND ; . WALL-PAPERS, Nos. 530 Market and 523 MluorStreets. 1'IHLADEIPUIA, PA., , FubllKhers of 8aadrs' New Readers, and Brook' Arithmetics. Alue, Robert's Hhtory o the United Htntes.Felton'sOutllne ilsps, 4c. BLANK nOOKN Always on band, and made to Order. Sit w. II. KENSTKDY, WITH OETER CARrENTER, Wholesale Dealers In Tobacco, Segars Snuff, AND ' SMOKERS'' ARTICLES, No. 7, NORTH THIRD STREET, 1. n. OUTER, U. 0. CASl'SNTEH. 8i3tfj Riiladelpliia. A. J. I. HEWSZEV, Produce Commission Merchant, ' Nut 8 and jniltry . , A SPECIALITY ,' No. 318 North Water Street. (Opposite North Delaware Avenue Market) 41 St , iUH.AlXJLPIIIA, PA. -SoNHIONMK!T8 sollelteA i Prompt return. Vv Refer to llinii O. Alberinoo, CuindeDeo., N. J- UlgKlas. Hum Bell, MulsdelpUla. FRUIT TREES! npiIKunilflrslgrtied wlsliestft Inform the public Jt generally, liutt he lus af his mirserv la Tus wr townshlpv I'erry Utimilf, !'., own fort; vwiaUesof . APPLE TREES IN KDRST RATI CONDITHW FOR PIANTINO this tall, whleh he offers tor sale at Ike nursery at the following prices: Trees 7 ft. high, at 10 cts. apiece ; from 7 to 9 ft high, at 16 cts. afilaoe. Aine a lot 4 VIZAJLl TltEl4, at 75 cts. ante for staasant. and TO cents for Dwarfs. Clwnunt iSel.i auieee: Nntiiral Heed- lln( i'each, al3 ti 5ta. piuueaii4 OrapesatlO cts. a piece. -r,mt 4Wlue Address, K8IICOL, PERRY COUNTV, PA, ICOH.H 1EF.'I. August 11. tt 1 1 1 ' r Netlc. TheluteriMt of Win. 11. Miller. f Carlisle. In the Pnrrv t'minty Hok, ot Kiwasler, J link I n 4 Co., has neea piurcUd by W. A. hponnler it B. V. Juiikls. mid finiii thlsd&le Anrll tilth. 1H74. sld Miller Is uo lunger a aiciHber ol swd tlrm, but the firm ouuslstsol w. A. imsiir a u. if. jiinkiu, Banking as HiionsIM, Junkin a Co., who will con. tlnue Iu do business In tho saiM mode and man aer as has been done hitherto, with the full astur anoe that our courw bu met the approbation and uius gaiuea live ounnacnoe or me pnpie. vr. a. nriisni.&a. R V. JUNKIN. April 20. 174. 's.MXL'KS Keep lip with the lime. AhoUier vfpl VV unit uit oi Ciocu jut reeeivno iy l K MiBTIMElt. 17ILANNKI.8-1.A splendid! assortment of Finn Philadelphia Advertisements. . ZIE0LEU & 8WEARINGEN, . , Successors to . i ,aiiAFFNER,ZIEOLEftCO Importers and Dealers In llonlery, (JIovcm, ' lltbbeiisj, Nuspeuderit, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS AND ' FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Lancaster Combs. BARCROFT & CO., luitJvrUii and Jobber Of Btaple aud Fancy DHY - GOODS, Cloths, K " Cassimeres, Blankets, Linena, Whito Goods, Hosiery, io., No. 406 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) Philadelphia. A. B. Cunningham. J. H.Lewars. J.S.Gletm Cunningham, Gleim & Co., Wholbsalb Dbalir in Tobacco, Segars, &c, NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STREET, ruiiiAii:i,riiiA. 32810 ISAAC W. 11ANCK & CO., ComiiiiNwioii SlerchnnlN. AND Wholesale Dealers In all kinds of Pickled audita! ir i s xi , Have Keisorcd from Nos. 210 and 213 North Wharves, to- No. 134, North WharveM, Between Arch and Race Streets, PniLADELFiriA. PA. H. II. TAYXOIl. : ' ', WITH WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALEltS, ' North East Cerner of 3nd and Arch Street?, , , PMUdelpMa ,Pa llLATCnLEy'S W a Improved CUCUMHER WbOl) 2 g rtMP, Tasteless, Uurable, Et- S Hoient and Cheap. The best Pump for the leant money. At- niuiuii is esueciHiiy uivueu 10 Blalchley's Patent - Iiilprored Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump or disturbing tho Joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Heud (or Catalogue ana Price-List. , CIIAS. O. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 606Commeree8t., Philadelphia, Pa DAVID J. 1I0AU & CO., luccessort to HOAR McCONKEV k CO.. WHOLBSALB BOOT AND SHOE wabeiiouse; 1 018 MAItKUT STREKT, Philadelphia, Perai'a. JIt VKII.I. V CO.. Wholesale Dealers l Carpets, - . Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, ko, And a fine assortment of ' ' '' Wool and Hlllou Ware, No. 120 Market street, above 4th. Philadelphia, 1. Jaawaiyl, 189. 1.L0TD, 8UPPIEE, & WALTON, WHOLES A LS HAJIDAVAKE HOTJSK. , No. 825 Market Street.' ' ' '",', FhlladelphlM. WHOLESALE 6371y rhilaaelphia AdTertlseracnts. gAMUKL. ftOMBEllGEU, ;, . . WITH Jacob Reigel fc, Co., Dealers la '' DRY-GOODS, . 3S3 MARKET 8TREET. . Philadelphia, Pa. pKWNTRY MERCHANTS will find In our J stock a complete assortmentof I)RY.(l()OI)8 oTevery description, to which we invite their at. leullUD. 8 2Mfitn .Wewlllbe thankful for all orders which will be promptly tilled at the lowest cash prices. HUEY & CHRIST, (Successors to) KHYDKIt & CO. To those Interested In the purchase of strictly Pure llyc Whisky, For Medicinal Turposes wo oiler Bailey's Pure Rye, rosnltiffirs!110" Wl" ,"'pln I",cka We also handle largely a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, Price from $1.50 to f 1.75. We Import Fine Wines, Brandies, & Gin, And are also manufacturers of DR. BTOEVER'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. t3T Send for Price List to HUEY 4 CHRIST, Junl&'.T"Tl,,!ET, TmL""k- WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions 210 NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. g 14 tr. W. F. KOIILUK, W. HOWARD BROOKS & 8TEVENSON, Manufacturers of Fine FELT HATS ' AND D ALERS IN Hats, Caps and Straw Goods OF KVERY DESCRIPTION, NO. 817 MARKET STREET, First Door above. Hood,- Bcnbrlght & Co,) 8 uk. Philadelphia. ST. ELMO HOTEL, . . (FORMERLY "XHK UNION.") JOS. M. FEfciER, . . . Proprietor, 317 & 819 ARCH STREET, ' PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2.60 Per Day. THE ST. ELMO Is centrally located and has been re-tltted and rediriilslied, ho that it will befouiidascomfortulile and pleasant astoppiuu plao as there Is in Philadelphia. 6 29 T EW T. MOLL, - , , REPRE8ENTIN . Hanson, Paul & Imboden, Manufacturer Riii 'wholesale Doalers Iu BOOTS & SHOES, No. .41 NORTH THIRD STREET, T. RoflaHAMSON. '., ... PHILADELPHIA. M. (;. lum,. m. k. jhiioiikh. i . 1 Jan. 6, '74 ! , , 8. P. 8TAMBABGH, .. iwrrH ,; PATTER80N & NEWLIN. Wliolenale iirovvrn. 1 No. 120 ARCH STREET, I'liiLAD i:l r iija. A L. RADB. J. E, FaiTMiBB. If A1JII A t-'BTMIRK, IHPOKTBRS ABJOBBBRIO O ll i II H , O- 1 II H K AMD QUEENSWARE, 801 and 303, Cherry St., between Arch k Race, PHILADELPHIA. IP Constantly o band, Original Assarted Packages. (.. ljlO "ATKK8, lETWll-Ell VO., ' Manuractureni of and Wholesale Dealers Iu CLOTHING, Clolbs, CaNHJnierf s, CottonailM, &c, ' , , ?iH MARKET HTMEKT. - ' , , ; Ttf P1IILAPKLV11IA, i better than fat. .JC ueU, lust opeued ( : , t. MOKl'IMkU. Jsna.ry 1. 1S9P r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers