The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, December 29, 1874, Page 5, Image 5

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Tuesdag,' December 99, 1874,"
m Out or stereotype will be Inserted In this piper.
irnless IlKht feoe aud ud metal usse.
I W Twenty per cent, in excess of rPirular rates, will
be obeiyed for advertisements set In Double Column.
IT" Wo would call attention to the sale oi
Levi II. 8 warts, to take place on tbe 8th of Jan
nary, near Manvllle. Three homes, 1 cow,
1 bull, 1 wagon and many other articles, will
be Bold.
Thanks. We bad a very fine turkey for
our Christmas dinner, for which we aro iu
dobted to tit. V. T, Dewalt, of Shermans- '
dale. Please accept our thauks for the
Borne of the finest wiue we ever tasted
was made by Mr. Morris Ileston, of Centre
township. Wo, doubt , if , any one in this
county can make a wine that will equal it.
We return thanks for the wine sent us.
Hoggish Trick. A few nights ago
some scamp took a hog out of the pen be
longing to John Clouacr, In Centre twp.,
and killed it. The head, the thief bid in a
rank of wood belonging to Mr. Meek, a
short distance away, i with tbe probable
intention of returning for it at another
'; Sudden Death. Mrs. Comp, wife of
Samuel Comp, a resident of Carroll twp.,
died very suddenly last Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Comp bad eaten her breakfast a short
time previous, apparently ns well as usual,
and was sitting on the lounge combing
ber hair when ehe suddenly fell forward
and died almost instantly.
v m
Upset. On Thursday evening a sleigh
belonging' to Mr. Isaao Ilollenbaugb, was
upset a short distance above town by
striking a sled in passing. The occupants
ofjhe sleigh, two young men, were thrown
out, but were not hurt, and the horse came
into town at a rapid rate with the
sleigh upside down and one broken thaft.
A Singular Accident. One evening re
cently a resident of Mt. Kebo, Lebanon
county, came near having his head cut off
in a most singular manner. He was driv
ing a wagon into a yard, and all of a sud
den his neck came into contact with a wire
line that was stretched across his way aad
fastened on each side to the fence. A
deep gash was cut in the mu'a throat, and
had the wire not broken, it would, in all
probability, have torn his whole head off,
as the horse was not one ' that could easily
have been stopped. Tbe wire was a patent
clothes line. , . .
" :
Badly Injured. An' employ or the rail
road company named Josiah Fickes, of
Newport, was badly injured ut the waste
weir below Huntingdon, few days since,
where he was employed at work on
bridge. In company with several other
employees he was handling timber when
two trains from opposite directions bore
down upon him. One of the engines struck
a piece of timber which hit Fickes and
knocked him a considerable distance from
the track, breaking his shoulder blade and
otherwise injuring him.
XThe attempt to get up a Fatitastio Pa
rade, in this borough, on tjliristmas, was
a ridicnlous failure .
y. The few warm days have nearly used up
the sleighing, and those who have to travel
with horses, would gladly see another fall
of snow.
The Bloomflold Cornet Band will have a
Concert on Wednesday evoning of this
week, in theCourt IXouso. ;
! A fow sets of furs for sal'o by F. Morti
mer, at cost. ; . .
Excursion tickets can be bought ovor the
Pennsylvania H. K., and its branches, until
January 1st. The tickats are good for re
turn passage until the 5th of Jauuary.
The timely discovery of a fire in tho sta
bles of the Washington House on Saturday
evening, in Middleburg, saved it from a
terrible fire. Very little damage done.
On Wednesday last,) Mr. .Tames Camp
bell, a brakeman on the Northern Central
railway, while standing on the top of the
car near Hanover Junction, was struck by
a bridge and bad bis head injured. lie
Iras taken to Marysvillo where he resides.
The York Mutual Insurance Company
is probably one of tbe best companies in
the State. It insures on either cosh or the
mutual plan, and the losses are paid
promptly. The company is represented in
this county by J. B. llackctt, Esq., who
will furnish those who wish insurance any
desired information.
' Accident. Last week Rev. 8. E. Her
ring, pastor of . the Lutheran church, met
with an accident which might have result
ed very serious. Mr. II. was spending the
day with Mr. (Samuel Noes, -and about four
o'clock in the afternoon, he complained of
being uncomfortably warm, and walked to
the parlor door for the- purpose of ventila
ting, when he became dizzy, fainted and
fell to tbe pavement, striking his bead
against the door, which resulted in a severe
brnlse of tbe scalp from which -the blood
flowed freely. Dr. was called in and
tbe wound was properly dressed. Mr.
Herring by evening was able to conduct
the services in progress- at his church.
Duncannon Record. ...
Supposed Duel Two Boys Shot. The
York Telegram of Tuesday says : We
have just received the particulars of a
supposed due between two colored boys,
which took place in the vicinity of Fawn
Grove, ' this county, on Buaday evening.
The ages' of the boys were fourteen') "and
sixteen years respectively. It appears
that they were gunning and on their re
turn home quarreled, which resulted in
the supposed duel. As neither of the par
ties could speak after the occurrence defi
nite information cannot be obtained. Dr,
Griffith, who attended them, states that
tbey were both shot In the facei They both
died yesterday morning.
, r-, I
Interesting to Witnesses. Here is a case
- which may specially interest several liti
gious parties, as well as possessing Infor
mation of a general character. The Centre
Reporter says ; A witness, James Bell,
had been subpoenaed to attend court at
Bellefonte and, refused to attend on an at
tachment, but " was afterward ' taken
by the deputy sheriff. Judge Mayer having
decided that the witness having demanded
his costs at time pf service, and it, having
been refused or not paid, he could not be
held for the cost of attachment, nor had the
court a right to issue an attachment in the
case.' This settles the, vexed ' question of
compulsory attendance, and establishes
the fact in law that no witness is obliged
to attend in a civil case until his costs have
been paid in advance. , In criminal cases
the law may be different, as the common
wealth is supposed to be good for the
COStS." .ii-i.
Church Xotice.
Presbyteriaa Chureb tVeichlng1 during
the winter months at 11 A. JM., and 6 i
M., every Sabbath, and Prayer meeting vn
Wednesday evenings at 0 o clock.
Preaching in tbe M. E. Church next Sab
bath evening at Q'olock. Prayer meeting
on Thursday evening.1 '" 1
We are clad to hear of the success of our
Worthy marksman and friends,. Geo. T. and
Wilson Shearer, of Shermansdalo, who
went to Shade Mountain a few days ago and
returned the 20th inst., with two line deer
and several wild turkeys. They report"
some deer and quite a number of bears.
Success to the "Shearors."
, Cumberland County. From tho Cum
berland county papers of last week, we
copy the following :
t The Newville Star, in referring to the
burning of Mr. McKee's barn, the light
from which was seen in that place says :
V On the same evening a brown maie with
saddle and bridle but no rider came to the
premises of Mr. Glenn, North East of
town, for which as yet no owner has boon
found. ' Whether this circumstance has
anything to do with the burning, remains to
be discovered. The animal appeared about
three hours after the fire.
t The Carlisle Volunteer mya i The shovel
ing brigade, composed of tramps recruited
from the precincts of the county jail, by
Sheriff Totton, made the snow fly from the
sidewalks around that institution on Bun
day. The roofs and towers were also
stormed, and a violent onslaught made on
the fleecy coat of old King Winter. On
Monday tbe brigade was again formed in
line, and marched to the diamond, where
they continued the good work of most
ellectually cleaning things around tbe
squares. This is a move iu the right di
rection. If these tramps desire lodging and
and living at the expense of the county, it
is but right and proper that they should
render an equivalent therefor. " Let the
good work go on."
t On Friday last, Mr. David Bhoaffer, of
uicictnson township, met with a severe ac
cident. He started to the mountain in the
morning with a four-horse team for a load
of wood and while there his horses ran off.
Mr. Sbeaffer being unable to manage them
was thrown from tbe saddle horse and the
wagon passing over him broke his right leg
and left arm, and receiving other injuries.
He was taken to bis borne and Dr. Lange
heine called, who; gave the unfortunate
man the necessary surgical attention. Ho
is doing as well as could be expected.
' On Monday night the store of Mr. J. II .
Paul, at Middlesex, was broken into and
robbed. Mr. Paul was awakened ak two
o'clock by a lady in the adjoining house;
thinking it was imagination and not hear
ing any noise, he paid no attention, but
again laid down. One hour afterwards he
was again called, and this time the robbers
were leaving with their plunder. Mr P.
flied after them, and then mounted his
horse and, ' accompanied by young Mr.
Heagy, started in pursuit and overtook
them, though he was obliged to Ore after
them again. They were lodged in jail on
Tuesday morning, giving the names of
nmitb and Myers, "bummers. lis not
likely they will go on a similar errand very
soon. The ringleader is still at largo.
Two bags full of goods were recovered.
Jnnlata County. From the Mifllintown
papers we copy the following : "
On the night of the 24th ult., the spring
house of Samuel I). Kopner, in Turbett
township was robbed. 1 he next morning
the following letter was found in the spring
house. The name affixed to the letter and
the name of the person to whom the letter
was addressed, we do not publish :
Nov..lfl, 1874.
Dear : I now let you know the
reason I did not come the time I said I
would. The snow I thought would betray
us. I could not walk so fur, and it was too
bard and cold to leave tny inule stand out
in the woods all night ; but I am coming
down on the 24th of this month, then we
will go for the butter we talked of the other
time I was there. You must burn this
letter ; leave no one living 'see it fur God's
sake, as it would betray us. I am coming
down with the wagon, thea. Lean take the
rest of that corn you said you stole for me.
I will give you twenty-five cent per bushel
for all you can get fur me. - Tbe next time
I come I , want you .to send the girls io
another bed, so that wo can have a better
chance by ourselves. V ours truly,
i Let no one see this for any sake. '
The new chnrch in Patterson, belonelne
to the Evangelical Association, was dedi
cated on Sunday, December 13th. The
services were - impressive, and 'were con-
duoted by the pastor, Itev. W. B.-Soibort,
assisted Dy tne rrosiding Jailor, Itev. A. S.
Keeser, and itev. Zaohariah Uornbereor.
The dedicatory sermon was preached by
the lost named gtntleman,and was thorough
aud able. The subjoct was " Leaven," aud
was handled so masterly as to leave noth
ing unsaid, lhe collection amounted to
four hundred and fifteen dollars. .
The building committee performed their
work in a very satisfactory manner. Mr.
Soibert is entitled to great credit for his
activity and determination in this enter
prise. But for him the villago would be
without a place wherein to worship. The
contract for tbo foundation was niado May
22nd, 1874, ' and tho church dedicated as
stated above. The cost of tho building
was 1 3,200.
On Tuesday nicht the family of Mr.
Cloyd Parker, residing on Third street,
narrowly escaped suffocation by tho coal
gas escaping from the register used in heat
ing their bed-room.
At a meeting of the members of Pres
byterian church of Mifllintown, bold on
Saturday last, to consider tbo propriety ot
separating from the Lost Creek chargo,
resolutions were adopted favoring tho divi
sion, and that a memorial be sent up to the
next regular meeting of the Presbytery
asking a division.
E9"Mr. Joseph Beck, of Whito Deer
township, Union county, bad a fearful fight
with a she bear. While out hunting he
came across a tree that he Imaginod con
tained coons. He cut the tree down and
a bear came out and commenced an attack
upon him. He was several times iu bor
clutches, but his dog came bravely to his
rescue. At last he killed the animal and
found that she had three cubs, which he
also secured. If it had not beeu 'for his
dog, Beck said he would have been killed
by the ferocious boar.
Sunbury Fire Insurance Company of Sun
bury, Pa.
This is ono of the best local companies
in this State. It has a paid up capital of
$200,000, and cash assets to the amount of
nearly f 300,000. It insures country prop
erty without a premium note, at lower
rates than any other stock insurance com
pany in the United States. It insures up
to three-fourths of the full value of property
and pays that amount iu case of loss by
fire. It takes no premium notes and there
fore it is impossible to have any assess
ments. No premium money desired until
tho Policy is furnished.
New Bloomflold, Pa,
To The Afflicted. No matter undor
what form of sickness you labor, there is
one great truth you should keep in mind :
All disease originates in an impure con
dition of the blood. Purify that, and the
disease must dopart ; but you cannot purify
the blood by the use of poisonous drugs,
and exhaustive stimulants. The best
Blood Purifier ever discovered is Dr,
Walkkb's famous Vinegar Bitters com
pounded of simple herbs. S3 4w
15T It is a remarkable fact that Pain Cure
Oil 1 driving all other "Oil" and Liniments
from tke market. Why is it 1 Because it will
certainly do all that Is claimed for It and la
- For sale by F. MORTIMER. Hew Bloom
Held, and B. M. EBY, Druggist, Newport, Pa.
Take Notice. Mr. A. V. Hombach wish
es the citizens of this county to take notice
that being desirous of reducing bis stock
before cold weather, he has determined to
close out what he now has on hand, at
greatly reduced prices. Head stones of all
sorts and stylos, and monuments ranging
in price from $25 to $400, lettered and de
livered at short notice. Letters or orders
sent to A. V. Humbach, opposite the plan
ing mill, Newport, will receive prompt at-
Deafness, Discharges from the ear. and
all throat affections, specially aud success
fully treated by Dr. D. H. Sweeney,of Now
uioomueia, ferry county, i'a.
Notice. I am making out a list of ac
counts, to place in the bands or a Collec
tion Bureau, for collection. Persons know
ing they owe ' me on store accounts, will
please take notice, and keep their names
trom the list, by prompt settlement.
F. Mortimer.
Dr. D. H. Sweeney, at New Bloomflold,
Pa., in hia treatment of diseases of the
Lungs, Throat, Heart, Nasal Cavities and
iars, uses the approved treatment of En
lightened Physicians of the presont agu. ,
Dr. Sweeney, of New Bloomflold, Pa.,
can be consulted as usual on all Chronic
diseases, requiring skillful medical treat
ment, or delicate and difficult surgical op
eration for their cure, t j .
Stone and Earthen Ware. The sub
scribers, proprietors of the Juniata Pottery,
near Newport, desires to give notice that
they are keeping up a full variety of stone
and earthen ware, and are prepared to
promptly till orders for ' all goods in their
fine at low prices. Post office address,
Newport, Perry co., Pa.
Cm. M. & T. Miller.'
The advertiser, having been permanently cured
of that dread disease, ConsiAiiption, by a simple
remedy, Is almoin lo make known to hit fellow
sufferers me means in euro. To all who desire It,
lie will send a copy of the prescription uml, (tree
oi cuarKuj, wun me atrecuons lor preparing!
using the same, which they will find a biikb Ciiks
for CONtiUMlTlON. Amiiyl. ttHriN!iiiTin tbn.
Parties winning the prescription will please ad
dress . Itev. ft. A. Wli.HON,
4sa6m , 101 Teiio St, W!l!amsburgh, N. Y.
The Coofosslons of aa Invalid,
Published as a Warning and for the benefit of
Young Men and otheis who sulTer from NER
supplying lM meiitM o NelJ-Vure. Written by
one who cured blmitelf after undergoing consider
able quackery, and sent Iree ou receiving a post
paid directed envelope,
hunnrers are Invltm! to tdrirem the author,
astr V. O. Box LA Urwoklya, N. Y.
, County - Price ' Current.
, Bioomviild, December 27, 1ST1
1 60
Potatoes, 8ft
Butter ft pound, ..v.V. 25 O 25 eta.
Errs Vdoien, ........ -29. .
Dried Apples ft pound,....'. 4ct.i " .
Dried Peaches,.,
Pealed Peaches,..,
Onions 9 bushel,.
8 912ets.V.
lS0 22cts.
3 4 ets. "
ISO Wots. "
' . m ct. "
Corrected Weekly by Kougti Brother.)
it AirV & 1'IJODUCE,
N bwpokt, Iecember 26. 1874.
Flour, Extra fs 00
" Super. 4 00
White Wheat V bu I lOal 10
Ked Wheat 1 OS fll 1 U5
Kye n.sgv
Corn 0ilt75
Oats V 32 pound !M
Barley so
Clover Heed 5 (XliJ i 00
Timothy Seed MK)
Flaxseed 160
Potatoes 70 70
Ground Allium Salt,... 1 501 80
Llmeburner's Coal 2 46
Stove Coal,... 4 75 O 6 70
Pea Coal 8 00
Smith Coal,: 25 cts. bus.
Cross Tles,8H feet Ioiir, 50 S 56 ceats
Bacon, ,.. 9 O 10
Dressed Hogs 8 cents per lb.
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the
lowest Mamei nates.
49 Five per cent oil for Cash.
Carlisle, December 24, 1874.
Family Flour ti.'.O
Superdne Flour 4.00
Superllne Kye Flour 3.50
White Wheat, 1.10
Ked Wheat, 1.05
Kye 80
Corn 65
Oat , 65
Cloversecd, '. 6.25
Tlmothyseed, 2.75
Flaxseed, 1 .80
G. A. Salt 1.50
Philadelphia Price Current.
Philadelphia, December 26, 1871.
Flour Superllne,
" Kxtra,
White Wheat,(new)
Ked Wheat,
Timothy Seed, t
Oats, mixed,
Lard, country,
Onions, red and yellow,
Butter prime roll
" common,
Wool washed,
" unwashed
Spring Chickens,
Live "
1350 Q 400
4 00 0 5 00
1 35 H 1 45
1 20 1 24
87 O 1 00
10 O V)i per ft.
2 00 tS 2 75 bush
88 i 95
65 O 67
I.'i 16 per ft
300 O 3 60perbbl
32 0 33
28 34
20 22
80 64 per
34 38 pern
10 12 "
13 43 14 "
Feathers Live Geese prime, 68 0 68
" " " Inferior. 25 0 35
. or
Wliito, Powell Sc Co.
No. 42 SOUTU Thibo Btreet,
Philadelphia, December 26, 1874.
: :::: 11$
U. & 1881,0....
" 6-20, o. '62, M. and N.
" " " '61, " "
it it ig it i
'65', J. and J.
n. ii ii ifly ii ii
. ii ii ii ij' ii ii
" 10.40, coupon
" Paelllc 6'B, cy
New 6's, Keg. 1HH1
" " o. 1881,
Keadliig, ....
Philadelphia and Erie, ....
Lehigh Navigation,
" Valley
United II. li. ot N.J
Oil Creek
Northern Central
Central Transportation,..
C. & A. Mortgage 6's, '89,
Smith McLAuani.r. At the borne of the
bride's parents, near New Oermantown, on the
23rd Inst., by Rev. A. W. Decker, Rev. Lather
F. Smith, of Central Penn'a., Conference, M.
E. Church, to Miss Emma J. daughter ot E. A.
McLaughlin; Esq., of this county.
' Taoup 8mee. On the 22nd Inst., by the
Rev. D. B. Burkholdor. Mr. Charles Troup, of
Cumberland county, Pa., to Miss Rebecca
Bmoe, of Perry county, Pa.
Mtbrs EvEanABT. On the 22nd Inst., at
the residence of the bride's parents, near New
port, by Elder J. Rodenbaugh, Mr. H. B.
Myers, to Miss Mary Jt. Everharl, both of this
Bahto Ulsh. On the 10th Inst., at the
residence of the bride's parents, in Pfoutx's
Valley, Mr. Charles J. Barto, to Mls Susan J.
KAurrtfAN Barton. At their residence to
Pfoutz's Valley, on tbe 17th Inst., Mr. James
Kautl'man, to Miss S. C. Barton, all of Perry
county, Pa.
Jones McCoy. On the IHth Inst., in Upper
Horse Valley, by the Rev. Wm. Quigley, Mr.
Amos F. Jones, and Miss PrUcllla McCoy,
both of Franklin county, Pa.
CaoosE Uossuobh. On the 22nd Inst., at
the U. B. Parsonage, at Dry Run, by the same,
Mr. George S. Crouso, and Mies Amanda B.
Goeshorn, both of Franklin county. Pa.
Kineb Wilson. At tho residence of the
bride's parents, at Beaver Dam, Mifflin co.,
Pa., on Thursday evening, Dec. 84th, 1874, by
Rev. D. VV. Moore, Mr. Andrew A. Kiner, to
Miss Clara W. Wilson, all of Mlffllu co., Pa.
RKsnR. On the 12th ult., near Blaln, of
consumption, Margaret Boeder, aged 37 years.
Reeueb. Ou the Kith ult-, near Blaln, after
a few days Ulgeu, Mr, Uenry Keeder. aged
aboat 81 years.
. - 'J 'Alley are gone but not funrotton." . '
WAooMan.-On.. the I6lh tost.,. In Duncan
poo, Ida, daughter ot George and Sophia Wag
oner, aged 17 years, 11 mouths and i days. .
Msec la Liverpool, on tbe Itfth lut., Mr.
Catharine Meek, wife of Uenry Mock deceased,
aged years, 1 mouth and 10 day. t -
1. Andrew B. Comp, vs. Henry Bridges.
2. John Yohn, vs. Nicholas Jacobs.
8. Samuel Smith, vs. Henry M. Bweger.
4. David Secrist, vs. Margaret Marshall'
Executors. . .
6. Joseph C. Barrett, vs. Tho Pcnna. R.
R. Company.
o. John lluBnr's nso vs. McDonald crnm.
7. James McCandllsh's use, vs. James K.
8. G.BUncr, Indorser, of J. W. Machlen, vs.
Emanuel Keller.
U. William Blair's Assignees vs. John 8.
Doughten, ct nx.
)(). John II. Sunday, vs Henry KecK.
11. John Bixler, vs. DaVid Snyder.
12. William II. Pcnncll's use vs. John D.
13. Joseph Lebklcber, vs. Isaac Rowe.
14. David Decknrd, vs. George D. Koblnson.
15. Rachael E. Campbell vs. Jno. Freeland.
lfl. Henry Wagner, vs. Ellas Minium.'
17. Zachariah T. Hibblsh, vs. J. 8. Beers
18. David N.' Kerr., vs. John D. Cree.
ID. Susan E. Stephens bv her father, vs.
John W. Pelers.
J TERM, 1875.
Centre Isalnh C. Fooce. John 8hearer.!Ja-
coh tlostettcr, John Sanderson, John Ayle, and
juaniei Julius.
Liverpool twp Theodoro P. Orner, Wll
llnm Decknrd.
Toboyne Edward C. Johnson, Job Hock
en berry.
Mil'er William Holmes, George Pcterman.
TnBcarora Isaiah Campbell.
Jackson George GutBhall, David Klstler.
Bloomlleld Willis Crist.
Penn John Harper, Jr., Samuel Shull.
Duncannon John Grnham.
Carroll J. E. Burn, John II. Jones.
Madison Henry Balr.
Tyrone. David Wagner.-
Greenwood Lewis Wagner.
Centre Wm. II. KItlcr,Iiaao Ilollenbaugb,
Simon W. Clouacr, Johu Lupfcr, Simon 8.
Madison Henry Kline.
Millerstown Samuel Baker, David Boling
er, Thomas Hulnes.
Buffalo twp Isaac Krob, Jacob Buck.
Liverpool twp Lewis Myers, Samuel Bpl
chcr, William C. Llndsey, William Burger,
Jonas Noll.
Kye G. B. Fink.
Carroll Jacob Sheaffer, William A. Al
bright, Levi Sweger.
Juniata Thomas Lenig. .
Penn John P. Steel, George Bruner, David
Blain. '
Liverpool B. Samuel Dcckard, William
Baville George. Ickcs, John Swartz, Simon
Greenwood Simon H. Fry, A. W. Long,
Christian B. Liter.
Toboyne Alexander Noel, Alexander Smith,
Robert Campbell.
Watts Joseph namaker, Michael Shatto.
Tuscarora William L. Jones, William A.
Marysville William A. Sheaffer.
Jackson William S. Enslow, Andrew Tros
tle, Sr.
Spring Jacob R. Sholbley.
Bloomlleld Henry Rice, Sr.
Oliver Jacob Kroh.
Newport John Sheets.
Landisburg John Burtnett.
Wheat Held Levi Eberaole.
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A year's numbers contain 832 pages and Sever
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ft Co., are Solicitors of American and Foreign
Patents, and have the largestestabllshment in the
woild. More than fifty thousand applications
have been made for patents through their agency.
.Patents are obtained on the best terms. Models
of New Inventions and sketches examined and
advice free. A special notice made iu the Sclen
tltlo American of all inventions Patented through
this Agency, with the name aud resldencd ot the
Patentee. Patents are often sold in part or whole,
to persons atttracted to the Invention by such no
tice. Send for Pamphlet, 110 pages, containing
laws and full directions for obtaining Patents.
Address for the Paier, or concerning Patents.
MUNR 6i CO.. 37 Park Row, N. Y. Branch Of
fice, cor. F. and 7th aud Sts., Washington, D. C.
ed Quarterly January number just issued,
and contains over loo pages, 600 engravings, de
scriptions of more than 500 of our best FLO WE1U1
and VEGETABLES, with directions for Culture.
Colored Plate, etc The most useful and elegant
work of the kind In the world. Only 25 cents for
the year. Published In English and German.
JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED. Every person about to purchase
a Sewing Machine, to Hrst read the follow
ing : "I shall hereafter sell 25 percent, be
low Retail price. Every person shall hereafter,
pay ONE PRICE for the same style and finish ot
Machine. Kvery Machine furnished with a good
out tit KKEK ot Extra Charge. I will In a few
weeks open an ottlce In NEWPORT, where New
and Hecoud hand Machines of all kinds, can ba
purchased on the most reasonable terms. B7'J
Machines can now be bought for 1866." For lllus-
trated price-list, address ., . .
J. MnTNTIRK. Agent,
44 3inpd '"!- ilojtSl, NawraaT, Pa.
1 Assignee Notice.
VrOTICE Is hereby given, that Joseph Weldou
JX aud wile, of I'euu township, Perry county.
Pa., have executed a deed of voluntary assign
ment to the undersigned, -residing In wheattleld '
township, said county, ol their uroperty both real
and personal, for the benellt of the creditors of
said Joseph Weldou. All persouaknowing them
selves Indebted to said Joseph Weldou, will niaku
Immediate payment and those having claims will '
present them to ,
' I wis Potter Attorney for Assluuee.
December a, 187 ,
J &r itf