4 NEW BLOOMFIELD, PNN'A. Tuetiday, Ieccmbcv 29, 1874. NOTICE, Our Subscribers wlslilno; somo other publi cation, with TIIR Tin KM, enn havo either of tho following, by remitting us tlio amount suited : Peterson's Mngnzlno nnd The Times, ?:!.00 Harper's llnr.nr " " 4. "5 Dcmorcst's Mncnzine " " with Chronio mounted, Included 4.75 Arthur's " Home Mit;nzino" nnd Tho Times, with a choice of Books, (see their advertisement) nnd Engraving, 5.B0 The above Periodicals mo nil tlrst-clnss nnd are published by responsible parties. Tho price suited includes all postage for tho year. Ol It CM II HATKS. Single Copies within the county, $1.25 Ten Copies, " " H.00 Twenty Copies, " " 20.00 Ont of the County. One Copy; which includes postage, J1.60 Five Copies, " " " , o.GO Ten " " la.oo Additional copies at snme rato. Zr All who subscribe NOW will receive Tim Times HH:i: the remainder of this year. The honso committee on appropriations agreed to the bill appropriating $30,000 for defraying the expenses of entertaining King Kalnknua, of the Sandwich islands. The man has been found who wants tho income tax restored. His name is Lough bridge, member of Congress from Iowa, and ho has introduced a bill to restore that tax. His term expires nexf March, and probably he wants to bb Revenue Col lector. General Stagnation. It is not alone in our own country that there is a decline of industrial oneigy the ttame causes that operated in producing a stagnation in our manufacturing, mining nnd other business departments have been at work in Europe. At Krupp's foundry, and mills, at Essen, Prussia, 700 nieu have been recently discharged ; an extensive lock-out is in progress at Soligues, Ger many, among the scissors makers ; 10,000 coal miuers are on a strike caused by a sec ond reduction of wages at the mines in Gloucestershire, England ; and the Clyde ship-builders have reduced wages live and ton per cent. The generality of these movements should convince laboring men that the constriction that afllicts their ' pockets is not a local ailment, but general, and must bo tampered by compromise, as it cannot be secured by constraint. Another Dam Accident. Baydcnviile, Mass., Dec. 19. Iluyden, Gere & Co.' dam. broke away near the centre to-day, and two-thirds of the struc ture was swept away. . The large body of water covered with ice ten iuches thick rushed down the stream with a crackling noise similar to that made by the flood of May last down the same pathway. There were seventy-five or more children skating on the pond, all of whom were saved. The children on the pornis below llaydenville bad warning in time to escape, and there was no loss or Wo. . iJie Dew dam was built to replace the one swept away last May, and . but recently completed. The water side of the dam was faced with moment, while each end was tfanked with lieavy parapet walls eighteen feet high. Tr- bulkhead was of granite, and was twelve feet high and ten feet wide in tho clear. The lose is abont $8,000. The cotton mill dam, about half a -milo below Hayden, Gere & Co.'s dam, held the water and the iee from the pond of the lat ter, and prevented any further destruction nt life or property below. The mill dam is one of the strongest ou the river. A per- 4ieo of it was carried away by the May flood, and baa aince been thoroughly re paired. (': ' . i .'.""'! Too' Bud. Mr. Daniel Mosearof Ann Arbor, Mich., a well known watch inventor, has been la boring for years upon a very intricate watch, -which, without bolug of any larger aiae than usual, was to show quarter seconds, vtocoud s, minutes, hours, days of the week, uud of the month, and month of the year. Every fifth time the watch was opened, it was to wind, itself. vIfr appears that Mr, Moseart had completed his model, so that it worked successfully, aud had received a largo offer from parties for the exclusive right to manufacture. Borne slight trouble in the works necessitated taking them to pieces : but on attempting to put them to. gother again, the inventor found himself unable to do so-om -Q0 very peuoais portions probably having beoomejoet. The intense mental application over the diffi culty resulted in derangement of the mind, and it was found necessary to remove the unfortunate man to the insane asylum, aa Supposed Murder In Mount Joy. . On Monday night a shooting scene oc curred in Mount Joy, Lancaster county, which may have a fatal termination in the case of one of !he parties. Tho Lancaster Expren of Tuesday gives the following ao count of the affair : It seems there has been some ill feeling botweon Uarry Gallaghor and Francis Bchlegelmilch for some time, .and last nl;ht thoy met at tho time and placo mentioned, nnd after seme angry words GallagLer drew a revolver nnd fired its contents at Schlogeimilch, the bullet en tering on tho loft Bide of the nose and pen etrating to the back of the head, where at last accounts it was still lodged. As the wounded man staggered Gallagher raised his weapon, it is said, and was about to fire a second shot, when he was knocked down by a man named Drabenstadt. Schlogei milch was carried into Imhoff's and Gal lagher was marched to the office of Squire Sellers. The latter, desiring to know the exact nature of tho man's wounds, stepped down to ImhofTs leaving Gallagher at his ofilcc; but when ho returned "the bird had flown" nnd has not since been heard of although telegrams have been sent to tho police in nil our neighboring cities. The Drs. Zicglcr were summoned to attend Schlcgelmilch and probed for tho bullet but could not find it. ' Up to the hour of this writing twelve o'clock mid-day the wounded man is still living but it is be lieved to be in a critical condition. ' ' Mr. Schlcgelmilch is one of the parties charged with fraud in the late republican primary election, and Mr. Gallagher is a sou of Captain Gallagher, the well-known auctioneer of Mount Joy. The respecta bility of tho family connections of both parties to this sad affair adds a painful in- tercet to it." Later accounts any tho injured man will probably recover. Attempt to Tow an Island. The Duluth Tribune of Nov. Ill, says : " On Tuesday last a strango sight was to be seen in our inner harbor, a few rods be low, the canal. It was nothing more nor less than attempt of two strong tugs to tow an island, nearly two acres in extent, out into the lake ! All who have visited our city have ad mired tho charming littlo islands, heavily covered with trees, shrubbery and foliage, with which our. bay is dotted, and very skeptical have thoy been when told that those islands are "floating islands," and that during very severe winds they not uti frcquently chnnge their locations, and. that during the post few years several of those which formerly adorned our bay have been driven across the sheet of water and lodged against and " grown to" Minnesota Point. These statements, though rather marvel ous, were nevertheless true; and an in stance of the migratory character of these islands occurred during the terrible galo of last Saturday night, and island embracing nearly two acres in extent, being torn from its moorings near Rico's Point, jon the western side of the bay, and carried clear across the bay to Minnesota Point, where it lodged just this side of the dry docks of W. W. Allen & Co. i On Tuesday two tugs endeavored to tow this islaud out through the canal into the lake, but after working for a long time, they gave it up, we believe, as a bad job, at least we notice that it is still there. This island is a kind of boggy tamarack swamp formation, has a black, spongy soil, and contains a large grove of pine, tama rack and cedar trees besides a thick f;rowth of underbrush. What Messrs. Al en & Co. will do with their island we do not know, but we are safe in saying that they have a couple of acres of real estate which they would sell cheap and on long time. ' Tragedy on Board a Ship. The Auglo Brazilian Timet of November 21st says : On October 28th, a tragedy oc curred on board the American ship King Phillip from Baltimore for California un dergoing repairs. At 5:30 p. m. the master on going aboard found the steward, Alfred M. Jackman, an Englishman dead, three seamen severely wounded and two mate fighting desperately on the quarter deck. lie tried to separate them but bis efforts seemed only to exasperate them more and at last he went to the United States steam er Lancaster, from whence force was sent that secured the two mates, who were af terwards banded over to the Brazilian au thorities. According to the evidence taken the first mate, W. P. Byrne, got drunk and quarreled with the steward, whom he killed with shots and blows, and then at tacked the other four men on board, three of whom ha prostrated with shots, and waa engaged in a life and death struggle with the third niato, when the captain arrived The cook happened to go on board during the fight, but escaped by the cable to a neighboring islaud. I ,, , - A Neman's Head In a Tin Box. ' Borne woodchoppera near Nashua, N. II., one night last week discovered a tin box with the head of an old woman in it, the skull having been crushed aud her neck severed with some sharp instrument It had probably been there some six months bat,-as no one is missing in that vicinity, the affair is a mystery.-" " v -.. i i -m . ..T -, , , Twenty Kluera Killed. . . Au explosion occurred in Begnall II all oolliery, North. Btaffordshire,Eng.,last week, and twenty miners killed. Thirteen bodltts A Jilted Woman Throwing Vitriol. Maggie Dohl, apparently twenty-two years old, was arrested yesterday morning for throwing vitriol on Felix Kennedy, con ductor ef a street car. The girl, who is a fine looking young woman, aays she hod been engaged to be married to Kennedy, and he had broken his promise? Kennedy says that Miss Dohl got in the car and took a seat. lie bad been told she intended to injure him, and was on his guard. She drew a vial of vitriol from her pocket and throw the oontents upon him. Raising his hands, he saved his eyes, but his face and neck were burned. His ovorcoat was de stroyed. Ho put her off the car, when she was taken into custody by Special Officer Cook, who took hor to the Middle District station. Other evidence showed that Henry II. Rogers, druggist, who was a passenger in the car, received a portion of the acid on his face and neck, burning him severely, but he quickly got out of the car and wont to a drug store noor by, and applied oil to the burns, thereby preventing more serious re sults. Prau Wells, also a passenger, had his pantaloons sprinkled and eaten in holes by the acid. At the station it was discov ered that the young woman also had re ceived injury from the destructive acid which she had scattered about so recklessly. Borne of it had got into hor left eye. Dr. Reynolds, who was called in to attend hor, thought at first that tho sight would bo de stroyed, but last night had hopes of saving the organ. Baltimort Sun of tho 22nd inst. A . Good Trap. The Charlottsville (Va.) "Republican," says : A gentleman in Louisa county, one night last week, hearing a noise about his corn house, and seeing what he supposed to be a man, fired, killing him instantly. Upon closer examination, ho discovered that tho man he shot at was sitting upon a lever which had been inserted in a crack, and the house bodily lifted up while two others were in the cracka getting out the corn. A still closer examination revealed the horrifying fact that, as the first man full from the lever, the houBe had closed down upon the unfortunate wretches, mashing the life out of them 1 Thus the three men all lust their lives in an instant in a trap which they themselves bad set. They were all negroes. Terrible Railway Accidents In England. The (express train on a branch of the Great Western Hallway was thrown from the track near Woodstock last week, aud precipitated down anembankmont. Several of tho carriages fell into the canal skirting the road, and sixteen of the passengers were drowned. Later reports say : Thirty persons were killed and fifty wouuded by the railroad accident at Wood stock last week. Somo of the latter are fatally injured. All have been conveyed to Oxford. London, December 23. A collision be tween two railway trains occurred this morning at the town of Blackburn, Lanca shire. Several persons were killed and in jured. A collision also occurred this morn ing on the railway at Dudley, Worcester shire. There was no loss of life, but many persons were severely hurt. Miscellaneous News Items. t5? A little girl who had just recovered from a severe, attack of the croup, on being asked by her Sunday school teacher what she should "do to be saved," replied, " I should take syrup and alum." t John Murphy, who was to have been hung at Carson City, Nevada, on Friday last, was at the last moment reprieved un til the 24th inst. A thousand people bad assembled to witness the execution and the prisoner was on the gallows when the respite arrived. tW On the 18th inst., a nine months old child of Mr. Henry Yon, residing near Duncansville, waa put to sleep in apparent excellent health, and later, when the mother looked to see if it had waked she found it doad. The cause of death is un known. Louisville, December 22. A special dispatch to the Courier Journal says : A. W. Hedges, postmaster at Lancaster, Ky., was shot and killed in his office last night by Ebeneser Best. The two men were brothers-in-law, Hodges having married two of Best's sisters'. A family quarrel was the probable cause. ' t3yAt Amstordam,' N.Y., two men, named Charles Whiting and William Paget, attempted to break into the store of L. O. Kennedy last Wednesday night. Robert Miller, a clerk in the store, fired at the burglars, who returned the shots. Whiting was mortally wounded, but his associate escaped. tW At ton o'clock on Wednesday morn lug last, Bernard Kirley, Daniel -Murphy, Martin Sullivan and James Burns, laborers in the new tunnel of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western, railroad company at Bergen, N. J., were precipitated down a shaft sixty feet by the giving way of a bucket, and were instantly killed. , Booie a! . the workmen who were intoxicated threatened to lynch the engineer, who was blameless, and policemen wen i detailed to tWT A priest at Roumanla, says the rail Mall Qatetlt, has lately distinguished himself by a most generous confession bf his own post peccadilloes, regardless of the consequences that may fall on his head! About five years ngo the mail running be tween Bucharest and MaracheBti was at tacked by brigands, who, after having murdered the drivor and the two geudo nrmes 'forming the escort, succoedod in getting off with a sum of about 30,000 francs. Tho police of the district imme diately started off in pursuit of the culprit, and the directors of posts anil telegraphs somewhat hastily arrested several innocent peasants, and put them to the torture, the only result boing that several of thorn died under tho infliction. The disngreeblo affair was almost forgotten until tho other day, when tho Committee of Resistance of Bakou camo upon tho trace of the brigands and the whole of them woro arrested. And here followed a most touching incident. A priest of the village, either touched with remorse, or finding tho game was up, con fessed that ho had a hand in the robbery and even went so far as to point out the spot where part of the stolon money was buried. Thus the innocence of the pea sants who were so unfortunately tortured has been proved though not quite to their satisfaction. V8 A farmer named Garlinghouso lives on nn island in Neosho county Missouri, having acquired the land by purchase from a former tenant. A dispute lately arose about the validity of his titlo, aud the Set tler's League, an organization of opponents of the system by which Garlinghouse'a predecessor got the island, notified him that he must "quit or die." The farmer accept ed neither of these alternatives, and sent word back that he was "a bad man to mob." The same night the Leaguers roda up to tho house masked and armed. Their loader got off his horse and kicked open the door. There was at once a flash, a report, and he fell dead. Tho Leaguers made a concerted advance on the open door, and two more shots from the dark interior wounded two of their number, nnd that ended the raid. They retreated with the killed aud wound ed, nnd Garlinghouso is still in possession of the island, having proved that ho really is "a bad man to mob." i t3f A singular story, but a true ono, is the serious harm which tuts come to Mrs. Mary Caron, a dress-maker, in Springfield, Mass., from, the bite of a rat. Soma two months ago, whilo she was assisting in killing ono of these troublesome animalsi it seized her finger with its teoth, and would not be removed until it was kicked off. In a few days hor hand and arm swelled frightfully, and the wholo side of her body was paralyzed. She was at timos thrown into convulsions, and for many days had to be kept under the influence of morphine. Four physicians- were in at tendance. She has now recovered to some degree from the more terrible affects of the bito, but her hand is still paralyzed, and she is much emaciated. In Olean, New York, the people were gathered to witness the wedding of a young lady of the village to a suitor from Cortland. The appointed time passed, and, an hour later, the bridegroom made big appearance in a shocking, state of in toxication. The ceremony was not per formed, and that night the offender was taken from the hotel, tarred and feathered, and carried out of Olean on a rail. nenry Newby, a young; farmer in Hills- boro, Ohio, recently became a convert to Mormonisra. He had a pretty wife, and his proposal was to make another of bis mother-in-law, also a handsome woman, and only forty years old, and remove with both to Salt Lako. The wife indignantly refused to sanction the plan, but her moth er favored it. The upshot is that Newby has eloped with his mother-in-law. ttodcrn Weuien. It is a sad commentary upon oar boasted civilization that the women of our times have degenerated in health aud physique until tuey are literally a race oi invaiius pale, nervous, leeble and back-achy, with ouly here and there a few noble exceptions in the persona of the robust, buxom ladies characteristic of their sex in days gone by. By -a very large experience, covoring a period of years, and embracing the treat ment of many thousands of eases of those ailments peculiar to Women, Dr. Pierce, of the World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y., has perfected, by the combination of cer tain vegetable extracts, a natural specific, which be does not extol as a cure-all, but ono which admirably fulfills a singleness of purpose, being a most positive aud re liable remedy for those weaknesses and complaints that afflict the women of the present day. This natural speoiflo com pound is called Dr. Pierce' Favorite l'ro scritiou. The following are among those diseases in which, this wonderful medicine has worked cures as if by magio and with n certainty never before attained by any medicines t Weak back, nervous aud geu eral debility, falling and. other displace ments of internal organs, resulting from debility and lack of strength in natural supports, internal fever, congestion, in. Uammation and ulceration and very many other chronio diseases incident to women, not proper to mention here, In which, as well as hi the oases that have been enu merated, the Favorite Prescription effects cures the marvel of the world. It will not do harm in any state or coudition of the 'system, and by adopting Its use the invalid lady may avoid that severest of or deals the consulting of a family physician. Favorite Prescription is sold by dealers in ' THE C : ;m f ,.. . , . hicago Ledger. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST TAPER 1 THE COUNTRY! , ' UNEXCELLED BY ANY WEEKLY LITERARY PUBLICATION, EAST OR WEST. Canvassers Wanted in Every Town in the United States. The most Liberal Premiums nnd Club Rates ever offered by any newspaper. Writ for a Clr. cuiar containing full Information, eto. Kpealmen copies furnished ou application. Address The Ledger Company, 8 60 4tvco CHICAGO, ILL. Kriss Kinkle ! Kriss Kinkle 1 1 Ho, for the Holidays! SANTA CLAUS Has mado arrangements at C. N. SMITH'S, Newport, " Penn'a.; FOR Christmas Toys, And will start out the day or night before Christmas r w E have just arrived from the City with a full line of U'tmcy Toys, to suit both old and young. Our stock is the finest ever brought to Newport, and we can sell goods from One Cent up to One Hundred Dollars. Our store room Is filled to the top with such as fol lows: ALPHABET BUILDING BLOCKS, GAMES, TOY BOOKS, PUZZLES, DOLL BODIES AND ARMS, WAX.CHINA, & PATENT DOLLS CHINA TEA SETS, CHINA MUGS AND VASES, CUPS AND SAUCERS, TRUMPETS, NOVELTY BANKS, NOVELTY KALEIDISCOPES, TOPS, Revolving Chime Bells, Rocking Gesse, Genuine lue Plantaion liki and (shoemakers will run fifteen minutes with one winding. Tin l'alls. Tubs, and a full line of. hoys' . -bleds. Drums. Hoops, Horsss iu . Hoops, Baskets In great variety, Tin Toys, together with. . . every variety ol Book Straps, Harmonicas, ; . School Caskets, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND FRENSII TOYS, ; AND FANCY GOODS. , We also manufacture our own CANDY STICKS, ' FINK CANDY, CLEAR CANDY TOYS, CRACKERS, CAKES, &0.r &0., tut. . Ware now prepared to furnish the public with Holiday Goods at low rates. Give us a call no trouble to show goods. Don't forget THE "GLASS CORNER," C. N. SMITH, NEWPORT, sHtf PERRY CO., PA. REMOVAL! THE undersigned would respectfully Inform the citizens of Perry county that they will occupy their NEW HTOKK ROOM in Gautt's building, about December 1st, aud will eslilbit tlie Largest and Cheapest !?rOCK OF f CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, NOTIONS, HATS and CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, TRAVELLING BAGS, OAltPETS, L 11 d i o IP u r h , SHAWLS and SKIRTS, ' Horse and Bed Blankets, BUCK, CLOTH AND KID GLOVES, ever brought to Perry County. All of the abet goods will be sold at . Hard Times Prices! i 1 1 10 AT 1 A.1 tGAlNH OS HAND k ror EvoryKxxly I J, FltlSII & CO., GNTT'S BUIXDING,' ' i 'i .. Wpiiote the' Post Office; .,','! ', : j i m r ; ' Newport, Fa a oonilnned lunatlo. have been taken out. protect bini. raeuiotne generally. t