8 . Epidemic Diphtheria. A Coiiway.'MiiHs.j letter, dated the 7th Inst., says ; That most terrible of il incases, especially among children, malignant diph theria, with which Conway lian been af flicted for some weeks pant, seems to be steadily increasing, and many a hitherto happy borne has been rendered desolate by its sad visitation. Probably two-thirds of the cases are now proving fatal, and parents are becoming greatly alarmed for tho safe ty of their children. The locul physicians seem to be entirely unable to successfully grapple with the disease, and the out-look is becoming every day more threatening. The disease flint made its appearance on the 21st of October, in the family of Oil man P. Hassel, whose little daughter, a re markably bright and amiable child of 10, died after a short sickness. The next death was on October 29th, when William Bcment's wife and two children died with in a space of 24 hours, the mother and one child being buried at the same hour, while the other child died as the funeral sorvices were in progress. The death of Mrs. Moment, and tho at tending results, wore peculiarly sad. . She was greatly distressed at the sufferings of her little ones, nnd iu trying to remove with ber linger the substance which seemed to obstruct the throat of one of them, her hand was inoculated with tho poisonous matter, her arm soon became mortified, and death resulted in a fow hours. A sis ter of Mrs. Dement, living In a neighbor ing town, arrived, soon after, to lend hor assistance to tho family, and in washing some clothing worn by one of the dead children both of her hands also became af fected, and death rosultcd after a short season of intonso suffering. Tho third victim from innoculation was a Mrs. Pomeroy of Easthamptou, a sister of Mr- Ttemcnt, who intended to remain in the family several weeks, but was attacked in a similar manner to tho others, after washing some infected clothing. As soon as the disease apiearod, bIio hastened home, hoping that a change of air would restore her health, but she gradually failed and died in a few weeks. Following tho deaths of Mr. Demerit's family were three children of George Truesdell, whose deaths occurred, October S3, November 22 and December 3. Mr. Truesdell also suffered a severe attack of the disease, which singularly formed itself into ugly cankerous sores on his hands,face and other portions of his body, as well as in his throat, and Bis wife, who became greatly reduced by long watching and dis tress, is now suffering from the disease. Value of "Charms." Perhaps the ensuing anecdote may teach some people the folly of superstition : A negro killed a white man, in Texas. The negro was much alarmed, knowing that should be be caught he would be hanged to the nearest tree couvenient for the purpose, there being no hope Cora fair trial in that section. A friend of his hearing of his situation went to sco him in his hiding place, and promised for a consideration (of money of course) to give him u powder, which he should take when he was captur ed, that would prevent his being hanged or shot. The poor man believing it to be a charm, readily paid the sum demanded and received tho powder, which he was to swal low when there was no other hope. The next day the man was discovered in his hiding-place by a crowd of white men, who were determined to carry out the decision of Judgo Lynch, and were about to hang him to a tree which they had already se lected. The prisoner, with great reluc tanco, yet having faith in the power of the powder, was taken to the tree, and when all the arrangements were made he took the powder from his pocket and swallowed its contents. The effect was quickly seen, as be fell dead immediately. , Cattle Stolen for their Hide. Queen's county farmers have for a month missed cattlo. In one night, teoently, Smith Williams of Mineolalost eight bead, John Moesch of Woodlawn lost two cows, John Drew lost one cow, Leonard Duryea lost Ave cows, and Adam Schlnderen lost two cows. Rewards were offered, but with out result. Ou Monday two hunteis found a pile of beef carcasses iu the woods near woodlawn. The hides and hindquarters were gone, and from appearances fifty head had been killed there. Near by two more carcasses were found, also stripped of their hides. Several horses are also missing from tho neighborhood. Outrage by Tramps. A cowardly outrage, was committed on a young lady school teachor iu Evesham township, Burlington county, N. J., a day or two since, by two tramps. After school had been dismissed she remained in . the school room to do some writing, when the tramps seeing her alone entered the house, divested her of her clothing, and decamped without attempting any further indignity, takeing her clothing w ith them. She made her situation kuown to sdme passers by, who secured some clolhiug for her. A Man Shot for a Deer. Altooua, December 0. Yesterday morning a man named Joseph F. Brown, whilst out hunting on the summit of Brush moutain four miles distant from the city, mistook . another hunter named John Thompson for a deer, and at a distance of 100 yard fired at him. The 1 1 Mo ball en. tered tho occiput and oame out at the right eye, killing him instantly. Brown sur rendered hiiuscll and was exonerated from all blame by a coroner's jury. Have You Tried JUI1UBEBA ? ARE YOU . Weak, Nervous, or Pebilalcd! Are you so Languid that any exertion requires more ol un ellort than you leel capable of inak- Then try JURUBEBA, the wonderful Tonic Slid In vibrator, which acts so benell ilallynnthe secretive organs as to impart vigor to ail lue vi tal forces. It Is no alcnhollo appetizer, which stimulate for a short time, only to let the sulforer (all to a lower depth of misery, hut It Is a vegetable tonic acting directly on the liver and spleen. It regulates tin, Bowels, quints the nerves, and gives such a healthy tone to the whole system as to soon make the Invalid feel like a new person. Its Alteration Is not violent, but Is characteriz ed by ireat gentleness: the patient experiences no sudden change, no marked results, but grad ually Ills troubles ' Fold their tents, like the Arabs, And tllcntly steal away." This Is no new and untried discovery, but has been Ioiik used with wonderful remedial results, and Is pronounced by the highest medical author ities, I lie most powerful tonic and alterative known." Ask your druggist for It. For sale by i VM. F. klDDEit i CO., New York. , 60d4w Philadelphia, I'a. 00 i j a i j, cizisTv COMMISSION PAID BOOK AGENTS. On new and most popular books by one of the largest subscription hrms In the country. 82 books for go cents; i hooks for $1.20, &c. No humbug. Send fur circulars and see. Address P. O. Box 629 Hartford, Conn, . 60d4w Short Postponement Day Flxod Full Distribution, . , FIRST GRAND GIFT CONCKltT. Montpelier Female Humane Association AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. MARCH29th, 1875. LIST OF GIFTS. 1 Grand Cash Gift 1100,000 1 Grand Cash Gift fip.uoo 1 Grand Cash Gift 2fi,ti00 , 10 Cash Gifts, 110,000 each...... lou.ooo ; IS Cash Gifts, 6,000 each !., 7.uuo ' SU Cash Gifts, 1,000 eash .-.'50,000 100 Cash (ilfts, 600 each 60,0110 1,000 Cash Gilts, loo each loo.ooo 1,000 Cash Gifts. 60 each 60,000 20,000 Cash Gifts. 20 each 400,000 22,178 Cash Gifts amounting to f 1,000.800 NUMBER OF TICKETS, 100,060. TRICK OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets.. J20.00 Halves 10.00 yuartors 6.00 Eighths or each Coupon 2.60 5 y, Tickets for ..looo The Montpelier Female Humans Association, chartered by the Legislature of Virglnlaand the Circuit Court of Orange Co., proposes by a Grand Gift Concert to establish and endow a " Home for the Old, Infirm, and Destitute Ladles of Virgin la," at Montpelier, the former residence of Presi dent James Madison. Govkhnou's Office, Richmond, July 3, 1874. It affords me pleasure to say that I am well ac ipialnted with a large majority of the oftlcers of the Montpelier Female Humane Association, who reside iu the vicinity o( my home, audi attest 1 heir Intelligence and thelrworth and high reputa tion as gentlemen, as well as the public confidence, iiuiuenceand substantial means liberally repre sented among them. JAMES L. KEMPER.Gov. Virginia, Alexandria, Va., July 8, 1874. I com mend them as gents of honor and Integrity, and lully entitled to the confidence of the puhlle ft. W. HUGHES, U. 8, Judge East'u Dls. of Va. Further references by permission : His excel lency Gilbert C. Walker, Kx-Governor of Va j Hon. Robt. Withers, Lleut.-Gov. of Va. and U. 8. Seuatnr elect; Senators and Members ol Congress Irom Va. Remittances for tickets may be made by ex press prepaid, post-olllce money-order on Wash ington, 1). C, or by registered letter. For full particulars, testimonials, &c, send for Circular. Address, Hon. JAMES BARBOUR, Tkks't M. F. 11. A., Alexandria, Va. Reliable agents wanted everywhere. 41X1 4w THE BEST DIALOGUE BOOK. To be sent post-paid for Twenty Cents. Address Rev. W. H. KINGSBURY. Tarrytowa. N y., 49 4w. HAT I Know about Agents, or how to clear (100 to (200 per mouth selllnu Chronios. Ster. eoscopic Views, Maps, and charts. Apply at once to D. L. GUERNSEY, Concord, N. H., 49w. ACrUTC 40,000 Boxes Chang Chang sold ' last month. Enables any one to polish shirts, collars and culls equal to new. Costs only one cent to do a large Ironing, and pre serves t lie linen, necessary as soap and sells at sight. Men, Women, Boys and Girls furnished with steady employment, particulars free. An elegant chromo given with each box for 36 cts. Chang Chang Mauuf. Co. 7 West St., Boston 49 4w 300 PIANOS AND ORGANS New and Second-Hand, of First-Class Makers, will be sold at Lower Prices for cash, or an In stallment, or for rent, in Cltv or County, during these Hard Times and the Holidays, by Horace Waters & Sou, 481 Broadway, than ever before ottered In New York. Agents wanted to sell Wa ters' New Scale l'lauos, and Concerto Organs, Illustrated Catalogues Mailed. Great inducements to the Trade. A large discount to Teachers, Min sters, Churches, Lodges, bchools, etc, 49 4w. CONSTANT EMPLOYMENT At home, Male or Female, t:w a week warranted. No capi tal required. Particulars and valuable sample scut Free. Address with 8 cent return stamp, C. ROSS, Williamsburg, N. Y. 49d4t Maryland Eye and Ear Institute, 00 JV. Charles Street, Haltimore, Md. GEORGE liKULINO, M. 1).. Late Prof, of Eye and Ear Surgery In Ihe Washington University, Surgeon 111 Charge. The large and handsome residence of the late Charles Carroll has been ntted up with all the im provements adopted by the latest School of Euroie, for the special treatment of tills class of diseases. Apply by letter to GEORGE REULINO. M. I)., 40d4w Surgeon in charge. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets ! PUTUPONLYIN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND BUHK REMEDY I - Sold by all Druggists. 40d4w HUNUUltY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF BUN BURY. PEN N'A. THIS Company has upwards of f 160,000 of as sets (without Its premium notes) as the State Commissioners' reiiort will show, and as a STOCK and MUTUAL COMPANY, lias more assets than anv other local comnauy in this State. It Insures couutry properly at from (1.60 to 14.00 er inousanti, lor inreo years inciuuiug injury sustained from lightning. It takes risks from one up to rive years with or without a note, as applicants may desire, and in sures up to three fourths the full value of the prop er! v. This Company has never laid a slngls assess ment and Is one of the cheapest, safest and most tellable companies In Ihe stale. JAMES OftK, Agent New lilooiniield, Perry co.. Pa. Also, Ageut for the North American Fire Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, and Ilia banners' and Mechuiiles Insurance Company of Dauphin Co., Pa., and also, Ageut of some of the luonl reliable Life Insurance Companies In Ihe viiiieu mules. August 26. 1874.tr i AI ALL KINDS of Printing neatly PRINT! NO executed at the Hixxjmitiju.d ieUlllTU tit MIC niAMJMI ijujc"Htsam Job Oruvi ' A Jieposti)ri o ffMAMn, Meature mid In--1 atr ticffon." . . . liar per9 8 :Ba; ILLUSTRATED. :ar. Notices qf fit Press. ' " ' THK BAZAR Is edited with a contribution of tact and talent that we seldom rind In any Journal Itself is the organ of the great world of lasuiou. llatton Traveller. THE BAZAR commends Itself to every member of the household to the children by droll and pretty pictures, to the young hwles by Its fashion iilatesln endless variety, to the provident matron by Its patterns for the children's clothes, to pater fnmaliiis by lis tasteful designs for embroidered slippers and luxurious dressing-gowns. But the reading-matter of the BAZAR is uniformly of great excellence. The paper has acquired a wide popularity tor the fireside enjoyment it allords. If. Y. XvetUng IMU ....... i TERMS: rostage free to all Nuhscrlbers in the United States. IfAnPRK's Razar, one year. (4 00 $4 (HI Includes pre payment of U. S. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, nnd Bazar to one address for one year, J10 00; or two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, ft 00s postage free. An Extra Copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five subscribers at 81 00 each. In one remittance; or. Six Copies for t-0 to, without extra copy ; post age free. Hack Numbers can be supplied at any time. The seven volumes of Harper's Bazar, for the years IRtiH, '69, '70, '71, '72, '7374, eleganlly bound In green morocco cloth, will he sent by express, freight pre-paid, for 17 00 each. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express orders of Harper Si Brothers. Address UARFElt & BROTHERS, New York. T IX E"' S U IV. Weekly and Daily for 1876. 1 he approach of the PrenldentUl election trivm unu sual Importance to the events mid development of 1H76. Wo hIihiI endeavor to describe tUoni fully, faith, fully, und fearleHcly. , , THK WKKKLY HUN has now attained a circulation of over seventy thou wand copies. Its rfuadem arefuuud iu every Htate and Territory, and it quality I well known to the public. We nhall not only endeavor to keep it fully up to the old tnudard. but to lniiirove and add to it variety and power. THE WEKKLT HUN will continue tn be a thoron(ri newKpaper. All the uowh of the day will be found in it, condeuKed when unimportant, at fuU lenxth when of moment, and alwayi, we trust, In clear, intereethw and inHtructive maimer, It in our aim to make the WEEKLY RUN the best family newnpaer1n the world. It will be full of enter taming and appropriate readinir matter of every ort, but will print mitUiiiK to offend the most scrupulous and delicate taut. It will alwaya contain the moKt In tertwtiiitf Ktorlen and remau.ee of the day, carefully elected and lewibly printed. , 'J'i10 A.KrH;jdturaf Liei)artiiientia prominent feature intheWKKKLY HUN. audita article will alwaya be found frcnh and useful to tho farmer. t The number of men inde;udent in politick lalncreaa in, and the WKEKI.Y HUN is their paper wiecially. It belontm to no arty, and obeye no dictation, con tending for principle, aud for the election of the bent men. It eimo8 the corruption that diHKracee the country and Urn utenn the overthrow of republican in -stitutloiiM. It haa no fear of kuavee, and aeeks no fa vora from their HiipporterH. The market of every kind and the fashions are reg ularly re jHtrted in it columns. The Drlee of the WKI'KT.V HIT"W Km Tv.lU . v. for a aheet of eiKht paKes, and fifty -six columns. As this barely paya the exiH'nscH of paper and printing, we um tolnetidawhomay make 8ieciul effort t extend ita circulation. Under the new law, which require pay ment of iMwtaire in advance, one dollar a year, with twenty cents themwitpf prepaid pOHtae addded, Is the m uui Blur w uiano UleDfWIll fir ailOW Iiy p ft" till' rate of sulmrriptinn. It i not neopHnnry to ret up 1.1.111 moitn uiuiiriuH . riw,! ou i um rate.-? Anyone who aenda one dollar and tweuty cent will fet the paper, post-paid, for a year. v. i- 1 1 a l mm If MVCllllIT KWDUf. THE WEEKLY HUN Kit-tit imifm flfn- .4r Only l.3u a year, postage prepaid. No discounts from this rule. THE DAILY fiUN.-Alaive fmir-rfe newspaper of twenty-eiRht columns. Daily cireiifatiiin over iao.1100. All the newu for 2 cut. HubscripUuu, pontage prepaid 65 cents a month, or ift6.R0 a year. To club of lu or over, a discount of 90 per cent. Address, THE SUN," New York City. December 1, itr74. 6t a WILD OATS." PROSPECTUS FOR 1876. THE CHAMPION AMERICAN Comic Paper. ILLUSTRATED by a corps of the best Ameri can artists, and contributed to by the most popular humorists of the day. WILD OATS now enters successfully upon the sixth year of its existence, and has become the established humorous and satirical paper of the country. It was started and continued the first year as a monthly, then, to satisfy the demand of the public, it was changed to a fortnightly. Htlll continuing IU good work of Inttine folly as It flies, and showing up the political and social shams by Its masterly cartoons and pungent edi torials, II achieved even greater success than be fore, and was recognized as the ablest and bright est of Its class, riluce then we have yielded still further to the public demand, aud now publish WILD OATS weekly I It has literally grown Into Its present shape ou Its Intrinsic merits, being the lirstsiiccessful weekly humorous paper ever pub lished in this country. Among the artists especially engaged to furnish illustrations for WILD OATH aru Frank Bellew, Thomas Worth, Hopkins, Wales, Skeltou, Wolf, Jump, Knettels, Bluckliardt, Day, l'olaud, and several others who are yet unknown to fume. In Itsllterary departments WILD OATH will, as it always has, stand alone and unapproachable. At least one nrst-class serial story will always be found In Its pages, by the best humorous, satiri cal, and character writers in the United Wales ; while its sketches and squibs will be sparkling, original, and pointed. WILD OATH will be first-class In every particu lar, and on this account may be taken into the best families without fear or suspicion, as no word or Illustration will appear that can ollend the most fastidious. ( 0- rieud for a Sample Copy and convince your self, simscitirrioN thick. One Year, .... Hlx Months, ... Three Months, Kiuule Conies. (4 00 2 00 1 00 . 0 10 One person sending club of live subscribers for one year will receive a conv cratls. Address,,1 ai niviAi.1., ruiuisncrs, 47 113 Fulton Street, N. Y. I!V BANKRUPTCY. ' Eastern District of Pennsylvania, B8. AT New Hloomfleld. the 18th dayof November, A. D., 1874. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of William N. Taylor and Joseph (Saunders, trudlng as " Win. N. Taylor t Co.," of Millerstown, in the county of Perry, and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, who have been adludced lliiiikrunts ou Petition of their Creditors by the District Court oi saiu uisirici. PKUKY KKEMER, Assignee, Nov. 24, 1874.3wJ (Mlllerslown, Pa. LIVE AGENTS WANTED To sell Dll. CIIAHH'H KKOIPK8; OII.INI'OKMA TION POlt KVKHVHODY. in every County 111 the United Stales and t'anadas. Enlarued bv the Publisher to (AH pages. It contains over 2,mi0 household reetws, and Is suited to all classes and cuiiiiillons of society. A wonderful book and a household necessity. It sells at sight. Oreatest Inducements ever uttered to book agents. Sample copies sent by mall, post-paid, for i Exclusive territory given. Agents more than double their money. Address, "Dr. Cu ask s steam Printing ttouse, Aim Arbor, Mien. 47 lat NOTICE. I hereby give notice that the follow ing articles were purchased by me and are now left with Johu M. Ilerr. Jr.. of Carroll tww.. vl.: 2 horses. 1 cow, 2 spring calves, 'I hogs. 1 two noise wagon, 1 spring wagon, l narrow, i plow a ,,,1 tui.L I.. I Ul...u..l ..1..U.- l.uu .-nb. nfl..... lies. 1 set front harness, 1 set single harness, lot of forks, half corn In the shuck, halt of 13 acres ol wnval 111 tne ground, lot ol nay Hi tne Irani. JOHN UK Kit. Novemlier 3. 1H74. -l TO 1M INVESTED IN WALL 8TKKET often leuds to fortune. New Syslem. No liability. Our new pamphlet entitled "The A vii oi niK-eiiiai nig sent 1 1 eu. ,i . jiieKiing oi ui Hankers and stock llrokers. llox llii, 72 broad way, N. Y. Stocks bought and sold on moderate margin. l.m lota N THOMPSON'S i VERMIFUGE n NEVER FAILS TO n c'B Will?! TB PATIENT IS 'afVlICT i I ( . J ED V ITU ; WOKM8v J j : Tbi Vermifuge la confidently recommended to the public as an effectual remedy for expell ing Worms from the system. It is extensively used, and haa In every case produced the de tired effect, and often after other remedies fail ed. It Is purely vegetable, mild In its opera tion, and may be given with perfect safety. Worm Confections, Worm Lozenges, Worm Bugnr Plums, Worm Chocolate, &c, are at tractive and sweet names, but of no account unless they deitroy the worms. Thompson's VERMIFUGE Is an old established and well tried remedy, containing no Calomkl or Min eral of any kind. It Is warranted not only to destroy worms, but by its slight purgative property, carry off the mucus and slime which produce and nourish them. Worms are fre quently the cause of disease In children when they are not suspected, on account of the symp toms of them resembling those of Dysentery, Fever, Convulsions, dec. Children are often treated for the above and similar complaints without success, while these pests of the bow els are destroying the life, as they increase ao rapidly nnd are continually moving from one part of the body to another, parentB should pay particular attention to all symptoms of worms: picking of the nose, offensive breath, eyes sunken and dim with dark circles around them, grinding of the teeth during sleep, Irreg ular appetite, dull, sickly look, wasting of the body, flushes of heat, vertigo, swelled stom ach, a sense of something rising In the throat; fever, drowslncas, -starting In the Bleep, fits. nausea, unusual thrist, gnawing sensation of me siomacn, ireqnent desire to pass something from the bowels, slimy discharges, Ac. Per sona of all ages are liable to sutler from Worms. PREPARED ONLT BT Crawford & Fobes, ' N o. 141 MARKET STREET, Xliilnleliliiii. The above aro prepared only by CRAWFORD & FOBES, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 141 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, Pa., And Sold by Storekeepers generally through out the country. o THOMPSON'S HORSE LINIMENT I "Ml ' The Oreat External Remedy for . Rheumatism, Neuralgia, SPRAINS, BRUISES, &c, Ac. EQUALLY GOOD FOR MAN OR BEA8T. This Liniment has earned for Itself a reputa tion unequalled In the history of external ap- Sitcauons. monsanas wno now sutler from heumatism, Neuralgia, &c, would find im mediate relief from all their pain by nelng this certain remedy. It Is equally effectual in Cuts, Burns, Scalds, Stiffness of the Neck, Sore Throat, Swellings, Inflammations, Frost Bites, rains in tne ouie ana back, tiitca ot spiders or Stings of Insects. One rubbing will In all caaea give immediate relief, and a few applica tions complete a cure. On account of Its pow erful penetrating properties It la beyond doubt, the SUREST REMEDY for the most troublo aome diseases to which horses and cattle are liable. It cures Scratches, Old and Fresh Cuts and Sores, Chafes produced by collar or sad dle. Injuries caused by naila or aplinta enter ing the flesh or hoofs, Bruises, Sprains, Swee ney, Spavin, Thrush, and all diseases which destroy the hoofs or bones of the feet. Fnll directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only By Crawford & Fobes, 141 Market Street, eUbly PHILADELPHIA. . T II K (111KAT CAU8I o r Human Misery. Just Published, In a Sealed Envelope. Price S eta. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Rad ical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorr hoea, Induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emis sions, lnipotency, Nervous Debility, and Iniiedl ments to marriage generally ; Consumption, Epi lepsy, and Kits; Mental and Physical incapacity, &o., By UOBEHT J. CULVEltWKLL, M. u" author of the "Green Hook," to. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse mny be effectually removed without medicine, and with out dangerous surgicul operations, bougies, In struments, rings, or cordlals;pointlngout a mode of cue at once certain and elfectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may euro himself cheaply, privately and radi cally. -Tills Lecture will prove a boon to thou sands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, ou receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. . Address the Publishers, CH AS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 27 Bowery, New York : PostOUice Box,46M. lSyl Notice. The Interest of Wm. II. Miller, of Carlisle, in the Perry County Bank, of Sponsler, Jiniklii (4 Co., has been purchased by W. A. Sponsler & K. V. Junkln. and from thlsdate April 2(lth. 1874. said Miller is no longer a member of said tlrin, but the linn consists of W. A. Sponsler & B. E. Junkiii, Banking as Sponsler. Juiiuln ( Co., who will con tinue to do business iu the same mode and man ner as lias been done hitherto, witli the full assur ance that our course has met the approbation and thus galued tho confidence of the people. W. A. SPONSLKB. B. V. JUNKI.N. April 20. 1874. milE OLDEST and best appointed Institution .A. lor oniaiiiiihg a misiuobs luiucauou. For Circulars, address P. DUFK & HONS, 37 3m . o. m. Pittsburgh, Penn'a. NO'I'ICK. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to the undersigned on book account or otherwise, will save costs hy paying the same, between this and the 1st of January, 1875. as after that lime, ihe accounts will be placed in the hands of a proHjroiiicer lor voiipcuuii. hji.i ui. Liverpool, December 1, 1874 4t ADMINIHTHATOK'8 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I otters of Administration on the eslate John Wilson, latoof Juniata town ship, Perry county, deceased, have been granted to t:ie suOHcriucr resuung in me same uiwiisini'. All miisims Indebted to said estateftre requested to make Immediate- payment, and those having claims to pieseut themduiy authenticated for set- uei. ABNEUO. WILSON. December 1, 187461 Admliiisti atur R AILROAD8. ' PHILADELPHIA ,AltEADiNTR7R. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. " Monday, Ioo. 14h, 1871. TRAINS LEAVE HAItitlSBURO AS FOLLOWS an" p mrk' " 8-10 a' '" nd P- "' ami03.5o'pin!'Ihla' 6'20, M0' anV7.48dm.g't5,20, 10, 9 45 ' m 2-00' 3 60 For Poft'svlile. at 5.20, 8.10 a.m. and 8B0n m Slo ;lam8o,,ulkm nd Susquehanna Bronch at aiid7.wlpnmWn' at 6,2' 810 a,m- i0 nd S-60 The 8.20,8.10 a. m. 2.00 p.m. and 7.40 p. m. trains have through cars for New York. The 8.10 a.m. and 2.00 p. m. trains have through ears for Philadelphia. 8UNDAYS : For New York, at 8.20 a. m. Eor Alleiitown and Way Stations at 5.20 a.m. 1 i?p Jm1all"B' '"ladelPl'la and Way Stations at TRAINS FOR HARltlRmmo, LEAVE AS FOL- 7L4pV9mN6W Yrk' at 9 00 a-m- 12-40,5.30 and Leave Philadelphia, at 9.16 a. m. 8.40 and 7.15 - !'f aye "en''1 "g. at 4.30, 7.40, 11.20 a. m. 1.50, 6.1S ana 10.45 p. tn. . Leave Pottsville, at fi.65, 9.00 a. m. and 4.30 o m and via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch at O.Ui) ft. 111, 4.:itfrdtlloTmn,at 2-30, W'50 B-m- li25' The 2.30 a. 111. train from Allentown and the days' "'' " Keadl,,8d0 1,01 rul 0" Mon- SUNDAY8 ; Leave New York, at 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, at 7.15 p. m. Leave Reading, at 4.30, 7.40a. m. and 10.46 p. m. Leave Allentown, 2.30 a. in. and S.lOp. m. Via Morris and Essex Kail Road. JOHN E. WOOTTEN, 1 , General Superintendent. Pennsylvania B. B. Time Table. NEWPORT STATION. ! On and after Monday, Nov. 16th, 1874. Pas. senger trains will run as follows! Mall........ 7.29 p. m., dally exceptSunday LlarrlsbiirgAcconi 10.40 a. m., daily " Suudav Atlantic Express, 10.01 p. m., flag, dally. , WEST. Pacific Express. 5.16 a. m. (flag) dally. Way-Pass. 9.10 A. sc.. daily, ' Ma"'v;,:r ,2-.M - dally exceptSunday. MlxedB.50p.M.,dailyexceptSundav. JeintSs"riavXl)re88' '1?A' M" 'ltt"'-l'. t'.'alns r' now run by Philadelphia time, which Is 10 minutes faster than Altoona time, and 4 min utes slower than New Vork time. J. J. BARCLAY, Agent. DUNCANNON STATION. iiV," "h"" ""or Monday. Nov. 26. 1874, trains will leave Duncaunon, as follows : 1 If A QTU7 llin Si'q nVrB Accom 1L11A.M., daly exceptSunday. WESTWARD. Pacific ExDress 4.48 a. in., nii.i .tan,. Way Passenger, 8.38 A. it., dally " .11. v. ainu Alteut. Stage Line Between Newport and New Stovi uiuuiunn, TAGESleaveNewOermantown dally at four o'clock a. in. Landlsb.irB at 7. sn . m firZ parkat 8a. m. NewBloomlleldat9V4a. m. Arriving at- Ma... ....... V! eominodatlon train East. iveiurn ngieaves Newport on the arrival of the MallTralnfrom Phlladelphla,at2.30:n. m. iuub, -f-roprtetor. AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER I TAO An Elegant and Valuable Book, Price 15 A Splendid Steel Engraving. " . S Arthur's Illustrated Home Magazine, 82.50 a year And THE BLOOM FIELD TIMES, All Sent for $5,501 We give a list of the $5 books from which a se lection can be made. This otter Is bona fide In every respect. Each of the books named below is a (5 nook and so cata logued by the publishers. All are beautifully printed, elegantly bound, and in every tiling as represented. The pictures, one of which Is Included In this otler, are ot the size, quality and artlstlo excel lence of engravings that sell Iu the stores for 85 and upwards. We make this truly Extraordinary Offer In or der to extend largely the circulation ot our paper, and get it into every intelligent and cultivated family in our neighborhood. 1. Cyclopedia of English Poetry. Royal Octave, full gilt, gilt edges, steel plates. Price 16.00 2. Phakspeare's Complete Works. Itoyal octavo, full gilt, gilt edges, steel plates. Price o.9U. 5. Cyclopedia of the best Thoughts ot Charles Dickens. Hoyal octavo. Illuminated cover. Price 85.00 4. jKSOP'8 FABLES. Imperial octavo, full gilt, splendidly illustrated. Loudon edition. Price o 5. Vicar of Wakefield and oldsmlth'a Poems. Imperial octavo, full gilt, lu engravings, Lon don edition. Price $5.00. 6. The Works of Josephus. Royal octavo, full gilt, gilt edges, numerous engravings. Price, 85.00. 7. The Poetical Works of Rogers, Campbell, Montgomery, Lamb and Klrke White. In one ' volume. Itoyal octavo, full gilt, gilt edges, steel plates. Price 15.00. 8. The Poetical Works of Milton, Young, Gray, Beattle and Collins. In one volume. Royal octavo, full gllt.gllt edges.steel plates. Price 85. 0. Macaulav's History ot England. Complete. Five volumes In one; the most eonveiilentedl tion ever published. One large Itoyal Octavo volume of nearly 1,100 pages. Elegantly bound In the best morocco cloth, full gilt sides and edges, with portrait, l'rice t,.00. The fine steel engravings from which a selec tion uau be made, are the following : 1. "The Interrupted Reader." 3. "The Lion in Lovo." 8. "Bed-Time." 4. " The Wfeath of Immortelles." ' 5. " Peace be Unto this House." 6. "The Christian Graces." 7. " The Angel of Peace." We repeat our oiler. For 85.60 we will send the BuxjMriKi.o Ximkb for one yeur. Arthur's IlIuHtrafrd Home Magazine for one year. A HEALTH IL ?5 ItOOK, and an Elegant $3 Stool Engraving. We need hardly say, that "ARTHUR'S ILLU8 TKATKI) MACiAZINE," published 111 (Philadel phia at f.!.5u a year, and included In this otter, now takes rank Willi the leading and must inllu ential magazines of the day. Ills more thorough ly identllied with the people in their home aud social life than any periodical iu the country. November 3, 1874. II AltDWAKE A good assortment of Hard ware 01 every description ran oe bougm F. MOItilAlKlt. riLANNELS A splendid assortment of Flan V uels, Just opened by F. MOKTLMKlt. CI LOCKS Keep up with the times. Another J new lot of clocks Just received by F. MOBTIMER.