8 Gtljc JJtmco;1 New 'Bloomfitli; : )a. Horrible Death fcy Suffocation. A terrible catastrophe happened at Penn on Monday, whereby two men were auflben ted by foul gasscs from a privy vault, and another so overcome from the eflbots of the same that powerful restoratives woro found necessary to aave hi, lifo. Tbo names of the parties whose cases proved fatal wore John Stottor, a Ocrman, and William Blackburn, an Irishman. They, had just finished making au excavation some twenty feet deep alongside an old privy vault, bo longing to the I'enn gas coal company, for the purpose of tapping it, and had ascended ascended to the surface, when the German remembered that ho had left a crowbar at the bottom. lie descended for the pur pose of securing it, and, feeling the effects of the noxious gases mado haste to get out informing his companion to assist him. As he ascended, Blackburn reached him his hand, but it being wot Stottor was unablo to retain his hold and fell to the bottom. Blackburn alarmed somo others near by, who proceeded to lower him (Blackburn) for the purpose of bringing Stottcr up. Beach ing the bottom, ho, too, was overcome, but was speedily drawn out and medical aid summoned, which was rospouded to by Dr. Kemmerer. Restoratives wore administer ed and he was soon able to walk about. A few hours afterward, however, ho becume worse, and after lingering a short time ex pired.' Ym. Simmons, in his heroic efforts to withdraw Blackburn from the pit of death, came near meeting a similar fate, but as he did not descend to the bottom tho effects of tho poison were more easily coun teracted. As it was he was insensible when taken out. The parties were both married men, Stctter leaving a wifo and two chil dren. Qretnburg Argut. Kot Hurt, but Terribly Scared. Two gentlemen residing in Sacramento, Cal., were startled a few nights ago by loud screams proceeding from a room oc cupied by a lady member of the family. 'Inquiry elicited the information that " there was a centipede on her bed." The gas was at tho time turned down quite low, but the men could see the insect on the bed, and doubling a towel several times, one of them cast it over the centi pedo, and clutched it tightly to prevent its escape. One of the gentlemen was some what of an amateur scientist, and desired ardently to preserve the centipedo as a specimen. Accordingly, tho captured in sect was carried in the towel to a drug store. The druggist poured chloroform on the towel to stupefy the creature and to prevent tho possibility of its escape, and one of the clerks stood by with an uplifted club, to strike it should it attempt to get off. The towel was opened, and the ex pectant lookers on, were astonished to find that all the fuss had been made over a little strip of calico. In a Bad Fix. There is a railway agent at Ilagcrstown, Maryland, who would probably like to re sign. The " Southern Circus and Men agerie" came to that place upon a freight . train the other day, and as the proprietors could not pay tho charges for transporta tion, the cars woro seized by the agent and switched off upon a siding, where they have remained ever since. Upon the agent, Mr. Way devolves the duty of feed ing the elephants, tigers, hyenas and boa constrictors, and they have already eaten up considerable more than the amount of his claim, while as all tho - children in the village congregate about the menagorie every evening, Mr. Way is obliged to spend his spare moments in efforts to keep the zoological collection from devouring the spectators and making the company liable for damages. The situation of the man who held the tiger by the tail, and was afraid to let go, was cheerful in comparison with this. 2f"A few miles from Fort Madison, Iowa, is an apple orchard growing in tho midst of a dense forest. The peculiarities of tho trees are first, the shape of the leaf, which is much larger than tho ordinary apple leaf, being long and quite slender ; second, they bear fruit of tho finest flavor and parties come for miles around to taste them, and some take leaves and press them to keep as curiosities. An old settler re lates that about 1705 Rod Wing, a famous young chief, on his return from St. Louis, spent a few days at St. Charles, Mo., then a small settlement, now a flourishing city. While there be was given a few apples to eat, wbich be seemed to enjoy very much, and asked for some of the trees. One of the settlers procured some twenty-five, young sprouts and gave him the necessary instructions in planting them. These he carried a distance of one hundred miles to bis home, and planted them around his wigwam. Tho famous old chief Black Hawk gave this as the true origin of the trees. They are upward of eighty years old, and from present appearances, will live many years to come. lf A Luzerne hunter found a couplo of snakes, and instead of shooting them threw his gun at them, but Leforo it reached them the butt end struck the ground with such force as to cause Ike gun to explode. The contents took effect in tho young niau's thigh, producing a severe wound, while the snukea mado good their escape unharmed. I Jfeio Advertisements. PR 'FTP. SAMPLE to Agents. Ladles' Comnlna AllUU ion Needle-Hook, with Chrnmos. Send stamp. DEAN & CO., New Bedford, Mass. 38d4w WORKING PEOPLE Male or Female. Km ployment home, J30 per week warranted, no capital required. Particulars and valuable samples sent free. Address, Willi 6 cent return stamp. C. ROSS, Williamsburg, N. Y. 88 d 4w WANTED-Agents ft MS M World. J2.00 worth of Samples given away to those who will become agents. J. 1UDK & CO., 707 Broadway, N. Y. 38 din AGENTS WANTEni Diploma Awarded for Holman's NEW PICTORIAL BIBLES, l ino Illustrations. Address for Circulars, A. .1. llOLMAN & CO., 930 Aroh St., Philadelphia. 38d4t WOUK F)11 ALL At home, male or fo n.ulA. mfttL naw .......1. ,1.,, n I .. XT .. Capital. We send valuable package of goods by iiiiiuirrn. Aooress wun nix cent return stamp, M. YOUNG, 173 Greenwlilch St., N. Y., 38d4w Star Stove Boards, SILVER LUSTRE, niCIILY ORNAMENTAL. A perfect protector to put under Stoves. Ask your dealer for It. 38 d 4w Everybody's Own Physician. Kv C. W. Oleason. M. D. A maimincent volume nf 4H8 octavo pages beautifully illustrated and ele. fiaIltly bound. Contains matter Just adapted to le wants of every family. Over 260 engravings. One agent sold 100 copies In one week, another 30 111 uneo nays ana anowier v in lour days. AGENTS WANTKD1 Circulars free. Address at once. II. N. McKlNNEY & CO., 725 Sansom St., Philadelphia. 38d4w The United States Publishing Co 13 UNIVERSITY TLACE, N. Y., Wants Agents everywhere for the following : s I' KIT OF THE HOLY BIBLE. Edited by Frank Moore. An eteLraiit Hvn. flftll nn fiiitl Kugravlngs from the Old Masters. Price, fc.00. OUR FIRST HUNDRED YEARS. The Life of the Republic. By C. Edwards Lester. 12 monthly parts. IX) nn. each, Roval 8vo.AU cents each part. LIFE AND PUBLTC SERVICES OF CIIARLKS SUMNER. ByC. Edwards Lester, fith Edl tion, revised and enlarged. 8vo, 7IX)pp. 83.75. THE NEW YORK TOMBS. By Warden Sut ton. A comnleto historvof Notofl Olintnnla of New York, and the ltomance of Prison Life. 8vo. 670 pp. 13.50. Circulars, specimen pages, and terms to agents on application as above. 38 d 4w Have You Tried JURUBBBA ? ARE YOU Wcnk, Nervous, or Debilated I Are you so Languid that any exertion requires more ol an eltort than you feel capable of mak ing T Then try JURCBEBA, the wonderful Tonic and Invlgorator, which acts so beneficially on the secretive organs as to Impart vigor to all the vi tal forces. It Is no alcoholio appetizer, which stimulates for a short time, onlv to let the sufferer fall to a lower depth of misery, but It Is a vegetable tonio acting directly on the liver and spleen. it regulates inw iwweis, quieui me nerves, ana elves such a healthv tone to the whole svsfem as to soon make the Invalid feel like a new person . Its operation Is not violent, but is characteriz ed by great gentleness: the patient experiences 110 siiouen cnange, no marxea results, out grad ually hit troubles "Fold their tents, like the Arabs, And silently steal away." This is no new and untried discoverv. but has been long used witli wonderful remedial results, and is pronounced by the highest medical author ities, "the most powerful tonio and alterative known." - Ask your druggist for it. For sale by JOHNSTON. HOLLOWAY & CO.. 88 d 4w Philadelphia, Pa. POSTPONEMENTS IMPOSSIBLE. -$20- WILL BUT A First Mortgage Premium Bond or TUB Industrial Exhibition Comp'ny, NEW YORK. Authorized by the Legislature of the State of N.Y 2nd SERIES DRAWING, OCTOUElt n, 1871. ONE BOND purchased previous to October&th, will participate. Address for Bonds and full information, MOltGENTUAU, BRUNO Hi CO., Financial Agents, 23 Park Row, N. Y. P. O. Drawer 2i. Applications for Agencies re ceived. 34d4w PSYCnOMAXCY, or SOUL CHARM ING." How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of anv person thev choose instantly. This simple mental acquire ment uu can possess, iree uy mail, ior zo cents, together with the marriage guide, Egyptian Ora ura- cle, jireams, units to jaiues, weuding-Nigni Shirt. &c A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM Iglit 61 Co., Publishers, .Philadelphia. 37 d 4w FOR COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets ! put up only in blue boxes, a tried and sure remedy i - Bold by all Druggists. 37d4w Polytechnic College or thi State or Pennsylvania, Market Street, above 17th Street, Philadelphia, Twenty-first year begins Sept. 16. Thorough pro fessional training in Mine Engineering, Civil En gineering, Mechanical Engineering, Analytical and Industrial Chemistry, Metallurgy and Archl- The Dlnlnmaof the Colleee Is received as con clusive evidence of pronclency by tiie first Engi neers auu coiiipauiesengitKcuin worasoi improve ment. Address ALFlttbL. KENNEDY. M. I)., 37 d 4w Pres. of Faculty. HE A L ES TA TE PRIVATE SALE. A LARGE AMOUNT of Valuable Real Estate at rrivaiesuie 111 I'orry Oouuty l'eim'u., consisting of FINE FARMS of various sizes with IMPROVEMENTS, well watered, well timbered and In the highest state of cultivation. Aim ui e i.anu, 1 nnber Lanus, Mills, Tanneries, Foundries, STOKER, HOTELS and DWELLING HOUSES in Towns and Country. - Persons wishing tft purchase, sell or ex change heal Estate of anv descrlnthiii. are re. sixctfully invited to call at my oillce or address me uy luner, aim 1 win give an uesirca Ihlorma- 11011. JAMES ORR, Agent New Bloomtleld, Pa.,' Aug. 26, 1674 tl fig Dr. J. Walker's ( iililbrniii Vin OfJ.ir Hitters nre a purely Vopotnblo preparation, made chiefly from tlio native, IierliB found 011 tliolowcr rnnges of the Sier ra Nevmln mountains of California, the medicinnl properties of which nro extract ed therefrom without the use of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of tho unparalleled success of Vinkoab UiTTEits?" Our answer is, that they remove the canso of disease, and tho patient recovers his health. They are the great blood purifier nnd a life-giving prin ciple, a perfect Innovator nnd Inviporntor of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been com pounded possessing the rcmarkablo qual ities of Vinegar Bittehs in healing the nick of every disease man is heir to. . They tire a gentle Purgative as well as n Tonic, reliev ing Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver nnd Visceral Organs, in Bilious Dis eases. Ii 111011 will enjoy pood health, lot them use Vineqau ISitteks an a medicine, nnd avoid tho use of alcoholic stimulants, in every form. It. II. ItlcDONALD CO., Druggists and tiencral AgenU, Kan Francisco, Califor. nil, and cor. Waaliuigtou and Charlton tits., New York. Sola by Ml UrusjgjUta and Dealers. September 15, 1874 1m Noiv is the Time ! PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. I AM now offering one of THE BEST assort ment of goods ever brought into Perry coun ty, and at such rates that My Prices Can't be Beat! CALL AND EXAMINE THE BEST STOCK OF XIiY . GOODS, NOTIONS, Trimming's, Act?., that can be found In tbe towu orcouuty, and you win Know now it is yourseu. W. H. MUSSER, CENTRE SQUARE, Newport, Penn'a. JOS. FRISH. ABE. GUMP. Regardless of Price ! Gent's, Youths' and Boy's CLOTHING, WHITE AND COLORED SHIRTS ! Wool Shirts, Wool Shirts, HATS AND CAPS, JHWEtBVt CUTtEBY SUSPENDERS, OVERALLS, HANDKERCHIEFS, PAPER COLLARS, HOSE Shirts and Draners, CAUPETH, OAltPETH, TRUNKS, VALISES, TRAVELLING HAGS, ALBUMS, &o., &c. On account of Removal, the above Stock must be sold by Oc tober 1st. No reasonable offer will be refused. Call and 6eo us. JOS. FRISH & CO., (Next door to Newport Deposit Bank,) Nbw Qootls Agam Open ''Newport, Pa. 8 30tt MILLERST0WN PUMP WORKS. ! . .. DO, YOU Want Tap Pump;? THE mibsorlber desires to give notice that he Is prepared to furnish PUMPS OF HIS OWN MAKE, OB THE PATENT CUCUMBER PUMP for anv denth of well. Persons desiring a mmin of either description, are requested to call on hlin or send by mall nnd learn his prices. All work warranted. Persons having their own timber can have the pump9 mado on their premises, if they desire. C.C.REEN, MILLEBSTOWN, PA. August 11, 3m. THE REMINGTON WORKS, Ilion, K Y. THE NEW IMPROVED Remington Sewing Machine AWARDED THE " MEDAL OF PROGRESS," AT VIENNA, 188;' The Highest girder of "Medal" Awarded at the imposition. No Sewing Machine Received a Higher Trizo. A FEW GOOD REASONS: 1 A Vnw In.anllnn T ....-,... ..1. 1 T . i .. . . v ".-''" luwiwuRmi Avaieu ami se cured by Letters Patent. 2-Makes i a perfect Look-Stitch, alike on both sides, on all kinds of goods. Runs Light, Smooth, Noiseless and Rapid best combination of qualities. , 4 Durable Runs for years without Repairs. A Will An Oil ..rlallm nl V7,..t. ...J v cj.i , t , .... ijv,.7o ... ..urn auu runcy Stitching In a superior nuinner. 6 Is Most Easily Managed by the operator. .,... nrvii nn j w milieu wmi ru lining, and machine can be threaded without pussina Gears. Rotary Cams or Lever Arms. Has the An- t.mmt In IWmt ITau.I uIi!i. t. .... . ... l . F vvu, niiim llinuicn Ulllllirill ICngtll of stitch at any speed. Has our new Thread Con trailer, which mlows easy movement of needle-bar and prevents injury to thread. 8 Construction most careful and finished. It Is mnntlfurtiraj1 twr ..,... ..I.mr..i . jw "j im mini imnuui win exueri eAIIwl,m?h.an,(W' at thft celebrated ItKMINiroN OFFICE, 10 Sixth St. ' " A Valuable Farm At Private Sale. rjlHE undersigned will sell, by private sale VALUABLE FARM, situate in Centre township, Perry county, Pa.. oiie-ri)urth of a mile west of the borougli of 108 A o i o , about 9n ACRES cleared and under good cultiva tion. Most ol tho land is Limestone, and there are sever ul LIMESTONE QUARRIES opened on the place, one of which Is very conven ient, and of a suiierior quality. There Is a most excellent Two Story Frame Weatherboared DWELLING HOUSE, And a Large II A IV It UA It 1ST , And other outbuildings. The buildings are all new and in good condition, and are located along the main valley road. There is a Hue stream ol Spring water running through the farm, and stock can have access to water from every Held. For particulars call upon or address DANIEL JULIUS, New Bloomflcld, Aug. 25, 1874. Perry co. , Ta. New Carriage 9Xaiiufactory, On Hiuu Stuekt, East or Carlisle St., New Bloonifleld, Penn'a. THE subscriber has built a large and commodl ous Shop on High St., East of Carlisle Street new mooiiiiieiii, ra., wnere lie is prepared to man uiacvuiefcuuruer On rrl ajyes Of every description, out of the best material. - Sleighs of every Style, built to order, and finished in the most artist Icand durable manner. Having superior workmen, he Is prepared luiuiiiisii worx mat win compare ravoraiuy with the best City Work, and much more durable, and a uiucu mure reasonauio rates. M-KEPA IRINO of all kinds neatly and proinp lydoue A call Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH Sltf To You n a Men. Just Published, In a Sealed Envelope. Price ( cts. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Rad ical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorr hea, Induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emis sions. Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impedi ments to marriage generally; Consumption, Epi lepsy, ana riis; menial ana i nysicai inrajiacuy, na-, uy icuiiKiti j. i;ui.v r it wr.un ti.L,, ai. L.. author of the ";reeii llook " &. The world-renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be elleotually removed without medicine, and with out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, In struments, rings, or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and eltcctual, by which every sullerer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cally. -Tlil Lecture will prove a boon to thou sands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, ou receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers, C11AS. J. 0. KLINE tl CO.. FMPS PllK 127 Bowery, New York i PostOlUce lox,4&W. 18yl RAILROADS. PHILADELPHIA AND READING R. R SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, June 15th, 187-1. TRAIN8 LEAVE HARRIsnURO AS FOLLOWS : Fnr Now Vnrlr at K Q am. . and 7:40p. m. na tuop.m. andlwp m Phla' ' S'25, 810, 9'45 m"100 Knr Itonrlintr nf K a in a tit . n and 7.40 p m." 1 " " - ,u- w- for Pottsvillo.at 8.25, R.lOa. m. and S50o m And via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch at 2-40 p. m. Knr A llnntnwn at Bin. m oaa . and 7.40 p. ni. ine o.zo, .iua. m. z.oo p.m. and 7.40 D. m trains have through cars for New York. ' The 6.25, 8.10 a.m. and 3.00 p. m. trains have through cars for Philadelphia. SUNDAYS : For New York, at 5.2S a. m. For Allentown and Way Stations at 5.25 a.m. For Reading, Philadelphia and Way Stations at TRAINS FOR HARRIRHTJHQ, LEAVE AS FOL- T!1VA Knw V . 1 1-L- n. fl i.l n ... in in z nn , 7.40p. in. Leave j'lilladelphla, at 0.15 a. m. 3.40 and 7.15 p. in. T.PHVA Ttenrllnor fill -Ul Tqn 11 On. m 1 Kn a in. and 10.2(1 p. m. Iaye Pottsvllle, at 5.55. 9.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. and via Schuylkill and Susiiuehnnua Branch at 8.05 a. in. I-eave Allentown, at 2.30, 6,50, 8.50 a. m., 12.25, 4.30 and 8.65 p. in. ' . Tim 9 If! ,.. IhI. . .,,.. i 4.30 a. in. train from Reading do not run on Mon days. SUNDAYS ! Leave New York, at 5.30 p. m. v Leave Philadelphia, at 7.15 p. m. Iave Reading, at 4.30, 7.35 a. in. and 10.20 p. m. Leave Allentown, 2.30 a. m. and 8.65 p. m. J. E. WOOTTEN, Vla Morris and Essex Rail Road. Pennsylvania It. R. Time Tnble. NEWPORT STATION. ... ..D1 mjoi, ion, jrusseugerirains will run as follows: Paolfle Express. 5.15 a. m. (flag) dally. WnvPftxi O 111 . u H..II.. v '.. ,2-38 v. m. dally exceptSunday. Plttsbugh Express, 12.38 A. M., (Flag) EAST. mini............. i.up r.M., aany exceptSunday HarrlsburgAccom 12.22 p. M daily " Sunday iuiiiuuii j-Aiiicas, v.ot r. m., oauy (uagi o.o. iiiui.Ai, Agent. DUNCANNON STATION.. fin nnn nffAl gnmlm. n.... ,oWi ....... u.iu.j , i.uv. iiu, ioio, trains leave Duucauuon, as follows : , WESTWARD. Pacific Express 4.45 a. m., (Mag) dally. Way Passenger, 8.44 A. M ., dally Mall. 9.1lli u ' ,irt., v;r j ..r ' uuiijcAccuiounaay. Mixed, 6.50 p. M.. dally except Sunday. EASTWARD. Maim?1? m0001" 12'55 P" M" d.!!"y exf,,!'PtSjinday WM. 0. KINO, Agent. Stage Line Between Newport and Kew Germ a ii town. STAGES leave New German town dally at four o'clock a. m. Landlsburgat 7. 80 a. in. Ureen park at 8 a.m. New Bloomlleld at 9H a. m. Arriving at Newnort to emmnnt. with n,a a n. cominodallon train East. Jtf,t,Srn "gleaves Newnort on the arrival of the MaUTraluIromPhlladelphla,at2.30 p. m. . uhjk. froprmor. CURTIS N. SMITH, WUOI.ESALE AND RETAIL CONFECTIONER, Glass Corner, Centre Square, Newport, Penn'a. I DESIRE to give the public notice, that I have furnished my store room with a great vari ety of Pine and Common Candies, Musical Instru ments, Toys eto. In my assortment of FINE CANDIES will be found Japanese Cocoa A B Bon Bons, i rult Sugars, Egg Almonds, Conversation Drops, A B lum Drops, Fig Paste, Cream Drops, Sugar Almonas, ic, &e. I also hive on hand at all times a full assortment of the various flavors of COMMON CANDIES CITRON, , ORANGES, RAISINS, LEMONS, PRUNES, DATES, NUTS, PIGS &0. Also a variety of children's carriages and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Such as Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Violins, Gutars,&c, TOYS of various styles, consisting of Wagons, Drums, Tin Tl limpets. Saving Banks, China Sets, Mugs, Vases, A BO Blocks, and many other articles cal culated to amuse and Interest tho children. I also manufacture the Best Cough Candy that ean be found In Six counties, and STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY Hi LEMON SYRUPS of superior quality and flavor. FRESH AND COVE OYSTERS, Crackers, Ice Cream, Cakes and other articles of refreshment will always be found in their season in my store. All persons wanting any articles In my line will consult their own interest by giving me a call, C. N. SMITH. NEWPORT, 11 tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that letter of Administration on the entalo William Yohu, late of Juniata town ship, Perry county, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber residing in Savilletownxlilp. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to preseut lliem duly authenticated fur set tlement to .... JOHN BIMONTON, June 23, 1874 6t Administrator. TADIE8 AND CHILDREN will find a J splendid assortment of shoes at the one price store of F. Mortimer