Newport Advertisements. NEW STORE ROOM. NEW FIKM ! NEW GOODS! E. B. WISE, Having opened a New Store at the corner of Fourth ft Cherry Street, just above the Penn'a, ' It. K. depot, la Newport, are now prepared to show a Complete Stock of New Goods, Consisting In part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS 8HOK8, HATS Si CAT'S, NOTIONS, and a general assortment of all kinds of uomls which they will sell AS CHEAP A3 THE CHEAPEST. They ask the citizens of Newport and vicinity to call and examine their stork and see that they are offering goods at such prices as will secure a share of the public patronage. 13. J3. WIHE, WALNUT STREET, Newport, Pa. 35 tf Drugs! Dmgs! THESubserlberhason band and for sale, at low prices, a complete sssortmentof DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Of all kinds. Also, a full stock of Concentrated Remedies, PATENT MEDICINES, ESSENTIAL OILS, PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, BRUSHES, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Pure Wines AND LIQUORS, Always od band, for Medicinal and Sacramen tal purposes. Physician t' Order carefully and promptly filled. B. M. EBY, NEWPORT, PERRY COUNTY, PA. New Millinery Goods At Newport, Pb. T BEG to Inform the nubile that I have lust re- JL turned from Philadelphia, with a ful assort ment 01 me latest styles oi MILLINERY G00D8, HATS AND BONNETS, RIBBONS, FRENCH FLOWERS FEATHERS, 1 CHIGNONS. LACK CAPES. NOTIONS, And all articles usually found In a first-class Mil linery Establishment. All orders promptly at tended to. We will sell all goods as Cheap as eau be got elsewhere . DRESS-MAKING done to order and In the la test style, as I get the latest Fashions from V w York every month. Goffering done to order, in all widths. I will warrant all my work togive sat isfaction. All work done as low as possible. ANNIE ICKEB, Cherry Street, near the Station, 5 16 13 Newport, Pa. I represent the following reliable Insurance Companies i LEBANON MUTUAL 1N8URANCE CO., Of Jonestown, Pa., established In 18f6. Assess ment Capital over i l,ooo,oo. LEHIGH VALLEY FIRE INSURANCE CO., Of Allentown, Pa. Incorporated In 18fi0. Total AsseU, 105,11.8J. Risks taken on both the Cash and Mutual plan. Watneshobo' Mutual Fihk Insuuanck Co., Of WayneslHiro', Franklin county. Pa. Assets, 101,HUl.iil. Policies Issued on Cash or Mutual plan, and In demnity assumed fiom loss or damage by Fire or Lightning, whether tire ensues or not. This Company has paid Its looses without any Assessments upon the premium Notes. W All orders for Insurance promptly attend ed to by LEWIS FOTTEll, NEW BLOOM FIELD, Perry County, Pa. 8 21 pdu 8 PRING URETTY TYLESX A TERNS Havo just been received 'mhy F. MORTIMER 1 Job Printing OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Neatly Executed on Short Notice, ' ' ) AT THE MOST ' Reasonable Rates, AT THE Steam Job Office, New Bloomlield, Perry Co., Pa. IF YOU WANT A. IN e ut anil Attractive PUBLIC SALE BILL ILLUSTRATED WITH CUTS, Printed in Colors, -on on- Fancy Colored Papers Call, or Send your Order TO THE Bloomftclir STimcs Steam Printing Office WHERE ALL ORDERS AHE PROMPTLY FILLED. IF YOU WANT A PLAIN OR FANCY LETTER HEAD, BILL HEAD, ENVELOPE, CHECK BOOK, arbs rntb trluts, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, PAPEll-BOOKS, Labels of every Description, LEGAL BLANKS, BLANK NOTES, PltlCE LISTS, In all Styles and Colors, YOU CAN BE ACCOMMODATED AT THE Bloomfield Times job oxniois ! 0 Wo also have a fine variety of Cuts for Printing in good style, Horse & Jack Bills ! IF YOU WANT A Neat and Attractive LETTER CIRCULAR, MONTHLY STATEMENT, VISITING CARD, PROGRAMME, OR WISH TO ADVERTISE In a Newspaper having tlia Largest Circulation In this Section of the State, Send yuur orders lo the "BtOOMFlELO TIMES" I I- You Wuut A GOOD FAMILY NFVv'HPAIM.-k !,,.,(, ,.-ii. . each week a variety of Interesting rending mut ter, Willi a general luminary of Foreign, and l . a a For one yean' Subscription to I lie Bloomfield Times I'l lll.IbllliD AT NEW BLOOMFIELD, IEB5Y COUNTY PA BLOOMFIELD TIMES TEAS! ESTABLISHED 1840. THE ORIGINAL AMERICAN TEA CO., No. 43 Tescy Street, p. o. Box,i!r. New York. ROBERT WELLS, President. Trlco tlsl of Teas. OOLONG. Black, 40, 60, 60, best 70 cti. per lb. MIXED. Green, and Black, 40, 50, 60, best 70cts. per lb. JAPAN. Uncolorcd, 60, TO, 80, 90, beat f 1.00 per lb. IMPERIAL. Green, 60, 70, 80, 80, best f 1.10 per rb. YOUNG HYSON. Green, 50, 60, 70, 80,00, t.00,bcst $1.05 per ft. GUNPOWDER. Green, t .10, best 11.80 per tb. ENGLISH BREAKFAST. Black, 60 70, 80, 90, best $1.00 per lb. N. n. We have a speciality of Garden Growth YOUNG HYSON and IMPERIAL, at 11.20, and OOLONG, Extra Choloe, 11.(10 Our Teas are put up In One Pound Packages, with the kind and price on each. AGENTS WANTED to get up clubs to sell our Teas to Families, Hotels, Boarding Houses and others. In writing for terms or sending orders, be particular to address the President of the Company, thus: ROBERT WELLS, No. 43 Veset St., New York. We nre compelled to request this, as other parties have Imitated our tlrni name. August 4, 1874 lot Cottage Color Paints $1.00 to 41.80 per Gallon. ENGLISH ROOF PAINT, Ground in Oil, .... 60c. per gal. LIQUID SLATE ROOF PAINT, Fire Proof, $1 25 per gal. Patent Petroleum Linseed Oil, Works In all Paints as Boiled Linseed, 50c. pcrG. MACHINERY OIL, E. G. KELLEY'S Patent Sperm Oil. - 81 00 Engine Oil, 75 Filtered Rock Lubricating Oil, CO Send for cards of colors and circulars. NEW YORK CITY OIL CO., Sole Agents, 714, lyh. 116 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. Wh7 not have a Beautiful Complexion? WHY III ANNOYED WITH CHAPPED HANDS oitROUCHSKIN? when such an agreeable and effectual REMEDY VAX BE OBTAINED AT 80 SMALL A COST. BY USING WRIGHT'S ALCONATED ULYCEKINE TABLET." Sold by Druggists & Dealers In Toilet Articles. 00 M AXBIOX HOUSE, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PEI1RY CO., PA.. HENRY PATTERSON, Proprietor. This well-known hotel has been refurnished by the present management, who purposes keeping a llrst-olass hotel, for the accomodation of man and beast. The table will always be supplied with the luxuries of the season. Special pains will be taken to make guests feel comfortable. 816!i!2 rjMIK KICK HOUSE, (Formerly Kweger's Temperance House, and 1 kept by Amos Robinson), New ISIoomficld, Pit.," HENRY RICE Proprietor. A share of the public patronage Is respectfully solicited. 815tf rjiiiu 12 AC, LI? HOTEL, New liloomileld, Pu. II. C. MEREDITH, Proprietor. Having leased and retltted the Eagle Hotel, on Carlisle St., North of the Court Ilijute, I am now prepared to accommodate regular boariiers or transient guests. A good livery Is kopt In con nection with the hi. ime, anil no pains will be spared to insure the uoiufort of my patrons. March 24, 1874. tf H. C. MEICEDITII. w EST BTJtKET HOTEL, Nos. 41, 43, 4344 West St., NEW YORK, TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ON THE EURO PEAN PLAN. ROOMS M and 75 cents per day. Charges very M Ol 1KB ATE. The Iwst meats and vegetables In he market. BUST 11KDS in the City. 17 lyn II. T. llAlllilTT, Proprietor. pEKItY HOUSE, New lHoomfleld, Perry Co., Pa., GltUVER & (I It IE It, Proprietors. The subscribers hnvlnir lentied this WAll If IWMVtl hotel, are now prepared to furnish permanent or transient boarders with accommodations. No pains will lie spared to make guests comfortable. A good livery Is kept in connection with the house for the use and convenience of the guests March 2V74. Ml UKUVER OK1EK. FOR IO CENTS PER YARD YOU CAN BUY A Good Heavy Jirown Muslin, AND FOR 121 CENTS YOU CAN BUY The Best Yard Wide Muslin. : - f op . I , ' I f MOUTIMER, ' New Bloomfield, Pa. J ATM! LATH I I J Plastering Lai li white and yellow pine for hale at reasonable rales. Also, .Kill SAWING dune by . GEO. A. LIGGETT, '- lekesburg, Perry co., Pa. TEAS! K EA RNE YS FLUID EXTRACT B if C IT TJ IS TUB OM.T KNOWS REMEDY FOR AKD A POSITIVE RKMEDf FOR GOUT, GRAVEL, STRICTURES. , DIABETES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS PKMI.tTY, DROP. BY,. FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Non-Retention or Incontinence of Urine, Irrita tion, Inflammation, or Ulceration of the lllatltlor and' Kidneys, Spermatorrhoea, Leucorrhrra or Whltflsi Irregular or Painful Menses, Bearing Down, Chlorosis, Sterility and AH Convents Incident to Female.- . KEARNEY'S EXT. BUCHU For Stone In the madder, Calculus Gravel or Brlckdust DeposltandMucousor Milky Discharg es and Diseases of the Prostate Gland. Kearney's Ext. Buchu Curei Diseases Arising from Imprudences, Habits of Dissipation, Etc., In all their stages, at little expense, little or no change In diet, no In convenience, and no exposure . It causes a fre quent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and lntlamatlon, and expelling all 'Poisonous matter. Used by persons In the decline or change of life; after confinement or labor pains, bed-wetting In children, etc. Prof. Steele says: "One bottle of Kearney's Extract Huchn Is worth more than all other I111 chus combined." Kearney's Ext. Bucliii Permanently cures all affections of the Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings existing In Men, Women and Children, no matter what the age. Ask for Kearney's. Take no other. . Price One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles for J-tee Dollars. Depot, 104 Duane Stheet, New Yohk. A Physician In attendance to answer correspon dence and give advice gratis. Bend stamp for Pamphlets free. For Sale by Druggists eTeryw here. Avoid Quacks and Imposters. No Charge or Advice and ConsuKofon. Dr. J. B. Dyott, graduate of Jefferson Meillenl OnlUoe, Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs (which he has made an esieclal study) either In male or female, no matter from what cause originating or of how long stand ing. A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Char ges reasonable. Those at a distance can for ward letter describing symptoms and euulosing stamp to prepay postage. Send fortlie Guide to Health. Price 10 cents. J. B. DYOTT, M. D.. Physician and Surgeon, 104 Duane Street, New York. August 18. 1874 S2t The Poor Man's Friend I EVERY PERSON "(AN THOVIDE for their families In case of ueaui, Dy Becoming members of the I'ERRY COUNTY Mutual Benefit Association, OF NEW lll.OOMEIELD, PA. The Cheapest and Best LIFE INSURANCE In the World. Strictly Mutual, Charter Porpet- LEWIS POTTER, JOHN A. RAKER. Secretary. President General Agents: William McKke, John Keim. - For further Information call on or address: LEWIS POTTEIt, Sec'y., 81"tf New llloomlteld, Pa. A VALUABLE STEAM TANNERY At Private Sale 1 T HE subscriber having concluded to enter Into another branch of business, unci's his Steam Tannery, At private sale. It is In good running order and capable of Tanning 3000 Hides per Year! The water that the Tannery Is supplied with Is supplied with Is conveyed from a spring, and Is of the best quality for Tanning purposes. There are 6 LARGE (new) LEECHES. 62 LAY-AWAY VATS, 8 HANDLERS, BATES, LIMES, SWEATS, HIDE HltKAKEH, LEATHER ROLLER, CBN 'J Ull'Ki AL LICJUOR PUMP,&o. The ENGINE AND BOILER Are In good condition, with every convenience necessary. -HAItK can be had In abundance, at low figures. - The Tannery Is located at NEW ULOOM FIELD, Perry county. Pa., a very pleasant town, with good society, good Hchool, Academy and four churches. For further particulars, call on or address SAM'L. ALEX. PEAI.E, Feb. 17. 1874. 1 New Dlooinlleld, Perry co., Pa. Mm a 1ST This Is what a man gets for being too literal in New York. lie wag drunk atid wore exceedingly muddy boots. Hav ing paused before a carpet store in the Bow ery, about the entrance of which on the side walk was a tempting array of plain and fancy door-mats, he read the entreaty on one of them " Please wipe your feet," and then proceeded nonchalantly to comply with the request. An indignant proprietor push ed him into the muddy street ; a policeman placed him on his feet, then clubbed him down again in the most approved fashion, and finally carried him to the police station. t2? An Irishman, driven to dosperation by the stringency of the money market and high price of provisions, procured a pistol and took to the road, meeting a travelor, be stopped him with, "Your money or your life 1" Seeing that Pat was green, he said, "I tell you what I'll do, I'll give all my money for that pistol." "Agreed." Pat received the money and handed over the pistol. "Now," said the traveler, "hand back that money, or I'll blow your brains out." "Blaze away, my hearty," said Pat; " divil a dhrop of powther there's in it. " You know, Madam, that you can- not make a purse of a sow's ear." ' , "Oh, Bir, please fan me. I have intima tions of a swoon. When you use that odi ous specimen of vulgarity again, clothe it in refined phraseology t You (should say it is impossible to fabricate a pecuniary recepta cle from the auricular organ of the softer sox of the genus hog." tSA worthy gentleman, whose wife, though a very excellent woman, is slightly inclined to the practice of a feminine virtue called loquacity, lost the other day a black pointer, and was speaking to us yesterday of his misfortune. We advised him to ad vertiso his loss. Ho replied, " Ob, I did that immediately." "Why," we ansered, " we have not noticed it' What paper was it in?" "None I told my wife." I3T A Burlington man and his wifo visit ed a soda fountain. He said be would take "crusade" syrup in his. Much to his hor ror bis wife said that she would also try "crnsade." But tho druggist knew bis business and the woman winced under the tortures Of hot ginger. Her husband was saved. After the prosecuting attorney bad heaped vituperation upon the poor prisoner without counsel, the judge asked him if he had anything to say for himself. "Your honor," replied the prisoner, "I ask for a postponement for 18 days, in order that I may find a blackguard to answer that one thoro." 13T "Would my little Ezra," asked -a fond mother, "like to be a missionary, and go preach to the sulTering heathen?" Tears bright pearly drops of feeling glistened on little Ezra's eyes as he mur mured: " No, I wouldn't ; but I'd like to be on the perlice long enough to put a tin roof on the big lummax that stuck shoemaker's wax on my scat to-day at school." tSTA rustio couple, newly married, marched into Colby's drug store and called for soda water. The obliging clerk inquir ed what syrup they would have in it, when the swain, deliberately leaning over the counter, replied : "Stranger, money is no object to mo; put sugar in it." "From what country are you','" in quired an English gentleman of a vagrant. "From Ireland, please your honor." His lordship asked, " Were you ever at sea?" "Como, your honor," ropliod the man; "d'ye think I crossed from Dublin in a wheelbarrow?" KSTTbe peculiarity tho English havo of puttiug an h before every word where one docs not belong is well shown by the fol lowing. An Englishman boing asked how he spell ed saloon replied. With a boss, a hay, n hell, two hoes, and a hen. ISSTIt was " darling Gwcorgo" when a bridal oouple left Omaha ; it was " dear Georgo " at Chicago ; at Detroit it was "George;" mid when they reached Niaga ra Falls it was "Say, you." t2T Harry, after looking on while his lit tle now sister cried at being washed and dressed, turned away, saying, "If .she screamed like that up in Heaven, I don't wonder they sent her ofT." tW " Look 'ere now, Salusha," yolled a Clay county, Missouri, woman to the oldest girl, "don't bend over that well so fur. You'll full in tbor'o some of these duys, and then we'll have to carry water." flT I wouldn't have left, but the veonle kinder egged me on," sn id n mini who was asked why lie quit Lis Kunsas homo in a hurry. GBTBuy, Sutiibo, did you ebber mo do Catskill Mountains?" " No, I nebber did ; but I havo seen dem kill do mice.".