The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, August 18, 1874, Page 4, Image 4

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)ciutC0,v Neiu Blcromficllr; JJa,
Tuesday, August 18, 1874.
A Democratic Convention was held In
the Court House in this place, on Monday,
for the purpose of nominating a candidate
for Congress, electing a Representative
Delegate to the Btato Convention at Pitts
burg, and to appoint Senatorial Conferees.
An organization was made by the elec
ion of SAMCEii Nobs, of Duncannon, Presi
dent. Secretaries Wilson Lnpfcr, Esq., of
Centre and Wm. Titzoll, of Juniata twp.
The Convention nominated lion. John
A. Magee, for Congress, with power to
select his own conferees. Ia addition to
endorsing Hon. J. A. Jin goo, a resolution
was passed denouncing the "Salary grab,"
of the former Congress, and those who
supported or advocated it.
Chas. E. Brandt, Calvin Sheibley and
Dr. McClellan Kerr, were selected as Sen
atorial Conferees, with instructions to sup
port a Juniata county candidate
A. M. Markle, Esq., of this borough was
elected ns Representative Delegate.
Tiik Temperance Party held a Stato Con
vention last Wednesday, and noiuiuatod
the following ticket :
Lieutenant Governor Benjamin Rush
Bradford, of Beaver county.
Judge of Supreme Court Simeon B.
Chaso. of Susouchanna county.
Auditor General Calvin Parsons, of
Xuzerno county.
Secretary of Internal affairs W. P,
'Cuthbcrtson, of Montgomery county.
A sinuous conflict has at last begun
between the white and oolored population
in the north western portion of Mississippi
Both parties are armed and organized, and
already several lives have been lost on both
sides. A number of volunteers from Mem
phis have gone to Austin, Miss., at which
place the most serious consequences are
imminent. The population at that town,
vacated the place, which was ransacked by
the darkeys, but was subsequently captured
by the whites.
The nominations for President Judge in
Cumberland county, do not seem to meet
with favor from either party. A few such
nominations would be a strong argument
in favor of placing the appointment of
Judges in the hands of the Governor. One
of the Democratic papers, the Sentinel, in
an article on the nominations, expressed its
disgust at the whole tickot iu tho following
strong terms :' '
"We shall reserve a more extended
notice of the ticket for some future time.
Suffice it to say that we wipe our hands of
it. We will never consent to prostitute
time and everything that belongs to man
hood in the support of such a mass of cor
ruption and imbecility. . We hope that the
people of this county, without distinction
of party, will meet iu convention, and, in
justice to themselves, to their owu self re
spect, and to their reputation abroad,
place in nomination a ticket at least for
President Judge, Congreiwmaii, Senator
and Assembly, that will reoeive the support
of honest and temperato men. The day
has come when the frionds of virtue, tem
perance and morality must take a stand.
There is no use iu Die advocates of virtue
aud tho advocates of vice trying to mix.
One or the other must triuinph."
.Excitement In France Bazulue's Escape.
Paris, A uguBt, 11. Intense dismay has
been created among tho , French govern
ment officials hove and the city is wild with
excitemeut, oyer news received here this
morning of the escape of Marshall Bazaine
from the military prison on the island, of
Saiute Marguerite, . ,
The following .interesting particulars of
the escape of Bauiue from his prison on the
Island of St,, Marguerite, havq been receiv
ed: , The apartment occupied by Bazaiiie
opeucd on a toriaco, which was built ou a
lofty cloft' overhanging the sea. A sentry
was posted ou the terrace, with orders to
watch the prisoners every movement. On
Sunday evening Biusaioo walked upon the
terrace with Colonel Villotte, his aid-decamp.
At ten o'clock be retired, as usual,
apparently to, sleep, but, beforo daybreak
he had effected his escape,, He must have
crossed the terrace iu the dead of night, and
eluding the sentinel guiiied,the edge of the
precipice, and thence, by means of a knot
ted rope, descended to the sea. '
. Ha evidently slipped during the descent
and tore his . hands, as the roje was
found stained with blood iu several places.
Under the cliff, In a hired boat, were Ba
faine's wife and cousin. They received
him as lie reached the water, and tho wife,
taking the oars herself, rowed directly to a
strange steamer which bad been lying off
the island Biucff the previous evening.
They reached the steamer in safety, were
taken on board, and the vessel put to '' sou;
' It is thought they have landed at Genoa, as
the steamer proceeded in that ' direction.'
The (list news of the affair came to Gi asse,
tho nearest place on the coast, and tho
magih'traks of the towo gout ofllcera iu ty-
ery direction to search for the fugitives.
There was great commotion in Marseilles
when tho fact became known. , . ,'
An investigation was ordered. Colonel
Villotte, who wag walking with Bazaine on
the evening of his esoape was discovered
there and imprisoned. The commandant
of St. Marguerite was placed under arrest,
and General Leroal has gone to the island
to investigate the affair. f
Another Murder.
On the 8th inst., a body was taken from
Drawer's Creek, .near Wilmington, Dol.,
which was recognized as that of Robert A.
Mackey, drover, of Lewisvillo, Chester
county, Pa. On Wednesday, the SGtb, he
drove to Newark, N. J., and fell in with
Joseph Taylor, living near Jennersville.
After drinking together Mackey and Tay
lor went to St. George's and drank more,
Mackey paying the bills and Bhowing con
siderable money, while Taylor seemed to
have none. This, according to present in
formation, was the last seen of Mackey
alive, aud subsequently Taylor appeared at
Odessa, alone with Mackny's : horse and
buggy, and at the hotel displayed a large
Bum of money. Driving away he returned
on Thursday to Middlotowu, near Odessa,
sold the horse and buggy for half their
value and disappeared. On Friday the
body was found, and it is said that marks
of violence were on it, though none were
referred to in the verdict of the Coroner's
jury. Last evening a brotuer ot jnacKoy
arrived at Middletown to have the body ex
humed. Ia various particulars this affair
resembles tho Uddorzook case. Taylor is
represented to be a person of bad reputa
tion, who had forged his father's name and
committed other criminal acts.
Terrible Accident to a Bridal Tarty.
A terriblo accident happoncd, a few days
ngo, to a party of young people near Stan.
hope, N. J., which will cost two of tho
party their lives, aud maim another. A
young couple had just got married at Do.
vor, nod, with four friends, started iu a
carriage to Budd's Lake.
While they were climbing tho Stanhope
mountain, near the railroad bridge, the
pole of the carriage broke and the vehicle
rolled rapidly down the steep gradoi It
struck agaiust tho bklo of the bridgo, tore
off the railing aud went over the abyss, a
distance of fifty feet, landing on tho rail
road track a Blmpeless mass.
The bride and ono of the gentlemen had
both their aims and legs aud several ribs
broken. Tho other two ladies were fear
fully bruised, and the bridegroom fractured
an arm, besides receiving a number of cuts
about the person. A number of meu nt
work iu tho furnaco near by ran to the res
cue, aud did all they could for tho sufferers,
who were subsequently taken to Dover.
What Gin Did.
There was considerable excitement in
East New York last week, iu conscquenco
of a report that another littlo girl named
Augusta Gildiuior had been kidnapped.
She had been missing for several hours.
A thorough search was made for her in the
neighborhood of her residence, and she was
at length discovered lying behind a door
in the house, .She wag stupefied by gin,
which her mother had given her a . a cure
for chills and fever, from which she wag
The Blood Remedy.
The Jersey City Journal says : Tho blood
remedy is constantly bein tried by new
patients at the Abattoir. One of the worst
cases was that of a young lady who is con
nected with one of the most respectable
families in this city, whose case Was' pro
nounced hopclosB. She informed Dr. Fow
ler that sho should not trouble him again
as sho was entirely cured. There are now
about ten patients visiting the Abattoir
regularly, all of whom are doing well.
tW Here is the wail and the warning
of an unhappy Nebraskan : " Don't oome
to Nobraska ? Don't allow any one to
come here, because it is h 11 hero in the
shape of 1,234,578, 900,000, 000, 000,000 grass
hoppers ! There has been a light ; wheat
harvest, aud now every piece of corn and
potatoes is ruined. Dave Hill lost his en
tire crop of corn about fifty acres in all.
Smith has lost all but two acres of com.
The fact is, dosolation reigns supreme iu
the fields. There is a fair prospect of want
for the homesteaders, and, likely, starva
tion for some. Should like to borrow, of
some one $100jhat we might escape the
impending doom." . , .
t3f Eels, it has been proved, have both
sexes in one, and spawn Bomewhat after
the manner of other fish. Like the turtle
they can travel out of the water for some
distance, from stream to stream, so that in
almost every rivulet, however small, they
can be found. The gills or breathing or
gans are covered up by a most delicate
curtain which acts like a valve aud a res
ervoir for water, thus enabling the iiah to
take in a gillfu) of water, so to speak, to
keep its gills moist during tho time It Is
out of the water. It has a heart in the
tail, the same a ia known to exist in the
salmon, with pulsations at about ninety
four to the minute.: s,r-. : ! . .
' ---- . - - ;
l A Lynn dog goes about tho street,
with his muzzle attached to his tail, ancl a
blanket, the superscription tu which gives
out that the dog law, which require the
wearing of the ornament, does not desig
nate the place of wearing it. The police
court U looking into th books.
Church If oticca.
No Preaching in the Presbyterian church
during the month of August.
Frayer meeting service every Wednesday
Preaching In the M. E. church on Sun
day evening, prayer meeting on Thursday
evening. . . . . .
Lutheran ttervice Preaching in the Lu
theran church next Sabbath at 2J o'clock
p. m.
1'rcachinff in tno Kolormeu unurcu next
Sunday, at P. M. Prayer-meeting on
Thursday evening.
CBf American Homes for Auirust Is out, with
tho other first-class magazines, This maga
zine Is only ?'i.00 a year, Including a beautiful
chromo, and the only dlfTeronce wo can discern
between it and the larger magazines is in Us
size and price. Its table of contents this month
Includes "From Hod to Mine," by Charles
Barnard, an illustrated description of a trip to
the Reading coal mines j " Achsah," which
gains in Interest every month, ono will be sure
to make a reputation for the author, liev. Feter
Pcnnot, whoever lie may ho. T ho publishers
have added a "Fashion Deportment," which
will add to Its valuoin the eyes of the ladies.
The short stories and poems of the nnmber are
fully up to the standard, and all together make
a really first-class two-dollar magazine. The
publishers want agents lor this in every place
In the country.
Camp Meeting. There will be a camp
meeting held by the U. B. Church, com
mencing August 28, on the farm owned by
Lewis (iingericn, one ana a nalt miles
North-east of Ickcsburg and eight miles
South of Millcrstown, in Raccoon Valloy.
Tho committee wish it promptly understood
that there will positively be no huckstering
allowed on or within threo miles of the
ground. All men thus intruding, will not
only offend the better thinking class of
people, but will incur tno divine aispioas
lire of God upon them, and will be severely
dealt with. All the ground laying conve
nient, will be so secured that men thus
coming will be trespassers.
Lewis Ginokiucii)
Peteh Wax, ' V Com.
Solomon RoTn, J
tW The Bar-Room Remody for nil ail
ments is Hum iiittera, surcharged witn
Fusel Oil, a deadly clement, rendored more
active by the pugent astringents with which
it is combined. If your stomach is weak
and liver or bowels disordered, strengthen
and regulate them with VincgarBitters, a
purely Vegetable Alterative and Aperiont
free from alcohol and capable of infusing
new vitality into your exhausted system,
33 4t
Stone ' and Earthen Ware. Tho sub
scribers, proprietors of the Juniata Pottery,
near Newport, desires to give notice that
they aro keeping up a full variety of stone
and earthen waro, and are prepared to
promptly fill ordors for all goods in their
lino at low prices, rose oiuce aauress,
Newport, Perry co., Pa.
0m. M. & T. Milieu.
Eslrays.-Thero have been on my premises
in Tuscarora twp., for a number of days,
two head of young cattle : one a red steer.
and tho other a bull, ted with white stripes
on the back. The owner is notified to pay
charges and take thorn away, or they will
be disposed ot according to law.
Wm. M. Tkostle.
August 1st, 1874.
.. . .
t5T"Thoso who wish a reliable preparation
should try Fain Cure Oil. It Is a wonderful
Remedy, and fast becoming popular. Use It.
a-For sale bv F. MORTIMER, New Bloom
Hold, and B. M. E11Y, Druggist, Newport, l'u.
' 13J Tho Way " to minister to a mind dhv
eased," is to take Peruvian 8yrnp, a protected
solution of the Protoxide of Iron, which gives
Btrengtu and vigor to the whole Bystem, restores
the digestive organs to perfect health, thereby
restoring tno mint! to us natural vigor.
Every Person,
Man, woman, boy, or girl, should send ato&OG
for one of tho Excelsior Stationery Packets,
containing Note Paper, Envelopes, Pen Holder,
Pencil, Pens, Blank Book, Blottor,Fbotogrphs
of 100 beautiful Ladies, Tooth Picks Perfume
Snelict, Chinese Puzzle, and a line piece of La
dles' or Gents' Jewelry. Try a Package.
Price, post paid, 60 cents, or 9 for f 1. Agents
Wanted. Address.
S19 IIakmont St., Philadelphia, Pa.
A Medicine Chest iu Miniature.
Mlililer's Herb Bitters Is not a beverage . but a
strictly medicinal preparation, more thoroughly
adapted to the wants of the general nubile than
any other in the market. I nllke all other so
called Remedies, It Is prepared under the direct
iKM'soiml supervision ot an eminent Physician.
1. 1). liurtiniui, M. D.. the senior proprietor, Is a
regular graduate ot the Jefferson Medical College
ot Philadelphia, and a practicing physician of
large experience anil extensive practice. In such
hands the public may rest assured that Mlshler's
Horb Bitters Is cnmK)umled In strict accordance
with correct Pharmaceutical principles and that
none but the choicest ingredients enter into Its
Its Immense sate alone ts conclusive proof that
It iKtKHusses merit of a high order. Merchant,
bankers, clergymen, lawyers, clerks ami others
engaged In sedentary occupations, experience Its
wonderful etleets In relieving the depression caus
ed by severe mental lartor: while the mechanic,
farmer aud laborer, 11 nd their bodily vigor restor
ed like magic by Its use.
At this season of the year, when Diarrhea,
Cram), Chollcii ami kindred disorders, caused by
eating unripe fruits, Imprudent Indulgence In
cold drinks, etc., are prevalent, a certain, speedy
and effectual remedy will be found In Mlshler's
Herb Bitters.
The depressing feeling of Languor or Debility,
Incident to the " heated term," is at once remov
ed, the energies restored, and new life und vigor
Imparted to the prostrated system, by Its use.
ia Dvn)tia, lilrer-iAiniixtiinl and AJi'r.t'tlont
of the Kiitwt, it Invariably works like a charm.
It Is Hot a drastic purge nor beady stimulant.
violent in ttn ojierution; but It Is simply a natural
remedy, thoroughly udupted to uM nature. It
supplies tune to the stomach, reluvlgoiats the
digestive organs, stimulates the secretions, aud
promoting a regulur action of the bowels, enables
every organ of the body to perform Its allotted
work regularly and without Interruption.
It Is the unerriug certainly of desired results
attendant ou Its use, coupled with the fact that
It Is prepared by a physician of eminence In his
profession, that has rendered Mlshler's Herb
bitters ho popilur, und as familiar as a household
word. Tuoi'samis ok Mdtiiliis all over the laud
have found It 1st be the safest and best remedy for
use In their families; they not only give It wHIl
perfect safety to even the youngest child, but
wheu used with caul ion Hurt It the .safest mean
otei'siuing their m health and freedom ft mil
the weary aches and pains Incident to their sex.
Perfectly harmless. It Is Just the remedy needed
by them to enable Nature to perform her func
tions wmirnUii, repHlurlu and without imonren
nsnlenve. A'o Uuly thould be without It If slit would
issess the clear. blooinlmrcoinDlexion and ohoftr-
till spirits (uveai able, fnun sound health. It Is
Sold by all Druggists and Oeneial Dealers; Is
neatly put up Iu square lilast lkililus, enclosed In
a yellow wrapper. It is not sold on Draught, tie
lug ttrlcthi a MeiHobuU jnvjittrtHioH, and as such
Is endorsed by many o( the most emlueut physl.
elan ol the country.
August U, im U.
Tape Worm ! Tape Worm !
Removed In a few hours with harmless Vecreta.
ble Medicine. No fee asked until the entire
worm, with head, passes. Refer those aflllcted to
residents of the city whom I have cured, that had
been unsuccessfully treated at the JelTerson Med
ical College, ou Tenth Street i had taken In vain,
turpentines, the so called specifics, and all known
remedies, vr. n. r. uutinti., no. z North
Ninth Htreet, Philadelphia. The Doctor has been
In business for over twenty-five years, and is per
fectly reliable. Call and see. Advice free. Re
moved Tapeworm from a child six years old,
measuring 20 feet. At his otllce can be seen spec
imens, some of them over forty feet In length,
which have been removed In less than three hours,
by taking one dose of his medicine. Dr, Hunkers
treatment Is simple, safo and perfectly reliable,
and no fee until the worm, with head, passes. Dr.
E. F. Kunkel, 2T9 North Ninth 8t. Philadelphia.
cousuitaiiou at ouice or uy man iree. -ss uozt
Hannv Relief for Yrmnor Men from the effects of
Errors and Abuses In earlv life. Manhood Re-
stored. Impediments to Marriage removed. New
method of treatment. New and remarkable rem
edies. Hooks and circulars, sent free In sealed
envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION,
No. 2 South Ninth St.. Philadelphia, Pa., an In
stitution having a high reputation tor honorable
conduct, anu proiessionat sku. up i y
HT Edward Bayer, Esq., Horton, Klnes
Co., N., writes that an astonishing cure has
been effected on his daughter by the use of
Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. The wholo
spine became diseased, she lost tho nso other
limbs, add her back was rounded up like a bow,
In conscquenco of taking cold after having
been lnnocalatcd for the kine pock. She Is
now well.
Wo pledge our reputation on the asser
tion that any educated pnystctan, alter a care.
ful examination of the recipe, will say that
Parson's Purgative Puts possess more merit
than any other pill now ottered lor sale.
THE subscribers. Administrators of the estate
ot William Adair, late of Loysvllle, Perry
countv, Pa., deceased, will offer at publie;sale ou
me premises,
The following described real estate:
A LOT OF GROUND situated In the borough of
Loysvllle, Is) feet front and 1M feet In depth. The
improvements area gooa
Three Story Frame Weatherboarded
with a largo basement and cellar,
Wood House. Corn Crib. 4o.. all under one roof.
Also a good 110(1 PEN separate. A well of excel
lent water and Spring House under a separate
There Is a lino variety of choice Fruit Trees,
and tiranes on the nremises.
The above described property would make a
very desirable home for a tradesman .
TERMS Ten percent, of tue purchase money
to be tmld when the oronertv Is stricken down:
one half of the purchase money after deducting
costs and exiensess of sale, shall be and remain
lu said property, and the same shall be secured by
.Mortgage, anu me imcrosi inereoi suau oe annu
ally iKiid to Martha Adair widow of said dooeased.
during the term of her natural life, and at her
death the principal aforesaid, to be paid to tho
heirs of William Adair, the other half to be paid
upon the 1st ot April, 1H75, at which time posses
sion will be given of said property, upon the com
pliance iu au uue rcspecis wiiu me terms oi sale.
Aug. 18, 1S71. Administrators.
And now to wit. Cth July, 1874, It Is ordcted
that tho times of holding the regular terms of
Court In tho Forty-first Judicial District, com
posed of tho counties of Juniata and Perry, be
nxed as follows :
In the County of Juntnta
September Term : On tho first Monday of
September, and continue one week.
December Term t On the first Monday In De
cember, and continue one week.
February Term s On tho first Monday In
Fcbrunry, and continue one week,
April Term : On the fourth Monday lu
April, and continue ono week.
In the County of Perry
August Term : On tho first Monday In Au
gust, and continue one week.
October Term : On the Monday preceding
the first Monday In November, and continue
ono week.
January Term ! Oil tile first Monday lu Jan
uary, and contlnuo wceUi .
May Term: On the first Moiltlny In May, and
continue ono week.
The Prothonotnry of the Common Vlean of
Perry county, to make publication of this or
der for at least thirty days, in all the news
papers published In tho county of Perry, duly
B. F. JUNKIN, President Judge.
Certified from the Record. . . .
L. B J. J. 8PONENBERGER, Proth'y.
July 38, 1874 5t,
No. 43 Yesey Street,
P. 6. BOX, 1287. : New York.
ROBERT WELLS, President.
Prion List of Tcag.
Black, 40, &0, 60, best 70 ets. por lb.
Green, aud Black, 40, 60, 60, best 70 cts. per lb.
, , JAPAN.
Uncolored, 60, 70, 80, 60, best 91.00 per lb,
Green, 60, 70, 80, 90, best f 1.10 per Ui.
YOUNG nysoN.
Gresu, 50, 60, 70,80,90, f 1.00, best $1.05 ier ttT.
Green, $1.10, best f 1.30 per tb.
Black, 60 70,80, 90, beat $1.00 pgr rh.
N. M. We have a speciality of Garden Growth
YOUNG HVHON anil I.MI'KKIAU at l.aj, aud
OOLONG, Extra Choloe, 11.00 .
Our Teas are put up In One Pound! Packages,
With the kind and price on each.
AOKNTH WANTED to get upfllirlis to sell our
Teas to Families, Hotels, Hoarding Mouses and
others. Iu writing for terms or sending orders,
be partlvular to address the Prealiieut tke
Company, thus: .
No. 48 visKTH'n, Mew Tork.
We are oomtielled to request thU, as uthet
parties have imitated our llriu nam.
August 4, 1ST4 lot
In Perry County !
Gent's, Youths' and Boy's
: s iiirt i
Wool Shirts,
Wool Shirts,
Shlrls antl Drawers,
ALBUMS, &o., Ac.
ThesA Onnila AIITM'r 11 H UOT.n 1... ,
feted to buyers. Call aud Judge tor yourselves.
jos. Fmsiif
(Next door to Newport Deposit Bank,
Neivport, Pa.
8 30tf
Jacob Iieigel & Co.,
Dealers In
Philadelphia, Pa.
J stock a complete assortmentof UKY-GOOUS
oi every description, to which we Invite their at
tention. 8 6m
. We will be thankful for all orders which
will be promptly UUud at the lowest cash prices.
Remington Sewing Machine
AT VIENNA; 87:i:
The HighesJ;li(lf of " Medal''" Awarded at the
No'Sewlhfe Mucllih'n Received k Iilghrr Prize.
1 A Now Invention Thoroughly Tested anq so
cured by letters Patent.
2 Make ft perfect Lock stitch, alike on both
Bides, ou all kinds ot goods.
3 Runs Light, Bmootli, Noiseless and Rapid
best combination of qualities.
4 Durable Runs for years without Repairs.
R Will do all varieties erf Work and Fancy'
Stitching In a superior manner.
8 Is Most Easily Managed bt tlie orator.
Length of stitch may lie altered while running,
and machine can be threaded without passing
thread through holes. .
7 Design Hlmple, Hlmple, Ingenious, Elegant,
forming the stlten without the use of Cog Wheel
Gears, Rotary Cams orlver Arms. Has the Au
tomatic Drop Peed, which Insures uniform length
of stitch at any speed. Has our new Thread Con.
troller, which allows easy movement of needle-bar
and preveuts Injury to thread.
8 Construction most careful and Mulshed. It Is
manufactured liy the most skillful and experi
enced mechanics, at tlie celebrated REMINGTON
OFFICE, 10 Hlxth St. 27
Notice to the Stockholders of the People's
' . Freight Hallway Company. . ...
Gtllee of the People's Freight Railway Co..
No. lot. North 3rd Street
Philadelphia, Pa., July 10, 1874.
NOTICE Is hereby given, that an Installment
of Five Dollars per share on eaoh share of
stock subscribed to the People's Freight Hallway
Company, will be due and payable at Ihls otllce
as follows:
First Installment due July 31, 1874.
August 3D,
Fifth r
Sept. 3u,
Oct. SI,
Nov. 30, "
Dec. 31,
Jan. 31, 1875.
Mar. 4, "
. April 4.
May B. "
Mv order ol the Board of Directors.
N. B. Payment may be made to Dn. D. B.
Mh.likkn, Assistant Treasurer, Landlsburg, Pa.
July 14,1874. tf
hereby given, that letters oi Administration
ou the estate of Husau Humphrey, late of Walts
township. Perry comity, Fa., deceased, have Ixwil f
granted to the subscriber, residing In same towo-
ship. All persons Indebted to said estattf are re-.
l nested to make Immediate payment, and those
havlnit elalms. will uresnnt them duly authentic,
te.l lor settlement. KOllKUT HlIMl'HKKV.
May ft, 1874 t
J. Neatlyexecutedat the Uloomlleld Time
hnil Job Othoo.