4 NEW BLOOMFIELD, FENN'A. Ttmaday, May 10 , 1874. .' . i Tns President bag recognir.ed Baxter as legal Governor of Arkansas, and if Brooks does not vacate the State House,' United States troops will be ordered to dispossess him. Already several lives have beon lost by conflict between the two factions, and the State has been left in anarchy and con fusion for two weeks. It is high time some decisive steps were taken to settle the dif ficulty. " The effects of the action of the Court on the liquor bills was plainly seen In town on Weil ties, day night Inst. Liquor must have been plentiful ly furnished by some uue." rims ot Tuosduy. " Now, what bad the Court to do with the young men drinking on the evening Indicated 1 It Is well known that the liquor came from Duncan's' Island. It seems that a few fnutt iindcrs are Ignorant of the truth or refuse to , speak It and In olthcr.caro are equally culpa IjIo. Attempts to Induce a Court to disregard the law of the land by newspaper squibs and covert Innuendoes unsupported by facts, will fall. Drinking is bad, but telling the exact opposite of the truth is worse, In the opinion of all right thinking men. Some, llko the ostrich with its head in the sand, consider themselves ' covered all over, while their most mntorlal part remains visible." Freeman of 13th Inst. When wo stated, that a general jollifica tion was hnd over the quashing of the in dictments found by the last grand jury, for selling liquor in this borough, we had no intention of reflecting ou the Court, but moroly gavo the fact as an item of news. That it mat a fact, is generally known, and whethor the liquor came from Duncan's Inland or. Philadelphia, has nothing to do with tho Cii80. It was brought hero to sell, and teat eoid in this town, iu violation of the law. The extreme sensitiveness of the editor of the Freeman who happens to constitute a part of the Court would seem to indicate, however, that even had tho reflections been intended, they would not have been entire ly uncalled for, and communications which wo have received on the subject, but which wo think best not to publish, show that some other people have that opinion. CIVIL SERVICE EEF0P.U. Tho chief examiuer connected with tho Civil Service Commission has niado a re port to that body concerning the working of the systom aud tho practical results of last winter's examinations. The report is u very rose-colored one, aud in del'cnco of tho system it advances many strong argu ments. The most substantial one is that "each man fuels that his promotion do pends chiolly upon his own efforts, and not upon the weight of his political influence nor the degreo of bis own subserviency, aud is incited to extend his knowledge, especially ot the duties ot tno ollice on which his advaucement chiefly depends." There is no doubt that tho principle of civil service reform is calculated to produce im portant results in evory department of tho government if carried out lu its true spirit honestly and without favor. As tho report states, it bring into tho field many qualifi ed persons who were entirely excluded by the old appointing power, and practical knowledge ofspeciilo duties will take place of mere parly strength. The examinations, the report says, have been entirely directed oward securing appointees for the various offices of the government who are practical ly conversant with their special duties. If such are indeed the results of the system every one will be incliued to wish it every success, but is such tho case ? A Lihellnnt with two Husbands. . A divorce suit of a somewhat singular charactor has boon instituted in the Pitts burgh Court of Common Pleus. The name of the libcllant is Mary Ann Young. In 1859 she was married at Greensburg, by Rev. Steck, to Thomas Donuhuo, and lived with him until 1870, when her husband weut est to the Btato of Missouri. About six months subsequent information readied i her that he had died there, and learning nothing to the contrary, she earn ed he.' living as best she could by wasliiug, See., until August, 1872, when she married William Young. She has lived with him ever since, but now desires to have the nuptial ties severed, as information has lately reached her, that the first husband Is living in Illinois. This, she avers, can be fully established to tho satisfaction of the Court, and prays that the second contract be declared null and void. ' t3f' A crurader's picket in Tiffin, Ohio, recently did somo active service. Two young ineu iu a saloon had progressed from angry words to blows, and had just drawn their revolvers.. All the masculines pres ent evaporated through the front door, but the crusading picket entered the suloou, separated the combatants, aud gave the such au emphatic talking, that they retired abashed. IlaniBbarg Correspondence. HAiwiBBuna, May 16th, 1874. ' We have had two sensations here this week, one being the gathering of the sol diers and the other, the adjournment of , the Legislature Those gentlemen have placed on record their doings, for which thoy modestly voted themselves $1,500.00 each, and now the people will scan their acta and pass upon the merits. The gather ing of the veterans was not fully up to ex pectations. On Monday and Tuesday the different army corps held their reunions closing with the receptions at the-Governor's and banquets at the Locliiol Hotel in the evening, followed on Wednesday by a grand army reuuion and banquet In the evening. Among the military personage ? resent were Uens. Sherman, Sheridan, lancock, fiurnside, McDowell, Patterson, Garfield, McMahon and Jardine. - General Grant did not make his appearance.though it was generally supposed he would be present. The promised parade was a fail ure. The next reunion is to be held in Philadelphia. Among the closing scenes of the Leg islature was the going through with the "You tickle me and I will tickle you," performance of presenting testimonials to the officers of the House. The speaker was presented with a eleven hundred dollar silver tea set and a gavel, while the chief clork was made the recipient of a handsome cano. If the members have a desire to spend their money in this manner, I don't know as any one ought to complain, but I venture to say that many of the contribu tors to the purchase of these articles had much rather have been excused. The liquor men are not so jubilant over the action of the House on the repeal of the Local Option Law as they were, as when it came up on Monday the House refused to take it up, and so there was no chance of a repeal this session. The House also killed the bill providing for a uniform series of text books throughout the State. It is not known how much it has cost the book publishers to accomplish this result, but it is known they have been very active in their opposition to the bill. Both Houses have agreed to the report of the Coufurenco Committoes ami have passed the apportionment bill. Under this bill Franklin nnd Huntingdon counties form the 83rd Senatorial District, Cum berland and Adams the 32nd, and Perry, Milllin and Juniata the 81st. Kauh small county sends its own member as provided for by the Constitution, while the larger counties send according to the population. L nder this arrangement Cumberland send two, Franklin three, Huntingdon two, York four, Harrisburg one and the balance oi Dauphiu county two, and so on until the 200 members are secured. Tho Senate olosed its session by electing George U. Cutler, of Erie, as speaker. Tho doings iu the House were not quito so boy ish in the closing Hours, as tuey wore at the last session, but legislation was humed through in a manner to astonish, if uot to please the tax payers. Perhaps the mem bora had some qualms of conscience (if politicians have such an article,) about tak ing the tlltoen hundred dollars lor mo show of work they had made, and so thoucht to pile up a quantity regardless of duality. Time will tell whether the acts of the Legislature will meet the approval of the public. quid JNUNC. Full of a Building In Buffalo. Buffalo, N. Y., May 12th, 1874. At about half-past five yesterday afternoon, without previous warning, MoArthur's four story brick block on Main street, about Eaglo street, fell with a terrible crash, crushing in the adjoining two story block (Stevenson's.) A daughter of the Janitor, Frauk Naglo, five years old, was instantly killed ; also a son of Professor Buckham, the principal of the State Normal School, fourteen years of age. Mrs. Buckham had a log broken and i severely bruised. Emma J. Morse, fourteen years old, had her left arm torn off and her skull fractured ; her injuries are probably fatal. Terrible Itat Fight In a Hogshead. A lot of rats were found the other day in a hogshead that had been left open in a store at Exeter, N. II. The store cat, hav- ing been notified, climbed to tho edge of tho hogshead, but after surveying the sit uation jumped down aud ran out at the door, shortly reappearing with another cat The two looked at their foes and retired, soon coming back with a third cat. They now seemed satisfied with their force, and mode an attack, jumping into the hogs head. Tho cats had, however, miscalcu lated tho force of their enemy, and two. were killed, tho other boing taken out iu season to save its life. The Mississippi Overflow. Memphis, Tonn., May 13. About day light yesterday morning the levee broke at Appersou's plantation, opposite Friar Point. At the last account the crevasse was 150 yards wide, and the water spread. ing over tho plantation one of the finest in that section. The crevasse at Miller on the Mississippi side, is now 000 yards wide, and the water In the street of Friar'i Point is three feet deep. Whole families are moving out, and the merchants ar busily engaged iu removing their goods. Tho entire country In the rear is rapidly being inundated. Some idea may be form ed of the power of the water rushing through this crevasse by its tearing u huge cotton-wood trees, two and a half feet in diameter, and scattering them over the neighboring plantations. The steamers now all come through the Council Bond Cut-off. i 1 Novel Cure for Toothache. A Marion, la., woman attempted to cure her husband's toothache by pouring sever al quarts of . boiling hot water down his back. The Jury, not wishing to encourage the practice of that school of dentistry, sent her to jail. Foal Outrage on a British Consnl. Panama, May 8. Mr. John Magee, British viae consul at San Jose de Guate mala, had Incurred tho enmity of ,Colonel Gonzales, the commandant at that port. Mr. Magee held a semi-official government position which placed him out of the com mandant's jurisdiction, and this inoreased the latter' dislike. ' ' On the 24th of April the steamship Ari zona arrived at San Jose, and providentially this Was the day that Colonel Gonzales had fixed upon for venting his wrath on Mr. Magee. Early in the morning he sum moned the Vice Consal before him, and when the latter excused himself because of lameness sent a file of soldiers, with orders to bring Mr. Mageo " dead or alive." Accordingly the suflerer was brought in on a cart, insulted, struck in the face with the butt of a pistol, imprisoned, and or dered to receive 400 lashes at 4 P. M. The surgeon of tho port protested that it would end in the victim's death; The consular agent of the United States, Mr. James, pre sented a written protest under his' official seal. Gonzales brutally replied that he would not only administer the .punishment but would1 shoot him at 8 o'clock the next morning. Mr. Mags was brought cut from , 1 dungeon, thrown upon the ground, and a soldier sat upon his head while- four other sat on his haads and feet. After his coat and vest had been stripped off 200' lashes were administered by four soldiers, the Commandante sitting by and keeping tally. At this point Me Magee became insensible and the rest of the flogging was- put off until the following day. ' , , The President of the Republic no'sooner. heard of Gonzales performances than be sent off a military force tq arrest Imuu He had seuse enough as soon as ho beard that the troops were coming, to got frightened and, sought refuge on board of the Faoific Mail steamship, where , he was welcomed with a pistol-ball iu bis abdomen. Fishing Sat Tree Bass. Mr. Piatt Evens, Jr., is a noted Cincin nati fisherman, butt rarely goes out nowa days. His last exploit was on Mill Crock, near Cumminsvillo, when a stranger came along and found hint shooting Into tae-fo. liage of a tree with biB Bhot-gun. '''' " What are you after there, my friend'?" inquired the stranger. ' "F-f-fish," was the laconic roply. 11 "What sort of fish?" " T-ttree bass," was tho simple response accompanied by another double discharge of tho gun up among the branches of tile tree. ' ' "But, great heaven ITyou don't catcfc fish on trees in this Western country, do you?' And the wondering stritngor oontinced to stare and stare until Mr. Evens explained to him that in throwing a fish out of the crook he had jerked it too high and) aooi dently lodged it in the tree beyond' his rcaoh. He was thon- engaged in shooting off' the branch on which his pnzehad lodged. ' ' A Crusade Cowhldcd. A- shameful proceeding was witnessed yesterday morning, about ten o'clock, on Magee street, in the Sixth ward. It. was none other than a publlo cowhldiag of a wife by her husband, a driver of a sowing machine wagon. It is- stated that the man gave as a reason for the outrage that bis wifo had joined the erusaders,and he would not permit it. The lady had just come from her house, audi was going down Ma gee street, when, bor husband drovo up, He jumped out of the wagon, with whip tiv hand, and rushing . at the woman struck, hoc several blows. The woman hastened home to avoid the scandal. Pitttbuag, Commercial. , , A Clergyman. Starving la low ft- The Eldora, Iowa, Ledger tells of a sad ease of destitution in that locality. A Meth odist clergyman, of fair attainments but excessively modest, was so-sorely pressed with poverty hut winter as to be almost in a starving condition, and at ono tirna sub sisted for three days on parched oora only, Anoint Factory Ulrl Scalpwi. A girl at work in tho Kankakeu, 111., button factory, while picking up the but tons that fell from the lathe, got her scalp entangled in the machinery, aiul bad tho scalp on the left side of hor head torn com pletely o(T. She may recover, although she is in a critical condition. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription le very strongly recommended by the Medical Facolty and Is largely proscribed among their female patients. It is worthy ef ail con II doneo, as may b seen from tlie following testi monial : Atlanta,., July 14, 1873. Dr. It. V. Pierce, Bullalo, N. Y. I Dear Mr I have not words to express my gratitude to you for your advice and assistance In mv case. There Is not one who has used your medicines since they have been brought here, but that cull uy with ma they have been erentlv beucllttud. Since I have been to help ed by Us use, six or seven around me left off all doctors aud other medicines, aud now use It in their families, alter being cured of the same disease as mine. Tou do not know what a wonder It created In our city, by its restoring my sister I wrote you about, for'she had been under the care of three of our beet doctors but could not tit up but for few minutes at one time. I bt'Kged of her to try your medicines, and before she had used half of the bottles ilie could go all around the yard, und has now Just come home from a visit Ave miles away. Mus. Tuos. McFiUM. Miscellaneous News Itenwv CUTAn Illinois man, while land hunting in Cm oouuty, Iowa, recently, came across a den t wolves in which were five puss. He soaVpeoV them and received bounty mm ey enough to-pay bis fare home. t3T A. JWiara nndertook' to give ; lib dog a batb the other day, and seized him by the colftw to throw him from the deck of tha rive steamer. The collar broke, and it was the man who-bad the bath. tW Tho : Pittsburg Leader says " Mo Cormiok is twJ- redheaded for speaker. It requires a patient man." It seems to us that a man with twohoads has a right to be impatient, particularly if both are red. . tS llocontly a Ave year eld daughter of Mrs. Wm. Beailey, residing at Lew is town, accidentally fell intoa tub of boiling water, and before she oouiU' He-resetted was so terribly , scalded tha Bhe died from the effects the following evening, tST' Two skeleton) one that of a man about 40 years of ag;. and1 the other of a young man, about 18, were unearthed near Banbury, a few days ago They are- be lieved to be the remains-of peddlers, mur dered some 85 years agoi Tbsy were buried beneath the krtahen- of farmer named Snyder, who is bow dead. Snyder had two boos, one of waom hunjekimself, and the other is believed to- be living h the west. The peddlers' ' nomas were-Black and Fronk. EST One day last week r Book-keeper fit the employ of a lamber Arm in1 Detroit, JTich., became suddenly illr nnd the F)'t Pfanssays, the several physicians wawwere called decided that one of his lungs- was affected with an abscess, canned by robbing his- Bide against the edge of trite tab). He wst told that the abscess would1 break wiohiil two days, and that the-ohances- were tha he sbonM die. He made preparations for- his deseasej and his death' occurred Aitkin- a few minutes after the nsseoas broke. ' ' 1 - i EST A difficulty between a bi!-post and- a haokman recently occurrsd'befor Kbo- ley's- Theatre, Chicago. WbiX) tho poster was endeavoring to cover the show board the hackman badgered bin until e lost his- tonvper aid 'appliod opprobriord- epi tlicto-to his persecutor. This angorsd' the hoefcmanv and be oomraeioed a figit? ra 'earnest, striking fiercely .for tlie- pcotov's fuee- j ;but the latter coolly diped his brush into his pasU-bnckot, nnd, rushing ten his adversary, gave him a downward, stroto on the head, completely covering Jiis hatfoce .and alio front, of his pesson witu the "boiled flour." This was. too inrwh.for tb hackman, and he letiscd - to olsan his eyss-and month, while the poster wtnt on coolly with bis work. Don'Tbodgfrfc Tho following story comes. from Inland i Two- men bad a quarrel im a-, liquor shop. They adjovirned outside t- settle the dis- pnsbo. The first man being' iron Con naught, immediately seized! a,lunip ctistona- nnd let fly at the hoad of bis-.opponea. who dipped! his head and missed the- stone, hiuh went through an oxpenslw plate grass window, and did mucin damage. A magistrate was called upon the tteib merit ing to determine which of the twthoulrt pay the cost. The evidence clearly showed that tibe aim was a good c-ne,-. andi that if the second man had not dipped bis-head be- would bare been strath. . 1 "Tkeroforey said tbe magistrate, "ho-mut pay tie damages, as it is certain the first aruvn diuV't intend to injure the window, asdUhe win dow would not have bean injured! if it bad not been for the act of the. second. man."' Thirty Years' Experience-of aa old rkiree. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrutf. & the prescription of one ot the best female Phvsl ulausand Nurses in the United States, anl has been used for thirty yeojrs with never foillag safe ty and suecess, by mill-ions ot mstliers aa! chil dren, from the feeble infant of snu week old to, theailnlt. It corrects acidity ol the stomach, re lieves wind collo, regulates tho bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to motietiaud 4illd. We believe It to be the LVijt and Surest Heuwdy In the AVorld In all cases at DYSKMTEilY and DIAR K1KKA IN CIULbllCN, whether U arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full direc tions for using will accompany tsch buttle. None Genuine unless tha facsimile uf CURTIS & PERKINS Is on Uie outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. 27 b lyr Childres. often lattlc. Pulo and Sick from no other cause thou lhavlivg.'wornis in the stomach UROWif'8 VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being perfmily W1IITU, and free from all color ing or other Injurious Uuirctlttuts usually used la. worm preparations. OURT1H Hi DROWN, Proprietors, . . No. 216 Fulton Street, New York. Sold by DrvngMatd CVniM, and tiealert in Mtdiciuea at Twentv-Fivs Cents a Uox. 2blyr. HOUSEHOLD Why Will Yon. Suffer? To all persons suffering from Uliuinatism. NetualKla, Crump In the llmlis or stom aeh. Pillions Colli'. Tulu In PANACEA the back, bowels or side, we AND- would say, Tns nousmiOLn and KlMll.l I.immknt Is of all others the remedy you want for Internal und exter nal use. It has cured the alHivo comnlaints In thou FAMILY sands of eases. TUui e is no mlsiake iinoul it. Try It. bold by nil Drag. gists. LINIMENT. 27 b ly Tatfe Worm I Tape Worm ! RdtHWftd In m fw ham with hnmilAi. Votto) bis Mwtlclne. tin Ips nnUI Um miIIm worm, with hinC raiwa. Keler those afflicted to reslrteMs of the etty wliom I have cured, that had been uiwHCcessfirtlr Irfaied 4i the Jelterson Med. leal Collnw, on Truth Mtroet; hnd taken In vain, tufpentlws, the B(allrfi imecltlos, and sll known i.V, . . ,L...': "l""v r.ij, no. ks norm Ninth Mtrett FhllaWrln. The rxwtor lias been InjMAiiifws over IwMHy-Bve yearn, and Is per ffeolly rellaMe. Call a4 s. Advice free Ke movwd Taprworin inm ehiid nix years old. meanurlnK20tetit. Al 1 s can be seen spec imen, some f them M-ty feet In length which have bniremtwt lw m than tiir h,,,.' !y taking one tlnfte of hH ixeitrtliie. Dr. K tinkers' ivenuneiu in mvutiu; ear inn perieetly reliable tod no fee until the worwy wwh head, paw Ir X. V. Kimkel, 2S' North iln Ht. Philadelphia. Consultation m onice or v mail free. its boat TO CCNSUOTIVES. TheadVertlser. havlnir been, sormanentlv mr. edot'that dread disease, Csiiniplon, by a sim ple rwmeny, anxioufl 10 inaMrsuawB to ni rellow suirerCTs the ineanoncure. ToN who desire It. he will send a eonv ml the nraMrhidlnn lined, ttnw m eiuvrKe Willi ine-llirccMOIlf. ior mronarlnir and tislnii ie name, wlilith'tliev will 11M Hare Cure for UWNHUMPTHMJ, AHTHMyll, , K-KONCHITW, )Mon will please Jtmles wishing Hie address Slaom, ' M Penn WllilaincoursH, if. Tork JIOJtOJUEIt'S- BHOXtlHO IiAirjJKSEAA. TfltOCXIES. for the cue- of Coughs, Kohls, hoarsenesrliroii AS1HMA CItOUP, Whooping cough, ohltl!),. More Throat, for r sense of Blnger Frlee&sc. to mak permanent Preywml only by ;ainrrn, and feakera an-d-)ne Trial Frlendfl. a. r. nofirran, 8,Si Corner of 2thtt Green SUrntts. oBm PHILADELPHIA. fW For asli'bv F. Mpnnur.n. Nj Rlmm. fleld, Perry county, Pa. t-flT There are-everal Unit of worms which trouble horse ; -the pin worms (pointed-at both ends) are thj most common and mos danger- nm. oueriuaD-S' uavairT- uomilllon murders will In few davs elact the worms-, and Wir,re will begin to Ifarive. Caution- C A IX porsorarare hereby cautioned' .Tcainst negotiating the following checks:: Due check onttw Terry county Hank (ftn 4nn, raWD bV John Mlillch. In fanov nf Unhnrhriurk endorsed by Kelwrt A . Clarfc Xleorge Shmw ami J. IS. Wetzel. TW other a Tension Check for !!4,lu favrof Wm. Nnnoinaker auliorid6rsdi f Wm. Nuwmaker antfvKiA. Wetzel.. I'ayinent line been stopped on the r.txws Checks. J, 8. VVK'JTAKL. may o, 1S74 it pi). ADMINISTRATOR'S NOmiK. Notias is hereby glv.tBvthat Ittero Adniliilstrntlou im the estate of Musan llumpiirev, late of Watts township. Terry county, Ta., oeeeased; ha- been Bisnted to the subscrlfier, resWhi 111 same-township. All persons Indebted tO' said estate- arare qiuested to makir- immediate payment, an those na.TiBR claims, wiu present in :-rnli)ly nuinentlca- tl fur settlement! ituui-jua. 11U Ml'H UK j. iMay 5, 1H74 61. . AdluluMrattor. ' Notice- Tim Interest of m. H. Ml!1i: of ffariW. In the Terry Cuunff Bank, of Mionslor, Jmikia & (A has been iw. haised - ly Wv A. Hponsler (fc B. V. Junkin, and ftnm this date A-nrll 2lith, l?74,said Miller Is no longar a member ol said lli ni. Unt the tlnn consists of W( A. Hpons!er.i D. 1'. -hmtiln. Banking asHponsKr JiinklnAOn.. who will eon. tinuetodo business in the samauioilo nndinmu ner as has been umk hitherto, with the full assur tkttnr that our comse has met ttte-ftpprobationaiid inNKaineu tue OKUueuce-m ans people.. W..A1.HHONMUU4. 1..3:J.UNKLN. Apll 20. 1S74. Koilcei. - Oflbe of the Tetter it TrelKht. Hallway i'Dinuany, , No.l0tiJBtUThirtrt.. Vhiladelphiat l'a. Marti.27, 1874. THB third lnFtsUmest nf nve. dollars per share on the siibxuttptions to ths-preforrtdisteek of Hi People's FriHiiht ltailwavtlo., will be dlu, and payable at the ctice of the OSHiiwny, ouioirbefore It loth day of April next, lty order M the board ot iDlreotors.. . ItOHKHTCtitttMN, XBeaflurer. N. II. Payment' may oe made- to Uts. 1). B. Mn.t.iKF.N, assistant treasuntr, l4indisAur.g, Ta. March 31. lNTl.tf. Home Eife im the Bible. By the author of " Night Scenes iaithe Bible' aim "Our Fat'aer's House,"-of whlckt nearly ax), UtH) have tieen solL " Houo Life" la nimendes fcv ministers eCull chnirchi as " Uie author's best biHik," "full I preelou thnughts' "Truthd precious as mras. a cheioe book fur every fam- lly," na. Mtuci- engravings, rose nstea piier rich hlndine and for rjpkl sale uaieuuailed. AtlENTH, Young Men, Ladles. Teachers ami Clerpymen, naitfed lu ery couaty (75 to 8100 per liiuuin. iwuiu ior cireuiar. Z1EOLKS. & M'ClTtDY, 813 . filH Ar.oh St., Tluludelphla.ra A VALUABLE ST1MM TANNERY M: Private Sale I TIIC subscriber hsving concluded to enter Into niKtuer branch at business, oilers kis Steam Tannery, At private sale. Iislneol ruunliix order aud uiipiiWe of Taming 3000 Hides jer Year!'. T.-le. water tliab Mm Tannery Is supplied with is., so Killed with Vs aniiv-eyed from a spring, and Is at the best'uttlity fur I'uuulng purposes. There ara- 6 tAKCE (new)-LKKCI1ES, 62 LAY-AWAY VATS, " 8 IIANDLEHS, , . BATES, MMES, SWIATS. IIIDKHUKAKEIt, .I.KATIIKlt HOLLER. CEN- JKlM tiALLigiiOlt l l'AU , ae. I7IB ENCINE AND BOILER Are in good condition, with every convenience necessary. It A UK can be had in abundatMe, at low figures. The Tanuery Is locnted at NKW BLOOM. KiliLl), Terry county. Ta., a very pliusant town, with good society, uood Hcliools, Auademy audi four churches, i'or further paiilciUars, call on ur address BAM'L. ALKX. VEALB, Feb. 17, 1874. New llloomlield, Terry Co., Ta. Dissolution of to-rartuershlp. THE firm of Martin Ht (i rash, In Plain, Ferry county, Ta., will bedlssolved by mutual con. sent on Thursday, March 1UIU, 174. Ail persons indebted to the tlrm are requested to settle their accounts by note or otherwise, by April 1. 1S71. MAUl'LN & t;UOW. The undersigned will coullnue the husluessat the old aland, where h V.111 keep coiistautly ou hand a full supply of all kinds of Merchandise usually kept In a country store, which he will sell for CAHH or TUOOUCli only. uta n. m auxin. lllalu, Feb. 24, 1874.