i he imco, Nftu Bloitclli, )a. 7 Newport Adrertlscmcnts. A New Idea! NEW STORE ROOM. NEW FIBMI JiEW GOODS! E. B. WISE, Having opened a New store t the corner of Fourth ft Cherry Streets, Just above the I'enn'a. K. K. dopot, In Nowport, are now prepared to show a Complete Stock of New Goods, Consisting In part of DRY GOODS, GKOCE1UES, f . BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, NOTIONS, And a general assortment of all kinds of goods which they will sell ( AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. ' i They ask the citizens of Newport and vicinity to call and examine their stock and nee that they are ottering goods at such prices as will secure a share of the public patronage. , 33. J3. WISE, WALNUT STREET, as tl Neivjwrtf Pa. Do You Want Bargains? IF SO, CALL ON W. H. MUSSEll, At Newport, Penn'a. 0 Having Just returned from the City with a SPLENDID STOCK OF . ' DI1Y - OOODS,' It O C E It I E 8 , i AND NOTlONSt I am prepared to offer to the citizens of Terry County one of the I1EST ASSORTMENTS of UOODS ever brought Into this vicinity. My Stock of DRESS -GOODS, DRESS-TRIMMINGS, AND NOTIONS, Is complete, and were bought at TANIC PRICES, and will be sold at SHORT PROFITS, for Cash. MO- Call aud see for yourself. W. II. MUSSEll, CENTRE SQUARE, 43 tf NEWrOltX, PA. Drugs! Drugs! rTlIIE Subscriber has on" hand and for sale, at J. low prices, a complete assoruuentoi DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, 01 all kinds. Also, a full stock of . - . i , . .., i Concentrated Remedies, 1 PATENT MEDICINES, ESSENTIAL OILS, PERFUMERY, HA-IR OILS, BRUSHES, - 1 ; AND FANCY ARTICLES. Pure Wines AND LIQUORS, Always on baud, for Medicinal and Bacramen , tal purposes. t&'i'hyticiant' OrJeri carefully und . promjitly filled. B . M . E B Y , NEWPORT, PERRY COUNTY, PAi New Millinery Goods A.t IVewport, J? a.. T HKO tb Inform the nubile Hint I have lustre X turned from Philadelphia, with a ful assort ment of the latest styles of MILLINERY GOODS, . HATS AND BONNETS. K1UU0NS, FRENCH FLOWERS FEATHERS, . CHIUNONS, LACE CAPES. NOTIONS, And all articles nsunllv found In a first-class Mil llnorv Ksliilillwliniriit. All orders uroiimtlv at tfiided to. r We will sell all goods as Cheap as Ciiu be got elsewhere. PKEHS-M AKTNfl done to order and In the la test style, as I get the lutc.it Fashions from New York every mouth, fionerlng done to order. In ail wkhiis. j win warrant an my worn in utve sui Isiactiou. All work done as low as possible. ANNIE ICKES, Cherry Street, near the Station, 4181 J Newport, Pa. -SHUTTLE- Sbwiiis Macmne FOR 50 Dollars ! ! FARMERS, ... MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, ' ' AND . i ' EVERYBODY Buy the' World-Renowned Wffi8l i THE BEST IN THE WORLD! t3yTho Highest Premium., was awarded to it at ."VIE 1ST 1ST A.; Ohi Stale Fair) Northern Ohio Fair;' Aiuer. Institute, N. Y.j Cincinnati Exposition; , Indianapolis Exposition ; St. Louis Fair; Louisiana State Fair; Mississippi State Fair ; and Georgia State Fair; FOR BfcING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing the largest and best range of work. All other Machines In the Market were In direct . COMPETITION ! ! t3?TFor Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. Where we have no Agents we will deliver a Machine for the price named above, at the nearest Rail Road Station of Purchasers. ' '. Needles for all Sewing Ma - chines for Sals Old Machines taken in Exchange. Send for Circulars, Price List, fSic.J and Copy of the "Wilson Reflector, one of the best Periodicals of the day, devoted to Sewing Ma chines, Fashions, General News and Miscellany. Agents "Wanted AO Oil ESS, Wilson Mil Machine Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 7 22t JTJETTY OPRING I Hints Otyles ' ONLY 10 CENTS a YARD CAN BE HAD OF F, MORTIMER, THE GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can bo cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved bythq hundreds of testimonials received by tho proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be tho most rcliablo preparation ever in troduced for tho relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to tho public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, Influenza, , Asthma, Colds, Soro Throat, Pains or Sore ness in tho Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar's Balsam docs not dry up a Cough, and leave tho cause behind, as is tho caso with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses tho lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. PREPARED BT BETH W, rOWLE & BOKS, Boston, Hmi., And aolu by Druggist! and Dsalors generally. 4 ta M m ir ?: - 4y J5r iS Nature's Great Remedy THROAT and LUNG DISEASES!! It it the vital principle of the Pine Tree, obtained by a peculiar process In the distillation of the ttr, by which ill highest medicinal properties are retained. 1 ar even in its crude state has been recommended by eminent physicians of mrytcluol. It toconfidently offered to the afflicted for the following simple reasons: i.lTcmts.notiyatruflytltffing Ik, cough- but by dissolving the phlegm and atiitting nature to throw off the unhealthy matter causing the irritation. In cases of ualtd consumption it both prolongs and renders less burdensome the life of theafllicted sufferer. s. Its healing principle acts upon the irritated sur. face of the lungs, ftnitrating la each diaatid fart, relieving pain, and tutduing inflammation. . J. IT FURIFlflS AND KNBlCHBB THE BbOOD. Posltlv. ly curing all humors, from the common pimple or eruption to the severest cases of Scrofula, Thousands of affidavits could be produced front those who have felt the beneficial effects of Print Tree Tar Cordial in the various diseases arising from IMPUEmss ov THE BLOOD. t 4 ' inmgvmiei iht digtriivt trgsm and rtttora tkt apptta. All who have known or tried DtTLTQ. C' Wis, hart's remedies require no references from us, but the names of thousands cured by them can be given to any one who doubts our statement. Dr. L. O. C. Wisharts Great Anuricmn Dytprp,ia PilU and WonM bucAE Drops have never been equalled. at tale by all Druggists and Storekeepers, and at Er. L. Q, C. WISSABT'S Office, JVo. It31t X. Second St., VMlad'at T1013t ' ' '. . M OUR BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSrHAitp (ViTiinrticc fN tan t lk i Hiujur.j iui igm, ui I c iNumlwrinul 75 At; ; J, t i,l Mii.ninli.fc ! aflnelarpT90j)')rr J yilil 'i, ri,r.n'rwrij!idjr, t iViaurputronBtti yv..tl niilc U unital (r!lr;o; to ail oLVtm. o.i noipt o( i: c, Uloi "iw iri.l.irn lii Mn.-it ir PI t-m t il h . t ni-ttnr. CX'CrUcuiiiff (r IjiU. , . ' w( or I'riifiirnl FttorlcuUnre ffin.V ','U;!ivx rtli-fl irn. dillr I4itn timl uhU Ire (tk.i'j i. jtio;ut$ ann, ati $f o: ceecsmOTi J3 lorttamiJ otreet, New YorK, 60 0m Why not hava a Beautiful Comploxlon? . WHI UK AMMylKQ WITH CHAPPED HANDS t"ROUCH8KINT when such an sgreenble and etTectuul REMEDY GAXBEOBTAlifED AT SO 8HAI.L A' COST. ' , BY USIN.CiRIGBT'S ALCO.NATED til.yfEKIAE TABLET." Sold by DruKKlxts & Doiilnrs in Toilet Articles. 00 M AMNION lIOUNi:, NEY BI'OOMFlliLD, rEPKY CO.. rA.. , HENRY FATTIIUSON, ' -" ' rroprlcjr. This well-known hotel dm been refurnished by the pitnent lnananf ni-nt. who ptirtHMVH keeping a Hint olait'i hotel, (ur the nucomodttlioii of man und heiint. The table will always be suiiillril wilU the luxuries of (lie aeaHon. hpeclal 1.i1 lira will be tukvu to uiuke ywMH leel coiulurtuble. ilo'bZ J)r. J. M'ulkt'i-'s California Yin egnr IJillors nro a imioly VcRotablo pVcparntioti, tnado cliiclly from the nn tivo herbs loam) on tho lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tho medicinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked. ''What is tho Cause of tho unparalleled success of Viskoau Bit Ticusf" Our answer is, that they removo tho cause of disease, and tho patient re covers his health. They nro tho preat blood purillernnd a lifo-givinr principle, a perfect Konovator and Iuvigorater of tho system - Never boforo iu tho history of the world ban a medicine been compounded possessing tho rcmnrknulo qualities of Vikkoar Bittbrr in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to; They are a gentle Purfrntive as well as a Tonic, relieving Coniicstiou or, Inflammation of tho Liver and Visceral Organs in Bilious Diseases , The properticr? of Dn. Walker's Vinegar Uitters are Aperiont, Diaphoretic, Carminativo, Nutritious, Laxative Dinretio, Sedative, Connter-Irritaut Budorilio, Altera tive, aud Anti-Hilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vin koar BiTTEita the most wonderful In vifroraut that ever sustained tho sinking system. i -. . , No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and roiuain long unwell, providod their boucs uro not de stroyed by mineral' poison or other means, and vital organs wasted ticyond repair. Jiilioas. Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, which aro bo preva lent 'in thft valleys' of our great rivers throughout tho United States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennesseo, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, l'carl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our ontird country during tho Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so curing sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, art JnvariaWy accompanied by csteusivo de rangements of tho stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. Iu their treatment, a pnrgativo, exerting a pow erful influenco upon theso various or gans, i.i essentially necessary. Thero is no cathartic for tho purposo equal to Dn. J. Walkeu's .VlNKOAlt 1JITTBRS, as thev will spoodily removo tho dark colored viscid matter with which tho bowels are loaded, at tho same tiuio stimulating tho secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho digestive organs. Forlif'y the body against diseaso by purifying all Its fluids with YiNBOAit UiTTKKs. No epidemic can tako Jiold of a systom thus forc-armcd. , ! . Dyspepsia or Indigestion, ricad r.che, Pain In tho Shoulders,; Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizzlnoss, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Tasto ill the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, 1'alpita taticn of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho LungH, 4'aln In tho region of tho Kid neys, anil a hundred other painful symp toms, are tho offsprings of Dyspopsia. Ono buttjowill pro.vo a better guarauteo of jts merits than ft lengthy ndvertisb n)ent. : .. Scrofula, or King's EviJ, W'hito Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous luiluinmatUms, Indolent Iulluuunutions, ilercurinl .A flections,. Old Sores, Kruptiout of the 8kiu, Sora Eyes, etc. In these, a.i in all other constitutional Dis eases,' "Walkkr's Vineoar Hitters have tliowu their great curativo powers iu tho most obstinaUi and .intractable cases. (Fo: lnl!aii):uutory and Chronic Ilhettmatisin,' Gout, Bilious, Remit--tout and Intermittent Fevers, Disoases of the Wood, Liver, Kidneys and liladder, theso Hittors have no eqtiul. Such Diseases aro caused by Vitiated Blood. filechanic.il l)iseases.Pcrson8 en gaged In. I'aiuts and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, aud Miners, a they advance In life, are subject to paralysis of the Dowels. To guard against this, tuko a dose of Walkkii'b Vik kuar Uiitrks occasionally. . For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Hheiinij Hlotehes, Bptitsi Pimples, Pustules, Boils, t'arbunoles, -iRing-worras, Seald-bead, Sura Eyos, KryHipelas, Itoh, Scurfs, Discoloratioas of the Skin, Ilunior and Diseases cf tho Skin of whatever name ' or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of tho system iu a short time by the use of theso Bitters. 'Fin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking iu the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and removed. No rystem of medicine, no vcrnil'UR(i(, no au-, thtiliniuitlcs will free the syutuiu from worms like these Hitters. - For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or siiif'ie, at thudawa of wo. manhood, or tho turn of life, these Tonlo Hitters display o decided an influenco that , improvement Is soon perceptible. : , , ! Cleanse tho Yitiated lilood when ever you rind its impurities bnrsting through the skin- iu Tiinples, Kruntiuns, or. Bores; bleanse it when you iiud it obstructed and tliiL'i;ii,U in tho veins; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood pur, uud tho hoalth of tb systuin will follow. . .. n . - . . U. II. McDOIi ALU V CO..' Ini(rnlKt tuirl den. Afrts., Knn l-Ynnclsoo, Culiftirala, md iHir. of Wnliii:i-ln iin.l Clmrli.in KU., N. Y. Mold by all UruuKUIs St nil Dealr. April 28, 1874 lm 1A n 9fi per day. Ajronts wanted every 1U 10 6J W,pre. PartieuUr tree A. II. JJLAJUt S C'i St. Lvuls, Mo. 7 lily Sqnlbs. Drcss-paiudo a fashionable wed ding. The fear that Btirrounds us all the at mosphere. Overseers of the poor those who over look them. The ways of women anywhere from 00 to 200 pounds. One who can can always get bread when he kneads it a baker. " Delightful "Patrons of Husbandry " fomale match makers. "Stay, Sambo, did you ebber see de Catskill Mountains ?" " No, I nebber did; but I have seen dem kill de mice." ' " If a miss is as good as a mile, how good is a Mrs. ?" If she Is a widow, she will be good for a league under any cir cumstances, i 1 At what hour did the devil make his appearance In the Garden of Eden? Some say in the night. He certainly came after Eve. A voter praising a favorite candidate at a I.i to Irish election said : " lie is as fine a fellow as ever lifted a hat to a lady or a boot to a blackguard." "Napkins, sir 1 napkins I" roared Green Bay landlord. "No, sir; wo haven't got any ; but if you want to wipo your noso I'll lend you my handker chief 1" " What is heaven's best gift to man?" asked a young lady on Essex , street, Snnday night, smiling sweetly on a plea sant looking clerk. "A boss," replied the young man, with great prudonco. E5"And have you no other sons?" asked a curious-lady of a bronzed old sea captain. " Oh, yes, madam I had one that lived in the South Sea Islands for nearly a dozen years." " Really 1 Was he bred there, and what his taste the sea or land?" "No, madam, he wasn't bread, he was meat leastways the niggers ate him ; and as for his taste the chief said he tasted of terbaccer." The lady walked to another part of the ship, and the captain smiled and took a fresh quid of " terbaccer," him self. ' E3T" Nothing," said an impatient husw. band, " reminds me so much of Balaam and his ass as two women stopping in church and obstructing the way to indulgo in their everlasting talk." "But you for get, my dear," returned the wife, meekly, " that it was the angol who stopped , the way, and Balaam and his ass who com plained of it." i , , 5T" A gentleman of my acquaintance hast two orphan girls at his home. One of them is of German aud the other of Irish birth. Some . days ago they became angry with one auother, and the German girl called the pther . " a dirty Irish nigger." The Irish girl immediately answered. " Git out; any wan would know that ye had a dutch face by looking at yer big feet." tW A Now Bedford paper tells a story of a shopkeeper who advised a lady custo mer to buy two mohair switches instead of one, as the article was becoming scarce. He said that the man whom he hired to hunt moes had only caught two within a fortnight. t5J Lightning recently struck ' a tele graph pole and ran along the wire into the olHce at Coatsvillo, ' Indiana, when the cleik seated at' the instrument excitedly telegraphed back, " Don't send so fast !" tW Sam, why am de bclobed ob my heart, Miss Dinah, de sunflower ob de bill, like a kind ob cloth dey make in Lowell ?" "I don't know, ' nigger why ?" "'Cos Bhe's an unbleached she-ting 1" ' ' 1 ' tS An Indiana paper thus politely ex presses an opinion of a judge : ' "Ho knows just about as much of law as a mule does of mineralogy tho chances be ing in favor of the mule."'. IfW " My Gorman friend, how long have you beon married ?" " Veil, (lis is a ting dat I seldom don't like to talk about, but ven I does,, , it seems so long as it never vas.'' . , .. tW At a recent meeting of an Irish so ciety In Boston, ' a member made the fol lowing motion : " Mr. President, I move yees that we whitowanib tho ceiling greon in harnor of the owld flarg." A pack of. wolvos in Bherbourne county, Minnesota, . chased a couple of lawyers five miles, and the New Orleans Republican thinks it showed a lack of pro fessional courtesy. ., t"i An exchange says that a Michigan man dreamed recently that his aunt was doad. " The dream proved true. lie tried the same dream on his mother-in-law, but it didn't work.1 ' ' C3T "0, Georgo,' your sister is a nice girl, but she does her head up so." "Yes," said George, "but 1( is the fashion, there's nothing in it you know." .: ' ' tW Here is a school girl's definition of scandal ! - ' ' ' 1 ' ! ' " Nobody does nothing, and everybody goes on telling it everywhere."