I)c imcs; Nero Blo0mficfo, $a. Philadelphia Advertisements. flOitilise, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, No. 23, South Tenth Street, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. IIOLETON, .... Proprietor. THIS Hotel has connected with It ft Tkmper anck Dining Room for Indies and gentlemen, where meals are served at all hours, at reasonable prices. 71" A. Private Dining Itoom for ladles and children has also been added to the accommoda tions of the house. ST. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THE UNION,") JOS. M. FEWER, Proprietor, 817 & 819 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, 2.60 Per Day. THE ST. ELMO Is centrally located and has been re-tltted and refurnished, so that It will be found as comfortable and pleasant a stopping plac as there Is In Philadelphia. 6 29 Batclieior Bro's., TRADE MARK. PUNCH CIGAIiS! NOW Better than any Ever MADE BY THEM. See that the boxes are branded. PECULIAR B. B. PUNCH. WHOLESALE DEPOT, :0 IMortn :rl Hti-cet, Hranch 23 North 2d St., Branch 837 Chestnut St., (Opposite "CONTINENTAL") 6m rilIl.ADKLPIIIA.T1 DAVY & HUNT'S CREAT WESTERN BAZAR FOB CARRIAGES & HARNESS. 1311, 1313, 1310 A 1317 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA. Superior work of our own. and other good Manufacturers at very low prices. Top Buggies, $SO.upwards. Dearborn or Market Wagons 65 to S12B. Family Wagons, 80 to 1200, Harness from 18 to 60 per set- lllankets. Sheets, Halters, Whins, Fly Nets &c, at equally Low Prices. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. r.ti..niminf WmV Htmnu'h. fienfiral Dphllltv. In. oiireatiou, Diaeaae of the uervoua HyHtem, Constipation, Aoiility of Uis Stomach, mid .11 caae. rfiiulruiK a toulc. The Wine Include, the most wfreesble .nd elttclent Halt nf Iron weiKMaeaa; Citrateol MaKlietieOxide.omu. billed with the moat eueiuetlo veKetable tuuica Yellow J'uruvlau Mark. The effjot hi many canon of debility, Inn. of amietlte, mud Kencral proMtrall.in, oi au emcieiit nan oi iruu. inntiiiiMl with our valuable Nerve, is moet happy. It aiunmmtHthe appetite, raiaes Uiepulac, take off rona cuTar flalibluesa, removes the pallnr of debility mid ifivea . Uorld viur to me couuwuaucu. Do you want amnethingr to atreiiirtb you? In you waut . Rood appetite? Do you waut to build up your constitution? Do you want to H"et rid of nervouaneaaf Do you want cneriryf Do you want to Bleep well? Do you want a brink aud vurornu. feeling? If you do, try Kuukcl'a Bitter Wine of Iron. Tltla frnl v valuable tonic has been Bo thorouir hi v teat ed by all cIbhmoh of the community that it la now deem ed indiaieiiHtttile aa a Tonic medicine. ltctmtHhiitllttle, puriliea the tihKid and Kivea tone to the atoiuach, reuo- vatea uiu ayawiiu auu priwiw" u. I now ouly aak a trial of this invaluable tnulo. tr Price SI per bottle. K. K. K UN KKU Sole Proprietor, No. SW North th Street. lielowVlue, I'll 1 1.AllKl.iiri A. Aak fur Kunkel's Hitter Wine of Iron and tuke no other. t ly C. E. JORDAN. J. FOX JORDAN, FOX & CO., Wholesale Dealers In XlfltH, ClipH, Xtll'H, AND STRAW GOODS, ' NO. 85, NORTH THIRD STREET, (Between Market and Arch Streets,) 518 el PHILADELPHIA. CLARK'S PUUK PEKBIAN Initect Powder, For the destruction of all kinds of Insects, viz r FLEAS, MOTHS, tic, &a Also, Insects on Animals, Fowls, Plnts,&e r V8K FOH -s CLARK INSECT POWDER. Warranted Pure. Price 25 Cents' per Bottle. For sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloomneld, Pa. '78 2 JEW T. M0UL, REPRESENTING Hanson, Paul & Imboden, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer! ! I500TS & SHOES, No. 41 NORTH THIRD STREET, T. Komi Hansom, PHILADELPHIA, M. ii.in.. M. K. Imimiukn. Jan. t, '74 Philadelphia Advertisements. ZIEGLER & SWEARIN0EN, Successors to SUAFFNER, ZIEGLER & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, - Gloves, Slibboiift, TUREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, N o. 36, North Fourt Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Lancaster Combs. BARCROFT & CO., ImporteiB and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DllY - GOODS, Cloths, Cas8imeres, Blankets, Linens, Whito Goods, Hosiery, &c, Nos. 406 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) Philadelphia. A. B. Cunningham. J. II.Lewars. J. S.Glclm. Cunningham, Gleim & Co., WOOLESALB Dnil.EHS IN Tobacco, Segars, &c, NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STREET, rini.Am.i.riii v. 32810 ISAAC W. BANCK "& CO., ComiuiKKloii Merchants, AND Wholesale Dealers In all kinds of Pickled and Salt FISH, Have Removed from Nos. 210 and 21 'J North i . wharves, to Xo. 131, North lVharvcN, Between Arch and Race Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA H. IS. TAYLOR, WITH " WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Comer of 2nd and Arch Street T, Philadelphia Pa - BLATCMLEY'S H Improved CUCUMBER WOOD 2 g PUMP, Tasteless, Durable, Et 2 ts llclent and Cheap. The best S Pump for the least money. At tentlon Is especially Invited to Ail a Walchley's J'atent improved ffl f(GQl Bracket and New Drop Check i!Jri Valve, which can he withdrawn mwX ' without removing the Pump or mm in miiik lira juiuim aiw, iiiv? Copiier Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers every where. Bend for Catalogue ana rrice-i,isi. (HAS. a. BLATCHLEY. Manufacturer. 6 37 ly 608 Commerce Ht., Philadelphia, Pa DAVID J. HOAR & CO., Successors to HOAR MoGONKET k CO., WUOLBSALI BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 62S Market St. and 614 Commerce Street, . Philadelpliia, Penn'a. C;iCA ItII,I, A CO., Wholesale Dealers In Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, And a fine assortment of Wood aud Willow Ware. No. iJD Market street, above 4th, Philadelphia, Pa. January 1, 189. LLOTI), 8UITLEE, A WALTON, , , WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE, No. 825 Market Btreet, Philadelphia. WHOLESALE 7 GROCERS January ), 1S6 Philadelphia AdTertisements. WRIGHT & SIDDALL, Wholesale Druggists, AND DEALERS IN lenient Xoliciiies 10G MAltKIiT NTIll'.IiT, riilladelpliia, Pa. A. FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING CONNECTED WITH THE BUSINESS, OP THE BEST QUALITY, AND AT VKBY LOW PRICES. J. No charge made for Tacking Boxes, and Goods delivered at Depots FREE of Cartage. 8 8tf John Lucas & Co., Sole ana T1IE ONLY MANUFACTURERS OF TI1 IMPERIAL FRENCH, PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Pure White Lead and Color MANUFACTURERS, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. AVID D. ELDER & CO., Successors to MILLER & ELDER, Booksellers and Stationers, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, And Dealers in WINDOW CURTAINS AND WALL PAPER, No. 430 Market Street, 31 PHILADELPHIA, PA. SOWER, POTTS & CO., Booksellers fc Stationers, And Dealers in CURTAIN AND WALL-PAPERS, Nos. 630 Market and S23 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. M. Publishers of Sanders' New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of the United states, eiton's uutune Aiaps, tie. ItLAK BOOKS Always, on hand, and made to Order. Sit A. L. Kaub J. E. Fbbtmiri k n it & i n sum:, Impobtbkb add Jobbers or China, O Ihsh AND QUEENSWA11E, S01 and 803, CJberry St., between Arch A Race. PHILADELPHIA. DT1 Constantly on band, Original Assorted Packages. (B. v. ly ju jyj-ABTEKS, I)KTVIL.Elt & CO., Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers In CLOTHING, Cloths, CussiniercN, Cottonades,&c., .128 MARKET BTREET, 79tf PHILADELPHIA. 1. TOUT ltKALE, WITH BARNES, BRO. & HERRON, Wholesale Dealers In IlntH, Cups, XiifH, AND HTRAW-GOODH, No. 28, 25 and 27 South Elfth Btreet, tlOly PHILADELPHIA. TJ H 13 T BlatcMey'i Horizontal ICK CREAM FREEZER I Tlngley's Patent, will produce a finer quality of (.'renin in less time aud Willi less labor, than any oilier Freezer made. Is perfectly air tight, and will pay t'.ie entire cost of the machine In one sraaoii in saving of Ice alone. Hlzus from three to forty quarts. Call and see it, or tend fur cata logue. CnAS. G. BLATCni.KY, Manufacturer, . f)0o Commerce Htreet, 6 13tf Philadelphia, Pa. mm Never Known to Fail! THOMPSON'S Fever & Ague JPowders FOB Till PERMANENT CURE OF CHILLS AND FE VER, DUMB AGUE, -OR ANY FORM OF INTERMITTENT FEVER I The Greatest Discovery of the Age ! TIIERE are no diseases so debilitating In their effects upon the' constitution as the above, and none more difficult to core by the usual modes of practice. The Fever and Ague Powders will effect a cure In cases of the long est standing, as well as prove a preventive in the forming stages of disease. Being purely vegeiaoio, they act with certainty on the dis ease, totally eradicating It from the system, and preventing a return at any future period. wuy waste your money ana ncaith in trying every medicine yon hear of, when Thompson's Fever and Ague Powders have never failed to cure the Chills in any case. REASONS WHY THEY ONLY SHOULD BE USED : Their Reputation it t'tlablUhed. Thousnnds of testimonials have been received, showing that these Powders have performed miracles ill curing cases of long standing, many of them considered hopeless. Thert U no Ritk in Taking Thtm. They contain nothing Injurious, and, therefore, cause none of those lingering diseases so ollen the re sult of the many nostrums of the day. Physi cians recommend them as far superior to Qui nine, or any other known remedy, for they leave tbe system in a healthy state, and the patient beyond the probability oi a relapse. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. The eenuine are put up in square tin boxes, with "Thompson's Fever and Aitue Powdors" stamped on the lid, and the signature of " Thompson crawtord," on the wrapper.- No others can possibly be genuine. PItKrARED ONLY BIT CRAWFORD & FOBES, 141 Miirket St., Philadelphia. THOMPSON'S It II K TJ M.V TIC AND HORSE LINIMENT The Qrcat External Remedy for ICIiciimatisiii, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, &c, &c. EQUALLY GOOD FOR MAN OR BEAST. This Liniment has earned for itself a reputa tion unequalled in the history of external ap. plications. Thousands who now suffer from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, tc, wonld find im mediate relief from all their pain by using this certain remedy, it is equally euectuai in cuts, Burns, Bcalds, Stiffness of the Neck, Sore Throat, Swellings, Inflammations, Frost Bites, Pains in tbe Side and Back, Bites of Spiders or Stings of Insects. One rubbing will in all cases glvo imraediute relief, and a lew nppllca tions complete a cure. On account of its pow. erful penetrating properties it is beyond doubt, the 8UREST REMEDY for the most trouble some diseases to which horses and cattle are liable. It cures Scratches, Old and Fresh Cuts and Bores, Chafes produced by collar or sad die. Injuries caused by nails or splints enter ins; the flesh or hoofs, Bruises, Sprains, Swee ney, Spavin, Thiush, and all diseases which destroy the hoofs or bones of the feet. Fnll directions accompany each bottle. Prepared oniy By Crauforl & Fobes, 141 Market Street, 29 b ly PHILADELPHIA. The Best is the Cheapest! THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE SINGER MACHINE, B1NGEK MACHINE, SINGER firLfIfjh MACHINE, SINGER r r?y4J MACHINE, singer r jr-rx machine. SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER - MACHINE V, MACHINE, t MACHINE, MACHINE ma rnmiv. MACHINE, rpHE KINfSKR SEWING MACHINE Is so well X Known mat it is not necessary to mention ITS MANY GOOD QUALITIES! Every one who has any knowledge of Sewing iuaciiiiieit Know, uiai lb win uo EVERY KIND OF WORK la a Superior Manner. The Machine Is easily kept In order: easily op. ciuicu, uiiu is ucHiiowicugeu uy ail, to ue lliu . The Best Machine in the World Persons wanting a Sewing Machine should ex. amine the Singer, before purchasing. 'Ihey cau UO UUUKU. Ull mo ITIoHt Liberal TerniN OK f. nitTi.iii:it, NEW BLOOMPIELD, PA., General Agent for Perry County, -Or of the following Local Agents on the same lerinsi A. F. KEIM, Newport, Pa. J AS. P. LONG, Dnncannon, Pa. BALL SCALES! LB. MARYANKKTH, D. W. DERR and JAMfcH II. Ultllilt. known aa " The Ball Scale Company," have now on hand a large supply of Buoy's Patent COUNTER SCALE, the Simplest, Cheap est and best Connter bcaleln the market. For Scales, or Agencies In Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey. Delaware and Marvland, ad dress "The Hall ticale Company," Pottsvllle, Schuylkill county, Pa. For Keales or Agencies In this County, ap ply to the undersigned, where they cau he seen and examined any time. J LEIBY & 11RO., Newport, l'erry oo., Pa. .. PRANK MORTIMER, i Otf Ke Uloomlleld, Perry CO., Pa. PATTERSON & NEWLIN, Wholesale Orocem, No. 120 ARCH STREET. P II HAD 13 1, V II I A . ,1P Badly Bitten Judge. It is a fact protty gcnorally known that in order to dispoBe of disorderly character prdmptly at tlie New York State fairs, ft justice of the peace holds court continually on the fair ground. A West Troy justice attended to the business last Fall, and many offender were brought before the 'big judge." Among the number arrest ed was a young man having the appearance of a half witted, overgrown country boy. He was detected in " scaling the fence," and brought up by the policeman to the office of the justice. The lubberly boy ad mitted the charge, but pleaded In exten uation that he had no money, and hi desire to see " the show" had induced him to commit the wrong. The 'squire quickly sentenced him to jail for thirty days or to pay a fine of five dollars. The culprit began to 017, saying be had no money, but the 'squire wan inexorable, and unless the five dollars wore paid at once the outsido world would be a stranger to him for thirty days. After continuing to "blubber" for some timo, the boy said that his mother had sent him to the savings bank in Albany to deposit fifty dollars and he had tho money with him. " Well," said the justico, " if you would avoid going to jail, take five dollars out of your moth er' money, and go home and explain mat ters to her." The boy finally drew off ono of hi cow-hide boots, and taking from it a small piece of newspaper, diuplaycd a fifty dollar bill rollod within. With a sorrowful look aud a trembling hand the bank note was handed to " his honor," who returned forty-five dollars change. This dono, tbo justice directed the policeman to take the boy by the col-, lar and thrust him out of the gate, which, was dono by the blue coat, who added, by way of emphasis, a good sound kick. As the pretended greenhorn reached the road' be was laughed at by the crowd, and in re-, ply said : " I have finished my business . in there." The next day the 'squiie pro-, ceeded to deposit the fifty dollars in the bank, when he was informed that it was counterfeit. ' Imagine the feelings of "the court." "Sold," said he, "aud got the money." The Justice has decided that "appear ance are deceptive," and with regard to. the honesty of strangers " you can't most, always tell." The 'squire will keep a. sharp lookout for country bumpkins herq after. Keeping Hie "Piece." - Jay Keppler is a good, whole souled fet low, and he lives in Clearfield county. Jay couldn't live if he didn't have a joke now and then, but " the cup" often got the better of him, and on such occasions be showed a little of his bull dog nature. One time Jay " crawled" an Irishman Faddy O'Day was bis name and in the rough and tumble fight the man o' the shamrock lost part of an ear; a suit of dam age was the result. Jay couuludud that he was old enough to take care of himself, and said he didn't care a d m, he'd argy the case himself. Here comes the argument : " Now, Mr. 'Squire," said Jay, "don't you see? look eerl s'pose you was tight I'm jist s'sposin' an' an Irishman 'ud go fur you, what'd you do?" Well," replied the justice, smilingly, " I think I'd do the befit I could under the circumstances." " Well, now," said Jay, "can't I do that too?" " Oh, yos, certainly ; but I am of the opinion that under all tho circumstances it would be advisable to bind you over to keep tho peace for at least a year." Jay contemplated the situation a mo ment, then drawing himself up, and going one eye on the squire in a way that only Jay could wheu be was dubious clinched his ense with, "now say, lookeer, judge, howe kin I keep the piece when I spit 'er out?" The laugh which followed tended bo doubt to modify the sentence, but Jny de plored tbe fact that he " spit it out" that piece of ear for many year. tFA clergyman in Scotland dosirea hi bearer never to call one another liar, but when any one said anything that was not true, they ought to whistle. One Sunday he preaohed a sermon on the loaves and fishes, and being at a loss how to explain it, he said tbe loaves were not like those made now-a-days ; they wore aa large a the hill of Scotland. , He had soaroely pronounced the word when be hoard a loud whistle " What' that ?" said he. " Who called me a liar ?" "It is I, Willy McDonald, tho baker." " Well, Willy, what objoction ba ye to what I told ye?" " None, master John ; only I wanted to know what sort of oven thoy bad to bake the loaves In ?" tW A few days ago a very handsome lady entered a dry good houso and inquir ed for a " bow," The polite clerk throw himself back and remarked that be was at her service. " Yes, but I want a buff not a green one," wa the reply. The young man wont on measuring goods Imniediatoly,