The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, March 24, 1874, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tuesday, March 24, 1S74.
Toor House Account. The Poor House
account Tor the past year will be found on
the Oth pago. It will pay for tho tax payors
to rend it carefully.
To Tom If you wish to change t'epost
office address on your paper this Spring,
don't forget to state the place where you
have been receiving it, as well as tho place
where you wish to have It sent iu future.
Ilnd a Fnll. Mrs. Wiiy.mothcr of Jacob
Way, of Carroll twp., while on the hay
mow on Wednesday last, ntepped on a tlo
fectivo slab, which broke, letting her fall
through to the floor below, bruixing her
quite seriously, but foi Innately breaking
no bones. Site is now recovering from her
Charged with Rapt-. On Tuesday last,
John Baker was arrested on the charge of
committing a rape on a little girl named
Itoliinson, a child of only It years of age
living with Mr. John Kiimbo, in Carroll
twp. The deed was com mi tied the evening
previous, during tho absence of the family.
On Wednesday an examination was held
and the child fully identified Baker, as
being the guilty porson,and he 'was accord
ingly remanded to jail to await his trial.
Again Located. The many persons who
stopped at the Drier House last year, pre
rious to the flro of December, will be glad
to learn that the landlords of that House,
Messrs. Gi Gi ier have taken posses
sion of the Perry House, where they will
be prepared to accommodate all their old
customers and as many new ones as feel
disposed to give them a trial. Their adver
tisement will be found hi another column.
The Eagle Hotel. Mr. II. C. Meredith
lias leased this hotel and has already taken
possession, and is now prepared to furnish
good accommodations to such of his friends
and the public as favor him with their cus
tom. We have no doubt Mr. Meredith
will make a popular landlord, and will
secure and it) tain his share of public pat
ronage. Advertisement will be seen in
another column.
High Priced Sheep. At the sale of the
stock, &c, on the farm of Mr. Robert
Noilsoh, in Ceutre twp., last week, 12 head
of sheep, all ewes, brought $183.00 or an
average of $13.00 per head. They were of
the Coltswold and Leicester breed. Many
other articles brought a large pi ice. Mr.
Neilson is quitting farming tq give his son
William a chance to show whether be can
make as successful a farmer as bis father.
Hurt. On Monday the 10th inst., Mr.
n. T. Reamer, of Rye township, was se
riously hurt by falling from his wagon. At
the time of the accident he was taking a
load of boxed furniture belonging to Rev.
fttovcr, to Marysville, and while reaching
for the lock leaver lost his balance, and
fell to the ground, striking bis head and
shoulder. His horses being under good
command promptly stopped, and saved him
from more serious injury.
Drowned. A dispatch was received here
on Saturday evening, from Atchison,
Kansas, stating that Cyrus Witherow, son
of Mr. John Witherow, of Centre twp.,
was drowned while crossing the Missouri
river to Atchison, on Friday evening last.
The river at that place is a mile wide and
the water very deep, with a swift current,
and therefore the body was not recovered.
The deceased was engaged in the lumber
business at that point.
A Bad Case. Two weeks ago a woman
named Martha Coggswell wife of Anthony
CoggHwell, a drover, died, as was supposed
in Chapmanville, Pa., and was buried.
Her husband was absent at the time. His
first knowledge of his beloved wife's denth
was on Saturday a week, when be returned
Lome. Wild with grief, he insisted on ber
body being exhumed, so that be could see
tbe remains. This was done', and the
coffin was opened in the presence of several
friends. To the unutterable horror of all,
the body had changed its position in the
coffin, showing that Mrs. Coggswell bad
been buiied white she was in a trance. Tbe
body was lying on its face. Evidence of a
fearful struggle male by the unfortunate
woman when she recovered consciousness
in tlie coffin, were visible. Tbe flesh was
torn from one shouldei, and the shroud was
covered with blood. When Mr. Coggswell
saw what terrible fute bis wife had met,
he fell senseless across the cofll u, aud has
been a raving maniao ever since.
Egg Detector. Among the latest inven
tions is an "egg detector." It consists of
neat little box iu the top or wuicii there
is an egg to be placed. At the bottom of
the box there is a looking-glass. Looking
in at an opening made for that purpose, the
reflection of the good egg is seen full and
clear, while if there Is a bad one in, it is iu-
dicated by black bint. By the use of this
detector tbe quality of eggs can be instantly
ascertained, and It would seem to be a very
useful article for the family.
A Bold Horn Thief. Last Tuesday a
sharper representing himself as being a
liquor dealer made his appearanco In York,
forming the acquaintance of Mr. E. T.
Moul. From this placo ho went to Dover
where he bargained for the purchase of a
lot of ground, and also proposed to erect a
building, and on Tuoxdiiy hist hired a horse
of Mr. Liebenknoch of Dover, to come to
York for a load of lumber. On arriving
here he sold the horse to Mr. Moul, for $40
giving as his reason for selling so valuable
an animal nt such a low flgure, that he
wished to quit tho liquor business. On
Wednesday the owner ot'ylie horse came to
York, and soou discoverd his whereabouts
and immediately came in possession of his
property, when the swindle was mado
known. Bquire Metzell, was then engaged
to secure, if possible, the arrest of the
thief, who telegraphed a minute description
of his dress and appearance to prominent
towns and cities, but so far, we undeistand
the real thief has not been discovered.
The same evening, tho Mayor of Lancas
ter, despatched to York that he had arrest
ed the man answering the description given
who gave his mime as Harry Ruhy, and
who turned out to be a son of G. W. Ruby,
of the York County Academy, a young
gentleman of the most irreproachable char
acter, who is salesman in a large business
house at Philadelphia, and who was on his
way to that city. He was released from
custody, on proving his acquaintance with
prominent bus iness men of Lancaster, with
whom he had been doing business frequent
ly. The mistake was of courso greatly re
gretted by all concerned. York County
True Democrat.
Frightful Accident. On Saturday the
14th inst., a (rightful accident occurred in
Altoona, iu which George II. Curfuian a
laboring man, was killed, and James Brad-
Icy, a machinist was badly injured. En
gine No. 200, was standing over an ash pit,
short distance below the eastern round
house, when James Kelley mounted the en
gine for the purpose of moving it a short
distance, so as to draw the ash pan ; when
be seized hold of the lever, and the engine
rushed backward, and came in contact with
another engine, shattering the tool box of
tho 220, when be hooked her forward, and
she plunged into the round house, at the
rate of 85 miles au hour, battering down
doors, a n J smashing everything in her
course. Eelley saved himself by jumping
oir. Tho engino run about a quarter of a
mile through the round house.and machine
shop and only the turn table not being in
the right position prevented it going
through the wheel shop. Although over
live hundred men were at work it is provi
dential that only one man was killed, and
another badly injured, with several narrow
escapes. - The damage to property will
amount to several thousand dollars.
Death of Col. Thompson. Col. John M.
Thompson, Superintendent of the State
Arsenal, died at bis residence in Harris-
burg, on Suuday morning a week. Colonel
Thompson was a brave soldier in the Union
army and received eight or nine of the
enemy's bullets into his body, all but one
in a single battle. His right arm was shot
off and his thigh injured so severely as to
shorten one of his legs several Inches. For
eighteen months he was treated for his
wounds before being able to move about,
All the balls (which he preserved) were ex
tracted, but he frequently suffered intense
paiu from the old wounds, which were the
primary cause of his death. Deceased was
a faithful aud popular officer, and was for
merly a resident of Perryville, Juniata
county. The body of the deceased was
brought to tbe latter placo for interment.
Drowning of Dr. M'A'ell. The Harris
burg Patriot of Monday a week says : "Dr
T. S. M'Koil, a resident of Shipnensburg,
was drowned iu the Ohio river near
Gallipolis, Ohio, on Thursday last. At
the time of the drowning he was attempt
ing to cross the river in a boat on his way
to attend a United Brethren conference
in West Virginia, lie was well known
in Harrisburg and surrounding country,
not only as a preacher, but as the nmtiu
facturer of a pain exterminator and other
medicines that were iu use in mauy fami
A Comical Letter. The following is a
verbatim copy of a letter we received last
week, which we publish for the amusement
of our readers, leaving only a blank where
the name aud location occurs
i in form the sitizeuts of survill Town
ship eighlteen niouihago thare was a
f. I.. -.J -. XT e I .
lamiy oi too xsaiim oi nep a warry
bad house it Cause a gradeel ol Did stor
bens atiionir the weameu Near the rock
sch'ool House sens that family 1ms luft thare
is some other famly lias stalled up Near
it a pears tliat they have a
good run of Oust men it a pears it is Dis
stroying the young man and a good many
of marred man lanes thare I would lik to
know what to Do with sutob famiys it aut
to oe stopea some way v. YV
Church Hot Ices.
Preaching in the Presbyterian Church
next bablmtli at 11 A. M., aud 7 r. M
Prayer-meeting on Wednesday eveuing.
Reformed Service Quarterly review of
tlie luiformed bunuay beliool will be held
in the Church next Sunday at 2. P. M
Publio are invited. - Prayer meetiug on
mimaiiy evening.
- That Remarkable Room.
I do not suppose the author of Wright's
History swore bis informant, (who by the
way, I know to be a reliable ex-couuiy
officer), when ho received the informal ion
of lira "room" Iu question. Ibid he been
as doubtful of tho veracity of others as the
editors of the Freeman mid Advocate, and
besides a Judge, (ol small mutters,) doubt
less he would have done so ; hut lie did
write to a friend residing in Clearfield, who
interrogated Ex-Governor William Uigler,
as to the truth of the statement as written
in the history and received his auswei ap
proving it so fur ns his family were con
cerned. Perhaps nil these persons were
mistaken, but we think Governor Bigler's
statement ought to satisfy the legal minds
of Ilia Judge and the Legislator, and to
convince tliein Unit the further use of
slang is unnecessary iu speaking of an
holiest and creditable ellort to preserve the
history of Perry county, by one who could
nut have hud the expectation of a pecuniary
reward for his labors. B.
Bloomfleld Acadenir. New term opens
Monthly, April Gih. The school now oilers
1st, a Normal course, with special training
for teachers during the two summer terms ;
2nd, a general educational course for those
designing to complete their education at
the Academy ; btu, a classical course for
those intending to enter College ; 4th, n
commercial courso for those titling at once
tor business, with special attention to
Book-keeping mid Penmanship, with Pho
nography, if desired and an e libit will be
mule to add Ielrgraphy to this courso.
To Young Men. Mining, Metallurgy,
Civil Engineering and Chemical Analysis
is now receiving more attention iu our own
and surrounding counties, and they will in
crease iu importance as Railroad facilities
increase. Why should not our young men
prepaie for good positions in this work. To
prepare lor u classical course in Collego,
takes from two to three years, but I lit any
one, with a common education, for a scienti
fic course in ono year. I will guarantee
any such student, entering Bloomlield Aca
demy this spring, that be shall be ready by
next year for such a course.
J. .duar, Principal.
Juniata County. From the Mifllintown
Sentinel of last week we copy the follow
ing :
The new spoke and handlo factory in
prospect in Perrysville, or rather Port Roy
al, is said will employ 20 men. We con-
gratu late our neighbors on the occasion.
It is a plume lor Iheir cap. It will be the
nucleus of a population of one huudred
people within tive years.
On Tliursdny night of last week some
person unlocked the door of Geoive Gosh
en's shop, in Patterson, and took therefrom
a t wenty-live pound sack of Hour and about
lineen pounds ol meat. Tins is the second
time Mr. Goshen's shop has been burglar!
ously entered within a week.
. Dr. Elder made a narrow escape from
being seriously hurt on Monday alternoon.
His horse slipped in crossing the Ilorning
towu bridge, Fermanagh township, falling,
aud thiowing the Doctor off. The Doc
tor's left foot remained in the stirrup, and
in that manner he was draiied over Liio
ground on his head and back a distance of
probably 111 ty yards, and strange to say,
escaped without any serious hurts.
A correspondent, also sent the follow.
ing : On the 12th inst., Ephraim Robinson,
of Lack township, was instantly killed
while in the woods. Mr. Robinson with a
boy had cut down a tree, when a broken
limb full and struck him ou the bead with
the above fatal lesult.
On last Saturday, Isaiah Burkey, of Port
Royal, went to the woods to work, nnd re
mained so long that his wife became alarm
ed and sent after him. When found by
the messengers, he was to all appearance
dead, but was taken home, where after
working with him wbi.e became to. He
was considerably cut aud bruised about the
head and face, but can give no account of
the cause of the trouble, only he remem
bers getting blind and then rolling down
the hill, at the top of which he was work,
Cumberland County. From tho Car
lisle Volunteer of last week, we copy the
following :
From present indications it would ap
pear that during the coming season there
will be many tenement houses and small
business stands vacant in Carlisle. We are
sony to have to chronicle this unwelcome
fact, aud we suppose it must be attributed
to the baldness of the limes, and the great
lack of employment for mechanics aud
laboring men.
Two line colts were killed on the rail
road near Middlesex Station, on Saturday.
They were ou the track and the traiu pass
ed over them. We did not learn to whom
they belonged.
The M. E. Church, of Mechanicsburg,
through the energy of its pastor. Rev. J.
Max Lantz, has succeeded iu paying oil' the
entire indebtedness of the new cUurch
edifice. The amount of money raised was
about $3,000.
Urlei Item.
In the Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and
Somerset judicial district under the new
appoitioument there will be two districts.
The two judges iu that district have al
ready agreed upon the division mode
necessary by the new bill. Judge Hall takes
Bedford and Somerset aud Judge Rowe
Franklin aud Fulton.
The Rev. Selheimer will preach his fare
well sermon In i lie Germany Bethel on Sun
day evening', March 2l)lli. After the ser
mon the oi (limine s of " feet washing" and
the " Lord's Supper" will be attended to.
A man in 8 pi ing township turned his
sheep in pasture the other day and bis
neighbor turned them out. He turned
them iu again and bis neighbor turned
them out a second lime. They both had
business iu Bloomfleld the next day, wheie
the lawyers reside. ' ,
Tbe citizens of Little Germany are want
ing a new school bouse, and hoping tbe
school directors of Spriug township wilt
grant their petition.'
Saturday a week Mr. Abram Hortlng, ot
Howe township, while unloading manure,
fell off tbe wagon aud dislocated his elbow.
Dr. Orris was called aud reset tbe injur
ed limb.
Sclontlcon Exhibition. There will be a
Scioitiuon Exhibition in the Reformed
Church, on Friday evening. 'April 8, 1874.
Proceeds to be for the benefit of the Suu
day School. The exhibition will be one of
much Interest, consisting or Bible scenes,
Foreign nnd Home views, Fine Arts, Stat
uary, Ac.
The public are invited to Attend, as they
may not have an opportunity to see the
like again. It will he conducted by a
gentleman from L monster city.
Admission. Adults, 13 cents ; children
10 cents. .
13?" Don't he Plscotirneed. 8uppose you
have "trlud fifty remedies" and received no
hem-fit, Is there therefore ' no balm Iu (Jllcad t'
Verily there Is. Your liver tuny be congested ,
your stomach halt' paralyzed, your nerves
quivering, your muscles knotted Kith torture,
your bowels constricted, your lungs diseased,
your blood lull of Impurities yet In one week
lifer commencing a course of Ur. Walker's
Vinegar Hitters you will feel like a new crea
ture. 12 4w.
"8umncr' s Grand Funeral March," by
E. Alack, comes to us from the l'ublbhers. Lee
& Walkur.l'liiliidulphiit. It Is a beuullful tribute
to the memory of the champion of universal lib
erty, mid a copy should be ou every piano in
the land. It can be had ut any Music More
for 30 cents, or will lie mailed on receipt of thut
amouut by the rubllsliere.
County Trice Current.
Bloomfield, March 23, 1874.
flax-Seed, 1 ou
Potatoes, CI
Butter V pound 32 cents.
Eggs V dozen, 14 "
Dried Apples V pound lOcts '
Dried Teaches 8 Q 12 cts. V .
Pealed Peaches 12 0 18 cts. "
Cherries 6 cts. "
" Pitted 15 18 cts. "
Blackberries 6 8 cts. "
Unions V bushel 76 "
I Corrected Weekly by Kmtgh k Brother.
'nbwtoht, March 21.1814.
Flour, Extra 47 00
" 8uper. 5 50
White Wheat V bu 1 53 a 1 S3
Red Wheat 1 48 d 1 48
Kye 7DQ70
Corn 58Q60
Oats ft 32 pounds, 40
Barley 75
Clover Meed 6 0n5 00
Timothy Seed, 3.10
Flax Heed 1 70
Potatoes GO 660
(irouud Alumn Salt 1 9U01 00
Ltmeburner's Coal, 2 40
Stove Coal, 6 50 O 0 00
t'ea Coal 3 20
Smith Coal 25 cts. K bvs.
Cross Tles,8H'eet loiifi 60 O 50 cents
Bacon 8 tt 10
Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the
iowest Market iiates.
- Five per cent oil lor Cash.
Carlisle, March 21. 1874.
Family Flour t7.50
Superfine Flour 4.50
Superlliie llye Flour 4 .50
White Wheat, 1.00
Red Wheat 155
Rye 75
Corn 62
Oats 48
Cloverseed 4.75
Tlniotliyseed, 2.75
Flaxseed 1.80
O. A. Salt 1.73
Ornb Kiouakdson. On the 17th Inst., nt
the residence or II. H. Hechtel, In Newport, bv
the Kev. J. Milton Peck, rector of Christ
church, Danville, Pa., Mr. James Dwlght
Ornc, of Sprlnglleld, Mass., to Miss Emily
vail Richardson, ot riilludclphla.
Foulk Lillet. Ou the 10th Inst., at the
bride's residence, by the Itev. D. K. Hurkhol-
ocr. Mr. A. roulk, to Allts Anule Llllcy, both
oi rerry county, ra.
Whiteketti.e Orwan. On the 24th lost.
In Eshcnl, by the Kev. Win. Qulley, Mr. W
11. Whltekettle and Miss Auuie M. Orwan
both of Perry county, Pa.
Roth. On the 10th lust.. In Duncnnnon
John A. J., Infant son of Abraham aud Anna
B. Koth, aged 14 mouths and 20 days.
Feslbb. On the 13th Inst., at his residence
In Harrishurfr, William 11. Fesler, aged 40
years and 7 months.
i no remains were intcrrcn ni new uuuaio,
this county, of which place the deceased was
formerly a resident.
fifew Advertiaementa.
rjiiiE i:ajm; hoti:i,,
New Bloomfleld, Fa.
' H. C. MEREDITH, Proprietor.
Having leaded and re lit ted the Ragle Hotel, on
Cai Itile HI., Not 111 of tile Court Ituuoe, I am now
prepared lo accommodate regular boanleisor
iian-icni (tiirHiH. a K'luu uvery is sept in con
nection with the house, nnd no palm will be
siureu to ninire rue cuiuiori oi my pairons.
March 24, 1874. tl 11. U. MKKKU1TH.
New IHoomfleM, Terry Co., Pd.,
GRUVKll & OKI Eli, Proprietors.
The subscribers having leased this well known
hotel, are now prepared to famuli permanent or
transient bnanleis with aucuuiniudalloua. No
pains will be spared to make puent com lorl able.
A good livery is kept in connection with tlie
house lor the use aud convenience of Hie guests.
MarehiH, '74. ill UKU V Kit & UUlhlt.
Little Germany,
OFFERS to sell SIXTEEN ACRES of land lo
cated ill Centre township, ahout two-and-a-liulf
miles houlh west ol llloomlleld. About HIX
ACRhH being cleared, and In a good, slate of cul
tivation, the balance Is well set wilhyoui'g timber.
There are two never falling Hpi'lugs ol solt water
on this land,
-THICK 4JU04I. (lltf
I ALL KINDSof Printing neatly
nieu at ine - iiiAxiHriALU
'Stsam Jos OrritK.
y&to Advertigementf,
70 A WRICK TO AUK NTH. Fastest selling
I O article out. Three valiub'e samples for ten
cents. J,B1(I1JK.7 7, Broadway, N. lurk. 1UI4W
144 School Teachers Wanted
loengngedurlng the Sprlngnnd Rummer In n bus
bies paying ll'si er month in Hielr own inanities.
12d4w Phlladclplrn Pa.
a homo, day or even In it ; no capita' : Insliiicilons
and valuable packaue of K"od neat fren hy mall.
aiiuius, Willi six eenr. ntuinp, ju. iuuauwco.,
17d Greenwich St., New York. 12U 4w
l'OT distils colTeeas elearas amber i exiraots
nil Itsstreiiulli s retain nil IM millions annua.
'J he beat thing ever offered. Price 2. sent to any
RildrcMH. Call and see it in oiemtlnn or send for
llluilrated circular. Territorial l ights for sale.
12d 4w 678 Bioiidwuy.Kew York.
JL lN(i." How either sex may fascinate and
gain i lie love nnd attectlon of any pi'ihhii they
chnoHH instantly. Tins simple mental acquire
ment nil can possess, free by mail, for 'in cents,
together Willi tlie marriage guide. KgMitian Ora
cle, iireains, nuns to taiuics, weuuiug-nigut
Shirt. r A queer honk. Address T. WILLIAM
ti Co., Publishers, Philadelphia.
12 d 4w
MyC. W. OI.KAHON. M. 1). A niHCiilllclont vol-
nine abounding in lmHiiau( Inloi in ulon, and
elegantly Ihusi rated, one Aceni took luuorders
In one week. J'i Ice nnd terms to n t tlie times.
For elrcuars add' ess II. M. McKlNNKV iitu,
10 N. 7lh8i., Philadelphia. 12d4w
Wells' Cakiiolic Tablets !
put up only in blue boxes,
a tried and sure remedy i
- Sold by nil Druggists. Ud 4w
lleuiif a full and authentic account of tlie atruft
glcs of the American farmers against the extor
tions of Ilia Companies, with a history of
the rise and progress of ' the Order of Patrons ol
Husbandry, it seds at sight. Head for Hiecnnen
pages anil terms to Agents, and see why it sells
iasie. than any other hook. A'ldress, ,ational
Publishing Co., Philadelphia. Pa. 141 4 w
Sr. Sotre's Catarrh
itemed r cures or iu
num. Booimmr ami neai-
Ing properties, lo which
i:;o tmcoso yields, when I
I'.cmcdy is used warm
nr.d EVQtcm nut in ncis
lecEordcr bvllie wonderful nltorntiTC
rc-wcrrf Di-. PIcrco'oGol JouMod
cal Discovery, ULca earnestly, to
correct blood nnd system, which aro al
ways at fault, also lo act cpccl:!cally upon
diseased elands nnd lining mcrabranoof
nose nnd communicating chambers. Ca
tarrh Remedy rlxmlil bo applied warm
with Dr. Plorco'o Iasl Doncho,
thoonly Ins'.rur.ic-twKIl whic'.illul ImcU
Iclno can bo pcrf-c'.:j applied to all parts
of passa.'rcs nnd c'.i.mbcrj in which ulcers
exut and from TCldchdiocliaro proceeds.
So successful has tills treatment proven,
that Ilia nmnrlctor ofTrl fl&OO Rfl.
ward for a caso of "CM in Head" or
cJaiarrn 110 can not euro. 1110 two meni
al neswlth instrument $ Jtby all druggists.
And learn that our new book is Just out.
(If course the hook will sell like oysters nt
fieueral muster. Everybody' hungry for it. Send
or circular and see what a chance we give to
agents. Address. AMK1UCAN PUBLISHING
CO., Ilartfoid. Connecticut. lud 4w
PTITT TITPQ Send for catalogue of New
CUlLlLIJLXiO Hooks on OAKI'liNTIilllNU
ren Street, New York. lUd4w
For r ale by all druggists. K. IIOYT, Proprietor. '
New Vork lidiw
Europe say the stromiest Tome. I'uritler aud De
obstruent known to the medical world is
It an cts decay of vital forces, exliniistlon ot
the nervous system, restores vigor to the dubill.
Milted, cleaines Vitiated blood, removes vesicle
instructions anil acts directly on me liver aud
KpTceli, Price (I a bottle. JOHN y. KKI.I.OiiU.
18 i'lmtt-. New York. lis) 4w
The LADIEV, OWN a year aud two lAChromos
for ri .
TO AO ENTS Sample Mncazlne i both Chro.
mos postpaid for tiDcenis. llest cash icrms to
agents ever ollereil. Agents make tpilO lo WfiO a
week. ItKAll TIIlMi 'I he Chromos, "Just
One" and "Old Oaken Bucket,", given with the
LA 1)1 EM' OWN MAGAZINE. are Itrst class oil
chromos, equal In all respects to any !" chroinu Iu
my store." H. (lotiwals, Wholesale Art Dealer, .
Chicago. Address, LADIES' OWN MAOAZ1NK,
New York City. Ind4w '
10 YEAItS CllEDIT, INTEREST ONLY 6 per cent-,
Descriptive Pamphlets, with Sectional Maps, sent
A handsome Illustrated Paper, containing tha r
Homestead l.sw, mailed five to. all pints of the
world. Address, t. K. OAV1S,
Land Commissioner U. P. K. H..
Omaha, V
Dissolution of to-rurtncrslilp. t
THB firm of Martin Hi Orosh, In lllaln. Perrj
county, Pa., will be. dissolved by mutual rnu-4
sent on Thursday, March l'JIh. IS74. All peroun
Indebted to Hie III m are requested to settle their
accounts by not or otherwise, by April 1. 174,
MARTIN i liltOhli. ,
The undersigned will continue the business st i
the old aland, where ho will keep constantly ou
hand a full supply ol all kinds of Meiuliaiidlse I
usually kept Iu a country store, which ho will sell
for CASH or PRODUCE only. '
, , ' oio. U. MAU.T1N. .
Iain, Feb. 4, 1871. 6t '
n iff owTV