The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, March 24, 1874, Page 4, Image 4

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Stljc men, New BlDomftcfo, )cu
Tuesday, March 24, 1H74.
A Cincinnati dispatch says n numlier of
the largest distilleries of Cincinnati admit
that since the commencement of the wo
men's tomperance crusade their business
decreased fully 7 per cent. Business is gone
no orders are coming in, mid wholesale
dealers hesitate to trust retailers whose
stock mny go to the gutters.
A Terrific hurricane, accompanied by
thunder, lightning and rain, passed over
Cairo, 111., at 3 o'clock on Wednesday morn
ing, causing great destruction of property.
The centre of the storm seems to have
passed south of Cairo, as the wires wotk
as usual north of the city, and no damages
are reported in that direction.
Mr. Sumner's Successor.
The contest for Mr. Sumner's successor is
narrow I n jj. The principal candidates are
now conceded to be Messrs. Dawes, Adams,
Iloar, and Banks. It is thought that the
democrats, who have 73 votes out of 280,
will unite on a liberal republican. The vote
is to bo taken to day, and it may be that
sonio less piomincnbspoliticiaii will be taken
up as compromise candidate.
What Cause! It.
The death of Mr. Sumner brings again
to mind the attack made on him May 22nd,
1850, and which has ever since affected his
health. Mr. Sumner on the 19th of that
month, made a remarkable speech in the
Senate, which gave great offence to the
South Carolina delegation, and the follow,
hig extract will now be of Interest. In ro
fering to that Slate, he said :
Were the whole history of South Caro
lina blotted out of existence, from its very
beginning down to ihe day of tlio eleotiou
Of the Senator to his present seat on this
floor, civilization miht lose I do not Kay
bow little, but surely less than it has Hi
ready gained by the example of Kansas, in
its valiant struggle against oppression, and
in the development of a new science of em
igration. Ah, sir, I tell the Senator that
Kansas, welcomed as a free State, will be a
'ministering angel' to the Republ io wliou
South Carolina, in the cloak of darkness
which she hugs, lies howling."
As we now see the condition of South
Carolina, and compare it with the prosper
ous condition of Kansas, the remarks seem
almost prophetic. And where are the
members who were engaged in this dis
grace fl attack ? Brooks, the most guilty
of the attacking party, died within a
year, despised and neglected by those who
had urged him on. Butler soon followed
him, and during the war Keitt full, trying
to support the Southern cause, and the
three are nearly forgotten.
Ilarrihburg Correspondence.
IIariiibucko, March 21st, 1874.'
To record the toying of the Legislature
for the week past, would occupy more
space than you would care to use. But to
record the doingt of real interest or for the
good of the public will occupy but a few
lines. Never has there been a session held
when so little was done in so a long time.
By some who properly appreciate their ca
pabilities, a disposition is shown to adjourn
and leave Legislation to their successors,
who it is hoped will have the ability to do
more and talk less. The f 10 per day, how
ever, is fo much more than the majority can
possibly make in any occupation they may
have at home, that that class will no doubt
out vole those who are willing to adjourn,
and so lengthen out the session as fares
possible. The great mistake now made in
fixing salaries for publio officials, is, that
the honor of the position is entirely over
looked. The consequence is that the plaoes
which were once desired for the honor they
conferred, are now sought by politicians
only fur the emoluments connected there
with. The bill providing for paying the news
papers for advertising the New Constitu
tion, has been finally passed. The Senate
has disagreed with the House on the
amendment to the Judicial apportionment
bill, aud a conference committee, of the two
Houses have agreed upon a compromise.
It makes no change as far as Ferry and
Juniata are concerned, but leaves Ilium as
the 41st district.
The Senate bill appropriating $1,000,000
to tho Centennial exposition, ha met with
favor iu the House, and passed first rend
ing by a large majority. Tho death of Col.
Thompson, was referred to in the House
on Wednesday last, by Mr. Iletrlck, of
Juniata county, in a few appropriate, and
eloquent reinaik.
The report that Speaker McCormick was
to receive the appointment to the place
made vacant by the death of Hon. Bucher
Swope, was generally believed here for
some days, except by a few who knew that
Senator Scott had no chance to secure the
place for any friend of his, if Cameron ob
jected. While there was a prospect that
this appointment would be made, bright
vision" of political preferment arose before
Representatives Mylin, of Lancaster, aud
Newmyer, of Allegheny, one of whom was
moetlikley to secure the position of Speaker
incase McCormick resigned. But alas!
for human hopes ; with the appointment of
Uon. David Keen, as U. B. District Attor
ney, for Western Penn'a., there will be no
vacancy in the Dpeiiker's chair, and con
sequently these hopes wore blasted. I
tendor them my sympathy, but congratu
late the people of the western part of the
State, in their escape froiu the Infliction of
A joint resolution ha passed the House,
requesting the U. S. to donate the Carlisle
barracks to the use of Soldiers' Orphans'
schools, and if tho building are not to be
used for the purpose for which they were
originally Intended, no butter use than
the one proposed could be made of the
The temperance wave has readied this
place, but so far the proceedings have been
conducted with great propriety. The action
taken on the license quest ion, the bill hav
ing been referred back to the committee,
shows that the Legislature will hesitate to
touch the subject this session, and this
proves that the agitation of the temperance
people has had its ell'ect.
Tho House has passed a joint resolution
requesting the President to appoint a court
to re-examine the charges against General
Fitz John I'oiter. Some persons might
think it would bo better for the House to
show nn ability to transact its own legiti
mate business before attending to National
affairs. Neither House in session to-day.
Quid Nunc.
Miscellaneous News Items.
An extraordinary circumstance in
the history of the country occurs on the
death of Mr. Fillmore. Never before since
the administration of Jefferson has it hap
pened that only one person was alive, ex
cept the incumbent, who had filled the
Presidential office. Andrew Johnson is
now the only ex-President living; and even
ho was not elected to that office, but came
to it ns Vice-President on the assassination
of Mr. Lincoln. While the younger Adams
was President, the eldor Adams, Jefferson,
Madison, and Monroe wore living. 'When
Buchanan was elected, Van Buren, Tyler,
Pierce, and Fillmoro wore alive. When
Lincoln was inaugurated Van Buron, Tyler
Pierce, Fillmore, and Buchanan were liv
ing. Within thulast thirty-seven ycars,seveu
Presidents have been elected besides Grant.
It is an extraordinary fact that not one of
the seven is now alive.
tSf Women are clearly proving their
light to a perfect equality with men. Here
is Miss Belle Murray, acting deputy-clerk
of the Circuit Court of McLean County,
Illinois. Not only has she discharged the
duties of the office as well as any man could
have dono, but it is charged that she has
embezzled money with true masculine
boldness. She is now on trial for the of
fence, and it will doubtless appear that fast
horses, wine, and disreputablo male com
panions have been the cause of her ruin.
Now that women havo thus proved their
ability to steal quite as successfully as men
there need be no further discussion as to
their right to hold office. Miss Murray
ought to be sent to Congress or the Legisla
ture as soon as she is out of her present
tW Littlo George Gnugh was sliding
down hill in East Hampton, Conn., about
half a mile from home. His mother stood
at the window aud saw him slide into a
pond at the foot of the long hill. Nobody
was with him, and he was too young to
help himself. She started for the pond as
fast as she could run, climbing fences and
stumbling through banks of snow. Before
reaching the place she became so breath
less, soared, and exhausted that she fell
half fainting; but she got on her feet again,
and staggered on. When she came to the
water.which stood three feet deop over the
ice, she waded iu aud drew out the boy, but
he was dead.
tSTSome years ago a letter was received
in Now Orleans, directed to " the biggest
fool in New Orleans." The postmaster was
absent, and on his return one of the young
clerks informed 1dm of the receipt of the
letter. " And what become of it ?" in
quired tho postmaster. ' Why," replied
the clerk, "I did not know who the big
gest fool iu New Orleans was,so I opened
the letter myself." "And what did you
find in it?" inquired the postmaster.
" Why, " replied the clerk, " nothing but
the words, 'Thou ait the man!' "
tW The salaries paid to postmasters
differ very much. The postmaster ip New
York receives $0,000 por annum, the high
est salary paid, while the Boston official re
ceives $4,000, Philadelphia $4,000, Pitts,
burgh $4,000, Reading $3, COO, and Lancas
tor $3,800. One of the smallest salaries is
paid to the postmaster of Britzmauville,
N. Y,. who receives the small sum of $3
per annum, while very large number re
ceive salaries ranging from that amount to
tST Adam Forepailgh, proprietor of the
great animal show, which baa been exhibi
ted all over the country, has received a letter
from the office of the cousulate of the
United States in Bangkok, Siam, stating
that his agent is now on his way hither, In
the Dutch ship Osten, bringing with hint a
white elephant, the first that ever left the
kingdom of Slam.
lyilr, Brady, who after the chief
officers of tlie Pennsylvania had beon swept
overboard by a heavy sea took command
of the ship and brought her safely into
port, has been appointed her captaln.which
looks as if, in one instance at least, the
right man is to be found in the right place.
tW A couple ' were recently married in
Hardin county, Iowa, and after the cere
mony the bride asked the husband his
name. They had been acquainted only a
few hours when be proposed and she accepted.
tW The Now Orleans City Railroad re
cenlly .sunk in the river a bag containing
47,000 counterfeit nickel coins, the returns
of one year's business. The railroad com
panies have oflured a reward of $1,000 for
Information which will load to the discov
ery and punishment of the counterfeiters.
tSf'A. Hartford gentleman who had tar
ried late at a wine supper found his wife
awaiting his return in a high state of ner
vousness. Said she : " Here I've been
waiting and rocking In a chair till my head
swims round liko a lop." "Jess so where
I've been," responded he j " it's in the at
mosphere." Willianisport, March 17. The temper
ance movement is still in progress with
increased interest. Many of the saloons
are closed. The ladies started out this af
ternoon and on reaching Washington
street it was ascertained that 200 or 800
Germans had congregated. Lager beer
was served from a wagon, and the crowd
was boisterous and threatening. Tumblers
were thrown and the police threatened.
The movement was unexpected and has
greatly injured the cause of the liquor deal
ers. Two arrests were made.
Rockland, Mo., March 10. At Hosmer'a
Pond, Camden, last evening, a young man
named Kellar, accompanied by Miss Holt,
were driving on the road used for hauling
ice, when the team broke through, carry
ing the buggy and occupants usder the ice
and were both drowned.
Biddeford, Me., March 10. The head of
a woman nppaieutly twenty years old, with
dark hair and regular, handsome features,
was found on the bank of . the Saco river
yelerday. A card was tied around hor
forehead, with a brick attached. The head
had been chopped from the body close to
the chin.
SI nut go Phenomenon.
A dispatch from Raleigh, N. C, contains
the following remarkable story :
" Intense excitement prevails here
at this moment over the startling discovery
of the commencement of an astonishing
physical convulsion in the midst of a coun
try which for hundreds of years as far
back as tradition extends has lain undis
turbed in the perennial growth and matur
ing of superficial nature. Bald mountain,
iu the western part of tho state, is in a
state of volcanio eruption.
People who have recently arrived bete
are eager with the information that the
farm houses and cottagos along the sides
and tho base of the mountain have boon
thrown down by tho rocking of tho great
mass to Its foundation. Many of the in
habitants have fled in fear aud terror to
seek safety elsewhere from the terrible de
vastations which may result from the ama
zing phenomenon. A thin vapor issues
from the top of the mountain, and an up
heaving of fire and lava from the deep
bowels of the earth is hourly expected.
There is a low rumbling sound of mighty
volume constantly audible over the entire
surface of the mountain, and the snow
melts as fast as it falls from the heavens."
Treating the Wrong Disease.
Many limes Women call upon their fam
ily physicians, one with dyspepsia, nnother
with palpitation, another with trouble of
the breast, another with pain here and
there,and iu this way they all present alike
to themselves and their easy-going and in
different doctors, separate and distinct dis
eases, for which he prescribes his pills and
potions, assuming them to be such, when,
in reality, they are all symptoms caused by
some uterine disoider; aud while they
are thus only able perhaps to palliate for a
time, they are ignorant of tho cause, and
encourage their practice until largo bills
are made, whon tho suffering patients are
no better in the end, but piobably wotse
for the delay, treatment, and other com
plications made, and which a proper medi
cine directed to the cause would have en
tirely removed, thereby instituting health
and comfort instead of prolonged misery.
From Miss Lomnda E. St. Clair,
Shade, Athens Co., O., Oct. 14th, 1872 :
"Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Your Favorite Prescription is working al
most like a miracle on me. I am better
already thati I have been for over two
years." 1
From Ei.i.a A. ScnAPER,Znnesvillc,Iud.,
Aug. 8, 1872 :
' Dr. Pierce I received the medicine
you sent me aud began using it immediate
ly. As a result of the treatment I feel bet
ter than I have for three years."
From Mrs. John IC., Odell.lll.,
Mar. 10, 1872 :
" Dr. Pierce The Favorite Prescription
has done me good, which I am very thank
ful for."
Stone and Earthen Ware. The sub
scribers, proprietors of the Juniata Ptlttery,
near Newimrt, desires to give notice that
i hey are keeping up a full variety of stone
and. earthen ware, and aro prepared to
promptly fill orders for all goods in their
line at low prices. Post office address,
Newport, Perry CO., Pa.
5 Cm. M. & T. Miller.
Mill for- Rent. To a good Miller, with
a small family. Apply personally to
Liverpool Steam Mills,
Perry co,, Pa.
Publio Sale. Bills for the following
sales have been printed at this office :
On Friday, March 27 tb, 1874. Henry Meyers
will sell at his residence In Centre twp., two
horses, 4 cows, fi head of young cattle, sheep,
7 shotes, three wagons, 1 tprlug wsgon sleigh,
aud many other articles.. , .
On Tuesday, March 81 it, Solomon Btrawser
will aull at hi residence In Suvllle twp., one
mile west of Mansville, 8 bones, 8 carriages, 1
cow, hecp, bogs, young cattle, 8 wagons, S
watches and uuiuyotberartlcles not meutlouod.
8. A. Peals offers his Btusm Tannery In this
borough, at private sale. Address 8. A. teste,
New Uloomfleld, Pa.
1840. 1874.
Time Tests The Merits Of All Things.
THIRTY YF.AR8 Is eortalnly long enough
time to prove the efficacy of any medicine, and
that tho Piilu-Klller It deserving of all lis pro
prietor claim for It, Is amply proved bf the
unparalleled popularity It hue attained. It Is a
snro and ellcctlve remedy. It Is sold In almost
every country In Hie world, and It needs only
to he known to he prised, and Its reputation as
a Medicine of Great Virtue, is fullr and perma
nently established. Tt is the great Family Med
icine of the nite. Tiiken Internally, It cures
Disentery, Cholera, Diarrhoea, ('ramp and
Pain In the Stomach, Bowel Complaint, paint
ers' Colic, l.lver Complaint, Dyspepsia, or In
digestion, Sudden Colds, Sore 'J hrost and
Coughs. Taken Externally, It cures Bruises,
Bolls. Felous, Cuts, Burns, Scalds, Old Borus
and Sprains, Swellings of the Joints, Tooth
ache, l'aln In the Face, Neuralgia and Rheu
matism, Chapped Hands, Front Bitten Feet,&c.
Pain I supposed to he the lot of us poor mor
tals, as Inevitable at death, and liable at any
lime to come upon us. Therefore, It is Impor
tant that remedial agents should be at hund to
be used on emergency, when we aro made to
lee! I he excruciating iigony of pain, or the de
pressing Influence of disease. Such a remedial
exi-ts Iu Perry Davis' " Pain-Killer," the fame
or which hasextended over all the earth. Amid
the eternal Ices of the Polar beneath
the Intolerable and burning sunt of the tropics
Its virtues are known aud appreciated. And by
It suffering humanity has found relief from
many of Its ills. The etrect of the Paln-Kitler
upon tho patient, when taken Internally In
cases of Cough, Cold, Bowel Complaint, Chol
era, Dysentery, and other a (lections of tho sys
tem, ha been truly wonderful, and hat won for
It a mime among medical preparations that
can never be forgotten. Its turcess la remov
ing pain, ns an external remedy, in cases of
Burnt. Bruises, Sore and 8prniiis, Cuts, citing!
of Insects, Ac., and other causes, of suffering
has secured for It the most prominent position
umo'ig the medicines of the day. Beware of
counterfeits and worthless Initiations. Call for
Perry Davit' Vegetable Pain Killer, and take
uo other.
f4f8old by Druggittt and Oroeirt.
March a, I m.
Thirty Years' Experience of on
old Nurse.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup ie the
prescription of one of the t est Kemale Physi
cians and Nurses in the United States, and has
been used for thirty years with never falling- safe
ty and success, by millions ot mothers and chil
dren, from the feeble Infant of one, week old to
trie adult. It corrects acidity ot the stomach, re
lieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives
roHt, health aud com Tort to mnherand child. We
believe it to be the Best and Surest Kemedy In the
World in all cases ot DYSENTEUY and DI Alt
KHtEA IN CHILDREN, whether It arises from
Teething or from any other cause. Full direc
tions for using will accompany each bottle.
None Genuine unless the fac-slmile of CURTIS &
PERKINS Is on the outside wrapper. Bold by all
Medicine Dealers. 27 b lyr
Children often look Palo aud
from no other cause than .having worms in the
will destroy Worms without Injury to the child,
being perfectly WHITE, and free from all color
lug or other Injurious ingredients usually used In
worm preparations.
CURTIS & BROWN. Proprietors,
No. 215 Fulton Street. New York.
Sold by DntggUtt and ChemMt, and dealers in
Medicina at Twenit-Fivs: cents a Box. 27b lyr.
Tape Worm ! Tape Worm !
Removed In a few hours with harmless Vegeta
ble Medicine. No t-e asked until the entire
worm, with head, passes, liefer those mulcted to
residents of the city whom I have cured, that had
been uuHueeessfully treated at the Jelforson Med
ical College, on Tenth Street; had taken In vain,
tui'tientlues, the so-called sta-citlcs, and all known
remedies. Dr. K. K. KUNKKL, No. 2M) North
Ninth Street. Philadelphia. The Doctor has been
la business for over twenty-live years, and is per
fectly reliable. Call and see. Advice free, lie
moved Tuiicworm from a child six years old,
measuring 20 feet. At Ills ottlce can be seen spec
imens, some ot them over forty feet Iu leuiitli.
which have been removed in less than three hours,
by luklng-one dose of his medicine. Dr. Kunkd's
treatment Is simple, safe and erfectly reliable,
aud 110 fee until the worm, with head, passes. Dr.
E. F. Kunkel, 2M North Ninth Nr. Philadelphia.
Consultation at olllce or by mall free. 38 b6t
Happy Relief for Young Men from the eltects of
Errors and Abuses In early life. Manhood Re
stored. Iniieilmeiits to Marriage removed. New
met hod of treatment. New and remarkable rem
edies. Books aud circulars, sent free In sealed
envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION,
No. 2 booth Ninth St., Philadelphia. Pa.. au In
stitution having a high reimtaliou (or honorable
conduct and professional skil. 4J p 1 y.
EST We have seen It stated In various pa
pers throughout the country, that Agents for
the tale of Sherldaii't Cavalry Condition Pow
ders were authorized to refund the money to
any person who should use them and not he
sntii-tied with the result. We doubted this at
fln-t, hut the proprietors authorize ut to say
that it It true.
I if Do you ever think that a neglected
cough or cold mny lead to ferlout consequen
ces? In t he eaily ttuges of Lung disease lake
Wlshart't Pine Tree Tur Cordial." It can
alwayt bs relied upun.
s A True Balsam. Dr. Wlstar's Bsltam
oT Wld Cherry Is truly a halmni. It contains
the balsamic principle of the Wild Cherry, the
balsamic properties of tur and of pine. Its In
gredients are all balsamic. Cought, Cnldt
Sore Throats, Bronchitis, and Consumption
speedily disappear uudcr Its balsamic lunueuee.
tST Johnson's Anodyne Liniment It, with
out doubt, the afert, -surest and best remedy
that bat ever heeu Invented for Internal and
external use. It it applicable to a great varie
ty of complaint!, and is equally beuetlclal for
man or beaat.
Store Stand for Halo. A first class canal
Grocery Btand with every convenience, sit
uated one milo south of Liverpool and in
a good neighborhood. The subscriber
wishing to go west, will sell at a bargain to
the purchaser. For further particulars,
call at the residence or address,
BO 13t Liverpool, Puny Co., Pa.
. , .
To Rent.' A Blacksmith Shop and
house, situated iu Wheat field twp., on the
road leading from Bloomlield to Duncan
lion, is for tent. Apply on the premises or
address, MltS. MAHIA PH1CE,
Mch. 8, 4t Diincannon, Perry co., Pa.
$1,000. Five hundred to $1,000 want
ed, which will be secured by mortgage on
real estate, so ns to mako it a flint class
investment. The money is wanted for one
or more years, as suits the lender. Address
"0." Tmies Ornca. 1
Why "Will You
To all nersons snfferlne
from liliumatlsm. Neuralcla.
Cramp Iu the limbs or stom-
m;ii, minnus 1:011c, rain in
the back, bowel or side, we
would av. Tits Household
and Family I.imimknt is. ot
an mums the ri-meity you
want for internal and exter
mil use. It bus en.ed the
alMiva complaints Iu thou
sanus.if wises. There Is no
mis aKe about it.
TnMt. Bold by all Drug-
The advertiser, hav ng been permanently cur
edof that dread dheise. Consumption, by a sim
ple remedy, anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it
he will send a copy qf tin prescription ued. (free
of charge), with the directions tor preparing mid
using the same, wlilcli tliey will llnd i Hare Care
(4o. Parties wishing the prescription will uleisa
address. Rev. U. A. WILSON,
6)a6m. 191 Penu Bu Williamsbnrgli. N. York.
For the cure of ASTHMA CROUP,
Couirlis. Colds. Whooping cough,
hoarseness bior ,1 clntis, Sore Throat,
Catarrh, a n u '4 t o r t h e u s e of
Speakers a n d singers. Price 26c.
One 1 rial sure to make iwrmanent
Friends. WaJ' Prepared only by
8. E. Corner of 20th St Green Streets,
V8" For sale by F. Mortimsh, New Bloom
field, Perry county, Pa.
Wbolesali and Retail
Glass Corner, Centre Square,
Newport, Penn'a.
I DESIRE to give the public notice, that I have
luriilshi-d my store room with a great varl.
ety of Hue and Common Caudles, Musical Instru
ments, Toys etc. In my assortment ot
will be found Japanese Cocoa. A B Bon Bons,
rtiit Sugars. Kgg Almonds, Conversation Drops,
A H Gum Drops, Klg Paste. Cream Drops, Sugar
Almonds, Kc, &e. I also hive on hand at all
times a full assortment of the various flavors of
Also a variety of children's carriages and
Such as Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Violins,
Gutars, Ike,
of various styles, consisting of Wagons, Drums,
Tin Ti limpets. Having Banks. China Sets. Mugs,
V ases, ABC Blocks, and many other articles cal
culated to amuse aud interest tlie children.
I also manufacture the
Best Cough Candy
that can be found in Six counties, and
ot superior quality and flavor.
Crackers, Ice Cream, Cakes and other articles of
refreshment will always be found In their season
In my store. All persons wanting auy articles In
my line will consult their own interest by glvlug
me a call,
11 tt
Tho Great Wedding Card Depot I
A Larg assortment o Stationery of every
ready stamped. Dollar box containing
four qmies French paper and two
packs Envelopes with tlie initials.
Sent by mail for 11.25 by .
013 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
A Good Henry Brown Muslin,
The Best Yard Wide'Muslin.
OF ,
New BloomUeld, Pa.
1ii Oft per day. Agents wanted every
IU UJ bU where. Particulars flee. A. II.
BLAIR H CO., Bt, Louis, Ma 7 lilf