8 A RaIIwrt Horror. A frightful accident occurred on Satur day evening, the 28th nit., at 0 o'clock on the Great Western railroad, 8 miles cast of Kokonia, and 7 miles west of London, by which a number of lives wore lost and many persons badly burned and otherwise injured. A lire broke out in the water closet of a car by the lamps falling on the floor, and immediately the car took Are. Efforts were niRcie to subdue the flames, but without success, fire communicating rapidly to the wholo car. The passengers rushed to the hinder part of the car, runic iug it impossible for any ono to got out by the door. Borne escaped by the win dows, while a great many, unable to escape " were burned to a crisp. The bell rope was not attached to the engine, consequently there was no way of stopping the train. It was running nt the rato of thirty miles an hour, and ran about three miles before it could be stopped. The car was entirely burned in ten mia utes, burning liko tinder. At present it is supposed that about ten persons wero burnod to death and the same number in jured, some very seriously, by jumping off the train. Several bodies were burucd to a crisp, and it will be impossible to identify them. Later. -Among the burned remains of the victims of Saturday night's railway ac cidont there is one face that is perfectly recognizable as that of ono of tbo unfor tuuate young ladies. A locket she wore was found on her neck in goad preserva tion. Last night eight coffins were sent to Kokonia station. Yesterday afternoon in searching among the wreck a number of gold nuggets were found, supposed to be melted jewelry ; also two gold watches, which have been identified. After seven corpses bad been identified a number were sun left, and it was supposed mat one or two others naa gone. Who Owns this Money! Mr. Thaddeus Durling a well-to-do farmer living in the town of Chester, Or ange county, N. Y. Among the heirlooms bequeathed to Mr. Durling by bis father, was an old, clumsy writing desk, which had descended from father to son for many generations. At last the desk was thrown into the corner of Mr. Durling's wood-shed. Here it was seen by a neighbor, Mr. Geo. Mapes, who took a fancy to it. On men tioning this to Mr. Durling, the desk was given to Mr. Mapes. Mr. Mapes sent the desk to Mr. Itumsey, the village cabinet maker, to have it repaired and varnished The desk Btood in the door of Mr.ltumsey's shop, where it attracted the attention of a Mr. Seeiey, an Orange county farmer, After looking at it, Mr.Seeley said, " Kum sey, that looks like one of the old desks with secret drawers hat you sometimes read about." "That's a fact," replied Rumsey : "gup. poso we Bearch the old thing and see what we can find." An investigation was at once made, and soon a little narrow secret drawer was dis covered. In this drawer wero twenty-one American silver dollars, the coinage run ning back into 1700. Of course the news of the discovery soon flew through the village. Mr. Durling and Mr. Mapes both claimed the money from Mr. Rumsey. At he could not determine who was entitled to it, he placed the money in the bank to await the arbitration of the court before which a suit is now pending as to who is the rightful owner. . The case is the universal topio of conver sation the townspeople and farmers for miles around. Some contend that the money belongs to Durling ; some say that he gave the desk and all it contained to Mapes, while others say that Mr. Rumsey and Mr. Seeiey are the rightful owners. A Profitable Bed Quilt. A curious illustration of the ingenuity of smugglers In defrauding the revenue re cently came to light at Suspension Bridge. There was a sale of confiscated goods by the Collector at that port some time ago, and a gentleman, for the fun of the thing, made a bid for the possession of an ordi nary looking bedquilt or comforter. He got it for fifty cents and took the second hand thing home, where its arrival dieted no great enthusiasm. After being con temptuously kicked about tb house for some time, the quilt was finally assigned to a servant's bed. By and by rent oc curred in its calico integument, and the servant girl one day chanced to notice a corner of superior looking stuff emerging from the aperture. An examination was made, and some rich results followed the old quilt's dissection. Five yards of rich pink silks, nine yards of heavy black ditto, a qunntity of velvet ribbon and numerous silk neckties were successively, exhumed from Us capacious interior, greatly to the astonishment of the owner. Since the affair transpired there has been an active demand at the Collector's sale for bcdquilts, but the importation does not seem to be kept up. tSfOn Saturday night Ann Toner, a young widow residing on the Heights, in Jersey City, in a fit of jealousy drew a re volver and fatally shot her affianced bus bond, John Kennedy. The ball entered his brain, but was successfully extracted and the man may recover. He asserts that it was not Mrs. Toner who shot him, but a man who walked behind them. Ills state ment is not generally believed. , . - . , JVetff tdvertinementu f - lk - - l . i 4 - . 1 $7R A WKKK T AGENTS. Fastest selling ui uric tun:, i nim Yam:ime samples lor ten cents. J, B1UDU.T, 7, llriailway,.N. xork. tfiUw WnRlnMft TT.ARQ Maleor female. KO a; iiiiiiw, unv or evening I no capital : instruction! and valuable package of Roods sent free by mail Address, with six cent stmni. M. YOUNG & CO.. 173 Greenwich St., Mew York, 9d 4w .FTMTE' QUKAT AMF.IIICAN COFFKE 1 JL POT distils coffee as clear as amber; extraits nil itsstreiiEth i retains all in nut nous nroina. The best thing ever ottered. Price 82. sent to any aunress. ran ann see it in operation or seno ior illustrated eireuiar. Territorial riitmsiorsaie. l.ivui'i'fn tiimau v. in iun v.itiiwiiii vw.. - fid 4w 678 Broadway, New York CANVASSING BOOKS SENT FKEE FOR Prof. FOWLER'S Great Work ON MANHOOD. WOMANHOOD and their Mntu al Inter-relations; l.OVK, Its LAWS, l'OWKIl, etc. Agents are selling L oin 20 to 30 copies of this work a day, and we sen" a canvassing book free many nnoK nirenr. Address, stating experience, etc. National publishing co.. Hiiadei. pliia, Pa. IHUw Attention 1 Attention I ! son agents wanted, great attraction. The largest nnd best assortment of Religious ana Historical Charts and Maps, just out: 1 no splendid linltntlonChromo Chart, "INFANT SAVIOR." Our Map of the UNITED STATES, WOULD. Townshlt) and Countv man of PENN SYLVANIA find large sales. Address, 1IAAKIS& LUllKKCIIT. Empire Mann nnd Chart Estab't, 107 Liberty St., N. Y. lid iw FOB COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL rilltOAT DISEASES. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets ! put up onlyin ii lie boxes, a tried and sure remedy 1 - Sold by all Druggists. 9d 4w Qpinn A vkah uiJJJ made with our splendid COMBINATION ritONPECTUS. Represents SO different books, wanted In-every family. Agents warned in every county and town in the united Stales, to make a permanent business on these works. SALKS8UU1C AND PROFITS LA HUE. Complete outllt sent post paid on receipt of 81.50, enabling you to commence at once. For outllt nnd full particulars address, JOHN Ii. POTTER & CO. 9d 4w Pubs., Philadelphia, Ta. ittu J. F. Fm.ES. Beta sworn, taja, I graduated at ths TJnlvoriUYof I'onn'aia ly&T, and after .HO joarfMperlenes, r-rfoeted Dr. Fitter's Vegetable llbinmal to tiyrap. I guaranta. It M infallible eare for Ntrre, Kid gov and . IUteuuoiod iwaaM. Sworn to, ihta 2Ath April, 1 T 1. F. A. OSBOURN, Notary Pullta, rh.Ua. T7oCll?CTBMI TtTO Carol ty It, andwHlnatlrfyanTonewrlt lnn.ltf.1ho.MnrnhT,r.r..l'riinkfnr).Phlla.ReT.C.II. Kwfnr,Mdia,la, ReT..I.W.Pofrh.nan.Cliir.iir.,Iowa.It,r. !.(;. Smith, PitUfnrit,N.V.n-i..to IWim. FallaChnrrh, Pamphlot A raarante.rratts. It M ITrwnra foran in curatWc4aeoourenoobarsOfrcaJitjr.&oUl by druggiata. Dr. Suso's Catarrh Remedy cures by Its mild, soothing- and heal ing properties, to which tho diStnao Vleldft. Whitn Kcmciiy Is used warm V jLiTt . nnl eystem put in pcr fectordcr by tho wonderful altorntlre powerof Dr. Plorco'oCloldou Nod ical Dlscovorv. Liken caraetllv. in correct blood nnd aystcm, which aro al ways at fault, also lo act specifically upon diseased glands nnd lining memlirano of noso nnd communicating chambers. Ca tarrh Remedy should bo applied worm with Dr. Plorco'o Nasal Douche, tho only instrument with which IliiKl med icine can be verfcctl'j annlied to All nnrta of passages and chnmbcrsin which ulcers exist and from whlclidlscharrjo proceeds. So tuccossful has this treatment proven, that tho proprietor offers SSOO Re ward for a caso of "CM in Head" or CuLarrh he can not cure. ThatwnmeHi- nlneswlth instrument 8 a,by ail dmygHU. PAWS, AGENTS I PAWS ! And learn that our new book is Just out. ' " EVERYBODY'S FRIEND." JOSH KILLINGS PEN ILLUBTIUTBO Br THOMAS NAST'8 PENCIL, ' Of course the book will sell like ovsters at a ffeneral muster. Everybodys' hunitry for It. Send or circular nnd see what s chance we give to agents. Address, AMERICAN PU11LIHHINO CO., Hartford, Connecticut. lod 4w RTTTT TiTPPQ Bcn1 'or catalogue of New DUUjUEjIXO Kwn on CAKI ENTEK1NU &BUILI)IN. A. J. BICKNELL&CO,, 27 War leu Street, New York. lod 4w USE CAMPH0RINEI CAMPHOltlNE 1 CAMPIIORINEI CAMPHORINEI Kor sale by all druggists. Ii. HOYT, Proprietor. New York. lod 4w TUVUlntlLUT11irilflll A iwimmw, nn . IIUII1I.IM miiau au ijiujui ir.n oi jiunriir... .iiq nuuiljirni, l ,MIIU, r 111 I lier ftllU iJO' obstruent known to the medical world Is JURUBEB A. It srrasts decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restores vigor to the deblli. tated, cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on the liver and Stileen. Price II a bottle. JOHN U. KELLOIJU. 18 Piatt 8t-, New Vork. lod w ' GRAND OFFERS The LADIES' OWN a year and two liCliromos lorri. TO AGENTS Sample Magazine ft both Chro mos postpaid for 60 cents. Host cash terma i agents ever offered. Agents make I0 to HO a week. ItEAII THIifi The Chroinos, "Jdst One" and "Old Oaken Bueket," given with the LADIES' OWN UAUAZINE. are tlrst-class oil chroinos, equal In all respects to any o chroino In my store." S. Oottwals Wholesale Art Healer, Chicago. Address, LADIES' OWN MAGAZINE rew ior uny. lOd 4w MILLIONS OF ACHES RICH FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA. NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP! 10 YEAR8 CREDIT, INTEREST ONLY 6 per cent Descrlutlve Pamnlili ta. with Heotlmml Ma na unr fiee. ' THE PIONEER. A hnilflaAma Tll.tefr-1 1q iu. -....(. .1 1.... .... ........ u . ru, V,,l,,nilllllK llltj Homestead Ijiw, mulled free to all parts ? the world. Address, . O. K, DAVIS. Land rUimmlaHlnner II P 11 WI4W OaUtlA. NE. TADIE8 AND CniLDBEN will Dud a 1 splendid SMortment of shoes at the old price store of F. Mortimer Job "Priiaimi . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Neatly Executed on Short Notice, ,M i ,'AT. THtt MOST j x t : - ' Rela$briab1e: Rates, AT THE BLOOMFIELD TIMES Steam Jol) Office, New Bloomfield, Perry Co., Pa, IF YOU WANT A- IV e tit nnd A.tirnctIvo PUBLIC SALE BILL ILLUSTRATED WITH CUTS, Printed in . Colors, Oil ON Fancy Colored Papers Call, or Send your Order TO THE Bloomftclir imc0 ' i. Steam Printing Office WHERE ALL ORDERS ARE PROMPTLY FILLED. IF YOU WANT A TLAIN OR FANCY LETTER HEAD, BILL HEAD, ENVELOPE, CHECK BOOK, arbs itnb irluis, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, PAPER-BOOKS, Labels of every Description, LEGAL BLANKS, BLANK NOTES, PRICE LISTS, In all Styles and Colors, YOU CAN BE ACCOMMODATED AT THE Hloomfield Times JOB OIFICIC ! We also have a fine variety of Cuts for Printing in good style, Horse & Jack Bills ! IF YOU WANT A Neat and Attractive- LETTER CIRCULAR, MONTHLY STATEMENT, VISITING CARD, . ' , . PROGRAMME, OR WI8H TO ADVERTISE In aNewspaper having the Largest Circulation In this Section of the State, ; Bend your orders to the "BtOOMMtO TJMES'' Ii You Want' A ntxrn ViMti.v vpwapiPDnik., i..i.i,.. each week a variety oi Interenthig reading niat Uir, with a general summary ul tonigu and For one years' Biitincrlptlon to the Bloomfield Times PUBLISHED AT " KEW ELOOltTIELD, ' PEEET C0TOT7 A. A New Ideal -SHUTTLE- mmm ' FOR 5' 50 Dollars ! ! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned W1I8I '' IDEUCIDI! THE BEST IN THE WORLD I tTho Highest rremium was awarded to it at "VIE 1ST 1ST -A. ; 0hl. State Fair Northern Ohio Fair j Amer. Institute, N. T.j Cincinnati Exposition! Indianapolis Exposition J St Louis Fair;. Louisiana State Fair; Hlssissiopi State Fair; nnd Georgia State Fair) FOR BING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing- the largest and best range of work. All other Machines in the Market were in direct t COMPETITION ! ! IS' For Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. "Where we have no Agents we will deliver a Machine for the price named above, at the neareot Hail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Old Machines taken In Exchange. Send for Circulars, Price List, &o., and Copy of the "Wilson Reflector, one of the best Periodicals of the day, devoted to Sewing Ma- ' chines. Fashions, General News and Miscellany. Agents "Wanted ' AUOltCSS, Wilson Sewiiii Machine Co. 4 CLEVELAND, OHIO. 7D2t PEIMIY HOUSE, Xt Bloomfield, Pa. TnEiubsorlbfrliaTlngpurchKMd th property on theoorneror Mulno and C'ftrlUle utiwiu, opposite the Court Iluuae, Invllni all Ills frieiKU kOll fonnrr Su.liimpra tn irlvn lilm a oall a. ha la delaruiluedtOfuroUbfirnl olnis accoinmrulatloui, , TiOMAa a U 7, ltf. proprietor. Sewing Machine aSt;;'J'''' ' C S RAILROADS'. P HI LADLfH I A, AND R EAQING R.; !.' WINTER ARRAKoisMENTl . ( Holiday, .afovT 10th,-1873. TRAINS LEAVE itAIUtianUIiri A&FCIxbwS: For New York, at 5.30, .10.m. and 2.00 p.m. for Philadelphia, at 5,30, 8.10 a. m. 2.00 and 4.0S p. m. For Keadlng, at 5.30, 8.10 a. m. 2.00, 4.08 and T.40 p. m. For Foltsvllln.at 5.30, 8.10a.m. and 4.05 p.m. and via Schuylkill and 8u9qiielinn Blanch at 8.00 p. m. For Allentown, at 6.30, 8.10 a. m. 2.00 nnd 7.40 p. m. , The 6.30 a. m. and 2.00 p. m. trains Lave through cars for New York. . , The 8.10 a. m. and iOO p. in. trains have tlirouch cars Ior Philadelphia. ,' ' I . " SUNDAYS ; t For New York, at 5.30 a. m. For Allentown and WayHtatlons at 5.30 a.m. , ' Headliig, Philadelphia and Way Stations at a.Uu p. in. , , . ( . , ( TRAINS FOR HARltlSTHTItG, LEAVE AS FOL LOWS : Leave New York, at 9.00 a. m. 12.40 and 6.30 Leave Philadelphia, at 0.16 a. m. 8.30 and 7.15 .JfaJ!e1?cartll,8.at4.1S, 7.40, 11.20a. m. 1.50,8.00 and lo.lft p. in. ' B,lv .a.Bchuylkl" a"a Susquehanna Branch at B. ) A, III, 8.55ep.TnlAUent0,Vn ' 210 a' m- ,2-2fi' 4 35 1 11!??-10.1-traln ,rom Allentown and the days '" KeaUi"8 do uut run on Mon- SUNDAYS . I-eave New York, at 5.S0 p. m. ' ' ', ' ' , Iave Philadelphia, at 7.16 p. m. Leave Heading, at 4.15, 7.40 a. m. and 10.15 v. m. Leave Allentown, 2.10 a. m. and 8.65 p. ui. J. E. WOOTTEN, ,, , General Superintendent. Reading. January 20, 1874. Pennsylvania R. R. Time Table. NEWPORT STATION. On and after November 1, 1873, Passenger trains will run as follows: " WEST. Pacific Express. 5.14 a. M. (flag) dally. Way Pass. .oi A. M.. dally, ' !?" ,2 4 p- M- dally except8unday. Mixed 6.54 p.m., dally exceptSundav. EAST. ' 7-0.?-. dally except Sunday BarrlsburgAccom 12.22 p. m.. dally ' Sundav J. J. BARCLAY, Agent. DUNCANNON STATION. On and after Sunday, Nov. 2nd, 1873, trains leave Duucaunon, as follows : WESTWARD. Pacific Express 4.45 a. m., (flag) daily. Way Passenger, 8.44 A. M., daily 5all, 2.1G P. at, .. . dallyexcept Sunday. Mixed, 6.16 p. m., daily except Sunday. EASTWARD. Sar)!l'1"-,rB Aeco1" 12.55 p.m., daily except Sunday Mail 7.37 e. M., " WM. C. KINO, Agent. Stage Line Between Newport nnd New tiennantown. , ' . STAGES leave New (Jermantown dally at four o'clock a. in. Landisburgat7. 30 a. in. Green park at 8 a. in. New Itloomlleld at S a. m. Arriving at Newport to connect with the Ac commodation train East. ..K?,t.u.rl,!n9leaves Newport on. the arrival of th MailTraiufrom Philadelphla,at2.il0 p. m. Z. KIOE. Proprietor. Daily Express and Freight Line BETWEEN BLOOM FIELD & NEWPORT! THE subscriber wishes to notify the eltlzensof Hloomileld and NewDort that ho i. mnnino Daily Line between these two places.and will haul Krai If lit flf All V If lllil ! r .ln..l;l., 1 or n.esarntrustedV hli " " -wj-wooramayrsieu forhlin at the stores of F. Mortimer & Co., New BlooniUeld, or Mililgan it Musser, Newport, Pa. Bloomueld.January25.1870B- Ten Thousand Dollars Will be given to tho persons starting Man ufactories at GRIER CITY, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. A CAR SHOP, FOUNDRY, A WHEELWRIGHT, i i wavii inr,n uui AND . PIPE it DRAIN WORKS, & KPIKK AND HOLT FACTORY SHOULD BE STARTED BOON! The Southern Saving Fund and Building Aso soclatlonof GlUKlt CITY, allows six percent, interest on monthly deposits subjet to thirty days notice ; or persons owning shares of stock, full share of the prollts which is equal to B (teen per cent. AU the agents have shares of stock for sale. 150 Lots in GRIER CITY have been sold the lirst year. The carpenters are at work building houses and. will continue the whole year. Ten Thousand Dollars Donation Fund Is to bo raised for such persons as start Manufactories in UK1KK CITY.by giving 115.00 oneavh lotsold. hereafter. Liberal Inducements will be offered to persons having ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS or more to start tho Banking Business. Also to persons with ONE HUNDRKD DOLLARS or more to start a Co-operative Store or any Manufacturing Business. , A good traveling agent wanted for the Cigar and Hardware Trade. A Cigar Maker, Cabinet Maker and Shoemaker Is wanted. Liberal arrangements will be made wit Cash iers, Bunk Clerks, Post Masters, and others that will act as agents to sell Stocks, Manufacturing shares or Lots. The Town Is I n the centre of the Coal regions In a level and pretty valley with four dlltereut Rail roads and one mile of railroad In the Iowa. The Lot owners have made Hlvtv !.. their money Invested the Hist year. The price of lots Is 1140 00 payable In five An, nual payments of W8.00 each. . A9 For further particulars address JAMES II. GRIER, POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PA. Or lai lire of ths Ajaiit her e. 7 20 tf LEBANON Mutual Fire Insurance Company, .or JoncHtown, Fenn'u, ' FIMCIES PERPETUAL at Low Rates. No Steam risks taken. This it one of the best conducted and most reliable Companies in the Slate. Country property Insured Perpetually at 84 00 per thousand, and Towuproperty at 15 00 per thousand. , , LEWIS POTTER, . i NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA.( 4 161 Agent for Perry County. t1ft n iO( per day. Agents wanted everv. lJ bJ AU where. Particulars free. A. If. BLAIH&CO.,St. Louis, Mo. . 7 lily