l)c imtfl; Htm Moomfutifi )o. 7 Philadelphia Advertisements. Tie Holeton House, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, No. 23, South Tenth Street, PHILADELPHIA; , J. W. HOLETON, .... Proprietor. THIS Hotel has connected with It a Tempbb inn Dininu Kooi for Indies and gentleman, where meals are served at all lioura. at reasonable prices. 710 A Prlvat Dlnlna ' Room for ladles and children has also been added to the accommoda tions of the house. ST. ELMO nOTEL, (FORMERLY "TOE UNION,") JOS. M. FEWER, Proprietor, 317 & 819 ABClf STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2.50 Per Day, THE ST. ELMO is centrally located and has been re-tlll.ed and refurnished, so that.lt will be found as comfortable and pleasant a stopping plac as there Is in Philadelphia. 6 29 , Batclielor Bro's., TRADE MARK. ".V P UNCII CIGARS ! NOW Better than any Ever MADE BY THEM. See that the boxes are branded. PECULIAR B. B. PUNCH. WHOLESALE DEPOT, ;U0 ISoi-ilt Itrd Street, Branch 23 North 2d St., Branch 837 Chestnut St., (Opposite "CONTINENTAL") 40 0m PHILADKLPIIIA. DAVY & HUNT'S GREAT WESTERN BAZAR FOR CARRIAGES & HARNESS. 1311,1313,1319 &. 1317 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA. Superior work of our own, and other good Manufacturers at very low prices. Top Buggies, $80.upward. Dearborn or Market Wagons 66 to $125. Family Wagons, 80 to 1200, Harness from 18 to (50 per set- Blankets, Sheets', Halters, Whins, Fly Nets &c, at equally Low Prices. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. For the Our of Weak Stomach, General Debility, In ditr'ftiuii, Disease ol the nervous 8yntem, CnuaLlpation, Acidity of the btomach, and all cade reiuiriuK a louie. The Wine Includes the moet atrreeable and efficient Halt of Iron we x wumjhh ; Citrate, of MameticOxidtyom. Ituicd with the moat energetic vegetable toiiic lellow l'eruviau liarb. The effect in many caaea of debility, loan of appetite. and treneral prostration, or an emrieni nan 01 mm. combined with our valuable Nerve, ia moat happy. Mtiu-uiMtitM tlm MtiiMtit. r&iuHH ilia inline. tulu-M utf It cnTar ilihhineiM, removes the pallor of debility and imia- rives a florid viKor to the countenance. Do you want something; to atreriKth yowl Do you waut a (food appetite? Do you want to build up your constitution? Do you want to get rid of nervouanetw? Do yo want energy? Do you waut to aleep well? Do you want a brink and vferoroua'feellnKf If you do, try Kunkel'a Bitter Wine of Iron. Thin truly valuable tonic ho been ao thnroujrhly test ed by all claHHea of the community that It la now deem ed inrttHjietiMahle aa a Tonic medicine. ItcoaUbutlittle, puritiK the blood and trivea tone to the atc-macu, ruuo vatua the ayaUui and prolongs life. I now ouly aak a trial of this Invaluable toiiie. V price 1 per buttle. K. F. KHNKFX, Hole Proprietor, No. 3&U North MU Htreet. lnlowVlne. HIIlADKLPlllA. Ak for Kunkel'a Hitter Wine of Iron and hike no othur. 1 6 ly C. K. JOUDAN. J. FOX Jordan, fox & coM Wholesale Dealers In IltltH, CllIH, XXlI'W, AND STRAW GOODS, NO. 85, NORTH THIRD STREET, (lietweeu Market and Arch Streets,) 018 el ' PHILADELnilA. i L'liAKK'B I'UHK 1'KItSIAN Inweet Powder, if. vT aestrucnon oi an kiwis ni Q,- 5 Insects, viz i fp I '-k ROACH PH. TIED IHT08, ANTS, fc,; . V FLEAS, MOTHS, &c, tio. Also, Insectson Animals, Fowls, Flants.So S" VSK FOlt CLANK'S IK SECT POWDElt. Warranted Pure. - Price 25 Cents' per Bottle. For sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloomlleld, Pa. T 8 i2 JEW T. MOI L, ' REPRESENTING Hanson, Paul & Imboden, Manufacturer nud Wholesale Doulcrg lu 1500TS & SHOES, No. 41 NORTH THIRD STREET, T. ltOHS II 4NSON, PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 8, 74 i;. HAUL. M. K, lfclliODKN. V ill) E. Philadelphia AdTertisements. ZIEGIEB & 8WEARINGEN, Successors to 8HAFFNEK, ZIEGLER ft CO., Importers and Dealers Id Hosiery, ' Jlove, ' "J llibbong, MiiNpcnders, TUBE A D S, COMBS, and every variety of l TRIMMINGS ANFANCY GOODS No. 4 ', North Fourt Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. j Agents for Lancaster Combs, BARCROFT & CO., Imporleii and Jobbers . OI Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, Hosiery, &c, Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) Philadelphia. A. B.Cunningham. J. H.Lewars. J.S.Glelm. Cunningham, Gleim & Co., Wbolesalb Dealers in Tobacco, Segars, &c, NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STREET, iiiii,aii:ii"iiia. 82310 ISAAC W. RANCH & CO., Coiuiulsslon Merchants, AMD Wholesale Dealers In all kinds ol Pickled and Salt FISH, Have Removed from Nos. 210 and 213 North Wharves, to "So. 134, Norllj Wharves, Between Arch and Race Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. H. 18. TAYI,OK, WITH WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Street?, Philadelphia Pa JJLATCn LEY'S M S Improved CUCUMBER WOOD 5 g PUMP, Tasteless, Durable, El- 2 5 tlclent and Cheap. The best ft Pump for the least money. At- K'liuon is e.peemny lnvuca lo Itlatchley's Patent Improved Hrarket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump or disturbing the lolnts. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracksor scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Bend for Catalogue and Price-List. CIIA9. O. HLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 6 37 ly 6UC Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa DAVID J. HOAR & CO., Successors to HOAR MoCONKEY k CO., WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 6'iS Market 8t. and 614 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Penn'a. CsKAYIIILX. fe CO., Wholesale Dealers In Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, And a flue assortment of Wood nutl U'lllou Ware, No. 420 Market street, above 4th, Philadelphia, Ta. January 1, 18(9. , LLOVD, SUl'FLEE, ft. WALTON, WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE, No. 625 Market Street. llil!adeltlu!a. WHOLESALE Jsnuury 1, 19 ill " Philadelphia Adrertisenients. WRICHT & SIDDALL, Wholesale Druggists, AND DIALERS IN Patent AJCocilciiics lOG MAllKI.T STREET, lhlladelphia,r Pa. ' A. FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING CONNECTED WITH THE BUSINESS, OF THE BE8T QUALITY, AND AT VEItr lOff PItlCfcS. ' a-No charge made for packing Boxes, and Goods delivered at Depots FREE of Cartage. J 8tf John Lucas & Co., j Sole ana jJI'P MANUFACTURERS or tub , IMPERIAL FHENCH, AND PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Pure White licad and Color MANUFA GTURERS, Not, 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. D AVID D. ELDER & CO., Successors to MILLER & ELDER, Booksellers and Stationers, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, And Dealers In WINDOW CURTAINS ' AND WALL PAPER, No. 430 Market Street, 31 .PHILADELPHIA, PA, SOWER, POTTS & CO., Booksellers & Htatloners, And Dealers in CURTAIN AND WALL-PAPERS, Nos. 530 Market and 523 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. M. Publishers of Banders' New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of the United States, i el ton's Outline Maps, c. BLANK. ISOOKB Always on hand, and made to Order. Sit A. L. Kaub J. E. Fbetmibb. u vim & i itYJiim:, Importers and Jobbers or China, O- lass AND QUEENSWA11E, 801 and 80S, Cherry St., between Arcb & Race, PHILADELPHIA. IHT Constantly on hand, Original Assorted Packages. 8. 9. ly 10 jyjTABTEIlS, DKTWILEU & C O.,' Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassinieres, Cottonadcs,&c., MARKET STREET, 70tf PHILADELPHIA. 1). I'OllT HEALE, WITU BARNES, DRO. & HERRON, Wholesale Dealers In IIxitH, Caps, lnrw, AND S T 1ft A. AV - G O O 1 H , No. 603 MARKET STREET, 6101y PHILADELPHIA. THE BEST IN XJ M JZ ! BlateMey'i . Horizontal ICE CREAM FREEZER I Tlimlev's I'ntentl, will produce a flneroiuiilly of Ci eam in lms tune and with less labor, tli.in iinv other Fieeer made. Is perfectly airtight, unit will pay t;ie entire cost of the uioeliiiiu In m seaiu In saviiiK of lc alone. Sizes friini three to forty quarts. Call and nee It, or send for cata logue. CH AH. G. UI.ATCMI.EY. Manufacturer,, 6Uj Commereb hlreet, 6 Litf I'lilladelplila, pa. 1 triT I The Best is the Cheapest ! : r . THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. SINGER SINGER ,H SINGER rVv. MACHINE, MACHINE. MACHINE. MACHINE. MACHINE. MACHINE. MACHINE. piACHINE. SINGER. -J"!-"" RINnHTl "t '.'if DINGER f ER t :r J' SINGER V MACHIJNK. S MACHINE. sHr-w MACHINE. SINGER ft'Z' rpHE SINGER SEWING MACHINE Is so wcU A known that It is not necessary 4p mention ITS MANY GOOD QUALITIES! Every one who has any knowledge of Sewing Machines knows that it will do ' EVERY KIND OF WORK In a Superior Manner, The Machine Is easily kept In orders easily op erated, and is acknowledged by all, to be the Tho Best Machine in the World I Tersons wanting a Rowing Machine should ex amine the Singer, before purchasing. Xhey can be bought on the - . 1 Most Liberal Terms - OF -.' F. MOIlTIMEll, NEW BLOOMFIELD, FA,, i General Agent for Perry County, tar Or of the following lxical Agents on the same terms: A. F. KEIM, Newport, Pa. J AS. P. LONG, Duncannon, Pa. THE BEST PAPER I TRY IT I BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The HCIENTIFTC AMERICAN now iniU2th year, eujuyn the whlcnt cirTulatlou of any weekly i'WBpar of tue kind lu the world. A utw volume conimeuceM Jrmury , 1874. lu cdiiteuu embrace the latent and moat interestlnv liiformutioii portaining-to the Industrial, Mechanical and H(-ientillc PruKreiw of the World, DoHcrintiona, with tieautlful euvravhiire, of New Iuventioim, fiewlmple meiiU, New VrocebHca. and linpnived indiintrlee of till kindu, useful notea, Ueal)eH, iiKKetlona and advice, by practical wiitern, fur workman and employers, in ail the various arts. , . , The Hcieutlnc American la the cheajrent and beet 11 lnntratrd weekly paper piibUnhed. Every umnler con tains from 10 to 16 original eutfiavintfs of new machine ry and novel inventions Enjrraviiura, illuntratinff Improvementa. Dlflooveriefl and important worku, pcrtaliiiiiK to civil ana mechanic al enKineertmr.mlllliiK, mining and metallurKy ; records of the latent proKTewM in the application of ateam, steam eiiKinoeriiiK, railways, nhip-building, naviraUoii, tele- Kaphy, teUfrrib eujdueeriUK, electricity, uiaKuetliun, ht titirt hoai FanuerB, mechanics, enKineeni, Jnventoni, manufao- inrera, cnemiHin, lovera oi acienc, Mucueni, uiltkj liiru, 1 1 1,1 ll wilt lirl iUiX U..i. entino Amerfcan utteful to them. It nhould have a place in euery family, library, atndy, office and countiuK room ; lu every rtadiuif room, colletfe, academy or cnooi. A viiri nnmlxim rmittiiiiM (CtQ Tiau-ea and Beveral nun. drcd enuruvliiKw- Thousand of vohimea are prewerved firr hiiifif nir and reffretiw. The nractiral recehtare well worth ten tlrnefl the nuliHcrlpttou price. Terma 3 a year by mail. Discount to clubs. BpecimeuB aeut iree. m n y ne nau ol an new iJcaicm, PATVKi'M in rmit)tnnn with thit RfiienLilIn A inert. can, M(wm. Mnnn k Co. are aolicitora of American and Vnrpiirn l'ntiitii. and havn the larireat etatliflhment in the world. More than fifty thonnand appliratioua have been made for patent through their agency. Patent are obtained on the lieet terms. MrHletaof new iuventtfinn and Hketrhea examined and ad vie went free. All patent h are ub)tHhed iu the Hcieutihc Amerl lean the week they ipmie Hend for Pamphlet, 110 pavea, coitaiuiu(r laws and full direction for obtaiuluK Paten (h. Add re for the paper, or ooucernlnir Patent, MUNN k ()., 37 Park How, N. V. jiram-u umce, corner, a , ana in aircem, naauniK' on, D. C. Chartered March 11, 1870. XT. 13 - . Mutual Aid Society OF PENNSYLVANIA, HOMS OFFICE ; LEBANON; Lebanon county, Fenu'a. PrttidenU Secretary, Treasurer, . Hon, J. II. Kin pout a. Geo. A. Mauk. ' Uideon Liuht. This Society is baaed on the amassment plan, Assets subject to Assessment, $8,000,000.00. Death losseti paid to date, $60,000.00. . Thia Society luaurea for RIX DOIXARH per thounand fortheMiHtyer; FIVE DOlXAKK anuuHJty. ier thu aaud, for the next four yjcauh, TWO IiOLLaHH ier tin iima i id annually duriiiK the remainder of natural lite, and prorata mortality aHHCMmneuta aa each death may occur, wiucu ior uie irui uuua u aa iouowh j Aire Ac a. I Aim Ax. Aire Ata. I Ae Ana. S m U 73 41 t(2 M 1.70 ltt 61 2D 74 A'l 14 lb 1.82 17 62 80 75 43 96 M 1.94 18 63 31 77 44 U8 67 2.04 19 (14 32 79 45 1.00 68 2.1rt 20 5 33 81 40 1.0ft 69 2.28 21 m 34 83 47 1.12 00 2.40 22 fi7 ?A 85 48 1.18 61 2.45 23 68 3ti 81 4Sf 1.24 62 2.60 24 69 37 87 60 1.80 f.3 2.65 25 70 38 8H 61 1.40 64 2.HU 20 71 39 89 62 1.50 05 2.65 27 7 2 40 00 , 63 1.60 "For all claMea of 2,0oo benefit the atmve ratea are In allcahea double, and loruOclaKeaol :t,MM)leuehtM tripled Eikht (-liutHea now iu fipcrution. Claaaua oihju to in- Male and l'Vmiile from 1'i'iteeii to Stxty-FIve yeara of ave, of Kod uittral habita, in Kood health, hale, and of Hound mind, lrrrNpoctive or creed, or race, may be come memberu. For other Information, addreaa GEO. A. MAKK, Hec'y V, li. Mutual Aid Society, Lebanon, Pa. Ob, 1. H. KARI.Y. Gen. Ag't, Harrlsburg. I'a. I,. W. CKAUMKU, AHH't. (Jen. Ag't, Gen oral Agmiff Oilloe, corner of tHn Sheet, and Kail Itnari, LEBANON, PA. AGENTS WANTED I 81 Hm BALL SCALES! LB. M AP.YANKHTH, H. W. DEEK and . JAM1H 11. UiilKH, known aa " The Ball Scale Company," have now on liand a large supply nf Buoy', Patent COUNTKK HOALK, tliu Hllliplnst. Clirau est and bent C uimtur Bcaleln tlie iuaikt. For Rcales, or ARenclcs in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New .lei'ney, Dolawarf) and Marvliind, ad dress "Tlie. Hull Kcale t'onijiany," 'l'ottsvllle, bcliuylklll coiinly, I'a. . For HcbIph or Apenelpn in thin County, ap ply to the iiiiiltirNlftned, wlieru Ihey can be atien unci examined any liuiv. J I.EI11Y & IlltO., Newport, l'erry co., I'a. , FRANK MOHTI'MKR, New Illouniucld, I eiryeoI'a. PATTERSON & NEWLIN, IVIioIcNalc (irocrrit, No. 120 A1IC1I KTliEI.T, , . 1 13 I Ji A 1 i: 1, 1 II I A . .x An-Ice Advontnrc. Mosirn. 8mith,Hale,aiidTopi)i of Bioux City, la., were down on the Missouri bot tom, near Decatur, lat week and very anxious to gt across tbe river. Tbe re ports which they heard in regard to the strength of the ice were so conflicting that they hesitated to venture upon it for a long time. Finally they procured a small boat and made the venture. Tappin pulled on a rope attached to the bow, while Smith, pushed at the stern. The objoct in taking" the boat was, in vase the ice gave . way, to have it handy to take to, and thus save themselves from a watery grave. It was agreed that Mr. Hale he being a large man should remain on shore until Smith and Tappin had gained the other bank, when he Bhould follow on his bands and kLees. The parties with the boat reached the other side in safety, when Mr. H., struck out as previously arranged. , He spread himself out like a bat, in order to cover as much surface as he could, and thus crawled ou his stomach for, half an hour a very fatiguing process of naviga tion. At the end of half an hour he had reached midway of the river, when he heard a noiBe behind him that filled his soul with terror. He thought tho ico was breaking up and that he was a goner, sure. Ho looked around and there was a team of horses attached to a load of wood. He sprang to his feet to escape being run over, and lit out for his comrades, who were ly ing on the ground almost choked with laughter over their groundless fears and Mr. Hale's adventure. On the Wrong Boat. Ho was an Irishman, and when first seen he was coming down Montague street, Brooklyn, on his way to the Wall street ferry. Over his port shoulder hung a bag containing about a bushel of potatoes, and in his starbord hand he carried a stout stick. Being under full sail, the momen tum acquired in coming down the steep. grade carried him nearly through the gate way, when, seeing a boat ten feet from the dock, he shook out another reef, made ath astonishing burst of speed and jumped. Just as he reached the dock the potato bag shifted heavily to port and laid out a Broad street clerk, whe was Enioking a Henry Clay through a meerschaum holder ; while the stick hit a rotund South street merchant in tho waistband, shutting him up like a jack-knife, and Pat himself as sumed an involuntary devotional attitude. He was the first to recover his perpendicu larity, and as he placed the bag in its nor mal position he complacently remarked, "Bejabers but I got the boat anyhow V " Got the boat 1" screamed he of Waif street, spitting tbe pieces of amber out of his mouth, " Why, you double blank idiot this boat is coming in !" And so sho was. ' tW A certain lawyer had his portrait taken in his favorite attitude standing with one hand in his pocket. His friends and clients all went to see it, aud every body exclaimed, " Oil, how like ! it's the very picture of him 1" An old farmer only dissented" 'Tain't like !" Exclaim ed everybody, "Just show us where it ain't like." "'Tain't no, 'tain't 1" responded the farmer. "Don't you see he has got his hand in his own pocket ; 'twould be as like again if h bad it in somebody else's." E5y "Now, Johnny," said a venerable lady to her six-year-old nephew, who was persistently denying an olluuse of which she accused him, "I know you are not telling the truth ; I see it in your eye." Pulling down the lower lid of the organ that bad so nearly betrayed his want of veracity, Johnny exultingly replied : "You can't tell anything about it, aunt ; that eye was always a little streaked." t3T Whon a man thinks nobody cares for him, and he is alone in a cold and sel fish world, ho wonld do well to ask himself tliis question : " What have I done to make anybody care for and love me, and to warm the world with faith and gener osity ?" It is generally the case that those who complain the most have done tho least. t2T There is a woman in ' Port Perry, who makes her husband's breeches tbe same before as behind. It confuses him so, that when he starts out offer dinner, she has to stand him iu the street, and point him the right way, as he says those breeches are no guide to him as to which direction he shall take, . tW A lady teacher inquired of tho mem bors of a class of juveniles, if any of them could nanie the four seasons. , Timtanilv the chubby hand of a five-year-old was raised, and promptly came the answer, "i epper, salt, vinegar and mustard." tW " Do try and talk a littlo oommnn sense 1" exclaimed a sarcastic vounir larlv to a visitor. "Oh!" was the reply "but wouldn't that be taking an unfair ad vantage of you ?"