6 ljc tines, NhD Bloomficfe 13a; mt fUoomfitlb Simts. Newport Advertisements. HEAL ESTATE At Private Sale. Trospcctng for 1874 Scrciith Year. NEW STORE ROOM. THE ALDINEf9 Tuesday, January 7, 1874, FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We tnvitecommvnirntlontfromnlt pertonnohoare interested in mutters properly belonging to this department. How to Cook a Turnip. I will ask the vendor to cook two turnips in two different way. The first is to be peeled and sliced, and loft to souk In cold water for an hour or more. Tlie slices are to ba boiled uutil quite tender, and then are to be drained, and nicely mashed with butter. This is the most common method of cooking, and it has the demerit of wash ing out tho gum and the sugar and the other liner constituents of the root, and consequently the flavor is very much re duced. The other root is to be washed quite clean ; but is not to bo peeled, or out, or soaked. Boil it whole, in its "jack et." It will take twice as long to cook as tho one that was cut. Whon, by trying it with a fork, you find it quite tender, tako it up, peel it, press it moderately, and mash it with butter. You will be Bur prised at tho difference. Instead of being, as perhaps you will expect, " strong," "rank," or " bitter," it will be deliriously full-flavored, and will contain all the nour ishment that was in before it was cooked. That $40,000 Cow. It seems that the sale of the celebrated Eighth Duchess of Geneva, a short-horn cow, recently referred to in our column?, knocked down at the Now York Mills auction to Mr. R. Pavin Davis of Glou cliestorsliiie, England, at tho enormous price of $40,000, was effected through a mistake. The agent of the purchaser, during the excitement of tho bidding, be came confused as to the rolative value of tho pounds sterling and dollars, aud offer ed far beyond his authorized limit. Ilis principal immediately, on learning of the bargain, ordered the sale of the animal, which was recoutly consummated to Col. Lewis G. Jlorrig, of Fordhaui, N. Y., re port says for tho sum of $30,000. The highly valued animal, therefore remains among the American breeders. Iron Around Teach Trees. At a recent meeting of the American Institute Farmer's Club, Mr. Wagner, who lives on Long Island, about fifty miles east of New York, exhibited somo pruning from his orchard to illustrato the effect of putting iron around trees. He took an old place with twenty trees iu the orchard, full of dead limbs, with yellow leaves, and the crotches oozing thick gum. Ha gave the earth a good top-dressing of iron, breaking up the old plows and stoves and scattering the fragments. The effect has been mar velous. The trees have renewed their youth, and now look strong and thrifty. The bark is tight and the loaves are green, and the borer has disappeared. Ha thinks the slag ol iron furnaces, ground up and spread on orchards, would prove a very valuable fertilizer for fruit-trees of nil kinds. Keeping Applet. A successful orchardist in Maiue, accord ing to the New England Homestead, has a new theory in regard to the decay of ap ples. He uses no animal manure around his trees, ouly mulching them heavily each year with leaves, which are allowed to de cay gradually. He claims this is the nat ural method of manuring trees. He keeps his Baldwin apples the year around with out their losing their juciness or crispness. He airs his cellars daily, driving out, as ho claims, a vegetablo miasma generated where fruit is kept in close, ill ventilated places. Much Butter front Little Milk. Tho recipe for making a pound of butter from a pint of milk, says the Inter Oeean, is as follows :. Take four ounces pulver ized alum, i ounce pulverized gum arabio, aud 60 grains of pepsin ; place it in a bot tle for use at wauted. A teaspoon of this mixtuie,atlded to a pint of milk, will, upon churning, make a pound of butter. It is true that the butter will seem to be near to pot cheese, but call it butter and that will . make it so. This recipe is selling through the country for from $1 to 3 ; and we give it without charge. Washing Flannel. Do all housekeepers know that flannel should never be rubbed on board, but as loosely as possible in the hands. 'The harder it is rubbed the more does the dirt work in, instead of out. Flannel should bo rubbed and rinsed In warm water, and dried where the wind will not strike it much. Any one following the above directions need have no fear about flannel thrinking. How to Get Kid or Flira." The smoke of the dried leaves of a pump kin burnt on a bright fire, will cause flies to quit an apartment instuntly or it will kill them. . Birds must be withdrawn be fore tho operation,, and persons should ab stain from going into the apartment im mediately after, as the smoke cause hoadaches. The employmeut of laurel oil is lfo a preservation a&aiutt flies, as they cannot bear the smell of 1U . NKW FIRM I NEW GOODS! E. B. WISE, Having opened a New Store at tlie corner of Fourth Cherry Streets, Just above the i'onn'a. K. It. depot, In Newport, are now prepared to show a Complete Stock of New Goods, Consisting In part of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, .BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, NOTIONS. and a general assortment of all kinds gf goods which they will sell AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. They ask tho citizens of Newport and vicinity to cill and examine their stock anil see that they are ottering goods at such prices as will secure a share of tho public patronage. T2 . WISE, WALNUT BTUEET, Neivport, Pa. 35 tf Do You Want Bargains ? IF SO, CALL ON W. II. MUSSER, At Newport, Penn'a. 0 Having Just returned from tho City with a SPLENDID STOC K OF- ' 1JK.Y - OOOI, ii H 12 It 1 hUti NOTIONS. I am prepared to offer to the cltln-ns of I'erry County one of the BEST ASSORTMENTS of HOODS ever brought into thl vicinity. My Stock of DRESS -GOODS, DRESS-TRIMMINGS, AND NOTIONS, Is complete, and were bought at PANIC TRICES, aud will be sold at SHOUT PROFITS, for Cash. Call and see for yourself. W. H. MUSSER, CENTRE SQUARE, 43 tf NEWrOHT, VA.. Drugs ! Drugs ! THE Subscriber has on hand and for sale, at low prices, a complete assortment of DRUGS, ; . . MEDICINES . AND CHEMICALS, Of all kinds. Also, a full stock of .Concentrated Remedies, PATENT MEDICINES, ESSENTIAL OILS, ". ' PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, BRUSHES, . : AND FANCY ARTICLES. Pure Winos AND LIQUORS, Always ou hand, for Medicinal and Sacramen tal purposes. t&"lJhyiciaii' Ofdr.rt rttrrfuVy and promptly fxlhd. B . M . E B Y , NKWPORT. FERRY COUNTY, PA. New Millinery Goods At Newport, la. IBI'.O tolnform the putillo that I have Jut re turned from Philadelphia, with a ful assort ment of the latest styles of MILLINERY GOODS, IIATS AND BONNETS, RIBBONS, FRENCH FLOWERS FEATHERS. CHIGNONS. LACE CAPES. NOTIONS, r And all artlclos usually found In a first-class Mil. Ilnery Establishment. All orders promptly t tendud to. rWe will soil all good! as Cheap at eau be got elsewhere. DRKSK MAKINO done to order and.' In the la test style, as I get the latent Fashions from New York every month. Guttering done to order, In all widths. 1 will warrant all my work to give sat lufatitiou. All work done as low as possible. ANNIE ICKE8, , , ', ' ' ' Cherry Street, near the Station, ' 6 1 IS - Newport, Pa. Dr. J. Walker's California Yin Cgar Hitters nro a purely Vegetable) preparation, inailo cliiclly from tho na tive herbs found on tlio lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the nmilieinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tho uao of Alcohol. Tho question la almost daily asked. " What ia tho causo of tho unparalleled success of Vixix.au Bit ters f" Our answer is, that they removo tho causo of diseaso, and tho patient re covers his health. They are the groat blood purifier and a life-Riving principle, a perfect Renovator ami- Invigorator of tho system. Never before in the history of' the world has n medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vi.nkuak Uitthks in hcalinjr tho sick of every disenso man is heir to. They aro a gentle I'liijiiitivo us weil as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Iuflammatinn of tho Liver ami Visceral Organs iu Bilious Diseases The properties of Dit. Walker's TlNEOAn Hittkhs nro A perimit. Dianlmretio, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorilic, Altora tivo, and Anti-llilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vin egar Bitters the most wonderful In vigorant that ever sustained tho sinking system. 4 No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones aro not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Uilions. Remittent and Inter mittent 1 evers, which aro bo preva lent in tho valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tribytarioa, throughout our cntiro country during tho Summer hnd Autumn, and remarkably bo during sea sons of unusual beat and dryness, nro invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of tho stomach and liver, and othor abdominal viscera. In thoir treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful iuUucnco upon theso various or gans, is essontially necessary. Thoro is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to Du. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily removo tho dark colored viscid matter with which tho bowels nro loaded, at tho samo timo stimulating tho secretions of the liver, aud generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho digestive organs. . , Fortify the body against diseaso by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No cpidomio can tako bold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest,' Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Tasto in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita taticn of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in tho region of the Kid neys, and a hundred othor painful symp toms, are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottlowill prove a better guarantco of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whito Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Keck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Kyos, eto. Iu these, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, "Walker's Yinkoah Urrriius linvo shown their great curative powers iu tho most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fovors, Diseases of the Illood, Liver, Kidneys and Dladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Quid-boaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, aro subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walker's Vin koar Bittkrs occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tot ter, Salt-lthcuui, Blotches, Hoots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King-worms, 8oald-head, Bore Eyes, Erysipelas,' Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of the (Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Hkin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of tho system ia a short timo by the uso of those Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking iu tho system of so many thousands, are eU'octually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, uo vermifuges, no ah tnehuiuitlcs will free the system lioui worms, like those Bitters. , i For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, ut the dawn of wo manhood, or tho turn of life, these Tonio Bitters display no decided an influence that improvement I soon percoptilde.' ) Cleanse tho Vitiated IJSood when ever you tiud its impurities bursting through the hkiu iu Pimples, Kruutious, or Mores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins) cleause il when it is foul : your feeliugs will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, aud tho health uf the system will follow. U. II. IUcDONALD ii CO..' Pnijijd.U and lion. Ann., Sun Kraiiuliou, California, aiiil nir. f Wu.ljiiiKU.il mid Charlton Su N. Y. old lif alt Urasiiliiti aaii ! 1 December 10, 1878 lm " KINDS df Printing nnatlv PRINTING xeeutrd at tlie " Himiriiuj 1AM, K exeeuU Tmas' STjuMtios iMnva. The undersigned will sell at private sale Ms val uable farm situate In Juniata township, Ferry co.. Pa., adliiliiliiK lands of George Tizoll, George Ickes and others, containing 91 ACRES, of Red Slate land, about 75 Aeres are cleared, and In a high state of cultivation. The balance Is well set with timber. The Improvement are a good two story Log anil Weatherbminlrd DWELLING HOUSE, Hi in LARGE BANK BARN, TENANT IIOTTRK, CARRIAGE TIOUSE, NEW HOG PEN and WOOD IIOUSK. There Is also a Well of Rood water near the house. There are also TWO GOOD A1TI.K ORCH ARDS on this farm, with a variety of other fruit trees. Tills property Is near the village of Markle vl lie In a good neighborhood. Any person desiring to purchase a home, should see this property beforo making a llual Invest ment. Price Si.ono i payments, fl.tm on tlio 1st of April, 1S74. at which time a deed will be delivered, and possession given. The balance to be paid In three equal annual payments, Willi Interest, to be secured bv jiiilginent bonds. 4arCal on or address JAGOIt KI.INK. Marklevllle, Perry co., Pa., on LEWIS POTTER. 12tf New llloonitleld, Perry co.. Pa. T1IK CJKEAT 1IEMEDY FOR israpTiofj which c;m be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard rep:iration, as has been proved by tho hundreds of test imonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to bo the most reliablo preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to tho public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy euro in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, ' Asthma, Colds, bore 1 hroat, 1 ains or Sore ness in tho Chest and Side, Liver Complaint. Blcediner at the Lungs, &c. "Wistar's 'Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave tho cause behind, as is the. caso with most preparations, but it' loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing tho cause of the complaint. , . PREPARED BT f BETH W, FOWLE & SONS, Boston, Km,, And sold by SrugsliU and Coalers gonarally. DBaCBOOK'S WINE OF TAB I test ha proved I r. Crook UinurrawlAhavamnM 1 W" SOS W1IIIV" vnArtfc than nn v Nlmllfir tjA. preparatioaeveroffensdto Hie public It U rich la Uio medicinal quftliticflof Tar. and uneoualed for ruly diseased of the Throat 4fc 4u2' ,1 tTJ m.wm m awta. narfrtrmlna tliA effeotually cure ail Coashs tVt4 sad Colds. It bus cured ao jZi -d,mii cases of AjitlilnM " Sff jutd Bronchitis, that It ii ha been pronounoed at peelflo tor these om platnta. For Palilalia ! Breast, MU or lisrk, Ciravelor Kldasev llav aaa, disease of tho TJrlia. mry Ortasa, JuuUI, or any EJer Complaint It hus noeuual. It la also superior Tonic, HxlorM aba Appetite, Rtrenrthens tneNrsttim, Beatoree tlie Weak ami Uebllltated, 4'aase (tie food to Iireaa. BetcMtwaa Dyspepsia and lndla-sMoa. I'revcuts Malarloaa 1' Wva hm toyoua-ajretaiu. KEEP TIIE BLOOD IVRJ? And the health of Uk jystom will follow. Tlipre Ii u pivimi-rt-tlon of Iron ami s'uUe Icool more eflcatual than all otiiorii, which will removo from your tyatmn the Impure mid vltfuted DiooOj wliloli cuuamdlaoaiia, aud Rt Hie same time bulid up your ealiU BUdatreuglli Ituover rails to nn, If ymi have crofuln,tl-i-olalous Itlseas es of (lie fcyes nr Kara, or Jcrulnla Iu any form, Trt. ' tor, Millie Hwelllnir. ld Mom. Divers, or Ncrelnloua InlEnnniintlonis you cuu rely on ImsIuk oui-eii vrlln tlila prpjia rntlon knowu as ir. I'rank'a t'omjaeund Syruu of I'oke Ilnot. Ithrninalli.il,, IVilita i J In Lhnaaor iHillnLl'DDHllta. J,..ou. uiwniioii by fllurou v yyiM or oilier ihiIwiiih. mu all iiy cuii-il bylL For HytiiiiH, or f Hypbllitle talnUUmrMlaiioHi itaa Inif siiuitl to IU' wV rlul Will prove It. , . t . , Hcamtliy your Complexion. To not one paint orpowdnr. but nt a more permanent buauly by purli'ymK ytur bl'M.l. , Tlila prupiiratluu of Iron null lofce lieol uiakwtaiouKU audacsly akliiMuftuuiiiiuM,iii: . Clu;t'a tlilit sallow Colnplnxloll to oiih if fienlniMUland health, Riiti remove suy t:r ' ilvetllNanaol tliekln, lkluiple, l'iti uls, ilo(ltnsAt:rugrtlous. IlyouwiMli , liwy clim-kaand a healthy oniniiluxloii, iiaoi. ' Ciouk'a CuuiMiuud Brup el 1'vs.e lkiofc m ii K lfl,0''wrt Periodical In v Champion qf Arnerican 'JMste. j ; Not for Sale in Book op New Stores. THE AI.DINR .while lutd with all th Minil-rltv ha- n.mo the tonip.rftry or timely l,iteTr-t SIZ -U-r- any of mir.MiKht and irmoeful iltPrat,m,?a,id a c?. Iw.lUm cil piuturiw, Uie rantpeciinmia of arhaUn kill In black and whit. AHbouKb em:h mt"$nnnSl!r atlonls a frpah ilnaaure to ita tritinda. the &a vi n and hnnty of Tl4K ALiJINE will be mmi mSSS after it baa bec-n hound up at the cIoho of the v!Sr hile othir publlratiniiB may claim miiwrinrchpamiefiii' a- comiwrcd with rival of a aimilar clan-, THK ai UINKtMa unltpie and original conception alouo r.d un approached alwolutely without coinpctJUon In price of character. The pnn-OHBor of a complete Tolnme vwi not diiplfritte the inantlty of flua paiwr and eiiK-ravimni In any othor ahapo or uunilier of volumes for ten tliui-a its ocmt; and then thare are the chromoa, beaidaal ART DEPARTMENT, 187. ThftilluntraUonof THK AI.DINK have won a world wide reputation, and lu the art centre of Kurojw it in an arlmitted fatrt that tta wood ciita are eiamplea of the hitfhent perfection ever attained. Tlie coinumu preju. dice in tavor of "steel plntea" ia rajiltlly yieldiiiff to a more educated and diHcriiuliiHtiiipr tiifle which recoif Iii7ea the advantutrea of the atiertor artistic qnaliry wiih Kreater facility of productinn. Tho wood-cula of J'HK AL1UNE lMiHHOHa all the delicacy and elaborate nnlrth of the ni'wt contly ateel pluto, while they atlord a better reuderiiiK of tlie artiKtra oriKinnl. To fully realize tho wonderful work which THE ALDINE Is doiii for the cu-e of art culture in Amer ica, it in ouly nectary to consider the coHt to the peo ple of any other decent reruatutatioua of the produc tlona ol Kreut painter. lu addition to drmUaia by the memternof the National Acadi'iny, aud other iioleti Americau artintn, TH1C ALIJINE will rrprodtice examples of the bent forehu maHtera, aolected with a view to the hlfrhewt artistic auc ct'M and KreateHt Kcncial intercHt. Thus the HUbacriber to '1 Hi: ALUINK will, at a trillintr coHt, enjoy iu bin own home the piooaunja and rchuiu iutiueucua of true art. The quarterly tinted platoa for 1874 will be by Tiioh. Mohan and J. D. Wiioiwaiu. TheChriHtinaa iasue tor 174 will contain aiwlal de alKiia appropriate to the acaaou, by otar beat artiHtu, aud wili aurpaaa iu attntctiuna any of ita pr ieceatiura. PBBMIUM FOB 18Y4 Evfti7anbflcrilr to THE ALPTNE fot the year I74 whl receives ulr of chromon. The oriu'nal pictn"T, were puintel lu oil for the publishers of TtUi AiHNE, by 1'homaa Morau, whomi gTeat Colorado picture waa purcbaKed by Coiurrefw for ten thousand dollars. The aub.M'cta were choaontorepreHent " The Kant" aud "The Wcat," OnoiH a view In The White Mountains, New IlHmpfmire: the other trivea The Ciira of Omen Itiver. yoniutf i'erritory. The dinerpuce In the nature of tho scenes thcmHelvea ia a pleaaiiiK contrast, and oft'orda a Rood display of the artiHt'a acojw and coiorlna;. The chromoH are each worked from thirty diatiunt plataa, and are in aize (U x HJ) and in appeaninceuxact fac-aim-i lea of tho oriKinula. The presentation of a worthy ex ample ot America's (treat eat laudHcape painter to the mibacrttNra of THK ALDINE waa a bold but peculiarly happy idea, and it succesHf ul realisation ia attested by the toliowiiiH- torttimonlul, over tho Nhruuturu of Mr. Morau himaclf. Nkwabk, N.J. Sept 30th,l87S, Messrs. Jamf.s Sutton h Co. Okntlkmkn.-I am deiiKhted with the proofs in color of your chromoa. They are wonderfully successful representation by mechanical protieaa vt the oriKiual paiutiua. . Very reapectfully, (Rimied,) THOS. MORAN. These chninis are in every sense American. They are by an oriKiual American process, with material of American wenufacture, from deHbirna of Americau scenery hy an American painter, aud presvnU'd to Bubacnbera to the lirst successful Americau Art Jour nal. If no better !ecause of all this they will certainly f loHHesa an interest no foreiyn prKluction can liiHiure, and neither are Uiey any the worse if by reason of pe cu iar facilities of production they cost the publishers only a trifle, while eijual in every resiiect to other chro moa that are aold singly for double the aubscrlption i-rioeof THE ALDINE. lUrsons of tiiste will prize there pictures for them sol vea not for the price they did or did not cost, and will appreciate the enterprise that rendera their distribution possible. If any antritrer should intricate a preference for a fltrure subject, tho publishers will aeud "ThoujchUoi Home," a naw and beautiful chromo, 14 x 2n inches, rep resenting a little Italiuu exile whoae apeukiuif eyea be tray the loiiKiutfa of his heart. TERMS.' $5 per annum, In advance, with Ol Chromo free For B0 cents vxlrathe chromoa will be lent, mounted, VarnlKhnl. mill iwtiuid liy mail. 1IIE ALUINKwlll, beroatter, ba obtalnabls only hy ulirfiTiitiiiu. Tliero willtw uo rmlueedor clubratu; cant! for auliHcfliitiona inimt be aunt to the imbllnhera dl rin;t, or huudeil to tlie local citnvaMMer, without rHttpouiii bllity to the nublinherH, except In canea where the cor tllleate lairlven. Iieariuir the (ac-aiuiUe aiuature of vAMJtH BUTTON it CU. CANVASSERS WANTED. Any person wisuiiiK to act permanently as a local can vaaser will receive full and prompt information by ap plying tu JAMES SUTTON & CO., Pub's, 68 MAIDEN LANE, NICW YORK. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO I3.UY REAL ESTATE ! EIGHTY-FIVK LOTS have been sold lu six months, In the New Town of Gil I Ell CITY, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, At EAST MAHANOY JUNCTION, and clow to four dilfui-ent Uailioads and the greatest Anthra cite Coal Trade iu tlietttato. The land la level and elear of stone. - The lot-owners are forming a BUII-DINO AS SOCIATION to build houses aud start up Mauu lacturlng Business. . I will continue to sell lots at S12S.0O a piece and allow Five Years time to raise tho money. Size of each lot Is ii X 150 feot . . . . , . , I am also prepared to start the new town of ORANGE CITY, FLORIDA, to be located on the North Side of the Femandlna and Cedar Keys Railroad, half way between Hart'a ltoad aud Calahan; one lot iu each Wimre will be given free ot charge to the tlrst person who builds a house ou It as the town will have Oue Hundred Squares. One Hundred (emigrants or Settlers from auy part of the world can obtain Lots for nothing by building on them. The balance of the Lots will be sold to any person for the sum of I1Z5 a piece and five years time allowed to raise the money, the size of each lot to lie 40 X l.V) fnet; nearly all the lots are coveied with splendid yel low 1'lue Timber. ; 1,1, .' ,, I have also for sale some of the best YELLOW PINE TIMBER LAND, Extending from the new town to St. Mary's Klver, (a navigable lllver) which winds around In a horse shoe form at from live to fifteen miles dis tance o. The land produoes the very best fruits, ' such as Oranges. Lemons, Bananas, Klgs, O rapes, Peaches, c. and crops ot Cotton, Sui;ar Cane, Hay, Corn, I'olatoes, &c, with but little cultiva tion. - Price 110.00 er Acre, and live years' time allowed to raise the money. The Orange City lot-owners aud farmers will also form a Building Assoolatlon to put up buildings aud erect uiauu faetures, tta. ,.;,,, , , . For further particulars address JAMES II. GR1ER, POTTS VILLE, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, FA Or Inquire of the Agent here. ' T 29 tf n?o ; HUoemakors. THK subscribers keep constantly on band, . FINK ASMOBTMJiNI OF FRJ-JSrcri'OALF SKI ITS, "., ' PWK LINING S, - ' r o a ns, . MOROCCOS,, . i ,, . i uSIIOE' THREAD, ' pegs; ' ' " awls, and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe makers,' . , ,. .. . f, MOB TIMER. . 10 r 0O per day. Agents wanted every J)1U 10 where. Particulars free. A. It. 11LAIU It CO., St. Louis, Mo. 7 lMy A