r8' l)c imc0v Nero Bloomftctii, JJa. A Successful Elopement. A younjf couple entered the cars At Omtiba and were assigned to the section designated on their tickets. The bride (for so the young lady was at once classi fied by the other passengers) wns pre possessing, complaisant, and evidently de voted to her liege lord. The groom was young, tolerably handsome, and very . proud of the trusting young woman nest ling by his side, and so they passed the - very delightful hours that intervened bo fore reaching Grand Island, but here their dream of happiness was suddenly disturb ed. A middle aged man bustled' into the car, and as lie confronted the young couple there was a look of astonishment on the part of the young man, and scream of ter ror on the part of the young lady. The in- ;- truder was the stepfather Of the young lady, who was not yet a brido, but hoped to be on reaching the first station where an offiocr could be found to perform the oere raony that would unite her to the man of her choice. A few threatening words from the irate father caused the brave young knight to succumb and leave the train, his weeping affianced giving herself reluctant ly to the charge of her father. But though defeated, the young knight was not subdued, for he silently stole away to the baggage car, told his sad tale to the sympathetic baggage master, was permit ted to ride concealed among the trunks, and when the train reached Sacramento he managed to apprise his sweet-heart of his presence in time to whisk her away and get the knot tied before the parent discov ered that the young man had been a fellow passenger all the time that he supposed him to be in the neighborhood of the Mis souri river. , A " Klug Thief" Escapes. Harry Genet a member of the Legislature and ono of the recently convicted ring thieves of Now York, stole himself away last week. Since his conviction he had been in the custody of Deputy Sheriff Shields, at his residence. Shields sat up with him the last night until three o'clock. Genet then asked permission to go up stairs to see his wife, saying it may be the last time. Shields was satUIled it was all right, as he bad allowed him to do the same thing the night previous, and he had returned promptly. Shields felt fatigued and fell asleep, not awaking until 7 o'clock next morning, when he discovered that his pris oner was not to bo fouud. lie spoke to Mrs. Genet, but she denied that she had seen her husband at all, and said that he had not come up stairs. Shields then went to the Central Office and informed Super intendent Matsell of the escape. A gener al alarm was immediately telegraphed over the city. Genet was seen driving through Uarlcm at 8 o'clock next morning. Persons who saw bim say he made no effort to disguise himself, it was suspected at the District Attorney's oflico on Saturday that an at tempt would bo made by Genet to escape, and an order was given by the CourtB foi . his confinement in the Tombs until his sentence had been pronounced. The order of the Court was signed by the Sheriff. The latest rumor in regard to his escape, is that he embarked on his own yacht, which ' bad been loaded by provisions, aud filled ' with friends in readiness for his flight. On Short Time. It does not take a long preparation for a marriage if the loving couple mean busi- . ness. J. Q. Adams, of Mioliigan, had lived a bachelor till he was forty and had no time to lose. lie went into a dressmaking shop in Detroit one morning aud asked the head business women if she could make a merino dress by three o'clock in the after noon. She said she could. John Qtiincy went out and came back immediately lead ing an Audrey-looking girl of about seven- teeii( wearing a calico dress and straw hat. She had a bundle of stuff for a dress under her arm. She agreed to help make the dress, and sat down at a sewing-machine and helped. John walked up and down in front of the shop, as a constant admonition that he was superintending the contract. The gown was finished on time and the girl put in it. In tbo meantime John bad ' hailed a preacher-looking man and asked him if be could hitch up a couplo for life, lie said that was a branch of bis business. He was retained, John asked the proprie tor" of the shop if Bhe bad any objection to the use of the dress where it was made. She bad not, and so John Quincy Adams and the Michigan Audory stood up and , were married in that dressmaking sanct uary. John emptied his pockets of nickels ' and pennies, all the money ho had, a bushel In bulk, 3.25 by count, and give it to the preacher for having detained him. And that business pair walked out into tl'ie wide world, arm in arm, looking happy. Bliss is cheap iu Miohigau. tW Mrs. Buehler, wife of D. R. Buehlor, esq.; of Dauphin, was seriously injured a little after four o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, at the upper end of Pauphln, having one of her legs cut off and the foot of the other leg badly injured, (also receiving Injuries about her head,) caused by being run over by shifting engine No. 123 of the Northern Central railway. The limb was amputated ; by a Ilarrisburg physician next evening, and the lady was iu a precarious condition when our informant left, ' : Xevf Advertisement. 8AMPLKS sent by mall for 60c, that retail quick tor tin. K. L. WOLCOTT, 181 Chatham (square, New York. ' ' 6d4w f Brings you free by mall the very best TO ELASTIC TRUSS. Write at Once to POMHROY ft CO.. Kdw 744 Broadway, N. Y. WENTWORTH'S KEY-RING and CHECK com bined. Ger. Bllver sample 15c. Circulars tree. (Stafford M'f'g Co., 66 Fulton 8t..N.Y. 60d4w THE MAGIC COMB Zl. t0 'Will change any colored hair to a permanent black or brown and contain no poison. Trade supplies at low rates. Address, MAGIC COMB Co., Springfield, Mass. 50d4w For Three 3-cent Stamps JMK AunonA(a paper size of N. Y. Ledger.) for three mouths, anil as premium any one of the following articles: 1 tlneCnromo: 1 lino Photograph; 1 Hue Bosom Pill: 1 Hue set. I Sleeve Bui tout; 1 tine Collar Button Button. Head at once to "THE AURORA. PUBLISHING CO., Sprlnglleld, Mass. 6ud4v UIMUmr llCn I ,,? man iUHt cleared $00 In fnurdav. selling the COMPLETE DOMESTIC Bl BLK, just out. New Tvpe and taking features. HM) Engravings, 8iiierlor l'aper. Excels every way aud sellsquick. For full particulars, address, HUBMAR1) BROS., Publishers, Sfldlw 72.'! Sausom Ht.. Philadelphia. " CAMPIIORINE." The Great Discovery for the Immediate relief and cure of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Pains, Strains, Miff Joints, Swellings, In flammations, Bunions, Catarrh, &c. &c. It will not grease or stain, and for the toilet Is a luxury In every family. Thousands will and now testify to Its great merits. Try It. Pi Ice per bottle. Cents. . REUBEN IIOYT. Proprietor, 504W 203 Greenwich St., N. Y. THE HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES ot Europe say the strongest Tonic. Puriller and De obstruent known to the medical world Is J TJ RUB E B A. It arrosts decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restores vigor to the debili tated, cleanses vitiated blond, removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on the liver and Spleen. Price 81 a bottle. JOHN y. KELLOuo, 18 Piatt St., New York. OOd 4w 200 PIANSd"0RGANS New and Second-Hand, of First Class Makers, will be sold at Iiwer Prices for cash, or on Install ments, In City or Country, during this Financial Crisis and the Holidays, by Horace Waters & Son, No. 481 Broadway, than ever before ottered In New York. Agents wanted for the sale of Waters' Celebrated Pianos, Concerto aud Orchestral Or- Sans. Illustrated Catalogues mailed. Great In ucemeuts to the Trade. A largo discount to Ministers, Churches, Sunday Schools, etc. 6t d4w COUGHS, C0LI)S,KH0AUSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE Wells' Cauiiolio Tablets ! PUT UP ONLY IN IILI'K BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY 1 S- Sold by all Druggists. 49d4w Kr. Saara'a fin. tarrh itomedr cures by Its mild, hcal lmrnronortlcs.to which the dlacaao yields when the system has been put In period order with Doctor Medical THuoo very, which should ub uu.cn earnestly 10 correct oiooa ana system, which are always at fault, also to act spcclflcally, upon the diseased plr.nds of the nose and lis chambers. Catarrh Itcinedv should be appl ied with UJr. Pierce's Nasal Douche,wiUi which meillclna can bo carried lugh up anil ptrfcctlji applied to all parts of pas sages and chambers In which sores and ulcers cxist.amlfrom which discharge nroccec!. So eucccssf ul has this course of treatment proven, that the proprietors offen (1500 lie ward for a ease off " i cki in jicna " or vaiarrn wnicn nc ainnolcuro. - The tiro medicines lrtth instrument, for $2, by all druggists, 'a ihjb utoi, iuii m gnn loan Tmraania seems, sn.l iraiArtant information, mailed for two stump. Address, . I. Eli CO., fli bixta Are New Yuik. Ha. 1. V. VrrLiR. Dttar .worn, .art, I graduated at the TTnlTertltTof Penn'a la 1(3.1, and anor 30Te:tri'iperlenc r-erfaotod Dr. Fitter's Vegetable KhcumeUto Ryrap. I guarantee ItaalnTidUblecarefor Nerve, Kid ney aaauhanjnaUodloaaee. Bworn to, this 26th April, 1F7L F. A. OSBOUKN, Kotory fvilic, i-IMa. T7o Clcrcraea were Cored ty it, and will satisfy any one wrlt lnTn.nvrho.MnnihyJ,D.,Vrankfr.ri,Pnlla.ltcv.O.II. KKin7,Mmiia.Pa. Kr..T.H.ltnchanan.Clarenrf,1nwa.ftrv. fl.d.Hmilh, I'ilt.for.l.N.y.ltBT .Io. p.imm KaUeCharrh, Phile.,i,.An1lrtMehoiiM writ Ir.Fill.r.Phlle..fnr expla natory Pamphlet cuarante.arat Is. (frill Howard for an in curable ca80.Nooura p charge, roality.Bold bydruggUU. M f JSYCJIOMANf.'Y, or SOUL CHARM X IN(J." How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and anVetlons of any person they chiose instantly. This simple mental acquire ment all can possess, free by mall, for 2j cents, together with the marriage guide, Egyptian Ora cle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding Nlght Shirt. &c. A Queer hook. Address T. WILLIAM & Co., Publishers, Philadelphia. . 4l'd4w Atfonts AVuntcd. Ior EVERYBODY'S own PHYSICIAN By C. W. CLEASON, M. I). A niagnlllcient vol. uine aliouudiiig In important Information, aud elegantly illustrated. One Agent took liiO orders In one week. Price and tenon to suit the times. For circular address H.N. McKINNEY & CO., Ill N. 7th St., Philadelphia. 4 ltd 4w. Cflnfi AOKNTH WANTKI). Samples sent 0JJJ line by mall, with term, to clear from Into tin per day. Address N, H. WHITE, New ark. N.J. 4!d4w AC ENT 8WAVTE 67 " A prolltable and resectable business for men or women who have or can make leisure time and wish TO CON VEltT IT INTO MONEY. For ei r eulars address ST All LAMINA .WAUK, 80 Beek. limn Street, New York, 4'.hJ 4w ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice Is here by g veil, that Letters of Administration on the eslaU) of Gideon (lutshall, line of JMadlsou township, Perry county. 1'a,. deceased, have been granted to the subscriber residing iu Madison township. ' All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having clalms.wlll pimutMheui duly authentica ted for settlement. MICHAEL (1UTHH ALL, , , Administrator. Oct. 11,1873, 6t. ' -I71U1.L INSTRUCTIONS In the Art ot Making JTJ Wax Fruits and Flowers together with a l'arlor Steel Enslaving (Life's Sunshine) Sent by mall for M cents. ' ,'. J. MILLER, i tw7 South 20th Street. 4)4t ... , l'hiladelpilia. T ADIE8 AND CHILDREN will find a j splendid assortment of shoes at the old pile store of F. Mortimer. 1 f f KT saw THE SUN. WEKKLT, SEMI-WEEKLY, AND DAILY. THE WEEKLY 8UN is too widely known to require any extended recommendation) but the reasons which have already (riven It fifty thou sand subscribers, and which will, wo hope, give It many thousands more, are briefly as follows t - It Is a first-rate newspaper. All the news of the day will be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at full length when of moment, and always presented in a clear, intelligible, and interesting manner. It is a first-rate family paper, full of enter taining and instructive roadlng of every kind, but containing nothing that can otiond the most delicate and scrupulous taste. It Is a first-rate story paper. The best talcs and romances of current literature are careful ly Bclccted and legibly printed in Its pages. It is a first-rate agricultural paper. The most fresh and inetructlve articles on agricul tural topics regularly appear in this depart ment. It is an independent political paper, belong ing to no party and wenring no collar. It fights for principle, and for the ejection of tbo best men to otllce. It especially devotes Its en erglcs to the exposure of tbe corruptions that now weaken and disgrace our country, and threaten to undermine republican institutions altogether. It has no fear of knaves, and asks no favors from their supporters. It reports the fashions lor the ladles and the markets for the men, especially the cattle tnnrketi, to which it pays particular attention. Finally, it is the cheapest paper published. One dollar a year will secure It for any subscri ber. It is not nccesnry to get up a club In order to have THE WEEKLY SUN at this rate Any one who sends in a single dollar will get paper for a year. We have no travelling agents. THE WEEKLY HUN'.-Elght pages, fifty six columns. Only VI. OO a year. No discounts from this rate. THE SEMI-WEEKLY 8UX. Same size as the Dally Sun, tS'.OOa year. A discount of MO per cent, to clubs of 10 or over. THE 1IA1LY SUN. A largo four-page newspaper of twenty-eight columns. Dally circu latloiiof over lai.lKjo. All the news for 2 cents. Subscription price 60 cents a mouth, or tti.OOa year. To clubs of 10 or over, a discount of HO per. cent. Address, "TUB SUN," New York City. 74 The Patriot 74 THE IIARRISBURG WEEKLY PATRIOT contains more reading matter than any other newspaiier published In Pennsylvania. Its liter ary excellence la unquestioned, aud as a vehicle of State News It is unsurpassed. During each ses sion of the Legislature it will prove especially In teresting on account of its full reports of the pro ceedings of that body. TERMS: 1 copy.oneyear $2 00 1 copy, during session of Legislature 7.5 4 copies, one year, each 1 7A 10 " " 1 80 21) ' 1 25 60 ' ' 1 00 A copy, free tor one year, tq any person sending aciuuui ten or more. THE DAILY PATRIOT The only first-class newspaper In Central Penn sylvania, and the only paper at Ilarrisburg which receives Associate Press Telegrams. 7 00 per annum. During session of the Legislature 82.01). - All subscriptions to Daily aud Weekly must be paid In advance. ADDRESS, PATKIOT, 47 St . IUiutisnuitQ, Fa. "TO-DAY,-" THE PEOPLE'S ILLUSTRATED PAPER, Is a thorniuzhlv American enternrlse. Illustrated by the leading artists, and teeming with the best efforts of the most able writers of our country. It is a paier that, once Introduced In the family circle, is sure to be eagerly watched for and care fully preserved. The choice of THREE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL C H R O M O S ever Issued Is given o each subscriber, viz : Juht So Hum" and "Lim.u Sunshine," two beautiful Child nature, by Mrs. Anderson, and AMONti thk I'swunom oeaui-iiiu iiiiiiiseuiie In water-color bv the celebrated BIURET FOS TER. All our acents have conies of each, and are nre- pared to deliver them together with a subscription Certillcate signed by the publishers, at the time I ne money ih pant. Agents wauieu everywhere, and liberal Inducements ottered. Sample copies with full particulars and description of the Chro mes, sent on receipt of Six Cents. Only Two Dollars and a Hair a Tear. ' 1 , ,' Address: . f ' . ' TO-DAY PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO., 733 Sitnsom St., Philadelphia. 112 Broadway. New York. 3 School St., Boston. 50 Ot) 113, 115 & 117 E. Madison St., Chicago. CHEAP MUSIC FOR ADVANCEDPIANO PLAYERS. Plan 1 tit dt'n.riiifr frond Muric at a low price nhmitd nend rmtMiU lor acupyof " Im Cm. 10 de la Creme." Kvery uimilwr cuiiUiiui from to ;f worth of Jtfubic by mu'li iiutliortt ax Holler, I.iat, Vokm, Kufce, etc. I'uljbUulit'd monthly, towi.t ict uonin ! year. For Singers and Young Pianists. BeudDOeenU for Vetera' Mu1ch1 Monthly, and you will Kft $4 worlh of New Music, Every numlwr con tain! 4 to d Koiitrti. and 4 or 6 iitntriiintkutul pii cm liy nuch HUth'THon liayH, HU'Wttrt, Thotuaa, Dan kit, KhiktT, vie. 1'ubliMhfU luoiitUly' tfuuuuU iur number ; $3 inr yuur. PEARLS OF MELODY. A nlmlid cuillnotion of Piano MllKio nf rnVdiuin dinV oulty. $3 in bourdH ; cloth and Kilt, )M. AUUi-umm. J. li.VKTKUM, 51 tf. ' tt Broadway, Box US). Now York. 11 12 MO V-A-LI Merchant Tailoring Establishment. THE subscriber respectfully Informs tliepubllo that lie has removed hlit MKKCHANT TAIL U1CIMO EiiTABLIHIlMKNTfrnm "l.ltlle Btore In the Corner," to room formerly occiipiFd by J. (). hliatto. Dentist, where may be found at all times, a varied assortment of Cloths, Cassimers and Testiiigs, With a complete Hue of k '' ' " Tulloriaj' Tl 111 m In tr, 1 . : Of the bestnimllty. Those deslrlnff to burcliase OtKil) (1( HiliS. at KeaiMiimble prices, and have thfin made In the LA I lis 1' HTYLK. will iileuse give us a alU U. II.. MUCK . 1 i ... i S.Also, a good assortment of SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, COLLARS, NECICTIEH, JIORIEBY, &0..4M,, ' ' ' ". Ou hand at low prices, '. ITTM. a. iviounisor. V JITSTIOK OK TUB PKAOK and GENERAt toi.i.l'.cuJit, Miw (iKHMiNTOWM, J'erryco.. ra, " Uemittaneeswlll be made nroinjitiy for all Oollevlious made. - 7 4 tf Professional Cards. J" E. JUNKIN, Altorney-at-Law ' U V New Blonmlleld, Perry co., Pa. -Omce Next door to the residence of Judge Jiinkln. 4itf A M. MARKEL, Attorney-at-Law, ! New Bloomllcld, Perry county. Pa. romce with Chan. A. Barnett, Esq., Centre Square, adjoining Mortimer's Store. T EWI8 POTTER, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. - Claims promptly secured and collected. Writings and au legal business carefully attend ed to. 82 yl JAMES II. FERGUSON, Attorney-at -Law, NEWPORT, PA. ronice Market Street, near the Square. 36 6 CHARLES II. SMILEY. Attorney at Law. New Bloomlleld, Perry Co. Pa. a,Onice with C. A. Barnett Esq., next door to Mortimer's store August 20, 1872 "ItTM. A. BPONSLER, Attorney-at-Law, Yy Office adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Pa. 3 2 ly CHAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-nt-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry oo.. Pa. 3 Office adjoining Mortijier' Store. 3 2 ly JBAILY, Attorney at Law, New Bloomlleld, PerryCO;, Pa, r Office opposite the Court House, anil' two doors east of the Perry County Bank. Refers to B. Mclutire, Esq. June 27, 1871. JOHN O. 8UATTO, Surgeon Dentist. ' New Bloomlleld, Perry CO., Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry done in the best manner, and at reasonable prices. 3.0fllce at his residence, one door East of the Robinson House, and opposite Win. A. Sponsler's Lawolflce. 3 2ly WM. M. BUTCH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, New Blooinileld, Perry co., Pa. a-Onice Two doors West of F. Mortimer Store 3 7 ly CHAS. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry co.. Pa. 9 All professional business promptly andfalth. fully attended to. 3 2 lv. WH. N. 8EIBEHT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Pa. Bloomlleld, 8 33 ly. TEWIS POTTER, NOTAKT PUHLIO, New Bloom f llul.l l,a,. I,.. l,n Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. Ail kinds of Pension aiM Bounty papers drawn and certified, will a',i take depositions to be read In any court in the United States. 7 10 ly New Carriage Manufactory, On Hioh Street, East or Caju.ible St., Now Bloomlleld, I'cnii'a. THE subscriber has built a large and commodl mis Shop on High St., East of Carlisle Street, New Bloomtield, Pa., where he is prepared toman, ufacture to order Oil rriuges Of every description, out of tbe best material. Sleighs of every Style, built to order, and finished In the most artistic and durable manner. a. Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and av mucn more reasonable rates. a- REPA IRING or all kinds neatly and prompt ly douo A call Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH 13tl INSURE IN THE Perry County Mutual Benefit Association, 1 ' ' ' OF NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. , , . . . J Chartered by the LetMature ITarch 0, 1872. T1IK CIIEAI'KST AX1) SAFEST I.1FK 1NHUIIAMCK ever ottered to the people. It Is a Mutual enterprise for the protection of Widows and Orphans in the county. Members pay KIVK KOI.I.AHS for a certificate of membership, and anntinl dues on aces between 20 and HA, tl.Oil; between 8n and 60, Jl.fH); between 60 and 66, $2.01): for the term of three years, com mencing January, 1H73; and the sum of $1.10 on the death ot a member. The membership not to exceud one thousand . A member dying, to re ceive as many dollars as there are paying certificate-holders. This plan Is adopted in order that persons who have been excluded from benefits In other Life Insurance Companies by reitsnnof their expensive Like-Kates may obtain some benetlt on a small Investment. It commends itself to the niibliu for the reason that it prevents the conn try from being drained of our money by foreign com panies. JOHN A. DA KEG, Vretldenl. CONRAD ROTH, Treasurer LEWIS POTTER, Secreta WILLIAM McKEE, General Audit. rX7o &1ioomn,lioxM. THE subscribers keep constantly on hand, a FINE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH OALF SKINS, PINK LINING S, ROANS, , MOROCCOS, SHOE THREAD, PEGS, A WIS, and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe makers. , f. MORTIMER. TjlXECnJTKlX'H NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Xli (liven, that letters Testamentary on this estate of Rowland 1L Brown, late of Tobovne township, Terry county, J., deneated, have Iwen granted to the undersigned, residing iu the same township. All iiersons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present, llieni duly authenticated for settlement to . . , . ROBANNAH BROWN. Octuber21, 1873 , Executrix! Auctioneer. The unileinicned pivea notice that lie will ery sales at any point In Perry or Danpln counties. Orders are solicited aud prompt attention will be glven.r .', y , E. 1. WEI.LK, ' ' J . i New Buffalo. i' ' l'orry eo., fa. THKHPASS NOTM.'E. The snbserlber a resi dent of Carroll tnwiishl p. cautious all persons against entering iihui hl premises, for the pur IHiseof bunting, tlslilng. Kiilhorlug mils, or tres. pAssIng tor any pui pwae whatever, under penalty of Uk Uw v ., , .... . HENRY 1. S017DEK . Hept' 23, 1873-3m RAILROADS Northern Central Railway 1 t '-t-WISTER ARRANGEMENT. . 1 Tlirovoh and Direct Route to and from Washing ton, Baltimore, Jilmira, Erie, Biiiralo. Rochester and Niagara f nf It, aS AND AFTEIt MONDAY. December 1, 1873, the trains on the Northern Central Hallway run as follows i NORTHWARD. ELMIRA MAIL : Leaves Baltimore, 8.2Tia.m. Harrlsbui'K.l.SO d m aiii.,,.ui i i.4u ... ., u.,i. i..iinii,iu.zej)Ill. .K1K MAIL Leaves Halt I more 11.15 p. m. ilarrisburg 3.05 am w unainspoi t .io. a,, in i Arr.si r.ne v.zu, d. m. BUFFALO EXl'REH.S. Lvs. Baltimnra 1.3An.in. levs.HarrisburgS.06p.m Arrives at HutfaloS.50 a. m. arr.. Niagara 10.13 a.m KENOVO ACCOMMODATION. Lvs Ilarrisburg at 8.2.r a. m., Hunbury 11.10 a, m.. Arrives at Willlamsport 12.65 p.m. SOUTHWARD.' ELMIRA MAIL. Leaves Niagara tl.58 j. m. Lvs BulUlo 9. 50 p. in. Loaves Elinlra 5.15a. in. Willlamsport 9..'10 a. m Ilarrisburg 1.50 p. m. I Ar. Baltimore at 6.30p.in ERIE MAIL. Lvs. Erie at 11.20 a. in. Willlamsport at 11.10 p. m. Lvs. HnnlMirv 12,66 a. m., Ar. Ilarrisburg atifi a.m Arr. at Baltimnra at 8.411. Washington 10.35 BUFFALO EXPRESS. Lvs Willlamsport at 1.10 a. in., Sunbury 2.60 a.m Lvs. HarrisburB 4.60 a.m., Ar.Baltimoie 8.40a.m HARRISBURO ACCOMMODATION, Leaves Niagara 6.46 a. in. Bultalo 7.30 a. m. Leaves Canandalgiia 11.40 a. m., Elmlra 2.48 p. m Lvs Willlamsport at (1.50 p. m..Hnrrisb'g.lo.SO p.m Arr. at Baltimore at'2.25 a. in. Washington 6.13a. in. For further Information apply at the Tioket oRlce. Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. A. J. CASSATT, General Manager. KKAUIIVO ltAIl.-ltAI. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Nov, lHIi, 1873. Trainsleavellarrlsburgfor New York, asfollows: At 6.30 and 8.10, a. M., and 2.00, p. m., connecting with trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 12:35 3.50, and 8:45 p. m., respectively. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12.50 and 5.30 p. in., l'hiladelpilia at 7.30, 9.15 a. in., 3.30 and 7.15 p. m. Leave Ilarrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tanta qua, Mlnersville, Ashland, Sliamoklu, Allentown and Philadelphia at 6.30 aud 8.10a.m 2.00 and 4.U5 p. in., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations; the 4.05 p. m.. train connecting for l'hil adelpilia, Pottsville and Columbia only. For Potts ville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and Husiiuehauna Railroad leave Ilarrisburg at n. in. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allentown. Kaston and New York at 7.30 and 10.35 a. m., and 4.00 p. in. Returning, leave New York at 9.00a. in., 12.60 and 5.30p. in., and Allentown at 7.20 a. in., 12.25. and 8.55p.m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in., connecting at Reading with train on East l'enn'a. Railroad, returning leaves Fottsville at 4.36 p. m.. stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsville at 6.00. 8.05 and 9.10 a. m.,and 2.30 p.m.. llei iiooii at 10.00 a.m., Sliamokln at fi.TO and 11.02 a. m.. Ashland at 7.18 a. in., and 12. 20p. m., Mahanoy City at 7.53 am and 12.54 n in., Ta mitquaat 6.15, 8.;15 a in and 2.15 p m for Plilla delphia. New York, Reading, Ilarrisburg, &c. Leave Pottsville via ScliuylklllandSusipielianna Railroad at 8.05 a ni for Ilarrisburg, and 12.05 p in., for 1'lnegrove and Tremont. Pottsville Accommodation Train leaves Potts ville at 6 :00 a m.. passes Reading at 7.30am., ar riving at Philadelphia at 10 Jo am. Returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.46 p rti., passes Reading UL f.l.ip 111 ; U1TIVII1K III i uimvnie ai. v.uii i ill. Pottstown Accominodiitiou Train leaves Totts town at 0:46 a m, returning, leaves Philadelphia (Ninth and Green,) at 4.30 p m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7:40 a in, and 6:15 p in; for Ephrata, l.ltiz, Lancaster, Columbia, tie. ; returning leave Lancaster at 8.20 a m, and 3.30 p in, and Columbia at 8.15 a in, and 3.20 p in. Perklomcn Railroad trains leave Perkloinen Junction at 9.05 am, 2.26, 2.65 and 0.00 p in; re turning, leave Pennsburg nt 6.00 and 7.25 a.m., and 12.16 and 4.15 p. m connecting with trains on the Reading Rail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phrcnlx villeat 9.05 a in, 3:06 and 5:50 p ill; returning, leave Byers at 6.30 a in, 12:40 and 4:20 pin, con. nectlng with trains on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 9:40 a m and 1:06, aud 6:20 p m, returning leave Mount Pleasant at 5:60, and 11:26 a in, and 3:00 pin, connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridgeport at 8:30 a in, 2:32 and 6:33 u m, returning, leave Duwnlngtown at 6:40a III, 12:20 and 5:40 p in, con necting with trains on Reading Railroad. On Sundays: leave New Yoik at 5:30 p nt Phil delphia at8:00a in and3:15p ni, leave Pottsville at 8:i 0 a m, and 2:35 p. in., leave liarrisburg at 5:30 a. in., and 2. no p.m , leave Allentown at 8.65 p.m., leave Reading at 4.15, 7.40 a. in., and 10.15 p.m., fur Ilarrisburg, at 7:30 a in. for New York, aud at 9.40 a. in., and 4.10 p. in., for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets, to and from all points, at re duced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, ' Ueiwrat Superintendent Reading, Pa., November 10, 1873. Pennsylvania . II. 11. Time Table. NEWPORT STATION. On nnd after November 1, 1873, Passenger trams will ruu as follows: WEST. Paclllc Express. 6.14 a. u. (flag) dally, ' Way Puss. 9.09 A. M., daily, Mail 2.44 P. M. daily except Sunday. Mixed 6.54 p.m., dally. except aundav. EAST. Mall 7.05 p. m., dally except Sunday Ilarrisburg Accora 12.22 p. M., daily " Sunday J. J. BARCLAY, Agent. Stage Liue lletvreen Newport and New (jerinantown. STAGES leave New Germantown dally at four o'clock a. in. Lundlsburg at 7. 30 a. in. Green park at 8 a. in. New Rloomtteid at9S a. in. Arriving at Newport to connect with the Ac commodation traiu East. Returning leaves New port on the arrival of the Mail Train from Philadelphia, at 2. 30 p. in. Z. RICE, Proprietor. Daily Express nnd Freight Line UUTWEEN BLOOMFIELD & NEWPORT! rpilEsubscrlberwIslies to notify the citlzensof X. Dloonilleld and Newport that he is running a Dally Line between these two places. and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packages or messages entrusted t' his care. .Ordersiiu;y li leli for him at the stores of F. Mortimer Co.. New Bloomlleld. or llilllnanS Musser. Newport. Pa. ' V " J. 8. WHITMORK. Bloomtield, January 25, 1870. lyHLIAM M. 8UTC1I, JiiKtire of flic IViK-c, AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, Naw Bloomfleld, Prry County, Penn'a, eT Special attention tiald to Collections of all kinds. Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages aud Agreements , eallj u executed. 7 lot! ALIK1NDH OK JOB IMtlNTING Neatly executed at the Bloiiulleld Timet) Buiam Job Utile. 1fi n 9fi lerday. Agents wanted every, ill 10 where. Particulars Iree. A.H. BLAIR SCO., St, Louis, Mo. 17 My