8 Bcnr Hunting In Clinton County, Ta. A correspondent of the Jtenovo Record, writing from IlammcrBley'a Fork, gives tub following thrilling account of an en counter with bears in that neighborhood : " We have just had an exciting chase af ter three boars. Rev. Bell first came in contact with them on what is called the " bunk," near Goodman's Mill, when' he immediately' gave the alarm, and the neighboring people men, women and chil dren with, guns and dogs, gave rapid chase., The first and largest bear was shot while in the act of demolishing several cf the dogs. Then followed tho most excit ing time imaginable. The second boar was surrounded in tho crceki nearly opposite the parsonage, and a number of shots were fired in quick succession, but without ef-' foct, when Mr. Goodman with a club in hand and one of his dogs, waded in and met the bear in mid-water, and tho battle commenced in earnest. Shrieks of terror went up from the women and children on the bank j guns were exploded in mid-air ; hardy lumbermen trembled for the fato of the man and dog in the water, while tho crowd on the bank with ono accord gavo directions as to where to bit tho bear next, etc, etc A Mr. Campbell then rushed to the resciio, and with one shot from his trusty riflo put an end to all strife, and bruin was tlragged to tho shore. Tho two bears now lay dead upon tho bank, and tho excited aud terror stricken crowd gath ered around, each with clubs and stones ready to renew tho fight should tho dead come to life. The third bear is still at large, but is destined to meet a similar fato. " At Uloona, back of Henry Anderson's residenco, on Saturday last, eight bears emerged from the woods. Chase was made by Mr. Yergcr and another gentleman, who succeeded in killing two of them and mortally wounding a third. The moun tains are now alive with excited hunters, and the chances of tho remaining bears are slim." How a Horse Thief was Cnnglit. The Christiansburg ( Va. ) Jfettenger notes that a horse which was stolen from the Rev. Mr. Leslie a few weeks ago , had been taught to extend its Jfront foot when ever asked by any. one standing near its head. The thief was ignorant of this, as as he was of the neighborhood through : which he was traveling. Fortunate for Mr. Leslie, every boy along the road knew the horse, because of the - foot lifting. . The . thief stopped at a farm-house in West Vir- , ginia, where the Rot. Mr. Leslie had fie- quently spent the night, and asked for din ner. The little boy who rodo the horse to the stable recognized the horse as Mr. Leslie's, and to confirm i,t asked for' the foot, which proved the matter. He ran ,. to ,the bouse and told his father, who at once commenced catechising the stranger, which resulted in his arrest and imprisonment and the recovery of the horse. , . . , A Jurer In Trouble. , James Delos Centre, eighth .juror in the Stokes case, was arraigned before Oyer and . Terminer Court en the 8rd inst., on tho charge of contempt of Court. lie is also indicted by the Grand Jury for misde meanor. . ! The Judge fixed the call at 8 o'clock. The District Attorney stated the case was 1 one of -the most heinous of contempt of - court ho over heard of. " The prosecution would : bow Centra was iu the habit of leaving the Astor Houbo at night ami fre quenting 4he vilest deas in the city; that he gambled, got intoxicated, and had coo. versed about the case. ( f The affidavits in the ease so far are those of. Harry Hill and Deputy Sheriff Hunt. Hill's affidavit states that Centre was in hit saloon several times during the trial. 1M1 one pocawon lie stated there was one man on the jury who had cold himself fcsr five hundred dollars, , What was the Mailer I Cora Wilson, girl of fifteen, .died at Shorobam, Maine, last week,after suffeiing . for year from very singular disease, and one that was beyond the Icen of the physicians. She was completely paralyzed ceuld not even move ber, lrttfie finger and every particle f her hair, even to her yebnows, dropped off, and a thick incrus tation (armed over 'her entire body. This cab was white as snow, and would drop off regularly ovary tnwtb, leaving . her skin oft and tender, but a new one would form within 24 hours. Her appetite was even good, and she has surfaced little pain. Mo physician ba attended tier ever heard of similar case. Hogget to Dentil fcjr Bear. . One Hotocini, an Italian, and his wife. who travel over the country with a per. forming bear, arrived at East Newark last week, on their way to New York, where they hoped to lodge the bear during the winter., The husband came to N. Y., to make arrangements, leaving the animal muzzled and tied to a post on the roadside, away from any habitation, and under watch of his wife. When he returned b found the tear growling fiercely, and hold ing his wife tightly in iu arms. , She was already dead and horribly bruised, tram pUid and torn. The bear was mibaequcnt- jim. , Xew Advertisement', ' '" PROF.IWISE'S BOOK " Til llotlGlf Till? AI11" flirty years adven ture in me tMoiitia. toinpiete History 01 miliums, unci how to make nd manage them, full ol thrilling Incidents and Ilaii breadth Escape. Life of Author. The most Interesting mill excit ing volume ever issued. Profusely Illustrated. HIJKK TO HELL BKYON P FK KCKDKNT I Agents should fend one dollar for outllt. Address, TO-DAY PlIBI.IHHIMi 10., Philadelphia, N York, Boston, or Chicago. 42d4w " CAMPIIOIUNE" TheGrcat Discovery for tho Immediate relief and cure of Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Hprains, Hrnises mm, ntrains, nun ,ioiiirs, dwellings, in llamnmi Ions, Bunions, Catarrh, &c. &c. It will not urease or stain, and for the toilet Is a luxury in every family. Thousands will and now testify to Its great merits. Try It. Price per bottle, 25 Cents. REUBKN HOYT, Proprietor. 424w 2u3 Greenwich bt., N. Y. SAMPLES sent by mall fur 50c. that retail quick for fit). Jl. L. WOLCOTT, 181 Chatham exuare,JNew YoiK, vauw Genuine Wnlthnm VYntchrs sent C. 0. 1). The best and cheapest In the world, and the most accurate. Illustrated price list, and lowest rates sent free. Address FULLER t CO.,'." Iluiul St., New York. 42 d 4w THE MAGIC COMBKvVnS Zl. to Will change any colored hair to a permanent black or brown and contains no iwilsnn. Trade supplies at low rates. Address, MAGIC CO Mil Co., Springfield, Mass. 42 d 4w GIVEN AWAY!! For Only 85c, free by mall. An ELEGANTLY PERFUMED 8ACHKT. Odor delightful, sure to please. Agents wanted. Make big pav. FI.KCH KhE, Perfumer, 141 Chumbers St., N. Y. 42 d 4w TIIK HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES ot Europe say the strongest Tonic. Purltler and lie obstruent known to t lie medical world is JUKUBEBA. It anopts ilecny of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restores vigor to the. debili tated, cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstructions and acts itivectly on the liver and npieen. nice si a iHime. duiux u. iyK1,i,M40. 18 Piatt St-, New York. 42 d 4w POLARIS MYSTERY Fully cleared up ill our new and fascinating book the FKOZhN ZONK and Its KXPLOKIUiH." The whole story of Arctic Adventure vividly por traved: the cream of fifty books in one Hiilendld octavo of Sou panes. Most profuselv Illustrated; elexaut Steel Liiuravliius: perils and escunes of sapca ook, all the Polaris crew. This Is not an old book, nor a premature one. AUKNTrt WANTED!! GhEAT INDUCE MhNis! I I Send for circulars und teims to MUTUAL Pl'l). Co., Hartford. Ct. Publishers of " Livingstone Lost and found." 42 d w TO Prospectuses are now ready for our inree new cooks, viz. XrnV THKOIMmDAGK.byMark uuua Twain i Chas. D. Warner, lllus- : A liH N'l,lI tratea dv Augustus ilopplti. AUIjinio nvEitviionv's friend, hv .inali lllllhirrs llliiati'iit..,! liu Thnma. N.lI a,,,: Joaquin Miller's great work, LI FK AMON TIIKJIOIHH'S, Nothing need be said about these books. Everybody knows they will outsell all others, and wise agent will act accordingly and apply for territory at once to AMERICAN PUB1.ISUING CO., Ilui tford.Couu. it d 4w Iiema rkable Success One scent made S112 In 4. davsanotJier iW in days, selllnn X!KAN'H STOKY. lly the gifted son of the famous " Peter Parley." A perfect Thesau rus of adventures upon, aim the wonders be neat h the great Oceans, spirited engravings. Price low t sells rapidly. 2,0uolive agents wanted for this and the only complete history of LIVIUM'ONE ltd YKAUS IS AFRICA (the greatest success of the season.) Also our splendid new Bible, lust ready aud far excelling? all others. Pocket companion and full circulars iree. Address, iiuiiuAitu u BOtt., rubs., Phlla., Pa. or Cluu., Olilu. , . , , , ,42d4w "TAKES" on SIGHT! Last and best combination for Canvasers,Agents and Sulesmciil Henry Ward Iteecher's family iiewsiaivr maris lbs rail cainiaign, giving HUD scribers a pair of the largest and finest OLE OUKAPHS, two most attractive sublects that "take" ou sight, Painted by Mrs. Anderson, as contrasts and companions for her "Wide Awake" and " Fast Asleep. 1 Agents have Immense suc cess; call it the best buslnessever offered canvas sers." We furnish the lightest and handsomest outfit and pay very high commissions. Each sub scriber, old or new, receives without ielav two Deaui inn pictures, r un supply ready for Imme diate delivery. The paper Itself stands yeerles among family Journals, being so popular that of Its class It has the largest circulation In the world I inpioys i lie nest literary taleut. Kit war Kng Kleson s great serial story Is just beginning ; back chapters supplied to each subscriber. Mrs. mow s long exiievtea sequel to " My Wile and 1 begins in the new year. Anyone wlshlngagnod salary or an independent business should send for tij. b' "kokT)' agents wanted Co., N. Y., Boatou, Chicago, Ctoeinnatt, or Han Francisco. 424 4w WatHBr COHCEETO PaXLOS OBQaVB -wuu most ksnwtliWlxii ?TV "ty" prtit In una & IX vrinsMl, TUG C4I. . '- Js .tVA.HTOrOI4aUbt ' ' v-"tm ever Dlace4 n u S-J HKCT qfuhick ,IIVU A"tl OOl l, rnituiivti uhiu iTSinrrAi-ioiv f th. iiiMAar VOICE IS 8U. .a;ftWf'' wATEKS A R0NT4S1 wav, N. T.. vU dOmu 0 Alio a kiim and UMdAS of f Iral-cliua makera. in. ctaidiiV WATEItS, at eiirantlr low prices for rnah, or iart cask, ami tobmotm mall monihly ptmienu. Ntw'Z-Octavt Unbclui I'lAKos, all inodnrn ini. pwrrmuull, far -t7i eiuh. Oruotu 3 -Or. 4 aioi'M, a not N stoi'n, tiii. iuiuI Srastod tjatalotjuea mulled. A la rat du- mim tellinuUrr, ( Aurrsn., if,WJ., (Wnn fxeaia, 1c AGOITS WANXUI, j ADMINISTKATOR'H NOTICE. Notice Is hnseby given, that letters of Adiiiiitistratloii on tlie IaU) of John lleucb, late of Madison townshlu, Perry county. Pa., deceased, have lieeu granted to the subscribers residing In Madlsou uiwnahla. , . All fienHMis Indebted to said estate art request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them diUy authenticated lor settlement Ui DAVIE!, E. 0 AltBKH. Administrator. , ' MACulAHKT HENLIf, Admlnlstratrik. September 3d, 1873 6t TH F.HPAS8 NOTTcE.-i'flie undersigned res dents of Naville twp., hereby give notice that all tiersKine are forbidden to enter upon their lands tor tits uurpone of hunting, fishing, nutting or trespassing for any purpose whatever, Ulklel penally ot tli In w. . , , . , J'uii.if Jjkooim, JKion tlEMMtituKa, ,. , , Dtvm E. JUmiihsom, Joiik Kwiktz, .,, "'J.UAM Biim:u, CiiuiHT. StnWAB. 8avl!letp.,Oct.3id,l87S. Anetloneer. The undersigned gives notice that lx will cry sain st any rxiliit In Perry or Daupla oouutle. Orders are solicited and prompt attention will be given. ' ' ' K. V. WELLH, t , .. . - 1 New Buffalo, " Perry 00., Pa., A LL KINDS OF JOB PHINTINO 1 Neutlvexefiutfldat tha UltMiuiSMlil tibim SieamJob Ottice. ., .,. ..... f r iVf u! ;. vi A PERFECTLY 1 MAMMOTH' PROGEEDIN&! WE HAVE HESITATED ABOUT . BREAKING T H E MARKET, BUT THERE IS NO HELP FOR IT 1 We have over 1,000,000 Dollars in MEN'S AND BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING '..- . i . . AND ' GOODS FOR MEN'S AYE All, r And We Cannot Afford to Carry Them I GOOD TIMES ARE COMING, But we cannot soil Winter Clothing In Summer time, any more than people can wear Summer Clothing Winter Time. ' ' tj,' -.i WANAMAKER & BROW?, Therefore Organise at OAK HALL an Immense and attractive sale. We have actually more than ( $1,000,000 Wortli of Gents' & Boys' Clothing And now throw It on the Market to bo Sold Immediately, at the OVIv HALT, T5UIX-jJ XIV G S, . South -East Corner of Sixth and Market Streets, We made op the BEST GOODS In the BEST MANNER, expecting to sell at a Profit, but we cannot stand for Profits now. A - "'! '' ::. J" i- :.' - ip! Plain Statement f rom Wqriamaker & Brown. We know that the flurry In the money market Is but temporary. The harvests throughout the country have been larire. and business has been conducted, as a eoneral tlilni? on sound principles it is only speculation that has brought about this state of attain, which must soon suoBioe, out ime is tuo bcuhuu w boh uur uuous. Books, Machines, Furniture, etc., can be sold all the year round, but our goods are made up lor special seasons, and so, without nailing, WANAMAKER & BROWN, Adopt ft. War h ileasnrc, and put , Into Ininiediato Operatiou A S lElirGlS'i L E ! . ; .J : . ...... . I . i THAT SHALL CLEAR OUR COUNTERS. TIH8 IS GOOD NEW8 TO f ITE MILLIONS of OKjr and Country. They will OAHf the PROFIT from OUR NECESSITY;, but they have generously patronized as Iu good times, and we are willing to give up Profits now. We say without exaggeration that this Is the best opportunity for buyers ever offered iln America, " SATURDAY; NOVEMBER 1, 1873, Apd continriingrapidlyvithput interruption until farther Notice, ' ., ' we will Sell for Ready Money the following : FOUGKNTI.KMEN FOK OKNTLKMKN ' 4716 BLUE AND BLACK DKHH3 COATS. , 1710 DOII IILK HKKAHTKO WTKKKT COATS, SlitCASHIMKKK BIJKINKHHCOATS. . m& BHA VKIt AN1 KKIWI'.Y OVEHCOATS, SS7 FAIKH OF BLACK HANTS. 2MH) BLACK AND 111, UK CLOTH V?T, i 7'ilt0 CAHHI M KKB VKMTK, 1 . 7214 O.AHSIMKKK PANTS, 1114 CIIKSTKKFIKL1) COATS. - , , 1700 BKA V KK A N I) OH 1 NCH 1 1,1, A OVERCOATS' SHM FANCY AHHIMKltK PA NTH. aiSS FANCY CA8.S1MKKK VKSTM, :t'U3 Blue and Trleot anil Casshneie JACKETS, . 410 FANTH TO MATCH, ' II7 HAItVAKllHlllTH, Lull PltlNt:K AI.BKKT SUITS, ; i I , lUHtiAUlBALUIbUns, ' . . FOtt GKNTLKMKN FdKGKNTLKMKN FOKUKNTLKMKN FOK GKNTLKMKN FOIt (JKNTI.KMKN ' FOlt OKNTLUM KN FOll LAltOK 11DYS FOIt LAKGK IIOVH KOKLAKOEIIOVH FOll LAltliK KOYH FOIt HM A 1,1, IIOVH KOK NMAI.I, HOYd FOK OIIII.DItKN FOIt t'HII.DUKN FOIt CUlLDltbN , .1 NEan; 60ptooo pieces of ctoTmNcj Makiog(altof?etber by far the LARGEST STOCK to be found in any Iletail Clothing Ho use in the World. vrWe aje content ..to lose, money rather Jhan to carry stock until next season. Im perative necessity is laid upon us,' and we must make the best 0f if ' . ''. . -t ' The store will be open at 6 o'clock, in the morping, and rcmaju open until 7 o'clock in the evening,' and on Saturday night until 10 o'clock. Every article sold, guaranteed as represented. JJJ Parties coming together from country towns' within forty miles of the city, purchasing at OAK HALL, will receive, besides the Great Bargains,5the PKICE of a Kailvo'ad ticket to RETURN HOME. ! 4 WANAMAKEir & 'BllOWN; O A K '.'I U i . "i iJ .'S U "J SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIAHpA. "r FOR GENTLEMEN. FOK GKNTLKMKN. . FOK GENTLEMEN. FOK GKNTLKMKN. KOK GKNTLKMKN. FOK GKNTLKMKN. - FOK GKNTLKMKN. FOK GKNTLKMKN. 1 FOU LAltGK BOYS. FOK LAKGK BOYS. FOK LAltGK BOYS. FOK LAltGK BOY'S. FOR SMALL BOYS. ; FOK SMALL BOYS. FOK CHIL1IUKN. i j FOKCHlLlHtKN. FOR CHILDltKN. i i rl II A X L , :J3; -R AILRD AD8V1 , ' j ,, etTM.ilEU ijl IljANQ M E NT.) ' j Cloudily, August 411i, 1873. Trainsleave Harrlsbura for New York.asfollows i At 5.30 and 8.10, A. St., and 2.0O, r. M., connectlne with trains on tho Feiinsylvanla Itallroad, and arrivliiK at New York at 12:30 8.60, and 9:46 p. in., respectively. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. m.,12.P anil 5.30 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.30, 9.16 a. in., and 3.30 p. ni. Leave ITarri'burR for Reading Fottsvllle, Tnma qtis. Mlnemville, Anhlnnd, Sliainokln, Allentown ann rnnaaeipnia Ria..io nun o.iun. m., .w nnu 4.05 p. m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations! the 4.06 p. in., train connecting for Phil adelphia, Fottsvllle and Columbia only. For Potts. Vine, MCllllVIKIU llHVCIl biiuauuiuh, vi rH-iiuyi- kill and Susquehanna Hallroad leave Uarrisburg at 3.40 n. ni. Kast Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Bead ing for Allentown. Kaston aud New York at7.30 anil lo.ttoa. m., anu 4.uu n. in. jteiiinuii)!, leava New York at 9.ou a. m., 12,50 and 6.op. ni., and Aiieniown at i.m a. in., z. iu,4..n anas.mp.in. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting ut Heading with train on East Penn'a. Hallnmil, returiiliig leaves Fottsvllle at 4.35 p. ill., stopping at all stations. Leave Fottsvllle at ts. (K), K.05 and 9.10 a. in., and 2.3ii p.m. , Horndoii at in.oua.ni., Hhainokln at 0.00 ami li, iu a. in.. Asiiinua at v.ih a. in., aim ri aip. in., Mahanoy City at 7.53 a m and 12.51 p m., Ta niaiiiaat fi.l'i. R.:t" am aud 2.15 p in tor Phila delphia. New York, Heading, Uarrisburg, &e. i,eave roiisviue via rciiuyiKiiiaiio. susqiieusnna hallroad at 8.05 a in for Uarrisburg, aud 12.06 a in., for Plnegrove and Treniont. Fottsvllle AcconimiHlatlon Train leaves Fotts vllle at 0:00 a m.. passes Heading at 7.30 a m., ar riving at Philadelphia at 10:10 am. Iteturnlng leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 pin., passes heading at 7.40p m ; arriving at Fottsvllle at 9.20p ill. - Puttstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts- town at 6:45 a in, returning, leaves Philadelphia llMiiiu auu ureeu,; at ..iu p in. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Iteadlnir at 7:30 a in, and 6:15 p mj for Ephrata, Lltl., Lancaster, Columbia, tc. ; returning leave Lancaster at 8.20 a m, and 3.30 p ni, aim commuia at B.io a in, aud 3.20 p m. lVrklomen Railroad trains leave Ferklomen Junction at 9.00 a m,. 2.M and G. 30 p in; rcturn ing, leave Green Lnue at 6.00 a in, 7.40 a. ni., V2:V and 4.20 p. m., connecting with trains ou the heading hail Koad. Pickering Valley hallroad trains leave Phreulx villeiit 9.0o a in, 3:05 and 5:50 p m; returning, leave Hyers at 6.30 a m, 12:40 and 4:20 pin, con necting with trains on heading hallroad. Colebrookdale hallroad trains leave Pottstown at 9:40 a in and 1:05, and 6:20 p in, returning leave Mount Pleasant at 6:50, and 11:25 a in, and 3:00 p in, connecting with trains on heading hallroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridgeport at8:30am, 2:40 and 6:33 n m, returning, leave Downingtown at 7:00 a in, 12:30 and 6:40 p in, con necting with trains on heading hallroad. On Sundays: leave New York at 5:30 p m., Phil delphlaat8:M)u III and 3:15 p ni. leave Fottsvllle at 6:i 0 a in, and 2:36 p. in., leave Uarrisburg at 6:30 a. m., and 2.00 p.in , leave Allentown at 4.35 and 8:65 p. in. ; leave heading at 7.40a. m., and 10.15 p. in., for llarrlshurg, at 7 :30 a in. for New York, at 7.40 a. in., for Allentown at 9.40 a. m., and 4.10 p. in., for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets, to aud from all points, at re duced rates. Baggage cheeked through; ,100 pounds allowed each Passenger. . i . i , , J. B. WOOTTEN, Ueneral ttuperlntetufent Reading, Fa., August 4th, 1873. Northern Central Railway. ' 8UfMMER ARRANGEMENT., Utrovgh and Direct Itmite to and from Washing Colli baUimora, Ul intra, JCrie, Htiffalo, ' . . Jioclteator and Niagara iiU.,,. "VN AND AFTER SUND At. ' .Tune 29th. 1873. KJ the trains on the Northern Central hallway, will run as follows : XORTinVAllD.' MAIL TRAIN. ; , , Leaves Baltimore, 8.30a.m. Uarrisburg, 1.80 p.m. WllliaiuHport 6.20 p. in., 6i arr. at . mira, 10.30piiL CINCINNATI EXFhEHS. Lvs.Baltlinore, 8.1i)p.ni.arvs.Uari'lsburg,11.20p.m ' ' FAST LINE. Leaves Baltimore 1.15 p. in. Uarrisburg 4.45 p.m. , , Arr.at Willlauisport 8.30p.m., NORTHERN EXPRESS. Lvs. Baltlmorell.65p.in. levs.HarrlsburgS.S6a.tn. Arrives at Klmira 12.05 a. in. arr..Nlagaia8.65p.m NIAGARA EXPRESS. Lvs. Baltimore 7.40 a.m., Uarrisburg 10.40 a. ra Arrives at Canaudatgua at 7.40 p. in. " " Niagara, at 11.46 p. m. ' ' SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Elmlra 5.45a. m. 'Wllllamsport 9.30 a. m Uarrisburg 2.10 p. in. Ar.lialtlmoreat 6.35p.m v. . . V SOUTHERN EXPREBS. Leaves Canandalirua 7.16 d. ni.. Klmira ll.an. m. WilliainsiKirt S.lO.am.. llarrlshurg at 8.66 a. m. Arrives at Baltimore at 12.25 p.m. ERIE EXPRESS. Lvs. Erie at . p. in. Willlamsport at T.69 a. m. Lvs. Huubury 9.40 a. in., Ar. liairisbuig 11.30 a. as - PACIFIC EXPRESS..' I Lvs. Uarrisburg 11.60 a.m., Ar. Baltimore 3.00 p.m NIAGARA EXPRESS SOUTH. Lvs Canandaguall. SOa m. I Klmira 1.50 p. m. " Wllllamsport 6.15p.m. 1 Sunbiiry 0.40 p. m. " llarrlsbuig ll.00p.in. ar. Bultlmore,2.26 am. For further Information apply at the Ticket olllce. Pennsylvania hallroad liepot. ' A. J. CASSATT, , . ... . sieueral Manager. Sluge Line Itetween Kewport and Ne licrmantown. S' TAGES leave New (lermantown dally at four o'clock a. ni. Landlsburuat 7. an a. in. i:.n. park at 8 a, ni. New Hloomtleld at 9H a. in. Arriving at Newport to connect with the Ae coiiiiiiodatinn train East. heturnliigleaves Newport on the arrival Of the Mall Train from Philadelphia, at 2.30 p. m. Z. RICE. Proprietor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. - Notice Is hereby given, that Letters Testamentary on the estate of Thomas Matlaek, late of Duneannon borough, Perry county. Fa., deceased, have been granted to the subscribers, the former residing In Carroll twp., and the latter at Duucanuou, Ferry county, Pa. , All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment, aud those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to HAMUKL B. MATLACK. Carroll twp., JOSEPH H. MATLACK., Duneannon, August 29, 1873. JOt IfcieouUirt. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is here by given, that letters of Administration t. m. r.t. c. I., on the extate of John Baker late of Spring township. Ferry county, Fa,, deceased, havo been granted to the undersigned, residing Iu said township. All persons Indented to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment, while those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to CATHAlilNK BAKER. July 22, 1873. -at . Administratrix, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given, that Letters of Administration on the estatcof Frederics Flemnilng. late of Car roll township, Ferry county. Fa., deceased, have been granted to the subscrllwr residing In said township. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims, will preseut limm duly aulheutl. xnli'd tcr settlement to . - ! t . MAhUARET FLEMMINO. July 15, 1873 flt AdmiiiiBtralrix. TliKHFlASS N(yru;E.-Th sulicvlber a resl dent of Carroll tow nshl p, cautions all persons aitalsnt entering upon his premises, for the pur pose of hunting, fishing, gathering nuts, or ties, passing for auy purpose whatever, under penally of the law. ' septte.in.nflHJ'80