6 bt MoomMts mmts. Tuesday, November 11, 1873. FARM, AND HQUSESQLD. ITEMS We tnvitecomnvintcatlon'trom nil permntwhoare - intertilled in matter properly belonging to this Bnckwhrnt. The nnme " buckwheat" is a corruption of beech wliunt. It wag go named because the seed resembles the beech -nut In shape. Buckwheat is a native of Asia, was brought into Europe either by the Crusaders six or seven hundred years ago, or into Spain by the Moors. It did not reach England until within the .last two hundred ,and fifty years, but just in tima to oomo oveC with some of the earliest settlors in America. It was cultivated by the Hudsou river Dutcb,and by the Swedes on the Delaware The Dutch mention it as early as 1020, and from what they say on the, subject.it is quite certain thoy knew as much about buckwheat cakes as was ever worth know ing. ' From tlione two centres of early set tlement the cultivation spread over New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, fol lowing the colonists into tho new homes they cleared up in the forests as certainly as tho lioucr-beo follows in the pathway of the western pioneer, making its home wherever the white man builds his cabin. These three States have always ' been im mense producers of buckwheat, growing two-thirds of the whole quantity raised, now amounting to many millions of bush els annually. Its cultivation is rapidly ex tending through the north and northwest, unti the present annual product , is over thirty millions of bushels. There are three varieties, one of which, known as Indian buckwheat, is grown, in New England, for fattening swine, and produces a (lour unfit, or at least uupala. table, as human food. On new soil this liarsli, coarse grain will yield a hundred bushels an acre. Cbomistry has shown that buckwheat abouuds in nutritive ma terial. The straw also contains much nutritive matter, and is readily consumed by most doiuestio animals. . The crop is held to bo a great cleanser of the soil from weeds, and is often sowed for that purpose. ( Its roots penetrate deeply, while its dense foliage so complete ly shades the ground that, thongh the seeds of many weeds may germiuato, they can Mot struggle up to the sun and ripen. Even that stubborn pest, the Canadian thistle, can be smothered out by succes sive buckwheat crops. It is, therefore, invaluable as a cleanser on every kind of land, but more especially , bn , heavy, moist soils, most likely to be infested by weeds, and less easily worked from cleansing pur poses. Though used as stock food, when mixed and ground with oats and fed largely ' to poultry, yet it is recognized a the chief end and aim of buckwheat that it be con verted into cakes for winter breakfasts. No cold weather fodder for the family so witcbingly captivates the appetite as they do. The mere flavor of the kitchen, as one descends the staircase of a crisp winter morning, so sharpens the appetite , as to make delay in the serving up of this sub limo delicacy, light, hot, smoking, and in sufficient quantity, an agonizing irritant to the most evenly-balanced temper. No in stitution Is more Immovably established among us than this. Beside it even our National Constitution is a fugitive contriv ance. Abolish buckwheat cakes, and we shoald; have a new rebellion not so bloody as the last, but having about it quite as much-iakw.' , Keeping Sweet Potatoes. , The following plan pf keeping sweet po tatoes has proved eminently successful. . First take your potatoes from th hill care fully and be sure not to bruise the skins In handling tbem.j after they are thoroughly dried, pack them in boxes in the following manner; Gather a sumcient quantity ..of sand or' fine'" roitd dust, and have it thor oughly screened and dried ; put a thin layer of sand upon the bottom of the box, and lay in a course of potatoes from 8 to 13 inches thick, then pour in enough sand to fill the interstices between the potatoes, and so continue until the box is filled. Keep them in a room where the temperature , does not go above 00 nor bolow 450.,,. ;' " Small Horses.,.:.. ;, ' J The Southern Farmer says! "The ar gument may be in favor of great size, but the facts are all the other way. Large hors es are most liable to stumble and be lame than those of the middle size. - They are clumsy, and cannot fill themsolves so quick. There is nothing more stirDrislne tn Wt- ern men. than to visit Montreal aud see the , small but Stout. Canadian horses hauling large two-seated carriages full of people , 'with apparent ease. ,A horse weighing 000 pounds in Maine takes the chaise ; or Concord wagon, with two men in it, and makes fifty or sixty miles a day over hills that might have terrified Hannibal. But their weight Is where it ought to be.. It is compact and not lying around loose, It a muscle, not pulp .that we want in a horse. , ! ; Dr. J. Walker's California Vin egar Kilters aro a puroly Vegetable preparation, mado chiclly from tho na tivo herbs found on tho lower rnnges of " tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor- ( nla, tho inodlcinal properties of which tiro extracted tuoroiiom without tuo uso of Alcohol. , Tho question is almost daily asked. ''What i tho cause of tho ' unparalleled success of Vinhoar. Brr TEttst" Our answer is, that tliey remove the causo of disease, and the patient re covers his health. They are tho great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator "and Invlgorator of the system. Never before in tho history of" tho world has a medicine been compounded possessing tho roinarknlilo qualities of Vixkoar Hitters In healing tho sick of every disease man is heir to. They aro a gentle Purgotivo as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver aud Visceral Organs in Bilious . Diseases The properties of Pit. W. ALKEIt'S Vinkoab lliTTKRs are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorifio, Altera tive, and Auti-Jiilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim Viw. eqar Bitters the most wonderful In vigorant that ever sustained tho sinking system. 4 No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long ; unwell, provided their bones aro not do-. ' stroyeu by mineral poison or other moans, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious. Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, which aro so preva lent in tbo valleys of our groat rivers throughout the Unitod States, especially thoso of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, lied, Colorado, Brazos, liio Grando, Pearl, Alabama, Mobilo, Savannah, Ko anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our ' entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during soa- ' sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensivo de rangoments of tho stomach aud liver, and othor abdominal viscora. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon theso various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for tho purposo equal to Dr.' J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as thoy will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which tho bowels aro loaded, at the earno timo stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of tbo digostlvo organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can tako hold of a system thus foro-armed. ' Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head-'' ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour ', Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, l'alpita-, tation of the Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in tho region of the Kid- . ncys, and a hundred other painful symp- , toma, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia... One bottle will prove a better guaranteo , of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. ....... Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whlto Swellings, Dicers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Bore Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, Walker's Tiheoab Bitters have shown their great onratire. power in the most obstinate and intractable cases. , For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious. Itemit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood,. Liver, Kidneys and Bladder; these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases ore caused by Vitiated Blood, .' Mechanical Diseases. Porsons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-settars, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advanos in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. - To guard against this, take a dose of Walker's Vis-' 'boar Bitters occasionally. ' - For Sk in Diseases, Eruptloris, Tet ter, Salt-Hheum, Blotches, Spots, Vimplos, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles,Ring-wonns, 8oald-bead, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Bcurfu, Discoloration! of the Skin, llumors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or naturo, are literally dug up and carried out of the system ic a short time by tho uso of theso Bitters. . . ,. . Tin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are etleotually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an thelmintics will free the systom from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, those Tonio Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is Boon pcrcoptiblo. : , Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores: cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul : your feelings will tell voa when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. ' " 9 It. II. HcDONALD ii CO., ' ' " SruirgliiU ami Gun. AjrU., Han Kriwolioo, CalllVmiia, aud or. of Wo.liiitruiB aud Charlum Sra., N. Y. , Mold by ail UiuiiKiaU and laU. November 4, 1873 lm SHAWLS AND BLANKETS for sale Paulo prices sk Y. Mobtimku's, at Ironin tiib Blood i : .1 MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. The PerttvlanStnip, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined as to have the character of an aliment, aft easily digested and assimilated . with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity ' of Nature's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, and ' . cures "a thousand ills," simply by Toning up, Invigorating and I itallsing the System. The en riched and vitalized blood per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, ' ' '- searching out morbid secre- tions, and leaving nothing for disease to' feed upon. - 1 'This is the secret of the won- ' tierful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint,' 'Drops-,- Chronic Diur rlioea, Bolls, Kcrvons Affectlojifi, Chills ami Fevers, ; Humors, Loss of Constitutional. Vigor, : Diseases of tho Kidney;) and Bladder, Fcmalo Complaints, , and all diseases originating lit, a bad state of the blood, or ac- ' companied by debility or a low ," state of the system. , liclng free from -Alcohol, in any form, its , energizing effects are not fol- , 'lowed by corresponding reac-. . tlon, but are permanent, infu- . sing strength, vigor, and new " life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stltution. " . i , Thousands havebeen changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly; suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and . invalids cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. , .;.,, See that each bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP blow'nin the glass., Pamphlets Free . , .-: " SETH W. F0WLE & SONS, Proprietors, No. 1 Milton Place, Boston. , , . Bold dt DnuooiST generally l' 11 E MO VAL! Merchant Tailoring Establishment. THK subscriber respectfully Informs the nubile that he has removed his MERCHANT TAIL OKINU KSTABLIHHMKNT from "Little Htore In the Corner," to room formerly occupied by J. (i. Hhatto, Dentist, where may be found at all times, a varied assortment of Cloths, Cassimers and Testings, ( With a complete )lne of'' Tn-Ilor' Trimminrt,' . i, , .mi ti. . !;.-..,: , ! Of the best quality. Those desiring to purchase GOOD GOODS, at Keasonable Drlces, and have them made In the LATEST STYLK, win please ffi va 111 R rtnll. I . u 11 ut'xr Also, a good assortment of' . ,1 SniftTs, SUSPENDERS,' COLLARS, - ' V UKCK-TIEB, HOBIEHY, &0..&0., ' " 1 ' On "hand at low prices. ' " ' 1 rjOo Slioemalccrs. THK subscribers keep constantly on hand, a FINK ASSOKTMKNT OK FRENCH; GALF, SKINS, " PINK LININQS, R OAKS, " " ' " , ; , mo ltd ceo s, 1 ' i-: ' SHOE THREAD, PEGS, ., AWLS, general assortment of articles used by Shoe F. MORTIMER. Mutual Fira Insurance Company, ov i Jonestown, Pcnn'n. , 1 S , ' i ' pOLICIES PERPETUAL at Low Bates. No ."Y". ."ncii. i ma ik one oi mo oest conducted and most reliable Companies In ths atM WperUious&na.aod Town property t,6 00 per thousand. vw. .'...it,. uuiuni iv insured rnrnAE & v LEWIS POTTER, " ' ! : r. I . NISWBLOOMKLKLD.FAm 4 It '. .),' . ! ' Agent fur Perry County. I i WMMV 1 ' IHHMMIOO , - OOIKMXMIOOO ' onomxxmooiioo ' IMHMKICWItMMNHKIIMIO fKNKMMMNMMMMNMXMMMVl 1 ououuuuaoououuooouuuo OortooAnoiMKiftoo iionVHiontwoioo ooKMi.KKioailEAT BARGAIN0 ihmmnmmkmhmi . IHKMMMHHIO .... , OOIHHKMHHI tKMMKHM, i, otfiio Ara now Offered. . 4(IO, ! (KKH IK1 1 T .Sr. MOBTIilEE, M OOfXRXJO O'MHMMMl OrMKKHU4MlNOW BlOOmllela.tXKHXMMHIO CMH M MXK HUM HI , , f (NMNHMMMHM M OUOUOUOCHiUUiKM) ' .. .. fHHOOOOOOOOOOO KXWXKMVOOOtafMKKHXXXkMI ( (MnmWmmmmmkmmmmhmiou ' ihhhmkmmmmmmkhkm) i r 1MHK1 . II .litt yiLLIAM m. sutiii; - , ,' JiiftUco oT the Peace, 1 .", AND GENKKAL COLLECTOK, " New Bloomfleld Parry County, Penn'a -8poliil attention paid to Oolleetloln of all hinds. Dwells, Houils.MorlKauos aud Agrexmfnts esllyn executed. "7 lutf GREAT INDUCEMENTS ,","1 TO JiXTY . '" REAL ESTATE ! -plilflTY EIVE LOTH lave been sojd 111 six Hi months, 111 the flew Town of ! ' ' '.f'y,'. Schuylkill County,. OPennsylranla, Al EAHT MAHANOY JUNOXION. and close to flllir fl triirnnl. Rn rnmla a H H,a ..... cite Coal Trails In the State. The land is level and HiPieA1?V,0.Mn.er?Rf,e.t,rn,l,lg BUILDINU AS. HOC1A1ION to bulla houses and start up Manu tacturlng Business. . ,.... ..." , , T 1M ftnttflntiA .All I .... . . . n R nn . i . allow tlve Years time to raise the money. Hlze iirAuth ,.l Ib'U v i -.nr.,ui ' w vwwi. .w. ao w IUV ICDh ' i . I am also prepared to start the new town of ORANGE CITY, FLORIDA, to be located on the North Hide of the Kernandlna and Cedar Keys Railroad, half way bi'tween Dart's Road and Calaham one lot In each .Square Will be given free of ehai'KO to the nrst person who builds a house on it as the town will ImvaOua Hundred Squares. One Hundred Emigrants or Settlers from any part of the world can obtain Lots for nothlngbv building on them. The balance of the Lots will be sold to any person for the snm of Jim a piece and five years time allowed to raise the money, the size of each lot to bo 40 XIAO feet: nearly all the hits are coveted with splendid yel low Pine Timber. ... ! ; ,, , . . .. I have also for sale some of the best ' ; : 1 1 ' YELLOW PINE TIMBER' LAND,''.' Extenillng from the new lownto Ht, Mary's Ulver, (a navigable Klver) which winds around In a horse shoe form at from live to llfteon miles dls tanceoli. The laud produces tho very best fruits, such as Oranges, Lemons, Uananas, Figs, Graiies, reaches, Sc., and crops ol Cotton, Vmgar Cane, Hay, Coi n, Potatoes, &c, with but little ciilllvft tli r Price Jlij.oo per Aoro, and rive years' t me allowed to raise Dim nlnni'V. 'riAf.i'iinrr.f'itv lot-owners and farmers will also form a Uuililing Association to put up bulldlugx and eroct manu luctiy es, me. nr For furthor particulars address , ; JAMES II. GIllEU, ; , ;; ' POTTSVILLE, ', SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PA. Or Inquire of the Agent here; "T29M G TO 17. MORTIMER' Ci OR BARGAIN k5. His Stock will be found the most " complete , .n me oouniy, , and consists of DRY GOODS.':. -' . ni.oTiiiNu '.. , , , '. . . , IUK'EUIKS ' 1 ' 1 " UQHOU FINinXfIS .'.I"' ' ' ' , OCJADLEUS HARDWARE ,-.,; OytI L Io W W A K K o , , . 1 . VVWAM l'AWll ' W-DlttrsiiKS all styles ; 1 l ; ( I XTOOTH to SJIOJC . 1 1 -DtrATM CAI'8 W JOXIONS Aid; OIL. CLOTH ' " ' ' "' VTAILS& SPTKE8 " :-, l( Il-P1)E TIHILSAC .j Xj pAINTM, OILS . f .-tp AIM IKS b IS PICK , XbTUON 8TEKI, PARRTAOE HARDWARE '-'gM VJSLOPKS fc PAPKIl GOODS OF EVERY STYLE ""' pHEAP FOR CASH, VALL AM) . SEE. , OS. CROOK'S IVINE OF.TAU t Tm Tears of spnblle teat has proved Dr .Crook's Wlneof Tar to have mora merit than any similar preparatloneveroflered to the public It is rich la the medicinal qualUlcSof Tar, and nneqiialed tor diseases of the Throe Ac m nu.Awn.ln. I l. snaTlf- most remarkable cures. It mSJ effectually curesallCooaha lt .n.1 nnuwhltla. that It has beea jironouuoed peelflo Tor ineae com alnte. ForlPeJnaln the , HKInor mm, tlravrl or KMnM eif aee(dlseaaesoi uie una. ry OwBa, JaiMiMllf or anv Liver Complaint i. It liusnoeouai. - tUaaao.aurTooletUAipflUUt StrvnrtbPne tne mrm, BeaSorea Sbe Weak atsdl ItebUltated, Vanaaa Slie Food to Ulireet. . Prelenta MalarlouaVaveva, CIt tone 10 your Hymn. - Mlitlt' TJ1J2I.001 I'Httl And the health of the -system will follow. There Is a prepara tion of Iron and Poke Hool more effectual thaa all others, which will fomova from your yatem the Impure and vitiated blood which causes dlaease, and at theaame time build up your health and strength 1 1 never falls to rnr. If yon have Hcroraln,8crolaloas IMeeas. M of the Kjrea or t are, ur tvrrofnla fn Birr forai. Tet ter, Willie welling:. 1 Korea, lileera, or AeroTalona InMamuiatluna, you caii rely en being uured with this preps- Mitlon knowu as lr. t rnofi's 4'oin pound Nyrup o f e ' Boot, khonuiatlun, lula In f.lmk... Hiini.. ..... 1 yilona brokendownby Mercu yxrlal or othor bolHona. an. all cured by It. For Hyphllla, or BTDhilltlo taint. UiiirHlanmii. liiK equal to II. A trial will prove It. ...... IJcautiry your Complexion. , Do not nse paint orpowdnr, but get a more permanent beauty by purifying your blooil. Tlila.iirepanulon of Iron aud Polio Hoot 11111 lien a rouuh and scaly akin au ft aud smuoth; cliini); that sallow complexion to one of frenhniws and health, and remove any Krnp. tit e llaraara of the In, Plmulea, pit a. tinea, lllotaliea A truptione. Xfyouwi.U ' rosy cliecKB aud a Ileal thy complexion use Ur. Crook's Comtiouad Hyrup of I'oke Itoot. a Pally Express and Freight Line v;h:J3etween bloomfield & newport! TIIKsuliscrlherwIsliet to notify tlie cltlzensot Hloonilleld and Newport that lie Is running a Dally Liue between tliene two iilaoea.and will haul Frelxlitof auy kind, or y i'oinlly deliver uaukaues or inesiiaires entrusted t' bin caro. "-Orders may tleti forhlm ht the "tores of r. Moriimers i;o.. new liiooiuiieia.or AnillKaua Musser, Newport, Va.i- ; J. 8. WUITMOKE. , Bloomneld,3aiiTiary2.1870, - ' V"OTlCETO THKSPAH8K118. Notice Is jy. hereby nlven to all persons not to trespass 011 the lands of the undersigned In Oemie towu slilp, either to hunt, Dili, ealher lints, berries, or otherwise, as the law will be enforced HKaluat all iwmons luiinaso doing without respect to per sons. . , ' (". HOTIf, ' JOHH WITnFROW. ' ' J. HOTH ' H. t4. WITIUKUW, WILLIAM MOOUE,. ,, , ! Bent, 27, 1873. 1 I IP. Professional Cards. AM. MARKEL. Attorney-at-Law, New Dloomfleld. Perrv eountv. Pa. M-omcswIth Chas. A. Harnett, Esq., Centre uHuniu, aujuiiiui mor.iiner s etore. TT KW18 POTTEH, ' " " ' " "' 1 1 ' . . . '. i iATTOBNIT AT LiAV. i : A NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. - - , ,T. A t 1 i t :u n,ul i:"iieeien. Writings and aU legal business carefully attend ed to. 32 vl CHARLES IL SMILEY, Attorney at Law. . ; , New Bloomlleld, Porry Co. Pa. 16ffloe with 0. A. Barnett, Esn.. nett ilnor to Mortimer's store . ., , August 20. 1S7. T7"M. A. BPONHLER, Attorney at-Uw, f V Olllce adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Bloomlleld, Perry Co., Pa. 3 3 ly CHA8. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New lllootntlcld. Perry oo.. Pa. A.Omce adjoining MorUaier' Store. 32 ly JBAILY, Attorney at Law, , New Blooinlteld, rcrryCo.. Pa. . Omce opposite the Court House, and two doors east of the Perry County Bank. .rcimo w n. mciiuire, r,sq. . . junezi,i&il. JOHN O. SHATTO, Surgeon Dentist. 1, New Blooinflekl, Perry Co., Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry done in the best manner, aud at reasonable prices. -Onice at his residence, one doof East of tho Robinson House, and opposite Win. A. Spousler's Law olllce. ,. 3 21v XtrH.'M. BUTCH, . ' !..-.. ,1 .. YV , ATTORNEY-AT-L AW. .. n. fcw Bloomlleld, Perryco., Pa. Sat nfl)rA.TurA .i.inrii .. 1.- Store 3 7 ly fMiAH. J. T, McTNTIRE, Attorney-at-Iaw. "n ' ' nitptiiiuir'iu, i erry co., ra. . 9 An profftfionalbiisti.esspromutlyauaaUh fully attended to. 3 21v. - - . . WM. N. 8EIBKRT, Attorney-at-Law, Now Bluointluld. r!ri-vflf.. P UlnnmHAll b Oft 1 " ' ftiiniiiiDiu 0 oJ IJi i ' 'I''! TAMES II. FERSUSON. Attornev-at.I.aw. . . - stwiwr, pa. wortlce Market Street, near the Square. 86 6 LK WIS POTTER, notary I'UBLIU, New Bloom neld, Perry Co., Pa. Deeils, Bonils, Ali)rtnai?es and Lea.es carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and P.ArliHAII. Will !1 1 4k lata flannaltln... In l.A X I .. . .. ..... ... ... ....... u. 1. . 1 110 icnu III any court In the United States. 7 10 ly Xeiv Carriage Ulanuractory, :i On Hioh Stkebt, East of Csbmslb St., cw Bloomfleld, renn'a. THE subscriber has built a large and commodi i,,a Ul.nt. An T1I..I. U 1.'..... ... ...Il..l.. u. .. mi, I'lu'c vii iiittit rv., civib ui vniimin oiieet. New Bloomlleld, Pa., where he Is prepared to mau- iiiuiiiuiBivuiiiill '. I. ; if- t. ; ' . i Oal T i i'ag;.C8 Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built to order, and finished in the most urtUrifonrt durable manner. . . . Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. -UEP AIRING of allklndsneatlyand prompt ly done A call Is solicited, : i SAMUEL SMITH Mtf ' ... ...j : INS UJRE IN TUB Mutual Benefit Aissociatlon, , :.- ( .,(. ... , ., OF ;, , NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. Charierei by the LegMatUri March 9, 1872. THE I'll RAVKHT AND SAFK8T L1FK IN8URANCK ever ollered to the people. It Is a Mutual enterprise for the protection of Widows and Orphans in the county. Members pay FIVK DOLJLAltS for a certificate of membership, and annual dues on ages between 20 and 3o, S1.00; between 36 and 51), 1.50t between 60 and 63, Si 00; for the term of three years, com mencing January, 1873; and the sum of $1.10 on the death of a member. The membership not to exceed one thousand . A member dying, to re ceive as many dollars as thereare paying certificate-holders. This plan Is adopted lu order time persons who have been excluiled from benefits In other Life Insurance Companies by reason of their expensive Lira-RaTis may obtain some benent on a small Investment. It commends Itself to the public for the reason that It prevents the country from being draiued of our money by foreign com. pauies. . iv. . . ,,: JOHN A BAKER, PreHdent. . i ' it' CONRAD BOTH, Treasurer i LEWIS POTTER, Beoreta WILLIAM McKEE, General Agent. ! Li.a.un. a ruuii 1IKBIAN Intioot rortler, For the dostruotlon of all kinds of Insects, viz: TtnAciitrq turn iitTf:6 vra .... . V..J, . , ill, FLEAM. MDTHH JL-r J6., . l.n Insects on Animals, Fowls, Plants, & : - V8KFOB.-M '. ..( CLARK'S. INS EC T P O W D E B . ';.')'-...' ' ...:( i .Warranted Pure.' ' ' ' 4W Price 26 Cents' per Bottle, i For salefcy 'F. Mortimer, New Bloomtleld, Pa. 'Tti2 THS BEST i IN' ii tr h e : IHatcMey'i Horizontal IUK CREAM FREEZER ! 1 1 uiKiey a ran nij, win prouuce a liner quality of Cream In less thiin and with less labor, hau anv other I-ree.er inaile. Is perfectly alr-tlglu inTi will pay the entire cost of the inai'lili 5 l Vni season III saving of lee alone. Hizes from three to rjy iuarts. fall aud see It, or scud lor cms" ' CHAa O. BLATCHLEY. Manufacturer. ..,. oott Commerce Street, : 8 1311 , ,,. Philadelphia, Pa. e, hi u ai ' S ALL V?m or Printing neatly PRINTING j executed at the " BuxVhiiLu ( Times" Btsam Job 0rnm.