The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, November 11, 1873, Page 5, Image 5

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    . . . -r- . r.
Tuetday, November 11, 1873.
tw Notice of Msrriiurps And Deaths not exceeding
Four lines, will be Innnrtod f nf slid friends throughout
thr county lire riMinpstfsl to int iiuch uotioe in.
ITS Tributes of Ittopnrt, Poetry, will Invariably
be chars-ed for at the rote of rivn cents per line.
Duucannon, Rloomflrld & LojsvlIIe It. It.
THT3 Company now being duly orgnnlzed In
prepared to receive subscriptions to the Cap
ital Stock. Subscription blanks can be had at the
Ferry County Bank, or of either of the officers of
the Company at Bloom Held, or of W. K. Swart.,
at Dunoftniiou. Mr. James Mcllhenny has also
been appointed an Agent for receiving Subscrip
tlous. The Directors of the Company urge upon the
citizens of the County, the Importance of prompt
action so that the work of grading the road can
be commenced this season.
F. Mortimer, President.
C. J. T. MsIntirs. W. A. Sponbi.kb.
Secretary. Treasurer.
Bloomfleld. May 1873.
Alfred M. Market, Esq., one of our
promising young lawyers, has severed bis
connection with the Bloomfield Academy,
And now gives bis entire attention to the
practice of his profession. We can confi
dently recommend him to any person want
ing the services of a member of the legal
fraternity. His office is next door to Mor
timers store.
SPECIAL NOTICE. Having laid in an
unusual heavy atook which must be
closed out, I am selling off at greatly re
duced prices. Persons wanting goods
of any kind will make money by giving
me a call.
- Best prints only 10 cents per yard,
and other goods at same reduced price,
Fiendish. A few nights ago some heart
loss fiend placed a lot of ties on the tailroad
track, in the vicinity of the rope ferry, but
fortunately they wero discovered before a
passenger train, which was then due, ar
rived. The rope would be too good for a
fieud of this nature.. No punishment is too
severe. Newt,
Fire In Harrlsburg. On Wednesday
forenoon at about 11 o'clock, a fire broke
out in the State printing office, on South
Third street, whioh gives employment to
two hundred and fifty to three hundred
persons, about two-thirds females. Before
all the employes could escape by the stair
way in the back part of the building the
flames had made such headway that many
men and women bad to leap from the second-story
window to the ground. Ia
twenty minutes the whole building was in
flames, and at 11:33 the four walls foil to
the ground with a terriblo crash. ' Nothing
of the contents were saved. The last three
days of the Constitutional Convention pro
ceedings, all the extra copies of the whole
session's proceedings, one thousand Vol
umes of books belonging to the State Li
brary, to be rebound, with all the valuable
machinery, presses, etc,, are totally de
stroyed.'' Mr. gingerly' loss is over $100,
000, with not one cent of insurance. The
building was a fine brick structure, five
stories high with a Mansard roof, and was
supposed by many to be fire-proof. The
office of the State Journal was also in this
building, v Everything belonging ' to that
paper is lost. The blow, especially to the
female portion of the employes, is a terri
ble one. Coming at this time makes it
doubly so. The fire spread to three frame
dwellings on Third street, occupied by
Messrs. Leptz, Stahl and Kupnor, two of
which' were totally destroyed.' The loss
on these properties will be at least 16,000,
with an insurance of about 1 $3,000. , On
Blackberry alley, Frederick Swartz's livery
stable and Dr. George Dock's stable were
totally destroyed ; insurance about $1,000.
The stables of Henry McCormick and
George Bergner were partially destroyed.
The Lochia! Hotel was on fire several times
but saved from much injury by great ex
ertion. ..The falling walls of , the State
Printing Office struck several brick houses
on the opposite side of Third street, one of
which was badly knocked in. Much ex
citement prevailed, and great fears were
entertained for the safety of the girls in
tbo printing Aloe. Wild rnmora of oases
of suffocation were afloat, but it ia posi
tively assorted that all escaped uninjured.
Several men were slightly cut by glass in
escaping through the windows.
Take Notice. I have a number of ac
counts on my books which must be settled,
and to those who know themselves indebt
ed to mo, I commend the following :
" To avoid proceedings unpleasant.
I suggest you pay w
vuai is
If you do you'll oblige uie at present,
II you aun t, tnea 1 11 oblige you."
,..... ' If. MORTIMER..
r ounu 11 tin. About ausic on Saturday
evening Michael Foltz, of Perry Furnace,
was found lying on his wagon, with his
head resting on one front wheel, his feet on
the other and perfeot'y helpless. At
the time he was found bis team was com
ing up the ridgo,- Help was obtained and
he was taken to the residence . of Abrarn
Pee, where he remained insensible during
the night, and from which place he was re
moved to bis home on Sunday. Hispocket
was empty when he was found, though
when he left home his wife says he had a
pocket kuife and a pocket book containing
. - - I ..... - I
over $100. We learn that when be left
Newport he was badly intoxicated and was
held up by some person until ho got out
of town. The question that naturally arises
is " who sold the liquor ?" or if insensibil
ity was "caused by concussion of the
brain," as the doctor thinks probablo, who
didtheinjmy? ' : , '
Bead Proceedings, &C
The following? is the road proceedings
and miscellaneous business done at October
court, which were crowded out of last week's
report: ' 1 '
Order to view and annex a portion of
Saville township to Madison for School
purposes was approved ni si.
On petition to the Court by citizens of
Sandy Hill election District to change the
place of holding olootions. the Court order
ed and decreed that the place for holding
eieotions tor said district hereafter shall be
fixed at the side room of the store house of
John Bixler,subject, however, to be ohanged
in the mode provided by the act of 2Uth
April, loo.
The report of the viewers, giving Wm.
Moore, of Centre township, $90 for dam
ages by reason of taking land for the site
for a school bouse iu Centre townhip, was
Thos. P. Cochran, John Iletfick, Isaiah
Carl, George Mans, W.B. Leas and Charles
Grubb, appointed to inspect new bridge
over Coculamus creek, report that they
have viewed and carefully examined the
same, and are unanimously of the opinion
that it is completed in a substantial and
workmanlike manner. The report was
The petition for the extension of borough
limits of Newport submitted to grand jury
and approved by said jury.
Petition of board of Commissioners and
rule granted to hear testimony and show
cause why the confirmation of the report of
re-viewers on damages for opening publlo
road as a continuation of High street, in
Duncannon, be vacated and such other
order made in the premises as may be just
and necessary.
On petition of burgess and town council
of Marysville, the width of State road was
fixed at thirty-three feet.
Petition for viewers to re-view road from
Bixler's Mill, in Juniata township, to
Eshool, in Saville township. Solomon JJern
heisel, John Minich and Peter Light, were
appointed re-viewers.
On petition of J as. II. Devor for a private
road, Joseph Jones, Henry A. Buckwalter
and Eli Harman were appointed re-viewers.
Petition to view and lay out road from
J. F. Love's house to point on old road
near David Peck's line, in Madison town
ship. John Irvine, Wm. Shull and John
Kochenderfer appointed viewers. '
Petition for viewers for publio road from
Landisburg to Bloomfield from lands of
Wm. Lenig to land of Kitner in Car
roll township. William McKee, Walter S.
Klinepeter and Samuel Dunbar appointed
The petition for view to vacate part of
road from Andersonburg to Lupfer s tan
nery, rejected for non-compliance in rules
of Court, .
Report of viewers against bridge across
run at Lackey's saw-mill in Carroll town
ship. .' '
lteport of viewers on road : from John
Bixler's to point in publio road where line
of Johu Bixler and D. Freeman crosses said
road. (
Order to re-view and vacuto portion of
publio road from Sandy Hill to Loysville,
from . east end of Centre Church lane to
crossroad near house of Daniel Kitter,
Order to view and lay out rood from
Newport and Bloomfield road to 4th street
in Newport, i . ., '
Order to View and vacate road from Mar
kelville to South side of Middle Ridge in
Juniata township...., ,
: Order to re-view road .from Ferguson's
blacksmith shop in Centre township to Bix
ler's Mill in Juniata township.
, Order to view and vacate a publio road
front Toboyne' Tannery to top of Blue
Mountain in Toboyne and Jackson town
ships. .'. v.- ; ," '"
-Order to view and' ehange public road
Across Fishing creek near Lackey's barn in
Carroll township, . ; , i ' j :. .
' Attempt 16 Fire Lebanon. On the night
of the 4th iust.,'an attempt was made to
fire the town of Lebanon, it beig fired at
five different points, biif Owing tpp the ef
ficiency of the- Fire Department the city
was saved. A valuable - barn ' owned by
Hon. Joslali Funk was entirely destroyed ;
loss $20,000'; insared. " Also a large barn
owned by nenry Laudermilch, with all this
year's grain and one hundred tons of hay ;
loss $20,000. : , ' i- . "
. -ir 1 inTi..i.t r' ,'
Singular Case. A .child, about 4 years
old, daughter of .Mr.'. W. 1L Welkert, of
Franklin township, Adams county, some
weeks ago complained of pain about one
knee, and' on the 14th a sewing needle
wade its appearance.. The needle was ex
tracted without difficulty, and the little
girl is all right again,. It is supposed she
bad swallowed the needle, which in time
worked its way down to the knee. , -,
The New York Observer.
If you want to subscribe for a fityit-class
religious newspaper one that contains
a correct summary of the doings and
progress of every religious sect in the Uni
ted States, the New York Observer is
the paper you should get It contains fifty
six long columns of matter, consisting of
Religious, Agricultural, News, both of
borne and foreign, and in fact notioing all
important events. The Observer is the
oldest established religious paper published
in the Uuited States, and equal, if uot su
perior to all others. Now is the time to
subscribe. Terms In Advance, $3.00 J
after three months, $3.60 ; after six months,
$4.00 per year.
Church Notices.
In the M. E. Church preaching on Sun
day morning next. Prayor meeting on
Thursday evening.
Preaching in the Lutheran chuch next
Sunday evening. Prayer meeting on AVed
Dead ay evening.
In the Reformed Church, Communion of
the . uoxa s Bupper, Host Sunday at 10
o'clock. Preparatory service on Saturday
at 3 P. M.
", Teachers! Institute. .,,
The annual session of the Perry county
Teachers' Institute will be held in the
Court House In. Bloom field, at 1 P. M.,
December 1st, and Continue until 12 M.,
December 5th, 1878. y ' , -'
The exercises will oonsist of Reports and
drills on the common school branches, dis
cussions, essays, a spelling contest, aiusio,
elocution and lecture. . . . , j ,
1. The entire corps of Teachers in the
County -will be expected to be present and
enrolled at 1 P. .M. unless prevented by
2. The election of five persons, to serve
as a committee on Permauent Certificates,
will take place on Tuesday afternoon.
8. Reports on Ichthyology, " Botany,
Mineralogy, Geology and Ornithology by
the persons seleoted to investigate these
sciences in Perry Couuty .will be heard on
Tuesday evening.
4. On Wednesday evening experimen
tal illustrations of and lectures on physical
science by Prof. A. A. Brenneman, of Lan
caster, Pa. Admission 25 cents.
5. Thursday will be the directors' day
with a forenoon session apart from the
Teachers', and an experimental lecture in
the evening by a director.
No effort will be spared to mako the next
meeting of the Institute equal in instruc
tion and interest to any that have ever been
held in the County.
4t County Superintendent.
Cumberland County. From the Cum
berland county papers of last week we copy
the following :
It is currently reported that the Pennsyl
vanla and Cumberland Valley companies
are about building a branch road from the
D. & M. road, near William's mill, to the
works of the Philadelphia and Reading
Iron and Coal Company on the south
Mountain, a distance of about five miles.
A large force of laborers, it is said, will be
put ou during the present week. If this
branch is built it will run parallel, and
close to the Harrisburg & Potomac road
for a distance of seven miles. . . , -
On Friday afternoon last, Mr. John
Cromleigh, tinner, employed by A. Woods
Walker, whilst engaged in putting a tin
roof on the backbuilding attached to the
residence of Dr. Wright, on West Pomfret
street, in some manner slipped from the
roof and fell to the ground, sustaining ser
ious injuries.
On Saturday afternoon lost, Mr. Edgar
Shapley, of Mechanlosburg, while engaged
in roofing his mother's residence,on Louth
er street, fell from the- building to the
ground, dislocating both of bis wrists, and
his left arm at the elbow. -
Work on the Harrisburg and Potomao
railroad bus been suspended. A large
number of workmen have been thrown out
of employment. . y
All employees of the South Mountain
railroad have had their wages reduced.
This action was brought about by the
suspension of the ore mines along said
Rev. John Edgar, will preach at Dun
cannon, on Sunday next. In consequence
of his absence there will be no service in
the Presbyterian church in this borough.
iT he hunters in this vicinity are making
some very provoking mistakes this season.
The latest one is a case where a hunter
shot a supposed pole cat, and found it to
be one of Jacob Fritz's ducks.
Our friend D. Port Beale, of Juniata co.,
has bad a brown mare presented him which
trots her mile in 3.43. That is pretty fast
time and probably the fastest in the county.
It is said that the Republicans of Blair
county at the recent election elected a man
named ' Isaac Lykens, Jr., coroner, who
can neither read nor write. We hope the
report is untrue , , ; r p
' On last Friday, a week, M. E. Groff, a
brakeman on the first stock train west, fell
off the train near Baily's Station, and was
instantly killed. ' Ills remains were taken
to Miftlin for interment. t .. t
During the past week serious fires have
swept over the mountains above Marys
ville. The sight on Sunday and Monday
nights was grand.
A school house costing $1,700 has just
been oompleted in Milford township, Ju
niata county,
A new schedule went into effect on the
P. R. R., last week. For changes see
" timetable' -
.'The teaoheVs In Juniata county are form
ing township institutes.
Juniata county will hold the oounty In
stitute on the 24th iust. .
' We have three excellent correspondents
in the connty, and wish Others would pat
tern after them, Don't get oareless about
sending us the little items of news, trans
piring in, VOL'S neighborhood.... ;
The decisions of the School Department,
just published, state that teachers of publio
schools have authority to punish pupils for
any misconduct on their way to and from
school tbnt is, from the time they leave
home until they reach there on tuoir re
turn from school.
The new Church at Landisburg, built by
the " Church of God" will be dedicated ou
Sunday the 24th of November.
A cow belonging to John Bistline, of
spring twp., Increased his live stock by
twin calves, one night last week, and they
are both living and doing well.
The Rev. Mr. Sharp is holding a pro
tracted meeting at Elliottsburg, which is
u continue auring mis week.
"Last woek one evening, John Rice
botiizht two pins from Mr. Henry Tressler.
which were put iu a bag and carried home
a distance of about 1 miles. The next
day one got out and went back to its old
home and now be wants to know how it
knew the road..
A Bedford county liquor dealer, convict
ed of selling liquor without license at the
last term of court, has been sentenced to
pay a line of $250 mid undergo an im
prisoument of sixty days.
vTape Worm 1 Tape Worm !
Removed In a few konri with harmless Vegeta
ble Medicine. rJe lee asked until the entire
worm, with head, passes. Itefor llioe attileted to
residents of the city whom 1 have cored, tlmt had
been unsuccessfully treated at the Jefferson Med
ical College, on Tenth Htreetj had takes In vain,
turpentines, the so-called specifics, and an known
remedies. Ir. K. K. KUNK.KL, No. 259 Horth
Ninth Street, Philadelphia. The Doctor has been
In business far over twenty-five years, and Is per
fectly reliable. Call and see. Advice fi-ee. Un
moved Tapeworm from a child six years old,
measuring 20 feet At his oflloe can be seen spec
imens, some of them over forty feet In length,
which have been removed In less than three hours,
by taking one dose of his medicine. lr. Kuukel's
treatment Is simple, safe and perfectly reliable,
and no fee until the worm, with head, passes. Dr.
K F. Kunkel, 2Mt North Ninth W. Philadelphia.
Consultation at onlce or by mall free. 38 l2t
CAUTION. Purchasers of tlio Peruvian
Syrup (a protected solution of the protoxide of
Iron) are cautioned against being deceived by
any of the preparations of Peruvian Bark, or
Bark and Iron, which may be offered them.
Every bottle of genuine has " Peruvian Byrnp"
(not Peruvian Bark) blown in the glass. Ex
amine the bottle before purchasing.
LIVER OIL Is Hazard & Cawcll's, made on
the sea shore, from fresh, selected livers, by
Caswel, Hazard & Co., New York. II is abso
lutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once
taken It prefer it to all others. Physicians
have decided it superior to any of the other oils
In market. 45dw
Pennsylvania R. R. Time Tiible.
On and after November 1, 1873, Passenger
trains will run as follows :
Pacific Express. 5.U a. m. (Hag) d illy.
Way Pass. 9.00 A. M., dally.
Man 2.44 p. H. dally exoept Sunday.
Mixed CM p.m.. dally except ehindav.
Mall 7.05 p. M., dally except Hundav
Harrisburg Acvum 12.22 p. M., dally " Hunday
f.i, DrtnvLAi, Agent.
Connty Price Current.
Bloomfield, November f), 1873.
Flax-Seed, 1 bu
Potatoes 35
Butter ft pound 22 cents.
Eggs V dozen 24 "
Dried Apples ft pound, Octs "
Dried Peaches 8 12 cts.yiBi.
Pealed Peaches 12 0 18 cts. "
Cherries, ff. cts. "
" Pitted, 16 18 cts. "
Blackberries 83 cts. "
Onions V bushel 75 "
Carlisle, November 8. 1873.
Family Flour, I0.7S
Superfine Flour ' 4.50
Superfine Rye Flour, .' i. 6.00 .
White Wheat, ...1.35
Red Wheat, 130 ;
Rye tin
Corn. , ' . 50
Oats, ..... v,. 37 .
Cloverseed, ;........ 4.50
Tlmothyseed, 2.75
Flaxseed 1.80
O. A. Salt,,......., 1.75
Philadelphia Price Current. -
J. O. MuNstnrhton, Jc. Eahelman, W. D. Eshelmsn
J. . McXaughton A Co., 1
. .,'. (EnUbltsaod 1S67.) , '
(Successors to Tostlethwalte, McS.nighton & Co.,)
General Commission merchants,
: No. 264 South Front St.
ConalnmoeuU of Lumber, Ctrln,FriU. Poultry .Butter,
. , , Kkkh, (Jitme, Ac, BoUclteU.
. , i ; 1 . Philadelphia, November 8, 1873.
Flour Suyerltne, , 3 50 4 25
" Extra, 4 25 ' .' i 00 ,
" Fancy 7 00 ti ' 8 50
White Wheat, , 1 75 . , 1 85 '
Red Wheat, " ' . 1 62 183
Bye, ' ' ' :' ;' 65 . 65
Cloverseed, .' ' ' ' ,-T per &
Timothy Seed, ; ' ' . S 00 S 50 bush
Corn, ' 1 ci 65 '
Oats, white, 47 60
Oats, mixed, ' 41 : : 44
Lard, country, ti 9 per a
Onions, red and yellow, 4 50 : Q 6 00 perbbl
Eggs, , 28 0
Butter prime roll . 26 28
" common, 18 ti 22 ,
Wool washed, i ' ' ., .45, 60 per
unwashed 25 0 . 30 per
Spring Chickens, , . 16 0 17 " ,
Live i 13 14
Feathers Live Geese prime, 70 0 75 , " .
" " "Interior, 26 35
KnODKS Mover On the 2flth nit., at the
manse of the 2nd Presbyterian Church, of Car
lisle, by the Kev. Geo. Norcross, Mr. Cornelius
Rhodes, of Ferry couuty, and Miss Amelia
Moyer, of Cumberland oounty.
Duhm Smith On the 30th ult., by Rev.
H. C. Pardoe, Mr. Charles Dnmm and Miss
Annie Bmlth, both of Fermanagh township, Ju
niata county. . ,!.
Mobtonsoh BurriiLn. On the 80th nit.,
by Rev. H. C. Pardoe, Mr. Peter Morton son
and Miss Maria Dnmeld, all of Mimintownt
: Kei'Ker Panmebakkb At the Lutheran
Sarsonage, In PerrytvlUe, on the UOth ult., by
ev. H. V. Bhlndel, Mr. Austin B. Kepner, of
Milford township, and Miss Sue C.Papnebakur,
of Bealo township, Mifflin county. , -
Lacket On the 4th of November 1873, at
the residence of her son Carson Lackey, Esq.,
In Carroll township Mrs. Roiannah Lackey,
aged 88 years, 11 months and ifi days; She
was a consistent member of the M. . Cbutch
for over seventy-live years. , . L
JE. JUNKIN, Attorney-Rt Law. - '-
New Uloomlleld, Perry eo., Pa.
r Ontee Next door to the residence o( Judge
Junk I ll. , , 7 4;.tt
hereby given, that Letters of Administration
ou the estate ol Uaorun Adair, late of Madison
township. Perry county, l'a.. deceased, have been
granted to the subscriber residing in the same
township. '
All persons Indebted to said estate are request
ed to make Immediate payment and those having
claims, will present them duly authenticated tor
settlement to
September 30, 1873 flt Administrator.
XEOUTUIX'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
'j iilveu, that letiers Testaineiilarv on the
estate ol Rowland II. Brown, late ot Toboyne
township, Perry county, pa., deceased, have been
f ranted to tlie uiiduislijiicd, residing In the same
AH persons Indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment, and those having
claims will present them duly aullwullcaled lor
settlement to .
October 21, 173 Executrix
Newport Advertisements.
' Do ' You Want ' Bargains ?
. ' .tIFnSa CALL." ON i,'
At Newport, Penn'a.
Having Just returned from the City with a
1 am prepared to offer to the citizens of Terry
County one of the BKrtT ASSORTMENTS of
OOOIJ8 ever brought into this vicinity. My
Stock of
is complete, and were botiBht at PANIC PKICES.
and will be sold at SHOUT PROFITS, lor Cash.
Sir Call and see for yourself.
43tf ' NEWl'OltT, PA.
E. B. Wise,
AMnilOSB Kougii.
Having opened a New Store at the corner of
Fourth & Cherry Streets, Just above the Penn'a,
H. R. depot, In Newport, are now prepared to
show a
Complete Stock of New Goods,
Consisting In part of
and a general assortment of all kinds of goods
which they will sell
They ask the citizens of Newport and vicinity
to cll and examine their stock and see that they
are offering goods at such prices as will secure a
share of the public patronage. .
' Fourth & Cherry St
35 tf Newport, Pa.
New Millinery Goods
AX No-wiorti Ia.
IBEO to Inform the nubile that I have Just re
turned from Philadelphia, with a ful assort
ment of the latest styles of
And all articles usually found In a first-class Mil
linery Establishment. All orders promptly at
tended to. SrWe will sell all goods as Cheap as
cau be got elsewhere .
DRESS MAKING done to order and In the la
test style, as 1 get the latest Fashions from New
York every month. Oolferlnu done to order. In
all widths. 1 will warrant all my work to give sat
isfaction. All work done as low as possible. .
Cherry Street, near the Station, '
81613 Newport, Pa.
At Public Bale.
THE uuderslgned Trustee appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Perry County, to make
saleot the hereinafter described Real Estate, late
the property of John Beaver, deceased, will ex
pose to publio sale on the premises, on
Thursday, November 20th, 1873,
at one o'clock P, M., of said day, the following de
scribed Real Estate, situate lit Centre township,
Perry county, Pa., bounded by lands of John
Power's heirs, Alex. S, Klinepeter, and others
- One . Hundred Acres,
In Two Tracts, one Tract containing SEVENTY
ACRES of good Limestone land, with about 40
Acres cleared, and lu a good state of cultivation,
lies within three-fourths of a mile of Uloomlleld,
on the main publio road from Bloomtieid to New
(ermantowu, and having thereon erected a good
Weatherboarded and Painted, with a BASEMENT
KITCHEN and CELLAR, all plastered Inside, and
well Hnlshed. The house Is 34 x 30, also a Frame
Spring of (jood Water. Wagon Shed, Corn Crib.
PIk Pen wltha Granary ou top, also a good young
APPLE OKC'II Alii), together with a great varie
ty of oilier fruit, such as peaches, oherrles, pears,
also an abundance of good limestone. The bal
ance of this Tract Is covered with excellent tim
ber such as hickory, chestnut, chestnut oak, a
good quality ot white pine, aiso another TRACT
OF30 ACRES OF WOODLANDon theNorthttidn
of Mahony. covered with good Tlmber.yomvg and
thriving Chestnut, now large enough for rails.
This fs oue of the most desirable properties In
this part of Perry county for sale. The laud Is of
the best quality; the Improvement are lit good
order, near to a School House, convenient to the
County Seat, and In all resects It is surpassed by
uo property In this main valley.
TKUMHareas followst Ten per cent, of the
purchase money to tie paid when the property Is
stricken down : oue half of balance, after deduct
ing the Ten per cent, upon the first of April, 1S74,
at which time a deed will be delivered anil posses
sion given, the other half Iu ttnee equal annual
payments thereafter, with Interest from A pi II 1st,
Uli. All to be secured by Judgment bonds.
October , 1878.
mn Oft per day. Agents wanted every
W 3U wheie. Parliuulurs flee. A. 11.
BLAIR ill CO., St. Lwts, Mo. 17 ii