6 the 5Kmc0, Netu JSloomftcUi, Mo. jfc , fUoomfitlir Simts. Xttetday, October HI, 1873. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS IPmK(,eommniM"ifrim'Uli(!rmiftonw n(rd (nmalltri property belonpfnp to (A deparfmsnt. ( Dutler without Milk. The latest nclilevoinunt of practical sci ence Is the milking of butter without milk. A company will) a en pitrtl of Ave hundred thousand dollars to be called the Dies Margarine Maufacturing Company has been established iu Philadelphia for the manufacture of the new product. The new butter is made of the tame material as or dinary butter, but this material is obtained by a much more simple and natural pro cess than that of milking the cows &c. In ordinary butter it is not the cream that is mado into butter, but the oil in the cream. The butter when made is composed of oil, mixed with sour buttermilk.. If butter is warmed up to a certain point you' have uothing but oil. Now, this oil was seorot 'cd (and went into the milk) from the fatty tissues of the cow. It is a round-about way and not always very cleanly to ob tain butter. Now the true process of mak ing butter is to go to the original source of the oil, namely, to the fatty tissues of the animal. This fat taken from any beef creature when killed cow, steer, etc. is taken and ground into a fine pulp. It is then warmed up to about 113 degrees Fah reuheit, when it is enveloped in linen clothes and the oil pressed out, large iron presses being used for this purpose. The oil is then cooled down to about 00 degrees, and placod in an ordinary chum, adding the same quantity of water as milk though wo believe they use sour milk in preference and a little annato, a vegetable preparation useg to color cheese, when the churning commences. " Iu four minutes the operation ceases, and a splendid article of butter turned out. The water or milk is then " worked out," as the ordinary butter-milk, and an ounce of salt to the pound added. The company are now turn ing out about a thousand pounds per day, and it is estimated that when the addi tional machinery is introduced, they will turn out ten thousand pounds daily. All they can make now is taken by a few lead ing hotels and restaurants. A Check for Ague. At the present season of the year we are supposed to bo specially exposed to the danger of attacks of ague, and It is im portant that any proper means of warding oft' this disease should be generally known. A gentleman of our acquaintance was formerly a sufferer from such attacks, but since he had the good fortune to learn the following preventive, lie bos not once ex perienced a chill. The approach of an attack is heralded by slight tremors, which those who have had them readily recognize. , As soon as this recognition takes plaoe the patient should go to bed, cover up warmly, and apply bottles of bot water as hot as can be borneto the skin where the tremblings begin. These movements generally spread from spots just below the hips, on the in ner and outer Bidos of the legs, and some times in front also. Other spots some times occur on the arms or under them, near the shoulders, between tho latter, or at the small of the back. Wherever they are felt to begin, a bottle Oiled with hot water should be laid on and kept till they have wholly ceased. In most cases the suddenness with which they will stop will astonish tho patient. The application should bo renewed every time the tremors are felt, and in many instances will, if per severed in, break up most obstinate cases of the malady. No medicine is necessary to the success of tlijs treatment ; it can do no barm where no other disease exists, and all who are afflicted would do well to give it a trial. Eels. The anatomy of this fish has been fre quently investigated ; but it was not until the labors of Cruvelli and Maggl that we have come anything like a clear understand ing of the process of breeding. The some what startling conclusion is reached bytbese gentlemen, that the eel is strictly a her maphrodite, and that the eggs are fertilized by sperm In the body of one and the same individual. Prof. Ercolanl lias repeated the experiment of the gentleman mention ed, and while differing considerably in hi conclusions as to the morphology and functions of the several, parts, agrees with them that eels are complete hermaphro dites, which we may therefore consider as tolerably well established. Cruvelli and Maggl And a very curious distinction be tween two epecies of European eels the intestines of one being almost a straight lithe, and in the other beiDg fluxuouse j these differences being accompanied by ex ternal peculiarities in the relative position oftheauts. IW A Frenchman baa found that be gets rid of all rot on the Catawba, Con cord and other grapes upon which it usu ally appears, by grafting them on Soup pernong stock. ' ' ' IB i)r..1, tVal!;er ('niiioi iilu Vln ejtur Hillt'is iim u pun-ly Vogctnblo n puliation. iiimiIc cliiclly from tlio na tive lit'i'lis 1'uminI on the lower murph of the Sii'i iM Nrviiilii mountain of Califor nia, Uic iiirilirln.il noinrtii'S of which arc t'Xtiiietnl tliiTcl'iiiiu without tho uso of AU'olio!. i'li iiiie.it ion is almost daily iihUimI. !i.it U the cnuso of tho uiiiaiallcli'il s'.kti'ks of Vivhoau Hit TKiis?" Our nnsuer is, that ilicy remove the ciiiisp of illscasc, and the patient re covers bin health. They are tho groat blood imi ilii'i and a lile-uivini; principle, a perlW-t'Ilcnovni"!' and lnvlgnrator of tlio system. Never before in tho history of llm win-;, I I ns ii uieilieinii been conipiiiiiiili'il posses -ir.jr tlm reninrkiililo qualities of V i m;i a it Iti rruiis in healing the sick of every iIwihii nmn is heir to. They are a penile 1'nrpilive well as, a Tonic, relieving Ciuigi-iiiiii or InflainniHtinn of tho Liver iiml i.-riTnl Ci-iruim in liiliuus Diseases The jirojicrlios of" Pit. Walker's Vikkoar IIittkks mv . jx-rii'iit. Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutrition!-. I.iixntive. Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-1 ,' litnnt Suilnrilic, Altera tive, and Anli-Iii!iiu-. it. ii. Mcdonald & co., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, California, and oor. of Washington and Charlton Htm., N. Y. Bold by all Druggists and Dealers. THE NEW DISCOVERY IaCbsmieal and Medical Science. Dr. E. F. GARVIN X 'SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIXIR asUss) aaaaaassassat MaTL FIRST AND ONLY SOLUTION ever made In on mixture of A LI, TIIK TWl'LVK valuable active principal of the wall known, curative agent, PINE TIXEE TA.lt UNEQUALED In '.Coughs, Colds, .Catarrh, Asthma, Uronobltis, and consumption. CURES WITHOUT PAHj A recent cold In three to tlx hnnn ; and alao, lT iu V1TALIS1NU, PUBIFYINO and BTI WULATINO effnoU upon the general aystam, it remarkablr cmcarious in all uineasu or the: blood. Including ricrolula and Eruptions of the akin, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, Heart Disease, and tieneial Debility. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES I ALSO, A Volatile Solution of Tar For INHALATION, without application ol HEAT. A remarkably VA LU ABLE discovery, us tbs whole apparatus can be carried in the vest pocket, readv at any time for tueiuoet effectual and positively curative use in All Diseases of the NOSE, TIIUOAT and LUNtUS. THE COMPOUND Tar and Mandrake Pill. for use In connection with the ELIXIR TAR, Is a combination of the TWO most valuable ALTERATIVE Medicines known In the Pro fession, and renders this Pill without exception the very best ever offered. The SOLUTION and COMPOUND ELTXIB of ii without doubt th ihmi remedy known in cue of CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER. It is a Speciflo for such diseases, and should be kept In the household of every family, especially during those months la which CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER ere liable to prevail. A small quantity taken lly will invent contracting; these terrible Solution and Compound Elixir, $1.00 per Bottle Volatile Solution for Inhalation, $S.00per Sox Tsr and Mandrake Pills, Wets per box. Bend for Circular of POSITIVE CURES to your Drug-fiat, or to Xi. P. HYDE & CO., BOLB P BOPHIETOB8, 19!i-7th Avenue, New X'ork, Sold by all Druggists, tST For Bale by F. MORTIMER, New Bloom field, Pa., aud Druggists generally. Dissolution of Co-PartuerKliIp. OTICE Is hereby (riven that the co nartner. shin heretofore existinif lietween the uiidtir. sinned, miller the name of Rough, Snyder at Co., Is dissolved by mutual consent. The books of the Hi in will be found with J. W. H. KoiikIi, and no tice Is itlven th.it accounts must be settled within thirty days rroin tun date. J. W. fl. KOimil, W. H. HNVDliK, W. H. KOUU11. Newport, Aug., 20, 1871 The buft1iiea heretofore conducted bv Kniiah. Snyder & Co., will be coutlnueil by thesnWrlbers. .1. W. H. KOlNiU, W. H. KOUUH. -yy-ILLIAM M. HUTCH,,. Justice of the B'oace, AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, ' ' New Bloomfleld, Perry County, Penn'a, . mr Special attention paid to Collection of all Kinds. Deeds, Itullds, Mull nates and Aitreement neatly executed. 7 101 1 ( ALL KINDS of Prlntlnn neatly PRINTING exeeuted at the " Huxunij I imaa OTaiM jo yyfiua. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO BUY ,s REAL ESTATE ! EIGHTY-FIVE LOTS have been sold In six months, in the New Town of G Jl 1 Eli CIT Y, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, At EAST MAHANOY JUNCTION, and close to four dllterent Railroads aud the greatest Anthra cite Coal Trade Iu theUtate. The land la level and clear of stone. The lot-owners nre forming a BUILDINd AS SOCIATION to build houses and start up Manu tacturing Business. I will continue to sell lots at tl25.0O a piece and allow Five Years time to raise the money. Size of each lot Is ii X 150 fuet. I am also prepared to start the new town of ORANGE CITY, FLORIDA, to be located on the North Side of the Fernandlna and Cedar Keys lliillroad.half way between Hart's Koad and Cahihan i one lot In each Square will be given free of charge to the first person who builds a house. ou It as the town will have One Hundred Squares. One Hundred Emigrants or Settlers from any part of the world can obtain Lots for nothing by building on them. The balance of the Lots will be sold to any person for the sum of figs a piece and live years time allowed to raise the money, the size of each lot to be 40 X ISO feet; nearly all the lots are ooveied with splendid yel low l'liie Timber. ' I hare also for sale some of the best YELLOW PINE TLIBER LAND, Extending from the new town to St. Mary's River, (a navigable River) which winds around In a horse shoe form at from live to fifteen miles dis tance o!f. The land produces the very best fruits, such as Oranges, Lemons, Hananas, Figs, Grapes, Peaches, &c, and crops ot Cotton, Sugar Cane, Hay, Corn, Potatoes, &o., with but little cultiva tion. Price 10.()0 per Acre, and live years' time allowed to raise the money. The Orange City lot-owners and farmers will also form a Building Association to put up buildings and erect nianu- lauhuiee, o.c S" For further particulars address JAMES II. GR1ER, POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PA. W. Or Inquire of the Agent here. 1 29 tf GIVEN AWAY. A Fine German Chromo I Wesend an elegant CHROMO.motintedand ready for Framing, Free to every Agent for UNDER - GROUND, OR, LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE. By Thos. W. Knox. 842 Tages OctuTO. 180 Flue Engravings. Relates incidents Anil Accident tipvnnil ihn Light of Davt Startllllff Adventures In all 111rl.nl the World; Mines and Modes of Working them: Under-current of Society; Gambling audits Hor rors t Caverns and their Mysteries; The Dark Ways of Wickedness; Prisons and their Secrets; Down in the Denths of thn Sen, Hr.i-.ano- Mt,riMu of the Detection ol Crime. The book treats ot experience with brigands; nights In opium dens and gambling hells; lire In prison; Stories of exiles; adventures ainoug Indi ans; Journeys through Sewers and Catacombs; Accidents In the Mines; plratos and piracy; tor tures of the Inquisition: wonderful burglaries; underworld of the great cities, etc, etc. Agents Wanted I For this work. Kxcluslve territory erlvnn. Ao-enta can make $100 a week in selling this book. Bend tor litrcuiars auu terms to agents. ,1. It. JlUKlt 61 J1Y l)K, Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. 6 41 ly DH, CROOK'S WINE OF TAR I Ten Tarof aipnblte teaHias proved Dr .Crook's WlneorTnr to have more merit than any eimilar preparation evcroffered to (he publlo. It la rich In the medicinal qualities of Tar, and unequaletl for diseases of the Throat .t I. antra, performing the most remarkable cures. It effectually cures all Coughs and Colds. It baa cured so ...... na. . A 1 1. M ami Brourhltl. that it has been pronounced apeolflo tor theae com plaints. For Paine In the streast, Hide or Kaek, Uravel r Kidney die raa,dlaeaseBOftheIirln ary Orarana. JaasMltee, or any uvr y - It has no equal. ttiealeoaeapeHor Tonic, Beatoree the Appetite, trensrtnen losBvinm, Reetoree sue Weak and IHbllitat4l, C'anam the loort to llKt, Remove lynTti and Indla;.-iioii, I'raianta IMalartoua Aevera. Oltree tone to jrenr By etena, iaj;i:r Tiu:Bi,ooDiuit? ' J. And the health of the system aTJTi will follow. There Is u r,iui,in- tion of Iron and Poke Ilool moreeuectual tlian all ollieix, which will remove from your ystem the Impure and vitiated blood which causes disease, and at tlio sumo time build up your health aud strength It never tall to euro. If you have ttrrofula,arrolnloas llcas s of the Kyra or Kara, r Hrrofnlrt tn any form. Tet ter, While ftwclllnar. 4ltl Morra, IHrera, or Nrrolulous Inllauimatlona, you can rely on betug cured with this prepB ratlon Known aa Itr. t'rooit'e Compound Myrnp of 1'oke ff-i Hoot. lUieaiiiatlnm, I'nlna witIAJ .In Mmkisr llonpa.t ouatltu. (loua lirokcudawa by Murou- cured by It. For Myphllia, or Mynhllitle talnt.tliHruisuoth. lug equal to lu. A trial will prove la. Icautll your Complexion. Do not use paint or powder, but get a more lu'iiuunent beauty by purifying your blood. II. la preparation of I run aud foke liool inl-surouiihandscalyakiiiaortuudHiiiooili: ci,uin;,s that aullow couiplexlou to ono ,f f.i niincKsand health, and remove any ln ti ll IklnrHaeaol llieNklu, Hluiulra, fun. I o.rrn. lllolchea A ft:ruptlou. Ii you wi,i .-N i-fuH-kHandahcultitycoiunlexlon usuiii. t i-.u'a Compound byrup of l'onu itooL. Daily Express and Freight Line BETWEEN BLOOMFIELD & NEWPORT! THK subscriber wishes tn notify the eltlzensof llloomneld and Newport that he Is running a Dally I.iue between these two places. and will haul Freight of any kind, or rromptly deliver packages or messages entrusted X his care. Oi Jars niay r s led for him at the stores of F. Mortimer at Co., New UlooinUeld.or Mllllgan Musaer, Newport, Pa. J. 8. WHITMOBK. . ; Blooinlleld, Jauary26,U70. W ' a i,Ta w ' FonMrtv WHV f V H. T. luXMBOU. JLAEK. FLUID EXTRAOT BUOHU. Is the only Known Remedy for Brlghts, Dis ease, and has cured ever case of Diabetes In which It has been given, Irritation of the Keck, of the Bladder and Inflammation of the Kidneys. Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Deten tion of Urine, Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Stone In the Bladder, Grave!, Brick Dust Deposit, and Muconsor Milky Dir-charges, and for En feebled and Delicate Constitutions of both Sexes, attended with the following symptoms : Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Dlmculty of Breath ing, Weak Nerves, Wakefulness, Pain in tho Hack, Flushing of the Body, Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Lassitude of the System, etc. Used by persons In the decline or change of life, after confinement or labor paint, bed-wet-Jng In children, etc. In many affections peculiar to ladles, thd Ex tract Buchu Is nneqnalcd by any other remedy As In Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pain fulness or Snppessfon of Customary Evacuation s Ulcerated or Schlrms state of tho Vterns, Lea corrheea or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaints Incident to the sex. It Is prescribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and M Id wives for enfeebled and delicate constiu tious of both sexes and all ages. KXABNXTS EXTRACT BUCHTT. 3. Vura IHttattt ArMnj from Imprudnea, JIabitt of Dutipation, etc., In all their stages, at little expense, little or nochango In diet, no in convenience, and no exposure. It causes a fre quent desire, and elves strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventlngana Caring Strictures of the Uretha, Allaying Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this clans of dis eases, and expelling all Poisonous matter XXAJtHZrS EXTRACT BUCHU. 11.00 per bottle or six bottles for $5.00. delivered to any address, secure from observation. Bold by drngiriats everywhere. Prepared by KEARNEY & CO., 104 Dusne St..N. T. to whom all letters for Information should be addressed. Avoid Quacks and Impostors. No Charge for Advice and Consolation. Dr. J. II. Vyotl, Graduate Jegtrwn Medical CoUtgi, Philadelphia, author of several valuable workB, can be consulted on all diseases of tho Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which ho has mado an especial study) either In malo or female, no matter from what cause originating or of how long standing. A practice of 80 years enables him to treat disease with success. Cures guar anteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a dis tance can forward letter describing symptoms and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Send for tho Guide to lltalth. Price 10 Cents. i. h. DYOTT, M.D., Physician aad Surgeon, lMSuansSt, New York Drugs ! Drugs ! THE Subscriber has on hand nnd for sale, at low prices, a complete assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Of all kinds. Also, a full stock of Concentrated Remedies, PATENT MEDICINES, ESSENTIAL OILS, PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, BRUSHES, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Pure wines AND LIQUORS, Always on hand, for Medicinal and Sacramen i tal purposes. S&"l'ltji''iuii' Order run-fully and promptly Jillrtl. D. M . E B Y , NKWPOKT, PEKRY COUNTY, PA. r.I?o iSliooiiifilcox. TUB subscribers keep constantly on hand, a FINE ASSORTMENT OK FRENCH OALF SK'JNS, FINK LININGS, R O A N S , MOROCCOS, SHOE THREAD, PEGS, AWLS, and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe F. MORTIMER. Mutual Fire Insurance Company, OF Toitcasto-vvn, l'onn'ii. POLICIES PERPETUAL at Low Rates. No Steam rinks taken. This Ik one of the best conducted and most reliable Companies in the Htute. Country property Insured Perpetually at 14 00 per thousand, aud Town property ut 15 00 iiiuunanu. LEWIS POTTER, NKW BLOOM F1KL1), PA., . 4 Id Agent for Terry County. ooon 1 oooonno OOOOoUiKHW) OftOUl KM M ( 0 OtKMMMKMMHMKMHHtO (XtMHMNtKltMHMIOtHsMH) OOOO IHKHH KX.HiOHJH KH HjO oooonnonooonoti tuinmtnooonoooo IKMMnKM HXMkO UlllLAT 1MUUAINH M.IXMXMMKU OOfKMtOOOO 004MHIIHHJO WKMiOOO ' CMKXMXKft ooouo Ar now Offertd ixxxxj OOO OtlO DO BY 1K CH) F. MOETIMEE, I , IXhMK) OUOUO 04KMMKU) OtMHMJOO OOOUtMHMy1)NW BlOOm fl id. OOsMHMNMrO IXKMMMHHHKKl OOlKMKMMKKK OOOOOOOUOOOUOO OOtMXHHKKKWOOO iXKMH HMHMHMMMMM X MH , tKHMKKHMNMHMHMNitJ , UOOOUOOlMKHMHKHMi . , OtMXKMMsUIkO ; ' ' ' , ... 0OO4MMM ' 0OOO ' ' ' ii , . Frofcssional Cards. AM. MARKEL. Attorneyt-taw, New Hloomtleld, Perry county, Pa. aarOmeewlthChas. A. Harnett, Esq., Centre Square, adjoining Mortimer's Store. L EW18 POTTER, " ' ; ATTORNEY AT 1AW, - NEW BLOOMFIKLD, PERRY CO., PA. I?1fafm firrminfln A n.a J Wrl 1 1 n rra onrl all 1or,,,1 1...t. twiimu nun vuurvirui tuslness carefully attend- ed to. iinsiugi nuu uu ivmoii vi a. yi lHARLES IL RmiLKY. Attorney at Law, V- new jMoon.ne.u, 1'err rrv ln To eonice with C. A. Harnett. Esq.; next door to luuitiuioi iuuio August 20. 1872 TTM. A. 8PONSLF.R, Attorney at-Law, Ofllce adjoining his residence, on East Main street. New Bloomfleld, Perry co., Fa. 3 i ly CHA8. A. BAttNETT, Attorney at-Law, New Hloomtleld, Perry co.. Pa. 3omce adjoining Mortlaier Store. 32 ly JBAILY, Attorney at Law, New Bloomfleld, PorryCo.. Pa. r omce opposite the Court House, and two loors east of the Perry County Bank. Refers to B. Mclntlre, Esq. June 27, 1871. JOHN G. SIIATTO, Surgeon Dentist. ,, . . . . New Hloomtleld, Perry co., Pa. All Kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry done in the best manlier, and at reasonable prices. -Omce at his residence, one door East of the Robinson House, and opposite Wm. A. Sponsor's WM. M. 81ITCH, ATTURNEY-AT-LAW, New Hloomlleld, Terry co.. Pa. m&-1 111 If-p Tun h,u. w,. .. i . ,.., 8tore-S7Ty . ' ul - Jttu,MU,er CHAS. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law. " . few Bloomfleld. Perry oo.. Pa. J$r All Orofessinnnl lllluinnBa t.t...mn,l., K.lri.u fuRyatteudedtaaiv. irM. N. 8E1BERT, Attorney-at-Law, IT New Blooinlleld, Perry co.. Ta. Bloomfleld, 833 ly. ' ' JAMES H. FERGUSON, Attorney-at-Law. . NEWPORT. PA. WOlllce Market Street, near the Square. 35 6 LEWIS POTTER, notart ppblio, New Bloom Held, Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully nrenareri nml m.e ,i,urlalna,.iun,u t..i.n r inds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and LciMirou, win IVI9U UIKH uepusiltollS tO DO TCiHX In any court lu the United Slates. 7 10 ly' New Carriage Mauufuctorj-, On High Stkekt, East of Carmslk St., New nioomncld, ronn'A. THE subscriber has tullt a large and commodi ous Shop on High St., East of Carlisle Street, New Bloomfleld, Pa., where be Is prepared to man ufacture to order Cil i i i n it o Of every description, out of the best material. Sleiffhs of every Style; built to order, and finished in the most artistic and durable manlier. Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work tiiat will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. AsTREPA IKING of all kinds neatly and prompt lydone A call Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH 13 tf INSURE IN THE Perry County Mutual Benefit Association, OF NEW BLOOM FIELD, PERRY CO., PA. CAarfered by the Legislature March 9, 1872. THE CHEAPEST AND SAFEST LIFE INSURANCE ever ollered to the people. Jf, I" Mutual enterprise for the protection of Widows and Orphans in the county. Members pay FIVE liOLLAIts for a certificate of HlM11llM,ral,lt, IllillliiiiinU,,.. nn 1 . ,wt . .. . ...... .... ,. 1, hi uuus uii apes utnweeu and 35.ll.Ou; between 35 and tV),tl.5Ui between 50 and 65, $i00; for the term ot three years, com mencing January, 1873 ; and the sum of J1.10 on the death of a member. The membership not to exceed one thousand. A member dying, to re ceive as many dollars as thore are paying oertlfl--cate-hohlers. This plan Is adopted in order that ,,u.m,..i, ii.,Q ucrn cAuiuucu iroiu oenentsill other Life Insurance Companies by reason of their ..!., o i,ira.,iiH iiiuji ouiuin hojiio ueiieni Oil a siiiall Investment. It commends Itself to the fuuuu ,i ,uq iranou niai, it prevenis me country from lieioff lrni,i.l nf r m..a l.w 7 panles. . . JOHN A. BAKER, President CONRAD ROTH, Treasurer LEWIS POTTER, Becreta WILLIAM McKEE, General Agent. CLARK'S PURE PERSIAN Inisoct Powder, For the destruction of all kinds of Insects, viz i MOACHEB. BED-BUGS, ANTS. FLEAS, MOTHS, &c, &o. Also. Insects on Animals, Fowls, Plants, to i V8K FOR " CLARK'H INSECT POWDER, Warranted Pure. Price 25 Cents' per Bottle. For sale by F Mortimer, New Bloomfleld, Fa. T8o2 use: Blatchloj'i IforlzontAl ' "3 ICK CREAM v FREEZER I Tlngley's Patent, will produce a liner quality of Cream In less time aud with loss labor, than any other Freezer made. Is perfectly air-tight, and will pay the entire cost of the machine In one season In saving of Ice alone. Sizes from three to forty quarts. Call and see It, or send tor cata- '0gUe' CHAS. O. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 606 Commerce Street, SIStf ' Philadelphia, Pa. TADIE8 AND CHILDREN will And a J splendid assortment of shoel at the old price store of T. Mortimer. i.-rTi irL THE BEST