The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, September 23, 1873, Page 6, Image 6

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    "Bn" nm '
ljc tines, Him Bloomfid&v Ja.
Tuesday, September 23, 1873.
interested in malteri properly belonging to tltit
A farmer's journal gives thu following
recipe for making a superior whitewash :
Take a clean, water-tight barrel, or other
suitable cask, and put in it half a bushel of
lime. Black it by pouring water over it,
boiling hot, and sufficient quantity to cover
it Ave inches deep, and stir it briskly till
thoroughly slacked. Whon .lacking has
been effected, dissolve it in water, and ndd
a solution of two pounds of sulphate of
zinc and one of common salt. As it is
often desirable to vary the monotony by in
troducing a variety of colors upon the
premises, it may bo important to know
that a beautiful cream color may bo com
municated to the above wash by adding to
it three pounds of yellow ochre ; or, a good
pearl or lead color, by the addition of lamp,
vine, or ivory black. For fawn color, ndd
four pounds of umber Turkish or Ameri
can (tho latter is the cheapest) one pound
Indian red, and one pound lampblack.
For common stono color, add four pounds
raw umber and two pounds lampblack.
The value of the sulphate of zitio is that it
makes the wash harden better- after it is
put on. Some also put in a half-pound of
common alum ; others substitute the alum
for the zinc. There is no mode of making
farm buildings attractive so cheaply as with
whitewash, and, at tho same time, of add
ing greatly to the preservation of the wood.
The above wash cannot cost over fifty cents,
And if liberally used it will add five hun
dred dollars to the market value of a farm.
We can conceive of but few things more
beautiful than clean, white farm buildings
and fences, in contrast with tho rich green
of budding Spring.
A Floral Ornament.
In the Gardener' t Magazine is related an
interesting incident of a lady gardener who
gathered a handful of tho world renowned
flowers "forget-me-not" Myotolit Palus
trit), and, to preserve them as long a period
as possible, they were put in a large soup
plate, filled with rain-wator. The Mowers
Vere placed near the window, so as to en
joy the advantages resulting from an
abundance of light and air, and tho water
was replenished whon needful. Iu a sur
prisingly short space of time (three weeks I
'Qjelieve), white thread-like roots were emit
ted from the portion of tho flower-stalks in
ttio water, and they ultimately formed a
thick network over the plate. The flowers
remained quite fresh, excepting a few of the
most advanced whon gathered, and as Boon
as the roots began to i-un in the water the
buds began to expaud, to take tho place of
those which faded, and up to the middle of
November the bouquet if it may be so
called was a dense mass of flowers, and
a more beautiful or chaste ornament for the
indoor apartment cannot be imagined.
How to Destroy Caterpillars.
The season for that dreadful pest, the
orchard caterpillar, is at band and many
farmers know of no cheap or easy motbod
for thoir destruction. Tho following plan
lias been used on a couple of orchards of
several hundred trees, at comparatively no
cost and very light labor. Take a com
mon water bucket full of water, make it
very strong with common lye soap, that
nearly every family has, then add a lump
of unslacked lime about as large as a ben's
egg, and your preparation is complete.
Apply with a rag tied on a stick, or a pole
long enough to reach all the webs in the
tree. Swab the nest well and your work
is complotod ; it is instant death to every
caterpillar that is wet with the mixture.
One bucket of the mixture will destroy
from one to three hundred nests, accord
ing to the size and ago.
Tho Pip is occasioned by the form
ing of a dry, horny scale upon the tongue ;
tho beak becomes yollow at the base ; the
plumage becomes ruffled ; the bird mopes
and pines, and at length it dies, completely
worn out by fever and starvation. Give
the bird,, three times a day, for a week or
two, two or three grains of black popper In
fresh butter, which will effect a cure.
Hural llegitUr.
Tawing Horses.
To pi oven t a horse pawing In the stable,
tie or strap the legs together just above
the knees, so they will stand natural, say
six or eight inches apart. It will not in the
least Inconvenience the horse in lying down
or rising, and will prevent this ' auuoying
tlT If you wish to be certain that your
eggs are good and fresh, put them iu wa
ter. If the buts turn up they nro fresh.
This is an infulliblo rule to distinguish a
good egg from a bad ono.
12T Tooure Iling Worm use fresh citron
ointment (uug. bydr. uit.) It seldom falls.
Apply it twice a day and keep the part
J)r..T. Walker's California Vin
egar Hitters nrn n purely Vegetable
preparation, made ebietly from tho na
tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of
the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor
nia, tlio medicinal properties of which
nro extracted therefrom without tbo uso
of Alcohol. Tlio question is almost
daily asked. "What U the cruise of the
unparalleled success of Vixeoau Hit
ters!" Our answer is, that tliey remove
the causo of disease, and the patient re
covers his health. They are tho great
blood purifier and a life-giving principle,
n perfect lienovator and Invigorator
of the system. Never beforo in the
history of" tlio world Ini'i a medicine been
compounded possessing tho remarkablo
qualities of ViNKUAit BriTKiis in healing the
sick of every disease man is heir to. They
are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic,
relieving Congestion or lutlaiuniulioii of
tho Liver and Visceral Organs in ltilious
The properties of Dn. Walker's
Vinegar Kittkrr are Aperient, Diaphoretic,
Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic,
Scdativo, Counter-irritant Sudorific, Altera
tive, and Anti-Hilious.
Grateful Thousands proclaim Vin.
soar Bitters the most wonderful In
vigorant that ever sustained tho sinking
system. -
No Person can take these Bitters
according to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided their bones are not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
means, and vital organs wasted beyond
Bilious, Remittent and Inter
tuittent 1 evers, which aro so preva
lent in tho valleys of our groat rivers
throughout tho Unitod States, especially
those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Bio Grando,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobilo, Savannah, Ro
nnoko, James, and many others, with
thoir vast tributaries, throughout our
entire country during tho Summer and
Autumn, and remarkably bo during sea
sons of unusual heat and dryness, aro
invariably accompaniod by extensive do
rangements of the stomach and liver,
and othor abdominal viscera.. In their
treatment, a purgative, exorting a pow
erful influence upon these various or
gans, is essontially necessary. Thoro
is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to
Dr. J. Walker's Vimsgar Bitters,
as they will speedily remove the dark
colored viscid matter with which tho
bowels aro loaded, at tho same timo
stimulating tho secretions of tbo liver,
and generally restoring tho healthy
functions of tho digestive organs.
Fortify the body against disease
by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar
Bitters. No epidemic- can tako hold
of a system thus fore-armed.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head
ache, Pain in the Shouldors, Coughs,
Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour
Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste
in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita
tation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho
Lungs, Pain in the region of tho Kid
neys, and a hundred othor painful symp
toms, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia.
One bottlo will prove a better guarantee
of its merits than a lengthy advertise
ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White
Swelling?, TJ leers, Erysipelas, Swelled Nock,
Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent
Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old
Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyos, etc.
In those, as in all other constitutional Dis
shown their great curative powers in the
most obstinate and intractable cases.
For Inflammatory and Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit
tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of
tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder,
these Bitters have no equal; Such Diseases
are caused by Vitiated Blood. i
Mechanical Diseases. Persons on
gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as
l'lumbers, Typo-sotters, Gold-beaters, and
Minors, as they advance in life, aro subject
to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard
against this, take a dose of Walkkb's Vin
egar Bitters occasionally.
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tot
tor, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, I'imples,
Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms,
Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch,
Scurfs, Discolorations of tbo Skin, Humors
and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name
or nature, are literally dug up and carried
out of the system in a short timo by the use
of those Hitters. '
Pin, ' Tape, and other Worms,
lurking in the system of so many thousands,
are ell'ectually destroyed and removed. No
system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an
tholminitlcs will free the system from worms
like these Bitters.
For Female Complaints, In young
or old, married or singlo, at tho dawn of wo
manhood, or tho turn of life, these Tonlo
Bitters display so decided an influence that
improvement is soon percoptiblo.'
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when
ever you find its impurities bursting through
the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Soros:
cleanse it whon yon find it obstructed and
sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whon it is
foul: your feelings will tellyouwhon. Keep
the blood pure, aud the health of the system
will follow.
-? 11. H. McDOHALD Si CO.,
Druggist and Oen. Agts., Ban Kranolsoo, California,
and uor. of Wusliingtoil and Charlton Ku., N. Y.
bold by all UruuitUU and Dealers.
S72 Each Week, a&.S3Ll
ly legitimate. Particulars Free. Address, J.
WOK'i 11 & CO., bl. Louis, Mo. 17 62
ITWJHTY FIVK LOTS have been sold In six
months, Iu the New Town of
an i Eli city,
Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania,
four different Railroads and the greatest Anthra
cite Coal Trade In theStale. The land Is level and
clear of stone. ,
o,X!,,e.I.,t;owncr9 ftre forming a BUILDING AS
HOUA1ION to build houses and start up Manu
facturing Dmineii.
I will contlmio to sell lot at 8125.00 a piece and
allow Five Years time to raiso the money. Sizo
of each lot Is 25 X 150 feet. ; j 44
I am also prcp.ired to start the new town of .
to bo located on the North Side of the Fcrnandlna
and Cedar Koys ltallroad.half way between Hart's
lload and Calahan ; one lot in each Square will be
given free of charge to the Itrst person who builds
a house on it as the town will linvnonA trim.irM
Squares. One Hundred Emigrants or Settlers
from any part of the world can obtain Lots for
nothing by building on them. The balance of tho
Lots will be sold to any person for the sum of tva
a piece and live years time allowed to raise the
money, the size of each lot to be 40 XIAO feet:
nearly all the lots are covered with splendid yel
low Tine Timber. '
I have also for sale some of the best
Extending from the new town to St Mary's Blvor,
(a navigable ltlver) which winds around In a
horse shoe form at from llvo to llftoen miles dis
tanceotr. The land produces the very best trulls,
sueh as Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Figs, Grapes,
reaches, (Sc.. and crops ot Cotton, Sugar Cane.
Hay, Corn, Potatoes, &c.. with but little cultiva
tion, ww- j-i'iee eiu.i per Acre, ana live years'
time allowed to raise the money. The Oranqe City
...-........., ai,u . Mill i&mu IOI III B JlllUUIIlg
Association to put up buildings and erect manu
factures, &c.
W For further particulars address
. Or Inquire of the Agent here. 7 29 tf
A Fine German Chromo !
We send an elegant CIHtOMO, mounted and ready
for Framing, Free tu every Agent for
My Thos. W. Knox.
042 Pages OctaTO. 180 Fine Engravings.
lielatcs Incidents and Accident beyond the
Light of Day: Startling Adventures in afl parts of
the World; Mine and Modes of Working them:
Undercurrents of Society: Gambling and Its Hor
rors: Caverns and their Mysteries; The Dark
Ways of Wickedness; l'rlsoiisaud their Secrets;
Down in the Depths of the Sea; Strange Stories
of the Detection of Crime.
The book treats of experience with brigands:
nights in opium dens and gambling hells; life In
prison: Stories of exiles; adventures among Indi
ans: Journeys through Sewers and Catacombs:
Accidents Iu the Mines; pirates and piracy; tor.
turos of the Inquisition: wonderful burglaries:
underworld of the great cities, etc, etc.
Agents Wanted !
For this work. Exclusive territory given. Agents
can make 8100 a week in selling this book. Send
for Circulars and terms to agents.
J. 11. ltUKll & HYDE,
Hartford, Conn., or ChUjago, III. 0 41 ly
in innviapvini
test has proved Dr.Crook's
WineorTar to have more
merit than any similar
C reparation everoffered to
re public It Is rich In
the medicinal qualities of
Tar, and unequaled for
diseases of the Throat A
Lonitt, performing the
most remarkable ourea. It
effectually cure oil Coughs
sr aid Colds. It baa cured so
many cases or .
auoVBroDchittB, that It
has boon pronounced
epeclno for these com
plaints. ForPsjlnsJn she
BrMut, Hide or slack,
Ornvel or Kidney dia
mry Oraana. Jaundlc.
or any liver Complains
His also superior Tonic.
Restores Uie Weak and IMblllteted,
Causes til rood to llKt,
Removes Iiyspepsla and Indigestion,
freveiita Klalarioua ravers,
Olv tone loyourBjsKut.
And tha health of th system
will follow. There 1 a prepara
tion of Iron and ftoke Moot
more effectual than all others,
which will remove from your
system the Impure and vitiated
blood which onuses disease, and
at the same time build up your
health and strength It never
falls to cure. If yon have
Herofala, Scrofulous l!neu
es of the Kyea or Kara, or
ftcrofnla In any form. Tet
ter, White Hwelllna;, Old
Mores. Ulcers, or Kcrofulous
Inllumuiatlons,you can rely
on belua cured with this prepa
ration known as Br. 4'rook's
nrn pou ikI flymp of I'oke
Llmbtar Mones, Constitu
tions bklBllHB liv M..r,i-
ilal or other poisons, lire till
- - -j. ... ...... um . , r
fcylUIU talutlthuruiaiioth-
ilia iiiini ia iL A BiBkl !
PA Wat tt
Beautify tout Comnloxlon.
ionot usepainiorpownor.butget a more
ei ruanent beauty by purifying your blood.
yiu,,amiiuuui Mrvu HI1U S OUO liOOl
in.. r uroucu ana sciuy sum solium! smooth:
changes Hint, sallow couiploxlou tu ono of
fri'Hliness and health, and remove any Erup
tive Iklnounes of the Hklu, Pimples, 1'iis.
titles, lllotelies A Kruptions. ll you wish
ri--y eiieeksaud a healthy complexion uso Dr.
Ci noil's Compound fclyrup of I'oke Itoob
Dally Express nntl Freight Line
Tl IK subscriber wishes to notify the cltizensot
Hloomileld and Newport that he Is running a
Daily Line between these two places. and will haul
Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packages
or massages entrusted t his euro.
-Orders nuiy t-s Icli. forhlm at the stores of
P. Mortlmerft Co., New Dloomlteld.or Mllllgauoi
Musser, Newport, fa.
' , , . 8. WUITMOHE.
Bloomneld, January 25, U70.
tt'S EXT. BOcuu
BE, jPjj
Is the only Known Remedy for Bright. Dis
ease, and has cured every case of Diabetes In
which It has been given, Irritation of the Meek,
of the Ill&dderand Inflammation of the Kidneys.
Ulceration of tho Kidneys and Blsdder, Deten
tion of Urine, Diseases of the Prostate Gland,
tltone In the Bladder, Gravel, Brick Dost Deposit,
and Mucons or Milky Discharges, and for En
feebled and Delicate Constitutions of both Sexes,
attonded with the following symptoms : Loss
of Power, Loss of Memory, Dllflculty of Breath
ing, Wenk Nerves, Wakefulness, Pain in tho
Back, Flushing of the Body, Eruption on tho
Face, Pallid Countenance, Lassitude of the
System, etc.
Used by persons In the decline or change of
life, after confinement or labor pains, bed-wet-lag
In children, etc.
In many ofTectloni prcnllar to ladles, tlio El
tract Buchu is unequaledby &ny other remedy
As In Chlorosis or Hetentlon, Irregularity, Pain
fulness or Stippesslon of Customary Bvacuatlons
Ulcerated or Hchlrrus state of the Uterns, Leu
corrhiea or Whites, Bterlllty, and for all com
plaints Incident to the sex. It Is prescribed
extensively by the most eminent Physicians and
Mldwlvos for enfeebled and delicate conetlu
tlons of both sexes and all ages.
Cura Mtratrt ArUing from Jmprudenca,
ITabUt Qf VUtipatkm, etc., In all their stages, at
little expense, little or no change In diet, no In
convenience, and no exposure. It causes a fro
qnent desire, and gives strength to Urinate,
tneroby removing Obstructions, Preventlngand
Curing Strictures of tho Uretha, Allaying Pain
and Inflammation, so f reqnent In thlsclass of dis
eases, and expelling all Poisonous matter.
$1.00 per bottle or six bottles for $5.00, delivered
to any address, secure from observation. Bold
by druggists everywhere. Prepared by
KEARNEY & CO., 104 Duane SL.N. T.
to whom all letters for Information should be
Avoid Quacks and Impostors.
rA No Charge for Advice and Consulatlon.
Dr. J. II. Dyott, Graduate Jiffertm llediral
GoUtgt, Philadelphia, anthorof several valuable
works, can be consulted on all diseases of tho
Bexual or Urinary Organs, (which be has mado
an especial study) either in male or female, no
matter from what cause originating or of now
long standing;. A practice of 80 years enables
him to treat disease with success. Cares guar
anteed. Charges reasonable. Those at s dis
tance can forward letter describing symptoms
and enclosing stamp to prepay postage.
Send for the Guide to llealtn. Prico 10 Cents.
3. B. DYOTT, M.D., Physician and Surgoou,
10 Suae 8U New York
Drugs ! Drugs !
THE Subscriber has on hand and for sale, at
low prices, a complete assortment of
Of all kinds. Also, a full stock of
Concentrated Remedies,
Pure Wines
Always on hand, for Medicinal and Sacramen
tal purposes.
tSFPhyniciani' Orders carefully and
promptly filled.
B. M. EBY,
rJ?o KliooiiuiUoi'ts.
THE subscribers keep constantly on band, a
and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe
Mutual Fire Insurance Coinpans',
Joncatowu, Pouu'a.
X Kteam risks taken. This is one of the best
conducted and most reliable Companies In the
Mate. Country properly Insured Perpetually
at M 00 per thousand, and Town proporty ut V 00
per thousand.
18 Agent for Perry County.
(Formerly kept by Bweger and Shuman.)
Nea Illoomflild, Perry Count-j, P.
AM08 HOBINSON, Proprietor.
This well known 'and pleasantly located hotel
lias been leased for a number of years by the pres
ent proprietor. and he will spare no pains to aeeom
modate his guests. The rooms are comfortable,
the table well furnished with the best In the mar
ket, and the bar stocked with choice liquors. A
careful and attentive hostler will be In attendance.
A good li very stable will be kept by the proprietor
April 3. U
Professional Cards.
AM. MARKEL, Attorney-at-Lnw,
' New ltloomltold, Perry county, Pa.
Hn-P $ I","1 chM' A- Barnett, Esq., Centre
Bquaie, adjoining Mortimer's Btore.
,rc,alm," Promptly secured and collected.
Writings and afl legal business carefully attend.
edt- 82 yl
CHARLES H. SMILEY, Attorney at Law
Wow llloomtleld, Perry Co. Pa.
()niee with C. A. Barnett. Esq., next door
to Mortimer's store August 20, 1S72
T7"M. A. SPONSLElt, Attorney-at-Law,
j J Olllce adjoining his residence, on East
Main street, New llloomtleld, Perry Co., Pa. 8 2 ly
CIIAS. A. BABNETT, Attorney-at-Law,
Jiew Hloomileld, Perry CO., Pa.
i.Offlce adjoining Mortimer' Store. 32 ly
JBAILY, Attorney at Law,
New Bloomtleld, PerryCo., Pa,
-Oftlce opposite the Court House, and two
doors east of the Perry County Bank.
Kefers to B. Mclntlre, Esq. June 27, 1871.
JOHN O. SIIATTO, Burgeon Dentist,
.nil j, ... JSew "loomtleld, Perry co., Pa.
AH kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Dentistry
done in the best manner, and at reasonable
rOfIlco at his residence, one door East of the
Robinson House, aud opposite Win. A. Sponsler'a
Law olllce. 3 2 ly
...,. n. N;w 1'loomlleld, Perry co., Ta.
B,ir0,nlc?-Two d001 We!rt 01 Mortimer
Dtor6o 7 ly
CHA3. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law,
. New Bloomlleld, Perryco., Pa.
. AH professional business promptly audfaitU
fully attended to. 32 lv. '
"VIT'M. N. SE1BKRT, Attomev-at-Law,
VT ,j .New Bloomtleld, Perry co.. Pa.
Bloomtleld, 3 33 ly.
TAMES H. FEItQUSON, Attorney-at-Law.
-Onice Market Street, near the Square. 35 6
LEWIS POTTER, motart pubuo. New Bloom.
Held, Perry Co., Pa.
Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully
prepared and acknowledgements taken. All
kinds ot Pension and Bounty papers drawn and
certitled, will also take depositions to be read iu
any court In the Uiiltod States. 7 lo ly
New Carriage Manufactory,
On High Street, East of Caruslb St.,
New Bloomtleld, Penn'a.
THE subscriber has built a large and commodl
ous Shop on High St., East of Carlisle Street,
New Bloomiiold, Pa., where he is prepared to man
ufacture to order
Cm rriag-os
Of every description, out of the best material.
Sleighs of every Style,
built to order, and finished In the most artistic aud
durable manner.
B. Having superior workmen, he Is prepared
to furnish work that will compare favorably with
the best City Work, and much more durable, and
at much more reasonable rates.
O-REPAIRINQof allklndsncatlyandprompt
ly done A call Is solicited.
13 tf
Perry County
Mutual Benefit Association,
Chartered by the Legislature March 9, 1872.
IN8UHANC1S ever ortered to the people.
If,.'? a enterprise for the protection of
widows and Orphans In the county. Members
pay FIVK IIOLLA1W for a certllieate of
membership, and annual dues on ages between 20
and 3S, 81.001 between 3S and 80, 81.50! between 60
and6f, 82.00 1 for the term of three years, com
mencing January, lH73j and the sum of 81.10 on
the death of a member. The membership not to
exceed one thousand. A member dying, to re
celve as many dollars as there are paying certlll-cate-holders.
This plan Is adopted In order that
persons who have been excluded from benefits In
other Life Insurance Companies by reason ot their
expensive Life-Baths may obtain some benefit on
a small Investment. It commends itself to the
public for the reason that It prevents the country
from belug drained of our money by foreign com
panics. JOHN A. BAKER, President.
CONRAD ROTH, Treasurer
WILLIAM McKEE, General Agent.
IiiHeet Powder,
For the destruction of all kinds ol
Insects, viz :
FLEAS, MOTHS, tic, &o. Also,
Insects on Animals, Fowls, riants,&e
- 1SK FOR -S
Warrantod Pure. (
" Trico 25 Cents' per Bottle. For sale by F
Mortimer, New Bloomtleld, ra. 16 &2
ITIngley's Patent, will produce a liner quality of
Creuiii In less time and with less labor, than any
other Freezer made. Is perfectly air tight, and
will pay the entire cost ot the machine In nun
season In saving ot Ice alone. Sizes from three to
forty quarts. Call and see It, or send for cats,
CHA8. O. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer,
600 Commerce Street,
6 13tf Philadelphia, Pa.
J splendid assortment of shoes at the old
price store of F. Mortimer.