6 Stlje mcs, Him Bloomftcllx JJcu m fUoflmfuttr 11110. Tuesday, August 26, 1873. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS jrentK(commn(caHon(iromaix!rKmicftoar interested tit malten profertV belonging to tM ttepanment. Bent Time to Exterminate Bushes. A farmer in westorn New York, writing to the Herald says : Having been brought up on a farm I used to hear much said by farmers in regard to the " beat time for cutting bushes, etc., and remember well the many uncertainties that existed and the various opinions given on the subject. Some recommended to cut at ope season, lome at another : some regardod the " moon," others the " signs," &o. I also remember that the same kind of under brush, if cut at one season would start again and grow luxuriously, but if cut at another would be completely " used up." I have also, within the last few years, had opportunity to notice the same fact ; and the conclusion at which I have arrived Is, that different shrubs or bushes, trees, etc., may be cut at different seasons of the year. Some are killed by cutting as early as the first of August, and so on till October or November. The rule is this: "Cut ony ftlant or shrub about the time that it has done growing for the season, and its de struction is almost certain." If cut before this it will generally start again the next year. The exceptions are few. So much for the fact, now for the theory. First, in the spring of the year, all roots are vigor ous ; hence, if a tree or shrub be cut at this time, or while in full growth, the root will send forth a new set of roots. The ex ceptions are first, evergreens generally, as fine, hemlock, spruce, eto. ; secoud, those that have a copious flow of sap in the spring, as the maple, birch, etc. Yet even some of those will start again if cut soon after the buds have opened ; that is, after the flow of sap has ceased ; except in the case of old trees, in which the roots ap pear not sufficiently vigorous or the evaporation from the new stump too rapid to allow of the formation of new shoots. Second in Autumn, when a shrub or tree bas done growing for the season, the active energies of the root cease, being, perhaps, somewhat exhausted by its summer action. then the bush or tree be cut, after it has done growing, but while the stem and leaves are full of sap, the vital force of the root will rarely be sufficient to cause a new growth ; but if loft till the foliage is dead or dying the energies of the root are restor ed by the return of the sap, and are ready for action again as soon as the season of growth tihall return. Hence too early or too late cutting will be equally unsuccessful. Cut jour underbrush, then, at the time above specified, and it will rarely start again. If . it does, the growth will appear stunted or sickly, and soon die of its own accord, or a second cutting at tho proper time will in sure success. The same rule applies to all plants, as Canada thistle, milk weeds, eto., with greater or less certainty, according to the greater or less vital force or tendency of life peculiar to the root of each kind of vegetable The " proper time" can easily be determined by observing whether new leaves continue to appear at the ends of the prominent branches. If doferred long be yond this time, or till the loaves begin to turn yellow and fall, cutting will be of lit tle use, as the root will be "strong" for a new start on the opening of a new spring. Hon to Build a Cheap Farm Gate. A correspondent of the Ohio Farmer ays : ' The old practice of building farm gates with heavy four-by-four scantling Cor posts and end piooes and oak boards riveted together, tenented, &o., causing an expense of from $3 to f 5.' a gate, and an everlasting trouble to keep the gate when iiung from sagging, I long since abandoned. As a substitute and as forming a gate that lias never sagged for ten jears, I take five pieces of inch boards each ten feet long, one eight inches wide for the bottom strip, and each of the others' four Inches wide. I then take one piece four inches wide for one end upright, and one piece eight Inches wide for the end piece where the hinges ought to be. These strips are four feet long, that being high enough for any gate for ordinary purposes. Now lay down your end pieces, then place the eight inch wide and ten feet long strip for the bottom, nail it at each end to the upright with wrought niiils J now take three of- the four inch wide strips and lay them on parallel with the bottom one, dividing the spaces to as to leave four inches between the low er two boards, and six inches each space between the upper ones ; nail as before. Now turn the gate over, and take the re maining strip, lay it an angle from the bot tom, at the hinge end, to the top at the latch end ; cut it so that it will lit iu end lay close to the long strips j nail it. Now Lang the gate with strong hinges, and you bave a gate that is light and will not sag, and just as perfoot protection against cat tle as one made by the joiner, and costing, as named above, from 3 to (3.' Any per son can put togother and bang the above named gate in two hours." ,, (j Massachusetts has a law that eggs must be sold by weight. rkotograpbs ! Photosmphs ! ''A JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, PENN'A. I " ... 'iluiui wie at 1 tflntlnn of t.hft o thani nf tliln IRfttthat llA 1H ni'tmarnri ti tnlra llnuini n a mm ----------- --- -- i 1 1 . i jivi Kjjr J n& In the best style of the art. Ills long experience PICTURES WHICH CANNOT BS EX- All persons are requested to call at bis rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great oare will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a eood assortment nf f rnniA. iways on nana, ana lor sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Artitt, Newport, Perry Co., Pa oooooo Another oooooo o ARRIVAL OF o 0 NEW GOODS o o o o AT o o F. MORTIMER'S, o o o o NEW BLOOMFIELD o o o oooooo Call aud see thera. oooooo o o o DB.CBOOK'S WINE OF,TAE! a. TmTcaraoramtiblle) flJS (Nlliui proved Dr.Urook'si ffrg Wlneofl'artohavemore 2?Jt merit than any elmllar ireparatlon everouereu 10 he public It Is Holi In the medicinal qualltlcsof Tar, and oneqiialetl tor diseases of the Throat Lungs, performing the most remarkable euros. It fSrCf' and Colda. It lift cured so " u man v cases or AKinma 92 ? ana Bronchitis, that at tAJtS has been, pronounced VH' sped no for these, com- It Is also superior Tonic. Bentorea Appetite, 8(rnrthPni lheritm, Restores tiie Weak inl 1 e 11 Ital M , Causes the rood to ll(i Removes Dyspepsia aud Indigestion, Prevents Malarious t vers. Gives ton to jour bjsWui. KEEP THIS BLOOD PUIU5 And the health of tho system will follow. There Is a prepara tion of Iron and koke Hoot more effectual than all others, which will remove from your system the Impure and vitiated blood which causesdlsease, and at the same time build up your liealtn and strength It never falls to cure. If you have Hero tula. He rofnlons IMseaa. ee or the Eye or Kara, or Mcrofnla in any form. Tet ter, White Swelling-. Old Korea. Ulcers, or Hcrof ulous Inflammations, you can rely on belug cured with this prepa ration known as Dr. Crook's Compound My nip of luke Root. Rheumatism, I'nlns In Limbs or Bones, Coailtu tious orouenuown oy Alurcu- f cured by IU For y pnllla, or Syphilitic taint, there Is tioth. UK equiu h lb sriaa Will prove It. Beautify your Complexion. Do not nse paint or powder, but get s more permanent beauty by purifying your blood. This preparation of Iron and Poke Root makes a rough and acaly akin soft aud smooth: changes that sallow complexion to one of freshness and health, and remove any Em p. live Ulseases of the Hkln, Pimples, Pus tule. Rlotehes eV Eruptions. If you wish ' rosy cheeks and a healthy complexion use Dr. Crook 'a Compound by rup of Poke ICook LEWIS POTTEB, kotabt public, New Bloom Held, Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certllled, will also take depositions to be read In any court in tue uuitea states. I iu ly- A8K YOUR GROCER FOB AMERICAN ' BONELESS ' SARDINES. They have received Diploma for their merit wherever exhibited. Pronounced bv all. the cheapest luxury of the age, valuable, aud almost necessary to the table, to travelers t or at Plo-ntcg. Fucked In the best Olive oil of our own Importa tion, In tin-boxes finished same as Imported ; and sold at less than half the cost of French War- (II nes. Their delicious flavor, and nutritious nuul Itles recommend them to all classes. Hold by all lust Class grocers, wuoiosaieoy THE AMERICAN SARDINE CO., 16 a 3ra 31 Broad Street, N. V. ASPLIXWrt A HHORTMKXm bFl.KMJl.L' iVbbOUXMliN JL DRY-GOODCJ , KY-GOODO Suited to the Season, Are Now Offered for Sale by F. MORTIMEE, New Bloomfleld. Daily Express and Freight Line BETWEEN BLOOM FIELD & NEWPORT! rpiIE subscriber wishes to notify the citizens of s. uiooiuuem ana -Newport mat lie is running a Dailv Line between these two nlaces.aud will haul Freight of any kind, or r romptly deliver package! or messages entrusted U his cure. .Orders nitiy l' iett for lilni at the stores of r. Mortimer a vo., new uioomueid, or MlUlgaus aiusser, iipoii,i. J. 8. WHITMOKE. Bloomtlerd, January 25, 1870. 'mm Mesjs GIVEN AWAY. A Fine German Chiomo ! We send an elegant CHROMO, mounted and ready fur Framing, Free to every Agent for UNDER GROUND, "' . . . OR, LIFE BELOW TIIE SURFACE. By Thos. W. Knox. 942 Pages Octavo. 130 Fine Engravings, Relates Incidents and Accidents beyond the Mglit of Day ; Blartllng Adventures In all parts of the Worlds Mines and Modes of Working themi Untler-cnrrentsof Society, Gambling and its Hor rorss Caverns and their Mysteries; The Dark Ways of Wickedness! Prisons and their Secrets; Down In the Depths of the Seat Strange Stories of the Detection of Crime. The book treats of experience with brigands ; nights in opium dens and gambling hells; life in prison; Btoriesof exiles; adventures among Indi ans: Journeys through Sewers and Catacombs! Accidents in the Minns; pirates and piracy! tor tures of the Inquisition: wonderful burglaries; underworld of the great cities, etc, etc Agents Wanted! For tills work. Exclusive territory given. Agents can make 8100 a week in selling this book. Send tor Circulars and terms to agents. J. B. BURK Hi HYDE, Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, III. 6 41 ly 8 SlIULER. B. M. SllULEB S. SHULER & SON, LIVERPOOL, Terry County, Pa., Dealers in all kinds of Hardware, Groceries, &c. All (rood In our lira sold at thn InwAdt nrlno Give us a trial. 5 44 lit. LEB A1STON" Mutual Fire Insurance Company, OF loutxtown, Pciin'a. POLICIES PERPETUAL at Iw Hates. No Steam risks taken. This in one of the hoqt. conducted and most reliable Companies In the State. Country property liwured Perpetually at S4 00 per thousand, aud Town property at to 00 bilUUSilllU. LEWIS POTTER, NEW BLOOMF1ELD, PA., Agent for Perry County. 4 16 UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cor. Fulton, Water and Peari 8t$., N. Y. THIS well known, favorite hotel has recently been renovated, remodeled aud furnished new and elegantly throguout. It Is kept on the European plan, and has ample accommodations for four hundred guests. The location Is more accessible to all parts of New York and Brooklyn than any other house In the city. The liroadivav Staces nass the hotel every three minutes, besides various lines of Street Cars, one of which Intersects every other route In new xortl. It being but two blocks from Fulton Ferry, makes it convenient lor those wishing to visit the "(Jltvof Churches. " awtroin this lerrv illverve nil thepiiucipnl Railroad routes In the city of Brook lyn. 6.Wp) GEO; N. TERRY, Proprietor. JOBINSON HOUSE, (Formerly kept by Sweger and Shuman.) Aits liloomJUld, Ftrry County, Pa. AMOS ROBINSON, Proprietor. This well known "and pleasantly located has been leased for a number of vears hv the hotel pres. enturonrietor.and he will snare no ijaIim tn Accnm. modate his guests. The rooms are comfortable, the table well furnished with the best In the mar ket, and the bar stocked with choice liquors. A careful and attentive hostler will be in attendance. A good livery stable will be kept by tbeproprtetor TO 17. MORTIMER' CI :oi; BARGAIN His Stock will be found the most complete in tue county, ajul consists ol DltY (IOUDH pbOTlUNO vn.HK:KRlK8 VTCIIIOK FINDINGS ' 0OAULKHH HARDWARE TJTT I Ij JLO W WAHB c TT A Tj Ij 1APF11 W p It USIIKs all styles DROWS & S1IOKS iJTTATH ft CAI'9 n-TTTlIITKMUlODI flll CIOTir VXTAI ll P1)UK TtHL,H AC U TJAI1STS. OI1.8 X 1 AllSINU Ac HPICK OiTllON te 8TEEIj ipARRIAGE HAKUWARE V JgN VELOl'lC!. l'AI'KH GOOD'S OF EVEKY STYLE CHEAP FOR CASH, ALL AND SEE. UEMOVtlL! ; Merchant Tailoring Establishment. TH E subsoriber respectfully Informs the iraHle that he has removed his MKilCHANT TAIL ORINU .-HTABLlWHMENTfrom "Little Store In the Corner," to room formerly occupied by J. (1. Shatto, Dentist, where may be found at all times, a varied assortment of Cloths, Casslmcre and Testings, With a complete II ne of Tailor Trlnmiiinjts, Of the best quality. Those desiring to purchase GOOD OIMJDS. at Reasonable prices, and have them made in the LATEST STYLE, will please give us a can. a, it. iij'.i.iv. Also, a good assortment of SIII11TS, SUSPENDERS, COLLARS, NECK-TIES, HOSIERY, &C..&0., On hand low Hoes. FEBBY HOUSE, Aew Blooniflcld, Pa. THE subscriber having purchased the proerty on tlioooruerof Malue and Carlisle streets, opposite the Court House, Invites all his friends and former customers to give lilin a call as he Is aettii'itnued to (urulsh llrst class acoommodatlous. THOMAS HUTi-lT. ltf. Proprietor. . V . ".mmtyvnili TRADE (rj FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. Is the only Known Remedy for Briehta, Dla eae' and has cured evenr case of Diabetes in which It has been given, Irritation of the Neck, rf tan Bladderand Inflammation of the Kidneya. Ulceration of the Kidneys and Madder, Reten tion of Urine, Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Stone In the Bladder, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mueona or Milky Discharges, and for En feebled and Delicate Constitutions of both Sexes, attended with the following symptoms : Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breath ing, Weak Nerves, Wakefulness, Pain In tt.o Back, Flushisg of the Body, Eruption on She Face, Pallid Countenance, Lassuudo of the System, etc. Used by persons In the decline cr chance of life: after coirnncment or labor pains, bed-wet-ing in children, etc. In many affections peculiar to lsdles, the Ex tract Buchn Is uneqnalcd by any other remedy As In Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Paln f illness or Sirppesslon of Customary Evacuations Ulcerated or Schlrros state of the Uterus, Leu corrhes or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaints Incident to the sex. It ta prescribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and Midwives foe enfeebled and delicate constiu tloss of both sexes and all ages.asn isi KXaVBIEY'S EXTRACT. BUCHU. 6 Curtt Ditttuei Arlting from hnjrrudeneu, Hahit of Dutipntkin, etc., In all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no In convenience, and no exposure. It causes a fre quent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventlngond Curing Strictnres of the Uretha, Allaying Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this class of dis eases, and sxyellhig all Poisonous matter- KEAEHZY'S EXTRACT BUCHU. tl.OOper bottle or six bottles for S.(X). delivered to any address, secure from observation. Sold by druggists everywhere. Prepared by KEARNEY A CO., 104 Duane St.,N. T. to whom all letters for information should be addressed. t .Avoid Quacks and Impostors. No Charge for Adviceand Consnlatlon. Dr. J. B. Jhott, Graduate Jefferton Medltal CotUge, Philadelphia, author of several valuablo works, can be consulted on all diseases of tho Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which be has mado an especial study) either in male or female, no matter from what can so originating or of how long standing. A practice of 80 years enables him to treat disease with sncccss. Cures guar anteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a dis tance can forward letter describing symptoms and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Send for the 0nlJl to Htalth. Price 10 Cents. I. B. DYOTT.M.D., Physician sad Surgeon, KttDiuuuiSU New York Drugs ! Drugs ! THE Subscriber has on hand and for sale, at low pricesra complete assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES). AUD CHEMICALS, Of all Itfmls. Alo, a full stock of Concentrated Remedies, PATENT MEDICINES, ESSENTIAL OILS, PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS BRUSHES,. AND FANCY ARTICLES Pure Wines AND LIQUORS, Always eu. hand, for Medicinal and Sacrocnen- ai yui puses. t)S?lLyuy!a' Oritur rarcully, and promptly Jilhtl. B . M. EBY, HKWPORT, PERRY COUNTY. PU. Boots I Boots I ; t A Kill Assortment of THt CELEBRATED YORK. BOOTS, Band or Machine Hided, Whole 8lk Double Hole aud Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction, Manufactured and For Bale to the Trade by !YI. B. SPAHR, YORK, PA. A full Assortment of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers , ; Constantly on Hand. v WTRpecial Attention Paid to Ordar.-t. 62326. To. lioeiixiiJteiH. T1IK subscribers keep eonstnntly on hand, a PINE ASSOllTMliNT OK FRENCH OALF SKINS, PINK LININGS, ROANS, MOROCCOS, ' SHOE THREAD, PEGS, . AWLS, and a general assortment ot articles used by Shoe iUSKVIHi F. MOB TIMES, ProfesNional Cards. J-EAVIS POTTIB, ATTOItNKT AT LAW, NfiW BLOOMPIEU); PERKY CO., FA. aaPtjt1m ItMmtilti aarti.M , t, ... Wrlllnira ami nil la.rtil. ..... .... . edto. ' 02 vi CUAKLE3 II. SMILES", Attorney at I,w. New IMoomtield. Perrv Co. Pa. r-OfflcewlthO. A.Barnett. Esq., next dnnr to AUgUSt iUtlVli TT7-M. A. 8PONSI.EB, Attornev-at Law, TV Ofllee adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Bloomfleld, Perry Co.. Pa. 3 1 1 v CIIAS. A. BABNETT, Attorn ey-at-I,aw, New Bloomlleld, Perry co.. Pa. BP. McINTIRE Attorney- at Law, and DIs . trlct Attorney of Perr j county. Oltice with J. T. Mclntiro, New Bloomlleld, Penn'a. J BAILYr Attorney at Law, New BloouXleld, PerryCo., Pa. oi'iruoiw tiro mill, jiounc, UIIU two do(rs east of the Perry County Bank. .w.vio w o. mviubire, jisq. June i, 1U71. JOHN O. SHATTO, Surgeon Dentist. prices! manner, and at reasonable fit PA at HI a vnd.U... J ti i? .,inmm Uousi anl opposite Ww. A. Hponslor's Law oltloe. r a q iv WM. M. 8UTCH, ATTOlWiEY-AT-LAW. 8tore-371y " " J,10rmer CHAS. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law. M.. , . ,New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Pa. fully attended toi 2 lv. " prenH' an(Ualtn- TITM. N. SEIBKRT, Attorney-at-Law, Woomfleld. 8 33.W Bloo"leld- ". Pa. JAMES H. FERGUSON, Attorney.at l.aw, NEWHORT. W a-Ofllce MarketSlreet, near the Siiuare. 3d 6 "Sew Carriage manufactory, On High StbkbtvEabt of Carlisle St., New Bloomfleld, Fcnn'a. THE subscriber has built a large and commodi ous Shon On TIll.h.Kt Vaat nf r.i,.);DlA ut.n... New Bloomfleld, Pa., where he is prepared to man ufacture to order Oil rriages Of every description out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, durable manner. B-Having superior workmen, he Is prepared tft furnish nvtrlr Mint nHli A.,.nnn i.i..a m. the best City Work, ami much more durable, and w. muvu UIVIV tVIHlURVIO llttCSl 99" .REPAIRING of allkinds neatly and prompt ly done A call Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH 13 tf insure: in tue Perry County . Mutual Benefit Association,. OP NEW BLOOM FIELD, PERRY CO., PA. Chartered by the ZogUlature March 9t 1872. t. . IJirWUACK ever offered to the people. j - , "-'-a.a'j iui a jvrviiiuaiu ui inembership, and annual dues on am between 20 aud 65, 2.U0i for the term of three years, com- ft" . '""''""'i IIU 1118 sub' ot si.il) on the death of a member. The membership not to exceed one thousaad . A member dying, to re- . i Vi m , iitiyintt- cercin- cate-holders. This plan Is adopted in order that other Life Insurance Companies by reasonof their a small Investment. It commends itself to the- .U....VI u llmi it preveiins tne country from being drained of our money by foreign com- JOHN A. BAKER, Presiteiai CONRAD BOTH, Treasurer LEWIS POTTEJE, Secrets WILLIAM McKEE, General Agent. ' GUANOS AND BONE! L. KELLUM & CO., Wholesale and Retail Denlnm In CaiianoM and Fertilizers GENERALLY. PERUVIAN, BAT, OKCHILLA GUANOS, MSTER BROS. BONE. WHITEIOCK, TURNER, MORO PHILLIPS' Ana other PHOSPHATES. SEEDS I Clarer, Timothy and kinds of Field Seeds, No. 1X9 Hillen . Street, Near Helair Market. 242 BALTIMORE. MD. Farmers Take Notice. T HE subscriber offers for Sale TIIRE8IIINO MACHINES. JACKS and HOUSE POWER, WlthTumblins; Shaft, and Side-Gearing, Warrant ed to give sullsfttetlou In speedy and perfect tlireshliig.llghtdraftaud durability, ou reasona ble terms. Also PLOUGHS Of Superior Make. CORN SIIEM.EHS. KETTLES, STOVES, scoops and allcastings made at a country Foundry. Also, A GOOD MILL SCREW, In excellent order, for sale at a low rate. I refer those wishing to buy to John Adams, Samuel Khuman, John Boden, Ross llench, at lukesburg. Jacob shoemaker i Sou, Elliotts. burgi Thomas Morrow, Loysvillei John Flicking. er, Jacob Fllckiuger, Centre. fio 13 , .. i SAMUEL LIGGETT Iokesburg, May 14, 1871